the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🎁 ~ Lua and Aleis arrive with little flair, cheerfully offering their birthday wishes and producing a decently sized corked bottle, tied off with a sparkling ribbon, filled with a deeply colored liquid, simmering with a faint iridescence. Lua whispers something about it's use looking emphatically from Jinana to Julian at the bar - mentioning it's transformative abilities, tentacles, probably using it near a body of water, and that they and Aleis hope Jinana can put it to good use.
Jinana snickers, while Julian gives a mildly puzzled smile of innocent unknowing from his place behind the counter-turned-bar, deftly pouring from three bottles simultaneously to form a liquid the color of Vesuvian canal water. (This drink is apparently called a 'Vampire Eel Bite', and hits like one.)
"Oh, I'm certain this will find good use." Jinana gives each of the pair a friendly peck on the cheek, giggling. "It's just a matter of setting the scene..."
Asra manifests over Jinana's shoulder, with an arched brow and a sly smirk. "I do happen to know a place with a very private pool," he murmurs quietly, and s/he grins.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
on the touches ask game post, hand holding: tiny hands in big hands
Jinana and Julian? Or Julian and Asra? Or even Julian in the middle and Asra and Jinana in each hand. omfg wait sorry, I got compelled:
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[ Touches Prompts ]
It can happen anywhere - at the Palace, in the Market, in the shop. It can happen while walking through the streets of South End, or wandering the shade-darkened forests that border Vesuvia.
Julian will feel a warm hand seek his - either tiny and ringed, or somewhat larger, but still smaller than his own. And then, from his other side, the other will follow suit. It is utterly casual, so natural that they do not give it a second thought. He wonders if they ever feel the same heart-wrenching, throat-constricting emotion that seizes him, the stinging he must blink from his eyes.
The one thing he had thought he could never have... and here it is, twice over. Something he had twice lost, and now twice regained.
It is so hard to believe sometimes, he fears that he must be dreaming, or hallucinating, or perhaps even dead, dreaming in the next life. But then, he feels two small hands, solid and real... and the two small bodies that fit so perfectly against him in the night, telling him that this is his truth.
Their truth.
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
1, 13, 14, 25, 32 for Jinana of course. - vesuvian-disaster
(Soft Headcanons)
1. What is your muse’s love language / how do they show affection?
Jinana shows hir affection by being there, even under the worst circumstances, and by doing practical, helpful things for those s/he cares for.
13. Are there any physical items that make your muse happy?
Smooth polished rocks. Shiny crystals. Barrels full of dried grains or beans that s/he can just... shove hir hand into.
14. Is there a particular place that makes your muse feel at home?
The shop is the only physical place that feels like home to hir... but really, home is where the people s/he is close to are.
25. How would your muse react to being handed a baby?
Step 1: make sure the baby's head is supported, because those little guys have floppy necks. Step 2: Make weird noises, because babies love weird noises. Step 3: walk around and show things to the baby. Babies love being Shown Things, especially if they are brightly colored and/or make a weird noise!
32. Describe a soft scenario or memory involving your muse.
Some nights, Julian will come in from the clinic to find that Asra has returned from his travels, and that he and Jinana are doing something totally mundane - like cooking dinner together, or debating over some book, or just tidying and restocking the shop. And they'll both turn to Julian and smile, and it makes him so glad that he chose to live, that he overcame the doubts and fears that could have kept him from ever experiencing this. And sometimes he'll get a bit misty about it, and Asra will tease him a little, and Jinana will fuss over him and comfort him. Later, he'll lie awake for a time, thinking about how lucky he is, hardly able to believe it even while the other two fall asleep against him.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Midsummer Masquerade, Day 1: Jinasrian (Group Sex, Orgasm Denial)
“Not yet, Ilya.” Asra pauses in the motion of his hips, but Julian does not pause in the motion of his mouth. “Not until we say so.”
Jinana laughs, leaning in to sink hir teeth lightly into the fullness of Asra’s lower lip. “Very good, jaanu. Keep him in his place. He loves to be there.”
(Links to 4 different, uncensored angles under the cut, along with warnings. 🔞🍋 Minors DNI!)
Warnings: threesome sex, anal sex, oral-vaginal sex, very visible XX and XY bits.
Angle 1: Full version, wide angle
Angle 2: Closeup on smooch
Angle 3: View from above
Angle 4: Julian doing what Julian does best
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
Renderpalooza: Midsummer Masq Edition!
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Man you guys are horny
All right, here’s how this goes:
I’ve divvied up the prompts by day, plus the available options, under the cut.
1) Pick your participants (Note: 3-person slots have all been filled; 1-2 only, please!)
2) Pick your prompt(s). Requests may select any number of prompts from the same day, but once all prompts for a given day are claimed, that day is FULL. A certain amount of overlap is all right, at my discretion.
3) Pick your outfit theme. I can’t promise to match specific outfits, these are general ‘vibes’!
4) Pick how spicy you want this to be, from ‘tasteful portrait’ to ‘explicit af’
Notes: Please limit requests to two per requestor! Backgrounds will be abstract and lighting will be simple. I reserve the right to cap requests at any time, or refuse requests I’m not comfortable with. I can’t promise I’ll get to them all, I am but one Little Guy™, but I’ll do my best!
I will update this post as prompts are claimed.
PART 1: The Participants
Select from the list of available models. You may select either a themed solo portrait of your chosen character, or a scene with 2-3 figures.
*As always, requests involving OCs that are not yours must be approved by the other party!
Heron ( @vesuvian-disaster )
Marcus Aquila ( @vesuvian-disaster )
Donatello ( @bottomvalerius )
Miloš ( @xx-sharpfawngz-xx )
Turel ( @fullyfunctionalapprentice & @luasworkshop )
Ell’iandyr ( @foxfirefallout​ )
Bastien ( @daisydevorak )
Vida ( @apprenticevida )
Alexander ( @devoraqs )
Vissenta ( @vissentasenadz )
Tsedi ( @joasakura )
Misery - pending model completion ( @misery-lake​ )
Coatli - pending model completion ( @coyoxxtl​ )
PART 2: The Prompts
Baths Claimed, Marcus/Jinana/Julian
Group Sex (up to 3 figures) Claimed, JinAsrian
Orgasm Denial Claimed, JinAsrian
Food Play Claimed, Marcus/Jinana/Julian
Exhibitionism claimed, Visadia
Lingerie claimed, Heron/Jinana/Valerius
Collars claimed, Heron/Jinana/Valerius and Visadia
Impact Play claimed, Heron/Jinana/Valerius
Outdoors claimed, Tsedi x viewer
Role Reversal claimed, Jinana/Vida
Pet Play claimed, Jinana/Bastien
Bondage claimed, Tsedi x viewer
Voyeurism claimed, Nadia/Jinana/Julian
Suspension claimed, Nadia/Jinana/Julian
Magic (Claimed, Heron/Ell)
Humiliation claimed, Nadia/Jinana/Julian
Toys claimed, Portia + viewer
Praise Claimed, Vidasrian
Temperature Play claimed, Jinana/Turel
Furniture Claimed, Jinana/Julian
Role Play (costumes) claimed, Vissacha
Overstimulation claimed, Jinanatello
Dirty Talk claimed, Jinanatello
Sensory Deprivation (Blindfold) Claimed, Miz/Valerius
Shibari claimed by meeee if I can make it happen
Anonymous claimed, Julian
Body Worship claimed, Sachasrian
Marking also claimed by me, surprise
PART 3: Outfit Vibes
Pick one!
Classic Lingerie (bustiers, stockings, etc)
Soft Boudoir (camis, negligee, etc)
Leather n Lace
Fantasy (all kinds of impractical drapey stuff)
The Jewelry Is The Outfit (lotsa chains n jewelry, maybe pasties and a panty/stocking combo)
Masks Only - this is a Masquerade, after all!
PART 4: Level of Spicies
Choose how spicy you want this to be!
🌶: PG - probably just a sexy portrait, nothing you can’t post on tunglr
🌶🌶 : R - Visible neeps, suggestion of full frontal nudity but no fully-visible gens.
🌶🌶🌶 : NC-17 - Full frontal relaxed nudity, and/or obvious ‘activity’ is happening but only partly visible
🌶🌶🌶🌶 : XXX - explicit activity, everything is showing, go for broke
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
Me: rolling the dice to decide who all gets to be in this smut prompt
Fuckass d4: includes literally everyone, or nobody but Jinana on every. single. set of rolls
Me: I am NOT writing a foursome rn that is EIGHT HANDS to keep track of
Fuckass d4: OK then Jinasrian
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
A, G, and Z for Jinana?
Cut for NSFW text, Minors DNI!
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?) 
Before reclaiming more of hir magical abilities, Jinana dealt with a lot of Asra-related frustration, primarily with the help of imagination and maybe a helpful Mage Hand spell. Later on, s/he’s getting so much fuk that honestly s/he rarely feels the need to masturbate unless separated from hir lover(s). In these cases s/he will typically use hir imagination and a few nice toys (magical vibrator, anyone?), possibly using a small amount of illusion magic to conjure the voice of a lover for company.
Non-Apprentice Jinana has access to a wide variety of sexy spells (Unseen Lover is a good example of that), magical toys, and lucid dreaming. While it’s fun enough, though, hir real pleasure comes from loving domination of others.
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?) 
S/he would absolutely have a threesome (there are plenty in hir past that s/he does not recall, and Jinasrian is a thing...) Four or more is unwieldy in Jinana’s opinion, though it’s fine if everybody just wants to sort of switch off during the evening. In threesome+ situations, s/he prefers to have the other partners perform for hir entertainment, before having them both/all pleasure hir at the same time.
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?)
The nape of the neck and hir inner wrists are the non-obvious erogenous zones for Jinana. Brushing one’s lips over, running a light fingernail over, or even gently biting these areas is sure to get hir interest.
Hir nipples are especially sensitive. With care, s/he could probably be caused to orgasm from nipple play alone, but it isn’t something s/he would typically permit, due to hir dominant nature.
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
State of the To-Do List (Home Hospital Edition)
Still have a few days of home hospital care left, but I’ve improved enough that I can start spending some time at the Renderbeast™ again! (Not hours and hours, but it’s something...)
‘Julian getting obliterated’ remasters
Asra 3D model (just needs his hair)
Jinana/Turel smut prompt
Threesome smut prompt (The first Jinasrian...? Maybe!)
Heron/Julian wet dream prompt (lmao)
‘Perform’ written smut prompt Jinanatello (60%)
‘Nature’ written smut prompt Nadia/Jinana (80%)
‘Counter’ written smut prompt Jinana/Ia/Julian (10%)
Nadia 3D model
...Turel 3D model??? (It would be HILARIOUS but I’d have to make his hair from scratch in Zbrush... orz)
Render Queue:
Julian in high-heeled bunny corset outfit because of reasons
Jinana in hir favorite outfit
Portia in a sharp suit
Valerius dressed for a Red Carpet event
Asra in lingerie  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Halloween costumes (still haven’t chosen character(s) for this yet)
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
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IDK, right now it’s looking quite a bit like a square dance, with Nadia in the mix they just kind of... pair off in various combinations:
Most of the time it’s:
Jinana x Asra x Julian (Jinasrian)
But if you add Nadia:
Jinana x Julian (Jinian? Jinulian?)
Nadia x Asra (Nasra? Nadasra? Nadiasra? idek man)
Jinana x Asra (Jinasra)
Nadia x Julian (Nadian)
Nadia x Jinana (Nadiana, because it sounds nicer than Nanana lmao),
 Asra x Julian (Asrian)
Nadia: the only top bigger than Jinana lmao
And then there’s the OC ships...
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
Would a good ship name for Julian and Jinana be Juliana? I have a couple like Juliaa and Jilian.
(sorry I like making ship names they're fun haha)
It would, but the one on the bottom has to be the second in the portmanteau, I don't make the rules 😂
that's a lie I totally do
Some more hilarious possible portmanteaus:
Nadia x Jinana is totally Nadiana tho
Jinana x Asra is the absolutely boring Jinasra
But Jinana x Asra x Julian is Jinasrian, which makes me laugh a lot
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