#JTV 2x19
mtvswatches · 4 years
Jane the Virgin 2x19 Chapter Forty-One
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Stray thoughts
1) Rose, Mutter and the crime ring were brought up in the “previously on” so this episode will bring them back, right?
2) And I guess Jane’s money-saving skills will be the focus of this episode, for some reason?
3) I thought he was being followed by criminals, not journalists…
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4) “They mention the Marbella four times. I mean, you have a few murders in your hotel…” To be honest, they should just turn the Marbella into a murder hotel at this point and attract the true-crime aficionados.
5) “Is anybody shipping these two?” A WORLD OF NO.
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6) So… Rafael claims he wants to be present in Mateo’s life and then when it’s his turn to take care of the kid, he leaves him with the babysitter because he has work to do. Rafael is an asshole.
7) Xiomara is going to audition for a role in Rogelio’s telenovela and I guess this is going to blow up in her face…
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Of course, leave it to Rafael to have sex on top of a huge-ass picture of himself.
8) You know, Rafael, if you’re feeling guilted all the time maybe it’s because you are guilty. And now he wants to make a custody arrangement to make himself better. He will get his days with Mateo, but will he actually spend them with Mateo? I don’t think so…
9) Michael got fired. To help out, Jane asks for more shifts at work, and she now has to train Anezka. This will be fun.
10) Rogelio gives the role to Xiomara on the spot, and his generosity probably prevented him from foreshadowing the potential conflicts having Xiomara at his workplace when he’s having an affair with his producer could create.
11) Me when I learned that the lock-down in my country would be extended for two more weeks and that I would have to continue teaching all my classes remotely…
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12) Now, this is exactly why I have issues with Jane’s characterization…
JANE: And then I pitched myself as a grad student and a T.A. and I said I’d do it for a thousand and she said yes. (…) Who knew there was this crazy business? Helping people with their college essays?
You’re either a good and decent person, or you’re morally corrupt and you own up to it. But Jane wants to have her cake and eat it, too. I feel this is the kind of thing she would probably frown upon if someone else was doing it. Yet, if she chooses to do it, it’s the best plan ever! Of course, you can be a good person and do the wrong thing, but you should have some qualms about it, which she doesn’t? And this is not the first time I’ve brought up this issue with Jane… Now, at this point, this is clearly one of her traits, but the show keeps painting her as the Good character, the Morally Correct character. And she isn’t?
13) Xiomara already knows Rogelio is sleeping with his writer because he did the “sex sniff.” To her credit, she’s trying to deal with it. She’s clearly upset, but she’s trying to “absorb” this new information. Hopefully, they will continue to be the poster children for mature relationships. Or it will turn into a horrible drama.
14) Btw, I’m really not into the “silent movie” style they’re using in this episode.
15) Jane and Rafael go to their mediation meeting with a conciliatory attitude, but that soon crumbles once they start discussing the specific details of a custody arrangement. They try to think of every point as “hypothetical”, but the reality is that all the hypotheticals will soon be a reality, and Jane and Rafael have very different opinions on how to raise Mateo and what their rights should be. I think this is going to end up badly.
16) Petra and Jane briefly discuss the issue of their children’s trusts, and while Rafael agreed for Jane to manage Mateo’s, when it came to Petra…
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18) Xiomara truly sucks at acting, and to Rogelio’s credit, he’s trying to be supportive and help her out. But he’s being too understanding, claiming they will fix all her mistakes in post-production, which will be impossible considering how terrible she was.
19) This will be a treat, I’m sure.
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Jane is surprised to learn that she’s expected to write the essay for him, and how gullible and naïve should a person be to believe she was going to be paid a thousand dollars for coaching someone…?
20) Michael’s interview didn’t go well, and he decided to ask Rogelio for P.R. advice on how to handle the whole newspaper article thing, and Rogelio suggests the best approach is to wait till it blows over. I honestly thought he was going to ask Rogelio for a job?
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22) Petra confronts Rafael about the terms of the twins’ trust and he explains why her terms are different than Jane’s…
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23) Jane gives the “coaching” job another chance, and I really hope she gets this douchey kid to write his own essay, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
24) Rogelio had to fire Xiomara, and she completely understands why. She even brings up the fact that it might be easier for her not to be around Rogelio and his writer, and she tells him that she thinks he really likes her. And yes, they haven’t disappointed me, they were absolutely grown-up about it. Xiomara even helped Rogelio realize his feelings for his writer (I keep calling her “writer” because I can’t remember her name, sorry…)
25) Anezka got a tip, for good service! She’s graduated! And now she’s marrying the salt shakers. Literally.
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26) So… Jane didn’t get the white CIS douchebag to write his own essay, she wrote one for him about music – his passion – which I guess is supposed to make what she’s doing okay? Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. But I guess that after being confronted by the boy’s mother it will give her some perspective on how to make decisions for her own kid…
27) Yep.
JANE: I don’t want to be the kind of mom who gest in her kid’s way.
So, Rafael and Jane finally reach a compromise by trying to understand what’s important for each other and making concessions, so cool for them.
28) Rogelio tried to have the “where is this relationship going?” with his writer, and he got shut down quickly, she called the relationship casual, and I guess now we’ll get a lot of Rogelio pining over her, right?
29) Oh, Petra…
PETRA: We have a complicated history, which mostly involves me being horrible and Jane being a perfect human being and sometimes… sometimes, it gets to be too much.
Repeat after me: JANE 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 PERFECT 👏
Ugh, I hate that every character perceives her as such when she’s clearly far from it! In fact, sometimes she’s kind of the worst?
Petra at least owns up to her faults and is trying to redeem herself.
30) Anezka agrees with me, but I think she’s going to hatch up a plan to make Jane look imperfect…
31) What does this mean for Jane’s career?
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32) Jane talked to Michael about not wanting to work her ass off during the time she is given to spend with Mateo, and yet again, Michael proved he’s a mature, level-headed partner. He told her she should’ve expressed these concerns to him, and that he doesn’t want her to have all the pressure on her shoulders. He got a job working for Rogelio as his chief of security.
33) Damn, Anezka is Petra’s sister, isn’t she?
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I just hope Petra doesn’t get blamed for it…
RAFAEL: You have changed. I know that. It’s just a process. PETRA: Yeah, yeah, it is. And frankly, I think I’ve made more improvements than you. RAFAEL: Wait, what? PETRA: When you’re up against it, you still lie, instead of just coming clean, facing the consequences. I hope you change that soon.
35) No, Rafael, this is not what Petra meant, you stupid bimbo!
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This is going to come back and bite him in the ass, I just know it.
36) Well…
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This is either a misdirection, which is this show’s favorite plot device, or my prediction came true very quickly. Still, I’m zero invested in this storyline.
37) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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ettadunham · 5 years
hussyknee replied to your post “you know i usually try to be team everyone on jtv but rn rafael is...”
yeah Im also a person who tries to like everyone but I gave up on that train a long time ago sis
i mean, i know that that’s generally not the case, and some characters are always just gonna tick us off... but for them to make me want to punch a character this hard in the 5th season on a show where i p much have sympathy for everyone... that’s something i guess.
jessicatrish replied to your post   “it's been a long time since i wanted to punch rafael in the face this...”
i feel you
honestly, even by the end of the episode where he stopped actively undermining jane’s authority and had somewhat of a talk with mateo, i was like... i don’t think he realizes how bad this was??? he let their son copy his resentment towards jane and that’s not okay.
arthurwilde replied to your post   “arthurwilde replied to your post: A Buffy rewatch 2x19 I Only Have...”
i don't think "feels" is Hip These Days but like, also Who Cares
you’re right!!! YOLO
arthurwilde replied to your post   “A Buffy rewatch 2x20 Go Fish”
it's so weird that this comes right before "becoming" especially when "i only have eyes for you" was so good
i know! s2 is fondly remembered for a reason, and has so much iconic stuff, but there are also some really weird filler episodes... still, to have this one especially in this placement is just... puzzling. it doesn’t even have any remote connection to the character or season arcs? i don’t know what happened here.
thefandomcritique replied to your photoset   “catchylove: daisy johnson appreciation week ✿ day two: favorite...”
YOU NEED TO CATCH UP MY FRIEND. Omg the first half of the last season was some of the most enjoyable and satisfying sci-fi I've seen since the good bits of BSG. Ok, maybe I'm overstating it. But close!
i did actually see that! the last episode i watched was 5x14.
tbh, i can’t quite remember what my feelings were on the first part, i think i generally liked it (i tend to be on board for time travel stuff), but i probably had mixed feelings about some of the stuff? and then afterwards in usual aos fashion they went too far with some things for my liking, mistreated daisy, etc... so i had to take a break.
i’m still not sure when or if i’ll catch up tbh, i danced this dance way too many times with this show at this point.
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