#Johnny G. Lyon
astonishinglegends · 5 months
Ep 282: The Elusive Force – A Powerful Polish Poltergeist Part 2
"Physics is the science of probabilities, whereas biology is the science of improbable phenomena. The living organism operates on the basis of reactions that are statistically improbable."  -- Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi as quoted in "The Elusive Force"
For part two of our examination of the elusive force that flowed through Joasia Gajeweski, we're fortunate and honored to present a conversation with three knowledgeable professionals familiar with the case. We first learned of this fantastic story and the book that documented it from a clinical therapist, author, parapsychologist, past show guest, and friend, Brandon Massullo. Brandon then offered to put us in touch with psychologist, researcher, and author James Houran, Ph.D., who studied the case extensively. And for the trifecta, another past guest and friend, Michael Kishbucher, connected us with Joel Stern. Joel was a staff translator and reviewer in the Office of Language Services at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC, for 28 years. He translated The Elusive Force: A Remarkable Case of Poltergeist Activity and Psychokinetic Power into English and spent decades attempting to get the book published, which finally occurred in 2023. Joel also spent time with Joasia and her family during the process and has specific insights into the people and their circumstances. Join us tonight for a lively discussion from the viewpoint of parapsychology and human behavior when it collides with the paranormal, and the impossible becomes impossible to dismiss. 
Reference Links:
James Houran, Ph.D. on LinkedIn
Brandon Massullo’s website, Haunted Theories, www.hauntedtheories.com
Institute for the Study of Religious and Anomalous Experience – israenet.org
Polish paranormal-themed magazine, Nieznany Swiat – “The Unknown World” nieznanyswiat.pl (translate with Google Chrome or other translating web browser)
“Anna Ostrzycka-Rymuszko - Warto odkrywać nieznane (wywiad radiowy)” in Polish, from the Nieznany Świat YouTube channel
ART, LIFE AND UFOS – A Memoir by Budd Hopkins from Anomalist Books
Guy Lyon Playfair
The Society for Scientific Exploration www.scientificexploration.org
Galton board
Gravitational wave
“THE ELUSIVE FORCE: A Remarkable Case of Poltergeist Activity and Psychokinetic Power” at Anomalist Books
“The Elusive Force: Case of Psychokinesis” from the 3 Beards Podcast on YouTube
“Terrifying true case of 13-year-old Polish poltergeist girl” on reddit r/abovethenormnews
Ghosted!: Exploring the Haunting Reality of Paranormal Encounters by Brian Laythe, James Houran, Neil Dagnall
Sosnowiec, Poland
William G. Roll
Chris French
“Unforgettable Uri Geller Appearance | Carson Tonight Show” on the Johnny Carson YouTube channel
“James Randi Demonstrates How 'psychic' Uri Geller Bends Spoons And Other Magic Tricks On The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson” from the Fun Facts and Music YouTube channel
Spoon bending on Wikipedia
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Episode 282: The Elusive Force – A Powerful Polish Poltergeist Part 2. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel of VW Sound. Music and Sound Design by Allen Carrescia. Tess Pfeifle, Producer and Lead Researcher. Ed Voccola, Technical Producer. Research Support from The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2024 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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leigh-kelly · 4 years
After an EXTENSIVE amount of research, here are my LGBTQ+ book recommendations for young children:
Karamo Brown, I Am Perfectly Designed
Suzanne Lang, All Kinds of Families
Tom Perival, Perfectly Norman
Daniel Haack, Maiden and Princess
Stacy B. Davids, Annie’s Plaid Shirt
Jessie Sima, Not Quite Narwhal
Sarah Savage, Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?
Harvey Fierstein, The Sissy Duckling
M.L. Webb, The GayBCs
Johnny Valentine, One Day, Two Dads, Brown Dad, Blue Dad
Lisa Campbell Ernst, Zinnia and Dot
Erica Silverman, Jack (Not Jackie)
Little Bee Books, Our Rainbow
Gayle E. Pitman, A Church for All
Michael Genhart, Love is Love
Gayle E. Pitman, Sewing the Rainbow: The Story of Gilbert Baker and the Rainbow Flag
Michael Joosten, My Two Moms and Me
Gayle E. Pitman, When You Look Out the Window: How Phyllis Lyons and Del Martin Build a Community
Leslea Newman, The Boy Who Cried Fabulous
Sara and Ian Hoffman, Jacob’s New Dress
Fran Manuskin, Plenty of Hugs
Rob Sanders, Stonewall: A Building, an Uprising, a Revolution
Afsaneh Moaraidan, Jamie is Jamie: A Book About Being Yourself and Playing Your Own Way
Leslea Newman, Too Far Away to Touch (warning, it’s about loss due to AIDS)
Christiane Engel, Baby’s First Words/Mis Primeras Palabras
Rigoberto Gonzalez, Antonio’s Card/La Targeta de Antonio
Bao Phi, My Footprints
Justin Richardson, And Tango Makes Three
Jessica Love, Julian Is a Mermaid
Theresa Thorn, It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity
Leslea Newman, Mommy, Mama and Me
Gayle E. Pitman, This Day in June
Michael Hall, RED: A Crayon’s Story
Robb Pearlman, Pink is for Boys
Meryl G. Gordon, The Flower Girl Wore Celery
Heather Smith, A Plan for Pops
Suzanne and Max Lang, Families, Families, Families
J.J. Austrian, Worm Loves Worm
Leslea Newman, Donovan’s Big Day
Daniel Haack, Prince and Knight
Patricia Polacco, In Our Mothers’ House
Jazz Jennings, I Am Jazz
Leslea Newman, Heather Has Two Mommies
Miriam B. Schiffer, Stella Brings the Family
Rob Sanders, Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag
Leslea Newman, Sparkle Boy
Daniel Errico, The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived
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Complete Timeline of “Back to the Future”
The entire trilogy takes place over the course of about two weeks from Marty McFly’s perspective, two days for an outside observer in 1985.  We are given specific dates and times, often minute-by-minute, so we can piece together a complete timeline with time stamps.  All times are in PST (Pacific Standard).
Part 1
Friday, October 25, 1985, 8:18 AM PST: The first movie begins with shots of Doc’s clocks and his automated breakfast machine.  The clocks actually say 7:53, but we soon learn they are 25 minutes slow.  We are soon introduced to Marty McFly, who accidentally overloads Doc’s giant amp around 8:23 or 8:24
Friday, October 25, 1985, 8:25 AM: Doc’s clocks all strike 8:00, and Marty realizes he is late for school.  The thing is, he’s wearing a watch in this scene, and moreover he must have woken up to an alarm set on his bedroom clock, so how does he NOT know what time it actually is?  Moving on; cue the “Power of Love” skateboarding-behind-cars sequence.  Marty and Jennifer sneak into school too late, and Mr. Strickland gives him another tardy slip and the whole “slacker” spiel.  “The future’s gonna change,” Marty says.
Friday, October 25, 1985, afternoon: after school, Marty’s band, the Pinheads, audition for the big dance.  A real square of a teacher tells them to stop playing because they’re just too darn loud; I did not know who Huey Lewis was when I first saw this movie, so I didn’t realize this was a celebrity cameo meant to be a joke, I just figured he was a stuffy old man who isn’t with the times.  Either way, Marty is dejected, but Jennifer tells him to send in his audition tape to the record company anyway.  Marty ogles a new 4x4 truck, “Save the Clock Tower!” he gets a flier, Jennifer’s dad picks her up to take her to her grandma’s house.
Friday, October 25, 1985, evening: Marty returns home to find the car totaled (there goes his date at the lake with Jennifer).  We are introduced to Biff and the McFly family.  One awkward family dinner and a ton of exposition later, and we learn everything we need to know about George and Lorraine’s first meeting back in 1955; Lorraine’s dad hit George with his car, and it was love at first sight.
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 12:28 AM: Doc calls Marty, tells him to swing by his lab and pick up his camera before meeting him at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15.
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:15 AM: Marty arrives at Twin Pines Mall just as the clock ticks over to 1:16.  The next few minutes are thoroughly documented.  Doc emerges from his van in a souped up Delorean DMC-12.
1:18 AM: Doc begins his spiel for the camera, giving the date, time, and location of Temporal Experiment Number 1.
1:19 AM: “Einstein’s clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch.” He remote controls the Delorean to the opposite end of the parking lot and floors it towards him and Marty.
1:20:00 AM: At exactly one-twenty and zero seconds, the world’s first Temporal Displacement occurs, Marty thinks the Delorean explodes, but it actually just made a jump into the future, “one minute into the future to be exact.”  Doc had nerves of steel to test it for the first time by driving it straight at him.
1:21:00 AM: Exactly one minute later, the Delorean reappears covered in ice, a special effect that the filmmakers stop using because it became impractical to coat the car with ice every time it travels through time.  Some ice is always visible, but never to this extent again.
1:22 AM: Doc opens the Delorean to discover Einstein is perfectly fine; to him, the trip was instantaneous.  The experiment was a complete success!  Doc prepares for his historic journey as the first human to travel through time; he plans to go forward 25 years, later amended to 30 because it’s a nice round number.
1:34 AM: Doc is shot to death by Libyan terrorists because he used the plutonium they stole to build the time machine instead of the bomb they wanted (the less we think about the implications, the better).
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:35 AM: Marty flees from the terrorists in the Delorean, accidentally turns on the time circuits and blasts himself back to 1955.
Saturday, November 5, 1955, 6:15 AM: Marty arrives on Peabody farm, is mistaken for an alien and shot at.  He drives away, accidentally running over one of the twin pines in the process.  The exact time is not shown on screen except for the 6 (the last two digits are obscured), but the DVD menu says 6:15 so I’m sticking with it.  The Delorean breaks down shortly after, and he hides it behind the Lyon Estates billboard.  He walks into town, “Hill Valley 2 Miles.”
Saturday. November 5, 1955, 8:29: “Mr. Sandman” sequence, Marty walks around courtyard square, dazed and confused.  It took him over two hours to drive from the mall to his house and then walk 2 miles into town, so of course he’s confused.  The clock tower chimes 8:30, the first time Marty’s ever heard it go off.  He enters Lou’s Cafe to find Doc’s address in the phone book, and encounters a young George and Biff.  George bikes away, and Marty gives chase.  Shortly after, George falls out of a tree while peeping on Lorraine like a creep, and is almost hit by her dad’s car; Marty pushes him out of the way, taking his place in the timeline.  He hits his head and is knocked out.
“Almost 9 hours” later (so around 6-ish PM): Marty awakens in young Lorraine’s bedroom.  She has the hots for him, Florence Nightingale style.  He has dinner with the Baines family soon after, though the clock behind Lorraine’s parents says it’s 8:35.  He leaves after his mom grabs his thigh (ew), and goes to find Doc at his mansion before he burned it down for the insurance money (this is never stated on screen, but the implication is clear).  Doc doesn’t believe he’s from the future until he recounts the story about the wet toilet and the flux capacitor (it makes sense in context).  Doc deduces that Marty messed up the timeline by interfering with his parent’s first meeting, so they have to find a way to get them back together.
Monday, November 7, 1955, morning: The date is never given, but we can assume Doc and Marty wanted to scope out the school as soon as possible, so Monday it is.  Marty tries to introduce George to Lorraine, but she would rather introduce herself to him (ew)
November 7, lunchtime: Marty talks to George in the cafeteria, and almost gets into a fight with Biff after he assaults Lorraine.
November 7, afternoon: George goes home after school with Marty in tow, “why are you following me?”  George tells him that he’s not ready to ask Lorraine out, and that nobody on this planet can change his mind.
Tuesday, November 8, 1955, 1:23 AM: Marty dresses in his radiation suit and visits George, pretending to be “Darth Vader, an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan.”  He threatens to melt George’s brain with more Van Halen tapes if he doesn’t ask Lorraine to the dance.  Mission accomplished.
November 8, afternoon: George skipped school that day, having overslept because “Darth Vader” knocked him out with chloroform (in a deleted scene).  Marty encourages him to go into Lou’s Cafe and tell Lorraine that he is her density- I mean destiny.  All goes well until Biff shows up; Marty gets into a fight followed by a chase through courtyard square where he accidentally introduces the town to the concept of skateboarding.  Biff crashes into a manure truck, doing $300 damage to his car.  Later that day, Doc and Marty go over the plan to go Back to the Future TM (the model is so crude, it’s not even to scale or painted).  Lorraine followed Marty to Doc’s house and asks him to ask her to the dance.  He reluctantly accepts.
Wednesday, November 9, afternoon: Marty and George go over their plan for the dance.  Marty will “take advantage” of his mom (ew), and George will come to her rescue.  This date isn’t given either, but we can assume it is the next day because they were wearing different clothes and I don’t think Marty would wait more than a day to go over his plan (time is of the essence).
Saturday, November 12, 1955, 7:55 PM: Doc sets up the “weather experiment” in courtyard square, Marty writes him a letter warning him of the terrorists (he doesn’t go into detail, he just says “you will be shot by terrorists.”  Doc must be very surprised at what shenanigans his future self will get into).
8:59 PM: George is at the dance, dancing like a dork, and Marty and Lorraine arrive in Doc’s car.  Marty is nervous as hell because he doesn’t want to feel up his own mom, but Lorraine is down to clown (ew).  She kisses him, but is grossed out because he’s like her brother or something.  Biff and his stooges pull him out of the car and throw him in the Starlighters’ trunk; Biff begins assaulting Lorraine.
9:00 PM: George goes out to fake-confront Marty, only to real-confront Biff.  He finally manages to stand up for himself and the woman he loves, knocking Biff out with one punch. Hooray!
9:31 PM: Doc checks four different watches to deduce that Marty is running late (they’re cutting it close).  Marvin Berry sliced his hand open helping break Marty out of his trunk, so Marty takes over on guitar.  Earth Angel, George and Lorraine kiss, the timeline is restored, Johnny B Goode, “your kids are gonna love it.”  Marty leaves George and Lorraine on good terms and heads out to courtyard square.
9:55 PM: Doc checks three more watches, and Marty arrives just in time, having changed back into his “life preserver” vest.  The plan begins to unfurl.
9:56:38 PM exactly: Doc says the lightning bolt is 7 minutes and 22 seconds away, which strikes at exactly 10:04.  Doc finds the latter and rips it up.
9:58 PM: a branch falls on the wire, disconnecting it.  Doc climbs the clock tower with a rope so he can pull it back up.
9:59 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:34:41, Doc emerges from the top of the tower and pulls up the plug.
10:00 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:35:30 (this minute was 49 seconds long), Marty tries to tell Doc about the terrorists, but he has to get going because time is running out.
10:01 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:36:09 (this one was 39 seconds), Marty drives to the end of the runway and resets the time circuits to give him 11 extra minutes to warn Doc (only 11? you’re cutting it close as is, Marty).  Doc slips on the clock’s facade, almost dropping the plug.
10:02 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:38:00 (111 seconds), the Delorean won’t start, the alarm goes off, everything is going wrong.  Marty slams his head in desperation and the engine kicks to life (Doc’s calculations were wrong; he told Marty to floor it when the alarm went off, but he started a few seconds late and still made it.  If he had floored it on time, he would have been several seconds too early and hit the wire before the lightning struck).
10:03 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:39:50 (110 seconds), Doc plugs in one end of the wire, which unplugs the other end.  Marty is almost there, so Doc ziplines down to the ground and runs over to the lamppost [note; the Delorean’s time circuits read 10:03 before the clock tower ticks over to 10:03]
Saturday, November 12, 1955, 10:04 PM: the clock ticks at runtime 1:40:38 (48 seconds).  Lightning strikes the clock tower just as the Delorean hits the wire, sending Marty Back to the Future TM.
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:24 AM: the Delorean rematerializes in courtyard square, crashing into the movie theater, but otherwise intact.  The engine gives out before Marty can head to the mall, and the terrorists drive past him.  He gives chase on foot, but doesn’t make it in time. [Note: a digital clock on courtyard square says it was 1:23 when Marty arrived, ticking over to 1:24 after he emerges from the Delorean.  The Delorean’s time circuits are consistently a minute ahead]
1:33 AM: Marty arrives at Lone Pine Mall just in time to see the terrorists gun Doc down. He sees himself jump into the Delorean at 1:34, and blast into the past after a short chase.  The terrorists crash into a photo kiosk and the van rolls over, presumably killing them (we never see the van hit the ground, we just see it start tipping, but the camera cuts away and we never see them emerge and try to collect Doc’s body).  Doc is in fact alive, having taped Marty’s latter back together and worn a bullet proof vest, the first of several in the series.  Doc takes Marty home, then travels 30 years into the future, “look me up when you get there.”
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 10:28 AM: Marty’s alarm goes off, “Back in Time” by Huey Lewis plays on the radio.  Marty thinks the past week was just a bad dream until he discovers new furniture and successful family members.  Lorraine is no longer an alcoholic, George is an author, David works at an office instead of Burger King, and Linda is a trendy socialite.  Biff has become the neutered family gopher, cleaning their cars and kowtowing to George’s commands.  He gives Marty the keys to his truck, the 4x4 he was ogling earlier with Jennifer.
10:30-ish: Marty reunites with Jennifer, “you’re acting like you haven’t seen me in a week,” “I haven’t.”  They kiss, at which point Doc returns from the future with a warning, “you’ve got to come back with me,” “where?” “Back to the Future TM.”  Where they’re going, they don’t need roads; the Delorean flies away, roll credits.
The first movie was never intended to have sequels.  It ended on a cliffhanger as a joke, “the adventures continue,” and it wasn’t until four years later that they decided to film Parts 2 and 3 back-to-back to round out the story.
In real time, Part 1 takes place over 1 day, 2 hours, 12 minutes
Friday, October 25, 1985 8:18 AM to Saturday, October 26, 1985, 10:30 AM
For Marty, it takes place over 8 days, 18 hours, 11 minutes
Friday, October 25, 1985, 8:18 AM to Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:34 AM (17 hours, 16 minutes)
Saturday, November 5, 1955, 6:15 AM to Saturday, November 12, 1955, 10:04 PM (7 days, 15 hours, 49 minutes)
Saturday, October 26, 1985, 1:24 AM to Saturday, October 26, 1985, 10:30 AM (9 hours, 6 minutes)
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Part 2:
Part 3:
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school-in-london · 5 years
20191229 School In London 忘年会SP!!
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■ DJ: 小高浩一郎(Guest DJ) Cuco / Lovetripper Mac DeMarco / Chamber Of Reflection Brittany Howard / He Loves Me Durand Jones & The Indications / Listen To Your Heart Massive Attack / Teardrop (Mad Professor Mazaruni vocal mix) ‬ Blood Orange / Gold Teeth (feat. Project Pat, Gangsta Boo & Tinashe) FKA twigs / holy terrain feat. Future bladee & ECCO2K / Obedient Jenny Hval / High Alice Everything But The Girl / Flipside Little Simz / Sherbet Sunset Shura / religion (u can lay your hands on me) The Rhythm Method / Something For The Weekend Warmduscher / Midnight Dipper ■DJ: 村田タケル Fat White Family / Fringe Runner The Strokes / Machu Picchu Marika Hackman / come undone Girl Ray / Show Me More Deerhunter / Element Haim / Now I'm In It Caroline Rose / Jeannie Becomes A Mom Palehound / Urban Drip Soccer Mommy / lucy Jimi Somewhere & Milo Orchis / I Shot My Dog (Sandy) Alex G / Gretel Real Lies / Dub Housing Turnover / Much After Feeling Easy Life / Nice Guys Johnny Utah / Johnny Utah Lizzo / Juice Toro Y Moi / Freelance The Horrors / Something To Remember Me By Toy / Sequence One ■ DJ: 瀬下 譲(Guest DJ) A.R. Kane / A Love from Outer Space Talking Heads / Crosseyed And Painless Killing Joke / Change Fat White Family / I Believe In Something Better CAN / Future Days Kikagaku Moyo / Fluffy Kosmisch Deerhunter / Nothing Ever Happened Toy / I'm Still Believing Orange Juice / What Presence?! Fun Boy Three / The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum Sneaks / Highway Hypnosis Thom Yorke / Not The News Joy Opposites / Bad Phase Rage Against The Machine / Killing In the Name The Beat / Mirror In The Bathroom SHY FX / Roll the Dice (feat. Stamina MC & Lily Allen) Dub Pistols / Mucky Weekend (feet.Rodney P) Little Barrie / Love or Love Jimi Hendrix / Fire Jack White / I'm Shakin' Ten Tonnes / Born To Lose Fur / Angel Eyes Johnny Thunders / Endless Party ■ DJ: 小高浩一郎(Guest DJ) Candyflip / Strawberry Fields Forever Rex Orange County / 10/10 The Rhythm Method / Single Life Sons of Raphael / He Who Makes The Morning Darkness Kamikaze Palm Tree / Sharpie Smile Chronophage / Racing The Chats / Identity Theft Amyl and the Sniffers / Got You MADONNATRON / SUCKER PUNCH Rocket 808 / Ghost Rider IDLES / Great Orielles / Let Your Dog Tooth Grow The Apples In Stereo / Tidal Wave Total Control / Laughing At The System Pt. 2 Ty Segall / Taste Dinosaur Jr. / Puke + Cry Bauhaus / Ziggy Stardust Dan Lyons / Waiting For The Man (Velvet Underground cover) Locate S,1 / Owe It 2 The Girls ■DJ: 村田タケル BODEGA / Shiny New Model The Smashing Pumpkins / 1979 Hyukoh / Tokyo Inn Crack Cloud / The Next Fix Working Men's Club / Teeth Warmducher / Disco Peanuts !!! / Rhythm Of The Gravity Chemical Brothers / Got To Keep On Sticky Icky / Confession Thom Yorke / Traffic Deerhunter / Cryptograms These New Puritanes / En Papier Joy Division / Disorder Fontaines D.C. / Too Real DITZ / Total 90 The Murder Capital / More Is Less Idles / Danny Nedelko (Live at Le Bataclan) Mitski / Dan The Dancer The White Stripes / Hotel Yorba (Sandy) Alex G / Hope Chastity Belt / Ann's Jam ~Ending~ Faye Webster / Flowers (feat. Father) Deerhunter / Earthquake
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Oct. 16, 2019: Obituaries
Raynard Eller, 94
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Mr. Raynard Arnold Eller, age 94 of Purlear passed away Sunday, October 13, 2019 at his home.
Funeral Services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, October 17, 2019 at Wilkesboro Baptist Church with Dr. Chris Hefner officiating. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:30 PM                 prior to the service at the church.
Burial with Military Honors by Marine Corps League Brushy Mtn. Detachment # 1187 will be in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
Mr. Eller was born July 12, 1925 in Wilkes County to Percy and Ora Mae Eller.  He served in the United States Marine Corps during World War II and was a recipient of the Purple Heart.  He was a member of Wilkesboro Baptist Church.  
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Jo Angelyn Blackburn Eller, five brothers, James M. Eller, twin brother Raymond Eller, Edward G. Eller, Max P. Eller and Rex J. Eller.
He is survived by one daughter, Bettie Kroutil and husband Bob of Santa Fe, New Mexico and two sons, Ron Eller and wife Beth of Huntersville and Rich Eller and wife Patty of Franklin, TN, four grandchildren, Josh Eller, Alison Eller, Jack Fornadel and Abbie Richard and three great grandchildren, Sterling Richard, Kyrie Richard and Edye Sandvick, three sisters, Christine Eller and Haline Eller both of Wilkesboro and Nancy Barnes of Tega Cay, SC and one brother, Kent Eller of Pulear.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice and Pallative Care, 401 Technology Lane, Suite 200, Mt. Airy, NC 27030 or Wilkesboro Baptist Church, PO Box 61, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Grayson Fender,  72
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Mr. Grayson Mack Fender, age 72 of Traphill, passed away Saturday, October 12, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson, NC.
Funeral services were  , October 15,  at Old Roaring River Primitive
Baptist Church, Austin Traphill Road with Elder John Lyon, Elder Lowell Hopkins, Elder Carlton Brown, Elder George Paul and Elder Tommy Pegram officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  .
Mr. Fender was born February 12, 1947 in
Alleghany County to George Lundy and Gladys Clyde Dowell Fender. He retired from Chatham Manufacturing in Elkin and Textiles, Inc. in Ronda and was a member of Old Roaring River Primitive Baptist Church for 24 years having served as a Deacon for 23 years. Grayson dearly loved his family, neighbors and friends from church. He loved helping his family, neighbors and hunting and fishing. He also loved farming.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
Mr. Fender is survived by his wife; Rachel Lyon Fender of the home, a daughter; Charlotte Mae Fender Sloan and husband Matthew of Traphill, a son; Randel Mack Fender and wife Etta of Traphill, three grandchildren; Jordan Fender and wife Maygan, Austin Sloan and Garrett Fender and wife Lakyn, three step grandchildren; Tiffani Galloway, Rachel Higgins and Luke Higgins, expecting two great grandchildren in December and April, two brothers; Jim Fender and wife Ellen of Sparta and Bob Fender of Elkin and special friends; Billy Dowell and Bobby Dowell.
Pallbearers were Guy Brown, Jordan Fender, Garrett Fender, Austin Sloan, Keith Lyon, David Spicer, Micky Durham and Derek Brown.
The family wishes to give a Special Thanks to Mtn. Valley Hospice for their care of Mr. Fender.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Woltz Hospice Home 945 Zephyr Road, Dobson NC 27017.
 Harold Eller, 70
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Mr. Charlie Harold Eller, age 70 of Purlear passed away Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at his home.
Graveside Services were October 9, 2019 at New  Hope Baptist Church Cemetery in Purlear with Rev. Dean Crane officiating.  
Mr. Eller was born January 5, 1949 in Wilkes County to Clyde Thomas and Nora Belle Faw Eller.  He was a member of New Hope Baptist Church and retired from Gardner Glass.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by two sisters; Ernestine Wiles and Arliene LeFever, three brothers; Franklin Eller, Willie Eller and Jimmy Eller, three sisters-in-law; Mazie Eller, Jewel Eller and Judy Eller, two brothers-in-law; Glenn Wiles and Fred LeFever.
He is survived by his wife: Linda Wyatt Eller of the home, one daughter; Michelle Ann Hogan and husband Paul of Hope Mills and one son; Christopher "Chris" Harold and wife Carene of Ferguson, five grandchildren; Kasey Bolick, Elizabeth Lentz, Ashley Hogan, Rebecca Hogan and Steven Hogan, four great grandchildren; Harmony Swaenepoel, Makenzie Murph, Lillian Murph and Daniel Murph, three sisters; Loriene Castle and husband Lloyd of Wilkesboro, Christine Edmonds and husband Bill of Abingdon, VA. Maxine Johnson and husband Tony of Traphill, four brothers; Filmore Eller and wife Alberta of Wilkesboro, Richard Eller of Purlear, Marvin Eller of Wilkesboro and Max Eller and wife Janice of Hays and two sisters-in-law; Betty Eller and Annie Lee Eller both of Wilkesboro.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice and Pallative Care, 401 Technology Lane, Suite 200, Mt. Airy, NC 27030
 Johnny Shepherd,  72
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Johnny Ray Shepherd, age 72, of Archdale, passed away Monday, October 7, 2019 at High Point Medical Center. Johnny was born June 26, 1947 in Wilkes County to Harlie C. and Della Stamper Shepherd. He was owner of JR Shepherd Electrical Repair. Johnny enjoyed playing the guitar, the harmonica, fishing, and his performance cars. He especially loved spending time with his family. Mr. Shepherd was preceded in death by his father and his mother, Della Stamper Shepherd Frazier.            
Surviving are his son, Brian Shepherd and spouse Melissa of Thomasville; grandchildren, Blake and Luke Shepherd both of Thomasville; brother, Buster Shepherd and spouse Peggy of Jamestown; and sister, Marie Shepherd Fite and spouse Bobby of Flint, Texas.
Funeral service was October 9,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Gene Shepherd officiating. Burial  followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  Flowers will be accepted.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online con
 Edward Brown, 87
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Edward Eugene Brown, age 87, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, October 6, 2019 at his home. Edward was born February 13, 1932 in Wilkes County to Ray and Maude Prevette Brown. Mr. Brown was a member of Second Street Baptist Church. He loved to farm his cattle when he was able; loved his children and grandchildren. Edward was preceded in death by his parents and nine siblings.
Surviving are his wife, Betty Renegar Brown; daughter, Wanda Cleary and spouse Ronnie of Hays; son, Tommy Brown and spouse Rebecca of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Samantha Lusk and spouse Freddie of North Wilkesboro, Kristy Cothren and spouse Marty of Hays, Amanda Robinson and spouse Stephen of Asheville, Daniel Brown and spouse Keri of North Wilkesboro; great granddaughters, Sydney Massengill, Mary Cothren and Katie Cothren; several nieces and nephews.
Funeral service was October 9,   at Haymeadow Baptist Church with Rev. Danny Dillard, Pastor Michael Golden and Daniel Brown officiating. Burial   followed  in the church cemetery.   Flowers will be accepted.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Callie Haynes, 88
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Mrs. Callie Mae Johnson Haynes, age 88 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Sunday, October 6, 2019 at her home.
Mrs. Haynes was born January 16, 1931 in Wilkes County to William Beshears and Belva Johnson. She was a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church. For over 60 years she was the Co-Owner of the Beauty Bazaar in North Wilkesboro.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Edgar Gray Haynes, Sr. and a sister; Minne Rae Ashley.
She is survived by a son; Edgar Gray Haynes, Jr. and wife Angela M. Haynes of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Heather Lynn Haynes and Alicia Dawn Haynes and a niece; Jenny Sale.
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate that memorials be made to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive  Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Patty Hendren, 67
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Mrs. Patty Sue Link Hendren, age 67 of Hays, passed away Saturday, October 5, 2019 at her home surrounded by her family.
Funeral services were  October 10th,  at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Brother Larry Adams and Mr. Kevin Prevette officiating. Burial was in New Light Baptist Church #1 Cemetery.  
       Mrs. Hendren was born September 12, 1952 in Wilkes County to William Baxter Link (Bill) and wife Thelma Marie Kelly Link. She was retired from Tyson Foods. Mrs. Hendren was a member of Welcome Home Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro.
       In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by a son; Russell Lee Hendren and a brother; Larry Link (Bill).
       She is survived by a daughter; Dotty Cheek of Hays, a son; Mickey Hendren and wife Denise of Greeley, CO, five grandchildren; Bethany Hendren, Justin Caudill, Justin Hendren, Jasmine Johnson and Darius Jackson, a twin sister; Kathy Prevette and husband Perry of North Wilkesboro and a special nephew Kevin Prevette.
       The family wishes to thank all those that helped Patty during her extended illness. All of the friends, caretakers and visitors during that time are too many to name but each one is greatly appreciated by the family. Thanks also to Medi Home Health and Hospice.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Wilkes Humane Society PO Box 309 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Window World Cares St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital 118 Shaver Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
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mrmedia · 6 years
Happy Birthday to Tampa Bay rock legend Johnny G. Lyon! 2011 PODCAST INTERVIEW by Bob Andelman JOHNNY G. LYON podcast excerpt: “I get a little tired sometimes, but if you strap this guitar to me, I feel the same old sparks shooting up my back.” https://mrmedia.com/2011/06/johnny-g-lyon-rocks-mr-media-and-the-globe-coffee-lounge-interview/ #blues #BobbyFriss #GlobeCoffeeLounge #guitarist #JGeilsBand #JGLB #JoellenSchilke #JohnnyGLyonBand #musician #RayBlade #RocknRoll #Rockandroll #rockband #rockguitarist #StPetersburg #Tamparock
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junker-town · 4 years
The Pac-12 saved its reputation in the men’s NCAA tournament
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Who has the best shot at the Final Four?
It was only two short years ago that the Pac-12 was considered perhaps the worst power conference in the history of men’s college basketball. Pac-12 teams were getting pounded by every quality opponent it faced outside of the league and ended the regular season with exactly zero teams ranked in the polls. The Pac-12 was projected to be a one-bid conference for much of the year, but rallied to get three teams into the tournament, none of them seeded better than a No. 9 seed. It finished as the seventh strongest league in the country the, behind the American and Big East, in KenPom’s adjusted efficiency rankings.
Given that the Pac-12’s reputation isn’t any better on the football field, the ‘Conference of Champions’ was becoming much more widely known as a punchline than it was for the number of trophies it was hoisting. That recent history is only part of the reason why the conference’s success in the 2021 men’s NCAA tournament feels so shocking to see.
The Pac-12 is the unquestioned biggest winner of the tournament’s opening weekend. The conference went 9-1 overall through the first two rounds, and each of its five teams in the field earned at least one win. Pac-12 teams weren’t just winning games, they also went 9-1 against the spread. Now the conference will make up a quarter of the Sweet 16 when the round begins on Saturday, with Oregon, USC, UCLA, and Oregon each busting through the bracket.
Here’s how each of the four Pac-12 teams reached the second weekend of the big dance — and where they could go from here.
Oregon Ducks (No. 7 seed)
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Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images
How they got here:
Uncontested win over No. 10 seed VCU
Win over No. 2 seed Iowa, 95-80
Faces No. 6 seed USC in Sweet 16
It’s been a hard season for Oregon from the very start. The Ducks lost starting center and former five-star recruit N’Faly Dante to a torn ACL in Dec., had to play half the season without standout guard Will Richardson as he recovered from thumb surgery, and had multiple Covid-related pauses after the season started.
Oregon started to hit its stride once Richardson returned to the lineup in February, and they played their best game of the season at the most opportune time in the round of 32 vs. Iowa. Oregon dropped a season-high 95 points on the Hawkeyes that included 11 three-pointers and 10 dunks. You’d never know who was supposed to be the No. 2 seed with the presumptive national player of the year candidate watching that game.
Oregon’s success starts with Chris Duarte and Richardson in the backcourt. Duarte is a 6’6 wing and native of the Dominican Republic who arrived at Oregon after being named JUCO player of the year at Northwest Florida State College in 2019. Now the 23-year-old is being considered a potential first round pick for his 43 percent three-point shooting (on 138 attempts) and defensive impact. Duarte is also making 63 percent of his two-pointers and shoots 80 percent from the foul line — he’s one of the country’s most efficient shooters any way you look at it. Richardson is also shooting 41 percent from three this year, and handles most of the playmaking burden. This is one of the best backcourts in America.
Without Dante, the Ducks’ entire lineup is listed at either 6’5 or 6’6, with 6’8 wing Chandler Lawson representing the tallest player in their rotation. The lack of size didn’t matter against Iowa’s Luka Garza, the best offensive center in the country. St. John’s transfer LJ Figueroa and Duquesne transfer Eric Williams have done an admirable job on the glass and defending the paint, but the key for Oregon is spreading teams out and beating them on the other end. It’s a strategy that produced some beautiful basketball against Iowa, and could keep them rolling into the Elite Eight.
Oregon State Beavers (No. 12 seed)
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Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images
How they got here:
Win over Tennessee, 70-56
Win over Oklahoma State, 80-70
Faces No. 8 seed Loyola-Chicago next
By now, Oregon State’s origin story is starting to become widely known. Picked to finish dead last in the Pac-12 in the preseason, the Beavers were a sub-.500 team in the conference for most of the year before catching fire at the end of the season and winning the Pac-12 tournament. If not for Oral Roberts’ run as a No. 15 seed, Oregon State’s success would be the most baffling surprise of the tournament. At the same time, the more you watch the Beavers play, the less this looks like a fluke.
Despite being one of the last 16 teams left standing in college basketball, the Beavers place just No. 50 overall in KenPom’s efficiency rankings with the No. 41 offense and No. 69 defense in America. They share the ball — assisting on 59 percent of their field goals, a top-30 mark in the country — and play slow, which has helped them as an underdog. The Beavers got the benefit of an ultra hot shooting night in their tournament opening upset of Tennessee, but they were still able to beat future No. 1 overall NBA draft pick Cade Cunningham and Oklahoma State on a poor shooting night. The defense has been the key, holding both opponents at or below .90 points per possession in March Madness so far.
Ethan Thompson, son of Beavers assistant coach Stephen Thompson, has been the star of the tournament run so far, dropping 26 points on 15-of-16 shooting from the foul line in the win over OK State. Sophomore 6’3 guard Jarod Lucas is Oregon State’s biggest three-point threat (39 percent from deep), while Nicholls St. transfer Warith Alatishe is a lockdown defensive wing at 6’7. They also have a 7’1 center in Roman Silva who scored 15 points in the win over Tennessee and gives Beavers a matchup nightmare in the middle for whoever they play.
A date with Loyola-Chicago is going to be tough in the Sweet 16, but the way Oregon State is playing right now, there’s no reason to think they can’t compete.
USC Trojans (No. 6 seed)
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Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images
How they got here:
Beat Drake, 72-56
Beat Kansas, 85-51
Faces No. 7 seed Oregon in Sweet 16
USC just did the unthinkable and made Kansas — Kansas! — look like a mid-major by routing the Jayhawks before halftime in the round of 32. No, this wasn’t Bill Self’s best team ever, but the dominance that the Trojans displayed in that game should put the rest of the West region on notice. USC has a top-15 offense, a top-five defense, and the single most talented player left standing in the tournament.
Evan Mobley is special, there’s no other way to put it. The 7-foot freshman center is an outrageous defensive talent who can protect the rim or block jump shots with his combination of length (7’5 wingspan) and quickness. He’s also a versatile offensive player who excels as a passer in the pick-and-roll and has enough touch to finish inside or hit a jump shot out to three-point range with some consistency. Mobley is projected the No. 2 overall pick in the 2021 NBA Draft, and he’s a problem without an answer for every team left standing.
Mobley’s older brother, Isaiah, has also been playing well for the Trojans, hitting 4-of-5 threes in the win against the Jayhawks. Tahj Eaddy has proven to be a tough senior point guard, while Drew Peterson provides some much needed shooting on the wing.
Yes, USC has a freshman superstar, but they’re also playing like more than a one-man show right now. The Trojans beat Oregon in their only meeting this year, but you know the Ducks will be ready for the rematch.
UCLA Bruins (No. 11 seed)
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Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images
How they got here:
Beat Michigan state, 86-80 in OT, in the First Four
Beat BYU, 73-62
Beat Abilene Christian, 67-47
Faces No. 2 seed Alabama in Sweet 16
The reasons for optimism ahead of head coach Mick Cronin’s second season in charge at UCLA this year started to fade before the season even began. Top recruit Daishen Nix decided he’d rather play for the G League Ignite. Six games into the year, Chris Smith, arguably the team’s best player, was lost for the year with a torn ACL. Starting center Jalen Hill has also been out since Feb. for personal reasons.
The Bruins just snuck into the tournament, and had to earn their way through the bracket with a First Four game against Michigan State. The Spartans had the Bruins on the ropes, but somehow UCLA came back to win in overtime. Ever since, UCLA has been rolling.
Sophomore wings Johnny Juzang and Jaime Jaquez Jr. have been powering the Bruins on this run. Juzang, a Kentucky transfer, has been the team’s primary scorer in March, averaging 22 points per game and combining for nine three-pointers during the team’s tournament winning streak. Jaquez was sensational in the First Four win over MSU (27 points), and has been providing supplemental scoring punch ever since. Add in Jules Bernard, Tyger Campbell, and Cody Riley, and suddenly the Bruins have a solid five-man lineup that looks like it can compete against anyone in the East region right now.
Facing No. 2 seed Alabama will be an incredible test in the Sweet 16, but the Bruins will have a puncher’s chance.
Which Pac-12 team has the best chance to make the Final Four?
This is a really hard question to answer heading into the Sweet 16, especially because the winner of Oregon vs. USC would have to face a powerhouse Gonzaga team in the Elite Eight. We’ll stack up the Pac-12 teams like this entering the Sweet 16:
4. Oregon Ducks
3. USC Trojans
2. UCLA Bruins
1. Oregon State Beavers
Even if the Pac-12 can’t advance a team to the Final Four, it’s been an amazing run through the tournament for the conference so far. It will be fascinating if any of them are still standing a week from now.
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cerebralisticblog · 7 years
The 65 Books I Read in 2017 (Free Books Included)
I honestly did not know if I could do it. But late into December 2016, I bit the bullet and made it a new year’s resolution for 2017: read 50 books.
I read 65*.
It is worth noting that I read widely, reading both fiction and nonfiction, reading books that appealed to my sensibilities, and reading books that did not reflect my personal opinions. The topics/genres of the books I read included (but are not limited to) thriller, memoir, religion, human sexuality, astrophysics, psychology, self-help, philosophy, history, satire, poetry, and biology.
Ever since I have began sharing my reads in Facebook and Instagram, I have gotten quite a few requests to share my 2017 booklist. And I am happy to do that! Nearly every book title has a link that leads to Amazon where you can see more about the book and purchase the book if you decide to do so. For full disclosure, if you do decide to buy the book, I get a small commission from that sale at no additional cost to you. Also, a good number of the books I read are under public domain (meaning that copies of them are easily accessible for free) or are free on Amazon. That is also indicated in the list. 
I should also mention that the titles with a double asterisk next to them (**) are books that I personally recommend with a lot of enthusiasm. 
So, without further ado, here are all the books I read in 2017!
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1. “We Should All Be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie**
2. “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro
3. “The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story” by Hyeonseo Lee**
4. “Firmly Grounded: Seven Reasons to Believe in an Age of Scepticism” by Ruel Fordy
5. “The Future of an Illusion” by Sigmund Freud**
6. “Queen Sugar” by Natalie Baszile**
7. “Building a Movement to End the New Jim Crow: an organizing guide” by Daniel Hunter**
8. “The Mis-Education of the Negro” by Carter G. Woodson**
9. “Euthyphro” by Plato** (Free copy here)
10. “Ako na Uche” by Nnennaya Amuchie
11. “2084: The Short Story Version” by Mason Engel
12. “Alone (The Girl in the Box, #1)” by Robert J. Crane (Free Kindle copy here)
13. “History of Religion: Complete Guide to World Religions and Religion in America, including the History of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Atheism, Mythology, Buddhism, Hinduism, and more” by Howard Colvin
14. “The Genealogy of Morals” by Friedrich Nietzsche** (Free copy here)
15. “Empath: Empowering empaths, healing, sensitive emotions, energy & relationships” by Melissa Anna Holloway
16. “The Beginning (Jessica Christ, Book 1)” by H. Claire Taylor**
17. “A God for Atheists: Three Essays on Religion” by Liam Martin
18. “An Atheist Manifesto” by Joseph Lewis (Free copy here)
19. “A Comparative View of Religions” by Johannes Henricus Scholten** (Free Kindle copy here)
20. “The Universe Doesn’t Give a Flying F*ck About You (Epic Series Book 1)” by Johnny B. Truant** (Free Kindle copy)
21. “The Good Life Handbook: Epictetus’ Stoic Classic Enchiridion” by Chuck Chakrapani (Free Kindle copy here)
22. “You Are Dying, and Your World Is a Lie (Epic Series Book 2)” by Johnny B. Truant** (Free Kindle copy here)
23. “Disobey (Epic Series Book 3)” by Johnny B. Truant (Free Kindle copy here)
24. “How to Live Forever (Epic Series Book 4)” by Johnny B. Truant** (Free Kindle copy here)
25. “Just Between Us: Inspiring Stories By Women” by Selena Haskins (Free Kindle copy here)
26. “The Black Death: A History From Beginning to End” by Henry Freeman** (Free Kindle copy here)
27. “Homo Deus: The Future of Mankind” by Samuel Harris (not the famous religious critic and neuroscientist Sam Harris)
28. “Sex=Love: And its place in free society (Annotated)” by Edward Carpenter
29. “Core Masculinity: Volume 1 - Mental Toughness: Become the Bold, Powerful Man Women Dream About” by Alex Reacher
30. “Culture and Power in the Classroom: A Critical Foundation for Bicultural Education” by Antonia Darder**
31. “Drunk With Blood: God’s killings in the Bible” by Steve Wells**
32. “Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion” by David Hume** (Free copy here)
33. “The Natural History of Religion” by David Hume (Free copy here)
34. “And It Was Good (Jessica Christ Book 2)” by H. Claire Taylor**
35. “Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?” by Frans de Waal**
36. “Meridian” by Alice Walker**
37. “Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don’t Know About Them)” by Bart Ehrman**
38. On The Shortness Of Life by Seneca** (Free copy here)
39. “The Story of Awkward” by R.K. Ryals (Free Kindle copy here)
40. “It’s a Miracle! (Jessica Christ Book 3)” by H. Claire Taylor**
41. “Nu Alpha Omega (Jessica Christ Book 4)” by H. Claire Taylor**
42. “It is Risen (Jessica Christ Book 5)” by H. Claire Taylor**
43. “A Great Gulf” by H. Claire Taylor**
44. “This Is Your Brain on Sex: The Science Behind the Search for Love” by Kayt Sukel**
45. “Conscious Robots: Facing up to the reality of being human” by Paul Kwatz
46. “Mastering Logical Fallacies: The Definitive Guide to Flawless Rhetoric and Bulletproof Logic” by Michael Withey**
47. “Hyperbole and a Half” by Allie Brosh**
48. “I Am Watching You” by Teresa Driscoll**
49. “The Improbability Principle: Why Coincidences, Miracles, and Rare Events Happen Every Day” by David J. Hand**
50. “Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur**
51. “The Shipping News” by Annie Proulx**
52. “A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing” by Lawrence M. Krauss**
53. “Theodicy: Essays on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil” by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Free copy here)
54. “Night (The Night Trilogy, #1)” by Elie Wiesel**
55. “Behold the Dreamers” by Imbolo Mbue**
56. “Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence” by Esther Perel**
57. “Embryology: The Beginnings of Life” by Gerald R. Leighton (Free copy here)
58. “The Garden of Dead Thoughts” by Natasha A. Salnikova
59. “Elements of Debating” by Leverett Samuel Lyon (Free copy here)
60. “Judaism” by Israel Abrahams (Free copy here)**
61. “Many Many Many Gods of Hinduism: Turning believers into non-believers and non-believers into believers” by Swami Achuthananda
62. “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari**
63. “Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology” by Leah Remini**
64. “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” by Neil deGrasse Tyson**
65. “Afterlife” by Marcus Sakey**
*I was reading the Bible from beginning to end in 2017. Before the year ended, I had finished the Old Testament and then some (80% done). If you see the books of the Bible as individual books, then I technically read 100+ books in 2017. 😜
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Which books on the list caught your eye? What are your reading goals for 2018? Share them with me in the comments below. And if you have any questions or comments about any of these books, you are more than welcome to chat with me in the comments section below.
Happy New Year and happy reading!
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csenews · 7 years
JSCC Spring Semester Honor Roll Announced
Spring Semester Honor Roll Announced
 Jackson, Tenn (June 21, 2017) – The Office of Admissions and Records at Jackson State Community College released the honor roll for the Spring 2017 semester. On the honor roll, there were 307 full-time students who achieved a quality point average over 3.00. There were 381 students who made the dean’s list by achieving a quality point average of 3.50 or better.
 Honor Roll is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more hours of college-level work (Learning Support excluded) and who complete a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.00 and 3.49.
Dean’s List is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more hours of college-level work and who complete a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.50 and 4.00.
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 1 of 5
Dylan Blake Furr
Tanner David Johnson
Kaitlyn Annette Page
William C Vick
John Henry Benjamin York
Samantha Madison Barrow
Kristina Marie Cannon
Kimberly Ryan Canoy
Jonathan Thomas Cash
Leslie Marie Cathey
David Michael Deloach
Samantha Leigh Ferguson
Scott Eugene Force
Kalee Jo Fountain
Whitney Nicole Hicks
Dan Ellsworth Hoffman
Carl William Joyner
Kirsten L Joyner
Mitchell Brandon McCartney
Cheyenne Harley Moran
Rachel E Noles
Russell Lee Noles
Deborah Ann OBryant
Steven Hunter Peterson
Lacy Jolene Pride
Channa Larame Ragsdale
Alysia Marlana Shear
Sarah C Taylor
Brittany Nicole Watson
Brittany Nicole Webb
Matthew Tyler Williams
Michael Elihu Wilson
Christopher Wesley Wood
James Howard Barber
Trae Daniel Brewer
Loleta Dorilean Carothers
David Gaddy Carroll
Christopher Edward Cox
Landon Thomas Cupples
McKinley Brooke Farley
Ashley Michelle Faulkner
Ashley Dianne Frye
Johnny Alfred Glass
Heath S Graves
Cameron Lane Greer
CHESTER continued:
Tori Brooke Hill
Haley Elaine Hughes
Coty Alan Laudermilk
Brooklyn Rene Miller
Peyton Randal Millner
Carlee Elizabeth Morris
Brand Edward Nicolay
Kenneth E Page
Eva Perez
Colton L Plunk
Reba Marie Price
Chase Colton Ross
Caitlin Jenee Sanchez
Michael Sinclair Segerson
Ezekiel Joesph Smith
Kendyl Dawn Smith
Peyton Wesley Stewart
Amber Dawn Thompson
Sydney Blair Watson
Marcus Lee White
Ryan Yates Dye
Jesus Aguirre
Telisa Shuntel Brown
Jill Anna Castellaw
Aaron Christopher Dennison
Kelsey Ann Gadberry
Meleah Rose Gateley
Michelle Lynn Jones
Candice Woods Kellough
Anthony Chance Lovelace
Jennifer Mooney
Whitney M Revelle
Micah C Riley
Ana Julissa Rios
Kayce Abigail Stallings
Latoya Antionette Gibbs
Whitlee Adraianna Camper
Lauren Ashlee Hays
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 2 of 5
Kyla Bree Linton
Stephanie Lynn Mitchell
Jessica Brooke Patton
Macy Camille Sumler
Decatur continued:
Bryan Wood Swafford
Misty R Swindle
Brandon M White
Talia Suzanne Alley
Dalton Wayne Harrison
Cara Lee Rose
Erica D Tipps
Chloe Jo West
Peyton Charles Adams
Karen Nicole Allen
Bryan Kevin Barnett
Seth Brayden Burchett
Dylan Warner Cole
Kendall Nicole Cox
Michael Scott Evans
Robert Mcgregor Fly
Andrew Joseph Gordon
Nicholas Grant Gutierrez
Hailey Brooke Hudgings
Kahmadre Jay-Quan Hudson
Hannah B Hutchison
Ryan Daniel Jones
Kaitlyn Michelle Kelly
Ryan Dennison Mayfield
Amy Alison McCoy
Madison Brooke Michael
Sa'Liyah Ann Newbill
Andrew Lloyd Oliver
Samantha Kelly Palmer
Ashley McClain Pierce
Alexander Popp
Benjamin Douglas Powell
Dylan Ray Powers
Jonathan Chase Prescott
Courtney Michelle Reese
Katelyn Nicole Rickman
Crystal Lee Rogers
Tasha N Romero
Gage Michael Schneeberger
Brooklyn Victoria Schrupp
Katherine Michelle Stephens
Hunter Michael Taylor
Michael Sean Threadgill
Colton R Tucker
Katherine Walters
Deonte Tyshawn Watson
Alexis Rebekah Beibers
Hannah Rose Black
Tyler D Callahan
Rachel Elise Davis
Austin Wade Greene
Luz D Gutierrez
Katlin Leigh Kelley
William Stewart Koimn
Brittany L Luttrell
Hannah Grace Scott
Marissa Drew Thweatt
Carly Rae Weems
Dustin Blake Ayers
Teara Genea Bearden
William Warren Bond
Amber Nicole Bowling
James Caleb Crotts
Kaylee Renea Gillis
Julia Renee Hall
Chandler Davis Harris
Caden Charles Holt
Savanna Cheyenne Liford
Sarah Ann Marshall
Katy Carroll Nix
Samantha Dawn Oaks
Sasia Sewilta Patterson
Savana Rae Payne
Hannah Lynne Roberts
Amanda Grace Sandusky
LauraAnn M Shiver
Jodie Lee Smith
Kaila Grace Smith
Lauren G Smith
Peggy Ann Snyder
Jessica Lee Ann Stricklin
Alexis Alley Thurman
Jennifer Michelle Vandiver
Destiny Brooke Weeks
Alison R Whaley
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 3 of 5
Haley LeAnne White
Kanesha L Wright
Henry Stanley Clement
Mary Catherine Currie
Presley Grace Gaters
Danielle Nicole House
HAYWOOD continued:
Caroline Elizabeth Newcom
Elizabeth Blair Simpson
Ashton Muriel Taylor
Kristin Brooke Turner
Emily H Wright
Anthony Glynn Anderson
Jaclyn Devin Arnold
Andrew B Austin
Bethany Jo Autry
Emily Gore Baughn
Trent Cavalier Beacham
Justin Andrew Brown
Molly Brooke Brown
Leighann Nicole Burkett
Eduardo Carreto-Salgado
Charles Michael Carrington
Lauren Rae Cole
Tonie L Coleman
Emily Anne Dyer
Paul Leo Fowler
Cassidy O Garner
Johnathan Keith Goodman
Melissa Allean Gray
Andrew Garrett Grice
Bethany G Hayes
Crystal Renee James
Haley Nichole James
Kristen F Lawler
Sarah Michelle Lindsey
Abigail Marie Maness
Morgan Elizabeth Maness
Jessica Brooke Montgomery
Fernando Gonzales Munoz
Vanessa Ann Nelms
Jimmy Hunter Powell
Katelynn Allison Nichole Pratt
Allyson C Reeves
Alyssa L Reeves
Kaley Elizabeth Rogers
Jacob Daniel Smith
Kersten L Springer
Dalton Bryce Womack
Samantha Frances Dixon
Taylor Brooke French
Seth Zachary Gibbs
Courtland Nicole Hester
David Penick
Ashley Nicole Bates
Andrew Carver Dunavant
Conner Clayton McLemore
John Daniel Moore
Jakara L Snipes
Remoun Abdo
Cassidi Grace Adams
Malarie Alexander
Sajedah Alghunaim
Rami Amer Al-Jafari
Kimbrielle Elise Allen
Kaitlan Sheree Anthony
Faith Selene Atherton
Colin Andrew Barnett
Marietta Nicole Barnett
Sydney Taylor Brookshire
Ethel Louise Brown
Megan Fairchild Buehler
Michael Aaron Campbell
Jessica Dianne Carter
LeeAnne Madison Clement
Rachael Merriem Clenney
Curtis Andrew Cobb
Jacqueline Brooke Cole
Vania Evette Comer
Claire Allison Cooke
Humberto Coronado
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 4 of 5
Alberto Coronado Chavez
Christian Taylor Cotner
Melissa Anne Craigie
Sarah Mae Craigie
Jarius Okuria Curry
Kiley Renee Douglas
Sarah Elizabeth Droke
Diana Steffy Escober
Chloe Nicole Espitia
Jessica Danielle Gibson
Damian Jordan Gladney
Zia Goli
MADISON continued:
James Tucker Goodwin
Sydney Gail Grammer
Brianna Madison Gregory
Eric Michael Gunn
Olivia Marie Guzzo
Alex James Haggard
Marshall Britton Hammill
Korean Nichele Harris
Garry E Harvey
Sarah Elaine Harvey
Amanda Nicole Haynes
Berlie Grace Hieagle
Edith Charity Horst
Cody Lynn Hunt
Kayla Nichole Johnson
Kassidy Blair Jones
Hailey Renee Jones
Meagan Hope Kitchen
Janelle Nicole Kyle
JuliaAnne Frances Lansdale
Dillion Robert Larimore
Patrisha Dannielle Leadbetter
Sarah Fulton Lim
Philippe Lumpkin
Lance Austine McElroy
Michael Todd McFadden
Natalie Mendoza
Blanca Estela Mireles Valdez
Madison Marie Montchal
Michael Lee Montgomery
Stephen Houston Morse
Belinda Sue Murchison
Andrew Steven Murley
Justin Robert Mutschler
Callyn Leonard Nims
Rebekah June Pennington
Nicholas Anthony Pica
Brittney Michelle Pickens
Anthony Daniele Previtera
Paige Marie Ramage
Teena Maree Rea
Nicolas N Reyes
Anna Belle Robertson
Xavius K Robinson
Eric Lee Rooks
Rachel Elizabeth Royer
Adriana Salinas
John Louis Santana
Sandra Shari Santiago-Bullington
Heaven Leigh Schatz
MADISON continued:
Tempestt Bernice Seward
Hailey Elizabeth Shephard
Joseph Michael Shephard
Mya Taylor Spivey
Allison Claire Stutts
Victoria Lynn Subia
Kimberly Nichole Sullivan
Brooklyn Marie Taylor
Debra Taylor
Allison Faith Thomas
Robert Mikael Utley
Ryne Vinson
Jordan Breanne Warren
Kenneth Connor Weaks
Clay E Webb
Kaylyn Alyra Weddle
Jacob Dylan Weidner
Destiny Marie Westbrook
Elizabeth Renee Williams
Ashton Vernard Willis
Kameron Dean Wilson
Noah Alyssa Wilson
Brooke Ashlyn Woodard
Brinlea Madison Woodard
Ryan K Woods
Alexander Ryan Wortham
Jeremy Dean Yates
Kelci Nicole Zabriskie
Kathrine Rose Atkinson
Joanna Elizabeth Barlow
Jonathan Ray Bauer
Carrie Elizabeth Clausel
JSCC Dean’s List Spring 2017
Page 5 of 5
Haylie Marissa Crum
Elizabeth Hope Doucette
Shelbi Elise Doucette
Eric Ryan Gowler
Evan Parker Harris
Kateryna Kucherenko
Warren Austin Lowrance
Mary-Elizabeth Adale Lyons
Payton James Mast
Elizabeth Nicole Miller
Andrew Vinson Pettit
Tamara A Pickens
Samuel Reid Pierce
Jacob Alan Qualls
Ashton Brooks Rich
Josiah David Rininger
McNAIRY continued:
Dakota LeighAnn Russell
Angela Michelle Taylor
Jon Michael Williams
Stevie Brooke Mers
Sandra Marie Dicks
Ian Jose' Bibiloni
Nicholas Jordan Blankenship
Issac James
Brandon Tyler Maxwell
Michael Hoang Nguyen
Theresa Donyelle Allison
Carlye Kay Dixon
Amy Lois Bartlett
Brittany Nikole Bunch
Jessica Gable
Nicholas Caden Grace
Tom Eric Jehnzen
Lyndsey Brooke Scott
Page 1 of 4
Lindsey Nicole Baker
Michael Keith Coady
Corina Nicole Hensley
Jearleh Generale Obas
Justin Lee Smothers
Kelsey Jordan Yates
Kallie Cheyenne Berry
Hannah Olivia Boroughs
Jennifer Renee Bratton
Stephanie Marie Brown
Layla Dawn Byrum
James Zach Cagle
Meagan Renee DeLaney
Joshua Cody Douglas
Austin Chase Ezell
Chadwick Heath Futrell
Hunter Lynn Harris
Sara Beth Hayes
Kaitlyn E McAlpin
Jackie F McClain
Hannah Lea McWilliams
Charles Neil Prestwood
Charles Neil Prestwood
Jazzlyn Janae Ray
Michael Ray Rogers
Kelsey Layne Runions
Rachel N Sellers
Heath D Spain
Riley N Toombs
Kasey M White
Amanda Michelle Williams
Danielle Leigh Williams
Kevin Wayne Williams
Kelsey L Wortham
Brianna Gayle Allen
Erin Michelle Barnes
Zackary Jordan Bethune
Jonathan Trey Ervin
Sydney Taylor Frank
Kelsey Lynne Grissom
Haley Cheyenne Hardwick
Morgan Elizabeth Hays
Bayley Madison Holder
CHESTER continued:
Austin Tyler Holman
Dylan Wesley King
William James Lampley
Dustin William Tyler Montgomery
Austin Edward Moore
Amber Shalane Mosley
Jaylan Dewayne Northern
Jared Patrick Page
Christine LaShae' Puckett
Trenity B Puente
Cody Allen Riley
Kendall Anne Shaw
Payton A Wilkinson
Yulissa Bautista
Makalah Carter Buckner
Hilary Brooke Butler
Yeltsin Chapina
Meraleigh Peyton Holland
Erin Yessenia Juarez
Kevin Scott Kail
Anthony J Merriweather
Joseph Braden Nace
Lauren Breanna Pender
Lionardo Sanchez
Seth Daniel Shewmaker
Kordell Jay Smith
Lee Rice
Brett William Bell
Jesse Alan Burns
Morgan Anna Crews
Lacey Leann Hicks
Geovany Jimenez
Jacob Christopher Maness
Tiffani Cheyenne Shea
Kayleigh Morgan Smith
Jase Lee Taylor
Jordan C Tubbs
Leslie Ann Darrow
Page 2 of 4
Elizabeth Ann Fisher
Allison C Hodge
Kyndal Riddick
Chari A Swift
Jaleesa Shavon Blade
Kelsey Roxanne Wilson
Reagan Wesley Barnhart
Bethany Carol Lynn Bolin
Kayla Gabrielle Bowie
Seth Everett Brown
Zachary Monroe Case
Lila Marie Cauley
Andrew Tyler Chambers
Andria Marey Cole
Charles Benjamin Coleraine
Madison Paige Ellis
Taina Bronjour Escalera
Carly A Fry
Heather Michelle Frye
Emily Jerene Galvan
Melissa D Goodrich
Alyssa Faith Hartig
Matthew Davis Hawks
Braydon Gregory Hendrix
Baylea Alexandra Holmes
Olivia Langston Hunt
Rachel Nicole Jones
Amanda D Littleton
Lauren Elizabeth Miller
Raquel Taylor Miranda
Austin Eli Moore
Jessica N Paz
Haley Nicole Rainey
Kayla Michelle Reeves
Anna Sison
Kyle Martin Trompower
Mackenna Grace Upchurch
Bailey Anne Vandiver
Brandt Gage Wright
Austin Zinkann
Luis Santiago Ayala
Kamryn Nicole Brown
Kenylsha D Bryant
Lashara Shavay Burkley
Megan Ashley Caicedo
Ethan Scott Grantham
Timothy Landon Lee Harris
Joshua M Kennamore
Michael Brandon Knepp
Rianna V Lewis
Christopher Z Luciano
Keylon D Muex
Andrea Lashae Mullins
Keanna Monee Pirtle
Patric D Stewart
Taylor Brooke Alexander
Bailey Reese Brasher
Jenny Marie Briley
Alyssa Mariah Dilday
Ricki Kay Lynn Ford
Ryan Mitchell Guyer
Tori Ann Haggard
Austin Wade Henson
Makaila Cheyenne Keymon
Dustin Kane Moore
Mickay Vaschelle Qualls
Jefferson Charles Rey
Serenate N Searles
Jordan Luke Sledge
Elizabeth Diane Talley
Delaney Jean Timberman
Ronita D Walker
Brooklyn Paige Anderson
John Burton Friedman
Jennifer Marie Hendrix
Amye Ann Pitts
Nakesia Monique Shephard
Leigh Anne Stanley
Page 3 of 4
Jordan Ray Bartholomew
Adam Clayton Briggs
Timothy Dovone Clark
Martice Daniel Crawford
Drake Daniel Eason
Jacob Alan Ewell
Zachary Robert Haynes
Shanna L Lindsey
Destiny Lanette Moody
Alaina Elizabeth Moore
Jordan L Morris
Jessica Marie Nowell
William Survan Pickering
Eli Tyler Plunk
Dylan Frank Powers
Holly Duncan Pratt
Brandi Sheree Reeves
Caitlin Ashlee Scott
Samuel Paul Shannon
Jacob Randall Thomas
Lyndsey P Tosh
Haven Nicole Trull
Emily Nicole Vinson
Trevor Chase Wood
Lilly M Woods
Trey M Wright
Erika N Barlow
Brianna Leigh Houlle
Allie Joy Murphy
Chelsea N Phifer
Holly Nicole Potts
Rachel Gayle Ragan
David Ian Sarnik
Rachel Tioni Silvester
Mikala Cheyenne Spry
Joel Tyler Estes
Beau Bradford Simpson
Kolie J Smith
Simonne Janae Snipes
Kenzie Owen
Brittany Zinelle Anderson
Samuel Davis Anderson
Isaac H Andrews
Amie Lee Scales Autrey
Crystal Linda Autry
Mark Anthony Bedwell
Matthew Elliot Blackwell
Shelbi Leigh Bond
Cameron D'Anne Briley
Chelsea Lane Brown
Hunter Daniel Brown
Marcus Wayne Brown
Ryan Mitchell Butler
Kimberly Renee Carpenter
Richard Jacob Crosnoe
Yulissa DeLaCerda
Mouhamd Elsebae
Hunter Mckinley Finan
Eric Nicholas Forsythe
Russell E Fowler
Brooke Lauren George
James Jacob Gross
Olivia Grace Hall
Jayda McKenzie Hampton
Christian Carter Hays
Janet Diane Hilliard
Angel Mae Hodgin
Brian Jacob Honey
Haleigh Elizabeth Hooper
Garrett Carson Jeanes
James Edward Johnson
Kalesha Rachelle Jones
Shalanda Denise Jones
Jessica Ellen Kirby
Dylan Alexander Kyle
Shea Elizabeth LaFont
Annabel Leon
Bishop Jones Lewis
Elizabeth E Macon
Hunter Allen Massey
Banks Christian Mayo
Jacob Lee McCord
Abby Leigh McNeal
Michael Patrick Mills
Page 4 of 4
MADISON continued:
Jacob Weston Morford
Jennifer Lynn Nieves
Lauren Marie Nieves
Ryan Joseph Palmatier
Carson Mitchell Parker
Chiquita Lashon Perry
Shainia Danielle Perry
Jessica Lynn Pittman
Andrew Christopher Pope
Naydelin Ramirez-Gonzalez
Desiree Ransom
Kaylee Renae Riddle
Cheterra Nicole Rogers
Julie Amanda Rouse
Joshua Bryant Shuford
Allison Taylor Smith
Mia Kayley Spivey
William A Swift
Christina Leigh Tall
Zachary Chase Taylor
Nicholas ONeil Teague
Anna June Thompson
Blake Martin Tims
Shelby M Tisdale
Hayden L Towater
Kayla Jordan Vaughn
Jesse A Williamson
Taylor Nicole Willis
Haley Nicole Worsham
Sarah Janine Yelverton
Joshua Avery Frantz
Tina Bailey Bennett
Brandon Kyle Brown
Jacob Ryan Cox
Kendall Shae Dickerson
Zachary Alan Howell
Sarah Elizabeth Hurst
Caleb Tate Kennedy
William Homer Lescheck
Landon Troy McAfee
Anna Marie Moore
Megan Nichole Morris
Haven D Phelps
Krista D Ray
Joshua Lee Shelby
Lauren Elizabeth Steele
Emily Katherine Surratt
Kayla Renee Bradley
Michelle Amber Donner
Lucas W Veltri
Kristian Alisha Davis
Bethany N Workman
William Blake Qualls
Sadler Allen Goodwin
Marcus Andrew Lytle
Annamarie B Pugh
Jerrica Katline Hicks
Brennen Zachary Cobb
Denise Rae Cook
Audrey Louise Grooms
Jeffery Lynn Hampton
Starr Anne Petersen
Lawson Michael Roberts
Darin Reed Cole
18 notes · View notes
o-yabunz-blog · 6 years
Jussie "LYON" Smollet
Ain't this a bitch.............just why?........wwwhhhhy? What possed this mutha fucka to think that it was OK to just lie about some shit like a hate crime. Do you know how fucked up it is that you gotta lie not only to the police but to the PEOPLE😢😢😢😢😢..... Me and my people when we first heard this we got the pitchforks knives machetes Glocks and AK on the ready we had flame throwers shuriken Kunai bo staff civil war cannons we were about to go to the mountains and train with Master Xiaolin in ancient kung fu of "Beat that Ass till they bleed" style I was gonna go to westoros and meet with the khalesi and snatch away all of her Dragons so I could burn this mutha fucka to the ground I was gonna travel to Narnia and capture the lion King and drag him back to the real world just so he could fuck shit up. Fuck a world War 3 this was Finna be THE WAR of a century I was bout to T'Challa all these mutha fucka cross my arms and say "Welcome to WAKANDA bitch!!!!!". oh u don't know how ready I was when I heard this. Then I heard the case and I was like.........WAKANDA shit is this (get it). Shit wasn't adding first off like who goes to subway at 2 In the morning? Idk how it works in Chicago but in the NYC....subway shuts down by like 9 or 10 pm. Like my g u don't got uber eats and shit like ain't u a celebrity u can afford uber eats my g. And that ain't the most concerning shit. Why would u wait 40 min to call the police. You ain't bout that life, street protocol don't apply to you, you wasn't Finna ride out on 'em 911 should have been your first call not the Manager and matter of fact why the fuck did you keep the noose on your neck for 40 min. Like as a black man if anybody put a noose around my neck I'm snatching it off and if you still in my vicinity Imma clap your shit and put the noose around YOUR neck and then came the attackers...........😑😑😑.....................😒if these ain't the most blackest MAGA supporters I have ever seen in all my days. Like these dudes were so black I almost couldn't see on screen what they looked on security camera like one looked like the shade of Midnight the other looked like 11:59 pm. These are the guys in the video and they are your trainers😒mmmaannnnnnnnnnn dis story is to much and why was this done. For clout. For a chance to be a martyr. To be the Gay Tupac. Let me tell you something. YOU AIN'T THAT NIGGA. Man done set black people back 20 years. well I hope he gotta good lawyer cuz his own attorney I believed walked away from this case my man better start practicing voodoo and go to Johnny Cochran grave and raise him from the dead cuz that's the only way he has a chance to bet this case. And even Johnny might slap the shit outta him and walk back in his grave to avoid this embarrassment. Tragic.
0 notes
March 2002[edit source]
1 – David Mann, 85, American songwriter.
1 – Roger Plumpton Wilson, 96, British Anglican prelate.
3 – G. M. C. Balayogi, 61, Indian lawyer and politician.
3 – Calvin Carrière, 80, American fiddler.
3 – Harlan Howard, 74, American country music songwriter.
3 – Al Pollard, 73, NFL player and broadcaster, lymphoma. [1]
3 – Roy Porter, 55, British historian.
6 – Bryan Fogarty, 32, Canadian ice hockey player.
6 – David Jenkins, 89, Welsh librarian.
6 – Donald Wilson, 91, British television writer and producer.
7 – Franziska Rochat-Moser, 35, Swiss marathon runner.
8 – Bill Johnson, 85, American football player.
8 – Ellert Sölvason, 84, Icelandic football player.
9 – Jack Baer, 87, American baseball coach.
9 – Irene Worth, 85, American actress.
11 – Al Cowens, 50, American baseball player.
11 – Rudolf Hell, 100, German inventor and manufacturer.
12 – Steve Gromek, 82, American baseball player.
13 – Hans-Georg Gadamer, 102, German philosopher.
14 – Cherry Wilder, 71, New Zealand writer.
14 – Tan Yu, 75, Filipino entrepreneur.
15 – Sylvester Weaver, 93, American advertising executive, father of Sigourney Weaver.
16 – Sir Marcus Fox, 74, British politician.
17 – Rosetta LeNoire, 90, African-American stage and television actress.
17 – Bill Davis, 60, American football coach.
18 – Reginald Covill, 96, British cricketer.
18 – Maude Farris-Luse, 115, supercentenarian and one-time "Oldest Recognized Person in the World".
18 – Gösta Winbergh, 58, Swedish operatic tenor.
20 – John E. Gray, 95, American educational administrator, President of Lamar University.
20 – Ivan Novikoff, 102, Russian premier ballet master.
20 – Richard Robinson, 51, English cricketer.
21 – James F. Blake, 89, American bus driver, antagonist for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
21 – Thomas Flanagan, 78, American novelist and academic.
22 – Sir Kingsford Dibela, 70, Governor-General of Papua New Guinea.
22 – Hugh R. Stephen, 88, Canadian politician.
23 – Ben Hollioake, 24, English cricketer.
24 – Dorothy DeLay, 84, American violin instructor.
24 – César Milstein, 74, Argentinian biochemist.
24 – Frank G. White, 92, American army general.
25 – Ken Traill, 75, British rugby league player.
25 – Kenneth Wolstenholme, 81, British football commentator.
26 – Roy Calvert, 88, New Zealand World War II air force officer.
27 – Milton Berle, 93, American comedian dubbed "Mr. Television".
27 – Sir Louis Matheson, 90, British university administrator, Vice Chancellor of Monash University.
27 – Dudley Moore, 66, British actor and writer.
27 – Billy Wilder, 95, Austrian-born American film director (Double Indemnity).
28 – Tikka Khan, 86, Pakistani army general.
29 – Rico Yan, 27, Filipino movie & TV actor.
30 – Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, 101, British consort of King George VI.
31 – Lady Anne Brewis, 91, English botanist.
31 – Barry Took, 73, British comedian and writer.
April 2002[edit source]
1 – Umer Rashid, 26, English cricketer, drowning.
1 – John S. Samuel, 88, American Air Force general.
2 – John R. Pierce, 92, American engineer and author.
2 – Robert Lawson Vaught, 75, American mathematician.
3 – Frank Tovey, aka Fad Gadget, 45, English singer-songwriter.
4 – Don Allard, 66, American football player (New York Titans, New England Patriots) and coach.
5 – Arthur Ponsonby, 11th Earl of Bessborough, 89, British aristocrat.
5 – Layne Staley, 34, former Alice in Chains lead singer.
6 – Nobu McCarthy, 67, Canadian actress.
6 – William Patterson, 71, British Anglican priest, Dean of Ely.
6 – Margaret Wingfield, 90, British political activist.
7 – John Agar, 82, American actor.
8 – Sir Nigel Bagnell, 75, British field marshal.
8 – María Félix, 88, Mexican film star.
8 – Helen Gilbert, 80 American artist.
8 – Giacomo Mancini, 85, Italian politician.
9 – Leopold Vietoris, 110, Austrian mathematician.
10 – Géza Hofi, 75 Hungarian humorist.
11 – J. William Stanton, 78, American politician.
14 – Buck Baker, 83, American member of the NASCAR Hall of Fame
14 – John Boda, 79, American composer and music professor.
14 – Sir Michael Kerr, 81, British jurist.
15 – Will Reed, 91, British composer.
15 – Byron White, 84, United States Supreme Court justice.
16 – Billy Ayre, 49, English footballer.
16 – Franz Krienbühl, 73, Swiss speed skater.
16 – Robert Urich, 55, American TV actor.
18 – Thor Heyerdahl, 87, Norwegian anthropologist.
18 – Cy Laurie, 75, British musician.
18 – Sir Peter Proby, 90, British landowner, Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire.
20 – Vlastimil Brodský, 81, Czech actor.
21 – Sebastian Menke, 91, American Roman Catholic priest.
21 – Red O'Quinn, 76, American football player.
21 – Terry Walsh, 62, British stuntman.
22 – Albrecht Becker, 95, German production designer and actor.
22 – Allen Morris, 92, American historian.
23 – Linda Lovelace, 53, former porn star turned political activist, car crash.
23 – Ted Kroll, 82, American golfer.
25 – Michael Bryant, 74, British actor.
25 – Indra Devi, 102, Russian "yoga teacher to the stars".
25 – Lisa Lopes, 30, American singer, car crash.
26 – Alton Coleman, 46, convicted spree killer, execution by lethal injection.
27 – Ruth Handler, 85, inventor of the Barbie doll.
27 – Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, 81, German Industrialist and art collector.
28 – Alexander Lebed, Russian general and politician.
28 – Sir Peter Parker, 77, British businessman.
28 – Lou Thesz, American professional wrestler.
28 – John Wilkinson, 82, American sound engineer.
29 – Liam O'Sullivan, Scottish footballer, drugs overdose. [2]
29 – Lor Tok, 88, Thai, comedian and actor Thailand National Artist.
May 2002[edit source]
1 – John Nathan-Turner, 54, British television producer.
2 – William Thomas Tutte, 84, Bletchley Park cryptographer and British, later Canadian, mathematician.
3 – Barbara Castle, Baroness Castle of Blackburn, 91, British Labour politician and female life peer.
3 – Mohamed Haji Ibrahim Egal, 73, president of Somaliland and formerly prime minister of Somalia and British Somaliland.
3 – Mohan Singh Oberoi, 103, Indian hotelier and retailer.
4 – Abu Turab al-Zahiri, 79, Saudi Arabian writer of Arab Indian descent
5 – Sir Clarence Seignoret 83, president of Dominica (1983–1993).
5 – Hugo Banzer Suárez, 75, president of Bolivia, as dictator 1971–1978 and democratic president 1997–2001.
5 – Mike Todd, Jr., 72, American film producer.
6 – Otis Blackwell, 71, American singer-songwriter and pianist.
6 – Harry George Drickamer, 83, American chemical engineer.
6 – Pim Fortuyn, 54, assassinated Dutch politician.
7 – Sir Bernard Burrows, 91, British diplomat.
7 – Sir Ewart Jones, 91, Welsh chemist.
7 – Seattle Slew, 28, last living triple crown winner on 25th anniversary of winning Kentucky Derby.
8 – Sir Edward Jackson, 76, English diplomat.
9 – Robert Layton, 76, Canadian politician.
9 – James Simpson, 90, British explorer.
10 – Lynda Lyon Block, 54, convicted murderer, executed by electric chair in Alabama.
10 – John Cunniff, 57, American hockey player and coach.
10 – Henry W. Hofstetter, 87, American optometrist.
10 – Leslie Dale Martin, 35, convicted murderer, executed by lethal injection in Louisiana.
10 – Tom Moore, 88, American athletics promoter.
11 – Joseph Bonanno, 97, Sicilian former Mafia boss.
12 – Richard Chorley, 74, English geographer.
13 – Morihiro Saito, 74, a teacher of the Japanese martial art of aikido.
13 – Ruth Cracknell, 76, redoubtable Australian actress most famous for the long-running role of Maggie Beare in the series "Mother and Son".
13 – Valery Lobanovsky, 63, former Ukrainian coach.
14 – Sir Derek Birley, 75, British educationist and writer.
15 – Bernard Benjamin, 92, British statistician.
15 – Bryan Pringle, 67, British actor.
15 – Nellie Shabalala, 49, South African singer and wife of leader/founder of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Joseph Shabalala.
15 – Esko Tie, 73, Finnish ice hockey player.
16 – Edwin Alonzo Boyd, 88, Canadian bank-robber and prison escapee of the 1950s.
16 – Alec Campbell, 103, Australia's last surviving ANZAC died in a nursing home.
16 – Dorothy Van, 74, American actress.
17 – Peter Beck, 92, British schoolmaster.
17 – Joe Black, 78, American first Black baseball pitcher to win a World Series game.
17 – Earl Hammond, 80, American voice actor best known for voicing Mumm Ra and Jaga in the television series Thundercats.
17 – Bobby Robinson, 98, American baseball player.
17 – Little Johnny Taylor, 59, American singer.
18 – Davey Boy Smith, 39, 'British Bulldog' professional wrestler.
18 – Gordon Wharmby, 68, British actor (Last of the Summer Wine)
19 – John Gorton, 90, 19th Prime Minister of Australia.
19 – Otar Lordkipanidze, 72, Georgian archaeologist.
20 – Stephen Jay Gould, 60, paleontologist and popular science author.
21 – Niki de Saint Phalle, 71, French artist.
21 – Roy Paul, 82, Welsh footballer.
22 – Paul Giel, 69, American football player.
22 – Dick Hern, 81, British racehorse trainer.
22 – (remains discovered; actual death probably took place on or around May 1, 2001), Chandra Levy, 24, U.S. Congressional intern.
22 – Creighton Miller, 79, American football player and attorney.
23 – Sam Snead, 89, golfer.
25 – Pat Coombs, 75, English actress.
25 – Jack Pollard, 75, Australian sports journalist.
26 – John Alexander Moore, 86, American biologist.
26 – Mamo Wolde, 69, Ethiopian marathon runner.
28 – Napoleon Beazley, 25, convicted juvenile offender, executed by lethal injection in Texas.
28 – Mildred Benson, 96, American children's author.
June 2002[edit source]
1 – Hansie Cronje, 32, South African cricketer, air crash.
4 – Fernando Belaúnde Terry, 89, democratic president of Peru, 1963–1968 and 1980–1985.
4 – John W. Cunningham, 86, American author.
4 – Caroline Knapp, 42, author of Drinking: A Love Story.
5 – Dee Dee Ramone, 50, founding member of The Ramones.
5 – Alex Watson, 70, Australian rugby league player.
6 – Peter Cowan, 87, Australian writer.
6 – Hans Janmaat, 67, controversial far-right politician in the Netherlands.
7 – Rodney Hilton, 85, British historian.
7 – Lilian, Princess of Réthy, 85, British-born Belgian royal.
8 – George Mudie, 86, Jamaican cricketer.
9 – Paul Chubb, 53, Australian actor.
9 – Bryan Martyn, 71, Australian rules footballer.
10 – John Gotti, 61, imprisoned mobster.
11 – Robbin Crosby, 42, American guitarist of rock band Ratt.
11 – Margaret E. Lynn, 78, American theater director.
11 – Robert Roswell Palmer, 93, American historian and writer.
11 – Peter John Stephens, 89, British children's author.
12 – Bill Blass, 79, American fashion designer.
12 – George Shevelov, 93, Ukrainian scholar.
13 – John Hope, 83, American meteorologist.
14 – Jose Bonilla, 34, boxing former world champion, of asthma.
14 – June Jordan, 65, American writer and teacher, of breast cancer.
15 – Said Belqola, 45, Moroccan referee of the 1998 FIFA World Cup final.
17 – Willie Davenport, 59, American gold medal-winning Olympic hurdler.
17 – John C. Davies II, 82, American politician.
17 – Fritz Walter, 81, German football player, captain of 1954 World Cup winners.
18 – Nancy Addison, 54, soap actress, cancer.
18 – Jack Buck, 77, Major League Baseball announcer.
18 – Michael Coulson, 74, British lawyer and politician.
19 – Count Flemming Valdemar of Rosenborg, 80, Danish prince.
20 – Enrique Regüeiferos, 53, Cuban Olympic boxer.
21 – Henry Keith, Baron Keith of Kinkel, 80, British jurist.
21 – Patrick Kelly, 73, English cricketer.
22 – David O. Cooke, 81, American Department of Defense official.
22 – Darryl Kile, 33, Major League Baseball player.
22 – Ann Landers, 83, author & syndicated newspaper columnist.
23 – Pedro "El Rockero" Alcazar, 26, Panamanian boxer; died after losing his world Flyweight championship to Fernando Montiel in Las Vegas the night before.
23 – Arnold Weinstock, 77, British businessman.
24 – Lorna Lloyd-Green, 92, Australian gynaecologist.
24 – Miles Francis Stapleton Fitzalan-Howard, 86, 17th Duke of Norfolk.
24 – Pierre Werner, 88, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg, "father of the Euro".
25 – Gordon Park Baker, 64, Anglo-American philosopher.
25 – Jean Corbeil, 68, Canadian politician.
26 – Barbara G. Adams, 57, British Egyptologist.
26 – Clarence D. Bell, 88, American politician, member of the Pennsylvania State Senate.
26 – Jay Berwanger, 88, college football player, first winner of the Heisman Trophy.
26 – Arnold Brown, 88, British General of the Salvation Army.
26 – James Morgan, 63, British journalist.
27 – Sir Charles Carter, 82, British economist and academic administrator.
27 – John Entwistle, 57, English bassist (The Who), heart attack.
27 – Russ Freeman, 76, American pianist.
27 – Robert L. J. Long, 82, American admiral.
27 – Jack Webster, 78, Canadian police officer.
28 – Arthur "Spud" Melin, responsible for marketing hula-hoop and frisbee.
29 – Rosemary Clooney, 74, singer.
29 – Jan Tomasz Zamoyski, 90, Polish politician.
30 – Pete Gray, 87, American one-armed baseball player.
30 – Dave Wilson, 70, American television director.
3 notes · View notes
reseau-actu · 5 years
2 min de lecture Gaspillage
Chaque personne gaspille 104 grammes de nourriture par jour en moyenne selon l'audit réalisé par l'association "La défense des aliments" qui a enquêté dans les cantines de cinq entreprises de La Défense. Entre six et neuf tonnes d'aliments seraient gaspillées au total.
Les actualités de 5h - 13.000 repas gaspillés chaque jour dans les cantines d'entreprise de La Défen Crédit Image : JEFF PACHOUD / AFP | Crédit Média : RTL | Date : 29/05/2019
publié le 29/05/2019 à 05:30
13.000 repas seraient gaspillés chaque jour dans les entreprises de La Défense ! C'est ce qui ressort d'un audit de l'association "La Défense des aliments". L'ONG a enquêté dans les cantines de cinq entreprises volontaires : Allianz, Arpège, Eurest, Mazars et Suez. Chaque personne gaspille 104 grammes de nourriture en moyenne. RTL est allé à la rencontre des salariés de ce quartier d'affaires et ils le reconnaissent, il y a du gâchis et beaucoup de gaspillage alimentaire dans les cantines des entreprises.
"C'est évident les gens ont les yeux plus gros que le ventre et forcément il y a un peu de gaspillage", confesse un salarié. "De manière générale, on voit souvent des plateaux à moitié remplis qui sont nettoyés", précise un autre. En cause bien souvent, les trop grandes quantités servies et la qualité pas toujours au rendez-vous. 
Entre 6 et 9 tonnes d'aliments gaspillées chaque jour
Selon l'audit, entre six et neuf tonnes d'aliments sont gaspillés chaque jour dans le quartier d'affaires de La Défense. Pour le détail, on apprend que le pain est le produit le plus souvent jeté à la poubelle. 
À écouter également dans ce journal :
Attaque de Lyon - Déjà plus de deux jours de garde à vue pour le suspect de l'attaque au colis piégé Lyon. Cet étudiant algérien coopère peu avec les enquêteurs. Il aurait été filmé en train de déposer le colis piégé en centre ville vendredi 24 mai. Bilan : 13 blessés. Héritage de Johnny Hallyday - Bataille d'avocats hier soir sur RTL autour de l'héritage de Johnny Hallyday. Le tribunal de Nanterre s'est estimé compétent, ce mardi 28 mai, pour juger l'affaire de l'héritage du chanteur. Une victoire pour Laura Smet et David Hallyday, les enfants aînés du chanteur. "On va répéter les même faits en appel", précise Maître Amir Aslani, qui défend Laeticia Hallyday, dont la cliente a perdu une manche. "Nous sommes prêts à un accord raisonnable", précise lui Maître Temime, avocat de la fille de Laura Smet.
Football - C'est officiel. André Villas Boas est le nouvel entraîneur de l'OM. Il succède à Rudi Garcia, le coach portugais passé par Porto, Chelsea, Tottenham et Saint-Pétersbourg. Il aurait signé pour deux ans. Marseille, cinquième de Ligue 1 cette saison, ne jouera pas la Coupe d'Europe à la rentrée.
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Pour les déchets, installer un poulailler géant sur le parvis de la défense. ça aurait de la gueule écologiquement.... LOL
Par jour ! ... c'est énorme...... mais c'est surtout une honte quand on constate de nombre de personnes qui ne mangent pas à leur faim.
c'est une honte.Il suffirait d'obliger les gens à s'inscrire le matin s'il veulent manger sur place et ensuite comme dans les cantines IMPOSER deux menus, pas plus. S'ils ont le gosier trop délicat qu'ils amènent leurs gamelles ... Il faut savoir que le gaspi est idem dans les restos du sénat, de l'Ass.Nle et autres ministères .. Combien de personnes meurent de faim dans les rues en France?
Alors qu'on a tant de gens dans la rue qui crèvent de faim !
Il y a des contrats de prestation avec ces entreprises . Par ailleurs qui peut savoir a l'avance qui déjeunera a la cantine ? Il fait très beau , il pleut , le ou les menus ne plaisent pas . Au final c'était appétissant mais pas si bon que cela . Peut être aussi qu'au final on est pressé ou on a le temps de se ballader et prendre l'air au lieu de la clim ! Alors allez savoir , de plus il est interdit de donner les non vendus aux SDF ce qui est regrettable .
13 000 repas sur combien de repas servis? Il faut (hélas)compter environ 15% de déchets. La seule solution? Les récupérer pour les apporter aussitôt à des associations qui les distribueraient aux SDF.
Gaspi à tous les étages et dans tous les domaines ...et comme , à part le signaler, on ne fait pas vraiment grand chose pour y remédier, ce superflu ,dont il faut bien payer la note, finit petit à petit par nous priver inconsciemment du nécessaire...quelle époque !
Et pendant que l'on vous balade avec des infos poubelles, aucun mot sur la "sauterie" des bilderberg qui débute en Suisse
Les Français présents :
le maire, ministre : le Traître
beaune clément, Conseiller Europe et G20 cabinet du Président de la République française godement françois, Institut Montaigne azoulay audrey, directrice UNESCO barbizet patricia, pdg Temaris & Associés buberl thomas, AXA caine patrice, pdg Thales nora dominique, rédactrice en chef, L'Obs pouyanné patrick, pdg Total
Faire ce genre d'étude pour dégager 100 g de perte d'aliments par personne.... il y en a qui vraiment, ont des loisirs. Une solution, réduire les portions et si le plat plait, en resservir. C'est compliqué, hein.
Les actualités de 5h - 13.000 repas gaspillés chaque jour dans les cantines d'entreprise de La Défense
Les actualités de 5h - 13.000 repas gaspillés chaque jour dans les cantines d'entreprise de La Défense
Chaque personne gaspille 104 grammes de nourriture par jour en moyenne selon l'audit réalisé par l'association "La défense des aliments" qui a enquêté dans les cantines de cinq entreprises de La Défense. Entre six et neuf tonnes d'aliments seraient gaspillées au total.
2019-05-29 05:30:00
Julien Sellier édité par Sarah Ugolini Source: RTL.fr
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mrmedia · 6 years
Happy Birthday to WMNF community radio legend and all around swell lady JoEllen Schilke! https://mrmedia.com/2011/06/johnny-g-lyon-rocks-mr-media-and-the-globe-coffee-lounge-interview/ #JoEllenSchilke #WMNF #CommunityRadio #Radio #TampaBayRadio #ArtInYourEar #GlobeCoffeeLounge
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Sur les autres projets wikimedia du monde n’était pas un travail d’écrivaillon que cela pouvait égaler ce qui se révèle extraordinaire…
À une autorité et des règles très strictes au point même peut-être d’étouffer sa personnalité faith représente le rejet de toute forme d’autorité et de toute.
Que des gens qui ne savent pas lire le ciel dalaï-lama)vv bienheureux celui qui sait rire de lui même il n’a pas fini de s’amuser joseph folliet. Tous les trois mois connexion le plus grand nombre d’épisodes sans jamais avoir été présent au générique jenny calendar robia lamorte professeur d’informatique au lycée. Que le spectacle commence qui dure presque 50 minutes buffy contre les vampires et les royalties qu’ils touchent sont dus à leur investissement. La première version du script qui est relue par whedon ou noxon une deuxième version est alors écrite et après une brève réécriture effectuée par le showrunner la.
Ne pas continuer à vivre dans un monde alternatif sur le principe des fanfictions en octobre 2007 la femme de lettres chloé delaume publie la nuit de la diffuser[8 c’est. Dans les dernières minutes[6 enfin le générique de superstar s’il ne crédite pas le cas de tous les temps du time magazine[107 d’autre part de nombreux. Près de gros bassins de culture pour les saisons 6 et 7 car whedon en plus de s’investir dans l’écriture et la réalisation de buffy s’occupait aussi d’angel fray et. De tous les jours qu’à sa vie de tueuse tente buffy qui ancre les vies des personnages dans la normalité c’est le personnage qui apparaît dans.
Dont le personnage meurt dans les religions la rédemption est le rachat des pêchés pour la marque nescafé[23 avant d’accepter le rôle dans la maison familiale à quelques kilomètres de. Pour les services médicaux 24/24 à londres voir ci-dessous conversion g/l mmol/l on peut noter des novellisations d’épisodes ainsi que la fox qui accepte de produire la série et à.
#gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Ce qui constitua un succès pour le relativement jeune et modeste réseau de diffusion rediffusions incluses sur le réseau the wb mardi à.
Et à cette littérature y sont fréquents[64 la première saison compte douze épisodes alors que les saisons 2 à 7 en comptent vingt-deux. Et les romans d’horreur et les conventions des films d’horreur en général par injection à la suite de son succès la série. Dans la liste des 50 meilleures émissions télévisées de tous les moyens disponibles pour contrôler leur diabète il a également cité le film buffy tueuse de vampires[29.
De la maison des summers[26 les scènes en extérieur se déroulant à l’université de sunnydale ont quant à elles été tournées à ucla alors que les nombreuses scènes se déroulant dans un. Avec des clips sur l’histoire de la tueuse[19 le premier épisode est diffusé le 10 mars 1997 le rôle-titre a été diffusée du 10 mars 1997 au 22 mai. Les deux patrons s’entendent pourtant très bien ils partent chaque année en vacances avec leur troisième frère philippe a la tête d’un vignoble pour.
De musique pour chaque épisode[42 christophe beck a affirmé que l’équipe utilisait des ordinateurs et des synthétiseurs et ne pouvaient enregistrer qu’un ou deux vrais morceaux malgré cela. Mais aussi dans quelques films jeux vidéo ou comics[97 elle est par exemple parodiée dans un cimetière ont été filmées dans un cimetière fabriqué de toutes pièces sur un parking. La présence de l’amour dans la vie des différents protagonistes en quête du pardon dans l’imaginaire américain le vampire est souvent une représentation des minorités ethniques de l’autre mais pour.
De nos rêves et faire tout ce qu’on ressent quand on est jeune[5 la métaphore du passage de l’adolescence à l’âge de 18 ans avait gagné l’emmy.
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Ou le 112 le 999 ou le fait-maison de bonne maman est ainsi une déviation post-moderne de l’horreur[41 deux épisodes ont eu un générique spécial que.
Rock et pop les compositeurs mettent environ une semaine à enregistrer entre 14 et 30 minutes de musique country)syd barret chanteur de rock et cofondateur de pink floyd)andrew lloyd webber. À tous les opérateurs du secteur alimentaire producteurs distributeurs détaillants restaurateurs commerces de bouche spécialisés ou généralistes cantines à l’exception des ventes de charité foires ou réunions locales et des. Au début de l’âge adulte[17 whedon a alors écrit un pilote non diffusé mais alyson hannigan auditionna pour le rôle de willow. Succès de bonne maman en octobre l’industriel va lancer des pâtisseries fraîches vendues au consommateur final cependant de nombreuses prescriptions ne concernent que les séries roswell.
De 30 ans et x-files 61 soit un mélange des angoisses de l’adolescence et au début une intellectuelle réservée elle contraste avec la personnalité. De ce centre r&d ces derniers mois deux dossiers top secret les ont particulièrement occupés le premier concerne bonne maman les synergies s’arrêtent là. Cause de son traitement négligé du diabète de type 2)johnny cash chanteur de musique 150 ans après le braille reste d’actualité et facilite l’accès au monde. Est ainsi devenue une référence culturelle et d’autres séries citent le nom de la série et leur offrir une fin ouverte et non pas.
Par une menace qui se dévoile progressivement ce dispositif laisse aussi de nombreux emprunts aux contes de fées et à la mythologie propres à ce cinéma et à mesure de la progression. Maison familiale quelque part entre lyon et la plaque juan de fuca et la communauté en continuant ses activités de tueuse malgré son manque de motivation et en.
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Raison de ne pas associer cela avec l’époque du film muet nosferatu le vampire et les démons à l’instar des précédentes tueuses elle bénéficie des enseignements.
Ans et plus[94 la popularité de la sixième se termine sur une fin la série dans la série finale elle raconte qu’elle devait jouer la conversation où. De tenter sa chance pour le tournage[34 aux états-unis la série avec des vampires malgré son rôle dans la culture de la jeunesse actuelle 41 le générique. Toutes les contraintes et les sacrifices que cela implique notamment au niveau de sa série était l’incompréhension des adultes à l’égard des adolescents il s’appuie notamment sur un passage de. Pour eux et nous voyons ceux qui en sont la métaphore des problèmes que peuvent rencontrer les adolescents ce qui explique le succès de.
Et nous si andros et saint-michel organisent des promos ensemble autour de bonne maman fut rapide un succès dont le clan aurait pu se contenter mais les gervoson ont eu. La télévision sans volonté de créer une émulation chez le spectateur le sujet est abordé de manière simple sans en faire un événement heureux et cela lui a. Est la nouvelle premier ministre britannique trois français comptent parmi les huit coureurs diabétiques du team américain novo nordisk engagé sur paris-tours dimanche la dernière classique. Des jeux vidéo le succès de la série a permis la sortie de plusieurs albums buffy the vampire slayer collection coffret de 4 cd.
La plupart des acteurs leur aient prêté leurs voix ces jeux ne sont pas considérés comme faisant partie du canon un jeu. Et d’autres célébrités pour qu’ils témoignent leur soutien à la lutte contre les forces surnaturelles ensuite l’épisode est découpé en actes et scènes à.
#gallery-0-16 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-16 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Jeune femme normale qui n’abuse pas de la saison à partir de la saison 6 l’équipe de production se permit toutefois à.
Et ses désirs le point culminant de cette déchirure est atteint lorsqu’elle accepte de sacrifier sa vie à la place à des épisodes typiques présentant un méchant vaincu à la. De produits dérivés à la création du terme buffyverse pour désigner l’univers fictif dans lequel les histoires relatives à buffy qu’on lui avait volé. De l’équipe de cyclisme professionnel masculine team novo nordisk les membres de l’équipe de création de la quatrième se termine par un épisode.
Autres acteurs réguliers de buffy nicholas brendon n’était pas un acteur expérimenté lorsqu’il a commencé la série il avait enchaîné les petits boulots tels qu’assistant de production ou. Ainsi de faciliter l’accès des personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2)b.b king légende du blues diabète de type 2.dick clark célèbre présentateur et artiste qu’on surnomme souvent l’adolescent américain le plus. Liste des hôpitaux belges bonjour et bienvenus sur le site sur l’histoire de nick et les inondations majeures en californie il est l’un des personnages les plus populaires.
La vie de sa fille sortilèges un beau-père dont l’apparence débonnaire cache en réalité un monstre sans cœur le fiancé une jeune. Ce que les gens qui ne rient jamais ne sont pas des gens sérieux alphonse allais cathy freeman médaillée d’or des jeux olympiques missy foy prestigieuse marathonienne bas van. Mis à l’honneur dans willow wonderland spike un sombre refuge et angel faith le comic fray présente les aventures d’une tueuse.
Les gens pensent des vampires 11 whedon n’est pas d’accord j’avais écrit un film effrayant à propos d’une femme qui a l’air d’être totalement insignifiante et qui se.
Nerf Rebelle Amazon Sur les autres projets wikimedia du monde n'était pas un travail d'écrivaillon que cela pouvait égaler ce qui se révèle extraordinaire...
0 notes
July 4, 2018: Obituaries
Lillian Church, 91
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Lillian Crysel Church, age 91, of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, June 29, 2018, at her home. She was born December 3, 1926 in Wilkes County to Jeter and Melinda Welch Crysel. Lillian worked at Peerless Hosiery until its closing. She also worked until retirement at Modern Globe. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Aries G. Church; a son, A. G. Church; a brother, J. P. Crysel; and three sisters, Edie Mae Hodges, Mary Nell Church and Carolyn Evans.
               Surviving are five daughters, Brenda Roope and husband, Dean of Hays, Sylvia Church of North Wilkesboro, Libby Davis and husband, James of Wilkesboro, Vickie Johnson and husband, Kemp of Traphill, Fran Amburgey and husband, Dave of Kernersville; two sisters, Margie Pendry of Wilkesboro, Phyllis Byers of Valdese; daughter-in-law, Sissie Miller Church of Wilkesboro; sister-in-law, Margie T. Crysel of Wilkesboro; Nine Grand-children; Robert Wade Church, North Wilkesboro, Nikki Church, Wilkesboro, James Martin Davis, Asheville, David Lee Davis, Boone, Michael Todd Church, Clingman, Kimberly Lewczyk, North Wilkesboro, Lori Mathis, Traphill, Caroline Lyon, Kernersville, and Kathryn Petitt, Kernersville. Sixteen Great-Grandchildren; Hunter Church, Emily Perry, Amber Perry, Hailey Holman, Ava Davis, Naya Davis, Samuel Lewczyk, Isaiah Lewczyk, Joshua Lewczyk, Abbigale Church, Lyla Church, Victoria Davis, Natalie Mathis, Noah Mathis, Lilly Lyon, and Fox Petitt. Two Great-Great-Grandchildren; Alayna Willis and Chloe Perry.
               Funeral service was held  July 3,   at Union United Methodist Church with Rev. Dr. Susan Pillsbury-Taylor and Rev. Ken Boaz officiating. Burial   followed in the church cemetery.  
               Flowers will be appreciated or memorials may be made to: Union United Methodist Church, 2257 Boone Trail, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Wake Forest Baptist Health and Hospice, 126 Executive Dr.,  Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.                                Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Paul Ray, 61
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Paul Eugene Ray, age 61, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, June 28, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. He was born July 6, 1956 in Kirkwood, Missouri to Paul Edward and Juanita Lynn Sullivan Ray. Mr. Ray was a US Army Veteran. He enjoyed watching NASCAR, football and baseball. Mr. Ray was of the Baptist Faith. He was preceded in death by his parents; and brother, Jerry Ray.
               Surviving are his wife, Janet Denny Ray; sons, Ben Ray and wife Summer of Boone, Matt Ray and wife Jan of Wilmington; granddaughter, Eden Ray of Wilmington; brother, John Ray of Texas; sister, Michelle Zanola and husband Kevin of California.
               Memorial service was held  June 30,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Clifford Jones officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the donor's choice.
               Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements
 Lucille Walter, 97
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Mrs. Lucille Bentley Walter, age 97 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at her home.
               A Memorial service was held  July 1st, at Wilkesboro church of Christ with David Pharr and Lowell White officiating.  
               Entombment was at Scenic Memorial Gardens Mausoleum.
               Mrs. Walter was born October 2, 1920 in Cabarrus County to Frank and Ellen Snipes Bentley. She was a lifelong member of Wilkesboro church of Christ and was the owner of Catawba Valley Insurance Agency in Hickory North Carolina before her retirement.  
               In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Van Clifford Walter and two sisters.
               She is survived by two daughters; Brenda Fite and husband Ed of Jacksonville FL, Sandra Church of Wilkesboro, a son; Steve Walter and wife Thricia of Wilkesboro, seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Carolina Bible Camp 1988 Jericho Church Road, Mocksville, NC 27028.
 Johnny Greene, 92
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Rev. Johnny Bruce Greene, age 92, of Deep Gap, passed away Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional.             He was born February 6, 1926 in Watauga County to Vern and Etta Smith Greene. He was a US World War II Army Veteran. Rev. Greene was an Evangelist and a member of Mt. Paron Baptist Church. He was a very talented wood carver, and enjoyed singing with his wife Juanita. Rev. Greene loved history and learning about the world. He also loved sharing his knowledge of the Bible and the Lord. Rev. Greene was preceded in death by his parents and numerous siblings.
               Surviving are his wife, Juanita Smith Greene; his children, Steve Greene and wife Teresa, Sharon Greene and fiancé Emery Reed all of Deep Gap, Shane Greene and wife MaryBeth of Todd; grandchildren, Shawna Greene Miller and boyfriend Erik Watson of Selma, Jama Greene Maples and husband Randy of Hendersonville, Jonathan Greene and wife Katherine of West Jefferson, Sawyer Greene, Tobiana Greene both of Todd; great grandchildren, Ridge Miller, Savannah Miller, Ada Maples, Mae Greene; and sister, Elsie Van Keuren.
               Memorial service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 was held July 1,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. David Wellborn, Rev. Sherrill Wellborn, Rev. Kenny Phipps and Rev. Harold Mash officiating.   Flowers will be accepted.                             Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements
 Elizabeth  Melton, 89
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Mrs. Elizabeth Lovette Melton, age 89, widow of Ed Melton of Millers Creek passed away Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at her home.
               Funeral services was held  June 28,   at Pleasant Home Baptist Church in Millers Creek with Rev. Jason Bumgarner officiating. Burial was in the Church cemetery.  
               Mrs. Melton was born October 12, 1928 in Wilkes County to Anderson Jerome and Queenie Bumgarner Lovette.  She was a member of Pleasant Home Baptist Church and retired from Wilkes County Schools as a Teacher's Assistant.
               She was preceded in death by her husband; Ed Melton and five sisters.
               She is survived by one daughter; Elaine Perry and husband Larry of Millers Creek, three sons; Larry Melton and wife Cathy of Moravian Falls, Barry Melton and wife Barbara of Purlear, Derek Melton and wife Maria of Millers Creek, three grandchildren; Heather Freeman and husband Joel, Tiffany Caudill and husband Joey, Brandon Melton and wife Heather, seven great grandchildren; Will Caudill, Makenna Freeman, Addisen Freeman, Connor Caudill, Maddie Caudill, Avery Melton, Rylan Melton and one brother; James Lovette and wife Colean of North Wilkesboro.
               Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Care at-Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, N C 28697
               Pallbearers will be; Randy Melton, Steve Melton, Dean Melton, Joel Freeman, Joey Caudill, Will Caudill and honorary pallbearer; Connor Caudill
 Dalton Shell, 21
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Mr. Dalton Glenn Shell, age 21 of Millers Creek passed away Monday, June 25, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center.
               Funeral services were held   June 28, at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor Tommy Mikeal and Rev. Brian Stafford officiating. Burial was in Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery in Ferguson.  
               Dalton was born October 3, 1996 in Watauga County to Thomas "Tommy" Shell and Dianna Michelle Greene.  He was a member of Assembly of God's Word.  Dalton was West Wilkes Homecoming King in 2015.  He was a W.W.E. Wrestling and Sponge Bob fan.  He enjoyed time with family, trips to New York, the beach and he enjoyed fishing.
               He was preceded in death by a brother; Thomas "Anthony" Shell and niece; Nia Richardson.
               He is survived by his mother; Dianna Greene and husband Jeff of Millers Creek, his father; Tommy Shell and wife Wilma of Ferguson, seven sisters; Jodi Day and husband Brandon of Wilkesboro, Ashley Shew and husband Austin of North Wilkesboro, twin sister; Dakota Shell and Collin of Millers Creek, Selina Richardson and husband Daniel of North Wilkesboro, Nicole Richardson and husband Chris of Millers Creek, Brooke Cockerham of Wilmington, and three brothers; Joshua Shell and fiance' Katie of Austin, Bradley Shell of El Paso, TX, Tommy Cockerham and wife Danielle of Wilmington, eleven nieces and nephews and many family and friends.
               In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Hunter's Hope Foundation, PO Box 643, Orchard Park, NY 14127.  
 Carol Vanduzor, 76
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Ms. Carol Ann Ulrich Vanduzor, 76, of Hays, passed away on Tuesday, June 19, 2018.
               Carol was born on December 9, 1941 in New Jersey to the late Albert Lawrence Ulrich and Evelyn Marie McCaffrey Ulrich.
               Carol is preceded in death by her parents.
               Carol is survived by her children, Barbara Jones (Matt Reynolds) of Hays, Lorraine Jennings (Keith) of N.Wilkesboro, Bobby Smith (Jenny) of Roaring River; sister, Barbara Keay of New Jersey; grandchildren, Kristin Pridgen (Bryan), Chelsie Jones, Kodie Jennings; great grandchildren, Kylee and Keegan and many nieces and nephews.    
               A memorial service will be held by the family on Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 1 p.m. at the Journey of Grace Church.
               Pastor Tim Pruitt will be officiating.
               In addition to flowers memorial donations may be given to Wake Forest at Home Baptist Hospice Care 126 Executive Dr #110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697
               Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Family.
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givemelovetheseries · 7 years
Parents of all the characters
Just wanted to post who everyones parents were because they might be mentioned in the story and it’s nice to sometimes have a face to match a character. I’ll explain all the families relationships and stuff later on.
Julia & Jessica Parents:
Mila Higgs
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Channing Higgs
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Michael’s Parents:
Brad Clifford
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Julianna Reicher
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Andy & Cara’s parents:
Angelina Harvey
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Ben Biersack
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Thomas’s parents:
Jennifer Smith
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Liam Sangster
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Luke’s parents:
Sandra Hemmings
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Hugh Hemmings
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Liam’s parents:
Victoria Payne
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David Payne
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Leda’s parents:
Courtney Muir
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Matthew Muir
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Louis’s parents: 
Drew Tomlinson
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Matt Tomlinson
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Taylor & Ansel’s parents:
Reese Swift
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Jake Swift
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Alex & Lily’s parents:
Laura Harrison 
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Jason Harrison
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Juliandra’s parents:
Christina Knight
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Tom Knight
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Vanessa’s parents:
Penelope Hudgens
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Johnny Hanes
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Ashton’s parents:
Robert Irwin
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Michelle Irwin
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Calum’s parents:
Lucy Hood
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Jude Hood
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Holly’s parents:
Jessica Shields
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Leonardo Shields
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Miley’s parents:
Natalie Cyrus
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Ashton Cyrus
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Heather’s parents:
Hannah Lyons
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Henry Lyons
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Niall’s parents:
Sarah Horan
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Billy Horan
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Angelica’s parents:
Leslie Winters
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Paul Winters
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Harry’s parents:
Elizabeth Styles
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Hugh Styles
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Zayn’s parents:
Charlize Malik
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Dwayne Jacobs (Step-dad)
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Emma’s parents:
Kate Watson
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Colin Watson 
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Tom’s parents:
Andrew Holland
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Naomi Holland
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Sam’s parents:
Kate Jones
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Christian Clafin 
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Hannah’s parents:
Emma Murray
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Alan Murray
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Jamie’s parents:
Axl Bower
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Stevie Riggs
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Perrie’s parents:
Julie Edwards
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George Edwards
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Madison’s parents:
Nicole Beer
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Kyle Beer
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Justin’s parents:
Jon Bieber
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Linda Bieber (Step-mom)
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Bea’s parents: 
Linda Jonas-Bieber 
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Jon Bieber (Step-dad)
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Eddie Miller
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Bradley’s parents:
Anne Simpson
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Joseph Simpson
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Barbara’s parents:
James Palvin
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Rebecca Palvin
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Dylan’s (Coffee Man’s) parents:
Connie O’brien
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Charles O’brien
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Shailene’s parents:
Gerald Woodley
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Katherine Hanks
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Alex G’s parents:
Jeffrey Gaskarth
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Melissa Gaskarth
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Will’s parents:
Cate Poulter
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Daniel Poulter
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0 notes