mbtipartyblog · 7 years
sx/sp vs sx/so?
honestly, the two are pretty different just because secondary instinct play a pretty big role in how your dominant instinct manifests itself. 
You try to use your secondary instinct to meet the goal of the first instinct. And if the first instinct’s goal isn’t met, you sorta progress down the latter. So the Sx-doms when stressed sorta follow a different process:
Sx/Sps without a fixation will withdraw immediately, and take care of themselves. They’re typically described as being very in and out or internally conflicted, because they don’t have that aux So tie to the community. If that secondary Sp can’t pull them through to their next connection, though, they’ll start to feel the affects of their So blindspot. Honestly, even in a aux position, So is really guilt trippy so I’d imagine that this phase fucking sucks.
Sx/Sos will sorta have an “in and out” effect too, but instead of physically disappearing they’ll just dissolve into things. They don’t get into self care at that point because So types in general don’t fare well with alone time, so it’s more just group participation. When things go to shit, they get into pseudo-Sp and /then/ they really isolate themselves. The problem with Sp-blinds when they do try and Sp is that they have a very distorted idea of how that works. 
You’ll probably end up finding them under a pile of their own garbage eating nothing but cough drops and essential herbs.
In general though, So-blinds don’t feel any sort of obligation to participate in society unless their blindspot is fucking with them. They don’t place very much value on finding a group and fitting in. They value intense relationships/interests and their own survival first and foremost.
Sx/Sos value their intense relationships and interests first but it’s tainted with So values. (AKA they see themselves as valuable to the group as well). Plus, their commitment to humanity as a whole can give them a bit of a Jesus Christ complex (which can be especially apparent in their writing lmfao). We’re the kind of people who would try and take responsibility for something we only played a small part in, because we don’t want the entire group to get in trouble, but when it comes to taking responsibility for our bills and laundry…….
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
What's the best way to differentiate between sx/so and so/sx?
I mean, visually, it can be pretty easy cuz So/Sxs tend to smile and laugh like hyenas (esp if they’ve got more Sx).
Idk, if you’re typing yourself personally, it kind of depends on what you prioritize more? Like which activities (sx or so) do you seem to allot the most time to in a given day (sp-blinds are absolutely awful when it comes to time management, so it’s usually all of it)?
So-doms feel a sense of obligation when it comes to participating in society; they understand that everybody plays a role regardless of how small (think “just 1 smile can change a stranger’s life!” mentality), and they put a lot of energy into looking good, maintaining their friend circles (even if they’re not particularly close), and possibly getting recognized for their achievements.
Sx-doms experience things in a very attraction/repulsion kind of way. It can get confused with So in some situations because it can be very focused on interpersonal connections, but it tends to be more selective. Where So-doms see people interconnected by obligation, Sx-doms see people interconnected by attraction. They gravitate towards situations, hobbies, and people they feel strongly attracted to and fixate on them. When they immerse themselves in a fixation, they see it as part of their identity, in the same way an So-dom will identify themselves with groups they are a part of or roles they play in society.
Both Sx/So and So/Sx use both of these, but you tend to use your aux variant as a means of obtaining your dominant variant. Also, you tend to get more neurotic about your first instinct, esp when its needs aren’t being met:
Ex., I’m pretty sure a lot of So-doms have some form of social anxiety because they place so much value on fitting in and being well-liked that they worry about it constantly. Like, if they get the impression someone dislikes them, they’ll panic and either start modifying their behavior to suit whatever they believe will make the other person like them. Or they end up going like fake So-blind mode
Sx-doms freak out when understimulated. Like, if a hobby or person they’re passionate about gets taken away from them suddenly (have a falling out/lose interest), they really get hurt because it’s like losing a part of themselves. Even with aux So, they tend to have difficulty making friends, because they have to really vibe with someone and because they might have weird as fuck interests, and the idea of having to go a long time without a fixation is… ugly
(rest under cut because it’s long and ramble-y)
we tend to get so focused on a single person/fixation that we start neglecting other aspects of our life that we would have found interesting beforehand…We feel the need to make sacrifices in order to pursue things, so if we get far enough, we might have given up a lot of our old identity. When things are over, we tend to respect that they are and understand that we can’t really go back, but it can be daunting starting from square 1.
Idk, like with So-doms and how they can end up getting disillusioned with society for no reason other than the percieved belief that people don’t like them, Sx-doms can go fake Sx-blind without stimulation– paranoid, with a really morbid fear of their own sexuality. Obvs this works differently with Sx-dominant aro/aces. Self isolating (When Sx/Sos self isolate they tend to end up under a pile of their own garbage; Sx/Sps, so far as I know, can take care of themselves a little better.)
I assume the same thing happens with Sp-doms, when their idea of self care becomes self harm, but I’m not 100% sure how they get from point A to point B to be completely honest?
Bit of a digression, srry. Uh, idk generally when Sx-doms go for a period of inaction (usually because something beyond our control is inhibiting us from doing so) we can get really temperamental? Like some of us have a pretty violent physiological reaction to understimulation?
Idk I haven’t noticed that as much with So-doms, mostly because the way they get angry seems really fake? So/Sxs are better abt it, cuz i’ve seen a few of them like /actually/ get pissed and start throwin shit.
But yea, genuine Sx anger is hot anger. Like, it’s impulsive and there’s a sort of electricity to it? (Not saying it’s good) But it takes more risks? (when i was really young my So/Sp ESFJ dad was making fun of me for doing something that violated some social norm, and I just remember really instinctively whipping like a paperweight or something across the room and getting locked in my bedroom for it)
Like, I’ve gotten better abt it, and my parents have too, but like, it still happens from time to time, and it’s usually because of understimulation.
genuine Sx-blind anger is cold btw, and it sorta terrifies me because they don’t really seem to take any risks when it happens? 0 vulnerability, they just kinda corner u and tell u in deep tones abt how they’ve been working their ass off for years and never once have gotten recognized for it, and ur like “nice to meet u lol” and hope they don’t vlad the impaler u
Also a digression that adds nothing to this post, sorry.
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
if there was an enneagram 10...
what’d be the ennea 10 aesthetic
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
I wanna bet that the INTJ who birthed the "I, an INTJ," meme is a Rick & Morty fan
INTJs can’t watch rick and morty. 
pope francis made it illegal, remember?
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
Your life story
u ever seen dog with a blog?
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
Why weren’t you at elf practice!?
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
happy birthday 10-yr old sister!!!!
She’s literally becoming more powerful by the second
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
What is this blog?
i dek man
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
uh are you actually a shark
no i just got real bad taste in names
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
Am I sx/so? I can't socialize until I have one person who I can intensely talk with, and only then I begin to take in social etiquette into consideration. I spent an entire semester alone because of the fact that I spent most of my time with one person (who had to leave) and i can't bear half assed friendships with people when I don't have someone to go back to. I don't like telling people about how close I am with others, TREASURE, i am clingy, stalks when I have shared interests (part 1)
And depends fully on my family to make appointments for me, I consistently leave food to rot around in my room (hide it away sometimes) and I’m pretty sure I still have something rotting(whoops) I can talk to someone all day even though I have work to do then I pull an all nighter (was like that for more than a month) until they started getting busy themselves. Until my friend started managing my finances I finish my allowance in the middle of the month and starved for the rest of it. (P2)
his continued for a year. (I’m 19). I recognize fake deep and sx blindness in motivational quotes and certain celebs.I’d pick up a new hobby every time I’d get rejected in love. I’m clingy because my friend doesn’t mind it, Mostly because I can easily sense when I’d be close to someone from first few meetings. (last part) i hope I am cuz there’s nothing that compares to the intense feeling that sx give me, the tightness in my chest, the urge to stay still, it’d be sad if it’s unhealthy
I mean, probably? A lot of your points at least sound very contraflow. And that center ask sounds pretty Sp-blind to me. Like, I couldn’t be positive just based on these asks but. Yeah, probably. 
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
i thought this was a party blog. so when's the party going to start.
when the birthday boy gets here
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
what is love
idk, aunt brosephine, but it sounds kinda gay 
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
do you remember flat stanley?
I try to forget
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
Tumblr media
hey, what do you think of this
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
Fred says fuck.
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mbtipartyblog · 7 years
tbh my fave fake ennea is 7w4
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