#Jean Morant
loulourevisited · 2 years
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mayolfederico · 2 years
Ischia ~ Raffaele La Capria
Ischia ~ Raffaele La Capria
Luigi De Angelis Questi luoghi dai nomi numinosi, pur appartenendo tutti alla Campania antichissima e varia, sono anche dei microcosmi diversi l’uno dall’altro, che danno forma a stati d’animo, modi e stili di vita, predisposizioni e inclinazioni, gusti e abitudini talmente differenti, che scegliere l’uno o l’altro come luogo d’elezione, significò anche farsi un abito mentale…
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radicaledward55 · 11 months
i know i said i would post the Reiner fic tonight but imma just tell you what sports i feel like the aot men would play 🤭
Okay so we’re gonna start off with Reiner and like i’ve said before this beefy man definitely would play football like i can’t picture him playing anything else fr
K moving on I feel like Eren would play basketball like i definitely see him as like Ja morant
Okay so Armin i honestly don’t really see him as the athletic type but he definitely gives off my dad owns a country club so he plays golf like i’m picturing him in the white pants peach polo shirt with the white sweater around his neck
So jean and connie for sure give off baseball boy ESPECIALLY connie like ik he is wearing chains 100% of the time like one wit his and your name on it shi he probably wears grills to
anyways that’s all i’m writing for rn but you can message me with characters you want me to do next
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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Robin Ellis (Ross Poldark) has shared on his Facebook page that the original Poldark aired for the first time on October 5th, 1975.
He writes:
"...We had no idea that it would catch on as it did...With fond memories of a wonderful cast who were like a great, extended family. Thinking especially of those no longer with us: Angharad Rees, Ralph Bates, Richard Morant, Paul Curran, Mary Wimbush, Frank Middlemass, Forbes Collins - and of course, Winston Graham himself, and his wife Jean..."
Poldark ran for 29 episodes over two series on the BBC. Its audience peaked at 15 million, was sold to over forty countries, and it became the biggest selling costume drama on video until Pride and Prejudice (1995).
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Robin Ellis (Ross Poldark) and Angharad Rees (1944-2012) who played Demelza, interviewed for the series' 25th anniversary
Images from Robin Ellis' Facebook and blog.
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turangalila · 9 months
Jean Hanelle of Cambrai (c.1380 - c.1436) _ O Sapientia (plainchant) _ O Sapientia incarnata / Nos demoramur [I-Tn MS J.II.9 Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, Italy]
_ O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi prodiisti, attingens a fine usque ad finem,fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:veni ad docendum nos
_ O Sapientia incarnata, / mente seraphica contemplata, / voce angelica nunciata, / alvo almifica enutrita, / a patre genita prodiisti, / post patrem florida non fulcisti / una, sed splendida comprobasti / unius merita, cum fuisti / cuntorum entium primus motoret ut celestium fabricator, / sic et humilium contractator, / actorum omnium terminator, / cunta qui nectis modo sublimiea / que fortis iure suavi / semper disponis ordine, primi / velle resolvis atque supremi. / Veni, benigne instrue mentes / fervoris igne redde prudentes / molesque frange usque prementes, / nos tecum iunge diu morantes. //
Nos demoramur, benigne rector, / et prestolamur, que tu, promissor, / spondes, et famur quia transgressor / egit ut remur fieri horror. / Inde, gementes acre timemus / ne deviantes nos pereamus, / cum ignorantes, exerceamus / que cupientes desideramus. / Ergo, lux verax, fuga tenebras / quas nodus tenax usque latebras / limbique portas nobis acerbasdedit et minas ille superbas. / Dum ergo fatum parentis primi / tremimus, casum Plutonis diri, / viam prudentum rogamus pii, / voce silentum ne simus, veni. //
Jean Hanelle – Cypriot Vespers. Maronite and Byzantine Chants, Motets and Plainchant Graindelavoix. Björn Schmelzer (2016, Glossa – GCD P32112)
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lovphobic · 2 years
10 13 20 26 38 and 49 for all of them, or if not, whoever you want to yell about most (^:<
SO MANY!! (explodes)
10. What kind of jokes make them laugh?
sildraste: in my head i imagine her as a very stoic person. closed off and reserved. no vulnerability. but thats not... necessarily true? she'd probably like.. jokes that dont really make a great deal of sense, or jokes we think are absurd. think feeding the donkey a fig and washing it down with wine :') - thalya: she is VERY pure of heart. and very childish. almost every good natured joke will make her laugh. knock knock. whos there. owls. owls who. yes they do. (loud, from the heart laughter. knee slapping) - morant: it is SO hard to make her laugh. it has to be a GENUINELY funny, original joke. she takes herself too seriously sometimes - valdys: she'll laugh at someone tripping on the sidewalk (not out of meanness) and also "deez nuts". she's like.. the other side of thalya in a way. except shes more immature than childish LMAO
13: Describe your character's typical wardrobe for the regular day
OK so i am NOT great at describing clothes myself, so this is going to be very image heavy
sildraste: i have been workshopping her outfit for two years now.. and i still dont really know. im kind of tinkering w the idea of her being more feminine presenting? not sure how i feel about it just yet bc, as i said, i cant facking think of outfit ideas. anyways, that being said: outside of the Usual Dnd Chaos And Battle, like.. After her story is said and done. i guess i could see her in something like this for sure. DURING her story.. i hope u do not mind me not using my entire brain for this one question and instead using an existing picture... but something like this maybe! - thalya: pre sildraste it was something like this for sure, just replace the skirt for whatever the dnd equivalent of jeans would be LMAO. but post sildraste i can imagine it as something like this. i can definitely see her reverting to pre after everything is said and done though :^) - morant: you know, for a character that is pretty much my self insert.. my mary sue... she does not dress like me at all! shes very dark colors, slacks and long jackets/cloaks. think this and this. i hate to say it but shes definitely d*rk ac*dem*a. - valdys: MODERN 70s!!!!!! COLORS. BELL BOTTOMS. FLARE SLEEVES. LIKE THIS!!!! she is the only one i know FOR SURE. shes definitely modern, like what we'd wear today. but w the SPICE and FUN of the 70s
20: Does your character have a comfort item?
sildraste: oh you KNOW its thalya's necklace. as destructive as it is (which she doesnt. like. Know.) its definitely her comfort item - thalya: i think either she doesnt have one, or she is a bit too new for me to have figured an answer out! so, right now, she does not! - morant: dagger :) i havent figured out the importance yet, but its there - valdys: in direct mirrorage of morant.. there is ZERO importance at all to her item. she just thinks its neat and it brings her happiness. her chicken plushie. i imagine it looking something like this. this answer may change in the future but it is what it is for now!
26: Are they an animal person? Do they have pets?
sildraste and morant i wouldnt say are animal people. they Like animals, but i cant see them owning one. i could only see them owning a pet if its co-owned with their respective partner
thalya is DEFINITELY an animal person. she may have been a jeweler's apprentice but she also spent a fair bit of time with the farm animals of the town, helping out and being a general ray of sunshine always. no pets though, currently - valdys would have a cat 100%. one of those stupidly fluffy white ones that shed like a motherfucker. this cat. specifically.
38: How does your character unwind after a long day?
sildraste: ngl she probably gets wasted. it is what it is. always been like that. get her some therapy - thalya: quite the opposite. probably takes a nice bath. rose petals if the day was especially long/hard. - morant: she doesnt. she just goes to bed - valdys: most of her "long" days come from her mothers bullshit. she makes little imaginary vlogs for her imaginary audience alone in her room which 100% consist of what would be called trauma dumping. JGHDKJGHDK
49: What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational?
sildraste: funny that. its losing thalya. LOL. shes a very rational person for the most part though. despite everything - thalya: she definitely has fears.. but how do you in sound mind have fears when you were this close to being dead. in comparison that makes whatever fear(s) she has seem so infinitesimal. her most irrational though is probably just.. being hated. nobody hates her. shes not a hateable person. which in itself is... something to think about. how can a person have Nothing to dislike. what are you hiding. what are you compensating for. - morant: dying <3 but i think valdys is her irrational fear FKJSDHFJKSAHFUIASHJFKSDH. morant "HATES" her and thinks valdys also hates her. but valdys is stupid pining. morant though. thinks she is plotting to murder her in her sleep. there is miscommunication here unfortunately. she is stupid - valdys: shes pretty fearless i wont lie. but the answer would probably be being misunderstood. she doesnt always come off on the right foot. but shes earnest. her irrational fear though..
ok i cant think of anything. so sorry. but i got to the end and this is the only one i said "hard give up" on. so please applaud me
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Folle d'amore, Laura Morante nella parte di Alda Merini
E’ l’Alda Merini poetessa, universale, elegante, fin bella, che parla la lingua senza tempo della ricerca d’amore, e non l’Alda Merini ‘pazza’, sguaiata, eccessiva, la protagonista di ‘Folle d’amore’ di Roberto Faenza, con Laura Morante, presentato oggi al Torino Film Festival e sui canali Rai nel prossimo febbraio. Una coproduzione di Rai Fiction con Jean Vigo Italia, girata a Torino con il…
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sickvis0n · 1 year
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TOP: :CRAFT: Mase Puffer - Legacy - FATPACK
HAIR: !X.co! Morant Locs
ACCESSORY 3: MyAirPods Max [dby]
ACCESSORY 4: B;] ColdHeart Shades - Blk/Shade
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celuloideycarbono · 5 years
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Domicile conjugal (François Truffaut, 1970)
Possession (Andrzej Zulawski, 1980)
Identificazione di una donna (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1982)
Bianca (Nanni Moretti, 1984)
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Out of Competition:
Masquerade (2022) Mascarade, directed by Nicolas Bedos.
Isabelle Adjani as Martha Duval; Marine Vacth as Margot; Pierre Niney as Adrien; James Wilby as Thomas; François Cluzet as Simon Laurenti; Emmanuelle Devos as Carole Laurenti; Laura Morante as Giulia; Charles Berling as Jean-Charles.
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schizografia · 3 years
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Exit Dieter Kopp (1939-2022)
Villa Balestra, via Benaglia 10, via di Grotta Pinta 10, via della Penitenza, via del Governo vecchio 115, via Arenula 21, via Paolo II 1 (l’ultimo) – questi gli indirizzi che ricordo, fra i tanti che ha abitato peregrinando a Roma – troppi per mettere, come pure si dovrebbe, una lapide, come quella in via del Mascherone nella casa in cui ha vissuto Wilhelm Waiblinger, il biografo di Hölderlin, «qui finalmente felice». Perché felice Dieter è stato in qualche modo sempre, senza curarsi della povertà o del denaro (quando capitava), del successo (quando capitava) o del disconoscimento.
Laura, la figlia con cui abitava quando l’ho conosciuto e ancora per molti anni dopo, non aveva giocattoli. Un giorno, quasi volesse svelarmi il mistero del gioco della vita e dell’arte, mi disse: «facciamo finta che quest’acqua vera sia finta».
Era venuto dall’alta Baviera prima a Firenze e poi dal 1966 a Roma, che non lasciò mai, salvo per un periodo – per molti aspetti decisivo – fra il 1972 e il 1974 , passato con Laura nell’isola di Paros. Fra quanti ho conosciuto, lui solo veramente romano, anche se non si era mai messo in regola col permesso di soggiorno o con la residenza. Era, la sua, una vita abitante, che per questo sempre più si allontanava, come nel tardo verso di Hölderlin: «quando lontano va la vita abitante degli uomini…». Lontano, in die Ferne, dove «la natura compie l’immagine del tempo, / che essa si ferma e quelli subito trascorrono / è per la perfezione…». Lontano – per lui, che voleva «rappresentare le cose come sono, o come sarebbero, se io non ci fossi», per lui che diceva che nell’arte l’unico tempo che esiste è l’assenza di tempo.
Il periodo trascorso a Paros coincide con l’avvento impetuoso del colore, con gli allucinati paesaggi intravisti dalla finestra spalancata dello studio e soprattutto col quadro che non riesco a dimenticare: un paesaggio quasi senza cielo, soltanto raso la terra rossa cosparsa di sassi e muschio.
«L’altezza del cielo risplende / per l’uomo, come alberi incoronati di fiori». Così finisce la poesia di Hölderlin. A Roma era stato un albero, uno snello, alto pino a suggerirgli «il principio di una nuova maniera», dopo i primi «quadri nebulosi che solo pian piano andavano acquistando parvenze concrete».
I colori di Paros riaffiorano senza tempo nei grandi nudi romani dei primi anni Ottanta. Riconosco nell’estatico nudo sdraiato del 1981 il volto severo di Bettina, la ragazza che gli faceva da modella, che incontravo spesso con lui. Nella Roma ancora incantata e reticente di quegli anni ci vedevamo quasi ogni giorno al bar della porta Settimiana, che aveva ancora una sala di biliardo, che da anni non esiste più. Sento ancora il rintocco delle bocce nelle partite giocate insieme nel primo pomeriggio, prima di tornare lui a dipingere e io a scrivere.
Ho conosciuto Dieter per via dell’altro pensiero dominante, insieme alla pittura, nella sua vita. Nella primavera del 1968 eravamo seduti al bar Navona con Ginevra e Elsa Morante nella piazza semideserta che avevamo eletto a nostro luogo d’incontro, quando si avvicinò un giovane alto, elegante nel suo doppiopetto un po’ logoro, e con una sorta di schiva disinvoltura chiese a Ginevra se gli permetteva di rivolgerle la parola. Da allora diventammo amici e quasi sodali e ho conosciuto uno dopo l’altra le donne della sua vita, nell’isola di Circe dove passavamo l’estate o sui monti Cimini, dove in quegli anni avevamo condiviso una capanna accanto a una scuderia. Di notte si sentivano pestare gli zoccoli dei cavalli e i loro alti, affranti nitriti.
La pittura è una questione di gesti. La mano del pittore non rappresenta gli oggetti, ne afferra piuttosto la forma, «non la realtà raggiunta, ma la realtà da raggiungere». Per questo il gesto di Dieter è, insieme, perentorio e sfumato (flou, effacé, ha scritto Jean Clair). Una volta afferrata la forma, sembra che la sua mano esiti lenta fino a mollare a poco a poco la presa, fino a lasciarsela sfuggire fra le dita.
Da ragazzo, Dieter era stato iscritto dal padre nella Hofkunstanstalt di Monaco, come apprendista mosaicista. «Avevo paura di fallire il test dei colori, fondamentale per un lavoro del genere». Qualcosa del mosaico si è impresso nel suo gesto, la minuziosa frammentazione dei colori che a chi guarda dalla giusta distanza sfuma in una impagabile integrità.
Non credo che Dieter desse troppa importanza alle polemiche che gli piaceva provocare. Certo non ha avuto il riconoscimento che gli spettava. Credo tuttavia che l’apprezzamento di Balthus e di Jean Clair e la precoce nomina a accademico di S. Luca gli fossero più che sufficienti. Faceva infinitamente più attenzione alla qualità dei cornetti per la sua colazione che alla sua carriera.
Amava, come ogni vero pittore, il pastello. I lungoteveri romani all’alba e al tramonto del 2000 sono un vertice di questa tecnica, dove il gesto ostinatamente insegue una indeterminazione che tende all’aureola e alla gloria. Pastelli sono anche a partire dalla fine degli anni Novanta le ciotole sulla tovaglia a quadretti, una delle quali mi accompagna e non cessa di stupirmi da anni: la ciotola bruna, quasi lavorata al tornio, campeggia su un acceso rosso pompeiano, mentre in primo piano la quadrettatura della tovaglia scandisce un contrappunto inconfondibilmente musicale.
Exit Dieter. Ma qualunque sia il destino delle sue opere nei tempi oscuri che stiamo vivendo, quand’anche gli archivi sciagurati della cultura ne smarrissero la memoria, il gesto della sua pittura resta indimenticabile. Non esige di essere ricordato, ma di restare per sempre indimenticabile.
14 marzo 2022
Giorgio Agamben
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ouuggsreadings · 4 years
Simonetta Agnello Hornby, Il veleno dell’oleandro Susanna Kaysen, La ragazza interrotta Mary Shelley, Frankestein Emily Brontë, Cime Tempestose  Louisa May Alcott, Piccole Donne (da leggere) Lisa Hallidey, Asimmetria Karen Blixen, La mia Africa (da leggere); I vendicatori angelici (da leggere); Racconti d’inverno, Capricci del destino Donna Tartt, The Secret History (da leggere); The Goldfinch Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl; Sharp Objects;  Khao Nashiki, Un’estate con la Strega dell’Ovest Marguerite Yourcenar, L’opera al nero (da leggere), Mishima o la visione del vuoto (da leggere); Alexis; Pellegrina e straniera; Virginia Woolf, Gita al faro (da leggere); Le onde; Orlando Zeruya Shalev, Quel che resta della vita (da leggere) Harper Lee, Il buio oltre la siepe Isabel Allende, La casa degli spiriti; Eva Luna; Eva Luna racconta; La città delle bestie; La foresta dei pigmei; Il regno del drago d’oro; Paula (da leggere); Inés dell'anima mia (da leggere) Banana Yoshimoto, Kitchen; N.P.; Le sorelle Donguri; Ricordi di un vicolo cieco; High&Dry; Honeymoon; A proposito di lei; Sonno Profondo; L’abito di piume; Il corpo sa tutto; Lucertola; Presagio triste; Moshi Moshi; Il lago; Tugumi; Another world; Il giardino segreto; Il dolore, le ombre, la magia; Andromeda Heights Margaret Atwood, The handmaid’s tale Elsa Morante, Lo scialle andaluso (da leggere) Oriana Fallaci, Un uomo (da leggere) Muriel Barbery, L’eleganza del riccio Kristen Roupenian, Cat person Jen Beagin, Facciamo che ero morta Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Donne che corrono con i lupi (da leggere) Chris Kraus, I love Dick; Aliens & Anorexia; Topor Jane Austen, Emma (da leggere); Orgoglio e Pregiudizio Marina Cvetaeva, Scusate l’amore Jane Blocker, Where is Ana Mendieta? (sto leggendo) Majgull Axelesson, La tua vita e la mia Halldóra Thoroddsen, Doppio vetro Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre Jean Rhys, Il grande mare dei Sargassi Maria Antonietta, Sette ragazze imperdonabili Sylvia Plath, Diari (da leggere); La campana di vetro; Tutte le poesie Grazia Deledda, Canne al vento (da leggere) Sally Rooney, Normal People; Conversations with friends Irène Némirovsky, I cani e i lupi; La preda Anaïs Nin, Diari 1931-1966 (da leggere) Muriel Spark, Memento Mori Ruth Benedict, Il crisantemo e la spada (da leggere) Natalia Ginzburg, Lessico Famigliare Margaret Mazzantini, Nessuno si salva da solo Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games (la trilogia) Licia Troisi, Le guerre del Mondo Emerso; Le cronache del Mondo Emerso Mary Oliver, Felicity; Devotions; House of Light; Red Bird Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, We should all be feminists Djuna Barnes, La foresta della notte (sto leggendo); La passione (da leggere) Colette, Il grano in erba (da leggere); La gatta (da leggere)
Datemi qualche nuovo consiglio amici!
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oldhollywoodfilms · 3 years
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Hello, fellow TCM fans! The original version of Frankenstein (1931), starring Boris Karloff as the man-made monster, is airing at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT Sunday, May 23. It's part of a night of films directed by James Whale that includes the pre-code version of Waterloo Bridge (1931) at 9:30 pm ET/6:30 pm PT. We're sure many of you watched the 1940 Robert Taylor/Vivien Leigh version that aired a few weeks ago, but the '31 film is also worthwhile with an excellent performance by Mae Clarke.
Here's the rest of this week's TCM picks:
1. Bullitt (1968) at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT Monday, May 17: TCM continues its Monday nights of movie Roberts with this Steve-McQueen thriller costarring Robert Vaughn as a corrupt U.S. senator. Vaughn was a gifted, but underrated actor, and he is excellent here.
2. Breaker Morant (1980) at 1:15 am ET/10:15 pm PT Wednesday night/Thursday morning: Director Bruce Beresford's anti-war film about a court martial of soldiers during the Boer War is one of the best of the Australian New Wave movies to come out during the '70s and '80s. An exploration of war crimes and remembrance, it is told in a series of Rashomon-like flashbacks.
3. Dinner at Eight at 4:15 pm ET/1:15 pm PT Thursday, May 20: You're invited to old Hollywood's most entertaining dinner party in this star-studded MGM delight. Come for Jean Harlow, stay for Marie Dressler.
4. Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957) at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT Saturday, May 22: This still-sharp satire of fame, advertising, and TV is a fun weekend treat. A comedic tour-de-force for Tony Randall, Jayne Mansfield is also wonderful as the movie star he dates (for publicity purposes, of course).
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dalleray · 4 years
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If I hadn't been very good interviewing [Patricia] Highsmith in Aurigeno, there was someone I was downright bad at, and yet it must have been the start of a surprising, singularly charming story: Edwige Feuillère....
I arrive one afternoon at rue de Longchamp in Neuilly. Rather banal building. I get on the elevator, my throat a little tight: I felt her authoritarian. They open the door for me and show me into the living room, I find it a little too pink, a little too sweet. She enters. Not very much makeup on; she wears a funnel neck sweater. Her body no longer has the firmness of my memories. Still, there is the way she carries her head. It's her, but she's an old woman.
Today, I'm sure she saw it all in my eyes in a second. So, she pulled out all the stops. She offers me a seat on a couch and sits next to me, almost thigh to thigh. I move back. She raises her eyebrow and just says: “You are sitting very badly. Lean on the cushions.”
“Sorry, but I can't work like this.” “Okay, I'll take the cushions away.”
And we start. She responds, but very quickly interrupts me and brings her face closer to mine. "Ah, now that I see you with my glasses on… But you have very pretty green eyes," with that voice that makes all screens shudder. I do not know where I am. I pick up the thread as best I can.
“You read my book! You are indeed the first journalist who comes to see me for this book to have read it.”
I stammer. I am getting worse and worse. I bend down to turn on the tape recorder. She lifts my face, touches my hair, on the forehead, to the right. "But you have a strand of white hair. Is it natural or are you doing it on purpose?" There, I feel that I am confused, maybe even that I blush, I flounder, I sink. That’ll teach me to betray that, in her sweater, I couldn't find the one I had placed on a pedestal at all. I'm mad at myself, but at her too. Now she wants me to eat chocolates. And tell me that she is a great reader. As if! I wonder what literature she likes, but I don't feel like digging. I want to go. She goes to get my item of clothing, a black leather jacket and helps me put it on. She runs her hand all the way down my back and says, still her voice, "I love the feel of leather.”
Okay, she's seventy-seven, I'm thirty-three, but she took over and covered me with the ridicule I deserved. Let's run away together.
I was not at the end of my punishment, though. I listen to the tape. I am lamer than lame: I don't raise the right questions, I don't push her to explain, I say totally incongruous things. Nothing to get out of it. Unreliable. And, to make matters worse, she wants to reread before publication. What to do? Meet with close friends to whom I dare not even speak out. Common sense advice, but easy to say: "Try to remember what you wanted to know, what she started to say when she stops and you forget to start her again. Rewrite everything: there will probably not be a word of what's on the tape, but we'll see what she says about it." A whole weekend, for an interview page in Le Monde. And a close reading by my friend Monique Nemer. Questions at last intelligently formulated and answers reconstructed, but perhaps just a bit “off.”
On Monday, the interview is printed. Two hours later, Feuillère on the phone: "My little one, it's absolutely perfect...I've never read an interview so true to who I am.” That’s when I realized she was extremely intelligent.
She offered for me to see her again. She told me about what she read. A very sure taste for literature, the classics—she had not forgotten Claudel's lessons. She was very attached to her hand-annotated edition of Dante's The Divine Comedy in Italian—her father's nationality. She gave it at the end of her life to Hector Bianciotti, whom I introduced to her. But she had a curiosity for everything that was published—I brought her my favorite recent books—and the eclecticism of avid readers. She happily returned to Claudel's side, but discovered with the same interest Philip Roth, who made her want to reread Joseph Roth. Dante would bring her back to Philippe Sollers' side, and she would go back to the Italian side to read Svevo and Elsa Morante. She read the ones I told her about: Eudora Welty, Anna Maria Ortese, Annie Ernaux, Danièle Sallenave. But Highsmith's murky tales seemed too worrying to her. When we went to dinner, I always tried to convince her, to make her love this "black queen” without much success.
When she played at the theater at night, we used to go to lunch. She seduced me in every way—because she liked to seduce, because her conversation was brilliant, humorous, her language sometimes deliciously old-fashioned. One day when I was talking to her about a man, she said to me, “Alors, vous êtes éprise?” (“So, are you in love?”) with a sort of ‘h’ sucked in front of "éprise.” She lunched “en chapeau” (“in hat”) as it should be if you arrive in a restaurant wearing a hat, but nobody knows how to do it anymore. After coffee, without using a mirror, she reapplied her lipstick. She would sometimes use an indignant grandmother's voice to say, "My little one, stand up straight. This is an absolute rule.” When I complained about a married man who liked neurotics—those who harass you to snatch an evening, a weekend—and I told her that I hated these behaviors and that, asking for nothing, I did not get anything, she punctuated with a laugh: “But my little one, this is the story of my life! Men, if not burdened with recriminations, give nothing."
I loved going to see her at the theater. The presence on stage of a person with whom you have a form of intimacy is always moving. Anguishing, too. When, at the Théâtre Montparnasse, she took over La Maison du lac with Jean Marais, I went there almost every evening. Marais-Feuillère, for the last time, you had to see and see again. One day when she invited me to lunch in a restaurant near the theater, whose old-fashioned and provincial character, like the clientele, amused us, she reproached me: "Stop coming to the theater!" Seeing my crestfallen face, she added, “But this is not a good play! How can you listen to these banal lines over and over again?” “Of course, it's not Claudel, but I'm not coming for the lyrics, I'm coming for your shoulders and for the melody.”
“Cheeky and incorrigible, that's what you are. So, come on tonight, I'll introduce you to Jean."
Juliette Gréco, who laughed at this improbable friendship and imitated Feuillère so well, would sometimes call me, mocking her voice. I hesitated for fear of saying to the real Feuillère: "Stop your stupid jokes! " One morning, I hear Feuillère's phrasing on the phone, too over-played for it to really be her: “My little one, I had a great time last night.” And Juliette Gréco tells me, with her own voice and the tone of a kid delighted with her triumph, that she was at a party the day before, and that seeing Feuillère at a table she approached silently, passed her arms around her shoulders, and leaned over say to her ironically: "So, are we seducing the same young woman?"
Despite my protests, I admit that I was rather entertained by imagining this scene between these two. The tastiest was yet to come. Call from Feuillère, the same afternoon: "My little one, we mustn't tell Juliette Gréco that we are seeing each other, she is very jealous"
I joked: "No, she knows very well that we have incestuous loves.” “Incestuous, perhaps, but not Sapphic.” There is no one left to utter such phrases!
Talking about her relationships with women, one day, when once again I had just passed a passionate admirer on her doorstep who was chasing her and whom she received, while remaining aloof, even disdainful, I joked: “You are a tease.”
“At last, my little one, how dare you?”
“Sorry, but it's the truth!”
She didn't comment. I thought of Sartre telling Sagan, who was cutting meat badly, that he could no longer cut himself: “Respect is lost."
I was a little ashamed: I had crossed a line—thin, barely perceptible, and yet very present, beyond which she wanted to safeguard her unalterable dignity. More than Claudel, it was Mallarmé's Hérodiade that she made think of: "Who would dare touch me, a respected lion?”
- Josyane Savigneau on her friendship with Edwige Feuillère in Point de côté
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brokensunsets · 3 years
Love victor Episode 3
- Really love the jean jacket on Victor
- I completely forgot that Victor played basketball and is a sports gay
- Hate his coach ( go grizzlies ...OK...Ja Morant i am on my grizzly)
- ITS SIMON's DAD- of course, it's his dad with his tinder jokes. Actually, jack's advice at the bar was good. The whole connection between them feels wholesome.
- Yeah don't love Andrew's message. basically not being singled out by the team is cured only by being the best player on the team.
- Felix honey 💔
- Going to throw hands at ppl that stopped Victor being sports gay
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stuckonvenus · 4 years
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What’s their full name? — Riley Angel Albright
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? — Riley means ‘valiant’ and his mothers wanted to incorporate some of his culture into his name, so his middle name is Angel.
Do they have any nicknames? — IRL: Riles IN GAME: Ridley
How old are they? — 21.
When’s their birthday? — March 31st.
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance? — Aries, Fire Element, Diamond. He doesn’t think they matter at all.
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? — Human and he has no magical abilities.
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? — Rogue. He favors a bow and arrows.
What do they look like? — Medium brown hair, olive-toned skin, slightly muscular, and is 5′9.
Do they have a face claim? — Benjamin Wadsworth.
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? — IN GAME: All black including a scarf he pulls over half his face whenever he’s working, minus a cherub-shaped white pendant he hides in his tunic. IRL: Skater aesthetic, wears Thrasher tees, cuffed jeans, Vans, and oversized hoodies.
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? — IN GAME: Stoic in and out. IRL: Always looks bored, always is bored.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? — None.
What’s their alignment? — True Neutral.
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? — INTJ: The Architect.
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? — IN GAME: He enjoys scaling things, i.e. buildings and tall trees. IRL: His favorite food is deer steak and his favorite books/movies are the Lord of the Rings.
What are they bad at? — Describing his emotions eloquently.
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? — IN GAME: Clients who skim on details or go into too much detail, those rats in level 1. IRL: His hometown and his job.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? — He’s an ex-opioid addict.
What are their goals and motivations? — IN GAME: Reach level 50 and settle in the upper levels with plenty of gold to last him a while. IRL: Finish school and run for office someday.
What are their manners like? Any habits? — IN GAME: He’s very curt and doesn’t like long interactions, he tends to count his arrows multiple times on long journeys and is always looking over his shoulder. IRL: Mostly just bored and disinterested in conversation unless it’s with a cute girl, chews on his nails and smokes pot.
What are they most afraid of? — IN GAME: Nothing. IRL: Relapsing.
Where were they born? What was their childhood like? — Monterrey, Mexico. It was fairly average with very little turmoil, apart from the insensitive questions other kids would ask about his mothers.
What’s their family like? — Deirdre Albright is an interior designer with a dry sense of humor that Riley takes after, her wife Imogen Albright is a social worker who taught their son everything about being a man. He adores them both for putting up with him.
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? — He is a part of no organization and only holds the title of bounty hunter.
How do they fit into their “story”? — He causes enough trouble to stay relevant in the eyes of the city guard, otherwise he blends in perfectly.
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like? — IN GAME: Whatever inn will take him. IRL: His childhood home in Kansas City.
How do they eventually die? — IN GAME: He’d eventually be caught in a soul gem by an outranking enemy. IRL: Overdose.
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? — IN GAME: He has no friends, let alone any person he would allow himself to get close enough to consider a best friend. IRL: His friends are all at college and he had to cut them out for his sobriety’s sake.
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it? — IRL: His old friend group partied every weekend and influenced him to do a litany of substances, he was once a willing and eager participant, now he’s known as a dejected loner.
What’s their love life like? Do they have any kids? — He doesn’t have one nor wishes for one, thinking himself lucky if he makes it to 25, let alone to an age where he’d be comfortable having children.
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? — IN GAME: No one. IRL: He looks up to his mothers and his NA sponsor who has gotten him through extremely rough times and even recommended Nacene to him.
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? — IN GAME: He’s a public enemy because of the nature of his job, which he couldn’t care less about. 
Do they have any pets? — IRL: He has a pet hamster named Gimli he forces himself to look after.
Are they good with kids? Animals? — IN GAME: He tends to avoid both. IRL: He’s good with animals but adores children and is an amazing babysitter whenever given the opportunity.
Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes? — His main archetype is the Outlaw.
Do they play any instruments? Sports? — IRL: He used to play soccer up until his sophomore year of high school.
What are some items they always carry? — IN GAME: His bow and arrows and a dagger. IRL: A lighter.
Do they collect anything? — IN GAME: He keeps any small possession his victims may have that he can carry lightly; i.e. rings, lightweight necklaces, knives, potion bottles. IRL: Comic books.
What position do they sleep in? — IN GAME: Upright, mostly in branches and up against the tree trunk. IRL: Cocooned in his blankets with a window open.
Which emoji would they use the most? — Eye-rolling emoji.
What languages do they speak? — English.
What’s their favorite expletive? — Goddamn.
What’s their favorite candle scent? — Fresh linen.
What songs remind you of them? — Kismet by XIX, 4 Morant by Doja Cat, Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi.
Which animal would you say represents them? — Raven.
What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into? — The stoners.
What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be? — The one you’re spun around in until you’re about to puke.
Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else? — IN GAME: He doesn’t believe in ghosts since he’s never encountered one and he doesn’t think there’s anything after death. IRL: He believes in aliens but not ghosts and believes in reincarnation.
Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays? — IN GAME: He’s non-religious and doesn’t celebrate any holiday. IRL: His mothers wanted to give him a well-rounded world view, so he celebrates almost every known holiday.
Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue? — Greed and Justice.
If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be? — The Tower.
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