#Joaquín Urrea
elguapodelfutbol · 4 years
10 hechos que volvieron al Pumas -América un clásico
10 hechos que volvieron al Pumas -América un clásico
Final de vuelta de la liga 1990-91   1) RAÍCES IDEOLÓGICAS Del “Por mi raza hablará el espíritu” de la UNAM al “yo hago televisión para jodidos” de Televisa. De los esfuerzos por formar jugadores a los fichajes espectaculares. De un club que se distingue por su preparación intelectual avalada por una universidad a otro cuyo poderío mediático siempre lo convierte en tema de conversación. 2)…
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lifeinpoetry · 4 years
hey! do you have any recommendations for poetry by latinx writers?
I’ve made three lists here to give a full range of what’s out there and they've been merged into Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: New in 2020 & 2021 &  Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Earlier on Bookshop if you’re so inclined. Hopefully at least one of these interests you. ❤️
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Before (Ones I’ve Read & Enjoyed)
Slow Lightning by Eduardo C. Corral
Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths by Elizabeth Acevedo
Loose Woman: Poems by Sandra Cisneros
The Carrying: Poems by Ada Limón
Citizen Illegal by José Olivarez
Lessons on Expulsion: Poems by Erika L. Sánchez
peluda by Melissa Lozada-Oliva
My Wicked Wicked Ways by Sandra Cisneros
lo terciario / the tertiary by Raquel Salas Rivera
Teeth Never Sleep: Poems by Ángel García
Lima :: Limón by Natalie Scenters-Zapico
while they sleep (under the bed is another country) by Raquel Salas Rivera
Sharks in the Rivers by Ada Limón
A Tongue in the Mouth of the Dying by Laurie Ann Guerrero
blud by Rachel McKibbens
Virgin: Poems by Analicia Sotelo
The Glimmering Room by Cynthia Cruz
Unaccompanied by Javier Zamora
The Black Maria by Aracelis Girmay
Girl with Death Mask by Jennifer Givhan
Cenzontle by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
Brother Bullet: Poems by Casandra López
The Inheritance of Haunting by Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes
Milk and Filth by Carmen Giménez Smith
Corazón by Yesika Salgado
Refuse: Poems by Julian Randall
Ordinary Beast by Nicole Sealey
Cuicacalli / House of Song by ire'ne lara silva
Tracing the Horse by Diana Marie Delgado
With the River on Our Face by Emmy Pérez
Museum of the Americas by J. Michael Martinez
Paraíso: Poems by Jacob Shores-Argüello
Gold That Frames the Mirror by Brandon Melendez
Miami Century Fox by Legna Rodríguez Iglesias
Of Form & Gather by Felicia Zamora
Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut by Vickie Vértiz
Elegía/elegy by Raquel Salas Rivera
The Crazy Bunch by Willie Perdomo
Colonize Me by Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2019 & Before (TBR)
Of Darkness and Tumbling by Mónica Gomery
Preparing the Body by Norma Liliana Valdez
Ugly Music by Diannely Antigua
Ceremony of Sand by Rodney Gomez
Stereo. Island. Mosaic. by Vincent Toro
Other Musics: New Latina Poetry ed. Cynthia Cruz
Meditación Fronteriza: Poems of Love, Life, and Labor by Norma Elia Cantú
Beast Meridian by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal
You Ask Me To Talk About The Interior by Carolina Ebeid
YOU DA ONE by Jennif(f)er Tamayo
These Days Of Candy by Manuel Paul Lopez
Unpeopled Eden by Rigoberto González
Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf
Each and Her by Valerie Martínez
Skins of Columbus by Edgar Garcia
When I Walk Through That Door, I Am: An Immigrant Mother's Quest by Jimmy Santiago Baca
Landscape with Headless Mama: Poems by Jennifer Givhan
Solecism by Rosebud Ben-Oni
Heart Like A Window, Mouth Like A Cliff by Sara Borjas
Scar on / Scar Off by Jennifer Maritza McCauley
¡Manteca!: An Anthology of Afro-Latin@ Poets ed. Melissa Castillo-Garsow
Grenade in Mouth: Some Poems of Miyo Vestrini by Miyo Vestrini
How to Pull Apart the Earth by Karla Cordero
All My Heroes Are Broke by Ariel Francisco
black / Maybe by Roberto Carlos Garcia
Blood Sugar Canto by ire'ne lara silva
The Book of What Remains by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
The Black Flower and Other Zapotec Poems by Natalia Toledo
Forgive the Body This Failure by Blas Falconer
Tijuana Book of the Dead by Luis Alberto Urrea
FUEGO by Leslie Contreras Schwartz
Puerto Rico en Mi Corazón ed. Carina del Valle Schorske
Dirt and Honey by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
Cruel Futures by Carmen Giménez Smith
The Real Horse: Poems by Farid Matuk
A Song of Dismantling: Poems by Fernando Pérez
Arsonist by Joaquín Zihuatanejo
Comfort Measures Only: New and Selected Poems, 1994–2016 by Rafael Campo
Poetry Collections by Latinx Writers: 2020 & 2021
Postcolonial Love Poem: Poems by Natalie Diaz
Thresholes by Lara Mimosa Montes
Catrachos: Poems by Roy G. Guzmán
Repetition Nineteen by Mónica de la Torre
Like Bismuth When I Enter by Carlos Lara
The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNext ed. Felicia Chavez
Guillotine: Poems by Eduardo C. Corral
Migratory Sound: Poems by Sara Lupita Olivares
Thrown in the Throat by Benjamin Garcia
Not Go Away Is My Name by Alberto Ríos
Guidebooks for the Dead by Cynthia Cruz
Geographic Tongue by Rodney Gomez
Tertulia by Vincent Toro
Borderland Apocrypha by Anthony Cody
Every Day We Get More Illegal by Juan Felipe Herrera
Body of Render by Felicia Zamora
La Belle Ajar by Adrian Ernesto Cepeda
Feel Puma: Poems by Ray Gonzalez
On This Side of the Desert by Alfredo Aguilar
In Bloom by Esteban Rodriguez
An Incomplete List of Names: Poems by Michael Torres
Who Speaks for Us Here by Leslie Contreras Schwartz
The Fire Eater: Poems by Jose Hernandez Diaz
After Rubén by Francisco Aragón
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youngjes-blog1 · 8 years
MÉXICO V.S USA (Parte 1)
AGOSTO / El representante de Estados Unidos en México, Joel R. Poinsett, ofrece al gobierno mexicano comprar el territorio de Texas, pero la oferta es rechazada.
SEPTIEMBRE / Vicente Guerrero decreta formalmente la abolición de la esclavitud en México.
ABRIL / Texas solicita su separación del estado de Coahuila.
OCTUBRE / Colonos esclavistas de Texas se rebelan contra el gobierno mexicano.
DICIEMBRE / Santa Anna encabeza la campaña militar contra los rebeldes.
MARZO / Texas proclama su independencia de México. Santa Anna asalta con éxito el fuerte el Álamo, cerca de San Antonio.
ABRIL / Santa Anna es tomado prisionero en San Jacinto, Texas, y obligado a reconocer de facto la independencia de ese estado.
FEBRERO / Veracruz es puesto bajo asedio y bombardeado por buques de guerra franceses. El bloqueo de los puertos se mantiene durante ocho meses hasta que el gobierno de anastasio Bustamante se ve obligado a ceder a las pretensiones económicas de Francia.
JULIO / Rebelión de Valentín Gómez Farías y los generales José Urrea y Gabriel Valencia. Durante quince días se dan combates en la ciudad de México.
SEPTIEMBRE  / Rebelión militar de Santa Anna y Mariano Paredes contra el gobierno de Bustamante. Santa Anna se convierte en presidente.
Al contrario de Yucatán, Texas no se interesa en el proyecto de reanexión propuesto por Santa Anna.
JUNIO / Una Asamblea de Notables sustituye al Congreso Constituyente y elabora las “Bases orgánicas” para establecer el sistema central.
JULIO / Santa Anna obtiene recursos del Congreso para emprender una expedición a Texas, la cual no se concreta.
NOVIEMBRE / El general Paredes se pronuncia en Guadalajara, ahora para derrocar a Santa Anna, quien sale a enfrentar a los sublevados. Encarga el gobierno a V. Canalizo, quien disuelve al Congreso que exigía cuentas del dinero asignado a Santa Anna, quien salió al exilio.
DICIEMBRE / Una revolución constitucionalista apoyada por la Suprema Corte, el Congreso y el ayuntamiento de la capital, impone al general José Joaquín de Herrera como presidente de la República. El general Paredes acepta al nuevo gobierno.
Texas solicita su anexión a EUA.
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