#Jeffrey Cobbold
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rafamonzo · 6 years
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Interpreting the Silent Artefacts @ Art All Night - Trenton 2018 June 16 & 17, 2018 24 hours straight. From 3 pm to 3 pm. Historic Roebling Wire Works, 675 South Clinton Ave, Trenton, NJ.
Interpreting the Silent Artefacts is one of the electronic media installations at Art All Night - Trenton 2018. The work is a visual and sound inquiry of the Earth’s rocks. The concept and imagery is the creation of Spanish photographer Rafael Tanaka Monzo (http://tanaka-clan.tumblr.com/) including sound work by New Jersey artist Jeffrey Cobbold (www.jeffreycobbold.com).
Please come this year to support the artists of Art All Night - Trenton and pay a visit to the Interpreting the Silent Artefacts electronic media installation.
www.artallnighttrenton.org www.artworkstrenton.org
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
Differential Association Between Circulating Lymphocyte Populations With Outcome After Radiation Therapy in Subtypes of Liver Cancer
Publication date: 1 August 2018
Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 101, Issue 5
Author(s): Clemens Grassberger, Theodore S. Hong, Tai Hato, Beow Y. Yeap, Jennifer Y. Wo, Mark Tracy, Thomas Bortfeld, John A. Wolfgang, Christine E. Eyler, Lipika Goyal, Jeffrey W. Clark, Christopher H. Crane, Eugene J. Koay, Mark Cobbold, Thomas F. DeLaney, Rakesh K. Jain, Andrew X. Zhu, Dan G. Duda
Irradiation may have significant immunomodulatory effects that impact tumor response and could potentiate immunotherapeutic approaches. The purposes of this study were to prospectively investigate circulating lymphoid cell population fractions during hypofractionated proton therapy (HPT) in blood samples of liver cancer patients and to explore their association with survival.
Methods and Materials
We collected serial blood samples before treatment and at days 8 and 15 of HPT from 43 patients with liver cancer—22 with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 21 with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC)—enrolled in a phase 2 clinical trial. All patients received 15 fractions of proton therapy to a median dose of 58 Gy (relative biological effectiveness). We used flow cytometry to measure the changes in the fractions of total CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ T cells; CD4+ CD25+ T cells; CD4+ CD127+ T cells; CD3+ CD8+ CD25+ activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs); and CD3– CD56+ natural killer cells.
With a median follow-up period of 42 months, median overall survival (OS) in the study cohort was 30.6 months for HCC and 14.5 months for ICC patients. Longer OS was significantly correlated with greater CD4+ CD25+ T-cell (P = .003) and CD4+ CD127+ T-cell (P = .01) fractions at baseline only in ICC patients. In HCC patients, the fraction of activated CTLs mid treatment (at day 8) was significantly associated with OS (P = .007). These findings suggest a differential relevance of immunomodulation by HPT in these liver cancers.
Antitumor immunity may depend on maintenance of a sufficiently high number of activated CTLs during HPT in HCC patients and CD4+ CD25+ T cells and CD4+ CD127+ T cells prior to treatment in ICC patients. These results could guide the design of future studies to determine the optimal treatment schedules when combining irradiation with specific immunotherapy approaches.
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rafamonzo · 7 years
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INTERPRETING THE SILENT ARTEFACTS ( 2017 ) Acoustic Geodetic Cartographic Observation Photo installation by Tanaka and sounds by Jeff Cobbold
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rafamonzo · 7 years
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Interpreting the Silent Artefacts in association with Sound Meditations by Jeff Cobbold  available on limited edition CD.
In the study of earthquake prediction, its relation with rock mechanics has become closer. The acoustic emission technique is one of the important tools in rock mechanics research. In this paper the acoustic emission technique is briefly described and a review was made on its application to the study of rock mechanics. Some results obtained by using the acoustic emission technique to study the earthquake sequence and fracture mechanism are also presented.
Acoustic Geodetic Cartographic Observation /  A photographic project for the International Art Festival INTRAMURS 2017.  / Sponsored by MOMENTOLUX
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rafamonzo · 6 years
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Interpreting the Silent Artefacts @ Art All Night - Trenton 2018 June 16 & 17, 2018 24 hours straight. From 3 pm to 3 pm. Historic Roebling Wire Works, 675 South Clinton Ave, Trenton, NJ.
Interpreting the Silent Artefacts is one of the electronic media installations at Art All Night - Trenton 2018. The work is a visual and sound inquiry of the Earth's rocks. The concept and imagery is the creation of Spanish photographer Rafael Tanaka Monzo (http://tanaka-clan.tumblr.com/) including sound work by New Jersey artist Jeffrey Cobbold (www.jeffreycobbold.com).
Please come this year to support the artists of Art All Night - Trenton and pay a visit to the Interpreting the Silent Artefacts electronic media installation.
www.artallnighttrenton.org www.artworkstrenton.org
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True Love
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Sermon written by Jeffrey Cobbold
Based on Luke 1:5-45
Original text in Winter 2013
Revised in Fall 2018
Luke 1:5-45 points to what many of us are looking for in our lives, the reality of true love. I believe that true love is a love that transcends the ambiguities of life, especially those of disgrace and inexperience. These ambiguities often cause us to question the presence of love in our lives and at their very worst they can destroy our relationships. True love, when we experience it, should allow us to respond independently from disgrace and inexperience and see a new path, which changes our routine expectations. It is the love of God Almighty, the truest love we all can know, that will bring relationships and events that will allow us to see true love as God’s love.
To begin a path toward understanding true love we must start with our general questions about its character. When we have an encounter with love our minds seek to know if it is authentic and whether or not we can merge ourselves with it. In Luke 1:5-45, we hear the personal questions of both Mary and Zechariah concerning their encounters with true love. In their separate encounters with the angel Gabriel they ask: “How can this be, since I am a virgin? (v. 34)” “How will I know that this is so? (v. 18)” 
They ask these questions after the angel Gabriel reveals to them the future arrival of two unexpected children they will raise with their spouses, John the Baptizer and Jesus the Christ. For Mary her doubt is mostly likely due to her youth and inexperience and for Zechariah it is most likely linked to his feeling of disgrace being a priest who cannot conceive children with his wife Elizabeth because of their old age. His feeling of disgrace is so strong that the angel Gabriel causes him to be mute, unable to fully participate in this experience of true love until the birth of their son John the Baptizer.
Inexperience in life may cause a person to wonder if they are worthy of love, or if they have done enough to deserve the love they are experiencing. Mary hasn’t lived a mature adult life before this first encounter with God’s love, although her total experience as the mother of Jesus the Christ must have brought her more fully into this experience as she dealt with Jesus’ persecution and crucifixion many years later. Her encounter with true love in this passage transcends her routine expectations as she becomes pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit, embarking on a journey that will change her life. 
The Holy Spirit is the seed of love in the lives of Mary and Zechariah, which plants God’s truth. The nature of true love positively pierces through the realities they are living. 
Have you felt inexperienced like Mary, facing an encounter with love that pierces the normal routine of your life? 
Or have you ever felt like Zechariah where the thought of such piercing love changes an aspect of your life that once seemed hopeless to you? 
The questions Mary and Zechariah ask may be similar to our own questions as we search for love. They may be symbols of where we have been concerning feelings of inexperience or disgrace within love. God provides answers to our questions in many ways and reveals to us truth that transcends our human expectations. God’s answers us by describing God’s self to us. When God does this, we become aware of what’s at stake, we understand the quality of God’s presentation and transcending true love for us. We hear Gabriel say to Zechariah, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. (v. 19)” Gabriel’s standing in the presence of God reveals the nature of true love, which is good news that needs to be received and stood within. Gabriel says to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. (v.35)” This true love will be felt in our being, we will be covered and protected by it. When God overshadows us we experience life in a different way that allows us to have a firmer foundation in God even within life’s chaos. The Holy Spirit finds a home in us and we experience true love, the love of God. 
We know that people are not capable of loving us perfectly, but do we seek the foundation of our love to be rooted in the Holy Spirit, the spirit that God uses to cover us and bring us the daily good news of true love? 
Do the people we have in our lives resemble this daily good news of true love as God’s love?
Our realization of true love evokes a response. It is a burst of energy that must express itself. When we experience this true love, we give thanks and remember to let go of the ambiguities that once controlled our habitual perspectives. We hear Elizabeth say, “This is what the Lord has done for me when he looked favorably on me and took away the disgrace I have endured among my people. (v. 24)” Elizabeth gives clear language and a declaration that this encounter with true love has positively changed her life and moved her away from a feeling of disgrace. She feels restored to herself and starts to verbally express what true love is. She speaks with hope for the future. 
Mary shows a slightly different positive response when she says, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord. Let it be with me according to your word (v. 38)” In Mary’s words, we find one of the most important aspects of experiencing true love as God’s love. Mary declares she is committed and willing to be in service to this future experience of true love. She has joy going forward in this service. True love has the quality of inspiring commitment in us. 
Does the love in your life do this, do you feel redeemed by its experience and does it inspire your ongoing commitment?  
Some of our love relationships will have inspiration as an elusive element and even strong love relationships can have moments of wavering commitment. In those times we must ground ourselves in the Holy Spirit. Some of our relationships never seem to find grounding in true love as God’s love. They deeply disappoint us and cause us to question ourselves and God’s presence in our lives. To stay strong we must know and remember a difficult truth about true love, which is that it doesn’t eradicate entirely the presence of ambiguity in life. The important thing to know and remember is that true love daily and repeatedly transcends the disgrace and inexperience that is embedded in daily life. True love is transcendent within this context. We see this in the presence of the Holy Spirit as it heals and complexifies the lives of Zechariah, Mary and Elizabeth. We see it in the angel Gabriel who serves as a messenger for Almighty God. We see it later in the lives of the babies spoken about in this text, John the Baptizer and Jesus the Christ. True love lives on in the lives of John the Baptizer and Jesus the Christ as they became living symbols of true love. They both express God’s love into their adult lives through their ministries, becoming perpetual reminders for our world that all our relationships should be rooted in God’s love. 
Let us remember that true love shows its transcendent quality within our personal experiences. Disgrace and inexperience seek to disturb our experience within our search for love. But the Holy Spirit that moved the lives of Zechariah, Mary and Elizabeth is dynamic and full of wisdom. This is our assurance with true love, that it will teach us all things in daily transcendent moments. May the Holy Spirit redeem and inspire us in this daily discernment of true love. May the Holy Spirit grant us wisdom in the presence of life’s ambiguities, which continually seek to threaten the truth, that true love is of God and that nothing in our search for true love will be impossible with God. To God, be the glory. Amen.
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In memoriam of unrequited love and silent manipulation...
Dreadful dragon of a woman Protruding lips of pain Silent because of shame Siphoning his veins Mystical manifestation of Satan Dragoness Dragoness, can you dance to the sound? To this sound of resurrection Of a man that you tried to kill Learn to dance to this sound Dance for the first time in your life Did you think you would get away with this? We are all watching you.
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