judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Random prompts
"You’re breathtaking”
"We really made this baby together, huh"
"Aw, don't cry sweetheart..."
"I've always been proud of you"
"Waking up next to you is my favorite thing"
"You want me?"
"Open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you"
"Your body was made for mine"
"You have no idea how much I want you right now"
"Don’t be afraid, it’s just me”
"I promise I won’t hurt you"
"No, don't cry I hate it when you cry"
"I can't imagine who i'd be without you in my life"
"No way, you'd be a great dad, a great one"
"I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies"
"Feel what you’re doing to me? That’s all because of you"
"Tell me the truth"
"Smile, okay that's it you're scaring me"
"You remind me to always do what's right"
"No matter what I'm on your side"
"I think you’d be an amazing mother"
"Through the tears and the laughter you'll always have me"
"Your opinion of me won't change, right?"
"Show me all the scars you're covering and hiding away"
"I know you're scared but I'm here okay"
"God you're high for sure"
"It's the small things that people take for granted and that means the most"
"Then I met you and everything changed"
"I love your heart"
"Even when you're tired you're a teddy bear"
"I don’t know if I’ll be good enough"
"No one knows what it's like to be in my mind"
"You and me?" "Always forever"
"I'll keep fighting"
"Wild and free like a sunflower"
"Things that have happened in my life have haunted and followed me everywhere I've gone"
"I didn’t want to burden you" / "You are not a burden, don’t ever think that understand?"
"You’re skin is so soft"
"The baby's kicking! You wanna feel?"
"No need to hold back"
"The first one is always an adventure"
"Why do you care!" "Because i’m in love with you!"
"I trust you, more than anyone else"
"God you're so beautiful"
"You are my home too, you know?"
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wwereaderinserts · 2 months
Can I have Edge x Fem reader with the prompts "I never expected to have anyone love me the way you do" + "You brought so many things to my life that I thought I never deserved"?
Title: A Memorable Dinner Pairing: Edge x Reader Word Count: 933
“Okay, that’s it. What’s on your mind?” You set your cutlery down on your plate before you prop your elbows up on the dinner table, quirking a brow at Edge as you peer over at him sitting opposite you. He stops mid-swig of his beer and meets your eyes, seemingly freezing in time before he swallows it down and gives you a nonchalant shrug in response.
“I don’t know what you me-”
“Honey, come on. You’ve hardly said a word since the main course arrived.” you hum and give him a pointed look, “You can barely keep still in your seat, and you just…I dunno. You seem off. So talk to me.”
Casting him a knowing look, you press him slightly more on the matter. When it’s clear you’re not willing to let it go, Edge lets out a sigh, sets his glass down, and slouches back in his seat slightly. He gives it a moment and mulls his words over before he even thinks about opening his mouth to continue, and you find yourself hoping for the best, yet simultaneously expecting the worst ahead of time.
“Nothing’s wrong, babe. Really. It’s…I’ve been thinking about a few things lately, that’s all.”
Edge’s gaze only wavers from yours when he says the latter, and you feel your brows knit together when he looks away from you. It’s certainly ominous, to say the least. ‘Thinking about a few things’ could range from almost absolutely anything, positive or negative, and it definitely prompts anxiety to spike within you.
Noticing the way your brows knit together, he takes it as a silent plea to elaborate and either set your mind at ease if it turns out to be something positive, or just rip the bandaid off and stop prolonging it if it turns out to be something negative.
“Look, it…it’s been a hell of a year for us, right? Got our own place together, got over a few bumps in the road along the way, talked more about the future together.” Edge begins, and you give him a nod of acknowledgement, “But as time’s gone on, it’s made me realise a thing or two.”
His expression turns solemn now, and it does absolutely nothing to quell the churning you feel deep in your gut or the way you start to tremble with nerves. You wring your hands together in a feeble attempt not to let it show.
“Please don’t tell me you planned this night out just to end things with me.”
Even though you’d done such a stellar job of hiding your nerves up until this point, the quiver in your voice completely and utterly betrays you when you speak up. You clear your throat in a last ditch effort to try masking it, but you’ve already given yourself away. A frown flashes across Edge’s face, and he sits almost bolt upright in his seat once more.
“What? No! No, nothing like that!” he’s quick to dismiss your concerns, even quicker to reassure you with, “It’s the opposite, actually.”
He takes a deep breath, remaining silent for a moment if only to string together everything he wants to say in order to convey everything probably and leave absolutely no room for any doubts from you.
“Over the past year, you’ve made me realise just how lucky I am. How loved I am, because honestly? I never expected to have anyone love me the way you do.” Edge begins, the emotion in his voice beginning to choke him up as he fights to power through, “You brought so many things to my life that I thought I never even deserved, (Y/N).”
Edge cuts himself short for a moment, casting his gaze towards the ceiling in an attempt to quell the storm of emotions currently brewing up inside him. Seeing him choked up like this gets to you, and you feel your own eyes begin to well up with unshed tears as you reach out to take hold of his hand from across the table before you give it an encouraging squeeze, remaining silent to allow him to continue.
“So no, it’s definitely not a breakup. It’s more like…”
He trails off to briefly fidget in his seat as he reaches into his pocket, and it doesn’t take you long to connect the dots and figure out exactly what he’s about to say next. He slips out of his chair and gets down on one knee next to your table, opening a small, velvet box before he angles it towards you.
Your hands fly up to cover your mouth in total shock, and even though you’re beaming from ear to ear, the unshed tears now sliding down your face one by one. You can’t help but feel slightly foolish at the way you’d initially had everything figured out all wrong, but at the same time, the way he’s been acting throughout the night now makes total sense.
“It’s more of a ‘I love you so much, will you spend the rest of your life with me?’ kind of situation.” Edge chuckles and sniffles, looking up at you with the perfect combination of hope and adoration in his eyes, “So…will you marry me?”
You don’t waste a second in responding. With a fervent nod of your head, you rise up out of your seat and crouch down to his height to give him a tender, somewhat hasty kiss before you pull him into a warm embrace, not wanting to let him go.
“This is gonna be the easiest yes of my entire life. Of course I’ll marry you.”
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himbos-hotline · 6 months
What do you think of Edge? 🥺
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favourite wrestler growing up im stealing his gender, happy hes champ in aew
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edgerated · 7 days
"Oh Dwight, I brought coffee" Natalie smiled as she walked into the department in a pink sundress bringing coffee for Dwight as always even though it was her day off
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Looking up only slightly to see her as he was working on a very important case. “Thanks. Might need the extra pick me up today.”
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aritamargarita · 1 year
Little random edits I made
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mcflymemes · 2 months
✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨😘
thank you so much for this! this is so cute! :) i love making memes for sweet people like you!!! 💗💕💖💓💘💞
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wrestlezaynia · 2 months
Hope you're doing fine and I love you 🫶🏻
Thank you! I'm doing well, just watching Raw and sipping on coffee.
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saradika · 1 year
Inspired by your icon
May we have a sunflower version? 😘
Ahh hi!! Do you mean sunflower dividers? (If you do, I have some here!) 💖🌻💕🌻💖 (or did you mean my icon?)
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thebadtimewolf · 4 months
Here is Edge!
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hockey's edge
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
Every person who reblogs this post will receive a picture of Edge in their inbox. Every single one.
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☀️ + star wars + only one bed
He may seem sarcastic and cocky a lot of the time but when he saw the big and only bed in the room you could see his bravado instantly wipe away
After standing across from each other quiet and staring at the floor or wall he speaks up saying that you could share it just being careful of how close you would be
He made sure to face away from you with his face burning and bright red while you laid quietly waiting for him to throw in the towel and ask for a separate room
Soon after you fell asleep you accidentally turned and brushed your hand against his back making him freeze before carefully turning around looking at you
He gently fixes a part of your shirt that was messed up and moved a hair behind your ear before finally wrapping his arms around you and spooning you with your back to his chest for the rest of the night
You nearly fell off the bed when you woke up to find yourself wrapped in his arms with your head on his chest and his chin on top of your head but soon as you slowly calmed your racing heart you actually grew to like the warm feeling of being wrapped against him and fell back asleep to his warmth encasing you
He would be hiding his very beet red face in his hands while you offer to take the floor but he immediately grabs your shoulders telling you that you're taking the bed and he will take the floor
He will be determined to stay on the floor even when it is cold while you look at him wanting him to get in the bed until finally he looks at you getting up taking the blanket over him and putting him in the bed
He would be confused due to him being half asleep but soon falls asleep holding you to him holding his hand the rest of the night feeling comfort and love in the domestic moment
He would wake up for a minute smiling at you asleep on his chest moving a small strand of hair away from your face
When you both wake up you both go red staring at each other until you just moved hair away from his face pressing a kiss to his nose making him smile and turn even redder making you giggle
The two of you talk and lay beside each other even laying on top of him while talking and he doesn't mind just rubbing your back occasionally as you both fall back asleep to each other's warmth
Obi wan
He would immediately offer you the bed going for the couch wanting to make you feel comfortable and safe
He sleeps for 2 hours until you gently wake him telling him to get in the bed beside you realizing that you haven't slept a lot thinking and hesitating followed by him laying beside you in bed
Slowly you both fell asleep with your backs together but soon you woke up slowly tangling your legs with his and wrapping your arms around him with your face in the crook of his neck falling back asleep not knowing he had woken up not too long before you but pretended to be sleeping when he noticed you moving
He gently ran his hand over your hair until he fell asleep with a few strands tucked snug and loosely in his fingers with the other hand on your waist
The two of you woke up seeing each other at first both of you turned pink but then smiled and laughed just holding each other more leading to you telling each other how you felt
Soon sharing a bed became a secret and then lifelong habit that you shared together from that moment on
He may act like a big flirt but when he saw that big bed and didn't see another one he nearly lost the ability to breathe and his eyes popped out of his head
He would grab a pillow and blanket going to the other room but when you asked him to stay and sleep in the bed with you he reluctantly agreed making sure not to make you feel uncomfortable
Soon whether it was one or both of you at the same time you both slowly entangled your legs together with his hand on the back of your head and on your back while you tucked your face in the crook of his neck while you had one arm wrapped around his waist and the other around his shoulders falling asleep after
You woke you with your head tucked under his chin smiling as you listen to his slow breathing and fall back asleep to his warmth
The two of you wake up later on in each other's arms laying under the covers until you get breakfast and eat together in the room
He nearly fell on the floor only seeing one big bed instead of two smaller beds immediately offering to sleep on the floor or the couch in the other room
Soon after talking to you both end up changing in your sleep clothes and getting on your sides talking until you both fell asleep
During the night you woke up finding him leaned beside the window with his eyes red and tears flowing immediately sitting in front of him just gently talking
You open your arms and he latches onto you in a much needed hug soon pulling him back in bed with you letting him calm down slowly both of you falling back asleep after he gently kisses you
The two of you woke up the next morning learning the nightmare was about the first order and that they had taken you and harmed you not specifying what harmed meant but you knew he meant more than a couple of cuts and bruises
You both lay back down just holding each other sharing another kiss and making things official smiling as you hold each other
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☀️ + tolkien + only one bed <3
Omg yessss 😊
At first he would be frustrated because how tired he was
He would think for a while about what to do finally deciding for you to take the bed and him to have the couch or floor if there wasn't any other spot to sleep
After awhile he would wake up to see you waiting for sighing and getting beside you making sure to have just enough space to respect your boundaries but also where he had enough room to sleep and not fall off the edge of the bed
After awhile though you both slowly moved closer and closer whether it was because of the tension or because the two of you didn't feel as much awkwardness neither of you didn't know
You felt what you thought was the blanket being fixed but was actually him wrapping his arms around you
You wake up with your head on his chest not knowing what to do so you stay there and fall back asleep later waking up with him across the room looking out the window
You sit across from him talking and smiling when you look to see that he had wrapped his cape around you while you were asleep
Soon the two of you were in each other's embrace sharing a loving kiss going and eating breakfast
He never really shared a bed with anyone so he didn't know what to think or how to act about it even when he saw your eyes get big and your face turn a rosy pink
He offers you the bigger or more comfortable side of the bed or the whole bed but you stop him telling him you both need rest and you'd just share the bed for the night
After falling asleep he felt something warm touch his spine looking behind him to see your arms wrapped around his torso and your head against his spine quietly sleeping making him confused but then smile going back to sleep holding your hand
You wake up the next morning to see boromir sitting next to you smiling looking down at you which made you turn a bright pink trying to hide your face but he gently grabbed it kissing your cheek
Gently he pulls you into his lap making you laugh and then smile laying your head on his shoulder while he just holds you "I love you my dear"
He would be very nervous offering you the bed going to sleep in front of the fire but you immediately grab and gently sit him on the bed laying down
After a while of small talk and getting under the covers you both slowly fall asleep to the small cracks of the fire across the room
You were almost asleep when you felt a gentle but soft warm touch against your face peeking your eye open just enough where you'd still look asleep seeing him caress your face while he watches the fire
Soon you fell back asleep as he looks at you smiling before slowly and hesitantly leaning towards you kissing your cheek laying down and going to sleep
You woke up seeing frodo come in with first breakfast smiling as you locked eyes after leaning up as he put the tray in your lap sitting down beside you with a cup of tea in his hands
After finishing breakfast the two of you just talk while sitting up in bed laughing and smiling at the chaos of Merry and Pippin down the hall from the two of you
Soon you both get ready meeting the rest of the fellowship downstairs and continuing on your journey to Mordor
He would be very quiet and embarrassed not knowing what to do before turning around to bunk with frodo if the two of you couldn't get a different room with two beds
After finding out that it was the only room you could have he reluctantly agreed to share the bed making sure not to crowd you or overtake the whole bed
Soon he woke up feeling a bit warmer looking to see you asleep on him with your legs tangled with his and your head on his lower chest first a bit startled but after looking at you he smiles wrapping his arms around you going back to sleep
You both wake up wrapped and molded together making both of you turn bright red jumping away until you both laugh and sit back by each other
You place a kiss on his cheek making him frozen solid until he finally comes back to reality as you smile at him
The two of you share first breakfast getting ready going outside meeting everyone else who were waiting to leave and continue the journey to Mordor to destroy the ring
He would definitely offer you the room and get another one for him but before he could walk out you wouldn't mind sharing the bed
You make sure that you don't touch each other and soon you're both asleep until he wakes up seeing you at the end of the bed staring at the fireplace
You turned being brought into a hug by him staying like that for an hour until you looked at each other soon in a gentle and slow kiss holding each other until you laid back down with your arms around each other,legs entangled,and head on his chest listening to his heartbeat falling asleep not much long after
You both wake up showering together telling how much you felt for each other sharing kisses on your bodies then finishing getting ready and going down eating lembas bread waiting for everyone holding hands smiling
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
Every person who reblogs this post will receive a picture of Chyna in their inbox. Every single one.
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
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Tags: @romanthereigns @salirophiliac @livslunaticdamiansdisciple18 @aritamargarita @claymoresofinfamy23 @harmshake @imnotjesscossen @ripleylove @ayeeitsali @preistlover @sassginaswanmills @rrigamortis @wrestlezaynia
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☀️ + Tolkien + enemies to lovers!!
could be one of the Elves, Thorin, Elendil, Kili, or Aragorn - you can choose (really just no hobbits)
Oooh this could fit for any and it shall be 🧡
The two of you always had to be kept at arms length due to the fact that simple teasing would lead to your weapons at each other's throats causing Boromir and Aragorn to step in
You hoped that the journey wouldn't last for a long while so that not only all of you could go back to your homes but so that you wouldn't have to deal with the blonde elf that was driving you mad
What you didn't expect was to be gravely ill after being injured by an orc crying and moaning in pain on the ground crawling slowly until you felt gentle hands on you stopping you and carrying you to safety not expecting to see legolas above you with the most terrified look you had seen on his face
You went in and out of consciousness not knowing what happened or that legolas was right by your side cleaning and bandaging your wound and stopping anyone who wanted to step in and help when they found you laying in your sleeping bag with him next to you holding your hand
Slowly you started gaining consciousness and lucidity seeing him sleeping next to you noticing that you not only felt quite better but that you were wrapped in bandages as you looked around you saw aragorn next to you "You were stabbed by an orc and you already had a fever you almost died from how ill you were had it not been for legolas being by your side" you slowly looked to the sleeping elf in surprise
After getting well and all of you continued onwards you trailed behind pulling a confused legolas to a private spot of the forest while the others went ahead not knowing your absences
"You saved me...I thought you hated me" he looked at you in surprise grabbing and holding your face making your heart stop and beat faster "I don't hate you I never did mel" you turned rosy pink of him using elvish to you "Mellon nin Im mel cin" you both end up in a kiss that took your breath away
The two of you announced your relationship with everyone of different reactions from shock to surprise with aragorn smiling and hugging the both of you while frodo cheered making you giggle
He tried to be kind to you despite your rare trust with others there were only few people who met and got to know you that you truly trusted with your life and for a long while he wasn't one of them
That changed however when you were captured by the elves and when you were taken away to be questioned by King Thranduil and kept right by him for hours of questioning coming back with fingerprints embedded in your arms and a huge hand print on the side of your face
He immediately saw red saying every swear in the book and after escaping he wouldn't let anyone but you go near or touch his leg carefully bandaging it and checking on it every so often while gently talking to him
The two of you started feeling different towards each other not really knowing what to think of it but with advice from Bilbo and weirdly enough the beautiful elf Tauriel when she found you after getting lost you decided to confess to him
The two of you both told each other how you felt not really knowing what the other would think or do but when you started at each other but what you didn't expect was for him to surge forward pulling you into a passionate kiss
Soon the two of you were together always by the other's side holding hands or pinkies if you were around other people you didn't know always smiling at the other as you followed behind the others
He didn't know why he acted the way he did towards you but he knew that he had an off feeling about you but that he also wanted to protect you which confused you quite a bit
You didn't hate him because he was who he was or that he sometimes did things without thinking but you only didn't like him because the way he treated you ever since the two of you met after you volunteered to go with your friend Boromir on the journey to Mordor
Slowly overtime with help from Legolas and boromir the two of you became friends and were never seen without smiling or helping each other with something along the way
When boromir passed he held you as you cried watching his body go over the waterfall and you both would talk when the others were asleep one of those nights leading to something more
The two of you were enjoying the quiet of the fire and while talking he caressed a small cut on the side of your face leading to the two of you in a slow and loving kiss sleeping next to each other
Soon the two of you were stealing comforting hugs when either of you were upset,quietly crying and grieving for boromir who you had been friends with since the two of you were children,and breath taking kisses that made you feel love like you never felt it before
Before the battle of Helm's Deep you both broke the news to everyone which caused many reactions from everyone with Merry saying Pippin owed him money having a bet on the topic,Gimli full of surprise not believing it,Sam congratulating the two of you glad they you weren't arguing with each other,Eowyn smiling hugging both of you tightly at her two friends in love,Frodo smiling big while holding sam's hand,and Legolas giving his well known smirk realizing that he had already known for an amount of time
The two of you could never smile or talk respectfully to the other if you were in each other's presence always having to be pulled in another room by Bilbo or Balin
You were always in the back staying as far away as you can from him rarely talking or looking at him unless it was an argument or a brief moment of respect in order for everyone to get out of a situation alive
That changed when you jumped in to save him from Azog bilbo right next to you ready to fight while you checked him for wounds dragging him to the tree where everyone else was until the eagles came and took you to a much safer place
After hugging bilbo and as everyone walked away far enough he stopped you before you could follow "I thought that the way I felt for you was never going to change and I thought I would never love anyone but now over this past while it has changed" you stare at him feeling your heart race as he stares at you
He smiled which rarely happened especially towards you making you not only realize that the weird way you'd been feeling towards him also changed but that you knew that you couldn't see your life after this journey without him surging forward into a emotion fueled and truly wonderful kiss while the sun shines over the two of you
You took things slow and after reaching Laketown you both told everyone causing a bit of surprise amongst them except Gandalf who was smirking and bilbo who smiled hugging his two best friends as the two of you smiled at the future ahead together
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