takeariskao3 · 2 years
I want to say that I'm so glad I discovered TPFY so early in the making because I'm enjoying so much being part of this journey. I used to only read complete fics, but being able to see you and your story grow really changed my mind.
We are at the half way mark of TPFY and I'm hoping that maybe you can share how was your experience with it so far?
💚💚💚 you are one of my favorite people on planet EARTH i’m so glad you found it too because you have made this experience infinitely more enjoyable and i’m so glad to have met you!
overall i’m having a blast. this is my first fic that i’ve actually outlined and written beforehand instead of writing and posting on the fly and it’s helped a lot with my own process and confidence. and even though i have everything plotted out, it’s still constantly evolving and changing. i’ve added sooo many scenes and plot points that weren’t in my first draft and it’s only made the story better (i think) so i’m definitely going to continue this process on my next project (if and when there is one)
i can’t believe the level of engagement i’ve received and i’m just so gosh darn honored that people were/are willing to take a chance on a hinny angst with a happy ending. when i rejoined hp tumblr at the end of last year i sort of dove in head first on ao3 and knew what i wanted to read… but i never could find it. so that’s how we ended up here 😂 be the change you want to see in the world and all that
i was so nervous after those first two chapters were posted because it was so glaringly obvious how far ginny and harry had to go before they could be in a place to actually *get back together* i was terrified there would be like … genuine push back and drama because their characterizations were so different from everything i’d read and i didn’t want to break some unwritten rule that said harry and ginny had easy lives and lived happily ever after.
(side note if anyone has any hinny angst with a happy ending ficrecs PLEASE send them my way, they’re rare and usually buried in the tags which makes them impossible to find so please please pLEASE pass them along)
but i’ve been absolutely amazed with the amount of love this story has gotten and how many people have reached out to let me know how much they appreciate the post war trauma and subsequent handling of that trauma. it’s been a very very good experience and i feel some imposter syndrome at times because i do feel that i’m not capable of doing this healing process justice but knowing that you guys trust me with it has been a big help
thanks for your message and all your ao3 comments!! they always make my damn day and i go back and re-read them all the time 💚
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