#Johanna Blitzo
ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Urgent Letter.
It’s been months, who the hell am I fooling. decades is more like it. . I thought I could do this on my own. that he had best intentions for me, but I was wrong. I see that now. I can’t do this on my own.  He is getting stronger by the day. “you should’ve seen the way his eyes pierced through Johanna’s disguise.  he knows something is up. I can’t hide from him. I’m afraid,  Angel if he finds out I’m writing this letter. he is peering through a scrying mirror. and already knows of my deception. He breaks down every chance he gets. Even as I continue to write this down I can see his shadow lurking within doorway. He has broken into the Hazbin Hotel. Has stolen Alastor’s magic. ”Check your rooms for his sentient shadow. you can extinguish it.  And I can only imagine what It is thinking.  Its a carnivore so be weary.
Everything now is askewed,  He tells me I’m making things unnecessarily complicated when I start asking questions. and at times I wonder if he’s right.  his mid games have become frighteningly acute. As I write this my hand is trembling. “you and I both know who put Stolas into that coma. But everyone is searching me. hunting me down.  but they’ll never find me. Striker has made sure of that.  you know as I continue writing this letter I have to ask myself why am I bothering. but  If I am to disappear I want to know the truth of what they think of me.  Angel, and Joe.  I know I am asking a lot but I need to find them. I need to know if he is right. I know he isn’t- but I’m starting to believe him. Moxxie and Millie: should be in the Envy Ring: dealing with Moxxie Maffiso boss or back in Wrath on Mildred’s family farm.  My Loony,  is my greatest disappointment. because I never got tell her how much I loved her- not like she’d hear me out. But, regardless of what she thinks I still want the very best for her. ”In the mail, I also sent packages out containing a personal message from me.  “If you can Angel,  tell them that I’m sorry, and If you get ahold of Loona tell her that Daddy misses his little girl. I’m tired and I’m losing myself. everyday I feel a piece of myself disenagrate. Striker is more then he seems,  he is ancient hybrid.  The Cowboy,  remembers things so differently then how they happened. ”Am I losing my mind,  your my last hope sugar-daddy”
PS, I need to know that state and condition of I.M.P.  That company has  been my life work, and despite it burning down during the failed assassination attempt. that, was the catalyst of it all.  Now, Stolas rests in a coma. Possibly blind by the burning flint. I have this feeling that Moxxie and Millie are keeping my company afloat. ”I need them if I am to break free of these chains that bind me, I can’t trust the Cowboy- I keep getting mixed signals.
I am trapped. if I escape. I know he will hunt each of you down. He has the overlords in his pocket. I don’t know how long I can keep this charade up.  Johanna has become dangerously close. I can’t seem to catch a break, everyone wants me dead.  Striker is the only one standing in the way. And your in his way.  Angel, your the only stopping him. but won’t last forever.  But knowing you, you’ll think of something. I promise to end, the pimp’s life- even if it means my own. Signed Blitzo, the Loveless Harlequins.
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flower-boi16 · 2 months
"Stolas is a dad trying his best" fuck that. Here are some ACTUAL parents trying their best.
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Camila Noceda from the owl house
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Eda Clawthorne from the owl house.
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Professor Utonium from the OG Powerpuff Girls
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Johanna from Hilda
And. Let's not forget.
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Blitzo from the same show.
Give me other examples in the reblogs!
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A crazy MK guest character idea I just had
It’s insane...and it would never happen. But considering the show is on...again, it’s insane. Also wanted to make sure the title made sense.
But the idea for the guest character is just...again, crazy. 
Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House in Mortal Kombat. Particularly MK11 because I was playing it many minutes ago...
It’s such a crazy idea. But since I did talk about Alastor from Hazbin Hotel in MK last year. Which would make more sense. And I’m thinking of others. 
But it’s just so amusing to think about the interactions. Mainly because of the concept of Wendie Malick as the voice of Eda, interacting with every fighter. Here’s one, and the fun part about it. They wouldn’t censor Eda.
Eda: You really remind me of one of my boyfriends.
Noob Saibot: How do I remind you of him witch?
Eda: He was dark, gloomy, and in general, a complete asshole.
There’s the idea of also Blitzo from Helluva Boss and last year, Angel Dust. 
...and somehow Johanna from Hilda...but that makes no damn sense and I’m being weird.
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ambrial-blog · 9 months
The Dancer and the Assassin
Meanwhile back at the Devil's Backbone: an isolated ranch located out in the far recess of Wrath. Known for its stark alabaster beauty: The Devil's backbone ran the length of nine acres. Nine acres of dried up desert heat. It was out in the middle of nowhere. Where heat sickness was a common disease. And the chances of anyone finding you was slim to nil. It was Striker's hideout. The outlaw had millions of them, scattered throughout the seven rings of hell. The Devil's backbone was home to Blitzo Nash as well. A former boss imp who was out to prove everyone wrong. He had every intention in clearing his name.... correction once he had every intention of clearing his name. But over the years things had changed, the scarlet imp was skillful, resilient and resourceful. But could never run fast enough to get out of Striker's looming shadow.
While Moonlighting as a famous NASCAR Racer, a speed demon on the Devil's Circuit. Numerous overlords came from all around, frothing at the mouth eager to sponsor the scarlet speedster. That took hell by storm. Eighteen and without seemingly a care in the world. Blitzo Nash became a rising star: in the NASCAR industry. Blitzo was a adrenaline junkie. Fizzorolli could've sworn Blitzo was born with gasoline in his veins: by how much Blitzo enjoyed burning rubber as he tore up the race track. Nothing could hold him back and the confidence Blitz extruded was contagious.
But then tragedy striked on the race tracks. Fizzorolli's living nightmare comes to life. As he slowly pulls the unconscious body of his child hood friend from the burning wreckage. The warped and twisted metal of his NASCAR smoldered in the dimly lit stadium. Fizzorolli's breath catches in his throat and under the ember glow of the defiant fire-lit torches that blazed high in the jet black skies. Blitzo's injuries were visiable, A large crack split the center of his obsidian helmet. Fizzorolli panicked, He couldn't tell if Blitz was breathing-or not. His body was too still. As the hushed whispers from the surrounding auidance burned his ears. … as he clutched onto Blitzo screaming his name into the still night. . As the ambulances... wailing siren could be heard in the background. Blitzo's memories were fragmented, due to a fractured skull. It would take two decades for the scarlet devil to reclaim his racing tittle. But he would never recover from the devil's bargin. A bargin he wish he never made, A deal he struck with a vengful snake. While suffering through years of painful rehibilitation. Blitzo finally turns his back on I.M.P. the snake was determined to keep Blitz all to himself. And, he had a way to break the rodeo
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin.
Blitzo eats slowly, not really wanting to leave. Striker had been very thorough in the love making. Johanna notices him eating slowly. Blitzo could barely sit. “Oh Blitz”  she could tell the Assassin was at his breaking point.  Blitzo has bruises on his wrists and forearms, his eyes widen when he realizes that she is staring at him he scrambles to hide them.  Johanna frowns. What had happened to him. How powerful was Striker’s hold?. and how could she break it. Her eyes zero in on a large bruise in the form of a large handprint.  Striker wasn’t scared of her, he was taunting her. Using Blitzo’s body as a canvas.  Johanna reaches out as Blitzo freezes his eyes locking on Johanna’s.  an image of Stolas reaching out for his hand took him aback. Blitzo lightly smacks her hand away. “Its nothing,  I’m in the killing biz after all there is bound to be collateral damage. He says it with a wide smile on his face,  a shit eating grin that never quite reaches his eyes. and how dull those eyes were, lacking warmth or any regard to his own character. Johanna found it disturbing how Blitz would put himself down. The Dancer doesn’t believe him, she felt pity for the imp sitting across from her. but she decided to keep quite and to go along with it.  Blitz had fascinated her, he wasn’t like Victor.  There was a hidden strength to him. a primal fury, that simmers beneath.
After the small  Luncheon Johanna managed to talk Blitzo into going back to her fancy suite  The Assassin was taken aback at first.  The  glossy floors, the thoroughbred rugs.  A small bar wedged into the corner. A large sectional,  with mahogany nightstands and red and pink Lava lamps. glowing in the dimly lit room.  The Living room was spacious. A large TV took up an entire  wall. Equipped with surround sound.  The kitchen was emasculate and clean. Blitzo suddenly felt like he didn’t belong. ”You have a nice place” Blitzo said. ”Thanks, Val is paying for this, I just have to supply him with the lost souls” ”I’ll do it!, if it is the last thing I do, I nail both Striker and Valentino” Blitzo grits Startling Johanna out of her thoughts. “At least I could help you find your parents” Blitzo offered.  It looked liked Blitzo was beginning to second guess himself.  It had been decades since he had last seen his daughter.  But he knew he couldn’t do this alone. He had tried that once and it nearly broke him. ”I’ll keep up my end of the bargain if you do something for me first” ”What is it? asks Joe. ”Can you give this letter to Angel Dust” He asks handing her a piece of paper.
“Tell him, that I can’t do this on my own, I need him to check on something for me” he informs her. Once I hear back from him, then I’ll know, Striker is lying to me” ”Its kind of obvious Blitz” she answers.
“I just need to know that they’re doing okay, I do care about them even if I’m no longer in their lives”
“I just know Striker would talk me out it, or he would accuse me of being unfaithful to our partnership” ”Aren’t you?” she asks.  taking the piece of folded up paper and placing it in an envelope. ”Consider it delivered” she replies. Johanna notices that the assassin’s attention was divided. Johanna didn’t know the cowboy personally. but as the boss imp kept glancing at an old antique grandfather clock. That was cocooned into a corner. It was apparent that whatever this snake imp did to the scarlet devil, it had thoroughly broken him.  It looked like Blitzo had been isolated for years.  she could only catch glimmers of his former self. Blitzo knew if he wasn’t back at the restaurant at the exact time Striker was expecting him. The Cowboy would make a scene. Striker had a way of twisting words to his advantage.  and in the end Blitzo would be the one to apologize.  Johanna chuckles softly,  “Just relax Blitz, he’s not here yet, your safe my security system is top notch”  the dancer reassures. Blitzo smiles half-heartedly. Before the dancer pounces on him.  Blitzo flips her onto her back pinning her down.  brushing the hair out of her eyes.  Johanna smirks.  “What can I say, I love to wrestle” she says winding her legs around his torso and flipping him around.  Blitzo’s tail swishes back and forth happily as the Dancer straddles his hips and pins his arms above his head. ”And I bet you like to be in control” her voice dips into a low sultry purr. Blitzo’s tail flick back and forth.  An infectious smile appears on his face, his eyes are alight with mischief.  as Johanna legs wrap around his waist. her hand slides beneath his shirt. Blitzo winces before turning the table on the dancer he flips her over pinning her arms above her head, in a straight up contradiction.
His shirt rides up exposing a plethora of tiny bruises and bite marks.  but her eyes were glued  to those hard pectoral muscles. her eyes were transfixed on a bead of sweat that glistens in the lighting. she slid her hand up his chest feeling every muscle. He grins flexing his pectorals. before that grin falls away to a painful grimace. He flinches a bit, but his grin remains. his hot hungry eyes trace over her body. She could feel her body burning, responding to his touches.  And suddenly and without question it hit her. She was in the presence of a hybrid. Blitzo was half Incubus. Half Inferno imp. A dangerous combination. Impulsively Johanna acts lifting her body up, capturing Blitzo’s lips with her own. She could feel the trembling, as he purrs into her mouth. It tickled her. How different he was with her. he was gentle.  unlike all the rest. and yet, she could taste the hesitance in his kiss. Striker was still there in the back of his mind. his eyes boring into Blitzo. ”Don’t stop, focus on me” ”Don’t let him control you, he isn’t here I am” ”This is real, I am real” she placed one of his hands on her breast trying to get him to focus. Johanna hisses, as her body tingles as Blitzo captures her lips his strong calloused hangs cares her soft skin as she mewls happily.  She wanted more, her body burned for more. she wanted to feel him.  she was acting crazy, this was so unlike herself.  She didn’t know how far the Assasin would take it. and at this point she really didn’t care. There was something lurking underneath the surface. Someone who was aching to be loved. He was a starved mountain lion, and she was a saucer of milk.
She slid off his shirt as Blitzo ran a hand up her thigh. Johanna hisses in pleasure tail curling around Blitzo’s waist drawing him closer. Blitzo grunts in pain as she tosses his shirt to the side. Blitzo suckles, and nips lightly. Blitzo closes his eyes trying to block Striker from his mind. He could almost here his irritable hiss, see his glowing serpentine eyes.  Johanna rakes her nails down the small of his back, gently rubbing the aches and pains away. ”Focus on my voice, and we can stop if you want. We can make a “Devil’s deal another way” she spoke. “I don’t want to hurt you Blitz, your risking a lot for a person you just met” ”Finding my parents is only the first step and I’ll be here, I’ve been watching you for a long time.” ”I’ve been drawn to you the moment you arrived” she reveals. ”He gets into my head, I can’t get him out, Striker is right I am pathetic” ”Do you really believe that?”  you must have something he wants bad” she replies. Johanna rises up, pressing her warms lips to his beating heart. Kissing her way down the length of his stomach.  “your nothing like what he says Blitz, that Cowboy might be a slippery snake but he doesn’t hold a candle to you”  she whispers into his ears. “anything he says is a lie” ”You caught him in a lie” ”you saw him on the phone” ”He sounded like Moxxie” ”He sounded like Millie” He even sounded like Loona” ”Yes Blitz, I did my research on you” ”I know who you are, we’re in the same boat” ”I need your help, Boss-man, and you need mine” ”I’m more influential then you know” She could feel him pressed against her. She could feel him trembling in her arms.  and she knew he was scared. he knew he had to return.  he had lost so much but he couldn’t break away.  she could feel him panicking. ”That’s enough!” he growls while panting her hands splayed over his torso and the prommint bruises that were there. ”We could find another way to create a contract, after all, I’m not Stolas” ”We can have something deeper Blitz,  something meaningful and real” she says.
Blitzo looks at her: she could she the confusion in his eyes. ”you pay me money and I take care of your problem” he answers.  He couldn’t tell what angle Johanna was aiming. was she just another contract? or could she be something more tangible?. Salvation?. Redemption?.  No, he didn’t deserve her. he had gotten himself into this mess.  but if what she was saying was true. If Striker was lying to him. didn’t he deserve answers?. ”Is this all  you want?” he asks her, while kissing her flat stomach. ”I’m not like him” she says. I won’t hurt you, will take it as slow as you want it” she promises detangling her limbs from his torso.
“your not bad” She smirks. your the first imp to have ever beat me” Blitzo grins stupidly up at her.  her eyes focus on his body as a sheen of sweat beads down his body. ”I used to mud wrestle with Striker all the time back in wrath, when we were first going out” ”When I was particularly feeling feisty I’d make him eat mud, before hog tying him. that year I had mud in places you wouldn’t believe. ”What happened?” Johanna asks. ”I can’t say, it was like a switch had been flipped.  suddenly everyone I knew stopped coming around. and when I tried to reach out to them. They turned on me, Loona was the worst.  the more I tried the further away I felt. Loona says it was my fault that IMP fell under.  That she never wanted me, never wanted to be adopted. She was eighteen. Moxxie and Millie  quit the business, Moxxie accused me of treason. saying that I set them up. that, Stolas was my fault.  That I had the audacity to side with the enemy.  and that the last straw was setting the company ablaze”
Prince Stolas had ended up in the Hospital, and soon after that my world fell apart.  my face was slapped over every tabloid in hell. I was Hell’s most wanted imp and Striker was there. He picked up the pieces and that was that. He told Johanna. The Dancer was silent, as Blitzo wraps his arms around her waist. ”That Cowlick doesn’t sound like much, he isn’t the world Blitz” ”I know that,  in here” he points to his heart. but not here” he says indicating his head. ”then why don’t you stay” she offers. ”Striker has been my world for two decades, he was there the night of the crash. I woke up in an ambulance. He told me Fizzorolli cut my breaks, but something doesn’t add up. I was fine going into that race. behind the wheel I had purpose. I had freedom. I feel asleep at the wheel and when I came to, I realized that the breaks had been cut, and I was headed toward  a concreate wall.
“He is the only one standing between me, and lynch mob” Stella and Octavia are out for blood.  Striker is all I have” ”That’s not true, what about Angel Dust?, Cherri Bomb?. … me?. Johanna says.
“I can’t ask you, its to dangerous Joe” he says.  “But I can’t let you leave” she says. ”you promised to deliver a letter, and need you Joe” ”you’ll come back, and we can finish what we started” ”Your one of the strongest imps, I have ever met and anyone would have to be crazy to let you go”  Johanna tells him while cupping his face. “Don’t let him win ”Heh, even those burly imps who appear to be on steroids”  Blitzo teases. ”I’m not kidding Blitzo, you really are one of a kind”
Blitzo closes his eyes, resting his head in her lap.  he didn’t want to believe her. but he felt strangely at peace.  “I’m counting on you Joe,  its been so long since I was allowed interactions I need Angel Dust. He’ll find a way to clear my name. Then maybe I’ll have a chance to break away from Striker once and for all. Blitzo let himself imagine what that would be like. Life without Striker.  no more accidents.  reestablishing his business and thriving once again. It seemed foolish. Striker’s claws were in too deep. if he couldn’t break away before what made him think he could break away now.  That letter was all he had, his hopes, his dreams, his very life was in there.  “It can’t be intercepted,  If It could reach the princess, he knew she would help.  she at least cared for the lower class. ”It imperative, otherwise Striker and I will disappear and lie low while you remain indebted to Valentino.  Blitzo stressed. ”I know, and I’ll make sure he gets it.  sleep now, I’ll watch over you”  Blitzo’s eyes fluttered. ”your body needs rest” she encourages. ”your safe in my arms”
“I’m sure I can lure Striker into killing Val. Val has something Striker desperately wants.” ”what is that” spoke Johanna. ”A surplus of angelic weaponry, and a means to get more, If Val wanted to he could hire Striker to assassinate Lucifer that is how sure I am, we are treading on thin ice.”
Angel Dust has secretly been working with us for months now, alongside his family.  Molly and Archanis.  All three spider demons are trying to locate  the where houses that the stolen merchandise are kept.  They will be essential in taking down Val.  Blitzo purrs closing his eyes as Johanna caresses’ her knuckles along he cheekbone. ”Blitzo….” Mrr… Mrr… Mrr…”
“At least you can take care of yourself” ”Well I guess all of my dancing classes, and martial arts classes paid off” ”I have to protect myself, Blitz no one else will” ”hmm, your wrong, I will” Blitzo says. “I’ve never felt like this, or I haven’t felt like this in a long time” ”like what?” Johanna asks. ”Like I belong” Blitzo answers.
“I’m glad I got to come to this luncheon, you wouldn’t believe the things I had to do after Striker caught me in your dressing room, jumping to conclusions.  Blitzo suddenly felt small,  and unwanted: like he was no better then that ultra thin condom that Paimon paid his daddy in order to score a playdate for his son. Unraveling a mess of problems that Blitzo had to deal with, for years to come. ”I only answer to one imp,  and that’s Striker” ”Blitz, you need to open your eyes he’s hurting you” Blitzo pulls away and turns to her, “This is hell Johanna! everything down here is meant to hurt you!, hellborns are no different.! Blitzo hisses.
Blitzo looks at the time, and freaks out.  How long have they been here?.  When did he lose track of time!” realizing that if he didn’t leave now there would be hell to pay.  his heart hammered in his chest as he went about gathering his things.  Startling Johanna. ”We all have our own vices, our personal demons, past lives. I’ve learned to live with mine” ”I accepted that there was no one in hell who wanted me for who I am, so I became something I wasn’t.  “I’m willing to help you kill your boss,  but I can’t ask you to save me” ”Joe I don’t know if I can do this, I’m loyal to Striker” ”But is he loyal to you!” Johanna shot back.  The Boss imp found that he couldn’t answer that.
Every time he was around the country imp he became a shell of his former self, unthinking a walking time bomb.  “perhaps we could help each other out, the first step is getting Angel Dust that letter” ”But don’t lose yourself to him” she pleaded.
Somehow, and Blitzo nor Johanna knew how they arrived back at “ Web of Deception Café  just in time to see Striker waiting there with an impatient look on his face. As Johanna slinked on past him disguised as Angel Dust. ”Thanks for the lunch, Angel” ”No problem, next time I’ll take ya out into the turf wars with Cherri bomb, we could blow some stuff up”  says  the interloper. ”How long are ya here in Pride, sugar-daddy” ”I’ll be in pride until the next new moon, to pay my respects” Blitzo answers. ”Ah, gotchya, and your welcome Blitz” the imposter answers.
“So sorry, we’re late, must’ve lost track of time, haven’t seen this devil in ages” The Cowboy narrows his eyes, there was something off putting about Angel Dust but the hitman couldn’t put a finger on it… at least not yet anyways.
“Just don’t let it happen again, Dust, or that’s all you’ll be the next time I see ya” ”ooo, I’m shaking in my thigh high,  hooker boots cowboy, don’t forget who your talking to imp” Striker hisses.. ”Easy Butch Cassidy, it won’t happen again. I find it fascinating that every time, boss man here is involved your hackles rise and Blitzo can’t get a word in edge wise.” ”You’re not the only one with connections short stack”
Striker snarls and looks between the two. A sinner and a hellborn.  Blitzo wraps his arms around the Cowboy dragging the wrangler closer to his body. “Lets go home”  he says tugging Striker into a kiss winding his fingers into Striker’s bandanna. Striker’s tail coils around. ”hmm, that was nice” Striker purrs. stealing another kiss. making Johanna feel uncomfortable.  Striker whistles, Bombproof appears: A black stallion,  with a burning mane.  Striker placed a hand on Blitzo’s ass and sqeezeed side-eyeing Angel Dust as he did so. Blitzo grunts,  hissing in pain.  Blitzo’s face burned with shame and embarrassment. The cowboy got on the horse, reaching down he grasps Blitzo’s hand and hauls him up  sliding him over his lap.  his eyes narrow on Angel Dust, as a clawed hand rests on the small of Blitzo’s back. ”You got Blitzy’s letter slut” Johanna pauses. she shoots Blitzo a quick look. How does Striker already know about the letter she wonders. ”Listen lizard lips,  I have no idea what your talking about” ”BlitzO and I, were just catching up on old times, I’d like to see more of him, if that’s okay with your libido.” the imposter quips.
“We’ll talk again, this conversation is far from over” ”Oh I’m lookin forward to it, cactus breath” replies the imposter. ”The next time, I see ya, you won’t be so lucky. this time neither your brother nor your sister will be able to save you” ”What!, what was Striker talking about? Johanna thought.  “Shit she was getting in too deep. she needed to end this and fast.  “Just leave Molly and Archanis out of it. Its just between you and me Cowboy” Blitzo squirms underneath the Cowboy uncomfortably. tying to get Striker attention so Johanna could slip away.  A shiver went down Blitzo’s back as Striker flicked open a knife. Blitzo tries to rise out from under but Striker has him pinned down. ”Next time I see ya, I won’t have any second thoughts” Striker traces Blitzo’s face with the tip of the blade, and then looks challenging over at Angel Dust. ”Are you willing to risk his life, for some fabrication as to where the were houses are”  Striker hisses. Blitzo hisses a warning to Striker.  his tail flashes hitting the imp straight in the face.   Angel Dust whips around Johanna stares back in shock as Striker has Blitzo’s face in a vice like grasp.  his cheek was cut, and blood was dripping down towards his chin.  Blitzo gulped as Striker gripped Bombproofs leather reins  Striker his tail against the Stallion rear end, Bombproof rears up, kicking pebbles into Johanna’s face.  Angel Dust’s eyes were locked on Blitzo, who had a fearful look to his as the cowboy snarls and rode away, with the assassin in tow.
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin: The contract Killer, and his reluctant partner.
The Cowboy wasted no time in getting undressed, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the side.  Before doing the same with Blitzo. Running his tongue across the sculpted plains of Blitzo's bare chest. mindful of the plethora of bruises. He could feel the ripple of  taut muscle stretched over a lean body.  He could feel Blitzo's body quiver beneath him as he raveled in his partner's untapped prowess that simmers: beneath crimson flesh.  jumping like kindling  embers at his touch. pale lips brush against hardening nipples. Striker nips Blitzo, teasing him. kissing a trail from his bruised sternum to his belly button. with each fiery touch Blitzo could feel  the rush of desire kindling like liquid fire as it seeps and pools into his groin.  Blitzo gives a sharp gasp of pleasure.  reaching up he clutches Striker's horns.  Blitzo hisses feeling Striker's sharp claws dig into his hips as the hard edge of  Striker's pulsating cock  brushes against his abdomen.  
He knew he wouldn't be  leaving this spot without the Cowboy getting  what he wanted. Striker was always infectious. Blitzo was drawn to him: like a moth to a flame. Blitzo could feel  Striker tugging  once again on the loops of his pants  and dragging  as he drags his partner's slick black slacks  down past his thighs.  the serpent's eyes lit up as he licks his lips.  the Cowboy runs a hand down  Blitzo's inner thigh, strumming his leg like a guitar before nipping the inner thigh.  Blitzo shudders giving a yelp of pain that melted into pleasure. Blitzo was purring.  Blitzo wiggles beneath him as Striker's hot breath ghosts  along the shaft of his exposed member. Striker could feel Blitzo's body trembling as his hands slide up Blitzo's body, gripping his hips he pulls the Boss imp towards him. his head bowed the serpent's head bobbed as he swallowed Blitzo whole. The Boss imp's legs were around his shoulders his hands gripped tightly onto Blitzo as he continued to suck. Blitzo reaches up gripping Striker's horns, grunting as Striker lifts him into his arms his hand sqeeze Blitzo's ass. Blitzo finds himself cornered  and pressed up against the wall.  Striker gulps down the warm salty liquid. He could fee Blitzo start to coil around him. he listened a soft growl vibrating through his chest.
Striker takes Blitzo to bed, he lies the imp down, giving a playful nip to his inner thigh. before disappearing into the next room and coming back with his belt.  He ties Blitzo's hands behind his back and crawls between his legs. He buries Blitzo's face into the pillow lifting up his hips he swiftly pernitrates the hybrid from behind. gripping his horns. He thrusted.  running his claws up Blitzo's  thighs and dragging them down Blitzo's back. The Harlequin's body jerks and twists. As the thrusts grew  harder, faster, deeper. Blitzo cries out out in pain but all  Striker could think about was that Dancer. He didn't know her name,  or what she wanted with his partner. he knew one thing though if Blitzy wanted to go to the luncheon with Angel Dust this week he'd have to try harder to please the cowboy. and he wasn't off to a good start. Striker had taught him a lesson. his last partner wound up in the ground, north of Wrath in an unmarked grave.  
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin
As the stillness dragged on, the wrangler grew furious. The Cowboy’s newfound silence was terrifying. He had taken thing too far with the young hybrid. There was an implicit threat between them.  How could he possibly make this right? How could he change things? Blitzo knew he wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. If he didn't get things dissolved quickly, he would be locked up again. Blitzo put his arms around the Cowboy as they rode into town. The cowboy grinned sadistically as he tied the reins around his partner's wrists to keep him in place. Blitzo waited sucking down the shame that flickered in his eyes as he watched the Cowboy saunter into a nearby hotel to purchase a room for the night.
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and The Assassin
He listened to the creaking floorboards and heavy footfalls approaching, Blitzo came to a halt, his pulse quickening in his chest. The shape of a man emerges from the shadows. As a pair of maralavent eyes pierce through the veil of darkness. Blitzo gasps, taking a feeble step backwards as their eyes locked.  There was a bitter coldness to them, a hard disdain, that  reflected in the Cowboy's eyes. Sickly yellow eyes, swirling with embittered rage, shone brightly with an evil intent.
“Oh there you are sugar-cube"  , you had me worried, I was wondering where you scampered off to anyway, I thought I told you to stay put Blitzy?”
The snake hissed, “Who was that you were talking to?” He looked around the room.
“You can tell me darlin, I promise this time I won’t hurt you. I just don’t want you running off, or having some cheap tramp think you up for grabs” he hisses.
“You don’t know what kind of filthy vermin are running around, selling their bodies just to survive.
“you and I are a superior then most of our kind, I wouldn’t want to tarnish that gorgeous body of yours with a walking disease”
Blitzo backed up, the top of his hip hitting the sharp edge of Johanna’s vanity. His body was trembling, for once not in fear but in rage
“Your one to talk you took everything from me, I have no friends, no family, why would I surrender her name to you” snapped Blitzo as he continued, “You put Stolas into a comma and framed me!, making it difficult to show my face out in public.
“I caught you mimicking my voice telling M&M to piss off that I no longer needed them!”
“You called Belphegor and left an anonymous tip, concerning a roaming hellhound sleeping on the streets. I’ve had enough of your shit! I want out of this partnership!.
With a harrowing look from Striker, Blitzo’s voice drops and patters off,  as he peers down at his boots then back up into Striker’s eyes.
He knew he had crossed the line when he saw those cold, uncaring eyes size him up.
Blitzo gulps, listening to the snake imp's claws dragging across the doorframe, with the flick of his tail he slams the door shut.
Blitzo knew he couldn’t take it back,  as the door slams shut  behind the cowboy.
“I can’t remember the last time I had any sort of contact with the outside world” Blitzo quickly says trying to diffuse the situation.
“She is just a friend”
“No she is liability Blitzy”
“I’m just trying to get to know her better”
“I don’t think so, sugar-cube, your spoken for”
“I’m still allowed to have friends, right? Or are you planning on taking that away from me too?.
Striker growls, needing to nip this in the bud. “How long has it been since I’ve spoken to either Moxxie or Millie?”
“They’ve moved on, like we’ve moved on!” Striker snarls, “You don’t need them you have Me, what more could you possibly want darlin?
Striker punches Blitzo in the face as he lunges forward. Blood gushes from Blitzo's mouth and nostrils as he doubles over, letting out a feral hiss.
Which only riled the serpent even more.
As the Cowboy tears up Johanna’s dressing room.
Striker Stop! Blitzo cries out as the outlaw grips him by the neck and hoists him up off the floor. Before slamming his body down upon the wooden surface, causing it to splinter and break. Sending tiny wooden shards spewing across the room. Striker then wrenches Blitzo’s arm behind his back and shoves him into a nearby dresser, smooshing his face against a splintered mirror.
“Don’t do this, not here” Blitzo begs.
“She is only a friend, not even that!”
“I doubt that she’s only a friend, because you don’t have friends, Blitzsssy,” he hisses.
“You only have notches on the bedpost, but I’ve stopped that cold, haven’t I?" Striker growls, forcing Blitzo onto his knees.
“Should I keep you home from now on?”
“You’d be so lonely without me Bossman” he purrs.
“I told you to wait for me!, I don’t know how much clearer I can be. The only reason I brought you here was to help take out Valentino.
“So you can pin that on me too!”
“Now you're catching on partner, I’d never turn you in though Blitz, you're too much fun,”
Blitzo growls under his breath as Striker grips him by the neck, “Now, how are you going to fix this? I can’t have you running around and sleeping with fleas’
I just wanted to let her know I admired her dancing, and that her performance on stage was hypnotic.
Striker hisses, cursing Johanna’s name as he pulls Blitzo closer to him. His eyes flickered with hunger as a dark rumbling came from his chest.
As the snake imp searched his eyes, he sought any evidence that the former boss imp was lying. Without warning, he slams Blitzo against Johanna’s dresser, forcing him to look in the mirror. Blitzo winces as a tiny shard of glass Knicks his cheek.
“The next time I see you here, Blitzy I  want you to remember this moment. His hot breath coasted along Blitzo’s slender neck as the snake imp’s hand slid beneath the hem of his waist. Blitzo’s eyes widened as he knelt down. He felt goosebumps run down his arms.
As a single clawed finger trails down the spine of his back, and plunges into Blitzo's hole.
Striker smirks. Blitzo felt uncomfortable as another digit was added.
“Don’t do this, not here! Blitzo cries. As a forked tongue slid out. “consider this light punishment for disobeying me this evening’ Striker purrs before sinking his teeth into Blitzo’s Shoulderblade.
“I love you, no one else does”
“Fizz left your sorry ass alone in a hospital”
“Your father continues to sell you and uses you to fill his pockets full of green”
“Your sister is so disgusted with you she’d rather be in rehab than deal with your sorry ass!
“You burn bridges, Blitzy, look at Verosika and Stolas.
“Moxxie and Millie believe you’ve abandoned them” “
“That Mongrel of a daughter never cared. All she cares about is herself.
“I’m the only one who sees the good in you, and one day you’ll return stronger than before”
“But you can’t go around creating false hopes. That silly bitch doesn’t know who you belong to”
“Take a long look in the mirror boss man, you know I’m right”
Blitzo had tears in his eyes.
“let’s head home, sugar-cube” Striker whispers in his ear. He winces as Striker extracts his fingers one by one and makes Blitzo suck them off one by one.
Striker skimmed his phone and redirected Blitz’s messages, while Blitz remained silent. The scarlet devil follows Striker out, with a deadened look in his eyes as they made their way outside toward Bombproof.
Blitzo and Striker head home in silence. Blitzo’s ass is throbbing, his head resting against Striker’s back"
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and The Assassin: Rough Notes. : First Meetings.
 The first time he sees Johanna, she is up on stage performing. > Blitzo has come into Val's seedy nightclub to talk to Angel Dust and watch his possessive mate take center stage. On the stage adjacent to Johanna. He is captivated by her beguiling belly dance.  > AngelDust: Oh yeah, that's Johanna. She's popular, way more so than I am. Joe is a much better dancer than me. She's a rising star. 
 Blitzo: *keeps on watching her dancing* > Angel Dust becomes irrationally protective of Blitz after discovering a new bruise or cut that wasn't there before. "It's all about the thrill," Blitz tells him. > Angel Dust is trying to get Blitz to leave Striker after eavesdropping on one of their heated conversations. However, even the spider demon, a former Mafioso, fears the gunslinger. > Striker works with Val as his personal bodyguard.
 > Everyone: *applauds after Johanna's performance* 
> *Johanna heads backstage* 
 The Boss imp, watches her leave: his eyes rake over her body, he wants to follow her, wants to pursue her but knows he has to stay put. > Striker's eyes are boring into his skull, and he doesn't want to deal with a testy snake imp. > BlitzO sulks in his chair, visibly slumping, rubbing his arm as he hugs himself. His fingers tug along a prominent bruise. The collar of the jacket hides a handprint. Angel Dust's eyes traveled the length of Blitzo's body. "He said that we were equal, that no one would ever lay hands on me again" You don't need to worry, BlitzO, I got you covered, I'll distract him. "Why don't you go talk to her?" Angel Dust says, handing him a backstage ticket. As Blitzo looks at them, he looks toward the stage to see Striker strumming his guitar and a large number of imps that have gathered around him. "I won't be long can you hold him off for an hour?" "I'm irrestiable" Angel says laying it on thick. "That Cowboy won't know what hit him" * As Angel-Dust distracts the cowboy, Blitzo slips past the long velvety drapes to an open area backstage* * In Johanna's dressing room*> She is getting dressed into her regular clothes, in an effort to feel normal. > Blitzo gives Valentino's hellhound bodyguards the slip. (Causing a ruckus: and Stirring up trouble) > Blitzo's heart hammers in his chest, as he stands on the other side of Johanna's dressing room door. Boss Imp thinks to himself as he hovers his hand over the brass doorknob, Striker would forgive him for missing his show.> The Cowboy had asserted his dominance the other night, leaving his neck riddled with "love bites"  > He was just planning to say hello and maybe introduce himself. "Love at first sight" was a fool's game. Stolas, had proved that. > Blitzo knew he wasn't worth fighting for, that the only reason the Cowboy claimed him was to have something to dangle in front of the Goeita Prince. He shivers and rubs his arm. If Striker caught him he'd be in hot water: the last time he disobeyed the Cowboy played out in his head.
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
Random Hellvua Snippets: : Scene from The Dancer and the Assassin.
Blitz: why am I covered in mud again Brom. Brom:  to hide you from the dragons little brother. Blitz: there are no Ahhh! (Striker flies away with Blitzo) Brom: Lucifer! almighty not again!"
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin.
The music's thrum was silenced. As she entered the stage. Her silver hair draws attention. Her scorching eyes were burning straight through him. Those large salacious lips, the curvature of her torso, and the sharp motions of her body as she started to dance. She jerked her body and shook her hips to the music. As Angel Dust sighs in relief,
Blitzo gently turns his head away, his gaze settling on the seductive belly dancer. He secretly flips the bird to the cowboy. Before turning to his friend. "Who exactly is she?" The assassin inquires. "Johanna is her given name. She is a well-known belly dancer from the west side of town." She's popular around here, and weirdly, she's more popular than me.
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin (Backlash)
By this time, The Dancer from the club was just a fleeting memory, a dream out of reach, and the Boss Imp had to face the facts. Striker was all he had and the snake would not let him forget it. For now, Blitzo surrendered to the lone Cowboy's heady desires and put Johanna out of his mind. It's true, the cowboy was doing this for him. Another attempt by the Cowboy to either open his eyes or keep them closed. At least the snake provided him with a friend. The cowboy, however, would sever all ties if he knew what Angel Dust was planning, as he did with the immediate murder professionals. "" Bossman, I'm not a monster. Anyway, I’m glad you get to hang out with Angel Dust. It’ll give me time to sort things out,” "I was thinking about having lunch with Angel later on while you're busy with  your mission" Blitzo spoke up for the first time since they got home.  Striker loathed the city: the bright lights, loud noises.  the only upside to staying in those ritzy suites was that he looted the hotel. those  tiny bars full of cocktail bottles were often the first things to be shoved into his knapsack.
"The Devil's Backbone, home sweet home"   "Our mission sugar-cube" the snake imp corrected him.  "It won't be long now, another four months tops and I'll have Val, eating out of my hand" says the Cowboy. sauntering his way to the sectional and . Kicking off his boots he reaches out for Blitzo's  wrist tugging the hybrid towards him.  Blitzo straddles the cowboy's hips. "Hmm, I'm not sure if I want you going back, not after the stunt you pulled Blitzy"   "What are you willing to do to change my mind?" "How bad to you want to see Angel?" "I'm doing this for us, setting up the shot lulling that overgrown insect into a false sense of security  all you have to do darlin is take the shot." "This time, will pin the blame on Vox and Velvet" Blitzo smiles but his smile is hollow and empty, a mere grimace as he closes his eyes. a stray tear leaks out and is quickly lapped away by a warm, wicked tongue.  It had been a long transition full of pain, agony and heartache. Blitzo had sacrificed everything  for the cowboy as he clung childishly to his every word the cowboy said. Striker had been there every step of the way , guiding him  and vanquishing  all thought of his past with a searing kiss that left no room for thought. Those demanding lips ensnared Blitzo's full attention. His focus was on Striker now.  as the gunslinger drew a long and appreciative moan from the assassin.  His dark laughter spills out filling Blitzo's ears with its richness. As he crawls between the Harlequin's legs  his deft fingers loops and tugs  the boss imp closer. Blitzo purrs  as those calloused warm hands caress his face. "it was best to forget about tonight" he told himself. This is where he belonged, Striker is who he deserves at least he knew he could trust Striker.  He had let the Dancer's beguiling beauty get the best of him and here was Striker setting him straight. Reeling him in and giving him something sustainable. There was only pain in ressurect ing the past he reminded himself as his tail slides up the outlaw's thighs suggestively dragging the gunslinger close tempting the slippery snake with candy-apple flesh and burning amber eyes that seared straight through to the cowboy's dark soul.  
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin
Later on that night:,  under the sickly yellow glow of a fading lamp light. Striker breaks the silence. "Aren't I enough!" hisses the snake imp, as he continues on from where he left off. “And the stunt you pulled at the Studios! we’re you aiming to get caught by Val! growls the Cowboy kicking Blitzo  into a wall, crushing his sternum. Blitzo cries out in agony, wheezing Striker’s name. But his weak cries fall upon deaf ears as the cowboy continues his monologue. The cowboy loved the sound of his own voice.
“The punishment you received there pales in comparison to what I have planned for you here and for when we get home” he sneers. Blitzo cries out in  pain as he desperately tries to wiggle and pry the cowboy’s foot off of his chest. “take my warnings to heart Blitzy, stay away from  her if you know what’s good for you” says the cowboy reaching down to pick Blitzo off the floor before forcibly kissing him.     “You overreact, overthink, and complicate things” says the cowboy smirking as Blitzo hisses into the kiss before breaking apart and finding the cowboy’s hand. He places the cowboy’s fingers into his mouth and sucks on them. Purring into the cowboy’s touch a warm calloused hand comes up to caress Blitzos cheek. Brazenly Blitzo takes control but he knows the cowboy is the one in control, the cowboy throws him back onto the couch and starts tickling him. Striker chuckles as he sits down next to Blitzo and puts his knee into his groin. “I love you” says Striker softly stroking Blitzo’s head. “I love you too” says Blitzo quietly as the cowboy leans forward and kisses him deeply
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
Dancer and the Assassin
The first time he sees Johanna, she is up on stage performing. > Blitzo has come into Val's seedy nightclub to talk to Angel Dust and watch his possessive mate take center stage. On the stage adjacent to Johanna. He is captivated by her beguiling belly dancer.   > AngelDust: Oh yeah, that's Johanna. She's popular, way more so than I am. Joe is a much better dancer than me. She's a rising star. > Blitzo: *keeps on watching her dancing* > Angel Dust becomes irrationally protective of Blitz after discovering a new bruise or cut that wasn't there before. "It's all about the thrill," Blitz tells him. > Angel Dust is trying to get Blitz to leave Striker after eavesdropping on one of their heated conversations. However, even the spider demon, a former Mafioso, fears the gunslinger. > Striker works with Val as his personal bodyguard. > Everyone: *applauds after Johanna's performance* > *Johanna heads backstage* > The Boss imp, watches her leave: his eyes rake over her body, he wants to follow her, wants to pursue her but knows he has to stay put. > Striker's eyes are boring into his skull, and he doesn't want to deal with a testy snake imp. > Blitzo sulks in his chair, visibly slumping, rubbing his arm as he hugs himself. His fingers tug along a prominent bruise. The collar of the jacket hides a handprint. Angel Dust's eyes traveled the length of Blitzo's body. "He said that we were equal, that no one would ever lay hands on me again" You don't need to worry, BlitzO, I got you covered, I'll distract him. "Why don't you go talk to her?" Angel Dust says, handing him a backstage ticket. As Blitzo looks at them, he looks toward the stage to see Striker strumming his guitar and a large number of imps that have gathered around him. "I won't be long can you hold him off for an hour?" "I'm irrestiable" Angel says laying it on thick. "That Cowboy won't know what hit him" * As Angel-Dust distracts the cowboy, Blitzo slips past the long velvety drapes to an open area backstage* * In Johanna's dressing room* > She is getting dressed into her regular clothes, in an effort to feel normal. > Blitzo gives Valentino's hellhound bodyguards the slip. (Causing a ruckus: and Stirring up trouble) > Blitzo's heart hammers in his chest, as he stands on the other side of Johanna's dressing room door. Boss Imp thinks to himself as he hovers his hand over the brass doorknob, Striker would forgive him for missing his show. > The Cowboy had asserted his dominance the other night, leaving his neck riddled with "love bites"   > He was just planning to say hello and maybe introduce himself. "Love at first sight" was a fool's game. Stolas, had proved that. > Blitzo knew he wasn't worth fighting for, that the only reason the Cowboy claimed him was to have something to dangle in front of the Goeita Prince. He shivers and rubs his arm. If Striker caught him he'd be in hot water: the last time he disobeyed the Cowboy played out in his head. -Skip-
Since the Goeita prince slipped into a comma Striker was more inclined to trust him now that he was a wanted imp. There was nowhere safe, except in the cowboy's arms. The Cowboy made that clear. Striker referred to them as thoroughbreds, partners. Perfectly matched. Blitzo was desperate to find a way out of this match made in hell. If Striker knew that Blitzo was crushing on a random imp, he'd have more than bruises to deal with. This time, he knew he would wake up with more than just broken bones. Johanna hears someone knocking on her door. "Come in," she said. The door hinges creaked loudly as the door slowly opened. Blitzo's eyes were wide he hadn't thought this far ahead. Johanna gave him a worried look from the other side. . The deep bruising on his face had been covered sloppily with makeup that he had borrowed from Fizzorolli years ago before they were falling out. After they're falling out Blitz had worked hard to regain the trust of his childhood friend. Blitzo grabs a white rose from a nearby vase and twirls it around. God, he felt stupid standing there like that. "I enjoyed your performance tonight. I haven't seen dancing like that in years. "It was mesmerizing. I never thought that Angel Dust could be out-staged.   "But I'm sure you get that all the time, so I'll give her a single white rose. "Oh, thank you" She replied. "I can't stay, its too risky but it was a pleasure meeting you," Blitzo panicked; he hadn't even asked the tiny dancer her name. "It's Johanna, Johanna West. I've never seen you around here before?" the Dancer flirted. "I'm just passing through. I'm accompanying the singing cowboy that your boss seldom employs. He keeps him on a tight leash. "How long are you in the city?" "A month, maybe several why?" "Can I see you? She asks bluntly, she had another fight with Victor Hikari, her on again-off-again boyfriend, and needed someone to distract her. It looked like Blitzo was about to refuse her, "wait! I don't get out much" "I don't think it's a wise idea says Blitzo. My partner is the possessive type. It's a miracle I got to come out tonight. "You're here to see Angel Dust" Blitzo fidgeted his arm was beginning to sting, he closed his eyes. What do you have in mind? He swallows knowing that he was risking more with that one question than he ever had running IMP.
Suddenly Johanna pitches forward and into Blitzo's arms. The boss acts on instinct, catching her as she tumbles, wrapping his arms around her waist. Her hands sprawled against his chest. She could feel his taut muscles underneath his favorite long black jacket. His eyes were burning a bright auburn and for a still moment, he stole her breath away. The sound of purring reaches her ears as Blitzo's tail flicks side to side. "Am I hearing things or are you purring?" she questions. Blitzo's blushes not used to being the center of attention. "Lunch sounds amazing"  he  replies  with a  tight  grimace on his face. Blitzo winces  as the bruises on his arms and neck flare and protest. Johanna gave him a worried look. "Are you okay?" she ask concern marring her voice. "Would you like my number?" he blurts out knowing he was taking a large risk in asking for her phone-number.  and he wanted to distract her from asking more questions. The less she knew the better and what the fuck, he had time to spare Striker didn't occupy all his time.
In the past Striker was notorious for snatching his phone away and randomally scrolling through his list of contacts.  Only to delete them before tossit back at his partner,. They had gotten into some pretty nasty fights over these random occurrences too. Those nights would usually end in agony too. The boss imp would be subjected to ketamine, lying on the dirty cum crusted floor he'd be sexually  tortured by his sadistic partner The Outlaw would often get creative in his punishments too. "Of course Johanna answers bringing Blitzo back to the present. The assassin gives the Dancer his phone number. "I'll see you soon"  she says taking the flower from him and walks out of the room and toward the exit. Blitzo watches her leave a smile creeping its way onto his face. For the first time in a long time he had something to look forward to. Now all he had to do was avoid his partner for the time being, which was easier said the done                            
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and the Assassin
The Dancer and the Assassin.
Johanna West: A beguiling belly dancer, a lady of the night. Who once had it all, a loving family, friends. But her happiness is cut short when tragedy befalls her. The day she was torn from her family. A haunting nightmare.  He parents  had failed to pay the landlord for the final time,  and there wasn't enough time to collect. With heavy hearts, and a guilty conscious they confront her. Maybe that's why thunderstorms leave her morose.  As thunder rumbles over head, they sit her down on a ratted couch.  They had sold their only daughter into the seedy underbelly of the porno industry ran by Valentino: who in turns, transforms her into one of his star sex workers.
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