#JK you would always get the flu shot if you’re able to
morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a Tiktok of him zooming in on Ozzy as he says in a sing-song voice, “Guess who isn’t happy that they have to get a shot.”
He pans the camera up suddenly and pushes in on Steve’s face. Eddie’s voice is all smiles when he says, “It’s Steve.”
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gotstory · 7 years
My 20 year old husband - [Day 9 : War of Hormones]
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9
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It was just another one of those tiring days at work. Lazily, you fished out the keys to your door with a sigh as you were welcomed into your apartment by silence.
It had been a month and two weeks since you last saw Jungkook and the distance between both of you was still bearable. He'd always be messaging you when he could, sending you videos of the hyungs or short clips of himself through the day. It wasn't easy dealing with the time difference but you learnt to adapt to his unpredictable schedules.
For some reason, you were awfully drained tonight and you couldn't help but wonder if you were coming down with a flu. Just when you were about to reach your room, a wave of dizzy spells hit you hard and you felt an awful nausea rising from the pit of your abdomen.
You clasp your hand to your mouth and made a quick detour to a waste bin, throwing up the remains of what might have been the late lunch. Choking and gasping for air, you felt strangely panicky. Composing yourself mentally, you decide to call your co-worker, Fan.
You: Hey. Fan: Oh what's up? you hardly call. You: Yeah, I was just wondering if you were fine after the lunch cos... I just threw it all up. Fan: What?! You alright? Do you need me to come by? I'm perfectly fine though. You: It's okay, I was just checking incase you'd got it worse than I did. Fan: You sound awful, look - I'll grab some dinner and come by for abit alright? Hang in there and call if you're not feeling ok.
You smiled and thanked her, getting up slowly to clean up your mess.
It wasn't the food, the weather was fine, you weren't having your period either - just what as it?
Wait a minute...
You scrolled to your period calendar on your phone, to check when your next cycle was due.
Wait... I missed my period?
You never had much health issues and for a fact that your period had always been regular meant that you hardly needed to keep track of it. Besides, you didn't have a boyfriend and you were chaste all along. It was probably something else acting up that gave your stomach a hard time today.
It's probably just the stress of work and stuff.
Putting aside everything, you took a bath and made yourself a warm drink before your smiley co-worker, Fan, had arrived.
"I got us some Korean foooooood~" she said in a sing-song.
She always made your day with her cheery personality, "You're the best co-worker on earth." you said, taking the bag of food from her.
"Oh of course, anyway - you do look awful, are you sure you don't want to see the doctor?" She asked, examining you closely.
You both had worked alongside each other for 2 years now and although you always called her your co-worker, she was in fact more of a close friend when you both were off work duties.
"I don't know Fan. I feel alright now? But I don't feel right at the same time. I'm not sure, maybe I just need to rest."
She unwrapped a warm bowl of soup. "Here - this should help."
You took sips of it, expecting yourself to feel better but instead, the same nauseating feeling started to build up the moment the soup traveled down your throat.
Quickly, you stood up and ran to the sink, letting out whatever you had just ingested.
"Omg omg omg! You're freaking me out Chae-rin, what's wrong!"
You waved your hand with your back to her, motioning that it was fine, while you continued to bend yourself over the sink trying to catch your breath again.
"No you're not fine at all. We need to get to the doctors, look at you - you're pale!" Fan went into your room and pulled out a thick jacket from behind your door and started packing up the food.
"What are you doing, Fan?" You asked weakly, with a hand on the counter-top and the other patting your chest just incase anything more threatened to come out.
She walked over and put the jacket over you, pulling the hood over your head.
"Come." She said, and grabbed your hand. "You're coming to my house for the night."
It was the break of dawn where the boys had ended their last lap of concert tours. They were all ready to head back to Korea having been away for a month.
"AH, I can't wait to head back to my bed." Yoongi mumbled as he stepped into the departure halls of the airport.
"Hyung, didn't you just wake up?" Jungkook asked.
Yoongi shot him a sleepy glare. "You're too young to understand."
Jin walked over, wide awake. "Not anymore, our youngest is a MAN now... You just don't know."
With a playful nudge and a teasing smirk, it reminded Jungkook that he hadn't called you in some time.
He inched away from the rest and started meddling with his phone.
Jk: Are you asleep?
He waited.
5 minutes turned to half and hour and he felt that something was amiss. You were usually quick to respond, knowing that he'd hardly get much time on the phone with you when he was on tour.
Right before boarding, he stepped away again from the rest and made a video call.
It took him a couple of tries and a good whole 10 minutes before he was connected and got an answer.
Jk: Jagi-ya! (Waves) You: Jungkook!
He was pure overjoyed to see you that the smile on his face was almost stretching his cheeks to their maximum.
Jk: Where are you? Aren't you at home? You: Ah... I'm on the way to Fan's house actually... I'm staying there for the night.
The camera moved a little towards the driver's seat and Fan waved with a little smile.
Jk: Oh that's nice, you girls having a party? You: Erm not really. It just happened that way. (laughs weakly) Jk: (leans nearer to the camera) Jagi, why do you look so pale? You: Nah, it's just the lighting in the car, I'm alright don't worry about me. How was the tour? Jk: It went great but it was tiring, its a good thing we're heading back now. Jin hyung can't stop teasing me about us though. Are you sure you're fine? Have you been eating on time?
Jungkook realised how much he'd missed seeing you all the more when he did a video call. He knew he'd be like this, getting all worried and eager again.
Jk: I really miss you. You: (Just smiles) Jk: Do you? You: (looks to the side at Fan) It's a little embarrassing right now Jungkook... but yes of-c-course.
Hearing and seeing you on the screen made him completely forget that he was going to be last on board again.
Jk: Ah... why's Jimin-hyung calling me now... alright I guess I'll call you again when I'm back at the dorm? You: Go ahead now, have a good rest alright? Jk: (sighs) Okay. (Continues to stare into the camera) You: Why aren't you hanging up? Jungkook? Jk: I don't know ... I just, don't want to. You: Then I will, you can't keep making them wait, you'll get into trouble! Jk: Urgh, alright. You're mean. (pouts) Give me a kiss and I'll go? You: WHAT?
It was the first time Jungkook had made such mushy and childish little requests. It just slipped out of his mouth without him realising how cheesy he had become while missing you.
You: Jungkook~ stop it, haha what's with you? Are you doing this on purpose? Jk: Come on, jagi-yaaaaaaaaaaa (whines, pouts, gives you the ultimate cute combo)
He watched your speechless expression as you could only gasp at his unreasonably irresistible request. With his earphones plugged in, he could hear how Fan was trying hard not to laugh too loud.
You: You're such a baby, you know that? Don't ever make me do this again.
Reaching closer to the camera, you planted a muted kiss towards it,
Jk: I got it!
Jimin had stopped calling Jungkook because he found him crouched in a corner behind some chairs. Leaning against a pillar, he crossed his arms and continued to observe what the young man was doing, with earphones plugged in, and smiling to himself.
"JEON JUNGKOOKIE!" he called out making sure to get the attention of the younger.
Jk: (Discovers he was found out) Hukk, its Jimin-hyung! I'll call soon, miss you, alright? Text me!
"YAH!!!!" Jimin started walking towards Jungkook, and saw that he had ended a call.
"Oh, hyung! You called?" he asked innocently with wide eyes and a bright smile; the kind Jimin wouldn't be able to get angry at.
"Ah, jinjja~ you're driving me nuts seriously? Did you not watch the time at all? We're almost the last to board! Hurry up!"
Jungkook picked up his bags and walked in large strides following Jimin, catching up to him easily. "Sorry, I was talking to Chae-rin. She wasn't replying my messages earlier, I wasn't sure what was wrong so I called."
"Oh, she alright?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, she said she was but she looked a little unwell to me. It's a little upsetting that I can't even find out what's wrong. Even if I did, I can't do anything about it." He sighed, visibly disturbed and concerned.
"We're heading back now and we're getting a short break, I'm sure you can make a surprise visit if you want to." Jimin suggested, "you're the loaded maknae anyway."
"I don't get it," said Fan, as she pulled the brakes after parking in to her front yard.
"Hmm?" you turned to her, "get what?" you asked.
With a sigh she reached over and unbuckled your belt and continued, "why'd you have to lie?"
"Lie? What lie?"
Fan waved a hand around your face. "Even under the poor lighting of the car, your man can see you're pale and sick yet you say you're fine. If that isn't a lie, I don't know what is."
You let her continue, being too weak to resist anyway.
"I don't know Chae-rin, is there really a future in this relationship with Jungkook? Can you really see yourself marrying him, having children, living together and all that?"
To be honest, you didn't. After all, he was only 20 and right at the peak of his popularity. There was no way these were going to happen in the next 5 years. You'd be too selfish to demand that of him and it would be too difficult for him to do that with the amount of work he had in the prime of his youth.
You turned to Fan, unsure how you should answer her. It was the circumstance and not the commitment that was in question.
"Well... if he weren't an idol, I'd say yes in a heartbeat..."
The next morning, you woke up with an even heavier nausea than the night before and you felt sleepy even though it was nearly noon. Your body was aching and things didn't feel right. You got out of the bed in the guest room, and went right to the basin, hoping to throw up whatever was making you so sick.
"Hey babe, you're up!" Fan burst into the room, all bright and cheery until she realised you were bent over the basin again. "Oh gosh what is wrong with you! I'm gonna get my brother, hang on!"
Before you could protest, she was out and screaming for her brother to come.
You'd met her brother a couple of times since he was a medical practitioner in your office building but never in such a disheveled manner. You hear her fast paced footsteps leading him towards the washroom and telling him how you were also vomiting last night.
Splashing some water on your face to freshen up, you quickly arranged your hair to look decently presentable, at the very least.
"Hey Chae-rin," her brother stepped into the washroom and took a quick look at you.
You could only nod and smile a little in embarrassment, "Sorry to have to greet you this way Jun."
"It's alright, he's used to it." She chirped, "tell him how you're feeling."
You walked out to the bed and sat down, "I don't know, its like, I'm queasy and tired, and a little bloated and I feel heavy around... my chest."
Jun took a small pillow and lifted your wrist onto it, placing two fingers on the vein of your pulse, he listened to it with his eyes completely focused on you. The intensity of his gaze was making you uncomfortable as you looked away. It was nowonder he had a line of patients all day long, he was indeed quite good looking.
After a minute, he stood up from where he knelt.
"I'd like to speak with her for a moment, would you leave us please, Fan?"
His request left both you and Fan in a shocked silence.
"W-w-what? Er... Alright?" Completely puzzled by her brother's abrupt words, she hesitantly took her exit and closed the door softly behind her.
Jun waited until the door was completely shut before he sat down beside you.
"What is it? Is it serious? Am I dying?" You blurted out, baffled by what you didn't know that he did.
He let out a laugh, "look - I can't tell if people are dying just from hearing pulses."
"Then WHAT, tell me quick!"
"Okay, It sounds from your symptoms that its a hormone thing but..... I have to ask you a few questions and it might get a little personal but just remember, I am a professional medical doctor, and even though you're in our home now, you're still a patient and I'm your doctor. Alright Miss Chae-rin?"
You nodded, swallowing a nervous lump.
"First. When was your last period?"
You counted mentally and tried to get a date in your head, "about, 2 months... and a week? or two ago?"
"Second. Are you in a physically intimate relationship?"
You found yourself tongue-tied at the question.
"I'm a doctor, Chae-rin. Remember that." He prodded.
You looked away, and the scenes of the short few days where you had last spent with Jungkook came to mind. Yes, of course you were in a relationship........ and it did get a little physical at some moments.......... as for intimacy? You weren't too sure if that brief encounter was enough to constitute to what Jun was getting at.
He let you think about it for awhile more.
"You know what? I'll be back in abit, why don't you get some breakfast with Fan?" Giving you a reassuring smile, he pat your shoulder and stood up.
You mouthed an okay and watched him until he was out of the room. Closing your eyes, you mentally recounted the happenings of that day.
----------------a month and half ago----------------
[On the day of Jungkook's departure, you appeared at the airport wanting to send him off. Stealing some time off, you had a few moments alone with him in the confines of the small newsroom and things got unexpectedly heated.]
Jungkook's breathy voice hit your ears like ecstasy. "Did you say we had 10 minutes?"
Things moved fast and his lips were locked with yours, engulfed by the urgency and passion of the moment. Your legs hooked around his thighs while you were propped up on the edge of the table, keeping him close to your body. His breath got more erratic and rushed as he dropped his hand quickly to the hem of your skirt, the smoothness of your thighs sending him into a point of no return.
The moan you now found familiar was almost like a plea for you to ease him of his discomfort as your hand instinctively went to his belt, undoing it deftly as if it was something your fingers were trained to do.
Your pulse raced against his and it was no longer under your control. Like a flame that was ignited by a spark, it was fuelled by the heat and passion to a whole new level of intimate discovery you never intended for.
Feeling his body hard against yours, all that filled your mind and his was the intense desire to be even closer, even deeper, even more intense.
The result was more panting, gasping, and moans you never knew you were capable of. One thing led to another as you threw caution to the wind and released your inhibitions completely once the pleasure of the moment took over.
It didn't matter that you were in a press room with a full length glass overlooking an airport runway.
It didn't matter that the door would open any minute.
It didn't matter if Jungkook was going to be gone for the longest time after.
It didn't matter that he was the object of a million fangirl's desire.
It only mattered that it was your first time; just as it was for him.
He was eager and rushed but precise in his movements, cautious not to pain you in any way, constantly asking if he was doing it right for you.
Of course, it wasn't like you knew any better any way but all you knew was that if it felt this good, it couldn't be that wrong. If there was a thing as sexual tension, you now knew what that meant. It was like an annoying thread that was making futile attempts to thread itself through a the hole of a needle to no success; a mix of frustration, anticipation, impatience, and pleasure bundled into one.
When he finally got the hang of manoeuvring in the tight space, his body led yours while you held tightly onto him, moving alongside his lead. You saw the clearly defined veins on his forearm and along his neck protrude even more as beads of sweat trickled down against it.
Moments later, he shut his eyes, mumbling and making sounds you couldn't make out but you knew he was nearly over the edge."You drive me crazy, jagi-ya." His exhaustedly breathy voice sent shivers down your spine.
"Was this how you imagined it to be?" you asked, breathless alike.
He could only smile, with half-lidded eyes as he leaned an arm against the wall, "this is more tiring than practice."
You gave him a light kiss to which he followed through even more until you pulled away abruptly.
"Then, I guess you need more practice."
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