#Java seed india agriculture
javaseed01-blog · 4 years
Vegetable Production in Low Cost Polyhouse
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Agricultural captain,
Polyhouses (plastic greenhouses) are structures that are being used for seasonal harvesting in place of traditional glasshouses. These structures protect plants grown inside despite adverse external environments, and seasonal nursery and crop production Are helpful. Also, the crops produced in poly houses are of good quality.
Poly house structure
There are many types of poly houses depending on the design of the structure. Viz., Vaulted, cave-like, metamorphic cave, slum, etc. The modified cave Numaya hut Numa design in the mountains is more useful. For the structure, GI pipes typically use enamel iron that is strong and durable. Poly houses are also built on inexpensive bamboo structures. 600-800 yards thick ultraviolet light-resistant to the environment. Plastic sheets are used. It is convenient to keep their size 30-100 sqm. There are three types of poly houses depending on the construction cost and control of the environment.
 1. Low Castelli House or Ordinary Poly House: In this, no artificial control is done by the machines on the environment.
2. Medium Cast Poly House: For this, the use of simple equipment for artificial control (to cool or heat).
3. Die-cast polyhouse: It can reduce the temperature, humidity, light, ventilation etc. as per the requirement and take the crop you want in any season.
Choice of vegetables
Poly houses are suitable for off-season production in the same market with high demand in the market and can be sold at a good price. In the hilly region, winter peas, late cauliflower, cabbage, french beans, capsicum, tomato, chili, radish, spinach, etc. crops And during the summer rainy season, fresh cauliflower, ladyfinger, brinjal, chilli, cabbage, and gourd class vegetables can be taken. Depending on the type of plant, cabbage, tomato, chilli etc. can also be planted in the polyhouse to prevent damage from rain. Similarly, gourd class vegetables tomato, brinjal, chilli, for quick fruiting in summer. Capsicum seedlings can also be prepared at Poly House in January.
Advanced varieties
 Tomatoes: Common varieties- Panti-3, Pusagourv Sankarakis- Rupali, Naveen, MTH-15, Avinash-2, Manisha, Nutan
Brinjal: Common varieties- Pantasamrat, Panturutraj, Pusa, Uttam Sankarakis- Pantankarbangan-1, Pusahaybrid-5, Pusahaybrid-6, Pusahaybrid-9
Capsicum: Common varieties - California, Yolvander, Bullnose, Chinese giant hybrid varieties - India, Indira, Lario, Heera, Greengold, DARL-202
Chillies: Pantsi-1, Pusajwala, Poussadbahar, Punjab, Surkha, Agni
Peas: Archil, Pantablimator-3, Pusapragati, VLMater-7
Frenchbean: Pantanupama, Pantbean-2, VL Baunibeen-1, Pusaparvati, Contender
Bhindi: Parbhanikranti, Punjab-7, Araka, Anamika
Cucumber: Common Varieties - Poinset, Japanese Longgreen, Phuleushubhangi Sankar variety - Pantankarkhira, PriADRL-101, US-6125, Maloney
Bottle gourd: General varieties - Pusavveen, Kalyanpura, green long-stemmed varieties - Pantankar gourd-1 and 2, Pusa hybrid-1
Bitter gourd: Pantkarela-1, Kalyanpur Baramasi, Pusado-seasonal
Activities and Care 
Vegetables grown within the polyhouse have to perform all those operations which are adopted in open fields. Dung manure should be used in its entirety. In between, soil decontamination is necessary for which solar energy can be used by laying formaldehyde and other chemical plastic sheets. By increasing the number of plants in each unit area, the plants are appropriate. More production can be obtained from spiny crops by pruning and harvesting. The provision of proper air circulation in ordinary poly houses during the day is necessary. Is.
Yield and income prospects
In the tests conducted at University, sowing of gourd, cucumber, bitter gourd etc. in winter has yielded 18-17 kg vegetables per sqm area. 15-20 kg from tomato planted at the beginning of November and Shimla planted in September. Chilli has yielded 4-10 kg. With the increase in productivity, the quality of the crop has also improved significantly. Sowing of mango, cucumber, bitter gourd, etc. in the tests conducted in the district has yielded 18-17 kg of vegetables per sqm area. 15-20 kg from tomato planted at the beginning of November and capsicum planted in September Yields of 4-10 kg have been obtained from. Along with the increase in productivity, the quality of the crop has also improved significantly. It costs about 30,000 rupees to build a simple playhouse of 100 square meters of Angle Iron. The cost of producing prudent crops can be recovered within the first two years only. Production costs in the subsequent years and plastic sheets in 4 years There is a possibility of earning a lot of profit by remaining the cost of change.
Polyhouses in the mountainous region
In such hilly areas where there is colder and hail and adverse conditions also prevail. There is no growing of vegetables in open conditions, as well as more crop loss in the rainy season. For these places, growing crops under 'Pali Houseglasshouse' provides great benefits and farmers can earn more profit. Various vegetables like tomato, capsicum, cucumber, cabbage, chili, gourd, etc. can be grown successfully in Pali House. Can.
Polyhouses are being used for seasonal harvesting in place of conventional glasshouses. These structures preserve plants grown inside despite adverse external surroundings, and seasonal nursery and crop production Are helpful. Also, the crops produced in poly houses are of good quality
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History of Tea (Part 6): Replacing China
Britain's population was growing very quickly, and their colonies in the Americas & Asia were as well.  They needed more tea, and they didn't want China to be growing it.
Until the late 1700's, they were fine with buying tea from China. The East India Company had a monopoly on this trade, and they didn't really want to look at alternative sources.  From 1711 – 1801, they'd collected £77 million in taxes.
But more and more, European traders & entrepreneurs were wanting to control the tea trade themselves, and the trade of other commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, rubber and opium.  Kew Gardens was established in Britain, and other lesser versions in other places.  “Collectors” could send specimens to these gardens, “to which the British could lay claim as soon as they were in possession of the place where they grew.” [?]  Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820) was a naturalist and president of the Royal Society from 1778; he sent out plant hunters around the world to find such specimens.  Many “explorers” were doing the same thing.
In 1778, the East India Company asked Banks' advice on tea.  He replied that it grew best from 26-30° latitude, and that it might grow in Bihar, Rungpor and Coochbihar (all in India).  Green tea was believed to be a different species, and he said that it would thrive in the mountains; and that “proper inducements” would make sure that the people of Bhutan would grow it.  (Bhutan is another country in SE-Asia, north-east of India.)
He pointed out that Chinese people often came as sailors, and that “their neighbours at Honan [Chinese province of Henan] may be induced by the offer of liberal terns to follow their example” in bringing tea shrubs and tools to the Botanic Gardens in Calcutta (India); and they would teach the natives how to process them.  He insisted that tea “was of the greatest national importance” to Britain.
Banks stated that China was more difficult to deal with than other eastern countries – it was powerful and self-confident, and small armies couldn't overpower it.  It was “vain” and dared to think it could manage its own affairs!  They had to pull down the “haughty pride of the Chinese”, although this would be difficult.  And the only way that tea could be grown elsewhere was to take plants and put them in similar environments in the European colonies, or in climates in other places that were suitable, such as Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and St. Helena.
The Netherlands was the first country to take Chinese tea bushes to other parts of the world – in 1728, they were taking them to the Cape of Good Hope (the tip of South Africa) and Ceylon (in Sri Lanka).  However, they wouldn't seriously establish tea estates until 1828, and these would be in Java (Indonesia), much closer to China. These plantations thrived, as they had cheap labour.  But tea-growing in Java wouldn't take off properly until Indian tea plants were introduced in 1878.
Taking plants & seeds from Canton was a dangerous thing to do – the Chinese government put a price on the head of any merchant they suspected was doing this, and tried to capture their ships.
Two British embassies were sent to China, and both were encouraged to see if it was possible to bring out tea plants.  The first embassy was Lord Macartney in 1792 (with Banks accompanying him), and they brought back seeds & plants for the Calcutta botanical gardens. The second embassy was Lord Amherst in 1816, but the plants sent from that were lost during the voyage.
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution took place from about 1760 to 1820-40. Human labour was replaced with machines, which were faster, cheaper and more dependable.
At the same time, an agricultural revolution was going on, in much the same way.  It began as a method that was focused on improved rotation, use of crops, and artificial fertilizers.  Everything was designed to maximize efficiency.  Jobs were carefully divided up into part.  The maximum amount of machinery & non-human power was used to reduce costs.
This made British agriculture far more productive, in terms of crops per acre and crops produced per person.  Britain was using large coal reserves to supplement animal, wind and water power.  Many entrepreneurs began to think of how they could use all these new things in the production of tea.  The way the Chinese did it was not nearly as efficient.
Tea Production in China
Tea bushes were planted in a rather haphazard way, and the implements used were simple, barely changing from the 800's to the 1800's. Family groups would often go out to pick the tea together.  Constance Gordon Cumming wrote about it in the 1870's:
I am greatly struck by the number of girls whom we meet working as tea-coolies, and by the enormous burdens which they carry slung from a bamboo which rests on their shoulder.  Each girl carries two bags thus slung, the weight of a bag being half a picul, which is upwards of 60 lb.  Thus heavily burdened, a party of these bright, pleasant-looking young women march a dozen miles or more, chatting and singing as they go...The tea-plantations are scattered over the hills, forming little dotted patches of regularly planted bushes. Here the girls and women are busy selecting the young green leaves, which they pick and collect in large basket-work trays of split bamboo.
The naturalist Ernest Henry Wilson wrote about higher-altitude tea growing in the early 1900's: “The culture extends up to [1220m] altitude, the bushes being planted round the sides of the terraced fields on the mountain-sides.  Very little attention is given them and they are usually allowed to grow smothered in coarse weeds to a height of from 3 to 6 feet.”
Processing the tea was a very long & arduous task.  An early manuscript gives the method for commercial tea manufacture:
Spread the leaves about 12.5 – 15 cm thick on bamboo trays, in a place where the air can blow on them.  Hire a ching fu (workman) to watch them.  Leave them there from noon until 6pm, when they begin to give off a fragment smell.
Pour them into large bamboo trays.  Toss the leaves with your hands about 300-400 times, in a process called to ching.  This gives the leaves their red spots & edges.
Carry the leaves to the kuo and roast them.
Pour them onto flat trays.  Roll them by hand in a circular direction about 300-400 times.  The leaves should end up close and well-twisted.  Poor rolling will leave them loose, open, straight and “ill-looking”.
Roast the leaves again & roll them; and then repeat those steps once more.
Take the leaves to the poey long (the fierce fire) and turn them without stopping until they are nearly 8/10 dried.
Spread the leaves on flat trays to dry until 5am, and then pick out the old yellow leaves and the stalks.
At 8am they are “poeyed” again over a slow fire.  Turn them once at noon.  Leave them to dry until 3pm, and then pack them into chests.
Near the end of the 1800's, Constance Gordon Cumming described the process, showing that it had changed little.  It had probably been used for a thousand years.
The leaves are then spread on mats, and are left in the sun till they are partially dried.  After this, they are placed in very large flat circular trays, and barefooted coolies proceed to use their feet as rollers, and twirl the leaves round and round, till each has acquired an individual curl...Then the whole process is repeated a second time.  The leaves have another turn in the sun, another foot-curling, and a more elaborate hand-rubbing.  Then once more they are exposed to the sun, till they are so dried that no trace of green remains. They are then packed in bags, and are sent off to the tea merchants to be fired under their own supervision in the great tea hongs, where the hitherto unadulterated tea leaf receives that coating of indigo and gypsum...Some of the tea farmers have charcoal stoves in their own houses, where firing is done on a small scale – but this is exceptional.
In the late 1800's, pressure from the Assamese industry's mechanization of this process led to attempts in some part of China to use machines instead of humans, but these attempts all failed, for various reasons.
The British agricultural revolution was a product of the application of capitalist methods, and the condensing of small farms into larger ones.  The methods the Chinese used were deemed to be incredibly unproductive.  The British wanted large-scale tea estates (or plantations) where things could be more productive, and this wasn't possible in China.
Transporting Tea in China
Britain used water and wheeled carts to save on transport costs.  In China, getting the tea to the coast greatly raised the cost of tea. Samuel Ball wrote about this in the late 1840's:
The usual route by which the black teas are sent to Canton, is through the province of Kiang-sy.  They are first transported down the river Min in Fokien to the small town of Tsong-gan-hien, whence they are carried, by porters, an eight days' journey, over mountain passes to Ho-keu, and the rivers of Kiang-sy, which conduct to Nan-chang-foo and Kan-chew-foo; and then, suffering many transhipments on their way, to the pass of Ta-moey-ling, in that part of the same chain of mountains which divides Kiang-sy from Quon-tong. At this pass the teas are again carried by porters – the journey occupies one day – when they are re-shipped in large vessels which convey them to Canton.  The time occupied in the entire transport from the Bohea [tea] country to Canton is about six weeks or two months.
In some places the tea was poled down the river – but bringing the boats back up again required immense human labour.  Isabella Bird wrote about it in the late 1800's:
...these men do the hardest and riskiest work I have seen done in any country...week after week, from early dawn to sunset...
Away they go, climbing over the huge angular boulders of the riverbanks, sliding on their backs down spurs of smooth rock, climbing cliff walls on each other's shoulders, or holding on with fingers and toes, sometimes on hands and knees, sometimes on shelving precipices where only their grass sandals save them from slipping into the foaming race below...these poor fellows who drag our commerce up the Yangtze amidst all these difficulties and perils, and many more, are attached to a heavy junk by a long and heavy rope, and are dragging her up against the force of a tremendous current, raging in billows, edies, and whirlpools; that they are subject to frequent jerks; that occasionally their burden comes to a dead stop and hangs in the torrent for several minutes; that the tow-rope often snaps, throwing them on their faces and bare bodies on jagged and rough rocks; that they are continually in and out of the water; that they are running many chances daily of having their lives violently ended; and that they are doing all this mainly on rice!
The terrain was too difficult for animals to be used.  Over much of the route (when the tea wasn't being transported by boat), the porters carried huge loads on their backs.  Ernest Henry Wilson (1867-1930) wrote about them, stating that they carried an average load of over 150kg each.  On a section of the route that was under 225km, it took them 20 days.
With their huge loads they are forced to rest every hundred yards or so, and as it would be impossible for the carrier to raise his burden if it were once deposited on the ground he carries a short crutch, with which he supports it when resting, without releasing himself from the slings.
The porters were paid about one English shilling for these 20 days of work, and “out of this he has to keep himself and pay for his lodgings.”  The porters were often emaciated from the gruelling work.  They carried tea to and from the ports, and also up into Tibet, which was just as difficult.
There were many middlemen who organized the porters and allowed the transportation of tea through their areas, taking money for tolls, taxes and protection money.  This also added to the overall cost of the tea.
Overall, though, tea was still relatively cheap to produce, in terms of labour and land.  Peasant households and the middlemen needed the money from it as a supplementary source of income.  But the British still weren't happy, as there was no centralized control over production; no way of improving or monitoring quality; and now way of applying science & knowledge to the production of tea, and the protection from various pests.
And the merchants at the ports made a great profit, which the British were not happy about.  IN the mid-1800's, Samuel Ball wrote, “Thus one considerable item which entered into the cost of tea to the foreigner, was the Hong merchant's profit.”
Ball also gave the average costs of each stage of production in Chinese currency:
The British hoped to undercut these costs.  And as other problems cropped up, it became more necessary to do this.
The British used several commodities to pay the Chinese for tea in the beginning, when only small amounts of tea were being imported. From 1750 to the start of the 1800's, they could use their hold over India to export cotton from Bengal to China, to pay for tea.  But the Chinese improved their own cotton manufacturing, and eventually could produce it cheaper themselves, so this was no use anymore.
The main commodity was silver, which had always been commonly traded from the West to China.  For the first 50yrs of the direct clipper trade (about 1720-70) it worked fine.  But in 1776, the American Revolution cut off the major Mexican source of silver; and the cost of silver also rose through inflation.  Britain was importing more & more tea, and they just didn't have enough silver to pay for it.
In 1758, Parliament gave the monopoly on opium production in India to the East India Company.  China had banned opium imports, but Portugal was still illegally importing it.  In 1773, Britain took control of this trade from Portugal.  By 1776, they were exporting 60 tonnes, and double that by 1790.
Opium was mainly grown in Bengal, where nearly 500,000 people were employed in the huge industry.  In 1830, Britain exported nearly 1,500 tonnes of opium to China, which was worth several billion dollars in today's money.  In 1833, opium exports ot China were worth $11.5 million dollars (in the currency of the time), and imports of tea cost just over $9 million.  Britain was making a profit overall.
The East India Company sold the opium to British merchants in India. These merchants exported it to China, and received silver coin as payment.  The silver went back to London, and was then taken back to China to pay for tea.
The Company wasn't officially involved, but of course they knew what was going on.  Chinese protests were ignored, or brushed aside with responses that it was nothing to do with the British Government or the East India Company.  American merchants had basically the same system, but they used less pure opium from the Ottoman Empire.
Between 1780 and 1830, Britain increased their opium exports to China by 1000.  The Chinese authorities tried desperately to deal with it, but constantly failed.  They resorted to drastic measures, burning a year's supply of opium in a huge bonfire and arresting the British and Chinese involved.
Britain declared war, and the First Opium War (1839-42) began). Britisn warships destroyed the Chinese fortifications, and they won the war.  They forced the Chinese government into major concessions, including huge reparation payments, and ceding Hong Kong to Britain. Amoy, Fuchow, Ningpo and Shanghai were turned into “open ports”, a further indemnity was paid, and the Chinese customs were forced to accept British supervision.
Growing Tea Elsewhere
But the main problem still wasn't solved.  According to Edward Bramah, “In 1822, the Royal Society of Arts offered fifty guineas to whoever could grow and prepare the greatest quantity of China tea in the British West Indies, Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales or the East Indies.  The prize remained unclaimed.”
And there was competition from the Dutch, who were succeeding in Java.  In 1833, Parliament ended the East India Company's monopoly in China.  The field was now open.  Huge profits were possible, but it was still uncertain if it would work.
In 1828, the Governor-General of India, Lord Bentinck, set up a Committee to investigate the issue.  The Committee consisted of businessmen and botanists, chosen by Bentinck.  The most prominent member was Nathaniel Wallich, who was in charge of the Botanical Gardens in Calcutta.  He showed the Committee a report sent to him by a Mr. Walker.  It began with complaints about China.
...the jealous policy of the Chinese government in her intercourse with all nations; the apprehensions which she had always entertained of our formidable Empire in the East Indies; the ignorance, pride and prejudice of the Government;...the rapacity and corruption of her officers; and occasionally the misconduct of our own people.
These problems had hindered efforts to grow tea elsewhere other than China.  But it was still possible, he stated.
Tea plants could be easily transported, unlike other things they'd tried (such as mangosteens).  But China's resistance was the problem. Foreigners were only allowed in Canton.  “It is an acknowledged fact that the Chinese empire is the most powerful on the face of the earth,” so it was able to enforce strict rules on the importing of foreign goods.  But Europe's weapons were better, Walker continued, implying that they could deal with China in that way – this was only a few years before the First Opium War.
Walker gave figures that showed how tea was now everybody's drink, “the common people using it as a portion of food.”  Each year, the government earned £4 million from tea.  And tea was known to grow in other places – for example, reports from Buchanan Hamilton in Burma 50yrs earlier had spoken of a tribal people called the Singphos bringing tea down to the plains in baskets.
Tea grew best on hillsides on gravelly soil, like all camellias, and India had plenty of these, “of very little use to the East India Company.”  They could bring Chinese people from Calcutta or the East Indies to oversee the growing & manufacturing.  The East India Company was wanting to provide “some reasonable occupation” for the natives, and the Indians would be ideal labour, with their “sedentary and tranquil habits”, and their ability to live on 2-3p a day.  And the Company's revenues would increase if they didn't have to buy tea from China (this was before their monopoly was ended).
Bentinck was convinced by this report, and Dr. Wallich drew up a report on the tea plant.  He stated that it liked moist valleys and riverbanks, but also recommended growing it on the slopes of the Himalayan range, the Kumaon hills, Gurwhal, Dehra Dun and Kashmir. He suggested that the tea plants be put into a warm nursery for a while, and then transported to somewhere with frost and snow for at least six weeks.
The Tea Committee decided to send Mr. Gordon (one of their members) to Penang and Singapore, and China if possible, to get information, plants, and Chinese people.  Gordon also took a questionnaire for the Dutch.  How much did it rain in Java's tea districts?  Were there fogs and/or snow?  Were there trees for shelter; and what about manure & irrigation?  How much were the labourers paid and fed? How were tea chests made.
The Dutch answered willingly, and Gordon sent a report back.  The Dutch had over 3 million plants in Java.  They found it difficult to get Chinese people to emigrated, because they were afraid of the sea, but they had “recourse to forced labour”, which would be no problem in India.
In the 1840's, Samuel Ball wrote about moving tea production to India, and how it would be beneficial for the Indian people:
The population of British India and its dependencies is computed at 114,430,000.  Supposing these to become, like the Chinese, all consumers of tea, the impulse which this novel demand for labour would give to a country mainly dependent on its agricultural resources; the new, unprofitable and otherwise unoccupied mountain lands which would thereby be brought under cultivation; the industrial activity its manipulation and preparation would call forth; as well as the new and indirect demands on industry it would develop; and lastly, though least to be considered, but nevertheless of high importance, the new sources of revenue it would open to the government – are all considerations of such vast interest, that it ought not to be a matter of surprise, that the encouragement of the cultivation of tea on an extensive scale, is daily becoming more and more a subject of anxious solicitude on the part of the India government.
If tea drinking became widespread in India,
...when we consider the abstinence from animal food, which is imposed on the Hindoo by his religion, we cannot but think that the introduction and adoption of the Mongolian method of using tea in its broth-like form, mixed with butter and meal, would furnish not only a refreshing, but a somewhat substantial adjunct to his meagre dietary; while the leaf used as an infusion...would administer greatly to his comfort, healthy, and sobriety.
Robert Fortune (1812-80) was a Scottish botanist who would steal tea plants from China in 1848 for the East India Company.  He wrote:
In these days, when tea has become almost a necessary of life in England and her wide-spreading colonies, its production upon a large and cheap scale is an object of no ordinary importance.  But to the natives of India themselves the production of this article would be of the greatest value.  The poor paharie, or hill-peasant, at present has scarcely the common necessaries of life, and certainly none of its luxuries.  The common sorts of grains which his lands produce will scarcely pay the carriage to the nearest market-town, far less yield such a profit as will enable him to purchase even a few of the necessary and simple luxuries of life...If part of these lands produced tea, he would then have a healthy beverage to drink, besides a commodity that would be of great value in the market.  Being of small bulk compared with its value, the expense of carriage would be trifling, and he would have the means of making himself and his family more comfortable, and more happy.
It had to be decided on where the tea would best grow, and how the tea-growing methods could be improved to make it profitable.  The British were soon to discover their location.
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arttotechcom · 4 years
History of Farming
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  History of Farming Old Techs
12,000 BC – History of Farming started with Neolithic Revolution, the first agricultural revolution, begins in the ancient Near East. The harvesting of wild cereal grasses dates to around 10,000 BC in the Middle East. It is in the Middle East, that the crucial developments occurred when cereals such as wild emmer and barley were deliberately grown and bred by humans. This breakthrough had occurred in Palestine and southern Turkey by 9000 BC. The first traces of sheep-keeping go back to around 9000 BC, in northern Iraq. Within a thousand years or so, goats, pigs and cattle had been added to the list. Once domesticated, these animals were bred to improve their usefulness to humans, and soon they were yielding not only meat for food and skin for clothing, but also milk for additional nutrition. In 7000 BC History of Farming improved with – Cultivation of wheat, sesame, barley, and eggplant in Mehrgarh (modern day Pakistan).
History of Farming New Techs
By 7000 BC, pottery was being made in Middle Eastern villages. This is an important marker, because pottery is associated with truly settled life – its weight, bulk and fragility make it unsuitable for the nomadic way of life. It also requires firing at high temperatures, a technique involving large brick-built kiln The early potters built up their pots by adding coils of clay, layer upon layer. 6800 BC – Rice domesticated in southeast Asia.
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4000 BC – In Mehrgarh, the domestication of numerous crops, including peas, sesame seeds, dates, and cotton, as well as a wide range of domestic animals, including the Domestic Asian Water Buffalo, an animal that remains essential to intensive agricultural production throughout Asia today. 4000 BC – Egyptians discover how to make bread using yeast ; First use of light wooden ploughs in Mesopotamia 3500 BC – Irrigation was being used in Mesopotamia and it was big step of c. 3500 BC – First agriculture in the Americas, around Central Amazonia or Ecuador. 3000 BC – Turmeric, cardamom, pepper and mustard are harvested in the Indus Valley Civilization;Fermentation of dough, grain, and fruit juices is in practice; Sugar produced in India. 1700 BC – Wind powered machine developed by Babylonians. 100 BC – Rotary winnowing fan invented in China. 100 BC – The multi-tube seed drill is invented in China (improve the ratio of crop yield.). AD 200 – The fishing reel invented in China. 600 – The distillation of alcohol in China. ROTARY WINNOWING FAN
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In Ancient China the method was improved by mechanisation with the development of the rotary winnowing fan, which used a cranked fan toproduce the airstream. This technique was not adopted in Europe until the 1700s, when winnowing machines used a "sail fan". The rotary winnowing fan was exported to Europe, brought there by Dutch sailors between 1700 and 1720. Apparently they had obtained them from the Dutch settlement of Batavia in Java, Dutch East Indies. Until the beginning of the eighteenth century, no rotary winnowing fans existed in the West.   Read the full article
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babymilkaction · 5 years
Multi-stakeholder partnerships: what are the risks? The case of Scaling up Nutrition (SUN)
Multi-stakeholder partnerships: what are the risks? The case of Scaling up Nutrition (SUN)
The potential of partnerships with the private sector has dominated the narrative of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 17 overshadowing many of the other key dimensions. Multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) are considered “important vehicles for mobilizing and sharing knowledge, expertise, technologies and financial resources to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, particularly developing countries”.(2) Concerns about the possible implications of too close relations with the private sector and the blurring of roles and responsibilities precipitated by the MSP approach, are often rejected as out-dated, ideology-driven and anti-corporate. This is despite the limited evidence of the positive contribution of such approaches, nor assessments of the risks they may pose to governance and human rights.(3) A prominent example in the area of food security and nutrition is the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) ‘Movement’ – an initiative that brings together governments, UN agencies, donors, business and civil society in a “collective action to improve nutrition”.(4) SUN’s members include the UN, Civil Society, Governments and food, beverage and agro-chemical companies, two of which sit on its International Lead Group.(5) Launched in 2010, to date, 61 countries have signed on to SUN and the initiative has substantial political and financial backing. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), as well as several bilateral donors 6 and the EU are key funders of SUN. SUN’s theory of change to end malnutrition requires ‘multi-stakeholder’ platforms at the national level as a key element. SUN also proposes that donor funding can be galvanized through building consensus on scientific and ‘evidence-based’ strategies. Following the lead of the BMGF-funded 2008 series in the Lancet on Maternal and Child Undernutrition, revised in 2013, the majority of SUN’s recommended interventions involve fortified products and supplements of some kind.(7) A research study based on three country case studies (Uganda, Guatemala and India) investigating the impact of SUN on the right to adequate food and nutrition found the following serious concerns:(8)
1. Restructuring of governance – paving the way for private sector influence
SUN promotes trust in collaborative arrangements with the private sector, opening up policy space to it with no acknowledgment of the risks.(9) Most SUN countries have no effective mechanisms to address Conflicts of Interest (COI).(10) SUN’s use of the rhetoric of ‘inclusiveness’ relies on the ‘management’ rather than ‘avoidance’ of COI. Its COI tool has many flaws (11)and creates confusion rather than serving the purpose of helping governments avoid COI.(12)
2. Democratic deficits and top-down,  elitist leadership
Most countries join SUN with a simple letter of commitment with no requirement for democratic scrutiny of the implications for governance. SUN interventions were found to be ‘top-down’ with civil society represented by a select group of international NGOs, mostly engaged in service delivery, with no recognition of power differentials between and within ‘stakeholder’ groups. SUN’s international Lead Group includes large transnational corporations and allows them  direct influence over SUN’s policy direction. The Lead Group moreover includes key advocates of technical, private sector- or market-driven solutions to malnutrition, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.(13, 14)
3. Lack of external scrutiny and accountability for actions
The monitoring and evaluation processes in SUN consist primarily of internal self-reflections (Joint Assessment Exercises). Under SUN’s principle of ‘mutual accountability’, members are accountable to one another rather than to communities affected. SUN’s recent Mid-Term Review also acknowledged that “there is a deficit in mutual accountability … In practice, SUN members who are significantly dependent on international assistance are more rigorously assessed than are the funding providers”.(15) SUN has no complaint mechanisms in place and great emphasis is placed on ‘dialogue’ should problems occur.16 Since SUN acts through governments and its members rather than directly, attribution for its impacts is difficult to establish. Indeed, no-one seems liable for actions promoted under SUN. Accountability towards people affected by SUN interventions is minimal.
4. Shifting the policy agenda: short-term medicalized nutrition interventions
SUN’s emphasis on “consensus” and the lack of mechanisms for dispute resolution can stifle dissenting opinions and weaken the drive to frame strategies that address more fundamental problems in food security and nutrition. SUN focuses on the first 1000 Days of a child (from conception to two years) emphasizing short-term medicalized, product-based interventions for the treatment of undernutrition. Little/no evidence was found that these interventions brought meaningful and long-term changes to the nutrition prospects of those affected by malnutrition, while there was some evidence of negative consequences on indigenous food cultures and confidence in local foods. SUN now claims to address malnutrition in all its forms, however SUN’s emphasis on fortification of single micronutrients and how this can lead to the promotion of ultra-processed foods through misleading claims received hardly any attention.17
5. Support for industrial agriculture rather than structural transformation of food systems
SUN’s bias towards technological solutions, in particular, biofortified seeds and fortified foods, entail important human rights risks for small-scale food producers, indigenous peoples, consumers and the planet. These solutions moreover ignore the structural causes of malnutrition and stand counter to / distract from strategies aimed at fundamentally re-shaping food systems in support of agro-biodiverse production, the rights of small-scale food producers, diversified and healthy diets, and planetary health.
SUN does not address the social, cultural, economic and political determinants of malnutrition and instead emphasizes short-term, technical interventions. The private sector influence at the core of SUN results in initiatives that largely benefit them. By joining SUN, countries risk foregoing strategies aimed at addressing the root causes of malnutrition such as unequal power relations, social exclusion, exploitation, poverty, discrimination, low wages, land grabbing, and abusive marketing of food products. SUN contributes to the consolidation of private sector influence on public food and nutrition policies. By shifting policy accountability from the state to multi-stakeholder platforms, the government is reduced to the role of facilitator, rather than the primary actor in addressing malnutrition. This makes it even more difficult for affected groups to hold the state accountable for compliance with its human rights obligations, and moves us further to a charity driven, rather than a rights-based approach to food and nutrition.
Black, R.E. et al. (2013): Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low-income and middle-income countries. In: The Lancet, Volume 382, Issue 9890, pp. 427-451. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60937-X
HLPE (2018): Multi-stakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. Rome. www.fao.org/3/CA0156EN/CA0156en.pdf
Martens, Jens/Seitz, Karolin (2015): Philanthropic Power and Development. Who shapes the Agenda? Aachen/Berlin/Bonn/New York: Brot für die Welt/Global Policy Forum/MISEREOR. www.globalpolicy.org/images/pdfs/GPFEurope/Philanthropic_Power_online.pdf
Mokoro Limited (2015): Independent Comprehensive Evaluation of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement. Final Report. Main Report and Annexes. In partnership with Valid International & FEC Consulting Oxford. http://scalingupnutrition.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/SUN_ICE_FullReport-All(1-5-15).pdf MQSUN+ (2018): Midterm Review of the Scaling up Nutrition Movement: Final Report. 22 December 2018. London. https://scalingupnutrition.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/SUN-MTR-Final-Report-2019_external-1.pdf
Richter, J. (2015): Conflicts of interest and global health and nutrition governance – The illusion of robust principles. In: BMJ RR, 12 February 2015. www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g5457/rr
Schieck Valente, F. L. (2015): The Corporate Capture of Food and Nutrition Governance: A Threat to Human Rights and Peoples’ Sovereignty. In: Right to Food and Nutrition Watch: Peoples’ Nutrition is not a Business (2015), pp. 15-20. www.righttofoodandnutrition.org/files/Watch_2015_Article_1_The%20Corporate%20Capture%20of%20Food%20and%20Nutrition%20Governance.pdf
UK Health Forum (2018): Public health and the food and drinks industry: The governance and ethics of interaction. Lessons from research, policy and practice. London: UKHF. www.idrc.ca/sites/default/files/sp/Documents%20EN/ukhf-casebook-jan18.pdf
1 This briefing is based on a study conducted by FIAN International, IBFAN, and SID on the human rights impact of multi-stakeholder partnerships: the case of the Scaling up Nutrition Initiative. Forthcoming November 2019. 2 See https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdinaction 3 HLPE (2018). 4 SUN Movement Strategy and Road Map (2016-2020), p. 6. 5 Royal DSM, a Dutch-based international chemical company producing micronutrient ingredients for the food and dietary supplements industry, and Java Foods, a Zambian company manufacturing instant fortified cereals and noodles. 6 Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, the UK, and the USA. 7 Black et al. (2013). 8 This briefing is based on a study conducted by FIAN International, IBFAN, and SID on the human rights impact of multi-stakeholder partnerships: the case of the Scaling up Nutrition Initiative. Forthcoming November 2019. 9 For a recent compilation of case studies concerning collaboration with food and beverage industry in public health policy and COI, see UK Health Forum (2018) 10 ‘Institutional conflicts of interest arise when an institution’s own financial interest or those of its senior officials pose risks of undue influence on decisions involving the institution’s primary interests.’ Lo, B. and M. Field, Inst of Med. (US) Committee on Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education and Practice, Eds. (2009) 11 Amongst others, it uses an incorrect definition that confuses COI within an entity with conflicts caused by disagreements between entities 12 For a critic of SUN’s conflict of interest tool, see Richter (2015). 13 See, for instance, Martens/Seitz (2015). 14 A list of current Lead Group members can be found at: https://scalingupnutrition.org/sun-supporters/sun-movement-lead-group/ 15 MQSUN+ (2018), p. viii. 16 The Business Network has a whistleblower mechanism that can be used for registering alleged breaches of its Principles of Engagement by companies participating in SUN. Besides being extremely difficult to find, this mechanism concerns the activities of business and not the actions promoted under SUN. No information is provided as to whether the mechanism has ever been used and what measures have been taken in response. 17 https://www.who.int/ncds/prevention/en/
Multi-stakeholder partnerships: what are the risks? The case of Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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sciencespies · 5 years
The Pioneering Female Botanist Who Sweetened a Nation and Saved a Valley
The Pioneering Female Botanist Who Sweetened a Nation and Saved a Valley
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In 1970, the Indian government planned to flood 8.3 square kilometers of pristine evergreen tropical forest by building a hydroelectric plant to provide power and jobs to the state of Kerala. And they would have succeeded—if it weren’t for a burgeoning people’s science movement, buttressed by a pioneering female botanist. At 80 years old, Janaki Ammal used her status as a valued national scientist to call for the preservation of this rich hub of biodiversity. Today Silent Valley National Park in Kerala, India, stands as one of the last undisturbed swaths of forest in the country, bursting with lion-tailed macaques, endangered orchids and nearly 1,000 species of endemic flowering plants.
Sometimes called “the first Indian woman botanist,” Ammal leaves her mark in the pages of history as a talented plant scientist who developed several hybrid crop species still grown today, including varieties of sweet sugarcane that India could grow on its own lands instead of importing from abroad. Her memory is preserved in the delicate white magnolias named after her, and a newly developed, yellow-petaled rose hybrid that now blooms in her name. In her later years, she became a forceful advocate for the value and preservation of India’s native plants, earning recognition as a pioneer of indigenous approaches to the environment.
Edavaleth Kakkat Janaki Ammal was born in 1897, the tenth in a blended family of 19 brothers and sisters in Tellicherry (now Thalassery) in the Indian state of Kerala. Her father, a judge in a subordinate court system in Tellicherry, kept a garden in their home and wrote two books on birds in the North Malabar region of India. It was in this environment that Ammal found her affinity for the natural sciences, according to her niece, Geeta Doctor.
As she grew up, Ammal watched as many of her sisters wed through arranged marriages. When her turn came, she made a different choice. Ammal embarked on a life of scholarship over one of matrimony, obtaining a bachelor’s degree from Queen Mary’s College, Madras and an honors degree in botany from the Presidency College. It was rare for women to choose this route since women and girls were discouraged from higher education, both in India and internationally. In 1913, literacy among women in India was less than one percent, and fewer than 1,000 women in total were enrolled in school above tenth grade, writes historian of science Vinita Damodaran (and Ammal’s distant relative) in her article “Gender, Race, and Science in Twentieth-Century India.”
After graduating, Ammal taught for three years at the Women’s Christian College in Madras before receiving a unique opportunity: to study abroad for free through the Barbour Scholarship, established at the University of Michigan by philanthropist Levi Barbour in 1917 for Asian women to study in the U.S. She joined the botany department as Barbour Scholar at Michigan in 1924. Despite coming to America on a prestigious scholarship, Ammal, like other travelers from the East, was detained in Ellis Island until her immigration status was cleared, her niece writes. But mistaken for an Indian princess with her long dark hair and traditional dress of Indian silks, she was let through. When asked if she was in fact a princess, “I did not deny it,” she said.
During her time at the University of Michigan she focused on plant cytology, the study of genetic composition and patterns of gene expression in plants. She specialized in breeding interspecific hybrids (produced from plants of a different species) and intergeneric hybrids (plants of a different genera within the same family). In 1925, Ammal earned a Masters of Science. In 1931, she received her doctorate, becoming the first Indian woman to receive that degree in botany in the U.S.
Her expertise was of particular interest at the Imperial Sugar Cane Institute in Coimbatore, now the Sugarcane Breeding Institute. The Institute was trying to bolster India’s native sugarcane crop, the sweetest species of which (Saccharum officinarum) they had been importing from the island of Java. With Ammal’s help, the Institute was able to develop and sustain their own sweet sugarcane varieties rather than rely on imports from Indonesia, bolstering India’s sugarcane independence.
Ammal’s research into hybrids helped the Institute identify native plant varieties to cross-breed with Saccharum in order to produce a sugar cane crop better suited for India’s tropical environmental conditions. Ammal crossed dozens of plants to determine which Saccharum hybrids yielded higher sucrose content, providing a foundation for cross-breeding with consistent results for sweetness in home-grown sugarcane. In the process, she also developed several more hybrids from crossing various genera of grasses: Saccharum-Zea, Saccharum-Erianthus, Saccharum-Imperata and Saccharum-Sorghum.
In 1940, Ammal moved to Norfolk, England, to begin work at the John Innes Institute. There she worked closely with geneticist—and eugenicist—Cyril Dean Darlington. Darlington researched the ways that chromosomes influenced heredity, which eventually grew into an interest in eugenics, particularly the role of race in the inheritance of intelligence. With Ammal, however, he mostly worked on plants. After five years of collaboration, the pair coauthored the Chromosome Atlas of Cultivated Plants, which is still a key text for plant scientists today. Unlike other botanical atlases that focused on botanical classification, this atlas recorded the chromosome number of about 100,000 plants, providing knowledge about breeding and evolutionary patterns of botanical groups.
In 1946, the Royal Horticultural Society in Wisley offered Ammal a paid position as a cytologist. She left the John Innes Institute and became the Society’s first salaried woman staff member. There, she studied the botanical uses of colchicine, a medication that can double a plant’s chromosome number and result in larger and quicker-growing plants. One of the results of her investigations is the Magnolia kobus Janaki Ammal, a magnolia shrub with flowers of bright white petals and purple stamens. Though Ammal returned to India around 1950, the seeds she planted put down roots, and the world-renowned garden at Wisley still plays host to Ammal’s namesake every spring when it blooms.
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A rose hybrid named in “E.K. Janaki Ammal” in honor of Ammal’s life and work.
(John Innes Centre U.K.)
When she returned to India in the early 1950s, she did so at the request of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister after their 1947 independence from British rule. India was recovering from a series of famines, including the Bengal famine of 1943 that killed millions. It was for this reason, Vinita Damodaran tells Smithsonian, that “Nehru was very keen to get [Ammal] back [to India] to improve the botanical base of Indian agriculture.” Nehru made her a government appointed supervisor in charge of directing the Central Botanical Laboratory in Lucknow. In this capacity, she would reorganize the Botanical Survey of India (BSI), originally established in 1890 under the oversight of Britain’s Kew Gardens to collect and survey India’s flora.
But Ammal found herself dissatisfied with some of the initiatives that the government had implemented to boost India’s food production. Under the 1940s Grow More Food Campaign, the government reclaimed 25 million acres of land for the cultivation of food, mostly grain and other cereals. “She found the deforestation was getting quite out of hand, quite rampant,” Damodaran says. Damodaran reads from a letter that Ammal sent to Darlington in which she expressed her distress over the extent to which deforestation was destroying India’s native plants: “I went 37 miles from Shillong in search of the only tree of Magnolia griffithii in that part of Assam and found that it had been burnt down.”
At this point, Ammal’s work took a decidedly different turn. After spending decades applying her skills to improving the commercial use of plants, she began using her influence to preserve indigenous plants under threat. One of Ammal’s goals for the botanical survey was to house plant specimens that had been collected from across the continent in an herbarium in India. She wanted the BSI to be conducted by Indian scientists and kept for India. But in the 60 years since the British first controlled the BSI, she found not much had changed when the government appointed a European, Hermenegild Santapau, as her director, a position that Damodaran says Ammal “felt had been unjustly denied her.”
In another letter to Darlington she expressed both anger and sadness at the decision to appoint Hermenegild. “I bring you news of a major defeat for botanical science in India,” she wrote. “The Govt. of India has appointed as the chief botanist of India—a man with the Kew tradition and I—the director of the Central Botanical Laboratory must now take orders from him … Kew has won … and we have lost.” Despite India’s independence from British rule, Britain’s colonization of the country manifested in science.
Ammal believed a truly systematic study of India’s flora could not be done if the specimens were collected by foreign botanists and then studied only in British herbaria. Damodaran explains, “This was critical to her: how do you create a revitalized botanical survey, in terms of both collection and research, that enables you to do this new flora?”
To that end Ammal issued a memorandum on the survey, writing, “The plants collected in India during the last thirty years have been chiefly by foreign botanists and often sponsored by institutions outside India. They are now found in various gardens and herbaria in Europe, so that modern research on the flora of India can be conducted more intensely outside India than within this country.”
This continues to be a problem today. “The largest collection of Indian plants are held there [at the Kew and the Natural History Museum],” Damodaran says, “It’s still quite an imperial institution.”
To preserve Indian plants, Ammal saw the need to value the indigenous knowledge about them. In 1955 she was the only woman to attend an international symposium in Chicago, ironically entitled Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth. The Symposium interrogated the various ways that humans were changing the environment in order “to keep abreast of all the means at man’s disposal to affect deliberately or unconsciously the course of his own evolution.” In the room full of mostly white men, she spoke about India’s subsistence economy, the significance of tribal cultures and their cultivation of native plants, and the importance of Indian matrilineal traditions that valued women as managers of property, including a family’s plants—all of which were threatened by the mass-production of cereals.
“It is in this sense,” Damodaran writes, “that one can see Janaki Ammal as pioneering both indigenous and gendered environmental approaches to land use whilst continuing to be a leading national scientist.”
In the later years of her career, Ammal lent her voice to a booming environmental movement called Save Silent Valley, a campaign to stop a hydroelectric project that would flood the Silent Valley forests. By the time she joined protesters and activists, she was an established voice in Indian science, and a scientist emeritus at Madras University’s Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany. Joining the movement was a natural outgrowth of her previous decades of work, bringing full circle a scientific life of systematic study and a love of the natural wonders of her country. “I am about to start a daring feat,” she wrote, again to Darlington. “I have made up my mind to take a chromosome survey of the forest trees of the Silent Valley which is about to be made into a lake by letting in the waters of the river Kunthi.”
Harnessing her scientific expertise, she spearheaded the chromosomal survey of the Valley plants in an effort to preserve the botanical knowledge held there. As part of the larger movement, one of the most significant environmental movements of the 1970s, Ammal was successful: the government abandoned the project, and the forest was declared a national park on November 15, 1984. Unfortunately, Ammal was no longer around to see the triumph. She had died nine months earlier, at 87 years old.
In a 2015 article remembering her aunt, Greeta Doctor wrote that Ammal never liked to talk about herself. Rather, Ammal believed that “My work is what will survive.” She was right: though she is relatively unknown in her country, her story is out there, written in the pages of India’s natural landscape. From the sweetness of India’s sugar and the enduring biodiversity of the Silent Valley to Wiseley’s blooming magnolias, Ammal’s work does not just survive, it thrives.
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Indonesia Hybrid Seeds Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of 10.6% during the Forecast period (2017-2025)
According to Goldstein Research, self-sufficiency campaigns launched by Indonesia government have opened up the huge opportunities for the growth of hybrid seeds market that will induce the increase in the productivity of the agricultural produce. Thus, such campaigns are the major driving factors for the growth of Indonesia seed market.
Indonesia Hybrid Seeds market outlook also includes technological innovations, government strategy and investment strategies adopted by major market players and regional government in order to expand their business across the globe. However, the major constraint in the growth of the market is the higher prices of the hybrid seeds and also has environmental concerns such as polluting soil, water and air and killing the pollinator insects.
Browse Full Report: https://www.goldsteinresearch.com/report/indonesia-hybrid-seed-market
Market Segmentation
On the basis of our in-depth analysis, Indonesia hybrid seeds market can be segmented as follows:
By Seed Type
Fruit Seed
Vegetable Seed
Grain Seed
Oil Seed
Others (Forage, etc.)
By Seed Variety
Genetically Modified (GM)
By Process Equipment
By Distribution Channel
By Geography
Borneo {Market Share (%), Market Size (USD Billion)} Indonesia Hybrid seeds Market
Sulawesi {Market Share (%), Market Size (USD Billion)} Indonesia Hybrid seeds Market
Sumatra {Market Share (%), Market Size (USD Billion)} Indonesia Hybrid seeds Market
Java {Market Share (%), Market Size (USD Billion)} Indonesia Hybrid seeds Market
Bali {Market Share (%), Market Size (USD Billion)} Indonesia Hybrid seeds Market
Rest Of Indonesia {Market Share (%), Market Size (USD Billion)} Indonesia Hybrid seeds Market
“Indonesia Hybrid Seeds Market Analysis” contains detailed overview of the Indonesia hybrid seeds market. On the basis of our in-depth analysis, market can be segmented in terms of market segmentation by seed type, by seed variety, by process equipment and by distribution channel.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, Indonesia Hybrid Seeds Market Report encompasses the industry growth drivers, market challenges, risk analysis, market attractiveness, BPS (Base Point Scale) analysis, Porter’s five force model and SWOT analysis. This market analysis report also includes competitive outlook of some of the major players profiling of companies such as PT Bisi International, PT DuPont Indonesia, Syngenta, Monsanto, Advanta seeds, Namdhari seeds. The company profiles include business strategy, geographical revenue distribution, major information of the companies which encompasses business outlook, products, services and industries catered, financial analysis of the company and recent developments.
Overall, the report represents the Indonesia Hybrid Seeds market trends along with market forecast that will help industry consultants, technology providers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
Download Exclusive Sample Report @ https://www.goldsteinresearch.com/request-sample/indonesia-hybrid-seed-market
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Browse Some More Region Specific Report on Hybrid Seeds Market:
Philippines Hybrid Seeds Market
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kenresearchblog · 6 years
Indonesia Complex Fertilizer Market Outlook Report : Ken Research
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What is the scenario of asia complex fertilizer market?
Asian countries are behind US and European countries in terms of achieving agricultural crop yield. The focus on improving crop yields has driven the demand for complex fertilizers in the Asian subcontinent over the past decade. Asia complex fertilizer market registered moderate growth during 2012-2017, growing at a CAGR of ~%, to register revenues worth USD ~ billion in 2017 as compared to USD ~ billion in 2012. Moderate growth was due to decline in consumption of complex fertilizers in certain key territories and slump in price of complex fertilizers, driven by decline in cost of raw materials in international markets. Overall, complex fertilizer production in Asia grew at a CAGR of ~% during 2012-2017, whereas consumption of complex fertilizers grew at a CAGR of ~% during the same period.
Indonesia was the largest consumer and producer of complex fertilizers in Asia and accounted for about ~% of the market in 2017.
India ranked second and comprised for ~% of the market share in 2017. Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand were other major countries utilizing complex fertilizers in Asia and accounted for ~%, ~% and ~% market share respectively in 2017. All other Asian countries together comprised for remaining ~% of the market.
NPK 16-16-8 was the most widely used complex fertilizer in Asia and accounted for ~% market share in overall complex fertilizer market in 2017. NPK 20-20-15 was the next popularly used fertilizer grade and comprised for ~% market share in 2017. NPK 15-15-15 and NPK 20-20-0 were other popularly used complex fertilizers which comprised for ~% and ~% market share respectively in 2017. All other grades/formulas of complex fertilizers together comprised for about ~% of the market share in 2017.
How has indonesia complex fertilizer market performed?
Indonesia complex fertilizer market is highly regulated and state-owned companies have a monopoly in this sector. Farmers are supplied Indonesia NPK Fertilizer Demand at highly subsidized rate. Although only NPK 15-15-15 is subsidized by the government, the grade accounted for about ~% of overall NPK fertilizer consumption in the country in 2017. The government has announced in its recent plans to redirect government funds for fuel subsidies to improve agricultural production by purchasing seeds and fertilizers.
Indonesia lacks mineral resources of phosphate rock and potash to produce its NPK requirements locally. However, local companies are making efforts to lessen the countries dependence on importing finished NPKs. Petrokimia Gresik’s joint venture with Jordan Phosphates Mines Company (JPMC) has led to the establishment of Petro Jordan Abadi (PJA) phosphoric acid plant in Java, which became operational in early 2014.
Indonesia has been increasingly focusing on utilization of complex fertilizers in the recent past. Consumption of NPKs has inclined from ~ million MT in 2012 to ~ million MT in 2017. This represents growth at a CAGR of ~% during the period 2012-2017.
The market for complex fertilizers grew from USD ~ million in 2012 to USD ~ million in 2017, representing growth at a CAGR of ~% during the period 2012-2017. The market witnessed a slump during 2015-2016 due to fall in prices of raw materials used for production of complex fertilizers.
Indonesia imported about ~ thousand MT of NPK fertilizers during 2016, majorly from Malaysia and Norway. Imports declined in 2016 by as much as ~% as compared to 2015. Oversupply of NPK fertilizers in the domestic market coupled with decrease in price of Urea, DAP and NPKs resulted in decline in imports of the same in 2016. Overall, imports grew at a CAGR of ~% during 2012-2016 from ~ thousand MT in 2012 to ~ thousand MT in 2016.
Malaysia and Norway were the two biggest exporters of NPK fertilizers to Indonesia as of 2016, contributing about ~% and ~% of the overall NPK imports of the country (in terms of volume). Belgium and Russia were other important import destinations amongst several other countries in 2016 and resulted in ~% and ~% of the overall NPK fertilizer imports.
Which segments have outperformed?
NPK 15-15-15 was by far the most widely used complex fertilizer in Indonesia since this NPK grade is subsidized by Indonesian government. The usage of this particular NPK fertilizer has grown at the fastest pace during the last 5 years. NPK 12-10-20, NPK 15-7-20, NPK 20-10-20, NPK 15-10-28, NPK 13-6-27 and NPK 16-16-16 were other popularly used complex fertilizer grades in Indonesia.
Indonesia largely produced and utilized high quality granulated or fused complex fertilizers and was largely dominated by public sector companies. The market was strictly regulated by the government and entities invested quite heavily in setting up manufacturing facilities and producing high quality complex fertilizers.
Consumption of granulated fertilizers stood at ~ Million MT in 2017, comprising for ~% market share of overall complex fertilizer consumption in the country. On the other hand, consumption of blended complex fertilizers stood at ~ Million MT in 2017 which accounted for ~%market share of the overall complex fertilizer market in Indonesia.
How is competition structured?
Indonesian complex fertilizer market is highly competitive and very largely dominated by public sector. The market comprises of very few domestic manufacturers, with state-owned companies almost having a monopoly in this sector. The country’s domestic production has been sufficient to meet the consumption demand in the last few years. Moreover, most NPK manufacturers utilized advanced technology and produced high quality granulated/fused complex fertilizers. The market is highly regulated and subsidized, with about 90% of complex fertilizer consumption being subsidized.
Indonesian complex fertilizer market is very concentrated with top 4 players together comprising for ~% of the market share, in terms of revenue. Petrokimia Gresik was the market leader by far, in terms of revenue, by accounting for ~% market share in 2017. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur emerged as the second largest player in this space and comprised for ~% market share. Pupuk Kujang and Pupuk Sriwidjaya Palembang accounted for ~% and ~% market share, respectively. Several other players including Yara International, Wilmar International and Malaysian Agrifert-Kuoks comprised for the remaining ~% market share in 2017.
What are the growth prospects of indonesia complex fertilizer market?
Indonesia has a very balanced demand and supply equilibrium, with high level of regulation and participation from the government. All the largest complex fertilizer manufacturing companies in Indonesia are part of Indonesia Holding Company (public / state-owned enterprise) and over ~% of the domestic consumption of complex fertilizers were subsidized by the government as of December 2017. Since the country has been steadily increasing its utilization of complex fertilizers over Urea and other mineral fertilizers and the government has been pushing local companies to develop more complex fertilizer plants, complex fertilizer manufacturers are expected to keep investing and expanding their manufacturing capabilities at least in the near future. Consumption of complex fertilizers in Indonesia is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~% during the period 2017-2022. Ken Research estimates the consumption of complex fertilizer to grow in the next five years, rising from ~ million MT in 2018 to ~ million MT by 2022. Average selling prices of NPKs are most likely to improve 2018 onwards owing to recovery in agricultural commodities’ prices.
Most manufacturers produced high quality granulated/fused complex fertilizers in Indonesia since the government provided subsidy on high-quality granulated/fused NPK 15-15-15 only. Hence, production of complex fertilizers is expected to grow at healthy CAGR of ~% during 2017-2022, inclining from ~ million MT in 2018 to ~ million MT by 2022. NPK 15-15-15 was the most widely used complex fertilizer in Indonesian market, recording fastest growth during the last 5 years. Going forward, utilization of NPK 15-15-15 is most likely to remain strong owing to balanced nutrient composition and continued subsidy provided by the government.
For more information on the research report, refer to below link
Related Reports by Ken Research
Contact Us: Ken Research Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications [email protected] +91-124 423 0204
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batexamin · 6 years
Agriculture - Current Affairs Questions & Answers for Competitive Exams
Agriculture - Current Affairs Questions & Answers for Competitive Exams
General Agriculture Quiz, Agriculture Competitive Exam Questions And Answers, Agriculture Current Affairs 2017 Pdf, General Agriculture Objective Questions Ebook, Agriculture Question Bank With Answers Download, Agriculture Mcq With Answers Pdf, Interview Questions Answers Agriculture, Agriculture Current Affairs 2016 Pdf, Latest Current Affairs And News About Agriculture, Indian Agriculture General Knowledge Pdf , Agriculture General Knowledge Objective Questions, Objective And Practice Questions For Agriculture, Gk Questions: Indian Agriculture, Agriculture Question Answer, GK Quiz, General Knowledge, Agriculture Question Answer, Agriculture GK Quiz, General Knowledge on Agriculture, Objective Agriculture Question and answer, Agriculture Competitive Exam Questions and Answers, Agriculture MCQ Questions Answers, Agriculture Mcq With Answers 2017, General Agriculture Mcq Pdf   Dear Readers, Welcome to daily Current Affairs quiz questions with answers on Agriculture. These objective type (MCQ) questions on Agriculture are useful for competitive exams like IBPS, Bank PO, SBI PO, RRB, RBI, LIC, Specialist Officer, Clerk, SSC, UPSC, Railway etc. Try Objective type Question For Agriculture Subject Competition.   Covering various important national and international topics, the chosen questions help you improve your general knowledge (GK) and perform the best. Every year mostly 2 or 3 questions from this topic are asked in various competitive exams like SSC, IBPS, Railways etc. Agriculture Question Answer, Agriculture GK Quiz, General Knowledge on Agriculture, Objective Agriculture Question and answer.   
Agriculture - Current Affairs Questions & Answers for Competitive Exams
  Learn and prepare with these daily current affairs quiz and practice test questions on Agriculture to crack current affairs section of any competitive exam. These questions are from the topic of Indian Agriculture. Questions are very useful for competitive exams and General Knowledge.    1. Red Delicious is a variety of– (a) Apple (b) Guava (c) Mango (d) Papaya (Ans : a) 2. The ratio between marketable crop yield and water used in evapotranspiration is known as– (a) Water use efficiency (b) Consumptive use efficiency (c) Field water use efficiency (d) Economic irrigation efficiency (Ans : a) 3. Which of the following elements is not essential element of plants but proves to be beneficial for some plants? (a) Copper (b) Sodium (c) Boron (d) Iodine (Ans : b) 4. In Jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is– (a) Sugarcane (b) Wheat (c) Cotton (d) Rice (Ans : d) 5. Which one of the following fertilizers is known as ‘Kisan Khad’? (a) Ammonium Sulphate (b) Urea (c) Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (d) None of these (Ans : c) 6. The colour of tomato is due to the presence of– (a) Xanthomonas (b) Anthocyanin (c) Lycopin (d) Carotene (Ans : c) Latest Jobs : Assistant Agricultural Officer Posts 2017 7. The cropping intensity of maize-potato-tobacoo is– (a) 200% (b) 100% (c) 300 (d) None of these (Ans : c) 8. In India post-harvest losses of fruit and vegetable is ………. Per cent of the total production. (a) 25 – 30 (b) 40 – 45 (c) 15 – 20 (d) 50 – 50 (Ans : a) 9. Neelum is variety of– (a) Papaya (b) Mango (c) Grape (d) Apple (Ans : b) 10. Which one of the following is not a primary nutrient? (a) N (b) S (c) K (d) P (Ans : b) 11. TPS technique is related to– (a) Tomato (b) Potato (c) Sugarcane (d) All of these (Ans : b) 12. Where do the female mango leaf hoppers lay their eggs? (a) On the dorsal surface of leaves (b) On the ventral surface of leaves (c) Inside the mid-rib of leaves (d) inside the tissue of leaf margin (Ans : b) 13. Seed rate of American cotton is– (a) 12 kg/ha (b) 20 kg/ha (c) 30 kg/ha (d) 35 kg/ha (Ans : b) 14. ‘First blight’ of sugarcane is due to deficiency of nutrient– (a) Zn (b) Mn (c) Fe (d) P (Ans : b) 15. In India, gene bank of wheat is located at– (a) IARI, New Delhi (b) Karnal (c) Ludhiana (d) Kanpur (Ans : b) 16. ‘Chanchal’ is a variety of– (a) Tomato (b) Brinjal (c) Chilli (d) Capsicum (Ans : c) 17. The Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices fixes the– (a) Retail price (b) Support price (c) Wholesle price (d) None of these (Ans : b) 18. ‘Pusa Jai Kisan’ is a somaclone of– (a) Basmati rice (b) Indian mustard (c) Citronella java (d) Khesari (Ans : b) 19. SRI is a technique used in– (a) Rice (b) Wheat (c) Maize (d) Groundnut (Ans : a) 20. In maize plants– (a) Tassels appear first (b) Silk appear first (c) Both of these appear at same time (d) None of these (Ans : b) 21 Seed plant technique is followed in– (a) Wheat (b) Paddy (c) Potato (d) Bijra (Ans : b) 22. Citrus tristeza virus is transmitted through– (a) Aphid (b) Plant hopper (c) Thrips (d) Nematode (Ans : b) 23. Parthenocarpy occurs in– (a) Mango (b) Jackfruit (c) Peach (d) Banana (Ans : b) 24. Isolation distance for foundations seed of rice is– (a) 30 metre (b) 50 metre (c) 35 metre (d) 3 metre (Ans : d) 25. Guttation occurs in plants through– (a) Stomata (b) Hydathodes (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (Ans : c) 26. Sulphur–coated Urea contains N– (a) 30% (b) 40% (c) 21% (d) 26% (Ans : a) 27. Khaira disease of rice can be controlled by spraying– (a) Borax (b) Copper sulphate (c) Zinc sulphate (d) Calcium sulphate (Ans : c) 28. Recording of milk production in dairy farm is done mainly for– (a) Quick selling of milk (b) Increase in production of milk (c) Selection of good producer (d) Ensuring Quality of milk (Ans : c) 29. Ratna is a variety of– (a) Wheat (b) Rice (c) Barley (d) Maize (Ans : c) 30. Which two crops of the following are responsible for almost 75% of pulse production in India? (a) Gram and moong bean (b) Gram and pigeon pea (c) Moong bean and lentil (d) Pigeon pea and moong bean (Ans : b) 31. Milk Sugar is– (a) Fructose (b) Lactose (c) Maltose (d) Sucrose (Ans : b) 32. Blind hoeing is recommended for– (a) Wheat (b) Maize (c) Groundnut (d) Sugarcane (Ans : d) 33. Among the following crop rotations, which is good for increasing soil nutrient status? (a) Sorghum – Wheat (b) Rice – Wheat (c) Pearlmillet – Wheat (d) Groundnut – Wheat (Ans : d) 34. Which one of the following plants belongs to family Anacardiaceae? (a) Orange (b) Papaya (c) Cashewnut (d) None of these (Ans : c) 35. Gynodioecious varieties papaya produce– (a) Only male plants (b) Only female plants (c) Female and hermaphrodite plants (d) Male and hermaphrodite plants (Ans : b) 36. The Green Revolution has mainly been successful for– (a) Rice (b) Wheat (c) Maize (d) Gram (Ans : b) 37. The number of essential mineral elements of plant is– (a) 20 (b) 16 (c) 13 (d) 21 (Ans : b) 38. Damaging stage of potato tuber moth is– (a) Larva (b) Adult (c) Pupa (d) All of these (Ans : a) 39. Vinegar contains, ……….. per cent acetic acid. (a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 20 (d) 15 (Ans : d) 40. Botanically pineapple is a– (a) Pome (b) Berry (c) Baluster (d) Sorosis (Ans : d) 41. Which of the following is glyceride? (a) Coconut oil (b) Kerosine oil (c) Essential oil (d) Catechol (Ans : d) 42. Prabhat is an early short duration variety of– (a) Green gram (b) Black gram (c) Red gram (d) Gram (Ans : c) 43. Rice and wheat has how many stamens? (a) 3, 3 (b) 6, 6 (c) 3, 6 (d) 6, 3 (Ans : a) 44. Greening of potato results in– (a) Increase in nutritional quality (b) Decrease in nutritional quality (c) Increase in disease resistance (d) Decrease in disease resistance (Ans : b) 45. Damping-off disease of vegetable nursery can be controlled by– (a) Solarization (b) Mixing of fungicides in soil (c) Seed treatment (d) All of these (Ans : d) 46. Which one of the following can be suitable for cropping as a wheat mixed crop? (a) Mustard (b) Jowar (c) Cotton (d) Cabbage (Ans : a) 47. Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil form– (a) Roots (b) Stems (c) Tubers (d) Fruits (Ans : d) 48 The optimum cardinal temperature point for germination of rice seeds is– (a) 20°C – 25°C (b) 18°C – 22°C (c) 37°C – 39°C (d) 30°C – 32°C (Ans : a) 49. Numbers of agro-climate and ecological zones classified by ICAR respectively are– (a) 8, 131 (b) 131, 8 (c) 15, 131 (d) 21, 15 (Ans : c) 50. Pink bollworm is a pest of– (a) Mustard (b) Cotton (c) Okra (d) Gram (Ans : b)
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Whether it is fighting disease, developing new seeds, or tackling pollution, Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing fields with its  use and application in practically every aspect of daily life ranging from fields like agriculture to industry (food, pharmaceutical, chemical, bio-products, textiles etc.), medicine, nutrition, environmental conservation, animal sciences and so on. Bioinformatics is an emerging branch of Biotechnology that involves the use of software to utilize information from the vast biological database that is developed by experienced biotechnologists.
What is Bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics is the application of computer technology to get the information that's stored in certain types of biological data. Bioinformatics provides central, globally accessible databases that enable scientists to submit, search and analyse information.
It offers analysis software for data studies and comparisons and provides tools for modelling, visualizing, exploring and interpreting data. The main goal is to convert a multitude of complex data into useful information and knowledge.
Bioinformatics approaches are used to understand the function of genes, the regulation of cells, drug target selection, drug design, and disease. Without quantitative analysis of the massive amounts of biological data generated by various systems, biology and -omics data cannot be interpreted or exploited.
Bioinformatics is a science field that is like but distinct from biological computation and computational biology. Biological computation uses bioengineering and biology to build biological computers, whereas bioinformatics uses computation to better understand biology.
It can be understood as the line of study dedicated to the application of computer technology in the analysis and management of biological statistics. While the subject has had profound impact on every part of our living, it is recently getting considered as an important subject matter.
What is covered in Bio-informatics?
*Analysis and interpretation of various types of biological data including: amino acids sequences, protein domains and protein structures.
*Development of new algorithms and statistics.
*Development and implementation of tools that enable efficient access and management of different types of information, such as various databases, integrated mapping information.
Skills Required
In addition, the extensive knowledge of the run-of-the mill molecular biology packages (GCG, BLAST etc.), one needs to learn web and programming skills including HTML, Perl, JAVA and C++ and be familiar with a variety of operating systems (especially UNIX). Relational database skills are very much sought after. So, knowledge of SQL and a major database application such as Sybase or Oracle will be highly advantageous.
One area of bioinformatics that is set to expand is the determination of relationships between structures and sequence. If one wishes to enter this field, one will need to learn about structural biology and modeling, mathematical optimization, computer graphics theory and linear algebra.
The basic educational qualification required to enter a programme in bioinformatics is 10+2 completed with science as a key subject. There are few Indian colleges which offers B.Tech in Bioinformatics. Most candidates get into this field after  a bachelor's degree in biotechnology or other science courses. Those with B.Tech in bioinformatics are eligible to pursue bioinformatics in master and doctoral level at Indian and
foreign universities.
Candidates who wish to apply for master's degree in bioinformatics must complete their bachelor's in any of the subjects such as B.Sc/B.Sc (Agriculture)/BCS/BE/B. Tech/MBBS/B. Pharma/BAMS/BHMS/B.V.Sc. Those who wish to go for advanced diploma in bioinformatics should have obtained a Master's degree or M.Sc. in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Computer Science or Equivalent), M. Sc (Agriculture) or M.Tech or MBBS.
Courses in Bioinformatics:
*Bachelor of Technology in Bioinformatics (B.Tech in Bioinformatics)
*Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics (B. E. in Bioinformatics)
*Master of Science in Bioinformatics (M. Sc. in Bioinformatics)
*Master of Technology in Bioinformatics (M.Tech in Bioinformatics)
*Master of Philosophy in Bioinformatics (M.Phil in Bioinformatics)
*Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics (Ph.D in Bioinformatics)
*Advanced Diploma in Bioinformatics
*Diploma in Bioinformatics
*Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics
Job prospects for Bioinformaticians are applicable to a variety of sectors -
*Medical Applications:
1. Understand life processes in healthy and disease state
2. Genetic disease
*Pharmaceutical and biotech Industry
1. To find (develop) new and better drugs
2. Gene based or structure based drug design
*Agricultural Applications
1. Disease, drought resistance plants
2. Higher yield crops
Students completing a degree in Bioinformatics from premier institutes can be a part of leading IT firms. Many software companies recruit bio-information's from time to time. Current biological and medical labs use methods that produce extremely large data sets, which cannot be analyzed by hand - for instance sequencing human genomes. Thus, modern biological and medical research and development cannot be done without bioinformatics.
Future applications are in biology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, and agriculture. In addition, bioinformatics plays an important role in biomedical research. Research work in genetic diseases and medical genomics is rapidly increasing and the future of personalized medicine depends on bioinformatics approaches.
The various positions that a candidate can hold with a degree in bioinformatics are:
*Scientific curator
*Sequence analyst
*Computational chemist
*Content editor
Bioinformatics is today seen as primarily applied to speeding up new drug discovery. But the other area that assumes increasingly higher significance is the application of IT to the entire life sciences sector for the same purpose it is done in other industrial sectors- improving efficiency, reducing costs, wider access, etc. For example, bio-diversity data management is an area that requires application of the best database design techniques and planning for data warehousing and data-mining. Know-ledge management as applied to corporations will also become relevant in the scientific context to ensure that Indian scientists get relevant and timely information related to their research to help them network and collaborate to create new intellectual property.
Non-IT Scope
Apart from getting a job in the IT sector, candidates with the right skill set and knowledge can apply to  pharmaceutical companies, biomedical organizations, biotech research centers, agricultural companies and even NGOs that need a bioinformationists. There is option to become an academician too after completing the studies.
Job opportunities in this field are available with  research institutions, and with pharmaceutical companies, chemical industries, agriculture and allied industries working to expand the realm of information.
List of Institutes in India offering Bioinformatics
*Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology, Bangalore
*Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
*Madurai Kamaraj University
*Bioinformatics Institute of India, Noida
*Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune
*Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad
*University of Hyderabad
*Bioinformatics Institute of India, Noida
*Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
(The list is indicative)
Top companies that hire Bioinformaticians in India
There are many Indian companies which have emerged as the leading recruiters in Bioinformatics. These include:
*GVK Biosciences
*Torrent Pharmaceuticals
*Astra Zeneca Research Center
*Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
*Strand Life Sciences
*Cura Gen
*Celera Genomics
*Avestha Gengraine Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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