#Jimmie Dundee
ellie88-blog-blog · 4 months
At War with The Army
The timeless classic "At War with The Army" features the iconic comedy duo of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, who began as a comedic act before achieving individual acclaim.
There have been many comedy duos throughout history, some everyone knows, such as Laurel and Hardy, others that have fallen into obscurity, like Pitts and Todd, but my favorite has always been Martin and Lewis. While they only lasted 10 years, their talents have lived on, though some of you may not have known that Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis started out as a comedic act before finding great…
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I've been seeing posts about Scooby Doo popping up, so I thought I'd share this:
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(Source: The Scots Magazine, Feb 2023) Full text below.
This actually happened. I am obsessed!
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The passion! The energy!
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Such signage!
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(Images: Daily Record)
A brilliant effort all round! The children of Scotland saved a pop culture powerhouse the world would be poorer without. I can't believe this. I love this so much.
Text of the article:
Strange tales from the archives. This month – How furious fans of cancelled cartoon rose up in protest.
By CHRIS Ferguson, Jan 12, 2023 (The Scots Magazine)
THROUGHOUT the ages, principled protest has been a hallmark of youth – a rite of passage for many. Today it is Greta Thunberg and her army of teen climate activists, or Extinction Rebellion protesters, who make headlines.
In the 1960s it was the Vietnam War objectors and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament believers who set out their political agendas.
In later decades young people swelled the ranks of those demanding an end to apartheid in South Africa.
They were at the barricades as then-pm Margaret Thatcher introduced the poll tax and back out again to try to stop the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Another generation, too, had the courage of its convictions. In 1971, youngsters rose in anger at a threat to remove cowardly canine Scooby-doo from their television screens.
This was in February after the cartoon had been running for two years. Although the decision not to commission another series had been taken in the US, the BBC was the target of fans’ fury because it had to pass on the bad news to young viewers.
Within days of the announcement, an army of parka-wearing children sporting knitted jumpers and questionable hairstyles was formed.
Across Scotland children grouped together with placards, just like so many other worthy protesters before them. In Glasgow, the massed kids marched on the BBC Scotland headquarters and, in Dundee, they gathered in outrage in City Square.
Petitions were raised and demonstrations took place across the country and, by April, the BBC announced a further series had been commissioned in the US.
Legend has it these Scots Scooby fans had persuaded the American television executives to reconsider.
Hanna-barbera, the animation company behind Scooby-doo, never forgot the Scottish reaction.
A spokesman for the company said, “We’d never had a response like that before, it was very exciting.”
[Beneath the main text of the article is an illustration of Scooby Doo and the gang accompanied by the pull quote: “An army of parka-wearing children was formed”
The title and byline of the article are also accompanied by a black and white photo of a boy in school uniform sitting with a little black dog in his lap, grinning and holding a sign reading "We've saved Scooby Doo" with an illustration of Scooby. The caption reads: Jimmy Brown fought to save the cartoon."]
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scotianostra · 5 months
On January 28th 1908 Jimmy Shand, Scottish country dance band leader was born.
Shand was a musician who played traditional Scottish dance music on the accordion.
Born James Shand in East Wemyss in Fife, son of a farm ploughman turned miner. One of nine children, they soon moved to the burgh of Auchtermuchty.The town is also known as the birthplace of the brothers Charlie and Craig Reid of The Proclaimers and now boasts a larger than life-sized sculpture of Shand. His father was a skilled melodeon player. Jimmy started with the mouth organ and soon played the fiddle. At the age of 14 he had to leave school and go down the mines. He played at social events and competitions. His enthusiasm for motor-bikes turned to an advantage when he played for events all round Fife. In 1926 he did benefit gigs for striking miners and was consequently prevented from returning to colliery work.
One day Jimmy and a friend were admiring the instruments in the window of Forbes' Music Shop in Dundee. His friend said "It wouldn't cost you to try one". Jimmy walked in and strapped on an accordion. The owner heard Jimmy and immediately offered him a job as travelling salesman and debt-collector. He soon acquired a van and drove all over the north of Scotland. He switched to the British chromatic button accordion, an instrument he stuck with for the rest of his life.
Shand failed an audition for the BBC because he kept time with his foot. At a time when gramophones were very much luxury items he made two records for the Regal Zonophone label in 1933. His career took off when he switched to making 78s for the Beltona label between 1935 and 1940. Most of the Beltona recordings were solo, but he experimented with small bands. This boosted sales. He appeared in a promo film shown in cinemas. While the image showed his fingers moving in a blur, Jimmy was disappointed to hear the sound track playing a slow air.
Jimmy was prevented from joining the RAF by a digestive disorder, and spent the war years in the Fire Service. On New Year's morning 1945 he made his first broadcast with "Jimmy Shand and Band". This was the first of many such BBC radio and television appearances.
After the war he became a full-time musician and adopted a punishing life-style later adopted by rock bands. He would play Inverness one night, London the next night and still drive the van back, at breakneck speed, to bed in Dundee.
He took his trademark bald head, Buddy Holly specs and full kilted regalia, Scottish reels, waltzes, jigs and strathspeys to North America, Australia and New Zealand, including Carnegie Hall in New York
In 1972 he went into semi-retirement. From then he played only small venues in out of the way places for a reduced fee. He was made a freeman of Auchtermuchty in 1974, North East Fife in 1980 and Fife in 1998. He became Sir Jimmy Shand in 1999. His portrait is in the Scottish National Gallery, close to Niel Gow.
In 1983 Jimmy released a retrospective album with the cheeky title "The First 50 years". At the age of 88 he recorded an album and video with his son, "Dancing with the Shands".
More than 330 compositions are credited to Jimmy Shand. He recorded more tracks than the Beatles and Elvis Presley combined. In 1985, British Rail named a locomotive Jimmy Shand.
Dissatisfied with the chromatic button-key accordions available on the market in the 1940s so he designed his own one. The Hohner company still manufactures the "Shand Morino" to his specifications.
The statue, as I earlier said is in Auchtermuchty, there is also a memorial in East Wemyss/
How many of you out there remember doing "Strip theWillow" during our school years, or even after at a cèilidh
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cy-cyborg · 10 months
This is your countries nerd citizenship test! Are you a nerd? We're you born in a country? Let's find out! Nerd answers only!
1) What is your country video game mascot?
2) What is your country band/song that your most well known for?
3) What movie is your country most well known for?
4) What is a scenario that if explained only people from your country would get the joke?
5) Why is everyone jealous of your country?
1. Uuuh, probably crash bandicoot? We didnt make him but it's probably the one everyone knows and associates with us for better or worse lol.
2. Older generations know us for AC/DC. My generation mostly know us from that song that turned into a meme of Jimmy Barnes screeming at a mountain...
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3. Well, the boring answer is probably Crocodile Dundee and Fern Gully. Maybe Australia (the one with Hugh Jackman) or the Steve Irwin shows/movies from the 90's and 2000's. My favourite, though, is Red Dog, lol.
4. Drop bears.
5. Honestly, the part of the internet I'm on, no one is jealous of us lol. Normal people like our beaches, though, I guess.
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i am so here for woobifying jimmy’s first two wives!
What if Jimmy's spark dies in each marriage only after Chuck indicates he thinks they aren't smart enough? Or that they're too common in general? Lisa Anne and Dawn Marie couldn't afford going to a four-year university. They're early to mid '90s punk rock girls who dress like Natalie from Yellowjackets and talk shit. Chuck disapproves and makes it known. Remember how he talks to Jimmy in Piñata? That's how he always talks to them.
We're all in agreement about Jimmy and Roman's similarities, but here Jimmy is more like Kendall when Ken cools immediately on Jennifer in Dundee after it's clear she doesn't impress Logan. Jimmy's not as big of an asshole about it as Kendall, but even though he should know better, he starts seeing them through Chuck's eyes. He radiates discomfort.
Maybe they sense that. Maybe they feel like Natalie when Travis slut-shames her. (I keep picturing at least one of the wives as like Natalie if she didn't get in the plane crash, and instead became a familiar face in Cicero's small punk rock scene. For one or both of them, I'm not sure).
If so, it's not unlikely that this maybe more than anything turns them against Jimmy. Fuck it, he already thinks they're trash anyway, so why shouldn't they sleep with Chet? Or his stepdad. Fine. There. We are just what your shitty brother thinks we are. Happy? Good. Get out.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Hail the Conquering Hero (Preston Sturges, 1944)
Cast: Eddie Bracken, Ella Raines, William Demarest, Raymond Walburn, Franklin Pangborn, Elizabeth Patterson, Georgia Caine, Al Bridge, Freddie Steele, Bill Edwards, Harry Hayden, Jimmy Conlin, Jimmie Dundee. Screenplay: Preston Sturges. Cinematography: John F. Seitz. Art direction: Haldane Douglas, Hans Dreier. Film editing: Stuart Gilmore. Music: Werner R. Heymann.
It must have taken real nerve to make a film that pokes fun at patriotism, mother love, small towns, political campaigns, and the Marines in the middle of World War II. Preston Sturges's film begins in a small nightclub, where a singer (Julie Gibson) and her backup group of singing waiters launch into a stickily sentimental song, "Home to the Arms of Mother" (music and lyrics by Sturges), during which we see Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith (Eddie Bracken) drowning his sorrows. When a group of six Marines on leave after having fought at Guadalcanal enters the bar, Woodrow buys a round for them, and is prodded into telling them his sad story: He joined the Marines, trying to follow in the footsteps of his father, a Marine who died in World War I, but was discharged because of chronic hay fever. Instead of returning home to the arms of mother, he went to work in a shipyard and arranged for a friend to send his letters to her from overseas, disguising the fact that he was no longer a Marine. One of the men, Sgt. Heppelfinger (William Demarest), learns that Woodrow's father was his old buddy who fought with him at Belleau Wood, while another, Bugsy (Freddie Steele), is appalled that Woodrow hasn't been home to see his mother since the start of the war. So the Marines collude to take an extremely reluctant Woodrow back to his hometown and pretend that he's a war hero who has just been discharged. Naturally, the plan backfires spectacularly when the whole town joins in the celebration and even railroads Woodrow into running against the corrupt mayor (Raymond Walburn). Speed is of the essence in a farce like this, because if anyone ever gave Woodrow a moment to talk, the whole thing would collapse like a soufflé. On the other hand, too much fast talk can be wearying, so Sturges introduces a romantic subplot: Feeling that he can never return home, Woodrow has written his girlfriend, Libby (Ella Raines), that he has met someone else, so Libby is now engaged to Forrest Noble (Bill Edwards), the son of the town's corrupt mayor. Sturges gives them a long walk-and-talk tracking scene in which Libby, confused by her revived feelings for Woodrow, tries to sort things out with Forrest, but to no avail. It's a funny, beautifully written scene, but it doesn't quite work because neither Raines nor Edwards is up to the acting demands it puts on them. Bracken, however, is wonderful, as are Demarest, Steele, Walburn, and other members of Sturges's usual crew of brilliant character actors, including Franklin Pangborn as the harried planner of the celebration and Jimmy Conlin as the town judge. This was the last film Sturges made under his Paramount contract, which he ended because the studio interfered: It objected, perhaps rightly, to Ella Raines's lack of star power, and took the film out of Sturges's hands and edited it. After a couple of disastrous previews of the studio version, however, Sturges was called back in for rewrites and some new scenes. The revised Sturges version was a hit, and earned him an Oscar nomination for best screenplay.
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philleegirl · 2 years
Thoughts on Shetland s7e2
Danny is a jerk and why his wife stayed with him is a mystery worth its own series.
Hmm… is the green jumper new? I like it on him and found the blue/green combo an interesting statement on Tosh. (I have complex and deep thoughts/feelings about blue and green on Shetland.)
I love Tosh stepping up and being brilliant.
Cora!! Good to see Cora back. Question: are dental records not a thing in Scotland? And sending the picture to Dundee is giving me Traces feels and reminds that I need to see Series 2.
Wow, that DCI is either stupid or currupt.
Why do they always make librarians creepy? Especially gay librarians? They are most always lovely.
I am not sure if it is because I am used to Shetland's twists or because the writers are brilliant, but I suspect everyone right now.
Hunter's is definitely not going to fail considering literally everyone goes there.
Tosh's sympathetic face compared to Sandy's confused face is so adorable. She just looks so at peace having figured out one puzzle. Sandy on the other hand looks like he has never met a gay man and is so oblivious. They are both perfect faces for their characters.
Knew the DCI was evil.
Hmm… Danny was inside for two years after being framed for a death. Am I drawing parallels with Duncan?
Oh! I didn't see that coming from Jill, but I think I was too distracted trying to figure out who she was. I still don't know, too!
Duncan has taught Jimmy to cook for sure. Also, no just no. I mean I get that Meg is likely end game for Jimmy, but it just doesn't work. It feels way too shoehorned into the narrative.
Poor Bryd. Her eyes were just haunting.
Good episode, but…
Not enough Duncan. I need to know he is okay in prison.
Where the hell is Cassie? We have been in Hunter's multiple times without seeing her and I am sure she is still managing it. We didn't even get to see Alex this episode.
Why was Maggie draped all over Sandy?
Where were Donnie and Louise (hate that name)?
Rhona needs to show up soon.
The case is getting better, but I want the Soap Opera-y bits (without Meg) back.
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norahcanomusic · 2 months
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A Trip to Music in Films (3/4)
13.James Bond theme 1962, Monty Norman & John Barry, https://youtu.be/Vr6yscEWPYw?si=AkBBuDhy7dOUxAPn |The Pink Panther 1963 Henri Mancini, https://youtu.be/ilull9eS3mQ?si=w5pC7J8sQ4UDJuXP | Onibaba 1964, Hikaru Hayashi, https://youtu.be/ajVoLJjc5o0?si=lWNmhktPjEohrJyW | The Jungle Book, George Bruns, https://youtu.be/p8xPOXLVko4?si=uo8xE9M560klOU2K | West Side Story 1961, Leonard Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim, https://youtu.be/Z7OHCrp13Ho?si=ZZwsgIFN4niYvaLI || Une femme es une femme 1961,Michel Legrand, https://youtu.be/T2o2tGWAKko |Yellow Submarine 1968, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, https://youtu.be/j_JaDDcyIIU?si=75q-5_UVktpiT06P| Alfie 1963¸ Sony Rollins, https://youtu.be/K843J1cp0-0 | Woman in the dunes (1964),Toru Takemitsu, https://youtu.be/w2rOFDmfpNg | The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Ennio Moriconne, https://youtu.be/vt34RyLUTFQ?si=HzGFsLEoOqdHOUl4 | Battle of Britain soundtrack 1969, Ron Goodwin & S.William Walton, https://youtu.be/-sjO1JYZfUw | War and Peace 1967, Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov, https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_n3TpAbBci6_AwDLk-Sn4OGdSuQw1vp59Q&si=zsb-elGwIG44V8oK  | The Shop on Main Street 1965, Zdeněk Liška, https://youtu.be/IcCILptzD2U?si=-JvigUR0NuDm6W-z, https://youtu.be/-wlb6jAdVoQ?si=u0ObwykwWL-DL1VJ |  The Ipcress file 1965, John Barry, https://youtu.be/yFWMFvBTZ4M?si=XVoTgVXmv0h6OsHN
14.The Godfather Trilogy 1972, Nino Rota, https://youtu.be/AlJJJwl7Ess | SHAFT 1971, Isaac Hayes, https://youtu.be/uNJKmf6KTcU?si=myjjEvyBKkhfGvhl | Star Wars Original Opening 1977, John Williams, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2MoaiSyUio | Heavy Traffic 1973,  Ed Bogas, Ray Shanklin,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8qkkUcovdg&list=PLA72E0DDD1CE99F55 | Life of Brian 1979,              Geoffrey Burgon, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBQcoMtSfx4&list=PLKjjIa7cwTkIJgShyLCSJcfkbnnlwUGYs | Chariots of Fire 1981, Vangelis, https://youtu.be/v1IrXczQOF8  | Halloween 1978, John Carpenter, https://youtu.be/pT4FY3NrhGg |Dersu Uzala 1975, Isaak Shvarts, https://youtu.be/DijUvDi87Fc?si=N3eUSBlqT2-episb| Saturday Night Live 1977, https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLncSr7CeehKnoYQ0p94v5_dgH8EQC9oB3&si=iVgtS9GqCOgWd-PH | The Harder They Come 1972, Jimmy Cliff, https://youtu.be/BpQrLUopf-k | Die Blechtrommel 1979, Maurice Jarre, https://youtu.be/27gfoTm6ufg?si=QqIjQWQMjH1o7oG8 | Tora! Tora! Tora! 1970, Jerry Goldsmith, https://youtu.be/RwKcZuuE9GM?si=fs2jliynr2jqVOjm
15.Blue Velvet 1986, Angelo Badalamenti, https://youtu.be/dFOX5Uza17c | The Secret of Nimh 1982, Jerry Goldsmith, https://youtu.be/H_I3SaTpdqM?si=Plc-HANsjf930EeS | “Tootsie” 1982, Dave Grusin, https://youtu.be/3qqZefHhWf0?si=PFVxFwylZkx4enYu |Der Himmer über Berlin - Wings of Desire 1987, Jürgen Knieper & Laurent Petitgand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCtCclkUhxA | Akira 1988, Shōji Yamashiro, https://youtu.be/ngTf7ccaBRo?si=zNJzzQ9y73xxAotf | The Snowman 1982, Howard Blake https://youtu.be/5A3THighARU?si=ww8ZClVa_TIDveBm | Transformers 1986, Vince DiCola, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTC82cseoTs | Flashdance 1983,  Giorgio Moroder, Cara and Keith Forsey, https://youtu.be/tKcjZSh5xs0 | Foot Loose 1984 Tom Snow, Jim Steinman, Kenny Loggins, Dean Pitchford, Miles Goodman, https://youtu.be/NqGslEZ5I6c?si=3HahWX0e3FELWzF6 | The Breakfast Club 1985, Keith Forsey, https://youtu.be/VG78fq6KAPA?si=smXKh7_UomvJrBr4   | Breakin’ 1984, Michael Boyd, Gary Remal, https://youtu.be/cqiQmO5frrE?si=7dAwvDYmZ353Wc28 | The Blues Brothers 1980, https://youtu.be/EHV0zs0kVGg?si=GKGpktZ8MAl6KREF |
16.Cinema Paradiso 1988,Ennio Moricone, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlQh4PeB8PE | Scarface 1983,Giorgio Moroder, https://youtu.be/aKv1_GfxFZY?si=W-xF9FPhM0XolbeJ | Come and See 1985, Oleg Yanchenko, https://youtu.be/w1a3iZBXguo | Fanny and Alexander 1982, Daniel Bell, https://youtu.be/OAabnhwhZcE | | The Neverending Story, Klaus Doldinger
Giorgio Moroder, https://youtu.be/heHdOTt_iGc?si=j5yN2gl6348vJ4xW |Crocodile Dundee 1986, Peter Best, https://youtu.be/p6vrdrTEFeo | Back to the Future 1985, Alan Silvestri, https://youtu.be/eHGGgQ0F9IM
17.https://artsandculture.google.com/story/from-the-golden-era-to-gigabytes-the-movie-music-story/hwKyOpqNyMwhLA | https://filmustage.com/blog/music-scoring-in-film-production/ | https://www.ranker.com/list/best-oscar-winning-foreign-films/ranker-film?ref=listed_on&pos=4 | https://www.ranker.com/list/best-world-cinema-movies-list/ranker-film?ref=listed_on&pos=3
18.Unchained Melody, Ghost 1990, Maurice Jarre, https://youtu.be/c2ZWLK2R4x4 | Pulp Fiction  1994, Dick Dale’s an others, https://youtu.be/jDheFajWYUM | Trainspotting 1996, Damon Albam, https://youtu.be/zXM9a2kE7RM | Indochine 1992, Patrick Doyle, https://youtu.be/Gkju1Ni2PnA?si=Bs-H3AGQvydtSN9g |  Forrest Gump 1992, Alan Silvestri, https://youtu.be/VWoUcB7y4hw?si=UhVRsqRoKfgQb60I | Life is beautiful 1997, Nicola Piovani  https://youtu.be/KB99gDvxyFo?si=oREhBs7NAeXWgk5R  |All about my mother, 1999, Alberto Iglesias,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAhmvR_Curo&list=PLq38bv0D4pNFTbiDpD2Zd32OLwAJFF824&index=1 |  Muriel´s Wedding, 1994, Peter Best, https://youtu.be/BUDz7m0BXjk?si=zRU62MSrCI9Q4iwl | The adventures of Priscilla. Queen of the Desert 1994, Guy Gross https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf4m0qBherg&list=PLWsjhkXz0QVxhkjhUSG_Mv2veFVOQrC3_  | Wild Wild West 1999, Elmer Bernstein, https://youtu.be/SBrV_AG7TWs?si=mp461tV6x9idzyrk  | Men in Black 1997, Dani Elfman, https://youtu.be/jyb33RgAxis?si=7mSBAINrvFOxjE4E | The Cider House Rules 1999, Rachel Portman, John Lenehan, David Snell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zTbB0L3dqM | I have nothing – The bodyguard 1994,                 Whitney Houston, Alan Silvestri, Allan Dennis Rich, https://youtu.be/19LPgLKrgLE?si=a7SiE-3PcttOF5M8  | Not Gon`cry´s - Waiting to Exhale 1995, Babyface, https://youtu.be/6r9NTrWEW5Y?si=yzQJW9u0Q3Rqa7Nf| How to Survive in South Central - Boyz n the Hood 1991, Stanley Clarke, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5CX4x9KP0g&list=RDh5CX4x9KP0g&start_radio=1 |  Only Yesterday 1991, Katz Hoshi,https://youtu.be/vzXm3DVQ78o | The Lion King 1994, Hans Zimmer, Tim Rice, Joseph Williams, Elton John,https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxiswidpS0UGnZTVQ-eiqlavfNawJRp0B&si=2CrqGZHqpzCxDRpX | The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993, Dani Elfman, https://youtu.be/tc5EM3G2p9M?si=MXA1FVikVdLedS-5 | Kolya, 1996 Ondřej Soukup, https://youtu.be/HoedMkFqL2g?si=f7uT9C0Gy9nA3Fim | Fantastic Four 1994, John Ottman,https://youtu.be/77kOZg31cjM?si=8BGDoeHV8e_35kDB |  https://whatnerd.com/marvel-cinematic-universe-history-success/
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newcountryradio · 3 months
New Country 27e jaargang  #T1221(S780) (C25)van 18 maart 2024  (wk 12) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Album van de week: Sawyer Brown – Desperado Troubadours     
Classic album:  john Denver – Back Home again    1974 
Hits of the Year : 1984
Maandfavoriet :  Lainey Wilson - Countrys Cool Again            
Maandartiest : Hal Ketchum 
3 in 1:   Patsy Cline
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Hal Ketchum - Hearts Are Gonna Roll   *maandartiest
Toby Keith – How Do You Like Me Now ?!    #1 24 jaar
Luke Combs – Going Going Gone     # 1 2023 
The Mavericks - Moon & Stars
Chris Janson— Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get
Charles Wesley Godwin -  All Again
Koe Wetzel – Damn Near Normal
Keith Urban - Messed Up As Me  25
Kane Brown – I Can Feel It       #1.
Sawyer Brown – Under This Ole Hat   Album vd week
Sawyer Brown - Nashville Cat      *album
Chris Stapleton – Broken Halos     2018
Lee Greenwood -  Going, Going, Gone   - 1984
Daryle Singletary – Amen Kind of Love   10/03/1971   
Merle Haggard – Daddy Frank (the guitar man)
Lainey Wilson - Country’s Cool Again      favoriet 
Tim McGraw -  Standing Room Only  sofi
John Denver – Back Home Again    classic album
John Denver - Grandma’s Feather Bed
Jesper Lindell - Before The Sun
The Secret Sisters - Paperweight .
Patsy Cline -Crazy.     (3 in 1)
Patsy Cline - I Fall to Peaces
Patsy Cline - She’s Got You
Sawyer Brown - I Wouldn’t Change A Thing    Album van de week
Morgan Wallen - Good Girl Gone Missin’           #1 album.
Bruce Robison -  Travelin' Soldier
Brian Capps Standing On A Rock 
Chris Hillman - Love Reunited.
Chris Ledoux - Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy (With Garth Brooks)
Steve Earl - Nowhere Road.  Trucksong
Hal Ketchum – Sure Love   _ maandartiest
Miranda Lambert – The House That Build Me  juweeltje 
Wyatt Putman -  Fast Lanes *Album vorige week
Sawyer Brown. Goodnight And Good Morning   Album vd week
Jimmy LaFave.-What Good Am I.
Major Dundee - Sweet Little Liza.
Ben Steneker en Aurora -  If I Needed You  .Dutch corner.
Ruud Hermans -  Can You Help Me Out Of This Dream  Dutch corner
John Conlee -  In My Eyes   5  1982
George Strait - You Look So Good In Love. #4
The Judds – Why Not Me  #3 
Anne Murray - Nobody Loves Me Like You Do #2
Willie & Julio -  To All The Girls I Loved Before #1
Mark Chesnutt – Lost in The Feeling  
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jedivoodoochile · 5 months
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The Biggest Championships won by the original nWo members. Plus...
2 AWA World Championships (Hogan)
• def Nick Bockwinkle 4/18/1982
• def Nick Bockwinkle 4/24/1983
2 more WCW World Championships (Hogan)
• def Sting 12/29/1997
• def Jeff Jarrett 7/9/2000
1 AWA World Tag Team Championship (Hall w/Curt Hennig)
• def Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal 1/18/1986
1 USWA Championship (Hall)
• def Bill Dundee 4/3/1995
World War 3 1997 (Hall)
World War 3 1998 (Nash)
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frontproofmedia · 10 months
Ray Arcel Tribute
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
By Sina Latif
Follow @Frontproofmedia!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id))(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');
Published: August 30, 2023
Ray Arcel was born on August 30, 1899, in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Russian-Jewish immigrant parents.
Arcel's mother passed away when he was only four years old, and Ray was brought up by his father. Before passing away, Ray's mother, born in Brooklyn, wanted to leave the Midwest and return to her New York roots. The Arcels subsequently relocated to Manhattan, first to the Lower East Side and then to West 106th Street in Harlem.
Growing up in New York in those days, Arcel told Ronald K. Fried in Corner Men: "You had to fight in those days. You lived in a neighbourhood where you were challenged every day. We were the only Jewish family there, but that's an old story. Wherever you go they tell you the same story." Arcel continued to say: "If you didn't fight you were yellow."
While training to be a boxer at Grupp's Gymnasium on 116th Street and Eighth Avenue, Arcel was under the tutelage of two great trainers in Dai Dolling and Frank "Doc" Bagley. Bagley once managed the great Gene Tunney and taught Ray the art of being a Cutman. Dolling was a Welshman who had trained the likes of Tunney, Al Brown, Jimmy McLarnin, Jack Britton, Ted Kid Lewis, and Johnny Dundee. Dolling taught Arcel about the individuality of each fighter and the need to train them accordingly.
After a short career as a fighter, Arcel became a trainer, and that is when he established his greatness.
Arcel's first world champion was Frankie Genaro, who won the Flyweight world title in 1923. In 1924, Ray led Abe Goldstein to victory against Joe Lynch for the bantamweight title.
This was only the start. Arcel's subsequent success with numerous all-time greats cemented him as arguably the greatest trainer in boxing history.
Arcel's beginnings as a trainer were during the days when boxing was the sport of all sports—when Jack Dempsey was the heavyweight champion.
"A Dempsey fight was magic. The minute he walked into the ring you could see smoke rising from the canvas," said Arcel when reminiscing decades later on the heyday of Dempsey in the ring. "You knew you were going to see a tiger let loose."
Arcel's career as a renowned boxing trainer spanned from the 1920s, training Benny Leonard, all the way to the '80s, when perhaps most famously, he trained Roberto Duran.
Arcel was the oracle of boxing. A man who saw Jack Dempsey fight in 1916; befriended and trained Benny Leonard; was in Barney Ross' corner the night Henry Armstrong became welterweight champion in 1938 and was with Ross in the following days while tending to his wounds; worked opposite Joe Louis on countless occasions, including the night Louis first became heavyweight champion in 1937 against James J. Braddock, and the night Ezzard Charles defeated Louis in Louis' final title fight in 1950. Arcel was then in Duran's corner in 1980 in both historic fights against Sugar Ray Leonard and then in Larry Holmes' corner in 1982 in the momentous heavyweight showdown against Gerry Cooney.
Between the '20s and '80s, the only full decade Arcel did not train fighters was the 60's.
For nearly twenty years, from 1954, Arcel had quit boxing and was working as a purchasing agent for a metal company. Then, in 1972, Arcel received a call from boxing manager Carlos Eleta Almarán. Arcel returned to work with Alfonso (Peppermint) Frazer, who won the title under Arcel's training from Nicolino Loche on March 10, 1972. The relationship between Arcel and Eleta developed further, and Eleta had a wild kid from the slums of Panama City, Panama, whom he wanted Arcel to train. Arcel's link-up with this kid from Panama cemented his legend, as Duran became arguably the greatest lightweight in history, rivaling another great 135-pounder, Arcel's previous student, Benny Leonard.
No other trainer has ever arguably worked with as many all-time greats, with names that Arcel trained including Benny Leonard, Ross, Armstrong, Kid Gavilan, Freddie Steele, Tony Zale, John Henry Louis, Charles, Holmes, and Duran.
In a sport of toughness and meanness, Arcel was an anomaly. He was a very humble, polite, and respectful man. Arcel was described by sportswriter "Red" Smith as "the first gentleman of fistfighting."
Just like great trainers typically do, Ray always gave credit to the fighters, saying the trainer would be nothing without the fighter. He would merely give them pointers.
As Arcel told Ronald K. Fried in Corner Men, "Nobody had to teach Duran how to fight. The first day I saw him - not in New York, I saw him in Panama - I told everybody around him, 'Don't change his style. Leave him alone. I don't want anybody to ever tell him what to do. Let him fight."
Of course, Arcel did have a real impact on Duran's boxing. Alongside an old friend, Freddie Brown, a former cut-man of Rocky Marciano, they molded a young Duran into an all-time great champion. They fine-tuned Duran's style, with this power-punching brawler becoming a very defensively acute fighter while applying that pressure, boxing unlike any lightweight had for years. Under the tutelage of Arcel and Brown, Duran became one of the best and most crafty fighters in history.
An insight into Arcel's involvement in the career of his fighters can be seen through his handling of Charley Phil Rosenberg, who won the bantamweight title in 1925. Rosenberg, preparing for a title fight against Cannonball Martin on March 20, 1925, had three months to shed 37 pounds and meet the 118 pounds limit after having ballooned up to 155 pounds. Arcel went everywhere Rosenberg went and did everything Rosenberg did. Arcel did roadwork with him, prepared his meals, and slept in the adjoining bed.
In Ray Arcel: a Boxing Biography by Donald Dewey, Arcel spoke of the nights leading up to Rosenberg's fight against Martin. "I always had to sleep with one eye open. Charlie would get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and I would stand there with the door open. He kept cussing me. 'I just want to gargle,' he'd say. And I'd tell him, 'I'm watching your Adam's apple, Charlie. Don't swallow that water.'"
"After this fight is over," Rosenberg told Arcel, "I'm going to kill you."
Rosenberg beat Martin via a 15-round decision, and Arcel lived for another 69 years.
Arcel's wisdom was the stuff of legend.
"Ring sense is an art, a gift from God that flows out of a fighter like a great painting flows out of an artist, or a great book flows out of an author," Arcel once said. "Ring sense is a natural ability to cope with any situation in a fight. It cannot be taught."
Arcel's last appearance in the ring was in the corner of Holmes when the "Easton Assassin" stopped Cooney in 1982. Arcel worked alongside long-time friend Eddie Futch on this night.
Arcel trained three men who can be regarded as the greatest in the entire history of their divisions. Benny Leonard and Duran are regarded as two of the greatest lightweights ever. Ezzard Charles is arguably the greatest light heavyweight ever. To create such great fighters, Arcel's greatness as a trainer is evident.
Nobody taught boxing better while carrying them-self with the same sincerity and humility as the great Ray Arcel.
(Featured Photo: The Ring Magazine via Getty Images)
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sbknews · 1 year
Ducati Manchester Group announces the second edition of Scottish Ducati Week
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Ducati UK is pleased to announce Scottish Ducati Week, presented by Ducati Dundee and Ducati Glasgow, as part of the Ducati Manchester Group, will kick off on July 15th. Star racing guests Carl Fogarty and Ruben Xaus will be joined by adventurer Charley Boorman, boxer Carl Froch and Coronation Street actor Jimmi Harkishan at various parts of the events. The event will begin on July 14th at Ducati Dundee with an exclusive Ducati Official Club GB event where club members can meet and experience the official MotoGP MotoTrainer track simulator, allowing the rider to lean a bike while tackling some of the world’s best tracks. Saturday July 15th will then see the official opening of Ducati Dundee, where local Ducatisti and motorcycle enthusiasts can join the Dundee team, alongside Ducati UK Managing Director, Fabrizio Cazzoli, to welcome Scotland’s second Ducati store dedicated to the iconic Italian motorcycle brand. The dealer will be host to all of the latest Ducati and Scrambler Ducati range, alongside their apparel and accessory collections, featuring a state-of-the-art workshop and dedicated used Ducati Approved range. The action moves to Knockhill racing circuit on July 16th where all the special guests will be in attendance. Scottish Ducati Week will see demo rides on the 2023 model range including ebikes, adventure riding experiences, stunt shows, pillion rides, Lamborghini Edinburgh on track, MotoTrainer Experience, kids rides and activities, a parade lap for all Ducatisti, competitions along with food and refreshments. There will also be road bike sessions with expert on track guidance from TT and Northwest 200 Legend Ian Simpson, ex-World Supersport star Iain MacPherson and Oxford Products Racing Ducati British Superbike racer Christian Iddon. Participants will also have the opportunity to take to the track in both clockwise and anti-clockwise sessions! The evening event on July 16th then heads over to Edinburgh for an Evening of food and entertainment with Carl Fogarty at Carlowrie Castle.  On stage Carl will be interviewed about Racing, Ducati, the Jungle and much more; enthusiasts will also have the chance to ask their questions in a special Q&A session.
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Fabrizio Cazzoli, Managing Director, Ducati UK  “Ducati UK is delighted to see the expansion of Ducati in Scotland as this is an important market for us. To be able to announce the event which is being organised by our newest dealer Ducati Dundee is exciting. I will be there for the event and I am looking forward to seeing Ducati Dundee’s new store and also being able to meet and talk to our Scottish customers” Chris Booth owner of DMG “Since acquiring Ducati Glasgow in 2021, it was apparent Scotland required a second store to serve the East of Scotland and provide the ability to supply further outstanding customer service and care we pride ourselves on. We quickly decided to invest in a second store and share our passion for Ducati to a wider audience in Scotland to make Ducati more accessible. I’m extremely proud of the team in Scotland for creating such a fantastic store.” To get more information on all of the Scottish Ducati Week events and activities, and to book your tickets check out www.scottishducatiweek.co.uk To book your Ducati Demo Ride, contact: Ducati Dundee, 01382 847162 or Ducati Glasgow, 0141 333 4998 For more Ducati news check out our dedicated page Ducati UK News or head to the official Ducati UK website ducati.com/gb/en/home
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TruHome Pros Solar
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Facts About West Dundee, IL
One of the nicest places to live in Illinois is West Dundee, which is in Kane County. Residents here have a minimal suburban vibe and own most of their homes. There are numerous bars, eateries, coffee shops, and parks in the area. The West Dundee community hub was created by Elder John and Nancy Oatman in 1835 when they opened a tavern and a store. As more people moved in, a lottery was held in 1837 to choose the town's name. Alexander Gardiner won and in recognition of his Scottish hometown, he gave the city the name Dundee.
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Grafelman Park
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Wilson Hat Trick Helps No. 4 Jimmies Rack Up 12-0 Win At NIU
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Link to maps
Grafelman Park 112 N 5th St, West Dundee, IL 60118, United States Head south on N 5th St toward W Main St 194 ft Turn right onto W Main St 72 ft TruHome Pros Solar West Dundee, Illinois 60118, USA
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scotianostra · 3 months
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The Scottish actor Hamish Wilson passed away on March 26th 2020.
Probably most famous for replacing Frazer Hines for two episodes of Dr Who in the 60’s. Wilson was another one who started early, aged just 14 he started studying at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.
He was born James Aitken Wilson in Glasgow, in 1942. His family moved to Cambuslang when he was very young. His father, also James, was a sales rep for a paint firm; his mother Isobel (née Willock) worked in the rag trade. After they divorced Isobel married another Wilson, Robert, and Hamish and his sister Jan grew up with step-siblings Leslie, Sheila and Robbie.
He discovered his love of drama while at West Coats Primary School. Later, at the Glasgow Academy, this love drove him to do “that stupidly romantic thing of running away from school to appear on the stage”. He was soon working professionally – he understudied Jimmy Logan for a summer season at the King’s Theatre and appeared in Peter Duguid’s 1957 Glasgow Citizen’s Theatre production of Enemy of the People.
He then attended the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama and gained more professional experience during the summer holidays. He played the title role in 1959’s live ITV play, The Boy from the Gorbals, did a 1960 episode of Para Handy with Duncan Macrae, and met Walt Disney while he was working on his film adaptation of Greyfriars Bobby.
“I was trying to chat up a pretty blonde extra, with no success at all”, he once recalled, “and this gentleman with blond hair and a little moustache came over and started chatting to me. We nattered away for five minutes and then he wandered away. The girl was terribly impressed, but I spoilt it because I didn’t recognise him. I said, ‘Who was that?’ and she stopped being impressed. ‘That was Walt Disney!’, she said”.
He graduated from the RSAMD in 1963, winning the award for Most Promising Male Performance, and appeared on stage at Coventry’s Belgrade Theatre , Perth Theatre and Dundee Repertory Theatre (1970-71), where his performance in Mark But This Flea was described as “remarkable” by The Stage, the trade weekly – not least because he had stepped in 24 hours before opening night after the original actor had broken his leg.
On television he appeared in The Wednesday Play, The Vital Spark , This Man Craig (three different roles, 1966), Softly, Softly and The Revenue Men (three different roles.
In 1968 Doctor Who regular Frazer Hines, who played Patrick Troughton’s Jacobite companion Jamie, fell ill with chickenpox while making the adventure The Mind Robber. After an ingenious, hasty rewrite Jamie underwent a temporary metamorphosis and with one day’s rehearsal Wilson took over, cramming his lines overnight and recording the first of his two episodes the next day.
Further TV roles followed, including The Borderers Boy Meets Girls (1969), Adam Smith, and The View from Daniel Pike but he found that he needed to turn his attention away from acting because “ a beautiful girl smiled at me”. Intent on marriage and starting a family, he gained more secure employment as an announcer for STV.
In 1975 he went to Radio Forth as its arts and drama producer. With limited resources but boundless ambition, he broadcast original writing, late-night horror classics, and a six-month long serial about Mary Queen of Scots, told in 130 twelve-minute episodes, broadcast daily. Drama of this kind on commercial radio was largely unheard of.
In 1979 he did an adaptation of The Slab Boys for Radio Clyde, ultimately joining the station and founding Independent Local Radio’s first drama department there.
His many productions at Clyde included The Bell in the Tree a series of dramas about the history of Glasgow by Edward H Chisnall; Donald Campbell’s Till the Seas Run Dry, with Tom Fleming as Robert Burns and Mary Riggans as Jean Armour), and Nick McCarthy’s Elephant Dances with Katy Murphy).
He also encouraged new talent, instigating initiatives which gave professional breaks to aspiring comedy writers and awarded contracts and prized Equity cards to final-year drama students.
He left Clyde in 1989 and joined the BBC, where he produced a huge number of plays and series for Radio Scotland, Radio 3 and Radio 4. He really believed in radio: “It allows you to creep inside somebody’s head”, he said, “and paint pictures that are going to stay long after the programme is finished.”
In all, he won 23 awards for his radio productions – his ‘Oscars’, as he jokingly referred to them – and served a juror in the Prix Italia (where he was also the first ILR producer to be jury chairman), Prix Futura Berlin and the Prix Europa.
When he left the BBC after ten successful years he went back to the old trade, doing voiceover work and acting in episodes of Taggart,, Monarch of the Glen and Still Game .
On March 21st 2020 Tony contracted coronavirus and sadly passed away only 6 days later on March 26th aged 77. He worked for many years for the actors union Equity, the Scottish Secretary of the union said of him:
“He led a full life and touched many people. He was one of life’s enthusiasts and succeeded at most everything he turned his hand to. Time in his company was always enjoyable and often informative. Remember that mischievous grin and raise a glass to him. RIP.”
The beautiful girl who smiled at him was Diana (née Baron), a wardrobe mistress at Dundee Rep, whom he had met in 1972. They married the following year and had three daughters, Emma, Alice and Abigail, who all survive him, as do grandchildren Colin, Finley, Amelia and Gregor.
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monkeyballwiki · 2 years
nicki so evil that being said:
“So when they see me
They salute the harajuku!!!!
Some pink pumps, pink thumbs
And tu-tu!!!!
Some pink lips,pink blush on my YouTube!!!
Now everybody cha-ga-la-gin on my chu-chu!!!!
Some bubblegum blowin' bubbles and I shoot you.
Some pink toes in my pink Jimmy Choo Choo's.
All the way in London they love me.
In Australia I'm crocodile dundee!!!!!”
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yunglitbitch420 · 2 years
Now everybody cha-ga-la-gin on my chu-chu!!
Some bubblegum blowin' bubbles and I shoot you
Some pink toes in my pink Jimmy Choo Choo's
All the way in London they love me
In Australia I'm crocodile dundee💗
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