#Jataro looks like an angel though
all-an-act · 4 years
i know im going on heavy with the adoption headcanons but. consider. toko and komaru make makoto babysit for a day. chaos ensues.
Uncle Makoto!
(Makoto Naegi x Platonic!Warriors Of Hope)
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Masaru LOVES Uncle Makoto! Uncle Makoto plays sports with him, and helps him bandage his scars!
Nagisa appreciates the company of Uncle Makoto. Uncle Makoto helps him study and even reads his favorite books to and with him. Nagisa is very happy when Uncle Makoto is around.
Jataro is kind towards Uncle Makoto. He's grateful that Uncle Makoto doesn't pester to see his face, but still compliments him anyway.
Kotoko is the most hesitant to interact with Uncle Makoto, due to him being male, him being a lot bigger than she is, and her past trauma. Eventually, though, she grew quite close to Uncle Makoto as well. Even when he said "gentle", after her breakdown, they made up.
Nagisa 10/10 socked him in the jaw.
He's never said it since!
Monaca, being the sweet and respectful angel she is, is an absolute sweetheart towards Uncle Makoto, but does have her moments of absolute ruthlessness.
Like right now!
Makoto doesn't remember how, when, or why he got himself into this position, but...
He regrets it now.
Kotoko hung him up by the light, and now he was just aimlessly swinging as the five kids trashed the house.
They loved Uncle Makoto, they really did, but they didn't quite like being told what to do.
It was Masaru's idea to tie him up, of course.
But that's a lie. Masaru wanted to hang Makoto by the throat, but Nagisa wouldn't allow it to happen.
So now, as Makoto hangs from the ceiling, he can only contemplate on what will happen when his sister and sister-in-law get home.
He has a lot of explaining to do.
But then... a miracle!
Jataro pities the poor uncle, and cuts the ropes, freeing him.
Makoto tackles them all in one fell swoop, and begins tickling them all (minus Jataro) until they're begging for mercy.
Mercy doesn't exist anymore.
After they're nearly dying from the tickling, he lets up, and suggests that the kids clean the mess while he makes their dinner. The kids agree.
He makes them Chicken Patties, but called them Krabby Patties to appeal to them.
Kotoko's eyes lit up at the first bite as she exclaimed, "There really is a secret formula!"
Makoto stifled his giggles, and swore up and down that SpongeBob put it in for him.
After that, all of them were sleepy. Kotoko was the first to fall asleep... right on top of Makoto.
She looked comfy, so Masaru followed suit. Then Jataro. And Monaca even stood up from her wheelchair to snuggle against her uncle.
Nagisa fell asleep on the other end of the couch, but after he was asleep, Makoto pulled him into the group snuggle, anyway.
After that, Makoto, himself fell asleep with his nieces and nephews.
Yes, he definitely had to explain some things to his sister when she arrived home.
BONUS: Komaru took at least six pictures, and uses them for blackmail to this day.
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iggytheperson · 6 years
19 kotoko/monaca :)
#19 - longing stare™ + kotonaca
you have given me a gift this day
“…Kotokooo…you’ve been staaaaring at her for thiiirteeeen miiiinutes…”
The girl in question glares at the interrupter of her lovely daydream. “Jataro, if you value the safety of your art supplies, shut up now.”
Jataro doesn’t head the warning. “But why are you staring at the new girl…? You didn’t stare at Naaaagisaaa like that when heeeee got transferred to our class…”
“Because Nagisa isn’t cute, stupid. Now shut up.” She points a glittery pink pair of scissors at him menacingly. He laughs and doesn’t speak again. Ugh. Masochist weirdo.
Since looking at the cute new girl is about a trillion times more fun than paying attention to Jataro, she turns her attention back to that.
Monaca Towa, huh…?
Deciding that hearing her new peer’s voice would be nicer than just staring at the back of her head, Kotoko gets up and boldly approaches miss new girl. “Hello, hello! You’re Monaca Towa, right? I’m Kotoko Utsugi! Call me Kotoko, ok?”
Her adorable new conversational partner gives her a smile sweet as cotton candy. “Alright Kotoko! You can call Monaca by her first name too!” Third person…? Oh whatever, it’s cute, no need to question it.
“So, Monaca, your last name is the same as the name of that one company, right?” A good a conversational topic as any, unless family is as sore a subject for Monaca as it is for Kotoko…
“Yup, yup! It’s my dad’s company!” If there’s any problem with Kotoko’s topic of choice, Monaca makes it seem nonexistent. “Monaca doesn’t mean to brag, but she’s actually the chief executive of the robotics branch!”
“Woooah! That’s amazing!” Kotoko exclaims.
The cutie seems to blush bashfully. “Oh, it’s not that amazing…Monaca thinks Kotoko is much more amazing! You’re a tv star, right? I’ve seen you before! Monaca would never have the courage to do something like that!”
“You don’t know the half of it! Being an actress is such a pain, I’d love to be smart enough to do something like what you do.”
“Oh! If Kotoko ever needs help with school or anything, Monaca can help you!” the precious little angel offers.
Personal tutoring from this darling? What a hard offer to pass up. “Oh I don’t really need help with school or anything, I’m not dumb like Masaru over there,” Kotoko points out the dunce himself, currently flinging a bouncy ball against the other boy’s heads. “But I’d love it if you could teach me about all your computer stuff!”
Monaca seems to consider this for a moment. “Alright, Monaca would be happy to! In exchange, could you maybe help Monaca integrate with the class…? I mean, I’ll still help you if you don’t wanna, but Monaca has a hard time talking to unfamiliar people…”
“Oh, of course!” Kotoko agrees immediately.
“Yaay! Thank you so much Kotoko!” Monaca smiles up at her with the most heart-stopping eyes and Kotoko thinks she’s going to melt. “So, so, tell Monaca about all the people! Who’s that boy over there with the book? He hasn’t looked up once since I came in!”
“That’s Nagisa! He’s a total nerd: super ultra teacher’s pet!”
“Really? Then how’d he get sent here?” Monaca asks, with an air of obliviousness to her that makes it clear she doesn’t realize what an invasive question that is. Not that Kotoko cares about her classmate’s privacy to begin with.
“Believe it or not, it’s because he always falls asleep in class! Apparently, he studies soooo much that he doesn’t save enough energy for school! Silly, right?”
“Yeah, totally silly! What about the other two?” Asking for gossip before asking for names? It would seem this angel has a devious side! Well, that’s probably to be expected. She’s in this class, after all.
“Well Jataro threw a temper tantrum and tried to stab some kid with a scalp.” Kotoko details the incident casually, and Monaca watches her with keen interest. “As for Masaru…well I don’t know for sure, he won’t breathe a word about it, but…don’t tell him I said this; I heard the teachers say he tried to steal an ID from the teacher’s lounge.”
“Woah, super weird!!”
As they talk, Kotoko observes her tooth-rottingly adorable new friend. Monaca has this air of dainty expressiveness to her, making all these little faces of astonishment and interest that hint on exaggeration just the teensiest little bit. It’s the cutest thing ever, and with each face she sees, Kotoko feels more in love, like she’s falling under a spell.
She has never so immediately felt understood by someone. Lil’ Ultimate Homeroom lives up to her name. She talks and talks and for once she feels as though someone is actually hearing her. What a wonderful feeling. 
So they talk. They talk about everything there is to talk about, she talks about acting and Monaca talks about all these big ideas she doesn’t understand and loves listening to anyways. Monaca sympathizes about the creepy old men in the workplace and laughs at the sex jokes and by the end of the day they’re walking home together.
Kotoko never though herself a romantic, but she thinks she might’ve just met the most important person to ever enter her life. And as soon as she’s sitting locked in her room at home, she already misses her. 
For the first time in what feels like forever, Kotoko can’t wait for tomorrow to come.
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askthenewhopespeak · 6 years
Okay I just found this blog. Get me up to speed. Who's already dead? What are the ships?
//*Cracks knuckles* Welcome. Apologies for the horrendous, outdated state of the pages that should fill you in on this, that’s all my fault, but here goes:
-Blog canon is very close to the canon of the series, with some exceptions:
-The last… four or so? chapters of the Killer Killer manga are non-canon. Fujigawa stabbed Asano and left her in a wheelchair.
-The Danganronpa Togami novel is… weird. It’s apparently actually all a dream or the matrix or some shit in the actual book? Either way, the characters from it do exist but most of them are dead now..
-Everything else is pretty much canon. Including the brainwashing. Unfortunately.
Deaths: (Posts in which they died are linked)
-Everyone who died in canon. (They occasionally come back as ghosts, though that hasn’t been happening much lately due to mysterious circumstances.)
Season 1:
-Haiji Towa. When Makoto Naegi first reopened Hope’s Peak, Haiji tried to kill him. Makoto was saved, however Hajime Hinata made good on a promise he made that if anyone tried to restart the tragedy, he would kill them, and we are down one pedophile! Hajime ends up leaving the school immediately after.
-Kanon Nakajima (Leon Kuwata’s cousin if you haven’t read Ultra Despair Hagakure, don’t worry, it won’t matter for much longer) was infected with a lethal disease, along with 7 others, and there was only enough cure for 7 people, so Kanon decided to down a handful of sleeping pills.
-Stephanie Storm. An OC (there are a lot of those on this blog) who was the aunt of the main antagonist of Season 1, Maverick Storm (Another OC). Maverick shot and killed her, and that caused the AI she made, one that looks but does not act like Chiaki, to go haywire, essentially becoming evil and have mysterious motivations, also kickstarting the meta plot where she hijacks posts away from me. Look for either zalgo text or 1′s and 0′s replacing I’s and O’s when that happens. Anyway Stephanie really wasn’t all that important, but her creation is.
-Kazuya Togami: Adopted sibling of Byakuya’s half sister, Shinobu. Kazuya was a rapist. That’s… basically all of his character. Shinobu killed him by stomping his chest in after he kidnapped her, and everyone rejoiced.
And then we hit Season 1′s finale, where a bunch of people died:
-Suzuhiko Ootsuki: Shinobu’s other brother, whose personality was cocky hitman rapist. He was killed by a clone of Nagisa named Nine, who’s literally Izuru Kamakura 2.0
-Maverick Storm: The main antagonist of the previous season got an arrow through his eye courtesy of this season’s main antagonist. It was very much deserved, for a large, large number of reasons.
-Yasuhiro Hagakure: The first major canon character to die, Hiro, Hina, and Mahiru were trapped in a gym with Saki Maruyama (OC), a bloodthirsty mercenary working for Maverick. Maruyama tortured Mahiru, resulting in her being rendered mute, and Hiro sacrificed himself by distracting Saki long enough to let Hina get Mahiru to safety.
-Gundam Tanaka: Gundam was killed by Mutsumi Wakatsuki,  an OC belonging to @shslnerdytrash. Wakatsuki gassed the infirmary, knocking everyone in it out, and killed Gundam.
-Seiko Kimura: While she was dead before the series started, Seiko was brought back as a ghost, and worked as the school’s chemistry teacher up until the Invasion, where Kamiko Hisoka, (@hopeful-blue-wanderer‘s OC) shot Jataro in the chest. Seiko then performed what’s called a “Ghost Sacrifice”, and gave up her existence to save Jataro’s life.
-Junko Enoshima: This is a two-in-one. We got a Junko from an alternate timeline pop in, where she didn’t appear to be despaired, but Fuyuhiko decided he didn’t want to take chances and shot her in the head. (I’m not linking it as it happens in the same post that Gundam dies) Then this universe’s Junko appeared as a ghost, and killed Takemichi Yukimaru (Mondo’s captive in Towa City, and leader of the Crazy Diamonds on this blog since Mondo’s been dead for a few years now). But then the Chaos!Anon (Another contributor to the meta plot) then forced her to save Yukimaru’s life, contributing his own life force to do so.
Alter Ego: AI Chiaki killed him, but he’s back now, with a brand new color scheme!
And I believe that’s everyone from Season 1. I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m mistaken.
Season 2
Makoto Naegi/Future!Mukuro Ikusaba: OK, technically, Naegi is alive, having been stabbed by Tsumugi Shirogane and then saved by the ghost of Mukuro Ikusaba from the future (I’ll get to that). But his current situation is… complicated and not yet fully explained on the blog.
Saki Maruyama: Saki died in a killing game set up by the group Invidia. The contestants of the game were all criminals who had escaped the law in some way, and Saki died to a random guy who was literally just a name and a crime. Out of all the characters I’ve killed off on this blog, Saki is the one I am the most dissatisfied with, in the arc I’ve probably had the least fun writing… minus potentially the Couples Games. But at least the couples games didn’t lead into a months-long hiatus, so…
Kresta Ivanov (OC): A minor villain from Season 1 who didn’t really do much, and got killed along with most of the other minor characters at the end of the killing game, as her mod left the blog.
(I’ve seperated this into 3 categories, 2 canon characters, a canon character and an OC, and 2 OCs)
Canon Character X Canon Character:
Makoto Naegi x Kyoko Kirigiri: Kyoko believes Makoto is dead, and he has not done anything to dissuade that idea, so this couple has technichally broken up.
Toko Fukawa x Komaru Naegi: They’ve been dating for about a year and a half, and are the moms to the Warriors of Hope (Minus Monaca).
Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura x Nagito Komaeda: Hajime and Nagito were dating before Hajime chose to leave Hope’s Peak and hunt down Remnants, and during that time, Izuru’s personality awoke and took over, working with Maverick for a while, until Maverick nearly killed Nagito, during which Izuru decided to save Nagito’s life and bring him to the infirmary, and Izuru’s pretty much been hanging out since (Would you try to kick him out?). They’re technically not dating, but try getting Izuru to do anything useful without Nagito asking him.
Mahiru Koizumi x Hiyoko Saionji: They’ve been dating for… I dunno, a while. I don’t really have a whole lot else to say on that. 
Ryota Mitarai x Imposter-san: Neither of these two have worked up the courage to ask the other out.
Sonia Nevermind x Gundam Tanaka: They were together… but then Gundam died and that ship sank.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama: I’m gonna say they got married offscreen.
Akane Owari x Nekomaru Nidai: Married offscreen and Akane is currently about 4 months pregnant.
Masaru Daimon x Kotoko Utsugi: They’re dating.
Shinobu Togami x Yui Samidare: Both are interested in the other but neither has acted on it.
Mekuru Katsuragi x Misaki Asano: Same situation as Shinobu and Yui.
Canon Character x OC:
Takumi Hijirihara x Naomi Kizakura: Married, and Naomi is currently about five months pregnant.
Mikan Tsumiki x Kyoji Nakamura: Dating, and Mikan is currently about eight months pregnant
Misako Kawa x Nagisa Shingetsu: Dating.
Ryouko Otonashi x Sly: Ryouko is a clone of Junko Enoshima, and she and Sly recently ran off to join Invidia, a vigilante group that kills criminals
OC x OC:
Momo Kuzuryuu x Alyssa Storm/Satoru-Kun: A dimension-travelling nine year old has attracted both a psychopath and a ghost (both of whom are also kids). This can only end well.
Sora Hijirihara x Mitsuru Nakamura: Fankids from the future who time travelled here and ended up getting together.
Blog Lore:
The blog is set in 2020, roughly 2 years ahead of the real world’s time.
Alternate Universes: The Multiverse is a thing here, there are a few characters who come from alternate universes (Mainly the V3 kids, and an OC, Momo Kuzuryuu, an alternate universe daughter of Fuyuhiko and Mikan).
Time Travel: Five kids from the future (Sora Hijirihara, Mitsuru Nakamura, Kaede and Shuuichi Naegi, and Akio Hinata) travelled back into the past. Shuuichi came with his “Guardian Angel”, the ghost of Mukuro Ikusaba.
Ghosts and the afterlife: The Afterlife is a small town square, with a cinema to view the current happenings in the living world, and an odd, white building that leads to reincarnation. Current ghosts living at Hope’s Peak Academy are Natsumi Kuzuryuu and Kiyotaka Ishimaru.
Ghost Sacrifices: Ghosts can give up their existence to save the lives of dying humans. So far, this has happened three times, all noted up above.
Clones: In this world, the science to copy a person and recreate them exists. You wanna know the science? Ask @commander-bubbles-the-first. He’s the smart one around here. Current clones that exist are Ryouko Otonashi, a clone of Junko Enoshima, and Nine, a clone of Nagisa imbued with the abilities of Izuru Kamakura.
The Izuru Kamakura Project: Hajime Hinata was the eighth student to undergo the Izuru Kamakura project. Only one of the other eight survived.
Hope’s Peak Academy: Re-opened two years ago, with Makoto as the headmaster, it’s now just a school, no longer for the best of the best (though, it turns out that kids who come tend to have a talent of some kind anyways, go figure). The school finds itself under attack. A lot. Following Makoto’s disappearance, Byakuya Togami took over as headmaster.
Ultimate Despair: This once powerful terrorist group has now been reduced to a mere shell, with the largest ‘cell’, (if you can even call it that) being reduced to 4 people and a monster hiding in Seoul.
Invidia: A vigilante group that surfaced in April of this year, Invidia was responsible for starting a killing game full of kidnapped criminals, which was eventually shut down due to Monaca Towa and Kokichi Ouma working together, as well as Nine invading. They recently resurfaced with a bolstered membership, slaughtering their way through a prison, and are discussing whether or not to let a stoway from said prison join them.
Final note:
A lot of OCs have come and gone on this blog, some only leaving as recently as two arcs ago. It’s very likely that if you go through some older posts you will see them, but for most, their plotlines died when their characters left.
So uh, that’s a sorta kinda recap on this batshit crazy blog. Welcome! I hope I didn’t scare you off with all this.
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universal-kitty · 6 years
.: Fankid Takeover :.
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  And here I went, almost forgetting about another kind of cool takeover... Silly me! The fankid event hosted by @sketchy-galaxy is tomorrow! I gotta make my post before it slips my mind again....
  So! My kids will be running the blog from the 25th to the 26th! Ask them anything you want, but NO LEWD THINGS. That should be, like, super obvious.
  Alright, beneath the cut, now! Let’s meet my kids~!
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  Sync the Skelegami. Daughter of myself and Sans! Can use magic, but is still learning the full extent of hers; for now, just likes to summon a tongue and eye-lights. Does the blep face a lot. Any questions for her will be drawn out, so please be patient when directing questions to her!
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  Pike and Eliza, the children of myself and Leon! Pike is our older son and Eliza is the younger daughter. Both are only half, but still display the ears and tail of their father. Pike is sensible and surprisingly mature; Eliza is the more innocent child and incredibly sweet. I will also be drawing their answers!
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  Hitomi & Haruo, the children of myself and Kanato Sakamaki. Older sister, younger brother by a year (Hitomi is 11, while Haruo is 10). They have an affinity with dolls and plush toys, just like their dad…but otherwise? Hitomi takes more after her father; his purple hair, mother’s green eyes, and a rather bratty, spoiled personality. Haruo has the hair of his mother, eyes of his father, and a shy, reserved personality; you’ll more likely find him close to his mother, plush tiger on a leash dragging on the ground as he clings to her clothes.
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  Xahira, daughter to Lea and myself. Faceclaim is Rin from the Shelter music video (by Porter Robinson and Matreon)! A sweet child, if a little shy with new people. Likes to be with her parents more than meet new people, but will eventually warm up to them and get braver. Wisdom of a thousand ages that she gets from her mom.
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  Sayuri & Akihiro, the twins of myself and Kurama. Faceclaim is Yuki (Sayuri) and Jun Kanzato (Persona: Trinity Soul). Fraternal twins and always close together. Both have heterochromia (yellow-green), but in opposite eyes (as in, Sayuri has her right eye yellow and Akihiro’s left eye is yellow).
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  The children from my Keronian AU! All of myself and Kururu. Kurara is our oldest son, followed by Kitete, Kufufu, and Hyaruru. Kurara ended up growing up a lot like his dad, mischievous and willing to cause a little mayhem. Kitete perfers hacks and pranks to any lethal methods; is also a bit of an otaku. Kufufu, on the other hand, prefers using his technological upbringing in music! He’ll play you some sweet beats. Hyaruru looks up to her brother and wants to eventually learn music, too; for now, she offers her own input and likes to dance... When not setting up light shows~!
  (You can tell this is old cause I drew it on my then-homework. Whoops!)
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   Jasp. Child of Watermelon Tourmaline and Jasper. She/Her or They/Them. Quiet and highly observant. Likes to people watch or break things. Has the coolest moms this side of the galaxy and will fight you about it. Strong, but silent type, honestly. Gem is a arrowhead jasper on her face. (AKA just like her Big Mom, it’s her nose.)
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  Vita & Kane, the two children of the Wizard/Gale and I! Vita being our eldest daughter and Kane being the younger son. Vita is our little bookworm while Kane prefers to hide behind mom or dad...or go pet the farm animals. Needless to say, we all don’t do too well with crowds!
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  Skyler, the child from the future of Shiro and myself. NB, but tends to use they/them or she/her the most. Faceclaim is v4 Flower (Vocaloid). A child from the future, stopping by in the present day to answer your questions and maybe make some friends! Friendly, but often easily stressed and will start yelling.
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  Rhys’ main fatherly duties? Over these many dragons Rena has raised and created. However... There is also a young girl from the future named Vela who would like to join in and speak of what she knows...!
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  Eliane the girl from the future, claiming she is Prompto and I’s daughter! The best thing to do is to ask her about that future, right...? Ask questions, learn more from her!
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  Carina, a darling girl from a rough future, child to none other than Handsome Jack and Rena Marlow. Born on Pandora while Rena was trapped there and raised on that hellscape for most of her early life before they were found again by Jack himself and brought back home. FC being used is Rinka Urushiba!
  Though just as much as blood ties can mean...who could forget darling Angel? She’ll be joining this event, as well!
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  There’s still a lot to think through before Nagito and I ever think about kids, but! Jataro Kemuri of the “Warriors of Hope” sure needed someone way better to look after him, so who better than us? We also look after the others from time to time, but Jataro is our officially adopted son.
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  Thanos is a Titan. The idea of having kids with him? A little daunting for the both of us. However, his terrible hobby of taking adopting kids from various races ends up being to my benefit; those he hasn’t ingrained his teachings in too much, I protect. Most specifically Gamora and Nebula. They are my children, too, now...and I protect them.
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  Toshi and I don’t have kids of our own yet, but class 1-A in itself... We might as well have adopted them!! Most especially Izuku, though, considering he’s the inheritor for One for All.
  And finally, we have two special guests...! Now honoring-!
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  Rocco, the one-eyed raccoon! Child of myself and Bill Cipher. Born on Easter and is more often than not in the form of a one-eyed raccoon. Why? Because Bill Cipher is a mystery, that’s why. Still is their son, regardless.
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  Last, but not least, Kitsun! The son of Guardian Proxy and Masky. A quiet and polite, gentlemanly sort… If not quite got all of his morals together. (Likely due to the Slender sickness he’s been under just as much as his parents have!) He’s doing his best, though!
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