#Joe Keery x you
forever-rogue · 1 year
Not kissing steve because Mike made a comment about how too much pda is gross and the poor guy is so confused and lost and desperate to kiss you and he asks you sadly whats wrong and tries to fix it. (With lots of make up kisses and steve not caring what Mike says)
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AN | No, but I love this idea, especially Mike being a lil shit 🥺
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve Harrington was an affectionate person. He always and more than likely always would be. It was one of the many things that you loved about him; he wasn’t afraid to be outwardly touchy and feely and never missed an opportunity to kiss or hug you, to hold your hand, or just be near you. And you would never, ever, turn down anything from him, even if it was just a simple in passing. 
You never thought much about it, letting it just happen. You were sure that his affections were nothing out of hand but that all changed one afternoon, thanks to Mike Wheeler. The lot of you were at the fair, currently standing in line for some random fried food stand. Steve was standing behind you, an arm wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder. You loved the feeling of him being all over you especially as he pressed lazy kisses to your warm, sunkissed skin. 
It wasn’t until you were next in line that Steve let go of you, turning to order for both of you. Mike scoffed and shook his head. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow, “what’s wrong, Mike?”
“You guys are so gross,” he groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically, “you’re always all over each other, just calm down. We get it. You’re madly in love with each other, great, fantastic.”
“Mike,” Dustin smacked his friend, as Max and Lucas were completely oblivious, “maybe you should calm down. Don’t be so jealous. Get over it.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Mike flipped him off, “I forgot - if Suzy was here, the two of you would be equally disgusting.”
“Maybe you should stop being such a jerk-”
“Boys,” you crossed your arms over your chest and shook your head at the kids, “maybe we can all stop being so…over dramatic? It’s all good, okay? We’ll try and tone it down and Mike, you can get the stick out of your ass.”
Mike scowled deeply and Dustin brought into a fit of giggles. He might have called you out, but you had to get him back. 
But  - it was a promise that you intended to keep, but it still managed to bring a small pout to your lips as you looked over at Steve. Ugh. He was so ridiculously handsome, but so easy and effortless and it made your heart swoon. He turned back to you, arms filled with fried goodness and a big smile on his face. You walked over to him, taking a few things in order to free up his hands. 
“Looks disgustingly delicious,” you grinned, “good choices, love.”
Steve nodded happily before leaning over to try and press a kiss to your cheek. You turned your head and quickly dodged the kiss, not saying anything but leaving him with a confused little look on his face, “angel-”
“Come on,” you looped your arm through his and started to lead him to one of the nearby picnic tables. You decided not to mention anything of what Mike had said to Steve, figuring that it would work itself out. Maybe if you toned it down for a few weeks he would eventually take the hint and stop being so outwardly PDA-friendly.
Steve, meanwhile, was trying not to read into anything, more so trying not to freak out at the fact that you had rebuked his kiss. It was the first time you had ever turned down a kiss. But he was sure that it was not something that would keep happening. Right? Right. You were his girl, his honey, his baby, his angel, and you’d never stop loving him. Or so he hoped. Maybe you - no. He was not going to panic or worry too much - it was just one kiss. It would all be fine.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But…it turned out to be more than just one little time. 
You’d started to pull more and more out of being physically affectionate with him. At least in public - behind closed doors things were the same as ever. If anything, you were almost more touchy and lovely when it was just the two of you. It just confused Steve. He was used to being so open with you all the time. 
“Hey honey,” Steve’s face lit up as soon as he spotted you walking into his backyard. You looked more gorgeous than anyone should have been allowed to, and caused some sinful thoughts to run through his head. He had to take a moment to compose himself, trying hard not to…well, get hard. You were wearing a cute little pink polka dot two piece, and he couldn’t wait to be alone and rip it off you. The little bow holding it together in the front of your cleavage was practically taunting him; you were like a present waiting to be unwrapped, “you look gorgeous.”
“Hi Stevie,” you smiled softly at your boyfriend, admiring him in his trunks, so much of his warm, golden skin on display. You loved all of his freckles and couldn’t wait to map them all out later with your mouth, “you look good too, handsome.”
He practically melted under your praise as you reached over and took it hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. You were fashionably late - you could thank your coworkers for that - and the last one there. But you were happy to see your friends. You knew that Steve was looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to kiss him, or letting yourself be kissed by him. If he hadn’t been so attuned to you, or paid as close attention as he did, he would have missed the way you looked around nervously.
“Everything alright?” there was a note of concern in his voice as you looked back at him and shook your head, “you seem…”
Off. Different. Not wanting to touch me.
“‘m alright,” you promised and for the briefest of seconds, you reached up and touched his cheek, “do you need a hand with the food or anything?”
“No,” he shook his head lightly, disappointed but also not pushing the fact that you didn’t kiss him, “I’ve got it. Just relax and enjoy yourself, angel. Y-you’re still planning on staying tonight, right?”
“Of course,” you insisted happily, “wouldn’t miss a night with you, my love.”
“Good,” he nodded, almost more to himself than anything. He swallowed the nervous lump in his throat, “I’m glad. I love it when you’re here. I love spending any time with you.”
“Me too,” you smiled sweetly. You grinned when you saw Robin and Nancy excitedly waving you over. You gave Steve a small shrug as if to say what can you do before heading over to him. He’d half expected a kiss but there was no such luck.
A deep, pretty little pout settled on his features as he watched you go. It was not lost on Eddie, who definitely teased him about him for the rest of the afternoon. All he wanted was a little kiss. Was that too much to ask for?!
-─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And so it continued on, and it almost became normal that you weren’t going to let him be any sort of physically affectionate with you. It was slowly starting to wear on him; he loved you, adored you behind words, but he really just wanted to touch you. It wasn’t even anything inherently sexual, it was the sheer intimacy of being close to you and getting to feel the gentle delicateness of your soft skin on his, or to be blessed with the grace of your lips. 
But now, as the gang hung out at Phyllis’ diner, taking up two booths between you guys and the younger kids. You were next to Steve, as per usual….but you were sitting next to him as one would sit next to a friend, not a lover. You were normally tucked up into his side, thigh pressed against his, hands entwined or your head on his shoulder as you stole sweet, syrupy kisses from each other.
This evening, however, you simply sat next to him, keeping a little bit of distance between your bodies. He didn’t even try to argue or even mention it, instead taking it for what it was. You were spending the night at his place, as you did weekends, and he decided that he was going to ask you about what - or hadn’t - been going on lately. He was your boyfriend, your partner, you should have been able to tell him anything. And clearly right now, there was something going on. Steve was determined to get to the root of it…if nothing else, he wanted to make sure that you were okay. 
-─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Stevie,” you sighed his name softly as you flopped onto his warm, comfy bed. There was a big smile on your face as you stretched out and burrowed your face into his pillow, “this might be my favorite spot in the entire world.”
“You look like you belong there,” he agreed softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed, reaching over and gently tugging on the hem of your dress. You often wore sweet little dresses, and they always managed to drive him crazy. It was something so simple but so innocently sinful, “you do belong there.”
“That’s because I belong to you,” you reached for his hand and gently tugged him towards you. He obliged your silent request, not wasting a moment before crawling next to you, laying down, his head just across the pillow from yours. You couldn’t help but reach over, touching his freckles with the tips of your fingers, “I love you, Steve Harrington.”
His entire being softened, big brown eyes gentle as he watched you. He swallowed thickly before taking your hand and pressing a kiss to your palm. He listened to the way you softly inhaled at the feeling of his lips on your skin. A quiet fell over the two of you, as he ghosted his fingers along your features. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything,” you giggled lightly, “you’re the only one that gets to ask me anything, my love. What can I do for you?”
“Are we…are we okay?” he whispered so softly that you almost didn’t hear him. A frown tugged down the corners of your mouth as you tried to figure out where he could have gotten the slightest inkling that things weren’t okay.
“Of course we are,” you insisted, nodding your head fervently, “where did you get the idea that we weren’t?”
“I just…things have been different,” he pointed out and Steve could tell by the way your face fell that you knew exactly what he was talking about. You swallowed thickly but shook your head, “you can tell me anything. You know that - anything.”
“Nothing is…” you stopped yourself, unable to lie to him. You shifted so you were sitting up and Steve mirrored your gesture and sat there facing you. You sighed before hanging your head, “it….it was Mike.” 
“Mike?” he repeated in shock as you simply nodded at him, “what the hell did he do?”
“Nothing bad,” you put your hand on his arm and shook your head, trying to dispel any negative thoughts, “back at the fair, he made a few comments about PDA and basically…us. Us being too touchy and feely and open in public. He thought it was gross and I…I dunno it just kind of stuck with me.”
“That’s what…” he couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled up as he shook his head, somewhere between amusement and annoyance, “you’ve avoided kissing me or letting me touch you in public because of the kid?!”
“When you say it like that…” you met his eye and couldn’t help but laugh too. It hadn’t seemed so irrational and weird at the time. Now it really seemed silly, “it didn’t seem bad at the time!”
“Baby, you’ve been practically killing me,” your boyfriend groaned playfully as you just shrugged sheepishly, “you wouldn’t even let me hold your hand! You denied me my kisses! I thought I might die.”
“Stevie,” you were both laughing now. His large hands found purchase on your waist as he pulled you into his lap. You made a small sound that went straight to his heart as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “you’re so dramatic!”
“Baby, baby, baby,” he pressed his forehead against yours, “tell me it wasn’t hard to keep your hands off me.”
You couldn’t even lie or argue, instead giving in by softly pressing your lips against his. He practically sighed into your touch as he melted, kissing you just as softly and reverently. You pulled back, gently carding a hand through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp, “it was hard for me too.”
“Then let’s stop,” he suggested coquettishly, “and never not touch each other again. Whaddaya say, angel?”
“Yes,” you laid back against his pillow and pulled him on top of you, “and now, my love, please, please, please touch me. All over, as much as you want, but don’t ever stop.”
“I can do that,” he was practically melting as you stole some soft kisses from him, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Steve,” you grinned, “now please touch me!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were the last to arrive at the game at the Wheelers’ house, having no one to blame but yourself. You’d taken too long getting ready, and lost track of time. But you looked very pretty, thank you very much, so it was all worth it. You let yourself into the Wheeler home, hearing the excited chatter and laughter from your friends. 
“Hello!” you greeted excitedly as you walked inside, met with happy waves…and then almost tackled by your overly enthusiastic boyfriend. He wrapped you up in a tight hug, twirling you around before kissing you softly. You beamed at the boy, wondering why on earth you’d ever willingly rejected this display of affection before.
“My angel,” he whispered against your lips, so soft and gentle, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you promised, “and it’s only been like…twelve hours.”
“Doesn’t matter,” his hand found the side of your neck, his thumb gently brushing along your soft skin, “I’d miss you even if it was only an hour.”
“Ugh, stop being so perfect,” you playfully groaned. But you meant it - Steve really was a wonderful man, golden hearted and loving and you couldn’t imagine life without him, “if I loved you anymore, I’d probably explode from love and happiness and sweetness.”
“It’s just because I love you,” he pecked your lips before you both heard a loud throat clear from the living room. You pulled apart and turned to find Mike Wheeler standing there and looking between the two of you. He shook his head, but you could see that a small smile was playing on his features. 
“If you lovebirds are done, we’re about to start monopoly!” he motioned with his head for the two of you to join the rest of them. He paused for a moment, “it’s still disgusting! But it’s kind of cute how in love the two of you are.”
And with that, the boy turned around to join the others as you laughed quietly. Steve’s cheeks were a pretty pastel pink as he cleared his throat, “you’re in love with me, huh?”
“Duh, Stevie,” you grinned, “are you in love with me?”
“Duh,” he teased softly as he took your hand in his and you were practically glowing, “more than you’ll ever know, angel.”
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
reunions — steve harrington
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pairing: steve x hopper!fem!reader
summary: during spring break of 86, y/n hopper flies back to hawkins indiana (dustin's request) and isn't surprised when dustin tells her the world might end again.
warnings: bit of angst (ends with fluff), use of y/n and she/her pronouns, a couple curse words
a/n: for my love :) @keerysbrowneyes
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getting a call from dustin henderson was probably the last thing that y/n thought would persaude her to go back to hawkins after her father died.
after a pretty normal sounding phone call, dustin told y/n that a curse was back in hawkins. y/n knew that could only mean one thing, which explains why she was quick to find a taxi in the busy indiana airport.
the ride to the henderson household was quick, maybe twenty minutes, and y/n knocked harshly on the faded door.
the freshman with a curly head of hair and a baseball cap was the one to open the door, and y/n's worries subsided slightly as dustin smiled up at the girl.
"y/n!" dustin exclaims, before pulling her in for a hug, which y/n gladly agrees to. "i can't believe you're here!"
y/n chuckles, "well yeah, you called, why wouldn't i be here?"
after saying hi to claudia henderson, and petting the new cat of the household, y/n was sat on dustin's bed as he explained to her everything eddie munson told him the previous night.
"so what are we doing about it now?" y/n asks, once she takes in all the new information.
"steve's going to pick us up in," dustin pauses to look at his watch, "four minutes."
y/n's voice is softer than before and her heart beats faster in her chest, "steve's still helping?"
"yeah he is, why?" dustin's oblivious as he's packing multiple things in his backpack.
y/n and steve didn't leave each other on a bad note after the mind flayer situation from the fourth of july the year prior. the pair just haven't talked much since the byer'd moved to california.
dustin and max were really the only two to call the older hopper from time to time.
just as dustin said, four and a half minutes pass and steve's horn could be heard from outside the henderson house. y/n and dustin head to his bedroom door, but dustin stands in front of the girl.
"maybe you should stay here," dustin suggested.
y/n tilted her head in confusion, "weren't you the one who called me and asked me to fly out here to help you again?"
dustin nodded, "well uh- yes, but no one else knows your here. plus we're getting food for eddie right now. i promise after we can pick you up."
y/n thinks for a moment, and dustin's puppy dog eyes aren't helping her situation.
with an eye roll from the girl, she agrees, "fine, but you better come back after you deal with eddie."
with a quick goodbye, dustin's fast to neet steve, lucas, max and robin by the familiar red bmw. steve asks dustin what took him so long, and he just brushed it off by asking which store they were getting food at.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
an hour and thirteen minutes pass, and y/n couldn't be more bored out of her mind. she was able to help claudia bake cookies, clean dustin's very crowded desk, and halfway solve a rubix cube. dustin barged back into his room, making y/n jump from the sudden noise.
"come on y/n! we don't have any time to lose!" dustin practically yelled. "i had to beg steve to come back here since the others are back at the trailer park."
y/n was quick to grab her jacket off dustin's bed and followed him out the door.
steve looked to his passenger side door once he heard it open, but was slightly confused once dustin wasn't the one in the front seat.
"y/n?" steve questions, his eyes as wide as they could be while y/n and dustin were fastening their seat belts.
"hi steve," y/n smiles and catches her breath from the previous running.
dustin pipes up from the backseat, "lovebirds, we don't have time to chat right now. drive steve!"
steve and y/n both ignore dustin's remark as steve pulls out of the henderson's driveway. the drive to back to the trailer park is silent besides the tears for fears song playing on the radio.
the only thought going on in steve's mind is why the hell y/n hopper is in his car. he took notice of the familiar flannel he's seen jonathan wear many times from the past three years, and the faded ac/dc shirt steve recognized from his own closet. how y/n stole it in the first place? steve couldn't question that right now.
after steve parks besides the table with the four other familiar faces y/n missed, steve pulls dustin aside.
"what is y/n doing here?" steve asks.
dustin shrugs, "we need all the help we can get steve, and she's joyce's favorite so of course she was able to come back here in such last minute."
steve's demeaner changes once he turns and sees y/n in a group hug with lucas, max, robin and nancy.
"i can tell you don't totally hate her being here," dustin smirks up at steve.
"hey, no!" steve's quick to dismiss dustin's idea, "okay it's not like that henderson."
dustin laughs and shrugs, "like what?"
steve just watches dustin walk over to the table, and after a moment the harrington boy follows suit.
as everyone sat at the table tries to figure out what's going on in hawkins, steve can't help but look at y/n. of course he's missed her, how can he not? he's kicked himself in the ass everyday for not calling her like he promised. as dustin's in the middle of explaining something to max, steve stands and grabs y/n's wrist.
"can we talk?" he whispers, and is grateful once y/n nods in response. the two walks over to his car and y/n leans against the side while steve paces back and forth.
"why do you seem so worked up?" y/n asks him.
"oh i don't know, maybe because it's another year with this stupid upside down shit. maybe it's because this year's even more stressful than the last. maybe it's because my parents haven't been home in six months. or maybe it's because you're here, and i can't see you getting hurt again from all of this."
steve finishes his rant and runs his fingers thorugh his hair. y/n's gaze softens at the state of the boy in front of her. y/n knew what steve meant by the last statement. steve was the only one able to keep her grounded once she found out hopper was dead, and that she was moving to california.
"steve," y/n voice is soft, in comparison to steve's quick rant. "are you okay?"
the boy's quick to shake his head, "no- no shit i'm not okay." he holds his head in his hands as he leans besides y/n against his car. y/n moves her arm to his shoulder as she stands in front of him.
"the only reason i'm glad you're here is because you're the only one who knows how to deal with me like this," steve gestures to himself. y/n also knew what he meant by this.
after every incident with the upside down, y/n and steve were always in y/n's room as they both calmed down from the events that happened.
"do you want a hug?" y/n asks, while holding her arms open.
steve nods before wiping any tears that could've fallen from his rambling and heavy breathing, and his shoulders instantly relaxed at the feeling of y/n in his arms again.
y/n took in the all too familiar scent of steve. she's missed him, everything about him. his smile, his kindness towards the kids, his hair, his jokes, did she mention his smile?
the two slightly pulled away, but didn't let go of each other.
"i'm sorry i didn't call you a lot since you moved," steve talked softly.
y/n shook her head, "steve you don't have to be sorry about that."
"no, i do have to be sorry y/n. i've been a complete dick to you since you left. i- i didn't call you like i promised. i wasn't able to comfort you when you probably needed it. i've basically ign-"
steve's words were cut off by y/n leaning up and kissing him. once she noticed he wasn't kissing back, she pulled away with a hint of concern filling her eyes.
"you kissed me," steve points out.
y/n nods, her hands not leaving steve's arms, "i uh- i did."
"i know it um- calmed you down before. so i thought maybe to try it again. god, i'm sorry. i don't even know if you wanted it," y/n pulls away from steve, as a million thoughts fill her mind, "you could have a girlfriend. you might not even like me anymore like that. shit, i'm sorry."
y/n stops her rambling once she feels steve grab both of her arms, making her face him again after she started pacing back and forth.
"who says i didn't want it?" steve says softly, before pulling y/n back towards him as he's the one to kiss her on the lips.
y/n immediately melts into steve's arms. the pair couldn't care less about the stares and whistles they were getting from the others still sat at the wooden picnic table. steve only flashed his middle finger towards the group before running his hand through y/n's hair.
"as much as i don't want to pull away, we kind of need air," steve chuckles. he lips over his lightly swolen lips as y/n fixes her hair.
"are you guys done sucking face? we have an actual interdimensional being we have to fight," dustin has his hands on his hips, making y/n and steve laugh from their place besides steve's car.
"guess we should get back to them now?" y/n questions.
"mm, just one more," steve pulls y/n in for another kiss, to which the girl happily obliges to.
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seatnights · 5 months
Who are some of your favorite fan fiction writers?
i spent hours to collect usernames of authors i enjoyed reading from, and i’m sure i missed some, but i tried.
are u ready for this?
authors you SHOULD support:
oneforthemunny / icallhimjoey / jamdoughnutmagician / rosebudsgarden / willowsgri / joequinnisgod / eddiemunsons80sbaby / chrrymunson / eddiemunsonswhxre / lonelysatellites / loveshotzz / usedtobecooler / carolmunson / upsidedownwithsteve / sherifftillman / spicysix / emsgoodthinkin / retrobutterflies / tiannasfanfic / athena-writes-i-guess / shesinchargeareyoukidding / cooliestghouliest / singularattitudeofasafetypin / babybluebex / quinnyfairy / moonchildquinn / i-me-mine / luveline / myosotisa / silent-stories / blueywrites / steviesbicrisis / munson-blurbs / ficsbypix / lovejosephquinn / eddieschains / prettyboyeddiemunson / eddieandbird /pleasantlycrazyworld / corroded-hellfire / trashmouth-richie / justmeinadaze / mopeymopeymouse / munsonslilbunnie / keeponquinning / gatorstillman / allthingsjoeq / jadeylovesmarvelxo / mysticmunson / sugarsblurbs / taintedcigs / gag-me-munson / gravedigginbbydoll / ratskcoreddie / andvys / manicpixiedreamcurl / thruheavenandhighwater / joejoequinnquinn / munsonsreputation / upsidedownmvnson / hellfiresmaster / elightysixbaby / eddiessluttywaist / littledemondani / choke-me-eddie / eddiemunsonsmum / eddiemunsonfuxks / pinkrelish / hllfireclb / indulgence-be-thy-name / wheels-of-despair / hellfiremunsonn / filthyjoetini / ghost-proofbaby / havecourage-darling / forever-rogue / queenimmadolla / josephfakingquinn / roanniom / bimbobaggins69 / songforeddiemunson / munsons-hellfire / honey-flustered / eddie-van-munson / storiesbyrhi / lovebugism / neonghostlights / harrywavycurly / chestylarouxx / courtingchaos / galaxy-siren / harringtons-cupid / hard-candy-writing / wroteclassicaly / raccoonboywrites / dr-aculaaa / palomahasenteredthechat / palomahasenteredthechat / forevermoreharrington / corrodedcorpses / strangerquinns / sunnythevampireslayer / lesservillain / stevenose / eddiesxangel / stveharringtn / spookysteddie / keeksandgigz / darlingsfandom / her-power / idkidknemore / francisquinn / inkluvs / ashwhowrites / hellfire--cult / succubusmunson / v8mpstamp / stevieswhore / munsons-maiden / rustboxstarr / corrodedseraphine / reidsbtch / lexlec / katiemcrae / the-unforgivenn / keerysfolklore / appocalipse / familyvideowithsteve / tiannamortis / joekeeryswife / bettyfrommars / cinemamunson / munson-mjstan / teddyeyeseddie / lofaewrites / mediocredreams / leasstories
here we have 137 authors, i didn’t tag anyone cuz i would probably have disturbed half of the fandom, sorry if it’s more difficult this way, but i hope i could help you a bit.
obviously, there’s no order of preference of any kind, and i tried to put as many authors as i could but i know i’ve missed someone. if i did, i’m deeply sorry, it wasn’t on purpose and i have nothing against you! if you wish you can message me or slide in my ask and ill add you immediately!
now, i’m a bit tired after all of this, and my hand hurts but:
they put their works for free!!! everyone can enjoy media and content for free thanks to them! and it cost you nothing to reblog and share their work.
thank you for every creators / writers/ artist out there to make every single works of yours and sharing them with the world. all of you deserve so much, and thanks to you for so many people the day gets better, it’s like having a sweet little treat, like taking care of yourself, like finding a place where you are understood. so, thank you infinitely. keep it up cause you’re doing amazing!
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
Piano Man
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Chapter Two - If I Only Had the Words (to Tell You) 🎶
Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of heartbreak, abandonment issues, emotional vulnerability, heart ache, established relationship
Summary: You and Steve have been dating for nearly 6 months, all of which he’s enjoyed. Yet it has been exactly a year since Nancy told him he was bullshit. So even though he desperately wants to tell you he loves you he’s afraid you might say he’s bullshit too.
word count: 2k
One ←→ Three
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Fall 1985
But I only have these arms to hold you
It’s a dark Fall night. The house smelling of popcorn you had popped earlier to watch during a movie. Halloween decorations had been plastered all over Steve’s home, a home that hadn’t been decorated for any holiday in a very long time. You had changed that though, changed him. You made not only this home full, but his heart. Which is why Steve lies beside you in his bed absolutely hating himself for not being able to tell you how he feels. How much he loves you, how much you had saved him these last six months.
You had been there for it all. Cheering in the stands when he graduated, taking your lunch break to visit him everyday at Scoops Ahoy, not getting jelous of his newfound friendship with Robin, taking care of him when the monsters returned and the mall burned down, and even helping him and Robin get hired at the video store where you had worked this entire time. Everytime he thought you'd leave, somehow you were still there, and he appreciated you for every bit of it. So why the hell couldn't he say it?
He knew why. He knew because everytime he looked at the plastic Halloween decorations filling his home he was brought right back to Tina's Halloween party. Right back to that very bathroom where the only girl he ever loved looked into his eyes and told him he was bullshit. It had been a year but he still remembered how devastated he was, how his heart felt as she ripped it straight from his chest. The look in her eyes was seared into his memory, devoid of any emotion but distate blazing in them. He couldn't relive that, wouldn't relive that. Especially with you.
He may have loved Nancy but with you it was different. With you, he knew you were going to be the one. The one person handcrafted specifically for him. A soul designed to match his own in a large and lonely world. Somehow he had found you and now he wouldn't do anything to risk it, he would guarantee it. It had hurt when Nancy said she didn't love him but if you did. Well that would kill him.
"What kind of candy do the kids like?" you ask in the dark bedroom, voice overlapping that of Billy Joel's from the cassette player. You're My Home played softly throughout the room and you wished Steve knew that was how you felt about him. That until now you were pretty sure you had nowhere to belong and now you belonged to him.
"Why do you ask?” Steve hums, hands reaching to run through your hair. He lived for nights like this, where you just laid here with legs tangled together and talked about things practically meaningless.
"Well I want to make them happy, I know how much they love Halloween. Dustin hasn't shut up about it all week and I want something to cheer Mike up. I know how badly they wanted to dress up as The Goonies but with Will and El gone they can't" you tell Steve, hand lacing with his own under the covers. Steve smiles softly at you and how much you care for the very kids he had taken under his own wing.
"I don't know what kind of candy they like, I'm sure whatever is fine. As for Mike, tell him we can be Andy and Brand. Maybe I can convince Robin to be Data or something" Steve tells you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. The image of Robin in the Data costume meant for Will makes you giggle and Steve is pulling you closer, chest brushing against your own.
"You'd give up our Grease costume for that?" you ask, knowing how excited he was to be Danny Zuko and wear his leather jacket.
"Yeah but don't tell them that. They'll get big heads" Steve grumbles, practically hearing Dustin tease him about how much he loves all of them. You giggle against him and Steve warms over, feeling those very words sitting heavy on his chest. If only he had the words to tell you. He knew you were waiting, wondering why he hadn't said them. If you only had time to understand why he struggled with it so much. Everyone he ever loved left, if he said these words outloud he couldn't risk you leaving him too.
"You're the best Stevie" you tell him, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his nose. Steve hums in delight, not allowing you to back away as he pulls you to his lips and kisses you quickly. He knows you love him, you only said things like that to replace those very words. If he would just say it your response would have been 'I love you Stevie'. Instead he gets broad statements that he has slowly come to despise.
"Yeah, yeah, best babysitter ever" he mumbles and you giggle because even though he pretends to hate it you know how much he loves it. How much he loves those kids. If he didn't he wouldn't spend time with them. One of those very kids was his ex girlfriend’s brother and he never let any of those things stop him. He was always there for them.
"Only the best can handle six kids at a time" you tell him and Steve searches your eyes, loving how when you look at them they’re filled with adoration instead of hate. He knows not saying anything won't change your feelings and you will carry on loving him without it. He just couldn't bring himself to say it, the urge never there even though he was practically dying inside to tell you. He wished you knew how hard it is to say.
Sometimes when he finds himself even close he feels silly. I love you seemed too simple to portray the love he had for you. It was so basic, a word your heard on the radio over and over again. Every song as simple as the last. How unoriginal were his words when the radio repeats them every single day? Even with his love for Billy Joel he figures he'll never find a song to sing you. One that perfectly depicted exactly how he felt about you. He doesn't want to sing those tired words again, words he wasted on people who never loved him back.
“You ever think about having kids?” Steve asks, leaning back into the pillow and staring at his ceiling. You admire the soft tufts of his hair on his chest, the way his bicep flexes as he reaches to tuck his hand under his head. He’s so handsome and it should scare you that your boyfriend of only six months has suddenly asked you about having kids and yet you don’t seem to mind.
“All the time” you tell him earnestly, snuggling into his side and grazing your fingers along his sternum, grinning when he shivers from your touch.
“I want to have a whole bunch, make me feel better about being an only child” Steve says, his hand pressed to your back slowly sliding up and into your hair.
“What do you mean, make you feel better?” you ask, lifting your head to glance at the boys face as he continues to be deep in thought.
“I was a lonely kid, my parents never really cared to pay any attention and without any siblings or cousins I was left to my own devices. I think it’s half the reason I was such an asshole in high school” he says, almost wincing at the thought of how many people he had treated like shit over the years just to guarantee he wouldn’t be all alone.
“You were protecting yourself” you say, understanding exactly what he means and Steve nods, eyes glancing down at your form.
“I want my kids to have built in friends and even better, present parents” he tells you and suddenly you find yourself wanting nothing more than to have kids with the boy beside you.
“You’ll be the best Dad Steve, I just know it” you tell him and there are those words again, sitting on his tongue and begging to escape but he just can’t seem to let them go. He hates himself for it, looking away before you see the regret in his eyes.
“I hope so, I just wish my Grandpa was still around to see it” he says, thinking of the only person in his life who ever really liked him for him when he was growing up. The man who had heaven sent you straight to him when he needed you the most.
“He is, don’t you worry about that Stevie” you tell him, eyes fluttering close as you listen to cassette playing in the room. The boombox clicked, indicating the start of a new song. Worse Comes to Worst slowly filling the room.
“Oh worse comes to worst. I’ll get along” you start singing the melody into the dark night air, the fall breeze fluttering in from the window and brushing against the curtains.
“I don’t know how, but sometimes - I can be strong” Steve starts singing along with you and suddenly your both giggling into the night, sharing a love for one another and a love for Billy Joel. The very man that had brought you two together.
“Do you ever get sick of listening to him?” Steve asks and you know he’s asking you about Billy Joel. You shake your head softly against his chest, gazing into those hazel eyes.
“No, he reminds me of you. Makes me feel close to you no matter where I am. Yet I suppose that’s exactly how he makes you feel about your Grandpa” you say, voice humming along the boys ribs.
“Yeah but now he reminds me of you too” Steve admits and you smile before leaning up and capturing his lips in your own. When you had approached the sad boy in the record store you never would have imagined it would bring you here.
"I'm gonna try and sleep" you tell the boy, snuggling closer and allowing your heavy eyelids to close. Steve smiles softly and presses another kiss to your forehead. He knows life goes on and tonight will soon be gone. Another missed opportunity to tell you exactly how he feels. His wished he had the words to tell you but instead he only has his arms to hold you, pulling you closer into him. It's really all you can ask of any man, to be held with such love even if he won't say it.
"Goodnight Rosy" he mutters, 'I love you' he says in his head. He knows disappointment swells in your chest, having been by his side for six months and waiting to know exactly how he felt about you. The only noise in the dark room now is the voice of Billy Joel and your soft breathing. He pulls you close, relishing in the feeling of having you in his arms. When he’s sure you’re asleep he tells you.
"I love you Rosy, I really do. Just please don't give up on me, I promise I want to say it. You deserve to know just how much I adore you but every person I've ever loved has left me. I know you won't but I need time for my head to catch up with my heart. Until then, if I only had the words to tell you..."
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thxliaaa · 2 years
it doesn't change anything | steve harrington
synopsis - a baby really does change everything doesn't it? right...?
pairing - steve harrington x reader
warning/s - cursing, mentions of miscarriage, reader being insecure, child birth and i think that's it. feel free to correct me if i'm wrong though.
author's note - thank you all so much for all the likes and reblogs that you have given my story !! i literally did not expect for it to blow up. you guys literally have no idea how thankful i am right now. i really really appreciate it. i love y'all so much !! here's the long awaited pt. 2 to "it changes everything"
part one
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To say Steve was mad would be an understatement. He was so furious at you for keeping your pregnancy from him, he was also furious at you for refusing to go to the doctor to check on your baby, but most importantly, he was furious at himself for being so oblivious. That’s why you were constantly eating, he thought that maybe you were just stress eating. Every pregnancy symptom you showed, he thought that you were just stressed from all of the things happening around you. The thought of you being pregnant didn’t even cross his mind, not even once. 
As soon as Steve got home to his apartment, his telephone was bombarded with calls. “Jesus, just fucking wait” he muttered as he made his way to the kitchen. “Hello?”
“STEVE! Come to the hospital as soon as you can, (Y/N) fainted!” Robin frantically explained. For Steve, it felt like deja vu all over again. It felt as if that time you bled on the bathroom floor and not long after, he was greeted with bad news. Once again, he sped through the door, and stepped on the pedal as hard as he could. Even though he was mad at you for keeping something like this from him, he still cared for you seeing as you were carrying his child.
When he got to the hospital, he sprinted towards the front desk wanting to get a response as soon as possible. Again, he fought with the nurse, just like old times. “Relation to the patient?” The nurse asked.
“Husband, I mean ex-husband. I’m the father of the baby she’s carrying” Steve blurted out. The nurse gave him a look of judgment. “I see, she’s in room number 505”
“Husband, I mean ex-husband. I’m the father of the baby she’s carrying” Steve blurted out. The nurse gave him a look of judgment. “I see, she’s in room number 505”
Steve did not waste a second and quickly ran to the elevator. Finally, after what felt like forever, The brunette boy had finally reached the fifth floor where his ex-wife was lying on the bed with an IV connected to her. He also noticed that the kids, Jonathan, Nancy, and Robin were surrounding her.
As soon as he opened the door, Nancy noticed his presence and went to hug him to try and comfort him. “Did they find out why she fainted?” Steve mumbled into Nancy’s neck as they pulled away from the hug.
Before Nancy could even answer, Robin beat her to it. “They said it was cause of stress and fatigue”
Steve glanced at his best friend which was then followed with a nod. He was still in a state of shock. Everything that's happening right now didn’t make sense to him at all, it felt like a fever dream. 
“How long have you guys been here?” He asked the three adults in front of him seeing as the teenagers were already sleeping on the couch and on the extra chairs. 
“Well after you left, that’s when she fainted. So if you add the time it got you to your house plus the time it took to get you to this hospital. Then that would be how long we were in here” Robin started to blabber. Steve knew that Robin too, was nervous for her best friend. 
“It’s fine you guys can go home, I can go look after her” Steve had plastered on a fake smile as his friends all looked at each other in concern. “Are you sure, Steve? I mean we can handle it” Nancy said as Jonathan looked at her then nodded. 
“Yes, I’m sure. Besides, the kids need to sleep anyways” The brown-eyed boy laughed humorlessly. 
“Okay. You can call us if you need anything. Anything, okay?” Robin stated as Jonathan and Nancy started waking up the sleeping teenagers surrounding them. 
They all bid their farewells to Steve as he led them out. As Dustin was heading out the door, he suddenly stopped in front of the adult in front of him. “Hey Steve?” 
Steve hummed in reply. “Don’t mess up” Dustin said as he put his hands on the brown-eyed boy’s shoulder. “Gee, thanks for the advice man” He replied as he pressed his lips together. 
Dustin gave the boy one last hug as he followed the others. Finally alone in the room with (Y/N), Steve had nothing to do but overthink. 
It has been 13 hours since you had fainted and Steve never left your side. The only times he ever did was for bathroom breaks and to get food. However, he never had the appetite to finish them. So they just sat there on the bedside table left untouched. 
Steve was pacing the room back and forth, he couldn’t stay still. Just as he was about to call a doctor for the third time, your eyes started to flutter open.
It was bright. That was the first thing you had observed. It took a while before your eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the light bulbs, but when you were fully conscious, you saw Steve’s face in front of you. He had a smile plastered on his face. 
“What happened?” You managed to croak out. “Well you fainted last night, and you know, you’re pregnant so we obviously had to bring you to the hospital” 
Everything started to finally come back to you. Robin telling Steve that you were pregnant. You and him getting into a fight right after, and the darkness engulfing you later on. 
“So you know now, huh?” You laughed without any humor laced into it. “Yes” He replied as you felt him stiffen. 
“Why would you keep this from me? This isn’t only your baby, it’s OUR baby” 
You stared at him as your face fell. “Well, you didn’t want to stay with me anymore. And I know that if I told you about the baby, you would’ve changed your decision about the divorce” 
“Damn right, I would’ve. Being apart from each other won’t be the best for the baby” Steve spat. 
“But being with each other won’t be the best for us” You fought back as his eyebrows furrowed in anger. “If Robin didn’t tell me about this, would you have told me at all?” He queried. 
You took a deep breath before answering, “Of course I would’ve. You’re the father, Steve.” you held both of his hands. “You have a right to know” you added.
The brown-eyed boy’s face had softened after he was reassured with what you said. He then put a big smile on his face after having a realization. 
“So we have a little nugget on the way now, don’t we?” He chuckled. 
five months gone
It had been a few months after the incident happened and you were now five months into your pregnancy. Of course, Steve had managed to find a way to convince you to start going to your doctor’s appointments. He had accompanied you to the first ultrasound of your pregnancy, and when he saw the baby’s silhouette on the screen, he couldn’t help but shed a tear. 
Today was the day you were supposed to find out what the baby’s gender is. However, even though Steve was practically on his knees begging for the doctor to tell the two of you what the gender was, you wanted it to be a surprise for the both of you. Steve just sighed in defeat knowing that you were stubborn enough to not let yourself lose. 
When you got home, Steve stayed with you. He was an amazing co-parent to have with you. Even though you two were divorced, he still showed you that he cared for you. Although, half of you think that it’s only because of the baby you were carrying. 
You got too lost in your thoughts to even notice that there was somebody ringing the doorbell. “Hey, (Y/N)! There’s somebody at the door! I would go get it but I can’t because I’m cooking!” Steve yelled from your kitchen. 
Pulling away from your thoughts, you got up and went to the door. “Hey sorry for taking long–” 
Robin was standing in front of you with your favorite foods in her hand. “Hi” She smiled at you as your face dropped from seeing her. “What are you doing here?” 
“Well, I figured you and the baby might be hungry so I decided to stop by” She chuckled. 
This would be the first time you talked to Robin after the incident that happened. The game nights still happened every Friday. However, even after her many attempts, you still had refused to talk to her. You couldn’t fathom how she was the one person you had trusted, yet she had spilled your secret to the very person you didn’t want to find out about it. 
“We’re fine, Steve is making us food from the kitchen” 
“(Y/N), how long are you gonna keep on ignoring me? I learned from my mistakes and I only wanted what was best for you–” “YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR ME!”
“I trusted you, Robin. I trusted you with a big secret that I had and you have the audacity to make yourself a victim right now?” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“I didn’t need you to do that for me. So no, I can’t forgive you right now no matter how many times you apologize. Now, get out of my face before I kill you” You yelled. 
“(Y/N)–” “GET OUT!” 
Robin put her head down in defeat, she messed up and she knew it. 
Just as soon as you closed the door, Steve came running to the front door after hearing you yell. “Hey, is everything okay?” He put his hands on your shoulders. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just about something” You forced a smile onto your face. 
Steve smiled back before pulling you in for a tight embrace. “Not too tight. Baby bump” you giggled. “Oop, sorry” 
The two of you stayed like that for a while. It was rare moments like this that made you happy. Just the two of you together, against the world. 
“By the way food is ready”
three months gone
It was now the eighth month of your pregnancy. You had a baby bag packed and ready to go anytime the baby wanted to pop out of you. Steve was also checking in on you everyday, making sure you weren’t dead yet. 
You were in the middle of making yourself pickles with peanut butter on them when you heard a knock on your door. “Just a second” you chuckled as you licked the remaining peanut butter that was on your spoon. 
When you opened the door, Steve was standing on your doorway with a serious look on his face. “Oh hi” your face dropped at the expression his face had. “Can we talk? This is really important and I think it’s about time we discuss this” He said with a serious tone laced on his voice. “Oh uhm sure” You said as you led him inside your house.
As the two of you sat on your table, you offered him something to eat, in which he declined and tried to converse with you to address the elephant in the room.
“So how have you been?” He awkwardly asked. “Steve, you’re on the phone with me 24/7. Just skip the small talk and just get straight to the point” 
Steve was baffled at her response, yet he complied and got straight to the reason as to why he went to her place in the first place.
“I think it’s about time we talk about our schedule with the baby” He started as you made eye contact with him letting him know that he has your full attention.
“I was thinking we could switch every 2 weeks? We'll live close to each other so he or she won't have to adjust to a new place every time we have her.” 
You nodded at his suggestion before opening your mouth to state a query that you had in mind. 
“Uhm, what holidays do you want to have the baby?” 
Steve thought for a second before replying to your question. “You can have the baby for their first Christmas. I know how important Christmas is for you” 
You shook your head at his response. Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 
“No. We can spend the baby’s first Christmas all together. The baby deserves to have two happy parents on Christmas” you suggested.
The brunette boy sat in his seat with his mouth agape. However, you were getting the wrong idea from his current position. “Only if you want” you added nervously.
Steve shook his head “No, no. Of course I want to. Thank you” He gave you a genuine smile.
Steve couldn't help but smile at what his ex-lover had stated. It was thoughtful of her to say that, and knowing that she still cares for him made his heart skip a beat.
“So do you have any baby names in mind?” You asked your ex-husband to hopefully get your mind off of the conversation you had just a few seconds ago. Steve nodded, “Yeah, I have a few actually” 
“Let’s hear it then” you warmly smiled at him. “Well do you remember the flowers I gave you on our first date?” He asked as you raised your eyebrows at him. “Pink lilies of the valley?”
“Yeah! I was playing around with names and I really liked the name ‘Lilliana’. We can call her Lily for short.” 
He looked into your eyes, waiting for a sign of approval from you. “It’s really pretty and it has a sentimental meaning attached to it” Steve added. 
“Lilliana it is then. How about a boy's name?” You asked him. Steve awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before replying “Well, I kinda forgot about that part”
“What made you so sure that this baby isn't a boy?” 
“Well what made you so sure that it’s not a girl?” He asked back at you. “Cause I have motherly instincts, Steve” You scoffed. 
“Maybe you should decide then.” Steve offered, which you gladly accepted. “How about Luke? From Star Wars you know? The first movie we watched together” 
Steve had a flashback of the night you two went out for a date. It was raining and the theatres were closed, both of you were completely drenched in the backseat of his car before finally deciding to just rent out the movie “Star Wars”. It was also the first time you two shared your first kiss together. 
“I like that, very sentimental too” He chuckled as you hid your face to prevent him from seeing the blush that was creeping up on your face. “Luke it is then” you smiled.
“Well since we have shared custody of the baby, I would like for you to meet my girlfriend. Since you know, she’ll be helping me take care of the baby”
Girlfriend. Steve had a girlfriend.
You had completely forgotten about the time you were at the mall when you saw him practically snogging the girl in public. You felt your heart drop at the topic, yet you sucked it up so Steve wouldn’t notice it.
“Yeah, for sure. When though?” You asked, forcing a smile onto your face. 
“Anytime, really. We don’t mind.” 
“Would Thursday be a good day?” You asked, trying to seem interested in the said topic. “Yeah of course! I’m so excited for you to meet her” Steve smiled in response.
“Yeah me too!”
Nope, definitely not excited
Steve was right about her, the girl was a complete sweetheart. You couldn’t bring yourself to hate her. I mean how could anyone?
She didn’t mind that you were having a baby with him, she supported him with all of her heart. Not only that but she was also really beautiful. Like a goddess type of beautiful. 
You couldn’t help but feel insecure. In this moment, you knew that you had lost. If it wasn’t for your baby, Steve wouldn’t have stayed in contact with you. I mean who would get back to you if they saw this beauty? 
The girl could even be a better mother than you. Just then, a thousand insecure thoughts started to fill your head. In times like this, you could only turn to one person, and one person only. 
You dialed the phone number onto your telephone, it was ringing for a few moments until a familiar voice answered. “Hello?”
“Hey Robin, Can you come over?”
Not even a few minutes went by, Robin was already at your house. You had ranted about Steve’s new perfect girlfriend to her. 
Robin was in disbelief, “(Y/N), calm down” 
“I can’t just calm down, Robin. I look like a huge potato right now because of this belly” You sobbed into the tissue she gave you. 
“That’s because you’re pregnant. P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T. Have you seen yourself before you were pregnant? I would’ve totally hit on you if you were single” She said as you laughed at her statement.
You couldn’t stay mad at Robin for that long, of course you wanted to, but you just couldn’t.
“You know what, Robin? I missed this” You smiled genuinely at her. “Me too”
“I’m so sorry for what I did to you. It was unacceptable! I couldn’t believe myself. I only said that because I was worried of you cause if you ever—“ “Robin, breathe” 
She exhaled as you giggled at her behavior. “It’s all forgiven now, Robin. Don’t worry about it” 
“Really?” Her eyes lit up. “Of course.” You said as you pulled her in for a tight embrace. 
“Although, I do prefer you apologizing to me with snacks.” You smiled innocently at her. 
“You are such a jerk”
one month gone
Your water had just broke and you had notified Steve about it. He was now going to the hospital as fast as he could. 
When he got to your room, he saw you walking around, hands pressed against your waist with your face scrunching up in pain.
“Hi” He smiled nervously at you. “Why are you nervous, Steve Harrington? Are you the one pushing a baby out of your vagina?” You snapped back at him.
“Geez, no need to be aggressive” 
“Shut up before I kill you” You gritted your teeth together as another contraction hit you. 
“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” He asked as he was panicking. “I need this baby out of me right now. Can you do that, Harrington? It’s freaking Christmas Eve later yet I’m spending it at the hospital in pain” you took a deep breath before laying down on the bed again. 
“Hey, I’m here okay?” Steve kissed your forehead as you smiled at him. “I know, thanks for coming.” 
“Well I mean, do I have any other choice?” he joked as you playfully punched his chest at the remark he made. “I’m kidding. Just try to rest ok?” he kissed your forehead again before he got to rest himself as well. 
He woke up 8 hours later and spent the last 2 hours watching TV. The time was now 11:35. Steve decided that you also needed food to at least make your Christmas Eve happy. He saw that you were still sleeping, so he quietly made his way to the door and bought some food.
Steve was gone for 20 minutes. 20 minutes tops. Yet when he came back, you were surrounded by doctors as you were pushing this baby out. 
He dropped the food he brought to the table and rushed towards you to hold your hand. 
“Push, (Y/N), push!” The doctor was encouraging you to do so. Even though it was painful, you complied with them. “I can see the head now. You’re doing so good (Y/N)! Just one more. One more!”
Steve’s hand was sweating, he was nervous at the situation happening in front of him. As he was about to say something encouraging to you, he was abruptly stopped by the sound of a baby’s cry.
“It’s a girl!” 
And just like that Steve’s life flashed before his eyes. 
six months gone
Your daughter, Lilliana, had just started teething. She would bite anything her teeth would grab a hold on. 
One of her newest victims was her father. 
“Ow! You hurt daddy, Lily.” Steve pouted as he played with your daughter. Lilliana started laughing at his gesture. “Oh, so you like it when daddy gets hurt?” He put his hands on his chest as your daughter started laughing more. 
“Honey, I’m home” you shouted as you heard laughing from upstairs. As you climbed up the stairs, the laughing started getting louder and louder. “What is going on here?” you chuckled as you watched your husband fake crying. “Well, Miss Lily here thinks that daddy getting hurt is funny” 
You laughed at what Steve had said. “Is that true, sweets?” 
“Is that true?” You bopped her nose as she laughed harder. “She's been biting an awful lot lately” Steve said as he grabbed her from the crib and held her in his arms. Lilliana took this as an opportunity to bite him again. “OW!” He flinched as the little devil in his arms started biting him again. She laughed once again, as you stared at your little family lovingly.
nine months gone
Lilliana had just started crawling, and she was not normal. She was crawling backwards, which was weird. 
“No Lily, you crawl like this. Forward, not backward” you showed her how but she disregarded it and just continued to crawl backwards again. “You never listen to mommy, don’t you?” 
“Steve!” You called out from the living room. “Yes?’ He stuck his head out of the kitchen. “Why is my baby crawling backwards?” 
“Wait what?” 
“She is! Like look at her!” You exclaimed as Steve sprinted towards the living room. He looked at her then started laughing like a maniac.
“Oh my god. I live with two babies” You rolled your eyes as Steve started cheering Lilliana on. “You’re supposed to be teaching her how to crawl properly, not encouraging her”
“This is how I crawled as a baby. Beeboop beeboop” He started laughing again as he watched your baby crawl backwards again.
You sighed at the sight of them. “Like father, like daughter”
five years gone
It was now Lilliana’s first day of kindergarten. She made sure to prepare everything she needed the night before. You were proud of your daughter for being independent and very mature for her age. 
“You sure you got everything, love?” You asked again as she sighed at you. “Yes, mom” 
“Was that a sigh I heard?” Steve pointed his eyebrows at her. (Y/N) laughed at the scene that was unveiling in front of her. “Okay honey, you need to go now. Promise me you won’t cry?” Lilliana just nodded in reply as her parents kissed her forehead goodbye. 
“I need to go now bye mommy, bye daddy!” She said as she gave a kiss to the both of you on your cheeks once again.
You and Steve stood there in surprise. Lilliana didn’t even cry 
“What just happened?” Steve was perplexed. “Well that was anticlimactic.” Your eyes widened at the little girl’s gesture. “I expected her to beg us not to go.” You added as you turned to look at Steve who was standing beside you bewildered. 
His little girl was all grown up. 
seven years gone
“No! Lily favors me!” you heard shouting from Nancy and Jonathan’s living room. “No! She said that I’m her favorite!” you heard another one fight back. 
You made your way to their kitchen and saw the kids, who were now young adults fighting over your daughter. 
“The last time I saw Lily, I asked her if I was her favorite and she said yes!” Lucas raised his voice. “Because you were the only person there, dipshit!” Dustin snapped back. 
“Hey! Hey! Language! My daughter's right in front of you guys.” Steve interfered with the argument. 
“But Lilliana is always excited to see me” El said softly. “You’re lying!”
“She loves me cause I’m the only one that has unique and beautiful hair” Max rolled her eyes as if she was pointing out the obvious. 
“Shut up, Max. Nobody likes redheads!” Mike said to her. Max gasps at the statement that he made. “Well clearly Lily does!”
The young adults were fighting over who your daughter favored. You mentally slapped your forehead at this pointless argument. 
The yelling was starting to get louder and everyone was basically using this as an excuse to judge each other and before you decided to start to intervene in the argument unfolding in front of you, Steve had beaten you to it. 
“Guys, it’s obvious she favors me” He rolled his eyes.
thirteen years gone
Lily had just arrived home from school, sulking. You noticed the change in her behavior after she slammed the door to her room. “Hey! No slamming the doors young lady!” 
Wiping the excess water off of your hands, you went up the stairs and made your way to your daughter’s bedroom. You heard sniffling from inside but before you could even open your mouth to speak, you heard your husband’s voice coming from inside. 
“Hey, he’s just a stupid boy okay?” Steve said as he pulled your daughter in for a tight hug. “He doesn’t deserve you and you certainly don’t deserve someone who acts like that” He added as Lilliana started sobbing into his neck. 
He rubbed his hand comfortingly up and down Lily’s back as she was letting out soft sobs. Steve was the perfect dad. 
fourteen years gone
“First day of High School! You made it honey!” You and Steve were ecstatic for your daughter. Even though she acted as if she didn’t care, you knew deep down she did. 
“Do you have everything packed?” Steve, once again asked for the ninth time. “Yes, dad” Lilliana rolled her eyes. 
You chuckled at the father and daughter. “Hey don’t you dare roll your eyes at me” Steve pointed at her. 
“One more picture!”
“What? Mom? No!” Lilliana protested. “Pretty please?” you pouted at her which was then followed by Steve doing the same thing. 
“Please Lily, this’ll be your mom and I’s remembrance that our little girl is growing up–”
“Mr. Harrington, are you there?” 
Steve was abruptly awakened from his daydreaming. “What?” He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “We said, what do you want to name your daughter?” The nurse in front of him replied. 
(Y/N) looked at Steve for reassurance that he can name their baby. As Steve caught a glimpse of his daughter, tears started forming in his eyes. 
“Do you want to hold her, Mr. Harrington” The nurse asked as Steve can only do so much but nod. He was stunned in place, no words were able to come out of his mouth as his only focus right now was on his daughter. 
(Y/N) smiled at the two, it was her little family. 
“Merry Christmas, Steve” 
And Lilliana did have two happy parents on her first christmas, because at exactly 12:00 am of December 25, 1990, a baby girl was born to Steve Harrington and Y/n Y/l/n. 
three years gone
“Are you excited to be the flower girl, Lily?” Steve enthusiastically asked his daughter who was in front of him. She nodded shyly as Steve tickled her. Her laughter was music to his ears, he could never get enough of her. 
“Ooh, it’s time. Are you excited to see mommy in a dress?” 
“Yes!” Lilliana jumped up to show her excitement. Steve then grabbed her and twirled her around in the air. “I better go inside now. You go wait out here okay?” 
Lilliana nodded as Steve went inside the chapel to wait for a special someone. 
“You may now kiss the bride” 
Everyone around them whooped and cheered at the newlyweds, and Steve was one of them. 
No matter how bright and cheerful the aura around him was, he was fighting the urge to break down inside of the chapel. No amount of happiness could replace the misery he was feeling inside of him. And he hated it. 
However, in his mind, the only thing keeping him intact was that you were happy. Lily was happy. And he prioritized your happiness over his, even though it pained him to do so. 
As the newlyweds made their way through the aisle, he made eye contact with you who was now hand in hand with your new husband. You gave him a nod to let him know that you acknowledge his presence in your wedding. He did the same thing as well. 
It should’ve been him standing there with you. Yet, that was not the case. 
In the end, (Y/N) and Steve never lived happily ever after. Just because a baby is born doesn’t mean people automatically get back together. Although, they did spend a happy life with their daughter, Lilliana, just not altogether.
Steve was wrong, a baby doesn’t change everything. Because if it did, there would be a happy ending to this story. The two of you would be together. And Steve Harrington wouldn’t have to watch the love of his life say “I do” to Eddie Munson. 
But, there’s no fairytale in this story, and that’s just how life is.
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jk i’m not that cruel there’s an alternate ending to this story. i feel like my love for angst is too much right now. I NEED TO MAKE SOME FLUFFY IMAGINES
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silkscream · 2 years
𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩
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ੈ✩ pairing: steve harrington x reader
ੈ✩ summary: you and steve settle your differences when he drives you home.
ੈ✩ warnings: smut (18+), dom!steve, fingering, unprotected sex, drug use, not edited
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steve harrington is good at being patient. he knows this — and he’s taken pride in it, too. from surviving getting beaten by russian spies with robin to following dustin around as both a bodyguard and a surrogate father.
steve harrington isn’t good at biting his tongue, though. he says what’s on his mind at all times, doesn’t care (or register) if anything that comes out of his mouth is particularly stupid. but it’s earnest and it’s real, which is all that matters. 
with you, at the moment, however, he’s wary about what he says to you and he is absolutely less than patient with you. you’re frustrating to him to no end, actually, and he’s starting to let things slip that he might regret later. he feels like his blood is actually warming up from the mere feeling of your eyes searing into him during this useless argument.
he doesn’t even know what you’re arguing about, but he knows that you’ve pissed him off since the moment he met you. dealing with eddie munson was enough, but steve had gotten around to the metalhead after having him aboard the crew. but you, eddie’s best friend — god, you were a fuckin’ piece of work. it was like the universe created you just to push steve’s buttons. 
the situation at hand isn’t high stakes. not at all. it just so happened that eddie could drive himself back to his place on his own after the horror movie marathon at robin’s, robin fell asleep early on, nancy had just been dropped off by steve, and now you were the last one left on the way to steve’s house. and sometimes your teasing went a bit too far, you got under his skin too easily. he doesn’t want to admit how easy it is for you to get under his skin with just one look from you.
“god, you are so fucking insufferable sometimes,” steve mumbles under his breath.
“gee, thanks.”
he clenches his jaw in anger, but he feels a twinge of guilt assaulting his chest at the moment from the way your voice sounds so small, so despondent. silence ensues for about a minute and a half of “drive” by the cars.
real silence permeates the space when you pettily turn the radio knob down until the sound of ric ocasek’s voice fades to black. 
“what the fuck was that for?” steve demands, shooting you a glare.
“the cars are annoying.”
“this is my car, morticia addams. so i play the fucking music!”
ah, that nickname again. it was a rough attempt to criticize your style, which was mostly you wearing all black and having a love for eyeliner, but you consider it a compliment at this point. 
“then pull over and i’ll get out of it since you seem to abhor me this much!” you huff, hand clutching the door next to you. the action makes steve slow down to a stop rather abruptly because he thinks you’re actually about to jump out of his moving car. the adrenaline nearly strikes his heart.
once the car stops, he’s quick to shove his body into your space, arm outstretched to block you from opening the passenger door. you glare at him through heavy lashes. 
“no one uses the word ‘abhor’ in everyday conversation, you freak,” he murmurs. 
and to his surprise, you laugh. it’s a sound he doesn’t hear very often, and when he does, it’s not like the reason is ever him.
“i’m surprised you know what that word means, harrington,” you chide. 
steve wants to retaliate, wants to one-up you in any way he can, but the reality is that it’s nearly one in the morning and he’d be tired to death if you weren’t there to rile him up. and while he’s trapped you in the passenger seat of his car while it’s parked, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, didn’t think about what would happen after this. he knows he should make nice with you, just for eight more minutes until he can drop you off at your place. but the tension between you is as thick as fog. so he releases all of his inhibitions instead.
it’s like whiplash, the way his mouth sews itself onto yours like it belongs there. you surprise yourself as well for kissing back, for finally clutching steve fucking harrington’s full locks. you don’t even have time to hate yourself for it because of how good his mouth feels on yours. you realize how badly you want to crawl into his lap.
“to the back,” you croak meekly, but he takes it as a command. it’s funnier when it happens seconds later — you climb out of the car to get into the back while steve reorganizes his long limbs through the middle instead, nearly falling to the floor from his lack of coordination while you laugh in response.
“you’re so fuckin’ stupid, come here,” you roll your eyes, pulling him up so that he can sit in the backseat properly so you can straddle him. 
steve’s never felt this kind of elation in intimacy — not with heidi or lydia or even nancy. no, you were as unprecedented as it came, and kissing you felt like a leap between two fucking mountains. now that he’d taken that leap, he thinks he’s fine with dying considering how much this felt like heaven.
“you want this, harrington?” you whisper breathlessly into his mouth as you grind into his lap. “been awful quiet lately.”
“oh, don’t get all fuckin’ cocky like i didn’t kiss you first,” he gruffs, his voice low. the sound of it makes your core heat up, not to mention the way he snakes his hand up your body and onto the base of your throat. “my car, my rules. still stands, sweetheart.”
you picked the wrong night to underestimate steve harrington. from all that taunting, he feels the need to put you in your place, which he can do perfectly fine even if you happen to be on top of him. he grins at the way your breath hitches when his teeth are on your throat, when he clutches your wrists and keeps them in place inside of his bigger hands just so you can’t move. 
“tell me to stop and i will. i’ll take you home and we can pretend this never happened–”
“shut up,” you mumble. “just shut up and keep going.”
“okay. you wanna lay down for me on the seat, then?”
“no,” you whisper. embarrassingly, you can feel your wetness seeping through your panties. steve must be able to feel it too considering you’re wearing a skirt. you hated how wet you got from the moment he kissed you, and now you’ve fallen completely under his spell, the haze of lust exacerbated by the edible that eddie had given you an hour prior. 
“what do you want?” steve says with caution. he’s let go of your hands now, instead grabbing your waist gently.
“don’t make me say it,” you whine.
“you’re already on my fuckin’ lap, now you wanna be ashamed?” he scoffs. “tell me. or i’m driving you home.”
“want you to fuck me.”
“huh? what was that?” he taunts. “use your big girl voice for me.”
“i want you to fuck me!”
“atta girl.”
it surprises you how quick he is to discard your underwear for you, how fast he gets his fingers circling your wet folds in a way that makes your skin burn.
“steve, don’t tease me.”
he doesn’t respond, only smirks at you and gives your ass a smack. you whimper. steve doesn’t want to admit he’s on a power trip, he really doesn’t, but it’s the first time you’ve ever been desperate for him. for fuck’s sake, it’s the first time he’s known you really wanted him at all, but he still wants the upper hand for the fact that you’d pissed him off for the entirety of the night. he deserves a little compensation.
and you give it to him, you fold so quickly that maybe the edible flooding your senses is what’s making everything feel like a fucking movie. steve harrington fucks into you like his life depends on it and his strong hands are making bruises on the small of your back. 
his cock feels so good – so deep – that you’re moaning in ecstasy from the feeling of being split open. steve likes it when you bury your face into his neck, loves it actually, because then he can smell the scent of your hippie-dippy all-natural shampoo and hear every single sound you make right it in his ear. you’re too high to be embarrassed about how you sound. he thinks you sound angelic.
grinding on his cock makes your thighs burn, makes your entire body quiver when you realize the hilt of your position and how the piercing feeling of your g-spot means you’re about to tip over the edge.
“breathe for me, okay?” steve coos into your ear, a saccharine softness that confounds you. “you’re doing so good.”
when you mewl for him once more, he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls backward just so he can see your face in all its glory, mouth ajar and widening from the impact of his cock inside your walls. he attacks your throat with small lovebites, kisses sinking into flesh until the skin bruises incarnadine-red.
you don’t recognize your own voice, how it’s so high and fawning and submissive. not you. the girl that most boys in hawkins high would be afraid of. steve has never been afraid of you – he merely saw you as a challenge. at the moment, this was a challenge he seemed to be winning.
“s-steve, fuck,” you hum, hot air surrounding your bodies. you’re titillating towards something as intense as the big bang, you think. at least that’s what your inebriated brain is telling you.
“what is it, huh? not falling apart on me so soon, are ya?” steve quips as he thrusts into you.
“feels too good,” you rasp. “i’m… i’m gonna–”
“that’s a good girl. that’s a good fuckin’ girl, huh?”
if he speaks any more, you’ll probably fucking explode. you’re too exhausted, too overwhelmed to ride him as he fucks you dumb, but he continues anyway. steve hands hold you in place with an iron grip, your body still as your figure drapes over his with arms wrapped around his neck while he fucks into you. 
“oh, oh my god,” you cry out. 
“gonna cum for me, you little slut?”
you can barely respond, instead moaning into his ear with an intensity that’s borderline obscene. 
“you can do it, i’ve got you.”
he groans at the way your body shakes, tears pricking slightly from your eyes and coaxing out streaks of black eyeliner to smudge around your waterline. the sight alone nearly makes him come undone, so he has to pull out of you before he loses himself completely. 
“fuck, fuck, so pretty,” he gasps. “all for me?”
“yeah,” you whine, breathing heavily from your recovery but still grinding against steve’s thigh in anticipation of his orgasm. you watch in excitement as he stares at you starry-eyed, jaw slack while his hand pumps his thick cock. you take pride in the way he whines and grunts, the way he bites his lip to hold back his moans even though he can’t.
it doesn’t take long for him to cum all over your skirt. it’s funny, the way he’d been eyeing it the entire movie night and covering up his attraction with insults and banter. you pushed him over the edge much too often. this happened to be the one time there were consequences about it.
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indouloureux · 2 years
chateau (feel alright)
steve harrington x reader
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summary: with your insomnia driving you insane, steve goes through the sleepless night helping you fall asleep in his arms.
word count: 3, 577
warnings: insomnia, fluff, smut mdni 18+
a/n: i was like halfway through my mcu peter fic then my brain stopped and told me to write steve??? anyway this is kinda short so bear with me pls hope you guys enjoy
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explicit warnings: sleepy sex, slight choking, praise kink creampie, oral f receiving, fingering, multiple orgasms (like two lol)
1. shower, 12:34am
Steve’s awakened by the soft pattering of the shower hitting the ceramic floor. His upper body cold with the lack of your warmth, and he immediately thinks that this was one of those nights – the unsleeping mind taking over your poor lethargic body.
He glances to the bedside table and faintly sees your notebook left open with a pencil on the edge. Steve scoots upward and takes the notebook into his large hands, opening the lamp to read your list. In the dim glow, your hand writing presents yourself to him in messy cursive written on the thin lined paper, a list you’d done years ago for nights like these.
It’s not your fault, really, rather it’s the Hawkins’ freakish encounters that keep you up late at night staring at the window, waiting for the inevitable. And a few weeks ago it had been okay – you’d been sleeping right on time, with the help of Steve's tactile touch and sweet loving.
Until right now. For some unknown reason. And he feels the guilt creep up to his chest at the thought that he may have not done enough.
Steve must have woken up too late because he hears the shower turn off. The light seeps through the bottom of the door, and turns off when the lock clicks. Steve places the notebook beside him and rubs the sleep off his eyes, bare chest nipped by the cold air that seeps through the ajar window.
You open the door, clad in a white towel that covers your body, residue water dripping down the carpeted floor. Steve frowns, pushing the covers off his legs to walk over to you, socked feet padding against the floor as he stares at your awfully pretty face that’s sunken by disappointment.
Your back is hunched with the upsetting weight of inertia on your shoulders. Steve places his hands on your shoulders and straightens them, rubbing the wet hair off your forehead. He cups your face, thumbs rubbing your eyebags.
“Hey,” you murmur. “Did I wake you?”
Steve shakes his head, smelling lavender and soap off your body, hands running up and down your shoulders. “No. Just woke up by myself, don’ worry.”
“Yeah,” you tell him, slipping on your underwear, not bothering to wear a bra. “It’s happening again, Steve. I’m sorry.”
Steve doesn’t care being late at night with you, as he’s told you many times before. But he does mind the sadness that creeps up your face when the tiredness can’t let you sleep in those opprobrious nights.
Steve doesn’t care being late at night with you, as he’s told you many times before. But he does mind the sadness that creeps up your face when the tiredness can’t let you sleep in those opprobrious nights.
He instructs you to raise your hands and slips on your shirt, careful not to hit your face and smiles when your head peeks through. “‘s alright, babe. I’ll stay up with you.”
Shaking your head, you secure the shorts around your waist and take the towels off his hands. Steve brushes your hair out of your face, running a hand through your slick tresses and untangle the knots. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” he places a hand on the back of your neck and kisses your forehead, letting his lips linger on your damp skin before he pulls away to massage wipe droplets off your eyelids. “I’ll be with you till you fall asleep, doll.”
2. read a book, 12: 39am
Steve’s head rests on your shoulder, hair lit into a soft brown provided by the orange light of the lamp beside you. A blanket covering both of your enervated bodies, there’s a hand that runs through his hair, and a hand on your book.
He turns the pages for you when you kiss his forehead, fighting his slowly blinking eyes and tries to read with you. But he finds the book you’re reading awfully disturbing, and when he reads a part that snaps his eyes wide open, Steve looks at you with a befuddled gaze.
“Baby, that book’s messed up,” he mumbles, wrapping the blanket closer around him. The soft fabric tickles your skin, and whilst pushing the glasses up your nose, you kiss his forehead. “I’m not turning that page. Let’s read something else.”
“No,” you whine, pulling on his arm when he tries to get up. “Mike told me to read this and I promised him I’d finish it so I can tell him what happens.”
He snorts, pushing your glasses back up when it continues to fall down your nose. “You’re reading a book so you can tell him what happens in it?” Steve shakes his head. "That kid's spoiled rotten."
There’s an incredulous look on his face that mingles with amusement, because he can’t believe you’re doing this for Mike, of all people. “Yeah. I mean, it’s interesting. It’s a killing, shapeshifting clown.”
“Who eats children,” he points out. “Why don’t you read something friendly? Like…like The Polar Express.” Steve looks up at you with puppy dog eyes, excitement riddling in his face at the mention of a child's book being read.
Your heart melts and breaks at the same time, because you know his excitement for it comes from the lack of affection he gets from his ignorant parents. And just like him, you intend to give love to his empty heart.
But you'd do it on another day. “I’d rather not.”
You kiss his forehead again, and he finally flips the page. He remains silent for the whole time, because he craves more of your soft lips on his skin, and he quietly relishes in your loving hands toy with his hair.
At some point, he's requested for you to read it aloud and you do. Which is a thing he regrets as he's on the verge of falling asleep as you do so, especially when you start reading faster and the kisses become frequent.
The sleep’s phantom hovers but never really mingles, and Steve tries to help you fall asleep faster by kissing everywhere on your shoulder, like it used to work. But when it doesn’t, his arm comes across your waist and tugging you closer to him, hopefully giving you some of his sleep.
3. solve a puzzle, 1: 40am
The gelid water keeps Steve awake as he frowns at the missing puzzle pieces, fingers tapping on his chin as blurry eyes look for the tiny squared cardboards.
“Do you know what that is?” you tap his shoulder and tilt your head sideway, neck gauche in its position. “Looks like a deformed lamb, babe.”
He looks down under the table, the lack of light blending in the pieces onto the floor. Steve hears the rapid clicking of the rubik’s cube you’re trying to solve while you simultaneously look for the other pieces.
“Baby, why are you looking there? It couldn’t have gotten that far.”
“But maybe it got blown away,” you crouch and rest your upper body on the ground to peek beneath the sofa, and still with the darkness, you don’t see anything.
Steve drinks his water and looks at the puzzle. “It actually does look like a deformed lamb. Look, he’s missing his eyes. I-I don’t think this ones supposed to go there.”
“I don’t think this is tiring me out at all.” You stand up, back aching the slightest. Steve makes his way to you, a hand to your back to rub the ache off, offering you his water. “We can do number four now.”
You take a sip, Steve holding the glass for you as your boyfriend’s eyes brighten, and suddenly the sleep is fully off his body and now he’s tugging his shirt off. “Great. I’m gonna fuck your brains out.”
4. have sex, 1: 48am
Steve’s got his mouth hot on yours, kissing you wild like he's been starved as his mouth widens and pushes his tongue inside, touching yours before he closes his lips and sinks deeper.
Your hand comes up to tug on his hair, pulling on the back of his neck as his barely covered cock grinds on your clothed cunt, damp underwears colliding, friction eliciting a low moan on your warm mouths.
"Steve," you whimper, leg coming up to press your clit on his dick. "Touch me."
He inhales your scent, breaking away and kisses his way to your already sweating neck. "Where are your manners, doll?"
Panting, you grab on his shoulders when he starts biting on the juncture of your neck, suckling until he's certain a mark would leave. "Please, Steve. Please please please."
"You'll be a good girl?" the indentation of his smile on your neck tickles you, leaving feather light kisses on the spot you're the most sensitive to. "'d you promise to be a good girl when I fuck you?"
"Yeah," you nod, pulling his face back to yours and kiss his lips. Soft, effervescent. "I'll be a good girl for you."
And so he moves down, kissing his way down your clothed top until he bites on the garter of your sleep shorts, fingers hooking underneath to pull it down with your damp panties coming with.
"God, baby, your pussy's so pretty," he looks up at you, senses the heat rushing to your face and possibly everywhere. "Pussy's so pretty you should feel how hard my cock is."
Steve throws it aside, cock hardening at the sight of your cunt glistening from the minimal light the streetlights give. You're already panting despite the lack of touch he's giving you. With his eyes looking up at you with pupils in a dusk of lustful haze, his tongue sticks out and presses the flat of his thick muscle on your folds.
He moans at your sweetness, pulling back to slip the tip of his tongue between your puffy folds and dragged up in a slow pace that has you mewling with your back arched up against nothing. Steve doesn't stop until he's reached your clit, lazily wrapping his lips around the bud and suckling its arousal.
"You taste so good, baby," a loud, obscene sound created between his lips and your wetness. "So fucking sweet even early in the morning, hm?"
When you move too much at his teasing suckles, his hands slither beneath your thighs until they press flat on your stomach, legs spread as far as they could and thighs locked in place. Steve's access is wide and with his attainability does he take advantage of your cunt open and pretty for him, tongue dragging between your folds and clit but never really going to where you want him.
Hands stopping from clutching the ivory sheets, they go down to tug on Steve's hair, moaning lewdly. "Baby," you whimper. "Stop teasing."
"But I'm supposed to tire you out," he breaks away, lips covered in slick and spreads them around your inner thighs that he generously bites before he's greedily come back to eat your pussy like it's his last meal (like it's not about to be two am). "You gotta be patient, babydoll."
But despite his declaration, a hand leaves your stomach. With your eyes closed, you feel a finger tracing your hold, prodding at it but never sinking in. "Steve!"
Finally, he sinks two inside, slowly as your walls evade his limbs the way you would to his cock. You moan louder than you should, and cover it up by biting your forearm as Steve pushes his fingers in until they're at his knuckles. He rubs your spongy spot, one that has you mewling tumultuously, providing him better music.
"That's it baby, good girl," he curls his fingers, the same way his tone curls into an applaud. It's tantalizingly slow, the pads of his fingers pressing against your walls before they've come to graze your sweet spot over and over again.
With his pink lips wrapped loosely still on your clit, his pace quickens and shoves a third one in, the stretch painfully gratifying until you hear the all too familiar squelching sound of your slick cunt against his versatile fingers. Steve fucks them in with a vigor that you think is impossible for him to have in a very early morning, libido probably driven by the smell of your arousal and your appraising moans.
"That's it, baby," you purr, tugging on his hair and pushing him harder against your cunt. "Fuck! Don't stop,"
And when you feel that coil tightening on your navel, you tell him so that you're close. Steve sucks the living shit out of your clit, fingers using all it's mobility as thrusts them vigorously in a way that you love it, pinky finger slapping on your pussy at every hard thrust.
Steve feels the warm cum evade his three fingers, coating them like paint and doesn't stop until he's milked all of you. He slows his fingers down, lets you ride your high until you push his head away and pull him back up to you.
With a face half covered by your slick and tendrils of cum coating the shadow of his midnight chin, he wipes it off and licks a finger clean, groaning at your delectable nectar. "Like honey on a spring, baby."
He doesn't kiss you first, instead shoves his two cum-coated fingers inside your mouth and presses it flat on your tongue, going deep until you gag around them. You clean your cum off his fingers, swallowing. Steve smiles and pulls them away, replaces it with his tongue that still tastes of you.
Lips still on yours, you tug on his briefs and pull his cock out — all swell and hard for you. You pump him, from base to tip, squeezing until there's a bead of cum seeping through his slit.
"Oh, baby," his head falls into the crook of your neck when you gradually jack him off, jaw slacking at your light squeezes and thumb grazing his head. "Oh, fuck yeah, keep going,"
You do, the other hand coming down to fondle with his balls, squeezing like what you'd do to his shaft, Steve's hips moving and fucking your hand. You tut. "Baby, how 'bout I give you something better? Something tighter?"
Barely a minute of jacking him off and his cock's already twitching. "Baby, you're gonna be the death of me, I swear."
You remove your hands from him, licking his slick off your palm and moaning at his bittersweet taste. Steve props himself up with one forearm, a hand coming down to guide his helmet on your entrance and wastes no time pushing in.
Concomitantly, you both moan at the feeling each other — his cock stretching you out in the best way possible, and your tight walls clenching on his hard cock. You arch your back, clothes tits pressing against his chest but your nipples sensitive and hard from the simple friction.
"N-ah! So, so tight," he kisses your throat, a hand coming up to wrap around it with his thumb and index squeezing the sides. Steve's hips begin moving, pushing out fully with his tip still inside until he sinks back in in a rough force that emits a wet slap from the impact of your sticky thighs. "So good for me, baby. Taking me so well like a good girl,"
Your hands come up to scratch on his back, feeling his muscles flex at every trust he makes. Your legs come up to wrap around his torso, the heels of your feet digging on his fast to urge him to go deeper into your pussy.
"Faster, Steve," you mewl. "Shit—...go harder."
He does, obeying you by fucking your puffy cunt faster, balls slamming on your ass and cock stretching you wide open when he removes he takes his hands and brings them to the back of your thighs, spreading them open to drive his dick deeper into your pussy.
Your moans become high-pitched and short like petulant whines, nipping and kissing Steve's neck as his fucking has gotten to a point where the headboard slams on the wall.
"I'm close," Steve pants, eyes closed tightly and jaw slacked open with a sheen coat of sweat dripping down his forehead and his baby hair. "Fuck, baby I'm gonna cum."
"Then cum," you clench around him, as tight as you could as you bring him closer to his orgasm. "I'm coming with you."
And when his hips stutter and a loud moan leaves his slackened mouth, face scrunched into what is a calamitous orgasm, you whimper and moan as you cum around his cock, his alabaster ropes filling you up to the brim and mixing your cum with his.
Steve drops down on top of you, hands massaging your sides as his ass raise and pulls his softening cock out of your full cunt. He knows he's gotten hard at the sight of his cum leaking off your gaping, clenching hole.
"Fuck, baby," he runs a hand through his hair. "That's so hot."
"Um, Steve?"
"Do you want another go?"
How could he say no when his cock suddenly springs up when you finally exposed your tits to him?
5. watch a movie, 2:55 am
"So you're telling me his mom is trying to bang his son?"
Marty McFly's bright red vest blinds you and Steve's straining eyes. Your boyfriend shakes his head, hand absentmindedly rubbing your inner thigh to massage the ache away. "No. Well, she didn't know."
"She didn't know he was from the future?"
"Oh," you nod your head. "And you watched this with Robin?"
"When we were high,"
"When you were high?" you sit up, hands on your lap and looking at Steve with wide eyes. His hand stops moving and looks at you perplexingly. "I thought you stopped getting high, Steve?"
"I mean, by accident—!"
"I swear if I find out you're still taking marijuana, I will waterboard you, Harrington."
"Boobies or water, I don't care being waterboarded."
"It's called motor boating for the tits, dumbass," you smack his arm. "You know what? This isn't working."
You reach for the remote and turn the TV off. Steve's smile falls and lets himself sink in disappointment with you, because even sex didn't tire you out. Your eyes adorn a twilight of hopeless glimmer, and all he can do is wrap his arms around your tired body.
Steve sighs. "I'm sorry, doll. Wish I could help you better."
You shake your head. "You did well, babe."
Then an idea comes into his head.
Steve sits forward and reaches for your notebook, hastily taking the pen off the table and scribbles his thought loudly like he's in an exam.
6. eat those sleeping gummies dance with steve!
His capitalized, brazen handwriting next to your looped and poised calligraphy, you read his addition. Your eyebrows furrow, looking up at your boyfriend who's stood up and offered his hand at you.
"Yeah?" his hand tilts. "Gonna dance with me or what?"
You set the notebook down. "Sure this would work?"
"If it's my idea, it totally will."
You stand up and smack his chest. "Cocky bitch."
With bodies entwined and hearts tethered into the dark morning of your shared home, Steve wraps his arms around your waist, yours coming up beneath his armpits and grabbing his shoulders as he gentles you into his soft humming.
And you rest your ear on his heartbeat, his harmonious humming synchs your heartbeat with his, his warmth and faint elation melting with yours.
"So I turn back in time," Steve sings into your hair, bodies dancing into a rhapsodic song. "I'm at the chateau and I feel alright,"
"Cool song." you say. "You made it?"
"For you," he pulls his head away and looks down at you. Steve leans in and presses a gentle kiss of exhaustion against your lips. "Yeah. I made it."
Maybe his idea did work. Because now you're by the sliding door to his backyard, gazing into the naked night sky with the moon high and bright, providing the gentle haze of slumber of those who remain in a dreamless sleep in this nightmarish town.
Your back on Steve's chest, legs on either side of you and yours flat on the carpet as you lay upwards on the couch, his strong arms wrapped around yours with hands entwined in a protective action. The ghost of his lips lingering on your forehead, and you slip in easily into slumber in the arms of your lover.
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reblogs and feedback are highly appreciated <3
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dayoldtea · 2 years
Joe passionately rambling on about Y/N for six mins and thirty-four seconds video
Pairing: Joe Keery x Actress!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Category: Fluff. That's all.
Warning: None
Summary: Steve Harrington and Penelope Carter did not stay together at the end of the fourth season of Stranger Things, and the internet has a lot to say about that. In contrast, to warm the hearts of Stenny's fans, one fan shares a six mins and thirty-four second compilation of Joe Keery passionately rambling on about you, his girlfriend, and coincidentally Penny Carter herself.
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"Joe literally pinched himself upon seeing Y/N on set for the first time." Matt Duffer told during an interview with Variety in June 2022. "You remember that, right?"
Ross Duffer, sitting next to his brother, laughed as he shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. "There's no forgetting it." He joked. "They sat next to each other in the script room, and you could just see how nervous he was. It was a really fun thing to watch."
Matt nodded, humming as he did so.
"Yeah, I think that's why we can say that we were kind of prepared for the negative fan reaction regarding Steve and Penny's tragic ending in season four, you know?" He added. "We knew from the beginning that it would be hard to convince the audience that Steve and Nancy should be something when we had Joe Keery in love with Y/NY/L/N since the first time he saw her."
To say that the internet was in mourning would be an understatement.
The fourth season of Stranger Things had premiered some time ago, and for fans of the TV show, that was synonymous with hope. This time, Steve Harrington and Penelope Carter will finally be together.
The development from friends to lovers between the characters was something that fans had longed for since the first season, which unfortunately did not happen. Penelope received a tragic ending in Upside Down, and the scene in which her bloodied body was embraced by a miserably distraught Steve had generated thousands of disgruntled tweets and videos on TikTok — most of them featuring puffy-eyed girls, tears streaming down their cheeks as the scene in question played in the background.
Steve and Penelope hadn't gotten the ending they deserved, but you and Joe were the protagonists of another story, this one being in real life, and knowing that you two had been together for more than four years mended a little the crack left in the hearts of Stenny fans.
One video in particular, accumulating a little over 1,5 million views on YouTube, had been shared by a Twitter account along with the hashtag JusticeForStenny, on the rise since the last episode of the fourth season was aired:
@stennylover: steve and penelope didn't get a chance to be together and I know everyone here is heartbroken about it, but here is a compilation of joe passionately rambling on about yn for six mins and thirty-four seconds to warm your hearts
The video in question begins by showing the title text in white capital letters on a black background, the instrumental of Paper Rings by Taylor Swift playing in the background:
Joe Keery passionately rambling on about Y/NY/L/N for six mins and thirty-four seconds straight.
The first recording shows Joe standing in front of a white background during the Glamour's friendship test, arms behind his back and eyes fixed on the floor. He was wearing a plain black shirt, the length of his hair a little shorter than that sported by Steve Harrington indicating that he was preparing for another role.
"I— I was just mesmerized the first time I saw her, honestly." He shakes his head slowly, his lips curving into a comforting smile. "She was visibly excited to be on set. It was like it was her first time in an environment like that, and it was really adorable to see her so excited about every little thing that happened." He said before looking at the camera, the smile not abandoning his lips. "When we had scenes together— which happened a lot, I used get so fucking nervous." Joe laughed, his cussing censored by a beep. "I was constantly getting my lines wrong because of that, and she's always been so thoughtful and patient about it, you know? Which only made my situation worse, actually." He joked, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes meet the floor once again. "She would always ask me if I needed a break, because, you know, she genuinely thought that these mistakes were because of fatigue or something, when internally I was like, 'Oh, I'm fine, I'm sorry about that, I'm just, you know, thinking of a way to ask you out on a date.'"
The video then cuts to the Wired autocomplete interview granted by Joe and Gaten Matarazzo.
Gaten is holding the styrofoam board while the phrases with "is joe keery" remain hidden under white stickers.
"Okay, so let's see what we have here." Joe hums as he pulls out the first sticker. "Is Joe Keey," he begins, "Y/N/Y/L/N's boyfriend in real life?"
"I love the fact that your first question has to do with Y/N." Gaten joked.
"Yeah, I was about to say that, man." Joe played along, leaning forward with one hand on his knee. "But yes, I am Y/N's boyfriend in real life."
"Title he's most proud of." Gaten punctuated, raising his index finger.
Joe clicked his tongue, a smug smile adorning the corner of his lips. "I mean, my girlfriend is Y/N/Y/L/N." He makes a point of stressing your name as if no one knows. "You don't meet many guys this lucky."
Gaten contracted his face in a fake expression of disgust, shaking his head before looking directly at the camera.
"We are still on a mission to find out how much he is paying Y/N."
The next cut is from an interview of Joe to GQ Spain where he was responding to some comments from fans on the internet.
"Youtube." Joe announced before the edit added a lofi song along with a video of Stranger Things fan comments on a scene of Steve and Penelope in the second season, then focusing on one specific user. "I honestly don't know how Steve doesn't realize that Penelope has a crush on him. Is he an idiot?" He reads as the comment remains on the screen.
The video then turns back to Joe.
"I mean, yeah?" He laughs, the video returning to the commentary session as Joe's lines were added as a response along with a typing sound. "I see a lot of Y/N—my girlfriend, in Penelope, you know? Not just because she plays her, obviously, but also because they're both so smart and have such a gentle soul that it's almost like they're magnetic, so when someone asks me what the similarities are between me and Steve, I make it clear that I'm a little smarter when it comes to girls, because I would never let someone like Y/N or Penelope get away. Thank you."
The video then cuts to an interview of Joe on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Kimmel.
"Can we— Can we talk about Y/N/Y/L/N?" Jimmy asked as he leaned over his desk. The audience whistled and clapped loudly as soon as your name was mentioned, making Joe smile. "I mean, we all love her here, and we know you've been together for years— over three years, right?"
"Yeah, that's right." Joe squeaked, shaking his head. "We kind of got tired of just being on screen, you know?" He made a joke, laughing at the thunderous reaction from the audience.
"Man, this is so cool!" Jimmy exclaimed genuinely, causing Joe to nod his head and mutter an almost inaudible "thank you." "And how was the preparation for you two for this fourth season? If I'm correct, the recordings were interrupted due to the pandemic, right?"
"Oh, yes, unfortunately we had that setback and that's why there was a significant delay compared to the other seasons." Joe explained.
"And you two were together during that time?" Jimmy inquired curiously, arching his eyebrows. "Practicing the script together and all that stuff?"
Joe crossed his legs, interlacing his fingers over his lap.
"Well, we did a lot of fun stuff during those months, and of course discussing the script ended up being one of them, but we also kind of took that time to disconnect a little bit, you know?" Joe replied, "We cook together, we write songs together, we learn about gardening on YouTube…" He enumerated with his fingers, "just a bunch of cool stuff."
"Oh, that sounds amazing." Jimmy said in an impressed tone. "Just a couple discovering new hobbies, right?"
"Yeah, but Y/N, she's just— she's just a lot smarter and more talented than me, you know?" Joe said amidst a laugh. "She can act, she can write, she can sing, she can knit, she can read a book about what are the right garden pots for each kind of seed and suddenly become a big Wikipedia on the subject…" he rambled, gesticulating excitedly, "It's amazing. She is amazing. I'm one hundred percent sure she could build a rocket from scratch if she wanted to."
"Wow." Jimmy smiled, exchanging a quick glance with the audience before facing Joe again. "So I guess we can say you're a little bit in love, right?"
Joe blushes, his eyes dropping to the floor before turning to Jimmy. "Yeah, I kind of am."
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finalgowrl · 8 months
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this is it. the greatest joe keery look of all time.
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joekeeryswife · 2 months
hello lovely could u please maybe do an insta au with joe? 💕💕
Instagram AU - j.k
a/n: hey loves! here is my first joe instagram au. short but sweet, enjoy 🫶🏼
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ynyln: on set 🎬
View 53,472 comments
djo: 😝
↳ ynyln: 😚
mayahawke: featured 🤭
bowerjamie: 👹
milliebobbybrown: you’re so beautiful!
↳ ynyln: love you bby 🫶🏼
↳ ynyln: 🤷🏼‍♀️😚
strangerthingsfan321: SO EXCITED
ynfan0192: our queen has posted! 🤭
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ynyln: that’s a wrap!
View 42,834 comments
djo: 🤭
josephquinn: people better not comment on me being in the girls bathroom 🙄
↳ ynfan546: @josephquinn why are you in the girls bathroom?
↳ ynyln: @ynfan546 IM CRYING
mayahawke: i can’t leave my bed, im so hungover 😵
↳ ynyln: i’m coming over honey✨
ynfan: no one gonna talk about the picture of her and Joe?
ynfan02: y/n looking as beautiful as ever 🥹
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ynyln: soft launch i guess ☺️ @djo
View 102,372 comments
djo: my girl 😚
ynfan109: our girl is finally happy 🥹
josephquinn: finally 🙄
mayahawke: the post everyone has been waiting for 🙏🏼
djofan203: HELP WHY AM I CRYING🥹
ynfan012: joe you better not hurt our bby!
↳ djo: never 👎🏼
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forever-rogue · 2 years
ok so maybe Steve's at work doing his nurse thing when who shows up in the emergency room and didn't even call to tell him that she was hurt? his favorite girl, that's who.
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AN | More Nurse Steeb!🥺🥺 This can be read as a companion piece to this, but also as a stand alone!
Warnings | Mild Language
Pairing | Nurse!Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Nurse Steve, Steve, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were dreading this moment. You really, really didn't want to be here. The temptation to just turn and run away was so high. It would have been so easy to just leave and go home…but the shooting pain in your arm told you that was an even worse idea.
The hospital was big…so maybe you wouldn't see him at all. Right? Right. Or that's what you were hoping for. The odds really were slim to none and yet… Maybe you didn't even need to go to the ER. Maybe you could just call and schedule a regular appointment with your doctor…
"Fuck," you sighed heavily as you looked between the entrance and your car. You had to do it. There was no way you could get out of this one.
Trying to collect your remaining dignity, you walked into the hospital and up to the counter. The woman behind the screen looked at you for a moment, recognizing you but not quite placing it.
"I-I think I did something to my elbow," you explained, tears already welling up and threatening to run down your cheeks, "I fell and it's stuck at this weird angle and I couldn't move it. Every time I try it hurts so bad."
She peeks over the counter before noticing the odd placement of your left elbow, "oh dear. Well, we'll get you right in with the doctor. First, let me get your name please."
You nodded and told her your first name and hesitated for a moment. She waited for you to go on and you sighed before giving her your last name, "Harrington."
And…realization hit her. She knew exactly who you were. You, him, and the disgustingly cute story of how you'd met in that very ER were well known around the hospital. You gave her a sheepish smile as she scribbled a few things down, "go ahead and take a seat. I've got everything here, honey."
"Thank you," the older woman's gentleness already made you feel better, despite your current predicament, "and umm…could we not tell him yet? Or at least don't put me in his wing?"
"I'll do my best," she promised with a knowing wink. You nodded softly before padding over to one of the stiff plastic chairs, careful not to irritate your arm further. 
A heavy, tired sigh escaped your lips as you closed your eyes for a few moments of solace from the piercing fluorescence of the hospital lights. A dumb little part of your brain even dreamed that maybe you'd get home without him knowing anything.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Well," the doctor, an older man with a calm aura - which did nothing to help your nerves - was almost silent as looked over your x-rays and studied the findings, "you've got yourself a dislocated elbow."
"No," you groaned as you looked at the ceiling. How could you be this clumsy and unlucky?
"Yes," he pointed at your arm, still stuck at an awkward angle as if to prove his point, "and that is nothing to scoff at."
"Umm, how do I fix it?" you asked softly, trying to ignore the throbbing, "can it be fixed?"
“Oh yes,” he seemed unphased by your question, as your panic had increased, “most of the time it can be corrected without surgery-”
“Without? S-so you mean you there’s a chance I would need surgery?” your lip trembled with effort as you tried to cry, “what are the odds?”
“The first thing I’m going to do is to try and set it back into place and then we’ll immobilize the arm for now,” he looked up at you for a moment and saw the distressed look on your features, “meaning you’ll be in a sling for some time. It’s imperative that you keep as still as possible for now. In a few weeks we’ll see how it’s setting and how your range of movement is. And onto physical therapy.”
“Physical therapy?” alright. This had to be some sort of cosmic joke. The last time you were in the ER was when you’d broken your ankle a few years ago. That had almost ended up with surgery and absolutely had required physical therapy, “oh.”
“It’ll be okay, Mrs. Harrington,” he insisted, “I’ve seen these before and while inconvenient, rest assured you’ll make a full recovery.”
“I’ll send in the nurse and have them set you up with a sling and the dos and don’ts and talk to you about painkillers,” he gave you a pat on the opposite shoulder, “I’ll see you back in about two weeks. Any questions you have the nurse will be able to answer.”
“Okay,” you nodded and slumped your shoulders as you watched him go. Steve was going to lose his mind when he saw you, “fuck me.”
After a few minutes of terse silence, a few gentle knocks came at the door. You confirmed they could come in and regretted your decision as soon as you did. It wasn’t just any nurse that happened to be assigned to you. It was your husband.
“I-” he’d all but dropped your charts and came over to you, his hands finding your face as he studied you. He’d read over your chart to read the doctor’s diagnosis, but had neglected to read the name. Otherwise he would have known it was you. As soon as you looked in those big, soft eyes all the unshed tears rolled down your cheeks, “I-I fell.”
“Honey,” he closed his eyes and let out a small sigh, whether of stress or relief you weren’t sure. He tenderly brushed away your tears before placing a kiss to your forehead, “it’s okay. I know it hurts, but don’t cry…please. I’ll take care of you. I’ll make it better.”
“It hurts so bad, Stevie,” you wanted nothing but for him to wrap you up in his arms, but were also terrified of hurting your arm further, “I’m so stupid, ‘m sorry.”
“You’re not stupid and there’s nothing to be sorry for,” he gently shushed by putting a finger to your lips, “I’m glad you came in, okay? I know how stubborn you can get, my clumsy girl. But I’m here to take care of you.”
“I asked them not to send you,” you sniffled, laughing ever so softly as he shook his head in amusement. He tutted, but it was nothing but warm and affectionate, “didn’t want you to worry or panic.”
“It is my job to take care of you,” he insisted softly, “both here in a professional capacity and everywhere else as your husband and best friend. Will you tell me what happened, angel? How did you hurt yourself so badly?”
“You’re gonna laugh,” a pout settled on your pretty, soft lips and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to them, “it’s silly.”
“I won’t laugh,” he promised, “scout’s honor.”
“You were never a boy scout, Steve.”
“Still counts.”
“Does not-”
“You’re stalling,” he insisted, already guessing your little ployl, “just tell me what happened, baby.”
“I was in the backyard and I went to move one of the lounge chairs off the deck and one thing led to another and I lost my footing and slipped and tried to stop my fall with my hand and then hit my elbow and the thing I knew it was lots of pain and I couldn’t move my lower arm,” you replayed the events in your head and silently cringed at yourself, “and I came here.”
You looked up and found Steve’s brows knitted together as he kept his eyes on your chart. He was silent, but then you could see the subtle shake of his shoulders. You used your good hand and slapped his arm, “Steve Harrington, you’re laughing! Don’t laugh at me, you said you wouldn’t!”
“Honey, honey, honey,” he took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze, “I’m not laughing at you…I’m just amused by the situation.”
“You wouldn’t be laughing at another patient!”
“Other patients aren’t my wife,” he put a finger under your chin and turned your face up to meet his, “and I love you more than anything, so it’s affectionate teasing.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” you huffed, but there was no malice behind your voice, “now make it better…please.”
“I will,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I promise I’ll make it better, sweetheart.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Ugh,” you sighed for what felt like the millionth time as you tried to move around to get comfortable. You were exhausted - tired and worn out from your accident and the excitement of the day, but sleep had proven to be elusive. The worst part of all, there were only certain ways you could lie down to keep your arm still and without causing too much pain. None of the positions were working. Steve was lying in bed next to you, attempting to read but you were sure he wasn’t doing much reading from all your huffing and puffing. You turned your head and gave him an apologetic look, “sorry Stevie.”
“It’s okay,” he promised as he dog-eared his page and snapped his book shut, setting it on the nightstand, “I know it’s difficult to adjust to, baby. Let me try and help.”
“This sucks,” you huffed before looking over at him, both of you breaking into a fit of giggles, “I’m never doing anything else again for myself. It’s proven to be a bad idea.”
“I’d say the broken ankle worked out pretty well,” he grinned as you looked at him in confusion, “more or less. I got to meet the girl of my dreams right there in the ER.”
“And to think, if I hadn’t broken my ankle we’d have never met,” you said, touching his cheek with your good hand and giving him a soft smile, “the injury sucked, but the man I got out of it is pretty amazing.”
“Who knows,” he shrugged with a small smile, “maybe something good will come out of this too. You’ll just have to get better first. That means listening to me and taking it easy and -”
“Asking for help,” you finished softly, “I will, Steve. I will. But I have a request for when this mess is all healed…”
“Go on, I’m curious now…”
“Can we get a dog?” you asked with wide, curious eyes as his face softened. Of course you would use this for something like this. Truth was, he wanted a dog too, but it just never had been the right time, maybe now that dream would come true, “pretty please, Stevie?”
“We’ll see,” he promised and you could tell what he meant, which only caused your smile to grow, “we’re focusing on you first.”
“Fine,” you agreed happily, “but right now I just want to sleep.”
“C’mere,” he got out of bed and came over to your side, gently helping to move to the side he occupied just moments earlier. It was warm and smelled like him, which was immediately comforting. He adjusted your pillows and fluffed them, making it so you could lie on your side, but keeping your elbow propped up so you wouldn’t jostle or hurt it, “better?”
“Much,” you agreed as he slid into bed next to you, “and now I can sleep facing you. That makes me feel better.”
“Me too,” he promised softly, “plus, the view’s pretty fucking stunning.”
“Steve,” you playfully chided him, “I look and feel like a mess!”
“A beautiful, wonderful, amazing mess,” he joked, “that I love so very much. I promise it’ll be okay, angel. I’ll take care of you, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you leaned in as much as you could and he met you halfway, kissing you softly and gently, “I love you so much, Steve Harrington. You’re my savior, I swear.”
“I love you, clumsy girl,” he whispered against your lips, “I’ll always take care of you. I swear it.”
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
breaking the silence — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x nurse!fem!reader
warnings: s4 spoilers, canon s4 events, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of death, long fic (i got carried away oopsies)
a/n: thanks to my wifey @keerysbrowneyes for the idea :) <3
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
"can we go to the cafeteria?"
"what if she wakes up soon?"
"can we play dnd now?"
steve groans for the hundredth time today. the kids were on his last nerve.
"guys!" steve interjects all their questions. "yes, you all can go to the cafeteria. i'll stay with max in case she wakes up. and no will, you can't play dnd."
dustin smiles, along with lucas and erica, as will frowns. the party makes their way out of the room and down the hall, all will empty stomachs.
steve can finally relax as he sits in one of the chairs placed in the room. he stares at max. her eyes are still shut, the blood has now faded to a light pink color around her eyes. she still had all the casts on her body.
steve couldn't stare at her for long, or else he'd breakdown right then and there. instead, he chose to fiddle with his calloused fingers.
however his head picked up once the door opened, revealing a nurse he hasn't seen before.
usually the nurse was male, who was much older with his grey hair. this nurse looked younger, and was a woman.
"oh hi, i didn't think anyone would be in here right now," the nurse explains.
steve stands from the chair, "i can leave if you want?"
the nurse only smiles, "don't be silly. i'm just checking her vitals."
steve nods, before sitting back down. "do you know how much longer she'll be like this?" he asks.
"well she's taking all the medicine nicely, and getting the rest she needs. so i'd say give her one more month at most."
steve runs his fingers through his hair. it's been two months since the upside down incident. all he hoped for was for max to get better as quick as possible.
"are you her primary care-taker?" the nurse asks.
steve shakes his head.
"i just figured since you're here everyday to see her," the nurse explains.
"no uh- her mom checks on her sometimes. at least that's what she tells me."
the nurse nods, as she finishes taking max's vitals, and writing down any changes.
"thank you," steve gestures towards max, "for doing all this?"
the nurse laughs, "for doing my job? you're welcome," she puases, not knowing the man's name.
the nurse smiles, "steve."
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
twenty four hours pass and steve finds himself in the hospitals visiting max again. the only difference being robin sitting next to him.
keith agreed to let robin go with steve, as family video wasn't busy on tuesdays.
robin was in the middle of telling steve about her and vickie's date from last week, until a knock on the door interrupted the girl.
steve noticed the nurse that walked in. it was the same nurse as yesterday, and today she had a cart filled with medical supplies.
"oh hi steve," the nurse smiles, "who's this?" she gestures to robin.
robin waves, "i'm robin, steve's friend."
steve nods, "yeah she agreed to come with me today, instead of the kids."
"you knew those kids in the cafeteria yesterday?" the nurse asks.
steve nods again, "well they were friends with max before me, but yeah i guess i-" robin hits steve's shoulder. "we look after them now."
"that's sweet of you guys," the nurse smiles.
robin turns to steve once the nurse starts checking on max. steve turns to robin as well, confused once he gets a look from her.
robin gestures her head towards the nurse. steve on the other hand just dismisses it. she was totally asking about it later.
robin's seen steve with this same look on his face before. whenever he looked at a breathtaking girl walking into scoops or family video. it was the same way he looked at nancy.
robin smirked to herself while getting out of her chair, "do you want anything from the vending machine?" she asks steve.
he shakes his head, and sends her a narrow look, knowing why she was leaving the room so suddenly.
in five seconds, it was just steve and the nurse in max's room again.
"i never got your name yesterday," steve breaks the silence.
"it's y/n," she looks over at steve.
"that really suits you," he smiles, and notices her cheeks turning pink.
the very sweet moment was cut short when robin re-entered the room, with three bags of chips in hand. steve gave her a look.
"what? i'm hungry," robin answered, before sitting back down in the seat next to steve.
y/n finished filling out the paperwork for max, and took the iv out of her arm she put in earlier.
she then walked over to steve with a few papers in her hand. she first hands him two papers, "these are the improvements she's made since last week, and the negatives."
steve gets handed another paper, and tries to ignore how his fingers touched y/n's.
"this is for her care-taker, so either for you, or if you're lucky to find a legal guardian."
steve and robin both look over the papers, happy once they read max is finally starting to have bigger improvements.
a device on the medical cart beeps twice, making y/n have to leave the room quickly to get to another patient. once steve and robin are alone, robin's curiosity gets the best of her.
"you like her don't you?"
steve whips his head to face robin, "what kind of question is that? we just met yesterday."
"i'm not hearing a no steven."
"rob, come on, don't be ridiculous."
"all i'm saying is, maybe it's good that you finally moved on from nancy. she's with jonathan in california anyways. maybe it's time to hop off that train."
steve shakes his head, "gee thanks for reminding me robin."
steve knew robin had a point. all the unnecessary pining for a girl he couldn't have. it just weighed him down most of the time.
an announcement was emitted over the speakers of the hospital, stating that visiting hours were over. steve and robin get their belongings before leaving the room. they pass the cafeteria, making steve stop in his tracks.
"do you want to get food before we head home?" steve points to the food court like area.
"no, vickie's actually picking me up for a date," robin nonchalantly answers.
steve's eyes widen, "wow, and you didn't tell me?" he laughs.
robin shoves him, before she starts walking to the lobby, "i was going to tell you eventually."
the pair shares a wave, knowing they were probably going to see each other again by the end of the week.
steve was quick to grab food, knowing exactly what he was in the mood for. a sandwich, a drink and a chocolate chip cookie were on the white tray.
he turned, and look around the tables. some were filled with parents. others had just one person, and some were empty with a few crumbs littered on top. steve however noticed on table in particular.
he recognized the purple scrubs of the nurse who he saw less than thirty minutes ago.
several thoughts flooded his mind as he walked over to the table y/n was sitting at.
what if she doesn't want to see me again? maybe she can't sit with visitors. what if she wants to eat alone?
however the thoughts don't stop him from standing in front of the table.
y/n picks her head up from her food, and sees a familiar grey jacket. her eyes reach the eyes of the person standing in front of her. she smiles, once she notices it's steve.
"hi steve," her smile never falters.
steve points to the empty chair across from her, "can i sit?"
y/n nods, "be my guest. i was feeling kind of lonely anyway."
steve and y/n both smile as he sits down across from her. they both eat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before steve breaks the silence for the second time today.
"what made you become a nurse?"
y/n takes in a short breath, which doesn't go unnoticed by steve. she wasn't sure why she was about to tell him the real reason, but she felt like she could trust him.
"before my dad passed away, i felt like i wasn't doing enough when he was in the hopsital. so when he passed, i made this like, promise to myself to help everyone else since i couldn't help him."
steve's heart breaks for the girl in front of him, "i'm so sorry y/n."
y/n can tell his voice is nothing but sincere. she only smiles, her own voice now feeling lost.
steve, trying his best to change the subject, asks another question.
"is this your first job?"
y/n nods, "yeah, i was going to work at the mall after high school, but decided this is what i want to do for a while."
"i used to work at the mall," steve laughs, making y/n gasp slightly.
"seriously? which store did you work at?"
"scoops ahoy, you know it?"
y/n nods, "i walked by it probably hundreds of times while me and my friends were out shopping," she laughs, now remembering seeing steve in that stupid sailor uniform whenever she passed by.
"but then the mall got destroyed from that fire," steve continued, "so now i work at family video. next to the arcade."
"i've been meaning to get some movies from there. but with school and work i've just been too busy," y/n sighs. don't get her wrong, she loves everything about her job, and the opportunities she's been given at such a young age. she only misses the amount of free time she used to have.
"i have a shift tomorrow, if you want to stop by whenever your shift ends, i can recommend some great movies," steve offers, in hope to be able to see her again tomorrow.
"i'll have to see how late i'm working tomorrow. i'd love to see you again," y/n catches onto to what she just said, which made steve raise his eyebrows and laugh quietly.
"i mean, i'd love to see you recommend me some movies. not that i won't be happy to see you again."
steve chuckles again at y/n's rambling, which instantly reminds him of robin.
"i know what you mean y/n, don't worry."
y/n's shoulder relax, as her and steve both finish their meals.
y/n takes both her and steve's white trays to the trash bins, and dumps the containers inside. steve grabs his car keys and wallet, along with y/n's jacket draped over the back of the chair and her purse.
y/n thanks steve while putting on her jacket. the two of them walk down the hallway together, and make their way through the lobby and out into the parking lot.
"you know you didn't have to walk me to my car right?" y/n lets out a giggle, which steve finds adorable.
"i know, just thought it'd be the chivalrous thing to do," steve chuckles, as he remembers dustin using that word a lot.
"well thank you steve," y/n sends him a smile, before reaching in her pockets, looking for her car keys.
steve realizes he's still holding her purse. he lets out a small 'oh' before handing it to her, making her thank him again.
steve waves to her as she turns her car on. he makes sure she leaves the parking lot safely, before he starts walking over to his own.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
steve's shift at family video the next day was uneventful and slow. only three customers have come in since steve's shift started. was it slow because he wanted to leave? maybe. did he want to leave only so he could see y/n again? absolutely.
robin noticed how bored steve looked as he played with the slinky on the counter.
"keith won't care if you leave ten minutes early ya know?" robin states, "we've been slow all day."
"you're telling me this why?" steve turns to face robin, who's stocking one of the shelves.
"you and i both know you just want to see that hot nurse from yesterday, who you obviously have chemistry with."
"i did not call her hot," steve dismisses.
"no, but you're thinking it," robin smirks.
steve just sends her a look, which makes robin laugh as she continues working.
steve contemplates on leaving early. he knew keith wouldn't care, just like robin said a moment ago.
"screw it."
steve walks into the small break room in the back of the store and clocks out. he grabs his keys and wallet, and a can of coke for the drive there, then jogs slightly through the store to get to his car.
"bye romeo!" robin yells as the store door closes.
steve's thankful the hopsital is close to fanily video, making him only have to deal with a twenty three minute drive.
he's lucky to find a parking spot. he takes notice of all the cars in the parking lot, knowing how busy it must be inside.
steve walked in and his assumption was correct. the lobby was almost filled to the brim with visitors, incoming patients, and doctors coming in and out through every door.
he walked to the front desk, and was surprised how quick he got his visitor sticker.
while walking through the hallway to get down to max's room, steve was passed by many doctors, nurses and patients. one nurse he wasn't expecting to see run by was y/n.
y/n, two doctors, and two others nurses were running by steve at the same time. he heard a certain code from the speakers as they all ran by, as well as calls from their moniters.
steve stopped walking for a moment, as he turned to see the group of five running back with a little girl on a stretcher. she looked maybe six or seven, and was as white as a ghost. her cries could be heard throughout the lower level of the hospital, even with the mask on her face.
steve got back to his original task, once the hallway had calmed down. he finally made it to max's room. he smiled when he saw the familiar room number.
"what are you guys doing here?" steve thinks out loud, as he's met with the whole party in max's room.
lucas, erica, will, mike and eleven all stood beside the bed near the window, while nancy and jonathan sat in the seats.
"mike, nancy and jonathan all came back from california this morning. we thought they should come see max," will explains.
just as steve is about to ask another question, a knock on the door makes him turn. a nurse comes in, who isn't y/n.
"oh wow, a lot of visitors in here," she smiles.
the nurse starts to take max's vitals, just like any other day. with all of the people in the room, steve's face grows hot as he starts to feel claustrophobic. he tells nancy he'll be outside the room if any of them need him.
less than ten minutes pass as everyone walks out of max's room, besides the nurse.
they all walk past steve and go down the hallway, after nancy tells steve that all the kids are getting antsy and need to get out of the hospital. steve nodded in understanding, knowing they could only handle it for so long.
steve debates on going back inside to check on max, but decides not to.
whenever he goes into that room, all he can think of is it being his fault for her condition. he always feels as if he could've done more to protect her from vecna.
steve stands from the chair and starts walking to the cafeteria. might as well get free food before i leave.
his plans change however, once he turns the corner and sees y/n sitting on the floor. her elbows are resting on her bent knees while her hands are in her hair. steve hears the soft cries coming from the girl.
he jogs towards her, before kneeling down besides her.
"hey hey, are you okay?" his voice is gentle, as he rests his hand on her shoulder.
y/n's head turns. she definitely wasn't expecting to see steve at the hospital today. "what are you doing here?" her voice was raspy.
"i was visiting max, but then was going to get food, and i found you here. are you alright?"
y/n only shakes her head, after sniffling and wiping her eyes. "a little girl passed away, not long after she came in from an ambulance."
steve listens, keeping a hand on her shoulder as he rubs his thumb along the bone.
"i've dealt with patients passing before, but this one felt so different. her parents were in the room," y/n hiccups as she tries to catch her breath, "they were in the room while her time of death was announced."
steve didn't say anything in return. he simply stood up and held his hand out, which y/n instantly took. he helped her stand up, and was quick to open his arms. of course y/n complied.
steve's arms were wrapped loosely around her neck, while her own were around his waist. the action only made her break down more, making her grip onto steve's grey jacket. he gently swayed the two back and forth, in efforts of calming y/n down.
steve kissed the top of y/n's head once he heard her cries starting to die down.
"how would french fries and milkshakes make you feel right now?" steve asks, not moving from his current position.
y/n giggles before sniffling again, "i wouldn't hate it."
steve reluctanly pulls away from the hug, "when does your shift end?"
y/n checks her watch and chuckles, "two minutes ago actually. let me grab my things and i'll meet you in the lobby?"
steve nods, watching y/n walk away from him.
just as promised, steve's waiting in the lobby when y/n walks through the double doors.
they both walk out to the parking lot, and before y/n can walk to her own car, steve grabs y/n's shoulder.
she turns with her eyebrows furrowed.
"we can just take my car," steve offers, "we can go to the diner, and if you want to you can stay at mine for the night."
y/n's heart melts at steve's offer, as he starts to ramble.
"i mean you've probably had a long day, and i know if i were you i wouldn't want to be alone right now. i know we just met so it-"
"steve," y/n cuts him off.
"i'd love to," she smiles, making steve send one back to her.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
steve stuck to his word as he took himself and y/n to the diner nearby. they got a large order of fries, as steve got a chocolate milkshake and y/n got a strawberry one.
now the pair was at steve's house. his parents were out of town, which didn't surprise steve. which meant they had the house to themselves.
steve noticed y/n was still in her purple scrubs, which prompted him to ask, "do you want some comfortable clothes to change into?" he chuckles.
y/n nods, "if you don't mind, that'd be great."
steve motions for her to follow him up the stairs, which she does.
y/n looks around steve's room once they both enter, as steve goes over to his dresser. y/n sees the different trophies placed around the room, as well as multiple picture frames of what seems to be of himself and friends.
steve comes back to the girl, and hands her an old t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
"bathroom's right across the hall," he smiles. he hears a small 'thank you' as y/n walks out of his room.
he takes the time to change out of his jeans and polo shirt, and into a pair of pajama pants and old high school t-shirt.
he turns once he hears the bathroom door opening, and smiles at the sight of y/n wearing his own clothes.
"thank you steve," she places her old clothes by the wall, before standing in front of steve.
"thank you for everything actually," she admits.
"you're very welcome," steve smiles, "i just want to make sure you're okay after today."
y/n nods, "yeah, i think i'll be okay."
after a moment, steve breaks the silence, "do you want to go downstairs and watch a movie? or we could go outside and just talk?"
"i'm okay with a movie."
once y/n and steve make their way back downstairs and into the living room, a thought pops into y/n's head.
"do you mind if i call my mom first? just in case she calls and i'm not home, i'll tell her why."
steve points in the direction of the phone, "yeah of course, phone's in the kitchen by the fridge."
steve chuckles to himself when he hears another 'thank you' coming from y/n before she's in the kitchen.
steve can't help but look at the girl from the living room. he's able to see from her waist up, and still think she looks perfect in his clothes.
y/n hangs up the phone after a short conversation with her mom. she puts her head in her hands and takes in a deep breath. the last thing she wanted to do was breakdown in front of steve again.
"are you okay?"
speak of the devil. y/n saw steve standing right outside the kitchen. she simply nodded before walking over to him.
"today was just a lot," she sighs.
"i get that," steve agrees.
just by the look on y/n's face, he can tell a million different thoughts are going through her mind. he grabs her chin in his hand to make her look up at him, and then moves his hand to cup her cheek.
"are you sure your okay?" his voice is softer than before.
once again, y/n only nods.
steve and y/n mantain their eye contact, completely getting lost in each other's eyes.
y/n noticed how soft and gentle his eyes look. she believes there's a whole story underneath his eyes, but decided against asking.
as steve is doing the same thing to y/n, the girl leans up and kisses him on the lips quickly.
her heartbeat only picked up once he didn't say anything. she feared she had messed up the relationship the two had just started.
steve didn't move his hand from y/n's cheek, and he smirked slightly.
before y/n could start profusely apologizing, steve beat her to it.
"why'd you stop?"
the question immediately caught y/n off gaurd, "what?"
"why'd you stop kissing me?" steve asks again.
y/n can only stutter in response and before a full sentence can be formed, steve pulls her to him and kisses her on the lips.
his other hand moves to her waist, gripping at the skin peaking out from under the shirt.
y/n quickly responds by kissing him back, as both of her hands go to his waist.
y/n gasps slightly as steve turns to hold her against the wall that he was previously leaning on. the gasp gives steve the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, making the two's tongues have to fight for dominance.
"screw the movie," steve mumbles against y/n's lips, making her giggle before she wraps both of her arms around steve's neck.
y/n giggles again after steve grabs her hand, and pulls her back upstairs to his bedroom.
to say robin would be getting a very interesting call from steve the next morning would be an understatement.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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veryberryjelly · 8 months
pairing : steve harrington x reader
🎃 - caught in the rain
👻 - "come on under the covers with me"
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞
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you felt stupid to trust the weather man.
he had said the skies would be clear until tomorrow morning so you took it upon yourself to walk to steve's instead of driving to enjoy a nice fall walk amongst the leaves and slight chill in the air.
but of course the weather man had failed to mention that he was absolutely wrong, which was why you were practically running down the street towards steve's house as rain bucketed down onto of your head.
thankfully you hadn't brought anything with you other than a tupperware full of cookies which were safe underneath your jacket and t-shirt.
you almost slipped and fallen twice on the hill up towards steve's house but thankfully you had been able to stabilise yourself before you fell on your ass.
when you spotted his house through the rain you unintentionally sped up, wanting to bask in the warmth of his house as soon as possible and changing out of the dripping fabric that was making you shiver.
when you finally arrived under the porch of his house you let yourself relax a little, at least you didnt have the constant feeling of rain pattering on your head.
steve was quick to open the door once you knocked and the wave of warmth from inside his house gave you goosebumps.
" what the hell, did you walk here? " was the first words out of steve's mouth as he ushered you inside, shutting the door behind you to keep the warmth in.
" yeah, the weather guy said it was going to be dry until tomorrow, so i thought i'd go for a walk, but the skies decided to open when i was too far to turn back " you explained, pulling the box of brownies out from underneath your jacket.
" i made you brownies " you explained, a smile spreading onto your wet cheeks as you offered the box out to him.
he was a little bit floored.
while you were standing on his welcome mat absolutely soaked through, you had the brightest smile on your face and were offering him brownies.
" thank you.. wait here a minute and i'll grab you a towel and some dry clothes "
you nodded before he backed out of the room, setting the brownies on his kitchen counter.
it was only a few moments before steve returned with a towel in one hand and some of his clothes draped over the other.
" okay, here " he said, offering the towel out to you for out to dry yourself.
you instantly took the fabric, rubbing it over your hair in an attempt to stop it dripping down your back.
" and you can jump in the shower so you don't get pneumonia. "
a soft laugh fell from both of your lips as you continued drying yourself.
" okay, i'm gonna go do that and then we can actually spend some time together, because i havent seen you in two weeks. " you replied, leaning up to press a kiss onto his lips before you took the dry clothes from him and headed up to the bathroom to stop the chattering of your teeth.
you were only in there for about five minutes before you emerged in a pair of steves boxers and one of your favourite t-shirts of his.
instead of heading back downstairs, you went to his bedroom in hopes of finding the hairbrush you left there for when you stayed over.
but you found more than just a hairbrush.
you found steve laying onto of his bed with two steaming mugs on his bedside table along with the tupperware of brownies you had brought over.
a smile settled on his face when he spotted you a lot more comfortable and warm in his clothes.
it was moments before he lifted the blankets and spoke " come on under the covers with me, it'll warm you up "
who were you to tell him no ?
brushing your hair could wait until it was dry.
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241 notes · View notes
ash5monster01 · 8 months
Not Just The Books
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, no use of Y/N, smut, nudity, language, fluff, friends to lovers, minors DNI.
Summary: Steve catches you reading a smutty book and before the embarrassment can settle in you realize he is more interested in doing the stuff in the book with you.
word count: 3.5k
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It was not uncommon for you and Steve to be able to sit in silence comfortably. Sometimes having the presence of a friend while you did different things was so much better than being alone. So you both sat comfortably in his living room, you in the easy chair, lamp on to illuminate your book, and him in the center of the couch, slumped down, as he watched whatever was on TV. The sound didn’t bother you as you read, you normally were in another world, not noticing the things around you. So even though Steve had the TV blaring with the hearing of a Grandpa, you didn’t even mind, the TV could explode and you wouldn’t notice. Thing was Steve always noticed you, even if his favorite movie was on TV.
So when he spotted you uncrossing your legs it peaked his interest. You still hadn’t torn your eyes from the book to see he had noticed your movement. Steve had almost turned away until he saw you had pressed your legs together, your teeth capturing your bottom lip. His heart accelerated slightly because he knew that kind of movement. He had caused many of girls that kind of movement, so when you started to shift in your seat, your breaths coming out in smaller pants he realized there was something more to the book you had tightly gripped in your hands. You still didn’t even flinch as Steve stood and walked over to you, in fact you couldn’t even tear your eyes from the page as he quite literally did it for you.
“Steve!” you screeched and he quickly noticed how dilated your eyes were, how fast your chest rose with each breath. You looked like a woman starved.
“Since when do books make you act like that” Steve teased, eyebrows raised highly and you felt the embarrassment burn through you.
“Please give me my book back” you begged, hand out, waiting for him to hand it over.
“You know, normally I would” and the panic started to set in as he turned the book towards himself. Steve never attempted to read your books. Why now?
“Please Steve!” you we’re quick, lunging towards him, but he was quicker. Your voice was rough, all worked up, and no one had even touched you.
“It’s always Steve you need to read more, when was the last time you opened a book, and now you don’t want me too?” he knew he was getting under your skin and you just prayed he woundn't read the page you were on. If there was some higher power out there they would keep him from reading that page right now.
“Just not that book, I was enjoying it” even Steve could hear how uncomfortable you sounded as you said it. It was as if you were trying to get him to cough it up without knowing what was so interesting about it.
“Well, I want to see what’s so good” and just like that his eyes dipped down and you launched for him. Yet Steve escaped your grasp, running across the room, and leaping onto the couch where he stood. Book now face open and you got to watch him read it in real time, like he was on a stage.
Claire panted out heavy breaths, skin on fire everywhere he left a wet love bite and blew on it. She tried to steady her breathing but as his wet kisses trailed down her stomach, finishing on the waist band of her shorts, she couldn’t quite seem to stop the breaths that came out.
Slowly his fingers curled into her waistband and she lifted her hips to make it easier, a silent conformation that what he was doing was okay. As the cool air of the bedroom hit her dripping core she couldn’t help but whimper over the thought of him burying himself between her folds.
“So perfect” he spoke, his tongue darting out to take a small taste. “And sweet”
Then just like that he was devouring her completely. So fast her back arched without her knowledge, pressing into him as he deliciously lapped up everything he could. Eating her out better than anyone ever had, and as his nose nudged against her clit she couldn’t help but begin to feel the coil tighten in her stomach. He had barely done anything and she was already ready to cum.
“Holy shit” Steve muttered, dropping his arms that held the book as he looked down at you from the couch. Very much unable to meet his eyes as he realized exactly what you were reading.
“Can I have my book back now?” you nervously asked, arm rubbing up and down your other one. Steve jumped back down to the ground. Trying to regain your gaze.
“Want to explain this to me?” he asked, holding it over and you quickly snatched it back.
“Not particularly” you now hyper aware of exactly how alone the two of you were right now.
“You like to read dirty books” he chuckled like a little kid and finally you dared to glance up at him only to see a smug look on his face, like he obtained information he was going to hold over your head for years to come.
“Most girls do Steve” you hissed attempting to hit him with the book but he quickly stopped you, his head coming to a shake.
“Whatever you say, it just looked like you were really enjoying it. I’d never seen you so…” he paused, trying to think of a word, and your heart accelerated. Thumping quickly against your ribs and you prayed he couldn’t hear it. “Worked up”
You sucked in a sharp breath as he said it and the air around you turned heavy. This had gone from embarrassing to mortifying because not only did you get caught reading about sex but you got caught for it turning you on. Steve had noticed you were turned on and now you wished he didn’t notice you even existed. “Can we not talk about this, I was acting like I always do”
“That’s a lie, you wouldn’t move while reading even if a tornado came through here but you couldn’t even sit still. You were needy and I know it because I’ve seen it a hundred times” now you were red as a fire truck and Steve was enjoying this way too much. Yet he was also getting turned on which he shouldn’t have because it’s you. His longest and oldest friend, the one he can be completely comfortable with but now he wanted to know exactly how wet you were from that stupid book and he wanted to see if he could get you wetter.
“Ah yes, King Steve, ruler of sex. Can’t take a hint but knows when a girl is turned on” you told him sarcastically, annoyed he insisted on embarrassing you further.
“So you admit to being turned on?” he said with a smirk and you rolled your eyes with a groan.
“My God give it a break, yes I was turned on, is that what you want to hear?” you asked him and as you let out heavy breaths and waited for him to give a sarcastic answer it never came. Instead he stared you down, like you admitting this suddenly made you a four course meal. Steve had never looked at you like this and now you were nervous all over again but about an entirely different thing.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you nervously asked, attempting to back away from him because now the foot and half between you two was way too close.
“I’m not doing anything” he told you, stepping towards you to shorten the distance again and you wished he hadn’t of done it because now Steve was replacing the guy in the book for you.
“Yes you are, you’re looking at me like you want to kiss me” you said, trying to make it sound like a joke but even to you is sounded nervous. Steve just tilted his head, eyeing you up and down completely.
“It looks like that because I do want to kiss you” how was he so comfortable talking to you like this? You had never crossed this line before and now you wanted him to touch you and stay away all at the same time. “So can I kiss you?”
“I uh, I I..-“ you stammered, unsure how you went from peacefully ignoring each other to the edge of the line. If you say yes you would give him a reason to cross it and that was a lot of responsibility for a person.
“I need an answer sweetheart, because I really really want to kiss you” he spoke slowly and you swallowed hard, still turned on from the book and now a little turned on by him.
“Uh yeah, I-I guess” you told him and a grin cracked across his face and before you could say anything more his hands were on your face and drawing your lips near his own. He waited a minute before pressing them to yours, whether is was hesitant or savory you weren’t sure. But after a steady breath he pressed against you, mouth hot and slotting between your own lips perfectly. He was a good kisser but you already knew that.
It took only seconds for it to get heated, his hands tugging lightly at your hair and tongue grazing your lip. You parted in an instant, letting his tongue tangle with your own and then it was over. He had you backing up all the way to wall, your back thumping against it, and his knee wedging between your legs. Against your better judgement you started to grind against it, unable to stop your self considering how worked up you had been. “Getting yourself so turned on without any release, seems like torture sweetheart”
“There was going to be release, later, when I was alone” and your response had Steve’s head tipping back as he let out a groan.
“Still unfair, why don’t you let me take care of you?” Steve coaxed and you involuntarily ground down on his leg, knowing release was right around the corner if you just let him. Was it worth it though? To cross this line just for some sweet release? For a touch that could unwind you more than your own hands could? You knew Steve was a good lay, had been legend among the Hawkins High halls because of it. Should you even find out for yourself with risk of ruining the friendship? Fuck it.
You didn’t even have to answer based on the way your lips smashed back into his own. He met your pace in the blink of an eye and you couldn’t keep yourself from pulling at the hem of his shirt, trying to lift it above his head. Even needier at the sight of his bare torso you began to ride his leg like your life depended on it. A deep chuckle left his throat as his hands dug in the doughy flesh of your hips, slowing your movements against him. He wanted to take his sweet time with you and if he went any slower you were going to be a whining mess.
“What do you need baby?” he asked against your neck, sucking hard on the sensitive spot there and you were in no position to care that he probably gave you a crimson hickey.
“Take off my shirt” you told him with a groan, keening as he licked the sore spot of your neck. He obeyed, removing the baggy T-shirt you had worn over here just to be met with the sight that you had forgone a bra. You watched as his eyes turned almost black at the sight of you, swallowing thickly before cupping his hands around both your breasts. The minute he began to knead the flesh your head was hitting back against the wall, fighting from grinding on his leg again. Something about Steve needily groping your chest ignited a fire within you and you had been doing good until your nipple was sucked into his warm mouth and involuntarily you bucked your hips on his leg so hard you felt your hips bones hit his own.
"Such a needy girl" he teased before moving to suck on your other breast. As much as his words turned you on you still found yourself needing to feel more in control. Steve would be too cocky knowing he got you to so desperately fall apart like this. So in a moment of courage you took some intiative. With his eyes still closed, mouth littering your breast with hickeys, you dropped your hand down and grasped his hard on through his sweats. You felt the squeak from his throat on your breast as you began to stroke him through his pants and just as the girls had said in highschol, Steve was intimidatingly big.
“Looks like the book turned more than just me on” you teased, a sly smile on your face and Steve removed his mouth from your breast, tongue grazing up the skin of you neck till he was face to face.
“That’s not the book, that’s you” he told you and these words gave you the rush of confidence you needed for your fingers to slip below his waist band and grasp his cock right at the base. He hissed at the feeling of your cool fingers and the attention you were giving him.
“Stevie is needy too, what does he need?” you hummed, eyes wide and innocently looking up at him. He squeezed his own eyes shut as you slowly stroked him, prepared to ease him out of his pants.
“Baby this is about you” he told you, trying his best to back away but you had a grip on him that he was enjoying way too much.
“I know, that’s why I want to do this” and you were spinning both of you around, pressing him against the wall he previously had you caged in. He groaned as you dropped to your knees, breasts swinging as you finally pulled his sweat pants down. His length stared you down but he looked delicious as ever. If someone had ever suggested you’d be sucking your best friends cock tonight you would’ve told them they were lying but now here you were, taking him into your mouth. You hummed at the saltiness of his skin, tongue swirling around his swollen tip. He grabbed your hair without even realizing, trying to ease you to take more of him. Slacking your jaw you allowed him to glide in and out of your warm mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat, humming against him which made him writhe against the wall.
“Okay, stop I’m going to cum” he pulled you off of him, arms easing under your own and lifting you to your feet as if you weighed nothing. You smiled deviously at him, chin slick with spit and he didn’t waste two seconds before pulling you into a deep kiss. “It’s my turn to get a taste now”
He was mumbling against your lips, arms wrapped around you as he carried you over to the couch he had been watching TV on. Once he had you laid gently across it he was removing his own pants and dropping to his knees to remove yours. He made sure to take his sweet time, pulling the soft material down your legs, memorizing the cream color of the lace panties that had been soaked against your mound. You tried not to whine out as he touched you everywhere but there. You were on the verge of begging until he finally moved to pull the cream fabric off of you. You went to close your legs but his arm stopped you, keeping you wide open for him.
“So perfect” he said and you groaned out.
“Don’t tease” and Steve knew you meant both about the book and about how he was taking care of you. So he just grinned before dipping down and licking a long stripe through your folds.
“And sweet” and you didn’t have any time to yell at him because he was devouring you whole. Your stomach jumped as he sucked harshly at your clit, back arching and pressing your pussy straight into his face. His hands gripped the back of your thighs, more than likely leaving bruised finger prints but you hoped they did. You wanted to remember the mind numbing head Steve Harrington gave you. You almost didn’t expect him to be so good at eating you out. You should’ve thought because your heels were digging into his back, hands tugging harshly as his curls, and you were moaning unapologetically because he was just that good. You could feel the coil begin to tighten in your stomach and you were grinding against his tongue, movements getting faster indicating you were right there. It wasn’t until his lips wrapped around your clit did you find yourself begin to snap, shaking as your body seemed to leave earth and come back to you all at once.
“Hope you’ve got another one in you baby” he cooed, kissing up your stomach and breasts. He finally met your mouth and even though you were already half worn out you found yourself gripping his cock in your hand again. He winced due to holding his own orgasm off and your thumb gently rolled over his tip.
“Show me what you’ve got Harrington” you were telling him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before sucking on his neck. Steve hoped you were leaving your mark and soon enough you were lining him up between your legs. You shuttered as he ran himself through your slick.
He couldn’t wait any longer and finally he was pushing himself in you, bottoming out in seconds as you fully sucked him in. He knew not to move as your mouth froze against his neck and he moved to kiss your lips, an apology and promise that it would stop hurting soon. He was in his own pain of needed relief until your hand was grazing down his bare back.
“Please move, I’m begging you” and he didn’t need to be told twice as he pulled back and slammed into you again. You moaned loudly and he quickly found his pace, moving in and out of you as best he could. Swiftly you grabbed his hands, placing them on your breasts which he didn’t hesitate to grip. He used them for balance as he slammed in and out you, massaging them and loving them as best he could. The way you were reacting made him realize this was what turned you on most, attention to your breasts. Needing to have his release soon he dipped down, removing one hand to suck at your nipple as hard as he could, hips still slamming into you. The wet heat of his mouth had you keening in seconds and you gasped out, trying your best not to yell.
“I’m coming Steve, fuck cum in me please” you begged and he almost came right there as he heard those words. In moments you were pulsating around him, clenching tightly and milking him for all he was worth. The tightness of you made him follow right after, thick ropes shooting into you. You panted heavily as you gripped his shoulders, indicating him not to move.
“I want you inside of me a little longer” you told him and he slowly eased down onto you, trying his best not to move and overstimulate you.
“Where the fuck did this behavior come from?” he asked, pressing gentle kisses to the hickeys he had littered your breasts with. He was trying his best not to get hard over the fact he was still inside of you.
“I’ve always been like this Steve” you told him, feeling him twitch inside you.
“This dirty, why haven’t we been fucking sooner?” he chuckled, mouth kissing your chin and you rolled your eyes.
“Because I don’t fuck around Steve, and I always told myself that if we did this it had to be real” and the weight of your words hit him with surprise. Yet it wasn’t the kind of surprise you had expected.
“You mean to tell me you liked me this whole time too? Then what the fuck have we been waiting for?” he groaned out and your eyes widened as you reached for him.
“You like me too?” you hopefully asked and he smiled, lifting to press his mouth to your own. You winced as he slipped out of you, no doubt a mess all over the couch that now had to be cleaned.
“Hell I love you, I’ve always loved you” he told you after a beat and you smiled up at him, realizing you should’ve read dirty books around him sooner.
“We’ll in that case, let’s do this again”
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For you to enjoy <3: @jjmaybankswifes-blog @halflifejess
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thxliaaa · 2 years
it changes everything | steve harrington
synopsis - before you and steve divorced, you found out you were pregnant with his baby but didn’t tell him because you didn’t want it to influence his decision about the divorce. 
pairing - steve harrington x reader 
genre - angst. secret pregnancy trope ;)
warning/s - mentions of pregnancy, blood, miscarriage, divorce, fighting. 
author’s note - japril’s divorce broke my heart, they deserved better &lt;3
based on one of the scenes from grey’s anatomy 
also i’m so sorry for the steve only content. I've been obsessed with him these past few days. i promise to post about the other characters soon so stay tuned. 
ps. in this imagine, the younger group is like 15-16 whereas the older group is like 25-26
part two
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The day you got married to Steve was the happiest day of your life. At first, everything was perfect. Both of you never left the honeymoon phase. Sure, the two of you might have arguments every now and then, but it was nothing major. You always knew that Steve wanted six babies, and the thought of it never fails to bring a smile to your face. However, when the two of you started trying for a baby, that’s when everything started to fall apart. 
Test after test, everything would always result in a negative one. You were getting weary of expecting something big, yet get nothing in return. Steve would always comfort you after everything even though he too was getting exhausted of being optimistic thinking that one day two lines might appear on your pregnancy test. That was until one night. 
Seeing two lines in the pregnancy test in your hand, you were ecstatic about this. You were finally gonna be a mother. When you told Steve about the good news over dinner, he was overjoyed. A tiny blob was finally growing inside of you. 
Steve was protective over you, he would never let you do simple things by yourself, he would always insist on doing it for you. You two were happy. But as they all say, everything good must come to an end. 
One night, you had just finished doing the dishes until you started to feel something running down your thighs. You went to the bathroom to check on it, and you saw blood. You started to feel pain on your lower abdomen, and in that moment, you knew something was wrong.
You grabbed the telephone that was on the bathroom counter and quickly dialed Steve. Once he answered, you told him about the predicament that you were in. "Steve, I'm bleeding so much right now"
As you said those words, Steve wasted no second at all and rushed to see his boss and told him about your current situation. Once he was permitted to go, he went to his car then started driving as fast as he could.
When he got home, he saw you lying on the floor with blood surrounding you. He quickly picked you up then started driving to the hospital to get you the help you needed.
Once he got there, he fought with the nurse just to make sure you get the medical attention you needed, and as soon as a doctor got to you, his hands ran through his hair because of worry and sat down. He was worried about you. 
As soon as you woke up, you were greeted with bad news. You had lost the baby. The good news didn’t even seem like good news to you, the thought about you losing your baby was the only thing on your mind right now. Why was life so unfair? You’ve done everything right, yet you get this in return? Everything felt like a fever dream. 
Weeks had passed and you shut everyone out. You knew Steve was trying hard to cheer you up, but even he had to fight his own battles with his own demons. Trying to conceive a baby was hard enough, but losing the baby you had tried so hard to create was even harder. You felt as if a part of you died that day. 
Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The pain was unbearable. Every night, you would cry yourself to sleep with Steve hearing your soft sobs as he tried to console you, but nothing helped. 
Steve has had enough one day so he decided to confront you about it. “When are you gonna move one, (Y/N)?” 
You turned to look at him in disbelief. Was he really asking you this question right now? Is he that insensitive that even you miscarrying was nothing to him? 
“When I’m ready, Steve” You scoffed. “We’ve been trying for months and having the thing we tried so hard to get stripped away from us is hard for me” You added. 
He furrowed his eyebrows at you. “I can’t believe you right now. Do you think this isn’t hard for me?” 
“I lost a child too, (Y/N)!” He exclaimed. “The best thing you can do right now is at least help yourself accept that it happened.” Steve added. 
“I can’t help you all the time, honey. It’s time you accept that our baby is gone.” He stepped closer towards you as he hugged you. “We can try again, (Y/N). We can always try again”
You closed your eyes as you sighed. “I know, it’s just that this is hard for me. I’m sorry, Steve” 
“I know, baby. Let’s just stay like this for a while” And that was what you did. 
Though that small talk may have worked a little, you still shut everyone around you out. Sure, you and Steve had your little arguments every now and then, but it was nothing major. However, Steve started to drift away from you. 
You started to notice this because of the way he acted. He became colder than usual and whenever you would ask him about his day, he would always respond with “It's nothing, just the usual” everyday. The consequences of your actions had finally started to show. 
So, you tried to be better, day by day, you picked yourself up piece by piece. You weren’t fully healed, but you were definitely better than before. Realizing that there’s no point in crying over something that happened, you decided to accept what had happened to you and let your baby move on to a better place. 
One night, when Steve got home, he went to the master bedroom to rest. You were building up the courage to tell him that you were ready to try again, but you were scared. Sitting down on the cold bathroom floor, tears started rolling down your face. Thoughts started filling your head. “What if this won’t work and we fail trying to conceive a baby again?” “What if it was a success yet you miscarry again?” 
Still, you ignored those negative thoughts and wiped the tears off of your face. You finally worked up the courage to tell Steve that you were ready to try again. Walking into the bedroom, you saw Steve laying down on the bed as he was watching TV. 
When you entered, he glanced at you for a second then back at the TV again. “Steve” you said softly as he turned to look at you with his eyebrows raised. 
“I think I’m ready to try again” 
“What?” He asked as you repeated what you had said. “I said, I think I’m ready to try again for a baby” You sat down on the bed beside him as he did the same thing. 
“Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you to do so. I’m ready whenever you’ll be ready” He said as he held your hand in his. “I’m ready now, Steve” 
“Are you sure?” He looked into your eyes as you nodded in return. His hands were on your face as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. 
And you spent your entire night making love with him for the first time in months. 
The predicament did not change, even after trying and trying, you still were getting negative results back. You were getting pessimistic again. 
With that, the two of you started drifting away from each other often burying yourselves with work to avoid interacting with each other. If you did talk, it would only be an exchange of 2-3 words. It turns out that you weren’t the only one who noticed this, Steve did too, and he decided to do something about it. 
One night, you and Steve were eating dinner in silence after work, only the sound of utensils filled the air. That was until Steve finally spoke. 
“I want to get a divorce” 
The clattering of your utensils stopped at his remark. You raised your head to look at him only to see him already looking at you. “Why?” you let out softly. 
“Because it’s not the same anymore, I miss the old us. But we both know that’s not gonna happen again” He stated. “What would happen if we tried again and again and got the same results every time? Would you still act the same as you did before? Would you let me pick you up over and over again?” He asked. 
“I’m getting tired too, (Y/N). I think it’s best if we go our separate ways” He said. 
You were stunned and stayed still in your position. You knew that he was right, and you didn’t bother fighting him. Tears just started rolling down your face as you let out a soft “Ok” in agreement with what he said. Steve’s heart broke at the sight of you, but he knew that this decision was for the best. 
That was until you started experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Nausea, sensitive to certain smells, and most importantly, your period was late. Other things could’ve been the cause of it too, but you knew that it would be better to know if it was what you think it was. 
You bought a pregnancy stick from a store, and as soon as you got home, you peed on it. Two lines appeared on it. You were pregnant. Joy was the only emotion you had right now. But it was soon replaced with sadness. 
You wanted to tell Steve so badly, but you knew that if you did, it would change his perspective on the divorce. You didn’t want him to stay with you just because of your baby, you believed that two people should stay together because they love each other, not because of a child. So, you decided not to tell him about it. 
The divorce did happen after a few weeks, and Steve let you have the house. Your morning sickness wasn’t getting any better. 
When you were walking around the mall to find baby items. You saw Steve and another girl with him. They were holding hands and kissing every now and then. You couldn’t help but feel jealous. That used to be you and him. But, you just ignored them and continued shopping. 
This secret was getting too heavy for you to hold on to so you had decided to tell your bestfriend, Robin. 
You, Steve, and Robin were close since high school and up till now. Robin was the first one to know about the divorce before you told the others about it. And now, Robin would be the first one to know about your secret pregnancy with yours and Steve’s baby. 
Once you told Robin about the news, she was so excited to find out that she was going to be an aunt. She caressed your belly as she started talking to the baby inside of you. 
“So how far along are you?” She asked. You sighed, “I haven’t gone to the doctor ever since I found out about this. The only time I went was to find out if I really was pregnant or not” You replied. 
“What? That’s nuts! You should go to the doctor to at least find out if the baby is healthy or not!” She exclaimed. “No! I won’t go to the doctor, not until I finish my first trimester. I’m scared that I’m gonna miscarry again. So no, I won’t go and nothing you say will make me change my decision about it” You fought back. 
“(Y/N) that’s dumb! You need to go to the doctor!” 
“Enough! I will go when I end my first trimester and my decision is final” You replied back as you slumped in your seat. Robin didn’t put up any more fight with you, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to change your mind about it, so she decided to go to the person she knew who could maybe help. 
You always had game nights on Fridays at Nancy and Jonathan’s place. They got married a few months after you and Steve did. This would be the first time you'd face Steve after your divorce. 
Everyone except you was already there when Steve had arrived. He greeted everyone in the room until Robin pulled him aside into the kitchen to talk with him. 
“So, how are you Steve?” Robin asked as Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you asking me that in general or is it about the divorce?” He queried. 
“Uhh, both?” Robin smiled awkwardly as Steve raised one of his eyebrows at her. “Well I’m good in general and I’m doing well after the divorce. I’ve been seeing other people now”
“Wow that didn’t take long at all” Robin scoffed as Steve defended himself “Hey, Hey! It’s been a few weeks since the divorce, okay?” 
“I waited and did not get right into it unlike other people” He added as she sighed at her friend. “Ok that’s good. I need to go now” She said but Steve pulled her back before she could even go. 
“How’s (Y/N) doing?” He asked worried about his ex-wife. “She’s doing good” Robin replied hesitantly before facing Steve.
Robin took a deep breath before telling Steve the truth that her best friend hid from him. Something that haunted her every single night debating whether or not to tell Steve about it. “(Y/N)’s pregnant” 
Steve stood there dumbfounded from what Robin had revealed to him. “It's yours, and she’s refusing to go to the doctor and I need you to convince her to go because she won’t. She just won’t go.”
Just as soon as he was about to reply, the front door opened revealing you. “So, I forgot to bring something but I ordered pizza, and I- Ooh is that Nancy’s cupcakes I smell? I need to have a taste of that” you giggle as you remove your shoes. 
Steve walked towards you furious that you kept your pregnancy from him. “Oh hi” you smiled at him, but he didn’t return the smile back. 
“Since when did you know?” He asked. “What do you mean?” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Since when did you know you were pregnant?” 
You froze. Robin told him about it. You turned to face Robin who was behind Steve with a worried look on her face. “You told him about this?” you exclaimed at her. 
“She did, but that’s not the point. You told Robin and not me?” He asked. “I don’t have time for this right now Steve” 
“Then when do you have time? Were you even planning on telling me about this?” He raised his voice at you. Everyone’s eyes were now at the both of you. “Steve, please don’t. Not here, not right now.” 
“You had enough time to tell me about this even before the divorce. You don’t think a pregnancy would have affected my decision to go forward with a divorce?” He asked
“I knew it would! But you didn’t want to stay with me!” You exclaimed. “People should stay married because they love each other, not because of a baby!” you added. 
“You think I want you to stay for my baby–” “Our baby” “And have you hating me for the rest of my life?” you argued with him. 
You and Steve continued to exchange more words until Nancy pulled you two apart from each other. “Hey, stop this now! There are teenagers watching you guys. Settle this some other time." She said.
The two of you were now staring at each other furiously. “This doesn’t change anything, Steve” 
Steve scoffed, “You’re right, it changes everything!” He replied as he went out and slammed the door on you. 
You stood there by the door, loss of words. The one person you trusted had revealed your secret, your ex-husband practically hates you now, you were embarassed that the others had to witness your fight with Steve.
And then, everything turned black.
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harrywavycurly · 2 months
Texting Boyfriend Joe Keery Part 4: A Few Days
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
A/N: I hope y’all enjoy this super cute and fluffy update! Also friendly reminder that in this series Joe loves to spoil you and do whatever he can to make your life easier✨
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