#Janik Coat
dogandcatcomics · 3 months
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#repost @janikcoat Janik Coat (France, 1972-). Illustration by Coat from the book Iggy, written by @alexcousseau Alex Cousseau and published by @lesfourmisrouges. I appreciate the canine representation.
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page-a-pages · 10 months
Pas l'temps je lis (mai-juin 2023)
Pas l’temps je lis est la chronique que je tiens dans le supplément culture qui paraît chaque samedi dans le quotidien Le Temps. Ci-dessous vous trouverez la liste des livres présentés dans les chroniques. Elle permettra aux abonné.es du Temps de les retouver facilement, offrira des pistes aux lecteur.ices du blog et sera utile aux éditeurs.trices qui verront ainsi quels livres ont été retenus et auront une idée du ton de la chronique.
06 mai 2023 - Comment dorment les animaux
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Les Animaux dorment, Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold, Mari Kanstad Johnsen, Cambourakis - Album dès 4 ans
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Vive la sieste, Yuichi Kasano, L'Ecole des loisirs - Cartonné 0-3 ans
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Comment dorment les animaux, Marie Stumpfova, Jiri Dvorak, La Partie - Documentaire dès 3-4 ans
13 mai 2023 - Cadeaux de naissance
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Tu vois le jour, Laurent Moreau, Hélium - Livre accordéon dès la naissance
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Je, Olivier Douzou, Le Rouergue Jeunesse - Album dès 3 mois
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Les Images de Lou et Mouf: le chantier, la ville, Jeanne Ashbé, Pastel / L'Ecole des loisirs - Cartonnés 0-2 ans
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Mes p'tits doigts, Anne Crahay, CotCotCot - Album 0-2 ans
20 mai 2023 - Le temps du voyage
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Notre Voyage, Romain Bernard, La Partie - Album dès 3 ans
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Le Temps est rond, Victoria Kaario, Juliette Binet, Le Rouergue - Cartonné dès 2 ans
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Killiok, Anne Brouillard, Pastel / L'Ecole des loisirs - Album dès 6 ans
27 mai 2023 - Wouf Wouf !
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Iggy, Alex Cousseau, Janik Coat, Les Fourmis rouges - Album dès 4-5 ans
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Tout le monde a un teckel sauf moi, Charlotte Pollet, Biscoto - Album dès 4-5 ans
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Chien Pourri, le grand fourre toutout, Colas Gutman, Marc Boutavant, L'Ecole des loisirs - 6-9 ans
03 juin 2023 - Trois bandes dessinées
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Swamp, Johann G. Louis, Dargaud - Dès 12 ans
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Béa Wolf, Zach Weinersmith, Boulet, trad. Aude Pasquier, Albin Michel - Tous âges dès 10 ans
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Blancaflor, la princesse aux pouvoirs secrets, Sergio Garcia Sanchez, Rue de Sèvres - Dès 9-10 ans
10 juin 2023 - Des animaux pas si domestiqués que ça
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Bonne nuit, gorille, Peggy Rathmann, L'Ecole des loisirs - Cartonné dès 3 ans
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Tigre et Chat, Allira Tee, La Joie de lire - Album dès 5 ans
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Hector, Fred Dupouy, Lucie Maillot, Talents Hauts - Roman dès 8-9 ans
17 juin 2023 - Que fait-on le samedi?
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Jour de marché, Alice Oehr, La Partie - Album dès 3-4 ans
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Tommy fait les courses, Rotraut Susanne Berner, La Joie de lire - Cartonné dès 2 ans
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Pops et Mimosa. Mission salade, Emile Cucherousset, Thomas Baas, Actes Sud Junior - Album dès 6 ans
24 juin 2023 - Au coeur du végétal, les cycles de la vie
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Comment naissent les arbres, Charles Berberian, La Martinière - Album dès 4 ans
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De fleurs en fleurs, Anne Crausaz, MeMo - Album documentaire dès 6 ans
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Végétal, Juliette Einhorn, Hélène Druvert, la Martinière - Documentaire dès 9-10 ans
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egoschwank · 7 months
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1222
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first posted in facebook october 11, 2023
noah saterstrom -- "maeve" (ca. 2019)
"maeve, speak up. don't expect that anyone will do you the favor of listening if you don't trouble yourself to use your voice" … ann patchett
"the first edition u.s. cover [of 'the dutch house'] featured a portrait by noah saterstrom that was specifically created for the cover. the novel heavily references a painted portrait of maeve wearing a red coat that was commissioned when she was 10. saterstrom created a portrait to match patchett's description" … wikipedia
"you know, the funny thing is, i don't really ever have a hard image of anyone in my head. so when i saw the painting what i thought was that's perfect. i did not think oh he's read my mind because there really wasn't anything in my mind" … ann patchett
"you know, the funny thing is, people always tell me i never have anything in my mind … and that i should not speak up and use my voice if i have nothing to say … but that never stopped me" … al janik
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readleafbooks2022 · 1 year
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【素敵な洋書絵本の古書案内】 John Alcorn「BOOKS!」「WRITING!」 Janik Coat「ALEPH」 Celestino Piatti「Celestino Piatti's ABC」 Didier Cornille「Toutes les maisons sont dans la nature」 5冊を登録しました。 よろしければ、ご覧くださいませ。 #johnalcorn #janikcoat #celestinopiatti #didiercornille #readleafbooks #art #picturebooks #本 #本棚 #絵本 #児童書 #絵本屋 #洋書絵本 #絵本が好き #絵本が好きな人と繋がりたい #芸術 #英語 #イラスト    @readleafbooks Webショップで紹介中。プロフィールからぜひどうぞ! https://www.instagram.com/p/Co3z9otPZUw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pussreboots · 4 years
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centredelill · 4 years
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Anouck Boisrobert et Louis Rigaud sont nés en 1985 et se sont rencontrés à l’école des Arts décoratifs de Strasbourg (actuel HEAR de Strasbourg). À l’occasion d’un Workshop sur la technique du pop-up, ils créent la maquette de leur premier livre intitulé Popville, qui sortira un an plus tard aux éditions Hélium.
Ils continuent alors ensemble à imaginer de nouveaux livres animés, en pop-up, en découpe ou interactifs, ainsi que des animés à colorier. Louis aime bien les défis techniques et Anouck aime bien trouver des idées compliquées à réaliser.
Anouck s’occupe maintenant des illustrations et de l’univers graphique de leurs livres, tandis que Louis est l’ingénieur papier du tandem. Ensemble, ils animent souvent des ateliers autour de leur travail.
Quand ils ne font pas des livres, Anouck est illustratrice pour différents projets et Louis invente des jeux vidéos, des films d’animation, des sites internet, des affiches et des illustrations.
Ils participent aussi depuis quelques d’années au Salon du livre animé organisé par la Boutique du livre animé à Paris. Sous la direction du célèbre Jacques Desse. Ce salon rassemble des ingénieurs papiers, des illustrateurs et graphistes réputés (David Carter, Janik Coat, Jérémie Fischer …) ou en voie de le devenir.
Oh ! Mon chapeau, Hélium (2014)
Océano, Hélium (2013)
Liberté, Flammarion (2012).
Dans la forêt du paresseux, Hélium (2011)
Tip-Tap, Hélium (2011)
Popville, Hélium (2009)
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ninjagoquotes · 7 years
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Why is it either opened or locked? That doesn't make sense. Who manufactured this? I mean, the options should be: Open or closed Locked or unlocked Someone crack a preschool opposites book around this place please
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Crée ton histoire
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Joseph habite en ville
Jospeh vit avec ses parents dans une grande ville. Il est ami avec Jacques et Sophie. Il a un chat, un pigeon et un chat. Pour se rendre à l'école, il peut emprunter de nombreux itinéraires. Pour aller au parc aussi. Dans sa ville, il y a beaucoup d'immeubles, de routes, de voitures...
Un livre d'activités qui permet au jeune lecteur d'être acteur de l'histoire racontée tout en respectant les contraintes de l'auteur. Ludique et instructif.
Joseph habite en ville, Joanna Rzezak, éd. Actes sud junior, 88 pages, 13 euros. À partir de 6 ans.
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La malédiction des flamants roses
Pour faire un livre sur les flamants roses, l'auteur, l'illustratrice et l'éditrice vont devoir se mettre d'accord. Interviennent une danseuse, un éléphant, un poulpe... Pourquoi ne pas installer les personnages dans une forêt ? Et ajouter un petit chaperon rouge...
Un album qui se construit sous le regard du lecteur qui, à la fin, pourra lui aussi inventer sa propre histoire de flamant rose.
La malédiction des flamants roses, Alice de Nussy & Janik Coat, éd. Grasset, 48 pages, 18,90 euros.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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“Killed Self in Jail Cell,” Windsor Star. March 28, 1938. Page 03. ---- Windsor Man Strangled to Death; Left Note in Pocket --- HELD AFTER CHASE --- Woman Raises Alarm and Husband Catches Suspect --- Held for investigation since his arrest early yesterday morning, Mathod Janik, 53, of 1540 Francois road, was found strangled in the police headquarters cell block at 1.45 a.m. today. He had twined his belt around one of the cell bars and around his neck, shutting off respiration.
APPLY INHALATOR Although convinced there was little hope, police rushed the man to Hotel Dieu hospital where the fire department rescue squad applied their inhalator. A hospital intern pronounced life ended at 1h00 o’clock. Dr. James Milford, chief coroner for the county, has ordered initial preparations for an inquest, an autopsy and summoning of jury. At noon he announced the inquiry will be held Thursday at 4.30 in the police courtroom.
Sergeant Joseph Pero, who took over charge of the station at 11 o’lock and it is he who made the grim discovery. He entered the cell block to make a routine check of prisoners and found Janik lying on the bench of one of the cells. He summoned aid and Constable Maclaran supported the body while Constable Browne cut through the leather strap with a knife.
Constable Browne rushed the prisoner to hospital awhere Dr Toppeneim. He said that if they had found the man a few minutes earlier there was still hope of reviving him.
INTENTION REVEALED Constable Maclaren reported he had checked the prisoners at 11:15 last night, soon after he reported for duty, and stated that Janik sang out his name in the rollcall. He was at that time occupying the same cell in which his lifeless body was found later.
A fellow prisoners, Norman Coyle, volunteered the information that 5 minutes before Sergeant Pero had made his inspection Janik was lying in the cell bench and a few minutes prior to that he had noticed Janik go to the lavatory. in a pocket of the dead man’s coat police found a note scrawled in pencil on a paper scrap. In it Janik stated his intention of taking his own life.
Janik was arrested at 3:40 yesterday morning by Constables Carter and Horne. The officers had been summoned to the home of Mr. and mars. Joseph Jarecki, 1820 Alexis road, Ward 2. Jarecki was holding Janik when the police arrived and stated that the man had entered an outbuilding which housed their jersey cow.
DECIDED TO TRAP HIM Mr. Jarecki, said an intruder had been lurking about their premises on four different occasions and Saturday night, his wife decided to maintain a vigil in the hope of trapping him. She called out when she saw a man enter the stable and only partially clad. Mr. Jarecki rushed out of the house, catching up with Janik as he attempted to flee.
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fuerademargen · 4 years
Ilustrar como un ilustrado
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© Martin Jarrie, Lumières, l'Encyclopédie revisitée, Éditions de l'Édune, 2013.
Dentro del sumario «Préstamos & variaciones» no podía faltar un punto dedicado a la influencia en nuestros días del espíritu ilustrado y su afán enciclopédico en la forma de divulgar el conocimiento del mundo. Françoise Gouyou-Beauchamps, en su artículo «Lecciones tramposas sobre la realidad», sigue el rastro del paradigma ilustrado de L’Encyclopédie de Diderot y D’Alembert a través de muchos de los libros de conocimiento que llenan hoy las estanterías de los libros destinados a la infancia.
En efecto, en Francia la celebración del tricentenario del nacimiento de Denis Diderot (1713-1784) supuso un impulso editorial añadido en favor del álbum de no-ficción. La tendencia renovadora de este nicho de mercado ya estaba en marcha y el motivo de la efemérides dio lugar a la edición del libro Lumières, l'Encyclopédie revisitée, a cargo del autor Franck Prévot y doce ilustradores: Serge Bloch, Albertine, Janik Coat, Charles Dutertre, Martin Jarrie, Régis Lejonc, Jean-François Martin, Clotilde Perrin, Vincent Pianina, Rascal, Tom Schamp y Julia Wauters.
Gouyou-Beauchamps describe el modelo de representación que se popularizó entonces con el estilo de L’Encyclopédie y revela su artificio como un «efecto de realidad» diseñado para conseguir una aprehensión racional del entorno que ha perdurado hasta nuestros días. Nos habla del «efecto hipnótico» inherente al expositor de objetos a modo de catálogo o inventario de cosas, donde la representación de cada imagen expulsa todo detalle externo en un afán máximo de abstracción.
El artículo se detiene especialmente en el análisis de los trabajos más relevantes dentro de las producciones francesas actuales, tales como los libros de anatomía deudores de las láminas de L’Encyclopédie: Cómo construir un hermano mayor, de Anaïs Vaugelade (Juventud, 2018) y Le Dictionnaire fou du corps, de Katy Couprie (Thierry Magnier, 2012). 
Igualmente la autora pone el foco en aquellos autores que exploran artísticamente ese «eco estructurador» con el que se plasma la múltiple variedad de los fenómenos. Entre ellos, el trabajo de Paul Cox en su abecedario abstracto Animaux, la galería de personajes diseñados por Blexbolex en Gente (Kókinos, 2008) o los inventarios de cosas de  Martin Jarrie en Lumières o en Una cocina tan grande como un huerto (Kókinos, 2008), por ejemplo.
«Para todos estos autores, la referencia enciclopédica que clasifica el mundo no pertenece ni al campo de lo cognoscitivo ni al de la regresión; es una memoria vernácula y viva que riega poéticamente su producción, entre prosaísmo y cultura.»
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© Paul Cox, Animaux, Le Seuil Jeunesse, 1997.
En definitiva, «Lecciones tramposas sobre la realidad» nos habla de una herencia que todavía hoy impera en la forma de visionar el mundo, algo que sin duda interesará a todo aquel que se encuentre relacionado con las ediciones de no-ficción. 
Artículo dentro del sumario «Préstamos & variaciones».
Escríbenos a [email protected] y te la enviamos por 13 €, gastos de envío incluidos en territorio español.
También en nuestra lista de librerías.
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noodlenuts · 5 years
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Board books are mostly boring. Which makes it difficult to spend quality time enjoying them with your kid who wants the same one umpteen times. You know what's NOT boring for you OR them? Janik Coat's glorious oversized, design-influenced board books, "Hippoposites" (2012) in particular. Not only is this book gorgeously eye-catching, with its clean lines and shiny, red/black/white colour scheme sure to draw babies' eyes...it's clever and fun! Unusual pairs of opposite (spotted/striped) and clever use of things like die-cut shapes make each page simple but fascinating. This is a board book you'll want to keep long after your kids are out of toddlerhood! ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #hippoposites #janikcoat #abramsappleseed #boardbook #boardbooks #earlylearning #conceptbook #lapbook #kidlitillustration #childrenbook #childrenbookillustration #opposites #earlyconcepts https://www.instagram.com/p/B2phldtHru_/?igshid=i33hgvdqyha
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jeremystrele · 5 years
National Kitchen & Bath Association 2019 Bathroom Design Trends
The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) released its 2019 Bathroom Design Trends, which coincided with its annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), celebrating the best in kitchen and bathroom design trends.
Freshome has already covered the latest trends in bathroom technology and bathroom faucets. But we asked Elle H-Millard, Certified Kitchen Designer and Industry Relations Manager at the NKBA, for photos and insights regarding some of the other key U.S. bathroom design trends.
Show highlight: the Blade 3D Printed Faucet by DXV
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This 3D printed faucet took home Best in Show. Image courtesy of DXV.
The Blade 3D Printed Faucet by DXV garnered a lot of attention at the KBIS. In fact, it won Best in Show. A computer-guided laser beam sinters powdered metal into the shape of the faucet with high heat and pressure. A solid metal block is formed out of the powder, and then the block is hand-finished to smooth extraneous metal.
The most popular bathroom style
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A bath designed by Sandra Diaz-Velasco. Photography by Eugenio Wilman. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“The transitional bathroom style was the most popular style of bathrooms designed in the past year,” H-Millard tells Freshome. “Traditional and contemporary ranked two and three, respectively.” Over the next three years, she says transitional is projected to remain the most popular style. “Contemporary should be a close second, substantially passing the traditional style.”
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A powder room designed by Janik Lemery. Photography by Justin Van Leeuwen of JVL Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
She says that people want something — a color or object — that makes the bathroom uniquely their own. “Customization is very important to today’s home remodeler,” H-Millard says. “Gone are the days of all-white or all-beige bathrooms with polished chrome finishes.” She says today’s bathroom includes raw gold and patinas, unique and interesting faucets and soaking baths with water coming from the ceiling.
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A powder room designed by Janik Lemery. Photography by Justin Van Leeuwen of JVL Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“And we are seeing a lot of black, especially in smaller bathrooms and powder rooms.” Black is the most stylish color of every year, but H-Millard says it doesn’t have to be used only to bring elegance and chicness to a bathroom. “The initial feel is that the bath is larger than it is since you don’t see, at first, where the walls meet the floor and countertops,” she explains. “Black – both matte and polished – is here to stay.”
Bathtubs and showers
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A bathroom designed by Nowell Vincent, CKBD. Photography by Chris Reilmann of Chris Reilmann Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“Both transitional-style and contemporary-style bathrooms boast open or swinging-door showers and free-standing or soaking tubs,” she says. “Shower tile for both styles includes large-format tile, but you will see more shapes (hexagon, arabesque) in the transitional style and more slab surround and big seamless pieces in the contemporary style.” While soaking tubs are still popular, she says there will be an increase in steam showers.
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  The TOTO Flotation Tub with ZERO DIMENSION. Image by TOTO.
The TOTO Flotation Tub took first place in the NKBA 30s Choice Awards for innovation in the Wellness/Health category. TOTO’s Flotation Tub simulates zero gravity with a weightless experience. By creating a reclining position, the hips, knees and ankles are flexed, which reduces pressure on the body’s joints. The tub has a slip-resistant surface, adjustable headrest, massaging water jets, LED lighting, and a capacitive keyboard.
Sinks and faucets
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A powder room designed by Janik Lemery. Photography by Justin Van Leeuwen of JVL Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“We are seeing floating vanities, flat-panel doors and a lot more drawers to provide integrated storage,” she says. “The contemporary bathroom is embracing laminate, which is fast-approaching popularity due to its advancement in coatings and its customization and shaping properties.” Recessed panel doors are popular in the transitional style, and H-Millard says painted wood and wood grain are other popular choices. “Remodelers are seeking calming, relaxing, warm features for their bathrooms as they strive for the perfect spa-at-home experience.”
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GRAFF’s Camden faucet (left) and Sleek-Stone sinks combine form and function. Image courtesy of GRAFF
In addition to the Blade 3D Printed Faucet by DXV, trending faucets incorporate are sleek and stylish, and include nickel, chrome, stainless, black stainless, and rose gold. One example is Graff’s Camden faucet (above left), which merges traditional and contemporary style.  Sleek-Stone sinks are a prime example of bringing spa style to the home. The sinks are made of 75% natural dolomite minerals bonded with resin. There are no faucet holes in the sinks in the 2nd and 3rd photos above, but there are versions of the countertop model that include one or multiple faucet holes.
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Vitromex Conde Porcelain Marble Collection. Image courtesy of Coverings.
“Heated, large-format tale, plank, and ceramic/porcelain/stone tile are all popular flooring options,” H-Millard says. “Luxury vinyl, ceramic wood, and marble are also trending.  The Vitromex Conde Porcelain Marble Collection (above) includes glazed porcelain floor and wall tile that is available in a slip-resistant matte.
Technology solutions
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The Numi Intelligent Toilet and Konnect app. Image courtesy of Kohler.
“The smart toilet with an attached bidet feature is on the rise,” H-Millard says. “Younger adults looking to their home as an investment will pay special attention to the ‘green’ features of a smart toilet that is self-cleaning, that flushes according to need and that cleanses and dries without paper.” And, of course, the lighting around the rim at night helps to navigate the bathroom in the dark.
The Kohler Numi Intelligent Toilet has an adjustable heated seat and foot warmer, built-in speakers, hands-free opening and closing of the seat and cover and advanced cleansing functionality that includes a self-cleaning wand, precision air dryer and deodorizing filter.
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The Delta In2ition Two-in-One Shower and H2Okinetic Pendant Raincan Shower Head. Images courtesy of Delta.
The Delta In2ition Two-in One Shower is a combination showerhead and hand shower. You can switch between the two functions or use them both at the same time. You can also use the pause function to reduce the water to a trickle when lathering or shaving. By docking the hand shower back into the showerhead, the Delta MagaTite Docking technology will pull it precisely into place.
Each of the three pendant shower heads in the H2Okinetic Pendant Raincan Shower Head sculpts water into a unique pattern. By controlling speed, movement and droplet size, the Raincan provides three times the coverage of a standard showerhead. Users can adjust each of the pendant showerheads as desired.
“The bathroom is becoming more and more important to homeowners as this is the quietest place in the house,” H-Millard says. “And it is the place where one goes to unwind, relax and recharge so no amenity or technology is out of the question.”
The post National Kitchen & Bath Association 2019 Bathroom Design Trends appeared first on Freshome.com.
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egoschwank · 7 days
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1306
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first posted in facebook may 3, 2024
karl parboosingh -- "jamaican gothic" (1968)
"i had to go to france to appreciate iowa" … grant wood
"running down a dream on stephen king and kerouac children of the corn, pink house, pink cadillac it's not just any old patch of pitchfork dirt stop me if you've already heard the one about mellencamp, springsteen, marijuana, seventeen white frost, bean field, bonfire, kerosene red bic lighter in a blue jean pocket lost in the land of american gothic, yeah" … stephen wilson jr.
"parboo felt strongly that art should be functional…the viewer…must somehow be brought into the situation which the artist’s brush described and must find himself reacting to the message of the artist. and parboo insisted – there must be a message" … michael manley
"watching days of our lives on a second hand couch vicotine soaked wood panels of the house sugar coated wonder bread tastes like candy black lipstick, first kiss in a camry looks a little like looks a little like mellencamp, springsteen, marijuana, seventeen white frost, bean field, bonfire, kerosene red bic lighter in a blue jean pocket lost in the land of american gothic, yeah" … stephen wilson jr.
"i had to know jean hadley to appreciate indiana … it's real life living in a real life painting" … al janik
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owensrhodes · 5 years
National Kitchen & Bath Association 2019 Bathroom Design Trends
The National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA) released its 2019 Bathroom Design Trends, which coincided with its annual Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS), celebrating the best in kitchen and bathroom design trends.
Freshome has already covered the latest trends in bathroom technology and bathroom faucets. But we asked Elle H-Millard, Certified Kitchen Designer and Industry Relations Manager at the NKBA, for photos and insights regarding some of the other key U.S. bathroom design trends.
Show highlight: the Blade 3D Printed Faucet by DXV
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This 3D printed faucet took home Best in Show. Image courtesy of DXV.
The Blade 3D Printed Faucet by DXV garnered a lot of attention at the KBIS. In fact, it won Best in Show. A computer-guided laser beam sinters powdered metal into the shape of the faucet with high heat and pressure. A solid metal block is formed out of the powder, and then the block is hand-finished to smooth extraneous metal.
The most popular bathroom style
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A bath designed by Sandra Diaz-Velasco. Photography by Eugenio Wilman. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“The transitional bathroom style was the most popular style of bathrooms designed in the past year,” H-Millard tells Freshome. “Traditional and contemporary ranked two and three, respectively.” Over the next three years, she says transitional is projected to remain the most popular style. “Contemporary should be a close second, substantially passing the traditional style.”
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A powder room designed by Janik Lemery. Photography by Justin Van Leeuwen of JVL Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
She says that people want something — a color or object — that makes the bathroom uniquely their own. “Customization is very important to today’s home remodeler,” H-Millard says. “Gone are the days of all-white or all-beige bathrooms with polished chrome finishes.” She says today’s bathroom includes raw gold and patinas, unique and interesting faucets and soaking baths with water coming from the ceiling.
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A powder room designed by Janik Lemery. Photography by Justin Van Leeuwen of JVL Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“And we are seeing a lot of black, especially in smaller bathrooms and powder rooms.” Black is the most stylish color of every year, but H-Millard says it doesn’t have to be used only to bring elegance and chicness to a bathroom. “The initial feel is that the bath is larger than it is since you don’t see, at first, where the walls meet the floor and countertops,” she explains. “Black – both matte and polished – is here to stay.”
Bathtubs and showers
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A bathroom designed by Nowell Vincent, CKBD. Photography by Chris Reilmann of Chris Reilmann Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“Both transitional-style and contemporary-style bathrooms boast open or swinging-door showers and free-standing or soaking tubs,” she says. “Shower tile for both styles includes large-format tile, but you will see more shapes (hexagon, arabesque) in the transitional style and more slab surround and big seamless pieces in the contemporary style.” While soaking tubs are still popular, she says there will be an increase in steam showers.
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  The TOTO Flotation Tub with ZERO DIMENSION. Image by TOTO.
The TOTO Flotation Tub took first place in the NKBA 30s Choice Awards for innovation in the Wellness/Health category. TOTO’s Flotation Tub simulates zero gravity with a weightless experience. By creating a reclining position, the hips, knees and ankles are flexed, which reduces pressure on the body’s joints. The tub has a slip-resistant surface, adjustable headrest, massaging water jets, LED lighting, and a capacitive keyboard.
Sinks and faucets
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A powder room designed by Janik Lemery. Photography by Justin Van Leeuwen of JVL Photography. Image courtesy of the NKBA.
“We are seeing floating vanities, flat-panel doors and a lot more drawers to provide integrated storage,” she says. “The contemporary bathroom is embracing laminate, which is fast-approaching popularity due to its advancement in coatings and its customization and shaping properties.” Recessed panel doors are popular in the transitional style, and H-Millard says painted wood and wood grain are other popular choices. “Remodelers are seeking calming, relaxing, warm features for their bathrooms as they strive for the perfect spa-at-home experience.”
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GRAFF’s Camden faucet (left) and Sleek-Stone sinks combine form and function. Image courtesy of GRAFF
In addition to the Blade 3D Printed Faucet by DXV, trending faucets incorporate are sleek and stylish, and include nickel, chrome, stainless, black stainless, and rose gold. One example is Graff’s Camden faucet (above left), which merges traditional and contemporary style.  Sleek-Stone sinks are a prime example of bringing spa style to the home. The sinks are made of 75% natural dolomite minerals bonded with resin. There are no faucet holes in the sinks in the 2nd and 3rd photos above, but there are versions of the countertop model that include one or multiple faucet holes.
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Vitromex Conde Porcelain Marble Collection. Image courtesy of Coverings.
“Heated, large-format tale, plank, and ceramic/porcelain/stone tile are all popular flooring options,” H-Millard says. “Luxury vinyl, ceramic wood, and marble are also trending.  The Vitromex Conde Porcelain Marble Collection (above) includes glazed porcelain floor and wall tile that is available in a slip-resistant matte.
Technology solutions
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The Numi Intelligent Toilet and Konnect app. Image courtesy of Kohler.
“The smart toilet with an attached bidet feature is on the rise,” H-Millard says. “Younger adults looking to their home as an investment will pay special attention to the ‘green’ features of a smart toilet that is self-cleaning, that flushes according to need and that cleanses and dries without paper.” And, of course, the lighting around the rim at night helps to navigate the bathroom in the dark.
The Kohler Numi Intelligent Toilet has an adjustable heated seat and foot warmer, built-in speakers, hands-free opening and closing of the seat and cover and advanced cleansing functionality that includes a self-cleaning wand, precision air dryer and deodorizing filter.
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The Delta In2ition Two-in-One Shower and H2Okinetic Pendant Raincan Shower Head. Images courtesy of Delta.
The Delta In2ition Two-in One Shower is a combination showerhead and hand shower. You can switch between the two functions or use them both at the same time. You can also use the pause function to reduce the water to a trickle when lathering or shaving. By docking the hand shower back into the showerhead, the Delta MagaTite Docking technology will pull it precisely into place.
Each of the three pendant shower heads in the H2Okinetic Pendant Raincan Shower Head sculpts water into a unique pattern. By controlling speed, movement and droplet size, the Raincan provides three times the coverage of a standard showerhead. Users can adjust each of the pendant showerheads as desired.
“The bathroom is becoming more and more important to homeowners as this is the quietest place in the house,” H-Millard says. “And it is the place where one goes to unwind, relax and recharge so no amenity or technology is out of the question.”
The post National Kitchen & Bath Association 2019 Bathroom Design Trends appeared first on Freshome.com.
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artwordbw · 6 years
readingisourthing -- It was all about board books with @alittlebookhabit recently, which encouraged us to share a few favourites of our own… Surprising Birds: Lift-the-Flap Colours, by Elo, Los Angeles is… by Elisa Parhad and Alexander Vidal, A Little Paper Caper, by Oliver Jeffers, and (swipe) Llamaphones, by Janik Coat #bookhabitdoesboardbooks #boardbooks #booksandbabies
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