#Jeni makes an appearance
casp1an-sea · 5 months
Gen Mentel Jenis
I know the drawing says Jedi master, HE IS NOT A JEDI MASTER! That was old, he is only a knight.
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Again kinda an old drawing lol still kinda happy with this one
other characters to know for his story: Pical (Brother), Jin (Best Friend), Zac (Padwan friend)
Birth Year: 48 BBY
Age at beginning: 25
Species: Human, Alderaanian
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Jedi Knight (at the start)
Force Alignment: Neutral, Light
Personality: Gen is chill and humorous. He shares many beliefs about the Jedi with his childhood friend Jin. He loves his brother and tries his best to be nice to him but they often get into fights so they are somewhat distant. He isn’t very serious and knows his job is important but he remains light hearted. He has quite “radical” views on the Jedi and has little respect for the council. He has no qualms about directly disobeying them as long as his actions don’t harm others. While he is willing to fight for the greater good he shares many of Jin’s pacifist views and wants to have a normal family rather than live his life alone as a jedi. (Disclaimer even though he has radical beliefs does not mean he has dark side temptations)
Appearance: He has dark brown hair cut short with neatly combed bangs, very pale skin, and ice blue eyes. He’s thought to be very handsome. They aren’t interested in each other but Jin and him will often jokingly flirt with one other making fun of the fact that Gen is known as handsome. He wears brown robes slightly darker than standard and often wears them in a loose unneat way.
Weapons: A Single Bladed Purple lightsaber with a wood hilt and gold accents. Later he has a double bladed purple saber with a black metal hilt (stole the hilt from a sith), and then a single bladed dual action purple saber with a hilt inspired by his first hilt. After he leaves the order he also gets a blaster.
Backstory: (This is very depressing read at your own risk)
A Jedi scout found out that Gen was force sensitive when he was basically a new born. The scout had come to take Gen’s 5 year old brother, Pical, to be a Jedi. The scout returned 3 years later to get Gen as well. Gen trained as a youngling with Pical and Jin. He was a lot closer to Pical as a child. He doesn’t remember anything about his family and Pical won’t tell him the few things he remembers because they aren’t supposed to form attachments. As Youngling, he was taught mostly by Yoda and as a Padawan, his master was Mace Windu. While being a padwan, whenever he was left alone at the temple, he would often go into Youngling’s classes and chat with them. Other padwans his own age were often too busy. This is how he met Zac and they became friends, despite the age gap. Gen was ready to be knighted around the same time that Zac was becoming a padwan. He thought it would be cool for Zac to be his Padawan but the council said as a New knight he would not be ready. He understands that now and Jin got to be Zac’s master so Gen still often worked with him due to his closeness with Jin.
As Gen grew older his relationship with his brother grew more temperamental. It was difficult for them to have a conversation that did not end an argument, despite them both caring a great deal about each other. They simply had different ideals and views of the Jedi, causing them to often butt heads with Jin being the mediator.
About Two years before the clone wars Gen actually married someone in secret (he changed his last name from Mentel to Mentel Jenis). Only Jin knew. A year later him and his Spouse had a daughter. Excited, he mustered up the courage to introduce them to his brother. Who promptly snitched on him to the council and got him kicked out. After this Gen disowned him as a brother, and became a mercenary out of necessity, because Most law abiding citizens didn’t want to hire an ex Jedi. He had no intention of working with The Jedi again, but his moral code made taking mercenary jobs limited, and he ended up excepting an offer to help train clones during the clone wars. This is where he was reunited with his brother but they never completely made up. When he was kicked from the order, he also secretly kept his Kyber crystal and made a new hilt for himself after he left.
after order 66 Gen went into hiding and never knew what became of Pical. Pical had actually survived but the two of them never met up again as Gen was killed by an imperial airstrike during the galactic Civil War and Pical didn’t find out his brother had survived order 66 until after he had already died.
MORE GEN ART (and also Pical)
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These are moments from their story
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@diabollicallyangelic @xentari94 @tomatette
@dragonflies-draw-flame @sunshinechildskywalker
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jenysmithnews · 1 year
Heather's review of Jeny's latest video
" The Lost Warehouse, Oil "
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We begin our adventure outside an abandoned warehouse as Jeny welcomes us 'hello guys' (one day she's going to make my year with 'ànd Heather') .Jeny is wearing what at first glance appears to be only a short trench coat ànd high heeled boots and carrying over one shoulder a folding seat and on the other shoulder a bag and, finally carrying her camera on its selfie stick.
Jeny starts to investigate her surroundings which on the ground floor is covered in broken glass which given the fact that she is in high heeled boots and not the easiest footwear to clamber about in (the lengths she goes to for her members!). Whilst looking about, Jeny spots a guy who may or may not have seen her (the other units at the location are in use with the constant noise one would expect).
Jeny eventuaĺly finds a relatively quiet spot and putting down all of the baggage she has been weighed down with, and undoes her belt and then unbuttons her jacket revealing her gorgeous bare breasts and a short black skirt which she pulls up and, guess what! she's not wearing panties. Jeny is looking so sexy but at the same time she clearly is nervous with every sound echoing around the empty shell of the building.
At that moment Jeny whispers to us that she needs to find a place to sit ( she's brought a folding one with her) and so she covers herself up and climbing up a further flight of stairs, Jeny reaches a large open space where she sets up the camera. Stepping back, Jeny unbuttons her jacket and this time she removes her skirt After further investigation she retŕaces her steps to the stairs only this she removes her coat ànd confidently strolls around in just her boots and gloves, her nakedness like a beacon of beauty. Jeny poses in the doorway and at windows for an imaginary photographer, showing her arousal, Jeny's nipples now erect point in the direction of another stairwell where Jeny almost skips down and back up, full of the excitement of being nude in the early Spring weather to where she's left her seat ànd clothes
Moving the seat to a more central space, Jeny makes sure her wonderful butt cheeks are always in view. Now we get to see the contents of the other bag, some kitchen towel and more importantly a bottle of oil! Tearing off some sheets of paper Jeny wipes the seat (our Queen isn't going to sit on a dirty throne!) She removes her gloves and rubs her hands, warming them prior to applying oil. Suddenly she is disturbed ɓy loader sounds and unlike the rest of us who would automatically reach for something to cover our nudity Jeny goes in search of the source of the noise wearing nothing but her boots and her large J and S earrings. Finding nothing she returns to the centre and applies more lotion stopping briefly to adjust the camera at the moment when we catch sight of our lone voyeur and as quickly he disappears back to the stairwell. Jeny's sixth sense is telling her that she was correct (me shouting at the TV 'behind you!' wasn't in the least bit helpful) she still doesn't dress immediately, stopping to wipe off the oil, well if you knew how long Jeny had been searching for a short trench coat!! Now fully dressed (well as fully dressed as Jeny normally is) She eventually makes it back to the car, passing by groups of workers amazed at seeing a beautiful high heeled clad woman jumping out of the abandoned warehouse
Back at the car, Jeny admits how scary things were before suggesting that this may well be the start of a series of oiĺ in abandoned buildings! I can only admire her courage in doing something that clearly excites her.
To see this video and many more like it, join us at JenySmith dot net
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Ever The Gentleman
Request by Nonny: Love ur Hiddles fics ❤️ Had an idea for a fic where reader is an actress working with Tom and he notices she's not feeling well. Later he notices a blood stain on the back of her pants and realises why she wasn't well and helps her out so she isn't embarrassed. And of course he's such a gentleman about the whole situation.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Actress!Reader
Warning(s): Period things, Tom being a gentlemen, idk man probably some other things I can't think of...
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For Tom, today on set had pretty much been a blast...until it wasn't.
He started off in hair and makeup; cracking jokes with Jeni and Abigail the artist and stylist assigned to him. They truly were lovely people--especially when they encouraged his corny "dad" jokes for hours on end.
Then he moved onto wardrobe, where he proceeded to clown around for an hour; whether it be by singing the lyrics to some his favourite renditions of Hank Williams' songs (yes, with the accent), or insisting that he be able to run around the studio to prepare a prank for this "brother from another mother."
The day was going extremely well; it felt like nothing to steal its thunder...
But when he made it onto the sound stage, there was a disturbance in the force; and all it took was a quick glance at you to figure out what it was.
Instead of the usual cheery smile that graced your exquisite face was a frown that could eerily resemble Loki's. A frown of his own flashed across his features; what was upsetting you?
Making his way towards you, he tried to figure out what it could be.
Maybe it's just one of those days where everything goes wrong? Highly unlikely; you were extremely organised; it took a lot for everything to go wrong for you.
Maybe she received some bad news? There was that one roll you were really looking forward to; maybe you didn't get the part?
All possible scenarios came to an abrupt stop when he reached you.
"Are you alright, Darling? You don't look well."
You shifted to face him, "I'm fine, Tommy." He rolled his eyes. You were the only one that could get away with that ridiculous nickname.
"Stop deflecting with that hideous nickname, Darling. I know something is wrong. Your beautiful smile that could rival Asgard itself hasn't graced me with it's presence today."
You slightly smiled at him, "I promise, I'm fine, Tom."
He huffed, "I may only play the God of Lies, but even I could see that you were fibbing."
You chuckled, your radiant smile almost fully appearing.
"Everything is fine Tom, truly. It's just my-"
"Alright my sugar plums, places!"
Tom frowned. Taika truly had the worst timing possible. He vowed to himself then and there that we was going to get to the bottom of this, that he was certain of.
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The next time Tom saw you out of a scene was at the end of the day, when you were both heading towards the hair and makeup trailer.
There you were, leaning against the trailer door, probably complimenting the stylists for the umpteenth time today.
He barely managed to hear your "You both do outstanding work, I hope you know that" compliment, but smiled nonetheless. You truly were amazing.
As he began to walk up behind you to join your conversation, it took him all but a few seconds to figure out what had gotten you into your unhappy mood today.
A small little red patch--of what he was assuming was blood--on the back of your pants. Light bulbs went off in his head when he realised why you were feeling unwell today.
With a frown, he made his way over to you and hugged you from behind; achieving a giggle from you.
"Yes Tommy?"
He kissed your cheek and began whispering in your ear.
"Darling, don't be alarmed but you've leaked through your pants."
He felt you blanche and watched as your face drained of it's colour. You began struggling in his arms, trying to escape.
He continued whispering, "It's alright Darling. I'm going to give you my sweater. It should hopefully cover everything."
A subtle nod was all you offered. With that he began rubbing your arms.
"Darling, you're freezing." He quickly pulled off his sweater, "Please, put it on."
You gave him a watery smile and swiftly put it on. And what do you know, it was just oversized enough to cover everything.
Before he could blink, you had spun around and pulled him into a proper hug. Your hands wrapping tightly around his waist as his arms made their way around your shoulders.
"Thank you, Tommy."
He just smiled, nuzzled his nose into your hair and pulled you closer.
The both of you were too caught up in your own little bubble to see that Jeni and Abigail had their matchmaking smiles on...
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A/N I’m so sorry this took so long for me to get out. I kind of neglected writing for the whole of October 😬 
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ijustkindalikebooks · 21 days
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Anyone else a Yoongi bias? August has been a long month for the Suga biases in my life, but life indeed does goes on, and the reading is an excellent distraction from the media frenzy about falling off a scooter (cos you know there aren't more important things to discuss right now smh).
I had a goal this year to read 365 books and I suspect I will complete it around the beginning of October going by current reading speeds, of course this depends on some people's view of what reading is, but this month I read novels, novellas, manga and poetry that accumulate to over 30 books and I will be sharing those I loved the most over the last thirty days or so.
The Bloodaxe Book Of Contemporary Poets edited by Jeni Couzyn - A collection of eleven poet, this book covers a good range and though I think it lacks diversity (I mean no Jackie Kay? No Claudia Rankine?) I think this is mainly due to when it's published than anything else. A fantastic array of styles and poetry, I really appreciated reading this while working on the counter in the shop I volunteer in and definitely a collection I need to back and tab as I loved so many entries in this book.
Blue Exorcist by Kazue Kato - As this series nears its end (and I feel like it's in the right space to do so at this point) it has really got to a point in the plot that keeps you reading it, I won't deny that. Though I feel the story sometimes well, dawdles I do appreciate the real moments of emotion that appear in this series and the development of Shiemi's story arc within this series. There are things that I find frustrating, but volumes 27/28 were in particular, very very good.
Bloom Into You by Nio Nakatani - I really appreciate the representation in this book from Maki as an aro/ace person as an ace person and of course LGBT stories that do not end in someone dying, that's always great - keep that happening. I do feel there are elements of what the hellery in this book, and I would check on triggers for this as in reflection there seems to be some issues around consent but as the series goes on I feel alot of this is unpacked in the story and makes for a wonderful ending.
The Girl From The Other Side Vol. 6 by Nagabe - I am not going to talk much again about this as we're now at the mid point of the series and if you've not read it then it will be spoilers for you, but this series tells a story I can never ever predict where it's going ever and an art style that is reminiscent of Grimm's Fairy Tales in the best way possible - it's a dark fairy tale told at it's very finest and if you enjoy manga I do highly recommend picking this one up, I trust Seven Seas so much with the series it picks up and decides to share.
Finger Bone by Hiroki Takahashi - A novella about Japanese soldiers fighting in Papa New Guinea, Finger Bone isn't a book you love, it's a book that lays around in your brain and makes you think about it for days. The story of a Japanese soldier relaying the experience of a warzone that for them is sinking into despair, hunger and misery, the ending of this book left me feeling so many things. Named after the bone that doctors remove when a soldier passes away, this was 97 pages of a creeping sense of dread that reminded me of 'All Quiet On The Western Front'.
What have you been reading this month? Do you have any recommendations for me? I always love to hear feedback from you!
Thanks again for reading,
Vee xo.
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mooncalfe-art · 11 months
Greetings !
Well. I have to say. The arc *Damage Done* was quite a fascinating one ,with issue 143 and 144 being the high lights to me tbh.
I will be focusing on 144 this time, takeing into account that it's the end of this arc and it did tied everything up quite intriguingly.
First of all. Loved how it ended. It was left pretty open for interpretations and theories ,yet, didn't feel incomplecte and made sens in the current context.
Second of all. The potential for new arcs is absolutely crazy. Like. It was already made clear that you do have something in mind for Alopex...but, after that finale, I didn't expect to see soooo much intriguing details that can play in her story.
Mushroom haveing the dragon scale and the fact even Venus said she was powerful had me extremely interested for future development. Same can be said about the fact Al is going with the little ones to Alaska. I mean...every time she went there, some very important and personal stuff happened to her.
First was with Saki, in which he destroyed pretty much everything from her past life. Then, was the fight with Kitsune, that was trying to make her into a slave. And now...well, I can only imagine for the moment what will happen, seeing that now she also has the company of the little ones...with one of them haveing quite a great and impressive source of power on her.
Speaking of that power....is that dragon scale going to do something... literally anything about the fact that ..you know..Mushroom still has those human limbs (which..I think are taken from little kids, seeing that it fits her perfectly. ...Again, not sure about that part yet .) attached to her. Still not fully ok with that part tbh.😅.
Another curiosity I have about the issue is...why was Leatherhead on the same train with Alopex and the little ones? Is that going to get any follow up as well? Also. Very happy with the fact that Leatherhead is alive and well. Him being a future allie to the turtles is something that I really wanted to see again.
The part with Barlow was satisfying ,even tho, I would love to see the version in which he dies thanks to Leatherhead....especially for everything he did.
...Tho. Haveing him as an actual lad rat dose fit as a nice poetic justice.
I can't wait for the road to 150 and to find out more about Armaggon and how can he be stopped...even if it's not permanent. Also. Is Raph, Mikey and Jeny going to take part in this new arc in any important way? Or it will be more about Leo and Don ( along with Bob, Carmen, Lita, Venus and April)?
And, was that part with Raph and his road trip somehow infuence by what was said by Kitsune in issue 139?
PS. Again. Overall 9/10 for this arc and a 9.5/10 issue. Can't wait for what's next.
Thanks as always for reading, glad you liked it! :D
You'll have to wait and see what Mushroom does with her dragon scale. She has some sort of connection with Leatherhead so that may be why he's following her and the Claw clan! ;)
The next arc is mostly Don and Leo but Mikey will make an appearance, and there are future time period versions of the Turtles that show up, too. Any further details than that I can't reveal yet!
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Home Invasion - All 4-1 challenge
Rating: strong T for a suggestive bit at the end.
I really wanted to join one of these challenges but I had no idea until this month lol This happens in SWAK universe post like... All the parts lol
Amelia (she/her) and Philip (he/him) are Leo's partners
Mirka (they/them) Raph's
Mikey's queer platonic partner is unnamed but so far she/her pronouns. (Mikey is aro on this).
Cheryl (my OC) is paired with Jennika! (Jeni is gonna make appearance in Raph's and Mirka's story once I get there).
@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @madammuffins @sharpwindow @m1dnyt3-w0lf @pheradream15 @dilucsflame33 (anyone else who wants to jump in on the tag list let me know!)
Kara was going home exhausted. All she had on her mind was a hot shower, some ice cream and maybe a cuddle with Donnie if he'd drop by after the patrol with his brothers. Nice, chill-
She paused in her doorway, a deadpan expression on her face. Donnie was there all right. So were his brothers (Raph nowhere in sight but she assumed he'd be there too), their respective partners plus Jennika. That meant that Cheryl was comfy in the lap of the female turtle. The brothers plus Jenni looked pretty roughed up and there was mud on the floor.
The short woman narrowed her eyes. <Hello, Cheryl and the people who do not live here.> She looked at Donnie who was coming out of the kitchen with an armful of probably all snacks she had in her house. Understandable, considering the whole damn army in her living room. <Donnie, a word.>
"Oooooh, someone's in trouble!!" Mikey hollered after his brother.
"Good luck!" Jennika shouted as well. "You'll need it." She snickered soon followed by others.
Donnie made a noncommittal noise at them. Mad girlfriend spelled trouble.
Said girlfriend ignored them all and went to her room, not checking if he was following, because he better be.
He was.
She waited for him to get into her room and she closed the door behind him.
<Kara,> he started but she raised her hand cutting him off.
<Donnie, I love you and I don't say that lightly. So I am going to give you a chance. Please explain why the Backstreet Boys and the Groupies are doing here too? Again, may I add. Like 10th time this month?> She was signing slowly, with a cold fury in her eyes.
He paused and assessed the situation. Yes, she was pissed but he noted also the knotted shoulders and deep shadows under her eyes, the moisture in them that signalled her frustrations would soon come to a peak. The specific frown she had after dealing with more annoying people at her lab. Right, so this was a very delicate job now.
<I'm sorry,> he started. <I didn't mean for them to follow me.>
<All of them?> Her eyes went wide with disbelief and her hands signed wide. <Donnie, there are 5 of you turtles plus Raph's and Leo's partners of which Leo has two! I don't even know the fourth human! Are they with Mikey?>
Donnie nodded. <Queer platonic partner as far as- > he started but she raised her hand interrupting him.
<I don't care. That's way too many people in my living room!>
Donnie made a decision. He pulled her close and hugged her tight. Kara let out a frustrated scream into his plastron. He stroked her back a little, trying to calm her down. He heard small frustrated sobs and let her just let it all out. Finally, she took a deep breath in and pulled back.
<I love your family but two days ago Mikey was here at 3 am, eating my food again,> she told Donnie. <Third time this month. And Raph always drops by to use the bathrom always after having eaten something funny. I'm going to vivisect someone. We need to talk boundaries Donnie.>
Some of these were news to him.
<I will talk with them,> he said and quickly added seeing her raise her hands again. <Now. I am going to talk to them now.>
<Thank you.> She let out a deep sigh. <I am going to lay down.>
Donnie left her room and went to the living room.
"Everybody out," he stated.
"Oooooh the missus whipped you-"
"One more word Raph and I am releasing your browser history to everyone in the room. Same for you Mikey," he added sharply seeing his youngest brother open his mouth.
The two meatheads immediately went quiet.
"What is in your browser history?" Mirka looked at their boyfriend.
"Uh, don't worry about it." Raph cleared his throat.
"Uh-huh." Judging by their smirk they clearly weren't gonna drop the subject willingly.
"If Donnie says we have to go we should," Leo stood up followed by Amelia and Philip, his own partners.
"Yeah, I felt like we might have been overstepping a little," Amelia rubbed the back of her neck.
"I'm not moving," Jennika announced.
"I know Jenni." Donnie sighed
"I helped pay for this couch last time you guys ruined it." She pointed to all the turtle boys.
"We know Jenni!" The chorus replied. "Thank you Jenni!"
Cheryl giggled. "I live here so you are welcomed to stay."
"Thanks babes." Jenni kissed Cheryl's cheek. "Does Kara even know they fucked it up?"
"I think she either pretends or doesn't but either way, we cool," Cheryl replied.
"Alright and one more thing," Donnie said.
"Yeah? Ow!" Mikey rubbed his head where his brother's bo staff hit.
"What the hell, nerd?!" Raph was similarly holding his noggin.
Leo was hiding his mouth behind his hand, but he was clearly enjoying this.
"You both know why." Donnie out the staff away. "If I find out you're bothering my girlfriend again I am putting parental control back on your devices."
The two turtles grumbled apologies and promised not to do that again.
"Is this always this lively?" Mikey's partner leaned in to Mirka, whispering her question.
"Yup. Welcome to the family," they snickered.
The three turtles were ushered out of the flat through the window. Humans used the regular stairs.
Donnie stayed behind and helped Jennika and Cheryl clean up after the invasion. Then he went to check in on Kara.
He flipped the light on and off twice to let her know he was there. <Hey.> he slipped on the bed next to her. <They're gone.>
<Thank you.> She signed and clung to him. <You're the best boyfriend.>
<Yes, praise me more,> he chuckled and she booped his snoot.
<Don't push it, mister,> she joked then kissed him sweetly.
He hummed, smiling. <Want to see what else I can do?> His hand went under her shirt, drawing circles on her side.
Her eyebrow lifted and she smirked a little. <I'm interested.>
He grinned and pushed her on her back. <Allow me to demonstrate.>
And then he did.
Nuff said he got a lot of praises that night.
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that1fangirrl · 7 months
Angel- Chapter 6
CW: Suggestive themes, Kinda Smut
After their amazing breakfast, the team went off to the courthouse. Jenevieve’s nerves had been higher than they usually were. Matt leaned over to help calm her. “We already got through the hard part. You’re doing a great job, I promise.” She nods, taking a deep breath. Trying to calm her nerves more, Matt grabs her sweater covered hand from under the table. She flitches, but relaxes into his touch. “Maybe if I don’t think too hard about his hands on mine, nothing will happen. It’s just a hand. Nothing more. Breathe Jeni, you’re okay.” She takes a deep breath, putting her other hand on his as well. Luckily, she didn’t have to say anything in front of everybody. It was as if she was only there as an emotional support to the others on their side. 
Throughout the trial, Jenevieve’s face had stayed blank. She wanted to appear as if she were paying attention, but her mind seemed to be elsewhere. While she intended to just distract herself from holding Matt’s hand, her mind ventured off into thoughts about Daredevil again. She thought about what it would be like to hold his hands without gloves. What would she find? Would she find out that he’s actually a murderer who just saw an innocent girl on her roof one night and is now thinking of ways to kill her? Maybe he really is just a good guy who helps the city as much as possible? She wondered what he was like without the mask. Did he have a significant other that he went back home to? Maybe some kids? No, he said he lived in the city his whole life with no one else by his side. What if Jenevieve was his significant other that he came back to every night? Someone he could talk to and depend on. She’d patch his wounds for him and kiss them after. She’d hold his hands and listen to what would make him feel better. If he needed to relieve his stress or anger, she would be there for him. She started to think further into the dreams she had last night. ‘He had come back to her apartment when the other girls were expected to be home late. Her hands found him and searched for any wounds on his body, none having been found. He just came by for her. He wanted to stay the night claiming he needed to give her something. He leaned into her, putting his hands around her waist pulling her close. Her hands finding their way around his neck. She could tell he was aroused by her. His mind being filled with different ways he could please her. She was the one who initiated the kiss this time. Being as rough as she could be with him. His hands gripped her harder, going down her thighs and picking her up. He led her to the bed, laying her down without bringing his lips off of her. Her hands traveled to his hair, pulling lightly, receiving a soft groan from his lips. Her eyes had been closed since the moment his hands touched her. When she opened them an unexpected face greeted her. Matt! What was he doing in the suit? Maybe Jenevieve was letting her subconscious think about who she spent most of her time with these days. Sure over the past few weeks, they had been in the office together after hours, getting lunch together and what not. But that meant nothing… Right?!! Surely she wouldn’t be thinking about her boss in such a way. Before she could have her fantasy answered, her alarm went off.’ 
Matt could feel a shift in the air next to him. It was coming from Jenevieve. “She was just nervous a second ago. And now she’s… aroused? No, no!! It’s- It’s just her nerves. What is she even thinking about? WHO! Is she thinking about?” Matt looked over in her direction. Seeing his head turn in her peripheral made her jump slightly. She had been sitting here for almost an hour and a half thinking about what Daredevil and Matt could’ve done to her in that dream. “AND RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! OH MY GOD! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER JENEVIEVE. The guy pays for a few meals and asks for your help with work and all of a sudden you're having wet dreams about him? And what happened with Daredevil? I mean sure, I’ve only known him for a few hours, but at least I don’t actually know him. UGH!” She shakes her head when Matt squeezes her hand. “Are you okay? Your hands are getting a little sweaty” She leans back over to him, “Umm… yeah. Yeah, I’m all good. Was just thinking about what the jury is thinking y’know. Trying to get into their headspace and everything.” She looks down at his hand. The same ones she was just daydreaming about holding her. Granted they were in someone else’s red suit with matching gloves, but they were still his, right? Matt only nods, feeling her getting more and more aroused. “What could she possibly be thinking about right now. Nothing’s happened except- me… kissing her… cheek. last night. But that was nothing. It was friendly. And she doesn’t know that was me, right? Is she thinking about the “other guy”? Pshh, no, of course not. Why would she… Right?!” Matt rubs his thumb over one of her hands, trying desperately to focus back on the trial and not the delicious smell emitting from Jenevieve. 
“The jury has reached a verdict, and we find the defendant… Not guilty.” The judge says, finally ending the trial. Jenevieve lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. She had sat through the entire trial with two things on her mind. Matt and her new devil friend. Foggy taps her shoulder, “Are you gonna stay here all night, Jeni? You’re allowed to move now.” She shakes her head laughing as she stands. “Sorry. I guess, I just can’t believe we won.” “Well, believe it kiddo. Even though you didn’t speak, you still did amazing today. Your notes were perfect.” They continue talking as they walk to the front of the courthouse. “Today was great! We should celebrate! We should celebrate at Josie’s tonight!” Foggy claps his hands together. “Josie’s? Who’s that?” Jenevieve looks up. “Josie’s is a bar that Foggy and I have been going to since college. You should come out with us. It would be fun.” She tucks her hair back. “I don’t know guys. I don’t really drink much.” Foggy nods, “Well you don’t have to drink. We could just sit and hang out. We could play pool or something, but I have to warn you. Matt and Karen are pretty damn good at it.” She laughs a little. Karen pipes in, “As fun as that sounds, I can’t tonight. I have some… things to take care of. We did do great today though. Another win for the books, right? I’ll see you guys next week.” She smiles. Everyone waves goodbye, looking in Karen’s direction. Jenevieve turns back to Foggy and Matt. “I mean, it is a Friday night and my roommates are getting home late tonight anyway. I guess I could tag along, Fog.” Jeni thinks it over. Foggy quietly fist pumps. “Okay, great! Let’s catch a cab and head over there then.” 
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kickmag · 11 months
Throwback: Wyclef Jean-Guantanamera featuring Celia Cruz, Lauryn Hill & Jeni Fujita
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Wyclef Jean's version of "Guantanmera" featuring Queen of Salsa Celia Cruz, Lauryn Hill and Jeni Fujita appears on his first solo album, Wyclef Jean Presents The Carnival. Cruz had recorded the song about Cuban patriotism several times before working with Jean on his version. He changed the lyrics to a tale about a beautiful woman, and Hill rapped about her power over men. Culturally, "Guantanamera" had Cuban, Haitian, and African-American references, making Jean's tribute unlike any other. The video was played heavily on MTV, and the single received a Grammy nomination. The Carnival was critically acclaimed and it performed by music industry metrics. But most importantly, the album connected with people worldwide and Jean created a legendary collaboration with Cruz. Jean's solo debut does not sound like any other rap album and "Guanatanamera" is still a favorite from his catalog because of its warmth and originality. Jean released Wyclef Goes Back To School Volume 1 in 2019, and it is his is 9th solo album. The Fugees reunited at The Roots' 2023 picnic for the first time since their 2021 Global Citizen Festival performance. 
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
*Mother Odd and Afareet walk together into Lebone’s hut. Standing with the Demigod was his beloved, Erebosa, The Three Oracles, Umbriel, and the spirit of Astara. Afareet gently pats Mother Odd’s hand before stepping forward with his wife. *
“I believe you wanted to see us. This is quite a large gathering. What has happened?”
*Prez takes a deep breath before levitating forward to address his Lord and Lady. He and the rest of his brothers look troubled. *
“You see, Lord Afareet… Lady Odd. We got some information on the issue at hand. After some consultation with Umbriel, and with confirmation from Mama Jeni and Astara, we've made a huge discovery that we need to fill you in on.
Y’see my divine ones… It would appear that the Brood Father’s parasitic nature doesn’t just allow to control their host as a puppet, but he can also alter memories of others. In a way…he’s completely re-written certain histories with this ability.
Lady Odd, remember when you told Seraphim about when Noddaba had that accident when Lebone was a baby? Twisting his head off like that? That never happened. It’s a false memory you’ve been carrying that taints Noddaba’s reputation and image…he’s made it so no one can trust him. He’s tried to make it so no one would want to save or spare him in the event he got his ties severed from the parasite.”
*Mother Odd looks to Afareet in shock, she tries to choke out the words, but the struggle is clear in her voice. *
“You mean…??? Just how much of our memories are fake…!?”
“We don’t know yet, my divine lady. Pats has been digging through the threads to discover just how much has been lies or altered. Even we had fallen under the influence of the dark parasite…. when we were still connected to Gabriel. We were much different before. Cold, uncaring… Now that we and Gabriel have been removed from the influence, we have been able to return to our true selves…just like Gabriel has been able to, and Lebone is still trying to do.”
*Mother Odd looks over to Lebone to find his gaze immediately turns away from hers. Mother Odd only gives a weakened sigh and turns her attention back to the assembly. *
“Guard the threads now, dear oracles. Do not let them fray anymore than they already have.”
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pissmd · 9 months
1a. Question Jeni Roberts asks is whether Former Lover had indeed in their past relationship ever fantasized about other women during lovemaking w/ her. 1a(1) Inserted at beginning of question is participial phrase ‘After apologizing for how irrational and inappropriate it might sound after all this time…’ 1b. At some point during J.’s question, J. follows F.L.’s gaze out fast-food window & sees husband’s special vanity license plate among vehicles in Adult World lot: → epiphany. Epiph unfolds more or less independently as facially asymmetric F.L. responds to J.’s question. 1c. Flat narr description of J.’s sudden pallor & inability to hold decaf steady as J. undergoes sddn blndng realization that hsbnd is a Secret Compulsive Masturbator & that insomnia/yen is cover for secret trips to Adult World to purchase/view/masturbate self raw to XXX films & images & that suspicions of hsbnd’s ambivalence about ‘sexlife together’ have in fact been prescient intuitions & that hsbnd has clearly been suffering from inner deficits/psychic pain of which J.’s own self-conscious anxieties have kept her from having any real idea [point of view (1c) all objective, exterior desc only]. 2a. Meanwhile F.L. is answering J.’s orig question in vehement neg, tears appearing in eye: holy shit no, god, no, no, never, had loved her always, was never as fully ‘there’ as when he & J. were making love [if in J.’s p.o.v., insert ‘together’ after ‘love’].
— David Foster Wallace, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
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jenysmithnews · 1 year
Welcome back to part 2 of my review of Crazy SPA
(*review from Heather)
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So we left Jeny strutting her stuff naked on the sundeck. Now she and Alex have returned to the outdoor pool area ànd Alex has taken Jeny's bikini bottoms and gone to hide them. Returning he sees that a guy is now chatting to Jeny (who, in case you weß only wearing a bikini top!) whilst standing in the pool. Seeing Alex returning, Jeny then releases one of her fabulous breasts from its cover and moments later both breasts. All this is happening under water so to the casual observer nothing untoward is taking place. They carry on talking whilst Jeny begins to float to the surface. Before all is revealed however, the guy swims away. Jeny then goes to the sundeck to make a selfie vjdeo and we get to watch the Queen of tease in her natural environment, she strips naked again and just looks so relaxed as Jeny dances with the warmth of the sun playing across her fabulous body.
Alex has meanwhile gone to the bar to get Jeny some water and on his return, finds Jeny in a hot tub and chatting, again, with the guy she had met earlier. There follows a series of moves as Jeny 'accidentally' bumps against the hand of the lucky guy. Alex joins in the fun by turning Jeny over and strokes one of her nipples while the other guy slides his hand over her stomach (at one stage it looks as if he will slip his fingers beneath the bottom of Jeny's bikini) At that moment his girlfriend appears and all thoughts of further fun is put on hold.........that is until Jeny explains to her what they have been doing and the girlfriend finds the whole thing exciting and agrees to joining them all in the hot tub. Alex asks if she will be videod bottomless with Jeny.
We wait to hear her response with baited breath. Yes, she says! Remember all that is about to happen is under water and takes place in a public spa!
The girlfriend ànd Jeny slip the bottoms off and all the pubic hair on show is Jeny's tiny landing strip as the other girl is hair free. We watch as they cuddle each other and if that was not sufficient the girlfriend releases Jeny's breasts and Jeny soon has her hands on her friends breasts. This leads to them both removing the others tops. There they are, both naked in a public spa and we see them stroking each other's breasts concentrating on nipples and then fondling each others bare butts.
They all decide that because of the noise coming from the jets of water they must stop before they are caught and arrested. It remains to be seen as to whether they are seen together again, fingers crossed ! So hopefully there will be a part 3!
*Read the first part here:
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slotthailandindo · 1 year
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Ok. Soo. Issue 141 was truely a blast. The amount of set up was glorious , and, seeing who the main bad guy is at the moment, the return of Venus was expected, to say the least. God knows, she has some unfinished business with him ...and from the looks of things, that can be also be said about Alopex , seeing that thanks to D.B. , Leatherhead now has Mushroom!
Also. I hate the fact that I was right about her being the victim . She always was the most sweet and kind among her sisters ..and, that's a big No, no in that city from the looks of things.
Now. I just have a few questions about some parts of this issue.
1. Way did Zink and Zanna attacked Jen and Raph? I know that the Zink saide something about "little bads here" and "Red ones" ...was that the resone way she started to attack Raph? She thought they were the "bads"? ...or is this thanks to Alopex little speech from issue 140 ? I mean, they stop and they were not aggressive towards the two enymore ,but, still, that first reaction was strange to me.
PS. Both Raph and Jeny didn't seem as shocked as I thought, to see the children they have taken care of, for some time ,being here...after they thought they were dead . Just saying.
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2. Speaking of Alopex ...where in God's green earth is she ? She was the clan leader right? I thought she wanted to keep a eye on them, especially after everything that happened . I don't say she would had stop this abduction from happening iven if she was there ..all I say is that she maithe not know really what she got himself into . From issue 140 she seems to not be in control at all with the little ones , which makes sens, seeing that iven in Splinter clan, they could hardly all keep an eye on them . Let alone now. When on her own. I hope she achieve slowly but surely ,that this is a dangerous road she is on , and, I am pretty sure she still doesn't wana end up as was told in the dark future, if past issues are still something to take into consideresion. Espasaly when you have 3 little kids whit you as well ,on that very rickety path . Interesting how next issues will play out, seeing that in 142, Angel will also be part of the fun.
3. ...Wtf are these things and how did that ugly Doc get them ? ( also..how dose he get more ugly whit evrey new appearance ? Like...the art its gorgeous in every way...but, this Doc looks more and more hideous every time I see him. ).
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They are made for some sort of mind control ,seeing what is happening to poor Leatherhead. Tho...that has to be something that Rat King did befor the end of the game. It has his signature all over both those things tbh. Also. If that Rat Face hurts Mushroom, he will wish to have remained under the ruins of his old laboratory.
Other then those little curiosities , this was one interesting and captivating issue.
Next issue, will sure be one that many fans cant wait to read, espasaly from the moment its description has been announced . That maithe also go for 143 as well. All I can say for now , is that the plot just got wild .
Glad you liked the new issue! :D Thanks!
What do you mean that thanks to DB, Leatherhead now has Mushroom? What does it have to do with him? Also DB was killed back in issue 130! Not sure what you meant there.
Zink and Zanna attacked Raph and Jenny because they think that's what Alopex would want them to do, and because they're always kind of aggressive and fighty when they're hungry. Nobody still thought the Weasels were dead, though, they're all aware Alopex is with them at this point.
Next issue will touch on where Alopex is and why the Weasels are out and about by themselves. She definitely does not have control over them, they pretty much go wherever they want no matter how hard Alopex, the Turtles, or Hob try to wrangle them!
More will be revealed in the next few issues about Jasper's new minions. ;)
Thanks again for reading and for reaching out with your thoughts! :)
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travelinghobby · 1 year
43 Best Spring Cocktails To Enjoy All Season Long
There’s nothing like the first truly warm days of spring—the ones that free you from the confines of your trusty, weatherbeaten down coat. And in our household the arrival of the new season means many things: My husband breaks out his many sherbet-colored trousers, Jeni’s Buttercream Birthday Cake ice cream starts to make a regular appearance in our dessert rotation, and our thrice-weekly early…
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that1fangirrl · 8 months
Angel- Chapter 4
Matt knew something was wrong before Jenevieve walked through the doors of the building. Under her light floral perfume and 3 day washed out vanilla mint shampoo, she smelled of anxiety. “Good morning everybody.” She says in a quiet voice. “Why the long face Jen?” Foggy asks, coming to sit next to her at the main table. “My parents. They’re having another one of their stupid charity events.” She puts her head down. “What could be so bad about that? You guys are raising money for good, right?” “Well, yeah. It’s just annoying. I always have to make an appearance and act all happy around a bunch of old rich people. I hated it when I was young and it’s only gotten worse.” She sighs. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to dump all this on you guys. It’s just really hard having to be around a bunch of people. Especially if I don’t know them well.” Matt frowns. “Do you get to bring a friend? Maybe that could help you get through the night a little faster. How about that friend from the cafe? Jubilee?” She rubs her eyes. “She’s going to visit some family members. And Ororo has a shift that night. So, I’m basically gonna be alone the whole night.” Her anxiety picks up. “I'm free. What day is it?” Matt asks with a small smile. She smiles back. “You’re too kind. I can’t force you to do that though. It wouldn’t feel right.” Foggy chimes in, “Believe it or not. Matt is the best person to take. I’d go, but I have a date with Marci.” “Um, okay then. Are you sure you want to Matt? It’s gonna be a room full of annoying assholes… and my family.” “I deal with “annoying assholes” everyday, remember? I am a lawyer. Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure we have a good time.” His smile gets bigger as he hears her heart skip a beat. She blushes a little. Foggy watches as they interact with him seemingly pushed to the back of their minds. “Right. Okay. Great! Do you have a favorite color by any chance? Maybe we could match or something.” “I’m sure you’ll look great in anything. But since you asked, red is my signature color.” He pushes up his glasses a little. “Perfect! I’ll, um… let you know more later on.” She stares for a minute. “I should get to organizing the file cabinet.” She says, getting up to walk away with  reddened cheeks. “What was that all about?” Foggy turns to Matt with a knowing look. “What? I just offered to go cause she seemed anxious. I wanted to make her feel more comfortable.” “Sure you did. Have fun with making my favorite intern “feel more comfortable”.” Foggy gets up heading to his desk. 
“He WHAT?!” Jean says with big eyes. The rest of the day at the firm was quiet, but fast. The last couple of weeks had been the exact same as they prepared for their newest case.  Jenevieve had lost count of how much she went back and forth between printing and filing for Foggy and Matt. Karen doesn’t ask her for much. Only asking if she’s hungry or wanting another coffee to get her through the day. When Jenevieve got home today, she was greeted with the sight of her best friends, Jean Grey and Scott Summers, sitting on her couch with her roommates. The two had come to visit the trio as a surprise. Since they were there,  Jeni decided to fill them in on everything that had taken place earlier that morning. “That’s what I said. What if this is his subtle way of asking you out?” Jubilee says with a Cheshire smile. Jeni turns pink and looks away from the group. “He is not. It’s just two colleagues going to an event. He’s still my boss at the end of the day. It would probably be weird if our relationship wasn’t just that.” She says, although she can't help but think about what it would be like if she did date Matt. “You never know. You guys look kinda hot coming into the cafe everyday. Like real couple shit.He always tries to pay for you, he keeps his hands to himself, and if I didn’t know any better, I'd say he leaves his cane at the firm so you can touch his massive arms. Like damn, how does a blind man get that snatched? If he weren’t blind, I’d say we would’ve had him as a guest teacher for training class. The guy is ripped.” Jubilee fans herself biting her lip at Jeni. “Wait, wait. He’s ripped and blind? What does he look like?” Jeni pulls out her phone, scrolling to a selfie she took with him for her mom. The two were seen smiling slightly. Jeni holding the camera up in one hand and a peace sign on the other. “Fuck! Are you sure he’s blind? What if he just fakes it to get bitches or something?” Scott says leaning over Jean to get a better view of the picture. “Trust me. He is. It was a big story in the paper a long time ago. He was like 9 and got chemicals in his eyes after trying to save some guy. It was super heroic and shit.” Jenevieve exclaimed to her friends. The group stares at her. “What?” Jean shakes her head. “Have you tried touching his hands to see anything else about him?” Jenevieve’s smile drops. “No. You know I hate doing that. Besides, how do you even do that? “Hey Matt, not to be weird or anything, but could I hold your hands really quick?” Ew, I can’t even- No, just no. I’m never doing that again.” She shivers a little. “Right, sorry.” The girls share a quick smile. “It’s fine. Um, I should probably get to bed though. I have to get to the office kinda early tomorrow. We’re preparing for a new case. Uh. Goodnight guys. I love you.” She hugs them all individually. Then walks away towards her bathroom, drawing herself a bath. She takes off her glasses and clothes. She massages her scalp as her hair flows down her back. She steps into the bath, taking a seat in the warm water with her legs to her chest. As she hugs herself, she begins to cry a little. Her hand flys to her mouth trying to keep her sobs to herself. She hopes no one can hear her. Luckily her friends didn’t. Unfortunately, someone else did. 
author's note: honestly i hate this chapter. it just feels off and boring. idk maybe too expositional too
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mortgagelanxau · 2 years
Verdana font family html code
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#Verdana font family html code code#
Instead, please use the link flairs.īreaking rule 1 will result in an immediate ban, ranging from two days to permanent depending on the severity. Posts will be hidden until they have link flair.ĭo not use in-title tags (such as ). This includes sharing affiliate links to hosting providers or other, and when doing so you must also provide a non-affilate link.Īll posts must use the link flair. They are among the oldest type of fonts in existence, having been around since the year 1200. Serif fonts are the old-style, or traditional-looking fonts. Fonts in the same family will share common traits in their designs. When linking in a comment to a post on your own blog, or some other website that you are involved in (even if it's not commercial) you must make it clear that you are involved in the site. All fonts fall into a distinct category of fonts, called families.
#Verdana font family html code code#
When posting code, if your code is more than five lines long please create a jsFiddle for it. This includes anything from editing an email template used by a company to duplicating and/or editing an entire website. Read more about this change here.ĭo not request help forging/editing websites or emails. Untuk itu pada kesempatan kali ini akan dibahas bagaimana cara menentukan jenis font pada CSS dan contoh penggunannya. CSS memiliki banyak sekali properti yang dapat digunakan untuk memperindah tampilan halaman web, salah satu contohnya adalah properti yang mengatur fonts. Note You can check a complete list of HTML Color Name with Codes. Font Family di CSS: Cara Membuat dan Contoh Sintaknya. You can specify the color that you want by either the color name or hexadecimal code for that color. You can set any font color you like using color attribute. New Rule (21/05/14): All questions must now have a JSFiddle link. Note Check a complete list of HTML Standard Fonts. Links intended for advertising are not allowed and will be deleted.
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Surround inline code with backquotes ( `) Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more. Start each line of code with 4 spaces to get code block formatting. If you have lots of code, create a JSFiddle and link to it.The still appear in serif font and not Verdana.
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Then update client web service,After the update, the following changes are made web.Discuss, share, ask, learn and teach HTML. I am on Windows 10 and have changed font-family in User Settings as follows: 'editor.fontFamily': 'Verdana' Unfortunately, this change does not effect existing. But it doesn't work on production server.Īdd the following code to the web.config server project We also took same code from production server along with all configuration and deployed it on QA server (having same OS configuration) and it was working. Jahith's Tech Sharing: The content type text/html charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match NET Framework 3.0 node, select and then expand it.Ĭontent type (text/xml vs application/soap+xml) issue | The ASP.NET Forums However, we do have a talented Design Team that can create custom HTML coding for you for an additional fee. On the Tasks menu, click Turn Windows features on or off.Ĥ. Due to the Code Your Own (CYO) format, its crucial that the person creating this type of campaign is experienced with HTML code because Emma does not offer direct support for customer-created code. Click Programs, and then click Programs and Features.ģ. Click the Start button, and then click Control Panel.Ģ.
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To install the WCF non-HTTP activation componentsġ. We are using Windows server 2003 for hosting WCF service.īut I couldn't find below options in windows server 2003. The first 1024 bytes of the response were: '#contentMyService Service
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