beanetto · 1 month
of course it’s Seb
he knows
he REALLY knows
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lokidokieokie · 2 years
Ever The Gentleman
Request by Nonny: Love ur Hiddles fics ❤️ Had an idea for a fic where reader is an actress working with Tom and he notices she's not feeling well. Later he notices a blood stain on the back of her pants and realises why she wasn't well and helps her out so she isn't embarrassed. And of course he's such a gentleman about the whole situation.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Actress!Reader
Warning(s): Period things, Tom being a gentlemen, idk man probably some other things I can't think of...
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For Tom, today on set had pretty much been a blast...until it wasn't.
He started off in hair and makeup; cracking jokes with Jeni and Abigail the artist and stylist assigned to him. They truly were lovely people--especially when they encouraged his corny "dad" jokes for hours on end.
Then he moved onto wardrobe, where he proceeded to clown around for an hour; whether it be by singing the lyrics to some his favourite renditions of Hank Williams' songs (yes, with the accent), or insisting that he be able to run around the studio to prepare a prank for this "brother from another mother."
The day was going extremely well; it felt like nothing to steal its thunder...
But when he made it onto the sound stage, there was a disturbance in the force; and all it took was a quick glance at you to figure out what it was.
Instead of the usual cheery smile that graced your exquisite face was a frown that could eerily resemble Loki's. A frown of his own flashed across his features; what was upsetting you?
Making his way towards you, he tried to figure out what it could be.
Maybe it's just one of those days where everything goes wrong? Highly unlikely; you were extremely organised; it took a lot for everything to go wrong for you.
Maybe she received some bad news? There was that one roll you were really looking forward to; maybe you didn't get the part?
All possible scenarios came to an abrupt stop when he reached you.
"Are you alright, Darling? You don't look well."
You shifted to face him, "I'm fine, Tommy." He rolled his eyes. You were the only one that could get away with that ridiculous nickname.
"Stop deflecting with that hideous nickname, Darling. I know something is wrong. Your beautiful smile that could rival Asgard itself hasn't graced me with it's presence today."
You slightly smiled at him, "I promise, I'm fine, Tom."
He huffed, "I may only play the God of Lies, but even I could see that you were fibbing."
You chuckled, your radiant smile almost fully appearing.
"Everything is fine Tom, truly. It's just my-"
"Alright my sugar plums, places!"
Tom frowned. Taika truly had the worst timing possible. He vowed to himself then and there that we was going to get to the bottom of this, that he was certain of.
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The next time Tom saw you out of a scene was at the end of the day, when you were both heading towards the hair and makeup trailer.
There you were, leaning against the trailer door, probably complimenting the stylists for the umpteenth time today.
He barely managed to hear your "You both do outstanding work, I hope you know that" compliment, but smiled nonetheless. You truly were amazing.
As he began to walk up behind you to join your conversation, it took him all but a few seconds to figure out what had gotten you into your unhappy mood today.
A small little red patch--of what he was assuming was blood--on the back of your pants. Light bulbs went off in his head when he realised why you were feeling unwell today.
With a frown, he made his way over to you and hugged you from behind; achieving a giggle from you.
"Yes Tommy?"
He kissed your cheek and began whispering in your ear.
"Darling, don't be alarmed but you've leaked through your pants."
He felt you blanche and watched as your face drained of it's colour. You began struggling in his arms, trying to escape.
He continued whispering, "It's alright Darling. I'm going to give you my sweater. It should hopefully cover everything."
A subtle nod was all you offered. With that he began rubbing your arms.
"Darling, you're freezing." He quickly pulled off his sweater, "Please, put it on."
You gave him a watery smile and swiftly put it on. And what do you know, it was just oversized enough to cover everything.
Before he could blink, you had spun around and pulled him into a proper hug. Your hands wrapping tightly around his waist as his arms made their way around your shoulders.
"Thank you, Tommy."
He just smiled, nuzzled his nose into your hair and pulled you closer.
The both of you were too caught up in your own little bubble to see that Jeni and Abigail had their matchmaking smiles on...
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A/N I’m so sorry this took so long for me to get out. I kind of neglected writing for the whole of October 😬 
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zingaplanet · 11 months
Absolutely hilarious to me that Tom Hiddleston, realising Owen Wilson knew zit nada bout the MCU, gave him a full community college crash course on the entire universe's storyline complete with flashcards, powerpoints, videos, and visual effects.
Then when he started to lose Owen to afternoon naps, literally started crashing into his hotel room for revision time, bringing the 'Loki notes' he made him do, and basically denying him sleep for weeks??
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elennemigo · 11 months
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Benedict will be attending the Tokyo Comic Con for the first time this year.
This is old news but i was immersed in Giftober and couldn't share the news here. My apologies.
The event takes place from December 8 to 10, and it's expected his presence all 3 days.
He will take pictures with fans and sign autographs. (for more info about this, please, visit the site cited in the source)
Have fun everyone assisting! 😃
BREAKING: Benedict's bestie, Tom Hiddleston (a.k.a. Hiddlebum) will be attending this comic-con too! 😄
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
one look and they'll know
See my full list of works here!
Summary: You go to work on the set of Thor Ragnarok one day and you're greeted with the sight of one Tom Hiddleston on his knees and your coworkers whispering about how he perfected his posture.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warning/s: implied smut (there's like 2 paragraphs that talks about it), mentions of BDSM terms, talks about throat grabbing, cussing, and a potentially Domme!Reader that doesn't know her power [if i missed anything let me know!]
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Working as a set designer on a movie set meant that every day could either be agonizingly monotonous, or no two days would ever be the same. There was this one TV episode you worked on where majority of the project took place in an interrogation room, so there was next to nothing for you to do besides making sure that continuity errors were minimized or even completely avoided.
This project…was not agonizingly monotonous. By some stroke of luck, you'd landed a gig as a set designer for Thor: Ragnarok, and now you were working on sets that would be walked on by the likes of Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, and--fucking Christ on a crutch--Tom Hiddleston.
When you decided to leave your day job of weekly software patches and bug fixes and the ever droning minutiae of daily updates that really gave you nothing except migraines and a bad habit of stress-eating for a chance at a career in the entertainment industry, did you ever think it would lead you here? Absolutely not. Truthfully, you were content with the interrogation rooms, but this? This was a pipe dream.
"Ah. Morning, Y/N," you heard the moment you stepped on set from Taika, currently dressed in a skin-tight spandex gray CGI suit with a giant Korg head harnessed atop his shoulders. "We sourced enough sugar glass bottles for Tessa to throw in Tom's general direction today, yeah?" 
"Well I got five dozen so…we should be good," you shot back with a chuckle. You knew full well what the cast and crew got up to when sugar glass was involved. Mostly smashing it on each other's heads and making some great takes for the blooper reel.
"Awesome. I'll see you there." With a wave you started walking toward your fellow set designers, currently glancing and giggling at one of the Sakaar sets.
"Alright, what's got your panties wet this time?" you called out to your coworkers. 
Bryan, a lanky guy slightly taller than you motioned toward the set. "Look at Hiddlebum." 
"I'd really rather not, you know that I trip on air the second I even glance in his direction," you shot back. "I can't keep my dignity around that man, let alone my sanity. Don't tell me to look at him." 
"He's not gonna look back," Denise, a curvy redhead and one of your closer friends on set, commented in a sing song tone. "Trust me, boss, you're gonna wanna look." 
With a huff, you glanced toward the set and you could wear that your heart turned to solid lead and then jumped out of your chest and straight to the ground. Lord have mercy, you were not ready for the image of Tom in his dark blue-green leather getup, wrapped in gold chains, on his fucking knees, back perfectly straight, and head tilted down to the floor.
The sound that came out of your mouth did not sound ladylike. Hell, it didn't even sound human. 
"Do you think he's--?" Denise started.
"Ohh he definitely is, I mean look at that posture! You don't get there from looking up one picture, you get there from practice and meticulous correction. This man's a sub."
"Sorry, a what?" You were now officially, thoroughly, confused.
"Submissive," Bryan explained to you. "It's a whole thing that needs a 6-hour crash course and a 40+ slide Powerpoint presentation, but for your immediate knowledge, madam, it means he likes being ordered around in the bedroom." 
"So what? Like strip? Slowly? Walk over to me, come to momma type shit?” 
"I'm shocked how quickly you got the vibe, boss," Denise quipped. "Bry, what if she's a domme?"
"A what??" you nearly shrieked. "You think I'm the one who says 'strip slowly and sit down like a good boy and don't move a muscle while I ride you'?" You took a breath to calm yourself. "You're fucking insane, the lot of you."
"Again, you got the vibes, boss. The more you joke about it the more I'm convinced that it's in your DNA."
You let out a frustrated exhale. "Alright you two knuckleheads, look at me." Your voice dropped half an octave and became fuller as you said the last bit, using a tone you hadn't taken out ever since you resigned from the testosterone-laden world of software development. 
"Yes, goddess?" Your blood froze over as you heard the soft spoken words. There was no way it was…No. 
You looked at Bryan and Denise, both with matching expressions of wide-eyed scandalous amusement on their faces, as they shifted their gaze back and forth between you and Tom. Slowly you moved your gaze back to the set, your breath catching in your throat in an ugly inhuman sound as you saw the steel-blue eyes that haunted your filthiest, wettest, most vivid fantasies…staring straight at you. 
"I-I-I uhm…" you stammered, your voice returning to your normal tone, losing your footing despite being completely stationary. "I was talking to these knuckleheads, s-sorry Tom." You took a steadying breath. "As you were." You mentally smacked yourself as your 'programmer BossLady' voice came out again, your eyes widening in complete shock as he wordlessly followed your instructions and resumed to look down at the floor. 
"Confirmed," Bryan stage whispered to you and Denise. "He's a sub, and we've been silently submitting to Y/N all this time. I mean…Madam." You groaned at his words. 
"You two," you hissed at them. "Let me fucking tell you, I am the farthest thing from a madam. Or a goddess or whatever it was that he called me." You inwardly shuddered at the memory, although if you were being honest it wasn't from shock or disgust. It was from arousal. "My life is unbelievably, annoyingly, dreadfully…vanilla."
Denise giggled. "But you know the jargon? Uh huh. Sure, boss."
You rolled your eyes at her. "Bitch please, I read Fifty Shades. The smut. The toe-curling filth found in the wonder that is Kindle Unlimited. The fanfiction written about that fine-ass man on his knees over there," you whispered the last part in a hiss. "But I digress. The point is that my brain may be filthy, and it may be filled with very vivid fantasies of that very same man on his knees right now, but real life Y/N? Yeah. No."
"Maybe no man ever rose to the challenge," Bryan teased. "You think Hiddlebum would?" 
"That's not a direction my brain ever wants to go unless I'm already in bed, in my birthday suit, legs spread, with a toy in my hand," you shot back without missing a beat. "As for no man ever rising to the challenge?" You leaned in close to their ears. "I can't even get a guy to go down on me because every guy I ever dated or even just fucked said they never do it with anyone because it tastes weird. And don't get me started on the ones that practically bolt out of my hotel room naked when I ask them to put a hand on my throat."
"Maybe you're just talking to the wrong boys, Y/N." You turned around to see that Chris had joined your conversation with a smug look on his face. "You have to start talking to men. Perhaps then your luck will turn."
"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop on conversations that don't have shit to do with you, Hemsy?" you shot back with an amused smile. You couldn't ever really be mad at the guy who resembled a walking talking 6'4 teddy bear. It was physically impossible. "Good morning."
"Good morning, indeed," he chuckled, turning his attention to the Sakaaran set. "Beautiful posture there, Tom! Absolutely exquisite," he hollered, causing the British man to let out several chuckles.
"Ehehehehe, sod off, Chris." He looked up from his position, most likely intending to glare at Chris, but instead his eyes met yours, and you felt this inexplicable pull towards him. No. Wait. Back up a bit. You felt as if there was this inexplicable force pulling him towards you. You tilted your head the slightest bit, as if questioning him and his tethering gaze, your eyes once again widening in total shock as he responded with turning his head towards the floor in a bow once again.
"Erm…what the fuck was that?" Chris asked, poking your shoulder repeatedly. "It's like you broke him, tiny terror." 
"Me?? Broke him??" you hissed as you turned around to glare at the towering Australian. "I'm the one who's fifty shades of fucking confused here!" 
"You may be, but I've never seen him fold for a woman like that in the entire time I've known him. With a tilt of your head, no less. No wonder your people call you 'madam'. Maybe I should call you that--"
"Don't even fucking think about it, Hemsworth." Your tone from earlier had returned, the one you tried to keep locked away since you gave your resignation letter to your final day job two years ago. A tone you'd once been confused as to why it could cause all those bravado-filled middle-aged men to fold and actually listen to you, well now you had an inkling. 
The tone was domineering. It allowed no room for counter-arguments; perhaps you were right about the words that you were uttering, but also perhaps you weren't, but your tone didn't demand their subservience, it just took. And while it worked in conference rooms and face offs with no less than senior management of the client companies you'd dealt with, never once did you think to use it in the bedroom.
You never realized it was an option.
"Where's Taika?" you asked after taking a few deep breaths to recenter your brain. This was gonna be one of those days, the type that you'd never forget even when you were an octogenarian and you'd  have trouble remembering if you've even eaten for the day. "I have to tell him we can't have the scene set up like this." 
"Why not, lil mayhem?" You turned and once again saw the ridiculous gray CGI spandex that Taika was decked out in, but thankfully now without the gigantic Korg head so at least you were no longer confused where you should be staring. 
"Because people are gonna take one look at him and they're gonna know," you explained, pointing towards the set at the kneeling Loki. 
The director looked at you, clearly confused. "Know what?" 
"Ohh this will be delicious," Denise all but moaned. "Watch this," she told Taika as she turned back to you. "Tell him to straighten his back." 
"This feels like I'm exploiting him somehow, you do it." 
"He's not gonna listen to me, I don't have the voice," she teased back, and then sighed. "The sooner you convince Taika, the sooner we can fix the scene." 
"Ugh, fine. Taika? Look at Tom." You took another breath, finding that voice once again in no time. "Straighten your back." Once again, your breath caught in your throat with a hideous sound as you watched him wordlessly follow your instructions. "That's what I mean," you addressed Taika once more. "People take one look at that scene, see his posture and--"
"Apologies, goddess." 
It felt like your spine had been replaced with pure ice as you watched Taika's jaw go slack, heard Chris choking on air in the background, and your two fellow set designers and friends start giggling once more as soon as the soft-spoken words were uttered from the mouth of one Thomas William Hiddleston.
"What did you call me??" 
"Ohh I think we know what he called you. Goddess," Taika taunted. "Right then, we need to get this man off his knees," he said, turning to the crew and giving them instructions to reset the scene.
"So what? We're gonna have him stand now?" one of the assistant producers sneered. "Way to take us out of the moment, Y/L/N. Fucking buzzkill," she muttered.
"I'm not telling you to make him stand, I'm just telling you to get him off his knees," you countered. "It's not my fault that your comprehension's lacking." 
The assistant started to make a motion towards you as if you bitch slap you, but the director stood in her way. "Don't even think about it. That's a one way ticket to Tom's shit list if you lay a hand on her," he threatened, and you watched as the AP looked over to the corner of the set with wide eyes. When you followed her gaze, your eyes widened as well at the sight of Tom with a borderline murderous look in his eyes. 
"Don't," he said simply. The AP backed off, muttering something about favoritism that you couldn't quite catch. 
"Alright then, lil mayhem, this is your idea. Run the show." You stared at Taika with incredulity. "You're the one who wants him off his knees? You get him off his knees. Call the shots."
You scrambled for ideas. "A chair?"
"Sorry, madam, we got nothing in props that could even look like it belongs in Sakaar. And I already know what you're gonna say, the Sakaaran standards are literally on the floor but still. A proper looking dining table chair will not fit the vibe." 
You glared at Bryan. "Then get me a cement block, a wooden platform. A fucking concrete slab. Anything, just get this man off his knees." You turned back to face Taika. "Legally, who can I yell at here without an HR violation?"
"Just those two." He pointed at your set designers. "You are their superior after all." 
You turned back to the dawdling set designers, staring at the scene laid out before them with amused looks on their faces. "Find me something." They kept staring. "NOW!!" They ran off to props like headless chickens, making both Chris and Taika break out in chuckles.
"Remind me to never get on your bad side, tiny terror," the giant Australian told you before proceeding to pat you on the head like a ferocious and yet annoyingly fluffy guard dog. "Hey Tom you can get off your knees now, you kinky little shit!" he hollered, chuckling. After a few moments he started again. "Ah, shit, Y/N be a dear? Seems he won't listen to anyone but you when he's like this." 
You groaned. "For fuck's sake," you murmured before taking another deep breath, slipping into your natural voice once more. "Stand up." The next moments felt like a sucker punch to your entire system as he once again followed your instructions, afterward stealing a glance at your direction with the softest look in his eyes and a sweet smile that left you completely breathless.
What was he up to? Why was he acting like this?
Fifteen minutes later, Bryan and Denise came rushing back in with a platform box painted a distressed teal setting it down on the ground near the now standing Tom.
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The next 13 hours of the day were comparatively less eventful than the start of your day. Rearranging sets, reviewing shots for possible continuity errors that you were sure Twitter would crucify you all for if they caught wind of it, and the occasional bitchy stare down with that PA from earlier this morning who tried to smack you for daring to mock her comprehension skills.
"Let's call it for the day, everybody!" Taika hollered from his director chair, now thankfully wearing more normal clothes and not that spandex CGI suit. "I'll see you in twelve hours. Get some sleep, don't go out drinking because if you come to set tomorrow hung over I will have your head." Everyone murmured their assent as they moved about, wrapping up their tasks for the day, and he turned to you. "Lil mayhem, try to get some tonight. I'm saying this as a friend. You're wound up." 
"Honestly, T, it's just the whole 'she's a domme' thing from earlier. Really threw me in for a loop. I should be fine after some sleep," you reassured him, making sure to pick up a copy of tomorrow's call sheet to do some prep work before you eventually succumb to the sweet lonely embrace of solitary slumber in your hotel room. "Go, T. I can lock up tonight. FaceTime your kids, tell them you love them, read them a bedtime story. I'm sure they miss their dad." 
He took a few moments before giving you an exaggerated sigh and tossing you the keys. "You drive a hard bargain, Y/L/N." He walked over to you, ruffling your hair. "You're the best." 
"I know I know. Go. I'll do a quick sweep, make sure nobody gets locked in here for the night and we get here with someone banging on the door screaming 'let me out let me out'." You grabbed the clipboard containing a checklist of the areas you were to double check on before locking up and proceeded to glance over each area of the set. 
Just as you were wrapping up your check of the cast trailers, a voice in the relative darkness startled you. "Miss Y/L/N." You straightened your posture and started fumbling in your pocket for something, anything to defend yourself with. Then you remembered the keys, so you quickly started threading each key in between your fingers, when you felt two large hands gently grasp your shoulders. "Shh shh, it's alright. It's just me. You're safe."
You let out the heaving breath you were holding, recognizing the voice immediately. "Tom," you breathed out, the fear leaving your body, but the tension remaining. "Fucking hell I was about to stab you." You felt your spine go frigid as you felt him pressing tender kisses to the top of your head as his hand traveled down your arm to deftly remove the keys from between your fingers. 
"I didn't mean to startle you," he whispered into your hair, his hand once again traveling up your arm and resumed its place on your shoulder. "I simply wanted to ensure you were safe. I didn't see you come out of the studio." He moved his head to press a kiss to your temple. "I apologize, goddess."
There was that name again, stealing all the breath from your lungs and making you question so much about you. About him. But mostly it made you question…"Why do you keep calling me that?" 
His hand traveled up to lightly grasp your chin, urging you to turn your head and look up at him. "Because that's what I call you," he answered simply, bringing his face much closer to yours. Once he was close enough that you could feel his breath on your lips, he whispered, "When I dream of you." 
Instead of saying anything, you opted to bring your hand up to the back of his neck, threading your fingers through his short dark blond curls and gently pulling him down towards you, touching your lips to his briefly in a tentative, fleeting kiss. This led to him quickly turning you to face him, lifting you by the backs of your thighs, and backing you into the side of the nearest trailer. 
When he had you securely trapped between him and the trailer, he brought his hand up to cup your face, while the other roamed from your thigh and up the side of your body. Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt his thumb lightly graze the side of your breast. 
Just as he was about to lean in to kiss you, you breathed out, "Wait." He stopped immediately, his eyes quickly becoming apologetic. "I-I don't know…" you stammered, trying to find your words, but quickly realizing that the most honest words you had at the moment were, "I don't know how to be what you want. I don't know anything--" 
A smile of relief began to spread across his face. "It's alright." He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, as if to reassure you. "I simply want you, Y/N. As you are." A soft kiss to your cheek, then your jaw. "I want to make you happy." A kiss to the skin below your ear, before placing his hand lightly around your throat, sending a thrill throughout your entire body, and then whispering, "I want to satisfy you." 
"And what do you get out of this?" you breathed out. "Seems to me I'm the only one benefiting from this, that's not right." 
"Me? That's easy," he murmured against your skin as he rolled his hips into yours, causing you to let out an obscene moan that echoed through the dark empty halls of the studio. "I get you." 
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This was an unusual morning. Unusual in the sense that this time, you were not woken up by the scandalous sound of your alarm, rather you'd awoken in this blissful, sated state. Your mind raced through the memories from last night, how you'd practically raced to your hotel room hand in hand with Tom after you'd locked up in the studio. 
The almost reverent way he stripped you of your clothing, pausing to press kisses to every new area of skin exposed to him, how he already had you a writhing mess before he even took off your panties. How he brought you and pushed you well past the point of complete ecstasy with his fingers and his mouth multiple times before he even made love to you.
You bit your lip as the memories came at you in vivid detail, pushing yourself off of your bed to get ready for the day ahead. Before you could even begin to inch yourself out of the bed, an arm tightened around your waist, pulling your naked body against a broad, toned, equally naked form. 
A smile found its way to your face with no effort at all as you placed your hand over the arm wrapped around you, your fingertips tracing the length of the forearm, causing him to stir and press his body even closer to yours. A hybrid between a giggle and a moan escaped your lips as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder, his hum of satisfaction vibrating throughout your body. 
He moved his kisses across your shoulder, pausing for a good few moments on the juncture of your shoulder and your neck before moving up to your ear and whispering in the most delicious sleep-laden voice, "Good morning, goddess." 
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A/N: Please don't crucify me for the non-smutty implied smut, I am babie. But the idea refused to leave my head so I had to write it.
This insanity was based off of this post because I'm gonna be honest, my brain went places when I saw those pictures. AND THE GIF
Here's a bonus gif for those who read until the end:
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Taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston @ladyjames78 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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lazy-cat-corner · 2 years
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kateslife15 · 2 years
Benedict Cumberbatch calls Tom Hiddleston Hiddlebum!!#benedictcumberbatch #tomhiddleston #hiddlestoners #hiddleston #hiddlebum
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mehitsjust3lla · 3 years
Sitting here and thinking about #Hiddlesbum
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ofbooksandstardust · 5 years
Happy 39th birthday Tom Hiddleston!
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thewintersqueen21 · 6 years
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Happy birthday to this sexy man
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potatorrito · 6 years
It’s almost 11 pm where I am but I just wanna say this since it’s still the same day and I didn’t have the time to make a fanart of it so
I know u ain’t gonna read this probably but I just wanna say it from the bottom of my heart and I hope you have a wonderful day turning 38 \( 'ω')/🎉
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
Imagine if RDJ & Tom Hiddleston share a house nearby shoots.
Someone walks in one day to find Rob and Tom sitting on the floor surrounded by kittens and puppies
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muddyorbsblr · 2 months
Hi bestie, I gift you this on this fine Sunday https://www.instagram.com/p/C8vXLRPtFPy/?igsh=MWl0ZHB2aW5rMGxneA==
omg that ledge was doing the Lord's work and shaping the HiddleBum the way it did what the fuckque--
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Dem cheeks + dat core strength have me staring (dis)respectfully 🫢😳
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ladyedelgards · 7 years
Tagged by @goddessofgodless - thank you, darling!! :* (Even though there are numbers, I didn’t write the characters in a specific order!)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)  
Molly Hooper (BBC Sherlock)
Anne Bonny (Black Sails) 
Liv Moore (iZombie)
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch (Marvel / MCU)
Belle (Disney and Once Upon a Time)
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Leia Organa (Star Wars)
Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I tag: @100years-to-live @sincerelydayyy @hiddlebum aaand whoever wants to do this? x’D <3
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lazy-cat-corner · 3 years
I just heard a rumor that while filming Crimson Peak it was Tom Hiddleston who insisted to do nude scenes and pushed for Mia and Jessica to be (basically) clothed so it’ll have a female gaze-ish element to the movie (and get ticket sales) and this could be 100% false, I don’t have a source.
But also I think it’s hilarious knowing this could be true. That’s the equivalent of flashing your ankle to traffic so the group can get a taxi. 😂👏👏👏 If anyone has a source to confirm this please let me know.
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glamhiddleston · 3 years
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