#JWTN asks
thelazyhermits · 2 years
If Tokumei was Fortune’s sole guardian (no twin brother), what would have happened
I couldn't see a situation like that happening because Tokumei never had any interest in raising children. The only reason he was a part of Fortune's life was because of Mumei, so if Mumei wasn't in the picture, Tokumei would've never met her.
If he somehow happened upon her and she was without any parents, Tokumei would've promptly delivered her to the police and let them take care of things, and that would've been that lol
Now, if you're referring to the JWTN situation, then I could see Tokumei taking her in cause it was his mother's request, but he would've only done it long enough to help Fortune find a proper family, so Fortune would've just found herself in an awkward situation, living in the same house as this stoic/apathetic man who has zero experience with children, before finally ending up in a good home situation.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
Now I know this is probably not relevant to your current world but I just gotta get this idea out of my head before it explodes
I've been rereading Just What They Needed (for like the 5th time) and near the end of chapter 76 (when Neito was sleeping on Fortune's lap) all I could see was Fortune singing Or3o's fan lyric cover of Final Duet from Omori softly to Neito while he sleeps and I justjsjhsbshhdbs god my hearts gonna explode from how adorable this image in my head is 
Anyway just needed to get this fluff-bunny out of my head. Hope your doing well!
Awww, that's such a cute idea! I wasn't familiar with that song until now, but after listening to it, I think it would be a great song for Fortune to sing to Neito and all the other kids. It's super sweet 💕💕
Thank you for sharing this with me! I hope you're doing well too!! ^-^
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
Bawling cause JWTN is over! It was amazing!
Awww, thank you so much!!! I’m so happy you feel that way about it! ^^
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
so i was listening to the song "anonymous m" by pinocchio-p and i just realized, did you name tokumei that bc "tokumei" means "anonymous?"
That's right! Both Mumei and Tokumei got their names because they both mean anonymous/no name/etc. I just thought that would be fitting for them since Mumei does a lot of underworld business and Tokumei doesn't want anything his brother does to be associated with him and he wants to keep his identity/info a secret from most people.
That's why those were just fake names in JWTN, which Taishiro assumed early on, since the twins wanted aliases to protect themselves.
In TABF, though, Mumei's name is real since he was more confident in escaping the authorities, which don't have as much power in the BNHA world, so he was fine with just using his surname to go by.
Tokumei, however, is always cautious no matter what world/AU he's in, so that name is not his real name.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
After the curse is lifted does Kuro still hang out with Shinso?
Not as much as before the curse broke but yeah they still hang out from time to time. Hitoshi is very happy about that haha
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
After my most recent ask, I decided to make this post, so I could give y’all an update on my plans writing-wise. That way we could all be on the same page. I really should’ve done this sooner. Sorry about that 😅
Anyway, as I mentioned in my last ask, I have not started on the TABF WHM fic like I had intended to do despite now having the DVD. That’s because my mind has been taken over by Twst, and I have no idea when that will change lol
The way my brain works, once I fixate on something, that’s what my focus remains on for a prolonged period of time. That’s why I took a break a while back after having started JWTN so I could write some Ensemble Stars fics.
It always just hits me at random, and I really have no control over it. Once my brain says it wants to focus on something, I basically become a slave to its whims lol
That’s why I haven’t written any new BNHA content since the summer and probably won’t do so in the near future since I wanna take a crack at writing for Twst, not a full length fic, though, just some oneshots. 
However, that’s not to say you won’t be getting any kind of BNHA content from me. Thankfully, I wrote a lot of fics during the summer which I have yet to post, so y’all do have that to look forward to.
For now, my plan is to ensure I post at least one thing a month, and in the case of December, I’ll post a two-shot that covers the TABF rendition of the Endeavor Agency Arc, which will mean two updates in that month, since I wanna get that fic posted before I post the one shot I have planned for January’s update.
By doing this, I can ensure that my lovely readers don’t have to go a prolonged period of time without any kind of content from me. 
I feel bad that I can’t deliver the WHM fic when I originally said I would, but it’s best not to force things since that could lead to a negative effect on the quality of the fic, which I wanna avoid. 
I wanna give y’all the best writing I can produce, and the only way that’ll happen is if I’m in the right frame of mind and properly focused. 
Hopefully, after a few months of Twst, I’ll be able to get back on the BNHA track since that’s what happened when I took a break for Enstars.
In the meantime, I hope y’all will be patient with me 🙏
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
I just want to say how much I adore your writing, your TABF series is my main go to when I want something to read, and I've read the entirety of tabf over 10 times and I am almost done with JWTN after having read it from the beginning about 5 times (so far), I just need to read the last few chapters! I only ever watched like 2 season on BNHA and honestly TABF kind of ruined it for me (not in a bad way) I genuinely just like what you've made so much more and find it far more compelling! So now whenever I try to watch it I just want to come read TABF again lol. I could literally spend hours gushing over your work, and just screaming (and maybe crying) over all my favorite parts and how I adore the way you write; but to keep things (semi) brief you are my favorite Author and I am so incredibly grateful and inspired by you! (Also you've got me falling down the twisted and obey me holes too and I am thrilled to see whatever grabs your fancy next!!)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! 🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭
You are so freakin sweet!!! Thank you so much!!! Oh man, I can't even begin to describe how happy reading your ask made me. I am always super grateful whenever somebody takes the time to leave a kind word about my writing, but I'm especially honored that you consider me to be your favorite author 💕💕
And the fact that you've read TABF and JWTN so many times absolutely floors me in the best possible way. There's no greater compliment for a writer than someone saying they want to reread their works, so the fact that you've done this to this degree really means a lot to me 🥰
And to top it all off, you prefer reading TABF over the canon storyline. You really are coming for my heart 😂😭
Thank you so much for your kind words!! I hope you continue to enjoy my writing, whether it be for BNHA, Obey Me, or Twisted Wonderland! Your support will always be greatly appreciated!! 💕💕💕
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
Mitski and Inko: By the way, i know its a bit embarrassing for the boys, and its a bit of a sore spot seeing as its in their zodiac forms, but this is a picture of the boys when they were little. They'd played so hard, we had to carry them to put em down for a nap, so they transformed. They were still just little, maybe two or so-
Fortune: *screaming at how cute baby bunny izuku snuggled up to little lamb bakugo is, clutching heart, the cutest thing ever, she can pass peacefully*
Izuku: *face in hands* this is it. my villain origin story.
*wheeze* I love this 😂
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
tHIS CAME TO ME AS I WAS LISTENING TO FRUITS BASKET INSERT SONG BUT IMAGINE THIS: JWTN AU where fortune meets some of the sohmas way earlier!
what i had in my head for this was that 12yo fortune was dragged along to go out somewhere w mumei bc he had Shady Business to attend to (tokumei wasn't around and mumei didn't trust fortune enough to stay at home by herself) and he thought of scaring fortune by showing off how many "friends" he's got so even if she did run away, he'll have ppl who'll take her back.
they end up going to a grocery store bc mumei's in the mood for beer but he orders fortune to go grocery shopping for him bc he's a bastard like that n also bc he knows fortune won't run away; not when he showed her what'll happen if she did. what happens next is that fortune is mechanically getting stuff until she stumbles on her feet due to lack of proper sleep from nightmares, dropping her purchases. and it's as she's getting them did she meet—DA DA DA DAAAA—taishiro!!! who's also w shouta, hizashi n nemuri running errands. (yes it's basically like TABF!Fatgum and Fortune's first meeting but in JWTN-verse hehe)
all 4 of them help fortune pick up her groceries (which, in their POV, looks to be quite a lot for a kid to handle). fortune at this point is pretty wary and nervous around strangers but since she's a polite lil bean, thanks them albeit very meekly. taishiro n hizashi notice and tries to cheer her up. it works bc slowly, she starts conversing w them w some shyness on her part.
it's going fine until shouta, ever the observant one, notices some concerning marks on fortune's arms under her sleeves (i imagine mumei to be kind of bastard who makes sure the marks aren't that visible to anyone else but his drunken self breaks that rule) so he asks her about it in the gentlest way possible, to which fortune clams up instantly w this look of fear in her eyes.
this sets off alarms in all their heads but before they could even say a word, mumei shows up (imagine the meeting between overhaul, midoriya n mirio) lookin all suspicious n pissed off and tells fortune that it's time to go in the most Red Flaggy way possible. taishiro n shouta try to stop him but fortune, sweet sweet baby, says that it's ok n "thanks for helping me w my groceries" n leaves w/o another word, but not before giving them one last look.
(i like to think this encounter is another reason why taishiro wants to become a police detective; to save kids who are in terrible situations, but i also like to imagine some more encounters w fortune n the other sohmas, just to build up some familiarity between them before fortune meets them again when she's 18.)
taishiro and shouta would think about fortune in passing as they grow older, mainly bc they're worried about her n also bc she doesn't look that much older than their cousins, but despite their hopes of meeting her again n helping her out of her situation, they don't see her around, so reluctantly, they move on w their lives.
that is until 6 years later, when a strange girl literally stumbles into their rat zodiac cousin in the rain...
(AAAA that's all i got, feel free to add onto it bc i just love how your brain works when it comes to the feels n the angst TvT. thanks for indulging in this word vomit—)
Well, I love how your brain works too! This is such a fun alternative to imagine! ^^
I love the idea of Fortune encountering the adult zodiacs when she's younger, and I could totally see a scenario like that happening. Mumei would totally act just as you described, and poor Fortune would just be doing her best not to further upset him.
An encounter like that would definitely have a large impact on Taishiro, and I could see that influencing him to become a police detective. He always admired his father, but now, he just also wants to be able to help those who are suffering like that poor girl he couldn't help.
I could see all of them being on the lookout for Fortune after that, but because of that encounter, Mumei/Tokumei would steer clear of that area just for that very reason. Well, Mumei probably wouldn't think people would care that much about helping Fortune, but Tokumei would be smart enough to know better lol
For that reason, it would be kinda hard for her to encounter anyone else in the Sohma family unless those other encounters happen beforehand or if they happen while the kids are with their families on vacation.
Regrettably, Fortune really didn't go to many places aside from where she worked and where she went grocery shopping, so I'm having trouble thinking of any other way she could've encountered the Sohma family aside from at the grocery store.
Honestly, I think it'd be funny if one of the reasons Fortune had to go to so many grocery stores over the years is because she kept encountering Sohma family members at random for one reason or another, and all of them expressed concern for Fortune to some degree, which led to Tokumei scratching those stores off the list of possible places to visit in the future.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
Fortune, making friends with the rats in the walls: -and your name is Shouto, I dont know why but it just fits you perfectly, and you can be Yuki, this one here is Naomi-
JWTN Shouto, somehow ending up here and continually making sure to be cuddled or held to stay in rat form: (Finally. Fortune's attention is All Mine. I am victorious. Take THAT, cat boys.) Squeak squeak.
*wheeze* I love this 😂
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thelazyhermits · 3 years
Touya is all "oooohhh Shouto is gonna be so maaad oooo my little brother is gonna be so annoyed i had a date with you all to myself ooooooh" But hes sleeping on the fact that Hawks is probs gonna be scandalized when he hears Touya went on a date with Fortune WITHOUT HIM!!! HIS FAVOURITE EMPLOYEE AND BESTEST FRIEND!!! Keigo is probably going to pester him 3 times as hard after finding out in revenge. Probably take Fortune on TWO dates so he can one up his boss. Maybe even taking him with them because he isnt RUDE!!! Like SOMEONE, TOUYA!!!
LOL you're not wrong 😂
Touya tries to avoid thinking about Keigo as much as possible cause he gets enough of Keigo at work, but he's gonna regret not preparing himself for when he goes back to work since Keigo will find out about the date and give him a hard time about it.
Keigo would love nothing more than to take Fortune on multiple dates to one up Touya, but first, he needs to find the mole since his top priority is to give Fortune that piece of mind. Once he finds out about the date, he'll be even more motivated to find the mole lol 😂
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
hi haze! so it's 4am rn and i'm here just wondering if any of the sohma have distinct music taste or no. (and if i can make them playlists).
Hi! ^^
Unfortunately, I am very bad at coming up with HCs when it comes to characters’ music tastes. My mind just goes completely blank 😂
So all I can offer is that the BNHA characters would still like the same things they do in canon so if you have any music HCs for them, they can be applied under these circumstances.
However, I will say that I made Nedzu someone who listens to just about anything. He can go from listening to classical music to hard rock really quickly.
And Toshinori’s the type who listens to music that was popular when he was young lol 😂
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thelazyhermits · 3 years
Fortune: Hey, you want a kiss?
Hawks: A ki- You’re talking to- WOW! Um. Phew! That’s very forward of you, Fortune. But, um- Sure! I-I’d love one! Really!
Fortune, reaching into her bag: Yeah, it’s no problem. I bought this entire bag and…what are you doing?
Hawks, posing by a candlelit table for two, with a basket of rose petals: I um…I think I misread the situation a little bit.
(Touya wheezing and cackling uncontrollably in the background)
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LOL this would be Keigo's luck 😂 Touya would definitely get a huge kick out of a misunderstanding like that haha
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
What if Fortune was the tiger?
I'm assuming this is a JWTN question and that you're asking about a what if scenario in which Fortune had received the tiger curse rather than Shouta.
To answer that question, I would say that things would be pretty different, because I can't really see her parents leaving like they did in the story.
The reason I say this is because one of the major factors that contributed to them abandoning Shouta was that they were first time parents and they just gave into their panic/fear and acted accordingly.
By the time of Fortune's birth in this scenario, her parents have been raising Shouta for almost ten years, so they're more mature. Now that's not to say there wouldn't be any issues once Fortune was born, but at the very least, I don't see them just up and running off.
They'd probably just be nervous/fearful for a while before finally growing used to the whole curse situation.
All in all, Shouta & Fortune would be much better off than they are in the story, but this would come at the price of breaking the curse since an "outsider" is needed to break it due to several of the zodiac members needing an "outsider's" help to overcome their issues.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
holy shit i am unforgivably late on your stories but i just caught up and fuck yes fortune beat the fuck out kyuzo's bitchass, yes we stan fortune manipulating her abuser. yeah kyuzo go eat a rock. but tokumei showing up out of nowhere, it's still fuck you tokumei around here idgaf. but BIG BROTHER SHOUTA HOLY FUCKING SHITTTTT. dude i was screechinggggg. fuck that bitchass part of the family altogether, throw it in the trash i said what i said. still can't believe they fr thought having a kid after shouta was a good idea. (or not, still need to read the newest but i couldn't wait) accept y'all are horrendous parents and move the hell on. uhhhh oh right KATSUKI LOVING ON FORTUNE omigosh they so damn cuteeeee. and there's a whole load more shit i love about these chaps, but these are the highlights. IN CONCLUSION I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WRITING SO MUCH OMIGOSH. TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. AH SENDING LOVE PEACE AND HAPPINESS TOWARDS AT ALL TIMES.
Awww, you're so sweet! Thank you! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the recent events with my fics! ^-^
I was looking forward to your reaction to Fortune's battle with Kyuzo, so it did not disappoint XD
Glad you liked that scene with Bakugou in chapter 31! That was definitely a scene I had been looking forward to writing, and I was really happy with how it turned out 💕
I'm happy you liked the development with Big Bro Shouta too haha In regards to their parents, there will be a little more info on them provided in the next update ^^
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thelazyhermits · 2 years
First thing Shouta does after passing is beating up everyone involved with giving Fortune the news while by herself and for not trusting Nedzu.
LOL I could definitely see that happening 😂
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