#Just two men that routinely find ways to fluster the other and then spring it on them when it suits them
jordemme-draws · 1 year
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@flower-seller Wander isnt rendered speechless that often, but the Ransei era lord Volo outfit would be one of those movements. His brain is making dialup noises just give him a sec.
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helloprettybb · 4 years
swindler’s trick
Here’s a periodical fic set in 1870, five years after the Civil War and takes place in England. Inspired by Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice, I tried to mimic the language but probably messed up. This is a Steve x stark!reader and Tony is Anthony because of the time period. Also, the reader is 20 and Steve is 31.
Summary: Steve Rogers needed to clear his head. Haunted from the war and his past relationship, Steve sets sail for England to reunite with an old friend and hopefully distract himself from his life in America. His distraction comes in the form of a beautiful young girl, who proves to be a worthy interest, but will she be enough to help Steve move on from his past?
Warning: poor attempt at victorian era vernacular, victorian standards, fake history, age gap
Word count- 10.6k
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Stark’s manor is as ridiculous as the man himself. The large, four-story house resembles a castle with its multiple chimneys and towering peaks. The red roof is angled perfectly to deflect the normally gusty winds. Luckily for Steve, his arrival was met with a slight breeze and shining sun; a complete juxtaposition to the harshness of early Spring. 
Nevertheless, Steve isn’t the least surprised as he steps into the extravagant manor. If Steve thought the stone exterior was showy, then the interior was just unnecessarily grand. There were two large staircases that each met on the beautiful marble floors. Steve looks up and sees an intricate chandelier with crystals placed to look like falling rain.
Steve was so taken aback by the architecture that he didn’t notice the man standing at the door. He looks to be in his mid to late 50′s, with gray, balding hair. He stands tall and Steve assumes he’s the butler. 
“Hello, sir. My name is Steve Rogers. I sent a letter saying I’d...” Steve tries to explain, but the man cuts him off.
“Ah, Mr. Rogers. Anthony said he’d be expecting you. You can wait in the parlor.” the butler promptly says and walks away. Still caught off guard, Steve doesn’t notice the butler walk away until he’s at lease twelve paces away. Steve looks around confusedly, wondering where the hell the parlor is.
He wanders down a couple hallways and finally comes across what looks like a parlor. There are two single couches with a long, two-person couch in the middle. In the corner, there’s a grand piano that hardly looks touched. Above the stone fireplace, there’s a portrait of Anthony as a child and who Steve assumes are his parents. His father looks like a much sterner version of him and his mother holds a slight resemblance to him. Steve takes a seat in one of the chairs.
It feels like hours until Steve hears his name being called. He practically jumps to his feet and stands at attention. Then he looks and realizes it’s just Anthony. “At ease, soldier.” he jokes and Steve rolls his eyes.
“It’s been a long time, Stark.” he replies and walks over to shake Anthony’s hand. “It’s good to see you.”
“Likewise.” Anthony replies, a genuine smile gracing his face. He gestures to the chairs and says, “Let’s sit.” Anthony takes the seat closer to the entryway while Steve takes the other. “Tea?”
“No, thank you.” Steve responds. 
“It’s good to see you, Steven.” Anthony starts. It’s hard to believe they started as tentative allies and are now the closest of friends. Throughout the war, they had their differences, especially since Steve was a captain and Anthony was his First Lieutenant. But when the Civil War was coming to a close and the Union began steadily beating the Confederacy, the two men began to see eye to eye and became the strongest of friends. It saddened Steve when Anthony returned to England, but at least he had Margaret, or so he thought.
Steve replies, “Likewise, Anthony. I see you’re getting on well.”
 “My wife would have to disagree. I’ve been in the workroom so often, she’s threatened to board the door shut.” Anthony jokes. 
“Well either way, you seem perfectly adjusted.” Steve comments.
“Perfection is relative, old friend. You’ll understand when you find it.” Anthony advises wisely and as if on cue, an angel walks through the doorway. Well, not literally, but you are the closest thing to a saint on earth. 
With your smooth hands and polished nails, you don’t look like a servant, but for your status, you dressed rather simply. As opposed to a large, decorated dress, you donned a dark, modest gown. You dressed closer to a middle-class maiden than a noblewoman, yet Steve took note that no outfit could diminish your beauty. Instead of the intricate up-dos, he’s seen many high-class women wear, you have your hair down and pulled back.
Anthony notices your entrance and greets, “Y/n, dear!” 
Steve knew Anthony favored beautiful women, but he did not expect for him to marry someone so young. Steve’s seen his fair share of older men and young partners, but he didn’t think Anthony would be that kind of man.
Strolling up to Anthony, you greet him lovingly by placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Turning to Steve, you acknowledge politely, “Hello, sir. To what name shall I call you?” The moment you address him, Steve forgets every word in the English language. His mouth runs dry and he starts to regret denying Anthony’s tea offer.
Your stunning beauty and air of confidence fluster Steve and he manages to stutter out, “I- I am Captain America Rogers. I mean, Steve Rogers.” Attempting to recover, he clarifies, “I’m from America and I served as a Captain in the Army.”
You laugh lightly and Steve could have sworn an angel acquired its wings. “Well, Captain America. I appreciate the background information, but I figured from your accent that you were not from here.” you quip.
Anthony glares as you and gently scolds, “He is an old friend, y/n. Please be nice.” 
You smile softly and tell him, “Oh papa, I hold no malice. It was a simple jest.” You turn to him and say, “But if any offense was taken, I do apologize. I’m aware that my tongue can be quite scathing.” 
Steve realizes that Anthony is your father. He feels foolish and a little disgusted at his previous notion. But now that he knows, he can see the resemblance. Not particularly in appearance, but in attitude. You both carry yourselves in the same charming, self-assured way, like you’re the smartest people in the room.
“No need to apologize, miss. I can handle a sharp tongue,” Steve’s formal tone dropping relatively quickly. Your eyebrow quirks and a small smile plays at your lips.
If you were caught off guard, you didn’t show it as you quickly respond, “Good, but do not worry. I can soften my tongue if the situation requires it.” Anthony shoots you another look, but you pay no attention, keeping your eyes on the American. Steve feels your eyes bear into his, but he can not break your gaze. His heart flutters for the first time in what felt like forever. 
Anthony clears his throat to break the growing tension. “Y/n, didn’t you say that Miss Natasha was taking you into town?” You turn to your father and smile.
“Why, thank you, father. If it weren’t for your keen memory, I would have gotten a lashing!” you kiss his cheek and walk over to Steve. “I apologize that our meeting had been cut short. I do hope we see each other again,” You kiss him on the cheek too and Steve prays that his face doesn’t burn on the spot.
His eyes follow you as you walk out of the parlor and out the door. “If you wish to court my daughter, all you have to do is ask,” Anthony states in an unamused tone.
Steve’s eyes snap back to the older man and he quickly explains, “Oh no, that is not my intent, Anthony. Besides, she’s your daughter.”
Anthony scoffs and replies, “She’s of marrying age and can do as she pleases. My only request is that you warn me.” Steve tries to counter him, but Anthony stands. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to finish.” He gestures to the man at the door and says, “Mr. Jarvis will show you to your room.” With that, Anthony leaves Steve alone with Mr. Jarvis.
Steve quickly learns the routine of Stark’s manor. Without Anthony’s wife, Pepper, and their daughter, Morgan, you and your father mostly kept to yourselves. Anthony stays in his workroom downstairs and would remain for hours on end, only appearing upstairs for meals. 
You spend most of your time in the library and occasionally walk the grounds. Steve doesn’t know what restrains him from joining you on your walks, especially since you granted him an invitation during his first dinner. 
Instead, he opted to observe you. He’s learned a great deal over the past few days. You chose to wear plain dresses and favored colors on the darker end of the spectrum. You and your father enjoyed battles of wit during meals with most occasions ending in a draw. You were very curious, or at least, toward Steve. You asked him a multitude of questions and even though Steve was happy to answer, Anthony shot your line of questioning down with a quick glare.
You read often, usually books on philosophy and tales of heroism over religion and spirituality. When you read, your lips would get caught between your teeth and you’d occasionally mouth some of the words. Steve could tell when you disagreed with a passage because your smooth forehead would slowly wrinkle as your eyebrows furrowed. Besides meals, the library was the only time Steve would spend with you. But unlike dinner, the two of you would sit in silence, just basking in each other’s company.
Nearly a week into his stay, Steve, out of stupidity or bravery, decides to join you on a walk. When you see him at the doorway, you remark, “Captain America! To what do I owe the pleasure.”
“I decided to take you up on your offer. I hope I am not too late being as it was last week,” he remarks cheekily. 
You smile happily, “Oh, do not worry about that, sir. Besides, your invitation was set to expire tomorrow.” 
“That’s good news, but I must ask, will that cursed nickname be going away any time soon?” he jokingly asked. 
Smiling, you reply, “No, it will not.” Stepping out of the manor, you question, “Shall we go?” Steve nods steps out, moving to your left side.
You start your usual walk around the grounds. The sun beams down on your face making your skin almost glow. Steve’s never been this close and he can see every detail on your face. If he thought you were beautiful from afar, he doesn’t know what to think now.
“How long are you staying here?” you ask, turning to Steve for the first time.
He sighs and absentmindedly replies, “I don’t know, actually.” His answer causes your head to tilt and brow furrow slightly so he reassures, “Don’t fret. While Anthony has granted me an eternal stay, I shall leave before the year ends.”
You shake your head lightly and explain, “Oh, I don’t worry, Captain America. I’m just curious as to why you’re uncertain.” Steve averts his eyes, unable to meet your intense, innocent ones. You seem to read his nervous body language so you change the topic.
“We don’t get visitors very often,” you comment. Steve relaxes a little and you add, “All I know is that you’re an old friend of my father’s.”
He answers the unspoken question by saying, “He was my first lieutenant in the Civil War.”
“Ah, I remember him telling of his time in America,” you remark. Steve’s eyes return to yours. He can see the excitement and eagerness as you ask, “What is it like? America?” 
Steve doesn’t know where to begin. From the bustling city life to the beautiful countryside, America is a diverse place. But then the memories come back and Steve hopes you can’t read the flash of sadness that spreads across his face. 
“Well, it is very beautiful,” Steve says simply. He can tell by your excited expression that you crave more, so he adds, “In some places, there are hills as far as the eye can see. There are also forests so dense that you cannot get through without a map.”
You seem satisfied with his answer and dreamily add, “I wish I could visit, but father forbids me from going beyond the moors.” 
Steve senses your disappointment and tries to cheer you up, “The moors aren’t too bad, Miss y/n.” He looks around at the scenery, searching for something to point out. He stops by the garden and hastily proposes, “The flowers are quite beautiful if you ask me.”
You let out a small laugh at his half-hearted attempt and concede, “Yes, I suppose that’s true.” You sigh a little sadly, remarking, “But it gets quite lonely up here.” 
Steve couldn’t control his thought process and lost even more control of his mouth as he asks, “I hope I do not come across as rude when I ask why you have not wed yet.” 
He already regrets his intrusion, but luckily, you don’t seem offended. “It isn’t rude, Captain America.” With that, he can see that you are in a joking mood. “Men want a woman with open ears and a closed mouth. Seeing as I have neither, men do not try and pursue me.”
You smile back at him, but unlike your usual smile, it doesn’t reach your eyes. Steve decides not to pry and comments, “While I do agree your mouth is rather liberal, I’d have to disagree about your ears.”
Your smile finally reaches your eyes again and you laugh, “Tell my father that.”
“Well, Anthony never was the most patient listener.” Steve states to which you clearly agree, if your loud and genuine laugh had anything to say about it.
Once your laughter dies down, you turn the subject to him, “And what about you?”
“What about me?” Steve questions, raising an eyebrow.
“No wife? Surely a military man such as yourself would have a mistress at least,” you comment curiously. Looking down, Steve smiles and shakes his head.
“Women were mostly found in the tents of upper-class men,” Steve replies ambiguously. He feared that if he dug too deep, it’d only dredge up his past. Maybe he was imagining it, but your knowing look made Steve think you understood his vagueness. 
The two of you continued your walk in peaceful silence. You broke the silence by asking, “You mentioned that women were reserved for upper-class men,” Steve nods in confirmation and you continue, “Am I to assume you are not of high status?”
Steve explains, “I was baseborn. In the Army, I quickly rose through the ranks which in turn, granted me a higher status.”
Steve fears your impending judgment, but instead, you go quiet and confess, “I was baseborn, too,” You avert your eyes as if it were a terrible secret.
“How so?” Steve questions, now completely intrigued. When you saw he only held curiosity, you returned to your relaxed state.
“My mother was a village girl. Father had an affair and when grandfather found out, he became furious. Father was forbidden from seeing my mother, but little did he know, that he impregnated her on their final tryst.” you tell, searching for any disgust in Steve’s eye. 
Steve tilts his head curiously and asks, “Is that why Anthony came to America?”
You smile at his interest and reply, “Partially. He always wanted to leave, but the death of his parents pushed over them edge. He was only seventeen and didn’t think he could run the business himself. He would have stayed in America if it weren’t for Obadiah Stane.”
“Who?” Steve questions.
“He was the second in line for the company. My father didn’t just leave the house behind, but the business. Father secretly suspects Stane killed his parents, but that’s neither here nor there.”
“Where’s Mr. Stane now?” Steve asks.
“He’s in prison for embezzling money.” you reply.
“When Father received word that Stane’s business practices were less than humane, he had to come back. Being the sole heir, father was able to reclaim his title as lord of the house and owner of the company.”
“How did he find you?”
“With his father gone, he decided to reunite with his former love, but when he discovered her dead and me in her place...” You look off to the distance as if you’re trying to find the right wording, “He was surprised, to say the least.” 
Lightening up, you add, “Luckily, he met Pepper shortly after and they wed quickly. Then, they had Morgan and they lived happily ever after,” you end a little sarcastically.
Steve hums in understanding and asks, “Surely, it was difficult for you to adjust to life here.”  
“It still is. I’ve lived at the manor for nearly five years and I still forget frivolous things like which spoon is which.” Steve laughs heartily in agreement and you join in at a quieter tone.
“It is rather odd, isn’t it? A spoon is a spoon, what difference does it make!” he exclaims. This makes you burst into a very unladylike laugh, but you don’t care and neither does Steve. For once, it feels like you both met someone who understands you.
After the first walk around the moors, Steve has joined you on every other one since. Your topics ranged from philosophy to politics. Although he never cared about politics, Steve found himself captivated by your ideas. It saddens him a little that the world may never experience your brilliant mind.
To Anthony’s delight or dismay, you wordlessly invited Steve to your usual dinner banter. Although he is constantly left speechless and outwitted, Steve enjoys being talked into a corner. He loves the small smile and look in your eyes when you know that you have someone beat intellectually.
Tonight’s discussion had something to do with Descartes. Steve got lost the minute you brought up dualism and metaphysics. You’re in the middle of explaining how mental phenomena are non-physical when Anthony interrupts, “Mr. Rumlow will be joining us this Easter.” Your teasing smile drops and is replaced by a scarily sober expression.
Through gritted teeth, you ask, “Why?” Reading your body language, Steve can tell there’s something more beneath the surface.
“It’s business, dear.” Tony sighs exasperatedly. Steve can’t tell if he’s annoyed with you, the mysterious Mr. Rumlow, or both.
“And for how long?” You start cutting your food more aggressively than before.
“He failed to mention it, but I presume a quite long time,” Anthony responds and you scowl.
“May I be excused? I feel rather ill,” you announce but leave before waiting for a response. Steve feels an urge to follow you but is stopped in his place when his friend speaks.
“Do not mind her. She sees Rumlow as more of a fiend than a man,” Anthony says absentmindedly once you leave the room.
Trying to hold back any snark, Steve comments, “I could see that,” Anthony doesn’t reply, but from his small smirk, Steve knows that his sarcasm bled through.
They finish their dinner in silence. Once his plate is empty, Anthony gets up and leaves without saying a word. Steve glances at your mostly full plate and figures you must be hungry. Eating one last bite, he scoops up your plate and walks up the steps to your room.
After a few faint knocks, you open the door. You still hold the look of contempt that you had at dinner, but at the sight of Steve or the food, you brighten up. “Thank you, Steve. I am absolutely famished, but I did not want to face my father again.” 
You move away from the doorway and subtly invite him in. He hands you the plate and you sit on the edge of your bed. Steve pulls the chair from under your desk and turns to face you. While you eat, he asks, “In fear of angering you more, may I ask why Rumlow’s name caused such trouble?”
You set your plate down and tell Steve sincerely, “Our families have been business partners for decades. I don’t think father is too fond of him either, but he has to keep acquaintance with him.” 
Taking another bite, you continue, “His wife died years ago, and ever since, he’s looked for a wife in yours truly.”
“I take it he doesn’t handle rejection very well?” Steve suggests. For the first time since your sudden exit, you smile.
“No, he does not. Don’t get me wrong; rejection can be delightful, but it can only happen so many times before it becomes tedious,” you respond, lightening up even more. Steve gives a short laugh and gets up to leave so you can finish your meal. You ask quietly, “Can you stay?” Even adding, “Please?” Steve sits back down wordlessly and keeps you company.
“Y/n!” the little girl squealed as she ran from her mother and to you. Picking her up off her feet, you wrap Morgan into a hug. 
“How was the visit to your grandmother’s?” you ask happily. Steve hasn’t seen you this genuinely happy and giddy. He can see that you care about Morgan deeply. Today, you chose a lighter-colored dress with more embellishments and a larger petticoat than usual. Steve assumed it was Morgan’s favorite color since your dress matched the ribbon in her hair.
When you see Pepper approaching, you set Morgan down and greet your step-mother. “Pepper! We have missed you.” you exclaim, hugging her more reservedly.
“Please tell me that Anthony spent most of his time outside the workroom,” Pepper jokingly begs, even though she probably knows the answer.
You laugh politely and reply, “I would, but you know I mustn't lie, step-mother.” 
Pulling away from you, Pepper turns to Steve and asks, “You must be Captain Rogers. Anthony wrote that you were staying with us.” She plants two light kisses on each of Steve’s cheeks.
He’s about to tell her to call him by his first name when you speak up, “Please, step-mother, he goes by Captain America.” He looks at you and sees the mischief in your eyes. 
Pepper glances at Steve curiously and he explains, “It is a wretched nickname she has given me.” Pepper nods understandingly, knowing her step-daughter’s quirks.
Morgan asks impulsively, “Are you courting my sister?” Steve’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise and Y/n bursts out laughing, dropping any attempt at civility.
Pepper can’t decide who to scold first, so she chastises, “Morgan, dear! We do not ask people questions like that,” Pepper tells Steve, “I do apologize, Captain. She is not even five years old.”
“No need, Mrs. Stark.” Steve dismisses with a wave of his hand.
You speak up, “Besides,” Crouching down to Morgan’s level, you whisper something to her. Steve strains his ear to listen, but can’t make out a single word. Pepper gives you a look when you stand back up. 
Instead of prying, Pepper decides, “Let’s get inside before you corrupt Morgan any further.”
“Oh, do not worry, dear step-mother. There will be plenty of time for that,” you say cheerily. Morgan and Pepper stroll inside while Jarvis brings their bags inside. When the door closes, you tell Steve, “I assume you want to know what I whispered in Morgan’s ear.”
“The thought did cross my mind,” Steve jokes back. You smile and move toward him. Going on the tips of your toes to be near his height, you look like you’re about to spill.
Pressing your lips to the shell of his ear, you whisper, “It’s a secret between sisters, Captain.” Moving back to the bottoms of your feet, you turn toward the door, but not before giving him a cheeky wink. Oh no, Steve Rogers is falling in love.
Morgan and Pepper’s return seemed to lift your spirits enough to distract you from Rumlow’s impending arrival. You squeezed time with Morgan into your schedule, consequently lessening the time you and Steve spent alone. He didn’t mind, after all, she is your sister, but Steve couldn’t help but feel a little envious.  
Luckily, Morgan has grown quite fond of him. She includes him with as often as she can. Today’s activity is a tea party.
“Miss y/n, will you pour the tea?” Morgan asks, imitating her mother’s posh accent and miserably failing. You smile and rise from your seat.
“Anything for you, duchess,” you respond. Picking up the teapot, you walk around the table. 
Moving to fill Morgan’s teacup first, you begin to pour when she holds up a hand and commands, “Stop, please.” You and Steve struggle to contain your laughter as Morgan, with her pinkie in the air, lifts the cup to her mouth.
She holds back from making a face and announces, “Delicious!” 
“Why thank you, duchess.” You walk over to Steve and pour tea into his cup. You’re so close that Steve catches a whiff of your perfume. The closeness makes it hard for him to concentrate. He knows you can feel him looking, but don’t say anything, sending him a small, cheeky smile.
You pour your own cup of tea and before you could raise your cup, the clock on the wall chimes loudly. Turning to your sister, you question, “Duchess Morgan, don’t you have studies to attend to?”
Morgan pouts and replies, “I don’t need them.” You laugh heartily and crouch next to her.
You reason with her, “Morgan, your studies are very important. You don’t want me to become smarter than you, do you?” She concedes and hops off her chair before running out of the room. 
Watching her leave to make sure she doesn’t run back, you stand up and sit back in your chair. You take a sip of tea and notice Steve is looking at you dotingly. “What?” you ask, laughing into your cup.
“Nothing, it’s just that you’re a really good sister.” Steve comments. You scoff lightly at his compliment.
“Thank you, Steve. But it’s not difficult when she’s such a good kid,” you reply and Steve nods in agreement. For some reason, Steve can’t help but imagine you as a mother. You’d probably read to them before bed and when you were done, you’d go to him. The two of you would share a bed like husband and wife and you’d never have to worry about pompous suitors or ridiculous social expectations. He’d hold you in his arms like he yearned to do the moment you met.
Steve’s thoughts are interrupted when he hears cursing at the other end of the table. He looks up and sees your skirt covered in tea. “Are you alright?” Steve asks. 
You laugh out of embarrassment and reply, “Yes, I just spilled tea all over my skirt. Can you hand me the cloth over there?” You point to the towel near him and Steve grabs it. Instead of handing it to you, he squats in front of you and dabs your skirt clean. If you had any protests, you didn’t say them as you sat patiently and let him dab your lap.
Steve continues to clean in silence when you interrupt absentmindedly, “You know, Morgan is one of the few people who don’t look down on me.” Steve’s hand stops and he looks up at you. You’re looking away from him and you have a distant look on your face.
“Why is that?” Steve asks, causing you to laugh lightly.
“Well, how couldn’t they? I’m a peasant girl born out of wedlock.” you roll your eyes, but Steve could see some hurt behind them. He places the towel on the floor and moves his hand so it’s covering yours, which are resting on your abdomen. You don’t retreat, which surprises Steve.
The intimate moment is broken up by Mr. Jarvis walking into the room and announcing, “Miss Stark, your father requests your presence.”
It’s a fair, sunny day so after days of begging from Morgan, Anthony finally conceded and decided that the whole family will attend the Spring Awakening Fair. Stepping onto the grounds, you look ethereal in your light, flowy dress.
“Let’s go before father buys Morgan the whole fair,” you announce, grabbing Steve’s hand without any hesitation. Steve feels his heart do a flip before he follows you away from Pepper, Anthony, and Morgan. Strolling around, you light up when you see a medium’s booth.
Raising an eyebrow, Steve asks skeptically, “You believe in psychics?”
“Nope,” you reply happily and before Steve could process your answer, you pull Steve’s hand and half-drag Steve to the booth.
“Hello, miss. Would you and your betrothed like to have your auras read?” the medium asks. Before Steve could correct her, you interject.
“Yes, please.” You sit down and Steve follows suit. 
“Hold each other’s hands and stare into each other’s eyes.” the medium instructs. Steve grabs your other hand and turns to face you. He’s never allowed himself to look at you for so long, but now that he’s technically supposed to, he gives himself a pass just this once. Steve takes in every detail of your face so that he can remember every feature when he goes to sleep. Maybe if he collects the perfect picture, you will invade his dreams more often.
“I’m sensing...” the medium starts and Steve could see you struggling to hold back laughter. Luckily, the woman’s eyes are closed as she continues, “You miss, have an indigo aura. Yes, yes. You are a kind and intuitive person, who values intelligence and love. You seek peace in your life and while you’re a little vulnerable, your partner can help with that.”
Steve didn’t believe in psychics, but that was a pretty accurate assertion. So that the psychic can’t hear, Steve mouths, “That was quite accurate, was it not?” You scrunch your nose and shake your head. Before you could mouth back, the medium continues.
“You sir, have a blue aura. I see...” the medium says, “Mostly royal blue, with hints of dark blue. You are open-minded and generous, but the hints of dark blue show that you are scared.” You tilt your head in confusion and Steve shrugs. 
“Something has happened in your life to cause distrust and a need to control. Perhaps your partner could help clear the dark blue from your aura. You two have very compatible auras. Sometimes, you miss, will feel overwhelmed, but your partner’s calming aura shows that he will be able to soothe you. I expect the two of you to have a long and loving relationship.” the medium finishes and opens her eyes. 
You notice that she opened her eyes so you nod enthusiastically and say, “Thank you! That was very eye-opening.” You drop a few coins into the jar and walk away from the booth.
Once you are out of ear-shot, Steve asks, “Do you believe it?”
“Hm?” you ask, initially confused, then you realize, “Oh, the medium? No, no.” you shake your head as if you’re trying to get rid of the notion itself. “The idea that auras follow us around is illogical.” Steve hummed in agreement, but if he squinted, he could almost see an indigo halo around your head.
“Is that y/n y/ln?” a voice says behind Steve. He turns and sees a young man. Steve wonders how he knows you but judging from the look on your face, you aren’t pleased to see him. The man approaches and you quickly don a fake smile.
“Aldrich Killian!” you announce overenthusiastically. “It’s been so long.” Aldrich pulls you into a hug that lingers too long in Steve’s opinion. He finally pulls away after what felt like hours.
“It really has. How are you?” the man asks. He’s small and fidgety like he’s scared of the mere existence of you.
“I am amazing. May I remind you my surname is Stark?” you ask teasingly, but Steve can see the tension beneath your eyes.
“Yes, how could I forget! You became your father’s charity case.” Killian replies, smile bright as before, but his words still cut sharply.
The insult doesn’t phase you as you match his tone, “Well I’d rather be his charity case than be stuck with the likes of you.” 
Aldrich doesn’t respond and instead turns to Steve. He asks, “And who is this?”
“Captain Steven Rogers.” he introduces, maintaining his stoicism. Aldrich grabs Steve’s hand with both hands and shakes it aggressively.
“It is great to meet you, sir.” Aldrich states. After a few violent shakes, he finally releases Steve’s hand.
He apologizes, “I’m sorry for taking up your time, y/n.”
He starts to walk away and you call, “Hey, Killian!” He turns back around and you drop your smile. “Please give Steven’s watch and my necklace back.” Steve looks down at his wrist and realizes that his watch really is gone. Aldrich comes back and Steve watches as Aldrich’s sheepish act disappears and is replaced by contempt. You hold out your hand and Killian drops the jewelry into your palm.
“See you’ve taken on the family business,” you taunt, “How is your father, by the way?” Aldrich scowls and Steve assumes that whatever happened isn’t good. Your hand on Steve’s wrist snaps him back to attention. You hold his wrist up so you can put his watch back on.
“You’ve gotten better, Killian. But your hugs still linger too long and you shake men’s hands too fiercely.” you comment absentmindedly as you clasp Steve’s watch around his wrist.
“Oh, y/n. I only linger that long for you,” Aldrich comments creepily. Steve sees your smile falter slightly before returning, a little smaller.
“Whatever you thought we had simply didn’t exist.” You grab Steve’s arm tightly and tell Killian, “We better head back to the manor,” You turn around to leave Aldrich alone before he gets one final word in.  
Killian yells behind your back, “You can put on a fancy dress and expensive jewelry, but you’ll always be one of us.”
You hand Steve your necklace and ask, “Can you put this on for me?” Steve nods and you turn your back to him. He finds it harder than it should be to clasp the necklace, but the intense smell of your perfume is slowly overwhelming his senses. 
To ground himself, Steve asks, “How did you know he stole from us?”
“It’s a common swindler’s trick.” you state. You feel the chain drop onto your neck and you turn to face Steve. You continue, “You greet the person enthusiastically to give yourself time to steal. While you’re stealing, you distract them with flattery and small talk. They don’t even realize they were robbed and by the time they do, you’re far gone.”
Steve is stunned by your extensive knowledge and bluntly says, “You know a lot about that.”
You laugh and admit, “Let’s just say, I have some experience.” You, a thief? He could just imagine a younger you going around picking pockets, distracting people with your effortless charm.
Steve furrows his brows and asks, “Were you like him?”
“Oh, heavens no. At least, not that bad. I knew who to steal from who not to.”
“And who deserved theft?” Steve asks, not out of judgment but actual curiosity. 
“The usual. Rich arseholes who treated anyone of a lower socioeconomic status like dirt.” you answer casually.
“So you were a Robin Hood?” Steve jokes.
“Sure, but only for a short while. When my grandmother found out, she was furious and banned me from meeting Killian. In hindsight, that was one of the best decisions she’s ever made, but at the time, I was heartbroken.” you explain.
“What made you change your mind about him?” Steve questions.
“I saw the vile ways he treated women he sought after.” you answer simply. There is probably more to that response, but Steve decides he shouldn’t pry. 
Instead, he nods and holds his arm out. “Come on, let’s trick some more psychics.” You smile and grab his arm. 
“Y/n, dear. Rumlow will be here any minute. Are you ready?” Anthony calls upstairs. Steve’s standing beside him at the bottom of the stairs. The days after the fair had been amazing. You and Steve spent incalculable amounts of time together. He was surprised that no one mentioned it since you aren’t officially courting. Your spirits were extremely high, until this morning when you remembered who was arriving.
“Yes, father. Be down soon.” you respond back. Anthony huffs exasperatedly and goes toward the parlor, leaving Steve alone at the base of the stairs. He hears shuffling and a couple thumps upstairs, before you yell, “Okay, I’m ready.” he turns and his breath is taken away.
Steve Rogers is a simple man. He’s straightforward, hard-working, and sharp. These traits helped him through school and shot him up the ranks in the Army. He became one of the youngest captains in the Union army. He battled Confederates, god damn it!
But... you’re so beautiful. Sauntering down the stairs, you look like an angel coming down from heaven. Steve takes in your appearance. Your dress is a deep green color that matches the jeweled choker around your neck. The large skirt is a stark contrast to your usual demure day dresses and Steve’ realized yet again that your beauty is ever-present. No matter your wardrobe, the essence of you shines through. Your hair is higher than normal, with elegant curls resting on your shoulders. The chandelier above your head only adds to the natural glow of your aura. He could hear the light tapping of your heels on the grand marble stairs until you took your final step before him.
“Hi,” you greet meekly as if you’re the one that’s intimidated. 
Steve, in his rather plain-looking dress clothes, replies, “Hi,” Steve’s eyes linger a little longer than seems appropriate, but you don’t appear to mind, in fact, doing the same thing in return. Your silent exchange is broken by the sound of horses outside. 
“Sir, Mr. Rumlow is here.” Jarvis calls, alerting your father who strolls in from the parlor. Steve catches a look of disgust grace your face before it quickly changes into a wide, fake smile when the door opens.
“Mr. Rumlow.” Antony greets, holding out his hand. 
“Mr. Stark.” Rumlow shakes his hand in return. As they exchange pleasantries, Steve looks the man up and down. He looks to be about Steve’s age, maybe a tad older. He has harsh, dark features that only further Steve’s already tainted view of the man. 
“And who must this be?” Rumlow asks, turning to Steve.
“Captain Steven Rogers,” he responds and Steve could’ve sworn he heard you chuckle quietly after using his rank. Maybe that was low of him, but he was still quite wary of Mr. Rumlow.
“Pleasure to meet you.” The exchange is short before the man turns to you. Almost like a wolf who’s spotted his prey, Rumlow’s eyes darken and his slightly genial smile resembles more of a snarl.
“Miss Stark. Why, you look more and more beautiful every time I see you.” Rumlow compliments. You give a quick curtsy, smile dropping ever so slightly. Steve’s hands ball into a fist quickly before he forces himself to relax his hand. “I am surprised a man hasn’t made a bride of you yet.” Steve had to will his feet to stay or else the dinner party would have ended embarrassingly quick.
“Well, a woman’s role isn’t just to marry, is it?” you reply, still holding that bright, wide smile. Rumlow laughs as if you said a joke, but Steve knows the sincerity behind your words. His disgusting laugh further cements Steve’s idea that Rumlow is not a good man.
Anthony, seeming to sense the burgeoning tension, announces, “Dinner will be ready shortly. Shall we?” Everyone follows him into the dining room, with Rumlow charging forward before anyone even had the chance to move. 
Entering the dining room, Steve sees that Rumlow has already taken the spot beside Anthony. Steve sits across from Rumlow and you sit beside him. After the wine is poured, Steve grabs his chalice and takes a slow sip. He watches as Rumlow takes one long swig before requesting more. You and Steve share a look of both amusement and concern, knowing where the night is headed.
Anthony and Rumlow start to talk business so to save yourself from boredom, you talk to Steve. “I wish Morgan were here.”
“Yes, if it weren’t for her cursed bedtime.” Steve replies jokingly to test what mood you are in. You roll your eyes, signaling to Steve that you’re at least somewhat yourself. 
“I know Pepper isn’t much of an admirer of Rumlow either, but it’s a shame that she was granted an invitation out of this.” you admit a little glumly.
“Well fear not, Y/n. You still have me.” Steve encourages and you shoot a smile back. You and Steve continue to talk quietly until your conversation is intruded by plates being placed in front of the two of you.
Rumlow’s lack of table manners is extremely apparent as he gorges on the food. You stifle a laugh by lifting your napkin to your lips, but Steve catches you and bites his lip to contain his laughter. Dinner is fairly uneventful, while Anthony and Rumlow continue to talk and you and Steve share stories. It’s almost as if the two of you are alone on a date until you’re interrupted by your father.
“Y/n, after dessert, would you mind showing Mr. Rumlow around the manor?” Anthony tells, more of a command than a request.
Attempting to keep your tone light, you reply, “But father, hasn’t he been here before. I’m sure the manor hasn’t changed too drastically since he’s been here last.”
Before Anthony could respond, Rumlow interrupts, “Oh but Miss Y/n. I would love to refresh my mind on all the beauties this place has to offer.” Something about his wording and his intense gaze toward you angered Steve and he felt his grip tighten around his fork.
Pretending to give in and not still be utterly repulsed by the idea, you concede, “Well, okay. I look forward to it.” Rumlow nods and continues down to his dinner plate. Steve looks over at you, but your gaze is down. Steve decides to leave it alone when he feels a soft hand reach for his own. You still aren’t looking over at him, but your brow is furrowed slightly as you eat. Steve encompasses your hand in his and it appears to ease the tension slightly.
Steve doesn’t let go of your hand for the rest of eating, opting to hold his silverware with his left hand instead. The other men don’t appear to notice, as Rumlow’s mind is only on the excursion he was promised. Sadly, after dessert is taken away, Steve has to release your hand as you and Rumlow leave the dining room. 
Watching you leave, Steve gets an uneasy feeling and quietly excuses himself before walking out. He tries outside first and it doesn’t take long before he’s alerted of your presence.
“Get your hands off me you loathly poltroon!” Steve hears you yell. He turns the corner and sees Rumlow grasping your wrist tightly with no intent to let go. Without thinking, Steve runs toward you and shoves Rumlow away. 
“You disgusting rapscallion! Is that how you treat a lady?” Steve bellows angrily and punches Rumlow in the face. Turning to you, he softens instantly and questions, “Are you okay, Y/n?” 
You break your disgusted look at Rumlow and tell Steve, “Yes, let’s just please leave.” Steve ushers you away. You don’t say anything as you stomp towards the gazebo.
Steve could feel the anger emanating from your body. For the second time, he asks, “Are you sure you are okay? Because that man is-”
“Do you know why filthy men like Rumlow seek me out?” you interrupt angrily. Steve’s never seen you so mad, but now he knows to never cross you. 
Continuing, you shout, “It’s not for my brains or my character, but my dowry. To them, I’m just a prize to be won! Did you know that my estate is worth a small country? But since I’m a woman, all of my fortune will be a man’s, and every single one I have come across thinks it will be them.” 
Once you get that off your chest, you start to settle down. Sitting down on a bench, you hang your head a little and state, “All anyone sees is an inheritance with a pretty face.”
Not knowing what to say, Steve removes his jacket and sits beside you on the bench. Your once intricate up-do is falling around your face, which is good in Steve’s opinion since he never liked that hairstyle in the first place. The bottom of your skirt is muddy from walking through the grass. “I’m sorry.” Steve meekly apologizes while handing you his jacket. You thank him quietly and throw it around your shoulders. 
Removing your shoes spitefully, you scoff, “It’s not your fault all upper-class men are greedy little pricks that only care about their appearances.” Steve lets out a noise, resembling a snort more than a laugh. He knew that far too well from his time in the Army. Even though the higher rank came with privileges, Steve occasionally wished he was still a private, realizing there were too many poncy majors and captains.   
“If it’s any consolation, I think there’s a lot more to you than your money.” He hears you sniffle, but your eye line remains down. 
“Thank you, Steve.” you reply, eyes still down and watery. Your head hangs down in dejection.
Sensing your sadness, Steve asks, “Would you like to hear why I actually came to England?” Your eyes move up to his and you sit up straight, nodding quietly. Steve sighs and begins his story, “During the war, I met a woman named Margaret Carter. We had a brief courtship and married quickly, but since I was mostly in battle, we hardly saw each other.” 
Steve sees that you’re actively listening so he continues, “I thought I had met my soulmate, but I was young. A fool, really.” Steve looked down, finding it difficult to continue the story. 
He clears his throat and tells, “Marriage would not be easy and I knew that. But I did not predict its difficulty until I truly experienced it.”
“Did you fight?” you ask quietly, breaking your silence.
“No, but that would have been preferable. War affects everyone differently, y/n. You have to understand that. I was withdrawn, avoidant and I- I just became a different man and...” Steve trails off, scared of your reaction. 
You place your hand on his and assure, “I promise, Steven. Nothing you can say, could change the way I see you.” You’re listening intently, eyes wide with eagerness to hear his story. 
“I was away very often. After the assassination of Lincoln, I was offered a position as head of security for the next president. She said it was okay, but...” Steve feels you hold his hand tighter, grounding him. “During my long bouts of absence, it was only natural that she found someone else. She continued her tryst for nearly two years before she informed me.”
“How did you react?” You ask quietly, your faint voice cutting through Steve’s foggy recollection.
“That’s the issue. I didn’t react much at all. I simply left and stayed with my close friend until the divorce settled. It was long and tiring, taking over two years. Nobody knew the true reason for the separation as we feared out tarnished reputations. Months later, I learned from an old friend that Peggy was to engaged to be married with that man. I knew I couldn’t be in the same place when they wed, so I left.” Steve stayed quiet and you followed suit for a couple moments.
“I’m sorry.” you apologize, like you were the problem. Sympathy etched onto your face and soft, delicate features turned down with sadness.
“It’s not your fault,” Steve reminded with a small smile to lighten the mood a bit. You bit your lip, drawing attention to them and reminding Steve just how much he yearns to kiss you.
“I know, but still. I don’t see how a man like you deserved such hardship.” you shed a tear and Steve is touched by your empathy toward him. Gently wiping the tear off your cheek, Steve boldly keeps his hand rested on your face. You don’t seem to mind, looking up at him through your slightly wet lashes.
“But if it weren’t for that trouble, I would have never met you.” As if the spirit of Cupid himself possessed Steve, he boldly confesses, “Darling, I would endure ten times the hardship if it meant I could meet you.” Steve felt a pang of fear, worried that he came on too strong and risked losing your friendship. But if the small gasp and softening of your eyes indicated anything, then you liked it. Now’s your chance, Steve. You look so sweet, so raw, so perfect. 
Steve feels the atmosphere shift as he leans toward your face, his thumb softly brushing your lip. You mirror his body language and lean towards him too. As if the universe were pulling the two of you together, Steve could feel himself fall into your sweetness; your auras melding with each other. Steve is inches away from your lips when he hears the clanking of hooves in the distance and instantly, the magic dissipates. 
The two of you break apart instantly as if nothing was about to happen. You smooth out your dress and clear your throat. Steve wants to stay. He really does, but he knows the kinds of rumors that could emerge if he’s alone with you any longer.
“We better go inside,” Steve suggests and you nod. Getting up, you leave the gazebo before him and he follows suit. 
Much to Steve’s delight, Rumlow immediately left for home. After talking to an angry and frustrated Anthony, Steve walks up to his room. Walking up the stairs, he glances at your room and is almost tempted to go in, but he forces himself to turn the other way.
He can’t believe he almost kissed you. You were so close and your lips felt so smooth under his finger. Oh, how he wishes they were against his own. Steve wonders if he will ever have another chance or perhaps, you may try to forget it altogether. Steve feels like such a fool for letting himself fall so hard. But how couldn’t he when you’re just so... you.
Steve hears a knock on the door and answers, “Come in.” When he sees you step through, he stands to his feet. His jacket is slung around your right arm. You’ve changed into your nightdress which is covered by your robe to preserve your modesty. Still, Steve makes a point to keep his eyes on yours.
“Here’s your jacket.” you say meekly, still standing by the door. Steve walks over to grab it from you. His fingers brush against yours and he yearns to lace his in yours but refrains from doing so. 
“You could have waited till morning to return it.” Steve states honestly, trying to not jump to conclusions as to why you came at such a late hour.
“I know,” you reply simply. Steve hangs the coat on the coat hanger beside you and closes the door, just in case anyone happens to walk by. You’re still standing as if you’re expecting something.
Steve stands before you, but you don’t retreat, instead, looking up at Steve. “Rumlow has left for town,” you inform him. He knows and you know that he does, but he assumes you only said that to break the palpable tension.
“Yes, I heard he sent for a carriage the moment he hit the ground,” Steve half-jokes. You let out a short laugh, one to show him you read the humor but it was enough to tell him you didn’t feel it. He can feel your uneasiness from the way your hands are fidgeting to the constant flickers of your gaze to the ground. Your usual confidence is replaced with insecurity and unsureness. 
“Shall we talk about what was about to happen?” you question. Thank the heavens that you are the one who brought it up, for Steve doesn’t think he has the assuredness to do it himself.
“Yes, I suppose we should,” Steve remarks. He’s about a foot away from you, but he could feel himself yearn to move closer. “I hope I did not bring you discomfort. I simply had to ease the weight on my soul,”
You shake your head and respond, “No, Steven, it was welcome really. I just wish we weren’t interrupted.” Your candidness startles him slightly. While you’ve never been mistrustful, he’s never seen you this open.
“Those damn horses,” Steve says, lightness entering his voice. You smile the widest he’s seen you smile since Rumlow arrived. 
“Yes, if it weren’t for those wretched creatures...” you drift off as if there is a thought in your mind that you’re too reserved to say out loud. Steve takes a step towards you and brings your hands up to his. You gladly take them and Steve feels your delicate fingers slip into his perfectly like they were always meant to be there. 
“May I do this?” Steve asks, almost like he’s asking himself. You nod, biting the corner of your lip lightly. You look like you’re having an inner battle of sorts and before Steve could decipher the turmoil, he feels your hands grip his shirt and pull him towards you. Steve realizes just in time as you capture his lips with yours. 
The kiss is desperate and heated, but not devoid of love and yearning. Steve feels like his whole life has led up to this and in a way it had. He moves his hands down towards your waist and pulls you flush to his body. You let out a startled gasp, but continue to kiss him as passionately as before. Your hands are still gripping his shirt harshly, but he couldn’t care less. He never liked this shirt very much. You pull away a little to catch your breath. Your cheeks are flushed and lips are a little plumper and Steve can’t stop the pride from swelling in his chest at the thought that it’s his doing.
“I apologize. That wasn’t very lady like,” you tell him breathily, smoothing your hands over his shirt. He may or may not appreciate the way your hands linger over his chest for a few extra seconds.
Steve smiles and says, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t really care.” He reconnects your lips with the same vigor as when you initiated it.
The next morning, Steve wakes in his bed alone. He wanted to let you stay the night, but he knew the uproar that would be caused if your lady’s maid found an empty bed. Walking down to breakfast, Steve sees that you’ve made it down first and have already begun eating. Looking up from your eggs benedict, you give him a small, knowing smile which he returns. Luckily your father doesn’t notice anything as he continues to read the paper.
Steve takes his usual seat across you as a full plate is set in front of him. He starts to eat, occasionally sneaking glances toward you. He can’t get the image of your speckled pink cheeks and wet lips out of his mind and he hopes he never does. 
With about two-thirds of his plate empty, Steve hears a sharp knock on the door, followed by the door opening. He can make out Jarvis ask, “Mr. Parker?” before he hears footsteps come toward them while Jarvis continues, “Sir, they are dining at the moment, if you would wait-” Before Jarvis could finish his statement, a young man enters the dining room. He looks to be about your age, maybe a bit younger. Judging by the instant joy on your face, you know him well.
You immediately stand up and exclaim, “Peter!” Your fork almost clattering on the ground in the process. You have no hesitation when you run over to the boy, whose arms are open and inviting. Steve watches as Peter wraps you in an embrace. Guiltily, he feels a pang of jealousy when he sees you in the young man’s arms, but forces the feeling away.
“Y/n, I’ve missed you!” Peter replies happily and releases you. Steve’s displeasure must be apparent because he catches Anthony smirking beside him.
“I’ve missed you, too. When did you come in? How is Cambridge?” you ask excitedly. Your giddiness is apparent as you fire questions at Peter, but the boy doesn’t seem to mind.
“Oh, I’ve missed you too! I took the first train from Cambridge the moment break started,” Peter rambles happily, “As for school, it’s truly amazing, y/n. The classes are rigorous and I’ve met the smartest men.” 
“None smarter than me, I hope.” you jest, and Peter laughs along. The two of you seem really close. Steve can’t help but wonder if there’s more beneath the surface. You said that no man was courting you, but maybe it’s because you were waiting.
“Of course not. I’ll never meet a person with more wit than you.” Peter compliments. Anthony clears his throat behind you and Peter turns to his mentor.
“Oh, except you, Mister Stark.” he tries to recover, but Anthony doesn’t buy it. Nonetheless, he hugs the boy reservedly, a stark contrast to your embrace. Steve, who only stood up out of courtesy, feels like a stranger witnessing a family reunion until the boy turns to him.
“Captain Rogers!” Peter exclaims, quickly walking over to Steve. He grasps his hand and gushes, “I am a huge admirer. Your siege of Fort Beauregard is simply inspiring.” He’s shaking Steve’s hand wildly and if it weren’t for the underlying feeling of jealousy, he’d find it endearing.
“Why, thank you.” Steve replies curtly, causing your eyes to flicker over to him. You raise an eyebrow, seemingly suspicious to Steve’s behavior, but Peter doesn’t appear to notice. 
“So, where are you staying?” Anthony asks. Peter releases Steve’s hand and turns to his mentor. 
The boy’s face goes red and he stammers, “I-I thought I could stay here. I apologize for not writing ahead. My excitement got the better of me and I figured that a surprise would be enjoyable, but I see how this could be abrupt and uncalled for and I understand if you wish to have me leave, but my aunt-” He’s caught off by Anthony’s laugh.
“I only jest, Peter. I forget about your testy nerves. Of course, you may stay.” Anthony assures as Peter’s chest falls in relief. 
“Shall I show him to his room?” Jarvis asks, standing at the doorway.
“No need, I’m finished with breakfast. I will do it. Come, Peter.” Anthony beckons the boy, who immediately deserts his position in front of Steve and goes to the older man’s side in a matter of seconds. They leave and Jarvis follows behind them. 
“You can stop clenching the tablecloth, Captain. Peter left.” you joke, turning your attention to Steve. He looks down at his hands and sees the white fabric bunched between his fingers.
“I wasn’t.” Steve responds meekly, sitting back down. Scraping his plate, he clears his throat and says, “So, um, Peter is a nice fellow.” You burst out laughing and walk over to Steve.
“Are you jealous?” you ask teasingly. Steve rolls his eyes to contain his annoyance at how right you are.
“No, I’m just curious about your relationship with him.” Steve says. It’s quite obvious that he’s full of it, but you have mercy on him and avoid further teasing.
“He was my best friend in the village. When father found me, I convinced him to help Peter with his education. He’s quite bright, but sometimes acts like a total dolt.” you explain. Steve eases a little at your explanation.
“So, you’ve never considered courting him?” Steve asks sheepishly and you laugh again.
“No, of course not! Besides, he’s engaged to Miss Jones.” you tell him. Steve fully relaxes into his seat. “Also...” you start, taking the seat next to Steve and turning to face him. “A different man has stolen my heart.”
“Oh, and who must that be?” Steve plays along.
“His name is Captain America,” you tell him and Steve gives you a pointed look, which you ignore. “He’s strong, smart, funny.” 
“Is he handsome?” Steve turns slightly so that he can face you head-on.
“Devastatingly so,” you reply. Steve takes a quick glance around the room to see if you’re really alone before capturing your lips with his. The kiss is brief and sweet, unlike last night’s passionate affair, but it still affects his heart the same.
It’s a lazy day spent under the large oak tree. At mid-day, the weather has decided to give its mercy, holding back its usual treacherous winds and low temperatures that accompany spring. 
Your head is resting on Steve’s lap as you read, your knees propped up and your book resting on your royal blue skirt. Steve strokes your hair gently, occasionally brushing over the loosely tied indigo ribbon. His navy jacket is discarded a few feet away from him and his white sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. 
The two of you have announced your courtship to the family last week, although it has felt it’s gone on since Steve first arrived. You’ve stolen his heart, whether you intended to or not. Steve never thought he could be so smitten with a person, but how could he not be. Your charm and beauty grow tenfold every time he’s with you.  And now that he knows you share the feeling, he has no hesitations in the showing of his affections.
“Come to America with me.” Steve says, speaking for the first time in a half-hour. 
“Pardon?” you ask as if you can’t believe the words he just uttered.  You sit up and face Steve. Closing your book, you move your full attention to him. 
“Come to America.” Steve repeats. “I have some business I have to attend to and you’ve always said you wanted to go.”
“Yes, but Steve. What would people say if an unmarried man and woman went away together?” you ask, not caring yourself but knowing the weight of everyone’s judgment would be too great to bear.
“But we wouldn’t have to worry about that. Y/n, I have loved you since the moment we met and it would be an honor if you made me your husband.” Your jaw looks like it’s about to approach the floor, so he continues.
“We could build a house on the plot of land down the road so you can still be by Morgan. It would not be as extravagant as this, but it would be enough.” Steve finishes hurriedly. You’re still silently gawking and Steve’s heart starts to rise anxiously. “My dear, please say something so I don’t think I’ve gone mad.”
“Oh Steve, I’d love to!” you exclaim, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him against your body. With your face buried in his neck, you confess, “You have brought me more joy in these past months than in all my years.” 
Steve moves away to face you. The smile on your face is unmatched and his heart soars at the idea that you will be his forever. “I love you, my dear.” 
You lean closer so that your foreheads are touching. Whispering against his lips, you retort, “I love you the most.” Before Steve could protest, he feels you grab his neck lightly and press your lips against his. Steve cups your cheek gently as he kisses you back. The taste of herbal tea and the smell of your perfume invades his senses. He’ll never get sick of kissing you.
The two of you go inside and announce your engagement to the family. The celebration dominates the rest of the day and unbeknownst to Steve, his dark blue jacket still lays beneath the oak tree and it was never seen again.
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Spring Weddings and Pomegranate
Summary: In which a marriage still occurs on NRC but it isn’t Eliza and Idia getting married.
Tags: Established Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Scheming! Reader, Marriage Proposal via Pomegranates, Big Dick Energy! Reader
Rated: M for the things bought at Sam’s shop and implied sex.
A/N: Written before the entire translations came out. m(_ _)m
---Idia knew that his face was beet red and that his hair had already gone red from embarrassment. Your hands were gripping his waist tightly and though you were shorter than him, he couldn't help but admire how cool you were with your white and gold trimmed twin tailed tuxedo along with the collar cuffs he recognized as his.
"I'm sorry Miss Eliza but this 'prince' is already taken" You apologetically told Eliza.
From the side, the other "Princes" were shocked at this particular development. 
"Lies!" Eliza cried as she gripped Idia's free arm.
The other dorm leaders present could feel the temperature drop and couldn't help but wonder how things went to this point.
It had been a fine day, as far as you know, since Idia had happily invited you to his room. As his significant other you had happily agreed and rejoiced over the fact that he had taken initiative, as a purehearted human in love you had come prepared for the day he would take initiative in regards to your relationship. Thus you had come prepared for the date in your most cute, comfy and seductive clothes along with an equally cute and comfy sleepwear. Naturally, you didn't forget to bring the battle weapons of L*be and C*nd*m*.
'At times like this, it never hurt to be prepared' You thought serenely as you calmly and happily bought the items from the Shop.
Your smile was bright as Sam handled your purchases and like a through professional businessman, he even offered you a few toys which you also bought for future uses. The few Ignihyde students who saw your purchase silently prayed for your success and at the same time silently agreed to keep Ortho occupied.
As for the other students from other dorms? They all silently cursed you for having a girlfriend while the rest of them had to settle for a pure loving friendship among men.
In this way, the world rearranged itself to ensure that your desires would be fulfilled. You had stopped by the dorm kitchen to take out the pomegranate napoleons you made before heading to Idia's room. 
“Idia~ I’m home!”
“We-welcome home...” 
His face was bright red as he greeted you back, compared to his flustered face when you had first done such a thing Idia was calmer now. Though the bashful and joyful emotions in his eyes couldn’t be concealed.
“Isn’t this domestic play so fun?” You asked as you set your clothes down and Idia started to arrange the food and drinks you had brought.
The items you bought from Sam’s shop had been skillfully hidden in calculated places, meant to stimulate your beloved Idia when you weren’t around thus you hummed a soft tune as you plastered yourself at Idia’s back and admired his pleased and flustered look. He really had a face where you can’t help but just want to bully him a little bit.
“Mmnn...you...you shou-shouldn’t just keep on sta-sta-staring at me!” He squeezed his eyes when your hands moved at one of his sensitive spots.
“But I missed you so much! And it’s rare for you to ask me out on date so I want to engrave this particular look of yours in my mind~!” You honestly told him and then tugged at his clothes to make him duck down to your level.
You cheekily looked at his eyes and planted a quick kiss on his lips and stood back as he hid behind the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Tha-that! You shouldn’t just kiss me so easily!” He whined to hide his embarrassment.
“Ara? Then Idia-san should I kiss you deeper then?” Your tone of voice made him know you were teasing him further even so he couldn’t help but want to pay you back thus with great courage he replied,
“Tha-that’s right! Slowly and dee-mphf!!!”
Quickly grabbing the opportunity you did as he told and Idia ended up having a lapful of you on the floor. Idia did his best to hold on as both of you engaged in a heated make-out session but the feel of your ass wiggling on his crotch and the overwhelming feeling of your passionate kiss made him weak.
Seeing that he was at his limit you kiss him for one last time and admired the thin string of saliva that was now dripping from his lips, the flushed look on his face, the dazed look on his eyes and the undeniable hard-on that was poking you on the ass.
“Hehe~ Idia-chan lasted longer this time~♡” 
He shyly wiped the drool off his lips and sulked at you. 
“Ah~! Idia-chan’s angry look still looks cute!♡” You gently peck him on the forehead before getting out of his lap.
Helping him get off the floor, you guided him to he large bean bag he had ordered for both of you to cuddle on, and gently placed him there. Giving him sometime to finish sulking before you began another round of Private Displays of Affection. At this point in time, you were still confident that your relationship with Idia was unshakable.
 There were no threats to his future status as your husband and you had simply continued your usual date routine of flirting, pampering, loving, and doting upon your beloved. The night had been filled with the sweet air of love and Idia had even managed to not shake that much as he held your hand in the middle of a romantic cut scene.
You had kissed him good night after casting a protection spell on him as you slept on his bed and Idia took a nap before heading out to buy his game.
That was the last time you saw him.
“How could my darling be taken?” Eliza pouted as tears gathered on the corners of her eyes.
You felt your heart soften at her heartbroken look before steeling yourself,
“That’s because he’s my lover of 2 and a half years”.
From the sides you could hear Azul’s glasses breaking in shock, the loud gasp from Vil, and Lilia’s words of “So that was who you bought those toys for?”
You made a mental note to drop by Diasomnia once this was over, to bribe Lilia into silence as well as future cooperation. There was certain merit in building connections with someone of Lilia’s peerage.
“Miss Eliza, just like how you wish to wed your ideal beloved, I, as well, wish to do so” You turned and looked at Idia, channeling all the love you felt for him in your eyes before turning to Eliza, “For me, no one else but Idia would do that’s why...as recompense let me help you find your true love!”
You smiled brightly and made sure to up your charm.
Ortho had come to wake you up in tears, effectively rousing you from your sweet dream of eating and enjoying Idia’s body.
“Wa-wake up!!! Nii-san was taking by ghosts!!!” Ortho cried as he shook you awake and you blearily looked at him.
“Idia...got taken by ghosts? Was he mistaken as one of them again?” You asked as you got up and calmed Ortho down.
“Please hurry up! Nii-san was taken by a ghost bride!” Ortho cried harder as he pushed you out of the room and you stumbled as you got dressed.
“Wa-wait! Ortho-chan at least let me put on a jacket!” You begged as tried to stop him from pushing you out.
“Okay! But hurry up! Who knows what’s gonna happen to Nii-san!”
“Got it! Got it! Please stop pushing me already.”
Ortho carried you away as soon as you said you were ready, the next thing you knew, you were already standing right in front of the Headmaster and watching the CCTV recordings with the Headmaster and the young prefect of Ramshackle Dorm once again.
“Yuu-chan since you’re helping us out, you should come and stay over our dorm while Ramshackle is on loan” You kindly offered one of the unused rooms of Ignihyde.
“Sempai! You’re a lifesaver!”
“Not at all, this is just me repaying you for your help later on~ I can’t have my Idia end up on someone else’s hand after all” You smiled.
From the side, Headmaster Crowley watched your clenched fist and hoped that things would end peacefully. Before he could even advise you to not take things too far later on, he was disrupted by the ruckus outside. Angrily opening the door he was once more, greeted by another problem.
“I won’t hand over my love so easily!” Eliza cried and tugged Idia away from you.
“Ara~Ara~In that case, shall we fight for his hand then?” You asked as you let go of Idia to prevent him from getting hurt.
“Ha! Someone like you who can let him go easily won’t win!”
“I’d rather my beloved Idia not get hurt even the tiniest bit, please don’t mistake my utmost consideration for him to be a sign of weakness.” You replied coldly as you took out your magic pen.
“I-Isn’t there another way?!” Idia panicked, “U-um I-I only want to marry (your name) so please stop this already!!!”
You paused at the sudden declaration and beamed at Idia before turning your smug look at Eliza, “Well then, Idia has spoken, so kindly removed your hand from his arms!”
“No, before that, shouldn’t you put down your magic pen?” Azul reminded you, his composure made it look like his earlier reactions were nothing but a hallucination.
“Shut up, this looks interesting. Seeing that bastard get this agitated...heh” Leona stood on the side and watched the show with keen interest.
“No...didn’t we all agree to put that ring on her finger?” Riddle reminded everyone.
Hearing the silence that greeted him, he looked at his companions and glared at them with annoyance as he demanded,. 
“Headmaster Crowley! Hurry up and stop those two before worse come to worst!”
“I name this plan…. “Operation: Propose!” Crowley declared and you clapped on the side to show your support for his efforts.
“Are you actually fine with this?” Rook asked you, eyes sharper than usual and you knew that you couldn’t hide anything from him. 
So you hadn’t bothered and instead confessed, “I’m a little bit annoyed that someone can easily take Idia from me but I know that right now Idia must be feeling the worst of it.”
“Oh my, what sweet words coming from you, souverain de la mort”
“Fufufu~Is that so but this would also be a good learning experience for Idia, He needs to be aware of his surroundings when I’m not there~”
“There it is~ that tough love that I expect from someone like you!” Rook cheered.
You laughed at his antics and decided to join in on the discussion to take back your boyfriend. It really wouldn’t do if he ended up on someone else’s hand after you took so much time and effort on laying the ground work after all.
Thus all of you burst into the reception hall and began the operation.
You waved at Idia and signaled him to be at ease while each of the dorm leaders and the first years tried their luck.
Ignoring the sound of slaps, you comforted your boyfriend who was near tears. Idia despite standing tall over you acted like an over sized dog and hid his face on your chest. He held on your clothes tight and whined about everything that happened to him.
“I was so scared! I thought I got mistaken for a ghost again and would end on the Underworld once more! I don’t like going there!”
You calmly rubbed his back up and down, occasionally planting kisses on his flaming hair. and generally soothing him to a much calmer state.
“It’s fine, I’m sure our friends wouldn’t fail our expectations and if worse comes to worst...I’ll deal with it personally” You promised him and held him tight.
Ortho came over to hug you both and you welcomed him and pulled him close as well. You wouldn’t deny that both siblings had occupied the soft parts of your heart and you couldn’t help but indulge them every now and then.
“I won’t give up! My love for my darling won’t lose to you!” Eliza declared, grip growing tighter on Idia’s arm.
“In that case, I challenge you to a duel for Idia’s hand in marriage!”
“Eh?! Wa-wait why a-are you shuddenly proposing?” Idia stammered as he ran over to you.
‘He bit his tongue...’ Azul, Leona, Rook, Vil, Jade, Floyd, Lilia, Sebek, Cater, Trey, Ace, and Deuce thought.
“It’s fine to do this but please avoid damaging the school buildings~!” Crowley shouted from a safe vantage point.
You calmly looked at Idia and said, “ I can’t just stand to see the man I love get married to someone else.”
You took a strand of his hair and placed a kissed on it, the warmth of his flaming hair made your lips tingle as it slowly turned red in embarrassment, “Idia, please wait for my triumphant return.”
Idia blushed and quickly peck you on your forehead and said, “For good luck...”
From the side Yuu commented, “If Sempai was single...they would have easily made Eliza-san accept the ring right?”
“What are you talking about?” Ace asked grumpily.
“What sharp eyes you’ve got!” Rook replied, “As a child of the Goddess of Love it’s natural to for them to be brimming with charm however from the looks of it...they might just use their Unique Magic.”
“If that is truly the case, then we are in for a good show.” Lilia floated over, “Their Unique Magic is one of the kind after all, fufufu~ Sebek you should try learning from them~”
“Lilia-sempai just what is Sempai’s Unique Magic?” Yuu asked.
“Hmmm...it’s hard to explain but their Unique Magic is something close to a God’s powers~”
Everyone who heard that looked at you at a new light. Idia and Ortho were the same though for entirely different reasons. Idia had never thought you were considering marriage with him, he was content with being your boyfriend and eventually breaking up once you were tired of him but seeing your gallant figure raising your magic pen he couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with you.
Ortho had been happy seeing how you easily got his brother to go out and mingle with people occasionally and how good you were to his brother but he hadn’t held much hope that you’d stay for forever. He was prepared to do anything to protect his brother’s smile and seeing how you finally stepped up to fight, Ortho could be at ease.
“Well then, I’ll finish this quickly,” You said apologetically to Eliza, “Crush Thy Heart!”
“In life you couldn’t find your love however in the Underworld, your beloved has been eagerly waiting for you, therefore let go of those regrets and pass over. Crush Thy Heart and Free Thy Soul!”
Eliza disappeared in a soft gentle particles of light, her eyes seeing someone who was not visible in their eyes. Dressed in white and smiling with happiness, the Ghost Bride had finally settled her business.
You smiled at her gently, offering a silent prayer to your mother and the God of the Underworld to look after her upon arriving. Then you headed towards Idia and swept him off his feet, uncaring of the public spectacle you were making you kissed his cheek and said,
“Idia Shroud, this event led me to realize I can’t put my guard down when it comes to you.”
Idia was still stunned at being carried by you so easily that his eyes were only looking at you in a daze. You sighed at him, helplessly fond of his endearing traits.
“That’s why let me stay by your side as your spouse, let me dine with you and partake in your wine, share your hearth by your side and that we may welcome Hestia’s and Aphrodite’s blessing upon us.”
Idia, who had understood what you were doing, trembled in your arms and with his shaking hands clutched your lapels and kissed you on your lips. 
“If-if you’re fine with me the-then I happily accept!”
“Congratulations on your marriage, Nii-san!” Ortho said as he jumped with joy.
"Husband, it's not that I enjoy being under you but why am I being tied as well?"
Idia merely glared at you, pouting with embarrassment. You observed his flickering hair and noted that only the tips were dyed in red.
'He's not that mad then' you thought as you wiggled around the newly bought queen sized bed that replaced Idia's former bed.
"My love? my Darling dove? Beloved Idia? My Dear Husband? Idia-chan?" You called out to him.
"How could you just se-send the betrothal gifts to my home without telling me!"
"...I didn't...but my mother probably did..." You weakly answered as you magically undid the ropes and pulled him to lie on the bed with you.
He snuggled closer to you like a cat and whined, "It was so scary! Hearing that I had to bring you back home with me! What if you didn't agree!"
With a snap of your fingers, a couple of pomegranate seeds appeared on your palms and you took it from the palm with your mouth. Idia looked at you in confusion and suddenly found himself being kissed. Your tongue swiped on his bottom lip, silently asking, and Idia obliged opening his mouth and letting your tongue in his mouth.
The taste of pomegranates spread inside his mouth as he sunk into the plush bedding. You were straddling his waist as your tongue entwined with his while your hands were already undressing him deftly. Idia could feel his brain turn into mush with your skillful ministrations upon his body.
With a loud pop and the saliva that connected your mouth to his, you ended the kiss knowing that Idia was already at his limit. You wiped the drool off his mouth and said, "You don't have to worry about me leaving your side anymore."
Your pleased smile and gentle reassurance, like always, didn't fail to make his heart skip a beat.
"Mou...you're the more dangerous one..."
132 notes · View notes
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(Prompts with boxes have been taken, highlighted have been written.)
I have requests and ideas for all of the prompts, so no more requests from this card will be accepted. I’m planning on writing and posting all of these within the month of December and probably a bit into January. If you don’t want to see these stories, block the tag #false bthb, if you would like to be tagged in future stories shoot me an ask!
This prompt got away from me a bit so it’s split into two parts. The prompt comes into play in the second part. Requested by @atlasistryingherbest​ I hope you enjoy it, the second part will be up tomorrow!
General tagging: @im-an-anxious-wreck (you're gonna be tagged in mostly bthb this month as that's the project I'm working on, so if you'd like this changed to only the multichapter fics or general one shots please let me know. Thank you again for the interest!)
My Sunshine Part 1
Summary: Patton thinks he’s finally caught the break he needs when he finds and falls in love with Roman. Ignoring the warning signs until it’s too late Patton ends up losing more than he had dared to gain.
Warnings: more for part two but story contains human trafficking, implied non consensual sex and starvation
Prompt: Denied food as Punishment
Ships: Royality, Patton x Roman
WC: 4, 166
Patton skirted around another group of students, clutching his rather heavy school bag and trying not to bump into anyone in his rush to his bus. The college campus wasn’t exactly large but the crowds remained a nuisance no matter how small the classes were. Seeing the bus start to pull up to the sidewalk for its hourly trip into the downtown area he quickened his pace, desperate not to miss it again. Thankfully getting to the back of the waiting line with time to spare he took a breath and finally managed to zip his bag closed, hoisting it over his shoulders and looking around to see if he could recognize anyone from his classes.
Having just moved into town for school a month ago Patton didn’t really have any friends yet, just people who would occasionally ask him for a pencil only to not give it back- but that was fine! Whenever he ran out of pencils to give he could just ask them for one and he would know they’d have one since he had given so many of his away. If nothing else he figures a missing pencil was as good an ice breaker as any to start a conversation with somebody.
Lost as he was in his thoughts he immediately snapped out of it when he caught sight of one of the cutest men he had ever seen. Tall, dark and handsome didn’t even begin to cover it when he saw the stranger laugh at whatever the person next to him was talking about and reach up to push longish, curly hair out of his eyes. The stranger seemed to suddenly become aware that he was being stared at, turning his head and somehow immediately locking eyes with an extremely flustered Patton. Offering a king smile and a small wave Patton was sure he turned at least ten different shades of red before he managed to tear his eyes away and trip up the stairs to the bus to plop tiredly in the first empty seat he could find.
Burying his face in his hands he groaned at his own stupidity, lamenting the fact that he had been caught ogling someone he didn’t even know or recognize from any of his classes. He had seemed so nice though, not even seeming fazed at being stared at- though with such a confident air that he seemed to have Patton thought maybe he was used to it by now. All he could hope was that he’d never see the stranger again and if he did he wouldn’t remember Patton as that creepy guy in the bus line who probably looked half dead for as much coffee he consumed to keep up with his life.
Deciding not to dwell on it too much he grimaced as he hoisted his pack up yet again as his stop came into view, dreading another afternoon spent on his feet trying to hear people’s orders and write them down correctly while the general noise of the restaurant made it a challenge to get his own forcibly friendly “Hello, what can I get for you?” to be heard. Shuffling off the bus with everyone else he quickly jogged down the block and around the back of the restaurant he worked at, swiping his apron on in the same motion of throwing his bag down and scooting it under a table and out of the way. Smoothing his hair bag and rubbing what he hoped was most of the tiredness from his eyes he put on his best smile and waltzed his way out onto the main floor, tagging out his shift swift for which he was barely acknowledged before they gestured to a family just getting comfortable for him to service.
Squaring his shoulders and taking one more deep breath he began walking over to them. It was just a five hour shift, he could handle a five hour shift.
He could barely handle a five hour shift.
Frowning down at his bag that contained his barely started on homework his fingers fumbled with the knot of his apron as he desperately tried to work it off. Huffing in frustration he bent his neck painfully to get the top part off and shimmied hip hips while yanking the bottom part until he was finally able to kick it into a wall. Dragging a hand over his face he snatched it up and hung it up rather aggressively before getting his bag and hurrying out the back door to catch the bus back to his run down apartment. The ride was as uneventful as ever but he almost missed it when he finally reached his apartment only to see a corner of an envelope sticking out from under the door that would undoubtedly contain the rent bill he would have to scrape together enough change to meet again.
Although he was grateful to be away from his family and that he had been able to get into college in the first place it was an expensive path in life that he had to work hard at two jobs to maintain, still barely managing to scrape by each month. Since switching campuses to be closer to work opportunities it had only seemed to get worse. If he had a roommate it might be different, at least taking some of the financial burden off his shoulders but he didn’t know anyone in this town enough to ask and he definitely didn’t want to invite people he didn’t know into his life with an ad in the newspaper calling for a roommate- who knew if they’d even pay rent or pick up after themselves or leave his things alone. No, Patton was a little too paranoid for that. Flopping face down onto his couch he wormed his way half under the back cushions and seat cushions until it was just a little too tight and sighed contently, letting his eyes finally drift shut as he gave his legs a rest. His stomach growled not ten minutes later however, making him groan and debate whether making something would actually be worthwhile. Realizing he still had work to do anyway he carefully got up and rolled up his sleeves, wondering if that frozen pizza in the freezer was still good.
A little while later with pizza in one hand and a pencil in the other he worked his way through his math and science homework, stacking them to the side as he made way for the english paper he had yet to start. He was still trying to work through basic classes before he got to...whatever it wsa he would decide he wanted to major in, though sometimes he was intimidated but the already nearly overwhelming workload he had to tell himself it would all be worth it. He just had to smile through it and push through until he came out the other side with a bright a nd shiny degree and an even brighter future. Of course, that optimism could only take him so far as he stared at the book report he was supposed to be at least outlining, a quick glance at the clock telling him that if he wanted to shower, now would be the time if he didn’t want to be late for his stocking job. Working at a warehouse form one to seven in the morning definitely wasn’t ideal but it paid well and it was just enough to keep him floating while he worked his way through school. Wincing as he stood up on wobbly, half asleep legs he dumped his plate in the sink and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower before he had to be at the warehouse for his shift.
Stumbling out of his apartment complex still struggling to get his jacket on he happened to look up and see an unfamiliar car parked across the street. I wonder if someone else is moving in, he thought, squinting in the darkness of the early morning to try and make out details. He thought he saw movement in the drivers side but the beeping of his watch let him know he had a very limited amount of time now to get to where he was going, so turning on his heel he booked it to the warehouse a few blocks down, any other thoughts drowned out by the apprehensionsion of the promised monotony to come.
Patton was dead on his feet by the time his shift ended and he made it back to his apartment. Making side eyes at the couch wit his notes still scattered on the coffee table he shook his head and went down the short hallway to his bedroom instead, peeling off his shirt and pants as he went and flopped onto the box spring, flopping his arm around for his treasured dog plushie before curling onto his side and beginning to snore within minutes. When he woke up to his insistent alarm five hours later he groaned and threw the plushie at the offending machine to no avail. Stretching out his stiff muscles he reached over and pressed the button to get the thing to shut up while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Another day, another...well just another day really. He had half an hour to make himself somewhat presentable and make coffee, maybe try to scratch out part of that english outline before heading off to class and repeating the daily routine of rushing around and catching quick ten minute naps when he could. Thankful today was Wednesday, meaning he had two more regular days and then Saturday he only had to get through his warehouse shift before he was free for the weekend. He made a face at the dust clinging to nearly every surface in his room.. Maybe he’d use that weekend to clean a bit.
Coffee brewing, face washed and toast wolfed down he did actually manage to get a quarter of his outline done before he had to gather everything up and leave. Taking a thermos of caffeine for the road he made it out in record time to catch the bus, idly noting the car from last night was still parked across the street, though it was clearly empty now. A dark blue Sudan with tinted windows from what he could. Shrugging he went to wait in line with everyone else; what he wouldn't give for his own car.
It wasn’t until the following week that he saw the car in a different place, this time parked in front of his restaurant. The only reason he really noticed it was because he had honestly been wondering when the thing would be toed considering it never seemed to leave the same spot from across the street. Shrugging the fleeting interest off he quickened his pace and got his apron on, shimmying the bottom part over his head since he hadn't got the knot undone and bending his neck forward to properly don the front loop. Smoothing himself out while shoving his bag under the table and fishing for his notepad and pen he stretched his face into yet another believable smile and pushed his way out of the kitchen and to his shift switch, only to freeze in place when they gestured to a table with a lone figure sat at it.
This cannot be happening, he thought with dismay. At the table sat the very stranger who had smiled at him after catching him staring last week. He was just as cute as ever and had a relaxed, easy smile on his face that Patton instantly felt himself melt for. Now is not thee time Patton, he scolded himself as he straightened his apron and walked over, palms sweating an embarrassing amount with knees he hoped to God weren’t visibly shaking.
“Hello, what can I get for you?”
The man looked up and his smile only grew wider as he cupped his chin. “Have we met?”
Sputtering, Patton clutched his notepad to his chest as he struggled to string a coherent thought together. He knew! He knew and now he’d get to tell him what a creep he was and-
“I’m certain I would have remembered the name of a person as cute as you if we had.” The man leaned forward practically purring. “Patton is it? That suits you.”
Patton barely heard the other half of what was being said to him, the word “cute” bouncing around in his skull too many times for him to properly concentrate on the actual conversation. He turned his incredibly red face away from the others gaze, not quite sure what to say back, thankfully the man saved him from having to respond by finally leaning back and taking the menu up again. “I’m very sorry, where are my manners? I’m keeping you from your job aren’t I?”
He was but heck if Patton was going to agree with that statement. The kinder he was the more this person might tip, and besides, he actually was very cute especially up close. He didn’t mind a bit of casual flirting especially since the other didn’t seem to have anything against him.
“You’re fine sir! I um- I don’t mind.” That being the closest Patton could get to actually accepting a compliment he quickly moved on. “Are you ready to order?”
“Yes actually! I’d like a chicken sandwich with tomato and a chef’s salad on the side.”
Nodding, Patton looked back up from his scribbling. “And to drink?”
“Water would be lovely.”
Taking the menu, he nodded again. “It’ll be right out sir.”
“Thank you, Patton.”
The use of his name set him on edge for a second but he quickly brushed it aside. He was just being nice, sure maybe overly nice- but this was the first full blown kind of conversation he’d held with someone who wasn't his landlord or boss in weeks. If the stranger wanted to use his name that was fine. He’d just have to learn his!
Busy as the restaurant was in the afternoon he was slightly disappointed he hadn’t seen the man leave but made his way over to the table to start cleaning up while he had a free minute. Lifting the check book his eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the tip that was left. A solid fifty dollar bill lay next to the receipt, and on the latter a phone number was written along with a name.
“Roman.” Patton breathed out. He realized he was holding a third month's rent in his hands, he could get groceries this week...proper groceries! Like...Patton pursed his lips in thought, maybe fruit and vegetables? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d bitten into an apple that hadn’t gone completely soft from sitting in the cafeteria for far too long. With stars in his eyes and a name in his heart he pocketed the tip and went about the rest of his shift in a daze, not even noticing the dark blue Sudan still parkly in the parking lot as he made his way back home.
Roman was absolutely charming- in every sense of the word. After their first phone call where Patton had thanked him endlessly for the very generous tip they had been texting and calling nearly nonstop. The flowery, flirty way he spoke, the way he looked at Patton like he was hung on the moon, even the way he said his name like he was cradling something precious, it was almost too much. Patton’s workplace had become a regular place for Roman to eat, always sitting at the same place and getting there seemingly right as Patton’s shift started. Tired still though he was, he found the monotony broken at last by a welcome smile to greet him every day of the week, and he was absolutely living for it.
Patton was ecstatic when Roman asked him on a date the following week, securing Saturday as the day they’d meet up at a different restaurant and hang out. He felt like he was floating, like finally something was sliding into place and everyday that it got close to the weekend just made him even more motivated to finish his shifts and homework so he could talk to the one who had so quickly captured his attention. The days flew by, and when Saturday finally came he rushed through his shift at the warehouse to go home and sleep, wanting to be well rested for his first date in years.
Despite his excitement, Patton ended up oversleeping and rushing in vain around his apartment, throwing together a haphazard outfit consisting of a soft blue, non-work polo and light jeans. Sliding his feet into his usual tennis shoes and running quick fingers through his hair he could only hope that was enough as he ran out of his apartment and down the stairs to the street below. The restaurant wasn’t far thankfully and he was able to jog there in no time at all, hoping he didn’t look like too much of a sweaty mess to the other man who always looked impeccably out together. Spotting him at a table on the far side of the joint next to the windows Patton made his way over and sat down nervously.
“I’m so sorry I’m late! I overslept and I tried to hurry but-”
“Please, don’t worry about it.” Roman lain a hand on top of Patton's leaving him to fight to contain his blush. “I wasn’t waiting that long and besides, this place has a lovely view.”
Turning to look out the window, Patton had to agree. The restaurant had a wonderful view of the local park, families playing with their children or pets as the Saturday afternoon wore on. He watched the families almost wistfully, almost but not quite missing his own as he watched one play hide-and-seek while another helped their child across the monkey bars. He was so enraptured by the sight before him he didn’t notice Roman’s gaze turn calculating before his easy smile slid back into place, placing his chin in his hands as he joined Patton in people watching.
“Someday, when I leave this town, I’d like to be settled with a family like that.” Roman’s voice brought Patton out of his own thoughts, making him turn to his date with a smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah, I’d like to have someone to take care of and love, and have them love me back. It sounds perfect doesn’t it?”
Patton flicked his eyes away for a second before smiling again. “It does. To be stable and settled down with kiddos, that’s the life I want.”
Seeming to sense his hesitation Roman cocked his head to the side. “Got a bad experience with families?”
“I-” Patton again was slightly put off by the stranger's forwardness and apparent skills of perception but he brushed it aside, finding it nice to be listened to. “My family and I didn’t get along very well I guess. We don’t talk at all now.”
Roman’s eyes flashed as he nodded. “I understand that. My family doesn’t talk to me much anymore either. It happens.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Patton looked away again as the waitress walked over with water and menus. Quietly thanking her Patton skimmed the list of items searching for something cheap. Settling on a club sandwich with a side of coleslaw he closed the menu just in time for the waitress to come back. Taking their orders she quickly left them alone once again, Patton trying desperately to hide a yawn behind his fist.
“Am I boring you already?” Roman said teasingly, and Patton’s face burned in embarrassment.
“It isn’t that I swear I-”
“It’s okay! Tired from work, I take it?”
Patton nodded gratefully and scratched his neck. “I work two jobs with school and I just- I’m a mess.”
Roman chuckled and shook his head. Hardly! That’s quite admirable of you actually, you work so hard for what you have.”
Patton smiled a bit at the table, blush dying down a bit as he breathed. “I guess so yeah.”
“Well I know so!” Patton flinched slightly as he raised his voice but Roman didn’t seem to notice as their food was placed in front of them and they dug in.
“We should really come here more often, this was exquisite!” Patton’s eyes shot up as he heard that. We? More often? Did that mean-
“You think entirely too loud for my liking my sunshine. Please forgive my forwardness, but would you like to do this again sometime?”
Patton beamed at the other man, twisting his fingers nervously under the table. “I’d love to, Roman.”
The next couple months went by in a blur, having dates when they could manage them and extended phone calls when they couldn’t. Then a weekend finally came when they could go out again, deciding meeting at the same restaurant was fine since it was so good last time. Thankfully Patton wasn’t late again, sliding in a chair across from Roman and taking the menu in his hands.
“Hey Roman!’
“Hello my love, it’s good to see that smile again.” Face heating quickly Patton hid his face behind his menu and ignored Roman’s soft chuckles, deciding to order the same thing for simplicity's sake. Giving their orders and receiving their drinks left the two alone and Roman took the opportunity to lean forward with a serious expression, making Patton squirm nervously in his chair.
“Patton, I have something I want to ask you, and you can absolutely say no if you wish to.”
Pressing his lips together Patton nodded for him to continue.
“I know how hard you work, what with two jobs and school on top of that; you’ve told me you sometimes struggle to meet the rent. We’ve been dating for a couple months now and I was wondering, would you like to move in with me?”
Taken aback by the question Patton could do nothing but gape at the other man, silence stretching between them as he tried to comprehend what he was hearing.
“I understand the hesitancy but I feel like it makes more sense. I could pay most of the rent while you contribute the rest, we could trade off making dinner, it’s a bigger apartment I’m sure so you could get out of that run down building. Plus it's closer to your campus so you wouldn’t have to take the bus, and I could always drive you to work.”
“Roman- that’s incredibly generous of you but I can’t ask you to do that.” Declining drove a stake through his heart but Patton was determined to stay firm. He wasn't a charity case, and even if the answers to nearly all of his problems were sitting right in front of him he knew he had to refuse.
“Patton, you aren’t asking, I am.” Roman looked imploringly into his eyes. “You do so much, let me take care of you.”
Biting his lip, Patton looked back at Roman nervously. This was an incredible thing that had just landed right in his lap- he wanted to say yes so badly but what if they didn't work out? If they broke up Patton would be on the street, he didn’t know anyone besides Roman and his bosses and the latter he knew wouldn’t think twice about some poor college student living on the sidewalk. Plus he felt like the relationship was moving so fast, though he didn’t really have much to compare it to other than little high school flings so maybe he was just paranoid. But it was so difficult to keep up with the rent, and if he had the security of Roman- not quite the roommate he had imagined but definitely better, maybe everything was finally looking up.
Squeezing Roman’s hand he took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Only if you're sure and I’ll of course help out around the apartment in any way I can!”
“I don’t doubt it my love.” Their food was placed in front of them, as Roman nodded. “We can move you in today if you like. It wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
Smiling giddily Patton nodded. Yes, everything was certainly turning around for the better.
As they left the restaurant with Roman leading him to his car so they could start packing up his apartment, Patton nearly froze on the spot but managed to keep walking like nothing had happened. He climbed somewhat nervously into the car he had been seeing outside of his apartment, outside of his restaurant and even sometimes outside of the rather remote warehouse where he worked. He shut the door to the dark blue Sudan carefully and buckled his seatbelt, pushing the buzzing in his ears aside as he settled in his seat and listened to Roman’s idle chatter.
Everything was looking up. It would be fine.
This work is also available on AO3!
Part 2 here
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Con Amore: Part 6
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 08/07/2019
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,823 words
A/N: Let’s get into it.
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Your nose wrinkled as you entered the cafeteria. “Oh Lord.” “Back away slowly,” Namjoon instructed. “Maybe they won’t notice us and we can escape to where we can get food that doesn’t smell like…what does that smell like?” “Feet and tomato sauce,” Jin answered. “I can transport out and get us edible food,” Taehyung whispered. “Good plan.” “Nightingale!” An evil voice called out. You glared at the young man in his stupid temple travel robes looking like a cross between a wizard, a monk, and a farmer. Now everyone was looking at you. He ran up and bowed, straightening quickly. “High Priestess Cohen has sent me to represent…um…to represent…did I do something wrong, Arch—” He spluttered and spit out the mouthful of water and plant matter that had filled his mouth. You gestured for them to stop, stepping in close. “I believe one of the most intensive training programs at the temple is that of discretion, is it not?” He blinked in surprise at you, then looked a little sheepish and nodded. “Yes, miss.” “We should speak in private if you are to be the liaison between us and the temple. Does the dean know of your arrival?” “Yes, miss.” “And you’ve eaten?” “Not yet, miss.” “Follow me.” You pivoted and headed back to the elevator, feeling the curious gazes of at least two hundred students on your back. It was a good way out of eating whatever minimally edible food you found in there and frankly the smell was making you feel sick. Again. “So—” “Not in the elevator. You’re new, aren’t you?” “Sorry, yes, ma’am.” “What’s your name?” “Heuning Kai, miss.” “And you are a…” It wasn’t that you actually needed him to explain his powers, but you figured it would make him uncomfortable if he knew that you could sense his powers. Besides, sometimes it was nice to keep a power hidden away for emergency use. You certainly kept yours hidden. “Acolyte of day, messenger of the high priests and priestesses,” He replied quickly, dipping his head and making a gesture of the temple in the center of his chest. He looked at you with a little apprehension. “What does that mean?” Jimin asked, idly leaning against you. “It means he’s a light super training in the ways of the temple, and while he’s training he’s their messenger. Like an apprenticeship. You learn, but you also work to earn your keep. The temple is structured and run for supers who believe their powers give them too much…well, power. They stay at the temple to protect themselves and each other from those who would use their powers for ill. Instead they treat the sick and injured and provide sanctuary for those in need. When they do use their powers, it is after much prayer and meditation. They’re essentially pacifists that will fight if provoked in just the right way.” You explained, stumbling as the elevator made you dizzy. “I’m going to have to start using the stairs.” “Not a good idea,” Seokjin said. “You’d never get anywhere.” “I know,” You muttered poutily. “But the elevator makes me dizzy.” Jungkook wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry.” You sighed and leaned into his embrace until the doors opened. “Right. Let’s use one of these other rooms to set up for battle plans.” Yoongi picked a room and went in. Once inside, you hummed to make sure no one could see or listen in, then turned to Heuning Kai. “It’s safe to speak now.” “The high priestess of light sends word that our patient that was asking for you has begun recovering, and but hasn’t been able to clarify his messages from before. She also wished for me to tell you that you were right about the organization that was rising back to power, and that the temple is preparing for battle should you have need of them. I am to be at your disposal.” “Anything else?” He frowned slightly, almost indignant, but seeming to remember something before. “She said that you need to seal the doors that very moment.” “I take it that was her exact wording, she said “that very moment”?” He nodded. You frowned, trying to figure out what that could mean. There were literal doors, figurative doors, the doors to your archives, the doors to the school, the doors of transportation…there were an almost endless number of doors that could be referencing to and apparently she had decided to be vague. “Nothing else?” “I believe that was everything, miss.” “Alright. Let’s go over the ground rules while we’re at the conservatory. Do not discuss any private information about yourself, us, or the mission with anyone except me and these men. That includes me being an archivist, any relationship things you see with us…did you give them your true name?” He looked up in surprise. “They didn’t ask for it.” “Then don’t. Do you have a code name at the temple?” He nodded, but it was hesitant. “One you don’t particularly like?” “I’m called orangeade.” “Yikes. He wins,” Hoseok muttered. “Okay…well, the dean will probably just call you Acolyte…but is there some other code name that you’d maybe like to use while here?” “Well, I’ve also been called wings…” He shrugged, looking uncertain and a little out of his depth. “Wings?” Jimin asked. He reached behind him and pulled a piece of fabric. Wings spread out behind him, the white feathers connected with metal, gears working smoothly to allow them to work properly. Not quite a power, but explained that weird sense you got from him about a second power. You knew the handiwork. He likely had wings he was born with, and was refitted as a child to have these, then rescued and taken to the temple for safety. You looked at his face, seeing how uncomfortable it made him to even be called wings. “I could call you Hermes, Euros, or Zephyros.” He lit up a bit. “Hermes was the messenger god. Euros was the god of the east wind and autumn, thought to bring rain and warmth. Zephyros was the god of the west wind and spring. If those don’t sound like good names, then I can find others. And it’s only temporary.” You gave him a gentle smile, knowing you could come off as abrupt. “Just to keep you safe. This place is just as dangerous as the enemy we’re facing.” “I like Zephyros,” He said softly, smiling a little. “Okay.” You gave him a gentle smile, then turned to Taehyung. “But seriously, real food.” He grinned. “What do you want?” “Hmm, I think I want a burger,” you said. “Maybe some fries. And fruit. Strawberries. And blueberries.” “Alright, I’ll do my best,” He came over and collected a quick kiss. You gripped his sleeve. “Be careful.” He met your eyes and nodded. “I’ll take Mannaz-ah.” “You will?” Jimin looked a little indignant. “Yup.” Taehyung grabbed a paper. “Now taking orders.” The boys started giving him instructions for food, and you gestured for Heuning Kai to give Taehyung an order as well. He looked nervous to do so, so you pulled him over to where Taehyung was writing down Namjoon’s order. “Do you want a burger?” You asked after a moment. He nodded. Taehyung flashed a smile. “Come over here, I have a menu pulled up for the place I’m going to.” You gave the young boy an encouraging smile, then headed over to Jimin. “Keep your head on the swivel. I don’t care how ridiculous you might look, keep an eye on everything.” He nodded and nuzzled your cheek. “We’ll probably have to spread out tonight. You were too warm this morning. We’ll have to go back to our old routine of one or two of us sleeping with you at a time. Laguz-hyung’s neck is hurting him and Sowilo-hyung’s leg is hurting him.” “And how’s your back and neck?” You asked, gently rubbing the muscle connecting his neck and shoulder. “Mmm, Jera-hyung gave me a massage earlier this morning.” He melted into your touch anyway. “Good. You’re right. Probably only manage one of you in a bed with me, though. I’ll let you have the first night.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed a few kisses to his lips. “I’ll need your special brand of cuddles tonight.” He smiled. “Cuddles, yeah. That’s what we’ll be doing.” You rolled your eyes. “We’ll do whatever we both have energy for.” “Mmhmm, or I could just please you,” He murmured, stepping closer and pressing a kiss to your lips. You shook your head and lightly punched his shoulder. “Raidho is ready to leave.” “Try not to worry about us,” He whispered, pressing his forehead to yours. “I’ve got the check-in app going with Tiwaz-hyung.” You kissed him again, then stepped away from him so that Tae could step in and transport them out. Namjoon led Heuning Kai out of the room, talking about getting him settled in the same wing as us. You looked back at Jungkook. “Come with me to the archives?” He smiled and nodded. “Don’t let her work too hard,” Hoseok said, quickly kissing you as he pulled a sleepy-looking Yoongi toward the door. “Hey, if I give you guys a list can you lay out a plan to rescue some kids from some of the homes, make sure the organizations can’t get to them?” You pulled out a paper. “Yeah, we’ll make a plan then when everyone is back we’ll execute it,” He plopped a kiss on your hair. “We’ll also set this room up as a meeting room. I just have to tuck this one in for a nap.” You giggled and stepped in to kiss Yoongi. “Sleep well, dearest.” He visibly blushed, and looked away. You grinned and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder and kissing his neck. “Try to dream of me?” “Yeah, whatever,” He murmured, a little bit of his cute, flustered lisp coming out. You kissed his neck again, seeing his ears turning red. You squeezed him again, then released, letting your hands trail across his body. He caught your hand, giving it a light squeeze before letting you retreat to Jungkook. He was still looking away from you, but you knew he was watching your every move. “Come on,” Hoseok chuckled, tugging Yoongi out of the room. You hummed and pulled Jungkook through the door and into one of the archives. You had almost finished organizing the artifacts in your own way so that you could find whatever you need, but there was still one room full of artifacts that you still needed to find a home for. You relaxed once you’d sealed the entrance again. Jungkook was watching you with worry in his eyes. “You alright?” “Tired. Worried. A little nauseous. I wish I could just curl up with all of you and sleep. Not worry about another opponent.” You nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped around you lovingly and protectively. He just held you tightly. “I wish that too. I wish we could all just bask in the happiness of a baby. We’ve wanted one for so long. Been trying since Christmas. For it to come now…” “Yeah,” You whispered. “All things in due season, though…right?” “If you mean that things happen when they’re supposed to, then I guess so. Like fate.” You nodded. “Fate.” You ran a hand over your stomach, chewing on your lip. “I just…the thought of being a mom hasn’t really hit me yet, I guess. I’m used to being free and doing almost exactly as I please when I please. Do you think I’ll be a good mom? And what’s it going to be like with the baby having essentially seven fathers?” “We’ll figure everything out together. You’ll be a great mom. You’re already so good at taking care of us,” He reassured softly, smiling at you lovingly. “And when you get all big and your ankles and back hurt, I’ll carry you wherever you like.” You groaned. “Oh, I’m gonna get fat. I was just feeling like I was in excellent shape too.” “You look beautiful no matter what.” He kissed you chastely. “Now, what’s the task?” “Keeping me from doing too much while I find some artifacts that can help us that aren’t dangerous if taken by others. Then I want to seal the archives so that only I can get into them. I don’t know quite what to make of Nurya’s warning, but I do know that if I can, I should make sure these never fall into the wrong hands.” “So you’re preparing early for the occasion of your death.” He sounded upset. You shook your head. “No. I meant it when I said I’d stay away from the fighting and the danger. I just want to make sure no one gets in uninvited. Which is why I’m also making sure that if I do open it, it’s also because I’m carrying this,” You explained as you picked up an amulet with a tiger and rooster depicted on it. “This was collected by my five-times-great-grandfather, from Jeju Island. The amulet of Munjeon, a god of doors.” You held it out to Jungkook. He took it, looking it over, running a finger over the inlaid rubies and sapphires. “It looks like that peace symbol, the black and white one.” “Yin and Yang, which represents balance, not peace. Yes, it is.” You grabbed a special case from the side and started carefully picking out artifacts that could be useful but wouldn’t break the world. “Keep it safe for me. If you don’t feel like I’m me, don’t give it to me.” He watched you for a while, then slowly closed his fist over the amulet. “Okay.” He caught your waist. “But what if I’m the one that’s taken.” “It’s also a protection charm.” You kissed his cheek. “And I’ll make sure there are fail-safes. I just need to sit down with some sheet music and headphones while you guys make plans for fighting and investigation.” He nodded. “They’re probably back with food, now.” You grabbed a few more artifacts from other archives, then pulled him back into the room. Taehyung and Jimin were putting chairs at the tables, which had been rearranged into a huge meeting table that could seat all of you plus some extras. You smiled as the smell of burgers wafted to you. “That smells fantastic. Thank you, boys.” They jumped and Jimin went down behind a table in surprise. Tae recovered first. “What’s the suitcase for?” “Tools,” You explained, kissing his cheek, then going to make sure Jimin hadn’t hurt himself. “Any trouble?” “Nope, we were perfectly safe.” Jimin hugged onto you. “We have a problem,” Hoseok said, coming back in with the others, including Huening Kai and the dean. “What problem?” Taehyung asked. The dean put a device down and Yoongi projected the screen onto the wall for everyone to see. “The old church which was used by a private organization has been burning for six hours, there are no reports of anyone being in the church when the fire began, and firefighters are still working hard to put out the flames, which have extended to throughout the entire building.” The news reporter kept talking about when the fire started and all that, but your gaze was on the symbol on the burning door. “Beit mikdash lekavot,” The dean read from the simple sign. “Hope Temple.” Heuning Kai looked devastated. “That’s where the entrance to the temple of light was,” You confirmed. “Boys, we need to rescue the kids from those homes I listed. Now.” “Right. We’ll eat as we go,” Jin quickly grabbed his burger from the bag. “I’ll have some transportation students ready to assist you all.” “Huening Kai, why don’t you help me today?” You said gently, resting a hand on his shoulder. He slowly nodded and let you guide him to a seat. You gently rubbed his back. “I’m sure they’re okay.” He nodded again, but his gaze was fixed on the video that Yoongi was still projecting, obviously waiting for more details. “Wilo, you should stick with Jin,” You suggested gently. Yoongi glanced at you, then Heuning Kai, before nodding and ending the projection. The dean turned to you. “I would like to speak to you later. When it’s convenient.” You weren’t sure what that would be about, but you figured it probably wasn’t good. You nodded anyway and sat down with the laptop to monitor the separate missions of your boys, giving Heuning Kai the second and telling him what to do based on the plan Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok had come up with. You just hoped it wouldn’t be too late for the children.
Part 5.   Part 7.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
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tuwam · 5 years
a visit.
daewon’s sure of a few things.
number one, he’s 99% sure he locked the door. he never misses out on locking the door because that usually means they’re closed and that means he gets an early day. it also means he gets to visit a certain flower shop earlier than usual with tea and a good book in tow. 
number two, they are closed. which is why he knows he’s closed the door. which is why when he stands to turn the figure in the doorway, he’s completely dumbfounded. because - that is a figure in the doorway and because - there shouldn’t be a stranger in the doorway because they were closed.
and he’d locked the door. hadn’t he?
“i’m sorry - ” perplexed as he is and too flustered to search his memory, he remembers his duties as an employee before anything else. with his full attention now on the man, daewon gestures towards the counter moving to help himself not trip over his words. “can i help you?” his initial guess is that the male is a customer, one who is in generous need of a trim. 
the stranger’s hair is orange, quite an impressive color actually, not too bright but bright enough to almost look natural. almost. hopefully he needs a trim, a dye job would be far too much work. the purple robe the man adorns only serves as a reminder that the shop should be closed as daewon would love to retreat to comfier clothes himself, but he doesn’t dwell. he watches the eyes of the stranger follow his gesture to the counter as well as his movements to pull out the scheduling book.
‘you’re the owner here?’
daewon gets his response through a voice that’s just about as perplexing as the owner itself. he male’s in a strange combination of this comfortable looking robe robes with his socks inside slippers, his eyes a striking amber that daewon has to look twice to make sure he’s seeing right. there’s that, and the surprising calm to his voice that doesn’t match the loudness of his outfit. it’s gentle, deliberately intended for daewon and it echoes through the shop light, a tad drowsy. it’s many things and daewon thinks it’s interactions like this that truly make the best stories. 
“I work under sohee.” as of late, sohee’s committed to leaving most of the shop operations to daewon whether he’s asked or not. sohee’s not the type of woman to give people things they can’t handle though she isn’t the type to ask if they can handle it either. she just does. and so daewon has done as he can, handling shifts, opening and closing the store, handling deliveries and repairs alike. he might as well own the salon. 
‘do any other men work here? is your owner a man?’ there must be a reason for the question. it’s not as if it’s the first time someone has seen him in the salon and asked for the next available stylist. it’s the twenty-first century and people are still perplexed to find he’s one of the employees, still perplexed to know men can cut women’s hair. sohee says they’re just missing out though daewon gets the suspicion this man is asking for other reasons, less condescending, though just as incredulous.
“i’m the only male worker - what do you need?’ he feels as if he’s going in circles. ‘you’ve received my letter yes? regarding my ward?’
as the realization clicks daewon’s sure this isn’t how he expected the meeting to go. just as he knows he didn’t expect the author of said letter to look like this. by this he means someone that looks like they just rolled out of bed from a mansion perfectly in time for a halloween costume party. but it’s spring time and the clothes are loud, strange and it’s close to closing time. it is closing time.
“you’re the one with the ward,” the man has the nerve to look like he’s the stressed one, as if the entire ordeal hadn’t troubled daewon when he’d first received the letter. ‘yes i’m the one whose student is head over heels for you.’
“are you joking with me?” ‘i assure you that i am not and that her feelings are not only serious but troublesome as well.’ well on that note, given his experiences with heated cheeks and stumbled words, daewon can understand the trouble for the young miss but not to the point that it’s troublesome to the stranger in front of him. he wants to laugh, as a crush on him still seems a bit unbelievable but the way the male’s arms lock over his chest, he knows this not to be a joke. nor a laughing matter.
daewon’s own arms cross over his chest, the scheduling book left untouched. the silence between them becomes more apparent and daewon realizes he’s only moved his arms to hold onto himself. the man’s stare is unrelenting, a little uncomfortable. the frown on his face looks strange, as if it’s going against the natural lines of his face. that makes things worse.
‘well?’ daewon swallows. “well, i - i’m not quite sure what you wish me to do.”
he hears a sigh.
‘you humans are rather insufferable do you know?’ daewon splutters at that. it’s nothing different from his usual awkward expressions but he thinks he’d heard the man wrong. humans? as if he wasn’t? that in itself is hard to process but the man is already moving towards him. 
daewon had never spent long dwelling on the possibility of other creatures and a quarter until 11, standing in the salon was not a time he’d like to either. the man is getting closer, the amber of his eyes becoming stronger, defiant. he’s bold enough to even lean completely over the counter and he’s inches from daewon’s face. daewon wants to move back but crashes over his feet at the sound of the door chiming open. 
‘i thought you were closed.’ “we are.” it’s a groan, but it’s ill-placed when his eyes meet the owner of the voice. sure enough there she is, pink hair fading considerably and smile always as sweet and gentle. her eyes seem to smile before her lips do and daewon thinks he might fall again, the position suddenly looking more compromising than he’d intended. the stranger doesn’t move, though his eyes do fall on her and daewon uses the distraction to move from behind the counter completely. 
‘you said we’d meet right after you closed up but you didn’t show up so - i headed over.’ her eyes flit from the stranger to daewon who is presently cursing him for forgetting he’d sent that message. had that much time passed? he can’t recall. the stranger’s eyes are the ones passing by between daewon and her own figure as daewon hurries to close the scheduling book and rush to grab his things.
“i completely forgot, you weren’t waiting long were you?” ‘not longer as usual.’ her voice is light, as light and familiar as he remembers but maybe too familiar. maybe too light. he doesn’t dwell on it, instead with his keys and bag over his shoulder he finally turns to his guest. the said male has taken to sitting atop the counter and is regarding them with amusement. ‘did you have company?’ ever the polite one, she regards the stranger with curiosity, something glinting in her eyes that daewon couldn’t recognize if he tried. the thought dissipates though because he’s focused on the fact that the man is actually sitting on the counter.
“no no, he was just leaving?” if it comes as a plea it’s because daewon would rather deal with all of this later. much later. the stranger’s eyes fall on both of them now, and it takes a few seconds before he’s smiling. it looks more natural than the frown but it leaves daewon feeling uneasy, worse than before. 
‘i can see you have no intentions with my ward.’ the words. immediately daewon can feel the threaten of red across his face at the implications. but he’s left no time to respond because the male is removing himself from the counter and dusting his robe off. ‘good. if i were to write the rejection she wouldn’t believe it. so please find a way to let her down gently alright? she is a youngling after all.’
a youngling. before daewon can process the words the stranger is gone out the door taking everything his presence held with him as he leaves.
‘a friend of yours?’ “he’s -” daewon is struck with the knowledge that he doesn’t quite know what to call the man other than disarming. “the guardian? yes i think that works, the guardian of-” ‘the young lady who has a crush on you. his ward.’ even hearing it aloud still proves too much for him. daewon feels his cheeks heat with the thought, and the stare that she’s now giving him. her lips are still pulled in gentle amusement, but the words. they’re friendly, always of course, but there’s something again behind it.something new. daewon thinks he’s possibly a little tired. “yes.” 
the silence is back, and her eyes don’t reach him anymore because they’re looking at the door, possibly outside it. daewon fidgets uncomfortable in her presence now for reasons he can’t quite understand. he doesn’t like it. he wants the comfort back, the routine of it. every time his world falls out of routine he’s used to blaming one thing and now, he’s not sure he can.
“let’s go? before the cafe closes we can get something warm.” that stirs her, dare he think he brings her back from her stupor. she regards him with the warmth he’s used to and daewon wants to bury the worry. 
he’s locking up behind him in seconds and thinking it might not be that easy. but she’s smiling and tailing beside him as they start walking, talking about the day as usual. he tries his best to put everything behind him. the strange man with his orange hair and purple robe and his talk of humans this and crushes thought. 
and a door that he’s pretty sure if locked now.
he puts it all behind him the minute a hand slips into his own.
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mistydeyes · 8 years
OHSHC in the RFA
OHSHC members as the members of the RFA in Mystic Messenger.
Beginning: As a new student of Ouran, you are mysteriously given a note telling you to download an app and also to enter a particular room on the second floor. Sensing adventure but evil you cautiously enter Room 7. Once you walk in your phone starts buzzing and you realize it is the weird app on your phone. You open it and realize you’re in a chatroom full of odd members! After learning their names they explain that the app is used between members of the HFA or the Haruhi Fundraising Association which was originally developed to fundraise for school events and other endeavors. The room you’re standing in was the office as well as second home to the Fujioka Family. But due to the death of the family’s matriarch, the office is abandoned and their daughter, Haruhi does most of the planning on her own. They invite you to stay and possibly help the organization get back on their feet and throw a gala to establish themselves again. (Headcannons below the cut)
(In order from least to most involved:)
Basically is Yoosung’s double
Once you enter the chatroom he asks you the most important question of all
“What’s your favorite cake?”
When you answered “Strawberry” he immediately gained your trust
After that he would talk to you whenever he could
Or whenever you would listen to him
He tells you that as much as he disliked Haruhi’s father, he stayed in the organization because of Mori and Haruhi
He eventually opened up about his family and brother, why he likes sweets and lolita things so much, and him wanting to act like a grown man
However he could to really act like one when he discovered Room 7 had a bomb in it and that there was someone trying to kidnap you
Literally tries to move you out 
“Like no, MC you need to leave with me right now. I’m trying to protect you.”
But you weren’t having it, all your work was there and you practically lived in that room
Eventually when Haruhi was going to confront and find the people that were stalking you, he decided to go
When he came back for the day of the annual host club party, you were so shocked
He had bruises and cuts and more importantly his eye was covered with a patch
You went to talk to him and whoa are you dipping and kissing me rn
That he was and you guys lived happily ever after (yayyyy)
In the beginning, all the members loved you except for him
You could no get a word out of him AT A L L
You even tried to learn the names of judo moves and tried to impress him that way but N O N E  O F  I T  W O R K E D
That was until you put Kyoya and Tamaki in their place when they were talking about how great of members there were
“Actually, Mori helps out with a lot of the work you guys. Give him more credit.”
Then the most amazing thing happened
You were awestruck and then you both started bonding on how undermined you both were 
“I started coordinating for free and with a day’s notice. Can I get some appreciation here?!”
“Agreed MC, do you want to go get coffee to burn this off?
A N D  B O O M! First date time!!
Although your date was full of pettiness and sass
This basically became your routine well until the bomb thing pops up
“MC! Look at the chat, Haruhi is talking about you.”
Literally a second later
That was the most emotion he ever showed to you
You convince him that your safe and he cautiously watches you like reeeaally watches
Anyways eventually with the tension building up between all the members, he eventually speaks against Tamaki and Kyoya about wanting a bigger role
“MC and I are doing all of the background work, we want to at least be mentioned at the party!”
It proves successful, although Tamaki and Kyoya are pretty pissed at first
But the party continues on and with you there, Mori walks up to you
“MC, will you be my business partner?”
And the end!
Asks you if you’re dating anyone
He literally invades and gets into your personal life
That was until he hit a note and now you’re spilling your life to him
“M-MC, shhh it’s okay. I’m so sorry..”
To repay you he tells you about how he and his brother were originally part of association
Immediately regrets this and acts very wary and distant for a few days
Then the worst happens
Tamaki calls him and says that you haven’t been seen entering Room 7 for the day
He springs into action and drives over to your apartment
Once he gets in the room however, he sees you surrounded by members wearing what looks to be like familiar attire
He growls at them to leave but it takes actually threatening to kill them for the group to rush away
You’re a sobbing mess by now
“MC, I have to tell you something.”
Now this is when the beans spill
“I need to tell you more about the association I’ve mentioned. Kaoru and I were part of it and it was led by this women who wanted to establish a cult bent on doing her bidding”
Basically sums up that Haruhi’s dad found both of them and brought them into the HFA with new names and identities
Now you are both crying
Back to the story, you both got out of there and stayed with him and Kaoru for a while until the day of the party
Once there, you got so many apologies from all of the members but Hikaru was still super cautious with you
Eventually it was time to give the speech and you were so prepared but Hikaru pushed you out of the way and gave one for you
“I would like to say that, through these last couple days of hell, MC has supported me and been strong through it. And I love her for it...”
With this he drops the mike and runs to you
Ends with lots and lots of kisses after
Basically in the same boat as his brother
Much like Mori, he did not like you at first
He just felt like you were acting nice to get something out of the members
Eventually you confronted him about what his problem was
“It’s not you! You just remind me of her!”
Welp now he has to tell you who “she” is
You sit there on the phone with him as he tells you about his time in this cult with his brother and all of that jazz
Then he gets into the deep recesses of his mind and tells you of how this new member joined the cult and took him under her spell
This poor baby fell in love with her but then she revealed to him that the “leader” wanted her to scout out the weak
Now his heart is broken and he is being brought out of the cult, kicking screaming
He then tells how he and his brother were found by Haruhi’s father
So now you understand (and are heartbroken too)
After this he decides that he can’t do anything he regrets even more
So you guys become better friends
The days continue with you planning the party until on the 6th day when Kyoya tells you of the bomb that’s in Room 7
Also did he mention that there was a stalker that’s been seen following you home?
Well now he did!
You, ofc, flip the hell out and run to Kaoru in fear and anger
He protects you the best he can, until someone breaks into your house
Kaoru walks home to find you in a choke hold with one of the members from that cul- oh crap it’s my old cult
Then proceeds to knock them away and brings you into his arms
You and him are collectively freaking out and Haruhi walks in to see all this
She immediately relocates you both after what has happened until the party
The day of the party, you have a horde of bodyguards surrounding you
Kaoru tells the members that he plans on moving you and him to a safe house 
You and the others are taken aback but then he does something you would never expect
He quickly kisses you as to somehow affirm your support and love
He had taps on you before you even got to know him
So he knew everything that made you tick and turn in your sleep at night
But one thing legitimately caught him off-guard
“Do you think cats are allowed in Room 7? I would like to bring mine from home.”
W H O A, H O L D  U P
You own a cat?!
This is news to him and he immediately says yes but not before checking if the cat was domesticated first
He pulls up to Room 7 where he finds you moving yourself in.
He picks up a couple of your things and wow are these classic novels and business textbooks?
He realizes how cultured and educated you are
Maybe files aren’t always correct
Anyways, he stays for awhile and pets your cat while both of you drink wine and chat
When he realizes what time it it, he kisses you on the cheek and leaves abruptly
The next day you drop by Kyoya’s office and are stopped by a formal looking woman who just stares and rolls her eyes at you
You walk in to see him angered and flustered
“I cannot believe my father wants me to marry her. That witch!”
That came out of nowhere
You sit him down and discuss what happened when he tells you that his father tried to set the two of them up
You are shocked but convince him to shake it off and leave it at that
However as you’re heading home, a car stops and this group of robed people try to force you into their car
But suddenly you hear sirens behind you and are rushed to safety by guards
When you are brought to safety, you realize it’s Kyoya’s mansion
“MC I saw you leaving and got a bad feeling so I had my men follow you. Good thing they were there, you will be staying with me for the night until they can find this group.”
Nights turn into days and days turn into whEN CAN I LEAVE
Eventually Mori comes and basically slaps the sense into Kyoya
“She’s a human, not a changed animal, Kyoya”
Kyoya sensing your discomfort, admits on how sorry he is and that he doesn’t know how to deal with these odd stirrings that happen
Back to reality, Kyoya lets you return to Room 7 (with bodyguards tho)
The day of the party you looked at a package in the room unsurprisingly, it was Kyoya and he had sent you the fanciest dress money could buy
You arrive at the event and are suddenly shuffled to him
He smiles and sneaks a kiss with you before walking to the stage
He summarizes his appreciation for the guests. Haruhi’s father, and also for you (noting your ability to make him feel loved and calm)
He then pulls you on stage and puts an affectionate arm around you and continues with the party
It gets really sad and dark from here. They also kinda mirror 707′s ending and the secret endings
A well-bred French boy who loves to brag about his various luxuries in life
When he first sees you in the chat room, he jumps the gun and asks what a beautiful girl like you is doing in the conversation
“Looking for equally handsome boys”
Heart eyes for days
Unlike the other members, you click immediately and soon he is bringing you lunches whenever he’s not meeting with his father
You guys chat while snacking on commoner’s food
These chats turn into long conversations which turn into dates
Dates include him coming by the room with champagne and roses so that he can cheer you up as you plan
All is going well and you both are slowly falling in love
That is until Room 7 is open and you’re not there
Full out freak out and panicking
He then hears small, muffled screams for help inside the grand piano
He rushes over and sees you with your arms and legs tied with a cloth in your mouth
“M-MC let me get you out of there!”
You shake your head furiously and nod your head behind him
Too late
An unknown assailant knocks you and him out
When you wake up you’re in a jail cell with no escape
You both try to scream and get yourselves out but with no luck
Eventually a guard releases you both and guides you to a large hall filled with members dressed in similar garb
As you further your way into the room, a small gasp comes from Tamaki
For there in front of you both is a middle-aged woman
Upon some contemplation, you realize how much she looks like Haruhi
“Well Tamaki, it’s nice to see you again. Have you been treating my dear Haruhi well?”
Tamaki scoffs and is replied with a slap to the cheek by the woman
“Now you always were a well-mannered boy, whatever happened?”
“We thought you were dead! How could you do this and kidnap me and MC?!”
He was now screaming and crying
“Tamaki dear, you never realized how much more I wanted the HFA to be, it was some silly school fundraising club but there was so much potential power with it.”
She walked over to you and dragged a finger along your jawline
"For example this one, if she was originally in this ploy we could’ve run the highest of corporations...”
You squirmed under her sudden touch and wished for a way out
Then you heard a loud crash from the wall behind you
You turned and were immediately knocked down by Tamaki as bullets flew by you.
“MC on the count of three run!”
So you did exactly that as Haruhi’s mom desperately tried to cling onto you, you kicked her off and ran into the safety of the outside
Once out, you were guided by Tamaki towards a familiar family logo of the Otori family
There are the personal bodyguards of Kyoya who guide you both to Room 7 and eventually home
They explain how they found cultist and would order plans to interrogate them for information.
They also say that they were not able to locate the body of Haruhi’s mother nor any of the other cultists
“How do we tell Haruhi?”
“I-I don’t know...”
(Of course this is going to be long and the most detailed)
The minute you entered, you knew who the leader was
Haruhi quickly established her hierarchy of the group and demanded to know why you were in her conversation
“I am Haruhi Fujioka, the daughter of the founders of this organization. Now I demand to know who you are.”
You quickly replied your name and as to how your got in contact with her.
She tells you that she will keep an eye out for you
Which you accept with gratitude
As the days progress you run into plans that contradict each other and you implore someone to come and help
Eventually she leaves the safety of her home to go over plans for the party
As she is about to leave you both receive a message from Kyoya that Haruhi must stay with you in Room 7
Both of you are puzzled, but no one dare go against Kyoya
Haruhi spent that night on her laptop, contacting anyone who could’ve known what happened or who has any information at all
At 5AM she receives her answer, her home has been blown up
Kyoya explains that the extraction team found various debris that indicated the detonation
Haruhi is now a wreck and refuses to talk to anyone but her father who is away on business
You try to console her but she just pushes you away and runs into another room
She yells at you to leave her alone and you leave, disheartened
You find her hours later surrounded by papers
“Haruhi, what are you doing?”
“I think I found something...”
She explains that as she was lying on the floor she had noticed a small hatch under the bed. She opened it and found plans and coordinates for a building.
Following some research, you found that the coordinates led to a small patch of land in the middle of a forest
The next morning, Haruhi is determined to find the meaning of the craziness that has been going on
You go along with her, cautious as ever, informing no one of your whereabouts in fear of being stopped
As you ride to the destination, all is silent in the car until she speaks up
“MC, thank you for coming with me. I want you to know that I have enjoyed my time with you an-”
You cut her off with a quick kiss and she looked forward and drove until you arrived
“We’re here.”
You both walk out while maintaining a cover behind the trees
In front of you is a structure that symbolizes a castle
You keep a stakeout of the building until you hear a loud voice behind you both
“Keep your hands leveled and walk towards the entrance”
Both of you do as your told and are thrown into a cell
You sit wondering on how to escape but then Haruhi pulls out her phone and quickly messages Kyoya and Tamaki for help
You do not see the reply as you are abruptly being guided out of the cell into a large room
Haruhi stands behind you and you see a group of hooded figures around you
“Haruhi, it’s lovely to see you again”
She freezes and begins to shake
“Oh honey, how are you? Have you seen this place, your mother and father are just marvelous workers!”
Behind Haruhi’s mother is her father who walks out with his head down in an apologetic manner
“Haruhi, I’m sorry but your mother was always my first love”
At this point Haruhi is having a full mental break and is lying on the floor with her head in her hands
She then pulls out a gun and aims it
“Haruhi, it’s MC, please put it down”
You are now crying and shaking with her
“Haruhi, mommy knew you were always a pathetic joke. I should’ve had Kyoya help me develop the world in front of you now. He would’ve known that the bomb in our house was really meant for you. He was always smar-”
She falls to the ground and Haruhi’s dad rushes to her crying
Haruhi throws the gun down and hides in your arms, crying, screaming, shaking
At this moment, the door to your side bursts with various dressed guards who are arresting the other cult members
You are both picked up and brought to Kyoya who tries to comfort you both but Haruhi is far too gone
She refuses to let go and clings to you until the paramedics pry her off
Talking to Kyoya after, he reveals the plans of both of Haruhi’s parents and how they established the building
You hold your mouth and begin to cry, knowing how much this will break her
You go back to her once you’ve finished talking to him to find her rocking back and forth
“M-M-MC, just hug me for a while...”
“Okay, I’ll be here for as long as you need”
Whoa this was a long one. This is my first time writing headcannons so I’m sorry if they aren’t perfect! Also I’ll include the aesthetics that follow this, so don’t worry! Thanks again for taking the time to read this and I may possibly continue the last three hc! For now, au revoir!
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lenfaz · 8 years
CSJJ Day 21: My Favorite Part of the Day
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You run a coffee shop and say I'm your best customer, when a bad blizzard hits, I'm crazy enough to brave the storm to get my coffee, and you persuade me to stay for my safety.
My contribution to @csjanuaryjoy!!!! Tagging @icecubelotr44 so she can add it to the FF.net collection
I want to dedicate this to the lovely @kdanna03 on the occasion of her birthday. Thank you for being a wonderful human being. I love you, darling.
Also, this is loosely inspired on one of the love stories of Love Actually.
Ao3  FF.net
My favorite part of the day
He first came in on a late spring afternoon. The season hadn’t even begun, it wasn’t even summer, so Emma was instantly intrigued by the dark-haired stranger who walked into her coffee shop.
Storybrooke couldn’t even be considered a tourist attraction, it was more a remote and forsaken town lost along the Maine coastline. But during the summer, from time to time, a few daring adventurers would show up. They were usually the occupants of passing sailboats, choosing to dock in town for a day or two and replenish their supplies. Some of them even braved the woods, hiking for an afternoon before coming back into town to a few dinner options and only one bar.
The Dark Swan was a short walk from the docks, in a coveted location that offered both a view of the sea and the woods. It was the only coffee shop in town and Monday to Saturday, from seven in the morning until eight in the evening, Emma would serve the local patrons a small but high-quality variety of coffee, tea, pastries, and sandwiches. Then she’d lock up and climb the stairs to the small loft above the shop where she lived.
It wasn’t much, but after decades of being alone and struggling to find her place in life, it was hers. And it felt a lot like home - or what Emma thought home should feel like.
When he walked into her small little place in the world that day, it changed everything. Emma felt an instant pull towards him - dark hair, striking blue eyes and three days worth of scruff - that only enhanced when he asked for a cup of tea in a soft, accented voice that sent a jolt of electricity down her spine. She cursed her luck, wishing she’d ran into him at the Rabbit Hole instead. She would have definitely taken him back to his room for a round or two before disappearing in the middle of the night. But that was ruled out now. If Emma were to meet tall, dark, and handsome at the bar, it would now be a second meeting. It would be something to linger over, have the taste of something a lot more intimate - emotionally at least - than what she’d intend. And Emma Swan - she of the walls a mile high and who ran before the sun rose on the horizon - didn’t do emotional intimacy.
She sighed, filing the stranger into the could have been a good night category and moved to ask about his tea order.
“Anything special?”
The- corner of his mouth lift in a soft smirk. “Surprise me.” He pulled a notebook out of his messenger bag. Emma waited until she had turned around to roll her eyes - it would be bad to snort at a customer - but she couldn’t help the way her own lips curved into a smile. She selected a blend of English Breakfast with an undertone of cinnamon, something that was traditional enough but also had an edge to it.
Emma approached him with the tea and a complimentary pastry. “Staying in town long, Mr.-” She trailed off as she placed his order on the table. He shook his head in surprise, as if she had interrupted him in deep thought.
“Jones. Killian Jones,” he offered with a smile and a nod of his head. “And I don't know yet.” He gave her a once over that should have made her uncomfortable, and yet there was nothing creepy in the way his eyes were looking at her. “Perhaps.”
Emma tilted her head and strengthened her hold on the service tray. “Enjoy your tea, Mr. Jones.”
His words reached her as she was walking back towards the counter. “I didn’t catch your name, lass.”
She turned her head briefly to give him a coy look over her shoulder. “I didn’t give it to you.”
He stayed for a couple of hours, sipping his tea slowly and methodically as he wrote on his notebook. The sun was almost set on the horizon and it was nearly closing time when he finally stood, placing a few bills on the table. He lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers for a brief moment before he nodded his head slightly and left the shop.
She wasn’t sure what made her chase after him. “Killian?” she called for him when he was only a few feet away and waited for him to turn to face her. “It’s - it’s Emma. Emma Swan.”
His smile was bright and bashful as he reached to scratch behind his ear. “Emma Swan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
He kept coming back. Late spring bled into early summer, the days getting longer and warmer. The proximity to the ocean made the temperature pleasant and not suffocating, not even in the middle of August. He would have a book with him sometimes, his notepad others, and occasionally he would bring his laptop and write in it for a few hours.
By now, Emma knew a little more through the town grapevine. Killian was living on small but well-kept sailboat that he’d docked at the harbor and it seemed he had no intention of leaving in the near future. He’d acquired a card at the local library and he was benefiting from the town’s book collection for the delight of Belle.
But he was still a mystery. There hadn’t been any women (or men) keeping him company at night - apparently not for the lack of some of them trying in the local bar, and it wasn’t clear exactly why he’d decided to remain in town. Once or twice Emma had caught him smiling as he spoke on his phone, or focusing his attention at the small screen - probably after receiving a picture. She had tried to crane her neck as she busied herself cleaning adjacent tables, but never got a good glimpse.
Only once, when she approached the table with his order, she’d gotten lucky and got a good look at the desktop screen of his laptop - Killian standing in the middle of two men, one a few years older and the other considerably younger. The blue eyes and matching smirks showed a clear family resemblance. He noticed her prying, though, and gave her a small smirk as he repositioned the laptop. Emma cleared her throat, caught by surprise, and asked a question to deflect attention.
“You could probably brew tea at your own place, you know?” she stated as she placed the mug and the steaming teapot on his table. His hand reached for the pot, his fingers grazing hers in a movement that was clearly planned.
“Aye, but where’s the fun in that?” he whispered softly, his fingers stealing a last touch of her skin before he pulled back.
Flustered, she was only able to nod as she turned and escaped from his lingering gaze.
Late summer bled into autumn, the leaves acquiring ochre tones before falling, the air chilling until a heavier sweater or jacket was needed. And yet, as the last of the season adventurers drifted off, ready to stash their boats until the next spring, Killian still remained. He kept coming each day, as afternoon was coming to an end, and sipped his tea as he wrote endlessly. He would get up at sunset, when the sky was tinted red and dusk meant Emma had to squint in order to see his features without the aid of artificial light, and place a few notes on the table and tilt his head in a goodbye, with something that looked very much like longing lingering in his eyes.
And each day, a part of Emma wondered if maybe - just maybe - she should ask him to stay.
Autumn came and went, Halloween bringing pumpkin-spiced teas and cinnamon cakes, and Killian poured over the pages of his notebook while he drank whatever concoction Emma produced for him. He didn’t even seem to mind when she slid a new pastry in front of him without him ordering it.
“On the house,” she shrugged nonchalantly and the corners of his mouth shifted into a soft smile.
“I - I thank the Lady then,” he murmured, his voice soft and alluring.
“Don’t read too much into it. I had some extras and I don’t want them to go to waste.”
“Right, I wouldn’t dare.” He averted his gaze and reached to scratch behind his ear, the sight tugging at Emma’s heart.
“Still, I do hope you like it,” she stammered, feeling a blush tint her cheeks.
“I’m sure I will.”
November brought Thanksgiving and a dire need to ask Killian if he had any plans for the holiday. But when the time came, she simply couldn’t ask.
“You’ll be closed tomorrow?” he asked on Wednesday as he placed the money on the table as he’d done every day for months now.
“Yeah, and probably Friday. I need a breather,” she admitted.
“I imagine…” he trailed off, his eyes boring into hers with something she couldn’t pinpoint. It couldn’t be longing, as no one had ever ached for Emma Swan and no one ever will, that much she knew.
Emma tried to bring herself to say the words, to ask him if he wanted to come to Granny’s dinner with her, knowing the old lady would have no problem with an extra guest at the table. He seemed to sense her want, and he simply waited, his eyebrows lifting in an encouraging gesture.
But in the end, she couldn’t. His smile faltered the moment he realized that and his expression changed from hopeful to sad.
“I’ll see you on Saturday, then?” he asked softly and Emma could only nod, not able to find her voice.
He was by the door before he turned around one last time. “Happy Thanksgiving, Swan.”
December brought Christmas decorations to the shop - little white, fairy lights and garland adorned the place, the first snow adding to the magical feeling. Emma purposely avoided placing any mistletoe, not wanting to bring herself into an awkward situation - or perhaps simply fearing a rejection.
His routine remained the same, even if he’d traded his leather jacket for a thick, woolen, navy blue coat and a gray scarf and beanie. He walked in every afternoon and claimed the same table, and each day Emma would come up with a new tea blend for him.
Which is why his eyebrows shot to his forehead the day she decided to change the routine and placed a steaming mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top in front of him.
“This is new,” was all he said as he cleared his throat, seemingly caught off guard.
“I thought maybe you’d want to try my favorite for a change,” she said with a coy smile that he mirrored.
“Are you letting me in on your secrets, Swan?” There was a teasing in his tone and for once, just for once, Emma didn’t shy away from it.
“Well, with all the time you’ve spent here over the last eight months, one could say you’re my best customer. I like to treat my best customers.”
She didn’t miss the way his eyes darted to her lips for a fleeting moment before they went back to her own. She bit her lower lip and turned around before he was able to reply, adding a little sway to her hips.
He didn’t bring it up again. Not until he gathered his things and instead of placing the bills on the table, he walked towards the counter. He placed the notes on the counter but the moment Emma went to grab them, his hand caught hers and he brought her knuckles to his lips. “I’m looking forward to see what tomorrow brings, Swan.”
It took Emma more than a few moments to calm the rapid beat of her heart.
As luck would have it, much like anything in Emma’s life, the next day brought a heavy blizzard that shut down the entire town. It had started shortly after midnight, the snow starting to pile up until there was nothing in view but white. The high winds started slowly after eight and Emma knew there was no sense in opening that day. No one would weather the storm for a cup of coffee - or tea - no matter how good it was.
She trudged around her apartment, taking the opportunity to half-heartedly clean up and get caught up on some chores. Late in the afternoon, she lit the fireplace and sat by her front window with a cup of hot chocolate, watching the storm unfold, trying not to think how this was the usual time Killian would have come to the shop. Emma had been at that spot for less than an hour when she noticed a tiny figure battling the storm and heading towards the coffee shop. She did a double take, thinking her mind was playing tricks on her, but then she realized it wasn’t a vision and that was someone coming to the shop.
And even though the face was covered by a heavy beanie and a big scarf, she would recognize that blue coat anywhere.
Emma quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door to the shop just in time. Killian was bowed by the wind as he took the last steps into her shop.
“Killian, are you insane?” She tugged the sleeve of his coat to pull him into the shop and quickly shut the door, battling the incoming wind a little.
Killian reached out to help her close the door and then removed his beanie and scarf before unbuttoning his coat. “They say the storm is going to get worse.” He rubbed his gloved hands, as if trying to bring warmth back into his fingers.
She reached for his hands and he froze his movements. Emma softly removed his leather gloves and examined his hands. There were cold, but there was no sign of frostbite. She rubbed her hands against his, hoping to infuse warmth more quickly into them. She heard his breath catch but she avoided the gaze she could feel was fixated on her as she spoke again.
“And you thought you should brave the blizzard to come here and tell me that it was getting worse?”
“I - I was worried about you.”
Emma looked up to find his eyes boring into hers with a mix of concern and hesitation, and it made her heart beat frantically in her chest.
“Come in.” She interlaced her fingers with his in a soft movement and tugged him towards the inside of the shop. “Maybe is not a bad idea to secure the windows and the door in case the wind gets worse.”
“Do you have wooden boards at hand?” he asked, his thumb softly circling against her palm.
“Yeah, in the back,” she offered in a breathy voice.
“I’ll do it.” He let go of her hand the moment they reach her cellar and grabbed one of the boards.
“I can help.”
He shook his head softly. “Let me, Swan.”
Killian geared up again in his gloves, beanie and scarf and ventured outside to secure the boards while Emma made a round on the inside of the shop, making sure all was in order.
He was shivering when he came back, his teeth chattering and his hands shaking as his body fought the change in temperature.
“Come here.” She motioned for him to come closer and he obliged as he removed his beanie and gloves and rubbed his hands together again. “You need to get yourself warm. Let me get you some tea.”
“Just a cup and then I’ll be heading back,” Killian said, his teeth still chattering a little as he made it to the counter.
“In this weather!?” She hadn’t intended the high pitch in her voice but it had come out that way. “Back where?”
“My boat. I’ll be fine.” Killian waved his hand reassuringly, as if it would be the most natural thing in the world for him to weather the storm back to something that was going to sway in the storm like a paper boat.
“Killian, the storm has gotten worse. You can’t leave now.” Emma pointed to the covered windows where the wind was hitting, making a terrible noise. “And you can’t stay on your boat. It’s not safe. Stay here.”
He hesitated, his fingers tracing a pattern on the counter. “I don’t want to impose on you. You really don't have to -”
Emma cut off his words when she reached for his hand. She gave it a soft squeeze before she held it on hers. “Let’s head upstairs, is warmer there.” She tugged him in the direction of the stairs and Killian followed her silently, his hand still on hers until they reached her apartment. He let go of her hand to remove his coat, standing hesitantly by the door.
“Get settled on the couch. I’ll make you some tea.” Emma pointed to the couch before heading to the kitchen. She wasn’t sure this was the best idea she’d ever had - it probably wasn’t - but she couldn’t let him go back to his boat in this weather.
And moreover, Emma found she didn’t want to let him go. She wanted him to stay.
The thought was shocking. It felt foreign in her mind, something that had snuck its way in without her knowledge or permission. Something that felt like it belonged there.
Much like it seemed Killian Jones belonged seated on her couch, in a thick blue sweater and loose jeans, watching the fire with a pensive expression.
Emma silently handed him the tea, and he took it without a word, nodding thankfully. He sipped it slowly, his eyes still on the fire as Emma drank her hot chocolate, her eyes wandering from the storm outside to the way the fire was casting a soft light on his features.
It couldn’t have been more than an hour, the clock marking the time when he usually stood up to leave the shop downstairs and Emma would watch him go. Their empty mugs were set on the coffee table and neither of them had spoken, not really, afraid one word would disrupt the fragile balance of the room.
“Why did you come?” The words seemed foreign even to her, catching them both by surprise. Killian met her eyes briefly before turning back to the fire.
“I was worried about you.” There was a hint of hesitance in his voice, as if something else was lingering below the surface but he wasn’t ready to say.
“Killian.” Emma scooted closer to him on the couch, her hand reaching to touch his thigh to get his attention. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, I know when people are lying to me.” Her eyes bore into his and she noticed how he swallowed nervously. “Why did you really come?”
His eyes were filled with longing when he spoke, moving closer to her. “When I come here, when I see you, that is my favorite part of the day.
Her nose brushed his, and she smiled as she saw the wonder in his eyes. “Mine too,” she brushed the words against his lips. His hand reached to thread in her hair and he pulled her closer to her, kissing her as if it was the only thing he ever wanted to do in the world.
“More tea?” she asked when they broke apart, her nose tracing down his jaw.
“How about you treat me to some hot chocolate?” There was veiled innuendo in his words and Emma lifted her head, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Maybe I can start with some hot chocolate and then I can treat you to a few other things.”
His eyebrows waggled as he gave her a cocky smirk, his hand tracing a pattern down her side and playing with the hem of her sweater. “Well, I am your best customer after all.”
“Indeed.” She closed the distance to meet him in another kiss.
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