#John looks so pretty and angelic but the angle haunts me
beatsfornone · 7 months
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echo-three-one · 4 years
Yo! Fic request possibly.
Soap is sent home pretty injured after a mission and his partner takes care of him (in more ways than one if you catch my drift)
Hello anon! I apologize in advance if I bended your request. But If you think of it... the event happened After a Mission and he got Pretty Injured so I'm still on track right?
Anyways enjoy!
⚠️ NSFW tag and it's 1600ish words.
John "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
A year had passed
October 11th 2017. 
You gazed outside the hospital you work in, taking a deep breath as the view of construction filled the huge glass window. This was you're longest break for today, it's been ten minutes since someone last paged you and you found it bizarre. But who are you to complain? You're just doing your job, like your boyfriend who's somewhere out there in that building.
You smiled as you remembered him stepping back into the world, after his tragic injury from exactly one year ago. To which you didn't know most of the events that occurred, but you fully remembered how you were there to save his life.
There was some sort of war just by Hotel Lustig, you didn't care much as that day brought in waves of injured persons that the events outside the hospital were too unimportant. But you believed he was one of the persons who got injured by the blast, and it was something only you could fix. 
You took a deep breath, holding your emotions as you remember the first moment you met him. His face was almost lifeless, his pulse was faint but it was there. He had no ID but his uniform told you he was O-Pos.
"We're going to need lots of bags for this man. Hurry and contact the blood bank!" You instructed as you forcefully tore his shirt, which was originally white but now drowned in crimson and reeked of rust. A huge reopened fleshwound from a poorly made stitch, you evaluated. Maybe he didn't have the resources from when he first got operated and now it came back to haunt him. You expertly did your thing as the nurses behind you quickly assisted you, trying to impress you as they aspire to be part of the program. 
It took you almost two hours until the life slowly went back to his face. A face you have been staring at every chance you have. A face you hoped to see smile someday. Then there it was, a stable heartbeat. Nurses cheered around you as well as those watching from above. He lived.
"Doctor L/N!!" Someone called over the walkie talkie. You quickly snapped back to reality and replied with urgency. It's your boyfriend. He broke his arm while on construction.
You pushed the double doors open as soon as you reached the emergency room. You could spot him from afar as his haircut stood out from the crowd, a mohawk that you grew to love.
"John!"  You gasped and rushed to his aid, as the nurse secured the strap of his sling.
"Love! I'm glad to see you here." he grinned, almost looking proud at his injury. He looked like he just got a new tattoo or something. Far from the emotion of being hurt.
"What happened? Does it hurt?" you checked his chart, momentarily looking at him.
"Just a minor fall. That ladder was not as stable as it looked." he chuckled, his other hand held yours and you quickly looked at him in the eye. Lost in his cold blue orbs, your heart thumped as his eyes told you he was fine and how you looked beautiful in that outfit.
"What about your wound? Did it hurt after the fall?" You shook yourself off from his trance and unbuttoned his shirt, checking for signs of reopening.
"Whoa whoa whoa. Not here and not now, Love. Lot's of people are watching." he joked, you sigh at his attitude towards the situation. He was too chill about this.
"So, when will you be off?" he winked as he comfortably sat on he hospital bed, tapping the other side, inviting you to sit down.
"I'm actually off duty now." you reply as you accept his invitation and sunk your ass on the soft matress beside him, pulling the sky blue curtain inward, covering the two of you from the public eyes.
You slowly leaned on his strong shoulders, shoulders that you massaged after his recovery so he could stand up again, shoulders you leaned on when you were having trouble at work. You felt his arm wrap around you, his hands grazed through your coat as he slowly rubs it against your arm.
"Guess I'm driving home." you chuckled and he laughed, looking at you as he held your cheek. 
"Does my insurance cover my fees here?" he asked, breaking the vibe of whatever you were both feeling. 
"I'll check on it later. For now, let's take you home."
"Sounds good to me."
You slumped yourself on your side of the bed, leaning to a peacefully sleeping John MacTavish beside you. You stared at the scar on his chest as it rises and falls in sync with his breathing, your night music just before falling asleep. 
You remembered how you carefully stitched his wound, how you poured out your heart to save this person, a person who didn't mean to you the moment you saw him but now means the whole world to you. 
Putting your finger on his scar, you slowly traced its tracks across his chest, enjoying the feel of his skin. He snorted and slowly opened his eyes, smiling at the view.
"Hey you." he whispered, moving your hair behind your ear pulling you over for a kiss. You didn't hesitate but you were cautious, you were careful not to hit his injured arm. But all that focus began to fade away as your lips met his, tongues clashed in an epic battle of passion like two expert fencing athletes on a clash to see who's the best.
You gasped as you broke the kiss, panting and smiling as his blue eyes sparkled against the moonlight outside the window.
"It's been a year since I first saw you, my angel. Don't think that I forgot about that." he murmured. His Scottish accent sounded so well, you can't get enough of it, it's as if each word vibrated across your body.
You slowly lifted your leg and straddled on him, positioning your ass on a spot that's going to make him beg. He grunted softly as you detected the tone of lust from him. He was clearly enjoying the tease, so you raised your eyebrows at him and slowly shook your hips teasingly against him.
"Are we really going this way?" he complained as his hand reached out to your hips, sliding below your shirt and letting his electric touch on your hip send shivers down your spine. His thumbs make its way just below your breasts, the tip of the big finger grazing the lower part of your left breast.
"Which way?" you asked teasingly as you feel his manhood slowly grow. You pull the string that held his sweatpants and ran your hands across his abs, feeling each bump, admiring his feel.
"This way." he smirked as he thrusted his hips upward, making you yelp in surprise. Looks like he's trying to turn back the tables which is something you always loved. Him in charge. The thought made your hairs rise, as you remembered all those times he did it in this apartment ; in the showers, in the kitchen, by the dining table oh and this exact bed.
One thing led into another until you found yourself on all fours, facing the wall as you whimpered in pain as his cock slowly slid on your wet opening. He once told you that he hated dogs, but that didn't stop him from using this position, but this time only one hand was tightly gripping your plump ass.
You let out short gasps as he picks up his pace, the creaking sound of the bed got louder and louder as his thrusts became faster and deeper. You moaned on his every thrust, mentally noting the feel of his whole manhood inside of you. How his tip interacted with your sensitive walls. How his groans and whispers of endearment enter your ear and go straight to your memory banks, a part of the brain you're supposed to know but now reduced to simpler terms because all you could think of right now is how much you love this man and how this sex is a message of both your feelings.
He pulled himself out as you both gasp, he quickly moved himself to your lips not letting you a chance to catch for air. You grabbed his hair and gripped it tight, tilting your head for a better angle. You could feel his tip poking at your entrance as he placed himself between your hips.
"Please John, show me how much you love me." you whispered, lustful intentions wrapped in your tone. You could feel him smirk just before he kisses you once again, his tongue doing marvelous wonders inside your mouth as his cock slowly enters inside you, slamming it hard making the bed creak.
You whimpered in surprise but as soon as he stopped, you gripped his back signaling him to keep doing it. You could feel his cast rest on your breasts as he picks up the pace once again, this time the bed was shaking dangerously, creaking loudly while doing so. You both ignored this as the loud clapping of your skin mixed with your collective grunts, groans and moans rung on your ears while your mind swirled in a pleasure filled moment.
With one final groan, he burst his load inside you, the hot rush of liquids fill your insides making you pant and smile. He looked at you, sweat trickled from his forehead, mouth open gasping for air. He chuckled and leaned back, as your bed suddenly snapped, sending you both a few inches lower.
Complete silence. You both realized what just happened and laughed. That was some wild fucking.
"Bloody hell, we broke the bed!" he muttered seductively while you were laughing almost losing air. 
"That we did." you replied and smiled at him, thanking the threads of destiny that you met this wonderful man on this fateful day, one year ago.
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brainrotmeta · 3 years
re: "Dean Winchester and the study of death in ‘Supernatural’ season 13"
Misha Collins as Castiel in particular has been paraded around as an equal third alongside Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in all the PR leading up to season 13.
this was the season Misha was demoted. I mean maybe the promo was true. I stopped watching SPN early season 12 (worst season ever? Yes!!!!) and caught up again after the finale. I think it's funny if they did all this promo for Collins while cutting his pay check and this is how fans describe it.
What’s the goal, if the tension for the fans isn’t actually about their investment in that character’s return? What is Supernatural trying to prove?
J2 need more timeoff and Misha is cheap. That was mean.
Dean’s most recent death isn’t quite a suicide in the traditional sense – it’s more like recklessly playing fast and loose on a day trip away from life with no guaranteed return ticket – but given that his actions are absolutely due to the culmination of his depression? From that angle, it also kind of is.
Not really. Depressed and reckless Dean is something that we've been seeing since season 2 and especially season 3. It's just that it's usually Sam that's the one dealing with it, and destiel shippers tend to be allergic to Sam because he's the floozy that gets in the way of Destiel.
What leads him to this point is the deepest and most well-sustained arc that Supernatural has ever offered about grief,
Season two is 22 episodes about grief.
I’m trying to recall a moment in Supernatural where we’ve actually seen such a truthful and prolonged aftermath to such a significant loss.
are you out of your fucking mind? S E A S O N T W O. Dean's recklessness! Sam's sudden turn around re: hunting? Sam's profound grief that he never got to say goodbye. Dean's guilt and horror at John's sacrifice and rage at the save him or kill him command. A plot summary of season two goes into Yellow Eyes and Sam's powers - but SPN season two is about what it feels like to survive the death of a loved one.
Yes, Sam and Dean have both canonically lived for months or years grieving the other, but that’s not a process we ever got to witness onscreen.
Don't Destiel shippers love season eight? Every single flashback with Sam and Amelia is about, among other things, Sam's profound grief over the loss of Dean. Dean's suicidal ideation is what leads Sam to take on the trails. Dean's anger and attacks on Sam lead to Sam's suicidal ideation. All of this is tied into how much they need each other and how much they fear losing each other.
[About season 7/the loss of Cas/Bobby/Sam's mental state]: That period was maybe the darkest emotional state, the steepest descent into unhealthy despair, that we ever saw from Dean before now
I don't like to think about the Mark of Cain, but.... I'm pretty sure Dean was in a darker state after Sam found out about Gadreel. It's also worth nothing that season seven is more concerned with the loss of Bobby than Castiel. His death haunts Dean more than Castiel's. There's, like, literal episodes dedicated to it.
This isn’t the loss of John, where his death both devastates Dean and removes a massive burden from his shoulders,
so what we end up with is a Dean with no belief that there’s any way to overcome this tragedy, and a Sam with a potentially delusional level of optimism.
what do i have to do in order to get Destiellers to leave Sam out of their silly analysis? Sam's hope was not delusional you asshat. He knows Lucifer, he knows there's a good chance he wouldn't kill Mary (not that that brings him much comfort). Dean mocking his hope in therapy was Dean lashing out, not an objective meter of reality.
He’s not dismissive, and he’s not unaffected, but he’s proactive, because Sam believes in miracles. More than that: he believes he deserves miracles.
what are you on. Sam knows that Jack can use his magical angel powers to cut through dimensions (because he already has) and that's PART of the reason he nurtured the kid. This isn't him hoping for a miracle. It's a potential solution to a problem. And, hey, Sam finds out he likes being a dad.
His bar for an ideal future is set much, much higher than Dean’s, because he truly believes that they can have, and that they deserve, more.
I mean he does. No one deserves Sam or Dean's life. But........,,., not really? An accurate read in Sam's ability to think he deserves anything good.
[on bad day at black rock] That episode always stands out to me as such a uniquely perfect portrayal of character because if that had happened to Dean, he would have been mostly fine.
I'm going to give season fifteen one (1) right for showcasing that's not true. Dean's heartburn, man. He hates it yessssss.
You know why? Because Dean expects the worst, he takes the hits as they come, he juggles problems and pleasures, drops balls and picks up new ones, never expects to keep them all in the air at the same time.
lest it be his Sammy. Then he needs to make deals with reapers and death to Fix That Right Now.
but I do know that the day Sam breaks, that he truly accepts that he is broken, that he is not going to get out of this with the solution he believes he’s owed, there will be a reckoning.
so I assume you watched the episode where Cas came back in season 7? That's a good time of Sam hitting rock bottom. He's exhausted and ready to die (though, of course, he uses what little strength he has to help a girl being haunted by her brother's ghost). Rock bottom of Sam in season 4 and 8 amounted to sacrificing himself. Look, Sam's dangerous. But I don't think he's overall more dangerous than Dean.
but the girl he was planning to spend the rest of his life with was killed not only in front of him but also because of him.
that's kind of victim blamey. I think we can blame Yellow Eyes and Lucifer. She's talking about rock bottom Sam in season one. Sam's a little cranky and fights with his family some. Very scary. Word will end.
The universe owes him, big time, and he knows it.
the fuck are you talking about. Sam doesn't think anyone owes him anything. Beyond, like, maybe not having literal god toy with is life for the lulz.
but Sam actually expects the universe to pay up, and pursues every opportunity that arises in order to fast-track that debt collection – it’s why he went along with the British Men of Letters, after all, it’s why he did the Demon Trials.
Sam takes the trails to make things better for Dean. He goes along with the BMoL because getting rid of all the monsters that eat people would make the world safer what you on natalie fisher.
And it’s why, within minutes of polite conversation, he’s testing the waters for Jack to help him out, open the portal to the other world in order to save Mary. .
Sam literally told Jack that if the kid couldn't help it didn't matter. The second he saw that Jack was being pushed too far, he pulled back. how are you dissing Sam when DEAN LITERALLY TOLD A CHILD OF ONE DAY OLD HE'D BE THE ONE TO KILL HIM WHAT ARE YOU ON.
asdfpaoiwe9rfaoidwaed this ladddddy
i'll be back with more of her nonsense i need to flush my brain
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incarnateirony · 4 years
So I know I’ve been beating on the same set of pots and pans about our S15 arrangement, but since some people missed it and I haven’t had time to even THINK about Supernatural beyond a few gif gallery reblogs for a while, let’s remember.
- The entire season is framing Castiel’s importance, even in absence as much as presence. Be that absence in the AUs the boys go dark, Becky pointing out Chuck’s failure to acknowledge him, Sam holding his fate in his hands, Dean’s desperation to recover him, and whatever else.
- The entire season is pointing out the inevitability of Castiel’s demise. Not even from like one angle but two or three. And literally when someone is fated to die that hard, it’s not just a Bury And Be Done. It’s either to subvert by letting them live, or to turn their death into a new kind of birth-- such as Rowena, who had a scripted fate, but turned it into a reformation of hell and convened *specifically* with Castiel about this. Watch who is watching who, who is thinking about what.
- The last few seasons have been teaching us how to let go and move on in a healthy way. Be it Castiel counseling young Jack in lifespan of humans, to acknowledging Mary managed to finally end up happy with John in heaven (whether or not fandom likes or agrees with that). 
- These same morals also pass on to “growing up”. “I saw you, back there, you’re ready for this.” While they predate John and Mary in S14 talking to their boys (Swan Song, “Now you’re a grown--overgrown, man--” “I’ve got him.”) they echo again loudly. “Now you’re a grown man, and I am incredibly proud of you.”/ “Go, mom. Be happy.” -- keep a tack in this.
- Circling back to Castiel and absence, let’s remember the question--who takes over in absence of Chuck? “Jack?” Big Nah energy. But WhOoOoOoo. Well, would that even be a good ending? The next step in fathers casting burdens entirely on their children? 
- Dean and bars is an eternal connection. Be that the Roadhouse (or the 15.4 shoutout), initially enjoying Ash’s bar in DSOTM before calling it “like the Matrix” (with Bobo openly appreciating Baudrillard’s work in that dialogue we had to discuss “handfuls of ideas” despite preferring DeLillo’s actual writing style), Nihilism’s Headbar, or Lee’s bar of dreams, strapped in phrasing right back to Nihilism.  But Dean is also heavily attached to Death, and other elements haunting us this season.
-  “Brother” has always been a theme to SPN, but the evocation of it as punctuation is new to this season. “We lost. Brother.” “See you on the other side. Brother.” -- this last one haunts me as Dean has said this line before, twice actually--once in sarcastic irony about the rift in 12.23 looking ready to accept death, and once saying goodbye to Jo shortly before Swansong. Just, minus the brother both times. This was an episode Jensen directed and he called specifically for Benny to come in and take part as a fan favorite. But the “Brother” punctuation on an old classic line is worth noting. And we all know Jensen and his trolling spoilers. Roadhouse bar commentary be damned.
So anyway, Castiel will have one final, permanent death. But Death is not the end, but a cage of fear Chuck keeps humans in, lest they be divided from others in death in their prisons. It would take the system being entirely reborn, as if by Rowena, or in the womb instead of an angel -- to change it entirely.
It would be redemption for what Castiel blames himself for. Chuck doesn’t account for what Castiel can do, would do, might do, he just ignores him. And he who has the souls is god, so if Chuck is unplugged, what then is he?
Given Rowena seems to be stuck to hell (missing carnal pleasures, etc), and Castiel would then to heaven. But let’s say-- hm, Sam leads a revolution inside heaven while, say, Dean pleads with Cas in the empty to come back and becomes a singularity of rebirth from inside heaven, at the crux of humanity (DSOTM, and 15.13 both on “The Garden” and “God’s throne”). Jack can bring any of them back.
But Cas.
Sooo here’s the thing, do Sam and Dean go back to their side?
Sam has Eileen waiting for him. The burden of heaven, in this spec, is not put on Jack, but instead a new generation for a better world. But someone has to raise him. “I saw you. You’re a grown, overgrown man--and I’m incredibly proud of you. You’re ready for this.” “You loved me, fought for me, that’s enough. I’ve got him. Go, be happy.” 
“See you on the other side, brother.”
Seriously. I’m not even writing this as a wishlist, I’m seeing it ending here. The exact scale of human vs divine (eg if any of them permanently take over for Chuck, Death, Amara, etc or they find a new balance driven by man) I’m out on, even if I’ve been speculating the trading of Death’s Ring in other posts, and been rambling on about the Union By Which Life Exists-- which on a DeanCas level I see as incredibly important and has already been smacked twice this season. But. The above, like-- I’d literally put down bets on at this point. 
Maybe not the dialogue verbatim, but the essence and spirit of it. 
...Given the last line... pretty sure.
Can we start placing wagers while we go nuts from covid hellatus?
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dannyphantomrpg · 7 years
Visual Aid: 107 Danny Phantom Facts
So I did this again.
(It’s what keeps me occupied when my husband’s asleep and the tablet pen is charging~)
((This one was barely longer than the 10 Years Later, Part 2, but it took all day for some reason...))
Let’s get this thing started~
Hey everybody, Butch Hartman here. I am so excited today because I'm teaming up with Channel Frederator today to talk about my show, Danny Phantom. Can give you the inside scoop.
You guys remember the fandom? Are you kind of curious about the show? Well, relax, we've got something for everybody here as we talk about the 107 facts about Danny Phantom.
For example, did you know that the 2005 Michael Jackson trial was actually features on Vlad's TV on one episode? It's there.
107 Facts: Danny Phantom.
001 Danny Phantom was created by me, Butch Hartman, after I had previously worked on the Fairly Odd Parents with Nickelodeon.
002 When making the show, I drew a lot of inspiration from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Ghostbusters.
003 The title Danny Phantom was inspired by the titles of 1960's cartoons like Jonny Quest. More specifically, I wanted to create a title with a real first name, followed by a last name that was also kind of an action word. Some of these alternative action words were "Danny Thunder" "Danny Lightning" and "Danny Power". "Danny Phantom" was the name I went with cause I thought it sounded the coolest.
004 Some of the alternative first names I had for our hero included "Billy Phantom", "Kenny Phantom", "Jackie Phantom", and "Davey Phantom". I think you'll agree they don't quite have the same ring as "Danny Phantom" does.
005 I came up with the concept for the show Danny Phantom while driving a moving van from Las Vegas to Los Angeles with my mother. Unfortunately, she was more fascinated by the sight of a desert tortoise, than the birth of a new, awesome Nicktoon.
006 Before settling on a superhero show, one of my first concepts for Danny Phantom was a bit more in the main Ghostbusters. It was called Danny Phantom and the Specter Detectors, and it would have focused on a powerless Danny and his friends hunting down ghosts, using an array of ghostbusters-like gadgets.
007 Danny Phantom was pitched to Nickelodeon executives over dinner. Execs treated me  after they ordered more episodes of Fairly Odd Parents, and they happened to ask me if I had any more ideas for TV shows. And, yes, being treated to nice dinners is definitely an appreciated perk.
008 There's some early concept art of Danny showing a surprising design. I originally drew him with the Superman-type body, which was basically a lot of unrealistic buff muscles. I reverted to the slimmer design when I decided it's be more interesting to portray Danny as a fourteen-year-old kid.
009 I decided Danny should be fourteen years old because that age is kind of a bridge between childhood and adulthood. It's more of a period of self-discovery which certainly fits the theme of Danny learning to live and control his ghostly abilities.
010 Danny's skinnier, final design, was the collaborative effort of character designers Steven Silver, Shannon Tyndall, and - surprise - me.
011 Unlike many other cartoon characters, Danny has five fingers. Take that Timmy Turner.
012 You may notice that when Danny goes ghost, only his hair turns white and his eyebrows stay black. They're actually meant to be white as well, but we all thought the white brows made Danny look like an old man so we, uh, kept 'em.
013 Sam and Danny were originally meant to share a psychic connection, so one would know where the other one was at all times. But I scrapped this to keep things simple. Only Danny was finally to have the superpowers.
014 Danny was originally gonna have a pet owl named Spooky that would be able to track ghosts. I scrapped the concept as Harry Potter rapidly gained popularity. I  didn't want his series to be constantly compared to the boy wizard.
015 I wanted to give Danny a really cool ghost motorcycle to use as his primary means of transportation, but then I realized that giving a motorcycle was pointless because, you know, he can fly really fast.
016 The father-son duo of Jack and Danny Fenton are a reference to Jack and Danny Torrance from The Shining, which explains why Jack Fenton constantly accuses his children of being ghosts.
017 I gave Danny an older sibling because, unlike Timmy Turner, I felt that Jazz Fenton would make Danny feel less in control at home and give him somebody to contend with. I thought this lack of control would make Danny's experience with his superpowers all the more satisfying for him.
018 Jazz Fenton was named after a character in John Byrne's 1990's comic book Next Men. I always thought the name Jazz was cool.
019 Tucker Foley's name is a combination of actor and comedian Chris Tucker and Eddie Murphy's character from Beverly Hills Cop, Axel Foley.
020 Danny's teacher, Mr. Lancer, is named after a family restaurant in Burbank called, you guessed it, Lancer's.
021 Vlad Masters was originally going to be a vampire, but Nickelodeon execs thought making him a Vampire could lead to some pretty violent territory and I thought that too. So he was changed into a ghost.
022 A remnant of this scrapped concept can be found in his villain name "Vlad Plasmius". Plasma is found in blood which, you know, vampires kind of have a thirst for.
023 I refer to Vlad Masters as Danny Phantom's Lex Luthor. Like Luthor, Vlad uses his wealth to exert his power, or at least some of it. He also has a personal connection to Danny that gives him the upper hand in most scenarios.
024 Danny's love interest, Paulina Sanchez, is a parallel to Superman's love interest, Lois Lane. Both characters have no romantic interest in the protagonist because they have a crush on the protagonist's superhero alter ego. Lois loves Superman, but not Clark Kent, and Paulina loves Danny Phantom, but not Danny Fenton. Paulina: But you still have no shot with me Oh, the cruel irony.
025 Danny's ghost sense is identical to Spiderman's spider sense. Both senses alert their respective heroes whenever danger is nearby.
026 The parallels of Spiderman don't end there. Dash Baxter is a parallel to Peter Parker's football playing bully, Flash Thompson. Not only do Flash and Dash bully the protagonists of their universes, but they idolize the protagonist's superhero alter ego without realizing the hero is actually the person they bully. Their names both words that describe their quick movement and rhyme with each other.
027 The ghosts of Danny Phantom's world aren't the spirits of the deceased as ghosts tend to be in pop culture. Instead, they're monsters from another dimension. We call them ghosts because it's easier to say and it's more appealing than saying monsters from another dimension.
028 Danny's hometown, Amity Park, is a tribute to the settings of a few famous horror stories. Amityville, Long Island is the location of the famous haunted house known as the Amityville Horror. But Amity Park is also named after Amity Island, the location of the book and Steven Spielberg film Jaws.
029 Danny's high school, Casper High, is named after Casper the Friendly Ghost. Hey, if we hadn't added all these paranormal references, you may have forgotten the show is about ghosts.
030 Quite a few key members from the Fairly Odd Parents had a hand in making Danny Phantom, including writer  Steve Marmel and art director Bob Boyle.
031 One of the major differences working on the Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom was the latter series' more serial format containing everything from character arcs to recurring story lines. Danny Phantom embraces storytelling angle by making the episodes 22 minutes long as opposed to Fairly Odd Parents whose 22 minute run time consisted of 2 eleven minute episodes.
032 One of the most challenging aspects of creating a superhero show like Danny Phantom, was giving all the superhero tropes a unique and interesting twist. We wanted to keep the series fresh an unique.
033 I originally wanted to cast a fourteen year old boy for the role of Danny, but I couldn't find anybody that sounded heroic enough. That heroic voice I searched for was ultimately provided by David Kaufman. Before playing Danny, Kaufman broke into the realm of voice acting when he played Marty McFly in Back tot he Future: The Animated Series.
034 David Kaufman kept his audition for Danny as a CD in his car that he would listen to towards the beginning of the show whenever he drove to the studio to record. He did this to remember what Danny sounded like in order to immerse himself into the character efficiently.
035 I wasn't the only one Kaufman's performance left a deep impression on. His daughter, Grace, calls him Daddy Phantom.
036 Sam Manson is played by actress Grey Griffin. I basically made an effort to include her in every show I created back then. Thus far, she's played Vicky in the Fairly Odd Parents and Kitty Katswell from T.U.F.F. Puppy.
037 Tucker isn't the first loyal friend Ricky D'Shon Collins has played. Before hunting ghosts with Danny, he helped TJ Detweiler keep balance and order on the playground as Vince LaSalle in Disney's Recess.
038 Maddie Fenton's voice actress, Kath Soucie, has essentially crafted a career out of voicing cartoon mothers. She played Dexter's mom in Dexter's Laboratory, Betty DeVille in Rugrats and Miriam Pataki in Hey Arnold.
039 Danny's father, Jack, is played by legendary voice actor Rob Paulson, who's played iconic roles like Yakko Warner, Pinky, Carl Weiser, Experiment 625, Donatello in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Raphael in the old one, and way too many more to mention here.
040 Although Mr. Lancer is far from hardcore, his voice actor, Ron Perlman, has played quite a few characters throughout his career that redefined the word, He played Hellboy in the Guillermo del Toro films of the same name and he voices Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, on Teen Titans, as well as the Lich in Adventure Time.
041 Valerie Grey was originally played by Grey DeLisle for the episode My Brother's Keeper before renowned voice actress Cree Summer was chosen to take over the role. If her name doesn't sound familiar, you've probably heard her voice as Penny on Inspector Gadget or maybe even as Susie Carmicheal on Rugrats.
042 Valerie isn't the only one that's had a change in her voice. Dani, that's Dani with an I, was voiced with two different actresses through the series. She was played by AnnaSophia Robb in her debut episode Kindred Spirits. The role was then taken over by Krista Swan in the episode D-Stabilized, which was Dani's second and final speaking appearance.
043 Tara Strong plays two of the show's recurring villains: Ember McLain and Penelope Spectra. This is definitely not the first time I've worked with her. You probably know her best as Timmy Turner in the Fairly Odd Parents, which proves she can effectively play both the hero and the villain.
044 Every celebrity guest in the show was cast as a ghost, similar to how celebrity guests would play villains on the 1960's Batman series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. Some of these celebrities include Particia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond as the Lunch Lady, and Matthew St. Patrick from Six Feet Under as Skulker, and Will Arnett from Arrested Development as the Ghost Writer, and Martin Mull as Vlad Plasmius.
045 These celebrity voice actors typically played their ghosts for a limited time before different voice actors took their roles. Sometimes as soon as the ghost's second appearance. Series Kath Soucie took over the role of the Lunch Lady and Kevin Michael Richardson became Skulker.
046 Tucker's dad, Maurice Foley, is voiced by Phil Lamarr who voices Hermes Conrad on Futurama and Samruai Jack on Samurai Jack.
047 Mark Hamill plays Undergrowth. He's, of course, best known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, but also as countless voice acting credits, including the Joker and Fire Lord Ozai.
048 The ghost child Youngblood was played by actor Taylor Lautner when he was just nine years old. Lautner would later be featured in everybody's favorite love story Twilight. Wait, who wrote that? Do I have to say that?
049 Danny's ultimate enemy, Dark Danny, is played by Oscar-nominated acting legend Eric Roberts. His impressive resume includes everything from the Dark Knight to the Cable Guy.
050 The first recording session for Danny Phantom took place on November 21, 2002, about a year and a half before the show premiered. The first episode to be recorded was also the first episode to air: Mystery Meat.
051 In fact, Danny Phantom premiered on April 3, 2004, right after Nickelodeon's annual Kid's Choice Awards.
052 Unlike many other animated shows, the cast of Danny Phantom recorded their dialogue in the same room together. David Kaufman described the experience as something akin to a stage play.
053 It takes the actors around 3 hours to record dialogue for a single episode. David Kaufman knows that shouting "I'm goin' ghost!" so many times made his voice hoarse by the end of the day.
054 In the episode What You Want, I voiced a football announcer that also looks a lot like me except he's, you know, a cartoon. I mean, he looks a lot more like me than Dr. Bender does. I hope.
055 The theme song we hear today wasn't the only one recorded for the show. An alternate version got so far into production that an alternate opening sequence was storyboarded all the way around it. The alternate song sounds very similar to the final product with different lyrics that focus more on explaining Danny's abilities.
056 The theme song was changed because Nickelodeon wanted it to tell Danny's origin story. This way, new views wouldn't feel alienated when watching the show for the first time no matter what episode they started out with.
057 Luckily, changing the lyrics wasn't an overly complicated, make-10-calls, logistical nightmare since I wrote the lyrics of the theme song. Both of them actually.
058 I based the show's theme song after the song The Invisible Man by Queen, one of my favorite bands.
059 One thing I learned from working on the Danny Phantom theme song is that your first idea isn't always your best idea, and to never stop pushing yourself until you've made something truly awesome. You're welcome for that halfway through burst of inspiration.
060 I also co wrote another fan favorite song Remember, performed by Ember in the episode Fanning the Flames, which also happens to be my third favorite episode. Yes, my third favorite. I am very, very specific.
061 Danny Phantom was the first show to be produced by my very own company, Billionfold Inc. which was co-founded with my wife. Billionfold comes from a biblical term, hundredfold.
062 A single episode of Danny Phantom took approximately 10 months to produce, stretching all the way from pre-production to post.
063 While the pre-production phase took place in Burbank, California, Danny Phantom's animation was done by a Korean animation studio called Rough Draft. Rough Draft's resume includes work done on other animated classics like Futurama, The Simpsons, and SpongeBob SquarePants.
064 The individual villains found within Danny Phantom's rogues gallery was based on ideas that I had. Ember McLane stemmed from a pitch regarding an episode about music fads, and the effects they have on teenagers. The Lunch Lady was generated from my very astute knowledge that students tend to hate school prepared lunched.
065 Vlad is a Green Bay Packers fanatic because Danny Phantom's story write, Steve Marmel is a cheesehead himself. We nearly got sued for this, but luckily Marmel was smart enough to make the team colors of the Danny Phantom Packers gold and green instead of green and gold.
066 One scrapped running gag Marmel wanted to incorporate was that Vlad's home would be blown up after every encounter he had with Danny, but this recurring joke was mainly lost in editing.
067 Had the series gone on, Danielle would have been taken in by the Fentons, effectively becoming the younger sister of Danny and Jazz.
068 Technus was intended to have another upgrade, Technus 3.0, in the episode Identity Crisis. The design was scrapped after we decided the upgrade didn't really fit anywhere in the episode's story.
069 The addition of Danny Phantom's logo later in the series was the suggestion of Nickelodeon executives, who thought he needed a symbol akin to heroes like Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. But perhaps more honest reason was because the execs wanted to make the hero more marketable.
070 Danny officially became 99.99% marketable in the season 2 episode, Memory Blank, in which Sam gives him his D logo.
071 The series score was composed by Guy Moon, who is also responsible for the music heard in the Fairly Odd Parents.
072 When Guy Moon and I met to discuss a soundtrack of an episode, I would usually sing over the episode in progress to give Moon an idea of how I wanted the music to sound. Moon would bring a camera to these sessions and record my, admittedly, unskilled singing to remember my instructions.
073 Not everyone can become a half ghost, half human. If Sam or Tucker had gotten caught int the middle of the Fenton's malfunctioning Ghost Portal, it would have likely killed them.
074 Wulf is fluent in Esperanto, a language created in 1887 by Dr. Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, perhaps better known by his pseudonym of Doktoro Esperanto. Esperanto was created in the hope of replacing every language in the world as the one universal language. Judging by the fact that this video is in English, you can probably guess how that plan worked out.
075 The episode titled Shades of Grey is obviously a play on Valerie's last name, but the title could have a much deeper meaning. The term "shades of grey" refers to an unclear position on the scale of good to evil, usually somewhere in between. This certainly applies to Valerie, as she doesn't necessarily fight ghosts for good or evil. but for her own personal reasons.
076 During Shades of Grey, Danny names the ghost dog Cujo. Cujo's also the name of a horror novel by Stephen King about a dog bitten by a rabid bat, which turns the dog into a cold-blooded killer.
077 The green glowing, double bladed melee weapon Maddie uses to slay the legion of Vlad's monsters in Maternal Instincts is practically identical to Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber in Star Wars Episode One, save for the red color.
078 Because I know everyone loves multiple Episode One references, the the title of the second season's 9th episode The Fenton Menace is obviously a play on the title of everybody's favorite Star Wars film, the Phantom Menace. Yes. Everybody's favorite Star Wars film.
079 To continue the Star Wars nods, the Danny Phantom universe has its own line of popular toys called Space Wars featuring characters that resemble Chewbacca and R2D2.
080 Some of the computers in the Danny Phantom world have pears in the back of them which you probably guess was a nod to Apple computers. Timmy's dad in Fairly Odd Parents has the same symbol on his laptop.
081 Save for the creepy pictures of Maddie, the programs and icons on both Danny and Vlad's computers are exactly the same, in the exact same order.
082 Skulker's hunt for Valerie and Danny in Life Lessons closely resembles the plot of Richard Connell's famous short story "The Most Dangerous Game". Much like the story, Skulker kidnaps two very skilled humans on his property for the sole purpose of hunting what he considers to be the most challenging prey out there, or, the most dangerous game.
083 Mr. Lancer spouts the titles of books in place of shouting swear words. Some of these exclamations include The Great Gatsby, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Moby Dick, which is about as close as we'll be getting to colorful language on a Nicktoon, except for maybe Ren and Stimpy, or Rocko, or SpongeBob. We're slick here at Nickelodeon.
084 In the episode What You Want, Paulina transforms into a popular anime cat names Sayonara Pussycat, who resembles the character Hello Kitty. But Sayonara is actually a rather dramatic and final sounding word for "goodbye" in Japanese.
085 In Teacher of the Year, all 13 levels that Tucker shows Technus are based on the eight worlds from the 1990 NES classic Super Marion Bros. 3. The level 0 glitch is a reference to the infamous Minus world from the original Super Mario Bros.
086 Before sending Danny into the Ghost Zone in the episode Prisoners of Love, Tucker can be seen playing Space Invaders on his PDA.
087 Valerie Grey lives on 461 Elm Street, an obvious reference to the classic horror film A Nightmare on Elm Street. She'd probably stand more of a chance against Freddy Krueger than the other kids in the Street as well.
088 Johnny 13 and Kitty's voice actors, William Baldwin and China Phillips, are a married couple in real life. The knot has been securely tied since 1995. Way before they were cast.
089 In Fanning the Flames, Danny quips "Do you take requests? How about Beat It." in addition to telling Ember to hit the road, Danny's referencing Michael Jackson's classic song Beat It. Good one, Danny. And good one, me.
090 Michael Jackson makes a more obvious cameo in the episode Infinite Realms where he's seen in at his 2005 trial while Vlad is flipping through channels.
091 When we see Tucker's report card in What You Want, we learn that Tucker is not only highly proficient in computers, but sewing as well. If Danny ever needs a suit redesign, he who he can call. Not the Ghostbusters, they'll likely kill him. He should call Tucker.
092 The Groovy Gang and Scaredy Cat from The Million Dollar Ghost are an unsubtle jab at Mystery Inc and Scooby-Doo. An additional fact fact for you guys, I actually worked for Hanna-Barbera, the animation studio that created Scooby-Doo.
093 The secret government organization dedicated to eliminating paranormal entities known as the Guys in White are obviously a parallel to the Men in Black who essentially do the same thing but with evil extraterrestrials.
094 I've gone on record saying the reason Danny is not shirtless when he's at the water park is because he gets sunburned very easily.
095 We can all infer that Sam has good taste in films. For instance, a poster for Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange can be seen in her room.
096 In Memory Blank, Sam wants to see Trinity of Doom, a movie starring Femalien, the female version of Alien that’s a Predator, not a Xenomorph, you uncultured swine!, Terminatra, the female Terminator, and Nightmerica, the female version of Freddy Krueger. I'd still go see that.
097 Danny has a birthmark that's shaped like the state of Florida.
098 Timmy Turner's favorite comic book hero, The Crimson Chin, appears at the Ember concert as one of her many adoring fans in the episode Fanning the Flames. I officially sanction your conspiratorial speculations.
099 In the episode What You Want, Danny and Tucker can be seen playing an arcade machine titles Crash Nebula. Crash Nebula is one of Timmy Turner's favorite heroes of the Fairly Odd Parents. The plot thickens!
100 The cross referencing continued over into the Fairly Odd Parents, too. In Poulter Geeks, a wanted poster for Danny Phantom can be seen in the ghost hunting basement of Timmy's parents.
101 Or you guys could be thinking about this all wrong, and Danny could just be a fictional hero. In the Fairly Odd Parents Crash Nebula special, Danny can be seen on the back cover of a comic book. The truth is out there.
102 If Vlad were real, Steve Marmel would have made him the happiest half man/half ghost on the planet. The writer purchased a brick at Lambeau Field, the home of the Packers, and engraved it with "Someday I will rule - Vlad Plasmius".
103 David Kaufman's favorite episodes tend to be the ones in which Danny spends time with one particular member of his family and the plot strengthens their bond and understanding of each other. He cites the episodes Maternal Instinct and My Brother's Keeper as prime examples.
104 Like every great superhero, Danny Phantom has transcended into the realm of video games. His first outing was a Game Boy Advance adaptation of The Ultimate Enemy, a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up ordeal.
105 The second was called Danny Phantom: Urban Jungle, which was released for both Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS and it was a side-scrolling shooter.
106 There was once a Danny Phantom themed ride at the indoor Nickelodeon Universe theme park at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. Danny Phantom: Ghost Zone's design was that of an Ali Baba. In other words, it consisted of a stationary horizontal gondola with a 360 degree swinging pendulum. Unfortunately, the rise was taken down in 2015.
107 Danny Phantom ran for three season, from 2004 to 2007. A total of 53 episodes were created for the series. The news of Danny Phantom's cancellation was not well received by the fans at all. The Danny fandom took to the streets of New York City and protested outside of Nickelodeon's building to bring the ghost boy back into production. Unfortunately, to no avail. But thank you. Seriously, thank you.
Ok, guys, thanks so much for watching. Hope you guys enjoyed it, 107 facts about Danny Phantom. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the Frederator Channel.
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
Shakespeare for Feminists: An Oral History of 10 Things I Hate About You
20 years ago in the shadow of Y2K anxiety, an unassuming movie set at a high school in Tacoma, Washington opened the same day as “The Matrix.” This was an era before e-mail, when alt-rock was a thing, riot grrls haunted record stores and, pace John Hughes, getting into college was more important than getting a prom date. The film’s rookie screenwriters—one in Los Angeles, the other in Denver—collaborated via snail mail on a feminist refresh of a Shakespeare play considered problematic for its misogyny.
Inspired by The Taming of the Shrew, “10 Things I Hate About You” featured an ensemble of mostly teen-age actors. It was the big-screen breakthrough for TV stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Larisa Oleynik, and Gabrielle Union, not to mention relative newcomer Julia Stiles and relative unknown Australian TV actor Heath Ledger. The dialogue was fresh as their faces, likewise the soundtrack featuring Semisonic, Letters to Cleo and Ledger’s rendition of Frankie Valli’s “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” backed by a high-school marching band. The film had edge, but also heart.
This story about two sisters (Stiles, Oleynik) and two transfer students (Ledger, Gordon-Levitt), boasted fully realized conformist and nonconformist characters rather than the preppy versus punk archetypes then in currency. Given its gender balance and story, the film couldn’t be pigeonholed as a chick flick or bro-pic. It struck a nerve and the funnybone of a broad spectrum of moviegoers, from 13-year-old teens to tenured literature professors to theater parodists currently performing an unauthorized tribute in LA.
Beginner’s luck
Kirsten Smith, screenwriter: In 1996 I was in Los Angeles working at CineTel, reading scripts and query letters. I answered a query from Karen McCullah, requesting sample scripts.
Karen McCullah, screenwriter: I was in Denver, writing scripts and working as a freelance publicist for an environmental nonprofit. I came out to LA and had drinks with Kirsten. We started writing an unproduced screenplay on cocktail napkins. We were both fans of Amy Heckerling’s "Clueless," based on Jane Austen’s Emma.
Smith: We wanted to find a fairytale or fable or novel on which we could base a modern story. Someone suggested The Taming of the Shrew. In our version, of course, the shrew wouldn’t be tamed, she was too shrewd.
McCullah: We considered a gender-reversal, making the male lead the shrew before we concluded that all high school guys are shrews. We sent each other drafts by mail. It took about a year. We wrote Kat as the kind of character we wanted to see, an indie rock riot grrl. I was into that at the time.
Smith: We went to Sundance in 1997 and circulated the script, but it didn’t take flight. 
McCullah: It landed at Disney, which wanted to make one teen movie that year. Its choice was between "10 Things" and a script called "School Slut." We did another rewrite, then they greenlit the movie. Still, Disney asked why Kat was so angry.
Smith: All teenagers are angry.
Julia Stiles and Larisa Oleynik
Aligning the stars
Gil Junger Emmy-nominated TV director who made his feature debut with "10 Things": I was very much taken with the script. Its tone was smart, uniquely intelligent and funny. Casting wasn’t an easy process.
Disney executives “gently” encouraged Junger to cast "Dawson's Creek" stars James Van Der Beek and Katie Holmes in the roles of Patrick and Kat that eventually went to Ledger and Stiles.
Smith: The casting people sent us audition tapes. I remember Josh Hartnett and Ashton Kutcher read for Patrick and Katie Holmes, Kate Hudson and Rachael Leigh Cook for Kat.
Andrew Keegan, star of "Camp Nowhere" and TV’s "Party of Five," cast as Joey: As a young actor, I was so thrilled by the prospect of playing Shakespeare! I remember Joseph Gordon-Levitt (star of NBC’s "Third Rock from the Sun") and I were among the first people cast.
Julia Stiles, Kat: I had been reading The Taming of the Shrew in exactly that year. So, yes, the adaptation really appealed to me. "10 Things" was my first big role. After a few years of auditioning but always being told I was too serious, getting hired to play Kat was a thrilling affirmation that maybe my seriousness was okay.
Larisa Oleynik, Bianca: There were many rounds of auditioning. I really wanted the part of Kat. Then I was asked to do a “chemistry” audition as Bianca opposite Julia Stiles’ Kat. Something felt right about it.
Junger: Most of the girls came in to audition wearing sexy clothes. Julia came in wearing baggy pants and a t-shirt, hair up in a bun. She wasn’t working the ‘look-how-pretty-I-am’ angle. When she shook my hand and looked into my eyes, I was struck by a depth and maturity. This, combined with her poise, was formidable.
Stiles: Kat was the first role I had read for a young woman that was so refreshingly feisty. I loved the script, especially because it had a healthy bite to it. For a romantic comedy to have a cynical sense of humor, but also be truly romantic, stood out at the time. 
The director was close to the start of shoot and still didn’t have a male lead.
Junger: Marcia Ross, our casting guru, and her associates looked at about a thousand candidates. But I wasn’t going to cast the guy until I saw the guy. There were five casting women and me in the room when the next one walked in. It was Heath Ledger [then 18], and I felt as soon as he walked in, ‘If this guy can speak English I’ll cast him.’ Already he had the energy and that soulful sexuality of a movie star. I wanted to see how nimble he could be if I asked him to change tone with a few lines from the script. He was great. When he walked out the instant the door closed, we all knew. 
Heath Ledger and Andrew Keegan
Ready, set, go
By the time the magnificent seven arrived in Seattle in the summer of 1998, Gabrielle Union and David Krumholtz, respectively 25 and 20, eased into the roles of big sister and brother of the group; Ledger and Keegan were 19; Gordon-Levitt, Oleynik and Stiles were all 17, between their high school junior and senior years. 
Junger: My mantra was, I’m not gonna to shoot a high school movie. I’m gonna shoot a movie about people in relationships who happen to be in high school.
Smith: Heath arrived a little later than the rest of the principal cast. When he did, he instantly became the group’s galvanizing leader.
Keegan: When Keith arrived at the hotel he was carrying a didgeridoo. Classic Australian.
Oleynik: The group had begun to gel by the time Heath came and became our ringleader. We didn’t want to be apart. It was like art camp. We were together both as a group and one-on-one. Julia was so cool and confident. David and Joey (Gordon-Levitt) got close right away. Joey, Julia and I talked about college. On lazy Saturdays I would go to Gabrielle’s room and we’d watch music videos. Andrew and I knew each other from the teen actor beat.
Keegan: It’s interesting to look back on this time before social media. We just hung out together. What happened on "10 Things" set, carried over to our off-screen relationships. You could talk to Heath about anything: He was wise beyond his years. David, Joey and Julia were all crazy Beastie Boys fans. Gabrielle was just the coolest. David and Joseph supplied the comic relief. Larisa was a delight. It sounds corny, but it was a magical experience.
Stiles: It was such a special summer and we were all so open-hearted. Each actor was excited to be there and not jaded or closed-off yet.
Smith: Andrew Keegan had all these eight-year olds who knew him from TV, begging for his autograph.
Junger: When I shot the scene with David and Heath in the cafeteria, Heath fluffed a line. I took him aside and asked him if he was getting wasted. He replied, 'No. It’s just that they come knocking at the door at two in the morning." "Who?," I asked. “You know. Girls.” I’m telling you, there was a magnet in that kid. Another time, I said to him, you don’t know what’s going to hit you when this is released. He said, "Let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about how I could be my best self today."
While many moviegoers might point to the moment at the prom when Bianca protects her date, Cameron (Gordon-Levitt), decking the conceited Joey with a wicked right hook before kneeing him in the crotch as a high point, the actress who played Bianca begs to disagree.
Oleynik: The best day on set had to be Heath singing “I Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” while dancing in the stadium bleachers. It could have been so cheesy, but it was sincere. I think all of us knew then that we had something special.
Junger: A high point was Julia’s recitation of the “10 Things” sonnet in front of her English class. She delivered it with such depth and pain—in just one take.
There are many reasons that "10 Things" enjoys such a robust afterlife. One is that it’s a coming-of-age movie in which not only the characters but also the actors playing them seem to be coming of age before our eyes. Another is that many high school and college professors use the film as a tool to better understand the Bard. Some say the movie eliminates the misogyny of the play.
Junger: It has aged well, largely because the script hits the truth of human emotions. Like Shakespeare.
Oleynik: These Shakespeare updates give students a way into the story.
Rebecca Munson, Shakespeare scholar, Project Manager for Princeton Center for Digital Humanities: The underlying question—can an independent-minded woman still pursue her own path if she’s romantically engaged—remains vital to today’s students. The tension between ambition and assertiveness, on the one hand, and the compromises required by romantic engagement, on the other, still apply, regardless of gender.
Katherine’s speech closing the Shakespeare play advocates, often with a wink, that wives obey husbands. Kat’s sonnet in the movie says, “I like you in spite of myself,” which isn’t incompatible with her pursuing her own goals and desires.
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