#Jamie Ohlsen
moviesandmania · 2 years
END OF LOYALTY (2023) Review, trailer and release news
‘Loyalty is either earned, bought or lost’ End of Loyalty is a 2023 American action crime thriller film about the son of a gangster family seeking vengeance for his father’s murder. Directed by Hiroshi Kitagari from a screenplay written by Chris Preyor based on Kitagari’s storyline. Produced by Mitsuaki Munegumi, John Pleasant and Paul Tanter. The Aiki Master Productions-Nine10 Productions movie…
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 2:47 pm
Welcome to “8 Questions with…….”
Two things struck me about our next guest,actress Jamie Ohlsen,one ….she looks like a complete badass that you want to share a foxhole with in a fight. Anyone that would think about messing with her should think twice,no..make that three times before making that step. Two,she has a lovely smile and really beautiful eyes. And why would any director try and hide that smile should be dragged out back and meet the cheetah up close and personal.  Yeah,Jamie has that kind of smile… But she is also fearless as well…because at a age when most performers have established a career already,Jamie decided to START hers and how it happened is one of those kind of starts you only can get in Hollywood. Now she has been cast in a series on Amazon Prime,rubbing elbows with a huge favorite of indie actors,Robert LoSardo and is looking to create her first feature film. Rumor has it that not only will be cheetahs in it but Jamie is going to show off her wonderful smile. While killing bad guys of course…. One can’t but admire Jamie for working very hard on her young career and getting the place where she is at now. I am so happy Jamie agreed to do our series and answer the 8 Questions we sent her…..enjoy!
   Please introduce yourself and tell us about your latest project.
Hello! My name is Jamie Ohlsen.
I recently completed 2 indy feature films as well as a Sci-Fi dramatic TV Series. I was brought onto the TV Series the end of Season 2.
    The first indy feature I was in is called “Crossed”. I play an assassin named Lulu Chang that works for a crime boss named Drevin, played by the talented Robert LaSardo. It’s a dramatic crime-action movie. Some other recognizable faces in the film are Omar Gooding and Thomas “Tiny” Lister Jr (Otherwise known as Deebo from FRIDAY). This film is almost out of post-production and will be released soon!
   The second indy feature I was in is called “Desire Lines”. In this film, I play a character named Viscid, a manipulative owner of a holistic adult film company. This film is also almost out of post-production and will be released soon!
  The TV series I was cast in as Sergeant Newton is called “Age of The Living Dead“. It’s currently released on Amazon Prime, as well as FX Asia. I was cast during Season 2 which just completed principal photography on 09/16/19. Viewers can watch Season 1 in full on Amazon Prime. Season 2 (Which is the Season I am in) is set to be released in 2020. This show is about Humans and Vampires being quarantined in the US by the rest of the world. The humans occupy the west and the vampires occupy the east. They are separated by a  “No man’s land.” They currently have an agreement to not try and kill each other, but things start to go wrong with that agreement. You’ll have to watch to see how wrong it goes… 
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 Where were you born and raised at? Are members of your family naturally artistic?
I was born in Bellflower, CA. I lived the majority of my life in Los Angeles County, but I did live in Stockton, CA (NorCal) for a total of about 8 years. My family would move us from LA to Stockton and back every 1-2 years. I guess you could say they got bored easily! *lol* It’s funny because growing up I didn’t understand creativity how I understand it now. I used to think that you were only an Artist or Creative if you knew how to draw or played an instrument. So I never thought I was an artist or creative because I sucked at drawing and didn’t play instruments. I was more into sports. My parents and sisters also didn’t seem artistic or creative to me because they didn’t do those things either. But I only recently realized (In the past 10 years) that my family is very creative and artistic!
   Growing up, we didn’t have much money in our family. So when a neighbor would buy their kids a new basketball hoop, or go-kart, or slip-n-slide, my mom would make us one by hand! She was so creative with building things. She never wanted us to feel left out. She’s an amazing mother!
    My father used to sew and write poems. He never mentioned that to me as a kid, or even as an adult. I only found out because I went over to his place one day and found an old pillow that had a poem sewn onto it. I asked him where he bought it and he said he made it when he was young!! I was so shocked! He also shows his creativity through how he dressed and what jewelry he wears.
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What led you to become an actress? Who helped you the most when you first started out?
I’ve been obsessed with film since I could remember! I have a very vivid imagination so I get lost in every film. Even if it’s not the greatest film. *lol* So much so that when I was a kid, I was banned from watching horror films with my mom, dad, and two sisters. They banned me because prior to that when I would watch it with them, I’d end up sleeping with either my parents or one of my sisters. I guess they got tired of that! haha I realized that movies allowed me to go to different times and places. That’s amazing to me. I attempted becoming an actor when I was young, but my parents just didn’t have the time or the money to help me with that.    Fast forward to January 2018. Acting had been tugging on my heart, soul, and mind for years. I just kept ignoring it. This time it tugged so hard, I had to listen.    When I first started out, my GF/partner helped me a lot. She helped me with my scenes and self-tapes. She still does! Also, my now Producing partner, Marvin Williams, helped me a lot too. He’s the first person that I had a meeting with about the BIZ part of SHOWBIZ. He was casting for a TV series and I contacted him for a role. We met to chat and during our 3 hour-long conversation, he told me, “You’re going to do well as an actor, but you’re also a Producer!” He said that he could see it by the way I spoke, carried myself, and how my mind worked. I wasn’t only an artist, I was a businesswoman. Since that day I approached this business as an actor and producer. And I must say, it’s paid off for me! Thanks, Marv!! I also owe a lot to my other producing partner, Darien Smith. He cast me as Lulu Chang in Crossed and has helped, guided, and is rooting for my success in this industry as well! Thanks, D-Buck!
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 What was your first acting role and how did you feel after booking it?
I was at home on my computer. I googled, “How to become an actor.” I saw a post from Backstage. I went to their site and scrolled through the different roles. I didn’t have an account and wasn’t 100% ready to sign up and pay, but luckily I saw a post about an LGBTQ short film. I then saw a role for a DJ. I thought… ” I can play a DJ!” Luckily I saw an email that I could grab off of Backstage and email directly from my Gmail account! I realized later that rarely happens, so I guess it was meant to be! 🙂 So I emailed the casting person some photos of me and my info. I got an email back within 15 minutes! They sent me sides to do a self-tape. I had never done a self-tape (didn’t even know what it was) and didn’t know what sides meant. So I had to google all of this! *LOL* I was SO nervous. I started to question this whole acting thing… but my gut told me to just do it!! So I went to my bathroom and set up my lighting and backdrop. I must’ve done 100 takes! I was so tired of doing it over and over, so I just picked the best take and sent it! AHHHH!!!  20 minutes later I get a call saying I got the role!!!! What!?? Crazy, right? That was it, I was HOOKED!
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 What is the audition process for you like? Do you do anything special on days you have an audition? How do you handle not getting a part?
Auditioning at first was nerve-racking!! It still can be, but it’s not as bad for me as when I first started. It helps to do it often as well as to train on how to do it. I’m not sure if I’ll ever not feel a bit nervous in auditions, but I do feel myself becoming more confident and less nervous these days. What I have found that helps me is to focus on my character and be that person. Don’t think about Jamie, because Jamie is not in the room, my character is. Also, focusing on imagining the auditioning room being the scene that my character is currently in. For example, a kitchen, park, jail cell, hotel, hospital room, etc. Be in the scene before you get into the room. Breathing techniques help me a lot too. Help to calm my nerves down. Lastly, not trying to book the part. But just going in there and serving the scene and story. That makes me less nervous as well.
   I audition so much, I’m used to not getting 99% of the things I go in for. I also come from a sales background, so I have thick skin when it comes to rejection. There have been a few roles that I wanted so badly and didn’t get. Those definitely hurt a bit, but I don’t allow myself to roll around in the mud, so-to-say, for too long. So within an hour of knowing I didn’t get it, I accept it.
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 How did your producing career get started? Can you walk us through a “pitch” for a project you are trying to fund? How hard is it to retain creative control from the people who are funding your project?
As mentioned earlier, my now producing partner, Marvin Williams, helped me to discover the “Producer” in myself. Once he told me that, my every move became strategic towards becoming a great producer as well as an actor. I then started to do research on, “How to become a producer.” I didn’t find many “How to’s.” So I started to research successful Producers names and started to follow and read about their journeys, trials, tribulations, and successes. I then came across the partnership of Brian Grazer and Ron Howard. What a fascinating story and journey they have! I started to study what they did and started to emulate a little of it. I was also still getting coaching and tips from Marvin. I still do! I’ll say that my road to becoming a successful producer has not been a walk in the park! I’ve met some questionable people who pretended to be people they aren’t and feel I have dodged a few bullets!! So grateful for that! I now have my dream team in place. We are in pre-production for our first project as a team. We are producing a horror feature film. It will be shopped at the studio level due to Marvin William’s connections and partnerships. I will also be a lead actor in this film. I cannot wait for everyone to see this!!    The pitching of projects in regards to how me and my team do it entails putting a pitch-package together for our investors to visually see. We’ll discuss the script, the feel of the film or show, as well as what our plans are for distribution. The key is to have trust with them as well as to be excited! Investors want to know that you know what you’re doing with the project, are excited about it, will complete it, and get it sold! Our team will not make any film or tv series that we cannot sell.    It’s not hard for us to retain creative control because we set expectations upfront. If you want full creative control, your investors need to understand this from the very beginning. Transparency is key! 
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 What were the three best pieces of wisdom given to you professionally and have you applied them in your career?
1- Control your destiny in this business by becoming a producer and/or creating your own content. If not, you’ll be waiting around for people to say yes to you.
I apply this daily. As mentioned earlier, I feel moving through this industry with this always on my mind, I feel has gotten me things I wouldn’t normally have gotten.
2- Expect this business to be a marathon, not a sprint, but do your best to walk fast…
I always have this on my mind as well. I understand this isn’t a sprint to the finish line, but I also don’t want to wait 30 years to accomplish what I want to accomplish.
3- There are people less qualified than you doing more than you, so don’t make excuses, go after what you want!
This one really helped me in the beginning of my career. I would sometimes doubt myself. But remembering this helps me to just focus on what I am doing and not to compare my career and other’s careers. We all have our own paths/journeys. We can all accomplish what we want if we just work hard, smart, and stay the course!
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 How important is a management team to an artist? What do you expect from them?
If you would’ve asked me this before I signed with my new management agency (Shout out to DIVERGENT TALENT MANAGEMENT), I would’ve said, “ehh.” Before Divergent I was with two other managers. I had to fire both of them. I wish them the best of luck. Now that I’m with Divergent, I now understand how amazing a great management team is to my career! Darcie and Jennifer work their A*#es off!! Seriously. They send me a monthly report of everything they submitted me to for each month and I am blown away. I never had a manager do this. It makes me want to win even more just for them to win as well. Thanks, ladies!!    I don’t expect much. It’s simple. Communication, hard work, understanding of where I’d like to go in my career and help me to get there, as well as give me constructive criticism and help me to grow.
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 How hard is it for you to detach yourself from an intense role?
To be honest,I’ve yet to do a crazy intense role. I feel like the horror film I am about to shoot will be my most intense role. So check back with me after that! 🙂
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 You are producing your dream film….who are you casting and who is directing and why?
Leonardo DiCaprio, Sarah Paulson, and Martin Scorsese come to mind. Leo has been a favorite actor of mine all of my life. He’s gotten better and better over the years and I feel I would learn A LOT from being on set and working with him. Sarah is a phenomenal actress. She’s gone to dark places on AHS. I definitely would want to work with her and learn from her as well. And Martin Scorsese, well… do I really need to explain!? haha! 
 The cheetah and I are flying in to watch your latest film being made, but we are a day early and you are playing tour guide, what are we doing?
First, we’d go grab a bite to eat at one of my favorite vegan restaurants, Crossroads! You’ll love this place! Even non-vegans (Me) love it! Then, we’ll explore a fun WB backlot tour! If you’re in LA, you have to see this at least once, especially if you love films and movie-making! Next, I’d take you to the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum. It’s a bit of a depressing subject matter, but it’s fascinating and should be widely known and talked about! Then to end the evening, we’d lighten the mood back up and I’d take you to one of my favorite Japanese restaurants in Little Tokyo! Their fish is always fresh and their service is A1! We could then walk around and see the little shops and then go to my favorite ice cream spot called, Bae! SO GOOD!!!
I like the thank Jamie for one of my favorite interviews I have done yet. I felt I learned a lot not about Jamie and her career but also what really goes on behind the scenes in indie film Hollywood. We wish Jamie the very best in her career and will keep a sharp eye for her TV shows and films.   To keep up with Jamie,you can follow her on her various SM Platforms.
You can follow Jamie’s career on her IMDb page. Follow Jamie on her Twitter page. She also has a InstaGram page.
Feel free to drop a comment below,we love reading your comments and thank you for your support!
8 Questions with………actress Jamie Ohlsen Its 2:47 pm Welcome to "8 Questions with......." Two things struck me about our next guest,actress Jamie Ohlsen,one ....she looks like a complete badass that you want to share a foxhole with in a fight.
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sigmundsdottir · 4 years
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thezfc · 5 years
Wow, that’s going on with her chippers? I regret deeply that I kept quiet through the NY run, especially the beginning when Zawe said so many things about the play that didn’t match how she played her character. And her acting was so bad in London that during the play I thought that I don’t know anybody who vaguely behaves this way in real life. Afterwards I only tweeted however that Tom’s acting was brilliant and exactly how  I had expected and Charlie and Zawe not at all. When I went a second time, I had added a photo of mine to my Twitter account in the meantime, and during the play I saw Zawe throw a pretty nasty look in my direction. I went a second time partly to see if her acting was any better being elsewhere in the theatre, which it wasn’t. When we stood at the other side of the street she threw us a condescending look as she came out and I thought “Wow.” and “What kind of hideous shoes is she wearing?” I guess the lack of sympathy is mutual. She triggers me all the wrong way by now, because I went to the theatre to enjoy myself and to watch Tom act  and not to get that kind of treatment from his costar who is so full of herself that she seriously tries to shut down everybody who does not agree with what she thinks about her character? Five months into the play she hadn’t even understood the play as a whole and was overly astonished by things Tom and Charlie said and that should have been obvious to her even by then.
I think a huge problem is that many haven’t even read the play and never formed an opinion of it on their own. They just go along with whatever Zawe said. Zawe demonstrated a pretty hefty lack of empathy. She seemed not to even get the character that Tom was playing. Tom must have felt slightly fooled when she said something like it being such an enjoyable play. There were grown up men crying in the theatre! And not from laughter. She also said that she never felt her character was judged at any point in the play. It was the whole point of the character Tom was playing, Robert bottling up his emotions and not showing his feelings about it to safe face. Why did she even cry along with him? I gasped how cold blooded that Emma then went to buy a cover for the lovers dent. Zero remorse. And Zawe did say that she is playing this wonderful person who has everything in life, a husband, a lover, a family with kids, a career.  Not quite what Jamie Lloyd also said in his recent interview, is it.
I didn’t agree with what Tom said about the three relationships either though, because if Robert hadn’t had that work relationship with Jerry, that’d have been it after Venice. And I don’t know about divorce law in the UK at the time. Zawe played her character incredibly emotionally abusive towards Robert in London. I gasped thinking that Tom has to go through this every night. But hey, a happy, funny play…
Did she really say anything worthwhile in the interviews? Other than that she knew that she’s great and that they are such a great trouple and having such a wonderful time together? I thought  that personal relationships are clouding their judgement of the play obviously. Besides it never being such a good sign, because if people display their supposed happiness too much, there’s always something wrong there and such relationships rarely last. They didn’t even communicate about the play properly. Charlie was surprised that Tom considered him a friend. Zawe made fun of Tom saying that his character went to the island in Italy on the podium that was supposed to be about the play. Much was about her, her, her and her again. 
So the men on the play were nice to work with. Good for her. Not so good is how she took full advantage of it. She said much without really saying anything in interviews. When the rumours came up, she put oil on the fire by talking about weddings and babies. If she was in a relationship with Tom that he wanted to keep a secret that was a pretty bad move.
It was however a very good move to get people talking about her, follow her every move, buy her book to find out what kind of a person she is, pay attention to her play. She wouldn’t even have been on Broadway without Tom.
Her chippers claimed that the relationship rumours would sell the play because people would want to see the couple. This is not true. Sales dropped with the rumours despite Tom’s tv appearance. They only rose again with the Comicon and then dropped again which is why, I think, they gave these interviews towards the end. They could have made so much more with the play. Even the 92Y event was only half sold. It seems people rather paid a lot of money to see Tom on his own at the Comicon than see him for longer for less money at this event together with her.
If she as least had anything useful to say, but all she does is steal from others. Her roles were written by others. The dresses are made by others. Even her hair and make up is done by others. She cannot even throw a facial mask on her face on her own. Her own play wasn’t well researched, spent only an afternoon in the library, she said, the idea came from somebody else and she wrote it within a day. Critics remarked that one can tell that she has parts in the play where she doesn’t have any personal experience and it shows, because nobody talks this way in real life in such settings. She said in interviews that she can only imagine doing things she’s seen others do.
In the SiriusXM interview towards the end of the run in NY she repeated exactly what the interviewer had just said. It’s common practice by people who want to make what somebody else said their own. This interviewer and the one on 92Y made sure that Tom and Charlie got more time to talk and they had so much more valuable things to say. She’s not an Emma Watson, a Jessica Chastain or Elisabeth Ohlsen.
When I heard about people wondering about that events company in Atlanta, I also immediately thought “Did she not get enough attention lately?” and “Is she trolling again?” It’s interesting that I wasn’t the only one to think so. I checked, her Instagram. Her posts with Tom got the most likes. Her follower count went up from 2000 I imagine to remember to 52000 when I looked last week or so down to 46000 the other day. Her posts only received 2500, which is still a lot, but less compared to the Betrayal run. The ones promoting her play got only around 700 likes. Approachable, by the way, for those who might not know, is part of the publicity game to gain followers.
Sorry for the long post. I found your tumblr in November and enjoyed reading it, saw many things mentioned but thought I familiarize myself first, not familiar with turmblr. Such long posts are probably also a no go. I’m still pretty clueless how to navigate this and to find other tumblrs and see what’s common practice. I just couldn’t hold back anymore seeing that people are bullied because her fans cannot stand people not agreeing with them. I kept quiet for far too long because I didn’t want such people at my throat. Keeping quiet didn’t do me any good, gave me some sleepless nights.
Hi and welcome, but yeah, shorter posts more often will get your point across, super long essays may not get read by most people :)
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angelarpetersen · 7 years
Tia-Clair Toomey, Mat Fraser Crowned 2017 CrossFit Games Champions
The Rx Review: Reporting on Fitness and CrossFit News, John Michael Bric
The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games have come to a close with the “Fittest Man and Woman on Earth” crowned for another year.
In the men’s half, American Mat Fraser claimed back to back titles finishing well ahead of his nearest opponent in Brent Fikowski. While it was a thrilling finish to the women’s division with Tia-Clair Toomey narrowly edging out fellow Australian Kara Webb to claim the crown.
This was the first time the CrossFit Games had been held outside of California, and Madison, Wisconsin sure didn’t disappoint. The new arena and backdrop proved a big hit for spectators, with the ‘fan experience’ improving yet again.
Heading into the fourth and final day of competition, Fraser had all but already secured the title in the men’s half. However, the four-time podium finisher was taking his foot off the accelerator finishing 3rd, 1st and 2nd respectively in the final three events.
With Fraser well ahead the competition turned to the remaining two podium finishes. With three top five finishes in the final Events, Fikowski managed to claim the runner-up crown, while Australian Games debutant Ricky Garard (brother of Ben Garard) held on to claim third.
Familiar names Noah Ohlsen, Scott Panchik and 2015 Games champion Ben Smith all finished inside the top 10.
FITTEST MEN, WOMEN AND TEAMS ON EARTH — MEN 1. @mathewfras 2. @fikowski 3. @rickygarard — WOMEN 1. @tiaclair1 2. @karawebb1 3. @anniethorisdottir — TEAMS 1. @wasatchcrossfit 2. @crossfitmayhemfreedom 3. @cffortvancouver #CrossFitGames | #CrossFit @flsportsguy | @CrossFit • @reebok • @roguefitness • @airrosti #FittestonEarth
A post shared by The CrossFit Games (@crossfitgames) on Aug 6, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
While the men’s title was all been confirmed on Day 4, the women’s competition was well and truly up for grabs.
Less than 100 points separated the top five which included Toomey and Webb, as well as former dual Games champions Annie Thorisdottir and Katrin Davidsdottir.
In the end, it came down to the final workout with Toomey holding on to claim her first ever Games title, after finishing second two years in a row. Thorisdottir, the 2011 and 2012 individual champ, returned to the podium with third place. Her result see her tie with Rich Froning for the most-ever Individual podium appearances with five apiece.
Icelandic two-time defending champion Davidsdottir finished 5th overall, behind country-woman Ragneidur Sara Sigmundsdottir. It was the first time in a while no American female had finished in the top 5.
The 2017 CrossFit Games also saw Rich Froning walk away without a title, with CrossFit Mayhem upstaged by Wasatch CrossFit to claim the Affiliate Cup.
Top 10 Male Standings:
1. Mathew Fraser 2. Brent Fikowski 3. Ricky Garard 4. Patrick Vellner 5. Noah Ohlsen 6. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson 7. Scott Panchik 8. Ben Smith 9. Alex Anderson 10. Jonne Koski
Top 10 Female Standings:
1. Tia-Clair Toomey 2. Kara Webb 3. Annie Thorisdottir 4. Ragnheidur Sara Sigmundsdottir 5. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir 6. Tennil Reed-Beuerlein 7. Kristin Holte 8. Jamie Greene 9. Samantha Briggs 10. Kari Pearce
Top 3 Team Standings:
1. Wasatch CrossFit 2. CrossFit Mayhem 3. CrossFit Fort Vancouver
Tia-Clair Toomey, Mat Fraser Crowned 2017 CrossFit Games Champions
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denisalvney · 7 years
Tia-Clair Toomey, Mat Fraser Crowned 2017 CrossFit Games Champions
The Rx Review: Reporting on Fitness and CrossFit News, John Michael Bric
The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games have come to a close with the “Fittest Man and Woman on Earth” crowned for another year.
In the men’s half, American Mat Fraser claimed back to back titles finishing well ahead of his nearest opponent in Brent Fikowski. While it was a thrilling finish to the women’s division with Tia-Clair Toomey narrowly edging out fellow Australian Kara Webb to claim the crown.
This was the first time the CrossFit Games had been held outside of California, and Madison, Wisconsin sure didn’t disappoint. The new arena and backdrop proved a big hit for spectators, with the ‘fan experience’ improving yet again.
Heading into the fourth and final day of competition, Fraser had all but already secured the title in the men’s half. However, the four-time podium finisher was taking his foot off the accelerator finishing 3rd, 1st and 2nd respectively in the final three events.
With Fraser well ahead the competition turned to the remaining two podium finishes. With three top five finishes in the final Events, Fikowski managed to claim the runner-up crown, while Australian Games debutant Ricky Garard (brother of Ben Garard) held on to claim third.
Familiar names Noah Ohlsen, Scott Panchik and 2015 Games champion Ben Smith all finished inside the top 10.
FITTEST MEN, WOMEN AND TEAMS ON EARTH — MEN 1. @mathewfras 2. @fikowski 3. @rickygarard — WOMEN 1. @tiaclair1 2. @karawebb1 3. @anniethorisdottir — TEAMS 1. @wasatchcrossfit 2. @crossfitmayhemfreedom 3. @cffortvancouver #CrossFitGames | #CrossFit @flsportsguy | @CrossFit • @reebok • @roguefitness • @airrosti #FittestonEarth
A post shared by The CrossFit Games (@crossfitgames) on Aug 6, 2017 at 6:23pm PDT
While the men’s title was all been confirmed on Day 4, the women’s competition was well and truly up for grabs.
Less than 100 points separated the top five which included Toomey and Webb, as well as former dual Games champions Annie Thorisdottir and Katrin Davidsdottir.
In the end, it came down to the final workout with Toomey holding on to claim her first ever Games title, after finishing second two years in a row. Thorisdottir, the 2011 and 2012 individual champ, returned to the podium with third place. Her result see her tie with Rich Froning for the most-ever Individual podium appearances with five apiece.
Icelandic two-time defending champion Davidsdottir finished 5th overall, behind country-woman Ragneidur Sara Sigmundsdottir. It was the first time in a while no American female had finished in the top 5.
The 2017 CrossFit Games also saw Rich Froning walk away without a title, with CrossFit Mayhem upstaged by Wasatch CrossFit to claim the Affiliate Cup.
Top 10 Male Standings:
1. Mathew Fraser 2. Brent Fikowski 3. Ricky Garard 4. Patrick Vellner 5. Noah Ohlsen 6. Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson 7. Scott Panchik 8. Ben Smith 9. Alex Anderson 10. Jonne Koski
Top 10 Female Standings:
1. Tia-Clair Toomey 2. Kara Webb 3. Annie Thorisdottir 4. Ragnheidur Sara Sigmundsdottir 5. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir 6. Tennil Reed-Beuerlein 7. Kristin Holte 8. Jamie Greene 9. Samantha Briggs 10. Kari Pearce
Top 3 Team Standings:
1. Wasatch CrossFit 2. CrossFit Mayhem 3. CrossFit Fort Vancouver
Tia-Clair Toomey, Mat Fraser Crowned 2017 CrossFit Games Champions
Tia-Clair Toomey, Mat Fraser Crowned 2017 CrossFit Games Champions published first on http://therxreview.com
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sigmundsdottir · 5 years
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sigmundsdottir · 5 years
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sigmundsdottir · 5 years
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blschaos3000-blog · 2 years
8 Questions with.........actress Jamie Ohlsen
8 Questions with………actress Jamie Ohlsen
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