#Jason Mamoa biography
senatushq · 2 years
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NAME. Tors ( Lycaon ) AGE & BIRTH DATE. 3329 + & January 9th, 3000 + BCE GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Aspect. OCCUPATION. Artist FACE CLAIM. Jason Mamoa
( tw gore, violence, murder, cannibalism, attempted suicide ) A kingdom, in exchange for flesh and blood. That was what the gods had offered him, so Lycaon built his throne upon the same sacred mountain he was born on. His ascension was not without blood shed; a wealth of corpses offered up in sacrifice so great in number they were spilling off the sides of the cliffs. His rule was quite impressive, dominating Arcadia before his influence spread to surrounding dominions. But it was never enough. What was a king to a god after all? A foolish king with a lust for power, it was only a matter of time before this drew the gaze of an evil eye.
 It started as a whisper that later turned into a scream. A voice that was not his own bounced around in his head; cold, dark tendrils casting shadows in his dreams. Lilith. The voice of the first demon played into his delusions of grandeur, goading him into taking more and more. The external influence sowed seeds of doubt in the mind of Lycaon. Was Ulthar truly all knowing? Because no matter how many bodies were piled up as sacrificial offerings to them, disease and meager harvests were still commonplace in his kingdom. After years of basking under the black moon in the subconscious realm of his dreams, the mad king of Arcadia finally devised a plan. Filled with spite, Lycaon hosted a grandiose feast that was sure to satisfy even the greediest of gods. With Ulthar seated at his table one of the servants placed a platter of meat in front of the divine. Meat from Lycaea's finest lamb, Lycaon boasted, watching with bated breath for the deity to take the first bite. On the platter before Ulthar was the roasted remains of Lycaon's son, Nyctimus. Lycaon had many sons, so many in fact that their abundance divorced Lycaon from any paternal instincts he might have felt towards the brood. He saw them more as property, their bodies belonged to him and he would be the one to choose where they die. Disgust turned to rage when Ulthar tasted the food in front of him. Lycaon's booming laughter caught in his throat as his body convulsed and began to transform into something far from human. It started in his bones, skeleton breaking apart and elongating. The soft tissues followed quickly, muscle and hair covered skin stretching over this new form. Screams erupted from the banquet hall as Lycaon turned to the noble who had been seated closest to him, wolf teeth ripping through the soft flesh of the man's neck with ease. The creature descended upon his guests, brutally killing whoever could not escape in time. In the rampage he turned on his own children once again, biting but not killing four of them. His curse was fated to spread, anyone who survived his bite would be doomed to walk the Earth as a feral monster. He was eventually chased from Lycaea, his subjects living out their lives in fear that the wolfman would return and finish what he had started.
 Centuries spent roaming the Otherworld left its mark on his psyche.  With barbarous cruelty he feasted upon slain foes to sustain his beastial form, seeming to only grow stronger with every life he cut short. Good or evil, guilty or innocent, Lycaon dispatched them equally. Anything that dared cross his path died in agony. The curiosity of the beings of the Otherworld was quickly defiled when they looked upon the pathways to find them splattered with mutilated corpses.  When Mneme and Melpomene restored his ability to return to a human body, it took a long time for the wolf to loosen its jaws that had ensnared his mind. If it was not for their magic, Lycaon would have killed them too in a blind rage. It was the only thing he knew. He had spent so long as a wolf at first he could not remember who he was or what his name was. Countless human life spans have passed and even now it is difficult to tell who is the one in direct control of Lycaon's corporeal form: a foolish king or a ravenous beast.
 He tried to start over, but this was not possible. The halfblooded king of Arcadia died when Ulthar transformed him into a monster, so he chose a new name for himself. Tors. The depths of the abyss he had ruminated in for so long was far too deep for him to ever resurface. He tried to forget, start a new family deep in the frozen North, but fate is cruel. Every single one of his children inherited his curse. And he had to bury every single one of them. As they grew old and weary, he stayed the same. Generations of his own blood lived and died before his eyes. Overcome with grief, he was robbed of his will to live. He had escaped the Otherworld, but was this life really worth living? Tors quickly discovered that blades could not pierce his skin and injuries that promised immediate death for others simply healed before his eyes. For years he searched for something that would bring about his end to no avail.
 I will be the first and the last of my kind.
 Whether it be the recent cataclysmic events or his own desire to insert himself in conflict, Tors found his path leading him back to Rome. It had been centuries since the last time he saw the city, he hardly recognized it when he arrived. It was difficult to contain his rage when he first saw how his children were being treated. Shackled by the senate and pushed to the outskirts of the city, one of the first species in Rome were treated like pests.  Lycaon intends on changing that. The time of the lycans has arrived.
+ resilient, loyal, fearless – malicious, cruel, callous
played by chloe. cst. she/her.
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tinysublimetraveler · 4 years
Real name-Joseph Jason namakaeha Momoa, family, Networth Height,weight , physical status Nickname (Jason Momoa), affairs
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kadeuhq · 4 years
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Accepted — Keahi Hilo
♣️  Keahi Hilo aka. Prodigy looks like Jason Mamoa (actor) ♣️  He was born May 4, 1923; making him 97 years old but he appears 40 ♣️  This Strongarm is Pansexual and a Two of Clubs ♣️  He is a Blacksmith at the Forge
Hilo was an anomaly, in more ways than one.
For ages the Keahi family had resigned themselves to the lower ranks, cursed with generations upon generations of mere humans to the point where they’d assumed any Strongarm dormancy was well lost. Apparently, it’d just been saving all of its potency for Hilo.
Dubbed Prodigy and considered the saving grace of the family line, the young Club was afforded every opportunity to excel in training, and he took all of them. Vaulting through the ranks at a comparatively young age, it wasn’t long before there were whispers that a new Ace was on the rise. But it wasn’t just the resurgence of Strongarm genes in his family line and his skill in the ring that set Hilo apart: fighting thrilled him as much as it would any other Club, but so too did he have a heart. He showed mercy. He’d never turn down a challenge and he’d never refuse a fight, but the lower the rank of his challenger, the more likely Hilo was to treat them with kid gloves. Unfortunately, most Clubs viewed this as an insult more than a kindness, and even as many grew to love and respect him, there were just as many who would grow to resent him. A soft-hearted Club was no Club at all, or so a number of the whispers said.
Because of this, there were simply too many suspects to point fingers at when Hilo awoke – mere days from the ceremony planned to test his ultimate worth against the current Ace – subject to a seemingly incurable paralyzing curse from the waist down.
The specifics of the former King’s fall from grace are lost to the decades and to Hilo’s reticence on the subject. Pitched back into the dregs of the lowrankers, Hilo’s alias felt like a cruel joke – at least, until he found his second calling. Those with shorter memories will now only know him as the quietly smiling blacksmith, the ‘2’ on his wrist seemingly incongruous with his bulk and skill at the Forge, if you could ignore the mystically enhanced braces he wears from the waist down. Incapable of fighting, it didn’t seem to matter to the vague omnipotence of the ranking system how much Hilo improved his craft; his rank had stagnated for the better part of decades, even as he fashioned the finest custom weapons and armor for highranker after highranker.
Hilo’s had enough of politics to last him the rest of his unnatural lifespan, but some that remember his former glory still hope that one day he’ll stage a miraculous comeback and take the rank that they thought was meant for him. On the contrary, Hilo’s now of the opinion this is what was fated for him all along. Content in his craft, he stays in his lane even when the highrankers get rude, and revolution is hardly on his easygoing mind. With enough charisma left over from his original rise to renown, he keeps a small circle of friends and is generally well-liked if not terribly well-respected for his rank, which Hilo seems to have accepted with all the patience he does anything else.
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Please follow and welcome @hilo--keahi to Kadeu!
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cresthillrp · 7 years
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Wait, is that Cresthill’s own JAMES SULLIVAN? I thought it was FC, HE is a AGE year old CISMALE from LOCATION. He is known as being +TRAIT & +TRAIT , but he can also be -TRAIT & -TRAIT. Fortunately, Sully is AVAILABLE.
When you’re Bill Sullivan’s, an accomplished worker known everywhere, son it’s no surprise that you become a little laid-back, arrogant and cocky, like Sully did.. Because of his family background with a lot of talent and accomplished people, Sulley felt like talent was already in his genes and he didn’t need to study or pay attention to do good in school.
This all changed when he started failing classes and he realized that maybe he did have to put some effort in his studies if he wanted a nice job in the future since his father told him he wouldn’t give him a job if he wasn’t  ready for it.
Sully started working hard and changed his personality, now becoming more interested and focused in his studies because not only he wanted to have a nice job but he also wanted to get out of his father’s shadow and live at his own merit. 
ADAM DUPONT- James and Adam met when James went with his father to France. The duo chatted about books, played darts and ended up drinking the night away, forgetting their personal problems for that night.
ELSA STORSTRAND - As soon as James ditched the party and college boy act and grew up, Elsa took a shine to him and was very impressed. Maturity has always been something Elsa admired, which is why she ended up crushing on an older guy - meaning James.
LILO PELEKAI - For a project, James went to teach in a school and then he met Lilo. He loved how excited and inspired she was to learn, and it warmed his heart. He was soon dubbed her ‘school god-father’, where he’d help her with everything. She’d even e-mail him in his school with worries and doubts, and he’d help her.
Faceclaim: Jason Mamoa, Kit Harrington, Liam Payne
Age: 25-30
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