#Jerry kwon
koiiiji · 4 months
summary ; no-one dead au, Gapryong love his kids, him and Baekho thinks their youngster have crush on Jinyong’s daughter, while he being delulu and calls their sons wolves (Jinyong secretly cheering for Jake)
tw ; none, pure fluff and actually happy Kim family
pairing(?) ; kid!jake kim x kid!reader(?)
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The celebration at Gapryong Kim's mansion was in full swing,the occasion was significant - his birthday - the air thick with laughter, clinking glasses, and the warm glow of camaraderie. The adults, slightly tipsy and buoyed by nostalgia, sat around the large dining table and in clusters throughout the spacious living room.
Jake, with his boundless energy and cheerful demeanor, was busy running around the garden, making jokes and laughing. Jerry, more reserved and stoic, watched his friends with a calm smile, while you, being a bit moody yet generally happy, played nearby. Gitae, Gapryon’s oldest son, sat on the steps, brooding and occasionally rolling his eyes at the younger kids' antics. He was in that difficult transitional age where he felt misunderstood and often annoyed by everyone around him.
Inside the mansion, Gapryon and his right-hand men, Jinyong Park, Baekho Kwon, and other members of Gapryong's fist enjoyed the party. Gapryong, a fierce yet caring leader, laughed heartily with his friends, while Jinyong kept an eye on whole buster - trying to mesmorise warm moments with his dearest friends.
Suddenly, the door to the grand room burst open, and you ran in, tears streaming down your face. The room fell silent as you launched yourself into your father’s arms, sobbing.
"Daddy! Daddy!" - you cried, clutching Jinyong’s shirt tightly. - "Jake is threatening my life!"
The adults in the room exchanged confused glances. Jake, the sunny and optimistic boy, threatening someone? It seemed impossible. Moments later, Jake stumbled into the room, his face flushed and red as a tomato. His heart raced with a mix of embarrassment and panic, as he feared what you might say. - "I'm not threatening her life!" he exclaimed, clearly flustered. The room erupted in confusion at the sight of the two young children so passionately arguing. Jinyong petted your hair gently, trying to soothe you.
"What happened, sweetheart?" - he asked softly. You wiped your tears and took a deep breath, ready to present your case. - "Daddy, Jake said he wants to MARRY ME! Can you imagine?!"
Laughter filled the room as Jake, embarrassed and blushing even harder, protested, - "No, I don't!"
"Yes, you do!" - you insisted, sticking your tongue out and pointing at him with your finger. But Jake kept arguing and room filled with child's screams of "Yes" and "No"
"I'm gonna marry only my daddy!"
Gapryong, who loved you as his own child, chuckled and decided to tease you a bit. - "But doesn’t your dad already marry your mother, huh?"
You froze, shock and confusion crossing your face as you turned to look at your father, your eyes welling up with fresh tears. Gripping his shirt tightly, you asked, - "Daddy?... Is that true?" - Jinyong, trying to contain his laughter, nodded. - "You know, baby, your mother still needs a husband, right?"
"Traitor! Daddy is a traitor!" you declared dramatically, eliciting more laughter from the adults. Jake watched you, feeling a pang of resentment and a deeper, unspoken feeling. He had a childish crush on you, and though he didn't fully understand it, he knew he liked you a lot. The idea of marrying you seemed natural to him, even if he was too young to grasp its full meaning. Determined and full of childish resolve, you slid off your father’s lap and marched over to Gapryong. "Then... then..." - you stammered, trying to form your next plan. Gapryong, enjoying the moment, leaned down to your level. - "Then what, little one?" - he asked with a warm smile.
"Then I'll marry... Uncle Gapryong!" - you announced, much to the amusement of everyone present. Gapryong laughed heartily and scooped you up in his arms. - "Well, I'm married as well! And I’m afraid I’m too old for you, sweetheart."
As everyone in the room tried to hold back their laughter, you pouted, realizing your grand declaration might not work out as planned. But the genuine affection and warmth from your family made the moment one to remember. Jake, still blushing, sighed with relief and muttered to his father, - "See? I wasn't threatening her life..."
The room erupted in laughter again, the adults and children alike sharing in the joy and absurdity of the moment, making it a birthday celebration to remember. Just as the laughter began to die down, Gapryong, still smiling, said, - "How about Jake anyway, huh?"
You shook your head vigorously. - "NO!! Uncle Gapryong, don't you understand that Jake spends all his time with Jerry! And they're always hugging!" - You crossed your arms defiantly, misinterpreting their fights as affectionate embraces - "I don't want my husband to hug someone else!" - More laughter filled the room, but you remained serious, big tears still streaming down your cheeks. You jumped off Gapryong's lap, desperately looking for a solution. Your eyes landed on Gitae, who was brooding in the corner of the room. With sudden determination, you ran to him and clung to his neck.
"Then I'm gonna marry brother Gitae!" - you announced with a bright, triumphant smile. It seems that a clear vein of discontent appeared on your father’s forehead and with an innocent smile the glass in his bare hand burst with a crash.
Gitae, caught off guard and visibly annoyed, was about to complain, but you turned to him with the most serious face, as if you were already an adult. - "One wrong word and I will say that I saw how you smoked this morning." - Gitae swallowed hard. It wasn't that he was scared of his mother's reprimands about smoking, but he simply nodded, not wanting to cause more drama. - "Whatever, kid," - he muttered.
Jinyong, not a big fan of Gitae, still with his eyes closed and that innocent smile said, - "I will apply for divorce next morning, hun. Come back to daddy."
bonus :
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The adults had announced their departure a thousand times, each attempt to leave thwarted by another round of drinks, another shared memory, or another joke that sent the room into peals of laughter. Gapryong, at the center of it all, held court with his booming laugh and sharp wit, Jinyong Park matched his pace drink for drink. The room was alive with stories of old scars and forgotten battles, of triumphs and losses, each tale punctuated by hearty toasts and the occasional rowdy song.
In the midst of the adults' revelry, the children, worn out from their own antics, began to succumb to sleep. Jake had run out of steam, Jerry yawned widely before finally giving in, and you, found your eyelids growing heavier by the minute.
As the night deepened, the adults continued to assure one another that they really should be heading home, only to be drawn back into another round of drinks or another hilarious story.
Unbeknownst to the adults, the three of you sneaked out of main room to try to distract yourselves from the impending sleep and fatigue, and decided to play hide and seek. As the hours ticked by, the party showed no signs of waning. But eventually, the night began to wind down, and the adults started to gather their belongings, preparing to leave.
"Alright, everyone, I think it's really time to go now," - Gapryong announced, albeit somewhat reluctantly. His words were met with nods and murmurs of agreement, though none made a move to actually stand up. Jinyong glanced around, suddenly realizing that the children were nowhere in sight. - "Where are the kids?" - he asked, a note of concern creeping into his voice. The adults exchanged worried glances and began to search the mansion, calling out names and checking every room. The once noisy and cheerful group was now a flurry of anxious activity, peering behind furniture, checking under tables, and opening every door they came across.
"Jake? Jerry? Where are you?" - Gapryong called out, his deep voice echoing through the halls.
It was Baekho Kwon who finally stumbled upon the scene. Opening the closet door, he found the three of you nestled among the fallen clothes, fast asleep. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before calling out to the others.
"I found them! They're in here!"
The adults rushed over, relief washing over their faces as they took in the adorable sight. You, still peacefully asleep on Jake's hand, throwing your head back and drooling on his arm, while he drooling on your shoulder and his arm protectively around you, Jerry's head rested gently on your lap, his calm, steady breathing a testament to the deep sleep only children could achieve. Gapryong smiled warmly at the sight. - "Well, would you look at that," - he said softly, his voice full of affection. - "Looks like they had their own little adventure."
Jinyong knelt down, carefully scooping you into his arms, not wanting to disturb your sleep. - "Come on, sweetheart," - he whispered, - "let's get you home."
Gapryong and Baekho followed suit, gently lifting Jake and Jerry, who barely stirred, their exhaustion too great to be roused by the movement.
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loool i love annoyed daddy Jinyoung so much!!
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sscarletvenus · 3 months
GUN IN LOOKISM 506 ANALYSIS? WELL, SORT OF. mostly me yapping.
starting off with these Charles Choi lines said to Eugene...
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during Kenta's backstory montage in the second affiliate, we see Gun as a child has already attained UI stage. physically, he has from the start (an interesting narrative choice i believe) been set apart as someone who has ascended mortal thresholds. no one in the story until now has his degree of UI proficiency, and the stage itself remained unseen or unheard of until Daniel reaches it.
in some ways, there is something eerily non-human about this particular manifestation of his strength. his existence is forever a pariah in the realm of humanity.
aside from the morphological louche qualities, Gun's ideals and thoughts have never aligned with the either the minds of his successor candidates or friends.
everyone in this story follows or strives to achieve certain purpose. revenge, romance, family, friends, self-preservation, money, power... all of which can ultimately be rounded off to humane desires and needs.
not Gun. Never. what he does have is, a morbid obsession with death, a frantic fascination to kill or be killed.
human nature is typically averse to the idea of death, which most perceive as an end. we know little about Gun's actual discernment of death. maybe it is linked to his yakuza upbringing, where death is matter of inches, everyday lived on knife's edge. to be subjected to a lifestyle of abject horror as a child irreversibly changes your psyche, after you have become so familiar with death, you associate some sentimentality with it. death is the only constant. so maybe, just maybe, he seeks it as comfort. as relief.
for him to kill is the greatest sincerity, and he displays this same sincerity to his master, i.e., Kenta's father. it's not cruel for him, battle is simply a means of honoring someone he respects. it's too terrifying to be comprehend by the mortal mind (Kenta cannot), but humans have never known the minds of gods or devils.
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enacting violence is the most intimacy he can muster, as has been seen throughout the story. for all the atrocities he has inflicted upon the crewheads, he nurtures them because they show promise. he keeps them alive in hopes that someday they too can pay their respects to their master, kill him and reciprocate his outmost sincerity, show their devotion just like he has.
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he is enraged and disappointed because they have another primary purpose that makes killing him secondary, he is infuriated because they fail to be sincere in annihilating him.
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maybe this is why he's the way he is about UI Daniel, another inhumane creature of pure instinct who is not bound by man's fickleness towards death. hence the psychosexual infatuation.
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"Let's kill each other," is what Gun says, upon meeting someone cursed by the same fate of never being human, such as himself.
Gun is insepreable from the idea of death in comic. perhaps i will make a more coherent and comprehensible post on the same some other day.
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anticapitalistclown · 6 months
reader having the scary dog privilege with the big boys 🤤
I think in the lookism verse, reader could have the scary dog privilege with every character lol, lookism men are built different.
Since the characters aren't requested, I'll choose the big boys myself
Scary dog privilege headcanons
reader x Taesoo, Jake, Jerry and Vin Jin
Scary dog privilege? more like scary bear privilege
He really is scary, his face straight up says "don't talk to me", yet since you started to know each other that he asked you daily how your day was, he loves to hear you talk.
He hates everyone, everyone except you and maybe his successor
Since you started dating that you didn't have to get worried about your surroundings anymore, you have a boyfriend that will do it for you.
You can walk everywhere with the confidence that Taesoo can break anyone's ribs with a single punch, although his aura is scary enough for anyone to dare approach you
And there's no need for him to be always stuck with you! just for you being known as Taesoo's partner makes people shiver in fear
It's cute to see a sunshine walking around Ansan happy and without a worry with a muscular and enormous boyfriend behind them (who spoils his partner to the brims)
He's so cute omg, he's that boyfriend that looks like he has doberman vibes, yet he's a golden retriever.
You're walking on the streets with an enormous, muscular, tattooed and scarred-face man who asks you for cuddles every night
He's big and scary, yet he loves cute things (you)
He's also won a name, Big Deal is quite known and respected for, so people think twice as to approach you
Even though he might not always be around you, a big deal member for sure is to make sure the boss's darling is safe
He loves to walk next to you, pick you up from work or classes, he gets to spend time with you and make sure you're protected <3
Sometimes he doesn't give scary vibes bc he just can't stop smiling at you, yet he is always aware of your surroundings
Same as with Jake, he's a big and scarred-face scary man, who people try to avoid looking directly at him, yet he turns into a blushing and stuttering mess when asking you to hold hands.
It's great to walk next to him, people only look at you in fear or admiration
He's so tall and big that he protects you from the sun, also you will never lose him in crowds
He's the best helper, you're tired? he will carry you without any effort, you have to carry heavy stuff? no way, he will do it for you <3
You are boss Jerry's darling, so you also have all the protection from the big deal underlings
More than scary, he's just an asshole
People be looking at you, and he will put his disgusted bitch face and tell them "tf you looking at?"
He's the type to tell you "babe, dress as you want, I can fight"
Yet he prefers to see his partner to stood up for themselves, if things get more uncomfortable tho, he will step in, he always has your back.
It's true that he is more muscular, and it makes him look more intimidant, and he knows it, so when walking with you, he kinda likes to show off.
Will bitch-slap any guy that looks at you the wrong way <3
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ventivente · 6 months
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My contribution to the Lookism fandom
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sweetmctart · 1 year
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wdym this is totally big deal
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melljam · 4 months
silly lookism moments - part one, chapter 305
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th4simp · 6 months
Lookism out of context be like:
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get the gang back together (literally🙏🙏)
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nepentheseeker · 3 months
The boys fighting really good but PTJ keeps glazing Gun
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Loved this duo so so much
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He got on my nerves with this . istg even Gun knows he's the main character
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My honest reaction to this
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masochist personality is back again
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I am so proud of Johan. Love him God . And Jerry and Mandeok was a duo we didn't expected but needed
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And uh.. him
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The glazing insane
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trueebeauty · 3 months
Could you please write dating headcanons for Jerry Kwon?
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Despite his intimidating size and strength, Jerry is incredibly gentle and tender with his partner. He’s always careful not to hurt you, often treating you like you’re made of glass.
Jerry loves food. Dating him means trying new restaurants and late-night food trips. He's always up for sharing meals and tasting new dishes together.
Jerry gives lots of compliments. He tells you you're breath-taking, smart, and strong. His admiration for you is genuine.
Jerry is very patient. Whether you need time getting ready, had a bad day, or want to vent, he listens without getting impatient and supports you.
Jerry is interested in your hobbies. He happily joins your favorite activities like watching shows, going to concerts, or trying new hobbies together.
When you're upset or stressed, Jerry comforts you. He lets you lean on him, hugs you, and calms you down with kind words.
Jerry can be shy when expressing deep feelings. Complimenting him or surprising him with affection makes him blush cutely.
Jerry loves cuddling on the couch or in bed. He likes holding you close in his warm embrace. It's comforting for him.
Jerry takes care of your needs. If you're sick, he gives you soup, medicine, and makes sure you're comfortable. If tired, he tells you to rest.
Jerry is very loyal (Just look how he is with Jake). He's devoted to you and the relationship. He makes sure you know how much you mean to him. He stays by your side through hard times.
Jerry respects your independence while being protective. He supports your passions and decisions, giving you space when needed.
Despite his size, Jerry plays physically. He picks you up effortlessly, gives piggyback rides, and playfully wrestles ending in laughter.
Jerry's hugs feel safe, cozy, and like home. He's ready to hold you in his secure, loving embrace.
Honesty matters to Jerry. He believes in open talks and always tells the truth, even when hard. He values and maintains trust.
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
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Lookism Actor AU fans! Unite!
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koiiiji · 3 months
tw ; suggestive in beginning, but generally fluff, jerry being cootie as usual
pairing ; jake x reader, jerry being sneaky
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Jerry walked through the hallway, his footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors. as Jake's right-hand man and protector, Jerry took his job seriously. his size and demeanor often led people to mistake him for an adult, or even someone's father, but inside, he was still little naive and shy, gentle bear boy. today, he was on a mission to deliver important documents to Jake.
passing by the office of Jake's girlfriend - yours actually - Jerry couldn't help but notice the strange noises emanating from within.
*rustle, rustle*
Jerry's curiosity got the better of him. he leaned closer, his large frame blocking most of the hallway light as he pressed his ear against the door. the sounds from inside grew clearer, and what he heard made his heart skip a beat. - "aaah, Jake, it’s too big, stop, stop!!" - your voice came through the door, strained and breathy. the tone was laced with a mixture of frustration and effort. "not so big, come on, it’ll fit," - Jake replied, his voice confident yet slightly strained and puffed. Jerry's eyes widened, his face starting to flush. the rustling intensified, accompanied by your muffled squeaks and Jake's guttural growls.
"mhhhm Jake...be careful! we might break something..." - you warned, your voice filled with a mix of concern and excitement.
to be honest, Jerry didn’t know how long he had been standing there leaning against the wall and with a worried look and mind full of imagining what was happening in the room. of course, he guessed that boss Jake was good… at this, but so goo-… no! it is not right! he's not a pervert after all!! yes, it’s decided, he, Jerry Kwon, will turn around right now and leave here and forget about it as if nothing had happened!
"oooh my god Jake!! aaah i can't take it anymore!!" - you groaned, the desperation clear in your voice. "damn, we made such a mess," Jake breathed out, teasing grin was on his lips. Jerry shuddered. his mind raced, cheeks turned a deep shade of red, hotter than a burning ember. realizing he had stumbled upon something intensely private, he backed away from the door in a hurry, his legs almost giving out beneath him. his mind was a whirlwind of confusion and embarrassment as he stumbled away, eager to escape the hallway and the sounds that haunted him.
*meanwhile, on the other side of the wall…*
"jeez, Jake, i told you this closet wouldn’t fit here! why do you keep pushing it?!" - you exclaimed, folding your arms over your chest and glaring at Jake.
Jake, undeterred, flashed you a wide grin. raising his arm and flexing his biceps, showing off how strong he is "come on, it’s no problem. let’s drag it over there; that’s where it’ll definitely belong." with a final heave, the two of you managed to position the heavy closet into the corner of the room. the effort left you both breathless and surrounded by the clutter you were trying to organize.
"well, at least it’s done," - you said, brushing a stray hair from your face and looking around at the chaos that now filled the room. Jake chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist. "see? i told you it would fit" - you couldn't help but laugh, the tension of the moment dissolving into relief. "next time, let's measure first, okay?"
*meanwhile outside the corridor*
Jerry finally found a quiet spot to collect himself. his thoughts swirled with confusion and embarrassment. he leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. the situation weighed heavily on him, making him question his place and his actions. how could I have been so stupid? he thought, rubbing his head. the more he replayed the sounds and words in his head, the more embarrassed he felt. idea of confronting Jake and you about what he overheard made his stomach churn.
as the day went on, Jerry tried to avoid any interaction with Jake and you, but fate had other plans. during lunch, he found himself sitting across from Jake, who was eagerly discussing plans for the weekend. "you okay, Jerry? you seem a bit off today," - Jake asked, his eyes narrowing slightly in concern. Jerry forced a smile, trying to hide his discomfort. "y-yeah, boss... everythisng i-is just fine!!" - Jake nodded, not pressing further. "well, if you need anything, you know i'm here" - Jerry appreciated the gesture, but the embarrassment lingered. little did he know, the reality of the situation was far more mundane than his imagination had led him to believe…
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sscarletvenus · 3 months
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the family when it is found or something along the same lines
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anticapitalistclown · 3 months
How do you think lookism characters feel about alpha male podcasts and other strange things
Lookism characters and alpha male podcasts, headcanons
Listens this type of podcasts more than they would like to admit and uses it as motivation for their income.
Samuel, Goo, Yujin, Ryuhei
Listens this type of podcast for the alpha male motivation.
Gun, Hudson, Jibeom, Lineman, Vin Jin
Used to listen to them for the motivation but once the misogyny appeared they dropped it on the instant.
Zack, Warren, Sinu, Koji, Jace, Jason
Tried to listen once and didn't understand a shit
Vasco, Daniel, Warren, Brad
They don't have the time and energy to listen to virgins saying shit about women "better grew up and get a life".
Jichang, Geongseob, James Lee, Mary, Lua, Jinyoung, Jaegyeon
They just don't have the time.
Jake, Taesoo, Eli, Xiaolung
Listened once, didn't feel identified, continued with their lives.
Jerry, Jihan, Johan, Mc Pesticides
Eats, no, DEVOURS them, they know every podcaster, they buy the merch and courses, shares shorts on their social media, and they insult however is against the podcast on the comments.
Jiho, Alexander, Logan, Doo Lee
Alpha male content? A real alpha male listens alpha waves
Olly, James Gong, Tom Lee
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miraathegreat · 6 months
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Me in math class
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myuiis · 10 months
incorrect lookism 2
we back on our bullshit with this one
sally: i just watched eli drop a remote on his foot and the only thing he said was "im tired of being alive"
jake: hewwo! i will be youw suwgeon today! intewnal bweeding you say? let's make our fiwst wittle incision
sinu: dowcto, we'wre loswing him!!!! 🥺
jerry: quick! hand me the defwibwiwatow
samuel: please. just cut off my fucking life support
johan: met a dumbass today, awful
zack: you looked in a mirror?
johan: one day you will have to answer for your sins and god may not be so merciful
zack: Go big or go home!
mira: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
zack: I'm going big!
sally: are you drinking enough water?
eli: sometimes tears fall in my mouth
samuel: Something’s off.
jake : Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
samuel: No, but that’s funny.
goo, to kouji: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up!
kouji: proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away
crystal, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call kouji cute or small.
daniel, about jay: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
vasco: Throw rocks at he.
zack: Hot Dogs.
eli: Kill him.
daniel: Thanks guys.
jake: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."
samuel: Opposite over hypotenuse.
samuel: Dipshit.
warren, to eli: you can't make everyone like you! you're not sally
sally: w-wait, but not everyone likes me!
warren: who doesn't like you?
sally: w-what
eli: names.
sally: w-
warren: give us their names.
jerry: jake told me to stop worrying and just go get it boy so i'm gonna' go get it boy
jason: go get what?
jerry: i dont know, so i'll just get everything to be safe
goo: we need code names
goo: I’m thinking you all can be sexy beast, marshmallow, record player, beer, and bitch
gun: who’s bitch
goo: who do you think bitch
kouji: send me a pic of you doing the peace sign
crystal: why
kouji: i used you to catfish a sugar daddy
daniel: ok, i get it, you're really stressed out, seven people died-
zack: twelve, actually
daniel: that's not my point. look, theyre dead and whose fault is that?
hudson: yours!
daniel: that's right, nobody's
zack: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
daniel: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
zack: Three of us saw it, daniel. How do you explain that?
daniel: points at jake Sleep deprivation. points at johan Paranoia. points at samuel Delusional personality disorder.
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