#Jinyoung man collector
thejjpjedijaney · 3 years
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Jinyoung and his increasing man collection here in the year of our peach 2021.
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jinrawon · 3 years
Your wish is my command .-VI
Jinyoung x Fem!Reader. Royal AU.
Genre: Fluff, angst. A bit of fantasy.
Summary: When the crown prince, Park Jinyoung,  breaks his engagement he is forced to have someone he did not expect as his knight. Displeased with the idea, deep down he knows he will need her by his side.
Words: 2k+
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Coming back to the palace felt relieving. You felt more at control knowing that you were not the only one paid to protect the prince. Money meant everything to people, therefore, protecting someone from another country did not sound good to someone who was accustomed to protecting only the monarchy of their country. You saw the dirty looks they gave him and it made you mad. What if he was not their royalty? What if they weren’t paid 
an extra for protecting someone else? When you were being trained by Jaebeom he always told you that it did not matter who it was, if it was an order you had to protect them. Was it not the same for them? Despiste that, not having to do your usual duties and sleeping in the same room as Jinyoung was surprisingly good for your own condition. You felt rested and it felt like you could save the world if necessary, of course you wished it would not be. 
“ Did something good happen while you were away? “ Jackson asked while you were sparring with him. “ Did you and Jinyoug…” He did not need to end what he was going to say for you to understand what he tried to say. You quickly gave him a blow on the arm but not strong enough to hurt him, not after Youngjae scolded you for it. You did not want to get scolded by someone who was not older than you, even if it was Choi Youngjae. “ Ey! I was talking! “ “ Then don’t, if it was a real fight I would have amputated your arm, Jackson. “ 
He smiled knowing why you were like that and he was ready to tease you all the necessary, and if he could he would tease the prince as well. 
“ But Y/N, you should not do that, you are not engaged to him anymore, you would stop being a pu…” The way you hit him this time gave him a signal, he was annoying you and he would not stop. “ I thought you told Youngjae we would not hurt each other! “ “ I think I’ll have to make sure to apologize later then. “ 
“ Come on Y/N, it’s not that bad, I mean JInyoung is the prince charming every child dreams about when they are little “ You could not help but laugh at his mocking tone. “ To think you have him in the grasp of your hands and you…” “ Shut up Jackson Wang. “ You blocked him with all your strength. “ I slept well, that’s it. “ “ Well, Y/N, as you may know your Jinyoung and I are best friends. “ 
That was when you realized, he knew you slept together, he knew you spoke about his butt and he was going to make you regret being friendly to the prince. 
“ Don’t. “ You said and he looked at you innocently. “ Don’t, Jackson, I swear if you do. “ “ You slept with Jinyoung, in the same bed, how cute can you two get. “ 
“ You’ve done it. “ 
Before you could hit him someone went in between both of you putting a stop to your friendly fight. 
“ What does he mean you slept with Jinyoung? “ 
Jackson and you looked at Jaebeom. His face was as serious as it could get and you knew he would not let you go of this one.
“ So, I get it I have to go to protect the prince now. “ You gave your wooden sword to Jackson and even before you could turn on your heels, your brother grabbed your shoulder. You gulped and saw his glaring eyes. “ I have to go… to go to work, you know? “
“ FIne, we will talk, Im Y/N. “ You sighed. “ But I will talk to Jackson meanwhile. “ You were done for good. 
It was another hectic day for the prince. Going from one place to another and making sure the tax collectors weren’t corrupted. That was just one of his works but not the only one and you were by his side every single moment. 
“ I think you should take a rest to eat something, your highness. “
“ Are you hungry? “ 
By now you knew him well enough, even if you weren’t you would say yes. That was the way to make him eat, not wanting you to skip his meals because of him. 
“ Yes. “ 
“ Okay, should we go eat in the city? “ 
You were surprised. It was the first time he offered something like that but you were actually excited to get out of the palace. 
“ Yes! Where should we go? “ You usually walked behind him but after hearing him you could not help your excitement. “ There are some good restaurants close to Bam’s shop.” 
“ You choose but since I am paying you should take profit and go somewhere new, don’t you think? “ 
“ Your highness, aren’t you a generous one? “ 
“ Should I make you pay and eat everything I can? “ You looked at him for a moment while thinking of a place he would like to eat in. “ Since you are supposed to be devoted to me I guess so is your money. “
“ Wouldn’t that be like paying with your own money? “ 
You reached Jinyoung’s room where he changed his clothes and put on a cloack. 
“ We will take the carriage so think where you want to go. “ 
“ You like meat so I know a good place. “
The place was as majestic as you had heard. You had never gone before, not because you could not afford it but because you did not have the time. 
“ The place is nice. “ He said. “ Good day. “ As you entered with him the workers all stopped on their tracks. 
“ Ah! “ Someone who you recognized to be the owner seemed surprised but cheerful. “ What a pleasure to meet his and her royal highnesses. “ He said nervously. “ You did not have a reservation but I should make sure to give you a private room, your highnesses. “
“ I’m afraid you are mistaken. “ You said and the man was confused. “ I am no longer the crown princess so there is no need to be speaking to me as such. “ 
“ I am terribly sorry! “ He said. Truth was people had not stopped calling you the princess even if it was stated that the engagement had been broken. The more romantics assured that you were his knight in hopes of becoming a queen who could protect the one who would be her husband but both of you knew better. “ Please follow me, your highness, lady Y/N. “ Jinyoung said nothing about the mistake and did not react at all, making you think only you felt distressed about it.  That was probably how it was but when you heard him you knew you were wrong. 
“ I should start looking for a queen. “ 
You choked with your food and looked at him with an arched eyebrow. 
“ Have they been pressuring you into it? “ 
“ Are you jealous? “ He laughed after seeing your surprised face. “ Not really, but I am the crown prince and I can’t keep everyone thinking you will marry me. “ “ That’s true. “ You said. “ But you know? I wish you could do just as I did, take your time and try to fall in love. “ “ Well, unlike you I am the prince. “ You nodded, he was right. He had to do what was better for his kingdom and that meant marrying someone good enough for the job it meant being the queen. “ I wish I could but that can’t happen anymore. “
“ Have you been in love? “ “ I don’t know if I should call it love, I barely knew the person. “ 
“ Then? What was it? “ “ Why are you suddenly so interested in me? If you want me to take you as my queen it’s okay, you are qualified. “ You knew he was joking and that’s why an ew made it to your lips. He chuckled lightly. “ I’m just kidding. What I felt back then… “ 
“ Yes? “ “ I was infatuated. “ 
“ You? Of everyone I know? “ “ Have you ever been infatuated or what? “
“ I’ve never been in love sir. “ You said with a proud tone. “ Not even a crush. “ 
“ I am surprised. You seem like you want to experience love. “ 
“ I do, I just haven’t found the right person. “ “ You are aware that is what people who can’t date say, right? “ He teased you. “ I bet no one ever liked you. “
“ Well, give me my money then because I’ve been liked by many and they even asked my hand on marriage. “ 
“ What? While you were still engaged to me? “
“ Oh. “ You burst out laughing when you saw his face. “ Come on, I bet tons of girls confessed their love to you as well. “
“ … “
“ Oh shoot. “ 
“ Im Y/N, you are aware you are laughing at your future king, right? “ 
“ It’s just surprising! “ You said between laughs. “ You are like the prince charming every little girl dreams of. “ 
“ I can’t argue with that. “ He smiled. “ But people like you way more than you think. “ 
“ Yeah, I know people like me. “ “ Let me finish. “ He said sternly. “ They like you enough to respect the fact that I was going to be your husband. “ “ I guess people like me so much that they even dared disrespect the future king by flirting with his fiancé. “ 
Jinyoung looked at you and even though his eyebrows were furrowed it was clear he was happy. You were calm by his side and everything could be forgotten making you think that avoiding him all these years had been for nothing. 
“ Yes, if you tell me names I’ll teach them a lesson. “ 
“ Guess I’ll stay quiet then, can’t let my admirers down. “ “ Were they so much you can’t even remember their names? “ 
He was right but you were not about to let someone pay for liking you, you had already broken their heart, that was enough. 
“ If I just remembered the names of the rude ones. “
“ I think Jaebeom already beat them up anyway. “ Hearing the name of your brother you remembered the talk he had said he was going to have with you. 
“ Yes, I did and I can tell you names. “ 
You turned to see your brother standing by the door. He was frowning, looking serious as always. You wish you could see him as he was with his friend but it seemed like to you he was always the serious brother. 
“ That would be interesting. “ Jinyoung answered. “ What are you doing here, anyway? “
“ We came here with the rest of the knights, Mark and Youngjae’s team. They are causing a ruckus so I wanted to step out for a little. “ He looked at you and you smiled awkwardly. “ May I speak to my sister? “ “ Go ahead, I’ll be here, listening. “ 
“ Yes, do, it concerns you. “ Now he was interested. Jaebeom was always looking like he could kill you even if he actually was one of the most caring people you could cross ways with. No one could argue that, well, perhaps the people he had killed while doing his job could or the guys he had beaten up because they were rude to you. 
“ This may not be the best moment, don’t you think, Jae…? “ “ And when will it be? “ He sighed. “ I am just worried, Y/N. Don’t you see things the same way I do? I get it, you did nothing with Jinyoung. “ “ I think I am lost.  “ said Jinyoung. “ What am I missing? “ “ You slept with her, and honestly, why are both of you so careless? “ “ But we did nothing, hyung, “ He smiled. “ You can’t blame her for sleeping with me. “ “ Don’t . “ He was mad. “ I worry about you. You may be a knight but you are still a woman and you know how they look at women who sleep with men before they marry. How they look to women who do it before marriage. I just want them to not talk about you. “ “ That’s enough Jaebeom. “ There was a pout in your face, not a false one but one made out of frustration. “ Please. Let it go. “ “ I can’t, what if they talk, what if…”
Jinyoung started to be awkward at the tension growing between the both of you so he gave you his judging face. A face that changed after hearing your furious answer to your brother. 
“ It’s not like it is the first time I sleep with a man, anyways. “ Jaebeom was dumbfounded, Jinyoung started laughing, surprised at the situation. You had a face that said everything you were feeling at the moment and god knows you did not mean to say that out loud. “ I was not supposed to say that. “ 
“ Tell me you just slept, please. “ 
Your face told him otherwise and he felt like he could fall to the floor, defeated once again by you. 
“ I have a question. “ Said Jinyoung. “ Was it during our engagement? “
“ No. “ You answered. “ It was that week. “ You whispered. “ I wanted to be free in every aspect. “
“ You are just another breed. “ 
Jinyoung could not stop laughing and you smiled, seeing him hide his smile with his hand. Jaebeom was not that happy however and it didn’t help what you were about to say.
“ Jae, we didn’t go until the great act. “ You tried to be subtle and he understood, feeling slightly relieved but it did not subdue his rage. “ Oh, ey, please, eat and calm yourself my amazing big bro…”
“ What is your problem? “ 
You flinched after seeing his reaction. He was mad, you knew but you wanted the situation to pass already. You were not proud of what happened but neither did you regret it. Jinyoung had seen him mad before and he did not want the situation to escalate. 
“ Hyung. “ He looked at him. “ I know you are mad but let’s not. 
“ What the hell were you thinking, Im Y/N? “ 
“ Jae, I… “ “ No, don’t Y/N. You are just the most careless person I’ve ever met. You are irresponsible enough to get in bed with someone who god knows what could have done to you. “
The way you pressed your lips into a thin line made Jinyoung want to step in but Jaebeom was not wrong. Men had been wild lately and who knows what they could have done to you. He knew and he did not want that for you so he understood why his hyung was furious. 
“ I could have taken care of them, Jaebeom, you know that. “ 
“ Y/N, “ Jinyoung called your name calmly. “ It’s not about that, even the strongest can lose. “ 
“ Exactly, and the last thing I want is something happening to you just because you are stubborn. “ You looked at your brother and played with your hair. “ Y/N, you are aware of what you did, right? “ 
“ Yes. “ You said finally. You knew as well how worried your brother could get and after seeing how the man had reacted when you left without doing everything he wanted you knew he was not wrong. “ I am sorry, I won’t do it again. “
Seeing how both of the guys looked at you made you anxious because you had worried them, and you hated it. 
“ Okay, I trust you. “ You felt Jaebeom’s hand on your hair as you looked at the floor. “ I’ll go back to those guys, I can hear them more now. “ 
He did not lie, screams you recognized could be heard and you were sure there was something funny going on down there. You watched your brother go down the stairs with sadness. 
“ I am a handful, aren’t I? “
“ Yes. “ He was as honest as he could be. He had grown frustrated with you in the past and he knew you made some questionable decisions such as running away without a plan. “ But I understand how you feel. A shame you are so immature to understand where hyung is coming from. “ You knew he was joking yet you could not help but feel bad about it. He had looked for you like no one else had and the only thing you gave in exchange was more problems.  “ If you are going to cry, do it when we are not at the restaurant, it will be less awkward for both of us. “ “ I am not going to cry. “ You groaned. “ Do you enjoy teasing me? You seem like you do. “ “ Yes? “ He smiled. “ I wouldn’t if I didn’t enjoy it. “
“ I am glad I’m not the one that has to marry you. “
You did not notice how his eyes lingered on you for a moment or how his smile disappeared after hearing you say that. You did not notice how his resolve of finding a suitable queen wavered every time he looked at your face. 
“ Let’s go. “ He said and you looked at him as he stood up from his chair. “ So you can cry in peace, let’s go. “ “ I already said I won’t. “
“ Sure. “
Back in the palace you waited for Jackson to take your place while you watched Jinyoung sleep. His face was calm and that of an angel. You saw how everyone would want him as their husband but you did not have lingering feelings about the marriage because of that face. You noticed how red your cheeks were getting as you thought about it. You had lingering feelings but it was not his face that made you think about it. 
“ Find a queen… “ You could picture a lot of noble women by his side, women with their beautiful dresses and their seductive smiles or their cute faces. It was not that you weren’t pretty but you had never cared, especially if caring meant the prince liking you. “ What am I doing? “
You could not sleep in the slightless.
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alliwannalove-blog · 7 years
Video Recommendations
Uh. Videos I have watched and would recommend (will include spazzes and the like, yes). So how this page will work is that if there’s a new recommendation, I will list it first, then followed by the videos I have watched. Man, this is gonna be a pain to sort out haha. This will be sorted out.... Eventually.......  One of the most recent ones I've watched!! Wanna One is super cute and ridiculous, hahaha. I love them so much! One of my favourite things from this video, (HAHA) is Sungwoon staring at Jaehwan chew and then stuffing Jaehwan with another tomato???? I find it so cute??? Somehow??? Here, I have it on tumblr: https://sungwoona.tumblr.com/post/165031843441/boyfriendsungwoon-feeding-jaehwan (Also relevant:) https://defsouldanik.tumblr.com/post/165032900284/ive-been-lied-to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neicONvyNII WANNA ONE KISSING EACH OTHER, RED LIPSTICKS, KISS MARKS EVERYWHERE AND BEING ABSOLUTE DORKS, WHAT'S THERE NOT TO LIKE. (Context, if you're interested. They appeared on Hongkira where each team had to answer questions made by the other team. It starts at around 49:42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq2WxLucLaQ&t=3434s It was really hard! But very interesting hahaha since the members made questions about themselves, so can find out more about them haha) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cALQQj3FbW4&t=1s A VIDEO I WATCHED PROBABLY TEN TIMES MAYBE OMG. I LOVE THIS VIDEO BECAUSE OF SO MANY REASONS HAHAHA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H_zsL9UllM If you want to: Best of Hidden Box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw26CEmOLZI BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, MY FAVOURITE HIDDEN BOX THAT I HAVE WATCHED AT LEAST 5 TIMES, PROBABLY A LOT MORE THAN THAT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MApjNvCNMS8 (IT HAS JONGHYUN, DO WATCH AND TELL ME WHEN YOU HAVE WATCHED!!!!) IT HAS ALL THE MAKINGS OF A GREAT DRAMA HAHAHA.   Samuel and Daehwi are entertaining too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oczD_aqT6JY   THIS IS IT: OFFICIAL (?) BIRTH OF TWO PARK, PINK SAUSAGES AND MY FAVOURITE SHIP HAHAHA. CAUSE I CAN SEE IT IS FULL OF SHIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqwIQdBVgJ8&t=61s I LOVE VJ WOOJIN!!! Comments I like  "Tell me why the hell did I stan these dorks..." "This is the quality content that I singed for " (person probably meant signed?) There are so many things I like about this video HAHAHAHA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uAFtlNI1i8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XVaCwPhGj8 oOPS, THIS LINK JUST THE CUT OF THEIR ENGLISH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGdmrP5uG3o
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwWxM6Uh-Z0 LOOK AT PARK JIHOON SIDEEYEING HIM HAHA LIKE "THIS TALENTED BITCH" AND THIS FANCAM IS SUCH GOOD QUALITY LIKE FML Actually, I like Seongwoo's voice, maybe even more than the vocal three. I liked his part in Always- not just the lyrics but how he sang it. I like his part for the prechorus in Wanna Be. AND HIS VOCALS FOR GET UGLY, GOSH. ALSO I LOWKEY WANT SUBUNITS FOR WANNA ONE
Video that I have been constantly rewatching cause <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCyUXwAoodE Summary: Wanna One explains their signatures   SPOILERS: OMG WHERE TO BEGIN. Aiya, I'm tired haha. You can just watch this one. I liked it a lotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. <3 GQ BTShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcJ92UR2gzY&t=3s Summary: Some of them look good and some of them have bad hair styling but all of them are cute SPOILERS: Cute Daniel Bunny! Baejin with Wolverine hair thank god he put on the beanie, Seongwoo's expression when he got the question, Guanlin being cute af, Ha Sungwoon and the terrible hair but he still cute af cause I'm bias af, Jaehwan looks good with this hair, Minhyun forever visual and innocent and awkward, Jisung the old man AND THAT SMILE OF HIS, WOOJIN THE CUTIE OMG, fire the person who did Jihoon's hair, Daehwi looking good + throwing all the shade, 95/96 180s Liners, Woojin abandoned + doing Seongwoo's move, hopping out   There's a series- Wanna One x The Musician (which is this tap tap game, basically press the rhythm thing) and it's alright haha. It's kind fun to watch how some people are super good and suck but the couple videos just came out and it's not too bad haha. Will list chronologically- Two Park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXy5ddcOmEM SPOILERS: Jihoon tryna sail the Two Park ship + Jisung helping out. Woojin's look directed to Guanlin after Guanlin says "Playground" + his laugh after that. Jisung singing +Jihoon being a little shit. Two Park is good at games~ Jinhwi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnRW_w_6WBs SPOILERS: Haha, I have no spoilers cause I have no feels for these people HAHA. And nothing interesting happened HAHA. Ongniel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukgw-Iu4-vk SPOILERS: Seongwoo rejecting Daniel + Sungwoon's laughter, I am such Nielwoon trash that I was hoping that would interact hahahaha, "Wanna be the one" in the same tone "Wanna be the byul" in that Chuseok video, "Raasss go, rass go", suddenly everyone is singing, "hit them" omgggg, "assaulting monsters" + Jaehwan's squeeze of Seongwoo's shoulder and hit, them laughing, Jaehwan and Sungwoon sync + how they look at each other, constant NGs, Ongniel in their own world as staff tries to explain their ment LOL AS IF IT'S NOT OBVIOUS WHICH OF THE THREE IS MY FAV. Okay Wanna Go Ep 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpLDDgeWJIE Summary: Guanlin x Sungwoon talks about Taipei and Chinese, Daehwi and Jinyoung being on the same wavelength, Minhyun interviews Jaehwan about his catchphrase SPOILERS: KUANLIN IS A CUTE BABY and I need a video of Sungwoon speaking Chinese (here is a video where he sings 朋友 omfg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0T-NRkJr1o ) BAEJIN IS SUCH A COPY CAT. Haha. People dying because of Minhyun's "Come Here".
I have watched their ads here and there and this is the one that I think you absolutely must watch Highlights/Reasons: 1. They didn't tell Wanna One what they were going to be advertising so cue on the spot spontaneity and wit 2. Which also meant lots of cringe 3. And Samsung Pay, bless their soul, didn't edit out the cringe and dying moments I AM IN LOVE 4. Wanna One members need help. Who let them do this. 5. From the first ad, I laughed and didn't stop laughing 6. CG on point!!! 7. I think this was one of their first few ads, so they very awkward and very cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p-8ZpVZ9_k BTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxVQfJ1_gZA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Je5kII3qJU Where Daehwi insulted poor Sungwoon. This one wasn't super funny but still fun, hahaha. Cause they point members out and expose each other. Wanna One very cute. 
Watch Wanna One diss each other and be mean to each other (with the exception of a few kind souls/moments)
I got reminded of this when I saw a compilation video of Daniel as a hyung collector-
I present to you the cutest moment of Dangerous Outside the Blankets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m03impXwY28 Daniel is.... unreal.
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