#Jim Cumings
freitasbreno · 1 year
Há apenas uma regra que conta na escalada (e na vida). Não se esqueça.
Stonemaster John Long relata seu tempo com Jeff, um ex-alpinista vagabundo e filho de uma família rica. Jeff deixa a escalada e segue obedientemente as riquezas de sua família, enquanto John permanece fiel à única regra que conta.
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Este artigo foi publicado na  edição 124 de Rock and Ice  (abril de 2003).
“Jeff” e eu subimos e descemos  por vários verões em Yosemite na década de 1970. Nunca fizemos muito. Algumas paredes. Escapamos por pouco na base do Monte Watkins, quando uma estranha chuva de verão enviou blocos e árvores para fora do cume arredondado - e nós corremos para salvar nossas vidas. Embora nunca tenhamos sido companheiros de corda fiéis, éramos amigos rápidos nas rochas. Nós caminhávamos, ouvíamos música, fumamos ambrósia, compartilhamos livros, perseguimos garotas turísticas e vagamos e conversamos livremente por horas, sobre qualquer coisa que borbulhasse em nossa mente. Eu nunca tinha compartilhado tal relacionamento, antes ou depois, com qualquer pessoa na terra.
Numa manhã de junho, Jeff caminhou até o local de resgate no acampamento 4 e disse: “Meu pessoal está me pressionando para parar de fazer palhaçadas aqui e ficar sério, e eles estão certos, então estou indo”.
Apertamos as mãos. Então Jeff entrou em seu carro e saiu do Valley pela última vez. As coisas do Capitólio eram esperadas de Jeff, o primeiro filho de uma proeminente família americana com montanhas de dinheiro antigo.
No final do verão de 2000, recebi uma carta de Jeff, uma longa carta circular que li e rapidamente guardei em um livro. Imaginei que, se algum dia reunisse os minerais, poderia responder a Jeff de uma só vez, revelando algum material pessoal bastante incompleto, que era o que eu achava que sua carta merecia na época. Sem pressa - essa foi a primeira vez que ouvi falar dele em quase 25 anos.
Nos meses seguintes, enquanto estava preso no trânsito, digamos, ou subindo um penhasco, eu pensava na carta que nunca escreveria e em Jeff. Nossos antecedentes eram galáxias distantes, mas nossas almas gravitavam em torno da mesma coisa básica. Jeff teve uma educação real que usava desajeitadamente porque suas necessidades eram simples como a chuva. Embora seu coração fosse sua estrela polar, sua cabeça poderia desviá-lo gravemente do curso. Embora cultivado e até mesmo sábio de uma maneira acidental, ele era feliz apenas quando vivia perto do chão. É por isso que tive um pressentimento tão ruim no dia em que Jeff deixou o Valley. Ele estava traindo a única regra que importa - fazer o que te excita.
Tínhamos muito o que atualizar e Jeff fez sua parte. O fato de não ter respondido imediatamente é algo de que me arrependerei até o dia de minha morte. Aqui está a carta dele:
Ei, John, vou continuar exatamente onde paramos em 14 de junho de 1977. Pode apostar, ainda me lembro daquele dia e de todos os outros. Algumas semanas atrás, eu estava pensando sobre nossa imersão em Watkins, então liguei para a revista para obter seu número de telefone. Aqueles burros duros não quiseram me dar, mas me passaram seu endereço, então pensei em atualizá-lo sobre o que tenho feito. Faça o mesmo se tiver uma chance.
Papai se aposentou há um tempo, embora ainda mete o nariz nas coisas, mas eu viajo tanto que deixo meu irmão Jim lidar com ele. Papai está agitado como sempre, mas decente, e Jim e eu temos sorte no que diz respeito aos negócios. Temos um escritório em Cingapura e outro em Londres e o principal aqui em NY. Eu continuo viajando, mas principalmente estou em Cingapura, que chamo de lar.
A empresa está indo bem - você ocasionalmente leu sobre nós - então eu não poderia estar melhor. Se você tiver algum dinheiro sobrando, posso conseguir algumas ofertas bastante sólidas. Vou continuar perseguindo você sobre isso. Organize suas finanças e você pode fazer o que quiser. Algum dia eu pretendo.
Eu estava curioso para saber se você já ouviu alguma coisa de Gina. Se você não se lembra dela, foi naquele verão que aquelas garotas dos Gunks estavam no acampamento próximo ao sítio YOSAR. Gina tinha o cabelo preto e a atitude. Eu com certeza gostaria de rastreá-la. Você acredita que isso foi há tanto tempo? Pisquei e tenho 47 anos. Ainda bem que escalei quando tive a chance.
Quando penso na velha tripulação e em como vivo agora, começo a beber demais. Nunca me lembro de ter ficado confuso nos velhos tempos, ou de sentir que estava vivendo a vida de outra pessoa. Não que eu trocasse minha vida agora por nada. Eu tenho feito isso. É que às vezes não consigo colocar muita razão em algumas das coisas que faço. No mês passado, paguei $ 67.000 para reformar os banheiros da minha casa em Nova York. Parece vulgar escrever isso. Se você estiver na Big Apple, terá que passar por lá e tomar um banho. Alguém pode muito bem usar a maldita coisa, já que quase nunca estou aqui. Mas estou preso aqui agora, e ficarei até meados de outubro, depois volto para Cingapura.
Alguma notícia da velha gangue? Ouvi em algum lugar que Brian é advogado e que Wayne é professor. Mantive minha assinatura dos jornais de escalada todos esses anos e os li no avião, e às vezes um dos antigos membros da equipe aparece na coluna de fofocas. Eu gostaria de ver esses caras algum dia. Também li sobre Billy e é terrível pensar que nunca mais o verei. Ele era um dos realmente bons. Paulo foi outro bom. O que diabos ele está fazendo? E que tal ele subindo o Everest, o que, duas vezes agora? Ele e eu costumávamos conversar o tempo todo sobre tentar escalar aquele desgraçado. Fui convidado na primeira vez que Paul foi com os britânicos, mas eu já tinha pendurado minhas chuteiras então fiz um estágio em Washington. Essa foi a coisa inteligente a fazer, você não acha? Eu trabalhei para um congressista amigo do meu pai, e nos fins de semana eu escapava para os Gunks e saía com Gina. Ela tinha uma casa de um quarto lá e eu costumava dirigir até lá e ficar lá com ela. Fazíamos algumas rotas pela manhã, depois passeávamos pelas colinas e voltávamos para a casa dela. Aprendemos a fazer cerveja com um livro e bebíamos cerveja caseira e conversávamos até que eu tivesse que voltar para DC brechós e afins. Sempre tive sono leve e ainda tenho, mas naquela casinha eu dormiria como um morto. Ela tinha uma TV em preto e branco com um alto-falante queimado e, claro, sem som, e nós assistíamos velhos faroestes e inventávamos o diálogo na hora. Gina podia fazer todos esses sotaques complicados e falar francês e um pouco de italiano e ela misturava isso maravilhosamente. Ela tinha uma mágica, mas não havia nenhum lugar para eu realmente ir em seu mundo, então achei que o mais inteligente era simplesmente sair e colocar minha atenção onde importava. Estou curioso para saber o que ela tem feito, no entanto.
Cerca de 10 anos atrás eu me casei, mas isso falhou por uma centena de razões. Nunca tivemos filhos e ainda bem. No papel, tudo parecia ótimo e eu gostava dela. Ela tinha o polimento e eu tinha os músculos e nos equilibramos por um tempo. Não é como se tivéssemos brigado ou algo assim, o que poderia ter ajudado. Eu não sei bem como ou por que, mas a coisa toda simplesmente fracassou. Ainda conversamos de vez em quando, ou tentamos, mas nunca tenho muito a dizer a ela. Acho que nunca. Ela faz parte da cena de Nova York, que inclui algumas pessoas ótimas em coisas consideráveis, mas sempre me senti excluído desse grupo, mesmo estando nele.
Mas veja só: como estou preso aqui em NY, voltei para uma academia de escalada perto do nosso escritório. Eu não usava um par de sapatos de rock há décadas. As coisas com certeza ficaram elaboradas desde a última vez que escalei. De qualquer forma, estou me divertindo muito naquela academia e estou começando a girar bem, mas tenho que usar praticamente um rolo inteiro de fita para não estourar um cabo.
Acho que no fundo comecei a ir para a academia na esperança de ver a Gina, o que é uma bobagem, eu sei. Claro, ela nunca apareceu. Eu pensei em procurá-la e já estive na web uma centena de vezes, pronta para fazer uma busca, mas não tenho certeza do que diria a ela agora. Acho que o mais inteligente é deixar para lá. Estarei de volta a Cingapura em questão de semanas, então sei que estaria cobrando um beco sem saída de qualquer maneira.
Acho que é tolice pensar que você pode chegar aqui no próximo mês, mesmo que eu lhe envie uma passagem de primeira classe. Mas você tem um amigo aqui com um banheiro muito chique, então, se você estiver inclinado a sair por aqui, faremos o que quisermos. Por falar nisso, se você quiser, vou para LA Neste fim de semana, acho que vou para os Gunks, mas depois disso posso sair do seu caminho a qualquer momento nas próximas três semanas. Então deixe-me saber.
Eu não deveria mais falar sobre mim, mas com certeza gostaria de ouvir de você.
Seu velho amigo do Vale,
Quando a carta de Jeff caiu daquele livro no mês passado, xinguei em voz alta e mergulhei no computador. Eu havia esquecido a carta convenientemente porque não tinha saco para respondê-la na mesma moeda e, ao fazê-lo, havia esquecido o fato de que o escritório de Nova York da empresa de navegação de sua família ficava na Torre Um do World Trade Center. Levou apenas um minuto para encontrar um site listando as vítimas do 11 de setembro, e Jeff estava nessa lista. Em questão de dias depois que Jeff me enviou sua carta, um milhão de toneladas de entulho cobriu muitos problemas que permanecerão inacabados para sempre.
Levei várias semanas e uma dúzia de telefonemas para conseguir o endereço de Gina, que morava nas ilhas Gilbert e trabalhava para o Peace Corps. Enviei a ela a carta de Jeff porque achei que ela deveria saber.
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Favorite Voice Actors
For those of you that know me, you know that my number one special interest is cartoons and the people that voice my favorite characters. Studying my heroes and watching them in interviews became a favorite pass time of mine. A lot of my friends thought that it was really weird and they stopped talking to me because of it. For a long time before I got diagnosed as having aspergers I talked forever about it. I think that both bored and confused people. For me, I love voice acting because anybody can be anything. You can watch a show and years later be like I know that voice it’s insert name here if you’re like me. True, certain actors have something that is brought to every character (I can think of one prime example later on down the list) but it is always about the heart that they put into their characters. 
10. Charlie Adler: I’ll admit that I am mostly a fan of him due to the amount of work that he has done and the quantity. This man was the voice of Cow, Chicken and Big Red guy in Cow and Chicken. True, this show was past my time (and if it wasn’t I feel like it would get the Fairly OddParents treatment where my parents would forbid me to watch it.) When I listened to his episode of Talkin’ Toons I found his story’s really interesting and compelling. I can only imagine how much work and effort went into all of his characters in that show. To develop one character is one thing but to be able to switch between them like a deck of cards is a completely different thing. I did however watch a lot of Brandy and Mr. Whiskers when I was younger!! Growing up with that show and hearing him play Mr. Whiskers brought me a lot of joy when I was sick at home and for that I will always be a huge fan of his voice and his work. 
9. Jim Cummings. If I were to say that one voice actor had a ton of versatility it would probably be him. I was a major Tigger fan when I was growing up. Not just that but I loved Raymond when Princess and The Frog came out. He is actually my mom’s favorite voice actor. But I also loved CatDog when I would see that on reruns, I grew to love Darkwing Duck and countless other shows that he leant his voice to. Studying voice acting and the people that do it has led to me finding some things out that I would rather not. Especially when I found that he wasn’t actually the nicest person in real life. But, to me that doesn’t matter when it comes to this list. He is here because so many of his characters made my childhood just a little bit happier. When I was thinking about favorite voice actors I considered two things, personality and character content. This one is here just for character content. 
8. Bob Bergen: I reblogged a post a long time ago with this man at the helm. What he can do every time I see him do it blows my mind. Bob has been the voice of Porky Pig since pretty much Tiny Toons back in the early 90′s. He has stated that there have been some others but when I think Porky this is the name that comes along with it. Watching him do his thing is something that continually blows my mind. Listening to his life story on Rob Paulsen’s podcast Talkin’ Toons is something that inspired me more than anything. It’s this story of persistence and resilience from a young age. He is one of the few voice actors that actually got to talk with Mel Blanc when he was fourteen. I love his genuine heart and the ability that he has to jump into his character full force. Porky was a big portion of my childhood and I grew up laughing at his “silly” stutter. It wasn’t until I got older and learned that the stutter is an actual art form that I learned something entirely different. 
7. Richard Horvitz: Most of you that know me might be surprised at this rather seemingly low placement for somebody that I greatly admire. I mean he was Invader Zim and Billy from Billy and Mandy for crying out loud!! I just bought a print for the man but really when I thought about it, he hasn’t really inspired me as much as my top six have. I love his sense of humor and his love of musical theater but he hasn’t taught me anything life altering. I think that he is hands down the funniest voice actor in Hollywood. I could listen to him make jokes forever and just talk in his voice but at the same time he is so other worldly and knows so much about the craft that it inspired me that way. He is as most of his fans joke “the dad voice actor” complete with dad jokes. I love Invader Zim so much, the show has helped me through a lot of loneliness and emotional moments in my life reminding me to keep laughing at life’s craziness. I also love Moxxie from Helluva Boss. All in all Richard is a fabulous man and actor. He has helped me figure out the kind of person that I wanted to be and I owe him a lot of laughter hours. 
6. Greg Cipes: Can I talk about probably my OG hero for voice acting? When I was six I spent a lot of time in front of the television watching the original Teen Titans. My favorite character was Beast Boy his character that he played. When I say that BB changed the way that I think about my life that is not an exaggeration. He was one of the first characters that made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. Growing up I had to fight people for his validation. It seemed like nobody loved him as much as I did. Cut to me in middle school I’m a bit more grownup and I start channel flipping. I wind up on Nickelodeon and see the reboot of Ninja Turtles. I figure I’ll watch it and see what all the hype is about. I hear Mikey open his mouth and instantly I get this rush of my childhood coming back. It was one of the first times that I made the connection between voice actor and character. Greg taught me so much vicariously through his character. He taught me about fun and laughter, about the importance of feeling lonely doesn’t mean that you’re alone in the world and even if you’re the goofball that doesn’t mean that’s all you have to be. The fact that he is such a relaxed and genuine person only adds to the admiration of this vegan beach bum. 
5. Corey Burton: This is a very personal hero of mine. It’s one that I hold very close to me because of one thing. As far as I know, there have been very few voice actors on the autism spectrum. Corey is the only one that I have ever found. He’s the man that actually surpassed every expectation and said screw live performing it makes me anxious I’m going to get my experience through something that I know I’m good at radio. So he does radio and becomes really good at that. Then he goes to cartoons. He does Dale in Chip And Dale Rescue Rangers with a certain feminine icon of mine. He gets Ludwig Von Drake and has been that voice actor since the original DuckTales. Then he hits the peak, he was Mole in Atlantis Lost Empire a big budget Disney movie. I am so often inspired by my top six favorite voice actors. They are the ones that took me by the figurative hand and told me hey you can do get through whatever it is that you are struggling with. It just takes a little bit of laughter through the bad times, and an optimistic attitude that things will slowly but surely get better. Corey was the one that actually got himself to the top of the mountain and got to say that he did it. I admire that about him so much because for a while I thought to myself “Hey, he did it so can I”. 
4. J Michael Tatum: In terms of anime voice actors, even though I love a great many, only one has ever remained of legend status. It comes yet again with a rather personal story. I was 17, lost and a little bit confused. I knew that I was ace but I had no idea how to tell my parents. It was around this time when I was getting back into anime due to Yuri On Ice, Space Dandy and Princess Jellyfish. I decide what the hell I’m going to watch some panels of my favorite voice actors for anime haven’t done that since I was thirteen. I had always loved Tatum as Kyoya Ootori in Ouran High School Host Club and France in Hetalia but other than that I didn’t know very much about him. I looked up panels for him and came across one for Florida Anime Con filmed that year. In it, he talked about being gay a lot. It implanted a seed that would inspire me. If he could be out and proud then why was I stoping myself? It might sound silly or stupid to some but to me it changed everything. From that moment on I loved everything Tatum. It led me to discover my love for Rei in Free, Okabe in Stein’s Gate and many other countless roles of his. 
3. Tom Kenny: This man right here, he is the OG voice actor special interest of mine. He is the first name that I remember hearing because he did so much for Nickelodeon showing children how he did his most iconic voice. Who is that iconic voice you may ask yourself? Well it’s Spongebob flipping patties Squarepants. If that alone doesn’t put him at this spot then I don’t know what does. Like so many children in the early 200s I spent a good chunk of my childhood with me and my parents on the couch and this show on the television screen. You want to talk about legacy? This man voiced his way into the hearts of millions of children across the united states. I remember the first time I saw his actual face. I was flipping through channels and I saw this man on Nickelodeon. He had a goofy smile on his face and I figured what the hell I’ll give this a watch even though it’s not a cartoon. Then he started talking he introduced himself as Tom Kenny. Then he starts doing Spongebob. My five year old mind was blown. I never forgot his name ever since. Every time I would watch Teen Titans and Mambo would be on that episode I would be like “Oh that’s Spongebob’s voice actor”. It was that moment that changed everything for me. I have never looked back from my main special interest ever since. He has helped me through so much. Whether he be my favorite exorbitant yellow sponge, or Dog on CatDog, or Lazlo on Camp Lazlo part of me will always be with Tom Kenny. Keep making children happy Tom you’ve been doing a great job so far. 
2. Tress MacNeille: Hoo boy this is a big one for me. For those of you that haven’t ever been around here before and don’t know the name of my character on my icon her name is Dot Warner (the Warner sister) and this is her voice actress. I hope that she changes your life and inspires you as much as she has mine. When I was nine I had an incredible fourth grade teacher. She showed us Yakko’s Nations Of The World for geography class. She also encouraged us to watch the rest of the show because it was full of educational songs and humor. I went home that day with on thought in mind. I wanted to watch the rest of that series. I go home and I make one distinction, hey that Warner sister I can kind of talk like her a little bit if I try hard enough. It was a little bit harder back in those days and I talk a lot more like her now with the reboot out in the world. This is the first and only impression I can do. I can do Dot and that’s it. And to me that was what mattered I didn’t need to be able to do anybody else. There aren’t a whole lot of woman voice actress’s that can keep working. All we have is Tara Strong, Cree Summer and the one and only goddess Tress MacNeille. Tress has helped me out so much in my life. I have never been the most confident person alive but from a young age hearing her absolutely smack down the actors of her brother’s in the show (Rob Paulsen and Jess Harnell) something about that inspired me. It was around this point in my life that I learned I can speak my mind and just not give a hoot if anybody feels the same way that I do. I can make my opinions known to other people. I was sixteen when I made that discovery and Tress was there for me all the way cheering me on in her Dot voice.  I owe a lot to her and I wish that she was more active on social media so that I could have the opportunity to thank her for everything that she has done vicariously for me. 
1. Rob Paulsen: If you were surprised by this, we probably haven’t talked before. At least not extensively because my dog do I love this man!! He has inspired me more than any other and he is not just my favorite voice actor but I consider him my ultimate hero in life. Where do I even start with him? There have been so many moments where I’ve fallen in love with one of his characters. I suppose one should start at the beginning. As I mentioned with Tress, my introduction through Animaniacs was Yakko’s Nations Of The World. This moment it changed everything for me because this was the first time that I could actually remember seeing Rob do a role. Yakko was the first cartoon character to actually make an impact on me. It was the first time that I ever loved a character that deeply. It was also the first time I ever made my own character to pair up with a canon character not even knowing that I was doing it. Ever since then a part of me has known okay that’s what Rob talks like. Now thanks to Tom Kenny I can recognize him in other places. And recognize him I did. From there I found that he was Carl on Jimmy Neutron, Mark Chang my favorite character on Fairly OddParents and countless other roles that we could be here all day for. As I mentioned, I was in middle school when the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were originally airing. When I watched that first episode, Donatello sounded really familiar to me. So I waited to the end credits only to find out that holy hell that was Rob!! The same person that played my favorite fast talking older brother. I found out about his fight with cancer a few years after it happened. This is when he went from favorite voice actor to hero legend status. He fought his way out of hell so that he could continue to sing “United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Heidi, Jamaica, Peru” until the end of his days. Reading his book changed my life forever as it gave me insight to not just the man who made me laugh, cry and cry laughing listening to his podcast but that same man had a whole ass heart and soul that he put into every character that he did. I find it really hard to explain what he means to me. He’s my hero, the one that made me laugh when I was a sad and lonely elementary schooler and the one that continues to bring me back to my childhood every time I see him in a show. I don’t feel the compulsion to give strangers hugs very often but if I ever met Rob I don’t think that I would be able to stop myself from giving a hug and just telling him thank you. Thank you for making my childhood and the childhoods of countless others much better than they would have been without you. 
And that’s it folks!! Whew that’s a lot of me rambling but I feel a bit better now. Finals preparation week has officially started for me and I just wanted to give myself this big ol’ boost of serotonin before I went into it.     
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daadddysprincessss · 3 years
We aren’t even related
paring: Jim Mason x reader
Summary: step siblings are not blood related - Your dad had been dating Sandy Mason for over a year now, and they had both agreed to move in together(unfortunately they chose your dad’s house), Sandy had 2 kids of her own, Medina and Jim - they were twins, but 2 very different people. You could admit you did have a small crush on Jim when you saw him at school, but so did every other girl, and now that the both of you would basically be step siblings you would never have a chance now. // 3.7k words, part one
Warnings: step siblings are not blood related, harmless flirting
tagging: taglist: @ghostiesbedroom @lovelylangdonx @queencocoakimmie@langdonsinferno @peachesandfern @gold-dragon-slayer @charlottelouise135 @hplotrfan @rosegoldrichie @taryn-just-happened@little-grunge-flowerz @ccodyfern @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonsoceaneyes @sojourne @starwlkers @bellejeunefillesansmerci @chicaluna2410 @crazycatchloe (hope its okay if i tagged you)
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Today was one of the worst days of your life, your dad’s girlfriend was moving in with her 2 kids - you either had to move your room to the basement of share with her daughter, you quickly opted out of sharing with a complete stranger. After you settled into the basement room you came upstairs and awaited the Masons arrival with your dad - he looked so happy, you couldn’t remember the last time you had seen him happy -
“Nervous?” you tilted your head and looked up at your dad
He continued to bounce his leg up and down - “a little” he smiled at you
“Don’t be, it’s gonna be amazing” you gave him a weak smile, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice - the only highlight of the day was staying home from classes, it seemed odd for someone to move in on a thursday but whatever - it kept you out of class.
The both of you had waited till 10:30 when your dad quickly jumped up when he heard the soft knock on the door - “hi Sandy” he smiled as he opened the door for her
You stood back as Sandy walked into your home - she gave you a weak smile - “Kids, come on in” she yelled
You placed your hands behind your back and fiddled with your fingers as you waited for them to walk in - you’ve seen them around the school before and never really talked to them so this was definitely going to be a big change - both Medina and Jim walked in, Medina smiled at you, and Jim didn’t even look up from his phone.
“Hey y/n” Medina smiled
“Hi Medina, Hi Jim” you said as politely as possible
“Hi” Jim’s voice was deep - he didn’t even look up from his phone
You rolled your eyes at him - Medina let out a little laugh, she noticed you roll your eyes -
Your dad walked in holding a few boxes labelled with JIMS ROOM “where should I put these”
“Whatever room I get I guess” his tone was rude
Your dad walked towards your old room placing them down
“If you want to follow me, I can show you guys your rooms” you walked towards Jim and Medina
“Yeah that would be cool” Medina smiled - she nudge Jim’s shoulder in hopes he wouldn’t be so rude but it clearly didn’t work
“Medina this is your room, im sorry its kinda small - it used to be my dads office” you turned to Medina
“It’s alright, there’s room for my bed, desk, and surfboard” Medina said with a shrug, she stepped into the room and walked towards the window. “it has a killer view - wow” she turned to look at you
“My dad said you love the ocean, so I made sure you’d get this room” you smiled at Medina - “Jim, your room is right over here” you turned to look at him
You walked towards your old room - “Jim this is you room, it uh used to be mine” your voice was monotoned
“Cool, so ill be sharing a room with you I take it” Jim raised his brow
Jim is one of the cutest guys at school, you knew you never had a chance with before - but now you really didn’t have a chance - “Uh no, my room has been moved to the basement” you said nervously
“Damn it would’ve been nice to share my room with a hottie like you” Jim smiled and walked into the room
You were a bit taken back by his confidence - a little bit of blush swept across your face from his weirdish compliment - you turned on your heels and walked back towards your dad and Sandy
“Thank you so much y/d/n” Sandy said as your dad carried in the last of the boxes - “JIM, MEDINA! Coming grab your boxes” Sandy yelled
The first thought that ran through your mind was ‘does she ever shut up’ like who yells that much for their kids
Medina was the first to come and grab her boxes, and than her surfboard. Jim came much later - as if he was preoccupied in his room - the first thing he grabbed was his surfboard(probably checking to make sure it wasn’t damaged) and than his boxes -
“The beds will be here later today - if that’s okay” your dad said nervously to Sandy
“I’m sure Jim and Medina won’t mind” she smiled
You went downstairs to your room, and flopped down onto your bed - you pulled out your phone and clicked the group chat labels ‘baddies’ - ‘well they are moved in now :/‘ you sent to the chat
‘Ooo at least you have that hottie to stare at!! ;)’ Heather texted
Heather wasn’t wrong Jim was the schools biggest eye candy, to us girls he was like a shiny new toy - of course you wanted to play with him but now that he’s technically your step-brother you can’t even touch him -
you tossed your phone aside to try and clear your mind “I can’t think of him like that anymore” you whispered to yourself - you looked up at the ceiling above you, you were directly under Jim’s room, you could hear him walking around above you - you even heard your window slide open a few times, probably testing if it will be quiet enough to sneak out (which it was). You turned your head to the side and looked at your new windows, they were big enough to get out of but a little high to reach, you quickly got out of bed and moved your nightstand under your window so you could still sneak out whenever - or so your friends/boys could sneak in without making a sound.
You laid back onto you bed - *ding* your phone buzzed on the other side of your bed *ding*
“Fuck who is it” you sat up reaching for your phone -
‘Bay party tmrw nite - u in?’ Heather texted
‘If ur cuming to the party wear something sexy - gotta impress the boys’ Amber texted
You rolled your eyes and laughed - ‘only if you were something cute with me;)’ you replied to Amber
‘Yeah i'll pick up Ambs and Vana’ you texted back to Heather - “fuck shes so annoying” you tossed your phone aside again - you turned to your side and started to doze off slightly until you heard a light knock at your door - “come in” your voice was soft
The door slowly opened “I was wondering if you wanted these back” Jim’s voice appeared from the doorway - he was holding up a lighter and incense
“Uh yeah! Thanks” you quickly walked towards him grabbing the items
“The best way to cover up the scent of pot is the smell of glass cleaner” Jim laughed - he knew exactly why you had incense
You smiled awkwardly “thanks” -
Jim pulled out a joint from his pocket - “wanna smoke up before dinner?” He smiled
Jim never talked to you - he actually labelled you a ‘snob’ for not showing up at bay boy parties often, so what was the change of heart here - “uh sure, why not?” You said softly - you flicked the lighter on and lit the incense -
The soft smell of lavender filled your room as Jim lit the joint - he inhales deeply, holding it for a moment - the smoke ghosted form his lips, he held the joint up for you. You took the joint and inhaled deeper than Jim(trying to show off) you held it in - when you parted your mouth to blow out the smallest bit of smoke came out - which made you smile.
“Wanna sit?” You tilted your head as you inhaled again
Jim nodded and took a seat on the end of your bed, you joined him on your bed, sitting with your back to your pillows - you leaned over(practically on your knees) to hand him the joint - Jim took the joint and smoked it
“I never would’ve thought a girl like you was into this sort of stuff” Jim laughed
“Into what? Smoking? Pv can be boring when there’s no parties, you have to find your own fun, you’ll quickly learn about me Jim” you smiled at him - you both were getting along, it felt slightly weird
“And what other things do you like to do for fun y/n” Jim’s voice was a bit higher as he held the smoke in
“Sometimes you can go whale watching, party at the bay, sometimes my friends and I go down to the train tracks and drink mindlessly - sometimes I go down there with guys” your eyes went wide realizing you overshared -
“Go on - im interested in what else you do at the tracks” Jim’s voice was low and raspy
You gave a weak smile as you reached over to grab the joint from Jim - you nearly fell face first onto his lap, but you quickly caught yourself before it could happen. Both of you started to laugh hard, “I’m so sorry” you took a deep inhale
“It all good babe” Jim laughed
You were a bit taken back by Jim calling you babe, like sure he probably called every girl babe but you never actually hung out with him - you took another deep inhaled before handing the joint back to Jim - you could feel your high kicking in, making you feel more relaxed. You watched Jim place the joint between his plump lips and inhale - god you wanted to kiss those lips - he parted his lips and exhaled the smoke softly, your eyes flickered up to his face - he was so fucking hot
“Y/N! JIM! Dinner is ready!” Your dad yelled from the top of the stairs - quickly getting you to focus
“Wait what time is it” you said softly as you grabbed your phone, ‘6:45’ was across the top of your screen - “we’ve been down here for almost 3 hours??” You started to laugh
Jim bit his bottom lip and looked at you “it was the best 3 hours I’ve spent here so far” he stared at you for a moment - you could feel the tension building up between you
“JIMMY! Y/N!” Sandy yelled
You both stood up together and walked towards the stairs to go up - Jim let you walk up first. When you came from behind the door the dinner table was set up with a nice dinner, there were 2 open spots next to each other - Jim and you had taken both those seats.
Dinner felt more full than normal, it wasn’t just you and your dad anymore - but it was a good feeling, you saw him laugh and smile a lot more than normal which warms your heart. After dinner you cleaned up the table with Sandy trying to get to know her more - she was a bit odd
“Thank you for dinner Sandy, it was delicious” you smiled as you load the dishwasher
“It was my pleasure - i'm glad you enjoyed it” Sandy smiled
You turned your head slightly and noticed Jim standing in the entrance of the kitchen gawking at you - you gave a playful smile and quickly stood up
“Hi” your voice was sweet
“H-hey” Jim stuttered out
“Do you need anymore help in the kitchen Sandy?” you turned your head to hide the blush sweeping across your face
“No dear, I got it from here” She smiled at you
Jim’s lips were pressed into a thin line - he parted his lips to say something but nothing came out
“Cat got your tongue” you teased - before Jim could say anything you walked towards the basement door, you went down into your room and threw yourself onto your bed - “why did I just do that” you raised your voice as you pushed your face into your pillows. Why were you being so flirty, you knew you couldn’t have him - you could feel your body tensing just thinking about him, your mouth started to water at the thought of kissing Jim’s plump lips, you could even imagine the of his ribs if he lied between my hips - your hand started to trail down your body, getting closer to the band of your leggings - *ding* you quickly removed your hand from almost entering your pants, you quickly sat up to see who messaged you -
‘Hey, I really enjoyed our smoke sesh. Maybe we can have another one soon;)’ Jim texted you
The first thought that ran through you head was ‘how did you get my number?’ -
‘Yeah, maybe tomorrow’ you texted back
‘Before the party ;)’ Jim texted back quickly
How did he know you were going? He never asked you - who told him? ‘Yeah sure, whatever works’ you texted back trying to sound cool
‘Sweet dreams ;)’ Jim texted back
You stared at your phone with a smile plastered across your face - “sweet dreams” you said softly out loud - you never texted him back that night. You laid back in your bed, you felt like you had a little school girl crush on Jim, but there was that little voice in the back of your head screaming at you ‘HE’S BASICALLY YOUR STEP BROTHER YOU CAN’T GO FOR IT’ - you closed your eyes to drown out the screaming in your head - after you closed your eyes you quickly fell asleep.
You woke up Friday morning to the smell of your dad’s world famous pancakes, you quickly jumped out of bed and threw and oversized shirt on, you ran up the stairs to see your dad humming as he was flipping some pancakes
“Good Morning sunshine” his voice was cheerful
“Good morning daddy” you smiled - you had forgotten what he looked like when he was this happy
“I made these ones special for you” your dad smiled and handed you a plate
When you took the plate you looked down to see mickey mouse shaped pancakes - “dad, you really didn’t have to” you smiled so hard your face started to hurt
“Think of it as a thank you” your dad pulled your head to his chest and kissed your forehead
You walked towards the kitchen table with your plate - you smiled at Medina who was eating her breakfast
“Morning” you spoke softly
“Morning y/n” she smiled
You placed your plate down and turned around to grab a drink - “Medina do you want anything to drink?”
“Yeah sure, I wasn’t sure where anything was” she laughed
You grabbed to fruit juices and walked back handing one to Medina, you both sat in silence, eating breakfast till Jim came out of his room - he stomped his way to the kitchen, his hair was a complete mess, dark circles under his eyes - almost like he didn’t sleep. He didn’t say a word to either of you, he grabbed a plate of food and sat next to you - he closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply -
“Morning Jim” your voice was low
He turned to look at you, giving you a weak smile along with a nod - he acted as if you meant nothing to him..
You ate your breakfast in silence, after you were done you brought your plate to the sink. You looked at the clock to see if there was enough take to shower before class - which there was -
You walked towards the bathroom(since the basement bathroom was being worked on) -you grabbed a towel and set the water temperature, you tossed the oversized shirt aside and stepped into the shower, you put a little bit of shampoo in your hand and started to massage it into your scalp -
“Holy fuck” Jim’s voice was muffled
Your eyes widen and you quickly covered your breasts - “Jim what are you doing in here, don’t you knock” your voice was full of embarrassment
“I did” Jim blurted out as his eyes trailed down your body
“Jim get out” you pointed at the door
“Or I could just join you, save water right?” He laughed - Jim walked towards the shower
“Jim no” you turned the shower off - you really did want him to join
“You know you want me to” Jim winked
There was a knock at the door - “Jim? Y/n?” Medina’s voice came from behind the door
“Sorry medina I’m almost done my shower” your voice was shaky
“Oh sorry y/n” Medina’s voice was quiet
“Okay Jim when Medina walks away your out” you covered your breasts again
“Nice ass” he smirked
The corners of your lips started to curve from the compliment(kinda compliment) Jim gave you -
“I worked hard for it” you spoke with confidence
“I bet it would look nicer with a few hand prints” Jim teased
You were a bit taken back by his boldness, you tilted your head and raised a brow - “Yeah I bet it would” you smirked
You could see a bulge build in Jim’s pants - he looked down and back at you, pink blush crept across his face from embarrassment - “Medina’s gone - sorry for the blue balls” you smirked
You could admit telling Jim to go away instead of fucking you senseless hurt a little - you gave yourself blue balls too, you quickly showered and went to your room, you got dressed and brushed your hair out.
When you walked upstairs and headed towards the door you saw Jim and Medina grabbing their bikes to ride to school - “do you guys want a ride?” You asked
“If you don’t mind” Medina squinted her eyes from the sun as she looked at you
“Yeah - please” Jim said as he walked towards your car
You unlocked the doors and Jim got in the passenger seat of y/car, Medina got in the back seat
“Thanks again y/n” she spoke softly
You smiled at her through the rearview mirror - you just wished she wasn’t so shy with you
You plugged your phone in for music and started to drive towards school - you got to school within 15 minutes which was early for you.
“Do you guys want a ride home after class too?” You asked as you parked
“Please” Medina nodded - she quickly got out of the car and walked towards her friends
“Yeah” Jim nodded
You both got out of the car at the same time walk separate ways. Jim didn’t acknowledge you at school for the rest of the day, it annoyed you how different and unflirty he was with you.
After class when the last bell rang you went to your locker as normal, and put your stuff away- you texted Medina and Jim letting them know you’d be a few minutes. When Amber and Vana walked up to their lockers(right beside yours) they wanted to know everything
“So what’s it like living with the Masons?” Vana raised a brow
“It's only been a day” you laughed
“Ugh fuck talking about that - so for tonight what are you wearing?” Amber asked
“Probably shorts and a tank, how about you guys?” You said as you put your backpack on -
“Y/n you gotta show a little - I heard Alex likes you” Vana teased
“Oh yeah right - I have eyes for someone else” you laughed
“No y/n Vana’s right, Heather heard that Alex was gonna invite you over after the party” Amber was trying to be serious
“Don’t pull my leg” you laughed
Both girls looked at you with a straight face
“I’ll see you guys tonight, you'll both be at Ambs?” You said as you turned to walk away
“Yeah - see you later!” They both said in sync
You walked quickly down the hall in hopes not to see Heather or Alex - they really annoyed you.
When you got to your car Jim and Medina we’re both patiently waiting for you - “sorry guys, my friends just wanted to talk” you quickly unlocked the doors.
The car ride home was silent again, you were thankful you had music to play though - when you got home, your dads car wasn’t in the drive away and no sign of Sandy anywhere - you went down to your room and picked out your clothes for tonight - placing them on your bed neatly.
Jim came down and knocked on your open door “you told me to knock right” he smiled
“Hi” you said coldly not caring
“Smoke?” Jim questioned as he held up a joint
“Why not” you stood up from your vanity
Jim lit the joint and inhaled, he nodded his head as he exhaled “its good” he handed you the joint
You walked towards Jim, taking the joint - your fingers brushed against his - you inhaled deeply and tilted your head back as you blew out the smoke. Jim and you sat in your room smoking - something about being with him comforted you, this joint hit you harder and faster than last time, your head went fuzzy, and your palms went calmly-
“I don’t know if I ever told you, but your so fucking hot” Jim’s voice was low - his eyes were glossy
“Wait what?” You were caught off guard-
Jim leaned towards you - his lips ghosting over yours - he placed his forehead against yours. You tilted your head up slightly - your lips meeting his - kissing gently, Jim’s lips parted slightly biting at your bottom lip. Jim’s tongue swiped against your bottom lip begging for entrance - you parted your lips, kissing Jim with an open mouth, his tongue massages against your tongue, you let out small moan into Jim’s mouth -
Jim pulled back from the kiss, a small trail of saliva trailed from your lips, his eyes were hazy as he started back at you -
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mxsfire · 4 years
I'd love some new jimercury. Can we see Jim being the bottom 🙈😊
Here we are darling! 💖
Freddie calmly sat back, putting lube on his fingers and rubbing them together, warming them. He looked over at Jim, laid out beautiful with his knees together.
Freddie went for another slow and gentle kiss as he separated Jim’s knees.
He smiled at Jim brightly, unknowingly loosening some of Jim’s nerves.
Freddie shuffled back a bit, getting into a better position to prepare Jim properly.
When he was ready, finger about to touch Jim, he looked up at him and smiled.
Jim gave him a smile back, and a small nod.
The first finger was odd, not painful. Jim had played with himself before, had experienced sex, but he was usually a top.
But Freddie was gentle with him, allowing him to get used to it and giving him time before entering the second, gently scissoring him after a moment or two.
Freddie finding his prostate was even better, for both of them. Jim felt pleasure rushing through him at the initial touch, then as Freddie continued to play with it.
Jim was reacting, moaning and panting on Freddie’s fingers andd Freddie looked at him like there was no other being that could compare to him.
The third finger gave them pause, Jim whining a tad at the initial stretch, and Freddie keeping his fingers still and pressed against Jim’s prostate.
They stayed like that for two minutes, though to Jim it felt like shorter as he writhed on the sheets, bucking his hips and moaning.
That seemed to jump start Freddie, who began moving them in and out, stretching Jim’s rim and making him lose focus.
«Fred, please, I-» a moan, accompanied with Jim pushing his hips so Freddie’s fingers would go deeper, «I need you Fred, please.»
Freddie gently pushed Jim’s hips down,
He cooed at Jim, promising he’ll satisfy him soon and started rolling on the condom and slicking up.
«Fred, c’mon, I need you.»
Freddie leaned down and kissed him, lining up and gently pushing in. Jim separated from the kiss, head falling backwards in pleasure, back arching lightly.
Freddie watched him carefully for discomfort or pain, especially as Jim took inch after inch in what looked to be delirious pleasure. When Freddie bottom out, Jim panted, mouth wide open and tears gathering at the corner of his eyes.
They sat for a moment, Jim’s hole filled with and fluttering around Freddie’s cock. Freddie looked at Jim, who nodded gently, whispering a light, “move.”
Jim moaned as Freddie’s movements started slow and gentle, Jim feeling the same cock that was once deep inside now inching out, then swiftly thrusting back in. Jim moaned, the sound swallowed by Freddie as he brought their lips together.
Jim could only focus on the feeling of absolute pleasure, gasping and panting into Freddie’s mouth as he began speeding up, both ready to finish.
Jim was the first, throwing his head back and arching off the bed, eyes unfocused and marks prevalent on his fair skin. Freddie was in awe, slamming home at the sight and cuming into the condom.
They sat for a moment, panting and breathing in each other. Freddie slipped out, making Jim moan.
«I love.. You.. Fred…» Were the words that came from Jim’s mouth as he drifted off to sleep. Freddie grinned and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.
«I love you too, Jim.»
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jameskw4713 · 4 years
Sequined swimsuit
I’m studying your body as we talk. I’m wondering if the sparkly swimsuit your wearing, if the sequins made it uncomfortable . Then my eyes wondered down your body, to between your legs. As I’m studying the curves and possible hidden secrets. I turn my focus on our conversation about *******. I’m smiling in my mind, I’m wondering if the sparkles went down between your legs and over your flower, and if it scratches your pussy, if it does. Does it feel good?
After my idea of the sparkles felt good, and my cock was stirring, just a little. My eyes look once again down your beautiful body, I want naughty, sexy, play sex, every way possible. I’m slowly looking over your hips, down your thighs, calf’s and feet. I want to please every inch of your incredible body. Make you cum, over and over. I hear my name, “jim, jim, where’s your mind”. Oh? Sorry! I was in a deep thought and I fazed a bit.
I look innocently at you and, smile. You look at me, “yea sure” you exclaim. You give a quick look down towards my crotch. No doubt I have a hard on. You don’t say anything about it, but I’m sure you noticed.
I try focus back on our conversation as my thought go back to studying your body as we talk. You move around a little and as you do, I notice your thighs rubbing together as you move, and I start wondering what would you say, if I walk over to you now, with my hard cock bounces in my shorts, slip my hand in between your creamy thighs and left them there as we continued our conversation. My imagination kept getting into my detail of how that would feel, as my hand slid higher up your thighs.
Now my cock is full on hard and you stop talking, as I see your eyes focused on my shorts and the hard shaft hiding in the loose material and not confining giving the freedom my cock needs.
You then ask me what I was thinking about as you point out my hard cock with a look.
I tell you that I’m thinking about how sexy you are and how I want to be touching you.
“Describe what your thinking,” you look at me daring to to refuse. I start to explain what I would do right now if I could. “I have two conditions, you can’t fuck me, and you can’t touch me unless I say so, You can only look and tell what you’d r do. That’s all!” Yes ma’am, I say with a smile.
I look at you and smile, ok! I can do that. To which you move to get yourself more comfortable. As you do, you open your legs a little, and I can see that your upper thighs are a little shiny wet. Not sure if from sweat or if your as horny as I am. I lean back in my chair and cross my feet in front of me, allowing my hard cock to stand erect and hidden only by the loose material of my shorts. You look over at my man hood and smile. Softly you tell me that I’m so fucking sexy right now. You ask me to continue with my fantasy.
I look unashamed as I study your sexy body saying out loud that would I like to lick your incredible body from your toes to your nose. Exploring everywhere my licks will give you the most pleasure.
You exclaim; “oh! How would you do that?” As you seem to squirm and smile at me.
My cock is so hard now that it’s starting to hurt, begging to be touched and rubbed. I hold off the urge to touch my cock, I look down and noticed a little pre-cum seeping through the material of my shorts. I���m so sure you noticed it, your looking right at me, watching me.
I start to explain that I’d take right foot, raise it to my mouth and start by; “Sucking and licking your toes, focusing kisses on each one. As I do, I’ll be rubbing the soul of your foot. with my thumbs, working out any stress.
As I explain my vision, you move so that each of your legs are hanging over the edge of the hammock. “ now as your thighs are apart exposing the material of your suit covering your flower, the glistening wetness between your thighs, has my attention. My cock twitches as I focus on your wet thighs, as well as the material that just hiding your pussy.” I’ll explore you. “To my self, i think; I want to taste that pussy right now.”
My cock twitches again with eager anticipation and longing to be touched. (Fuck my cock is getting really hard that it’s hurts!) I focus again, on my story of worshiping your feet. Just before I began, you suggest, “Go do what your describing.” So I moved over to your feet, my cock sticking out in front like a pole and the end bobbing about. (Not dignified.)
I stand next to the hammock and I take your furthest foot (left)into my hands and I gently kiss the big toe. Your other leg you have hanging over the hammock.
My left hand I’m holding your calf as you point your toes as I kiss each toe. I softly slide my hand down your calf, hold your leg for you. Your knee is bent, as I start sucking on your toes, by one.
I explain that; “Im looking towards you, your head is back, I’m move my gaze over your body. Taking a moment as I watch your breast lift and fall, with each breath.
My gaze then sinks to your exposed tummy to the waist band of the bottoms. I stop as stare at the camel toe thats now between your thighs.
I long to see what gift is hidden. To taste that treasure is all I need. Then I feel something touch my painfully hard cock, I look down and see your foot gently touching the material of my shorts. I close my eyes and the pleasure your touch releases a soft growl from deep within me.
I keep sucking and kissing your foot, my free hand stoped at the edge of your panties, Id move my finger tips along the hem of the leg, between your legs.
Slowly I’m pulling my hand, fingers like a rake, moving towards your knees again. I’ve been kissing and sucking on your toes all this while.” I keep explaining,” I want my hand to slide over your calf, and focus on the soul of you foot. “ As I massage the soul of your foot, your other foot is rubbing my cock (through the leg opening) as my cock gets harder, softly your foot moves over the soft silky flesh that’s is my cock.
Continuing the narrative; Kissing over your ankles, kissing every inch of flesh. I stop and kiss under your knee, and (I feel your other foot maneuver, so that that the shaft of cock is held between your big toe and the one next to it, like a V. You move you foot slowly up and down its length.
I’m using both hands in your thighs. I keep kissing your flesh as one hand moves to the edge of the material of your Bikini bottom. As it moves away the other hand does the same. But only the outer edge. (As I doing this, you slip your foot that’s playing with my cock, to under my testicles and your fondle then with your toes.)
I tell you that, “your so hot, sexy beautiful, your going to make me cum of you don’t stop what your doing.” you then placed your foot 🦶🏼 on top of my hard shaft, and you push your heal into my testicles, then you say; “can’t have that now can we. Please tell me more what your naughty mind is thinking as you lust for me.
I tell you my focus is between your legs, as my hand slides up and just touches the material that covering your pussy. (Your let out a soft moan, just as I touched your pussy.)
I tell you that your very hot there and damp. Then I push my finger into your pussy with the material. You let out a soft moan, tilt your hips up, and take a deep breath. I explain how wet you are, as my hand slides to your inner thigh and move down towards your knee, leaving a wet trail down your inner thighs.
Your foot starts moving over my cock, rubbing the shaft up and down, then you point your toe, and place your foot between my legs, you lift your leg onto my crotch. You look at me, then say to me very slurs and commanding; “make me cum now, or I’ll kick your nuts!” As you wiggle my balls with your toes.
I smile and say; “yes ma’am!” I move my hand towards upper thigh, my fingers just touching the hem of your panties, I bring my other hand over your hips, and I start using the my thumbs from both hands on you upper inner thighs. Tracing the edge of the material. You spread your legs a little more, and your foot starts tapping my balls. You tell me to; “hurry up or I’ll kick harder!” You say with a school girl tone.
I continue: I move both thumbs over your covered pussy, and I slowly press down as I make small circles with both thumbs, (you moan louder as I push deeper into your body.)
Your foot is sliding back and forth over my balls. “My god,” I yell out, “your foot feels so good there”. I start to hump your foot, you move your foot up tight into my balls. “Not yet daddy!” You tease.
My thumbs open your pussy wider, (like an opening flower, pink, wet, and still covered with the martial of your bottoms. I move it aside and “there’s my girl!” I exclaim out loud to you. “Hello my precious!” I lean in and softly kiss the pink nub.
Your foot then changes position, and your using your toes to tickle my balls and start sliding up and down the shaft.
I start softly licking your clit. Circling over and over, (your smell consumes me to a madding lust, my cock being teased by your toes, almost bring me to cum, several times, to be denied. Now your sent as a woman, is over powering me, I want more. My tongue; slips deep into you swollen, hot, wet, eager pussy. I stick my tongue as deep into as I can, I need to taste all of your pussy. I start tongue fucking your sweet pussy.
You stop rubbing my cock with your foot, your so into what I’m doing to your pussy, you are holding your foot out, toes pointed and tucked tightly into my crouch. I’m humping your foot as you keep pushing up. (Damn this feel great), then my tongue starts exploring the taste of each petal of your flower.
Your body starts to shake. As I go back to your clit, you grab my head, holding me in place, as I suck on your clit like I’m giving it a blowjob. You let out a load moan, as you push your toes into my testicles, and when I cum, my cream shots onto your tits, and I keep cuming over thighs, you start wiggling your toes as your leg lows.
“Wow!” You exclaim with a loud breath. “That’s was...wow”!
I look at your beautiful face, mine all covered with your cum, I walk towards you and start kissing you and rubbing my wet face over yours. Both laughing. And you look into my eyes. With a smile of contentment, you ask; “who are you?”
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bmjnews-blog · 4 years
Joel Schumacher, Director of Batman Films and ‘Lost Boys,’ Dies at 80
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Joel Schumacher, costume designer-turned-director of films including “St. Elmo’s Fire,” “The Lost Boys” and “Falling Down,” as well as two “Batman” films, died in New York City on Monday morning after a year-long battle with cancer. He was 80. Schumacher brought his fashion background to directing a run of stylish films throughout the 1980s and 1990s that were not always critically acclaimed, but continue to be well-loved by audiences for capturing the feel of the era. Schumacher was handed the reins of the “Batman” franchise when Tim Burton exited Warner Bros.’ Caped Crusader series after two enormously successful films. The first movie by Schumacher, “Batman Forever,” starring Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey and Nicole Kidman, grossed more than $300 million worldwide. Schumacher’s second and last film in the franchise was 1997’s “Batman and Robin,” with George Clooney as Batman and Arnold Schwarzenegger as villain Mr. Freeze. For “Batman Forever,” the openly gay Schumacher introduced nipples to the costumes worn by Batman and Robin, leaning into the longstanding latent homoeroticism between the two characters. (In 2006, Clooney told Barbara Walters that he had played Batman as gay.) Several years after the Batman debacle, Schumacher directed the feature adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “The Phantom of the Opera.” Despite tepid reviews, it received three Oscar noms. In 1985 Schumacher struck gold with his third feature film, “St. Elmo’s Fire,” which he directed and co-wrote. Brat Packers including Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez and Ally Sheedy as well as a young Demi Moore starred in the story of a bunch of Georgetown grads making their way through life and love. Even the theme song was a hit and is still played to evoke the era. The film offered a pretty smart take on the complexities of post-college life. His next film was a big hit as well: horror comedy “The Lost Boys,” about a group of young vampires who dominate a small California town, starred Jason Patric, Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. It became a cult favorite, and a TV series adaptation has long been in the works. Schumacher had a high-concept screenplay by Peter Filardi and an A-list cast — Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin — for the 1990 horror thriller “Flatliners,” about arrogant medical students experimenting with life and death, and the director hit it fairly big again, with a domestic cume of $61 million. While those hits captured the era well, others during that period were misfires, such as the 1989 remake of the French hit “Cousin/Cousine” called “Cousins” and starring Ted Danson and Isabella Rossellini and the sentimental “Dying Young,” starring Roberts and Campbell Scott. But in 1993 he showed what he was capable of with the critically hailed “Falling Down,” starring Michael Douglas as a defense worker who’s lost it all and decides to take it out on whomever he comes across. The film played in competition at the Cannes Film Festival. The New York Times said the film “exemplifies a quintessentially American kind of pop movie making that, with skill and wit, sends up stereotypical attitudes while also exploiting them with insidious effect. ‘Falling Down’ is glitzy, casually cruel, hip and grim. It’s sometimes very funny, and often nasty in the way it manipulates one’s darkest feelings.” Schumacher’s next film was also a solid hit. “The Client,” based on a John Grisham novel, was a highly effective legal thriller that also boasted terrific rapport between Susan Sarandon’s lawyer and her 11-year-old client, a boy played by Brad Renfro who has witnessed a murder. Between the two “Batman” films, Schumacher directed another Grisham adaptation, “A Time to Kill,” which sported a terrific cast (including Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd and a career jump-starting turn by a young Matthew McConaughey) and, while not without its own weaknesses, asked important questions about race. After the second “Batman” he made the much darker, smaller-scale thriller “8MM,” which followed a miscast Nicolas Cage as a family-man private detective in pursuit of those who made what appears to be a snuff film. His next film, 1999’s “Flawless,” about a homophobic cop who’s suffered a stroke, played by Robert De Niro, and a drag-wearing Philip Seymour Hoffman, was formulaic — the odd couple who couldn’t be more different find out they have a lot in common — but it sported excellent performances by the leads and certainly had heart. Switching gears dramatically, Schumacher made “Tigerland,” starring a young Colin Farrell in the story of young recruits preparing to go off to Vietnam. It had a gritty look, but while some critics saw an earnest quality, others saw cynicism. Schumacher’s 2002 thriller “Phone Booth,” which reunited the director with Colin Farrell and Kiefer Sutherland — and intriguingly trapped Farrell’s antihero in the title New York City phone booth for almost all of the film’s running time — had critics and audiences alike talking, even if the ending was a cop-out. His other films included actioner “Bad Company,” starring Anthony Hopkins and Chris Rock; “Veronica Guerin,” starring Cate Blanchett as a journalist crusading rather recklessly against the Irish drug trade; and Jim Carrey thriller “The Number 23” and “Trespass,” starring Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman. Schumacher started out in showbiz as a costume designer, earning credits on 1972’s “Play It as It Lays,” Herbert Ross’ “The Last of Sheila” (1973), Paul Mazursky’s “Blume in Love (1973), Woody Allen’s “Sleeper” (1973) and “Interiors” (1978) and 1975 Neil Simon adaptation “The Prisoner of Second Avenue.” He was also credited as the production designer on the 1974 TV horror film “Killer Bees.” He also started to write screenplays, including 1976’s “Sparkle,” 1978 hit “Car Wash” and the adaptation for 1978 musical “The Wiz.” Schumacher’s first directing assignments came in television: the 1974 telepic “Virginia Hill,” which he also co-wrote and starred Dyan Cannon, and the 1979 telepic “Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill,” which he also penned. He stepped into the feature arena with the 1981 sci-fi comedy “The Incredible Shrinking Woman,” starring Lily Tomlin, followed in 1983 by “D.C. Cab,” an action-comedy vehicle for Mr. T that Schumacher also wrote. Born in New York City, he studied at Parsons the New School for Design and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. He worked in the fashion industry, but decided to instead pursue a career in filmmaking. After moving to Los Angeles, he applied his fashion background to working first as a costume designer and worked in TV while earning an MFA from UCLA. Schumacher directed a couple of episodes of “House of Cards” in 2013, and in 2015 he exec produced the series “Do Not Disturb: Hotel Horrors.” Camerimage, the International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, awarded Schumacher a special award in 2010. He also received the Distinguished Collaborator Award at the Costume Designers Guild Awards in 2011. Click here to view original web page at variety.com Read the full article
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artemis-pendragon · 8 years
Teh Final Problm
Chapter 1
(AN: dis is my frist attmpt at writing a fanfic for dis fandom so dont flame mah story ok preps fuck u if u do ill come find oyu and lok u in a murder prison okay!!!111!!!1!! also tanks to Sue for da help love u girl!!!11!)
Hi my name is Eurus Dark'ness Dementia Sue Vertue Holmes and Im rly smart and pretty and I have long wavy black hair taht reaches dwn my back to my shoulders and eyes like limpid tears in my pale wite face and evrybody thinks i'm crazy but i'm really a genus lol. I have 2 brothers and they where rly mean to me when we were kids so i'm going to make them figre out puzzles to escape a prizon and maybe die (gettit cuz i'm a genius.) I'm not related to Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way from My Immortal but I wish I was cuz shes a major fucking hottie who likes to tortue ppl for no reason 2 which iz cool and edgy lol.
I wuz on a plain but I was suddenly a child and my mummy woldn't wake up so I screamed and walked around crying cuz everyone was i gnoring me and I need attention all the time or I kill people. A phone suddenly rung and I answered it and some fucking prep named Jim Moriatea said “hello I'm Jim Moriarity welcome to the final problm” and I askd for help but he woldn't help me cuz he's a fuckign prep.
My oldest brothr Mikroft was watching some bad het porn thats older then he is even tho hes gay (idk why he was wtching het porn he just was okay???! if you dont like teh stry den gtfo!!11!!) and den he herd somone that sounded like me say his name so he grabed his umbrela that's also a sword and startd walking around looking for me. He thought he saw me go up the stares and got rlly creeped out. Den da painting of John Locke started crying tearz of blod and he loked really paniky bcuz he's scared of me lol. Also a clown jumped out like in dos scry movies from da 80s and he got out his umbrela sword even though its also a gun but he didnt tink 2 use that yet (haha hes so stpid I cant belieive were rleated!!)
“I dnt have time for this,” Mikroft said anstily looking madly at da wallz. The fake child laffed at him and said “theres all the tim in da world.” Mycraft was even moor scrad now and he ran around his hovel mansion and finally took out da gun (dont ask me y he caries around a loaded gun or how he loads it since its a unbrela handle he just doz ok!!11!!!) and ran out into da big room wif all da railings.
Suddenly Sherlok appeard!!! He wuz standin on da railing and looking at Mycrofte all epicaly and Mycrof yelled “arggghhhh help me Sherlock!!!” in a rly sacred voice but Sherlock was just running an experimence so he said “hey bro!” and John was also there and de laffed at him for beliving it wuz real. Then dey relized I must exist since Mikroft wuz rly scrad of da clown and blod and da little girl!!! they also thought I wuz locked up as a child and escaped since I shot john as his therapist which I did for shits and gigglez cuz im brilliant and lik to play dressup okay?! Also they left da room and took da creepy girl dat had run up the stares and also da clown with them (also I know dat dey put those pple at risk of bein shot or stabed but it wuz for a good cause ok!!! stfu preps if you dnt like da stry get out!1!!) Den my brother sherlock's bestie John sed that he convinsed Sherlok to scare Mikroft becuz udderwise Mikroft would nvr tell him da truth.
“Are u just gonna leave now?” mycroft said. He was angry but also rly scared becuz Sherlock and John turned of his securty even tho they knew I might try to kill him (haha arnt normal ppl so stupud lol!! to all u amazing brillant geniuses out der your da best!!!)
John told Mycrofte to cum to 221B if he wants help but might have ta weight cuz theres sometimes a line. “Thers an east wind cuming he said and then left wif sherlock.
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Montgo GS defy the odds has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/09/11/montgo-gs-defy-odds/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/09/11/montgo-gs-defy-odds/
Montgo GS defy the odds
On Friday 7th of September ten determined Montgo players set out to defy the odds and get in a game of golf.  In spite of extreme maintenance activities and a dreadful weather forecast these mighty ten gathered, clubs at the ready, to battle it out for the glorious prizes on offer by the society.  A fine sight they were too as the day had been declared a ´Free dress Friday´.  However none of the boys were brave enough to wear a dress, for which the ladies present were extremely grateful.  Keeping the day informal we played a blind pairs stableford with generous ´gimmes´ due to the rough terrain of the greens.  We thought we were defeated by the weather as the heavens opened as soon as the first group T´eed off.  Glumly a retreat was sounded and the ten headed for the club house for a fortifying shot of caffeine.  Turns out this was only round 1.  Soon the rain ceased and our intrepid few set off for the fairways and the game commenced. Round 2 was just a few minor showers in the early half of the game.  Although threatening to turn into something more, we persevered, determined to finish.  On reaching the halfway mark Round 3 was thunder rolling across the sky but we laughed it off.  For Round 4 the fates brought out the big guns as lightning strikes lit up in the distance.  Relying on Oliva´s management to stop us if it got too close we made a dash for the final few holes. Success!  We finished our game, almost dry, and very happy.  And despite all the trials and tribulations there were some pretty good scores with all but two in the thirties.  First place honours went to Jim Hayward and Dave Fotheringham with a joint score of 70 points.  In a close 2nd place Glenys Cuming and Neil Carter had 69 points, while Richard Fox and Peter Gardiner had 64 points.  Both NTP prizes went to Richard Fox, he also managed a proper two with no gimme for a coveted ball.  The remaining four players received a packet of crisps each just for turning up. Next weeks competition is a stableford sponsored by Derek Hall.
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londontheatre · 7 years
The company of YANK! at Charing Cross Theatre, credit Claire Bilyard
50 years ago, in 1967, homosexuality was partially decriminalised in England. In 2000 it became legal to be gay and a member of the UK armed forces. In the USA, the ban on gay folk serving wasn’t fully lifted until 2011. Why do I tell you this, you may ask. Well, the reason is that during WWII it was illegal to be gay in the armed forces and, despite the desperate need for men and women to serve, LGB personnel were persecuted by the military police for being who they were. Yet, when general conscription has been announced and the military machine is desperate for manpower, it’s inconceivable that the odd gayer didn’t slip past and serve their country. Their stories were never told until now as Joseph and David Zellnik’s musical Yank! opens at the Charing Cross Theatre.
It’s 1942 and the USA has finally noticed that Europe is at war. A young man called Stu (Scott Hunter) has been called up. As he leaves, his mother (Sarah-Louise Young) presents him with a journal to record his time in the service. Stu goes off to basic training and joins his squad – ‘Charlie’ Company. As with all such groups of conscripts, the squad is made up of various types from all over the USA and very quickly, names are dispensed with and nicknames become the norm. There is redneck ‘Tennessee” (Lee Dillon-Stuart), Czechowski (Kris Marc-Joseph) from Poland, the ‘Professor’ (Benjamin Cupit), Sicilian-born, Rotelli (Bradley Judge), Seattle-born Cohen (Tom Pepper) and ‘Hollywood’ Mitch Adams (Andy Coxon). As ‘C’ company’s long-suffering training Sergeant (Waylon Jacobs) discovers quite quickly, Stu is pretty useless as a soldier. He drops his rifle and is doing badly during basic training, much to the annoyance of the rest of the squad except Mitch, who helps him. Ah yes, that brings me to another point, Stu is gay and has fallen in love with Mitch – both wrong on so many levels – except that it seems Mitch feels the same way. After basic training, Stu meets up with Artie (Chris Kiely) a photographer on army magazine ‘Yank’. The two of them hit it off immediately, particularly as Artie is, like Stu, ‘light in the loafers’. He is looking for a writer to join him getting stories for the magazine, and so the two of them form a partnership, traveling the war writing positive pieces for the consumption of other ‘real’ soldiers, leaving ‘C’ Company and Mitch behind.
So, here we go then. Let’s talk about the issues with Yank!. Well, for a pedant like me, the uniforms were slightly wrong at times. And that’s it. My one criticism because Yank! was absolutely awesome from start to finish. I’m not sure exactly where to start with praising the show, to be honest. Let’s start with the book. David Zellnik has obviously done a lot of research about the consequences of being a gay man in the US armed forces during the war, and that really comes across with the utterly compelling story of Stu and Mitch. Yank! could easily have been left as a, pardon the pun ‘straight’ play but making it into a musical is a stroke of genius. David and Joseph have made a fabulously authentic sounding 1940s musical with some really memorable songs – such as ‘Click’ and ‘Light on Your Feet’ that evoke the era perfectly.
The company of YANK! at Charing Cross Theatre, credit Clair Bilyard
So, we have a great book and music, what’s next? Well you need a fabulous cast and Yank! really does have a superb one. Mention has to go to Sarah-Louise Young who plays virtually all the women in the show. Everyone from a closeted lesbian soldier, to a series of sweethearts saying goodbye to their man, to radio performers and even a melodramatic film soprano. Sarah-Louise does some fast costume and personality changes and gives every character she performs a life of their own. The rest of the talented cast play multiple roles and dance a wide variety of styles brilliantly and really create a solid and impressive ensemble behind our two leads. Andy Coxon is lovely as the confused, tormented Mitch. His good looks and affable style make him an instant friend of everyone onstage and in the audience and even at his most negative, he makes Mitch human so that it’s easy to understand what motivates Mitch. The chemistry with Scott Hunter’s Stu is palpable and the two of them make a lovely couple. Finally, Scott Hunter is an absolute dream as Stu. He is vulnerable and instantly loveable as the young man trying to come to terms with his homosexuality in the worst place possible. Scott looks and sounds great in the musical numbers but also is an intense serious actor – as we see during the scenes in Act II – who managed to get a strong emotional reaction out of many of us in the audience as we went through Stu’s journey with him.
James Baker’s direction makes fantastic use of the Charing Cross stage which, while not being the biggest in the world never seemed crowded even with the entire twelve-strong cast on it performing Chris Cumming’s choreography. Victoria Hinton’s set is quite minuscule – a few scenery flats and some packing crates – but brilliantly conveys every place required for the story, especially when combined with Aaron J Dootson’s lighting and Chris Bogg’s atmospheric sound design. Finally a mention for Musical Director James Cleeve and the seven-piece band that has the perfect 1940s sound to accompany the songs and provides nice incidental music.
Yank! is a pretty perfect musical as it stands. The story is compelling, the music never puts a foot wrong – guess what I’m listening to on Spotify as I write this – and the production is just amazing on all levels. The show varies from extreme highs to horrific lows but everything fits together perfectly and, at the end, there was a real poignancy in the glimmer of hopeful light that the story ended with. It was quite poignant that I saw the show a couple of days after Pride when so many LGBT+ people were able to celebrate the freedom to be themselves in a way that Stu and Mitch were never able to. Like so many others I was on my feet at the end cheering and wiping away a tear knowing that I had just experienced something really special.
Review by Terry Eastham
Based on the Off-Broadway hit production, and transferring to London following a highly acclaimed run at the Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester earlier this year, YANK! is a poignant love story based on the true, hidden history of gay soldiers during World War Two.
In 1943, young Mid-Westerner Stu is called up to serve in the forces and becomes a reporter for Yank Magazine, the journal ‘for and by the servicemen’. Following the men in Charlie Company, this acclaimed musical explores what it means to be a man and fall in love…
Scott Hunter (Grease, The Kissing Dance) will reprise his role as Stu and joining the company are Andy Coxon (Beautiful – The Carole King Musical, Les Misérables) as Mitch, Waylon Jacobs (Chicago, Memphis) as Sarge/Scarlet and Bradley Judge (Don’t Run, Sister Act) as Rotelli.
The rest of the company is completed by Benjamin Cupit, Scott Davies, Lee Dillon-Stuart, Chris Kiely, Kris Marc-Joseph, Mark Paterson, Tom Pepper and Sarah-Louise Young.
This production is directed by James Baker, with musical direction by James Cleeve and choreography by Chris Cuming. Completing the creative team are designer Victoria Hinton, lighting designer Aaron J. Dootson, sound designer Chris Bogg and casting director Benjamin Newsome.
Featuring a compelling story and original music by American brothers David and Joseph Zellnik, Yank! pays homage to the timeless music of the 1940s and shows the struggle to survive in a time and place where the odds are stacked against you.
Orchestrations: Joseph Zellnik Additional Orchestrations: Matt Aument The musical is directed by James Baker, and is produced by Katy Lipson for Aria Entertainment, Hope Mill Theatre, Ben Millerman with Jim Kierstead and Guy James.
Yank! Charing Cross Theatre The Arches Villiers Street London, WC2N 6NL http://ift.tt/HQ6NWc
http://ift.tt/2v71MU9 LondonTheatre1.com
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bmjnews-blog · 4 years
Joel Schumacher, Director of Batman Films and ‘Lost Boys,’ Dies at 80
Joel Schumacher, costume designer-turned-director of films including “St. Elmo’s Fire,” “The Lost Boys” and “Falling Down,” as well as two “Batman” films, died in New York City on Monday morning after a year-long battle with cancer. He was 80. Schumacher brought his fashion background to directing a run of stylish films throughout the 1980s and 1990s that were not always critically acclaimed, but continue to be well-loved by audiences for capturing the feel of the era. Schumacher was handed the reins of the “Batman” franchise when Tim Burton exited Warner Bros.’ Caped Crusader series after two enormously successful films. The first movie by Schumacher, “Batman Forever,” starring Val Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, Jim Carrey and Nicole Kidman, grossed more than $300 million worldwide. Schumacher’s second and last film in the franchise was 1997’s “Batman and Robin,” with George Clooney as Batman and Arnold Schwarzenegger as villain Mr. Freeze. For “Batman Forever,” the openly gay Schumacher introduced nipples to the costumes worn by Batman and Robin, leaning into the longstanding latent homoeroticism between the two characters. (In 2006, Clooney told Barbara Walters that he had played Batman as gay.) Several years after the Batman debacle, Schumacher directed the feature adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “The Phantom of the Opera.” Despite tepid reviews, it received three Oscar noms. In 1985 Schumacher struck gold with his third feature film, “St. Elmo’s Fire,” which he directed and co-wrote. Brat Packers including Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez and Ally Sheedy as well as a young Demi Moore starred in the story of a bunch of Georgetown grads making their way through life and love. Even the theme song was a hit and is still played to evoke the era. The film offered a pretty smart take on the complexities of post-college life. His next film was a big hit as well: horror comedy “The Lost Boys,” about a group of young vampires who dominate a small California town, starred Jason Patric, Kiefer Sutherland, Corey Feldman and Corey Haim. It became a cult favorite, and a TV series adaptation has long been in the works. Schumacher had a high-concept screenplay by Peter Filardi and an A-list cast — Julia Roberts, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, William Baldwin — for the 1990 horror thriller “Flatliners,” about arrogant medical students experimenting with life and death, and the director hit it fairly big again, with a domestic cume of $61 million. While those hits captured the era well, others during that period were misfires, such as the 1989 remake of the French hit “Cousin/Cousine” called “Cousins” and starring Ted Danson and Isabella Rossellini and the sentimental “Dying Young,” starring Roberts and Campbell Scott. But in 1993 he showed what he was capable of with the critically hailed “Falling Down,” starring Michael Douglas as a defense worker who’s lost it all and decides to take it out on whomever he comes across. The film played in competition at the Cannes Film Festival. The New York Times said the film “exemplifies a quintessentially American kind of pop movie making that, with skill and wit, sends up stereotypical attitudes while also exploiting them with insidious effect. ‘Falling Down’ is glitzy, casually cruel, hip and grim. It’s sometimes very funny, and often nasty in the way it manipulates one’s darkest feelings.” Schumacher’s next film was also a solid hit. “The Client,” based on a John Grisham novel, was a highly effective legal thriller that also boasted terrific rapport between Susan Sarandon’s lawyer and her 11-year-old client, a boy played by Brad Renfro who has witnessed a murder. Between the two “Batman” films, Schumacher directed another Grisham adaptation, “A Time to Kill,” which sported a terrific cast (including Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd and a career jump-starting turn by a young Matthew McConaughey) and, while not without its own weaknesses, asked important questions about race. After the second “Batman” he made the much darker, smaller-scale thriller “8MM,” which followed a miscast Nicolas Cage as a family-man private detective in pursuit of those who made what appears to be a snuff film. His next film, 1999’s “Flawless,” about a homophobic cop who’s suffered a stroke, played by Robert De Niro, and a drag-wearing Philip Seymour Hoffman, was formulaic — the odd couple who couldn’t be more different find out they have a lot in common — but it sported excellent performances by the leads and certainly had heart. Switching gears dramatically, Schumacher made “Tigerland,” starring a young Colin Farrell in the story of young recruits preparing to go off to Vietnam. It had a gritty look, but while some critics saw an earnest quality, others saw cynicism. Schumacher’s 2002 thriller “Phone Booth,” which reunited the director with Colin Farrell and Kiefer Sutherland — and intriguingly trapped Farrell’s antihero in the title New York City phone booth for almost all of the film’s running time — had critics and audiences alike talking, even if the ending was a cop-out. His other films included actioner “Bad Company,” starring Anthony Hopkins and Chris Rock; “Veronica Guerin,” starring Cate Blanchett as a journalist crusading rather recklessly against the Irish drug trade; and Jim Carrey thriller “The Number 23” and “Trespass,” starring Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman. Schumacher started out in showbiz as a costume designer, earning credits on 1972’s “Play It as It Lays,” Herbert Ross’ “The Last of Sheila” (1973), Paul Mazursky’s “Blume in Love (1973), Woody Allen’s “Sleeper” (1973) and “Interiors” (1978) and 1975 Neil Simon adaptation “The Prisoner of Second Avenue.” He was also credited as the production designer on the 1974 TV horror film “Killer Bees.” He also started to write screenplays, including 1976’s “Sparkle,” 1978 hit “Car Wash” and the adaptation for 1978 musical “The Wiz.” Schumacher’s first directing assignments came in television: the 1974 telepic “Virginia Hill,” which he also co-wrote and starred Dyan Cannon, and the 1979 telepic “Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill,” which he also penned. He stepped into the feature arena with the 1981 sci-fi comedy “The Incredible Shrinking Woman,” starring Lily Tomlin, followed in 1983 by “D.C. Cab,” an action-comedy vehicle for Mr. T that Schumacher also wrote. Born in New York City, he studied at Parsons the New School for Design and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. He worked in the fashion industry, but decided to instead pursue a career in filmmaking. After moving to Los Angeles, he applied his fashion background to working first as a costume designer and worked in TV while earning an MFA from UCLA. Schumacher directed a couple of episodes of “House of Cards” in 2013, and in 2015 he exec produced the series “Do Not Disturb: Hotel Horrors.” Camerimage, the International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, awarded Schumacher a special award in 2010. He also received the Distinguished Collaborator Award at the Costume Designers Guild Awards in 2011. Click here to view original web page at variety.com Read the full article
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Montgo Golf Society has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/07/05/montgo-golf-society-2/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/07/05/montgo-golf-society-2/
Montgo Golf Society
As the overnight storm clouds dispersed leaving a very hot and humid day, Montgo Golf Society members set off in the hope of winning an authentic Cornish Pasty from the Snellings family kitchen.   Sponsors of this weeks medal competition, John and Susie Snelling, brought paper bags filled with the delicious aroma of their native Cornwall.  I continue to applaud and encourage, the ongoing variety of prizes on offer this year.  Continuing in their recent familial golfing excellence, Neil and Glenys Cuming took top spots for boys and girls.  With an incredible net 64 Neil has won himself a 2.4 handicap cut to take home with his pasty.  Glenys saw off all the other ladies coming in with net par 72.  With a bagful of goodies each I´m guessing Glenys may have cancelled this weekends trip to the supermarket. Following in their wake Simon Fox scored a net 70, apparently due to a secret putting style supplied by Sally Cottrell which, I am sure, she may share with others for a small fee.  In 3rd place Tom Atkinson had a net 71, while our 4th spot was filled by Colin Foster with a net 72. Julia Hall was the only lady to nab a NTP prize, which surprised her as she was 12.10m from the pin on the 11th. The ladies prize on the 3rd went to Jim Hayward via card draw as none of us hit the green.  Terry Moore took two NTPs with an impressive 1.38 on the 3rd and 18.5m on the 11th. This has to be a society record for the longest NTP prize. Thus Tom was left somewhat more surprised than Julia as his name was announced.  NTP in 2 on the 18th went to our 4th place man, Colin Foster. Two 2´s were recorded for Neil Cumming and Terry Moore…and no it wasn´t from the 18.5m putt. Next week you´ll be relieved to hear is a stableford competition sponsored by Peter Twine.  
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Montgo's annual bogey has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2018/06/05/montgos-annual-bogey/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2018/06/05/montgos-annual-bogey/
Montgo's annual bogey
On a glorious first day of June Montgo battled with its annual bogey competition sponsored by Alan Skinner.  Unbeknown to most Alan is an accomplished painter and brought along some of his works as prizes.  This approach to greater variety in our prizes is only to be encouraged and most of us really appreciate taking home something a little different if we are lucky enough to play well. Congratulations yet again must go to the Oliva Nova team for the fantastic condition of the course following its recent maintenance.  This has to be just about the best kept golf course in the Costa Blanca region. Making the most of these excellent conditions, and in his first competition as a member of Montgo, Jim Haywood took top spot coming in with +3.  Countback decided second and third places with Penny Barden beating Simon Fox with her better back nine, both came in with +2. The three NTP prizes provided the Snelling household with another clutch of prizes as Susie hit to 6.36m on the 11th and Johnny to 5.87m with his second shot on the 18th.  It would´ve been a clean sweep for them if Denise cooper hadn´t knocked Johnny off the card on the 3rd by getting just 40cm closer with 5.50m.  Two twos were awarded this week to Neil Cuming and Elizabeth Grin. Next week we have changed our match to the 3 clubs and a putter format sponsored by John Day.  It was to be the new Presidents Cup but due to bridge repairs on the 7th we have moved this to the following week.
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londontheatre · 7 years
YANK! Original Manchester cast, credit Anthony Robling
A poignant love story based on the true, hidden history of gay soldiers during World War Two, YANK! focuses on the life of Stu, who is called up to serve in the forces in 1943 and becomes a reporter for Yank Magazine, the journal ‘for and by the servicemen’. Telling the stories of the men in Charlie Company, the musical explores what it means to be a man, and what it is to fall in love and struggle to survive in a time and place where the odds are stacked against you.
Scott Hunter reprises his role as Stu. Scott recently answered a few questions about himself and Yank!
Q: You are in the cast of Yank! What attracted you to be a part of the musical? Scott: The book was the first thing. The story is something I wish I’d been exposed to when I was younger and it’s so expertly written that the dialogue just rolls off your tongue. I also used one of the songs for my college auditions 5 years before I knew what Yank was so maybe it was a nostalgic pull to want to do it.
Q: You play the part of Stu – what can you tell us about him and how he fits into the storyline? Scott: The Musical actually follows Stu’s journey through the Second World War and how by enrolling in the army and eventually being employed by Yank, a weekly magazine published by the U.S army, he moves from being extremely shy and anxious to an incredibly strong and brave person. He faces events we may struggle to comprehend due to the setting but Stu feels and experiences emotions and thoughts that are so recognisable to us as humans.
Q: What is at the heart of Yank!? Scott: This is a hard one to answer because Yank covers many grounds purely due to the fact it’s set in the Second World War where people faced so many things at once. There’s the question of masculinity; how people dealt with trying to adhere to certain societal creations during a time in history where everything had started to shift and change. Its core for me though is love and what it can overcome. Now more than ever that message is something that is needed and something that must be communicated. Specifically, this story is about two men who fall in love in surroundings where to do so can have tragic consequences. That is the plot, the story, and is an important part of history which needs to be shown. The heart, however, is about the bravery and grace that comes with loving freely and acting through love.
Q: You have been in the cast of Yank! which premiered at the Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester receiving “extensive critical acclaim”. Can you tell us about the run at Hope Mill? Scott: It was a rare and unique process as all of us were originating these roles in the U.K and Europe. The creative team too were creating a show from scratch so it gave us a lot of freedom which you don’t always get to experience. As for the Hope Mill Theatre… it’s an amazing space, full of character and style and the Manchester audiences were so supportive and genuinely moved by the story. To have that reaction was beyond words.
Q: 27th July 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Sexual Offences Act. How significant is this to the cast and creatives in the production? Scott: I suppose there is an added poignancy with this anniversary happening during our run which we are all aware of. That being said, the work isn’t done and this story is relevant today with what is happening in Chechnya, the middle- east and even Orlando in 2016. Whenever people are forbidden to love in any way, I would hope that we all feel the significance and importance to acknowledge and respond to it.
Q: Away from the stage what do you like to do to chill out? Scott: I. Love. To. Eat. Cooking relaxes me a lot and so does eating… Exercise also helps my brain settle. Then it’s the usual; seeing friends, family and being around as many dogs as possible.
Q: And, why should everyone get along to see Yank!? Scott: Come and see Yank because it’s a story that’s not been told but one that everyone who has ever loved someone or something will understand. The score is reminiscent of MGM movie musicals and will (hopefully) stick in your head and you may even get to see a tap number. Maybe not. You won’t know unless you come!
Scott Hunter’s stage credits include Cinderella (Trinity Theatre), Grease (European tour) and Howard Goodall’s The Kissing Dance. Joining the company as Mitch is Andy Coxon, whose credits include Beautiful – The Carole King Musical (Aldwych Theatre), 20th Century Boy – The Marc Bolan Musical (UK tour), Les Misérables (Queen’s Theatre) and European tours of The Rocky Horror Show and Evita. Sarge/Scarlet will be played by Waylon Jacobs, whose credits include Chicago, Memphis and We Will Rock You (West End) and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Regent’s Park). Bradley Judge will play Rotelli. His credits include Aladdin (The Brindley Theatre, Runcorn), Don’t Run (Waterloo East Theatre) and Sister Act (Aberystwyth Arts Centre).
The rest of the company of Yank! is completed by members of the original Manchester production: Benjamin Cupit who made his professional debut as Professor in the Hope Mill production; Lee Dillon-Stuart (Les Misérables at Queen’s Theatre and Carousel for Pitlochry Festival Theatre) as Tennessee; Chris Kiely (The Ladykillers and Pygmalion for Theatre Royal Windsor, Sunset Boulevard at Yvonne Arnaud Theatre and a national tour of Chess) as Artie; Kris Marc-Joseph (Anno Domini at The Actors Church, Children of Eden and See Rock City and Other Destinations at Union Theatre) as Czechowski; Mark Paterson (tours of Horrible Histories and Peter Pan at Manchester Opera House/New Victoria Woking) as Lieutenant/NCO; Tom Pepper (The Mystery of Edwin Drood at the Arts Theatre, and on television, Drifters, Grandpa in My Pocket and Red Dwarf) as Cohen/Speedy; and Sarah-Louise Young (a member of award-winning improvised musical The Showstoppers at Apollo Theatre and extensive cabaret credits including Fascinating Aida) as Louise.
YANK! is based on the Off-Broadway hit production from 2010, with book and lyrics by American writer David Zellnik, with his brother Joseph Zellnik’s musical score paying homage to the timeless music of the 1940s. The musical is directed by James Baker, and is produced by Katy Lipson for Aria Entertainment, Hope Mill Theatre, Ben Millerman with Jim Kierstead and Guy James.
Completing the creative team are James Cleeve as musical director; choreographer Chris Cuming; designer Victoria Hinton; lighting designer Aaron J. Dootson; sound designer Chris Bogg; and casting director Benjamin Newsome.
LISTINGS INFORMATION YANK! CHARING CROSS THEATRE The Arches Villiers Street London WC2N 6NL Monday 3 July – Saturday 19 August Press Night: Monday 10 July at 7.30pm
http://ift.tt/2uhYihc LondonTheatre1.com
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londontheatre · 7 years
YANK! Original Manchester cast, credit Anthony Robling
Full casting is announced for YANK! which transfers to the Charing Cross Theatre in the summer for a seven-week season from Monday 3 July – Saturday 19 August 2017. The UK spring première of the musical production at Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester received extensive critical acclaim. The cast of the original production are joined by three new performers during the London run, with a Press Night on Monday 10 July.
A poignant love story based on the true, hidden history of gay soldiers during World War Two, YANK! focuses on the life of Stu, who is called up to serve in the forces in 1943 and becomes a reporter for Yank Magazine, the journal ‘for and by the servicemen’. Telling the stories of the men in Charlie Company, the musical explores what it means to be a man, and what it is to fall in love and struggle to survive in a time and place where the odds are stacked against you.
Scott Hunter will reprise his role as Stu. Stage credits include Cinderella (Trinity Theatre), Grease (European tour) and Howard Goodall’s The Kissing Dance. Joining the company as Mitch is Andy Coxon, whose credits include Beautiful – The Carole King Musical (Aldwych Theatre), 20th Century Boy – The Marc Bolan Musical (UK tour), Les Misérables (Queen’s Theatre) and European tours of The Rocky Horror Show and Evita. Sarge/Scarlet will be played by Waylon Jacobs, whose credits include Chicago, Memphis and We Will Rock You (West End) and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Regent’s Park). Bradley Judge will play Rotelli. His credits include Aladdin (The Brindley Theatre, Runcorn), Don’t Run (Waterloo East Theatre) and Sister Act (Aberystwyth Arts Centre).
The rest of the company is completed by members of the original Manchester production: Benjamin Cupit who made his professional debut as Professor in the Hope Mill production; Lee Dillon-Stuart (Les Misérables at Queen’s Theatre and Carousel for Pitlochry Festival Theatre) as Tennessee; Chris Kiely (The Ladykillers and Pygmalion for Theatre Royal Windsor, Sunset Boulevard at Yvonne Arnaud Theatre and a national tour of Chess) as Artie; Kris Marc-Joseph (Anno Domini at The Actors Church, Children of Eden and See Rock City and Other Destinations at Union Theatre) as Czechowski; Mark Paterson (tours of Horrible Histories and Peter Pan at Manchester Opera House/New Victoria Woking) as Lieutenant/NCO; Tom Pepper (The Mystery of Edwin Drood at the Arts Theatre, and on television, Drifters, Grandpa in My Pocket and Red Dwarf) as Cohen/Speedy; and Sarah-Louise Young (a member of award-winning improvised musical The Showstoppers at Apollo Theatre and extensive cabaret credits including Fascinating Aida) as Louise.
YANK! is based on the Off-Broadway hit production from 2010, with book and lyrics by American writer David Zellnik, with his brother Joseph Zellnik’s musical score paying homage to the timeless music of the 1940s. The musical is directed by James Baker, and is produced by Katy Lipson for Aria Entertainment, Hope Mill Theatre, Ben Millerman with Jim Kierstead and Guy James.
Completing the creative team are James Cleeve as musical director; choreographer Chris Cuming; designer Victoria Hinton; lighting designer Aaron J. Dootson; sound designer Chris Bogg; and casting director Benjamin Newsome.
YANK! is the latest collaboration between leading London-based theatre production company Aria Entertainment and one of Manchester’s newest and leading arts venues, the award-winning Hope Mill Theatre. They first joined forces in January 2016 to spearhead the arts venue as a platform to showcase, revive and bring new musical theatre to the north of England. The transfer to Charing Cross Theatre is helmed by the three producers of the original production at Hope Mill, who are now joined by Jim Kierstead and Guy James.
LISTINGS INFORMATION YANK! CHARING CROSS THEATRE The Arches Villiers Street London WC2N 6NL Dates Monday 3 July – Saturday 19 August
http://ift.tt/2q7btmn LondonTheatre1.com
0 notes
londontheatre · 7 years
YANK! Original Manchester cast, credit Anthony Robling
YANK!, the widely acclaimed musical production which recently received its UK première at Hope Mill Theatre in Manchester, is to transfer to London this summer. The moving, war-time gay love story will run at Charing Cross Theatre from Monday 3rd July to Saturday 19th August 2017 (Press Night: Monday 10th July at 7.30pm).
Based on the true, hidden history of gay soldiers during World War, YANK! focuses on the life of Stu, a scared Midwestern youngster who is called up to serve in the forces in 1943 and becomes a reporter for Yank Magazine, the journal ‘for and by the servicemen’. Telling the stories of the men in Charlie Company, the musical explores what it means to be a man, and what it is to fall in love and struggle to survive in a time and place where the odds are stacked against you.
YANK! is based on the Off-Broadway hit production from 2010, with book and lyrics by American writer David Zellnik, with his brother Joseph Zellnik’s musical score paying homage to the timeless music of the 1940s. The musical is directed by James Baker, and is produced by Katy Lipson for Aria Entertainment, Hope Mill Theatre, Ben Millerman with Jim Kierstead and Guy James. Completing the creative team are James Cleeve as musical director; choreographer Chris Cuming; designer Victoria Hinton; lighting designer Aaron J. Dootson; sound designer Chris Bogg; and casting director Benjamin Newsome.
YANK! is the latest collaboration between leading London-based theatre production company Aria Entertainment and one of Manchester’s newest and leading arts venues, the award-winning Hope Mill Theatre. They first joined forces in January 2016 to spearhead the arts venue as a platform to showcase, revive and bring new musical theatre to the north of England. The transfer to Charing Cross Theatre is helmed by the three producers of the original production at Hope Mill, who are now joined by Jim Kierstead and Guy James.
Capturing the imagination of audiences, the creative collaboration between Aria and Hope Mill has previously garnered rave reviews for productions of the Tony Award-winning Parade and the cult classic Hair, which transfers to The Vaults this autumn for the 50th-anniversary production.
Full casting for YANK! is to be announced.
LISTINGS INFORMATION YANK! CHARING CROSS THEATRE The Arches Villiers Street London, WC2N 6NL Dates Monday 3 July – Saturday 19 August
http://ift.tt/2q7btmn LondonTheatre1.com
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