#Jackson Marchetti x female reader
bumblesimagines · 1 month
you don't have to leave, you know.
i lied and told them we were dating.
Jackson Marchetti
i lied and told them we were dating.
i lied and told them we were dating.
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"Do you remember if I brought my wallet?" Jackson snorted softly from his spot on the bed, his droopy eyes watching you scan the floor of his bedroom with furrowed brows. You stuck your hands in the pockets of your jacket and pants to double-check, lips jutting out in confusion when all you felt was empty air. Jackson rubbed tiredly at his eyes and sat up, a yawn leaving him while he slipped out of bed. 
"You don't have to leave, you know." He said, pushing around the pile of notebooks on his desk until he found and lifted up your wallet and phone. Your shoulders slumped with relief and you smiled, taking both valuables from his hand and tucking them away before planting a thankful peck on his lips. 
"I don't want to get caught by your mothers, Jackson. It'd be too awkward to explain why your so-called study buddy stayed the night." You told him, fingers curling around your keys and shoving them into the pocket of your jacket. Jackson hummed, his lips pressing tightly together as a sheepish look passed over his face. "What'd you do?"
"It's just- they kind of noticed you've been coming over a lot and they asked so... I lied and told them we were dating." He smiled innocently, arms around you and tugging you into his chest. Your lips parted, eyes slowly widening.
"I know, I know, but look at the bright side. You can come over whenever you want and don't have to sneak out anymore! Come on, (Y/N). You'll be missing out if you skip breakfast with us again. Please?"
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You didn’t ask me…
Pairing: Jackson Marchettie x black female reader
Warnings: Smut. (18+) Dirty talk, Angst, praise kink.
The plot: You go to a party to get over Jackson but you didn’t know it would be at his house….
Hey y’all long time no see😊 here’s a imagine for y’all I know it’s random but I was inspired this morning to write it.
Now y’all…This one is nasty
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Oh my god, you know what's terrible? Have a callus test I didn’t study for said Aimee as she yelled at me with her breath, wreaking off whatever concoction was in the punch. “Right, well, I’m pretty sure you meant calculus, and don’t worry, Mr. Brown, postpone it till Monday,” I said, yelling over the loud music. Mave and Aimee said I have been more distant than usual. This is true between studying, my job after school and trying to forget about him…I’ve been occupied. So they decided to drag me out on a school night to a party, and they also decided to dress me and this dress, oh don’t get me started on the dress. OH Y/N, Mave says, running over giggly, “that guy over there keeps looking at you, and I overheard him say something about you, the dress being well fit.”
Even though those are words every teenager would love to hear at a party, not me, I was forced to come here and listen to music. I’m not particularly eager to tolerate people wreaking liquor, weed, and body fluid poring through their pores. “Lucky me,” I responded cheaply. “You know you got to get out of this rut. I understand you and- before Mave could finish the sentence, I cut her off. “Look, I told you I didn’t wanna come tonight, I told you I wasn’t ready, and the fact that I went to this party knowing it was going to be in his house makes me, even more, the bitter, okay” I said with a snappy and tight voice. Mave looked at me with sadness in her eyes “oh y/n we didn’t even think about that” she said looking at Aimee for a confirmation. “It’s fine, speaking of Calculus,” I told Aimee. “I need to go get something.”
As I make my way upstairs, away from all the drunk bodies and loud music, I feel a calming sensation run over me. I know exactly where I’m going. I’ve been here enough time to know which room is his. “Once u get upstairs, it's the second door down to your right,” was the instructions now engraved in my head. As I approached the door, I expected a lot of things. I expect him to be on the other side cause I haven’t seen him at his party. I expect to go in there and cry from memories that serve my heart no purpose. I also expect the door to be locked cause it is a party happening. But no, as I opened the door, I saw his room in typical shape, not too clean but also not too dirty signifies that someone is living there and using this room. The space was empty, so I decided to be quick about what I would do.
Walking over to his backpack, I picked up his bag, and Doug through it, looking for my Calculus book. I found it in my red notebook with the word I hate math written on top. And his drawing of a smiley face. I let him borrow the notebook two weeks before we split. Now I’m regretting it cause I have to cram and study for a test cause I haven’t asked for the notebook back. As soon as I turned to leave, I heard, “You know you just could’ve asked me, right.” This made me freeze. “I just needed my book to study, and I have nothing to say to you,” I said, trying to walk past him and avoid eye contact. “Nice dress. It’s not your vibe, though, is it?” He said, leaning against the doorway with a calm voice. I wore a long fitted dress that stopped at my ankles, with lace in it, and a slit that stopped mid-thigh. I will admit this dress is charming and did compliment my figure well. It just wasn’t my speed; I preferred sweaters and skirts and loafers. Mave made me wear it, but we comprise, and I put a white short-sleeved top under it.
“Wanted to try something different,” I said, still not looking at him. I feel him staring at me, though, soaking me up for everything that I am. “Y/n can we talk, please,” he said. I snapped my eyes up at him furiously, finally looking him in the face and looking him in the eyes those grayish brown eyes that I’ve looked at a thousand times before. “Talk about what, Jackson,” I say, his name with so much stiffness. I haven’t said his word or looked at him in weeks. When I’m at school, I avoid him and every spot I know he’ll be at.
“We have nothing to talk about. You told me that you needed time for yourself, that you felt like you were moving too fast and didn’t feel well, and how can I be mad at that? At least you were honest, and I understand that the last two years were rough on you, so I get that. So how can I be mad? How? I said words vomiting my feelings, my chest tightening and my voice shaking. I knew it was time to go before I started crying.
“It's okay to be mad at me, y/n” replied. Jackson, “you aren’t perfect, and I’m not perfect, and if this situation were simple, we wouldn’t be arguing right now,” said Jackson. With every word he says, he’s getting closer to me as I stand in the middle of the room, clenching my book for dear life. “I told you I wasn’t ready because I’m not,” he said with a quick breath. “Because when I still have these panic attacks, and I still find myself wanting to be isolated when it all becomes too much, so I’m not ready for someone like you who is strong and patient and willing. It would be wrong of me to ask you to endure that with me,” Jackson said, searching your eyes with his glossed over, hoping you would understand, and you know Jackson better than most. “The problem is you didn’t even ask me,” said y/n knowing that those words were as robust and one of the scariest things she could say. She was saying that she would take on his heartaches, and his burdens, while also being there to support him through his happiness and his celebrations.
Before y/n could even process the emotions she saw on his face, she felt a hand meet the back of her head, and his soft lips touched her. He was kissing her so softly, like he was afraid she would run away from her. But y/n had more to fear at this moment. She knew Jackson felt more scared than ever. Right now Jackson was like Bambi. He felt small and skittish. So y/n grabbed his wrist and kissed him back deeply. The kiss was soft and strategic, and they poured confirmations into each other without saying anything. Before she knew it, y/n panties were on the floor her dress was rising as the back of her knees connected with Jackson's bed. Jackson was now on top of y/n, taking his hands from her knee to her hip and bunging her dress up to her hips.
“Y/n,” Jackson said, nipping at her neck and hearing a moan release from Y/n. “Jackson,” she moaned as she felt everything around her slowly becoming undone. Her dress was now scrunched up on her hips her shirt and bra were somehow removed. “Jackson, Jackson, Jackson”where all that she thought could, which was linger his name as she felt herself come undone like a button. Her core was getting wetter and wetter and was throbbing. Her dress now not covering anything on her body but her waist and her breast exposed to the air in his room. Jackson stood up and undressed himself. At that moment, all y/n could do was admire him. How beautiful and rigid he looked and soft all at the same time. Once fully undressed, y/n grabbed him and pulled him back onto the bed. He spoke No words, but Jackson knew what he wanted to do. He put her on her back and connected his hips to her nipple while teasing her fold with his thumbs. He moved his finger to her clit. He wasted no time running it back and forth. This ignited something in y/n, making her gasp and arch her back while she had one of her hands grabbing his hair and the other one holding the sheets.
“Don’t hold back on me, okay” he said with his voice a little rougher than usual. He starts to finger her, not wasting any time spoiling her and her cunt. Going in and out of her making her body tense up. Y/n could feel herself being invaded, her wetness pooling onto his hands, the stickiness between her thighs. She couldn’t help but moan. Uh, she moaned, grabbing his wrist and making him go deeper she could feel his fingers inside her, his knuckle grazing the outer side and his finger curving to her insides. Oh fuck please she said, her hips tensing up. While her hand held his wrist, helping him with the motion, she enjoyed it so much. Jackson was in awe. He loved seeing her fuck herself by using him. His dick was hard against the bed, but he could wait cause this wasn’t about him right now.
Curving his two fingers just a Lil more, she moved his wrist faster. He felt her jerk. He grazed it, that spot. Before he knew it, he grabbed his wrist with his other hand and pinned it down, and started to go back and forth, hitting that spot. From his view, it was Lovely seeing her cunt swell and her getting wetter and the build-up of her cum on her thighs and it dripping from her. He was in absolute paradise. “Oh fuck please she said, her mouth gapped open, her hips spasming while her legs were wide open for him. As y/n felt herself coming undone again. She felt the feeling building in her core. “Let it go, my love,” Jackson said as he started to suck on your clit while fingering you. Your body was in overdrive now and was sensitive. You jerked at the feeling. “Oh fuck” you said. Jackson held you down with one hand on your lower stomach. You don’t know precisely what it did. You don’t know if it was the fingers, the sucking, or the pressure, but you came. The release left your body, and you were shaking.
As Jackson rose from his position, his chin glistened and his dick hard panting. “Here, let me help you get yourself back together he said, trying to find your bra. Over…this isn’t over. It’s his turn now. You suddenly realize that you are still in his house, and a party is still going on downstairs with over 100 occupied bodies. Even though you were weak, your body was eating the high. You crawled to the edge of the bed and said, turning to grab his dick, causing Jackson to moan, “Y/n wait” Before you could register, you stopped. “Are you sure your body has been through a lot and”-Fuck that You thought, grabbing his dick and licking his head made Jackson's knees buckle.
As you took him in, as far as you could, you started to play with his balls. You noticed that Jackson now had his hands on your shoulder, squeezing them tightly as you sat on the edge of the bed. You look up to see him with his head back, Addams apple Bobbing. Realsing my mouth from his base, I tasted the salty pre-crum swelling at the head. I worked my way down to his balls and licked and teased them as my hand grabbed his base, and my wrist engaged in the motion, causing his body to cleanse and his grip on my should to tighten. This made me giggle. I grabbed his hands and put them on the back of my head. Jackson looked down at me and shook my head. He held his dick and placed it on my lips, waiting for me to open my mouth.
As I opened my mouth, I felt his hand grab the back of my head and push me down slowly. As I look up, he’s looking at me in all my glory, titties out, mouth stuffed, and my lips moving back and forth on his shaft. He let out a strangled moan “shit, y/n, we can’t be up here all night,” he said breathlessly. His statement made me suck harder cause, yes, we can. His eye snapped open, and his hand started moving my head faster. I feel his vein throbbing on my challenging I see his stomach tightening. The saliva and pre cum are all over his dick, glistening. As he moves his hips in my mouth, words and moans fall from his lips. “You make me feel so good, and I’m sorry for- the words were interrupted by a deep and rough moan due to me playing with his balls and sucking harder. I don’t want to hear any sorry I want you to come undone.
His hip where now moving erratically, his hip moving more sloppily now his dick was wet and covered and cum, and the vein that was throbbing on my tongue was now realizing the salty/sweet taste in my mouth and down my throat. His dick left my mouth with a pop. And his body flopped on the bed. He was lying beside me, breathless, tired. I laid back on the bed beside him and looked at the ceiling, and said, “I know you're sorry, but when I said that your pain is my pain as well as your joys and pleasures, I meant that” as I turned to him on the bed looking him in his eyes, his eyes low and his breathing slowed. “ I forgive you,” I said, looking into his eyes, making sure he understood me. “Now,” I said, standing up, fixing my dress, disregarding my undergarments, and placing the dress back on me nicely while checking myself in the mirror and throwing Jackson his underwear. “Let’s get back to the party.”
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bumblesimagines · 8 months
“ you're like a brother to me. “ “ don't say that. do absolutely not say that. “
“ wanna stay for breakfast? “
- jackson marchetti
“ you're like a brother to me. “ “ don't say that. do absolutely not say that. “
“ wanna stay for breakfast? “
pronouns: they/them
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You tried not to stay the night when it came to Jackson. His mothers had known your parents for far too long to not let it slip if they ever caught you with him. You'd known Roz and Sofia your whole life, hell, they had pictures of you and Jackson in diapers together up around the house. You doubted they'd ever look at you the same. But Jackson knew how to be a grade-A stubborn little shit and you found yourself giving into his comfy bed. 
Morning, of course, made him even more stubborn and pleading.
“Wanna stay for breakfast?“
"You know the answer to that, Jackson. I have to go before your mothers wake up." You shot him a look over your shoulder and slipped your shirt back on. You didn't have to look to know a pout had formed on his face. The bed creaked and his muscular arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. He propped his head on your shoulder and you looked the other way to avoid his puppy-dog eyes. 
"Please? I'll ask them to make you your favorite."
"And then Sofia will start asking questions and Roz will ring up by parents to ask if they knew. Listen," You wiggled around to face him and held his warm face in your hands. His skin heated further at your touch. "I love you. You're my best friend, my sidekick, my partner in crime. You're like a brother to me-.“
“Don't say that." His nose crinkled. "Do absolutely not say that.“
"I just don't want things to change between our families, alright? Don't you ever think about how awkward will it be at holiday dinners? Imagine sitting at a table knowing your kid is fucking the family friend's kid you've known since they were born."
"In-laws do that all the time."
"But they're not in-laws, are they? Besides, what about Maeve? They'll ask questions about her and why you broke up. Are you ready to answer them?" You raised your brows at him and his gaze fell downward, his hold around you loosening as his shoulders slumped. You stroked your thumb back and forth over his cheek before planting a kiss on the tip of his nose and picking your backpack off the floor. 
"Another time, then?"
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