#John Dory x Delta Dawn
alcoholicpilot · 7 months
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dawndory as kids :3
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augbust · 10 months
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Colored sketches from my human!Trolls au!! Im open to any sketch requests of them!
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thenightwolf51 · 8 months
I noticed something because of this gif
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Clampers and Branch have a very similar if not the same skin color.
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You know who else has similar skin as Branch
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His brothers. But im specifically looking at John Dory right now
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So therefore, Clampers has the same skin color as John Dory.
Now hear me out.
I love the headcanon about JD and Delta Dawn being exes or close to that. Absolutely adore the thought of them being young and in love.
I personally like to headcanon that JD passed through Lonesome Flats a year or two after leaving his brothers, and that something led to him staying a while. Maybe he accidentally broke some fences or other property and was forced by the then sheriff to fix them. Or maybe he got heat stroke or was injured out in the deserts and they allowed him to stay until he healed. Either way he ends up spending a bit of time with Delta Dawn, if she's already training to be next sheriff then it makes sence for her to keep an eye on the pop outsider. Over time JD starts to grow on the country trolls, they start to welcome him, and him and Delta start to fall for eachother. But then JD realizes just how deeply in love he is and it makes him panic. Maybe he gets it in his head that if he couldn't even be a good brother then he definitely cant be a good partner, and with his injuries healed/work finished he ends up leaving.
Honestly i love the possibilities for their ship. It can almost have a sorta Hallmark movie vibe and the potential angst that can come from JD still being hopelessly in love with Delta and her being bitterly still in love with him years later is perfect.
As much as i love Delta Dory
What if...
We had all that but instead, it was between JD and Delta's sibling.
What if when JD left, he unknowingly left Delta's sibling with an egg. An egg that hatched into Delta's little niece, Clampers.
Given Clampers' age, which i assume is at least 5, that would put the romance as being more recent. JD would have Rhonda and it makes sense if she accidentally caused the damage he has to fix.
But then the angst.
The fact that Delta seems to be Clampers' main caretaker suggests that ther sibling has passed away, thats one arrow through the heart.
Clampers being JD's daughter and he didn't even know. He missed her hatching, her first steps, her fist words, doesn't even know what color or patterns her egg was. Is he even capable of beimg a good dad? That's a few more arrows.
And Delta? She's gonna be real protective. This is her little niece, JD left her sibling heartbroken and she won't let him do the same to Clampers. If he could walk away once, he could do it again. Delta doesn't really want him to have a part in Clampers' life.
Oh or!
What if we kept everything and just changed Clampers to being Delta's Daughter rather than niece?
(Anyway thats it! That gif just had me thinking, especially when i noticed the matching skin.
And i admit to wanting to gush a little about Delta Dory, ive falling into another Trolls fixation era and a few fics have got me focusing on John Dory. Maybe I'll link a few in another post
Feel free to write or use any of the ideas, just tag me so i can read them.)
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uvirur · 9 months
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In general, the ship Delta Dawn x John Dory makes me think a lot...
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arochaco · 9 months
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please consider them
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ambiguousfan · 5 months
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I love the ship. Well one of them >///< i have more!!!!!
Better Place AU or What If....(I havent come up with a name, if you have any idea commend down below)
Mention of Grief, Ruins, Recklessness, Family, John Dory centric, Loss
Au Idea (Warning Messy)
Yodeler went to Lonesome Flat for a Better Life.
Hickory move with his brother who become the sherif of the town, taking care of few things and there
Dickory usually do more work than what needed like checklisting merchant traders; Bounty Hunter Like issue; Missing Pets; so one and so forth.
He then met a particular Jazz newbie Bounty Hunter (he failes his first hunt) save him, all in the days work. Eventually they warm up with one another.
Hickory on the other hand become the town bartender and hat maker.
Delta Dawn known Delta as long as he move to Lonesome Flat.
John went off after went to the mountain only to return months to the troll tree. Seeing it condition and no sight of his family. He wanted to take his mind off by coping finding more adventure elsewhere.
He take a reckless route venture of somewhere unknown when he found Delta and Hickory; more like they found him
wanting to explore more found tribe of troll hut stumble upon them
They did everyday life shenanigan; kind of slice of life adventure. John more than the rest, Having Hickory and Delta getting him out of a sticky situation. He try not to be too reckless of his wellbeing
I imagine chapter of Delta slowly become a mayor-to-be of the country troll town; Hickory continues his business; John taking job here and there around the small town. Eventuallly at break they would go on tour outside, 'way to make out brain exploded for how huge he world it' John like to say.
They go to every tribe learning exchanging culture and making few trade when John heard about the possible rumors of his brother being alive.
I wanted them fall in love with one another, their dynamic be intersting. Hickory more calm and collect, Delta more bossy and confident (way of leadership), John Dory more resourceful and bit emotionally unstable.
He went off better, less reckless after processing his grief of the loss of his family.
Movie 2
(I have not thought of it yet)
Maybe somehow John start to hear about pop troll saving the world and find branch
he wanted to find him but got kidnapped
or they met, branch angry while John just relieve of his safety eventually they grow on mending ties as Delta and Hickory there to support him .
Take place in movie 3
I wanted to imagine that John was one diamond instead of Floyd after singing in Mount Rageous resturant. Or maybe other way around
If Floyd kidnapped, the change event would be having Hickory and Delta onboard. More emotional support and trying become mediator. Delta more blunt and defensive on John behalf. Hickory try to stop any argument become it become too far.
Depend on the role Hickory and Branch got along more for survivalist tips
If John was kidnapped, also Hickory and Delta come, more determine and a bit tense and more defensive. Hickory would leave few snark here and there but trying understand situation. Delta a bit more hurry more.
I wanted to think Delta and Brandy would get along, talk about being in a family. And consideration of kids (i can think of an OC on this hehe, thy be so cute!!!).
Anyway I can't think any more idea that all i have.
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echosong-87 · 6 months
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This is my attempt at drawing a hitman!johndory design… i still stink at drawing trolls especially their heads and facial features… but this was my best try. :|
Kinda do ship him with Miss Delta and i do like the rivals to lovers/hero liking the villain… sorta dynamic with the two. JD likes to tease and get on Delta’s nerves and make her mess up on the job and she would throw the biggest angriest fits swearing at him that she will have him jailed…. Which she never does…. Cause that boy be a slippery son of a gun. XD
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lucajc · 7 months
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Okie last thing and then I'll go to bed hah
I love delta dory, this was the first time I drew either of them so yea hah Delta turned out better than expected John not so much hah
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sakurabutterflyart · 8 months
Without you (Delta Dawn x John Dory 🧡💙)
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(ART/IG: @/ burntzbread) [note: hope you don't mind me using you art as reference, I'll take it down if you don't, it's sorta my inspiration while writing this TT]
(WARNING: English is not my first language)
The trolls in the Country Village, Lonesome Flats. Have known Mayor Delta and John Dory's relationship for a year now. No they weren't dating, they're just close, really close. But they can tell that they really like each other, it annoys them why neither one of them confesses yet.
Though not many country trolls really like John Dory. Cause first of all, he's a pop troll, some of his songs made them sick, he's too loud and even too touchy. Most of all, they worried that it might affect their beloved Mayor and Sheriff from his contagious pop troll nature, that'll affect their village as well.
So yeah, nobody really like nor accept John Dory living in Lonesome Flats... or so they thought.
One day, the rumour of John Dory leaving was spread throughout town. Some rejoices while some really misses him, since he has been a very kind and helpful pop troll to them.
Delta was aware that her friend was part of a band, which is his brothers. JD decided to pay his brothers for a visit, cause its almost been a year since the last time he saw them after saving Floyd. Which means that he has to leave from the country village for a week or 2, leaving everything behind here, that includes Delta.
"Are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?" The turquoise-haired troll asked and held her hand, while carrying both his belongings at his back and holding Rhonda's keys to his other palm. Worried about leaving her behind.
"Pfft! I'll be fine sweetie, you're being so dramatic. I'm a grown lady." The red haired lady scoffed. "You go spend time with your brother, you've already helped us long enough here. Go have a vacation to your real home, dear."
Even though she said that, JD knows that she's not gonna be. For the past few months he knew her. Delta may seem like she's a very tough fiesty mayor that kept everyone safe. He can tell that she's lonely, feeling the pressure of holding responsibility for everyone... much like himself for his family...
The man grabbed her warm hands, caressing in reassurance with an anxious expression on his face "Look, I promise... I'll visit as soon as I can to check on you and everyone... then, we'll go on a date! "
The lady snicker at his sudden silliness, breaking the heavy tension  between them. As expected from him, he always know how to cheer her up... that's what she loves about him....
"Hah, darling, I've already taken care of this village for the past what? 10 years? I can handle your disappearance for another 2 weeks, maybe even a year. And for the last time!  Im NOT going on a date with you! " She joked, giving him an evil smirk. Making him play along again, by acting like someone just stabbed his heart.
"Owww my lady that hurts." He giggled,  making Delta's heart felt a little lighter from joy.
JD turned around, about to enter into Rhonda, but then she saw him turn around,  hesitating to do something. 
Before she could even respond,  she was caught by surprise when JD charged at her with a smirk. He suddenly lifted her up with a hug... like, man! He's so strong! (Or did he secretly work out for this moment hehe) After a few moments of embracing her, he placed her down. But little did Delta know that's not his only surprising gesture.  He rested his lips on her cheeks, embracing this moment he gets to have.
JD immediately run to Rhonda and shut the door before Delta could even hit him with her horse shoes. She blushed deep shades of red, very flustered of what he just did.
"Mr. JOHN DORY!  Don't expect a warm welcome once you've come back!  You're gonna be kissing my fist when you returned!" She yelled, actually out of embarrassment.
"Can't wait honey!" He winked, as he sped up Rhonda so she won't be able to chase him to the driver's seats windows.
And with that... JD just disappeared out of thin air. Like how it was before... it suddenly got... quiet . She thought,  holding the light pressure of JD's lips on her cheek. With a sad expression that everyone in Lonesome Flats noticed... she was missing him already...
Delta turned around and saw that everyone staring at her, "What are you guys doing?  Get back to work!"
She scolded,  that everyone got scared and immediately mind their own business.
After JDs disappearance. The country trolls went on their usual routine. That includes Delta Dawn's job as Mayor and Sheriff.
Of course it wasn't the same without John Dory. Hanging around with the guys while playing pop-country songs together with their guitar and helping her around while also cracking jokes to make it more fun.  She find it annoying back then, but she never would've thought she was starting to look for it. Now it was quiet, having lunch alone in her office.
When she came home, she saw Clamper looking a little down while doing her homework. It was an unusual sight,  since whenever she came home she immediately runs to JD to get some upsies,  while he plays along and playfully toss her to the air. Now she just gave her aunt a joyful smile and hug "Hey Aunt Delta, welcome home! "
"Hey my sweet baby, ya hungry?"
"Yes ma'am!" She exclaimed, wanting to light up the mood.
Days went on, work, stress here and there.  The usual routine of going to work, checking up the town, and going home to take care of her niece, repeat for the past week. Then it gets more busy that the country trolls started to notice more changes from Delta ever since the blue haired pop troll disappeared.
Before he came to their lives, Delta was already doing just fine, being a workaholic,  while singing songs in her free time about being "Born to Die" , her life feeling like a routine.
When  that pop troll came, the women who seems to be nothing but work become more and more lively.  They keep seeing her smile and even laugh, being more in the moment. That even her songs becomes a bit more lively. She's even more softer than her tough personality that everyone feared whenever she gets angry,  VERY angry with her temper...
Which is actually...  happening when he left. But worse.
"The Delta Dawn" before John Dory, was back . Not only was she back from being a workaholic, even her temper that everyone feared returned. Another few days has passed, especially when the Country Trolls became busy for an upcoming busy event, she's becoming more stressed and hot headed.
Everybody knows that Delta is just being leader, that she has to be tough for her people to listen, without any bad intention of hurting them. In fact everybody knows she's kind and sweet deep down. But her toughness can get scary that her workers won't be in peace when she is angry.
"Hey I told you to clean this area!"
"Why are the bathrooms sink not fixed yet?!"
"The thieves did what?! Where are they?!"
"I didn't waste the village's finances for it to be nothing! Where's the thing i asked for?!"
Eventually Delta realised her roughness towards her village for the past few days and apologises.
Though everyone was starting to worry about her, despite the fact she apologises. The red haired trolls aura is becoming more scary for them to approach their leader.
"Oh goodness!  Our dear Sheriff has been so stress lately!" A villager spoke,  trying to be quiet so she won't hear them.
"She really needs to rest. She's overexerting herself "
"I can't believe I'm saying this, where is that Pop dude she's always around with?!" A guy asked
"That weirdo?  He came home to visit his bros to the pop village. "
"Well dangitty-doodly! We really need this dude back here if we don't want her to explode at us, especially on tomorrow's very special day!"
And with that,  the country trolls are now starting to look for JD's presence. His their only hope for Delta to calm down.
The day came, everything is going really well with the event. The decorations are aesthetically decorated, music played softly and beautifully,  couples dancing around , giving flowers here and there whether they're friends,  family and lovers...  Yes, it's Valentine's Day.
Everyone is having a great time, Delta? She is, she recieve flowers from Clampers and from her villagers, thanking her for all the hardwork she has done, which made her feel a little better.
She wasn't suppose to go out for Valentine's Day,  she even made sure that everything's finish yesterday.  The lights, the heart shape sweets,  the roses and the music. Everything was done,  even her  own people doesn't mind her resting for this event. But as the Mayor, she was needed. She needs to do the speech of the opening event and gets called out whenever there's an emergency. Unfortunately for her, this year's Valentine's Day is torture for her.
It's late evening, the Sheriff finally lays down in her office's coach out of exhaustion.  Finally gets to get away from all of those romantic couples cuddling in public and also some quarrelling between lovers or friends. It was very exhausting.  Thankfully the day is finally over. Being Mayor and Sheriff is tiring,  but it was all worth it to see everyone having a great time.
She sigh, decided to get up and grab some wine that she received. Enjoying the peace and breeze of the night, admiring the lights of her village. She felt a hint of sadness in her chest, as she grabbed some roses, loving the scent, absent-mindedly pluck each petals and let some fall from her window.
"Why do you have to leave? ... in such a very special day... John Dory..." She whispered.  Finally admitting that she misses him. Secretly missing his company, his jokes, his romantic gestures, his cheesy romantic songs and even simply his comforting words whenever she felt the stress of being a leader.
Since when did she gets so attach to him? That life's never been the same without him.
"Why? Do you really wanted me to kiss your fist so badly?" She almost choke at the wine she drunk when she heard a very familiar voice that she haven't heard for 2 weeks.
He was not in her room, she looks around and then spotted a turquoise-haired troll at the side of her window, climbing at the walls with a wide teasing grin on his face that she knows too well. "Hey Ms. Mayor, looking like a hottie as always... Miss me?"
He flirted, internally laughing at her reaction. Though he can't help but lovingly admired her, even by just her presence. "But seriously Delta... you're looking beautiful as always... I miss you..."
She was stunned that she can't say anything but stare, when he finally came in through the window. The silence made John Dory a little scared. Is she mad that he returned late? Or from what he had done from the last time they saw each other?!
"Delta... I'm sorry, my brothers and I have a little bit of an issue back in Pop village and-"
He wasn't able to finish it, when he felt arms went around him, embracing him tightly. The red-haired troll hid her face through his chest, holding him close.
"I thought you weren't coming back..." She spoke up. John was stunned as realization hit him.
"What are you talking about? Of course I'm coming back, I promise didn't I? Not even in this special day... with my favorite lady here, I'm sorry im a bit late..." He was trying to get her to look up, but she doesn't want to,  but just glued herself to his chest, refusing to show her face of which he understood.
Instead, he just caresses the locks of her and returned her embrace, staying quiet for a few minutes and enjoying the peaceful silence they have together.
When they finally let go, Delta immediately wipe her tears and started to act like she never cried at all. JD just pretended that he never saw her puffy eyes and just smiled, that he finally gets to see her again.
"Here... Happy Valentine's day."  He grabbed a rose from the bouquet he was bringing, then pluck the stem along with its thorns, to place the lovely red rose to behind her ears. While giving her the rest of the bouquet.
With that,  they enjoyed the rest of the evening catching up, as they stargaze and loving the view of the village. Drinking some wine and sweets, with romantic country music playing outside.
The Sheriff felt all the heaviness in her chest was lifted and was refreshed by the peace, simply by having his partner by her side.
Yes, this is got to be her most favorite Valentine's Day night...
BONUS: The next day? Yep! The country village was overjoyed of JDs return, dramatically begging him to not leave, and shockingly even ask him to marry the red-haired troll. Which leave the pop troll REALLY confused of their sudden clinginess.
"Umm did I miss something?..."
(Thanks for reading!  Please leave a LIKE and a COMMENT and REBLOG, to support this fanfic and if you guys want MORE of this!
and advance Happy Valentine's Day!^^)
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rfsmith · 8 months
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Part of a small comic I did for @lemonyjes2 filled with Jolta (John Dory x Delta) angst
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spacediddly · 8 months
Delta Dawn x John Dory fans, I need y’all to think of the possibilities that come from them being ex-lovers who still have feelings for each other.
Please imagine JD coming to visit Lonesome Flats for the first time in years and when he sees Delta again, she’s at a jamboree singing Carla Bruni’s “Stand By Your Man”
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lexezombie · 9 months
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#1 Guy Diamond's QPP (queer platonic polycule) made up of:
Jackson (pop treasure-troll, male; Gay)
Dissy (funk troll, female; Lesbian Ace)
Dolly (country troll, female; Bisexual)
+ My own headcanon of AroAce/Genderqueer Guy Diamond
Tiny Diamond their tiny collective son
Oh also:
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Ray! John Dory x Delta Dawn nextgen~ <3 (I'm not immune)
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augbust · 10 months
I’ve been cooking some Human!Trolls designs and here’s some of the sketches I’ve been doing! In case you can’t tell, I love John Dory 😭😭
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thenightwolf51 · 8 months
Random little headcanon for Delta Dory being exes.
I kinda want Delta to be the one who taught John Dory how to play guitar, back when they were young and in love. And i want John to still have the guitar she gave him. Well loved and maintained, the old wood worn a bit smooth from where he absentmindedly runs his thumb over the still visible initials carved on the side.
Every now and then when he gets a calm quiet moment, he takes it out and just strums while he thinks or relaxes. Usually its old brozone songs or just random tunes but sometimes when his mind recalls red curls and sunlit eyes it drifts into the melody of a country song Delta used to teach him.
(This is me thinking about them and being really happy that @meefal updated. Hope you're feeling better!)
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uvirur · 9 months
Sorry, but I'm sure they were in love with each other, and Delta simply adored JD's songs. "Killing Me Softly With His Song" is definitely their song.
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oli-b3rry · 8 months
these two have been plaguing my brain all night istg
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Inspired by the fic 'Take me back to the night we first met' by @meefal :)
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