#Jung Daehyun's ON AIR
everythingbap · 1 month
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🎪 [Jung Daehyun’s ON AIR] | 📸: PUZZLEPIECE
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xe-company · 1 year
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - At NEEDLE&THRONE with Heeyoung.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - At NEEDLE&THRONE with Heeyoung.
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THE BABY // Yong Hee-Young [YUI]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - At NEEDLE&THRONE with Meeyon.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Working a shift at DEAD AIR.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Ran into Meeyon + Heeyoung at NEEDLE&THRONE.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Was having drinks with Charlie at SOJU’S.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Study session with Junghee at THE BOOK EXCHANGE.
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THE PRODIGY // Yoshikawa Miwa [MARGOT]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - At the music room at RED TEAR ACADEMY.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Playing games at ARCADE ESCAPE.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Watching a movie at THE MOVIE HOUSE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Met up with Hachiro at OPEN ROOM MOTEL.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 -Was having drinks with Tsuki at SOJU’S.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Was at a family dinner at YENSHUI APARTMENTS. 
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NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Playing games at ARCADE ESCAPE.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Showing a movie at THE MOVIE HOUSE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Watching movie marathon he rented from VHS with Hiro + Heeyoung.
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THE WRITER // Oshita Hiroki [HIRO]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Writing at CHERRY BLOSSOM.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Watching movie marathon he rented from VHS with Seokwoo + Heeyoung.
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NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Went to the BLACK BOOK STUDIOS with Hachiro.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Working a shift at BLACK CANVAS.
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THE GOLDEN BOY // Min Jung-Hee [MJ]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Studying at THE BOOK EXCHANGE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Visiting extended family out of the city.
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THE RUNAWAY // Nakatani Hachiro [HACHIRO]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Went to the BLACK BOOK STUDIOS with Jihoon.
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NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Playing games at ARCADE ESCAPE.
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THE NEW KID // Kang Chanhee [CHANI]
NOVEMBER 16TH, 2017 - Was with Junghee at THE BOOK EXCHANGE.
NOVEMBER 17TH, 2017 - Was at DEAD AIR.
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CREDIT NOTE: The divider was from a tumblr account I can’t find atm I’ll re-credit after I find them, so credit to them as I didn’t make it!
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secangkircoklatsusu · 2 years
Kim Jiyoung Born 1982 (2019)
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Jung Yumi as Kim Jiyoung
Gong Yoo as Jung Daehyun
[Review ini telah ditulis pada tanggal 27 Februari 2021]
Baru sempet nonton movie ini, speechless sih perasaan gak karuan, air mata gak berhenti netes karena emang jadi perempuan itu gak mudah. Dikit-dikit insecure gegara "Gimana kata orang?" Padahal seharusnya kita lebih mikirin diri kita sendiri. Apalagi di movie ini bener-bener bikin nyes, walaupun aku belum menikah tapi aku ikut ngerasain gimana rasanya diperlakukan kayak gitu sama mertua. 😂 *Semoga calon mertuaku gak gitu*
Lucky for you kalau dapet suami macem Jung Daehyun ini, seenggaknya si suami gak ikut-ikutan atau minimalnya gak ngebiarin istrinya capek sendirian. Pulang cepet dari kantor cuma biar bisa bantu ngemandiin anaknya, that's beneran ngebantu sih.
Kim Jiyoung ini sebenernya masih pengen berkarir setelah menikah tapi karena tuntutan keluarga yang pengen cepet punya anak dan pasti si mertua juga kepengennya Jiyoung ngurus keluarga aja jadi dia lebih memilih resign dari kerjaannya. Tapi gak sampe disitu, setelah melahirkan Jiyoung ngerasa tertekan dan gak bahagia. Karena intinya dia ngerasa ada yang hilang dari dalam dirinya, sampe akhirnya dia gak sadar kalau dia mengidap depresi (aku lupa penyakitnya disebut apa).
Yang bikin kesel juga, Ayahnya Jiyoung lebih sayang sama anak cowoknya dibanding anak-anak ceweknya. Yang dipikirannya tuh anak cowoknya terus, sampe Ibunya Jiyoung marah-marah gegara Ayahnya cuma bisa nyakitin dan bersikap gak adil sama anak-anak ceweknya apalagi setelah tau keadaan Jiyoung yang depresi. Adegan pas Ibunya tau kalo Jiyoung sakit itu beneran paling nyess. Bapaknya juga emang keterlaluan sih, pas adik cowoknya Jiyoung nanya roti kesukaan Jiyoung apaan malah jawab roti kesukaan anak cowoknya.
Yang aku suka dari movie ini terlepas dari kekesalan aku selama nonton, aku terharu ngeliat Daehyun (Gong Yoo) berusaha bersabar dan menolong Jiyoung pas mulai keliatan depresi. Berkali-kali minta Jiyoung ke Psikiater walaupun Jiyoungnya ngeyel. Daehyun bener-bener pengen Jiyoung bahagia sampe rela ambil cuti dari kantornya biar Jiyoung bisa kerja selagi nyari Baby Sitter untuk anaknya. Karakter Daehyun ini yang bikin aku ngerasa, "Seenggaknya Jiyoung gak sendirian menghadapi problematika kehidupan rumah tangganya"
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Karena movie ini mewakili perasaan perempuan.
Movie ini bagus banget ditonton oleh semua orang. Suami, istri, mertua, tetangga, siapapun itu kalian cobalah menonton movie ini dan punyalah rasa empati dengan sesama manusia.
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kylomato · 6 years
Sasaeng fan Daehyun is my new headcanon XD
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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a reminder on side-events; they are non-mandatory occasional events that your muse can choose to participate in or not.
while missing an event might mean missing out on points, be aware that choosing to take part in it could have positive or negative consequences for your muse. there is also no telling which part of the event will have consequences either since they will be tailored to make it difficult to guess what could impact your muse. while the final consequences are decided at the same time as the event is created, we will only reveal them the sunday after the deadline if there are any. so choose wisely: are you willing to make a gamble with your muse?
( important note: EVERY MUSE in the company will take part in the event canon wise, whether or not a mun writes for it. )
since february is called the month of love, LEGACY has decided to spend this time to let the trainees show their appreciation towards everyone in the company.
for this side event, there will be two parts to it. the first part is to continue a legacy tradition ( and one that some older lgc muns might be familiar with ). in the past, trainees/actors/models/idols would be given 5 small bags of chocolates and 5 small bags of candies from two senior trainees ( JUNG YURIM and KIM SEOJUN, both npcs ) and their task is to hand it to other trainees SECRETLY. don’t get caught by the staff members or else you might get scolded by them!
the second part is a thank you vlive! trainees, actors, models, and idols will be paired up and given the task to create a thank you gift ( ex. diy gifts, snacks, self-composed song, etc. ) to one LGC ARTIST ( NPCS ONLY ). on the day of the filming, the pair will be doing a 20 minute vlive where they prepare the gift and talk about the process and any memorable events they have towards the LGC ARTIST. in terms of the gift preparation process, it has to be something that can be done within the scope of the four walls of legacy and within 20 minutes. if a staff feels that rules have been broken in the vlive, they will shut down the vlive immediately.
in terms of LGC ARTISTS, here are the possible list of people that the pair can pick:
please note that these two events will be happening sometime between FEBRUARY 14 to MARCH 19 ( ic wise ) and that if you pair up with another idol/actor/model, assume that the events happened when they had free time! 
APPRECIATION SUBMITS: to receive +1 SKILL POINT and +1 NOTORIETY per submit, write a 100+ word submission giving sweets to 10 other people. FIVE of those submits MUST be sent to muses you HAVEN’T interacted with yet. the submissions may have the same format, as long as a few words change, they will be accepted. for those who receive the submissions, you do not have to reply, but you have to make sure to publish everything before the event ends so that people can collect their points. please keep in mind that there is a possibility that the recipient of one of your submissions drops out without publishing the message. we thus encourage everyone to send more than the necessary amount, just to be sure that you’ll be allowed to collect points, though you may not collect more than the total of +10 skill points/+10 notoriety for this task!
GIFT VLIVE: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) reply thread with another lgc muse of THE SAME GENDER related to the vlive (ex. preparation of the gift, discussing their thoughts about the lgc artist, etc.) whatever you write in the thread will be AIRED so please keep that in mind when plotting. completing this will grant you +4 VARIETY and +2 NOTORIETY.
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lovemonth2k22 for everything related to the event. you have until MARCH 12, 2022 at 11:59PM EST to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
- APPRECIATION SUBMITS: +1 ( skill points distribution ), +1 notoriety [ NAMES OF THE MUSES YOU SENT THE SUBMITS TO & LINKS ] ** can do this up to 10 times for 10 points & 10 notoriety **
- GIFT VLIVE: +4 variety, +2 notoriety [ LINK ]
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Down By The Lake - Part 5 (Final)
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Summary: It was only meant to be a stolen moment between you and your lover Daehyun and ended with him framed for murdering your best friend. With the assistance of your aloof friend Inspector Bang, could you find the real culprit called The Pauper, in time to clear Daehyun’s name?
Pairing: Jung Daehyun x reader ft. Bang Yongguk
Genre: murder mystery / periodic au / horror-ish
Warnings: murder / death / dark content given the nature of the storyline
Down By The Lake will be shared daily at 10am NZST.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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When you opened your eyes, you expected to see the afterlife. And if seeing Daehyun’s face was the first thing you did when you woke up in heaven, then you were certain it had been worth it.
Until you realised heaven looked a lot like your chambers.
You were also not alone with the man you loved; instead, your room was full of many people. Groaning, you came to your senses as the pain settled in.
“This is not where I expected to be,” you croaked and Daehyun’s hand around yours tightened.
“This is exactly where you need to be,” he told you and you glanced at him before noting the look within your father’s face on the opposite side of the bed.
The elder shook his head tiredly. “You could have warned me. I almost lost the one person I hold the dearest.”
“My Lord, with all respect, would you have allowed Y/N to be the bait in the trap?” a deep voice enquired and angling your head around Daehyun’s, you spotted Yongguk sitting in a chair at the end of your bed. He had his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he perused a stack of reports. Finally, he glanced up and smiled warmly at you.
“Whilst I am certain my Lady has many questions as you all have comforting words to share,” Clare announced, ushering Daehyun up from his position beside you. She clapped her hands together loudly and even challenged your father with a stern look. “She is still a lady at best and one in which multiple men have spent a vast amount of time within the private quarters of. Now that you can see she has returned to us, I will ask of you all to leave at once.”
“But I have not-”
“She is my daughter and-”
“Very well, Y/N will bother me when she is ready to,” Yongguk finished, climbing to his feet and following the others forcibly being pushed to the exit.
You gave Clare a look and then sunk further into your bedding at her own harsh stare in return. You let out a heavy sigh. “Must I regain full health first?”
“That you must, my Lady.”
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It was a week later when you were able to leave your bed. Aside from your father, who was graciously allowed to sit with you for an hour each afternoon, much to his chagrin and Clare’s reluctance, you had not seen either Yongguk or Daehyun since waking up.
And Yongguk was right; you had many questions to bother him with.
“I need to go out today, Clare.”
“You will not,” she ordered and you glowered at the lady maid.
“If I do not possess the knowledge I require by the end of today, I fear I will fall ill again from too much thinking. Will you accompany me or not?”
“I will, however, only to the parlour.”
“Why there?” you questioned as the woman smiled. “Clare, what are you holding privy from me?”
“Oh, you will soon see, my Lady.”
Walking slowly, and with the aide of Clare, you made it to the parlour room without much discomfort. Opening the doors, you gasped when you found what had been a space set up for conversation over cross stitch, now looked like an entirely different room. Two large tables sat in the middle of the room facing one another, stacked with reports and books.
And at either station sat your longest friend and your lover.
You reached to hold onto your head. “What on earth is this?”
“Our current headquarters,” Yongguk announced simply and you stepped into the room, Clare shutting the door behind you. Moving over to them, you came upon Yongguk’s table first. He was reading notes that contained rather graphic diagrams and you shivered, wrapping your arms around yourself. You definitely had endured your fair share of frightening experiences recently and were not ready for anything further.
Daehyun smiled at you weakly. “I suppose this is a sight you might have never expected.”
“It is, though it does perhaps answer one of my questions,” you replied softly, moving to see what was on Daehyun’s side. He also held similar files, though with a different case number. “You were never a stable hand by profession, were you?”
“I have been many a thing in my time, but I assure you, this is the role I am most capable in. I fancy your father may need to look further into the credentials of his employees after my less than stellar performance in the stables.”
Yongguk snorted. “At least you were incredibly equipped to have at least his daughter fooled.”
“Inspector,” Daehyun warned, and then grinned when Yongguk rolled his eyes. Daehyun then turned to you. “Say, would you like some fresh air?”
“Please, I have been trapped inside for too long.”
“Whatever happens out there, do ensure this time I am not needed for another re-enactment,” Yongguk warned and you bit your lip whilst Daehyun laughed heartily, ushering you to the doors that led out into the garden.
Once settled into your amble, you glanced up at Daehyun right as he went to speak.
Sharing a gentle smile, you gestured for him to go first. He pocketed his hands and sighed. “I need to apologise and explain a lot.”
“Well, thankfully for me, my head has recovered faster than my side injury has, leaving me quite capable of listening to both.”
“I spend a lot of time undercover working for Inspector Bang. I have been a great deal of things and done even more than you can imagine. I was placed by your side for information. You attend the most events, as the only daughter and heiress to this family, and further, had the closest connections to everyone in the elitist scene. That was my primary role, to gather appropriate information to help with our investigation.”
“Yongguk knew it was someone within my circles?” Daehyun nodded and you closed your eyes. “Did he expect me to approach you as well?”
“He had not believed you would have any interest in me further than as an outside person to talk to. He knew of your past behaviour of going to the stables to let out your frustrations, however, that was all.”
“Did you plan for this?” you asked with your head down, unable to look him in the eye.
It would make sense, given his mission. You gave Daehyun an easy way in to garner your trust and potentially more information. With your apparent adoration for him, he could have gotten anything out of you had he worded it right. Though, as you thought over your time together before the night you were separated, most of it was conversation about yourselves and what a future between you would hold.
You couldn’t help but let out a hollow laugh. Was everything he shared with you just there to help the investigation along?
“I had not. Admittedly, I accepted willingly to grow closer with you, as it would help with our findings. Apart from being the worst stable hand, I was honest with you as much as I could be. There were times where I pleaded with Yongguk for me to leave. I grew vulnerable around you to the point I was worried I was in too deep to be effective to my role.”
“Should I believe this?” you wondered, continuing to walk on, stopping when you realised Daehyun had not. You examined his face, his expression uncertain. Returning to his side, you caught the first tear as it fell.
“Seeing you mere inches away from death frightened me beyond belief. I was willing to give up anything, even my own life if it meant you would stay earthbound.”
“You fool, I am still here so why are you crying?” you asked, feeling your own emotions rising behind your eyes.
Daehyun gave you a watery smile. “I am thankful you are still here. When we found your name on the top of the killer’s hit list right before Lucy’s death, I knew I would throw myself in the line of fire to save you.”
“Is that why you held me back from saving her?” you breathed and Daehyun shook his head.
“She was already dying and there was no way we could prevent it when we got there. I saw the angle he took. I did not want you to bear witness of her final moments like that.”
You nodded, gripping onto his shirt as you tried to settle your emotions. “Y/N, if I could have saved her, you know I would have, right?”
“I just wish we had been there sooner. I should have just asked to go for a stroll and not a swim.”
As you continued to talk over everything, you found that Daehyun had been taken away only to take refuge in Yongguk’s home. You stared up at him, speechless momentarily. “You mean when I was there…”
“I was in the adjacent room listening on.”
“Then you heard that I had held suspicions over you!”
He nodded. “I would have been surprised had you not.”
“As for the investigations Yongguk and I did?” you prompted and Daehyun sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
“I, unfortunately, got spotted.”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Yongguk saw me up in the tree watching on. You know, you were awfully close with him. Is there anything in the past between you both? I asked him many a time and yet he refused to answer.”
You smiled. “Then perhaps we should leave it like that.”
“I despaired over you!” you exclaimed, your frustrations mounting. “Here I was, wholly believing that I was saving your life and you were gallivanting around the countryside with us!”
“I would not go as far to stretch the truth and say I gallivanted,” Daehyun remarked and you let out a scoff, turning on your heel to walk away. “Now you just wait up a second!”
Daehyun caught you easily and you glowered in his direction. “And Yongguk! He must have had succumbed to fitful laughter with how ridiculous I was! I fear I will never be able to face him again with how mortified I am right now to be played by you both!”
“I very much so doubt that man can even laugh. I have yet to see him do such a thing in the past five years I have worked with him. Not even a chuckle!” Daehyun pointed out and you tried ever so hard not to fall trap to his amusing statement.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head, moving on with your complaints. “I was in danger and you both let it continue!”
“It was a risk, yes. However, you did agree.”
“Only because I believed you were framed!”
“Okay, so is this the part I get down on my knees in forgiveness?”
“You believe I could accept such a thing?” you wondered, looking away just in time as Daehyun dropped before you.
“It was a necessary evil and I do apologise for the grievances I have stricken you with,” he implored and you angled yourself ever so slightly to see his face. Daehyun reached out for your hand, gripping it fondly. “It was the most challenging time of my existence, I’ll have you know. I had to remain invisible in order to fool you and the killer. Even if I saw you most days, it felt as if I only did so from afar. I could do nothing for you and had to rely on others to protect you in my absence. I cannot explain how antagonising that was for me.”
“Did you know there was a separate killer?”
“We did have our suspicions. Yongguk knew I was out there waiting since Lord Wilsford had used the track to escape before and that was why he let you go with him.”
You gestured for Daehyun to get up, letting out a lengthy sigh before slipping your arms around his waist, surprising him. “I have a few requests, of course, if I am to accept your apology.”
Daehyun relished in your closeness, his arms embracing you snugly to him. He hummed for you to continue.
“Will you continue to be undercover?”
“Whilst it is a skill I possess, I do not believe it is something I will be asked to do often now.”
“Do I have to concern myself of you luring another woman if you have to return to such a task?” you continued and he pulled you back to arm’s length.
“You approached me first!”
Giving him a look, you began to repeat yourself. “Will you-”
“No, I will never. My heart belongs to only one person and I could never betray that love.”
You smiled, satisfied. “Will you leave me in the predicament that I currently am in?”
“Which is?”
“Well, I am in want of a husband. Is that a role you wish to obtain?”
Daehyun smiled, leaning into you. “You are positively a wicked creature. I was worried you were going to turn me away for good.”
“I merely asked for your assistance in making an honest woman out of me. My father believes we have-”
“No, he has been informed of the truth after a very intense approach on his behalf.” Daehyun laughed awkwardly, looking a little uncomfortable. “There was some time between your coming back to us, Y/N.”
You laughed, imagining the approach your father had taken. “Still, I shan’t wait for you forever. You will be busy with your new position and I may find someone else who takes my fancy. There will be a new stable hand-”
“Must I confess my endearment for you right now? In the most unprepared manner?”
“Whilst I would love to hear it all, I do wish to be courted properly.”
Leaning in to kiss you, Daehyun rested his forehead upon yours. “I will thank the Gods every day that you returned to me.”
“You told me I could not leave you yet.”
“Can I be selfish and ask that you never do until it is time for us both to see another world together?”
“Who else would I risk my life for?” you replied, leaning in to kiss Daehyun again. “My heart is yours.”
“And my soul will become one with you when we say I do.”
“I want to hear that right now.”
“We cannot have one nice moment, can we? Did you not just proclaim you want to be courted properly? That will require time and-”
You cut off Daehyun’s words with another kiss, smiling into the embrace as you did so. “This is a very nice moment, my love.”
“One of many, now that you are safe.”
“Safe? Why with you around I do wonder if that is a word I can use. I saw the case-studies you and Yongguk are working on. What kind of mischief are you going to get yourselves into next?!
Laughing, Daehyun nuzzled you with his nose and sighed. “I believe that anything with you has the ability to be much more frightening than those who I chase down.”
“Does it scare you?”
“On the contrary,” he murmured, holding your chin within his hand as he angled in for another kiss. “I am excited for what will happen next.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[B.A.P Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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noona-clock · 4 years
Mistletoe Manor - Part 8
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Genre: 1900′s AU/Romance
Pairings: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyung, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong x OCs
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Words: 2,607
A/N: Chelle ( @prettywordsyouleft​​ ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
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As Christmas grew ever closer, tensions in Mistletoe Manor grew ever higher. Even though the annual winter festival had gone off without a hitch, as usual, the actual holiday still brought activities like caroling and sleigh rides and the Mistletoe Ball on Christmas Eve. Evie had also decided to organize a book drive earlier on in the year, wanting all the residents of the village to have at least one book in their homes, and by mid-December, it was in full swing.
Those were just the tensions brought on by the upcoming holiday, though.
There were even more personal tensions inside the house.
As soon as Lydia informed Brian that Lady Josephine secretly liked to be annoyed, he made it his mission to do just that: annoy her. Every chance he got, he would follow her around or ask random questions or repeat whatever she said. It very obviously drove her crazy, and yet… she never avoided him.
Yongguk never avoided Evie, either, but their situation was markedly different.
Just as Brian had resolved to spare no expense when it came to annoying Joey, Yongguk had resolved to spare no expense in getting closer to Evie -- the normal way. He wanted to get to know her, get her to open up to him. He wanted to open up to her. And, thankfully, the book drive was allowing him to do just that.
“Another package?” Evie asked breathlessly as she gazed over at the butler standing in the library doorway.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied with a nod. “From your grandparents.”
Evie had reached out to many different noble families across the country, including her family members, to donate books they no longer needed, and they had begun trickling in last week.
The only problem was - they hadn’t stopped. The library at Mistletoe Manor was now overflowing with books, and she wasn’t scheduled to deliver them all for another few days. If any more arrived after this package, she would have to take over the parlor next!
“I’ll get it,” Yongguk assured her, setting down the book he was holding and stepping over a small pile at his feet.
“Thank you,” she breathed as her brow furrowed with gratitude.
Yongguk followed the butler to the back door, grunting softly when the postman transferred the package into his arms. He thanked both him and the butler gruffly before carrying it back to the library.
As soon as he stepped back through the door, he heard Evie’s quiet yelp and hurried footsteps.
“Here, let me help,” she squeaked, and just a few moments later, half the weight was lifted from Yongguk’s arms.
The two of them carried the box over to one of the only empty spots on the floor, Evie letting out a huff as they did.
“Hopefully, that is the last of them,” she worried as she gazed around the room. And then she quickly turned her attention back to Yongguk, her forehead wrinkled deeply. “I am not complaining, of course! I’m overjoyed the book drive has been so successful, and now all of the villagers can have more than one book, but --”
Yongguk cut her off with a soft grin and said, “I understand. You’re overjoyed but overwhelmed.”
Evie nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Thank you so much for helping,” she said quietly. “I wouldn’t be able to do this by myself, and no one else volunteered, so without you --”
Rather than simply cut her off with a grin this time, Yongguk held his breath and reached out to put his hand on her upper arm.
“I’m happy to help,” he told her, feeling the warmth seeping through his gaze. “I’m happy to spend time with you.”
Evie visibly gulped, and Yongguk began to regret his words… but then she murmured, “You are?” in the softest, smallest voice he’d ever heard. It made his heart swell, and that protective feeling he’d felt that first day he met her? It was back and about ten times more powerful.
He nodded, letting a half-smile tug at his lips as he did his best not to break eye contact.
And then a half-smile to mirror his tugged at Evie’s lips. “I… I’m happy to spend time with you, too,” she whispered.
A low whistle suddenly filled the air, and both Yongguk and Evie jumped slightly in surprise.
“I’d say you’ll have enough books to hand out, Evie,” Daehyun proclaimed as he stood in the doorway to the library.
Yongguk instinctively stepped away, letting his hand fall from Evie’s arm and hoping his friend hadn’t noticed.
“My goodness,” Cassie gasped as she followed behind her husband. “Evie, darling! I had no idea -- Why, how very successful this book drive of yours has turned out to be!”
During the week he’d spent here, Yongguk had gotten to know his friend’s wife rather well. When he wasn’t spending time with Evie, he was spending time with the couple. He admired her, and he approved of her thoroughly as a match for Daehyun.
But he wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t bother him that she, along with the rest of her family, seemed to overlook Evie so much. They believed her to be capable mostly of losing herself in a good book and woolgathering.
It was actually quite frustrating.
How did they not see how intelligent and caring and witty and beautiful she was?
“Really?” Yongguk asked, unable to stop himself. “As soon as I heard of the idea, I knew Evie would achieve her goal. It’s simple enough so most people who are able to contribute will, but the end result will still make such a profound and thoughtful difference in the community. It’s quite brilliant.”
And now three pairs of eyes were staring at him. Two somewhat agape expressions and one incredibly bashful one.
Yongguk simply raised his eyebrows before reaching for the letter opener on a nearby desk and cutting the string off the newly arrived package.
The room was silent as he opened the box, nobody speaking until he murmured to Evie, “We should sort these and get ready for our first delivery.”
“Yes,” she replied in a strangled whisper.
“Right,” Daehyun cleared his throat, his voice filled with false joviality. “We’ll -- we’ll leave you to it, then.”
“Yes!” Cassie agreed. “Let us know… if you… need anything.”
The last words of her statement had been so lackluster, however, that Yongguk knew she knew neither him nor Evie would ask for their help.
Yongguk was too busy unpacking the boxes to see the couple leave, but he heard the door squeak and click close.
“You --” Evie began, and he kept his gaze focused on the books rather than looking up at her. “You really thought that?”
“I did,” he answered shortly. The awestruck tone in her voice actually made him quite angry. She sounded as if no one had ever said anything like that about her before, and to be honest, that was most likely true.
“You thought… my idea was… brilliant?”
Yongguk paused then, gently setting down the book he had just picked up. He stepped over the box and came to stand in front of Evie.
He took a breath and then… he took her hands.
“I think you are brilliant.” 
Evie’s eyes widened, and they became glassy as she gazed at him.
“I know it has only been a week since I arrived,” he continued. “But even from that very first day, I knew I wanted to spend as much time with you as I could possibly manage. I could tell from speaking with you for just a matter of minutes that you’re -- Evie, you’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met. In the best way possible. You’re intelligent and observant and witty and thoughtful and caring and…”
He gulped, working up the courage to say these next words:
“And you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. Inside and out. I want to know everything about you. I want to ask you any and every question I can think of because I want to hear your answer. I could listen to you talk all day, and when night falls, I would still be eager to hear more.”
There was so much more he could say. There were so many more feelings in his heart he could divulge, but the look on Evie’s face right now was so flabbergasted, he decided now was a good stopping point.
“Oh -- oh my,” she breathed after a few moments of silence. Her eyes searched his face, and Yongguk took it as a good sign that she wasn’t avoiding his gaze. “I -- I have imagined someone saying things like this to me before. Telling me I’m brilliant and beautiful, and I -- in my mind, I always knew exactly what to say in return. But now I find -- I have no earthly clue.”
She looked into his eyes with the most heart-wrenchingly guilty expression, and Yongguk chuckled softly. He brought one of her hands up to his lips and placed a tender kiss on her knuckles.
“As long as you don’t feel like telling me to leave your sight forever --”
“No!” she interrupted forcefully with a quick shake of her head. “No, please -- please don’t do that.”
Yongguk took a step closer to her, letting go of one of her hands and (hesitantly) moving his own hand to cradle her cheek.
“If it is your wish,” he whispered. “I will stay by your side. For as long as you like.”
Evie bit her bottom lip, though Yongguk could see a smile threatening to appear, tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Well,” she whispered back. “I wish for you to stay by my side at least until we make the book deliveries. I cannot do that on my own.”
He couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh, and Evie laughed along with him, the sound filling his heart with warmth.
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“Why are you smiling like that, My Lady?” Lydia asked after closing the door to Cassandra’s bedroom. She laid out the nightgown and robe she’d brought up for her mistress, setting them on the bed and smoothing out the silk fabric.
Cassie had been smiling almost non-stop for a week now, but this smile was different.
Cassie turned around in her chair, pausing her nightly routine of taking off her jewelry. And with sparkling, bright eyes she said, “I think Evie has found her match.”
Lydia’s eyebrows shot up her forehead as she began to make her way over to Cassie’s vanity. “Lord Yongguk?”
“Wh -- yes, but how did you know?”
A smirk crept onto her lips as she bent to retrieve Cassie’s hairbrush. “Anyone with eyes can see he has been smitten with her. And have you known Evie to spend that much time with anyone?”
Cassie turned back around to face the mirror, her brow furrowed as Lydia began to take the pins out of her hair. “Well… no… Do you know much about him?”
“Only a little, Ma’am,” Lydia answered. “I know his valet speaks very highly of him.”
“His valet also does a very good job of annoying Joey,” Cassie murmured. “I wish he wouldn’t.”
“Oh, it’s all in good fun.”
“...Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, My Lady,” Lydia chuckled. “I told him that Lady Josephine likes to be annoyed, which you very well know is true.”
“Yes, but -- he’s a valet. I don’t wish for anything... improper to happen.”
Lydia paused for a brief moment before resuming taking down Cassie’s hair. “It’s not like that, My Lady, I’m sure of it. Besides. Miss Grace has already checked ‘Improper Romance’ off the list this year.”
“Lydia!” Cassie giggled, meeting her maid’s eyes in the mirror and grinning at her. “You’re terrible.”
“I’m terrible, but I’m also right,” she responded. 
“Yes... I suppose you are,” Cassie said with a soft sigh. “At least, I hope you’re right about Evie. She asked me not too long ago if she might find love this Christmas. Do you really think she has?”
Lydia set the final pin from Cassie’s hair on the vanity top and began running the brush through her long, wavy locks. “I believe she might have,” she answered. “If someone looked at me the way Lord Yongguk has looked at her...”
Cassie frowned, turning around to face Lydia rather than meeting her gaze in the mirror. “But someone does look at you like that.”
Lydia’s eyes widened slightly, and she stammered, “Wh -- what are you -- My Lady, I don’t know what --”
“We can all see that Seo Joon has feelings for you, Lyddie,” Cassie stated bluntly. “And that you return them. Now that I’ve found love... Grace has found love... and Evie, too... don’t you think... maybe... it’s time? For you?”
Lydia stared at her mistress, eyes blinking and mouth agape.
...Was it time for her? She hardly knew the answer.
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Seo Joon had to admit: he’d been wrong about Brian. 
Upon first meeting the man, he hadn’t liked him. There had just been something about him which had rubbed Seo Joon the wrong way.
Looking back, it was probably just the fact that Lydia had been standing so close to him and had offered to take him on a tour. He hadn’t wanted her to spend all that time with him -- alone.
Okay, fine, yes: he had been jealous.
But after taking Lydia at her word that she wouldn’t fall for Brian and actually making an effort to get to know him over the past week, Seo Joon found he was actually a very pleasant fellow. And an excellent card player.
“You sure you don’t want to fold?” Brian asked with a smirk after Seo Joon slid another coin into the pot in the middle of the table.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Seo Joon chuckled. “And are you sure you want to keep annoying Lady Josephine?”
It hadn’t taken long for basically every staff member here at Mistletoe Manor to learn of the friction between the valet and the youngest lady of the house. Neither of them did much to hide it, though they probably should have.
“Oh, yes, I’m sure,”  Brian answered.
Seo Joon’s eyes darted around the kitchen to be sure everyone had already gone up to bed before he murmured, “Just... be careful. She’s never had her heart broken before.”
Brian’s brow furrowed as he stared at his cards, flicking the edge of one with his fingernail. “I... I don’t know what you mean. It’s all in good fun.”
His tone was not convincing, but... Seo Joon decided to humor him. “If you say so.”
“But while we’re on the subject...” Brian sighed. And then he simply said, “Lydia.”
Seo Joon straightened in his chair, shifting his gaze from his cards to the valet sitting across from him. “...What about Lydia?”
Brian simply smirked. “You tell me.”
Seo Joon hated to do this, but... he did anyway. He used Brian’s own words against him. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Brian chuckled. “If you say so.”
The two men sat at the table for a few silent moments, staring at their cards.
But it was safe to say their minds were not focused on the game.
“I fold,” Seo Joon finally relented, setting his cards down and pushing his chair back from the table.
“As long as you’re only folding from the game,” Brian called out after him as he began to gather all the coins together. “Don’t fold from love!”
Seo Joon almost rolled his eyes at Brian’s statement...
If he was being completely honest...
He was right.
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Part 9
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julietgang · 4 years
Song Tag
Create a playlist out of the name of your one of you biases
I was tagged by the lovely and beautiful @chanchao-kha always have the most beautiful and wonderful time!!! ❤❤❤❤
Love Shot by EXO
Error by VIXX
The 7th Sense by NCT U
After Party by SPECTRUM
Eyez Eyez by VICTON
Obsession by EXO
No Air by THE BOYZ
Getting Closer SEVENTEEN
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My handsome ultimate ~
I tag @okayoongii & @tintinuwu ~
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sera-chyeah · 5 years
About Me
I was tagged by @wingssomnia @dontlookatmelikethatyongguk @markwarddimsum and maybe others, but it took me forever to do this sorry ><” i love youuuuuuuu
Name: Sera is fine
Birth year: 1993
Star sign: Aquarius ♒
Height: 5’10” (180 cm)
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first 4 songs.
1. Trigger - TVXQ
2. Lovesick - B.A.P
3. Only Tears (눈물만) - Acoustic ver. - Kim Sunggyu
4. Trust Me (괜찮아!) - Dreamcatcher
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23 what’s the 17th line?
“私はうさぎの鼻のラインが大好きなので、うさぎの(カピバラの)鼻のラインに......” “I love the line of a rabbit’s nose so, [here is the] rabbit’s (capybara’s) nose line…”  (It was a Japanese drawing book….)
Ever had a song or poem written about you?
Does my sister writing something for her 5th grade assignment count?
When was the last time you played air guitar?
I played air drums last week..?
Celebrity crushes
Bang Yongguk, Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jongup, & Choi Junhong.
What’s a sound that you love/hate
I loooove thunderstorms. (Like, just being in a storm is so exhilarating, yet calming at the same time?? The rumble that goes through your whole body, through your very soul, the sound of the rain and thunder, the lightning flashing along like the short existence of life-- ahem.)
I hate silence.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you drive? If you do have you ever crashed?
I drive, no crashes
Last book you read?
カピバラさん (Kapibara-san)
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Last movie you saw?
Aquaman 2
Do you have any obsessions right now
I’ve been more focused than usual on capybaras recently…? (And B.A.P of course) BUT, I MEAN, LOOK AT THEM:
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Do you tend to hold grudges
OH YEAH. I still hold a grudge against this girl who aggressively pushed me off a swing when I was in 3rd grade 😒
Are you in a relationship right now
No 😔
Tagging @0rian3 @courage-love-wisdom @forgivemyevilsins @daespacito @daehyunsbabyelf @httpbang no pressure, though~ Idk if you guys have already done this or not anyway lol
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courage-love-wisdom · 5 years
About Me
Tagged by @sera-chyeah and I think someone else tagged me on this, but I can’t find the notification, I’m so sorry!
Name: Sue
Birth year: 1988
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Star sign: Sagitarius
Height: 173 cm.
Put your playlist on shuffle and name the first 4 songs.
1. Choke - IDKHOW
2. Young, Wild & Free - B.A.P
3. Mine - Kim Jaejoong
4. Mirror - MBLAQ
Grab the nearest book, turn to page 23 what’s the 17th line?
Acerca de extrañas cosas preguntáis. Algo me dice que no sois quien yo creía.
You ask strange questions. Something tells me you are not the person I took you to be.
Blood of Elves. Andrzej Sapkowski
Ever had a song or poem written about you?
Nop. Well, does Daehyun’s song Baby count?
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Last week.
Celebrity crushes
Yang Seungho, Bang Yongguk, and Jung Daehyun.
What’s a sound that you love/hate
Love: Husky and deep voices.
Hate: People chewing their food, it’s disgusting. (So yeah, that video of B.A.P doing ASMR while eating... a blessing to my ears).
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in aliens?
Of course.
Do you drive? If you do have you ever crashed?
Last book you read?
The Lady of the Lake - Andrzej Sapkowski
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Last movie you saw?
The Favourite. 
Do you have any obsessions right now
I don’t think so, but of course B.A.P is always there, and will always be.
Do you tend to hold grudges
I forgive but not forget. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you in a relationship right now
Thank you for tagging me!, it was fun to do. I will tag @namia-a @thehighpriestessof9 @wingssomnia @shisaitarou @betrayabsoluteperfect
Of course there’s no need to do it if you don’t want to. Have fun!
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everythingbap · 1 month
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🎪 [Jung Daehyun’s ON AIR] | 📸: mooni
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
You (Ch. 15)
Characters: Misun (OC), Jung Daehyun, B.A.P, other side characters Genre/ Warnings: Fluff, romance, slow burn Word Count: 1584
StrongChan: “You can do this, Misun. It'll be worth it. You trust me, right?”
Giant Baby: “Noona fighting! Remember that he loves you, too.”
SassJae: “It'll be worth the effort. You can always tease him about why you haven't met his crush yet. Or why he's being so secretive ;)”
Best Unnie: “Don't flake out on him. I know you're thinking about it, but don't you dare! <3”
It was Friday night and Misun was being inundated with supportive messages. But no matter what they said, she was still nervous. She had reached out to her closest friends in search of advice or a way out of going to the mall with Daehyun. But she was having no such luck.
She sighed as she got ready for bed, climbing under the covers. Countless scenarios went through her head concerning tomorrow. What should she wear? Should she act normal? Like she isn't bothered by this? Should she pick something that's actually really ugly that no girl would like? Misun groaned and rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. She watched the glow of the street lights flicker across the ceiling for hours until she finally fell asleep.
The doorbell rang and Misun jumped. She straightened out her blouse and jeans, then grabbed her bag and coat on the way to the door. She opened it to find Daehyun standing handsomely before her with his leather jacket open, in a white v-neck graphic t-shirt and dark skinny jeans.
He looked her over and smiled. “You look nice~ Ready to go?”
“Mhmm” She nodded and stepped out, locking the door behind her.
Daehyun grabbed her hand and led her down to the parking lot to a red sports car. He took her to the passenger's side and opened the door. “Climb in.”
“Wait, this is your car??” She asked, eyes wide. He simply nodded and smiled wider. Misun shook her head but got in anyway. Daehyun shut the door and went around to get in behind the wheel.
“Okay, the mall is about 30 minutes away. Think you can handle me in an enclosed space for that long?” He glanced over at her with a cheeky grin as he drove out of the lot.
She smiled back at him, trying to relax. “I don't know, that seems like a long time.”
Daehyun laughed and shook his head. “Aish, so mean to me…” He reached out and turned on the radio. Songs that they both knew played one after another and they sang along, imitating different styles and voices. By the time they reached the mall, Misun had relaxed to her usual self.
“I've never actually been to this mall..” Misun told him as they walked toward the building.
“Really? Well then you better hold my hand so you don't get lost.” He winked at her as he offered his hand.
“Hmm, maybe I'd rather get lost..” She laughed at his dumbfounded expression and reached out, holding his hand tightly. “I'm teasing, you dork.”
“I knew that. OH LOOK, A PHOTOBOOTH!! Come on!” Suddenly Daehyun was dragging Misun through the mall to a set of photo booths along a wall.
“A what?” She looked at the box in confusion, having never used one.
“Let's take some pictures! Come on, it'll be fun!” When she still looked hesitant, he gave his best pouty face, hoping to win her over. “Pleeeeaseee?”
“Alright, fine.” She blushed as he pulled her into the tiny booth and closed the curtain.
Since there wasn't much room to sit, he pulled her onto his lap. “Alright, you just sit here and be your adorable self, while I press all the buttons.”
She sighed, but did as he said.  “I'm not adorable. And aren't I too heavy?”
“Nonsense. And no, you're lighter than a feather. You should eat more.” He teased, making her smile. “Okay here's the first one. Smile~”
Together they smiled and goofed around for three of their four shots. For the last one, Daehyun pointed to his cheek. At first, Misun couldn't figure out what he wanted. When she got it she blushed, but took the opportunity anyway. She leaned in and kissed his cheek just in time for the shutter to click.
Blushing like crazy, Misun practically jumped out of the booth for some cooler air. Daehyun laughed at her as he stepped out.
“Now what?” Misun asked, looking over as Daehyun waited next to the booth.
“Now the pictures come out.” Sure enough, two sets of pictures came down the shoot and into Daehyun's hand. Misun looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Look at us, we're freaking adorable.” He chuckled and handed Misun one set of the pictures. He folded his and put it in his wallet while Misun put her’s in her bag.
“Okay, and now what?” Misun looked up at him as he slung his arm across her shoulders.
He looked around as he answered. “Now present. What do girls like?”
“Right, um…” Misun felt her heart sink a little, but she had resigned herself to helping Daehyun like a good friend should. “Girls like flowers? Clothes? Jewelry?”
He nodded as he thought as well. “Jewelry might be nice.” He said with a smile.
“Alright, there’s a few jewelry stores here on each floor, according to the directory. We can go to each until you find one you like.” She suggested, stopping at the map as they almost walked past it.
“Woo, let’s go~” Daehyun led the way to the first shop of the day.
“Aw, what a cute couple.” Two old ladies were talking on a bench as Daehyun and Misun passed by. They both blushed and continued walking, pretending not to have heard what was said.
They perused the first three shops with no luck. Nothing seemed to catch either Misun’s or Daehyun’s eye.
As they browsed around the fourth store, Misun thought of a question. “So do I know your crush?”
“Yeah, she’s in the drama club.” He told her absentmindedly as he looked at the case of rings.
Her mind immediately went to Sooyeon and she tried not to freak out. Those two did spend a lot of time together practicing. Maybe she had eventually won him over. “Daehyun oppa, let’s go look at a different store.” She clutched at his hand tightly and began to pull him away before he could even protest.
“Misun.” He called out to her, but she wouldn’t look at him. He chuckled because he knew what she was thinking. In the month or so that they had been friends he had gotten to know her pretty well. “It’s not Sooyeon, just so you know.”
Misun stopped and turned to look at him. “It’s not?”
He rolled his eyes and pulled her in for a hug. “No, dummy. This girl is someone much better.” He kissed the top of her head before letting her go and taking her hand in his. “Alright, next store~”
After finishing the first floor, they decided to get giant pretzels. It had been almost two hours that they were here already and they could both use a break. As they ate, they talked about different kinds of jewelry and confession options.
“Honestly oppa, she’ll probably love anything you give her because it’ll be from you.” Misun told him as she dusted some cinnamon sugar off of her fingers.
“I’m still worried. She might not return my feelings.” He looked down and tore off part of his pretzel, dipped it in cheese, and held it up. “Wanna try?”
Misun nodded and opened her mouth. Daehyun calmly fed her the pretzel while secretly going crazy on the inside. “Mm, that’s good! Want to try mine?” He nodded and she fed him some, smiling as he groaned at how good it tasted.
They quickly finished up and threw their trash away. “Alright, second floor?” Daehyun asked, taking her hand naturally.
“Let’s go!” Misun used as much enthusiasm as she could, pulling him along behind her. They went up the escalator and into their fifth store of the day. They combed through the cases, looking for something cute or romantic. However, Misun became sidetracked when she saw a necklace sitting in a back corner of a display case. It was an onyx heart with gold claws holding a diamond in the middle. She stared at it long enough for Daehyun to notice and he came over to investigate as well.
He rested his chin on her shoulder to see what she was looking at. “Find something?”
“Hm? Oh, uh, no?” She tried to process her words. “It’s not something that every girl would like. If she likes cute things, it’s probably not-”
“That gold and black one, right?” He asked, to which she just nodded. “It’s perfect, actually.” His small grin widened to the biggest smile she had ever seen him wear. He called the attention of the store clerk and quickly purchased the necklace without any trouble.
“Alright, so I guess we’re done?” Misun asked as they headed back out to the car with their arms linked. She tried to keep the sadness out of her voice, but Daehyun still noticed.
“How about you come to my and Jae’s apartment for lunch? He’s hanging out with Zelo and Jongup today, so it’ll just be us, is that okay?” He offered as they got into the car.
“That sounds good, let’s do it!” Misun smiled, glad to have her time with Daehyun extended by any amount possible.
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heroes-hq-blog1 · 5 years
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CHOU TZUYU, TWICE › weapon manipulation
PARK CHAEWON/GOWON, LOONA › vector manipulation / triple a bassist canon *
SHIN RYUJIN, ITZY › astral manipulation / infinity sub-plot / orange canon
UNDECIDED FACECLAIM › cryokinesis / welcome wagon canon
UNDECIDED FACECLAIM › intangibility / stark internship canon
JEON HEEJIN, LOONA › weather manipulation *
KIM DAHYUN, TWICE › telekinesis
KIM JENNIE, BLACKPINK › heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine canon
KIM JISOO, BLACKPINK › electrokinesis / welcome wagon canon
SONG YUQI, (G)I-DLE › the normal canon **
YOOK SUNGJAE, BTOB  › superhuman speed / daily bugle editor-in-chief canon
CHEN LINONG, NINE PERCENT › technology manipulation / stark internship canon
PARK SOOYOUNG/JOY, RED VELVET › heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine
IM JINAH/NANA, AFTER SCHOOL › umbrakinesis, heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the sick six
JANG YEEUN, CLC › kinetic energy manipulation / stark internship canon
JUNG JINSOUL, LOONA › puppet mastery
KAISEI TAKECHI, EXILE TRIBE › adaptive power replication / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine
KIM DOYEON, WEKI MEKI › feline physiology, triple a bassist canon
KIM JONGDAE/CHEN, EXO › sonic scream
KIM YOOHYEON, DREAMCATCHER › crystal manipulation / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine
MYOUI MINA, TWICE › self replication
NAM JOOHYUK, ACTOR › light manipulation
HYE OLIVIA, LOONA › ghost physiology
JUNG CHAEYEON, DIA › daily bugle staff canon
KIM TAEHYUNG, BTS › illusion manipulation
KWON EUNBI, IZ*ONE › memory manipulation
LEE FELIX, STRAY KIDS › imagination manifestation
LEE TAEMIN, SHINEE › erebokinesis
PARK JIHOON, TREASURE13 › welcome wagon canon
SEO KANGJOON, ACTOR › conceptual items
WEN JUNHUI, SEVENTEEN › energy assimilation / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / triple a guitarist canon
WU KRIS, SOLOIST › shapeshifting 
YOO SEONHO, SOLOIST › animal morphing
AHN SUNGJIN / “SPECTRE” YANG JEONGIN, STRAY KIDS › psionic energy / infinity sub-plot / yellow canon
CHAE HYUNJIN / “MAYHEM” KIM MINJU, IZ*ONE › enhanced combat / stark internship canon
CHOI BEOMSEOK / “BULLDOZE” KIM MINGYU, SEVENTEEN › superhuman strength / welcome wagon canon
HA GUNWOO / “GUST” MIN YOONGI/SUGA, BTS › air manipulation
HEO TAOHAN / “ETO” HONG JISOO/JOSHUA, SEVENTEEN › ghoul physiology / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine canon / triple a vocalist canon
JO MINHO / “REAPER” KOO JUNHOE, IKON › osteokinesis / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the sick six canon
KANG JINHYUK / “PYRE” HAN JISUNG, STRAY KIDS › pyrokinesis / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the sick six canon
KANG JISOO / “HELLION”   JEON JIWOO, KARD › carbokinesis / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the sick six canon
KIM HYEONSOO / “BIOTIC” NAM WOOHYUN, INFINITE › healing artillery / school nurse
KIM JUMI / “NIX” SON CHAEYOUNG, TWICE › faerie physiology 
MIN HYUNSIK / “FANG” CHOI YEONJUN, TXT › vampire physiology / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / stark internship canon
MOON SORI / “CHERRYBOMB” IM NAYEON, TWICE › fourth wall manipulation / infinity sub-plot / red canon
MOON TAESEOK / “AION” LEE DONGHYUCK, NCT › time manipulation / infinity sub-plot / green canon *messaged
NOH JINHO / “ANVIL” HWANG MINHYUN, NUEST › metal manipulation / moneybags canon
PARK JIHYUN / “NOFACE” JUNG SOOJUNG/KRYSTAL,  F(X) › force-field manipulation
RYU EUNYOUNG / “VOID” MOON GAYOUNG, ACTRESS › meta space manipulation / infinity sub-plot / blue canon
SAKURAZUKA SHINN / “ZERO” NAKAMOTO YUTA, NCT › life-force absorption / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine canon
SONG DAEHYUN / “PLAGUE” KIM JONGIN/KAI, EXO › contagion embodiment / humans vs. villains sub-plot / the divine nine 
QU MEIZHEN / “BLACKSTAR” WANG ZIXUAN, ACTRESS › diamond form / school counselor
SONG SIWOO / “DURESS”   SEO JOHNNY, NCT › hell inducement / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the sick six canon
YOO YONGIL / “AD HOC” KANG DONGHO/BAEKHO, NU’EST ›  luck / infinity sub-plot / purple canon
YU VALENTINE / “VEIN” KANG YEOSANG, ATEEZ › blood manipulation / heroes vs. villains sub-plot / the sick six canon
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bapvideos · 6 years
B.A.P-Miscellaneous [Eng Subbed] Videos-Year 2016-2018 Updated on 180701
Link for 1st part of the masterpost (2012-2015)
{Note:This list includes all the fun stuff like backstage clips,nico nico events,album cover shoots,greetings/messages,meet & greet,ig lives,MC cuts & more.However only the subbed versions of such videos have been included}
-Broken links have been fixed-
-Videos that have been removed on copyright issues are in bold-
160205 B.A.P Lunar Year Greetings 2016
160301  Let's Dance: B.A.P Feel So Good 1thek (soft subs)
160305  B.A.P Show Champion backstage
160306,160325 B.A.P react to Cheese in the Trap and Descendant of the Sun
160307  B.A.P MEET & GREET-guess the body part
160308 B.A.P Behind The Show + Feel So Good 1st Win (soft subs)
160308 BAP THE SHOW 60 second mission [part 1] [part 2]
160311 Simply K-POP l S'More - B.A.P (eng subs visible from 0:27 to 0:58)
160312 B.A.P and others acting as main character from Signal
160312 B.A.P Show Champion Backstage
160314 [M2] B.A.P_daehyun had already applied for SMTM5? (soft subs)
160315 B.A.P Behind The Show (soft subs)
160318 Simply K-POP l B.A.P - S'More
160318  B.A.P [M2] : Joongki vs Jingoo, What is your choice? (soft subs)
160319  BAP & KNK - Acrostic Poem on show champion (soft subs)
160329 B.A.P 'BEST. ABSOLUTE. PERFECT' Release Event NicoNico Live (Osama Game)
160329 B.A.P - Kingdom PV Making DVD
160330 B.A.P & Japanese poses  @ ‘Best Absolute Perfect’ release live event
160331  MEET&GREET cuts [1][2][3]
160417 BAP Tuliip Korea
160622  160622 BAP’s message-Korean Music Wave Fukouka
160628 B.A.P cut at Singapore conference
160713 Space Shower TV ~ B.A.P Awareness Investigation (Unreleased Footage)
160714 B.A.P NicoNico  'FEEL SO GOOD’ Album Release Party-Use of the clear bag cut
160714 B.A.P NicoNico  'FEEL SO GOOD’ Album Release-How B.A.P have their showers
160726  B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH 2016 WORLD TOUR FINALE TRUE AWAKE !! Live Viewing: Commentary Video
160805 Show Champion In Manila
160809 1theK  WAITINGROOM LIVE: B.A.P That’s My Jam (soft subs)
160814 WAITING ROOM LIVE - How B.A.P plays with snacks
160904 B.A.P kpop World Festival inTokyo [part 1] [part2]
160914 B.A.P SHOW CHAMPION in MANILA 200 Episodes Congratulatory Message
160920 B.A.P Show Champion Special “BEHIND in Manila”
160927 B.A.P Music Bank 2016 INK Concert Event
161002  B.A.P Daehyun & Jongup 'W' Parody [soft subs]
161004 MATO TV ON-AIR: B.A.P ZELO CF Parody - Babynamin C
161005  B.A.P Bang Yong Guk CF Parody - BABY LOTION
161007  B.A.P Him Chan & Young Jae & Jong Up - THE MUSIC SHOW
161014 B.A.P Daehyun @ Duet Song Festival 1st Teaser
161015  KWF Global Audition narrated by Youngjae
161030   B.A.P x TenAsia Photoshoot: Making
161109 KpopStarz by AWA - B.A.P Message
161111 B.A.P Music Bank - Performers Waiting Room
161112 B.A.P @ Show! Music Core “5 Minutes Delay”
161119 B.A.P @ '5 Minutes Delay
161126 B.A.P@ ‘5 minutes delay’ [B.A.P appear @ 01:19 mark]
161107 B.A.P 1theK SHOWCASE Suprise LIVE
161108 B.A.P SAT Support message
161115 B.A.P Daehyun & Youngjae The Show Radio DJ
161122  B.A.P @ The Show - Skydive First Win Speech
161205  B.A.P Skydive MV Shooting Sketch
161212  [MEET&GREET] Coming Up : B.A.P
170113 B.A.P NOIR YinYueTai Interview
170115 KNK with BAP Zelo (Behind The Show) (soft subs )
170123 Teen Top vs B.A.P [Jung Dae Man] @ Mobidic
170209  B.A.P 2nd Japan Tour: Be. Act. Play Tokyo SKETCH
170216 B.A.P 2017 Global Peace Concert One K in Manila Message
170302 B.A.P Himchan Youngjae self make up@ Ji Hyo’s on Beauty View
170307 B.A.P Wake Me Up MV Making Film
170312 B.A.P WAKE ME UP DANCE -Daehyun’s rebellion against Himchan
170312 MBC Section TV - B.A.P cut
170315 IDOL ARCADE: B.A.P_ Any Dance Party­_WAKE ME UP(soft subs)
170315 [MV Commentary] B.A.P - WAKE ME UP  MV (soft subs)
170320  ComeBack B.A.P!!!! [KBS World Magazine K-RUSH
170320 [Pops in Seoul] B.A.P_ WAKE ME UP _ MV Shooting Sketch
170321 THE SHOW - B.A.P Bingo Talk (soft subs)
170321 B.A.P Show Champion Behind & Mafia Game
170323 B.A.P Waiting room B.A.P & BTOB cut
170328  Fun time with B.A.P! at SBS MTV The Show (soft subs)
170328 B.A.P + GOT7 + BTOB Extraordinary Quiz @ Show Champion Behind
170426 [Chalddeok B.A.P] ‘Party Baby!’ Seoul Boom Rehearsal Highlight
170427 BAP KSTYLE LIVE Part.1 Part 2
170516 B.A.P 6th single album Rose MEET&GREET official links (partially subbed)
[MEET&GREET] Teaser : B.A.P
Long time no see, B.A.P!
[FANCAM] B.A.P - Wake Me Up
[FANCAM] B.A.P - WAKE ME UP (Daehyun Focused)
Behind the scene
Leader Yongguk Introduce ‘ROSE’
B.A.P does Hearing Test
Jongup, Himchan, Zelo’s Telepathy Game
B.A.P Draw Each Other Challenge
B.A.P RANDOM PLAY DANCE (0.5x, 1.0x, 2.0x)
Who has the Biggest Mouth Among B.A.P?!
Yongguk’s Gummy Smile
B.A.P Answer to BABYs on Fan Board
Himchan likes Yongguk’s funny picture
Youngjae&Zelo Introduce DIMOND 4 YA and DYSTOPIA
170518  B.A.P’s first greeting!::Makestar-soft subs
170524  B.A.P The BABYz have done it!!::Makestar(soft subs)
170526 Special and meaningful gifts! Daehyun’s seal of guarantee!::Makestar (soft subs)
170601 [찰떡B A P] ‘PARTY BABY!’ EUROPE BOOM Airport Short Clip
170605 B.A.P @ ananweb
170607 SHOW CHAMPION Behind - B.A.P Naughty Daehyun & Jongup’s Aegyo cut
170613 MTV The Show Interview (DaeUpChan)
170620 Show Champion B.A.P Cut
170629 B.A.P @ Kstyle LINE LIVE P.1
170630 B.A.P - Tokyo Sunshine City @ Kstyle LINE LIVE
170707  ep.01  [OhDol] ep. 01 Are you guys here watching, B.A.P??!?::Makestar (soft subs)
170728 Galaxy Star Myanmar Daehyun cut
170821 B.A.P plays the Pirate Roulette Game
170905 B.A.P ‘Honeymoon’ Cheer Guide
170906  B.A.P Youngjae (SELF-DRAMA finding a heroine)
170908  ‘Honeymoon’ Making Film Part 1 Part 2
170912 B.A.P Show Champion Behind
170918 Meet & Greet HONEYMOON - B.A.P (PART 1) (PART 2)
170919 SHOW CHAMPION Behind - B.A.P cut
170920 SORIBADA Bonsang Awards - B.A.P
170921 Mnet’s MDOL - Daehyun & Youngjae Cut
170929  B.A.P - HONEYMOON Comeback Activities - Behind the Scene
17----     K-Pop Music Wave in Penang - B.A.P greetings
171005  Daehyun’s Instagram Live
171012 Himchan's Instagram Live (ft. Daehyun)
171013 Himchan's Instagram Live with Youngjae & Jongup
171017 THE SHOW - MC Youngjae Opening cut
171017 THE SHOW THE Q. - Youngjae cut
171017 MTV THE SHOW - Youngjae MC Cut
171017  Pops in Seoul] B.A.P HONEYMOON MV Shooting Sketch
171022 Busan One Asia Festival - Red Carpet interview (B.A.P cut)
171029 Behind The Show - B.A.P
171104 Pyeongchang Dream Concert - B.A.P
171124 B.A.P Interview @ KPOP Music Wave 2017 in Penang
171216 Himchan Live with Youngjae and Jongup
171217 인기가요 B.A.P Comeback Interview
171220 B.A.P「YES or NO」Speed Quiz! @ ONE FM (soft subs)
171222  [찰떡B.A.P] 'EGO' Jacket Making Film
171227  B.A.P Meet & Greet Ego 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4  [soft subs]
171228 B.A.P @ CELUV.TV
171229 B.A.P @  KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH
171229 HANDS UP MV Behind the Scenes: MV Making Film
171230 MBC Gayo Daejejeon BAP 'Relay Words of blessings & BAP Three-Line Poem Time
180102 B A P Himchan Instagram Live
180105 B.A.P [HANDS UP] Niconico-FULL VER
180107  B.A.P Hands Up Waiting Room Behind
180126 (Special Clip) B.A.P 6TH ANNIVERSARY (soft subs)
180127  [Special Clip] B.A.P 6TH ANNIVERSARY (To. B.A.P)
180127  [Special Clip] B.A.P 6TH ANNIVERSARY (To. BABY)
180131  PON! - B.A.P cut
180214 B.A.P Youngjae for MOMOBOOKS
180316 B.A.P Himchan Royal Adventure Ep 1
180330  B.A.P MASSIVE (Kstyle LINE LIVE)
180424 B.A.P Himchan - ‘Yeodo’ Practice Room Revealed (soft subs)
180511  Exclusive Interview with B.A.P @  Sibongtv 시봉tv
180516  B.A.P Japan Fanmeeting 2018 ~Kizona
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chuuyay · 5 years
2018 tag
thanks @under-giant-trees
the 1975 - a brief inquiry into online relationships
seungri - the great seungri
mino - xx
jung jinwoo - rotate
hayley kiyoko - expectations
woogie - rewind my tape pt.1&2
jonghyun - poet | artist
winner - have a good day, millions, air
the 1975 - tootimetootimetootime, love it if we made it, i always wanna die (sometimes)
mino - fiancé, turn off the lights, her, trigger
bang yongguk - portrait
crush - chill, none
sik k - xibal, fire, up all night
jay park - v, sexy 4 eva, forget about tomorrow
jung jinwoo - she's got everything, color, tattoo, i see
youngjae - farewell
chris cornell - when bad does good
they. - pops, what i know now
seungri - 123, where r u from, love is you, mollado
the neighbourhood - paradise
jonghyun - shinin', before our spring, i'm so curious
eric nam - potion, miss you, honestly
zelo - howler
daehyun - baby
colde - please love me, freedom, poem (shhh)
ariana grande - thank u next
bigbang - flower road
mnek - tongue
simon dominic - demolition man, roommates only
kendrick lamar - pray for me, all the stars
dean - dante's creek (remix), dayfly
woogie - call my name, rolling stones, have a good night
hayley kiyoko - what i need
black panther
avengers: infinity war
bohemian rhapsody
deadpool 2
ocean's 8
a quiet place
new experiences
working with teens at my new job has taught me a lot of things
applied to study in japan for a couple of months in 2019
made new friends
went to an actual karaoke bar with friends
my one dream of meeting b.a.p came true, which coincidentally meant i went to germany for the first time
started seeing progress in my own art
bought my first high-end make-up palette (and it probably won't be the last because this poor bitch secretly loves luxury)
probably some more that i forgot
feel free to do this if u feel like it, it's been good yall
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Mistletoe Manor: The Epilogues Part 4 (Final)
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Genre: 1900′s AU/Romance
Pairings: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong x OCs
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock​​​ ) and I wanted to re-visit our magical world of Mistletoe Manor. The series left off on a bit of a cliffhanger, so we really had no choice! We hope you enjoy this extra look into the lives of Cassie, Evie, Joey, and all their friends and family.
Thank you for joining us for this series.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 // 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 || Epilogues: 1 | 2 // 3 | 4
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Stepping outside only to almost fall when Taeyong went rushing by her, calling out apologies along the way, Lydia glanced around herself before looking over to the man now smiling at her. She pointed in the direction of the hasty footman. “Should I ask?”
“No, he is perfectly fine. Or will be,” Seo Joon assured, coming forth to place his arms around Lydia’s waist. Whilst her eyes did pop a little at his gesture, and her head moved to take in all that surrounded them, she did not step away from the embrace either.
“You can only have this for a moment; I actually stepped outside to find someone.”
“Lady Cassandra, by chance?”
Lydia’s lips curled up as she nestled into Seo Joon’s arms. “How do you know everything on my mind?”
“Well, to be fair, I did see my Lady heading down to the field to play with Miss Daisy not long ago so it wasn’t all that hard to piece together the mystery of whom you were in search for.” Seo Joon then pouted. “However, I had hoped it was me.”
“That will have to wait for much later,” Lydia lamented, and she soaked up the moment further before stepping aside. “I feel I am needed by Cassie today.”
Lydia’s suspicions had begun to mount just before the wedding. After serving the Hawthornes for as long as she had, and further knowing she was one of Cassie’s closest and dearest friends, Lydia could tell when she was off. She probably knew more about the eldest daughter of the house than Cassie did of herself and it had worried Lydia of the emotional struggles she seemed to be facing.
And it had her anxious to know if what she was assuming was right or not.
“I will see you later,” Lydia confirmed, stepping up on her toes to brush her lips over Seo Joon’s cheek, the pressing matter of finding Cassie now sending her off across the courtyard towards where Seo Joon had mentioned. Whilst she did not run, her gait quickened the closer she got to the area. And then she came to a stop altogether, watching on from under the trees.
Daisy, Joey’s daughter, was running around flying a kite that her father had constructed earlier in the day. With Joey and Brian off on a walk together, Cassie had offered to take care of their daughter for the afternoon, so Lydia had heard from Grace.
Cassie soon joined in with Daisy’s energy, laughing as they both ran about the field, watching the kite soar higher towards the heavens. Lydia smiled, wishing she somehow could capture the moment for Daehyun to see. She was certain he would be as fond of it as Lydia was.
However, Cassie soon stopped, her hands both moving to her forehead and stomach respectively. Dashing across the field, Lydia reached out for her friend. “My Lady, are you faint?!”
“Yes, just a bit,” Cassie breathed, dropping her hand from her head to take the one her lady’s maid offered her. Lydia gently guided her down to the ground, ensuring Cassie was comfortable before sitting next to her.
Daisy came running over as well, looking on curiously. “Shall I fly it alone now?”
“If you could, my love. I will be up as soon as I feel better!” Cassie called energetically; however, Lydia could see the fatigue in her friend’s face.
“You will do nothing of the sort; you need your bed more than anything.”
“The fresh air is doing me good,” Cassie retorted, her gaze unyielding from the child dashing around. “She reminds me of Joey so much. Is it not uncanny that this child was born by another and yet could fool anyone that she was Joey’s child entirely?”
“Some children come to find their truest family in ways as Daisy has.”
“I envy Joey a great deal with how easy it has been for her to become a mother. Why, for all the impractical sides of my sister, she is remarkable with Daisy. I’ve never seen her so attentive in my entire life.”
“Your sisters learned from your guidance all these years.”
Cassie shook her head. “No, her maternal instinct was there all along. She’s lucky.”
“Why, are you worried you are not nearly as ready?” Lydia asked, watching as Cassie’s focus finally found hers. So, her suspicion was correct. Lydia clasped her hands around Cassie’s and shook it repeatedly. “Why suffer in silence?!”
“When I finally realised that I was with child, it was far too close to Evie’s wedding. It was a time all about her; I couldn’t just announce it then.”
“Still, you have Daehyun, you have me! Why not share your news with us?”
“I worried so much about it all. I can’t be that far along and I was plagued with the mindset of what if the child and I do not mix? I couldn’t fathom telling Daehyun until I was sure.”
“And you’re certain now?”
Cassie nodded. “I feel her, as strange as that may sound. I can tell she is there and growing every day.”
“She?” Lydia repeated with a smile, nudging her friend. “Well, if it is to go anything such as yourself, another daughter would be fitting in this household.”
“I wouldn’t know what to do with anything else,” Cassie agreed with a gentle laugh. “All I have known are sisters my entire life. However, if I were to have a son as handsome as his father, I would be absolutely besotted.”
Lydia grinned, shaking Cassie’s arm again. “Oh, you must tell him!”
“I will. I should.” Cassie’s smile faded, falling perplexed once more. “He will be happy, of course.”
“Do you believe he doesn’t want a child yet?”
“There was some talk recently between his family. They were going to ask of his return for some months to his home. He seems concerned about his father’s health. It’s all very poor timing.”
“No, you mustn’t think like this. How often have you put everyone before yourself, Cassandra?” A small smile formed on her friend’s lips. “You only ever call me that when you plan on scolding me.”
“Then listen to me carefully,” Lydia announced, shifting so she was in front of Cassie. “This is wonderful news. Your sisters have both gotten married and the next generation is growing healthily within you. Mistletoe Manor will be filled with joyous cries in the near future. And you, my dear, are the one who will be at the forefront of it all. It is now about you. Please stop concerning yourself of what everyone else is doing, and focus on what your body is trying to achieve.”
“Mother will go into overdrive, surely,” Cassie breathed, looking rather aghast. The pair then giggled together before Cassie moved to hug Lydia tightly. “You will be at my side, won’t you? I don’t know how else I will get through all these emotions of mine.”
“Oh Cassie, there’s no place I would rather be.”
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It had taken a lot more effort than Anna expected to convince Taeyong to leave the manor with her the next morning. Whilst he had not been standoffish towards her, he was definitely silent and that left her unsure of what to say or do for the first time since meeting him. And so, she spent most of the walk darting her attention to his face often, wondering if she stared enough at the man, he would somehow give her answers to why she felt this uneasy around him. She continued to stare at him as they walked along the path towards the lake, blinking rapidly when he finally caught her doing so. She smiled. “I was admiring the view.”
“Does it compel you to like it?”
“Very much so,” she confirmed, and Taeyong smiled gently, swinging the basket he held onto a little more freely.
After their dispute in the cellar, Anna had struggled to deal with the emotions that overwhelmed her. Of course, she knew the man to be more of a dreamer than she, however, she had not once allowed herself to contemplate that he had a world inside his mind that involved her in it. Even after all the months of endless bickering and then the kissing in corridors and closets to make up for it, it all felt surreal to her.
She wasn’t used to having someone to call her own.
When they finally reached the lake, Anna had to blink several times for it to come into view, her thoughts pressing down on her vision otherwise. Taeyong had already set up the blanket he had under his arm and placed the basket down upon it.
He was too efficient, she decided.
“Will you take a seat?” he offered and she nodded, accepting the hand he offered to help her down before sitting next to her. The shared meal was quiet, awkward even. Anna had so much to tell him, that she knew was overdue in being spoken of, and yet the words sat too far back in her mouth, unable to leave it.
She feared his response more than anything.
Taeyong cleared his throat after he was done eating and attempted another of his smiles. That didn’t even reach his eyes, she noticed sadly, picking at the bread left within her lap.
“Anna, I must apologise for the other day,” he stated and she frowned, watching as the wall he had up seemed to crumble in front of her. “You see, it was wrong of me to-”
“No, you listen, please. Just this once. I have been working up the courage thus far and if I do not say my piece, I wonder if I will lose it entirely,” Taeyong breathed out, wringing his hands together. “I got carried away. My feelings for you, whilst vast, may be burdensome and-”
“No, they are not,” she cut in a second time and Taeyong whined.
“Will you let me finish?!”
“I do not wish to hear an apology. There is nothing to apologise for.”
“Well, I happen to think differently about the matter!”
“I have no one aside from you, Taeyong,” she blurted out, darting her vulnerable gaze down before he caught it. “I was abandoned at a young age and all I have done with my life has been on the back of my hard efforts. I have never relied on anyone to help me and I dislike when people do.”
“That does explain a lot,” he mentioned simply and Anna smiled.
“Having you like me and then experiencing this feeling within my chest over you, it hasn’t come easy. Some days I feel as if you are a dream and one day I will wake up and you will no longer exist at all.”
“The feeling you experience is called love.”
“Is it?”
He nodded. “If it is the same as what I hold for you, then yes. It’s love.”
“Love scares me. Frankly, you scare me.”
“The feeling is mutual,” he replied and Anna groaned.
“I am trying to be serious.”
“And I am listening, honestly.”
“I told myself I would never marry. I never needed it, wanted it. Lord, I could do with a whole lot more in life than a husband.” Taeyong’s smile faded and Anna reached out to make sure he would not frown instead. She inhaled a shaky breath. “You might be the most intolerable man I have ever met-”
“That was my line when I confessed to you,” Taeyong pointed out cheekily and Anna rolled her eyes.
“However, do know that you are the only man I will ever want. I trust that you will be there to hold my hand even when I do not wish for it.”
“If I am holding your hand, then…”
Anna nodded, leaning in to kiss him softly. “I will marry you when the time is right.”
“You will?”
“I expect a proposal, though not with petals all over the floor again.”
Taeyong grinned. “I have other ideas.”
“There is no stopping you, is there?” she grumbled, though inwardly, she was excited. Anna felt as if she had finally found someone who she wanted to keep, someone who she would eventually call her own.
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Looking up at the large doors before him, Daehyun thought back to the time he had first entered this room. He was determined to see Cassie that fateful evening, ready to confess all about his love for her. She had surprised him with as much endearment and from that moment on, Daehyun was convinced he would never face another moment of doubt over his love for his wife.
However, lately she had pulled away, detached herself from his loving embrace and he was at a complete loss of what to do.
Nodding firmly in his decision, he pushed open the door to the library and stepped inside, startling the entangled pair on the very spot he had once sat that evening with Cassie. Daehyun coughed a little and turned to give the newlyweds their privacy to find some decency. He knew it all very well, the bountiful passion and insatiable touch that came from having someone as his own. Still, he couldn’t help but smirk at the concept of finding his usually very reserved, astute best friend in such a predicament.
“This is rather awkward.”
“Hardly, I understand it very well my friend,” Daehyun shot back amusedly, listening as the shuffling about subsided. “I am certain when you move on to your home that you will find yourself grow bored of losing such risky opportunities.”
“Shall I leave you both to it?” Evie breathed, evidently flushed even if Daehyun still had his back to her.
Finally, he turned, shaking his head and approached the couple. “Please, I ask for your assistance instead.”
“With what?” Yongguk questioned, examining Daehyun’s face for the answer.
“It is about my wife,” he started, letting out a long sigh and rubbed at his face. “She has been rather secretive lately about how she feels and even if I ask her outright, she avoids me.”
“She seems to be internalising something indeed,” Evie replied, nodding softly. “I passed her by earlier and she covered her mouth and ran off when I asked…”
“Asked?” both men repeated, Evie’s eyebrows joining together as she thought over what the issue might be. Evie shook her head to dismiss further explanation.
“Do you think she is upset with me because we did not join hands naturally for love but an arranged marriage? I am sure you both know how fond I am of Cassie-”
“I spent many a month with you, my friend. There is no one on this Earth who loves their wife as much as you do.” Evie glanced up at her new husband and Yongguk smiled sweetly. “Apart from us, of course.”
“Of course,” she giggled, beaming with satisfaction.
Their evident bliss only dampened Daehyun’s mood further. “I miss this. I miss that she would cherish every moment together. I am certain it is around the wedding. It must have brought back ill memories from her own experience.”
Evie lowered her head. “She was rather unhappy at the time, even if she did not admit it outwardly. She has always felt obligated as the eldest to fulfil some sense of a duty to this family. I never understood why. She is rather opinionated and full of wonderful ideas that so often never come out when they should.”
“Do you think I should propose again? This time, full of my love for her?”
“Another wedding?” Yongguk wondered, looking towards Evie who seemed to light up.
“There has already been one and rather, I would just appreciate doing it all over intimately. With Cassie and our closest of family.”
“How romantic!” Evie gushed, nodding in answer. “Shall we help you propose before we set off for our new home?”
“Would you? You both leave next week, do we have enough time?”
“Surely all you need is a moment alone with her, how hard can that be?”
Evie shook her head at Yongguk’s simple answer, reaching forward to take Daehyun’s hand. “I will help you! She will cry, I am certain of it!”
“Well, I do not wish for her to cry, she did an awful lot of that recently,” he admitted sheepishly and Yongguk smirked.
“No, happily of course! Please, after all the help she gave me with my wedding, I want to do this before I leave. Both Joey and I have left her to the manor house now. It would be magical to see her off this way.”
“Then shall we begin to plan it out?!” Daehyun enthused and Evie nodded eagerly.
“I feel I just lost my wife already,” Yongguk stated with a sigh, however it wasn’t long until he too was helping with the plans.
And finally, two days later, everything was prepared. To say Daehyun was nervous was an understatement. He hadn’t slept a wink the night before and was thankful that lately Cassie had been fatigued with her condition, watching her sleep beside him soundly all night long. He couldn’t wait to uplift her mood with what he hoped would be the best gesture of his love for her yet.
Still, much as he had been on his wedding day, he was entirely worried he would mess things up.
“I will bring her to you as soon as we find her,” Evie told him, giving a warm squeeze to his shoulder. “Joey is off doing just that right now.”
Of course, it wasn’t long until the plan had become a family affair, both sisters weighing in on how Daehyun should propose again until both Brian and Yongguk had pulled them aside and told him to do what felt strongly within his heart.
All Daehyun wanted to do was express his endless adoration for Cassie.
Nodding in response as his tongue felt too dry to speak with, Daehyun departed for his spot in the garden, smiling nervously at Grace and Jaehyun who were waiting under the trees nearby.
He worked on swallowing slowly, breathing in and out, and chanting the words over in his mind that he wished to utter.
And when he thought all was a lost cause and was about to call it off, he spotted the three sisters walking together towards him, Joey and Evie pointing him out and dashing away from Cassie’s side. Walking the rest of the distance to him alone, Cassie frowned.
“Why do I feel as though I am being left in the dark by something?”
“My dear, would you like to sit?” Daehyun offered and then shook his head, waving a hand to dismiss that thought. “Actually, please stay standing.”
“Whatever is the matter?” she pressed, her eyes filling with concern.
Daehyun scolded himself inwardly to pull himself together. “I noticed lately how you have been and it has prompted me to change that.”
“Oh darling, I need to talk to you about that.”
Nodding quickly, Daehyun took her hands in his shaking ones and smiled. “I have no idea why I am nervous right now.”
“Has something terrible happened?”
“No, something wonderful has happened to me. You see, I know we both spoke our feelings out when we met again at Christmas, and I do still believe that you love me just as much as you did then. But I must confess, it has troubled me for some time that it hasn’t been spoken between us from the start.”
“I admit I am not following you.”
“I love you. I love everything about you, from the way that you laugh and that little stern expression you pull when you are annoyed. I adore how the light shines in your eyes when you’re deliriously happy. I admire your ability to care for so many people genuinely and how honest you can be with me even if the subject is most difficult.”
Cassie burst into tears then, trying to pull her hands out of his. “I haven’t been as honest as I usually am.”
“We will face moments where it is hard to express ourselves but-”
“Daehyun, I am sorry to cut you off right here, but I really must talk with you.”
“Right now?” She nodded. “Cassandra, I am in the middle of proposing, albeit very laboriously, to you again.”
“You… what did you just say?”
“I wished to try and cheer you up because I was certain you were feeling miserable over the-”
“I am not unhappy, I assure you!” she exclaimed, shaking her head as the tears continued to fall.
“But… I was so sure-”
“I am simply dealing with much greater news and it has taken a toll on me.” Glancing at the others in the distance, Cassie then stepped closer to him, her eyes wide with emotion.
“What, what news?”
“I am with child,” she confessed quietly, chewing on her bottom lip as she waited for his response.
“You’re… pregnant?” he breathed, his gaze falling to her waist as she started to nod repeatedly. “You’re pregnant?!”
“Cassie’s what?!” Joey screamed, rushing forward as Daehyun scooped her up in his arms, swirling them around as his world grew brighter.
Daehyun hadn’t once stopped to think that this would be the reason and yet, now that he thought about it, everything fell into place. He couldn’t even hear the voices around him all congratulating the pair once he set Cassie back on her feet, the jostling dull as he merely stared back at his wife. Cassie held his gaze intensely until she started to laugh, pushing herself forward into his open embrace.
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The news of her pregnancy travelled fast and Mistletoe Manor was thrust into further celebration. Although Cassie was relieved to share the news with those she loved, she was already weary from the endless visits to check up on her condition from her mother especially. She loved her terribly and knew she meant well, but it had been such a whirlwind that she was grateful for the quiet moments where she could feign needing rest and everyone would leave her immediately.
Except for Daehyun, that is.
“Do you think our child will have your hair colour or mine?” he wondered as they lay together in bed, his hand running up and down her arm gently. “What about my eyes or yours?”
“I hope they have my hair and your eyes.”
“Why? Your eyes are the loveliest I have ever seen!”
Cassie turned to face her husband and smiled at him. “Still, your eyes are warm and endlessly deep. I always get caught up in staring at them.”
“Then you mustn’t blink once whilst you do,” he teased, brushing the hair away from her face affectionately. “I love you.”
“And I love you. I cannot believe you thought I was miserable all because of how we started!”
Daehyun pointed at her sternly. “You left me with little understanding of how you felt, what was I meant to think?”
“I adore that you went to propose again.”
“And I would do it all over again to ensure you know I love you every single day.”
“Our child will be spoiled by that love of yours,” she countered and Daehyun grinned, kissing her temples softly.
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“No, I guess there are far worse things to face.”
“Such as Evie leaving later today?”
Cassie sighed heavily. Although she was excited about her sister’s new home, she had to admit that it did sadden her to be apart like this. Of course, she could write to her sister often and Evie and Yongguk assured they would return for the birth of her firstborn. It wasn’t like Joey leaving home, however. At least, Cassie could visit her whenever she pleased. Evie would be a great distance away.
Sitting up, Cassie patted Daehyun’s arm lightly. “I wish to go spend time with her.”
“Then let me help you get ready to do so.”
“I can still dress myself! Contrary to all belief; I am not yet incapable in my current state.”
“I know, but at least allow me the opportunity to,” he murmured, leaving kisses upon her neck lovingly.
It took longer than she anticipated, but Cassie eventually ended up walking outside with a sister on either side of her. Joey giggled. “It’s just like the old times.”
“How many walks do you think we have taken around this property?” Evie asked and Cassie smiled.
“Enough for our footprints to forever remain embedded in it.”
“Let us not be sombre, it’s not as if we won’t see each other again!”
Evie nodded. “Joey is right. I already have plans for my return. And when everything is settled, I am looking forward to hosting you all at my new home.”
“I hear it is even larger than Mistletoe Manor,” Cassie breathed and Evie looked a little faint.
“All I know is that Yongguk will never be too far from my side and so it won’t ever feel imposing.”
“That and he promised you a library all for yourself, did he not?” Joey pointed out gleefully, in which Evie beamed over immediately. “You won’t even know what the rest of the house looks like.”
“Regardless of where we all live, do know each of you always has a home here.”
“Oh, Cassie, don’t cry!”
“It’s the pregnancy, nothing sentimental, I promise!”
“If she continues to cry, I will begin blubbering before I even leave the house,” Evie whined and Joey reached hastily to wipe away the tears on Cassie’s cheeks.
“Honestly! If I ever fall pregnant, I hope I don’t shed a single tear!”
Shooting a watery smile at her youngest sibling, Cassie nudged her. “You won’t know until you are with child.”
“Admittedly, I cried the first night I held Daisy in my arms.”
“Stop it, I don’t want to imagine little versions of Yongguk running around just yet,” Evie implored and the other two squealed, teasing their sister immensely for the idea.
They continued to laugh and cry, mostly on Cassie’s behalf, all the way up until Evie was hugging them goodbye in the courtyard.
“Do write to me as soon as you arrive.”
“Tell us everything!” Joey added on, waving to her sister as Evie climbed into the car beside her husband. The remaining sisters held each other until she was finally out of sight and then Joey kissed Cassie fondly on her cheek, calling for Seo Joon to see if he would give her a ride home in time for dinner.
Surprisingly, standing alone after both her sisters were gone no longer frightened Cassie. She was excited for each of their new journeys. She also knew that no matter where they were, Mistletoe Manor would always welcome them back each time.
Looking up at her home that she was so fond of, Cassie reached for her stomach and held it affectionately.
“It looks like we have a lot ahead of us, little one,” she murmured before stepping inside and shutting the front door behind her.
Cassie knew there would be many more doors to open ahead of them all.
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