backroombuzz · 5 years
CNN Alisyn Camerota Blatantly Lies About Her
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In a previous article, we blasted CNN for their Giddiness over the prospect of America heading into a recession.
But Alisyn Camerota was the cherry on top of the happy go lucky 'America is headed for a recession' CNN Sundae 
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wwtweets · 3 years
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Shameless Republicans Still ‘Lining Up To Kiss Trump’s Ring' Ripped In CNN Bit CNN’s “New Day” rolled the tape Friday o... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/shameless-republicans-still-lining-up-to-kiss-trumps-ring-ripped-in-cnn-bit/?feed_id=47648&_unique_id=60f308101f862 #BriannaKeilar #CNN #DonaldTrump #JohnBerman #KevinMcCarthy
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franklong12 · 3 years
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Shameless Republicans Still ‘Lining Up To Kiss Trump’s Ring' Ripped In CNN Bit CNN’s “New Day” rolled the tape Friday o... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/shameless-republicans-still-lining-up-to-kiss-trumps-ring-ripped-in-cnn-bit/?feed_id=47647&_unique_id=60f3080e873ec #BriannaKeilar #CNN #DonaldTrump #JohnBerman #KevinMcCarthy
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dragoni · 5 years
Brought to you by Republicans  #MoscowMitch  #KievMcCarthy  #RussianRyan  #GOPSwamp
Foreign powers' money and US taxpayer funds will go directly to benefit @realDonaldTrump and his family at the Doral resort. This is corruption in the open. https://twitter.com/Fahrenthold/status/1184874573956861952 …
— Ted Lieu @tedlieu  Oct 17, 2019
What gets me isn't so much the audaciousness of the corruption as its sheer pettiness
— Paul Krugman @paulkrugman Oct 17, 2019
Trump Doral in Miami in June sounds like a great place to hold G-7...during Hurricane Season. Average temp, 90 degrees. Total coincidence a hotel losing money, owned by Trump, is deemed the “perfect” venue. What conflict? What Emoluments clause violation? Nothing to see here.
— Ana Navarro-Cárdenas @ananavarro   Oct 17, 2019
“What if they just combined all the stories and held the impeachment hearings at Doral?”,  John Berman @JohnBerman  😂 👏👏👏
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alaturkanews · 3 years
Father of infant hospitalized by Covid-19 has CNN anchor fighting back tears
Father of infant hospitalized by Covid-19 has CNN anchor fighting back tears
An Arkansas dad shares his struggles of having his 1-year-old son hospitalized with Covid-19 and not being able to go visit him. He is urging people to get vaccinated so a similar situation doesn't happen to someone else. #JohnBerman #Newday #CNN
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backroombuzz · 5 years
CNN Giddy About America Heading Toward Recession, Because It'll Hurt Trump in 2020
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CNN's 'New Day' Crew Were Overjoyed Discussing How A Recession in America Would Hurt President Trump's Chances Of Being Reelected in 2020.
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worldnewsinpictures · 3 years
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JUST NOW: "I think they are really strong picks, John." Most important analysis of the day. Alamaba super-fan kaitlancollins breaks down Patriots draft. Hey JohnBerman are you a patriots fan because I cant tell! love your enthusiasm for the team.... Got an opinion about this? See what others are saying.... See MORE -> https://worldnewsinpictures.com/really-strong-picks #JUSTNOW #JUSTNOWJohn #Alamaba #AlamabaPatriots #AlamabaPatriotsHey #GotSee #GotSeeSee #strong #analysis
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newslookout · 4 years
Berman: We haven’t heard squat from Trump about Covid-19
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As the US continues to set new records for numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths, CNN’s John Berman discusses President Trump’s silence on the subject and revisits Vice President Mike Pence’s June 2020 op-ed where he declared that there would be no second wave of the pandemic.
#AC360 #JohnBerman #CNN
The post Berman: We haven’t heard squat from Trump about Covid-19 appeared first on News Lookout.
source https://newslookout.com/world-news/berman-we-havent-heard-squat-from-trump-about-covid-19/
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alaturkanews · 3 years
Republican's attempt to put Democrats on the spot backfires
Republican’s attempt to put Democrats on the spot backfires
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) gives a passionate response after Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) called for a vote on an amendment that would punish local jurisdictions that defund the police. #CNN #NewDay #JohnBerman
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backroombuzz · 5 years
WATCH Rep. Mo Brooks Obliterate CNN John Berman Who Was Using Democrat Border Wall Talking Points
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Rep. Mo Brooks showed CNN host John Berman exactly why the Democrats will never debate their border wall talking points in public.
The Democrats talking points that John Berman was using in his debate sounded absolutely insane and near childlike in their logic. Watch The Video  Read the full article
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stratosphere53 · 4 years
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jewishquestion · 4 years
Bloodthirsty Jews Celebrate Death of Iranian General
I don’t care about Iran or this general. But this is a good opportunity to show how bloodthirsty Jews are.
Ben Shapiro:
Trump’s Soleimani airstrike is utterly righteous. Soleimani was one of the worst human beings on the planet. America had to re-establish deterrence after Obama’s appeasement. This will not be the end of the story — Iran will continue to lash out. But they’re certainly on notice.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 3, 2020
Ari Fleischer:
All Americans cheered when the US military took out Osama Bin Ladin. The reaction to the mission against Suleimani, the world’s leading terrorist, should – I would hope – be the same. https://t.co/Jrsh253sxZ
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) January 3, 2020
Max Boot:
Media: @MaxBoot to @JohnBerman on @NewDay: “There’s no question that killing Qasem Soleimani was justified … The question is was it wise? Do we know what comes next? Do we have a game plan for managing this growing confrontation with #Iran?” pic.twitter.com/Bd4r7lBCdA
— Porter Anderson (@Porter_Anderson) January 3, 2020
Lindsey Graham:
Wow – the price of killing and injuring Americans has just gone up drastically. Major blow to Iranian regime that has American blood on its hands. Soleimani was one of the most ruthless and vicious members of the Ayatollah’s regime. He had American blood on his hands.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 3, 2020
I could go on tweet-quoting innumerable Jews and their pets praising this assassination.
Iran is no friend of white people, but it’s a nation that poses no threat to white people, except in the form of exporting its homosexual and transsexual population to our countries as immigrants.
That policy needs to end. We don’t need any more trannies or faggots here, we have enough to pass around.
Genocidal Jews want white people to believe that Iran poses a threat to us so that we fight another war for them. They even tell us this openly.
Are Americans being dragged into war with #Iran by the #DeepState? Listen to what the #Mossad Chief has to say – why Israel wont attack Iran but #nudge America “to do it for them”. #Suleimani Sooner or later… pic.twitter.com/9aiXW3SjIO
— Salman Hamid (@barnalve) January 3, 2020
This is because Jews are feeble cowards who never fight their own wars, except in Gaza when lobbing missiles at defenseless people trapped in apartment blocks.
The Jewish race has always manipulated and conscripted others into fighting off their racial enemies. They did it in World War II, in Iraq in 2003, and have been lobbying ever since to get another bloodbath going in Iran.
All of this is proof that Jews are genocidal zealots who revel at the sight of dead goyim.
The post Bloodthirsty Jews Celebrate Death of Iranian General appeared first on Reconquista Europa.
from Zionism – Reconquista Europa https://ift.tt/2FfEP83 via IFTTT
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plusorminuscongress · 5 years
New story in Politics from Time: President Trump Was Booed at the Washington Nationals Game
As President Trump watched the Washington Nationals play the Houston Astros on Sunday night, not everyone in the crowd was happy with his presence.
During Game 5 of the World Series at Nationals Park in Washington, Trump was met with sustained baseball fans’ boos when the announcer introduced President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump during the game’s third inning. Some also chanted “lock him up!” — a play off of the “lock her up” anti-Hillary Clinton chant that became a common phrase at Trump rallies ahead of the 2016 election. Others in the audience cheered, according to Sunday’s White House pool reports.
In videos of the game, the President and his wife clapped and smiling, despite the chants. It’s unclear whether or not they could hear over the crowd from their box, where other GOP lawmakers, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, joined them. Some fans also held up signs reading “VETERANS FOR IMPEACHMENT,” according to CBS News.
President Trump was booed loudly by the fans at Nats Park when he was shown on the big screen. Then came a loud chant: “Lock him up.” @wusa9 pic.twitter.com/LBbgSAHd6k
— Adam Longo (@adamlongoTV) October 28, 2019
It was a big day for the Trump administration. Trump had announced earlier that day that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, had been killed.
But hours later, Trump stayed through the first seven innings of the game, CBS News reports. While Trump didn’t watch its ending, the Astros came out on top, beating Washington 7-1.
Trump’s appearance at the game was his first major league game since he took office. In 2017, Trump reportedly declined an invitation to throw out the first pitch for a Nationals game, a White House tradition dating back to President William Howard Taft’s Nationals pitch in 1910.
Nationals principal owner Mark Lerner told the Washington Post that he did not invite Trump to throw out the first pitch at Sunday’s game, but that the President had “every right to come” to the game.
JUST NOW: Dem Sen @ChrisCoons not happy with the "Lock him up " chants at World Series last night.
"Frankly think the office of the president deserves respect, even when the actions of our president at times don't. "@NewDay pic.twitter.com/OJwZfv9Vp8
— John Berman (@JohnBerman) October 28, 2019
By Rachel E. Greenspan on October 28, 2019 at 10:50AM
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jesusganja · 5 years
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@johnberman is daddy Ugh i really feel like the birds speak to us in God's sign language in KKW "real time" and E! Network defined "real life." You see birds in pairs or you see birds swarming in synchronized motion through God's vast quantity of a sky. Theyre always there and they will always be there. Mid air is their intergalactical reality while humans are grounded into God's gravity. It seems like birds exist above us, but we as humans feel as if it is in our territory to be able to shoot these innocent creatures for no reason at all which is saddening to me. Animals will be here for longer than we will, and they'll be here way longer than after we are gone. Its just the law of life. Its just the way the world works. I love when I see scattered birds, and i love when I see birds that are in more of a symmetrical and synchronized rhythm synonymous harmony. I sometimes wonder if God reflects His emotions through them, as if His weather also reflects that as well. Its almost as if He speaks to us through the upshifts and downshifts of His lightning rods that bolt down from the His Heavenly and otherworldly realm up above way above the clouds and even above the entire galaxy of the universe itself. There's this innate "particular sense" of patterns in the way that the dynamic of His birds correlates with the weather. When the sun is out and the sky is a clear blue easy, they're free to flock to whatever feather that they are most compatible with, whether that be related to family ties or platonic woes, i honestly don't know. But all in all, when the Earth shatters in the midst of God's grief, they flock back to their nests, their cacoons to look after the eggs that will hatch the next generation of birds, and killing these precious creatures of God will not only detriment the generations of the now but the generations to come. We dont want birds to become an endangered species because God speaks primarily through them. If we would allow ourselves to look up at the sky as we do when the stars are out in the absense of street lights and in the face of pure nature, then we would be allowing ourselves to soar with them. They want to take us on their journey--they https://www.instagram.com/p/B3xMJ9RHjMx/?igshid=7i2o1jtxhzmt
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awriter314 · 5 years
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lollipoplollipopoh · 6 years
cnnbrk (September 14, 2018 at 01:11PM)
“My cord just literally split in two… some duct tape might be helpful,” says CNN’s @JohnBerman, in Wilmington. Hurricane Florence continues to deliver ferocious winds and torrential rain along the Carolina coast. Updates: https://t.co/boiBgEU39M Watch: https://t.co/uR4EHLFqrp https://t.co/UU439fPlNw - From Twitter
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