#John Glenn '84
deadpresidents · 1 year
Is there anyone who could have given Reagan a bigger challenge than Walter Mondale did in 1984?
If John Glenn had just hired the right people and put together a better campaign strategy (and maybe had a bit more political charisma), he could have absolutely been able to give Ronald Reagan a run for his money in 1984.
Reagan's whole political identity was that he was the most All-Americany All-American that ever stepped foot on the political scene and that he was going to fight Communism and make America that shining city on a hill. Imagine if he had to run against John Fucking Glenn -- a fighter pilot in World War II and Korea who literally fought Communists in real combat. Oh, and then he was one of the Mercury Seven and just so happened to be the first American astronaut to ever orbit the Earth. John Glenn wasn't just an astronaut -- he was the image that people had in their heads when they thought about what an astronaut was. He's still the definition of astronaut to most Americans. He was also buddies with JFK and RFK and when he retired from NASA -- again, he was a fucking ASTRONAUT, in case I didn't make that clear -- instead of moving to Florida and going golfing, he became a U.S. Senator. Not only should John Glenn have been able to out-All-American Ronald Reagan, but he should have been able to make Reagan seem like Leonid Brezhnev. I mean, just picture Reagan trying to get cute in a debate and making some sort of joke and then Glenn saying, "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly. My ears are still adjusting from when I was a fighter pilot who shot down three actual MiG-15s and then became a FUCKING ASTRONAUT WHO ORBITED THE EARTH."
But when Glenn did seek the Democratic nomination in 1984, he ran a really crappy campaign and somehow lost to Walter Mondale (who went on to lose 49 out of 50 states to Reagan in the general election). Glenn's campaign is one of the all-time missed opportunities. He was running for President just a few months after The Right Stuff came out and reminded Americans that Glenn was not only an astronaut but THE astronaut! His campaign should have held screenings of that movie in every early primary state and just had Glenn serving apple pie and Coca-Cola outside every theater while wearing his space suit and sitting in a fighter jet and reminding folks that Reagan's "combat" duties during World War II was making training films in Burbank.
I don't know who ran John Glenn's disastrous 1984 Presidential campaign, but it was political malpractice. Just answering this question makes me mad because it's so obvious that he was the PERFECT candidate to run against Ronald Reagan. HE WAS JOHN GLENN. He was such a legendary astronaut that, years later, when NASA wanted to send an old guy to space to study the effects of space flight on aging people, they sent him! He was almost 80 years old and passed the same physicals as young astronauts! How the hell did Glenn lose the Democratic nomination to Mondale? John Glenn lost to a guy named "Fritz"! I can't believe that John Glenn couldn't even beat the guy who got beat in 49 out of 50 states in 1984.
I can't believe how frustrated I am from answering this question and slowly realizing the sheer political malpractice of John Glenn's failed 1984 Presidential campaign.
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trnsocial · 1 month
84 From '84: The River
A farming family battles severe storms, while taking a valiant stand against a bank foreclosure and a powerful land grabber. Cast: Sissy Spacek as Mae Garvey Mel Gibson as Tom Garvey Shane Bailey as Lewis Garvey Becky Jo Lynch as Beth Garvey Scott Glenn as Joe Wade 1984 memories Someone in my house rented this, most likely my dad. When I watched it back in 1984 I thought it was OK. Some…
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Elaine Stritch's first orgasm during "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?": Crazy cantankerous Elaine Stritch was never one to mince words. Perhaps a crowning achievement in her many instances of raw candor, Elaine revealed the story behind her first-ever orgasm in an interview with "30 Rock" co-star Alec Baldwin in 2013. Elaine starred in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? on Broadway and during the national tour, 1963 and 1965, respectively. She would have been in her late thirties.
"But I wanted to tell something intimate about myself to John [Turturro] about when he was interviewing me. I told him that when I was doing Virginia Woolf and when George and Martha had their scene together and George said, 'Our son is dead.' You know, that big scene? 'Our son,' he yells in my face, 'is dead.' And I went 'No!' At the height of my force, I said no to him. And I had an orgasm for the first time in my life... So this is how important that moment was on stage to me. This is unbelievable, you don't know." -source
Gertrude Lawrence (almost) drops dead during "The King and I": On August 16th, 1952, one of the great stage divas of this world--and rumored lesbian--Gertrude Lawrence collapsed backstage after a Saturday matinee of The King and I. She was admitted to a hospital shortly thereafter, and by early September, the Tony-winning star was declared dead. She was buried in the iconic champagne "Shall We Dance?" gown, and became the first person for whom Broadway dimmed the marquee lights for. She was 54. And so began the long-standing King and I curse (I say tongue-in-cheek) where every subsequent Anna Leonowens has had some terrible tragedy befall them. -source
Julie Andrews declines her Tony nomination for "Victor/Victoria": We live in a cruel and unforgivable world where Julie Andrews does not have a Tony Award. The closest she came was in 1996 where she was nominated for Victor/Victoria. As the sole nomination for the show, Julie announced that she would withdraw her name for consideration in protest on behalf of her egregiously overlooked costars and creative team. She was thought to be a locked win at the time, and though her name did remain officially on the voting ballot, the award ultimately went to Donna Murphy for The King and I, making an awkward situation for everyone involved. -source
Marin Mazzie's "pussy on fire" incident during "Passion": Well, I'll let her tell you all about it.
Patti LuPone and the ALW Memorial Pool: Patti LuPone and the infamous lawsuit that cost ALW a million dollars for breaking her Sunset Boulevard contract. Patti had an iron-clad contract that stated she would be transferring with the production to Broadway, but news broke that she would be replaced by Glenn Close. Patti, who was at the theatre when she found out, went absolutely batshit and trashed her entire dressing room. Her feud persists to this day with several ups and downs, as is her right as a Diva-with-a-capital-D.
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Honorable mentions:
Stephen Sondheim sex dungeon
Bob Fosse's womanizing and finally him collapsing in separated wife Gwen Verdon's arms and dying shortly after.
The affairs of Broadway
Anti-vaxxer Laura Osnes tanking her promising Broadway career and now performing as a circus singer.
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todaysdocument · 10 months
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Discharge Petition for H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of RepresentativesSeries: General Records
This item, H.R. 7152, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, faced strong opposition in the House Rules Committee. Howard Smith, Chairman of the committee, refused to schedule hearings for the bill. Emanuel Celler, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, attempted to use this discharge petition to move the bill out of committee without holding hearings. The petition failed to gain the required majority of Congress (218 signatures), but forced Chairman Smith to schedule hearings.
88th CONGRESS. House of Representatives No. 5 Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a RESOLUTION (State whether bill, joint resolution, or resolution) December 9, 1963 To the Clerk of the House of Representatives: Pursuant to Clause 4 of Rule XXVII (see rule on page 7), I EMANUEL CELLER (Name of Member), move to discharge to the Commitee on RULES (Committee) from the consideration of the RESOLUTION; H. Res. 574 entitled, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE BILL (H. R. 7152) which was referred to said committee November 27, 1963 in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit: 1. Emanuel Celler 2. John J. Rooney 3. Seymour Halpern 4. James G Fulton 5. Thomas W Pelly 6. Robt N. C. Nix 7. Jeffery Cohelan 8. W A Barrett 9. William S. Mailiard 10. 11. Augustus F. Hawkins 12. Otis G. Pike 13. Benjamin S Rosenthal 14. Spark M Matsunaga 15. Frank M. Clark 16. William L Dawson 17. Melvin Price 18. John C. Kluczynski 19. Barratt O'Hara 20. George E. Shipley 21. Dan Rostenkowski 22. Ralph J. Rivers[page] 2 23. Everett G. Burkhalter 24. Robert L. Leggett 25. William L St Onge 26. Edward P. Boland 27. Winfield K. Denton 28. David J. Flood 29. 30. Lucian N. Nedzi 31. James Roosevelt 32. Henry C Reuss 33. Charles S. Joelson 34. Samuel N. Friedel 35. George M. Rhodes 36. William F. Ryan 37. Clarence D. Long 38. Charles C. Diggs Jr 39. Morris K. Udall 40. Wm J. Randall 41. 42. Donald M. Fraser 43. Joseph G. Minish 44. Edith Green 45. Neil Staebler 46. 47. Ralph R. Harding 48. Frank M. Karsten 49. 50. John H. Dent 51. John Brademas 52. John E. Moss 53. Jacob H. Gilbert 54. Leonor K. Sullivan 55. John F. Shelley 56. 57. Lionel Van Deerlin 58. Carlton R. Sickles 59. 60. Edward R. Finnegan 61. Julia Butler Hansen 62. Richard Bolling 63. Ken Heckler 64. Herman Toll 65. Ray J Madden 66. J Edward Roush 67. James A. Burke 68. Frank C. Osmers Jr 69. Adam Powell 70. 71. Fred Schwengel 72. Philip J. Philiben 73. Byron G. Rogers 74. John F. Baldwin 75. Joseph Karth 76. 77. Roland V. Libonati 78. John V. Lindsay 79. Stanley R. Tupper 80. Joseph M. McDade 81. Wm Broomfield 82. 83. 84. Robert J Corbett 85. 86. Craig Hosmer87. Robert N. Giaimo 88. Claude Pepper 89. William T Murphy 90. George H. Fallon 91. Hugh L. Carey 92. Robert T. Secrest 93. Harley O. Staggers 94. Thor C. Tollefson 95. Edward J. Patten 96. 97. Al Ullman 98. Bernard F. Grabowski 99. John A. Blatnik 100. 101. Florence P. Dwyer 102. Thomas L. ? 103. 104. Peter W. Rodino 105. Milton W. Glenn 106. Harlan Hagen 107. James A. Byrne 108. John M. Murphy 109. Henry B. Gonzalez 110. Arnold Olson 111. Harold D Donahue 112. Kenneth J. Gray 113. James C. Healey 114. Michael A Feighan 115. Thomas R. O'Neill 116. Alphonzo Bell 117. George M. Wallhauser 118. Richard S. Schweiker 119. 120. Albert Thomas 121. 122. Graham Purcell 123. Homer Thornberry 124. 125. Leo W. O'Brien 126. Thomas E. Morgan 127. Joseph M. Montoya 128. Leonard Farbstein 129. John S. Monagan 130. Brad Morse 131. Neil Smith 132. Harry R. Sheppard 133. Don Edwards 134. James G. O'Hara 135. 136. Fred B. Rooney 137. George E. Brown Jr. 138. 139. Edward R. Roybal 140. Harris. B McDowell jr. 141. Torbert H. McDonall 142. Edward A. Garmatz 143. Richard E. Lankford 144. Richard Fulton 145. Elizabeth Kee 146. James J. Delaney 147. Frank Thompson Jr 148. 149. Lester R. Johnson 150. Charles A. Buckley4 151. Richard T. Hanna 152. James Corman 153. Paul A Fino 154. Harold M. Ryan 155. Martha W. Griffiths 156. Adam E. Konski 157. Chas W. Wilson 158. Michael J. Kewan 160. Alex Brooks 161. Clark W. Thompson 162. John D. Gringell [?] 163. Thomas P. Gill 164. Edna F. Kelly 165. Eugene J. Keogh 166 John. B. Duncan 167. Elmer J. Dolland 168. Joe Caul 169. Arnold Olsen 170. Monte B. Fascell [?] 171. [not deciphered] 172. J. Dulek 173. Joe W. [undeciphered] 174. J. J. Pickle [Numbers 175 through 214 are blank]
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
Marines hit operational status with second carrier-capable F35-C unit
Todd SouthJul 31, 2024 at 04:56 PM
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A West Coast Marine F-35C Lightning II squadron has achieved initial operational capability.
The Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 311, Marine Aircraft Group 11, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, hit that key milestone Wednesday, 1st Lt. Madison Walls, wing spokeswoman told Marine Corps Times. The status means a unit can employ, maintain and train on the jet.
The Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, unit conducted its first independent live ordnance operations July 25.
“Initial operational capability is a milestone and achievement in readiness,” said Lt. Col. Michael Fisher, commanding officer of VMFA-311 in a statement. “It’s all on the backs of the Marines out there. What they do in their day-to-day actions is what made this possible.”
The squadron, also known as the Tomcats, flew more than 900 sorties, which equals nearly 1,700 flight hours and another 800 simulator hours and 2,400 maintenance actions to reach initial operational capability, according to a service release.
“The Tomcats have a storied history that includes legends such as Ted Williams and John Glenn, and participation in every major conflict since World War II,” Maj. Gen. James Wellons, commanding general of 3rd MAW, said in the release. “Today’s Marines add another chapter to that legacy with the introduction of the F-35C and fifth-generation capabilities to VMFA-311.”
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Marine Corps Cpl. Larry Casas, a fixed-wing aircraft mechanic with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 311, directs Capt. Joshua G. Falgoust, an F-35C Lightning II pilot. (Lance Cpl. Jennifer Sanchez/Marine Corps)
In 2020, the squadron deactivated its AV-8 Harrier jets and then reactivated in April 2023 with 84 Marines and one F-35, reflecting the Marine Corps’ move to fifth-generation fighter aircraft. The transition has resulted in a gradual reduction in Harriers and F/A-18 Hornets.
The Corps’ two F-35C squadrons, VMFA-311 and VMFA-314, are both stationed at Miramar.
The VMFA-314, or Black Knights, reached initial operational capability in 2020, Marine Corps Times previously reported.
The F-35C is specifically engineered for carrier-based operations, featuring heavier landing gear and enlarged, foldable wings designed to facilitate catapult launches and arrestments on aircraft carriers. The foldable wingtips also facilitate easier storage on the carrier deck.
The “C” variant holds more fuel than other versions of the single-seat jet, with nearly 20,000 pounds of internal fuel capacity for long-range flights.
“The next step for VMFA-311 is full operational capability, attained when VMFA-311 receives its complete inventory of ten F-35C aircraft, projected for fiscal year 2025,” according to the release.
The Marine Corps has used the F-35B for years. The “B” variant, built to use short runways and flat-decked amphibious assault ships, is capable of short take-offs and vertical landings.
Currently, the Corps has eight operational F-35B squadrons and two training squadrons, totaling over 100 F-35B aircraft globally.
Todd South has written about crime, courts, government and the military for multiple publications since 2004 and was named a 2014 Pulitzer finalist for a co-written project on witness intimidation. Todd is a Marine veteran of the Iraq War.
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The Little Mermaid (1989, Ron Clements and John Musker)
The Little Mermaid is a 1989 animated film directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. The original version uses the voices of: Jodi Benson, Pat Carroll, Samuel Wright, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Kenneth Mars, Buddy Hackett, Jason Marin and René Auberjonois.
Distributed by Buena Vista Pictures, it is the 28th Disney Classic according to the official canon. The Little Mermaid was released in theaters on November 17, 1989, to critical acclaim, earning praise for its animation, characters and music. It was also a commercial success, earning $84 million at the North American box office during its initial release and a total gross of $233 million worldwide. The film won two Academy Awards for best soundtrack and best song (Under the Sea).
Following the success of the 1989 Disney/Amblin film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Little Mermaid has been credited with breathing new life into the art of Disney animated films, following a series of critical or commercial failures produced by Disney since the early seventies. It also began the era known as the Disney Renaissance.
A stage adaptation of the film with a book by Doug Wright and additional songs by Alan Menken and new lyricist Glenn Slater opened in Denver in July 2007 and began performances on Broadway on January 10, 2008.
In 2022 the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
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John Constantine, Hellblazer: All His Engines Leonardo Manco
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Hellblazer: City of Demons Sean Murphy
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Hellblazer #49, 57-58, 62-76, 78-83 & Special: Confessional Steve Dillon
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Hellblazer #41-45: Dangerous Habits Will Simpson
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Hellblazer #21: God of all Gods Alfredo Alcala
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Hellblazer #84-100 Sean Phillips
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"The Evils of Smoking and Drinking" Glenn Fabry
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jackasspenguins · 1 year
Updated list of bands that I have seen live - August 2023
Robert Plant x7
Weezer x5
Flogging Molly x4
Fu Manchu x4
Alanis Morissette x2
Berlin x2
earthlings? x2 (first one included guests Josh Klinghoffer and Chris Goss)
Fenians x2
Garbage x2
Hot Hot Heat x2
Jerry Cantrell x2
Kings of Leon x2
Lifehouse x2
Mojave Lords (including guest Sean Wheeler) x2
Ozomatli x2
Smashing Pumpkins x2
Sean Wheeler x3 (guest appearances with Brant Bjork & Mojave Lords)
Brian Wilson x2
A Flock Of Seagulls
The Aggrolites
Alain Johannes
The Aquabats!
Arcade Fire
The B-52s
The Bangles
Travis Barker & DJ AM
Best Coast
Big Scenic Nowhere
Biz Markie
Brain Vat
Brant Bjork
Blasting Concept
Blind Pilot
Blues Traveler
Bouncing Souls
The Bravery
Jeff Bridges and the Abiders
Circa 62
Gary Clark Jr.
The Creepy Creeps
Death Machine II
The English Beat
Fatso Jetson
Fenix TX
Foo Fighters
Michael Franti and Spearhead
The Freeks
Gabriella Evaro
John Garcia (acoustic w/Ehren Groban)
John Garcia and the Band of Gold
Kyle Gass Band
Current version of The Glenn Miller Orchestra
Hollywood U2 (cover band)
Israel Vibration
The Lions
Little Axe
Los Lobos
Marcy Playground
Mammoth Thunderpower
Mates of State
Maureen and the Mercury 5
Paul McCartney
The Midnight
Missing Persons
The New Dubliners
The New Pornographers
Nobody Cares
Nick Oliveri (Death Acoustic)
One Man Army
Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes
Page & Plant
Petty and the Heartshakers (cover band)
Robert Plant and Allison Krauss
Ra Ra Riot
Red Hot Chili Peppers (caught Chad’s shredded drumstick after Under the Bridge)
The Rentals
The Revolution
The Romantics
Save Ferris
Smash Mouth
Current version of The Sons of the Pioneers
Ringo Starr (2 songs with Paul McCartney)
Steel Pulse
Stinky Pinky
Three Dog Night
Violent Femmes
M. Ward
Stevie Wonder
Yawning Man
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Didn’t see live, but was in the vicinity or interacted-
I was at a record signing for the Pretenders at Licorice Pizza at La Cumbre Mall in Santa Barbara and met the band when I was 10 months old or so. I don’t remember it, but Chrissie said I was going to be a drummer. I guess I was banging on the table.
Should have been at the Where The Streets Have No Name video shoot, but U2 started early thanks to the LAPD and I missed it by an hour. People were still hanging out at the corner in downtown LA when I got there. Eventually got around to seeing U2.
I had an email exchange with Brian Kehew of The Moog Cookbook sometime around 1999.
I camped at the next campsite over from Gyl Bonus, guitar player for The B Foundation. I haven’t seen them live, but I hear it’s a great show.
I had a ticket to see Jimmy Page and the Black Crowes with Fu Manchu in Irvine in 2000, but Jimmy cancelled the tour. Technically, I have seen both bands, so this should not be in this section.
Was invited to the recording of the live section of the “Enemies” EP by Frank Jordan, but I had to work my shift at Kmart. I should have gone.
A friend offered to give me his ticket and could have made it to the last half of a Pearl Jam concert in Irvine, but was too lazy. I should have gone.
Back to Santa Barbara, Bob Marley & the Wailers played a concert and I was in the same city at the same time but I was 3 months old or some shit. I wish I could have gone and been capable of enjoying it.
I was in close proximity to Johnny Halliday and his wife when they arrived at LAX a few years ago. Johnny was known as the “French Elvis”. There was a good amount of paparazzi, so I may be in the background of a picture in a French tabloid.
Met the band Spacetrucker at the Sky Valley sign on their tour which included Stoned and Dusted the next day. They gave me a free copy of their first album and the whole experience was amazing and magical.
Have been the presence of Dandy Brown, Jesika Von Rabbit and Lee Joseph in Palm Springs, and Arthur Seay at the Sky Valley sign.
I am friends with the drummer of Overwhelming Colorfast, of which Weezer once opened for, and who opened for The Ramones.
I am considered family by extremely close family friends of which one was the drummer for Out Vile Jelly and Idaho, and also made some great songs under the name twodoggarage.
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hits1000 · 2 years
100 Songs in English from the 80s
100 Songs in English from the 80s Songs in English from the 80s, including: Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love, Blondie - Call Me, Bruce Springsteen - Hungry Heart, Gilbert O'Sullivan - What's In A Kiss, Irene Cara – Fame, Lipps Inc. - Funky Town, Olivia Newton-John - Xanadu and many more!!! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. 1980 Barbra Streisand - Woman In Love 2. 1980 Blondie - Call Me 3. 1980 Bruce Springsteen - Hungry Heart 4. 1980 Gilbert O'Sullivan - What's In A Kiss 5. 1980 Irene Cara - Fame 6. 1980 Lipps Inc. - Funky Town 7. 1980 Olivia Newton-John - Xanadu 8. 1980 Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay 9. 1980 Sheena Easton - 9 to 5 (Morning Train) 10. 1980 Village People - Can't Stop The Music 11. 1981 AC/DC - Back In Black 12. 1981 Aneka - Japanese Boy 13. 1981 Bruce Springsteen - The River 14. 1981 Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind Up 15. 1981 John Lennon - Woman 16. 1981 Juice Newton - Angel Of The Morning 17. 1981 Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes 18. 1981 Kim Wilde - Cambodia 19. 1981 Olivia Newton-John - Physical 20. 1981 Rod Stewart - Young Turks 21. 1981 The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up 22. 1982 Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen 23. 1982 F. R. David - Words 24. 1982 Joan Jett & The Blackhearts - I Love Rock 'N' Roll 25. 1982 Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong 26. 1982 Madness - Our House 27. 1982 Phil Collins - You Can't Hurry Love 28. 1982 Supertramp - It's Raining Again 29. 1982 Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger 30. 1982 Toto - Africa 31. 1982 Yazoo - Only You 32. 1983 Billy Joel - Uptown Girl 33. 1983 Culture Club - Karma Chameleon 34. 1983 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun 35. 1983 David Bowie - Let's Dance 36. 1983 Electric Light Orchestra - Rock 'N' Roll Is King 37. 1983 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 38. 1983 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 39. 1983 Michael Jackson - Thriller 40. 1983 Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow 41. 1983 The Police - Every Breath You Take 42. 1984 Alphaville - Forever Young 43. 1984 Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In the Dark 44. 1984 Duran Duran - Wild Boys 45. 1984 Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is 46. 1984 Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love 47. 1984 Limahl - Never Ending Story 48. 1984 Pat Benatar - We Belong 49. 1984 Prince - Purple Rain 50. 1984 Queen - Radio Ga Ga 51. 1984 Van Halen - Jump 52. 1984 Wham! - Last Christmas 53. 1984 Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 54. 1985 a-ha - Take On Me 55. 1985 Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days 56. 1985 Bryan Adams - Somebody 57. 1985 Elton John - Nikita 58. 1985 Katrina & The Waves - Walking On Sunshine 59. 1985 Madonna - Material Girl 60. 1985 Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul 61. 1985 OPUS - Live Is Life 62. 1985 Paul Young - Everytime You Go Away 63. 1986 Bangles - Manic Monday 64. 1986 Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian 65. 1986 Berlin - Take My Breath Away 66. 1986 Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer 67. 1986 Communards - Don't Leave Me This Way 68. 1986 Europe - The Final Countdown 69. 1986 Madonna - Papa Don't Preach 70. 1986 Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia 71. 1986 Queen - Friends Will Be Friends 72. 1987 Black - Wonderful Life 73. 1987 Communards - Never Can Say Goodbye 74. 1987 Freddie Mercury - The Great Pretender 75. 1987 George Michael - Faith 76. 1987 Madonna - La Isla Bonita 77. 1987 Michael Jackson - Bad 78. 1987 Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up 79. 1987 Status Quo - In The Army Now 80. 1987 U2 - With Or Without You 81. 1987 Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody 82. 1988 Eddy Grant - Gimme Hope Jo'Anna 83. 1988 Fairground Attraction - Perfect 84. 1988 Glenn Medeiros - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You 85. 1988 Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine 86. 1988 Kylie Minogue - Locomotion 87. 1988 Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal 88. 1988 Rick Astley - Together Forever 89. 1988 Terence Trent D'Arby - Sign Your Name 90. 1988 Tracy Chapman - Baby Can I Hold You 91. 1988 Whitney Houston - One Moment In Time 92. 1989 Elton John - Sacrifice 93. 1989 Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy 94. 1989 Madonna - Express Yourself 95. 1989 Madonna - Like A Prayer 96. 1989 Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise 97. 1989 Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting 98. 1989 Roxette - The Look 99. 1989 Roy Orbison - You Got It 100. 1989 Tina Turner - The Best Related Hashtags: #hitsof1980 #hitsof1980to1989 #hitsof1980s #hitsof1980songs #hitsof1980uk #hitsof1980australia #hitsofthe1980sand1970s #kannadahitsof1980 #bollywoodhitsof1980 #hitsof1979and1980 #tophitsofthe1980sbillboard #pophitsofthe1980s #hitsof1980sinmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaDvwI3uF7A
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marciabrady · 3 years
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From a February 16th, 1950 issue of The Boston Globe: 
Pretty Ilene Woods, who comes from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and who sang the role of Cinderella in the film fantasy, made the opening day a festive one by appearing in person and singing the same songs she does in the picture. Miss Woods arrived in Boston yesterday and spent a very active day making guest appearances, as well as going to the theatre. Her chief objection to her round of duties was that she had no time to go to Portsmouth to visit her great-grandmother, 84-year-old Mrs. Alice Hold (formerly Alice Waldron), who started the family on a singing career in the church choir and at civic entertainments. 
Ilene left last night on her return trip to California where her 2 1/2 year old daughter Stephanie is waiting to see her mother in her first picture, 'Cinderella' of course. Stephanie is accustomed to the songs in 'Cinderella'- she even knows all the words of 'Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo'- and her mother has sung her to sleep with 'So This Is Love' and 'A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes.' 
Ilene's real name is Jacqueline Woods and she is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woods, formerly of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. When Ilene was 11, she had her own 15-minute radio program on WEB and so it was not strange that she graduated to national networks. The singer has a distinguished group of ancestors and relatives, her mother and aunt were known as the James Sisters, a song and dance team, a grandmother, Mrs. Hattie James, was a pianist and music teacher, her grandfather on the paternal side and his brothers were famous as basketball and baseball players. Two of them, George Woods and Walter Woods, became baseball professionals. Ilene has sung on the air for Paul Whiteman, Don McNeill's Breakfast Club, on Club 15 with Bob Crosby and on the Gary Moore Show, where she is still a star. Her husband is Stephen John Steck of Scranton, Pennsylvania, who is a music arranger. When they became engaged he was playing trumpet with Glenn Miller.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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01. Sidney Bechet — Petit Fleur 02. Miles Davis — Venus De Milo 03. Sarah Vaughan — When Sunny Get's Blue 04. Eddie Harris — Moonglow 05. Coleman Hawkins — Solitude 06. Sarah Vaughan — Garden in the Rain 07. Lena Horne — More Than You Know 08. Count Basie — April in Paris 09. Eddie Harris — The More I See You 10. Joe Williams — Five O'clock in the Morning 11. Thelonious Monk — 'Round Midnight 12. Stanley Turrentine — Brown Eyed Woman 13. Count Basie — One O'clock Jump 14. Coleman Hawkins — Mood Indigo 15. Charlie Mingus — Yesterdays 16. Stanley Turrentine — Wedding Bell Blues 17. Sonny Stitt — In a Mellow Tone 18. Art Blakey — Angel Eyes 19. Lionel Hampton — Fun 20. Charlie Mingus — I Can't Get Started 21. Miles Davis — Moose the Mooch 22. Ella Fitzgerald — Lover Come Back to Me 23. Charlie Parker — Four Brothers 24. Ahmad Jamal — Poinciana 25. Sonny Stitt — The Way You Look Tonight 26. Lionel Hampton — Air Mail Special 27. Al Jarreau — Ain't No Sunshine 28. Dizzy Gillespie — Our Delight 29. Kenny Clarke & His 52nd Street Boys — 52nd Street Theme 30. Dizzy Gillespie — Salt Peanuts 31. Stan Getz Quartet — Opus De Bop 32. Charlie Parker — Bird of Paradise 33. Bud Powell — Blues in Bebop 34. Lennie Tristano Trio — Atonement 35. Miles Davis — Milestones 36. Art Blakey, The Jazz Messengers — The Thin Man 37. Stan Getz Quartet — Don't Worry 'Bout Me 38. Erroll Garner Trio — White Rose Bounce 39. Dexter Gordon — Dexter's Deck 40. Coleman Hawkins — Rifftide 41. Howard McGhee — Mop Mop 42. Gene Krupa — How High the Moon 43. Woody Herman — Four Brothers 44. Claude Thornhill — Yardbird Suite 45. Dizzy Gillespie — Things to Come 46. Billy Eckstine — Cool Breeze 47. Charles Mingus, Lionel Hampton — Mingus Fingers 48. Charlie Parker Septet — Night in Tunisia 49. Coleman Hawkins — Hollywood Stampede 50. Lester Young — Lester Leaps In 51. George Shearing Quartet — Afraid of You 52. James Moody — Moody Speaks 53. Ray Brown — Boppin' the Blues 54. Miles Davis — Half Nelson 55. Don Byas Quartet — Cherokee 56. Sonny Stitt — Boppin' a Riff 57. Duke Ellington — In a Sentimental Mood 58. Erroll Garner Trio — It's the Talk of the Town 59. Chet Baker, Gerry Mulligan Quartet — Nights at the Turntable 60. Eartha Kitt — C'est Si Bon 61. Nat King Cole Trio — Peaches 62. Doris Day — Someone Like You 63. Glenn Miller — A String of Pearls 64. Peggy Lee — I've Got You Under My Skin 65. Gil Melle — Newport News 66. Nat King Cole — Lover Come Back to Me ! 67. Billy May — Lean Baby 68. Nellie Lutcher — That'll Just About Knock Me Out 69. Bob Crosby — Once in a While 70. Ray Anthony — Dancing in the Dark 71. Les Paul — Blue Skies 72. Benny Carter & His Orchestra — The Song Is You 73. Duke Ellington, Betty Roche — Take the 'A' Train 74. Wynton Kelly — Moonlight in Vermont 75. Charlie Parker — Why Do I Love You 76. Kay Starr — I've Got the World on a String 77. Laurindo Almeida, Bud Shank — Stairway to the Stars 78. Bud Powell — I Should Care 79. Mel Torme — It's Too Late Now 80. Art Blakey, The Jazz Messengers — Doodlin' 81. Alma Cogan — Make Love to Me 82. Ahmad Jamal — Perfidia 83. Doris Day — Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone 84. Nat King Cole — Walking My Baby Back Home 85. Jo Stafford — The Best Things in Life Are Free 86. Sunny Sunday Jazz — Pro Defunctus 87. Miles Davis — Godchild 88. Dinah Washington — Mad About the Boy 89. The Bud Powell Trio — Somebody Loves Me 90. Mel Torme — You're a Heavenly Thing 91. Frank Sinatra — I Get a Kick out of You 92. Doris Day — Lullaby of Broadway 93. Bob Crosby — Song of the Island 94. Glenn Miller — Serenade in Blue 95. Tommy Dorsey — Song of India 96. Camille Howard — Has Your Love Grown Cold 97. Mel Torme — Sonny Boy 98. Woody Herman — Early Autumn 99. Ray Anthony — Swingin' on Campus 100. Benny Goodman — Big John's Special
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didanawisgi · 4 years
Jazz and freemasonry are unlikely bedfellows, but in the 1950s, the secret society became a support network for musicians and the world’s largest fraternity for black men, among them Duke Ellington and Sun Ra
When the City of London festival found out about a long dormant masonic temple that had been uncovered next to Liverpool Street station, it seemed obvious that this wonderfully opulent hall should be used as a one-off music venue. The only question was – what music should it host?
“The obvious choice would have been to host a Mozart recital, because everyone knows that Mozart was a freemason,” says Paul Gudgin, former director of the Edinburgh Fringe and now director of the City of London Festival. “But it just so happened that I was reading a biography of Duke Ellington which mentioned, in passing, his membership of a masonic lodge. I found it astonishing that such an anti-establishment figure turned out to be at the heart of an establishment organisation. And I thought it would be a perfect place to pay tribute.”
This month, the City of London Festival will host two Duke Ellington tributes in this elaborate, neo-classical masonic temple, now in the basement of the Hyatt group’s Andaz hotel. Saxophonist Tommy Smith plays on 4 July, and pianist Julian Joseph on 11 July.
“It’s something of a badge of honour to hear that Ellington was a mason,” says Joseph. “Not only was he part of a musical elite, but he had managed to enter this secretive and powerful organisation, one that only the privileged few had access to.”
Start digging into the history of freemasonry and you discover that Ellington was just one of many renowned African-American musicians to be inducted into its mysterious world. He was joined by the likes of Nat King Cole, WC Handy, Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie, Lionel Hampton and Paul Robeson.
“Throughout history, freemasonry has attracted musicians,” says Martin Cherry, librarian at the Museum of Freemasonry in London. “Mozart is the obvious example, but in 18th-century London, a lodge was established called the Lodge of the Nine Muses, which attracted a number of European musicians and artists, including JC Bach. For musicians and artists who were new to a city, the lodge would have been an opportunity to meet fellow artists and network with people with whom they may be able to find work.”
The same applied two centuries later, across the Atlantic. “Musicians often led an itinerant lifestyle,” says Cherry. “Belonging to an organisation that had lodges all over a country could help ease the slog of life on the road, particularly in such a vast country as the US.
“Freemasonry was also charitable towards its members when they fell on hard times, looking after them when they were sick or paying for their funeral. Mozart’s funeral, famously, was paid for by his lodge, and there’s evidence that freemasons paid for the funeral of the blues musician Mississippi Fred McDowell – there are images of his open coffin which show him wearing his masonic regalia.”
Many white jazz musicians and bandleaders were freemasons, including Glenn Miller, Paul Whiteman, George Gershwin and Irving Berlin, as were many country & western stars. But, like so much in American life, freemasonry was segregated, with American masonic lodges split along colour lines.
Black freemasons: the sons of Prince Hall
Black freemasonry dates from before the American war of independence, when a freed black abolitionist and leather worker by the name of Prince Hall (1735-1807) was refused admittance to the St John’s masonic lodge in Boston, Massachusetts. Undaunted by the rebuff, Hall and 14 other free black men were initiated into freemasonry in 1775 by a British military lodge based in Boston.
In 1784, after the British had left America, the grand lodge of England issued Hall with a charter to set up an African lodge in Boston. It proved so popular that Prince Hall was granted the status of provincial grand master, allowing him to set up two further African masonic lodges in Philadelphia and Rhode Island.
Over the next two centuries, Prince Hall freemasonry snowballed across the United States, becoming the world’s largest fraternity for black men. By the middle of the 20th century there were lavish Prince Hall masonic temples around the country – from Los Angeles to Washington DC, from Seattle to Madison, Wisconsin.
“One of the attractions of Prince Hall freemasonry to African-Americans is that it is an organisation started by African-Americans in the 18th century for African-Americans,” says Cherry. “It has a history. And, like all freemasonry in America, it became very popular in the early 20th century, which was a time when Americans tended to join things.”
By 1900, Prince Hall masonry had become a forum for politicised African-Americans, with Booker T Washington (1856-1915) and W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) serving as active members. Throughout the 20th century, many key figures in the civil rights movement were attracted to freemasonry. The father of Martin Luther King Jr – Martin Luther King Sr (1900-84) – was a member of the 23rd lodge in Atlanta, Georgia. Medgar Evers, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) activist who was assassinated in 1963, was a 32nd-degree freemason in Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Alex Haley (1921-92), the writer of Roots and biographer of Malcolm X, was a 33rd-degree mason in the same order. Thurgood Marshall (1908-93), the first black member of the US supreme court, was supported by his Prince Hall lodge in Louisiana. The comedian Richard Pryor (1940-2005) joined a lodge in Peoria, Illinois, while actor and activist Ossie Davis (1917-2005), Paul Robeson (1898-1976) and the boxer Sugar Ray Robinson (1921-89) were all active Prince Hall masons.
“Like all freemasonry, Prince Hall freemasonry does tend to have a middle-class appeal,” says Cherry. “The many Prince Hall visitors to the Masonic Library and Museum in London are often doctors, lawyers or skilled artisans, and a lot of them have a military background. Some join because their family were members; some think it’s a good way of networking. Some like the comradeship and the social aspects; others like the ritual and the regalia.”
As well as being a networking institution, freemasonry might also have had a philosophical appeal to many politicised African-Americans. The mysterious tenets of freemasonry include gnostic texts, references to ancient Egypt and alternative interpretations of the Bible. Prince Hall lodges thus became a forum where pre-Christian knowledge could mix freely with black liberation theories and remnants of African religions...”
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bl00dline · 3 years
another ask: every multiple of 7 that you haven't already done
thank you so much lucie! i hate to seem annoying but i was disappointed to have only gotten two asks, so i really appreciate this :)
7. there is a light that never goes out by the smiths
14. gnossiene no. 1 by erik satie
21. venus from the planets by gustav holst
35. mariage d’amour by jacob’s piano
42. in a mist by bix beiderbecke
49. whispering by paul whiteman’s orchestra
56. sorry by bix beiderbecke
63. johanna from sweeney todd
70. imagine by john lennon
77. nobody knows you when you’re down and out by bessie smith
84. i know why and so do you by glenn miller
91. bedelia by the edison military band
98. una mattina by ludovico einaudi
thank you so much!! 🖤🖤🖤
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
People, May 10
Cover: Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade
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Page 3: Chatter -- Mindy Kaling on technology woes, Amy Adams on wanting to go into acting because of Grease, Gal Gadot on telling her daughters Maya and Alma about her pregnancy, DJ Khaled on using Rihanna's skin-care line, Christie Brinkley on showing off her body on Instagram at age 67, Whoopi Goldberg on writing a superhero movie about an older Black lady
Page 4: 5 Things We're Talking About -- Michael Keaton returns as Batman, Jane Fonda recalls her first and best kiss, Maya Rudolph would give Bridesmaids another go, the stars of ER scrub in one more time, popcorn and donuts team up
Page 7: Contents
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Page 8: StarTracks -- one day before Prince William and Princess Kate's youngest child Prince Louis turned 3, Kensington Palace released a new portrait of the little royal to mark the occasion; Kate snapped the photo of Louis, who wore a school uniform and backpack as he rode his bike outside their home in London ahead of his first day of preschool
Page 9: JoJo Siwa and mom Jessalynn went for a roller-coaster ride at Disney's Hollywood studios in Florida, Madonna in a three-piece Gucci suit for dinner at West Hollywood staple Craig's
Page 10: Stars on Set -- Rachel Brosnahan was pretty in pink while filming season 4 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel with costar Alex Borstein in NYC, John Cena flashed a peace sign when he took a coffee break while filming The Suicide Squad spinoff series Peacemaker in Vancouver, Tika Sumpter and James Marsden shot an action-packed scene for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in Vancouver
Page 11: Katie Holmes was spotted on a Connecticut set preparing to film the drama The Watergate Girl in which she'll play Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks, Awkwafina and Bowen Yang filmed the upcoming season of Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens in NYC, Melissa Benoist suited up for Supergirl in Vancouver
Page 12: Brooke Shields who is recovering after breaking her femur in a gym accident walked arm in arm after a lunch with husband Chris Henchy, Britney Spears and boyfriend Sam Asghari posed for a photo before attending a friend's wedding
Page 15: Stars in the Sun -- Maren Morris flaunted her new tan while enjoying a tropical getaway, Simone Biles and boyfriend Jonathan Owens cuddled up during a trip to Florida, Lindsey Vonn caught some waves and some rays while paddleboarding in Tulum, Derek Hough cooled off in the ocean during a beach day in L.A., Brie Larson enjoyed a dip while on vacation in Hawaii
Page 17: Scoop -- Life After Their Split -- how Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are moving on
Page 18: Inside Caitlyn Jenner's run for governor
Page 20: Heart Monitor -- Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young ready to wed, Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor going public, Zac Efron and Vanessa Valladares split, Billie Eilish and Matthew Tyler Vorce new couple?
Page 23: Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin's messy divorce
* Susannah Constantine -- my royal friendship with Princess Margaret
Page 24: Open House -- French Montana
* Baby Boom -- the latest on Hollywood's growing families -- Marie Kondo and Takumi Kawahara welcomed a son, Nick and Lauren Carter welcomed their third child
Page 27: Ed Helms talks life after The Office
Page 29: Passages, Why I Care -- Lisa Kudrow is working with doctors at UCLA to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues
Page 31: Stories to Make You Smile -- most cats can't stand the water but 8-month-old Marlin can't get enough and his Instagram is @carolinejarvis, a first grader's airplane kits give wings to kids' travel dreams
Page 35: People Picks -- Tom Clancy's Without Remorse
Page 36: Limbo, One to Watch -- Shadow and Bone's Jessie Mei Li
Page 37: Pose, Pet Stars
Page 38: The Handmaid's Tale, Thomas Rhett -- Country Again: Side A, Q&A with Olivia Holt
Page 39: The Mosquito Coast, Inspiring America: The 2021 Inspiration List
Page 41: Books
Page 42: Oscars 2021 -- The Return of Glamour -- the show was unconventional, just 170 guests were allowed in L.A.'s Union Station, and COVID restrictions were strictly enforced, but stars did their part to bring back some movie magic
Page 43: Andra Day
Page 44: Fabulous Fashion -- crop tops, ball gowns and bows ruled the red carpet -- Angela Bassett, Zendaya, Carey Mulligan, Maria Bakalova
Page 45: Margot Robbie, Reese Witherspoon, Viola Davis, Amanda Seyfried
Page 46: Behind the Scenes -- Regina King -- the actress closed out awards season in a custom Louis Vuitton creation
Page 48: Shine Bright -- there's no such thing as too much bling -- Laura Pausini, Vanessa Kirby, Zendaya
Page 49: Maria Bakalova, Daniel Kaluuya, Glenn Close, Tiara Thomas
Page 50: Very Well Suited -- these sharp dressers put their own twists on the tuxedo -- Lakeith Stanfield, Colman Domingo, Paul Raci, Tyler Perry, Sacha Baron Cohen, Alan Kim
Page 53: Getting Ready with Andra Day
Page 55: Getting Ready with Angela Bassett
Page 56: Romance on the Red Carpet -- these couples only had eyes for each other -- Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher, Halle Berry and Van Hunt, Chloe Zhao and Joshua James Richards, Riz Ahmed and Fatima Farheen Mirza
Page 57: Steven Yeun and Joana Pak, Leslie Odom Jr. and Nicolette Robinson, Paul Raci and Liz Hanley Raci, Aaron Sorkin and Paulina Porizkova
Page 58: Best in Show -- there were A-list stars, groundbreaking moments and social distancing as Hollywood gathered safely to honor the best movies of the year -- Reese Witherspoon
Page 61: Alan Kim, Angela Bassett, Rita Moreno
Page 62: Major Moments -- these artists broke barriers during the most historic ceremony ever -- Emerald Fennell, Chloe Zhao, Daniel Kaluuya
Page 63: H.E.R., Anthony Hopkins, Yuh-Jung Youn with Brad Pitt, Mia Neal
Page 65: Yuh-Jung Youn and Daniel Kaluuya and Frances McDormand, Elton John and Dua Lipa, Andra Day and Winnie Harlow
Page 66: Cover Story -- Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union -- Dream Team -- the actress and NBA champ open up about protecting their family, fighting for what's right and why they're stronger than ever
Page 72: George Floyd's Killer Found Guilty -- We Can Breathe Again -- friends and family of the Minneapolis man killed by police rejoice after a jury's verdict and vow with supporters to keep fighting systemic racism
Page 76: Bethenny Frankel -- what I know now -- the irrepressible former Real Housewives star and businesswoman is newly engaged and back as a boss with a new show
Page 80: A Son Lost to Suicide, A Father's Mission -- we loved him every day, but it wasn't enough -- after the shocking death of his 12-year-old son, Brad Hunstable has a message for parents: talk to your kids about suicide
Page 84: Andrew McCarthy -- I was never suited for fame -- the beloved actor, and author of a new memoir, looks back on his enduring films, surviving his '80s stardom and how his affiliation with the so-called Brat Pack was a mixed blessing
Page 88: Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton's 10-year anniversary -- remembering the big day -- those who made the wedding a fairy tale share their memories
Page 92: Country Singer Thomas Rhett -- fame, family and finding my way -- the star opens up about overcoming struggled with his wife Lauren in their 8-year-marriage and learning to put their family first
Page 98: Murdered Soldier Vanessa Guillen's Fiance -- every day I pray for justice -- a year after losing the love of his life, Juan Cruz is determined to make sure the Army specialist's legacy is never forgotten and that her tragic death inspires lasting change
Page 102: George W. Bush -- painting with a purpose -- the former president avoided making waves, until his party's nativist prompted him to use his art to celebrate immigrants
Page 106: Pop Star Julia Michaels -- how I learned to love myself -- the singer talks falling in love, managing anxiety and writing hits for Britney Spears and Selena Gomez
Page 116: One Last Thing -- Josh Duhamel
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ultrabobsmith42word · 4 years
Full List of 172 Republicans Who Opposed the Violence Against Women Act
1. Robert Aderholt (AL) 2. Rick Allen (GA) 3. Mark Amodei (NV) 4. Kelly Armstrong (ND) 5. Jodey Arrington (TX) 6. Brian Babin (TX) 7. Don Bacon (NE) 8. James Baird (IN) 9. Jim Banks (IN) 10. Andy Barr (KY) 11. Cliff Bentz (OR). 12. Jack Bergman (MI) 13. Andy Biggs (AZ) 14. Gus Bilirakis (FL) 15. Dan Bishop (NC) 16. Lauren Boebert (CO) 17. Mo Brooks (AL) 18. Vern Buchanan (FL) 19. Ken Buck (CO) 20. Larry Buschon (IN) 21. Ted Budd (NC) 22. Tim Burchett (TN) 23. Michael Burgess (TX) 24. Ken Calvert (CA) 25. Kat Cammack (FL). 26. Jerry Carl (AL) 27. Madison Cawthorn (NC) 28. Steve Chabot (OH) 29. Liz Cheney (WY) 30. Ben Cline (VA) 31. Michael Cloud (TX) 32. Andrew Clyde (GA) 33. James Comer (KY) 34. Eric Crawford (AR) 35. John Curtis (UT) 36. Warren Davidson (OH) 37. Scott DesJarlais (TN) 38. Byron Donalds (FL) 39. Jeff Duncan (SC) 40. Neal Dunn (FL) 41. Tom Emmer (MN) 42. Ron Estes (KS) 43. Pat Fallon (TX) 44. Randy Feenstra (IA) 45. A. Drew Ferguson (GA) 46. Michelle Fischbach (MN) 47. Scott Fitzgerald (WI) 48. Charles Fleischmann (TN) 49. Jeff Fortenberry (NE) 50. Virginia Foxx (NC) 51. Scott Franklin (FL) 52. Russ Fulcher (ID) 53. Matt Gaetz (FL) 54. Mike Gallagher (WI) 55. Andrew Garbarino (NY) 56. Mike Garcia (CA) 57. Bob Gibbs (OH) 58. Louie Gohmert (TX) 59. Tony Gonzales (TX) 60. Bob Good (VA) 61. Lance Gooden (TX) 62. Paul Gosar (AZ) 63. Kay Granger (TX) 64. Garret Graves (LA) 65. Sam Graves (MO) 66. Mark Green (TN) 67. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) 68. H. Morgan Griffith (VA) 69. Glenn Grothman (WI) 70. Brett Guthrie (KY) 71. Jim Hagedorn (MN) 72. Andy Harris (MD) 73. Diana Harshbarger (TN) 74. Vicky Hartzler (MO) 75. Kevin Hern (OK) 76. Yvette Herrell (NM) 77. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA) 78. Jody Hice (GA) 79. Clay Higgins (LA) 80. J. Hill (AR) 81. Ashley Hinson (IA) 82. Trey Hollingsworth (IN) 83. Richard Hudson (NC) 84. Bill Huizenga (MI) 85. Ronny Jackson (TX) 86. Mike Johnson (LA) 87. Bill Johnson (OH) 88. Dusty Johnson (SD) 89. Jim Jordan (OH) 90. John Joyce (PA) 91. Fred Keller (PA) 92. Trent Kelly (MS) 93. Mike Kelly (PA) 94. David Kustoff (TN) 95. Darin LaHood (IL) 96. Doug LaMalfa (CA) 97. Doug Lamborn (CO) 98. Robert Latta (OH) 99. Jake LaTurner (KS) 100. Debbie Lesko (AZ) 101. Billy Long (MO) 102. Frank Lucas (OK) 103. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO) 104. Nancy Mace (SC) 105. Tracey Mann (KS) 106. Thomas Massie (KY) 107. Brain Mast (FL) 108. Kevin McCarthy (CA) 109. Lisa McClain (MI) 110. Tom McClintock (CA) 111. Patrick McHenry (NC) 112. David McKinley (WV) 113. Daniel Meuser (PA) 114. Mary Miller (IL) 115. Carol Miller (WV) 116. John Moolenaar (MI) 117. Alexander Mooney (WV) 118. Barry Moore (AL) 119. Blake Moore (UT) 120. Gregory Murphy (NC) 121. Troy Nehls (TX) 122. Dan Newhouse (WA) 123. Ralph Norman (SC) 124. Devin Nunes (CA) 125. Jay Obernolte (CA) 126. Burgess Owens (UT) 127. Steven Palazzo (MS) 128. Gary Palmer (AL) 129. Greg Pence (IN) 130. Scott Perry (PA) 131. August Pfluger (TX) 132. Bill Posey (FL) 133. Guy Reschenthaler (PA) 134. Tom Rice (SC) 135. Cathy Rodgers (WA) 136. Mike Rogers (AL) 137. Harold Rogers (KY) 138. John Rose (TN) 139. David Rouzer (NC) 140. Chip Roy (TX) 141. John Rutherford (FL) 142. Steve Scalise (LA) 143. David Schweikert (AZ) 144. Austin Scott (GA) 145. Pete Sessions (TX) 146. Jason Smith (MO) 147. Adrian Smith (NE) 148. Christopher Smith (NJ) 149. Lloyd Smucker (PA) 150. Victoria Spartz (IN) 151. Michelle Steel (CA) 152. Elise Stefanik (NY) 153. W. Gregory Steube (FL) 154. Chris Stewart (UT) 155. Van Taylor (TX) 156. Claudia Tenney (NY) 157. Glenn Thompson (PA) 158. Thomas Tiffany (WI) 159. William Timmons (SC) 160. Michael Turner (OH) 161. Beth Van Duyne (TX) 162. Ann Wagner (MO) 163. Tim Walberg (MI) 164. Jackie Walorski (IN) 165. Michael Waltz (FL) 166. Randy Weber Sr. (TX) 167. Daniel Webster (FL) 168. Bruce Westerman (AR) 169. Roger Williams (TX) 170. Robert Wittman (VA) 171. Steve Womack (AR) 172. Lee Zeldin (NY)
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