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Education Planning Tips by John Anastasios Xinos
Education planning can be applied to school, college, and further educational institutions. It might be helpful at a local, national and international level to analyze the right tricks for better practices.
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lollipoplollipopoh · 5 years
Nicaragua anniversary: The regrets of ex-revolutionaries by Al Jazeera English Nicaragua’s governing Sandinista party is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the revolution that toppled dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle. At the time, the revolution caused ripples around the world. But amid a brutal crackdown against the opposition, some are questioning what that revolution has actually achieved. Al Jazeera's John Holman reports. - Subscribe to our channel: https://ift.tt/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: https://ift.tt/2lOp4tL #AlJazeeraEnglish #Nicragua # SandinistaParty
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Vatican restores priestly faculties to Ernesto Cardenal
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/vatican-restores-priestly-faculties-to-ernesto-cardenal-2/
Vatican restores priestly faculties to Ernesto Cardenal
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Managua, Nicaragua, Feb 18, 2019 / 05:28 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis has restored priestly faculties to 94-year-old Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, who had been suspended a divinis in 1984 for holding a cabinet position in Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, in violation of canon law.
“The Holy Father has graciously granted the absolution of all canonical censures imposed on Rev. Father Ernesto Cardenal, accepting the request he had recently made to him through the Pontifical Representative in Nicaragua, to be readmitted to the exercise of the priestly ministry,” said a Feb. 18 statement from the Apostolic Nunciature of Nicaragua.
The statement, signed by Archbishop Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, the apostolic nuncio to Nicaragua, said that “Cardenal has been under suspension of the exercise of the priestly ministry for 35 years due to his political party involvement. The religious accepted his canonical penalty imposed on him and has always observed it without carrying out any pastoral activity. In addition, he had abandoned all political commitment for many years.”
Cardenal, a poet and Marxist liberation theology activist, actively collaborated with the Sandinista National Liberation Front revolution that ended the dictatorship of then-president Anastasio Somoza. He was appointed Minister of Culture the same day the Sandinistas were victorious on July 19, 1979, an office that he held until 1987.
He was suspended a divinis by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1984 for violating canon law by assuming a public office that involves the exercise of civil power.
Several other priests – including Ernesto’s brother Fernando, Miguel D’Escoto and Edgard Parrales – were also suspended.  
John Paul II publicly reprimanded Cardenal when he visited Nicaragua in 1983. In a now-famous photo, the Polish pope can be seen with a serious expression, standing before the Nicaraguan priest who is genuflecting and smiling.
Cardenal would say some time later that on that occasion the Holy Father asked him to “regularize his situation.”
In a January 2017 interview, Cardenal said that his suspension was still in place and he was “not interested in their lifting it.”
The statement announcing the lifting of Cardenal’s suspension references a request made by the priest to Pope Francis, indicating a change of position on the part of the priest since the 2017 interview.
According to the El Nuevo Diario news, Cardenal has been hospitalized in the Nicaraguan capital of Managua since Feb. 4 for a kidney infection.
Auxiliary Bishop Silvio Báez of Managua posted on Twitter Feb. 15 a photograph of the visit he made with Cardenal in the hospital.
“Today I visited in the hospital my priest friend, Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, with whom I was able to talk for a few minutes. After praying for him, I knelt down in front of his bed and asked his blessing as a priest of the Catholic Church, to which he gladly agreed. Thanks, Ernesto!” Bishop Báez wrote.
CNA Daily News – Americas
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culturizando · 7 years
#UnDíaComoHoy: 17 de julio en la historia
El 17 de julio es el 198.º día del año en el calendario gregoriano y el 199.º en los años bisiestos. Quedan 167 días para finalizar el año. Hagamos un recorrido por algunos de los hechos más destacados ocurridos un día como hoy 17 de julio.
-Hoy es el World Emoji Day, en referencia al emoji de calendario de IOS (17 de julio) . Se escogió celebrar el Día Mundial del Emoji el 17 de julio por ser la fecha famosa que hay en el propio emoji de Whatsapp para los dispositivo Apple. Su creador es Jeremy Burge, fundador también de genial Emojipedia (Twitter: @Emojipedia), una mini fábrica y almacén de emojis de todos los tipos y colores.
-1402: Zhu Di, conocido comúnmente como Yongle, asume el trono de la Dinastía Ming.
-1959: muere Billie Holiday, cantante estadounidense (n. 1915).
-1791: en Francia, ocurre la Matanza de Campo de Marte. El parque del Campo de Marte es un jardín público situado en el séptimo distrito, entre la Torre Eiffel, al noroeste y la Escuela militar al sureste. Su nombre procede del Campo de Marte romano (dios romano, Marte, dios de la guerra). Durante la Revolución francesa tuvo lugar una matanza en el Campo el 17 de julio de 1791. La petición de los Cordeliers (grupo político que velaba por los derechos del hombre) del 15 de julio de 1791 en la que se exigió el final de la monarquía y se reclamó que Francia se convirtiera en una república. Una muchedumbre se reunió para solidarizarse y firmar dicha petición, pero la Asamblea constituyente ordenó dispersar la manifestación y el alcalde de París decretó la Ley marcial que se anunció con unas banderas rojas. Esta ley permitió a las fuerzas del orden hacer uso de las armas y así una carga de caballería dispersó finalmente a la muchedumbre, pero 50 personas murieron y varios centenares resultaron heridas. Estos acontecimientos agravaron el desacuerdo que había entre revolucionarios y monárquicos o aristócratas.
-1968: se estrena en Londres la película Yellow Submarine de Los Beatles. Fue el tercer trabajo cinematográfico de The Beatles (luego de A Hard Day’s Night, 1964 y Help!, 1965) y el de mayor valor artísitico en sí según la opinión generalizada, fue una película animada y de fantasía, con el nombre de la canción presente en “Revolver”, disco editado en 1966. Yellow Submarine fue escrita por Lee Minoff, producida por el grupo United Artists y realizada en base a dibujos de Heinz Edelmann intercalados con imágenes reales. Su estética psicodélica y pop estaba inspirada en el trabajo de artistas plásticos como Andy Warhol, Martin Sharp, Alan Aldridge y Peter Blake.La historia cuenta acerca de Pepperland, un paraíso submarino habitado por amantes de la música que viven felices y en paz, hasta que el pueblo es invadido por los “Blue Meanies” criaturas que odian la música. El alcalde del pueblo manda al viejo marinero Fred en el submarino amarillo en busca de refuerzos y así derrotar a quienes les quitaron la música y la alegría. Fred llega a Liverpool en donde toma contacto con Ringo, George, John y Paul, quienes se comprometen con la causa y parten rumbo a Pepperland a derrotar a los Blue Meanies. Las voces de los personajes estuvieron a cargo de un grupo de actores, y los músicos en carne y hueso aparecen en las escenas finales. “Yellow Submarine” tuvo muy buenos comentarios de parte de la crítica y el público, logrando provocar un mayor interés por parte de los realizadores en la animación como técnica cinematográfica.
-1918: en Ekaterimburgo (Rusia), el zar Nicolás II de Rusia y su familia son ejecutados por orden del Partido Bolchevique. Nicolás fue coronado en 1896. Menos de 10 años después, el desastroso resultado de la guerra ruso-japonesa desencadenó la Revolución Rusa de 1905. Esta revuelta finalizó solo después de que Nicolás II aprobara una asamblea representativa, la Duma, y prometiera reformas constitucionales. Sin embargo, el zar pronto se retractó de estas concesiones, lo que aumentó el apoyo popular a los bolcheviques y a otros grupos revolucionarios. En 1914, Nicolás II llevó a su país a la Primera Guerra Mundial, la cual no estaba preparado para ganar. Las duras consecuencias de la guerra probaron la indiscutible ineficacia para gobernar de este zar. En marzo de 1917, luego del estallido de la revolución en Petrogrado, Nicolás se vio obligado a abdicar al trono y los bolcheviques, dirigidos por Vladimir Lenin, tomaron el poder. La familia Romanov recibió la sentencia de ejecución al año siguiente, en los comienzos de la Guerra Civil Rusa, luego de que se llevara a cabo una campaña anti bolchevique por parte del Ejército Blanco.
-1979: en Nicaragua renuncia el presidente Anastasio Somoza Debayle y huye hacia Miami (EE. UU.).
-1932: nace Quino, Joaquín Salvador Lavado, humorista argentino, creador de Mafalda.
-1981: en Bolivia, el general Luis García Meza lidera uno de los más sangrientos golpes de Estado de la historia de ese país.
-1935: muere George William Russell, escritor, poeta y pintor irlandés (n. 1867).
-1991: Europa lanza el ‘satélite europeo de observación terrestre’ ERS.
-1935: nace Donald Sutherland, actor canadiense (Pride & Prejudice, The Hunger Games).
-1994: Brasil obtiene su cuarta Copa Mundial de Fúltbol al vencer a Italia en la tanda de penaltis en USA’94
-1944: muere William James Sidis, genio estadounidense, tenía un cociente intelectual estimado de entre 250 y 300.
-1996: muere Chas Chandler, productor musical y componente del grupo ‘The Animals’ (n. 1938).
-1952: nace David Hasselhoff, actor y cantante estadounidense (Baywatch).
-1998: Italia, se firma el Estatuto de Roma que establece la Corte Penal Internacional.
-1955: en Anaheim (California) se inaugura Disneylandia.
La entrada #UnDíaComoHoy: 17 de julio en la historia aparece primero en culturizando.com | Alimenta tu Mente.
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A good financial adviser will help you set a plan for getting and keeping your finances in shape. Because finances are attached to fallible humans and, to an extent, volatile markets, plans often grow and change over time.
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John Xinos
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Contact the professional John Anastasios Xinos to boost up your financial and taxation schemes. He’s the most intelligent investment advisor in Canada. His master plans successfully work for education, insurance, and tax organizations.
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lollipoplollipopoh · 5 years
Nicaragua revolution: Divisions continue after 40 years by Al Jazeera English Nicaragua is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the triumph of the revolution that toppled dictator Anastasio Somoza. In the capital Managua, supporters of the governing Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) filled the main square to celebrate the anniversary. But for many Nicaraguans, the FSLN and President Daniel Ortega have betrayed the ideals of the revolution they fought in. Al Jazeera's John Holman reports. - Subscribe to our channel: https://ift.tt/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: https://ift.tt/2lOp4tL #AlJazeeraEnglish #NicaraguaRevolution #DanielOrtega
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Vatican restores priestly faculties to Ernesto Cardenal
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/vatican-restores-priestly-faculties-to-ernesto-cardenal/
Vatican restores priestly faculties to Ernesto Cardenal
Managua, Nicaragua, Feb 18, 2019 / 05:28 pm (CNA).- Pope Francis has restored priestly faculties to 94-year-old Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, who had been suspended a divinis in 1984 for holding a cabinet position in Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, in violation of canon law.
“The Holy Father has graciously granted the absolution of all canonical censures imposed on Rev. Father Ernesto Cardenal, accepting the request he had recently made to him through the Pontifical Representative in Nicaragua, to be readmitted to the exercise of the priestly ministry,” said a Feb. 18 statement from the Apostolic Nunciature of Nicaragua.
The statement, signed by Archbishop Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, the apostolic nuncio to Nicaragua, said that “Cardenal has been under suspension of the exercise of the priestly ministry for 35 years due to his political party involvement. The religious accepted his canonical penalty imposed on him and has always observed it without carrying out any pastoral activity. In addition, he had abandoned all political commitment for many years.”
Cardenal, a poet and Marxist liberation theology activist, actively collaborated with the Sandinista National Liberation Front revolution that ended the dictatorship of then-president Anastasio Somoza. He was appointed Minister of Culture the same day the Sandinistas were victorious on July 19, 1979, an office that he held until 1987.
He was suspended a divinis by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1984 for violating canon law by assuming a public office that involves the exercise of civil power.
Several other priests – including Ernesto’s brother Fernando, Miguel D’Escoto and Edgard Parrales – were also suspended.  
John Paul II publicly reprimanded Cardenal when he visited Nicaragua in 1983. In a now-famous photo, the Polish pope can be seen with a serious expression, standing before the Nicaraguan priest who is genuflecting and smiling.
Cardenal would say some time later that on that occasion the Holy Father asked him to “regularize his situation.”
In a January 2017 interview, Cardenal said that his suspension was still in place and he was “not interested in their lifting it.”
The statement announcing the lifting of Cardenal’s suspension references a request made by the priest to Pope Francis, indicating a change of position on the part of the priest since the 2017 interview.
According to the El Nuevo Diario news, Cardenal has been hospitalized in the Nicaraguan capital of Managua since Feb. 4 for a kidney infection.
Auxiliary Bishop Silvio Báez of Managua posted on Twitter Feb. 15 a photograph of the visit he made with Cardenal in the hospital.
“Today I visited in the hospital my priest friend, Fr. Ernesto Cardenal, with whom I was able to talk for a few minutes. After praying for him, I knelt down in front of his bed and asked his blessing as a priest of the Catholic Church, to which he gladly agreed. Thanks, Ernesto!” Bishop Báez wrote.
CNA Daily News – Americas
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