#Jahayla gives advice 🦉
jahayla-parker · 1 year
Hii, I was wondering if you had any tips for us ADHD folks for focusing on tasks because I’ve had a horrible week with focusing on tasks even as small just doing the dishes and it’s really stressing me out. No pressure to answer this, I really like your Freddy fics btw, they are soooo comforting and your most recent was is PERFECTION.
Thank you for your question. I’m sorry you’re struggling! As a fellow ADHDer, I know how difficult this can be and that many people don’t understand what it’s like and that it’s NOT laziness or a lack of willpower.
I have put a readmore break for those not interested or otherwise trying to get to other posts. 💜
Sleep! Omg sleep is ssooooo important. I struggle with this so much! (If you need more advice on how to fix this lmk). But sleep is crucial otherwise the symptoms will get worse as sleep deprivation only increases adhd symptoms.
Write down notes/ideas as they come. Don’t try to make yourself memorize or remember things when you don’t need to. My iPhone notes are so random but helpful! This will help get take the pressure off and allow your brain to rest.
Focus on easy wins! I cannot stress this enough!!!! ADHD paralysis/executive dysfunction can make everything feel overwhelming. Breaking tasks into smaller and more manageable tasks seems simple (and in terms of application it is) but it helps more than you’d think! It takes the pressure off of each task. Don’t forgot in getting it all done. Choose one task. Then, chose the first step(s) of the task and set some time (what seems manageable currently not what “you should designate” to it) aside to do it. Then give yourself some rest (see ideas below). Then repeat as needed.
Unless you have to, don’t force yourself to stick to a strict schedule. You might want to choose one important task to schedule if needed (ideally still do it the way mentioned above though). But don’t map out your whole day if it can be avoided. This feels, looks, and in many ways is, far too much. Ideally plan a rest activity too if you’re going to schedule anything.
Rest and self care is super important. This can look different from person to person. Especially downing on what your triggers are or what type of stimulation is best for you. For me and many others (but not all) prefer/find calming stimulation to be easier/better aka grounding. Examples of common grounding techniques include: painting (I alternate between my nails and a color by number set personally), coloring, drawing (for some, not me personally though), reading (varies a lot on effectiveness for people), yoga, etc.
Physical activity can help too but is understandably hard to do when these symptoms hit. Smaller/shorter/less intensity exercises are typically better and easier to get done when it feels like this. The key is rhythmic movement as studies have shown this to help (can help with ptsd too!)
Rhythmic activities examples (both physical and otherwise): Things like a few minutes of yoga/stretching, rolling/bouncing/tossing a ball, (drawing/paint/color can be included here too), tap feet/fingers/etc at a calm but steady pace, find something that makes (or can make) a soft sound and initiate that sound in a calm steady pace, listen to meditation music, petting/brushing a pet, etc.
Don’t strive for perfection. This is a hard one for me too. But, aim to complete something even if it’s not perfect. The pressure to perform well can in itself make the task harder. In these times, completion (even of a tiny step within a task) is perfection!
Motivate yourself! Completion isn’t enough motivation, so don’t even try to argue that idea lol. Instead, reward yourself for reaching small milestones. Motivation is a great psychological tool to overcome this. It can be whatever is the most exciting for you (please consider your health as well. -mostly referring to avoiding substance and addictive behaviors)
Hopefully this helps!💜
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to see how you we're and wanted to know if everything's all right? I also wanted to say that i love your aesthetic.
On another note, what advice would you give someone who wants to write?
Hi deary! Yes I’m alright, thank you 😊
How are you?
Thank you so much, I’m glad you like it!!!
Below the cut is the advice part!
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A few things of advice for new writers:
There are some blogs on here that share story line ideas, dialogue prompts, and similar suggestions that can be a great help especially if lacking inspiration 🧐
Don’t be hard on yourself, even if it takes longer than expected, doesn’t turn out as you planned, doesn’t get the response on here you wanted, etc. at the end of the day, you respected your mind enough to get those ideas out of your brain and translated into words/text and that alone is a large feat. 📖
Write what you want to write and don’t force it if you’re not feeling it (either th topic or like writing at that specific moment), all that does is turn a hobby and skill into something that feels more like a task or chore and takes the fun out of it 🤗
Read (and support by reblogging - bonus if you annotate/add details on what you liked [helps the writer and serves to remind yourself what aspects of others’ writings you like and may want to try]-) the work of others on some platform. Books by published authors are of course wonderful, but seeing examples from people just like you can provide a lot of insight. Plus it’ll connect you to the writer community! 📚
Extending off of that ^^^, try and connect to your readers and other writers in whatever platform you choose, it’ll help and make you more comfortable; plus they’re a great resource for feedback and to go to for questions! 💌
Do NOT write on tumblr itself. Use a notepad, Word/Google (or similar) Doc, or other software (bonus if it auto saves!). Tumblr will randomly crash and either delete or erase (or otherwise send into the void) your work. It’ll work great sometimes and other times be the worst. I’ve had to start so many fics over from scratch after being nearly done (and get mad when I can’t get it to be the way/same I had it before). I personally use my iPhone notepad (sometimes synced to the cloud so it’s easier to pull up on my laptop later when editing and posting). Tumblr is okay for editing but even then, don’t discard the original form/file until you’ve officially published (if extra cautious still keep the original after this too). But, as far as actually writing it, use tumblr at your own risk!
Those are the most important pieces of advice I think 💜
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