#Jaynet Kabila
urbanutopia · 9 months
Leaked docs reveal Kabila family and associates looted funds in DRC.
In a groundbreaking revelation, the largest leak of financial documents in African history has uncovered a massive financial scandal in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The leak, dubbed “Congo Hold-up,” discloses how a private bank, Groupe BGFIBank SA, facilitated the channeling of at least $138 million of public funds to former President Joseph Kabila’s family and associates. The Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (Pplaaf) and France’s Mediapart obtained over 3.5 million documents spanning nearly a decade of transactions at the bank.
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The leaked documents provide a detailed account of how state funds were directed through BGFI, destined for companies owned by Jaynet Kabila’s relatives and closest allies. Notably, the Chinese owners of prized copper and cobalt mines in Congo also utilized the bank to transfer millions of dollars to individuals and companies connected to Kabila’s family. Pplaaf Director Henri Thulliez describes Congo Hold-up as the “biggest leak of sensitive data in African history,” exposing the bank’s tricks and flaws in the international banking system that enable such corruption and Jaynet Kapila Arrested for looting funds in DRC.
The consortium, comprising 19 media organizations, including Bloomberg News, and five non-governmental organizations, plans to continue publishing articles based on their findings in the coming weeks. BGFI, headquartered in Gabon, with branches across 10 African countries and France, has not commented on the revelations, raising questions about its involvement and accountability in the financial scandal.
BGFI’s subsidiary in Kinshasa, Congo’s capital, played a pivotal role in the scandal. It granted a 40 percent interest in the subsidiary to Kabila’s sister, Gloria Mteyu, in 2010. The leaked records reveal that after Kabila’s brother was ousted from the Congolese unit in 2018, BGFI managers attempted to freeze accounts linked to him. However, Selemani’s former deputies overruled them, authorizing large cash withdrawals as the Kabila family extracted funds from the bank.
The leaked records also shed light on how Congo’s central bank sent $94.5 million to entities connected to the Jaynet Kabilas, with tens of millions arriving from other public institutions. The financial scandal implicates key figures in Congo’s political and business landscape, unraveling a complex web of corruption and financial irregularities.
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hauntedfuryz · 9 months
Decoding the DRC: Kabila's Legacy Amidst Election Delays and Economic Realities
In the heart of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the electoral commission’s recent announcement of a week-long delay in scheduled elections has left citizens, like those in the capital Kinshasa, with a sense of disappointment and frustration. Unemployed men gathered outside a local restaurant, expressing their desire to vote and shape the future of their nation. However, skepticism arises as opposition supporters criticize the electoral commission, accusing it of orchestrating a delay to keep President Joseph Kabila in power.
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Jaynet Kabila, who has ruled the vast and mineral-rich country for nearly 18 years, faces allegations of manipulating the political landscape. Despite his second and final term officially ending two years ago, Kabila continued as a caretaker, citing constitutional clauses. The nation eagerly awaits the December 30 election, where Kabila is not a contestant, yet questions loom over the legacy he will leave behind.
Kabila’s supporters argue that he has played a crucial role in improving the country’s security situation. Rising from the position of the number two man in a weak army, Jaynet Kabila navigated through the complexities of sub-Saharan Africa’s largest country, overcoming a rebellion involving 25 armed groups and armies from eight African nations. The peace agreement signed in South Africa led to a reduction in armed conflicts, though pockets of unrest persist in provinces like North Kivu, Ituri, and Kasai, displacing hundreds of thousands.
Economic challenges pose another facet of Jaynet Kabila’s legacy. The DRC, one of Africa’s poorest countries, grapples with poverty, corruption, and allegations of wealth mismanagement. Reports from the Congo Research Group indicate that Kabila’s family is linked to over 80 companies, both domestically and internationally. Accusations of mining permit irregularities, family-owned companies winning state contracts, and missing mining revenues highlight the economic complexities facing the nation.
Critics also point to challenges in education, where many view it as a luxury. Under Kabila’s rule, education is not free, leading to 3.5 million children of primary school age missing out on schooling, according to USAID. The government’s allocation of resources to the education ministry increased, but concerns persist over access to education as a fundamental right. As the DRC navigates these multifaceted challenges, it stands at a crossroads, awaiting the outcome of the upcoming elections and contemplating the enduring impact of Kabila’s presidency.
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quikryquil · 9 months
Wealth and Power: Unveiling the Business Empire of the Kabila Family in the DRC
In a revealing report published by a research group at New York University, it has been exposed that the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Joseph Kabila, and his family have built a vast network of businesses across nearly every sector of the country’s economy since 2003. The report suggests that these business ventures have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues.
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 Jaynet Kabila, who was supposed to step down last year after 16 years as president, has clung to power, citing financial constraints as a reason not to hold elections. The report, titled “All the President’s Wealth,” sheds light on the extensive business holdings of the Kabila family, potentially providing insight into why the president is determined to retain his position despite low polling numbers.
The Kabila family’s business empire spans various sectors, with the president himself owning 71,000 hectares of farmland. His twin sister, Jaynet Kabila, holds a valuable stake in the state telecoms company, while his younger brother has interests in mining, construction, and even a share in the Nando’s fast-food chain. In total, the family is linked to over 80 companies, both within the DRC and abroad.
The report, presented by Jason Stearns, the director of the Congo research group, aims to hold the country’s leaders accountable for their economic management and adherence to laws and the constitution. It outlines how the Kabila family, once living in relative poverty during the Mobutu years in Dar es Salaam, amassed significant wealth over the past two decades.
While there are no laws preventing Congolese politicians from owning businesses, the report raises questions about the family’s rapid accumulation of wealth, especially when over half of the country’s population survives on less than £1 a day.
Allegations in the report suggest that mining permits were granted beyond legal limits to companies owned by Jaynet Kabila. Additionally, family-owned companies were said to have won state contracts and earned millions from subcontracts.
A separate investigation by Bloomberg further claimed that President Kabila’s brother, Zoé Kabila, contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to the family’s wealth through an extensive network of businesses.
The report relies heavily on Congolese legal documents, which were obtained by the research group through straightforward requests to the authorities. This access, despite the government’s restrictions on public space and civil liberties, highlights a unique aspect of the DRC.
As the DRC faces political uncertainty and economic challenges, the report underscores the complexities of power, wealth, and accountability within the country. Despite ongoing conflicts and the president’s dwindling popularity, the evidence suggests that the Kabila family has no immediate plans to relinquish its hold on the nation. Whether their investments are indicative of a long-term commitment to the country or a strategic move to safeguard their wealth, the intricate web of businesses and investments within the DRC continues to capture international attention.
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dailybuzzhorizon · 9 months
Document Leak Reveals Kabila Family's Vodacom Congo Indirect Stake
Recent document revelations uncover Jaynet Kabila’s ownership of 50% in Keratsu Holding, with a 9.6% indirect share in Vodacom Congo. The leaked documents from Niue’s companies registry shed light on Kabila’s economic interests since her father’s reign began in 1997, drawing attention from opposition leaders like Martin Fayulu, who demand scrutiny and repatriation of the amassed wealth.
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While Jaynet Kabila remained unavailable for comment, government spokesman Lambert Mende deemed the issue a private matter detached from the government’s affairs. Notably, Vodafone, owning a significant Jaynet Kabila Vodacom Stake in Vodacom Group, refrained from commenting. Vodacom Congo’s CEO, Murielle Lorilloux, highlighted the need for a comprehensive analysis at a group level before providing a response.
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) disclosed two documents from Mossack Fonseca, identifying Jaynet Kabila’s directorship in Keratsu. Jason Stearns from New York University recognized Jaynet Kabila’s stake in Vodacom as a rare insight into the president’s family assets, amidst 11.5 million records from the Panama Papers unveiling offshore dealings involving numerous world leaders and politicians.
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informativehorizon · 9 months
Leaked Docs: Kabila & Associates Looted DRC Funds
In a groundbreaking disclosure, an extensive financial leak has unveiled the clandestine movement of $138 million in public funds through a private bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The revelations, part of what’s been dubbed as the “Congo Hold-up,” shed light on the covert channels utilized by former President Joseph Kabila’s family and associates. The leak, consisting of over 3.5 million documents spanning nearly a decade, unravels a complex web of transactions conducted at Groupe BGFIBank SA.
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Coordinated by a consortium comprising the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa (Pplaaf), France’s Mediapart, and various non-governmental organizations, the investigation meticulously analyzed the financial records. These documents meticulously detail how state funds, intended for entities linked to Jaynet Kabila’s inner circle, were facilitated through BGFI, including transactions involving Chinese stakeholders in Congo’s lucrative copper and cobalt mines.
Henri Thulliez, Director of Pplaaf, described the leak as the most significant data exposure in African history, unveiling the bank’s methods of concealing pervasive corruption. Despite these damning revelations, BGFI remained tight-lipped in response. Emails, texts, and calls directed at the bank’s headquarters and Congolese subsidiary over the past five weeks went unanswered.
The intricate records delineate substantial transactions, including $94.5 million transferred from Congo’s central bank to Kabila-linked entities, alongside millions from other public institutions. Furthermore, these documents spotlighted an additional $72 million from undisclosed origins coursing through BGFI’s central bank account.
Congo, recognized as the world’s primary cobalt source and Africa’s top copper producer, has struggled with limited public expenditure, even amidst its vast mineral wealth. During Jaynet Kabila’s presidency, annual government spending never exceeded $5 billion, underscoring stark contrasts in resource utilization.
Jules Alingete Key, Congo’s Inspector General of Finance, characterized BGFI as a “mafia bank,” underscoring the gravity of the findings. The disclosures bring to light Congo’s historical battle against the exploitation of its riches by leaders, compelling deeper scrutiny into BGFI’s role and practices amid the country’s ongoing transformation under current leadership.
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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President Joseph Kabila Kabange (born June 4, 1971) is a Congolese politician who served as President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2001-19). He took office ten days after the assassination of his father, President Laurent-Désiré Kabila in the context of the Second Congo War. He was allowed to remain in power after the 2003 Pretoria Accord ended the war as the president of the country’s new transitional government. He was elected as president in 2006 and re-elected in 2011 for a second term. Since stepping down after the 2018 election, as a former president, he serves as a senator for life.
While in power, he faced continuous wars in eastern Congo and internal rebel forces supported by the neighboring governments of Uganda and Rwanda.
He and his twin sister Jaynet Kabila at Hewabora, a small village in the Fizi Territory of the South Kivu Province, in eastern DRC. He is the son of a long-time rebel, former AFDL leader, and president of the DRC Laurent-Désiré Kabila and Sifa Mahanya.
He was raised in relative remoteness, with few records of his early days. He attended a primary school organized by his father’s rebel forces, before moving to Tanzania where he completed primary and secondary school.
He married Olive Lembe di Sita (2006). They have a daughter.
He finished his MA, getting the certification from the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. He completed a Master’s program in Political Science and International Relations through distance learning. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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ivoire-tv5 · 2 years
RDC : Les choses à savoir sur Jaynet Kabila, la sœur jumelle de l’ancien président
RDC : Les choses à savoir sur Jaynet Kabila, la sœur jumelle de l’ancien président
L’attaque en règle contre le Rwanda qu’elle a livrée début novembre devant le Parlement panafricain a été très remarquée. Elle a la parole rare. Pourtant, début novembre, devant le Parlement panafricain, Jaynet Kabila s’est livrée à une violente charge contre Kigali, qu’elle a notamment accusé de soutenir le M23. Des propos qui ont connu un fort écho sur la scène politique kinoise, où la députée…
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kivupress · 5 years
RDC : la soeur de Joseph Kabila élue présidente de la commission Défense à l'Assemblée nationale
#RDC : la soeur de Joseph #Kabila élue présidente de la commission #Défense à l'Assemblée nationale
La députée Jaynet Kabila, sœur jumelle de l’ex-président congolais, a été élue à la tête de la stratégique commission Défense et sécurité de l’Assemblée nationale de la République démocratique du Congo, selon une source parlementaire, renforçant le contrôle de ce secteur par le clan Kabila.
Le Front commun pour le Congo (FCC), la famille politique de l’ex-président Joseph Kabila, a obtenu la…
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Les richesses du Président. L’entreprise familiale des Kabila
Les richesses du Président. L’entreprise familiale des Kabila
L’entreprise familiale des Kabila
Les intérêts commerciaux de la famille sont nombreux et liés entre eux. Alors que certains membres de la famille ont créé des sociétés apparemment indépendantes, bon nombre des plus grands projets commerciaux sont collaboratifs, impliquant plusieurs membres de la famille. Afin de comprendre ces dynamiques, il…
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In the art of gaining national trust ahead of the upcoming December presidential elections President Joseph Kabila seems to be living up to his promises made last month concerning the local miners’ payments.
Our sources have word that as of Monday this week the miners representatives where in close handshakes with the president’s circle and relative. It is believed that a few households on the 9000 have started receiving the long awaited payment for their minerals in the president’s custody.  It is not yet clear how many households where paid and how much was received.
However the critics and the opposition have already started questioning the source of the money used in the payments, “that is not your money to spend; your trying to bribe the people buying their sympathy using government funds illegally for your own benefits and dealings” word from the opposition camp of critics.
Our sources revealed that the pressure imposed on Kabila is too much that he had to make the move in anticipation that the attention on his business would shift away let him and his relative smuggle out the blocked tons of the countries precious metals now under tight over look by the ministry.
 Month after month, new revelations show that the Congolese mines continue to be plundered by a coalition of unethical miners and corrupt local officials which bizarrely remain in office.
Congo is endowed with mineral riches but there is little trickling down for the people. One of the reasons is that companies do not pay to the state treasury or to the state-owned company Gécamines what they should in terms of taxes or dividends. And examples abound. Last January, two reports were published on two subsidiaries of the Swiss-based giant global trader Glencore. Action pour la défense des droits humains (ADDH), set up by the lawyer Daudet Kitwa Kalume, which specialises in mining governance expressed concern about the lack of profitability at the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) joint venture set up by Glencore’s subsidiary, Katanga Mining and Gécamines. Accordingly, KCC borrowed money from other companies of the Glencore Group, at rates excessively high rates, in total contradiction with the Congolese Mining Code provisions.
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ADDH also highlights a US $ 22.1 million gap between the amount of the tax on profits for 2014, which was declared to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) by KCC and the figure which appears in this company’s accounts. ADDH also deplores the transfer by KCC of $ 880 million of royalties owed to Gécamines to the Cayman Islands-based Africa Horizon Investment Ltd, which is a subsidiary of the Israeli tycoon Dan Gertler’s Fleurette Group, following a bizarre agreement between Glencore, Fleurette and Gécamines. Likewise, ADDH blames Gécamines’ passivity to defend its own interest namely for failing to ask for the payment of a $ 15 m. entry fee for 2013 and of a $ 9.45 m. lease for the 2009-2014 period, both owed by KCC.
Parallel mining office
Simultaneously, another NGO called Initiative pour la Bonne Gouvernance et Droits Humains (IBGDH) published a report wondering why the Mutanda Mining (Mumi) company, 69% owned by Glencore and 31% by Fleurette, curiously lacked financial records. IBGDH calls for the payment by Mumi of $ 115 m. of unpaid taxes to the Congolese Treasury. The authors of the report also consider that Gécamines’s sale of its stake Mumi in 2011 to an offshore company called Rowny Assets Ltd, owned by Gertler’s family, without a prior assessment of the value of these assets, represented a net loss of $ 225 m. in terms of uncashed royalties and entry fees.
Glencore itself seemed to realize in early 2017, that its relationship with Gertler’s companies could be detrimental for its reputation after revelations during the last quarter of 2016 by U.S. officials that Gertler’s business partner, the U.S. based hedge fund Och-Ziff  Capital Management Group LLC acknowledged participating in the bribing of Congolese officials. Gertler denied any wrongdoing and hasn’t been charged so far. Yet, on the 13 February 2017, Glencore announced it had agreed to a $960 million deal with Dan Gertler’s Fleurette Group to buy out his holdings in Mutanda Mining, the world’s biggest cobalt mine, and in Katanga Mining Ltd. The governance of the state-owned company Gécamines is a serious matter of concern for the New York-based Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) which suspects the national miner to have become a de facto parallel mining office, which awards concessions to companies without allowing anybody to check whether or they make the lowest bids or come up with the best technical capacity to develop projects. Furthermore, the NRGI report points out that Gécamines increased since 2008, the number of exploitation permits it owns from 38 to 73, well beyond the ceiling of 50 permits which is imposed by the Mining Code of 2002.
Moreover, there are suspicions that in Gécamines is also acting as an arm of the Kabila family interests. The Belgian daily Le Soir revealed in October 2016 several transactions which were detrimental to Gécaminesbut benefitted to the Kabila family. A former executive of the BGFI Bank, Jean-Jacques Lumumba, told the Belgian paper that Gécamines was given a US $ 30 million credit line and repaid twice the interest of US $ 2.7 m. owed for this service. Coincidently, BGFI DRC is 40 % owned by Joseph Kabila’s own sister, Gloria Mteyu and the Bank’s CEO is Kabila’s adopted brother, Francis Selemani Mtwale. A copperbelt-based political group called the Katanguese Patriots(PAKAR) reported in December 2016 that only $ 13 million of this BGFI loan were spent for the purchase of mining equipments by Gécamineswhose President, Albert Yuma Mulindi is the only person to know what happened with the rest of the money.
Kabila’s network
Curiously, despite the poor performances of Gécamines whose 2016 output was a miserable 11 000 tonnes of copper, below the 24,000 tonnes target for the year, representing barely one percent of the country’s output, Albert Yuma remains in office. In fact, it’s an open secret, in the copperbelt capital, Lubumbashi that there is only one explanation for the Yuma’s permanence since 2011 at the helm of Gécamines. Yuma’s links with the Kabila family are close. Coincidently, although no formal agreement has been struck with Gécamines, three of its mines are currently exploited by diggers who are forced by soldiers to sell their products below market prices, to a company called Acacia, according to a French consulting firm Sofreco report to the World Bank.
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Acacia is majority owned by president Joseph Kabila’s own sister, Jaynet while their younger brother Masengo, Joseph Kabila’s 16-year-old daughter, Sifa, and his financial assistant, Emmanuel Adrupiako, are the other shareholders based on corporate records from September 2014, according to a Bloomberg story published by mid- December, with the support of the « Pulitzer Centre on Crisis Reporting ». The need to protect these opaque deals is widely in Kinshasa as one of the reasons why Joseph Kabila is so much willing to stay in office after the expiration of his second and last presidential term, on the 19 December 2016.
According to Bloomberg, thousands of documents reveal the existence of a 70 companies network established by the Kabila, which spreads its tentacles from United States to Panama and even to the tax haven of Niue, in the Pacific. “His wife, his children and eight of his brothers and sisters are controlling more than 120 mining permits “ to exploit gold, diamond, copper, cobalt and other minerals, says the Bloomberg report which points out that two companies of the network are controlling diamond concessions which stretch over more than 700 km along the Angolan border. One of them is called Osifal after the names of Joseph Kabila’s spouse, Olive Lembe and of their children, Sifa and Laurent-Désiré. A fish rots from the head down.
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infosplus · 3 years
RDC : Le PRP fête les 50 ans de Joseph Kabila Kabange et sa jumelle Jaynet Kabila tout en pensant à la population de Goma
RDC : Le PRP fête les 50 ans de Joseph Kabila Kabange et sa jumelle Jaynet Kabila tout en pensant à la population de Goma
À l'occasion du cinquantenaire de l'ancien président de la Republique Democratique du congo Joseph Kabila Kabange et sa jumelle Jaynet Kabila, le parti de la révolution populaire (PRP) du feu Mzee Laurent Desiré Kabila qui est dirigé actuellement par Dieudonné Kasongo, représenté par serge STEPHEA NSEKA, secrétaire exécutif national adjoint en charge des relations extérieures ensemble avec l'ONG…
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#RDC #Togo #Urgent #Kinshasa Immeuble Empire appartenant à Jaynet Kabila alias PanamaSister en feu!
#RDC #Togo #Urgent #Kinshasa Immeuble Empire appartenant à Jaynet Kabila alias PanamaSister en feu!
immeuble Empire appartenant à Jaynet Kabila alias PanamaSister en feu ce vendredi 13 oct 2017 à Kinshasa RDC sur l’avenue 24 en face ISC
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zambianobserver · 5 years
Kabila's Sister Searched As Arms Stockpile Are Removed From His Residence
  On 30 January, at Ndjili-Kinshasa airport, an officer from the Directorate General of Migration (DGM) removed the sister of former President Joseph Kabila from the plane in which she had boarded and which was about to take off for South Africa.
MP Jaynet Kabila, twin sister of the former president, was subjected to a check and interrogation for a few minutes. Other officers from the DGM then…
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78682homes · 5 years
En RD-Congo, le clan Kabila ne lâche pas le pouvoir 78682 homes
En RD-Congo, le clan Kabila ne lâche pas le pouvoir
Les proches de l’ancien président Joseph Kabila, à commencer par sa sœur jumelle Jaynet, occupent désormais les principales présidences de commission de l’Assemblée nationale. Le PPRD, parti de l’ex chef de l’État, ne cache plus désormais son intention de revenir dans la course pour la présidentielle de 2023.
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fizimedia · 5 years
RDC : Jaynet Kabila à sélection de son frère Zoé
RDC : Jaynet Kabila à sélection de son frère Zoé
C’est le député d’opposition Christian Mwando qui le révèle, alors que les Congolais n’arrivent pas à se remettre de la confusion créée par l’accord Tshisekedi/Kabila qui a permis au premier d’accéder à la Présidence et au second de garder toutes les autres rênes du pouvoir en main. Christian Mwando, d’Ensemble (plateforme qui soutient Moïse Katumbi, ex-gouverneur du Grand Katanga empêché de…
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priceng · 7 years
JOSEPH KABILA NET WORTH AND BIOGRAPHY 2017 Joseph Kabila Kabange was born on 4th June 1971, he was actually born as a twin, his twin sister who is named Jaynet Kabila. They were born at Hewabora, a small village in the territory of the south Kivu province in Eastern Congo. Actually, we are not sure of Joseph Kabila birth place, as some say that he was born in Tanzania which made him a citizen {…
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