badbirdnews · 5 months
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Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell may have intentionally sabotaged the Trump economic boom.
The O’Keefe Media Group recently released an undercover video where a lead economist for the Federal Reserve confessed to Powell’s alleged motive. According to this economist, Powell was not only a Trump-hater but also had a personal agenda of being remembered in history for undermining President Donald Trump by raising rates prematurely.
This revelation has sparked outrage among Trump supporters who have long believed that the economy could have reached even greater heights if it wasn’t for the actions of the Federal Reserve. Many argue that Powell’s decision to raise rates too soon stifled economic growth and hindered the progress made during the Trump administration.
The role of the Federal Reserve in shaping the economy is crucial, and any deliberate attempt to manipulate it for personal or political gain is highly unethical. This revelation raises serious questions about the integrity and impartiality of Jerome Powell as the head of the Federal Reserve. It also highlights the need for transparency and accountability within such influential institutions.
It is essential that any decisions made by the Federal Reserve or any other governing body are based on sound economic principles rather than personal biases or political agendas. The American people deserve an economy that is driven by objective analysis and informed decision-making rather than partisan interests. In 2018, as the DOW continued to reach all-time highs, consumer confidence hit all-time highs, and unemployment hit its lowest rate in 50 years under President Trump.
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ABD'de Büyük Bankalar için Sermaye Yeterliliği Gerekliliklerinde Değişiklikler ABD'de Banka Sermaye Yeterliliği Planında Değişiklikler Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, Federal Reserve (Fed), Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) ve Office...
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ABD'de Büyük Bankalar için Sermaye Yeterliliği Gerekliliklerinde Değişiklikler ABD'de Banka Sermaye Yeterliliği Planında Değişiklikler Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, Federal Reserve (Fed), Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) ve Office...
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ABD'de Büyük Bankalar için Sermaye Yeterliliği Gerekliliklerinde Değişiklikler ABD'de Banka Sermaye Yeterliliği Planında Değişiklikler Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, Federal Reserve (Fed), Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) ve Office...
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if-haber · 14 days
ABD'de Büyük Bankalar için Sermaye Yeterliliği Gerekliliklerinde Değişiklikler ABD'de Banka Sermaye Yeterliliği Planında Değişiklikler Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, Federal Reserve (Fed), Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) ve Office...
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ABD'de Büyük Bankalar için Sermaye Yeterliliği Gerekliliklerinde Değişiklikler ABD'de Banka Sermaye Yeterliliği Planında Değişiklikler Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, Federal Reserve (Fed), Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) ve Office...
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inexable · 18 days
The Fed's Rate Cut to the Rescue?
With the latest reports showing a softening U.S. labor market, the Federal Reserve is on the brink of making a big move—cutting interest rates for the first time in years. With hiring slowing down and a slight uptick in unemployment, Fed Chair Jerome Powell faces the high-stakes task of balancing inflation and economic growth just weeks before a pivotal presidential election.
Economists are divided: Some argue the Fed might have kept rates too high for too long, while others don't foresee an imminent recession. However, data reveals fewer job opportunities and wary small businesses trimming headcounts.
What do you think? Will lowering rates be the remedy the economy needs, or has the Fed already miscalculated? How do you think this economic landscape will impact the election, and do you feel the current administration’s optimistic outlook matches the reality on the ground? Join the discussion!
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if-haber · 1 month
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