#John Fladgate
quo-usque-tandem · 2 years
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Table clock by John Fladgate
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ghouljams · 3 months
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Price and Witch flirt with each other at the bar. Very minor descriptions of Ms. Witch.
You like going to Price's bar. Despite the hungry stares and the sexually oppressive atmosphere, it's upscale and well kept, and John is there. You try not to let that last part slip into your compliments of his establishment, a purchase you're sure did not coincide with your formation of a shopkeepers union/gossip circle, but it's true. You enjoy going simply because it's another moment you get to spend with the man you love. A word you're still getting used to using for him.
His chill creeps up your spine as you perch on your stool at the bar, his fingers following close behind. "Whiskey, neat," he tells the bartender, his fingers splaying wide and possessive over your back as he presses his hand flat against your dress. "Are you drinking tonight?" He asks with a tip of his head towards you.
"If it's not too much trouble," you smile, leaning your elbows against the bar and threading your fingers together. You rest your cheek against your hands to watch your man, the way his lips quirk ever so slightly, his eyes twinkling in the dim light of the bar, you like knowing he's happy to see you too, happy to treat you.
You don't feel apprehensive taking his kindness, not anymore.
"Taylor Fladgate for my-" he glances at you, and you shrug, "fiancé." The bartender barely looks at you, turning to fix the drinks with an air of disinterest that you only find in people trying to look like they aren't paying attention.
"Fiancé," you roll the word off your tongue, "when did that happen?"
"I like this dress," Price drags his fingers over the buttons lining your spine, tiny pearl things you'd never be able to do up without magic. He's changing the subject, poorly too. His fingernail slices one of the pearly buttons off, palming it as he trails his fingers to the next one. You shiver, feel the movement of it open the dress where your button was stolen. The bite of cold air may as well be from Price's own mouth the way it caresses your skin.
"Then stop ruining it," You hum, feeling another button open under his fingers. One of the sleeves starts to slip from your shoulder, and you lean a little more heavily against the bar.
"Now why would I do that?" His fingers tease the next pearl in the chain, his thumb swiping against the newly exposed skin of your back. You shiver, feel goosebumps rush over your skin. You bite your cheek, your eyes half lidded as you look at him. Price's smile is always tight, controlled, holding back from revealing any true emotion. You like the way it crinkles at the corners of his eyes when he smiles for you. Something warm and genuine behind his facade. Or rather, hot and heavy.
You have to press one of your hands to the front of your dress as he cuts off a third and fourth button, keeping the fabric held up over your breasts as Price drags his knuckles along your spine. Your sleeve falls from your shoulder, the fabric starting to pool at your elbow just as the bartender settles two glasses on the dark lacquered wood in front of you. Price deposits the buttons on the bar as payment, and you watch the bartender inspect them with interest. You other sleeve slips as you reach for the long stemmed glass of blood red liquor.
Price's fingers find the rim of his whiskey glass, frost running over the glass as he lifts it. You suppose there's no point asking for anything iced with him. You sip your drink, it's sweet, heady and rich. It reminds you of plums left in the sun too long, it makes your blood start to run just a touch warmer. You lick the lingering drops of port off your lips, tipping your head as Price tugs one of your curls free of your updo. He twists it around his finger before letting it fall back against your neck.
You think he only pulled it free to brush it back, his fingers ghosting over your skin as he moves your curl out of the way and replaces it with his lips. Warm, for all his ice.
"What's a witch like you doing in my bar?" He asks, his voice rough against your neck. You feel your eyes drift closed, blinking far too slowly as his calloused hand slides over your back, pushing your sleeves down further.
"Waiting for my fiancé, apparently," You hum. Price chuckles, his beard a scratchy sort of tickle against your neck as he kisses your jaw.
"Fiancé, eh?" You can feel the teeth of his smile, "Lucky man."
"Terribly," You smile, grabbing your glass as he turns your stool to face him. You take another sip of the sweet liquor as Price traces his fingers over your exposed skin. He tips his whiskey glass this way and that, the amber liquid swirling in the frozen glass as he blazes heat over your collar. He stops at the swell of your breasts, his eyes darkly following his fingers path only to linger on your cleavage.
"Anythin' I could do to take you home?" He asks, his voice thick enough he has to wet his throat with whiskey. You watch the bob of his throat as he swallows with an open interest. You eyes flicking to meet his when he settles the glass on the bar behind you. It brings him so close, you throw caution to the wind and let go of your own dress to splay your fingers against his chest. The flex of muscle and raw physicality under your touch makes you want to purr, almost as much as the possessive dip of his fingers to catch the top of your dress do. Price would never let anyone else catch a peak of you.
"You could ask me to marry you."
"Would you?"
"Maybe," You smile, "if you asked me properly."
Price steps closer, caging you in against the bar. Your teeth catch the rim of your class, your smile too wide to make you feel anything less than giggly. You like the way he looks at you, like he would stop the earth from spinning if you just asked.
"Tell me you love me again, and I might." He doesn't smile, but there's something playful in his eyes. Your back and forth a game he refuses to lose. You twist your fingers between the buttons trailing down his shirt and pull him down to drag your lips against his ear.
"I love you John," You whisper, feeling the purr that rumbles in his ribs against your fingers. It feels good to say it, lights up golden in your chest, some unfamiliar magic that feels all too natural.
Price tilts his head into your touch, enjoying the way his name drips off your lips. You sound like everything he's ever wanted. Terribly lucky indeed to find the one witch he could never eat and fall in love with her.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Eight ways wine will change in 2020 - more lifestyle
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What a decade this has been for wine—both good and bad.The 2010s saw the rise of serious global concern (at last!) about the effect of climate change on wine. That will continue big time, especially with 2019’s scorching heat waves in France and catastrophic fires in Sonoma, Calif., and South Australia.The rosé juggernaut of the past decade continues, as luxury players move in to Provence. LVMH acquired two rosé producers last year, including a majority share of Château d’Esclans, maker of ubiquitous Whispering Angel. Chanel, owner of three Bordeaux châteaux, snapped up Domaine de l’Ile.Natural wine captured the zeitgeist of the decade, which ended with trade wars slamming wine in the form of U.S. tariffs on French, German, and Spanish reds and whites, with the uncertainty of more to come in 2020. Brexit is still a problem, and wine caves, once a major tourism attraction in Napa, Calif., turned into political footballs. (Tip for cave owners: Don’t turn on the chandelier.)Hard seltzer also captured hearts, minds, and tongues this past year, with sales surging 210% in the U.S. To my dismay, they’re poised to triple by 2023, according to the drinks market analysts at IWSR. Why not make wine spritzers?On the plus side, fizz continues to effervesce, even though the French are drinking much less Champagne. To supply ever-increasing global demand (and at lower prices), Brazil, California, New Zealand, Oregon, and Tasmania are producing better sparklers than ever.At least, unlike the roaring ’20s of a century ago, 2020 won’t begin with Prohibition.Here’s what else I see in my crystal glass for 2020:- Global warming will ramp up wine experiments everywhereYou’ll see the bottled results of dozens of experiments, and more will be started. Sparkling wine from Nova Scotia? Definitely. Historic and new hybrid grapes that can cope with heat better? Spain’s Torres winery is on it; ditto Bordeaux, Champagne, and Napa. Fresher, brighter whites from high-altitude vineyards? Look to Chile and Argentina, including even the cold extremities of Patagonia.- Unfussy piquette will become a thingCasual, low-cost, and low-alcohol drinks that offer gluggable simplicity are having a moment, and they’ll be even more important in 2020.The fashion for pét-nats (pétillant naturel wines) and even hard seltzer (ugh!) are part of this trend. The latest addition is piquette, a worker’s drink popular centuries ago. Not technically a wine, it’s made by fermenting pomace—the leftover skins, seeds, and stems of grapes—to create a drink that’s 4% to 9% in alcohol with light bubbles to perk it up. It’s zippy and refreshing, akin to a sour beer. Wild Arc Farm in the Hudson Valley released four in 2019, including one in cans.- You’ll learn about wine in spaceThe past decade has seen wineries experiment with aging their wines under the sea. For 2020 and beyond, they’ll look to space.This past November, Luxembourg-based Space Cargo Unlimited started a project that sent bottles of red wine to the International Space Station to be aged for 12 months. The idea is to investigate how exposure to more radiation and microgravity affect the evolution of a wine’s components. When the wine returns, the University of Bordeaux will analyze it and compare it with wines aged on Earth.- The no- and low-alcohol movement will gain a foothold The health and wellness craze will affect wine beyond the idea of “Dry January.” Cutting back on how much you imbibe will be one of the biggest drinks trends of 2020, according to London-based retailer Bibendum. Alcohol-free Real Kombucha, introduced in 2017, is now available at more than 50 Michelin-starred restaurants and touted as an alternative to sauvignon blanc.Expect a boost of interest in organic and biodynamic wines—“health-focused” wine club Dry Farm Wines claims its offerings are all-natural and lab-tested for purity—as well as those naturally low in alcohol, such as riesling, lightly fizzy Spanish txakoli, and slightly sweet Italian moscato d’Asti. All are far more delicious and just as healthy as wines from “clean wine” companies such as FitVine. - You’ll buy luxury wines from vending machinesInsert token, receive a small bottle of Moët & Chandon brut or rosé. What could be simpler? Nabbing a bottle at a test machine in the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Fla., was cheaper, more convenient, and more fun than waiting for room service. New York got its first machine in October, and in 2020 Moët plans to spread 100 of them across the U.S. (You can even buy your own—$35,000 at Neiman Marcus—but stocking it with 360 mini-bottles costs extra.)The machines reflect the growing demand for instant access, even for luxury wines. Expect other wine companies to jump on this bandwagon. But because of France’s alcohol laws, don’t look for one in Paris.- Enotourism will get biggerFor starters, a €100 million ($112 million) World of Wine project is opening in 2020 across the Douro River from the city of Porto. The Fladgate Partnership, owner of several top port houses, is transforming 300-year-old warehouses into a series of wine experiences including a wine school and cork museum.In France, Champagne Bollinger is opening its doors to the public via membership in its special Club 1829, Château Lafite Rothschild will open a new hospitality center and wine school at Château Duhart-Milon in time for harvest, and Burgundy breaks ground this month on its own Cité des Vins.But the most interesting new wine travel development is the global DIY winemaking timeshare the Vines Global. Membership will let aspiring vineyard owners test their mettle making wine in a dozen regions with top winemakers. It started in Tuscany’s Montalcino last September; next year it will add Priorat, Spain, and two other places, with more to come.Just want to see vineyards? The World’s Best Vineyards, a new annual ranking of the 50 most amazing ones to visit, will help you know where to go.- Wine packaging will surprise youNo longer a fad, canned wines are expected to reach sales of $4.6 billion by 2024. Now that canning has been normalized, and higher-quality wines skip the traditional glass bottle, keep a lookout for ever more innovative packaging: refillable, reusable jugs and flat bottles made from recycled plastic, as well as green-friendly components such as zero-carbon corks.As for the staid wine label, more than 500 wineries across the globe are turning to augmented reality to bring labels to life through apps. And in Washington state, Chateau Ste. Michelle’s new Elicit Wine Project will act as an innovation hub for brands to take an info-rich, creative look at names, labels, and bottle design; for instance, its Fruit & Flower brand comes in both cans and bottles with themed label images to mirror the flavors of the wine inside.- Wine shops will become less conventionalU.K. department store John Lewis has added bookable wine master classes. Stranger Wines in Brooklyn, N.Y., plays vintage vinyl records and is expanding to snacks, and Manhattan’s just-opened Peoples is a wine bar that doubles as a retail wine shop, even if they have to have separate entrances because of liquor laws.Nielsen predicts AR and virtual reality technology will transform wine shops with navigation apps and electronic shelf beacons. The future will surely bring artificial intelligence-powered robot assistants. At the same time, buying online via phone apps will soar, again helped along by new technology.But as the year progresses, I still have plenty of questions. Will wine lovers continue to lust after the wines LeBron James posts on Instagram? Will interactive wine lists on tablets take over in Michelin-starred restaurants? Will South Africa be the value region of the year? I’ll be watching and reporting on these stories and many more in 2020.(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Read the full article
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alanafsmith · 5 years
And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are…
Gongs galore for industry’s top players, including firm of the year Taylor Wessing and ‘Most Admired’ chambers Blackstone
The Legal Cheek Awards 2019
The legal profession has celebrated the top rookie-rated law firms and chambers of the year in a glitzy ceremony held at the top of London’s iconic Cheesegrater skyscraper.
This year’s Legal Cheek Awards, sponsored by BARBRI International, took place on Thursday evening in Landing Forty Two of the tapering City of London tower officially known as the Leadenhall Building. Three-hundred guests from the UK’s leading corporate law firms and barristers’ chambers donned their sharpest suits and highest heels to ascend the escalators and glass-panelled lifts for the exclusive ceremony, hosted by Legal Cheek founder Alex Aldridge.
Before the Awards bash got underway, Sarah Hutchinson, BARBRI International managing director, presented the findings of Legal Cheek‘s Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) survey, before the audience were treated to the premiere of a short film, produced exclusively for the event by the Legal Cheek team.
Can you spot the special guest playing a cameo role in this year’s Legal Cheek Awards video?
Legal Cheek student campus ambassadors presented no less than 23 gongs alongside a handful of sponsors and legal celebrities, including Love Island solicitor Rosie Williams.
Rosie Williams with the Legal Cheek campus ambassadors and vloggers Chrissie Wolfe and Eve Cornwell #squadgoals
So who won what? Read on to find out.
Best Law Firm for Training 2019: Osborne Clarke
The Osborne Clarke team pick up their gong from King’s College London’s Simran Malhi
Highly commended: Ashurst, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Clifford Chance, Hogan Lovells, Linklaters, Macfarlanes, Mayer Brown, Norton Rose Fulbright, Pinsent Masons, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris
Best Law Firm for Quality of Work 2019: Shearman & Sterling
Emma Hopkins, our campus ambassador for Cambridge Uni, with Paul Gascoyne and the Shearman & Sterling team
Highly commended: Bristows, Farrer & Co, Fladgate, Foot Anstey, Gowling WLG, Kirkland & Ellis, Macfarlanes, Milbank, Mills & Reeve, Osborne Clarke, Ropes & Gray, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris
Best Law Firm for Peer Support 2019: Mayer Brown
Mayer Brown’s Danielle White receives the award from Hertfordshire Uni’s Gayathiri Kanagasundaram
Highly commended: Baker McKenzie, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Farrer & Co, Herbert Smith Freehills, Hogan Lovells, Irwin Mitchell, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, PwC, Simmons & Simmons, Taylor Wessing, White & Case
Best Law Firm for Partner Approachability 2019: Womble Bond Dickinson
Carter Corson business psychologist Sara Duxbury presents Womble Bond Dickinson’s Joanne Smallwood with the award
Sponsored by Carter Corson, business psychologists supporting high-profile organisations, particularly professional services firms.
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Bristows, Clyde & Co, DAC Beachcroft, Eversheds Sutherland, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, RPC, Ropes & Gray, Shoosmiths, Squire Patton Boggs, TLT, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith
Best Law Firm for Work/Life Balance 2019: DWF
LawCare CEO Elizabeth Rimmer with the DWF team
Sponsored by LawCare, the charity that supports and promotes mental health and wellbeing in the legal community throughout the UK and Ireland.
Highly commended: Ashfords, BLM, Blake Morgan, Browne Jacobson, Fieldfisher, Forsters, Irwin Mitchell, Mills & Reeve, Royds Withy King
Best Law Firm for Tech 2019: CMS
STEM Future Lawyers ambassador Nishant Prasad hands the CMS team their trophy
Sponsored by STEM Future Lawyers, the legal careers network for science, technology, engineering and maths students.
Highly commended: Addleshaw Goddard, Allen & Overy, Bird & Bird, Bristows, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, DWF, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons
Best Law Firm for Perks 2019: Clifford Chance
Coventry student Phoebe Howard presents the award to Clifford Chance trainee Adam Hunter
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hogan Lovells, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Milbank, Ropes & Gray, Skadden, White & Case
Most Impressive Law Firm Office 2019: Gowling WLG
The Gowling WLG team collecting their award from University of East Anglia student Giannis Christofi
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Bird & Bird, Burges Salmon, Clifford Chance, Kirkland & Ellis, Norton Rose Fulbright, Reed Smith, Ropes & Gray, Taylor Wessing
Best Law Firm Canteen 2019: Addleshaw Goddard
Roehampton Uni’s Aimee Peacock with the Addleshaw Goddard team
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Burges Salmon, Clyde & Co, Gowling WLG, Jones Day, K&L Gates, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Taylor Wessing
Best Law Firm for Social Life 2019: Burges Salmon
Imperial student Gatsby Fitzgerald presents Burges Salmon with their award
Highly commended: Bristows, Browne Jacobson, Charles Russell Speechlys, K&L Gates, RPC, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris, Wedlake Bell
Best Law Firm for International Secondments 2019: White & Case
HBW Consulting co-founder and director John Hancock presents the prize to the White & Case team
Sponsored by HBW Consulting, a boutique agency that works as a specialist extension to your graduate recruitment team, helping law firms with media strategy, spend and analysis.
Highly commended: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Clifford Chance, Debevoise & Plimpton, Dechert, HFW, Shearman & Sterling, Skadden, Stephenson Harwood, Watson Farley & Williams
Best Law Firm for Client Secondments 2019: Squire Patton Boggs
City Uni law student Malek Arab presents Squire Patton Boggs with their gong
Highly commended: Baker McKenzie, Bird & Bird, Bristows, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Mayer Brown, Reed Smith, RPC, Walker Morris, Weightmans
Most Admired Law Firm 2019: Bird & Bird
Final-year Queen Mary law student Saeed Mahmood hands a Bird & Bird rep their prize
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Herbert Smith Freehills, Kirkland & Ellis, Latham & Watkins, Mishcon de Reya, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Slaughter and May
Legal Cheek Firm of the Year 2019: Taylor Wessing
BARBRI’s Sarah Hutchinson with Taylor Wessing’s Lydia Block and Olivia Coppin
Presented by BARBRI, the interntional legal qualifications specialist.
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Gowling WLG, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, Travers Smith
Best Chambers for Training 2019: Hardwicke
The Hardwicke team receive their award from Coventry Uni’s Samiksha Shetty
Highly commended: 2 Temple Gardens, 5 Essex Court, 7 King’s Bench Walk, Atkin Chambers, Blackstone Chambers, Kings Chambers, Littleton Chambers, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, Wilberforce Chambers
Best Chambers for Quality of Work 2019: Littleton Chambers
Bar Squared CEO Helen Ford with Littleton Chambers
Sponsored by Bar Squared, legal tech company and developers of LEX, a leading software solution for barristers’ chambers.
Highly commended: 11KBW, 4 New Square, 5 Essex Court, Blackstone Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, Landmark Chambers, Serjeants’ Inn, Wilberforce Chambers
Best Chambers for Colleague Supportiveness 2019: Cornerstone Barristers
Carolina Gasparoli and the Cornerstone Barristers team pick up their gong from Kingston Uni’s Maria Dvornikova
Highly commended: Devereux Chambers, Exchange Chambers, Hardwicke, Henderson Chambers, Kings Chambers, Outer Temple Chambers, St John’s Chambers
Best Chambers for Facilities 2019: Exchange Chambers
Bristol Uni’s Holly Hill presents Exchange Chambers’ Tom Handley with the trophy
Highly commended: 2 Temple Gardens, 3 Verulam Buildings, 39 Essex Chambers, 4 New Square, Blackstone Chambers, Cornerstone Barristers, Fountain Court Chambers, Hardwicke, Radcliffe Chambers
Best Chambers for Social Life 2019: Henderson Chambers
The Henderson Chambers team with City Uni’s Zulkaif Riaz
Highly commended: 1 Crown Office Row, 12 King’s Bench Walk, 2 Hare Court, 4 Pump Court, 5 Essex Court, Cornerstone Barristers, Keating Chambers, Radcliffe Chambers, XXIV Old Buildings
Most Admired Chambers 2019: Blackstone Chambers
UCL’s Christopher Ho with the Blackstone Chambers team
Highly commended: One Essex Court, Brick Court Chambers, Matrix Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, 1 Crown Office Row, Essex Court Chambers, 11KBW, Doughty Street Chambers, Landmark Chambers
Legal Cheek Chambers of the Year 2019: Radcliffe Chambers
BARBRI’s Sarah Hutchinson presents the Radcliffe Chambers team with their trophy
Presented by BARBRI, the interntional legal qualifications specialist.
Highly commended: Blackstone Chambers, Cornerstone Barristers, 5 Essex Court, Exchange Chambers, Hardwicke, Henderson Chambers, Kings Chambers, Littleton Chambers, 2 Temple Gardens
Best Use of Social Media 2019: YouTuber Angeliculture
Who better than Rosie Williams of Love Island fame to present Angelica Olawepo with the award for ‘Best Use of Social Media’?
Highly commended: Vlogger Chrissie Wolfe (Law and Broader) and Irwin Mitchell, 5 Essex Court’s Instagram account, Linklaters and Eve Cornwell’s collab video, The Bar Council’s ‘#iamthebar’ Twitter campaign, Blogger Rosie Watterson (Apply.Shine.Win) and Herbert Smith Freehills, Shoosmiths’ Facebook Livestreams, The Secret Barrister, The UK Supreme Court’s Instagram, Shearman & Sterling’s video series, ‘Whiteboard Wednesday’
Best Legal Cheek Journal Contribution 2019: Max Aitchison for ‘Revenge porn: Love Island and the law’
Max Aitchison receives his trophy from LPC Law partner Michael Javaherian
Sponsored by LPC Law, a specialist firm of solicitors, focused on providing a high quality advocacy and clerking service to clients throughout England and Wales.
Highly commended: ‘Why our employment laws need some serious attention’ by Fraser Collingham, ‘The coming of the age of AI in the law’ by Soh Kian Peng, ‘Consensual sadomasochism is private sex — not violence’ by Gina Heung Lai Yin, ‘Should there be criminal liability for corporations?’ by Rodney Dzwairo, ‘What does artificial intelligence look like?’ by Nishant Prasad, ‘Should law firms be able to float?’ by Clive Wong, ‘Should sex offenders have access to the internet?’ by Maro Polykarpou, ‘Black Lives Matter: How to fix a failing criminal justice system?’ By Eeman Talha, ‘Owens v Owens: Has the time finally come for a ‘no-fault divorce’ system?’ By Thomas McGrath
The post And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are… appeared first on Legal Cheek.
from All About Law https://www.legalcheek.com/2019/03/and-the-winners-of-the-legal-cheek-awards-2019-are/
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davidchanus · 5 years
And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are…
Gongs galore for industry’s top players, including firm of the year Taylor Wessing and ‘Most Admired’ chambers Blackstone
The Legal Cheek Awards 2019
The legal profession has celebrated the top rookie-rated law firms and chambers of the year in a glitzy ceremony held at the top of London’s iconic Cheesegrater skyscraper.
This year’s Legal Cheek Awards, sponsored by BARBRI International, took place on Thursday evening in Landing Forty Two of the tapering City of London tower officially known as the Leadenhall Building. Three-hundred guests from the UK’s leading corporate law firms and barristers’ chambers donned their sharpest suits and highest heels to ascend the escalators and glass-panelled lifts for the exclusive ceremony, hosted by Legal Cheek founder Alex Aldridge.
Before the Awards bash got underway, Sarah Hutchinson, BARBRI International managing director, presented the findings of Legal Cheek‘s Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) survey, before the audience were treated to the premiere of a short film, produced exclusively for the event by the Legal Cheek team.
Can you spot the special guest playing a cameo role in this year’s Legal Cheek Awards video?
Legal Cheek student campus ambassadors presented no less than 23 gongs alongside a handful of sponsors and legal celebrities, including Love Island solicitor Rosie Williams.
Rosie Williams with the Legal Cheek campus ambassadors and vloggers Chrissie Wolfe and Eve Cornwell #squadgoals
So who won what? Read on to find out.
Best Law Firm for Training 2019: Osborne Clarke
The Osborne Clarke team pick up their gong from King’s College London’s Simran Malhi
Highly commended: Ashurst, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Clifford Chance, Hogan Lovells, Linklaters, Macfarlanes, Mayer Brown, Norton Rose Fulbright, Pinsent Masons, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris
Best Law Firm for Quality of Work 2019: Shearman & Sterling
Emma Hopkins, our campus ambassador for Cambridge Uni, with Paul Gascoyne and the Shearman & Sterling team
Highly commended: Bristows, Farrer & Co, Fladgate, Foot Anstey, Gowling WLG, Kirkland & Ellis, Macfarlanes, Milbank, Mills & Reeve, Osborne Clarke, Ropes & Gray, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris
Best Law Firm for Peer Support 2019: Mayer Brown
Mayer Brown’s Danielle White receives the award from Hertfordshire Uni’s Gayathiri Kanagasundaram
Highly commended: Baker McKenzie, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Farrer & Co, Herbert Smith Freehills, Hogan Lovells, Irwin Mitchell, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, PwC, Simmons & Simmons, Taylor Wessing, White & Case
Best Law Firm for Partner Approachability 2019: Womble Bond Dickinson
Carter Corson business psychologist Sara Duxbury presents Womble Bond Dickinson’s Joanne Smallwood with the award
Sponsored by Carter Corson, business psychologists supporting high-profile organisations, particularly professional services firms.
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Bristows, Clyde & Co, DAC Beachcroft, Eversheds Sutherland, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, RPC, Ropes & Gray, Shoosmiths, Squire Patton Boggs, TLT, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith
Best Law Firm for Work/Life Balance 2019: DWF
LawCare CEO Elizabeth Rimmer with the DWF team
Sponsored by LawCare, the charity that supports and promotes mental health and wellbeing in the legal community throughout the UK and Ireland.
Highly commended: Ashfords, BLM, Blake Morgan, Browne Jacobson, Fieldfisher, Forsters, Irwin Mitchell, Mills & Reeve, Royds Withy King
Best Law Firm for Tech 2019: CMS
STEM Future Lawyers ambassador Nishant Prasad hands the CMS team their trophy
Sponsored by STEM Future Lawyers, the legal careers network for science, technology, engineering and maths students.
Highly commended: Addleshaw Goddard, Allen & Overy, Bird & Bird, Bristows, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, DWF, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons
Best Law Firm for Perks 2019: Clifford Chance
Coventry student Phoebe Howard presents the award to Clifford Chance trainee Adam Hunter
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hogan Lovells, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Milbank, Ropes & Gray, Skadden, White & Case
Most Impressive Law Firm Office 2019: Gowling WLG
The Gowling WLG team collecting their award from University of East Anglia student Giannis Christofi
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Bird & Bird, Burges Salmon, Clifford Chance, Kirkland & Ellis, Norton Rose Fulbright, Reed Smith, Ropes & Gray, Taylor Wessing
Best Law Firm Canteen 2019: Addleshaw Goddard
Roehampton Uni’s Aimee Peacock with the Addleshaw Goddard team
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Burges Salmon, Clyde & Co, Gowling WLG, Jones Day, K&L Gates, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Taylor Wessing
Best Law Firm for Social Life 2019: Burges Salmon
Imperial student Gatsby Fitzgerald presents Burges Salmon with their award
Highly commended: Bristows, Browne Jacobson, Charles Russell Speechlys, K&L Gates, RPC, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris, Wedlake Bell
Best Law Firm for International Secondments 2019: White & Case
HBW Consulting co-founder and director John Hancock presents the prize to the White & Case team
Sponsored by HBW Consulting, a boutique agency that works as a specialist extension to your graduate recruitment team, helping law firms with media strategy, spend and analysis.
Highly commended: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Clifford Chance, Debevoise & Plimpton, Dechert, HFW, Shearman & Sterling, Skadden, Stephenson Harwood, Watson Farley & Williams
Best Law Firm for Client Secondments 2019: Squire Patton Boggs
City Uni law student Malek Arab presents Squire Patton Boggs with their gong
Highly commended: Baker McKenzie, Bird & Bird, Bristows, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Mayer Brown, Reed Smith, RPC, Walker Morris, Weightmans
Most Admired Law Firm 2019: Bird & Bird
Final-year Queen Mary law student Saeed Mahmood hands a Bird & Bird rep their prize
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Herbert Smith Freehills, Kirkland & Ellis, Latham & Watkins, Mishcon de Reya, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Slaughter and May
Legal Cheek Firm of the Year 2019: Taylor Wessing
BARBRI’s Sarah Hutchinson with Taylor Wessing’s Lydia Block and Olivia Coppin
Presented by BARBRI, the interntional legal qualifications specialist.
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Gowling WLG, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, Travers Smith
Best Chambers for Training 2019: Hardwicke
The Hardwicke team receive their award from Coventry Uni’s Samiksha Shetty
Highly commended: 2 Temple Gardens, 5 Essex Court, 7 King’s Bench Walk, Atkin Chambers, Blackstone Chambers, Kings Chambers, Littleton Chambers, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, Wilberforce Chambers
Best Chambers for Quality of Work 2019: Littleton Chambers
Bar Squared CEO Helen Ford with Littleton Chambers
Sponsored by Bar Squared, legal tech company and developers of LEX, a leading software solution for barristers’ chambers.
Highly commended: 11KBW, 4 New Square, 5 Essex Court, Blackstone Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, Landmark Chambers, Serjeants’ Inn, Wilberforce Chambers
Best Chambers for Colleague Supportiveness 2019: Cornerstone Barristers
Carolina Gasparoli and the Cornerstone Barristers team pick up their gong from Kingston Uni’s Maria Dvornikova
Highly commended: Devereux Chambers, Exchange Chambers, Hardwicke, Henderson Chambers, Kings Chambers, Outer Temple Chambers, St John’s Chambers
Best Chambers for Facilities 2019: Exchange Chambers
Bristol Uni’s Holly Hill presents Exchange Chambers’ Tom Handley with the trophy
Highly commended: 2 Temple Gardens, 3 Verulam Buildings, 39 Essex Chambers, 4 New Square, Blackstone Chambers, Cornerstone Barristers, Fountain Court Chambers, Hardwicke, Radcliffe Chambers
Best Chambers for Social Life 2019: Henderson Chambers
The Henderson Chambers team with City Uni’s Zulkaif Riaz
Highly commended: 1 Crown Office Row, 12 King’s Bench Walk, 2 Hare Court, 4 Pump Court, 5 Essex Court, Cornerstone Barristers, Keating Chambers, Radcliffe Chambers, XXIV Old Buildings
Most Admired Chambers 2019: Blackstone Chambers
UCL’s Christopher Ho with the Blackstone Chambers team
Highly commended: One Essex Court, Brick Court Chambers, Matrix Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, 1 Crown Office Row, Essex Court Chambers, 11KBW, Doughty Street Chambers, Landmark Chambers
Legal Cheek Chambers of the Year 2019: Radcliffe Chambers
BARBRI’s Sarah Hutchinson presents the Radcliffe Chambers team with their trophy
Presented by BARBRI, the interntional legal qualifications specialist.
Highly commended: Blackstone Chambers, Cornerstone Barristers, 5 Essex Court, Exchange Chambers, Hardwicke, Henderson Chambers, Kings Chambers, Littleton Chambers, 2 Temple Gardens
Best Use of Social Media 2019: YouTuber Angeliculture
Who better than Rosie Williams of Love Island fame to present Angelica Olawepo with the award for ‘Best Use of Social Media’?
Highly commended: Vlogger Chrissie Wolfe (Law and Broader) and Irwin Mitchell, 5 Essex Court’s Instagram account, Linklaters and Eve Cornwell’s collab video, The Bar Council’s ‘#iamthebar’ Twitter campaign, Blogger Rosie Watterson (Apply.Shine.Win) and Herbert Smith Freehills, Shoosmiths’ Facebook Livestreams, The Secret Barrister, The UK Supreme Court’s Instagram, Shearman & Sterling’s video series, ‘Whiteboard Wednesday’
Best Legal Cheek Journal Contribution 2019: Max Aitchison for ‘Revenge porn: Love Island and the law’
Max Aitchison receives his trophy from LPC Law partner Michael Javaherian
Sponsored by LPC Law, a specialist firm of solicitors, focused on providing a high quality advocacy and clerking service to clients throughout England and Wales.
Highly commended: ‘Why our employment laws need some serious attention’ by Fraser Collingham, ‘The coming of the age of AI in the law’ by Soh Kian Peng, ‘Consensual sadomasochism is private sex — not violence’ by Gina Heung Lai Yin, ‘Should there be criminal liability for corporations?’ by Rodney Dzwairo, ‘What does artificial intelligence look like?’ by Nishant Prasad, ‘Should law firms be able to float?’ by Clive Wong, ‘Should sex offenders have access to the internet?’ by Maro Polykarpou, ‘Black Lives Matter: How to fix a failing criminal justice system?’ By Eeman Talha, ‘Owens v Owens: Has the time finally come for a ‘no-fault divorce’ system?’ By Thomas McGrath
The post And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are… appeared first on Legal Cheek.
from Legal News https://www.legalcheek.com/2019/03/and-the-winners-of-the-legal-cheek-awards-2019-are/
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fayeburnsus · 5 years
And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are…
Gongs galore for industry’s top players, including firm of the year Taylor Wessing and ‘Most Admired’ chambers Blackstone
The Legal Cheek Awards 2019
The legal profession has celebrated the top rookie-rated law firms and chambers of the year in a glitzy ceremony held at the top of London’s iconic Cheesegrater skyscraper.
This year’s Legal Cheek Awards, sponsored by BARBRI International, took place on Thursday evening in Landing Forty Two of the tapering City of London tower officially known as the Leadenhall Building. Three-hundred guests from the UK’s leading corporate law firms and barristers’ chambers donned their sharpest suits and highest heels to ascend the escalators and glass-panelled lifts for the exclusive ceremony, hosted by Legal Cheek founder Alex Aldridge.
Before the Awards bash got underway, Sarah Hutchinson, BARBRI International managing director, presented the findings of Legal Cheek‘s Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) survey, before the audience were treated to the premiere of a short film, produced exclusively for the event by the Legal Cheek team.
Can you spot the special guest playing a cameo role in this year’s Legal Cheek Awards video?
Legal Cheek student campus ambassadors presented no less than 23 gongs alongside a handful of sponsors and legal celebrities, including Love Island solicitor Rosie Williams.
Rosie Williams with the Legal Cheek campus ambassadors and vloggers Chrissie Wolfe and Eve Cornwell #squadgoals
So who won what? Read on to find out.
Best Law Firm for Training 2019: Osborne Clarke
The Osborne Clarke team pick up their gong from King’s College London’s Simran Malhi
Highly commended: Ashurst, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Clifford Chance, Hogan Lovells, Linklaters, Macfarlanes, Mayer Brown, Norton Rose Fulbright, Pinsent Masons, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris
Best Law Firm for Quality of Work 2019: Shearman & Sterling
Emma Hopkins, our campus ambassador for Cambridge Uni, with Paul Gascoyne and the Shearman & Sterling team
Highly commended: Bristows, Farrer & Co, Fladgate, Foot Anstey, Gowling WLG, Kirkland & Ellis, Macfarlanes, Milbank, Mills & Reeve, Osborne Clarke, Ropes & Gray, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris
Best Law Firm for Peer Support 2019: Mayer Brown
Mayer Brown’s Danielle White receives the award from Hertfordshire Uni’s Gayathiri Kanagasundaram
Highly commended: Baker McKenzie, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Farrer & Co, Herbert Smith Freehills, Hogan Lovells, Irwin Mitchell, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, PwC, Simmons & Simmons, Taylor Wessing, White & Case
Best Law Firm for Partner Approachability 2019: Womble Bond Dickinson
Carter Corson business psychologist Sara Duxbury presents Womble Bond Dickinson’s Joanne Smallwood with the award
Sponsored by Carter Corson, business psychologists supporting high-profile organisations, particularly professional services firms.
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Bristows, Clyde & Co, DAC Beachcroft, Eversheds Sutherland, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, RPC, Ropes & Gray, Shoosmiths, Squire Patton Boggs, TLT, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith
Best Law Firm for Work/Life Balance 2019: DWF
LawCare CEO Elizabeth Rimmer with the DWF team
Sponsored by LawCare, the charity that supports and promotes mental health and wellbeing in the legal community throughout the UK and Ireland.
Highly commended: Ashfords, BLM, Blake Morgan, Browne Jacobson, Fieldfisher, Forsters, Irwin Mitchell, Mills & Reeve, Royds Withy King
Best Law Firm for Tech 2019: CMS
STEM Future Lawyers ambassador Nishant Prasad hands the CMS team their trophy
Sponsored by STEM Future Lawyers, the legal careers network for science, technology, engineering and maths students.
Highly commended: Addleshaw Goddard, Allen & Overy, Bird & Bird, Bristows, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner, DWF, Gowling WLG, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons
Best Law Firm for Perks 2019: Clifford Chance
Coventry student Phoebe Howard presents the award to Clifford Chance trainee Adam Hunter
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Hogan Lovells, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Milbank, Ropes & Gray, Skadden, White & Case
Most Impressive Law Firm Office 2019: Gowling WLG
The Gowling WLG team collecting their award from University of East Anglia student Giannis Christofi
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Bird & Bird, Burges Salmon, Clifford Chance, Kirkland & Ellis, Norton Rose Fulbright, Reed Smith, Ropes & Gray, Taylor Wessing
Best Law Firm Canteen 2019: Addleshaw Goddard
Roehampton Uni’s Aimee Peacock with the Addleshaw Goddard team
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Burges Salmon, Clyde & Co, Gowling WLG, Jones Day, K&L Gates, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Taylor Wessing
Best Law Firm for Social Life 2019: Burges Salmon
Imperial student Gatsby Fitzgerald presents Burges Salmon with their award
Highly commended: Bristows, Browne Jacobson, Charles Russell Speechlys, K&L Gates, RPC, Taylor Wessing, Travers Smith, Walker Morris, Wedlake Bell
Best Law Firm for International Secondments 2019: White & Case
HBW Consulting co-founder and director John Hancock presents the prize to the White & Case team
Sponsored by HBW Consulting, a boutique agency that works as a specialist extension to your graduate recruitment team, helping law firms with media strategy, spend and analysis.
Highly commended: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Clifford Chance, Debevoise & Plimpton, Dechert, HFW, Shearman & Sterling, Skadden, Stephenson Harwood, Watson Farley & Williams
Best Law Firm for Client Secondments 2019: Squire Patton Boggs
City Uni law student Malek Arab presents Squire Patton Boggs with their gong
Highly commended: Baker McKenzie, Bird & Bird, Bristows, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, Mayer Brown, Reed Smith, RPC, Walker Morris, Weightmans
Most Admired Law Firm 2019: Bird & Bird
Final-year Queen Mary law student Saeed Mahmood hands a Bird & Bird rep their prize
Highly commended: Allen & Overy, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Herbert Smith Freehills, Kirkland & Ellis, Latham & Watkins, Mishcon de Reya, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Slaughter and May
Legal Cheek Firm of the Year 2019: Taylor Wessing
BARBRI’s Sarah Hutchinson with Taylor Wessing’s Lydia Block and Olivia Coppin
Presented by BARBRI, the interntional legal qualifications specialist.
Highly commended: Bird & Bird, Bristows, Burges Salmon, Gowling WLG, Kirkland & Ellis, Linklaters, Osborne Clarke, Pinsent Masons, Travers Smith
Best Chambers for Training 2019: Hardwicke
The Hardwicke team receive their award from Coventry Uni’s Samiksha Shetty
Highly commended: 2 Temple Gardens, 5 Essex Court, 7 King’s Bench Walk, Atkin Chambers, Blackstone Chambers, Kings Chambers, Littleton Chambers, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, Wilberforce Chambers
Best Chambers for Quality of Work 2019: Littleton Chambers
Bar Squared CEO Helen Ford with Littleton Chambers
Sponsored by Bar Squared, legal tech company and developers of LEX, a leading software solution for barristers’ chambers.
Highly commended: 11KBW, 4 New Square, 5 Essex Court, Blackstone Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, Landmark Chambers, Serjeants’ Inn, Wilberforce Chambers
Best Chambers for Colleague Supportiveness 2019: Cornerstone Barristers
Carolina Gasparoli and the Cornerstone Barristers team pick up their gong from Kingston Uni’s Maria Dvornikova
Highly commended: Devereux Chambers, Exchange Chambers, Hardwicke, Henderson Chambers, Kings Chambers, Outer Temple Chambers, St John’s Chambers
Best Chambers for Facilities 2019: Exchange Chambers
Bristol Uni’s Holly Hill presents Exchange Chambers’ Tom Handley with the trophy
Highly commended: 2 Temple Gardens, 3 Verulam Buildings, 39 Essex Chambers, 4 New Square, Blackstone Chambers, Cornerstone Barristers, Fountain Court Chambers, Hardwicke, Radcliffe Chambers
Best Chambers for Social Life 2019: Henderson Chambers
The Henderson Chambers team with City Uni’s Zulkaif Riaz
Highly commended: 1 Crown Office Row, 12 King’s Bench Walk, 2 Hare Court, 4 Pump Court, 5 Essex Court, Cornerstone Barristers, Keating Chambers, Radcliffe Chambers, XXIV Old Buildings
Most Admired Chambers 2019: Blackstone Chambers
UCL’s Christopher Ho with the Blackstone Chambers team
Highly commended: One Essex Court, Brick Court Chambers, Matrix Chambers, Fountain Court Chambers, 1 Crown Office Row, Essex Court Chambers, 11KBW, Doughty Street Chambers, Landmark Chambers
Legal Cheek Chambers of the Year 2019: Radcliffe Chambers
BARBRI’s Sarah Hutchinson presents the Radcliffe Chambers team with their trophy
Presented by BARBRI, the interntional legal qualifications specialist.
Highly commended: Blackstone Chambers, Cornerstone Barristers, 5 Essex Court, Exchange Chambers, Hardwicke, Henderson Chambers, Kings Chambers, Littleton Chambers, 2 Temple Gardens
Best Use of Social Media 2019: YouTuber Angeliculture
Who better than Rosie Williams of Love Island fame to present Angelica Olawepo with the award for ‘Best Use of Social Media’?
Highly commended: Vlogger Chrissie Wolfe (Law and Broader) and Irwin Mitchell, 5 Essex Court’s Instagram account, Linklaters and Eve Cornwell’s collab video, The Bar Council’s ‘#iamthebar’ Twitter campaign, Blogger Rosie Watterson (Apply.Shine.Win) and Herbert Smith Freehills, Shoosmiths’ Facebook Livestreams, The Secret Barrister, The UK Supreme Court’s Instagram, Shearman & Sterling’s video series, ‘Whiteboard Wednesday’
Best Legal Cheek Journal Contribution 2019: Max Aitchison for ‘Revenge porn: Love Island and the law’
Max Aitchison receives his trophy from LPC Law partner Michael Javaherian
Sponsored by LPC Law, a specialist firm of solicitors, focused on providing a high quality advocacy and clerking service to clients throughout England and Wales.
Highly commended: ‘Why our employment laws need some serious attention’ by Fraser Collingham, ‘The coming of the age of AI in the law’ by Soh Kian Peng, ‘Consensual sadomasochism is private sex — not violence’ by Gina Heung Lai Yin, ‘Should there be criminal liability for corporations?’ by Rodney Dzwairo, ‘What does artificial intelligence look like?’ by Nishant Prasad, ‘Should law firms be able to float?’ by Clive Wong, ‘Should sex offenders have access to the internet?’ by Maro Polykarpou, ‘Black Lives Matter: How to fix a failing criminal justice system?’ By Eeman Talha, ‘Owens v Owens: Has the time finally come for a ‘no-fault divorce’ system?’ By Thomas McGrath
The post And the winners of the Legal Cheek Awards 2019 are… appeared first on Legal Cheek.
from Legal News And Updates https://www.legalcheek.com/2019/03/and-the-winners-of-the-legal-cheek-awards-2019-are/
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