bajablastable · 10 months
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im sorry i just felt bad i didnt include jakurai a few days ago
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
Hi~ thank you for opening requests 🙏🏻
I was thinking about an AU with Jakurai, falling for a pianist that has been playing a night at hifumi's host club. Like he didn't knew who she was, and after that night he tried to look for her everywhere but nothing. Then I imagine that several months later, they accidentally (or not) bump into each other, decide to get to know each other and get engaged 🍃💜
Sorry for writing this much;; feel free to not include some points if needed, because I've given so many details ;;;;;;
But thank you wholeheartedly for keeping writing. I really love your works, everytime.💐
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
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Pairing: Jakurai Jinguji x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2,156
Warnings: None
A/N: This one was so cute to do! I really like the pining and the idea of Jakurai actually falling for someone at first glance despite not knowing them (a very un-Jakurai thing to do) Hope you enjoy~
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Jakurai had never believed in love at first sight. He was a man of science, and more than that, a man of practicality. Relationships were formed over time with effort and trials, not by magic and simple physical attraction. This was something he believed when he was a young man, and something he continued to believe even when he was older and had a better understanding of the world.
But he supposed that there were exceptions to every rule.
It all began one fateful night when Jakurai left his clinic a bit early to go pick up Hifumi from his host club. The latter’s car was in the shop and Jakurai was quick to offer to drive him home, not wanting to leave a friend in need. Upon reaching the host club, Jakurai quietly walked in, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself if Hifumi was still in the middle of working.
Fortunately though, it looked like the night was just wrapping up. There were a few patrons left, hanging off the arms of the hosts and staring at them with drunken stars in their eyes. There were glasses and champagne bottles scattered around the room, but this was not what drew Jakurai’s gaze. Jakurai was quick to glance over the state of the room, letting his eyes fall on you instead
You were sitting in front of a massive, beautiful, sparkling white grand piano, eyes practically closed as your fingers danced along the keys before you. Jakurai quickly found himself entranced by the music, the melody familiar but unable to be placed in his mind. Perhaps it was a rendition of a modern pop song, or maybe something entirely of your own creation. Regardless, it had Jakurai held in a trance.
You, on the other hand, were barely aware of your surroundings as you continued on with your song, the sweet, soft tone of the notes floating through the air around you. Knowing it was the last song on the setlist, you gave it an extra little flourish, trilling notes and playing around with certain keys until you found the sound you wanted.
You were completely unaware of the man whose gaze was transfixed on you. Jakurai could feel his heart being moved by your music. The notes were soft and happy, but there was something more to them. The way they lingered, dragged slowly across the keys before becoming bouncy and light once more made him feel a sense of longing. It was as though the piece was saying that he should be happy despite the fact that it was all a façade and that he was longing and lost.
And then, the song was over.
For a moment, there was a sort of emptiness in the room, now only filled with chatter and clattering of glassware, but when the patrons realized that your set was over, they quickly clapped for you, cheering lightly as you stood up from the piano. Jakurai himself was pulled away from his thoughts as the quiet applause filled his ears and he quickly brought his hands together as well. You gave a small bow before turning back to the piano, wiping down the keys and pulling down the cover.
“Jakurai!” Hifumi called out, making Jakurai turn towards his friend.
“Ah, Hifumi. How was your night?” Jakurai asked, cordially. Hifumi grinned and tucked away his tips into his pocket.
“It was great! I definitely got more tips today than the past few days combined. Wednesdays are always a little busier though…not sure why,” he shrugged, moving to grab his bag. Jakurai took the moment to turn back to the piano, only to find the stage darkened and empty. He glanced around, but didn’t see you anywhere, his smile wavering as he realized that he had missed you on your way out.
“Thanks again for driving me home! Doppo will be there, you can stay for a drink if you’d like!” Hifumi offered, nodding at Jakurai. “Ready to go?”
Jakurai opened his mouth, prepared to ask Hifumi about the beautiful, talented pianist, but quickly closed it. He was sure that he would see you again, and he didn’t want Hifumi to have any pre-conceived notions about his intentions.
“Yes of course,” Jakurai said, following Hifumi towards the exit of the host club. As his friend continued to tell stories of his patrons from that night, Jakurai’s mind wandered back to the mysterious pianist, concocting all sorts of possibilities as to who she could be.
* * *
Jakurai had never been so wrong.
It had been weeks since he picked up Hifumi that fateful night, but he had never seen the pianist in the host club since that time. Whenever he went to visit his friend, he would immediately turn to the stage, only to find it occupied by a guitarist or a singer.
Jakurai asked Hifumi about the pianist, but the later simply shrugged, saying that the performances almost always changed and there were very few regulars that made music for the host club. Logically, Jakurai knew that it didn’t make sense for him to be so hung up over a woman. He had only seen her one time, and he hadn’t even gotten the chance to say anything to her. Despite this, he felt frustrated, as though he had missed his opportunity to meet someone amazing. And she had to be amazing, nobody could create such compelling music and not be something of a genius.
So, despite his mind telling him one thing, Jakurai’s heart continued to tell him another.
* * *
A few months later, Jakurai found himself tugging on the sleeves of his three piece suit as he entered the hotel venue surrounded by other doctors all dressed to the nines. It wasn’t often that there was a formal dinner for the Shinjuku health professionals, but even then, Jakurai wasn’t one to go to events like this. In fact, if it hadn’t been for his fellow doctor’s demanding his attendance, Jakurai would have made some excuse not to come.
However, as soon as he strolled further into the ballroom, he was extremely glad that he had decided to come.
There, seated in front of the baby grand piano, was the pianist. The very woman that had made his heart soar the first time he heard her play was now in front of him once more. Jakurai stood still, letting the waves of the music wash over him, taking in every note and chord she played. It was the familiar tone of the song that she had been playing at the host club so many months ago.
Jakurai almost cursed the attendants who were laughing and chatting over the music. Were they unable to hear how beautiful the sound was? The light, airy notes that sent Jakurai’s heart floating were as easy for him to understand as they were for you to play. It was one of your favorite pieces after all, something that you always managed to sneak into your set regardless of the event you were playing at.
You preferred major keys at events like this. Something to lighten the mood and put the patrons in a happy, donating mood. The tips were always better when you played something you could really pour your heart and soul into, and this song was simply perfect.
As the song finished, there was scattered applause before you started the next piece in your set, taking no notice of the man watching you from across the room. Jakurai would have loved nothing more than to listen to you play all night long, watching your fingers dance across the keys with expert precision, but unfortunately, his colleagues had spotted him.
The rest of the night was spend chatting with his friends and coworkers alike, indulging in expensive, decadent food, and passing on the champagne whenever it was offered. Jakurai kept an eye on the pianist, though, not wanting her to leave before he had the chance to compliment her skills. He had missed the opportunity before and did not want to make that same mistake twice.
Towards the end of the night, the patrons began to leave one by one and then in smaller groups until there were only a handful of people left. You were almost finished with your set, thankful for the dinner break as your fingers were beginning to feel tired. Hitting your last notes, you took a breath as you set your hands down on your lap, massaging them diligently. You heard a scattered applause and you turned to smile, nodding slightly at the remaining patrons.
“Good evening,” a voice said, making you turn your head.
Your gaze turned towards a rather tall man with long, violet hair and bright eyes who stood a respectful distance away from you. He was smiling lightly as he pulled out his wallet, dropping some bills into the golden plate that was resting atop the piano.
“Thank you so much,” you said, smiling gratefully. You felt your heart skip a beat as you let your eyes linger on the admittedly attractive man.
“No, thank you. Your playing was absolutely beautiful, I enjoyed listening to you very much. You’re very talented,” the man said, making you beam.
“That’s very kind of you, I appreciate it,” you chuckled, reaching out for your sheet music awkwardly.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what piece were you playing at the beginning of your set list?” the man asked, hands folded behind him as he tilted his head slightly. You turned back to him a bit nervously and swallowed. You had been instructed many times to only play classical pieces and not to include your own works, and for a moment you wondered if the man was sent here to fire you.
“Well, the first piece was one of Beethoven’s, but the second piece was actually something small that I wrote myself…” you trailed off, your voice light and quiet.
“Marvelous, it was really quite a beautiful piece,” Jakurai said, offering you a gentle smile. Immediately, you perked up. Nobody had ever commented on a specific piece of yours, and especially not that particular piece. The composition that you had worked tirelessly on to make the tone exactly what you wanted.
“Ah, nobody’s ever noticed that one before, it means a lot to me that you would compliment it. Thank you so much,” you said, feeling the heat rise to your face. You had never been one to take compliments well and this was no different.
“It’s such a lovely piece. The tone is so bright and airy and yet somehow also very melancholic when listened to as a whole. What key is it in?” Jakurai asked, bringing a finger to his chin.
“I wrote it in F Major,” you responded.
“Ah, I’m partial to D minor myself, but I supposed that wouldn’t be suitable for this occasion,” Jakurai chuckled. You let out a small laugh as you shook your head. Continuing to study the man before you, you realized that you had never properly introduced yourself. He had successfully charmed you and you found yourself wanting to spend more time with him.
“Ah, where are my manners? I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/LN,” you stated, sticking out your hand.
“Jakurai Jinguji,” the man said, shaking your hand gently.
You smiled, letting the name float through your mind before deciding that you liked it and that it suited him quite well. You could hear the chatter in the hall beginning to die down, and you knew that it would soon be time to leave, but you couldn’t help but want to stay here with Jakurai for a moment longer. As if the man could read your mind, he spoke up once more.
“My apologies if this is rather sudden, but would you care to get a drink with me tonight? It’s still rather early and I’d love to get to know you more,” Jakurai said, respectfully. You held the sheet music tightly in your hands as you bit back a smile. Nodding slowly you found your heart beginning to speed up slightly in your chest.
“Yes, I’d like that very much. Just give me a moment to put my things away and I’ll meet you by the entrance,” you told him, nodding to the front of the room. Jakurai smiled at you and agreed, excusing himself as you began to organize your music, placing it neatly away in your bag.
As Jakurai stood at the entrance waiting for you, his heart was soaring in his chest. After months of wondering about the pianist and wanting to know who she was, the universe had given him another chance. He wouldn’t waste it, and would get to know Y/N properly, wanting nothing more than to spend more time with her.
Perhaps there was something to love at first sight after all…as long as fate allowed it.
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hypfic · 4 years
Valentine prompts with matenrou and mad trigger crew number 8? 👀
ok so I kinda went ham with this one??? I got a lot of MTC requests so I think I’m gonna do those in their own special post but... phew these MTR ones started as hc lists and then I got possessed by the writing gods and made drabbles.... long post incoming!!!!
Jakurai [ 神宮寺寂雷 ]: In your previous years, you hadn’t done anything notable for Valentine's Day. It wasn’t that you didn’t have anyone, moreover that you and your partner were always busy. However, this year you made an effort to plan something for you and your boyfriend. Sure, maybe it was a little much, you weren’t school children, but someone had to uphold the chocolate-making tradition, right? You begged your boss to let you have the day before and the day of Valentine’s off. It was a tough battle, but you managed to make it out with two days off under your belt! Jakurai however, wasn’t as lucky. Working in a hospital didn’t permit many days off. You got them when you got them, purely by chance if at all. He, unfortunately, had to work that morning, but you weren’t saddened in the slightest. In fact, you were grateful for his calling duties for it gave you more time to craft your surprise for that evening. You somehow managed to sneakily make chocolates the night before, and even more miraculously hide them in the fridge. You tied your hair up and ran to the kitchen as soon as you heard the door close behind Jakurai and his car pull out of the driveway. He was worried that you would be saddened by the fact that he had to work on Valentine’s, but he truly had no idea what was in store upon his return home. Jakurai picked up a bouquet of flowers on his way home that evening, hoping that even the small gesture would bring a smile to his beloved's face. You grinned as you saw your boyfriend’s car pull into the driveway that evening, checking the living room one last time for any crooked corners. On your way to the door, you dimmed the lights and let the candles take center stage, giggling at your reflection as you checked your hair in the mirror. Your eyes widened as you opened the door and were met by not only your dashing boyfriend but a bouquet of flowers as well.  “Jakurai… what is this?” You blushed as he offered you the bouquet and stepped inside. “Well, it’s Valentine's day and you worked hard to get the day off and I had to go in,” He explained as he removed his coat, “I felt that I should at least do something for you,” the doctor leaned in to give you a kiss. “Why are the lights out?”  “Oh! Well, it is Valentine’s Day after all!” You said with a wide smile, reaching out and taking Jakurai’s hand, pulling him towards the living room. “I took advantage of you being at work and put something together~” “Y/n… you didn’t have to,” Jakurai’s ears burned red, taking in the scene in front of him. On the living room table, you had prepared and spread out a nice dinner for the two of you, covered in candlelight. A bouquet of roses stood in a crystal vase surrounded by homemade chocolates. You walked over to the mantle and turned on the radio, soft jazz music dancing around the room.  “No, I didn’t have to, but I wanted to! You do so much for me, it’s the least I could do,” You returned to your boyfriend’s side, hugging his arm. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”  The doctor wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss, “You make me so happy, y/n. Happy Valentine’s Day, I love you.”
Hifumi [ 伊弉冉 一二三 ]: It didn’t take much to make you jealous. Especially with your boyfriend being one of the top hosts in Shinjuku, envy seemed to come… naturally. Hifumi always assured you that he never did anything more than share a few drinks and maybe a kiss on the cheek with any of his patrons, and you believed him, you did, but that didn’t always stop your mind from wandering. The two of you had talked through his work and what that meant for the two of you countless times, what boundaries each of you had and what you were comfortable with. The waters always became testy around Valentine’s Day. Hifumi would come home with bags full of cards, sweets, bottles of alcohol, and some other… strange things the days leading up to Valentine’s. What were you to do for that special day if every woman and man in Shinjuku had already given Hifumi gifts more luxurious than you could fathom? Your boyfriend wasn’t stupid, he could tell something was up. Moreover, Hifumi knew what this was about. He knew dating a host was hard, and it was even harder over the love-focused holiday. So, he decided that for the first time in his host life, he would call in on Valentine’s. Before heading home from his division meeting with Jakurai and Doppo, he stopped by the small jewelry shop he knew you loved. The host had placed an order earlier in the week, the store clerk was in awe that the number one host in Shinjuku would purchase such a piece. Hifumi only blushed and insisted that there was more to his life than being a host, and there was only one exclusive patron of this high rank. The jeweler wished him well as Hifumi exited the shop with a small, velvet box. When he returned home, Hifumi walked around the apartment for you.  “Y/n?” He knocked on the bedroom door, pushing it open slowly. He frowned as he saw your sleeping figure huddled up in a cocoon of blankets. “Y/n, kitten, are you awake?” Hifumi placed a hand on your shoulder as he sat on the bed. “I thought you would be at work tonight…” you said, turning around and facing him.  He brushed your bangs from your face and leaned down to kiss your forehead. “Well, I was supposed to but, I figured I’ve spent too many Valentine’s Days without you.”  “Your boss must be cross with you,” you said as you sat up and leaned your head on his shoulder.  “Meh, he can deal with it, I need to spend time with my true Valentine after all!” Hifumi’s voice quickly switched to his normal, joyful tone. “Nee, y/n, can I ask you something?” “Hmm? Sure ‘Fumi, what is it?” “I Uhm, well,” His cheeks blossomed with pink, “Well you see uh, I… You make me so happy and I wanted to get you something to show that… also uhm! I know dating a host can be hard and all so I wanted there to be something you can always have to remind you that you’re the only one for me!” Hifumi smiled brightly, reaching into his pocket for the box. “This isn’t the ideal way I planned to do this, but it was a spontaneous thought, to do it tonight. I was gonna wait and take you somewhere real fancy but…” You had tears in your eyes already, slowly realizing what was happening. “Hifumi, baby, it's ok I… are you?”  Hifumi nodded and grabbed your left hand, kissing your knuckles and holding your hand by his face, “Y/n, will you marry me?” “Yes.”
Doppo [ 観音坂 独歩 ]: You hummed happily in front of the stove, soft music softly bumping from your phone. It was early morning and you miraculously managed to wake up early, earlier than your boyfriend too. Today was Valentine’s Day, so the only logical solution to your blessed coincidence was to make your special someone breakfast. You were hoping that you could surprise him with the meal in bed but… you didn’t hold your hopes too high. Doppo always got up painfully early to go to work on weekdays, and just because it was the weekend didn’t mean that the routine would be broken. It was a gamble to try and prepare something to surprise him before he woke up. You glanced briefly at your phone to check the timer you had going for the bacon in the oven, smiling as it seemed that you had just about half an hour left before your tired salaryman rolled out of bed. Alas, you spoke too soon as a pair of warm arms found their way around your waist and a chin sitting on your shoulder.  Doppo hummed and pressed a kiss to your cheek, “Good morning…” he yawned, not making any apparent moves to let go of your waist. “Ahh, Doppo! I was so close! You should have stayed in bed for another twenty minutes!” You pouted, craning your neck to face him. “Good morning to you too,” you allowed yourself to chuckle. “Someone’s affectionate this morning,” your chuckles turned into giggles as your boyfriend peppered kisses on your neck up to your cheeks. “Rest well?” “Mmhm,” the salaryman hummed in agreement, pausing his storm of kisses to peek over your shoulder. “What’re you making?”  You shook your head and smiled, “Well, it was going to be a surprise if someone didn’t get out of bed early!” you clicked your tongue, “I wanted to make you breakfast for Valentine’s Day, surprise you with it if I could… I thought I was doing well with the time too…” Doppo chuckled and kissed the back of your neck, “Hmm, I guess I could go lay down then? Let you finish in here?” “That would be lovely, baby,” you turned around to face him in his embrace and pecked his lips. “It’ll only be about…” you paused to check the time, “ten more minutes! Don’t get too cozy in there, ok?” The man in front of you smiled softly before catching your lips in another kiss. “I’ll try my best, sunshine.” Your cheeks burned red at the pet name, even though you’d been referred to as such many times before. With Doppo now out of the kitchen, you pulled your goodies out of the oven and put a pot of tea on to boil. You continued humming to yourself as you quickly whipped together a batch of pancake mix, spooning the batter in heart shapes in the pan. Once the pancakes were done and you had everything nicely plated, you grinned excitedly as you walked up the stairs to the bedroom, trays in hand. It may not be the ideal surprise you had envisioned, but you were still thrilled. You pushed the door open with your foot and giggled as you approached the bed, noticing that your boyfriend had dozed off.  “Pssst, Doppochi, I thought I told you not to get too comfy,” You placed the trays down and poked his cheek.  “Mm?” he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, “Oh, sorry…” You laughed, “No, no, it’s ok, you need your rest after all! Look! I made us breakfast~” Doppo smiled wide and kissed your cheek “You make me so happy, you know that?”
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unfunny-quips · 4 years
Snippet from my (other) overly complicated Akeshu Time Loop fic where everyone except Akira (mostly) remembers the previous year:
Akechi Goro’s apartment was nothing like what Ann had expected it to be. Though admittedly her imagination had been a bit conflicted on what she should expect.
The shiny, polite Ace Detective facade he showed the world suggested she should expect a living space ripped straight out of a designer magazine. Attractive but stiff, nice to look at but difficult to actually live in let alone be comfortable in when visiting.
On the other hand, what she’d seen of his other side - the feral, blood thirsty and thoroughly nasty Black Mask - made her think of a dungeon like space. Chains on the walls, maybe one of those disturbing cluttered spaces shown on crime dramas when the heroes were hunting a serial killer. Pictures with blacked out eyes pinned to the walls, red string connecting disparate and terrifying thoughts and images, a collection of weapons on display.
What she got was…neither of those.
Shiho led her down the kind of pleasant residential area that put Ann in mind of the best kind of summers as a kid. A big park, open friendly faces, a community that seemed friendly and kind to each other. Shiho smiled and waved to a number of people on their way, the few they stopped to chat with for a bit telling her to give their hellos on to Akechi before letting them continue.
The apartment itself was the converted guest house in the back garden of what looked to be a cheerful family home. Ann counted no less than three fat cats lazing about and when they approached a delightfully plump old woman seated in a rocking chair on the front porch sat up from her reading to say hello and welcome Ann. Shiho called her Obaasan and rushed to give her a hug like she really was Shiho’s beloved grandmother before the old woman ushered them down the side path towards the back of the house.
“That’s Goro’s landlady, Shibata-San,” Shiho said as they walked the narrow path that led along the side of the house and through a truly beautiful garden. “She’s super sweet but has trouble with her arthritis sometimes. She gives Goro a deal on the rent since he helps her out so much around the house and with her gardening.”
Akechi Goro being nice to little old ladies. Ann wasn’t certain if that was exactly what she expected from the deranged killer pretending to be a charming teen detective or something so far out of the realm of expected as to be laughable. She chose to make a polite hmm noise of interest instead, not wanting to break the good mood Shiho was in by bringing up how very much Ann hated Akechi. She was rewarded by Shiho smiling warmly at her, which was really all the shorter girl would need to do to convince Ann to murder someone in Shiho’s name.
Shiho knocked at the door and Ann took a final calming breath to prepare her for the night that lay ahead of her. It was just a few hours, and she’d be there with Shiho and there would be plenty of other people to help buffer her from Akechi and Akira. Ann had helped shoot a god in the face once, she was ready for anything Akechi might throw at her over a few hours of talking about a book.
She wasn’t even close to ready, as it turned out.
The realization settled in the moment the door opened to reveal a yawning Akechi standing before her with messy hair and Featherman themed pajamas. Rumpled and clearly well worn Featherman pajamas.
Ann felt her eyes widen comically at the sight of the boy that had once been her and her team’s arch nemesis. A known and dangerous killer who had taken countless lives in the name of his twisted revenge scheme. 
He was wearing adorable unicorn slippers. Their horns were rainbow.
“Ah, Shiho!” Akechi said through his yawn, face stretching into a warm smile as he spotted the shorter girl on the other side of the threshold. “Just in time, I need help hauling Akira’s dead weight to the bedroom.” Ann watched him scratch lazily at his chin before blinking his attention over to her and offered another smile. It was a  brittle, plastic thing in comparison to the honest warmth he’d offered the shorter girl. All polish and teeth, no actual emotion. “And Takamaki-San, I’m so glad you could join us for the evening.”
He looked anything but, especially with the white knuckled grip he had on the door handle.
Ann offered a strained smile of her own. She’d made a promise to Shiho damnit and she’d see it through if it killed her. Or if Akechi killed her. Whatever. The point was that she was going to try damnit.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” She said as Akechi stepped back to allow them inside. Shiho gave a faint wince at the overly perky tone Ann had and shoot she’d overshot the enthusiasm a bit. Oh well. Better to be too excited than not enough. She followed Shiho’s lead in taking her shoes off and slipping on a pair of house slippers before turning her attention to the apartment itself.
It was…surprisingly cozy.
Ann was surprised too by the amount of clutter taking up the apartment. A laundry basket of half-folded, clean clothes sitting next to the couch, a knocked over bag tossed on a side table by the front door, more pillows and blankets than Ann would have expected making it seem like a nice place to curl up and read in. The apartment still managed to look tidy despite the half hearted attempt at organization.
Most of the space consisted of a living room with a tiny kitchenette tucked in a corner. There was a small nook beside the cooking area likely meant for dining. The small table placed there was taken over by a nice looking chess set, leaving no room for any actual dining. A small blackboard hung on the wall beside it, tallying victories of each player - tied, from what Ann could see, between Akechi and Kurusu. Other than that there were a couple doors leading to what she presumed to be a bedroom and a bathroom. 
It looked so remarkably normal.
Hardwood floors, plush rugs thrown everywhere, overstuffed bookshelves, pictures on the wall. There was a larger one hung over the couch showing off the entire book club smiling brightly at what looked like a cat cafe. Shiho, Akechi, Kurusu, Yoshizawa, even Togo Hifumi and Iwai’s son Kaoru. All of them squeezed together to fit, hands up in peace signs or giving each other bunny ears.
They looked normal. Just kids hanging out, enjoying each other’s company and reading books. It was hard to reconcile the photo with the mental image Ann had of several of the members as potential agents of Yaldabaoth.
Seeing how happy Shiho looked in the pictures didn’t help.
Ann pushed the thoughts away as best she could and followed other two to where a half asleep Akira was laid sprawled half under a large kotatsu. The delinquent had his head thrown back on the couch behind him, one of the many throw pillows Akechi apparently owned curled in his arms. She was surprised to see his usual oversized glasses he so often hid behind tossed haphazardly on the kotatsu. His eyes were closed, but he cracked one open when he heard them come over.
“M’fine here.” He muttered, curling up further around his pillow.
Akechi rolled his eyes. 
“There is a bed literally right there.” he pointed at one of the two closed doors for emphasis, mere steps away. Akira was already turning away and wiggling further beneath the kotatsu blanket. “Just go to bed Akira, no one else is even going to be here for another hour at least.”
Ann blinked. “What?” She turned from the drowsy Akira to Shiho, the shorter girl giving an unapologetic, challenging smile.
“Goro said we could come over early so you could get settled in!” Shiho said, chipper and all too aware of the fact that Ann had been banking on keeping her attention on other people in order to ignore Akechi. She really shouldn’t have been surprised. Shiho really did know her too well.
Akechi offered another brittle smile before turning his attention back to Akira, his expression softening again. Ann watched as the detective attempted to scoop the dark haired boy up, only for Akira to slip out of his grasp by going boneless, earning an undignified swear from the detective. 
Ann watched as the detective attempted to drag the delinquent away by an arm, amused as Shiho strolled over casually and hauled Akira up over her shoulder - pillow and all - in a fireman’s hold. She did it with such ease that Ann was a left little breathless at the show of strength. Akira wasn’t heavy by any measure but he was tall and she’d seen him working out at the gym the one time she went with Ryuji. The boy had muscle and that couldn’t be light. It didn’t matter to the short girl and her exceptional strength and well… Ann was weak to Shiho in so very many ways.
A few minutes later Akira had been safely stowed in a proper bed, the faint sound of soft snores heard from the dark haired delinquent before Shiho had even made it through the door. Which just left the three of them standing awkwardly in the living room.
“I’m not nearly as good as Akira or Boss,” Akechi began, “But I can make a passable cup of coffee with what I’ve got here. Would you like one?”
There was a very real chance he might poison it. Ann nodded anyway to appease Shiho, resigned to the fact that she really was willing to do anything to see the shorter girl smile. 
Akechi shuffled towards the kitchenette in his ridiculous fluffy unicorn slippers and began fussing with the various coffee supplies that took up almost all of his very limited counter space. He was even nice enough to pull out a container of some cookies - a favorite brand of Ann’s on top of it - that hadn’t even been opened yet from a cupboard. She felt secure in the knowledge that those at least hadn’t been tampered with as she began happily devouring them.
“He’s still refusing to move in?” Shiho asked Akechi softly as she settled on the plush loveseat adjacent to the couch, tugging Ann down beside her. The dark haired girl pulled her feet up and under her, Shiho’s expression turning concerned as she watched Akechi work.
Akechi gave a soft sigh as he began boiling some water for the coffee. “He’s just so damn stubborn.” The detective said, shoulder’s drooping as he measured the freshly ground coffee out. “That place is killing him, but every time I bring it up he digs his heels in.”
Shiho gave a soft sigh before turning her attention to Ann to explain. “Akira is…” She paused, frowning, “His living situation is…bad.” Ann flicked her attention to Akechi as she heard him mutter a faint fucking understatement of the year under his breath. “Goro has offered to let him stay here but Akira’s worried that his record would hurt Goro’s reputation.”
“Oh,” Ann said, turning her attention on the delicate chocolate dipped cookie she held. Akira’s criminal record, that had been made public and well known by Mishima at Komashida’s request. Because Akira had stepped in and kept the teacher from getting to Shiho. Something Ann should have done. “Isn’t there something he can do? He’s staying with a guardian right? Couldn’t he just request to be moved under someone else?”
Akechi snorted bitterly. “Great idea, so that scam artist can report him as being “dangerous” and get him sent back to Juvie?” Red eyes turned to Ann, pinning her in place as Akechi’s mouth twisted into a sour frown. “You know about shitty adults. You know there really aren’t options like that for people in Akira’s position.”
Ann was struck again by the strange clash between what she expected from Akechi from the last run of the game and what he was showing her in this one. 
A facade of niceties for the camera, a howling soul of insanity for anyone who got in his way. Where, exactly, between those two extremes lay concern for a friend in a difficult position? Where did friends lay in that mess at all? Where did the cozy apartment, helping out an arthritic old lady, the weekly book club, the Featherman pajamas? Was there a graph somewhere that might map it all out? Or was she just supposed to guess at what was a real glimpse at the boy that had once murdered her friend’s father and what was an act to get what he wanted?
“Here,” Akechi said, and for a moment she half expected him to hand her the answers she wanted. He didn’t, of course, instead handing her a cup of coffee resting on a matching saucer. Both cup and saucer had cute chubby cats on them. “Cream? Sugar?”
She blinked and nodded, watching as he turned on his heel to get her what she asked for. Shiho beside her shifted where she sat, butting their shoulders together gently. Her face, when Ann met her gaze, was thoughtful. Considering Ann as if she was the puzzle and not the serial killer juggling a carton of cream and an oversized container of sugar across the room. Trying to stow her apprehension away for the night, Ann offered her friend the best honest expression she could while knowing how many lies she’d given the shorter girl over the past months. 
Shiho’s expression shifted slowly, the look in her dark eyes difficult to read. Ann watched as the other girl turned to sip at her coffee. Shiho didn’t even wait for it to cool. She always liked her drinks hot enough to scald.
“You know, maybe it’s the way you’re asking.” Shiho said, the complicated emotions Ann glimpsed the moment before shuffled away as the dark haired girl turned a devious smile on Akechi.
The detective looked weary and wary all at once. “Shiho…” His tone had something like a weak warning to it, though the bite Ann was used to hearing from him was absent.
“I’m just saying,” Shigo said, looking delighted, “You’re asking him to move in with you as a friend.”
“Don’t.” Akechi said, it might have been sharp and snapping if it wasn’t for the color rising high on the boy’s cheeks. Ann blinked in bewilderment. Was Akechi Goro blushing?
“Just ask him to be your boyfriend already!” Shiho said, all cheer and delight with an undercurrent of something challenging directed at the now definitely blushing Akechi. “We all saw you two kiss at the ice rink! It’s not like the thing between you it’s a secret!”
Ann choked on the cookie she’d just popped into her mouth. Akechi - so red that Ann was fairly certain he was going to turn purple soon - made a high pitched squeak and buried his face in his hands.
Well that put a new light on things.
“You kissed Kurusu?!” Cookies crumbs went flying as she spoke but Ann didn’t care. The news was just too big to be taken in calmly. Makoto had suspected that Kurusu, a known criminal, was a pawn in Akechi’s devious plan and the rest of the group had been thinking the same. Morgana suggested that the dark haired boy might even be the new player they’d been warned about.
At no point at any of them considered Akechi could be so human as to simply just like Kurusu.
“It’s not that - you’re taking things out of context!” Akechi almost wailed, not a psychopath ready to kill at a drop of a hat but an embarrassed teenage boy being teased about his crush.
Shiho laughed, “You two held hands!” 
“I didn’t know how to skate! Kurusu was helping me balance!”
“You stayed on the ice during the couple’s song!”
“We just didn’t want to get off the ice!”
“You stopped, in the middle of the rink, looked deep into each other’s eyes while holding hands and kissed.”
As if to drive her point home, Shiho lifted her phone to show a picture - a bit blurry at the edges but clear enough to make out - of Akechi and Kurusu definitely having a sweet, romantic kiss on the ice. Clearly completely oblivious of the world around them as they did so. It was possibly the cutest thing Ann had ever seen.
Any idea Ann ever had of Akechi Goro being intimidating was thrown right out the window.
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cheesetrap0113 · 6 years
Me Against The World English Translations
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News Anchor : And after the fierce battle between Mad Trigger Crew VS Matenrou, Matenrou took the glory! Matenrou received the prize money and the Division Rap Battle-
*switches off TV*
Jakurai : We managed to win somehow but, Samatoki's team sure have skills. We won this time but, how about the next? Both Ichiro and Amemura's team were excellent. That's how strong they are. *drinks* If Dirty Dawg gathers once again, perhaps the Chuuoku will... hmm, what am I saying? Though me myself haven't forgiven him yet.
*Door bells*
Hifumi : Sensei! Good day~ Are you awake?! Doppo : Stop it, Hifumi! What are you gonna do if he's still asleep?!
*Door opens*
Jakurai : Good morning to you both. Something happened?
Hifumi : Sensei! We really won right?! This is not a dream, right?!
Doppo : Sorry Sensei. Hifumi was like this from the moment he woke up, saying that he won't believe it unless he confirmed it with you.
Jakurai : It's because you two gave it your all. The won who took all the glory is without a doubt, us.
Hifumi : REALLY?! WOHOO!
Doppo : Hifumi! There are other people as well! Don't shout!
Jakurai : Let's not keep standing here, come inside.
Hifumi : Thankies!
Doppo : Please excuse us.
*inside the room*
Hifumi : This is really crazy. We're the winners!
Doppo : Even though one night has passed, I can't clearly tell the time.
Jakurai : Here, have some coffee.
Doppo : Thank you very much.
Hifumi : Thank you~
Jakurai : Oh, I am keeping the prize money. I will hand it out afterwards.
Hifumi : Prize money... by the way, how much is it?
Jakurai : 100,000,000
Doppo : *spits out coffee* O-o-o-o-o-one hundred million?!
Jakurai : Splitting it by 3 won't do, so I'm fine with 30 million, so I'll give 35 million to you each.
Hifumi : Thank you~! Maybe I'll get presents for my customers, since it's just easy money.
Doppo : 35... million...it's about 6 times of my annual income...
Hifumi : And we get control of the other divisions as well, yes?
Jakurai : That's right, but even though with that, the Chuuoku doesn't accept it as a part of it.
Doppo : But even so, having control over them is... then I can kick my annoying bald boss out of the office branch, huh?
Hifumi : Woah, Doppo-kun so savage!
Jakurai : Doppo-kun, now that you said it...
Doppo : Oh no Sensei.That was a joke, a joke.
Jakurai : There might be a restriction, but there's a possibility for that. That's why, I have a propsal. May I?
Hifumi, Doppo : What is it? / Yes?
Jakurai : If we use this control for selfish desires, it will result in utter disorder. But on the other hand, you can use it on a different way.
Doppo : In other words, it will keep the order if we use it on good things?
Jakurai : Yes, for the mean time, I plan to establish hospitals in each division in places medical care hasn't reached yet.
Hifumi : That's true. Ever since the Chuuoku became the authority, it seems that some area are still in pieces.
Jakurai : Our victory in the next tournament is not assured. So why not use this for a desire that will result in improvements?
Hifumi , Doppo : Roger! / Of course!
Jakurai : Thank you, both of you.
Jakurai : Now then, I know that you're still tired from yesterday, so let's go home and rest-
Hifumi : What are you saying, Sensei? Today we'll prepare a feast!
Doppo : Hey hey, Hifumi. Sensei is tired. At least let him off for today-
Jakurai : Doppo-kun, you don't have to worry. Hifumi-kun, since we have a reason, let's do it!
Hifumi : Yay! Then let's do it in the apartment. Both of us will do the cooking!
Doppo : Eh? Hey, I can't cook!
Hifumi : Hahaha! No more arguing. It's fine if you'll just assist me.
Doppo : Well, if that's it, then even I, can do it.
Jakurai : I'm looking forward to your dishes.
Hifumi, Doppo : Okay!
Jakurai : Well then, you two can go ahead.
Doppo : Eh? You're not going home, Sensei?
Jakurai : Yes. There's somewhere I need to go to first.
Hifumi : Okay, Sensei, then later! Now then Doppo-chin, let's go~
Doppo : Oi, Hifumi, stop pulling me!
Hifumi : Let's go, let's go!
Doppo : I can walk
*door closes*
Jakurai : Yesterday at the staff seats, I wonder if Ichiro-kun and Samatoki-kun noticed it.
Juto : *sighs*
Riou : What's the meaning of that sigh?
Juto : Samatoki calling for us early in the morning, it just wanna make me sigh. For sure it's about us being defeated yesterday.
Riou : Hmm... that's for sure. But why are you sighing?
Juto : Why you ask? Don't you get it? It's "THE" Samatoki. For sure he'll be making a fuss out of the result. If you think about how to calm him down, for sure you'll understand what I'm saying. *Sigh*
Riou : Hmmm, I tried to think of it, but I don't get it. Tell me.
Juto : I'm wrong for thinking that you'll understand it. Please forget about it.
Riou : Is that so? Then let's forget about it.
*door bell rings*
Samatoki : Oh, the door's open, so come in.
*door opens*
Juto : We're going in.
Riou : Sorry for the trouble.
Samatoki : My bad for calling you early in the morning.
Juto : Eh..Ah... Yes, there's no problem at all.
Riou : Yeah, no problem with me, too.
Samatoki : Then that's good. Why the hell are you just standing there? Sit over there.
Juto : A-ah.
Riou : Yeah.
Samatoki : Coffee?
Juto : A-a-ah... Thank you.
Riou : Sure. Let's have it.
Samatoki : 'Kay.
Juto : What's happening? I thought he'll be rampaging but, he's in a good mood?
Samatoki : Here, drink up.
Riou : *sips coffee* Ooh, tasty.
Samatoki : Haha! Cause I'm a pro in coffee making.
Juto : *sips* It's true. This is delicious.
Riou : Since you treated me to a drink, I will prepare a feast when we get back to Yokohama Division.
Samatoki : O-o-oh. I'm counting on yah.
Juto : Samatoki.. you, are you sick? Do you have a fever?
Samatoki : What the hell? I don't have a fever. Stop touching my forehead so casually.
Juto : You... are you not mad?
Samatoki : Huh? Why do I have to be mad?
Juto : I-it's because we lost in yesterday's battle. We thought you're gonna lash on us...
Samatoki : Are you stupid? There's no way I'm gonna lash out on you. On the contrary, I'm grateful.
Juto : G-grateful, you say? You.. to us?
Samatoki : Yeah, just like my battle with that bastard Ichiro, I could have not make it up to here, to battle Sensei if you two are not with me. That's why... how should I say it... Well, thanks.
Juto : Eh?!-- Ah...
Riou : No need to be grateful. Because fate united us and we are a team. Besides, if I'm just more powerful, things won't turn out like this.
Samatoki : Don't say that to me as well. We won't lose next time.
Juto : Ahem, as expected, we can't just stay as losers, huh.
Riou : Ah, I sullied the name of the army. There's no way I'll back down now.
Samatoki : Haha! Now this is getting interesting.
*phone rings*
Samatoki : Sensei? Sensei, what's up?
Jakurai : Samatoki-kun, there's something I want to talk about. Can you spare a little time here in the lobby?
Samatoki : A talk? Is talking through phone not good?
Jakurai : There's something that piques my interetest...
Samatoki : Oh well, I think it's okay. If that's so I'm coming down.
Jakurai : Thank you. Then, later.
Riou : Something happened?
Samatoki : Sensei called for me so I'm going down for a bit.
Juto : We need to check out soon so make it short. We can't get out unless we are all complete.
Samatoki : I know.
Juto : From Jinguji Jakurai, huh? Just what is it he wants to talk about?
Ichiro : Oi, Jiro, Saburo! Are you awake?
*door opens*
Jiro : Good morning, Nii-chan...
Ichiro : Oh. Morning-- that's some eyebags you have there. You didn't sleep?
Jiro : E-eh. For now, let's come inside.
Saburo : Ichi-nii... good morning.
Ichiro : Good morning. What's this, you haven't slept as well, Saburo?
Saburo : Ehehe...
Ichiro : What's with you two?
Jiro : The result of yesterday's battle... that's one hell of a battle, huh?
Ichiro : Yeah, you're right. That was an amazing battle.
Jiro : Looking at that... it was really frustrating.
Saburo : If we are just stronger, we will advance to the finals. We can't sleep thinking about it...
Jiro : We are the ones who held you back... we're pathetic... so pathetic.
Ichiro : Jiro... Saburo. Sorry!
Jiro, Saburo : Eh?
Ichiro : It's my fault for making you guys feel like this. If I just got myself together more properly, we won't lose, and you guys won't be feeling sad like this.
Saburo : I-ichi-nii! Please stop it!
Jiro : He's right, Nii-chan!
Ichiro : No, please listen to the very end. This time, I got too obsessed with that bastard Samatoki, it blinded me from seeing what's around me. If I just managed to be composed at that time, and cooperated with you guys more, we won't have this results. So stop blaming yourselves.
Jiro : Nii-chan...
Saburo : Ichi-nii...
Ichiro : You guys are deepening the wounds. That's what we get to feel in this battle. That makes me happy cause, it made me realize that I really need to get myself together more.
Ichiro : That's why in the next battle, let's put all of our strength and win the battle! You two, although I'm an immature brother, will you come with me to the very end?
Jiro : Of course! I will follow to anywhere you go!
Ichiro : Jiro...
Saburo : Of course! I will devote myself so you don't have to lose anymore!
Ichiro : Saburo... Yosh! This is our great start!
Jiro, Saburo : YES!
*high five*
Jiro : But that being said, it's really a pain that we can't get out unless we're all together.
Ichiro : Ah, it's one thing we should expect from the Chuuoku's side.
Saburo : I wonder why we have freedom during our stay, but not during check in and check out.
Jiro : Checking out flies so fast. Ha... I want to sleep more.
Saburo : Tch. You're really saying that, huh?
Jiro : HUH?! I can fucking hear you Saburo!
Saburo : HAHAHA! For an imbecile, you sure do have good ears! Haaa, I came here when he shouted.
Ichiro : Why?
Saburo : Cause he's been murmuring to himself for a while now. In the end, that is one reason why he wasn't able to sleep.
Jiro : OH!! Saburo you bastard! We promised to keep it a secret! If that's what you're up to, I'll tell yours as well!
Saburo : Ack!
Jiro : This guy's been crying all night under his blanket!
Saburo : S-stop it!!
Jiro : What the hell are y ou doing?!
Saburo : SHUT UP! I'll shut that blabber mouth of yours forever!
Jiro : Oh, oh, oh! Bring it on! Show me your guts!
Saburo : Shut up, you idiot!
Jiro : Shut up, you're the idiot one!
Saburo :You're the idiot!
*continues to insult each other*
Ichiro : Huh? Jakurai-san? Hey, you two! I'm gonna make a call so keep it shut!
Jiro : S-sorry...
Saburo : I'm sorry...
Ichiro : Hello?
Jakurai : Ichiro-kun can you spare a minute?
Ichiro : Yeah.
Jakurai : Can you come here in the lobby?
Ichiro : It's okay, but what's up?
Jakurai : There's something I want to talk directly. It won't take too long.
Ichiro : Got it. Then I'll go down now.
Jakurai : Then, later.
Gentaro : Well then, we should be checking out soon, huh? That Dice... is he still asleep?
Dice : *snorks* I, I finally did it... the jackpot is mine...I'm rich...
Gentaro : What a leisurely face he's making. He's having a pleasant dream, huh? *whispers to Dice* Haaa.. when you thought about obtaining the price at last, you bet it all on the next game... and ended up losing.
Dice : Wha... uh... T-thats...w-why would I do something stupid like that...
Gentaro : Ahahaha! What a simpleton you are Dice! Dice-han~, time to wake up~ leave your dreamland already~ it's all just a dream~
Dice: Hmm... Ha, ha! A d-dream!
Gentaro : Good morning, Dice.
Dice : O-oh. Morning. G-gentaro. I just had an amazing dream.
Gentaro : Oh, what kind of dream?
Dice : When I thought that I finally won after a gamble, the next moment, I realized that it was just all a dream...
Gentaro : Now that's... but are you sure with this?
Dice: About what?
Gentaro : When you tell other people about your dream the moment you wake up, it will never happen.
Gentaro : Well, it's a lie.
Dice : Haaa, thank goodness it's just a lie.
Gentaro : Oh, you're not mad?
Dice: I'm so thankful that it's just a lie that I don't feel like getting mad.
Gentaro : *Oh well, you've been such a barking dog, that it makes me pissed.
Dice : Wow, this guy's saying something uncomprehendable.
Gentaro : Well, then playtime is over. Dice, get ready to leave.
Dice : Oh, it's time to leave now, huh. If I just have more time, I wanted to get revenge in the gambling den here.
Gentaro : Hmm. Speaking of gambling den, aren't you forgetting something, Dice?
Dice : What are you talking about?
Gentaro : Money. The one I lend you.
Gentaro : Why are you laughing trying to cover it up?
Dice : By the way, shouldn't we wake Ramuda?
Gentaro : Ah, a there's a message from Ramuda earlier. He said "I have something to take care off, so I'll be out for a moment! Wait for me at the lobby~!"
Dice : Heh... leaders have a lot to do, huh?
Gentaro : A lot, huh?
Samatoki : Tch, that's some smug I don't want to see early in this morning.
Ichiro : Tch. Samatoki
*lights up cigarette*
Samatoki : *blows smoke* it's "-san" in the end, you dimwit.
Ichiro : Why do I have to do that for someone I can't respect?
Samatoki : Shall I kill you again, right here, right now? Though the result's will be completely the same.
Ichiro : Tch.
Samatoki : What? Nothing to say back at me, you chicken bastard.
Ichiro : We may be lost for this round's battle, but don't think that the next will be the same.
Samatoki : Huh... nomatter how many times, I'll beat you up.
Ichiro : Huh, you only have this time to talk highly.. you... SISCON BASTARD!
Ichiro, Samatoki : HUH?! AH, YOU WANNA GO?!
Ichiro : SISCON
Ichiro, Samatoki : Huh?! SISCON! BROCON! COME HERE!
Jakurai : You two, please calm down.
Ichiro, Samatoki : Tch!
Jakurai : Sorry for making you wait when I'm the one who called you out here. There's no much time left, so I'll get to the point.
Ichiro : Osu.
Jakurai : Nurude Sasara-kun, Harai Kuukou-kun, these two were here yesterday.
Jakurai : You formed team with them before, right?
Samatoki : Why...?
Jakurai : There are other conspicuous men who stood out in the crowd as well.
Ichiro : Kuukou is... in Chuuoku...?
Samatoki : Sasara... that bastard...
Jakurai : Also, my old friend was here as well. Perhaps there is something here in chuuoku that's why those people, who are connected to us, appeared. It might not be the case, but there is nothing wrong in being vigilant, right?
Also, about Amemura-kun...
Ichiro : Is there something with Ramuda?
Jakurai : Hm... No... This is just my justification. Please forget about it.
Samatoki : For sensei to keep his mouth shut, that's quite rare.
Jakurai : But, just remember one thing.
Jakurai : Please be careful of Amemura-kun.
Samatoki : From Ramuda, that bastard...?
Ichiro : Just what do you mean...?
Jiro : Nii-chan, it's almost parting time!
Saburo : I brought your things!
Ichiro : Oh, thank you!
Juto : Geez, I told you not to be late, didn't I?
Riou : Samatoki, as a soldier I can't turn a blind eye on you for not keeping track of the time.
Samatoki : Tch. How annoying.
Jiro : You guys...
Saburo : Iruma Juto, Busujima Mason Riou.
Juto : Oh, the students are here. What a coincidence, being together at check-out.
Jiro : You can look down on me just this time. We won't lose next time.
Saburo : I'll let you know, that the ones on top, were once standing at the bottom.
Riou : That's a good look in your eyes. Much better from when me first met.
Doppo : Sensei, it's almost time.
Hifumi : Sensei, did I brought all of your things?
Jakurai : Thank you, you two. It took longer than I expected.
Dice : Why is everyone gathered here?
Gentarou : My, my, everyone is here. Izanami Hifumi, Kannonzaka Doppo, we've been in your care.
Doppo : G-good morning.
Hifumi : Fufu, same here as well. Please pardon us.
Gentarou : Well, I'm sensing a different aura.
Hifumi : I am me. But if that's how it looks to you, then maybe you can see right through me.
Gentarou : What the hell is this guy saying?
Doppo : AH! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He just turns into a different person when he wears this suit.
Gentarou : Well that's another shady story.
Dice : I can't believe you're saying that. Hey you salaryman. I told you before, that lowering your head holds no worth no matter how many times you do it.
Doppo : S-sorry!
Dice : Haaa.. it seems like I can never get along with you even if we got reincarnated.
Doppo : Haha... even though a guy in his 20's is making fun of me, is lowering my head the only thing I can do? I wonder why am I like this. But wait, we are the winners right? If you compare it to the ranking in a company, he's just a mere employee and I stand as the president, right? Meaning, if I act like I'll punish him, for sure it will take him down. Alright, I'll do it. I'm doing it!
H-hey, bashtards!I- i'll teach you how to speak to people higher than y-you...
Hifumi : Hahaha! Calm down, Doppo. If you were to be gone, it would bring me great despair, so please don't disappear!
Doppo : I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Jakurai : You two, let's end the goodbyes here and let's go home. Well then, goodbye everyone. Until the next battle...
Hifumi : Very well.
Doppo : Yeah, well then. Iruma-san, until next time.
Juto : Yes. I won't lose next time.
Gentarou : Now then, Dice. Shall we wait for Ramuda over there?
Dice : A'ight. Riou-san, I'll come to eat again.
Riou : Okay. I'll be waiting.
Juto : Shall we go as well?
Riou : Yeah, let's.
Samatoki : Ichiro, you're skill is the only thing I'll acknowledge.
Ichiro : Hmph.
Samatoki : But, I'll never forgive you for what you did to Nemu.
Ichiro : What I did to Nemu-chan...? What the hell is he saying?
Ramuda : Ya, ya! Ichijiku onee-san, it's me!
Ichijiku : Amemura? Sit over there.
Ramuda : Okay~! *Ramuda sits*
Ichijiku : How's the battle this time?
Ramuda : *cries* I lost! Comfort me, please~?
Ichijiku : Hmph. You know what will happen when you try to ridicule me, don't you?
Ramuda : Ehe! You can't even take a joke. Boring~!
Ichijiku : The earnings of the first division battle exceeded the expected. You can say that this show is a great success, in terms of amusement and business, and above everything else, these foolish men are battling each and other divisions, and not with us, the Chuuoku.
Ramuda : Right? And for that, you'll let the new force participate in the next war, right?
Ichijiku : It seems that the seeds you scattered in the past, will bloom again.
Ramuda : Ahem, I'm so great!
Ichijiku : Then, here's the next thing I need you to do.
Ramuda : Okay~! I got it!
Ichijiku : There's no second chance, so you better succeed.
Ramuda : Okay~! Oh right, the Hypnosis Canceler, it's been completed right? Does it affect new Hypnosis Mics, perhaps?
Ichijiku : I'll have one thing to say to you. It's not something you need to know.
Ramuda : Eh~ why won't you answer me?
Ichijiku : Amemura... don't get ahead of yourself. We have a lot to replace you any time-
Ramuda : Onee-san is so scary~ *stands* See you again Ichijiku- oneesan~
Ichijiku : A failed creation, as expected.
Ramuda : That damn woman, I'll kill her someday. No... not just her, but them all humans...
*evil laughter*
*The thing Gentarou said is so deep, I can't even translate it in english. He said something like "You're so annoying recently I am annoyed as well."
Well.. I did my best :3
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darisugawa · 6 years
❝ Sorry I, uh… Walked in on your alone-time. I swear I didn’t see much. ❞ for uhhhhhhhhh Jakurai he deserves to get his meat beat
so yeah this one’s another Long One and it took me 84 years a;sldkfjAS;DLKFJ 
but tbh shoutout to @theempresskaizer who left like the nicest tag dump under my samatoki fic bc it gave me the Encouragement to finish this scenario for jakurai thank u
ANYWAY UH… this is phone sex just. straight up. so very dialogue heavy LOL
Negative Numbers
          ↪ Jakurai/Reader
Jakurai doesn’t consider himself a man of many indulgences.
He could make many excuses as to why that is, whether it’shis schedule, his lack of desire, his priorities–anything. There’s along list of things that come before his own pleasures that he has sorted downto a particular science and he’s too meticulous to stray from it at this pointin his life. Or perhaps he’s just getting old–too stubborn to strayfrom habit to fix what’s not entirely broken.
The only problem is that his current predicament might be inneed of fixing, given that it’s not the first time he’s had to deal withit in just the past two weeks.
Jakurai sighs to himself, having woken up from another dream–sovery unlike him, as seeing things in his sleep only ever means bad news.They’re not like the nightmares, at least, but he wonders if they’re worse.There is tea to drink and syringes to fiddle with when he is restless frombattle-hardened memories, but there is no quick fix to longing,indefinite as it is. Matters of the heart are confusing andfrustrating–incomprehensible and without reason. Jakurai dislikes problemsthat don’t come with decided formulas, even if he begrudgingly understands thathe’s no exception their inevitable nature.
He’d prefer it, at least, if that said longing took a moreshapeless, anonymous form. It’d be far, far easier if he didn’tassociate his desires with you.
Another sigh escapes him as he sits up, ever aware of the heatthat’s coiled up at his very core and how he strains against his pants.He’s not been a teenager for some time, but Jakurai is certain he’s notexperienced inane wet dreams in just as long. Faint images of animaginary you remain in his mind–your lips wrapped around his cock as you lookup to him, observing every reaction he gives you. The thought isn’t nearly assatisfying when he’s lucid, as the feeling ghosts along him instead ofactually providing anything of substance. Jakurai drags his legs over the sideof the bed and puts his face in his hands with a groan. He will have to takecare of this, even though a small part of him loathes putting the effort into asolution that will only last him a short while.
The clock reads 2:17 AM.
As it turns to 2:18, his phone rings.
Jakurai doesn’t bother to check the name before quicklyanswering it, hoping that maybe whoever it is may have more importantmatters to distract him with. Perhaps it’s Ichiro-kun, who’ll apologize for thelate hour but insist he needs some over-the-counter suggestions for one of hisbrothers… He considers Doppo-kun, but realizes he’d more likely be trying tosleep at this hour. Hifumi-kun should be at work, and–
“Oh, Jakurai-san? I didn’t think you’d answer at this hour.”
… Ah. This is quite the predicament.
“… It’s not very common,” he grunts out, cursing his ownluck that the very source of his distractions is just on the other end of theline. The sound of your voice sends a shiver down his spine and Jakurai pincheshis own thigh, as if reminding himself to keep his composure.
“You do sound like you’ve just woken up,” you say,sounding a little guilty. “I apologize if–”
“No,” he says, too hasty, before he shakes his head,trying to get rid of the haze. “No, I was… already awake. It’s no trouble. Whatwas it you wished to call me for?”
“You asked me for those documents a few days ago, remember?I’ve finally gotten them gathered and organized, so I figured I’d leave you avoicemail since your phone is usually off at these hours.”
“Is… that right?” he asks, just barely able to wrap his mindaround what you’re talking about. Jakurai ends up focusing so much on the soundof your voice that he can’t even comprehend what you’re saying. Goodness.
“… You sound flustered, Jakurai-san,” you say, soundingsuspicious. He shivers again at the sound of his name on your tongue. “Did I…perhaps interrupt something?”
Ah. A direct question, as always. Jakurai clears his throat,caught off guard, but he knows that alone has given him away and he wonders ifyou have that curious smile turning your lips up at this revelation. Thesilence is heavy, but you wait for his answer patiently. He swallows.
“… Something like that, perhaps.”
“I see,” you say, humming to yourself on the other end. “Yetyou saw it fit to answer me right away, regardless? It makes me wonder of yourintentions, Jakurai-san.”
“Nothing unsavory, I can promise,” he insists. Not foranswering the phone, at least. “I was quite hoping for a distraction fromthis… issue of mine, actually.”
“Oh? Talking business to get your mind on other things?” youask, sounding as if you’re shifting your phone from one ear to the other. “Or…were you looking for another sort of distraction?”
Jakurai feels himself throb and uses all of hiswillpower not to curse aloud. “… Is that your offer?’’
“I wouldn’t mind. We’re good friends, aren’t we?” youinsist. “I’m a bit pent up myself… it could be mutually beneficial.’’
Mutually beneficial. It sounds so clinical, butJakurai wants to use it as a proper excuse for himself. Maybe it’s not right ofhim, but if he can rationalize he’s also helping you in the process,then he suddenly doesn’t feel so bad about it.
… Is he really so desperate that he’ll reach for anything?
“… What do you propose?”
“Hm… Will just my voice do for you?”
He hears you giggle on the other end and he moves to leanback against his bed frame. This is shameless, he knows, but you areboth adults. You know him too well by now to offer him something like thiswithout knowing the consequences… of which there will be many in the aftermaththat you’ll have to talk about in extent. But just this once, Jakurai doesn’twant to consider the details–he just wants you to tell him what to do.
“Tell me then, good doctor,” you say and he hears the soundof a chair leaning back. “What were you thinking about before you picked up thephone?”
Jakurai wraps an arm around his stomach, gripping at his ownclothes. “… I was dreaming of that which I do not have.”
“And what would that be?”
He’s afraid to say it, but your gentle voice prods him,anyway. “… You.”
“Oh?” you ask, feigning surprise as you hum to yourself. Youknow exactly what you’re doing, but he’s not inclined to stop you. “That’s verycurious indeed… For you to be so riled up, I must’ve been doing somethinginappropriate, for certain.”
“… It is my own fault, to have imagined it that way.”
“Nobody’s blaming anyone, are they? I’m simply askingbecause I want to help, Jakurai-san…” you say with an even tone. “… Was it myhand? Perhaps my mouth you were thinking of?”
His hand starts to loosen its grip. “… Your mouth.”
You fake a gasp of surprise, but he doesn’t respond to itright away. “Really? You’d be so desperate for me to have a taste ofyou? Jakurai-san, I’m surprised…” You pause. “… Though I suppose being calleda god makes one long for someone to kneel before them.”
“… I’m no better than any man seeking the warmth ofanother,” he says, allowing himself to push his pants past his hips and lettingout a sigh of relief as he rids himself of restraint. “I wish to be nothingmore before you, if I may…”
“Before me? Jakurai-san, you must be joking.”
“You would need only to ask of me…” he insists, shivering ashe wraps a hand around himself, circling his thumb at the tip. “Call it worshipif you wish… I’ll confess at your altar, if only you’d be mine…”
“Dangerous words from a dangerous man, Jakurai-san,” yousay, thought you sound a little breathless. He wonders if he can have that sortof effect on you–if you long in the same way that he does. “Surely…I’ll let your words go to my head, if I’m not careful.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you,”–never to you–“So youneed not to worry… If it’s a god you wish to be, then I would make it so…”Jakurai starts to stroke himself then, sighing as he imagines your hand insteadof his own–smaller, more delicate.
“Do you always make such impossible promises?” you ask. “Itmakes me wonder what it is you expect of me…”
“I expect nothing,” he says, moving his hand in a twistingmotion. “Even if this is all you’ll give me in the end… I won’t be able tostop. I’m too far along to let go…”
He hears you sigh against his ear this time and he wondersif you’ve begun to touch yourself, too. The thought haunts him–the image ofyou messily half-dressed as you seek release with him, unable to experienceanything but your own touch. Do you wish his hands were on you instead, the wayhe does yours? Do you want him to unravel you, take you apart until you laybare beneath him in the same way?
“… You offer too much of yourself, good doctor,” you saywith a breathless laugh. “… Wouldn’t you prefer to be a little selfish? Letme take care of you…?”
He stutters out a quiet moan, speeding up his pace a little.“I dare not to hope for such things, you must realize…”
“Let me indulge you then,” you insist, your breath hitchingas you speak. “Though all you have are my words right now… You can ask mefor whatever you like, Jakurai-san.”
“… You’re all I want,” he admits, too caught up in his ownpleasure to reel himself back in. “These are desires only you could possiblysatisfy… I long only for what you and you alone can give me…”
He hears a moan from the other end and Jakurai slumps backfurther against his bed frame. You’re in your own throes of pleasure, allbecause of him and he can hardly stand that he’s not there to see ithimself. It’s quiet between you two for a moment, save for the sounds you shareover the phone, but you speak up again after a while.
“… Allow me to give you that,” you eventually tell him,short of breath and so, so close–or so he hopes. “If it’s just me youwant, then take it… I won’t stop you.”
“You can finish… just for me, Jakurai-san.”
For you.
His breath hitches when he feels himself spill over hishand, leaning back heavily as it trails down his knuckles. He calls your nameout in whispers, wishing so desperately that you might be here to kiss it outof his mouth. Jakurai doesn’t have such a luxury, so he at least settles forhearing you call out for him in turn as you reach your own high from the otherend. You share heavy breaths over the phone and he’s too content to want tomove from his spot, wanting to let the moment drag on for as long as possible.You’re the one who breaks the silence and he almost regrets it.
“… Was that what you were looking for, Jakurai-san?”
He doesn’t answer right away, gathering his thoughts. “…Did you mean it? When you said you wouldn’t stop me?”
You laugh in response. “As you would do the same, I wouldn’tlie to you.”
His shoulders relax and despite himself, he feels hopeful.“Perhaps my timing is terrible, but… may I see you tomorrow? We should… discusssome things.”
“Of course. I’d hate to leave you with just thoughts of me…I’m not so cruel, you know.”
“Only when you don’t feel like it,” he says, unable to helpthe chuckle that leaves his throat.
“I won’t be cruel to you, is what I mean,” you say,sounding indignant. “But… the hour is late. For now, you should rest… and wecan have our talk tomorrow.”
“… You swear it?”
“On my very soul, Jakurai-san,” you say. “I’ll come for you,worry not.”
He nods to himself, offering a hum of approval before hefinally bids you good night. You’ll come for him, you promised it, anddespite the mess he’s in, his worries are no longer there in the back of hismind.
Jakurai will see you tomorrow–perhaps things will be setback on the right path, then.
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hyphypmic · 5 years
Happy Birthday Hifumi!
Just a little something for our very special party boy :))) — It’s Hifumi’s birthday, but he wasn’t going to skip work. Doppo had greeted him happy birthday (well, tried to, the salaryman left a sweet post-it in the bedside table) that morning. Apologising over and over again because the office wanted him early, like, really early. The blonde smiled at that, his boyfriend, always the worry wart. Jakurai had called him, greeting Hifumi happy birthday, though he also called to apologise that he wouldn’t be able to meet up with him, the hospital needed him around and he couldn’t find a way. Though disheartened, Hifumi just replied in his usual puppy-like way, a smile plastered on his face and joy laced in his tone. He told the doctor that it was okay and texted Doppo saying that he would hopefully be able to spend time with him on Sunday, when Doppo was off work. With a sigh, Hifumi got out of bed and just spent the day lounging around at home, cooking food and working out, a bit sad that he was spending it alone. It was different when it was a regular day because it was a regular day, not his birthday. He even made himself a small cake, which is kind of... well. It came with a glass of bourbon though, and had orange liqueur in the icing and the cake itself so, one could say that he was satisfied. In other words, he had a lot of time to do things, but he couldn’t exactly bring himself to go out. He just wasn’t in the mood and would want nothing more than to spend it with his friends. He wasn’t angry of course, but he couldn’t help wishing that they had tried a little harder to spend time with him, even just for a lunch or something. Before leaving for work, he put on his suit, switching into his other persona, though part of him wished he wasn’t spending the night like this, especially on his birthday. He sighed, forcing himself to give himself a charming smile as he looked in the mirror, looking dapper as ever wearing his floral suit and eyes glittering. He walked to work, winking at every passerby that gave him a look and savoured the sounds of the street, the neon lights flashing like a public disco party. Hifumi tried his best to walk confidently to work, his head held up high, even if he felt a little out of it. Oddly enough though, when he stood in front of his club, it was quiet. Usually there was a long line of girls waiting outside, extending even over to the next block. There was also supposed to be a party already going on inside, lights flashing and laughed coming out of the doors. But there was none of that, it was just quiet, the lights off, the interior completely dark. So Hifumi took out his hypnosis mic, turned it on and walked inside, his nerves slightly on edge. The suit helped him remain calm and even a little brave. He opened the door, silence and darkness greeting him. He crept in quietly, his leather shoes barely making any sound on the wooden floor. The door swung shut behind him and he forced himself not to yelp in surprise and tried not to feel like he was the one being trapped in his own place. Hifumi knew the layout of his club, memorised it like the back of his hand, so it was no problem to navigate even in the complete darkness. His mind raced with the possibilities of what could be going on, maybe a prank, or another crazed stalker... or maybe everyone decided to go somewhere else, even his waiters and his bartenders... which wouldn’t make any sense because he was a good boss and he never treated his employees wrongly. He made his way to the center of the club, a few meters away from where the bar should be. He stopped, holding his breath so he could hear whatever was going on. He swore he heard someone’s voice and he turned his head around, hoping his eyes would adjust to the inky blackness. Suddenly, arms wrapped around him and shoved him into a chair. Hifumi almost shouted, if it weren’t for the hand covering his mouth. He tried to wriggle free, but the arms held firm. He tried licking the hand, but it didn’t budge even as he started to find it disgusting. Though he did taste the alcohol on the palm, and not the kind of liquor he liked or knew of, but rubbing alcohol... The white ceiling lights suddenly turned on and the arms let go of him. Hifumi’s eyes adjusted and he whirled around, his fists balled and positioned to hit, looking at who got him. Only to find the doctor away from him, Jakurai smiling and out of reach. “Happy Birthday.” Another voice said from behind him. Hifumi turned around slowly and saw his boyfriend, hands outstretched and holding a two-tier cake, with a spilled glass of champagne as the topper, spilling out glittering golden fondant over the tiers, artfully done by whatever baker. It was complete with Hifumi’s favourite chocolates and some flowers to adorn it. The blonde’s heart soared, shocked by what he beheld before him, his jaw open. The two of them must have... well, he didn’t care. Doppo smiled at him, wearing the party outfit Hifumi bought him, a green silk button down shirt and ripped jeans, the top unbuttoned halfway down the chest, drawing Hifumi’s attention to the necklace he wore. Doppo’s face looked beautiful illuminated by the faint candlelight. “Sorry we lied.” He said softly. “We just wanted to surprise you.” He smiled again. “Give you a day off.” Jakurai came behind Hifumi, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Perhaps you would like to take off the suit.” Hifumi didn’t even realize he was still wearing it, his persona switched without even taking it off, but he slid off the blazer anyway, placing it on the chair where Jakurai held him hostage. He turned around and bowed slightly to sensei, remembering what he did. “Sensei! I’m sorry about your hand!” He blushed, realizing that it was alcohol from the hospital that he was tasting. Jakurai chuckled. “I’m the one that held you hostage.” He put his hands in his pockets, Jakurai looking graceful as usual in a black button down and black slacks, his black coat nowhere to be seen. “It’s my fault.” Doppo put the cake down on the bar table. “If you were scared I’m sorry-“ He was interrupted by Hifumi crashing into him, hugging him tight. “Thank you thank you thank you!” Hifumi said and kissed Doppo with every thank you. He pulled away from Doppo and did the same to Jakurai, without the kissing of course. Hifumi was grinning from ear to ear, but then frowned when he thought about his club. “What about-“ Jakurai held up a hand. “I took care of it. Your employees were more than happy to clear out for the night.” Jakurai’s eyes glittered. “They said they might have something for you as well.” Hifumi smiled again, the sad feeling in his chest completely gone. He was so happy that his friends bothered, that he wasn’t going to just go to work that night. “Aren’t you going to blow the candles?” Doppo asked quietly as he took his place behind the bar. “And I’m not that good at drinks, but I thought I should... try the stuff you taught me.” He paused. “If that’s alright with you.” Hifumi nodded, his blonde hair bouncing. “I love you!” Doppo blushed at that. “Blow your cake.” He asked softly. Hifumi stepped up to the cake and closed his eyes, wishing that there would be more nights like this and blew the candles out. Jakurai clapped, suddenly handing Hifumi a long box. “I didn’t know what to get you.” Jakurai said as Hifumi brought it close to his ear, shaking it like a little kid. The blonde opened the lid and gasped at what he found inside. He pulled out a shot glass out of the five that was inside. Etched in the glass was his MC name, GIGOLO and on the other side was the Matenrou logo. The other glasses had different designs on them, one had a rose on it, another had crystals arranged in swirls, another had gold glitters all over, and the last was covered in etched flowers. “I hope you like them.” Jakurai said as Hifumi examined them with wide eyes. “I had them made for you.” Hifumi put them down on the bar gingerly, not quite believing that he got them. He then wiped his eyes. “Thank you, Sensei.” Jakurai smiled at Hifumi. “Not a problem.” Doppo cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to him. He then handed Hifumi his gift, sliding it across the bar, it was a small box. The blonde smiled and opened it immediately, gasping at the contents. The salaryman’s heart warmed at the expression, memorising it. Hifumi lifted out a golden bracelet, seeing that it was laser-etched with flowers on the outside, and on the inside, a message from Doppo. “More precious than gold.” Doppo muttered as Hifumi read it. The host put it on immediately, smiling as he did so, then grabbed Doppo and kissed him, expressing his gratitude enthusiastically. Jakurai chuckled. “Well.” He looked at Doppo as Hifumi pulled away. “Doppo-kun, weren’t you going to make drinks?” “Y-Yes sensei!” Doppo turned away from the birthday boy, blushing as he picked alcohol from the bar. Hifumi giggled, beyond happy with what was happening right at that moment. And it was one of the best birthdays he ever had, even if he drank himself to sleep that night.
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gentlyouttatime · 5 years
I’m Not A Princess (A Lot of Anger In It) Ch1
Hifumi Togo doesn't cheat at Shogi. She doesn't! But the rumors say otherwise. Meanwhile, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts realize that it's not just corrupt adults who can hold Palaces in their hearts...
June 26th “Thank you for meeting with me. My apologies for messaging you on such short notice.” “It’s no problem,” Ren said with a smile. “We are friends, after all.” “Yes…” Yusuke looked down at his coffee. He looked like he wanted to continue, but hesitated when Sojiro came out from behind the counter. “Alright, you two, I’m closing Leblanc for the afternoon. I’ll be back later. Don’t cause any trouble while I’m gone.” “Aye aye, sir,” Ren intoned. Sojiro rolled his eyes and waved as he exited the café. Yusuke waited for the second chime of the bell above the door. He took a deep breath, then sighed. “I must admit I wasn’t quite honest about why I wanted to meet with you. This isn’t about my art, or Madarame. I wanted to talk alone. Is Morgana around?” Ren leaned forward, resting his face on his hand. “He’s upstairs, asleep. Will that be a problem?” Yusuke spent a moment studying Sayuri before speaking. Whatever this was, he was serious about it. “No, that’s fine. I’m just… not quite sure how serious this matter is. I don’t want to get the others riled up about a matter that might not mean anything, especially since we already have Kaneshiro to worry about. To be honest, even I’m not sure why I feel so conflicted about this.” He cupped his hands around his mug, gripping it tighter. He still hadn’t drunk any coffee after his initial sip. Ren raised an eyebrow. He had a few questions already. But sometimes the best thing to say to somebody was nothing at all. Instead, he folded his hands in his lap and waited. Yusuke raised his coffee cup to his lips, but suddenly set it back down. Yusuke met Ren’s eyes for the first time since he’d walked in. “This happened shortly after the conversation we had about Hifumi Togo, the shogi player that goes to Kosei. In one of my studio classes I was examining the MetaNav under the guise of looking for references. Of course, I do think that Mementos would be valuable to study after our many excursions there. The congregation of Shadows and swirling masses as a dark reflection of our—” Ren held up a hand. “Yusuke. Let’s discuss that later.” Yusuke blinked in surprise. “Ah, yes. As I was examining the app, a few students nearby were gossiping about one of our peers’ upcoming attempts to court her. But then… well, allow me to demonstrate.” He pulled out his phone and brought up the MetaNav. “Hifumi Togo, second-year at Kosei High.” There was a flash that seemed to emanate from the phone and travel around the room. For a moment, the world seemed dimmer, and Ren’s glasses felt wrong, too heavy for his face. And then— “Candidate found.” Ren readjusted his glasses. “Oh, shit.” “Indeed. To think that a student could have a Palace… I don’t understand what sort of corruption she could possibly hold in her heart. It’s completely different from any of the targets that the Phantom Thieves have gone after so far. I shudder to think of the sort of wrongdoings that could cause this to arise. But because this case is so different… I wanted to ask you, our leader, about it. If it’s possible… could you help me investigate the situation?” Morgana hopped up onto the counter. “I think you should do it, Joker. If there’s a chance this girl has a Palace, it’s worth checking out.” Yusuke jumped. “I didn’t hear you come down.” Morgana lifted his head haughtily. “A Master Thief is a master of stealth.” Ren raised an eyebrow. “And how long have you been eavesdropping on our conversation, Morgana?” Morgana’s tail twitched. “I wasn’t eavesdropping, really! I woke up when the MetaNav had a reaction.” Ren reached over to scratch behind his ears. “Oh? Is that so?” Yusuke looked sheepish. “Truly, I didn’t mean anything by my leaving you out of the conversation, Morgana. I just wanted to consult Ren before bringing this up with any of the others.” “You’re forgiven, Yusuke. Tactically, it’s important to consider whether a battle is worth fighting before undertaking it. A little reconnaissance is—urgh, Ren, stop scratching at my chin while I’m trying to talk!” Ren held up his hands in surrender. He’d gotten Yusuke to smile, just a little. The decision was easy after hearing both of them out. He pushed back his hair and gave a signature Joker smirk. “Okay, let’s do it.”
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sketchy-vii-writes · 6 years
Fighting Against Instinct
Pairing: Doppo x Hifumi
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3065
TW: Allusions to past sexual abuse, anxiety, panic attacks
Summary: Hifumi’s host persona didn’t come out of nowhere. It took many nights of careful crafting to force himself into that person. It wasn’t an easy feat, and those first few nights take their toll on the host.
Reality will break your heart,
Survival will not be the hardest part,
It’s keeping all your hopes alive,
When all the rest of you has died,
So let it break your heart.
Paramore - 26
Dim lights fill the club, casting an air of intimacy throughout the room. Deep colored hues shine down upon the plush couches strewn about the club. Dust hangs in the thick strands of light, lazily floating by his eyes. The air is thick with perfume, a cocktail of sweet and floral enveloping him. The scent is both foreign and sickeningly familiar as he eases himself into the seat of the couch. His suit fits snuggly around him, pulling against his thin frame as he attempts to find a position to make himself appear comfortable. Music is blaring across the space, attempting to create an open and fun atmosphere for the clientele of the club. Each night he leaves his ears ring for hours due to the volume it is kept it. It’s an odd ambiance set within the space, one meant to feel both intimate and chaotic, open and private. It’s a space for those willing to pay for the time and company of others, and those willing to give that time.
Glancing up through blond fringe, he meets the eyes of the woman seated beside him. She is pretty, long black hair framing a heart shaped face. Her bright green eyes sparkle as he meets them, a painted smile stretching across her features. In another life he may have found her attractive, may have loved the opportunity to spend a moment with her, a day, a night, but not in this life. Not when the mere knowledge of her gender makes his stomach riot, causes anxiety to start sparking across his skin as if he were electric. He can feel his breath attempt to quicken, his heart rate begin to spike. He forces himself to coyly smile as he shuts his eyes. He grips the red stone hanging from the cord around his neck, long enough to hang where the habit does not appear out of place. He pushes his worry into the smooth surface of the pendant as he breathes out slowly. He counts in his head with his slow breath before speaking slowly.
“So, kitten,” he starts, willing his eyes open, golden hooded irises staring across the couch, “how was your day?”
Hours pass, one after another as new women are brought to share his company. This is his job, his way of living and he knows that, but a scared and broken part of him feels like he had crafted a personal hell for himself to be tormented in. With each new face he feels himself splitting. His mind dissociating, pulling away from himself and reality. The man talking to these women is not him. He is trapped, screaming within his own head to run and hide and never look back as his outward self flirts, coyly smiling and smirking his way into his companion’s wallet. He is not cut out for this, not made for this, what was he thinking? Of all places to find himself within, how did he find himself here? Cursing his own stupid thinking he spins as another patron enters his booth. He’s asking questions he already knows the answer to. He knows he has been through too much, suffered, and survived too much. He has found himself standing on the other side with a nagging voice in his head that maybe he is nothing more than a pretty face. Maybe every ghostly voice whispering in his ear is right, that he is nothing more than the face he was born with, and that every touch he feels tear across his skin in the dead of night was warranted because he will never truly amount to anything more than a burden. Maybe though, he thinks maybe, standing on the other side of everything, he can use what he was born with and can help him, help the man who gave him everything and expected nothing in return.
Glancing up across the couch he sees his new patron, and for a moment the redhead in his booth is not a torturous visage into past pain, but him. For a moment he sees tired teal eyes and the weight of the world sat on sagging shoulders, and just for a moment he can breathe. He thinks of everything that man has done for him, helping him escape the home he never truly had, helping him find solace here in Shinjuku, helping him recover, learn, live, breathe again. He took this tormentous job because he thought, maybe, just maybe, that this will help him… and maybe himself too. Maybe if he bathes himself in his nightmares he could come out of this the self he should have become. If he spends every night surrounded by the one thing that sends his mind spinning into irrational fear, maybe he can become the man he should have been. The man his world deserves.
A pressure weighs upon his wrist and the sight is gone, he is gone and she is back and his skin is burning. It takes every ounce of self-control to not yank his hand back at the unexpected contact. He swallows the panic creeping up his throat, righting himself and fixing his gaze on her.
“Sorry, kitten,” his voice is laced in honey, but his mind is screaming for escape. “I got lost there for a moment.” He laughs, the fake version of himself shoving him back into the depths of his mind. He is watching himself from within, screaming at himself to get out, but he can’t. This is all a con he is playing on himself to prove he is better, prove he has left his ghosts in the past and his healed. He puts his jacket on each night and loses the true him, becomes someone that he is not, he never was, but it is the only way he knows how to survive and thrive here. So he does it, and so far he has done it well. He may be new, but he is already well received by the club’s clientele. It leaves a hollow feeling of accomplishment in his chest, to be loved by what he fears. If the women brought before him knew the real him would run from the room in tears, what would they think of him then?
The night wears on much the same. Each hour a new face before him until he cannot differentiate anymore between them. It is a blur of perfume and champagne calls, the combination wreaking havoc on his nerves. The potent cocktail of alcohol and anxious triggers putting him on an edge he would rather step away from instead of feeling like he will teeter over any moment.
She is brought before him, his last client of the night, and he can feel the relief flooding through him. One more hour and he can free himself from the noose like grip of his blazer’s collar, breathe deep the impending dawn, and find his way home to the warmth awaiting him. Her smile is bright, but drooping, alcohol clearly already taking its toll on her. It is not his first drunken client, and it will not be his last, but he always feels on edge when they get this close. The job too new, and the wounds not yet scars, he finds old habits hard to break. He tenses briefly at her quick closeness before his host self takes over again, the late hour making it harder to focus. He adjusts himself on the couch, crossing his lithe legs and bows his head towards her. He extends a hand, silver rings winking under the multi-colored lights.
“It’s a pleasure, my dear.” He is tired, but he wants to do his job right. She reaches for his hand and encircles his wrist with her slender fingers. The action is startling, but he keeps himself from reacting.
“I-it’s nice to -hic- mee’ you.” She’s slurring as he returns to his typical posture. She pushes closer to him, and he can smell the alcohol on her breath, the perfume on her skin, traces of her shampoo, it’s all swarming around him as he tries to remain calm and even. He just wants to do his job right.
The time goes by relatively smoothly, he offers her drinks while she talks of her day and troubles with her boyfriend. She spends most of the time just within his sphere of comfort. She is almost too close, almost touching, almost sending him over the edge. He can feel himself teetering further over that ledge in his mind, willing every ounce of his strength to throw him back.
The hour ends and he stands abruptly, putting out a hand to help her from the couch. She stands on uncertain legs as he begins bringing her towards the door to see her out into the neon night. She is wobbly on too high heels, and he fears she may careen towards the concerte once she leaves the club. He has a guiding hand hovering behind her as they approach the front door. Turning, he bows towards his final client. A sigh of relief rushes out of him as he feels the weight of his necklaces swing forward. He is almost home.
“I hope you had a good evening, kitten.” His voice is scratchy with fatigue as he stands, winking in her direction as she giggles. His mind is hazy with an awful combination of weariness and alcohol, his thoughts are swimming as he gives his final goodbye. Not focusing on his client as he prepares to leave her, he does not register her movement until she is already around him. Her arms wrap loosely around his neck, head delved into his shoulder. His mind is whirring, stomach and thoughts churning as her scent is oozing into him. She is too close and his is panicking. She drops a quick kiss on his cheek and laughs while falling back to her feet, and he is burning. Anxiety is crashing over him in unending waves and he cannot tell if the hands he feels on his skin are hers or phantom touches from his past.
“Goodnight,” she titters behind her hand before tucking out of the club.
He is frozen in place, tremors working their way through him as he tries to pull himself together. It was not supposed to be like this. He was better, is better. He took this job to be better, not to fall down upon old ways and bitter fears. Without realizing, he is moving through the club, pushing his way to the back. Part of him registers other hosts asking if he is okay, but in this moment, he cannot tell if they are here with him or not.
He comes to himself within the employee bathroom, door locked and seated on the floor. The air around him feels stale and suffocating as he tries to pull himself out of the depths of his panic. He briefly notices his jacket is thrown on the other side of the room as he is raking his fingers through his hair. Product and sweat is collecting across his fingers as he rocks back and forth on the dingy concrete floor. He is shaking in a way that he hasn’t in so long. He didn’t know. He didn’t know one touch could drag him all the way back here. It hurts to breathe, each breath feeling like a red hot pain searing its way through him as he tries to rid himself of the memory of every awful touch he has ever felt. He is clawing at himself, scrubbing his palms over his neck and face to overwrite the caustic feeling scoring through him.
Without thinking, his phone is in his hand, dialing the only person he has ever been able to rely on. He presses the phone tight to his head, the edges of the phone digging into the hard edge of his ear, his other hand still pulling at his skin hoping against everything to stop this unending pain. The line is ringing before he is able to curse himself for calling at such an hour, but he doesn’t know what else to do. He is reeling in this moment, and the only person who has ever been able to talk him down is the redhead on the other end of the phone.
“Hello? Hifumi?” Doppo sounds so tired, but not awoken, and Hifumi wonders for a second if he is up waiting for him. He is panting into the receiver, trying to regulate himself enough to not tip off the other man.
“Hifumi? Are you there?” Worry. That is all Hifumi can hear in Doppo’s voice, and he is kicking himself for worrying him again. This was dumb. He should have taken care of this on his own and pulled himself together and gotten himself home on his o- “Are you having a- is it a bad night over there?” There’s rustling on the other end of of the phone, Doppo is probably righting his frame on the couch to fully invest himself in the conversation. Pulling thin legs beneath him to sit more comfortably. Thinking about the mundane movement gives him something to picture instead of fixating on the suffocating anxiety curling over his throat.
“I’m fine, Doppo.” He forces his voice to sound bubbly, more like his true self. He does not want to hear the broken person he has let himself become. “Everything is going great!” He lies, the bitter taste of the words coating his mouth. “I-I just wanted to check in on my Doppo before heading home.”
“Mhm… just tired… like always.” Hifumi lets out a small laugh, finding comfort in the banal conversation.
“Oh, Doppo, Doppo, Doppo, why don’t you get some sleep.” There’s a grumpy sigh on the other end of the phone. He can almost picture Doppo rolling his eyes before placing his forehead into the palm of his hand.
“I’m waiting up for you.” Hifumi’s chest tightens at the soft words, tears brimming in his eyes at the over abundance of emotions inundating him.
“Doppo, you don’t have to do something like this for me.” His voice has softened, unable to keep his true emotions from seeping into his words.
“I’m doing it, now shut up.” The blond smiles, finding Doppo’s ever present discomfort with overt affection endearing. The simplest things about his partner always giving him true comfort. “Just… just get home safe, Hifumi, okay?”
His breath hitches, the panic in his chest giving way to a comforting warmth. His body is buzzing with the after effects of everything, but the knowledge of the home waiting for him gives him the strength to keep going.
“Of course. Doppo. I’ll… I’ll see you soon.”
“Alright… I-I love you, Hifumi.” He bows his head, the words breaking over him in a soothing crest. They don’t fix everything, nothing but time can mend the wounds he has, but they do offer the comforting knowledge that there is good and kindness in this world, not just the darkness he was forced to face.
“I love you too, Doppo.”
He ends the call and places his head on his knees. His body is still trembling with the aftershocks of his panic. Adrenaline is still coursing through him making him feel like a live wire. His face and neck are aching, and he knows he probably has the marks to prove it blooming across his skin. In this moment, however, he doesn’t really care. In this moment he just wants to curl into the warm pocket in his chest and make a home there. He wants to pool himself into those tender emotions and never step out again. He knows though, that life is not like that. He knows that if he did not live through all that he has gone through that he would not cherish the good that he has now. So with the last ounce of strength he has, he hauls himself up from the floor, dusting himself off and throws on his jacket. He spares a quick glance in the mirror to check the damage he has done. His eyes are ringed in red, face blotchy with pink watercolor stains earned from the toxic emotions he let out. He can see growing scratches littering one side of his face he gained from his attempts to rid himself of her touch. Staring forward he sees a man, a broken man just trying his hardest to forget a past that won’t let him go when the darkness of night comes creeping in. His eyes are wide with dying panic, and he can see his frame still shaking faintly as his body continues to try and find its new normal.
He closes his eyes, willing himself to stop thinking such things of himself. He raises his head, staring into the mirror again and looking harder, trying to force himself to see the things Doppo is always telling him to look for. The man that Doppo sees. He’s looking at himself, and tries to see a man with a caring air, a large and strong heart that just wants to live in a world he doesn’t have to be afraid of. A man that does not want to hide from his fears, but face them everyday and learn from them. Hifumi doesn’t always see what Doppo tells him he sees every time he looks at him, but it doesn’t stop him from trying, and right now… he is a little closer to seeing that version of himself, the self he wants to be. He glances down, running his trembling fingers over the red stone hanging against his chest, the same red as copper hair in sunlight, and turns to leave and finally make his way home.
He knows that tonight will not be the last night he feels this way. Knows that he will struggle and falter and fall for the rest of his life. He has known all of this for a long time, but he also knows that he is growing. He knows that he is stronger than before, and he will get stronger with every day. He does not need to be perfect now, or ever, all he wants is normal. Doppo tells him that normal is overrated, and that he does not have to be anything but happy. Doppo just wants him to be happy. He smiles at the thought as he enters the brisk Shinjuku night. Staring up at the expanse of neon, he sighs. He does not know if he will always be happy, or if he will ever reach a normal that suits him. What he does know is that here and now, he is content with what he has, and happy with the home he is heading to. He knows, for now, that is all he needs.
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swappedsurvival · 4 years
About Muse
Blog Canon
Important! I am willing to write the canon verse/this verse with changes to it! This is just the base I have for my muse! Thank you in advanced for reading all of this!
Bonus: We can also jump in at any spot in this story! I don’t mind changing the canon in rps.
When Monokuma revealed the second motive for murder, as a million dollars, Kiyotaka actually found himself scuffing at the idea. Who would kill someone else over something as stupid as money. Now, Kiyotaka wasn’t saying this because he was rich, instead, he knew the value of money. Growing up with a ruined family name due to his grandfather taught him very quickly that money was very important.
Kiyotaka instead found himself face to face with none other than Mondo Owada. He found his temper rising and within no time at all, the two were challenging each other to a rather intense sauna battle. That’s when things... changed. Perhaps it was the heat of the sauna, but both men found themselves pouring parts of their hearts to each other. That night, neither of the men knew, a murder also happened to occur.
Thanks to Naegi, the mastermind of the double murder of Yasuhiro Hagakure and Hifumi Yamada. She first recruited Yamada, having the gulliable man believe that Hagakure wanted her dead for the money, seeing as his crystal ball was broken. After all, besides Toko, who everyone avoided at this point, she was the only female who normally acted alone. She staged a fake attack and captured it on Hifumi’s camera.
On the other side of the coin, Celestia sent Hagakure an anonymous letter, claiming they could pay his fee for his services. It was unknown who Hagakure thought he was meeting, but he arrived promptly at the scheduled time of arrival. Wanting to protect Celestia, Yamada attacked Hagakure from the shadows. The man instantly died from the blow to the head.
Once Yamada killed Hagakure, Celestia quickly cleaned up her side of the mess, killing Yamada. The only pieces that connected to her were the note, her unusual actions, and the fact that she knew Hifumi died second. Which the Monokuma File did not mention.
With the threat of their deepest secrets being exposed, Kiyotaka once again cast away the idea of someone being murdered over such a simple reason. However, he could see the distress in the one person who normally kept his cool pretty well. Mondo. Noticing his friend’s concerning state, Kiyotaka pulled his friend aside, trying to get the other to open up to him.
Kiyotaka even went as far to admit what his note detailed, the disgrace his grandfather applied onto his family. At first, he thought he broke through to his friend, but instead, he simply left, claiming he had to help someone with something. With nighttime drawing near, Kiyotaka quickly returned to his room, however, he couldn’t sleep a wink.
That next morning they found Chihiro’s body. It was strung up in the boy’s locker room by some sort of rope. Mondo looked absolutely frightened. This made Kiyotaka panic. Without any care that everyone was around, he instantly turned to his friend, “Bro. What happened? Don’t tell me you-” Instantly being shoved off, Kiyotaka stared at his friend, his heart beginning to quiver. However, Mondo’s calm voice quickly caused Kiyotaka to instantly calm down, “Damn Bro. No. It just shocked me, because well, I met him.”
That caused everyone to turn and look at Mondo, clearly suspicious. For a moment, he held his head down, but after a moment he broke, “... The dude was trying to get stronger. He didn’t... I should have stayed. We made a promise to work out together. I got... I got so jealous because he was working on his fears while I was, just running from them.”
Walking over to the lockers, Mondo touched one of them, which had a sizeable mark into it, “I got so mad, the closest thing was this locker. I punched it and left.” Pulling out a bandaged hand, Mondo showed it off shamefully, “Feel free to compare my wounds if you want. I didn’t kill him- I swear I didn’t.” Kiyotaka finally found his voice and stepped up to Mondo, crossing his arms over his own chest, almost as if he was blocking the taller man from the rest of the group, “If my Bro said he didn’t do it- He didn’t do it! He isn’t a lair.”
Kirigiri then stepped up, nodding in agreeance, “I do agree. I don’t have much evidence, but for now we should look at all the clues unbiased. We need to figure out who did it, and why they would do all of this in such a way.”
Time seemed to pass by so quickly- Mondo was telling the truth, and unfortunately, it seemed that Togami was the one who killed Chihiro. After finding out that Mondo “failed” to kill Chihiro, he took matters into his own hands. Using the information that Chihiro was a “He”, he devised an elaborate scheme, one that seemed to perfectly mirror the killings of Genocider Jill. He even somehow convinced Fukawa into letting him “borrow” her deadly scicors.
His plan was perfect- except for the fact that Fukawa would not have been able to access the boy’s locker room due to the fact that Mondo had in fact Leon’s Handbook. With much less grace then he was known to have, he was forced into his punishment. To be honest, Kiyotaka felt for Fukawa, the man she had fallen for exposed her darkest secret, tried to use her as a scape goat, and now she was left with only pain.
Little did Kiyotaka know... he was wrong. He was completely and entirely wrong.
Kiyotaka had grown accustomed to at least some time between the death of those who surrounded him. Thus, when he woke up the next morning, and stepped into the cafe, little did he expect a blade being held to his neck. When a second item was brought to his face, that’s when Kiyotaka realized it was actually a pair of scissors against his neck and now face.
Using his normal voice, Kiyotaka yelled out, “Genocider Jill?” Instead, a very calm voice filled his ears, “No. It’s me. Fukawa.” Feeling himself calm down a little, but still tense due to the pair of scissors against his neck, Kiyotaka spoke out loud, “What’s going on? Did I scare you?” That’s when the blade was pressed against his neck harder, “No. I thought you would be Mondo. He has been coming here nearly as early as you have. It doesn’t matter who I kill- either you or that meathead! It’s all his fault!”
That’s when Fukawa led Kiyotaka to the long table, forcing him to sit while she stood above him, a pair of scissors dangerously against his neck. One by one each of the students arrived into the cafe. They each saw the situation and were instructed to follow her direct demands. Some students were forced to sit or others were forced to leave the room. With his neck cut in a few spots, Kiyotaka was beginning to lose hope.
The last person was the one person he wished slept in- or god forbid- skipped breakfast that morning, Mondo. Seeing his friend instantly had Kiyotaka’s heart clenching. He knew what was going to happen was going to result in yet another trail. At this point, he would rather die than Mondo killing someone- or even worse, him himself becoming a victim himself.
Glaring at the woman as she was being dragged away, Kiyotaka held onto Mondo’s jacket tightly. Even though tears were streaming down his face, he did his best to send all of his hatred and anger towards the female in front of him. She deserved to be punished- what she did was truly cruel, to murder in the name of revenge, over a murderer killing an innocent person.
In a weak voice, Kiyotaka muttered out, “I... I won’t let his sacrifice go in vain.” Grabbing his chest tightly, Kiyotaka looked onto the future with nothing but pure hope in his eyes. He would do everything his... everything Mondo wanted to do. Perhaps he would become a carpenter or it could be a side hobby. Who knew, Kiyotaka could figure that out later. For now, he had to survive.
The last couple of days went by like a blur. Sakura tried to take her own life after admitting to being the Traitor. There was a dead body discovered in the garden, and Makoto was actually accused. Kiyotaka got warned about voting for the wrong person- and within a day or so, Makoto had returned and the five of them, Kirigiri, Makoto, Sakura, Hinata and himself, all found themselves standing at the front door. Makoto did the honors of opening the door. What was before them were their future. They had to grab it with both hands and run with it.
No matter what it was.
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