#Jikook ain't bros
kanmom51 · 1 year
Just one bro posing for his bro
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
Like, seeing some of the BTS content, seeing JM and JK and what they get up to.
Seeing JK have this camera constantly on JM and how sometimes it's just TOO MUCH.
There are these moments I watch and I ask myself: "how can anyone think this is hetero behaviour?" And some of those I will be talking about in this post.
I mean, other clear non 'bro' behaviour would be this moment here:
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This too.
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Just saying.
Come to think about it, there was something in the air that day in Hong Kong 2019. Cause those two, they were wilding.
But this post is all about the poses.
Please tell me what bro poses like this for his bro?
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That smirk. Seriously.
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Like really.
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Everyone is busy and the two of them are at it.
When I first saw this Run episode I was blown away. Like the way the others just accept these two and their shenanigans, it's just their normal day to day existence. Jikook wilding and them surviving it, lol.
And it's just them. In their own little world of "wtf is going on?".
This specific shoot of theirs was also interesting.
Once again, those poses. Once again, it's only the two of them. And JM clearly being naughty.
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Clearly 'bro' behaviour.
You know.
"Come and get me bro" behaviour.
"I'm right here, what are you waiting for bro" behaviour.
"As soon as we finish shooting this episode I'm all yours bro" behaviour.
"Take these photos we can use them later bro" behaviour.
And definitley, JK 'bro' behaviour.
And when the bro isn't necessarily posing for his bro, but his bro really finds him sexy...
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Yep. Definitely Bro behaviour.
A few more clearly bro behaviours.
Like staring down at your bro's lips.
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I mean, how else are you supposed to read his lips when he is talking? Right?
And this. This one unbeknown to us is a huge one. Something you just don't do to your bro in public.
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And yet the bro couldn't help it.
Ugh, this was supposed to be a post about poses. How did we get here?
Can you blame me though?
So, here are a couple more bro behaviors to celebrate the end of this post:
Bros usually do kiss their bro's sweaty ear and then suck on it.
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Definitley a bro reaction to his bro giving him a hickey.
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Yeah, I guess I'll stop here.
I'll just leave you with one last image.
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"Bros for life" (as some very 'wise' fans stated when this pic was posted).
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mrs-monaghan · 10 days
Claiming you are a OT7 army but pushing and promoting the hate towards taehyung makes you a hypocrite.
Jkkrs are slowly becoming the vermin by pushing false narratives to match their perception of taehyung. It has come to a point whereby we are also starting to base reality of Jikook around villainizing Taehyung. It disappointing honestly to undermine a 10+ year relationship that vmin publicly claimed as soulmates just becuz of social media posts. Dubbing words such as envious to a person Jimin deems important to him is utterly disrespectful.
At the end of the day... WE DO NOT KNOW THEM... so we should believe in their words rather than conspiracies that lead to outrageous conclusions. We jkkrs always preach about how we should only believe in what Jimin and Jungkook say but here we are disrespecting Jimin's words. Words that was just spoken in last week's Sapporo episode.
The truth of the matter is that Jimin and Taehyung are still very close. It justifiable hating Taehyung's subfandoms but hating him is not becuz it based off baseless theories.
More and more each day we jkkrs are starting to resemble the vermin. So fuckin disappointed.
I know you need a Jikooker to yell at, but I take issues when people accuse me of things I haven't personally done. Just because other Jikookers are acting a certain way, if I haven't done what they're doing, I resent being accused of it.
I. Shaz. Love. V. I wouldn't say that if I didnt. Trust me. Or don't. Either way, read this
I had this talk with some friends on discord but here is the thing. I may still care about V but I can understand why some people have washed their hands off of him. I've said this 1000 times but as long as Jikook keep loving V, so will I. But that doesn't have anything to do with holding V accountable for his actions. Jimin and JK may be okay with him, but us as fans are still allowed to question his behaviour.
Jikookers will complain that during FACE everyone and their dog made posts supporting the album except V. Then people like u will say, you don't know them personally, V probably praised him privately. And I would counter with the fact that V posted about Dday and TXT's album. Does that mean he didn't praise them privately???
Same thing happened with MUSE even though the guy finds a way to still be online all the time even while enlisted.
When Jikook were enlisting he posted that shirtless facetime screenshot of JK. Was Jimin not enlisting too?? Why didn't he post about him?
JK himself has come online to correct things that V said. Pointing out that, that's not how it happened. So if JK himself feels the need to correct misinformation, why are we being side eyed?
V promotes everyone except for Jimin, the vermin notice this just like we do and do you know what happens? They go to town on Jimin talking about how V only promotes good music. That Jimin makes garbage music and that's why V can't support it.
I assume you're here due to that post I just made about them not knowing eo as well as they used to. Bro, I ain't making this up. We have seen this with our own eyes. Them trying to guess things about eo and ending up being wrong. That wouldn't have happened way back when. I could talk about the many, many times he has gone quiet only to finally post when the fandom is focused on Jimin.
You say that we don't listen to members, except that's all I do. I watch Vmin chronologically and they're not the same. U would see it too if u did the same. Jimin seems tighter with Jungkook Jhope and V seems tighter with the Wooga Squad. And like I mentioned before, we've seen on original content JK come online to ammend something V said so... how is that me not listening to members? RM saying that V is not very good at self awareness, how is that not me listening to members?
Anon, Vmin aren't the same. U wanna live in denial thats fine. But don't be mad when those of us confident enough to talk about it, do.
Tkkrs hate Jimin because of his bond with JK. But Jimin has never done anything to V. Additionally he does things that makes those morons come for Jimin everyday. That's why jkkrs get upset with him. We don't have an issue with him just because he hangs out with JK or is the closest to JK (he not) And that is why angry anon, we will never be like the vermin.
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
Didn't Jimin told he don't even remember the last time he had a crush ? Doesn't that mean he not even have a crush to write about love let alone a relationship. So why we are saying Jikook are couple when Jimin is saying he doesnt know the feeling of love and wish to find a gf in future ?
Once upon a time my friends and I got so mad about the haters that we created a discord and called it Minggukie revolution. Its still there... still exists. But now we mostly just report and talk about Jikook. U know why? Because y'all just ain't worth the trouble anymore. I agree with those who are always saying not to give y'all a voice... a platform to do this shit over and over and over.
Especially with things that involve common fucking sense.
Jimin saying he doesn't know the feeling of love and wish to find a girlfriend in the future?
Is that... is that what he said? Oh. Right. That's what you heard. Right. Right. Of course. 🙄
I have my asks off on my main because I know I can't help myself and always have to reply to you shits but I'm gonna need to be stronger and all other jikook accounts need to be stronger too. We need to start ignoring u assholes and just enjoy Jikook in peace.
I have had to delete some other asks on the same and its ridiculous. I will genuinely answer you before I go though. There's an anon who came to my ask box laughing that we were clowned by Jimin after saying him and Jikook have been a couple for 84 years. Like bro, think!
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Jikook have been together for a long ass time. Which means Jimin was crushing probably before we even started getting footage of BTS. That's more than 10 years. So yes, it makes sense that he would say that he doesn't even remember the last time he had a crush!
Coz he crushed, fell in love and is now dating the love of his life. His crushing days were ages ago. I definitely don't remember my first crush. I don't remember how i was feeling those early days with my husband but that don't mean I love him any less or that we are not together.
Do you people even try to think? You're exhausting, truly. Doing my best to ignore you from now on.
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not-goldy · 1 month
I hope Jimin had sex with a woman at least once in his life because it would be just unfair if no woman ever had him 😔 all of this gentleness, pleasing and teasing tendencies, carefulness, piercing and a bit scary intensity, gorgeous out if this world eyes and lips, strong and enduring body, excellent self control, passion, sensuality, dancing skills, powerful and hard inner core, emotional intelligence and everything else. People really love to ignore that he is a damn great sugar daddy. He loves spoiling people he loves. The only problem I have with jikook as a couple is the fact that they damn surely would be monogamous and possessive of each other which means no heterosexual sexual intercourse for Jimin on the side 😔 no big soft female boobs but jk's 😔 no lucky woman to have Jimin 😔 what about feminism??? Why should we as women suffer because jk doesn't share??? It's honestly rude, insensitive and inconsiderate of our feelings.
Saying it as an extremely possessive, monogamous and territorial person, but Jimin NEEDS to be for the streets, he NEEDS to be shared and loved by many, especially women, he SHOULD have a harem so as many gorgeous people as possible can show him their love
(Please, Jimin, if you are reading it from your barracks, just one chance, bro, just one...)
Ooooohhh he can be my sugar daddy bark bark woof woof arrrrooooooooooooooooooooooooo🤭🤭🤭🤭
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This is the craziest shit I ever read 😩🤣🤣🤣
But why the emphasis on women though like bitch fight for yourself this ain't a movement
Also you make it sound like only women deserve nice things but like yall can't even throw it back like that🙄
That's it, I'm sending you to the mental ward😩🤣
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parkminijiminie · 23 days
Can't belive we're done with jeju episodes as well(i mean there's still some 19-20 mins of behind the scenes) cause these were the most dreading eps for all jkkrs. Being honest many just wanted to skip to the Sapporo part. I think more than what jkk would do or what the members would do jkkrs were dreading what antis gonna use and twist against them. It was more about the hate jkk would receive than anything else. I remember what we felt after first two episodes n all and now we're done with another 3 eps over it lol 😂
I'm not expecting anything from Sapporo though just hoping no one else is adding in there cause i already had lower expectations from AYS and when they made the announcement of guest i was like how can u be able to go even low than what my expections were lol. No but honestly until next preview i ain't believing shit Sherlock here.
The only new thing i learnt from AYS is that jikook can be a lot more bratty with each other than what we have seen previously. Everything else as you said was what we have seen before. Same with vmin and taekook unless they show something different behind the scenes.
The addition of TH in the show and for so many episodes on top of everything was definitely something none of us wanted to cross on our bingo cards. For me, personally, the issue was that AYS was supposed to be a safe space for Jikook, JM, and JK lovers but with the presence of "the guest" it turned out as a breeding ground for hate and comparison between ships and members (exactly what I hoped the show would not be, but alas..)
Anyway, Jeju is over now and I am sure we are off to better and clearer pastures. I think Sapporo would be great for anyone who is a JM and JK lover, but if one is holding their breath for a couple's reveal or anything of the sort, of course, that won't happen. I expect lots of giggles, some softness, and brattiness.
I do think Jk and Jm had always been a bit bratty with each other, but we've never seen them interact so much on camera before this show, so perhaps the level of said brattiness was simply not known to us but was actually always there. It may be a little bit highlighted for the show, though, to fit the friendly bro-vibes the editors want to portray.
Behind the scenes of any BTS content have always been a Jikook galore, so I think we will actually be surprised by some sweeter and more intimate moments there, which didn't fit the "bro narrative". At least, that was the case for all BTS content so far. I think AYS main show will contain the more funny side of their friendship, while behind the scenes may give us some more cutesy and wholesome content, but we shall see.
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
I really like your blog and how you voice your opinions! just wanted to say that it's really funny how everyone are and still saying how JK birthday video for Jimin had nothing to do with Jimin and how it only meant to be sexy for Army but if you search the words Jungkook birthday Taehyung on twitter all you get is lots of tweets about people can't wait for a JK thirst trap for V birthday dated 3 days ago or Why didn't we got/Where is the thirst trap for V birthday dates 2 days ago and when they got called out they said it has nothing to do with Jimin or jokers calling everyone fools and clowns. Which means this fandom and that subgroup if filled with liarsss because if it's nothing sexy and it ain't for Jimin why they want the same thing for their bias and why they want that type of greeting so badly
Happy birthday bro posted on 13th October- gee I wonder who he was wishing that bdae msg to
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It couldn't possibly be jimin cause JM was born on the 13th month of tzulekber which is not even on the Gregorian calendar gotcha
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And if you pay close attention he said Jhamin not Jimin. There's no one in BTS called JWAMIN
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He wanted to be sexy for Army on JMs birthday just as his mother thought she would make his son a birthday soup on someone else's son's birthday
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He made a portrait of Hobi for hobi on his birthday, exclusive to Hobi. The members taunted him for one but NO ONE GOT THE SAME GIFT. AS NO ONE SHOULD.
He posted a photo of Suga on stage shot by him.
Do people understand that BTS members are high profile celebrities too? If any other artist hand painted a portrait or photographed another celebrity and sent it to them signed they would hang it in their living room and display it on their trophy shelf.
Do they know how much a gift like that is worth??
Clue, BTS costumes are currently on display in museums and anything they made get sold to us at a price as merch.
I hate when they do this gosh. They are so dense.
I bet JK was gonna make a video essay enumerating all the things Jimin had done for him and just how much he loves Jimin but changed his mind last minute.
Perhaps he made a video message for JM because Video messages and Polaroid back and forth between them is how they communicate their love- WHY YALL THINK HE WAS FILMING THOSE GCFS😩
Because JM hates video messages???
The same guy who prefers face timing as a form of communication and spends ours face timing his soulmate on his sick bed??? Mmkay.
And perhaps he made a portrait because Hobi have always wanted him to make a portrait of him and Suga has always wanted to be photographed by JK?
For whatever reason this man has decided, no he is not going to treat everyone the same or standardize his affections for people in the name of equality and preserving the status quo to make people happy.
It's not like he was constantly told to treat all the members the same and do for all what he does for one lest his relationship with X or Y stands out in the group. It's not like he felt pressured to normalize his relationship with certain members and act like they weren't special at all
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Jikook is platonic twins from the same womb but THEY ALWAYS SUPERIMPOSE THEIR FAVE ONTO JIKOOK SELCAS
Dude has been posting Tae Kook photos on his gram, liking his posts and supporting his content, doing dance challenges with him.
And he is out here posting birthday videos for JM which is about all the social media interactions they had save for JM @ing at him. Correct me if I'm wrong. Memory fog.
He is not on bad terms with anyone. He doesn't hate Jimin and he doesn't hate Tae. He certainly doesn't hate Suga or Hobi just because he hasn't posted them either. He either doesn't have a selca with them in his collection or he just doesn't feel a need to validate them publicly to show he likes them- which is where my money is at.
Yet, while he CHOSE to crop himself out of a Tae Kook selca to post on Tae's birthday, he certainly didn't feel he needed to remove and distance himself from his post for Jimin. HE WAS THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT. GIFT WRAPPED AND DELIVERED ON JMS FRONT DOOR.
If they want a message intended for fans, they should look no further than his cropped out meme of Tae on Tae's birthday. That post was for Army so yall could have a good laugh.
It's no different from Jimin posting memes of Jin on his birthday. It's meant as a joke at his expense. Which us a fan way of teasing him.
Just know the last time Jungkook posted a similar meme of Jimin it was of a higher resolution and it came with an apology letter 😌
This is my dick 🚪
They shouldn't let it hit them on their way out of Jimin's hair.
Also thank you. I love my blog too. It's my best feature.
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marengogo · 2 years
QUICKIE - 1: The Moon Embracing The Sun
LOVE AGAIN - by Daniel Caesar, Brandy  [CASE STUDY 01]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Constantly, I hope everyone is doing great and I’m guessing we are all very excited about tomorrow! I’m perhaps overly excited and all I need to do at this point is try and get some sleep, like for real, but I feel like I’m a kid again and it's Xmas Eve’s Night where even tho I ain’t tryna catch Santa, I’m too hyped to sleep 🙃 … ANYWAYS, As the name of this series suggests, this is not going to be anything excessively long, but rather just a quick observation regarding some cute/lucky/noticeable occurrence I might have noticed or that might have happened in correlation to Jikook.
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Today I’d like to talk about a “little” K-Drama called The Moon Embracing The Sun, which is from 2012, like, a good 10 years ago, but good stuff, good stuff! I literally just finished watching and it took me two weeks because I was trying to make it last (and it is a good 20 episodes). As you might already have deduced, the fact that it talked about The Moon and The Sun made me think of Jikook and straight away my brain started braining as I began to better understand a very distinct difference between how The West and The East perceive the relationship between the Moon and the Sun (myself being born and brought up in The West). 
First of all, I was quite intrigued to find out that the drama was a love story between the Sun and the Moon, since (as some might have gathered by now) with me being really big on mythology (greek/roman in particular), I’ve always had a hard time thinking of the Sun and the Moon as anything other than twins, which is what Apollo (eventually god of the Sun) and Artemis (eventually goddess of the moon) are. In The East it appears that they for the most part star crossed lovers for something the moon did apparently, but lovers nevertheless.
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My second thought was “I wonder if Jikook know about this drama …”. Just because theta re Korean I couldn’t assume that they would have known or watch it, particularly when in 2012 they would have been busy busting their asses tryna get ready to debut (to be precise as Jimin came to BigHit around May 2012 and the series ended in March 2012, perhaps he was busting his has to get into BigHit). 
But you know me, with the powers bestowed to me by Google I went snooping around and found out that during RUN BTS 73, the one where JK acted as a director, Taehyung actually reenacted a crucial scene from the drama itself. So if anything, they would have heard about it by then. Following is the episode on weverse:
Now, I don't want to ruin the drama too much for anyone in case you become curious and want to go watch it but the following object (a hairpin) appeared in the series and its explanation made me pause and go “Bro … Too soon 😬?”
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Character receiving the hairpin asks: “What … is it?”
Character giving the hairpin replies: “The moon embracing the sun. The King is the sun and the queen is the moon. This hairpin … is adorned with the white moon embracing the scarlet sun, so I have named it The moon embracing the sun”
And by that time it was just so romantic the whole idea of the Moon embracing the sun, but then when JM came out with his photo-folio and many jikookers started pairing up this particular photo with one from JK’s photo-folio:
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A White Moon and a Scarlet Sun? … As always, these are just MY observations but I ain't gonna lie, my brain took quite a few double-takes at this particular coincidence, and HEY, be it as it may, just a coincidence, it is one hell of a cute coincidence, right?
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Always respectfully yours and particularly intrigued, 
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dearweirdme · 1 year
i would agree about certain jikook behaviors being normal 'bro' things if i thought they were straight guys. straights dudes do shit like this all the time, that i agree with. but i don't think neither jk or jimin are straight, and tkkrs especially agree on the jk part. so how (and why) would a gay man do things with his bro that are normally done to/with a partner? especially if that partner is another member of their group and a close friend of theirs?
the only instances of 'hickeys' tkk have are made up theories by tkkrs, one of them was at an award show in 2016, which imo is as unprofessional as the j-14 interview theory jkkrs made. a lot of the 'weird' things jikook do are deemed as weird because those members are gay to a lot of people. even if you don't think they're dating each other, ain't no way they're dating other men that aren't each other. how would jimin explain to his boyfriend that he sucked jungkook's neck? what type of boyfriend would be okay seeing jimin's ear get sucked on stage by his bandmate? why would jungkook even suck jimin's ear or flaunt a 'bite' on his neck by a man who isn't his boyfriend, especially when he's a grown man who knows it looks like a hickey and WILL be interpreted as one by his and jimin's shippers, which he KNOWS they exist. do they not care about their partners feelings? do they have no consideration at all? can't they just act normal like the other members do with each other? cause they're the only two who do shit like this and they only do it WITH each other.
Hi anon!
I’d say two queer men are just as capable of being just friends as two people of the opposite sex and as two people of the same sex who are heterosexual. Platonic bonds do exist amongst queer persons you know. How on earth are bisexual persons to interact with each other according to you? Can they never be play-flirty or bantering?
A lot of the things that are considered ‘weird’ are only considered weird by Jkkrs. I don’t think those are weird and many agree with me. Tae knows those two men way better than you and everyone else in fandom judging them. So when he sees Jk and Jimin interact he knows it’s just banter. Jk and Jimin explained what happened with the bite, it’s not their fault Jkkrs don’t believe their logical, easily given explanation.
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tokyokookmin · 3 years
Hi Tokyokookmin! I love your blog, you seem pretty stressed out. I just wanted to let you know that it's completely okay if you unintentionally did something. Others might not see your sincerity and passion but I sure do! Since we're all in the concert mood, can you share 10 pics/gifs of jikook moments that love during the previous concerts? xx.
Love you so much anon, really needed that 🥰 🥰🥰. All of these moments are considered as number one for me, can't help it, they're just wild during concerts!
1. Rose bowl jikook - do I need to explain LOL
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2. The final - Jimin comforting a crying JK. They say " but you gotta be there for me too"
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3. Jimin sitting on Jk's lap and tightening his grip + the fact that jk immediately placed his hands on JM's waist! This ain't a 'bro' thing.
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4. The iconic jikook conforming serendipity - jk being lost in love till he forgot that he was on cam and place his hands into Jimin's waist then held onto his suit.
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5. Dashi run run run - Jimin teasing jk by running his hands through his hair. Jungkook holding onto Jimin legs while both of them were hitting the high note. It's a fairytale in real life!
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6. Jungkook touching Jimin's hand and both of them staring at each other. Flirty flirty boys!
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7. Jikook hug - this has a backstory to it. It might be a normal pic of them hugging but if you guys watch BTS memories in Amsterdam, you would know that at that point of their tour, jungkook was injured and he couldn't participate in the concert. Jimin had strained his muscles during the rehearsal of the Graham Norton show (which he couldn't attend) You can say that all of the members were exhausted. Jimin was still recovering during the concert, he did participate but he had modified the choreography. The members were extremely cautious about his health. The concert that was held in Amsterdam was on Jimin's birthday aka on the 13th of October 2018. When all of the members went to hug Jimin they didn't hug him tightly, they gave him a slight pet, so did jungkook, he hugged Jimin cautiously thinking about his chronic condition. Isn't the story of this picture interesting and special?
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8. Jungkook's gaze towards Jimin and the ring lol.
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9. Jikook in Japan is just so different! They get to be themselves and just look at the gif below, both of them having a couplely dance! Look how j army's were so excited for them 🥰
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Here's a full video.
Here's 9 moments that I love!
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
Members and Jungkook ❤❤❤ taekook is real
"Members might think he is just my dongsaeng", right? Oh wait that was Jimin - about Jungkook. So using your logic above, Jikook is real. "My love" - to Tae from Jimin. By your logic, VMin is real.
Also "my love", also "my love".... to Tae from Namjoon, to Tae from Hobi. So using YOUR logic, Namkook and Hopekook are also real.
ETA Yoongi also gave Tae his heart so clearly Taegi is real.
"I love you" - to Tae from Jin - you said it, Taejin is real.
Your boy gets AROUND. We stan a poly king.
... but then "HBD bro" and cropped himself out the shot - JK to Tae. Uh. So maybe only the Tae half of Taekook is real because, bruh. That's not very romantical of him. Kinda looks from here like everyone's real except Taekook. I mean Tae can say whatever but JK ain't said shit. Or shown it. Or acted like he wanted it shown. Y'all act like this is not a grown ass adult 24 year old man who could have gone full gay and said "my love" or "I love you" or posted the uncropped shot if he wanted to. He didn't want to. Get out of your imagination. It's not good in there. (Tae to TKK ARMY)
Cause it sure looks from here like Tae meant “the members” as “all my hot boyfriends who love me” and then JK as “uh except you, asshole”. I mean using your logic.
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Hello! I'm a very fond Jikook supporter, I believe that there's something going on. However sometimes I wonder...what if it's only my imagination? What if it's only fanservice and they are making fun of us? I literally be devastated. But then I remember Rosebowl and I say nah tha ain't bro stuff. Please don't hate me, but what do you think? Thank you
"fanservice" i recommend you to look up what exactly that means and how it actually could look like
I dont hate you dont worry i dont even know who u are
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi! Sorry if the question sounds weird…but I feel like this is a safe place to ask this.
How do you think Jikook handled their intimacy during The Soop, Bon Voyage etc? Also considering the ramen joke, the analysis going around about Jungkook putting on that jacket in BV and so on. Thank you!
I don't understand the question
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But I think I get u. Maybe. I'm not sure. Okay we are gonna start from the beginning and I'm just gonna hope this is what u asked 🤭🤭
Bon Voyage season 1:
Well, we know JK ditches Suga to go sleep with Jimin in the living room. Which awwww 🥺🥺🥺
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BUT, I dont think the SEVENing took place in there. I'm thinking the laundry room. It would explain why they liked doing laundry so much 🤭🤭🤭
I imagine the boat would have been harder, too many people in one room. But if they wanted I'm sure they found a way 😁
Bon Voyage season 2:
This one is easy. They play for rooms, JK looses and he ain't happy to be sleeping on the couch. So Jimin sees his baby is sad n he naturally offers to switch
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But JK chooses to sleep on the floor, turning down the offer. Surprising since he knows Yoonmin are sharing a bed. But maybe he'd rather not sleep with Suga 🤭 I'm kidding... I'm kidding 😂😂😂 This was probably JK's hyung kink at play where he likes to look after Jimin. So he'd rather be uncomfortable than have Jimin be uncomfortable.
Anyway, this is further down into episode 7 but u can see Yoonmin are in bed right before Jimin sneaks out the room.
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You know he's not just leaving but sneaking out coz he's checking to see if Suga is asleep.
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Justice for Suga. Jikook always be ditching him for eo 😂😂😂 anygays, seeing Jimin sneak out in ep 7 tells me he probably did it for the duration of their stay in that house. Coz in the next house, JK lost on purpose and they ended up sharing this room that we never saw the inside of
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All we got was a sus photo of JK with smeared lipstick.
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Anyone having flashbacks of Osaka Vlive?? 😂🤭 He he he heee...
Then we have the origin of Jikook doing laundry. Of course this is suspicious off the bat. But even more reason is because their stories weren't matching. According to JK, they stayed up till late doing laundry. So from him, they were doing laundry for most of the night.
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But according to Jimin laundry was done in the morning???
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Well, which is it Jikook????
Anon, these motherfuckers were SEVENing plenty in Hawaii. 👀
Bon Voyage season 3:
I don't really need to delve into this one, do I? Even the most out of touch person knows Jikook were sharing a room. I mean, Jimin was not only supposed to share a room with Suga and Jin, but he was supposed to share a bed with Jin. Now, why tf would he do that when his boyfriend had a room all to himself??
Anyway, analysis by Mizgator here. Timestamp 7:00
I also believe Jimin continued to sleep in that room even after V showed up. Jikook were on their honeymoon after all 🤭🤭🤭
Real talk though, this is what friends do for eo. Members have excused Jikook when they needed the privacy. That's just what people do. I know its bros before hoes, but who is the ho to V if both are his bros?? 😂
Moving on to Bon Voyage season 4:
I already covered how in the first house the SEVENing took place in the RV. So let's move on to camping. Now this is a bit hard to gauge when/where intimacy would have taken place. It was only 2 nights that they camped anyway, so maybe nothing happened during this time? BUT, like I will say many times during this post; it dont matter. If they wanted to SEVEN, it happened irregardless of location.
(There was however some camping sleeping drama that took place. I talk about that here. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I just like to bring it up coz I like drama 🤪)
Now onto the second and final house. First of all, we are going to quickly gloss over JK following Vhopemin into this room with all his luggage.
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He has no business being there seeing as his roommate was RM. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Oh how satellite Jeon i do love you. 🤭🤭
So anygays, at some point you hear Jimin calling Jhope's name urgently
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And then they start whispering and giggling like little kids.
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Now that could just be Jihope well, Jihoping but this was when people were going to their rooms. I wouldn't put it past Jimin to enlist his bestfriend's help on Jikook getting a room to themselves at some point.
Like I've mentioned b4, cameras aren't always filming, and friends do each other these kinds of favors all the time. In any case this was a big ass house if Jikook wanted to get their groove on, they got it done.
I think we are good on the BVs so let's move onto In the Soops.
In The Soop season 1:
Here i talk about how JK used to spend the night in what was supposed to be Vmin's room. So that's that. Also if I was them I would have considered using that boat to SEVEN for sure. I hope they did. I mean, they wouldn't have to do nothing. Just let the waves do all the work
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Mosquito net incident i dont think they did anything beyond making out, really. JK lost his hoodie, yeah. But Jimin looked the exact same way coming out like he did going in.
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So clearly he didn't shed his clothes.
In The Soop season 2:
First there was Jimin's room. And then JK's and Bam's house... I can see it. Especially when JK asked Jimin if he wanted ramen and Jimin ran towards JK's house. I think he got his ramen 😏😏 Something tells me Jimin didn't actually leave, here.
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He pretended to, but i don't think he did. I think he stayed and they either turned off the cams or covered them. But I've always had a feeling he didn't actually leave.
But while that's speculation, this however, I think this is a given---> I talk about the drone incident and them going to the forest/bushes 🤭 here. Why would they need to get rid of the camera unless they went to shout in each other's briefcases? 🤷🏽‍♀️ or even to SEVEN? One can get real creative on that ATV. Just saying... 😌😌😌
I knew it was game over because of the way Jimin looked at the camera here.
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Look at his faceeeee
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He was NOT a fan of that camera in that moment. It's giving flashbacks to this summer package
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And then the way they both look at the camera again before taking off
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He he heee.... if you ever watch these reality shows again just pay attention to how many times they glance at cameras. Its so funny. It's not really a surprise they waved away that drone for some privacy.
Thanks for the ask, anon. I believe that about covers it, yes?
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mrspark7777777 · 1 month
Seriously, if I was with my bro, I would have sat on the other sofa
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What is there to misread here???
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JK always does this. He always fucking does this and its very boyfriend of him. Honestly. People really do be wearing blinders when it comes to Jikook.
This ain't the first time either anon. It seems for the entire show there shall be no personal space whatsoever
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I mean, they didn't have to be practically ontop of eo here.
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And look at all that room on the boat!
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That's JK's hand near Jimin's thigh! That's how close they are.
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not-goldy · 5 months
Antis waiting with their pen & paper ready to write down every detail of that show to run to Jikook spaces to troll. Jk gonna cook on that show & Jm gonna tease & be like I never had your cooking before, knowing he has & we saw Jk cook for him, but they'll come running & say how can they be dating if Jm never had his cooking. Jk saying you know I'll cook for you to Jimin, still completely ignored. We know how this is gonna go. IDK what to tell ya. If Jikook spending couple days together, their almost kisses, hickeys, constant sexual innuendos, line crossing behavior & biased treatment of each other hasn't convinced you yet, then why you expecting an edited show to convince you if Jikook are dating or not? You'll only see what Jikook want you too. Or you expecting them to let the cameras roll while in bed to make you a sex tape so you'll stop calling them bros? They ain't even stopped themselves from doing that yet. I'm confused what antis goal is. Basing relationships off social media exposure & needing them to tell you straight up they dating & every time they meet up & see each other? Treating as if its a heterosexual relationship & not queer. You saw Tae with Jennie with your own two eyes in Paris, but will swear to Jesus it wasn't him holding her hand & that's a straight relationship you're dismissing. And you expect us to think you'll support a queer one?
If Jikook's obvious queer behavior isn't enough for you, maybe its time to drop the fake queer supporting of BTS & support of other ships you claim are queer, when they're in straight relationships & move on. Acting like TK at a friends premiere with friends means they're married, but Jimin sucking a hickey on Jk's neck in their private alone time, is fanservice & company pushed. Your clear homophobia & using ships & members for fantasies in fics & drawings, while openly hating on the obvious two queers, is sickening & proves you're nothing but festishers.
Mind boggling truly
At this point I can't tell if it's heteronormativity and filtering everything through straight lens such that they are conceptualizing queer relationship through a heteronormative gaze
It's queer erasure 🥲
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
jkkrs doing research 😭😭
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It will always amuse me when a Jikooker blocks me because, what did I do? 🤭🤭🤭
Anyhu, if you are a sexually active adult, or if you have ever had anyone suck on your neck then you know what a hickey is. Jimin called it a bite because of course he did. But if you know the difference then you know Jimin did not bite JK's neck. He sucked on it. And he didn't just suck on it. He was there for a while; Long enough to leave a mark.
Like, that's it. That's literally what happened. You only get a hickey from a make out session. Bites have teeth marks and JK probably walks around with those on his butt. But this particular one was no bite.
There is many Jikook moments out there that can be debunked or played off as bros doing their thing. No homo 🙌🏽
But this right here, this ain't one of them fam. Love to break it to ya
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Bro some of these jikook bloggers here are funny af. You are telling me these people are getting upset JK has a schedule on 8th ? LMFAO. These people had an imagination in their heads that he'll drop a gcf on 8th. For one, we all are expecting that content from NYC-CT. But people really believed we are getting a jkk gcf right in middle of his release week ? Please don't be dumb... it's literally his solo album week and it should be about him and only him.
Now some are sad he's not staying back in SK on that day and salty towards JK for 'agreeing' to this schedule. Be fr. It's just 5 days past his album release and these people expect him to be free to spent his day with his bf ? 🤡🤡🤡🤡 Was Jimin even a minute free during his debut week? No, it was most hectic week. It's same with JK, who we know will have 2x promos than Jimin. He maynot write songs but he's also working and traveling constantly.. and has most tiring type of schedule out of all.
Me personally, is happy he put his career before than just an 'supposed' anniversary date. Guys, that's how it's supposed to be. No real professional will take a day off when it's their peak busy time to celebrate their 'anniversary', especially if they have a schedule out of country 💀💀💀💀💀💀��
Istg these jikookers think they are some fuckass idols who are jobless half the year or expect them to be lovey dovey with each other on every special day as a domestic couple lol. We are talking about 2 most in demand professional af idols here and more than anyone else it's Jimin who understands what JK's work demands. You all don't have to worry about their anniversary dates, what lyrics he's singing, how much hours he's working etc
Jimin is worried. And if Jimin is worried about the hours JK is working then so are we 🤷🏽‍♀️
But that's not what this is about. While I agree with what you're saying, I don't like your tone of voice. It's coming off way judgy and condescending... portraying us like we don't have common sense.
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Let me remind you again why we support Jikook. We believe they are in a relationship due to their CONSISTENCY. Consistency = patterns. Patterns are important. 11/8 is an important pattern. Thats why all Jokers, I-Jikookers and Kjikookers alike, all expected something. Because this has happened many a times in the past.
Now, I do not claim anyone getting mad at JK for being busy during their anniversary. But it's perfectly okay for us to be collectively disappointed.
I mean, on the plus side, people won't shit on Jikook and Jimin, calling them fanservice and calling what they have work but on the other hand, we really did want that GCF Cunneticut and its a bummer that we ain't getting it on this special date.
But all hope is not lost. At least on my end. There is content from that time and I know its coming. We just aren't getting Jikookery on 11/8 like we wanted... which is fine. And who knows anyway? There's still time. So we will see.
But don't judge us for thinking we were right. We've been right plenty of times before...
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