#Jinchuuriki Kakashi
zuzu-draws · 1 year
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[The 3-tails Jinchuuriki! Kakashi AU]
Now does he mean the Sharingan or the 3-tails?
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thetherianmother · 3 months
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For my ask here is jinjuriki kakashi!!!
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nightofhappylight · 6 months
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Team Red
and a little Minato
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back-to-rose · 11 months
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"An Escape from a dire Situation."
@rinweek2023 | Day 3 - Akatsuki/Root/ANBU
Where Rin and Kakashi are ANBU and Obito is their Hokage.
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equill · 11 months
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It always ends with two.
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teatitty · 3 months
One thing Naruto fandom does that pisses me off is when they act like being a Chuunin makes you automatically weaker than a Jounin when its a proven fact that Jounin ranks aren't that common at all. Most shinobi are chuunin rank. You become a Jounin either by taking an exam [as Temari recommends to Shikamaru] or the village just collectively decides that you're The Fucking Shit and elects you for it so no exam needed [Kakashi is the best example]
Sakura and Shikamaru are both chuunin with jounin level capabilities. The ongoing gag of Shippuden is that Naruto is still a genin despite basically being a god. Your rank does not equal skill or power level, the only difference is whether you take on S-Rank missions by yourself or not. That's literally it. The only time a "superior officer" matters is in the fucking field when you have a team captain leading the mission [and it's entirely possible for a chuunin to be the captain instead of a jounin depending on experience and who is better suited for that role per mission]
Iruka arguing with Kakashi at the chuunin exams wouldn't be shocking in universe because he's yelling at a jounin it'd be shocking because it's Kakashi who is super famous and feared the world over. I doubt most people are really ballsy enough to get in his face about something just because of his reputation, and that has nothing to do with his rank and everything to do with who he is [I could make a whole separate post about that argument and how neither of them are wrong or right here for different reasons but I won't]
In short: chuunin are the ones who run the village, not jounin, and a ninjas rank is not indicative of their power or skill. Stop that shit
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95jezzica · 11 months
Timetravel Fun
Okay, so ever since I realized Kakashi is the only one of his original team that didn't end up becoming a Jinchuuriki at some point, I've been SO TEMPTED to write a Timetravel Fic where Kakashi takes the half of Kuruma that Minato originally sealed within himself.
Seriously, imagine it.
Another connection to/with Naruto.
Solves Kakashi's chakra problem (if Obito still gets "crushed" & gives Kakashi his sharingan), or an extra power-up if Obito doesn't have to.
Another connection to Rin, if she still gets kidnapped and is forced to become a Jinchuuriki.
Kakashi would now also either have to hide the fact he's a Jinchuuriki from the rest of the village (somehow), or he'll likely face similar treatment to the one Naruto got.
OR, maybe Kakashi goes on a training journey with Jiraiya for +2 years? Jiraiya is/was the current sealing/fuuinjutsu master of Konoha at the time too, after all. In a time-travel situation Kakashi wouldn't feel the need to continue with Anbu, and it'd get him away from Danzo as well. It's a win-win, as long as Kakashi gets back in time to save Itachi from Danzo's (& Tobi's) manipulation.
- (Seriously though, imagine how strong Kakashi could have gotten (quicker) if he got trained by a Sannin - just like Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura got training. Kakashi is SELF-TAUGHT since he was 14y old, after Minato's death if not earlier. Something I think a lot of people forget.)
On the bright side, Kakashi would have Naruto either way. Especially since it'd be a time-travel and Kakashi would have the (better) mental stability to at least hang out with Naruto even if Minato & Kushina die (again).
(Kakashi would likely still look 14y old at Naruto's birth though, so... Probably no adoption? Unless he can sneak off Naruto to Tsunade, who is technically Naruto's last known living relative at the time who would semi-available option to adopt Naruto. If Kakashi can find her).
Also, Kakashi befriending Kuruma early(-ier) would be kind of sweet tbh.
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starweiser5993 · 6 months
Fandom: Naruto
Ship: Hatake Kakashi/Nohara Rin
Prompt: letting something go
For @ficwip Drabble Challenge
Lying in the hospital bed, Rin realizes for the first time that her love for Kakashi is a curse, not a blessing.
He's outside the room, terrified of almost losing yet another teammate he couldn't protect; and worse, that he supposedly attacked this time.
Again, it wasn't his fault. It was Rin’s.
She owes him an apology, and then a departure. Being alone is better than being with a monster like her — not because of the tailed beast sealed in her, but because of her selfish decisions. Kakashi will be free of this, of her.
Love is also letting go.
PT-BR version
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
What if? Rin had survived that mission thanks to Obito's intervention and Sanbi's foresight. She ends up being mentored by Kushina, Obito returns to Konoha, Nine tails attack still happens- but somehow the aftermath of it sees Rin going rogue and leading the Akatsuki, much like how Obito did in canon.
My questions are 1. Is the Akatsuki still the same? Or does Rin actually keep it away from Madara's plans? Because she never met him :o and 2. Does she take baby Naruto with her??? To Nagato and away from Hiruzen??
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a-world-in-grey · 8 months
Sola/Calling for Rain IV
@secret-engima Naruto's POV!
Naruto stares wide-eyed at the woman effortlessly balancing Karin's weight. He can guess that this is Kyoho, Karin's older sister. Karin had told him that Kyoho took more after their mom than Karin, Karin apparently looked more like their non-Uzumaki father despite having the Uzumaki coloring, but Naruto hadn't really thought about what that proclaimed difference in appearance would look like.
She- she looks like his mom. The blood-red hair, the sun-kissed skin, the wide face. The shape of her eyes and jaw, even the shape of her hands-
She looks like an Uzumaki.
And she's here.
He doesn't realize he's spoken out loud until Kyoho's expression softens and she kneels to his height as though Karin isn't clinging to her like a limpet. She's smiling, a soft curl to her lips, but there's a knowing sorrow to her blueblueblue eyes, one that speaks of pain and grief and loneliness and Naruto knows that look because he's seen it in the mirror and she knows -
And her simple affirmation that yes, she's here, and she's not leaving him makes Naruto bawl. He launches himself at her, and she catches him and doesn't let go, even when his momentum causes them all to crash into the floor and he sobs into her free shoulder, Kyoho rubbing soothing circles into his back and humming a lullaby in his ear.
Embarrassment burns when he finally pulls back from Kyoho and realizes the Hokage is right there - and Naruto wants to kick himself for not noticing, of course the Hokage would be in his office. He busies himself helping Kyoho to her feet, offering her a hand and sticking his feet to the floor so she can stand up without setting Karin down.
Kyoho bows her head to the Hokage. "Thank you, for the privacy of your office, Hokage-sama."
Naruto grimaces. Yeah, he's really glad he didn't have that breakdown in public.
The Hokage smiles. "You are welcome. I won't keep you any longer, I'm sure you all would like the chance to catch up. We can speak later about that list."
Huh? List? What list?
"Of course, Hokage-sama."
Once they are outside the Tower, Naruto voices his question. "What was he talking about?"
Kyoho shifts Karin so her sister is instead clinging to her back, shoving her hair forward over one shoulder so it doesn't get caught. Naruto's gaze catches on Kyoho's braids. The bandana and long hair hides most of the beads, but not all of them, and as Naruto peers at the beads he can see on the Widow and Hero braids-
And he completely just missed what Kyoho was saying. "Sorry! Could you say that again?"
Over Kyoho's shoulder, Karin gives him a knowing look, confirming Naruto's suspicions. He's not imagining those familiar beads.
Kyoho's smile is gentle, reassuring that she's not upset at his wandering attention. "The Hokage wants me to teach."
Naruto imagines Kyoho in his old classroom, dressed like Iruka-sensei, and feels a spark of jealously. He would have liked Kyoho as a sensei. Not that he doesn't like Iruka-sensei! But it would have been nice, learning from Kyoho those first few years. "At the Academy?"
She shakes her head. "Fuuinjutsu apprentice."
Oh. That's not so bad. "So the list is for potential students?"
Kyoho nods.
"You won't teach them anything else, though, right?" Naruto asks petulantly. It's childish of him, but Kyoho's his family. His clan. He doesn't want to have to share her yet.
Kyoho wraps an arm around his shoulders, pressing him into her side. Naruto basks in the warm feeling, like he sitting in front of the hearth, wrapped in a thick blanket. "Not unless they're Braided," she promises.
Good. Naruto takes a deep breath, trying to memorize Kyoho's scent. There's lingering traces of burnt chakra, similar to the smell that lingers on Nyx after he's been practicing his fire ninjutsu. Also like Nyx is the persistent scent of something distinctly feline, though Kyoho's scent lacks the feathers and ozone aspects Nyx's has. Underneath all that, Kyoho's scent is warm, like sunshine on a summer day, with a tang to it that reminds him of the air along Nami's shores.
Kyoho patiently lets him cling for as long as he likes. He knows they're making a spectacle of themselves, can feel the stares prickling across his skin uncomfortably. He does his best to ignore them - he refuses to feel ashamed of showing affection for his family.
Only, Kyoho sharpens beside him, and the prickly feeling abruptly disappears. When Naruto pulls back and glances around, he finds everyone studiously looking away from them.
There's a smile on Kyoho's face when she looks down at him. "Where to, cousin?"
Cousin. Naruto beams.
"You gotta meet my friends!" He declares, tugging Kyoho in the right direction. "Nyx isn't here right now, but Jun and Niko should be at the training grounds while Aoba-sensei has his one-on-one day with-"
He cuts himself off as Kyoho laughs, bright and fond and full of affection.
Naruto has family. He's not the only Uzumaki anymore.
It still feels like a dream. Don't get him wrong, Nyx is his brother and Naruto will always be grateful for him, but… Kyoho and Karin look like him.
And they want him.
No one has ever wanted him. Not immediately and without any strings attached. Naruto loves Nyx and Iruka-sensei, he really does, but even they didn't like him at first. But Karin took the chance to defect to Konoha because of Naruto, and Kyoho came too. Despite not knowing Naruto at all, just because he's family.
"You've got the Uzumaki energy." Kyoho notes fondly. "They your team?"
Naruto shakes his head, but pauses. "Kinda? Nyx and Sakura-chan are on Team 7 with me, but we're always training with Aoba-sensei's team 'cause Kakashi-sensei's kinda lame."
He's not bitter about that, really. Even though Kakashi-sensei gave that speech about not abandoning your teammates - as though Naruto or Nyx needed to be told that - he still left them to wait on him for hours every morning and then couldn't be bothered to give more than a half-hearted effort training them.
Nyx put more effort into training them. As an Academy student.
Aoba-sensei's done more to train Team 7 than their own sensei.
Kyoho hums. "Should let them know there'll be ANBU watching us."
Naruto stops dead in his tracks. "What?" Why would there be ANBU watching them?
"I've got ANBU tailing me." Kyoho says simply. On her back, Karin's stiffened in alarm, and Kyoho places a reassuring hand on her arm. "Security measure. Not watching you."
"They shouldn't be watching you either!" Naruto protests. Kyoho came here to get away from Kusa, why is she being treated like an enemy?
Kyoho sighs. Pats Karin's arm. "Go let them know we're coming?"
Karin reluctantly drops from Kyoho's back. But she hesitates, looking at Naruto before glancing deliberately back at Kyoho.
No, not Kyoho, Naruto realizes. Kyoho's braids.
He shakes his head at Karin. Better to let it be a surprise. Especially if Kyoho really is who they think she is, Naruto thinks with rising anticipation despite how upset he is.
Karin nods. "Don't take too long, nee-chan." Then she's off.
Naruto turns back to Kyoho. Kyoho inclines her head towards the trees lining the path. They aren't in the populated part of the village anymore, but the trees will offer a modicum of privacy from passersby. Naruto follows Kyoho up the tree, settling beside her on a branch about halfway up.
"I'm a jounin." Kyoho tells him.
Naruto scowls. He knows that, but what does that have to do with the Hokage treating her like she's an enemy?
Kyoho shakes her head, like she can sense that thought. "Jounin are dangerous, Naruto. A team of genin can take on a chuunin. A team of chuunin cannot take on a jounin." Her eyes meet his, blue dark like the ocean depths. "I've killed teams of jounin."
Naruto startles. "Really?" Kakashi-sensei had a hard enough time with Zabuza. Kyoho can fight multiple Zabuza's at once?
"Really." Kyoho says, fond and exasperated all at once. "I'm dangerous, Naruto. The Hokage does not know me. He worries I am an assassin or infiltrator."
"But you aren't!" Kyoho's Clan. She came here for help!
Another fond smile. "You know that. I know that. Hokage-sama does not." Kyoho shrugs, looking like it's no big deal to her. "Hokage-sama has no reason to trust a foreign jounin. Of course he will take measures to protect the village. I'm glad he is taking such measures."
That brings Naruto up short, angry response dying on his tongue. "You're glad for the ANBU?"
"They're to protect you." Kyoho says. "To protect the Clan. I would do the same, were my children at risk." She rests a hand on his head and gently ruffles his hair. "It won't be forever."
Naruto sulks. But when Kyoho puts it that way… "I still don't like it."
Kyoho nods. "You don’t have to." She rises from the branch, holding her hand out to him. "Let's go meet your friends."
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zuzu-draws · 1 year
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Some Sketches from the Isobu Jinchuuriki! Kakashi AU that i'd made a few months ago. Probably won't finish these wips but i still liked them enough to want to post em' :)
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thetherianmother · 4 months
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sacredfire44 · 2 years
Do you ever think maybe the reason Naruto got away with so many big pranks wasn’t because he was stealthy enough to avoid the ANBU, but because his ANBU guard had seen how he was treated and at some point was like “Actually, you know what? He can have a bit of revenge. As a treat.”
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softdaemons · 1 year
thinking about if rin lived and naruto growing up around her and being rins little shadow
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
im not even voting for the manga spinoff or official art i Know nobody else cares about my faves as cool as it would be, they arent winning. i just like tjem 🤷‍♂️
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95jezzica · 11 months
Team 7 Jinchuuriki
So... I just realized Kakashi is the only one from his original team that didn't become a Jinchuuriki at some point. Obito had the [spoiler], Rin had the 3-Tails/Isobu, and Minato had one half of 9-Tails/Kuruma. Not to mention Kakashi knew Kushina.
(... And now I'm tempted to write a fic where Kakashi takes Minato's half of Kuruma).
Seriously though, no wonder Kakashi was chosen as Naruto's teacher. He probably has more experience with tailed beasts and Jinchuuriki than the rest of the village combined.
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