#Jacob would probably have been a decent Dad before the events of the game
writinanon · 6 years
Country Skies
With the help of @wafflii I have fallen into another AU. Expect another chapter of Reverberations and possibly Covenants soon. I want to find the right creepy atmosphere music for Covenants before I delve deeper into it. Also I’m not very good with timelines and there’s a bit of confusion for FC5′s timeline so I’m just going to wing it.
Stella belongs to me but Tammy belongs to @wafflii she’s a sweet heart.
  The tender age of 10 was the last time that Stella saw her Dad. He’d just come home with burns on his face and had trouble adjusting. Her mother couldn’t handle it and filed for divorce. An incident with him having night terrors had been all she needed to gain sole custody of Stella. They talked on the phone for a while, her Dad calling almost every night but it slowed to a week, two weeks, a month, once in a few months, and then finally on her 13th birthday was the last call he made to her. Stella had been crushed, had wondered if something was wrong, he didn’t sound well. Her mother wouldn’t let her go and see him. A small part of her hated her mother for that. Stella would never forgive her for completely cutting her Dad out of her life or for forcing another man into it. She never called James ‘Dad’ or ‘Father’ she always called him James. He never really seemed bothered by it but it bothered her mother and they had many fights about it.
  Stella hadn’t thought much of her Dad for a while now, she’d tried to find him, still tried around Father’s Day and his birthday, but she had a life now and couldn’t spend all of it chasing Jacob Seed. She transferred into the Sheriff’s Department of Hope County because they needed a new Anthropologist to figure out if bone remains were human or animal, and once properly identified if they were Native American and for her to go through the proper channels. She was 23 and while she was still working on her master’s degree she had all the necessary skills to identify bones and knew the proper channels to connect to in case it was a disturbed Native American grave site. She was given the title of Junior Deputy Sheriff, which she felt was a little much, Deputy Sheriff would have been fine. She vaguely recalled hearing about a Joseph Seed running a cult but it hadn’t come up in the last few months. Until today. Today a US Marshal had shown up with an arrest warrant for Joseph Seed. And since Stella had no experience running the radio Nancy would be staying back and she would be going with them to arrest him. The Sheriff looked contrite. Stella didn’t really understand why until she walked into the church. Her eyes had scanned over the congregation, looking for weapons, before she skimmed over Joseph Seed. He was shirtless and had many tattoos and what looked like words carved into his skin. But she almost froze in shock. Just behind him to the left was her Dad. His face didn’t hold any recognition.
 “Rook.” The Sheriff said and she glanced at him before looking over at Joseph Seed. His face was determined and he didn’t know who she was either. Why would he? They had never met even though she knew all about Joe and Johnny. Her Uncles that her Dad wanted to find again. She placed the handcuffs on him. She was duty bound, it was her job to arrest him.
  Jacob couldn’t shake that he knew the young Deputy that had handcuffed Joseph. Her eyes had been on him the whole time and he swore he knew them and her face. John was grumbling about her escape from baptism as he looked through the files.
 “Ah here she is. Junior Deputy Stella Jean Rook.” Jacob felt like he had been hit with a brick and he snapped his attention to his youngest brother.
 “Jean.” He stressed the French pronunciation. Because he had wanted to name her after little Johnny but didn’t want to name her Jane. John looked up confused. “It’s supposed to be pronounced like it’s French. Her mom had a thing for French.” He lied easily.
 “Brother?” Joseph asked carefully, looking between him and the photo of the young Deputy, piecing it together.
 “She was born November 15th, 1994. Hell, of a snow storm that day. She was born Stella Jean Seed.” He looked at the picture of her, smiling brightly labeled as Sinner. His daughter was a Deputy Sheriff. His daughter had come to arrest his little brother. His Little Star was Public Enemy Number One against Eden’s Gate. He recalled her eyes back in the church. They hadn’t left him once, until the Sheriff called to her. She looked so shocked and afraid, worried about him.
 “I’m a horrible uncle.” John said and looked crushed. Faith patted his back lightly.
 “Joseph was going to let her die in the helicopter so I think that makes you even.” Jacob rubbed his face reminding himself that not even he had known exactly who she was. He looked back down at her picture. Ellie was doing well for herself. He’d have to pull any remaining information out of that Deputy that his Hunters had snatched up. Staci Pratt.
  Stella huffed and settled into the bushes as she heard a heavy vehicle coming her way. She had stopped a few of the Reaping Trucks now. After checking on Rae-Rae and finding her dead and Boomer alone Dutch had let her think over what she was going to do. She wasn’t sure, she didn’t know what to do. Should she free her companions? Wouldn’t her family think she’s siding with them? Should she side with her Family? She missed her Dad so much. Boomer nudged her side and whined softly. She ran a hand down his back.
 “Thanks boy.” She smiled faintly. Now was not the time to get distracted. She took aim and blew out the front tires of the truck. The Peggies scrambled, calling for bliss bullets but she took them down with a few well-placed kneecap shots and shoulder hits. Once she was finished she opened the truck only to find one frightened looking woman there.
 “Please I wanna go home!” She cried, tear tracks of makeup down her face.
 “Okay. I’ll take you home. Where is home?”
 “You aren’t with them?” The shock and suspicion in her eyes made Stella want to cringe but she stepped up and offered her a hand.
 “Deputy Stella Rook.” She introduced herself. “I’m with the Sheriff’s department.” The woman blinked before launching herself at Stella and hugging her tightly.
 “I thought I was gonna die.” She was rambling about how they would probably have hidden her body and Stella patted her back awkwardly before helping her down out of the truck. The woman was a little over half a foot shorter than her. “Thank you for saving me.”
 “Don’t worry about it.” Stella rubbed the back of her neck and smiled a little more genuinely as they headed down the road. Missing the Peggie recording her escorting her latest rescue. “So, it’s a little dangerous to run around on your own, mind if I walk you home?”
 “Yes, please.” She clung a bit and Stella nodded, patted her head and slipped free of the warm gentle grasp. “Sorry. Oh, right I’m Tamara Zoey Barnes.” The pair shook hands and headed toward Tamara’s house.
  Stella took refuge with Dutch, still afraid to face the people of Hope County knowing her family was causing them so much grief. He shook his head and clicked his tongue at her, treating her small scrapes as she handed over more information and stolen weaponry. Boomer gave a happy bark as she tossed him a scrap of beef jerky.
 “Well kid I gotta say you’re makin’ ‘em scared of grabbing people down here that’s for sure.” He looked at the few Reaping movements that had thinned out considerably. Stella smiled a bit and looked at the map. Her eyes stuck to the top of it. The Whitetail Mountains were her Dad’s Domain. So far, she had slunk around on the fringes of Holland Valley and the Henbane River. Dutch knew about her family, he hadn’t turned her over to them because she told him she wasn’t like them. And she wasn’t. She didn’t want to be part of a Doomsday Cult. But she missed her Dad and she remembered all the stories of her Uncles that he would tell. She didn’t remember him ever mentioning an aunt but maybe she came later? She looked younger than John. Her radio crackled to life and both stilled.
 “Hello Stella!” John sounded cheerful as ever. “I have that new friend of yours, the raven haired one, and we’re going to baptize her! If you’d like to join us for a do over you know where we’ll be.” Usually John tried to talk to her about sins and about how only family understood the plight of duty. He always tried to coax her out and to try and get her to come and see his ranch. She frowned as she tried to remember anyone that had black hair and then she realized he was talking about the girl she’d rescued a few days prior.
  Tammy looked around at the men with guns around her. All she had wanted was to come home from studying, maybe relax for once since she hadn’t been able to afford this trip in a few years. The tall man with intense blue eyes was staring at her with a weird smile on his face. They were standing next to the Henbane and he had been talking about sin and washing things away and honestly Tammy was too freaked out to pay much attention. He had apparently asked her a question though and she blinked at him.
 “What?” He chuckled and waved his hand over the river.
 “I was asking if you’d like to be baptized and begin atonement? No time like the present to pull out all those nasty pervasive sins.”
 “What sins? I don’t have any sins! What are you talking about?”
 “Everyone has sins, even my darling Deputy Niece could stand to atone.” He scanned the horizon as he said this, looking for someone. Tammy hoped it wasn’t that girl that had saved her the other day. “I’m sure you aren’t nearly as aggressive in your sins…” A somewhat familiar dog snatched a gun out of one of the men’s hands. Then two of them were taken down with arrows to the chest.
 “I don’t have any sins I haven’t even had sex.” She muttered still shocked. This caused the man to turn and look at her sharply and allowed the dog to make off and distract more of the men. The man was suddenly pushed away from Tammy and a hand took hold of hers.
 “Run.” It was the girl from the other day and she was half leading half dragging her away while she whistled and the dog came to run along side them. The redhead threw something over her shoulder that caused an explosion and blocked anyone from pursuing them further. They made it to a pick-up truck and the girl shoved her inside, followed by the dog, before climbing into the driver’s seat and peeling out driving off the main road and onto the back roads swiftly. “Gotta get tree coverage, John’s got air support.” She muttered more to herself and Tammy gripped the door handle tightly. To think all she’d wanted to do was come home.
  Stella managed to get them to Rae-Rae’s Farm. She had cleaned up most of the blood and herded the woman so she didn’t see the fresh graves. Boomer settled in his bed that she’d dragged into the living room, sleeping on the couch felt more respectful rather than taking over the bedroom. For the most part that girl, Barnes, didn’t look too beat up. A stray bruise or two but mostly unharmed. Her Uncle hadn’t intended to hurt her much she was just the quickest way to get Stella into the open. John and Joseph seemed to think that she was lost because she’d been told lies about them. They urged her to ‘come home’ and be back wither family. She would probably be struggling with it more, if her Dad was the one delivering those messages.
 “Thanks for saving me. Again.” Barnes said and Stella shrugged. The woman grabbed her in a hug again. “No, I mean it that guy was so weird, and he kept talking about sins and looked at me funny when I said I couldn’t have sins because I’m a virgin and…” She got lost in a tangent and Stella patted at her shoulders to try and calm her down.
 “Don’t mention it.” She said and got her settled on the couch. They’d go see Dutch in the morning. Maybe he could shed some light on things. For both of them.
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foofygoldfish · 6 years
deputy alice riley
Soooooooooo this is gonna be long, but it’s pretty much anything you could ever want to know about alice lol
her full name is Claire Alice Riley, though she pretty much only goes by Alice. Staci calls her Allie, and she haaates it.
She was born in Falls End on October 30th, 1992.
Her face claim is Anya Taylor-Joy, just shorter (5′) and with pink hair. She naturally has dark brown hair, though when her hair isn’t pink, she dyes it blonde.
Her childhood in Fall’s End was fairly average - her sister was annoying (Jane was the designated babysitter, and hated it), so was her brother (he loved frogs and spiders, she… didn’t; though she got him back by her loving snakes and him being terrified of them, which is still true), her parents were happily married. The car crash happened after a Girl Scout’s meeting (the troop disbanded not long after, but not because of the crash) that her dad picked her up from. She came out with a broken arm and a concussion, but that was it. She doesn’t really remember much from the few hours before or after the crash. A few years after, the Sheriff had Jane (who had custody at this point) send her and Caleb to California, where her aunt and uncle were her legal guardians. Her uncle is a chef for big events, so he had weird hours, but they were able to live comfortably and (to Alice’s amazement, Caleb’s disdain) to have passes to Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm. Her aunt works in the industry and travels a lot, but both of them tried to be home more for the first few weeks after the twins moved in. The twins were both involved with theatre, but Caleb is the one with the real acting talent - Alice thought about being a voice actor, but it’s more of a hobby for her than anything. 
Her family owns the Fall’s End Garage - she’s not the best at the mechanical side of running the shop, but she’s pretty good at running the business side of things. She wanted to ban peggies from the shop, but Jane wouldn’t let her.
Lives in the house behind the garage in Fall’s End - it was her parents, her sister kept it after she moved in with her then-boyfriend - she didn’t want to stay, but nobody was really looking to buy houses at that point, so she boarded it up for the twins. Jane joined after the house was “given” to Alice, so the house was fine. 
She misses LA like crazy, especially once winter hits. She loves having rainy days again, but ten years of no winter? Her dream.
Her brother, Caleb, thinks the testy festy is hilarious, and after everything is over, is so mad that he missed it. Alice doesn’t agree with him. At all.
She’s technically Catholic - she was baptised, went to her first communion, and then pretty much stopped going to church. She goes to Pastor Jerome’s masses for the comfort and traditions when she moves back, but she doesn’t really believe.
She loves being on the water. She prefers surfing and kayaking, but adapts to the lakes and rivers of Hope County quickly. She’s not a huge fan of fish, but she starts to like fishing at some point. She definitely prefers it to hunting, and if given the choice, will definitely go fishing.
Speaking of hunting... Alice has a habit of darting off into a field of bliss when she’s bored hunting in the Henbane. She doesn’t actively do drugs, and doesn’t want to be an angel, but... She gets bored. And has impulse issues sometimes.
The Seeds tease/taunt her because of her height - she doesn’t even come up to Jacob’s shoulder, which I also think is kinda hilarious lol. Staci used to tease her too, but the entire department learned not to/were told by Whitehorse to stop (unless she can’t reach something and she doesn’t have anything to climb on)
When everything’s done, she helps Grace open up a little cafe. There’s plenty of people to help run it, and she thinks that (after a nice vacation) it would be good for Grace, and eventually Jess as well.
The Sheriff forces her to take a vacation after everything. She tries to go back to just being the Junior Deputy, but she gets roped into continuing to help the resistance. She pretty much takes over Virgil’s responsibilities as mayor, and helps to set up a small school for the few kids left in the county.
If you’ve seen Wynonna Earp - she has the same blue and white truck as Wynonna. She came back to Fall’s End with her little electric car, but that isn’t really feasible to keep using, so she took it up to Missoula one day and sold it. The salesman tried to sell her a fancy new truck, but she was happy with the one Jane had kept for her.
Most called gun for hire: Jess and Grace. She’s not the best at being sneaky, and her eyes aren’t the best for sniping (she had an optometrist appointment for a week after the initial mission, she obviously missed it), so she almost has one or both of them with her. When she needs to just fuck shit up, she’ll call Sharky, though
She started at the sheriff’s office as a secretary - it was a job, and she’d be able to look after her sister (“who didn’t need looking after” but there had been some fainting spells), and then after Hudson’s partner died, Whitehorse told her that she could apply for the role, and she took him up on that. 
If she did join the cult, she’d have a fairly nondescript position - probably something administrative, as that’s what her degree is in. Definitely something behind the scenes and non-violent.
Fucking loves disaster movies. She’s a slut for disaster movies. Like, she’ll sit through all the shitty SyFy channel ones as well as the big budget ones (San Andreas is one of her favorites - it’s so cheesy, but it has Dwayne Johnson and Alexandra Daddario, AND GIANT FUCKIN EARTHQUAKES. And the guy from Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries who is a total teddy bear)
She doesn’t really like planes or helicopters - if they are needed, she’ll get Nick or Addie. She knows enough to take off and land, but she’ll avoid flying herself if at all possible. The mission where Kim has her take Carmina and blow up peggie supplies? Fucking terrifying.
She rock climed and did some parkour back in LA. She didn’t keep up with it when she moved, but it obviously comes in handy...
Alice has two cats: Crookshanks and Data. They are both huge Norwegian forest cats, Crookshanks is an orange tabby, and Data is a grey tabby. When she’s not home, Mary May happily takes care of them.
She has a shitton of anxiety problems. She had a decent supply of meds when shit went down.
She has a major panic attack after driving Nick and Kim to the clinic. Even without the shit all over the road, she was terrified that she would crash and hurt or kill the Ryes. 
Jane - She’s 8 years older than Alice. Alice absoultely does not approve of her relationship with John, and is horrified when she finds out that her sister married the fucker.
Caleb - Both of them are horrible at keeping in contact, so he’s not worried at all when she goes off the radar. 
Joseph - She thinks he’s full of shit lol
John - Direct quote from when she’s told her sin is wrath: “No, it’s not wrath, it’s I fucking hate you.” Once they’re able to laugh about it, Hudson doesn’t let her live that down.
Faith - Uh, she obvs thinks Faith is the cutest. She has a hard time keeping her sass to an angry level, rather than super flirty.
Jacob - They fucked. After the Rye’s barbeque with the infamous watery mac n cheese. I still haven’t figured out why? She hates him now, and absoultely regrets the one night stand (...mostly. She thinks.)
Mary May - Her childhood best friend. They tried to keep in contact after Alice moved, but they eventually both moved on - Alice with new friends in LA, Mary May with helping to run the bar.
Pastor Jerome - He doesn’t mind that she isn’t a practicing Catholic, and welcomes her with open arms. She tries to get people to go to his church again after everything, to mixed levels of success.
Dutch - She’s not a huge fan of him, but she’s grateful for his help, and he is grateful for what she does and how she helps Jess.
Eli - He can’t reconcile the image of the Junior Deputy and the Alice he knows in his head - she doesn’t act anything like the rumors flying around the county, but he loves her (as a friend).
Tracey - They don’t get along very well - it’s a very strained, very professional relationship. Tracey knows that Alice likes Faith, and is very worried that she’ll be too soft on her.
Virgil - She loves his pins, which makes her super cool in his book. They quickly become friends, and he becomes a sorta mentor to her before his death.
Nick and Kim - Nick finds it hilarious that she hates planes so much, and he only uses it to tease her sometimes. Nick quickly becomes like an older brother to her, and she spoils Baby Rye rotten after she’s born.
Adelaide - Also amused by Alice’s feelings on flying, but doesn’t bring it up often as Alice was a frequent visitor to the marina before shit went down. Adelaide doesn’t understand Alice’s crush on Faith, but she will tease her about it (as long as Alice doesn’t defect).
Grace - The two met once before Grace’s parade, and then again at Alice’s dad’s funeral. They get along pretty well, and Alice always has her with her when liberating outposts or doing anything that requires her to have good vision.
Hurk - He drives her insane. She thinks he’s funny, and a really nice guy, but he’s so loud.
Sharky - On the other hand, she loves Sharky. She teases him about the time he puked on Grace every time he mentions having an upset stomach. They’ve drunkenly kissed a few times, but they both try and act like it didn’t happen.
Jess - In the main story? Her girlfriend by the end of the game. Jess teaches her how to hunt properly, even though Alice hates it. Jess joins in her teasing of Sharky about the puking. She hates it when Jess uses the fire arrows - Sharky and Hurk already set her clothes on fire, she doesn’t need it from her super-stealthy person! At the end of everything, she tries to convince Jess to play video games (instead of killing people), to some but not much success.
Relationship wise: They start off with drunken kisses, then one night stands, and then realise that the amount of one night stands (and nights when they fall asleep together) they have mean they’re kinda girlfriends. 
Fangs - She sleeps with Boomer in her bed every night, despite her cats protests. She’ll cuddle with Peaches and Cheeseburger when it’s cold and she’s outside, but it’s a little harder to get the two of them inside the house.
Marshal Burke - She thinks he’s a decent person, a little egotistical, but decent. She’s super shocked when he shoots himself.
Whitehorse - He’s part of the reason she starts to not mind fishing. He’s her surrogate dad, and has been looking out for her since her dad died. They’re both relieved to see each other after the crash.
Hudson - She’s not too sure about Alice at first, but she quickly becomes protective of the “city girl,” and willingly does all of the night driving.
Staci - Her brother’s ex-best friend (for the same reasons as with Mary May). She didn’t really get past “I tolerate you” until the events of the game. After he’s rescued, they become platonic cuddle buddies, even after he starts his thing with Stella. They both agree to not tell Caleb exactly what happened to both of them.
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jamezvaldes · 7 years
I’ve been answering this over the past couple of days because idk what you wanted me to ramble about?? like come on man, give me the rambling direction. and tbh i didn’t know what i wanted to ramble about when I posted. This is actually gonna be under the cut because I ramble about secondary characters a lot.
Desperato/Blackwell Gals: I don’t think people will expect it to go certain ways in terms of some areas. Like I don’t think it’s what people’ll expect and this inadvertently gives me a number of issues and makes my anxiety a lot worse, because i don’t know if people will like that i just do my own thing sometimes and not have the canon storyline at the forefront of the fic. Nicky’s issues are a major point of the fic. Emmy’s relationship with her mother is another important issue, like Em learning to not care about her and learning to not feel guilty about cutting her out of her life.Also I will fight anyone who says that the relationship between the Blackwell gals isn’t the most important relationship in the whole fic. Like fight me.S2!Nicky is a fun character to play around with because it’s more true to who she actually is, like S1!Nic is sort of an act? like the person she wants to be. In relation to Jacob, I don’t think that Nicky has actually grieved him. Like she lives in the same house, her cabin was his, her car was his, her old motorcycle was his. Like there’s just a constant Jacob presences in her life so has she actually grieved him? and Emmy is so angry that she never got to have a relationship with him but has a relationship with a small select of videos that Nicky took of him. Emmy doesn’t know the real Jacob but a false one because of a small selection of moments that Nicky captured. Jacob wasn’t a good man but he tried his best for Nic and he loved her so much.  There’s a running joke that Jacob haunts the Blackwell home and the cabin.Nicky’s friends are my life line tbh. I love them all so much and they’re just a good group of people. - Nate Jenkins, Holly Mitchell, Quinn Lewis, Dean Murphy - They’re just so good!!!!! And Emmy’s other friends - Scott Bishop and Amber Mitchell - are just the best and this little trio are going to be the best and I’m just so excited to bring in my Amber. Who knows what the ships will be at the end of the three seasons? I sure as fuck don’t, well I have a vague idea but that’s a later problem for a depressed post 3am breakdown Jess to figure out. Nicky’s birthday party/event is probably one of the only times she’ll be truly happy throughout the entire fic tbhSecondary Characters:  if you want to see FC’s check this link and go to Desp on the right (x)▫️ Nate Jenkins - Nicky’s childhood best friend (they were next door neighbours) business partner and the other mechanic. Married to Joseph and are in the final stages of adopting a baby, they’re literally just waiting for it to be born and have all the paperwork finalised. The mom friend, and has been making dad jokes since he was a child. He’s a serpent but on the edge of the gang since he got married because they knew adoption was the only why they’d be able to have children so they have to look like #decent members of society and not knee deep in crime. Just loves pulling cars apart. ▫️ Holly Mitchell - Bartender in the Wrym. Was almost an accountant because why not. But left because of a ~scandal~. Engaged to Quinn Lewis and older sister to Amber Mitchell.  Makes a lot of “i’m engayed” style of jokes . A fun loving gal who takes nothing seriously. Also a serpent. Lost both her parents within the period of a year. Often sarcastic and acts as a therapist for the serpents because that’s sort of part of the job description for bartenders. Loves puns but not Amber’s puns. What is organisation? how was she almost an accountant with all this chaos.▫️ Quinn Lewis - She’s just the best, a nurse who works at the hospital and does nights at a no questions asked walk in clinic in the southside. Getting married so planning that takes up almost any of her free time. Has made Nicky maid of honor but has not told her that, just assumes that Nicky knows. Often very tired, always disgruntled. Patches Nicky up after fights far too often despite knowing she could and probably should lose her job because of it. A good person who loves her friends too much. Probably the most serious of the group and the most adult one. Also pool game is next level with this gal. Serpent as well. Very organised and has a good eye for detail. ▫️ Dean Murphy - A soft serpent  who is one of Nic’s childhood best friends. They shit a lot of illegal stuff together, stole cars and all that jazz. Cleaned himself up, worked a number of odd jobs until he started working in the sheriff’s department. Still a serpent despite this. A sarcastic rugged man who is often done with serpent shit and just wants to sit down and not help cover up a crime. Nic and Dean have a complicated relationship, like are they only friends because Nicky (lovingly and jokingly) threatens to blackmail him? Nah they be actual friends.  ▫️ Amber Mitchell -  My angry and depressed gal who i love and cannot wait to bring her in, see this  ask if you want to know more about her. She’s happy being a wallflower, probably will fight Betty Cooper at some-stage but also fight Jughead as well. ▫️ Scott Bishop - baby boy who i love with my whole cold dead heart, see this ask to see more from him. Sees the best in everyone bar Betty. Despite being a “loner” not friends with Jughead, can’t deal with his over dramatic ass.▫️ Amanda Harrison - Nicky’s mother. left baby Nic on Jacob’s doorstep. She’s an interesting character who I think you’ll hate to begin with but you’ll understand why she did what she did. I don’t think you’ll hate her when she leaves the fic. ▫️ Lucy Fletcher - Emmy’s mother and a complete bitch. A drug addict and she often successfully manipulates Emmy into doing stuff for her. Not a good person to be around, didn’t even tell Jacob that she was pregnant with his child▫️ Jacob Blackwell - lowkey often regret killing him but it had to be done. Nicky and Emmy’s father, didn’t know that Emmy was his child. A good father to Nicky and she was his only weakness. Was the leader of the serpents until his death. Was very violent and if anyone went against his wishes or challenged, fight would always occur, and he would always win. Was meant to be a pro bare knuckle boxer but did too much bad shit outside the ring to be one. ▫️ Tristian Owens - evil tbh.  He’s a drug dealer and a ghoulie who is currently in prison for tracking drugs across state lines. He’s a good five years older than Nicky, so she would have been 14 when they met and him 19. Became her “boyfriend” at age 15, he was 20, so not a boyfriend, there’s clearly a power imbalance from the offset. He introduced nicky to the harder drugs. Nicky never really got justice for what he did to her, he’ll be before the parole board soon.   ▫️ Jordan Naylor - Sweetie and music teacher. How he meets Nicky is cute ish. Comes back to Riverdale because his mother isn’t well.▫️ Simon -  Nicky’s sponsor at her AA meetings, he just wants the best for her. The only one who understands Nicky’s addiction since he was one as well. Like nothing is really known about him, since the sponsor isn’t meant to get personal with the sponsee. ▫️ Joseph Aquinas -  A southsider who isn’t a serpent. He’s a lawyer who works in civil law. Nate’s husband. Often gives Nicky legal advice, and he’s a good name who deserves the world. Cannot wait to start a family. Doesn’t mind that Nate will be dragged into dangerous stuff, but doesn’t like it, he’d rather that Nate didn’t get involved. But he knows that Nate would follow Nicky to hell and back. Joseph can deal with a  husband who comes home late but not a dead husband.
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The Assassin AU Nobody Asked For - Stucky feat. Fucking Genius Tony Stark
Hey Look! It’s more not-wrestling fic!
Based on an AU RP that I took part in with @resistanceposterboy, and heavily influenced by alcohol. It’s all pretty old, but I put it together and want to get it out into the world so it can get out of my head, and out of my Notes.
Teeny tiny bit nsfw. A little bit sad sometimes. A lot snarky anytime Tony Stark is involved.
James isn’t too sure about much of his upbringing.
Before New York, and the Starks, and growing up under his Ma’s gentle instruction, there wasn’t anything he considers remarkable enough to consider remembering, that is, assuming it was ever in his control.
The first thing James can clearly remember, more than fragmented feelings and impressions, is fire.
He knows he was strapped to a table, thick metal and leather keeping him prone to slowly heating, blisteringly hot steel. He knows that he wasn’t uncomfortable in the position, scared of the bindings. Those felt. Normal. Ordinary.
But the flames, creeping higher and higher up the walls, trigger something unfamiliar in his gut, something that makes him breathe too heavy in the smoke filled room. His heart rate accelerates, he can hear it on the monitor he’s still hooked up to. He’s never felt this before, not that he can recall, and he tries to look to the left and right, head restrained in place, but in his peripheral there is no one.
No one.
The men and women he has looked to, counted on for instruction are nowhere that he can see. He cannot hear them. Just the crackling of fire, groaning of metal and wood as it begins to bend and break around him. He watches beams collapse. He watches flames grow and reach over closer, beginning to lick at the edges of his table. He watches the very ceiling above him give way, no longer able to maintain its well-constructed purpose, beginning to fall down, scattered, around him.
They never reach him.
Metal, rich red and gold, shields him. A voice, sounding frantic, speaking words he cannot understand through tinny speakers. Male, post pubescent. A mild tenor. Incessant. Likely between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. Speaks to him, clearly not expecting a reply as it leaves him no room to speak.
It would be difficult anyway. The rubber guard is still between his teeth.
Metal appendages tear away restraints, offers him a hand. Ten seconds of blissful silence as he waits. He doesn’t take it. Off to the left, one of the remaining beams falls in a loud crack, snapping and popping as the flames spread through the wood. There’s the voice again, pitched higher, words coming faster. Possibly repeated? His hand shakes, held out, fingers spread. Take it.
He swallows hard, reaching out for it tentatively. He finds himself scooped up in metal arms, and then they’re flying. Wind, fire bright and hot, brushes his face, his arms, his whole bare body as he’s taken away from the destroyed remnants of the only home he’s ever known.
He tries not to be sentimental.
The voice continues to talk (of course it does; he isn’t surprised by this when he recalls this night years later), but his voice seems calm now, almost soothing. He’s uncomfortable in the man’s (machine’s?) arms, but he does nothing to situate himself better, only clings harder as they fly. He might not know much, but he knows he’s only alive because…
Of what? A whim? He doesn’t know how the fire started, doesn’t recall screaming or an evacuation. Just that one moment he was aware, and with that awareness came cloying fear. He suspects the robotic suit has much to do with the series of events, but his superiors aren’t the ones taking him from a certain death, even if he doesn’t know where they’re going. At least he isn’t going to burn alive tonight. Probably.
They touch down in the woods some kilometers away, outside of a small, unkempt cabin. There’s snow beneath his bare feet, a gentle but icy wind reminding him of his nudity, but he doesn’t much notice the cold. They make their way inside, and he ends up wrapped up in a thick blanket in front of a (small, contained) fire.
The suited man sits near (too close) in a chair. The faceplate of the suit slides away after a few minutes, and a worried face finally is revealed, concern etched in dark eyes. He speaks again, and really, he doesn’t have the time to wait for him to figure out if he’ll ever stop, and his voice, choked and raspy from smoke, cuts him off.
Dark eyes blink. Confused. He’s pretty sure he swears. He points to himself, enunciates slowly. “Tony.”
He gives a small nod of understanding. Tony is the, what? Rescuer? He remains quiet.
Tony’s head bobbles, leaning slightly forward, hands waving in small circles in front of him. He says something, syllables lingering, before pointing to himself again and repeating, “Tony.”
He rolls his eyes. “Da, Tony.” He gets it.
Tony makes a noise, and he’s pretty sure he’s annoyed. He narrows his eyes, shoulders squaring. He points at himself again, repeating his name, before pointing to him.
Oh. He swallows and looks away. “солдат.” Soldat. He hopes it’s sufficient.
Tony nods, looking pleased. He offers a small smile and another blanket before stepping away, mask sliding back into place, and he starts speaking again, sometimes allowing pauses. He’s having a conversation of some sort. He hopes it’s to get them someplace warm. Maybe with a cot where he can sleep.
He and Tony don’t sleep, he is less than pleased to share, but he does get clothes, too big but warm and comfortable. They can do little to communicate, but they find a chess board and play several games, until the sun starts to shine through the windows. They’re evenly matched, he finds with a surprised smile. Each pawn or piece he takes makes him grin, wide and feral, Tony’s annoyed sighs only making his victory that much more rewarding.
(with the morning comes a chopper, and James eyes it with unease. Tony gives him a small smile and a pat on the shoulder before passing him a small steel chain that holds tags. James blinks down at them, eyebrows furrowed. The name pressed into the metal doesn’t sound familiar, but the numbers below it, he knows well. He makes a small sound, gripping them tight. Tony pats his shoulder softly, standing just in front of him as a man, older but with the same dark eyes and hair, the same deeply tanned skin, emerges from the aircraft. They speak a few words before Tony smiles, squeezing his shoulder, pulling him forward. He points at the man and says two words. “Dad, Howard.” He looks back to the man, Dad Howard, and his voice takes on a softer tone. “James.”)
остановить -ostanovit - Stop (it) солдат - soldat - Soldier
James likes to consider himself a pretty put together guy.
Sure, his day job is a little less ordinary and a lot more lucrative than most, but he’s good at it, and likes to think he makes the world a little bit better with each trip he makes overseas. He certainly makes it safer, what with getting major players in the drug trade, human trafficking, and weaponry crossed off like it’s a game of chess. He takes good care of his family, what’s left of it.
So yea, James would say he’s got himself together, making a decent enough life for himself.
But for some reason, the second you get cute, muscular and blonde in front of him, he can’t quite figure out what’s going on. His mouth doesn’t work, he can’t catch his breath. His knees buckle. He doesn’t get it.
He’s never been a casanova, certainly not to the degree of Tony, but he can string together enough words to ask an attractive man or women out for dinner.
Unless they have blue-green eyes like a harbor after a storm, a shoulder-to-waist ratio that defies the very laws of physics, and a smile that curls slow and honest. Then, it seems, the only thing James can do it trip and stutter and pine hopelessly.
He’d worry about Tony catching on to his sudden interest in small-batch, hand roasted coffees, but he can barely see past his own tall, blonde temptress, fully capable of reigning him in with a few clipped words and raised, well-manicured eyebrow. Pepper, however, notices, because she can keep Tony on task with a few well placed words in a way that is truly an art form, and isn’t nearly as distractible as anyone else that has ever been put to the task.
James is impressed.
James should know that he can’t hide anything from Tony.
His big brother, always projectile vomiting an endless litany of me me mememe, makes it easy to forget that he’s actually pretty perceptive and, he’ll never admit it out loud, smart. For every never-ending conversation about his work, his life, his girlfriend, himself, where James inevitably considers turning his rifle on himself, there’s a counterpoint: Tony making sure his little brother is fed and hydrated after a long day of incessant meetings, Tony blowing off signing a new contract which ends up shutting down half of New York because the workers can’t work without their negotiated benefits and pay raises just to take him to Coney Island to gorge on funnel cake. Tony making googly eyes at James over coffee when tall, hot, and blonde enters the coffee shop an hour before he usually arrives. Not that James knows that offhand.
It’s a habit for him to know usual activity of places he considers safe.
He doesn’t know the information because he actively looks for him.
He certainly didn’t invite Tony to the cafe thinking it was safe to get him caffeinated and gone with enough time to peruse some new weapons tech online before he would normally show up.
So when Tony catches sight of his dear and most favorite little brother (“I’m your only little brother.” “That’s what we told you so you didn’t think we’d send you back to your third world burning warehouse like we did with Jacob. Man, Jacob was cool. He’d have let me have half of his pastry.”) choking on his overly sweet and creamy coffee as the door’s overhead tinkling bell chimes announcing a new arrival, and then he catches sight of the guy (he doesn’t have to admit he makes him briefly wonder how mad Pepper would be if he had a little pre-extra-marital with him), he knows why his little brother spends so much time working outside of his office anymore.
“Ooohhhh ho ho ho!” Tony is practically shaking with caffeine and excitement.
“Oh fuck, Tony, no.” James hides red cheeks behind his mug, wishing he’d gotten the large today.
“Tony, yes!” he exclaims in a stage whisper. He watches the girl at the counter refuse Hot, Muscular, and Blonde’s payment, grinning as she points to James, trying desperately to disappear behind his drink.
Hot, Muscular, and Blonde gives James a gracious nod and a cute little smile, trying to ignore the way Tony literally vibrates with happiness.
“Bucky!” Tony laughs, eyes wide and almost manic. “What’s his name, and why isn’t he coming over here? Is it me? Should I go? Should I go get him?”
James groans and puts his cup down, not trying to try to corral his brother into quiet and reserved, knowing its futile. “I don’t know. I just…I buy him coffee. Don’t go- for fuck’s sake, Tony, stop staring!” he says, voice a little too loud. He gently drops his head to the cool, forgiving wood of the table when his crush looks over. “Can you send me back to Russia now? I don’t want this to be my life.”
Hot, Muscular, and Blonde, for his part, looks endlessly amused, even if his cheeks are a little pink, too.
“No fuckin’ way. Nope. Sorry. Excuse me? I’m so sorry, Hotty with a Body? Yes, sir, you. I’m Tony! Hi, yea, that’s right, Tony Stark, it’s nice to shout across the room with you. What’s your name? I’m sorry, my brother, Bucky, here should just really know what your name is if he’s going to singlehandedly keep this place running with the amount of coffee he’s prepaid for you.”
James wants to cry and hide and maybe run away. Burning warehouses in Russia sound incredible right now.
“Steve,” comes the soft reply, sounding smug and maybe slightly embarrassed. James doesn’t blame him. Tony has that effect. “Thank you for the coffee, Bucky, was it? It’s very nice to meet you.”
“‘Very nice to meet you.’ Buck, you hear that? He practically doesn’t hate you. Go say hi. I’ll wait here.” Tony takes a noisy slurp of his coffee, watching his brother expectantly.
James groans quietly, contemplating how his life went downhill so quickly.
Tony kicks him under the table, loudly whispering for him to remember his manners.
“Hi…Steve. It’s umm…hi. Please don’t mind him. Dad didn’t love him, and Ma tried to drop him on his head, but she gave up when it only made him more obnoxious.” He peeks up shyly.
Tony kicks him again, smiling serenely in Steve’s direction.
Steve laughs, bright and happy. “He does seem insistent. What do you think, you wanna join me? You think that’ll calm him down?”
James is too dumbstruck to avoid Tony’s next kick. “I. I-umm. History says no.” He yelps at the next kick. “I wasn’t finish-I mean. I’m willing to try, if it’s not a bother.”
“For science,” Tony agrees sweetly, like he isn’t the very bane of James’s existence.
James resolutely does not plan on Tony’s murder, settling for a very unsubtle shove as he breezes past, towards Steve’s table. He sits down across from him, cheeks still burning, his head ducked shyly. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Steve returns, shoulders shaking with the effort not to laugh.
“I’m really sorry about him, I can’t say it enough,” Bucky says quietly. “He doesn’t have a filter. Or know when to stop. Or how to behave in public. He’s very difficult.”
“He clearly loves you,” Steve says, sipping his coffee. “I mean, you’ve been buying my coffee for nearly a year now, and still haven’t had the nerve to come ask me out. I don’t think I would have said no, even before the first time.”
James nearly chokes on his own tongue,
Tony hoots with laughter.
“You gonna ask me to dinner, or are we going to have our first date chaperoned by the CEO of the largest weapons and technology company in the country?”
Bucky almost never thinks about the fact that he doesn’t truly have an identity.
It’s never really mattered to him: he was a soldier and a weapon, and then he was a Stark, briefly, before he’d kissed a porcelain cheek and requested to be a Barnes instead. He’d been shy, back then. Unsure he wasn’t stepping on toes or spitting in faces.
But he’s never really had a name, or he did but it wasn’t important enough to know. He definitely had a serial number.
He doesn’t let these things weigh on his mind. They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. And he probably hasn’t thought about the topic in years before Steve asks him about it, voice quiet and soft, a curious little smile on his lips when he leans in close to ask, “So…how old are you? When’s your birthday?”
Bucky stutters, visibly shaken. They’d been trading questions over decadent bites of rich, dark chocolate creme brulee that he’d told Steve was his favorite thing in all five boroughs. Before he can answer, Steve laughs, all low and dark. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to break out the deep questions,” he teases lightly.
Bucky flushes, head ducking. “No! I’m sorry. I’ve never really celebrated it,” he demurs. “My brother celebrates enough for the both of us, believe me.” He knows he’s potentially ruined the spell that they’ve been under, dimly lit corner booth in a quiet restaurant, just him and Steve, finally. “I was adopted, actually. But my ma always made me my favorite meal on March tenth; that was the day they brought me home.”
He ends on a high note. Good news. Hopes Steve isn’t completely weirded out. He glances at him shyly, blush high on his cheeks.
Steve just smiles, all fond and soft, and god Bucky would do anything to see that smile every day for the rest of his life. “That’s really cute, though,” he says, gently knocking their shoulders together. “Guess I’ll have to play nice long enough to get myself invited to dinner.”
Bucky snorts, gently biting his lower lip. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem,” he tells Steve like its a big secret, pouty lips breaking into a grin.
Steve’s laughter is like the best drugs in all the world, lighting him up, making him want more.
“I should warn you though, golubtsy tends to be off-putting to most. Doesn’t exactly smell the best, but it tastes like what I think home should,” he says, fond and happy. “And I’m not as good a cook as my ma was, but I promise my chak-chak more than makes up for it.”
Steve gets even closer to him in their little booth, Bucky’s hands gesturing as he describes making the little balls of dough and their perfect honeyed glaze. He stutters, barely able to breathe when Steve’s fingers clasp with his, tangling together to settle against their thighs.
He doesn’t know how he got in this position. He’s got no clue how he ended up with six-foot-something, golden blonde, and gorgeous, a thick, warm weight against his side, hanging on to his every word. (He’s resolutely not going to thank Tony.)
He’s flabbergasted, and they’re pressed so close that he barely has to move, head just slightly tilting and their lips are pressed together, warm and chaste.
When they break apart, there’s a slick sound that sounds nearly pornographic to his ears, and he can’t help the embarrassed giggle as he presses his face to Steve’s shoulder to hide.
He can feel Steve pressing his cheek to his hair, a soft kiss right to his crown, and he’s pretty sure he’s going to make an(other) embarrassing sound pretty soon if he keeps it up.
“Took you long enough,” Steve murmurs, voice so dark to be so playful. “Here I thought I was going to have to keep on wondering what I had to do to get a kiss. I’m glad it was’t as long as I had to wait for a date.”
Bucky flounders for a moment before pressing another quick peck of a kiss to Steve’s lips. “You coulda maybe asked me?” he suggests. “Saved me eight months of torture.”
Steve just shrugs, looking far too innocent for the trouble Bucky just knows is hiding. “Yea, but it was way more fun watching you stutter and stumble all over yourself. You spilled cream all over that nice prada suit once, don’t think I didn’t notice. Right down your inner thighs.” He licks his lips at that, eyes slowly raking down Bucky’s body. “That one may have been a little…inspiring.”
Bucky shivers. Swallows hard. Blinks slowly. Gathers himself.
“Wanna tell me what I inspired? An artist like you, I bet it was quite the piece of work. Or maybe you could show me?”
Bucky wants to say that he has decent self control.
Objectively, he does. He knows how to prioritize, get things completed efficiently. He can keep his emotions in check quite well, doesn’t let them get in the way of getting a job done. And Bucky? He’s very good at his job.
So the fact that he finds himself on his knees, hidden under a table, pressed tight between Steve’s legs on their first date takes him a bit by surprise. Steve, too, if the hand in his hair, pulling tugging pressing, is anything to go by. He doesn’t seem to mind, though, not too much at all.
Bucky can’t help but grin a little, even if Steve can’t see it. He laps at the pretty pink head of his cock, kitten licks against the slit, wanting him to feel it. The hand in his hair squeezes, thighs rigid under his hands. He sighs happily, leaning forward to wrap his lips around him, suckling him lightly.
Self control or not, Bucky loves sucking cock.
He takes his time and teases Steve, wanting him to know how good he is, wanting to get to do this again and soon. Bucky and Steve, they might be a sure thing right now, but they might not be a sure thing tomorrow, and who knows about next week. He wants to make the best impression he can, wants Steve’s cock stuffed down his throat, wants Steve to feel like he’s dying every second Bucky isn’t licking and sucking and swallowing. 
Bucky learns pretty quick. He reads Steve like he reads his targets, figures out pretty quick that wet hot suction will keep him on edge, a gentle scrape of his teeth to his frenulum will make his hips buck up quick and sharp, and the tight hug of his tonsils around his flared head will make him come with a sharp gasp and a hard tug to his hair.
Bucky is damn good at what he does, and thorough, too.
He nuzzles Steve’s soft cock, mouths against his fuzzy thighs, the warm weight of his balls, the soft heft of him, wet with come and spit. He purrs softly, letting Steve come down, waiting until there’s a soft tug on his hair that tells him it’s safe to come back up. 
When he does, he’s met with plush red lips and an inquisitive tongue. The kiss is soft, and Bucky didn’t know until just then that kisses could be thankful, could promise the world, but he does now, and it’s the best feeling in the world, he wants to wrap himself up in it.
Steve grins against his lips, pulling away just a little, and his eyes are the best kind of unfocused Bucky’s ever seen.
Tony is a fucking genius. He’s a lot of things, really, most of them great, but somedays he wakes up and just knows it.
This is one of those days.
Of course, he hadn’t woken up that way. It had taken half a pot of coffee, exaggerated wiggling fingers being waved in Jane and Darcy’s general direction as they taped together some sort of contraption in the lab (really? tape? Why don’t we solder the metal pieces like big kids?), grabbing Banner’s ass and winking at the secretary he was chatting up, and one huge eclair for him to get him to that point. But he got there, he was a fucking genius, and he had a plan to put into action.
He wheels his comfy leather office chair down the hall, propelling himself with his Iron Man boots as he smiles and waves at the people he passes, the whole way to Bucky’s office on the opposite corner. (Pepper doesn’t look up as he rolls on by, effectively ignoring him as she speaks to the investor across her desk with a tight-lipped smile.) He bowls through Bucky’s door, sunglasses perfectly in place, giving him his best smile that he saves only for his favorite people.
“Bucky, I am a-“
“-fucking genius,” they finish together. Bucky’s voice doesn’t hold half the enthusiasm Tony was hoping for, but he’s used to being under-appreciated.
“I am, it’s true, you could thank me now, but I see you wore the extra big butt plug this morning.” Tony wiggles his eyebrows and crosses a leg, comfortable.
Bucky sighs, barely looking up from the folder in front of him. He murmurs softly in a language Tony doesn’t care to identify, clearly a goodbye and maybe an apology, before hitting the button on his desk phone to end his call.
“Okay. What this time?” Bucky asks, settling back into his own, but far less cozy, chair. “You figure out energy independence yet, or just how to peel an orange without getting zest under your nails?”
Tony scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Working on the energy thing. The orange one was easy. I have someone else peel it, obviously. I meant you! And Steve!” He ignores Bucky’s groan. “You don’t want to make it official or whatever when you’re still going out and shooting people and getting shot at. I get it. He doesn’t get why you’re such a fidgety guy that won’t put a ring on it. And I, hi, yes, me Tony Stark, you’re welcome, am a fucking genius and have the solution.”
He wants to gloat at the slow rise of Bucky’s head, eyes going from bored to pin-point focused. Instead, he strokes his goatee, feet swaying happily. And he waits, sweet and quiet.
Bucky is visibly fighting himself. Tony loves every second.
“Okay. So you have a fucking genius solution?” He eventually prompts.
Tony nearly explodes with his righteous genius, arms spreading out as he whoops with his happiness. “Yes! How about, now hear me out because it’s sort of obvious, but you haven’t put it together yet, so we’re going way back to square one with this.” He pauses for dramatic effect. “Tell him what it is you do. Boom. Problem solved. You’re welcome. Fucking genius, right?!”
Tony, for his part, doesn’t mind the deafening silence that follows. He’s used to it, if he’s honest. But the way Bucky deflates, his muscle and bulk falling in on himself, threatens to break Tony’s heart.
“It’s just not that easy-“
“Says who?” Tony quips, defensive. “Why can’t it be?”
“Not everyone is lovable Tony Stark, and not everyone can be forgiven all their sins,” Bucky tells him quietly, eyes down on the desk, refusing to look up.
“No, some people are lovable, emo little brothers of lovable Tony Stark.” Bucky glares. “Some people have more life experience in their little fingers than Tony Stark,” he goes on, wiggling to inch his chair forward. “Some people clearly don’t know the best thing that ever walked into their lives, which is not Tony Stark because Tony Stark is a genius, is honest with them, and then gives it all up for them-“
Bucky growls, eyes flashing, and Tony quiets.
“What are you so afraid of?” he asks Bucky, voice soft, genuinely concerned.
All he gets for an answer is Bucky pushing violently from his desk and slamming the door as he walks out.
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