takeariskao3 · 1 year
now i need a ginny moment with the girls, bluey inspired
Ginny will remember that dinner for the rest of her life.
They had slightly undercooked spaghetti and soggy breadsticks. James had insisted on trying to wrap the noodles around his fork instead of letting Ginny cut them into bites. Harry had taken off from work since it was the last week of summer hols. Ruby had been chatting about all her new school books and whether or not she’d get to brew a potion her first day of class.
And in the midst of all this, Lily had asked, “Hey, Mum? Does sex hurt?”
Harry immediately choked on his pasta. Dissolving into a coughing fit, he looked to Ginny with wide eyes.
She winced slightly in reply.
Not needing any further instruction, Harry stood from his seat and threw James over his shoulder on his way out of the room.
“Wait!” James cried. “I’m not done!”
“You can eat later,” Harry assured. “Fancy a fly?”
“We aren’t allowed to fly after dinner,” James shot back.
“Haven’t you just said you aren’t finish?”
The back door slammed shut before Ginny could hear the end of their exchange.
Lily had been asking similar questions since she started her courses the end of June, and in Harry and Ginny’s subsequent parenting talks, they’d both promised to try and be as honest as possible.
Though, Harry seemed to conveniently escape the room whenever the subject presented itself.
Which was fine, she’d get him back when it was James’ turn.
“Erm, Lily?” Ginny set her fork aside. “Why do you ask?”
Lily shrugged and pushed a lump of tomato around her plate with her fork.
Ruby looked between her sister and her mum in giddy curiosity. She, at eleven, had not started her cycle yet. However, Ginny hadn’t barred her from the conversations figuring she may as well get both of them over with at the same time.
Now, Ginny wondered if she should regret that decision.
“Well,” she continued, glancing between her two daughters. “It can… sometimes. It does in the beginning.”
Lily looked up with apprehension in her eyes. “Really?”
“But not for forever!” Ginny reassured quickly. “It just takes some getting used to.”
Lily nodded and returned to her spaghetti.
Ginny wasn’t placated.
“You don’t want- You aren’t thinking of… trying it? Are you?”
“Ew, no!” Lily shrieked.
Ginny breathed out a massive sigh. “Oh, thank god.”
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Fan/Reviwer Appreciation Post: Mention one or more fan(s)/reviewer(s) who brighten your day. We all know that all reviewers are special, but I'm talking about the ones who make you grin, giggle, and get thrilled when you read their review because it's so comprehensive, and you look forward to it every time. It simply motivates you to keep writing because they appreciate it so much.
Thank you to whoever submitted this. I can't express how happy it makes me to share my writing; every little piece of engagement brings a smile to my face, whether it's a heart or a comment or a kudos or a reblog or a smash keyboard tag. The idea that people out in the world have read and enjoyed something I've written is still truly crazy to me, so I genuinely appreciate every single one. Knowing what joy it brings me, I am trying to make an effort to make sure I reciprocate and spread that joy back. People in this community are so freakin' talented, and it continually amazes me at the quality of content that just is splashed casually across my dash on a daily basis. So, I appreciate EVERYONE, but particular shout outs to:
@takearisk-ao3 whose support has genuinely, genuinely made me want to write more and branch out to try writing different things; @sybill-the-seer who leaves the most thoughtful comments on EVERY CHAPTER; @nuatthebeach who has also sent the loveliest messages that have inspired me to write more, @theroomofreq who is such a positive force in the fandom and reblogged my stuff when I had barely posted anything. Also so many have been regularly engaging in my little hinny april microfics, i've noticed and it has meant the absolute world, (@corneliaavenue-ao3, @fizzyginfizz, @brightlybound, @redrobyn285, @narukoibito, @fairsquare16, @greyashowl, @whinlatter), your reblogs and tags and your own beautiful writings keeps people posting, myself included, and I can't thank you enough for taking the time to spread love the way you do. And if I didn't list you specifically it's not because I haven't noticed, it's because if I did this would be a novel.
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pitchblackveins · 2 years
Last Line Tag Game
thanks for the tag @nuatthebeach !! all these games are really making me wish i was writing more (soon! when phd apps are done!)
i think this is the last line i wrote in anything unpublished? from my hand was the one you reached for:
Undoing her privacy charm and stepping out of the bathroom into the tent’s shock of cold air, Hermione pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a tee from the foot of her bed and crawled under her covers in the hope of an hour or two of the sweet oblivion of sleep.
one day i will start publishing this fic i swear! maybe in february. we’ll see.
tagging: @incalculablepower, @fairsquare16, truly i feel like i always see these last and everyone has already been tagged but if you havent here you go!
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nuatthebeach · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey and @severedestinytheorist!
Three ships: hinny, @takearisk-ao3 and i's mysterious crack ship, romione, jily (four cause i couldn't decide btwn the last two. and i'm assuming we're sticking to harry potter?? otherwise, it's jude/cardan from the cruel prince.)
Last song: Perfect Places by Lorde
Last movie: hunger games: mockingjay i think? set it up? god it's been a minute since i've seen a movie, but the next one will be the adam project.
Currently reading: the ashes and the star cursed king by carissa broadbent, but tbh, if anyone has any recs, i'm really open to it. i also finished to flame a wild flower by sarah a. parker and OMG what a ride from beginning to end.
Currently watching: Love Is Blind s4, Shadow and Bone s2, Dubai Bling, and Gilmore Girls (if only i had time 💀)
Currently consuming: a Kinder Buenos chocolate bar
Currently craving: milkshakes? dancing? video gaming? writing? all the things i want to do and can't right now, sigh.
Tagging @takearisk-ao3, @fairsquare16, @narukoibito, @corneliaavenue, @rarephloxes, @seriouslysam8, @heartstopping-waves, & others who want to participate!
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narukoibito · 2 years
Wrapped 2022
Thank you @nuatthebeach for the tag! 💛 I was tagged in 2023, so...
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
Well, considering I only posted 2 (3 if you count each chapter) things, this will be short!
Unravel Me, Chapter 6: I am sincerely floored all the time by the readers who have continued to read (and reread apparently) this story, especially considering this was my first foray into smut and how long it is taking. Your support means everything to me. 💛
since feeling is first who pays any attention: Me?! Writing canon-compliant?! I have surprised myself in what I've written, wanting to choose the most underrated missed moments and make Ginny her own person. It's stretching my abilities as a writer, and I am excited where the next chapters and Ginny take me.
i'm sure of it by @takearisk-ao3: to be clear I DID NOT WRITE THIS, but since Hannah decided to make me a co-creator, so I wanted to take a moment to thank Hannah for this incredibly thoughtful gift of a missed moment within the Unravel Me universe. It and everyone's warm birthday wishes (@wackus-bonkus-maximus @nuatthebeach @fairsquare16 to highlight a few) led to the best birthday I've had since covid started. 🥹
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
As always no promises on actually releasing but...
Unravel Me: I have a clear vision of what happens in chapters 7-9, and over 5k words for chapter 7 (they are ROUGH) and some words for chapters 8 and 9. I know I'll release chapter 7 in 2023, but I really hope I get to all three.
since feeling is first who pays any attention: Hopefully I'll be able to release the rest of this missed moments series in the new year.
unnamed Muggle AU FWB story: Another FWB, Naru? Why, yes. But a very different vibe from Unravel Me - this is college au, slow burn, learning how to smut sloooooowly, Harry trying to teach Ginny how to feel good and, maybe, hopefully, dare to love too.
cat!Harry: Thanks to @annerbhp's encouragement during Nanowrimo to write my most self-indulgent idea ever, I got 12k words of the most ridiculous thing ever. I have no idea how to string it into something coherent, haha but maybe one day I will!
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
Changing Unravel Me's original outline from one that would match a more conventional romance story to one that requires the characters to dig deeper than if they only communicated (but yes, if only they would). While it's deterred my completing new chapters, I do believe it will make the finished product better than originally imagined.
Writing Ginny as her own person during missed moments in canon has been a real stretch for me, the AU writer who likes the safety of not having to get things "just right." Ginny has surprised me with her tenacity, and I have surprised myself with writing reader dramatic irony and creepy scenes.
Writing words. Nanowrimo was awful, but I did get 50k words out. That took a lot of pushing forward even when I didn't like the words instead of letting myself get stuck on a scene. For that reason, I have (bad) drafts of multiple wips, but editing will (hopefully) be much less painful.
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
To take my writing seriously
To continue to learn and practice the craft
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year
From since feeling is first who pays any attention, the Dementor on the train:
But as a darkly hooded figure appears at the door, the smell of decay intensifies. It draws a long, slow, and rattling breath, as if to suck in more than air from the environment.
An intense cold overtakes her. It penetrates deeper than her skin, straight to her core. It’s so cold, it radiates from within her. To her horror, she recognizes this feeling.
It’s the painful drawing of a soul from her body.
It's no longer 2022, and I don't know who has or hasn't done this, but tagging @fightfortherightsofhouseelves @twentysevensummers @wackus-bonkus-maximus @gryffindorhealer and anyone else who hasn't done it and wants to play!
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four2andnew · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey and @fairsquare16
Three ships: Hinny, Percbeth, and whatever Ned & Caitlyn Stark's ship name is
Last Song: Blue on Black by Five Finger Death Punch
Last Movie: Uh....Pretty sure it was The Lion King with my kiddos
Currently Reading: Hockey with Benefits by Tijan
Currently Watching: Nothing. My kids usually get control of the TV in the evenings and once they're in bed, I'm usually reading or writing.
Currently consuming: Good ol' Dr. Pepper
Currently craving: My to-do list to complete itself (hence why I'm here pretending it doesn't exist, lol)
I have no clue who's been tagged already or not, so I'll leave it open for anyone who wants to play along :)
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incalculablepower · 2 years
5 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
I was tagged by @ashesandhackles and @billsfangearring!
Are you named after anyone? Both grandmothers!
When was the last time you cried? Saturday on the phone with the delivery company that was not delivering my medication on time lol
Do you have kids? no
Do you use sarcasm a lot? yes but i am incapable of using it to answer his question
What’s the first thing you notice about people? probably clothing
What’s your eye colour? green
Scary movies or happy ending? happy ending
Any special talents? i'm really good at those little games where you sort the colours into a gradient and it tells you how well you see colour
Where were you born? atlantic canada
What are your hobbies? fandom stuff obvs, reading, music (listening and playing), fashion and crafts, vintage and thrift/second hand, karaoke
Do you have any pets? live footage of me trying to write this post shown below
What sports do you play/have you played? playing ping pong with my ex kept me sane through the pandemic (there are tons of concrete tables in parks all over the city)
How tall are you? 5’7"
Favourite subject at school? art
Dream job? I think I have it, which is nuts??? I teach programming.
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major apologies in advance if i tag anyone who has already been tagged or has done this already but 15 people is uhhhh a lot so @fairsquare16 @takearisk-ao3 @heartstopping-waves @indigo-scarf @indihpblog @oknowkiss @constitutionalweasleymonarchy @bikelock28 @evesaintyves @acnelli @sweetpeasandlilies @taurusmoonchild @tahtahfornow @puppyduckster @whinlatter
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
6, 10, 20 😌
these questionssss you are calling me OUT
#6 what's the hardest part of the writing process for you?
ACTUALLY WRITING... i can brainstorm and daydream and come up with themes and dialogue and big romantic moments nonstop but fucking getting words on the page is like pulling teeth sometimes GOD (and i can say this because i just had teeth pulled!)
#10 how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
i think writing has helped me learn things about myself and how i (and the people close to me) deal with conflict and why. its interesting to put a character together and then throw things at them to see how they respond. its also interesting to see conflict in real life and think, oh this person may be reacting like *this* because of *this* etc. etc. it has definitely made me evaluate my own personal defense mechanisms and self-destructive behaviors. now me actually doing anything to change or better myself into a healthier more balanced individual? hasn't happened .. yet
#20 What’s the greatest gift you’ve gotten from your writing?
i answered this here as well, but honest to god you are one of the things i am most thankful for and i never would have met you if not for writing so there! i'm the cheesiest person on the planet!
fic writer asks!
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
harry: *cooking pasta and turning it into a burnt lump*
harry: this is sadder than when i talked to my parents right before i died
ginny: exCUSE ME?
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takeariskao3 · 4 months
ok so im looking for these 2 hinny oneshots i read on tumblr and i wonder if you’ve read them? one was about ginny giving dean his west ham hoodie back and then flirting with harry on the way to breakfast or some meal and then the other was ginny writing an essay and harry joins her and they start flirting. for that one i remember her ripping her essay, and he fixes it for her and writes her conclusion for her “in conclusion this essay is over.” do any of these ring a bell? did you write them? pls help me 😭😭 THANKS LOVE U
ok i’m *almost* positive the essay one shot is by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey and i know i’ve read the sweatshirt one too but i don’t know if it’s @ginnyw-potter or @starlingflight…
shall we phone all our friends? and see if they can help us?
@brightlybound @corneliaavenue-ao3 @corneliastreet28 @thenicestthingiveseen @valfromcall @fairsquare16
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takeariskao3 · 9 months
we are on a road trip from kansas to georgia and i just finished my driving shift
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
So, full disclosure
chapter 16 of the path from you has been hanging over my head for months and i think most of you have guessed why... for those who haven't or who are curious to know more about why it's taking so long, i've decided to be pretty open and candid below the cut. there aren't any outright spoilers but more just an explanation about the process i've been going back and forth on since.... february ?? (ffs)
this isn't directly in response to that anon from last night but they did make a valid point that i have been promising an update and failing to deliver so, if you're wondering why, keep reading
i very much realize that this is my hobby, and i do it for fun, and i don't owe anyone an explanation but i still feel like i can give one anyway. most of you have probably guessed that the next 3-4 chapters of the path from you are harry and ginny reaching their boiling points and finally having it out (in more ways than one)
my problem has been that i have a very specific order of events in my head about how it should all unfold but everytime i sit down to write, harry and ginny jump ahead three chapters and start ruining all my plans. i think they, and i, are ready for some conversations to start happening, however, if they break one wall, then they all come crashing down and to be honest, i'm a little bit attached to what i've already written in 17-18-19 to truly be able to blow it all up again.
now, with that being said, i also think i've gotten to the point where i know it's time for some reconciliation. unfortunately, my ego/pride/self-confidence is getting in the way a little bit because, in my opinion, a well-executed emotional payoff separates a good writer from a great one, and in the spirit of full honesty, i want to be great.
this version of harry and ginny, and all of you who have stuck with me for this long, have earned a damn good moment and i really *really* want it to be the best possible unfolding of events it can be. full of heart and vulnerability and passion.
the people that i talk to almost everyday about this fic (@narukoibito, @fairsquare16, @corneliaavenue-ao3, @herblazinglook, @ginwhisky, @brightlybound, & @valfromcall) can tell you that i have been laboring and struggling and agonizing over this chapter for months. this is not something i take lightly and this fic means a whole lot to me in a lot of really personal ways, so i have been taking a massive amount of time getting us to where we are because i want to get it right. i want harry and ginny's reasons for ending up where they are to feel honest and i want their resolution to feel cathartic. and maybe this is where i'm crippling myself, by trying to make it perfect, but dammit HARRY AND GINNY DESERVE PERFECT
thank you to everyone who reached out last night and over the past few weeks with love and encouragement and support. you guys mean more to me than you will ever know. any good vibes you can throw my way while i write tonight would be much appreciated. chapter 16 is close. i had a revelation a couple nights ago about why i kept getting stuck so hopefully this newfound direction will finally get us to the finish line.
i guess i'll end by saying this, if ever you are curious about what i'm working on or what's coming up next or why an update is taking so long, just ask. i am an open book. i swear i'm not intentionally holding out on you. and if i promise an update and come back a few days later saying its not ready yet, please remember that i am trying to put out the best possible version of my stories and i am just as disappointed as you are that i'm not updating.
as always, thanks for reading and for allowing me the space to create this version of h/g's love story.
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
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my hand is at risk (i fold) for @fairsquare16, by takearisk
It's the opening match of the '97-'98 term, and a last minute change to the Gryffindor line-up has Slytherin Quidditch Captain, Harry Potter, giddy.
read on ao3
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
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ALREADY GONE Ginny wakes in St. Mungo’s following the battle at the Department of Mysteries… or so she thinks
Rating: Mature Pairing: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Tags: Canon Compliant(ish), Amnesia, Angst, So Much Angst, Intentionally Bad Communication, Mutual Pining, Earn Your Happy Ending, No Outline Just Vibes written for @fairsquare16
read on ao3
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
written for @hinnymicrofic (and @fairsquare16)
He was supposed to jump. Without thinking, without anticipating the consequences, without worrying about who was watching. Like he did before. But this wasn’t before. This was after. And no matter what he did, no matter where they ended up, no matter if she had tear stained cheeks, or he had dark circles under his eyes, or they ran into each other at 2am in the kitchen… He couldn’t jump.
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Hi Hannah ! How's Sophie ? Did she and TPFYGinny! had a fun girl night at the pub ? 😉 (I read this sneak peak yesterday and still love it)
Hope you're having a nice summer 🌞
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don't tell @fairsquare16 but i'm actually considering cutting sophie from tpfy.......... not that the scene isn't funny or important or meaningful to the story... but i haven't quite figured out the sequence of events that gets us there after re-outlining the next few chapters. maybe she can be a missing moment? i have no clue. but i love her and think she is just splendid.
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