#Just wants to live off of Mac and cheese and chicken tenders but is forced to be a adult and eat s t e a k and p e a s
clownsuu · 3 years
SORRY FOR SENDING ANOTHER ASK SO SOON But I'm genuinely curious, do you have any OCs of your own that you draw, or do you just draw fandom characters and friends OCs?
A bit of a more specific question too, do you have any characters or something you unintentionally created just doodling or when burnt out? I created a character to draw when I'm frustrated with how my art is turning out, frustrated with anatomy, or have no ideas. Its something good to have 👀
(I would share him but I don't want to send you art in your asks that has nothing to do with you or your designs NDSKJAD)
I have seen your earlier ask, I might give it a good ol doodle for it- but for now this gives me an excuse to talk about some of my dumb ass characters hddhJDDH-
[cracks my knuckles and breaks all my finger bones]
(old art)
(long post)
I have a bunch of ocs that I have made in the past that aren’t fandom related- I have some I really like- but they are fandom related so I won’t show smhh- but anyway here are a few of my personal favorites-
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Example one being Jack (yeah same name smhhh) he is part of a item head universe Iv created- and of course, as he looks it- is a party of a scheme-y and shady casino (no affiliations to Cuphead hfhdJDHD) He is the owner, but is stuck in a bet with a owner of a bank, and completely fucked himself over with- Jack is in denial really he does not like to be played like a deck of cards smh
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(Human) Douglas- aka the “nasty big tid dude that no wonder is a character I made”- is the bank owner- really fucking scummy and cheap- rules the city despite being just a owner the bank- disgusting fucking man who smells like pennies and orphan tears-
Yeah I really enjoy those two- I also have a few more characters from this little universe I made like the mayor, Ignis, but I ain’t gunna go too far unless someone is curious lmao- but anyway, I don’t quite have characters that I accidentally unintentionally made, but I do kinda have support characters I doodle every now and then when I feel like absolute shit-
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They had a name- but I completely fucking forgot JDHDGSHS- but we call them Arson Moth- They are a god of void who used to be extremely large and in charge, but somehow became small and marketable plushie sized- making them extremely irritated and upset, specially when people treat them like a soft plushie (because, yknow, they are smol and really soft-) so in revenge, the cause acts of arson and violence because fuck you hffhJDGDGD- i rarely doodle them, but they are fun to draw when really sad or frustrated cause- yknow-
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Very angi small mans hdhdDH-
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This, is Heart- A character of mine that I personally feel is a emotional support character I have smh- I have created him far before Sun/moon came out, but he has almost the exact same personality as sun does- (and pointy nose hffhDHDHD) They are part of a universe of personified organs that work in a “human system”, and he is the most emotional character of them all smh- the heart does what the heart does, which is be chaotic and just does anything that makes themselves and others happy- also gets into arguments with Brian (Brain)
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(Fuckin nerd-) those two argue a lot- Brain wanting to have the system work in a orderly fashion, and heart wanting everyone to just be happy and motivated-
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He gives me brain rot I love this dumbass so much- drawing him always makes me feel better smh- their anatomy doesn’t really matter either because they aren’t human, they are Heart-
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saltiestdemonloves · 5 years
Soft lips on your neck, carelessly nipping and sucking. You exhale shakily, hands gripping onto his denim jeans in dear life. He laughs, it was a soft puff of warm air on your sensitive skin and you squirm. Laughing again, he pulls away, even in the dark you could see his piercing blue eyes.
“Billy,” you sigh as his hand massages into your thigh. It moved up and down slowly, dragging across your pants that you desperately wished weren’t there. As if he were reading your mind, he sits up and holds himself above you. His hand moves from your thigh to your pants waistband and pulls firmly. Getting the clue, your hips lift automatically and he pulls again. They come off easier and slowly, excruciatingly slowly.
You become impatient. “Billy,” you whine.
His hand movements pause and you bite your lip, looking up at him sheepishly. His brow was raised and he held a stern expression. “What did we talk about?”
You push yourself back into his pillows, “I’m sorry.”
“What?” He turns his ear towards you and leans down.
“I-I’m sorry, Billy.”
He exhales softly, head shaking, his pretty ringlets crowing his face as he looks at you. For a moment, you think he’s going to be mad but the corner of his mouth quirks up in a smile. He leans down and presses a soft kiss to the edge of your lips and then resumes his action of pulling down your jeans.
Before the fun could resume, you both hear a car pulling up to the driveway. Both you and Billy freeze and he looks up, eyes wide.
You look in the direction of the sound, “Uh, w-when were your parents supposed to be home?”
He reaches for his clock and checks the time before muttering, “Shit! Not for another two hours.”
Suddenly, you’re being handled like a doll. He picks you up and then makes you stand up. Your jeans are shoved back on and your shirt tossed at you. Barely you catch it before he’s shoving you out the door and across the hall. “You’re staying over to help Max with her math.”
“Hey! No way am I-” Max starts to protest before Billy makes a noise that very clearly meant shut it. He backs out and slams Max’s door shut before you hear his own do the same.
Shakily, you pull your shit on. “I’m sorry, Max. If I knew your parents were coming home I would have invited Billy over to my place instead.”
She glares at me angrily over her comic book before scoffing, “Whatever. It’s not like I’m ever going to see you again.” She sighs, “Better think of some excuse as to why it doesn’t look like we studied at all, Mom and Neil always do a room check once their home.”
Grimacing, you look around the room for some alibi. You see Max’s backpack and lunge for it, opening it and digging out for a book. Any book. Thank God she actually had her math book with her. You snatch it, hop on her bed, and open to a page filled with loose-leaf paper.
Just as you start to catch your breath, the door handle jiggles before pulling open to reveal Max’s mother. You and Max both look up to smile, she stands back, looking surprised.
“Oh, hello! Who are you?”
“I’m Y/n. I came over to help her study? I hope that’s alright.”
Max’s mother looks at her daughter for confirmation, Max reluctantly nods and forces a smile. “Yeah, but we’re just finishing up, aren’t we, Y/n?”
Sighing softly, you nod and close the book, setting it down on her bed. “Yeah, your daughter’s pretty smart. Just a few equations and she was set.”
Her mother beams a parent’s proud smile and rests her hand on her chest, “Well, I’m so glad to hear.” She looks over at Max and asks, “Did you guys already have dinner?”
Shaking her head, Max answers, “No, not yet.”
“Well, I can whip something up real quick for you guys. Dad and I had dinner out so we’ve already eaten. Y/n do you want me to fix you up something?”
Shaking your head quickly, you stand, “No, no, you don’t need to worry about me. I should be heading home anyways.”
“Nonsense, I don’t mind at all. You just stay here with Max and I’ll fix up some mac-n-cheese and chicken tenders, how about it?”
“Sounds... good,” you say with a pained smile. She grins, none the wiser, and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. You exhale a sigh of relief and rub your forehead before turning to Max. “Thank you.”
She just rolls her eyes.
“Actually, I was looking at your math and... do you need help? It looks like you’re struggling a little bit.”
Holding your hands up you shrug, “Alright, alright. I could... write down all the answers with the work and you can copy it.” You watch with a smile as her eyes flick up to you and she slowly lowers the comic.
“Sure, haven’t any of Billy’s other girls offered payback?”
Max snorts and shakes her head, “No way. They’re in and out and what words are said between us aren’t that nice.”
“Oh,” you pout. “Well, I’m different. I won’t be mean, at least not intentionally.”
“So you’ll really do my homework for me?”
“Just this once,” You clarify. “If you really want my help, then I suggest you actually take me up on some tutoring sessions. I can leave you my number if you change your mind?”
“Okay...” she seems hesitant as if in any second you’d do something cruel. Instead, you give her a grin and ask her to find you a few pages of paper and a pencil.
You work pretty quickly, it was just above the standard stuff on difficulty. It was an easy enough thing to do for a senior. Once finished you hand of the paper, “There. That should cover it. I’d honestly try messing up a few so it doesn’t look too suspicious but that is up to you.”
“Thanks,” Max says, taking the page from you with glee.  She shoves it into a notebook on her nightstand.
“Billy, Max, Y/n, come eat!” You two hear. Grimacing, you both look at each other before standing and going for the door. You pause before reaching it, giving yourself a once over. Max comes up from behind you and pats your back.
“You look fine,” she says. “Billy’s always careful about evidence. Whatever that means.”
She leads you through the hallway to the dinner table where her mom had placed three plates, already stacked with food.
“Wow, thanks, Mrs. Hargrove.”
“It’s my pleasure,” she says with a smile. “A way to pay back for helping out my Maxine.”
She pats Max’s cheek before giving you a kind smile. She joins her husband in the living room where he was watching t.v and reading the newspaper. 
Max sits at the end of the table, leaving you with the option of two plates beside each other. You choose the one closest to her and sit, picking up the fork awkwardly just as Billy makes his way into the dining room.
He’s silent, barely looks at you as he takes his seat. You wonder if he’s angry you didn’t find an excuse to leave. Or push harder to get out of here. You’re slowly shoveling the food that, while your mind was very distracted, tasted like nothing but mush.
Suddenly, you feel pressure on your knee and realize that Billy was squeezing it. Your chewing slows and you peek over at him to see that he wasn’t looking up at his food at all, chewing on a piece of chicken tender while staring into space.
You blink and turn your focus back to your food. Awfully conscious of the hand the was creeping ever slowly up your thigh. Your skin tingled, like electricity buzzing, your heart pulsing quickly, spreading it.
“So Y/n,” his voice came so suddenly you nearly jump out of your skin. You hate how on edge he makes you. “How did you get here?”
You pause a moment, glancing up to see their parents staring at you curiously. With a clear of your throat, you answer, thankfully without your voice giving yourself away, “I had a friend drop me off on the way.”
“How were you planning on getting back home?”
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, “That won’t do. How about I give you a ride now that our parents are home to keep an eye on Max hm?”
“That would be great,” you say softly.
Billy looks up to his dad, “Is that alright.”
It looks like he was going to say no for a moment before he hesitates, looks at his watch before sighing and nodding, “Yeah that’s fine.”
Turning back to you, Billy asks, “You wanna go after your done eating?”
“Yes, please.” You could barely get the words out as Billy’s hand inches closer and close up. 
His hand leaves all to suddenly and he grins, “Great.”
Everyone finishes their dinner quickly after that and Max is fast to vanish back into her bedroom. You carry your plate to their kitchen and make a move to start cleaning them when Billy’s hand sneak up behind you. Taking the plates before you can and setting them down on the counter.
He presses himself against you and pins you to the counter, whispering into your ear, “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just go.”
“Right.” You murmur.
You take a few seconds to thank the Hargroves for welcoming you into their home and for letting you eat before quickly slipping out behind Billy towards his car.
He stays silent as you both climb in and he starts the car. He’s even silent after we’re five minutes in.
“B-Billy?” You say anxiously. “Um, are you mad?”
He looks at you with a look of bewilderment, “What?”
“Well you’re just being really quiet and it’s making me nervous.”
“Oh,” he laughs. “No, just... just in my head, I guess.”
“Really, about what?”
“Nothing?” his shoulders shrug. “Just thinking about driving and whatever else. Why would you think I’m mad?”
“I don’t know. I guess whenever a guy I know has been mad at me they’ve given me the silent treatment.”
“Well, don’t worry. I’m not mad at you, no way. You’re an angel.”
Giggling, you give a satisfactory nod, “Good. And thank you.”
Billy chuckles before letting out an annoyed groan, “Can’t believe they came home so early though. I would have wanted to have some more fun.”
“Well...” you grin, “this weekend my parents are going to see my aunt for her baby shower and it’s an adult-only event. Wanna come over then?”
Billy’s smile widens and he gives you a toothy smile, winks, then nods, “It’s a date.”
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idorkish · 8 years
Bobby’s Angel - Part 5
Notes: Sorry this is a short one. I’ve hinted at some things that will play a part in future parts of this book. And we’re almost half-way through the first book in the series! =D Also, if you want to be added to this series or I forgot to add you, send me a message or ask please ^__^ Notes on the stories tend to get lost. 
Part 1   Part 2  Part 3 Part 4
Gemma had been bedridden for the past few weeks, forcing the men to step up and care for the trio of children on their own. Bobby currently had Jax, Opie, and Angel occupied doing their homework at the clubhouse with promises of freshly baked cookies and letting them watch some TV. Jax could hardly sit still, constantly calling Bobby over and asking if his mommy had the baby yet. Bobby couldn’t help but laugh and ruffle his head, reassuring him that as soon as Gemma was ready to have the baby, they’d all rush over to the hospital. Opie was just as excited as Jax. In his mind, this was his baby brother too and couldn’t wait to meet him and help Jax teach him the games they played. The only one unsure of everything was Angel. She sat quietly at the table, having finished all her homework first. Angel had taken quickly to school and always seemed to enjoy the work given. Bobby was proud that she never complained about doing homework, only that she wanted to work ahead. He hoped that she would continue to be like that and go off to college, make something of herself so she wouldn’t be like him or her mother.
Bobby had finished checking all the homework and made them cleanup while he got food ready. If anyone had told Bobby that he would be a father, babysitting, and making mac & cheese with home breaded chicken tenders for his daughter and the sons of his brothers, he would have laughed. But here he was, Angel was almost finished with her first year of school and soon she would be five years old. “Daddy, can I help you?”Bobby turned and nodded his head “Alright Angel, I do need some help”. He really loved spending time with her and teaching her how to cook and bake with him. It amused him that she was responding more to being called Angel than her real name. He didn’t blame her, her mother always called her Y/n with disgust. I cant stand that bitch, he thought to himself. Ever since Susan had started dating her newest boyfriend, she had pushed Angel to the side. She was spending more time with Bobby so he couldn’t really complain, but it enraged him that she refused to give up custody. He knew she was using Angel to get child support from him. Thankfully he had kept thorough records of everything he bought for his daughter. He refused to give Susan any more money than needed; she would spend it on those other brats anyway. “Are you excited for the new baby?” Bobby glanced at his daughter who shrugged. He noticed anytime the baby was brought up, Angel would get quiet and retreat back. “What’s wrong baby girl? You know you can tell daddy.” He had stopped breading the chicken and pushed it aside. Angel shrugged again and mumbled incoherently. “I’m sorry, you gotta excuse your dear old man, I seem to be going deaf. will you repeat that baby?” Ange gave a small smile and walked over to him, wrapping her tiny arms around his leg, “I’m sad. I’m going to be left alone when the baby comes,” she whispered against his pants.
Bobby reached down and picked her up, “What makes you say that?”  
“All everyone talks about is the baby. It’s gonna be like Mommy. When the new kids come home, you’re gonna forget about me and then I’ll have to find a new home to live in. Then if they get new kids, I'm gonna be forgot’n again and need another new home, then I’ll be all alone! And Opie and Jax won't play with me anymore” she sniffled and wiped at her face. Bobby was conflicted, he was angry that his own daughter thought he would be like her mother and part of him wanted to laugh at the story his daughter had thought up. He sat on one of the nearby chairs and pulled his daughter onto his lap. “Oh Angel, no one will replace you or forget about you. I know things at Mommy’s house are strange right now. I will never EVER forget about you! Jax and Opie will still play games with you. It’s going to be a while before the baby can even play games. We all love you here and you will always belong to the Samcro Family. Do you understand?” Angel looked up and nodded. Wrapping her tiny arms around her father, she nuzzled into his chest. “I love you Daddy.” Bobby smiled and kissed the top of her head, “I love you too my princess. Now, let’s get the food finished so we can feed you and the boys!”
It wasn't until a few days after Angel and Bobby's conversion that Gemma finally went into labor. Bobby, Tig, and Tig’s old lady, Genevieve, had volunteered to look after all the kids and the garage. Everyone else had a run to do and would be gone for the next few days.
As Bobby and Tig escorted the children into the hospital room, Angel gripped her father’s hand tighter. Gemma was sitting up in bed, a tiny bundle in her arms, as JT sat beside her. Jax ran over to his parents and stood on his tiptoes, trying to see his newest sibling. Tig picked him up and gently set him on the bed. Opie was the next to run over, but he stood patiently next to the bed, until Gemma was ready to show everyone the newest Teller. “Angel, come here. Come meet your little brother,” she spoke softly to the girl. Opie turned and held his hand out to Angel, urging her to come closer. Angel took Opie’s hand and stepped closer to the bed. She bite her lip and took a deep breath when she realized what Gemma had said, “My little brother?” Angel scrunched her face in confusion. The adults chuckled and Gemma reached down, stroking Angel’s cheek softly. “Family isn’t just blood baby. You, Jax, Opie, and now little Thomas, you’re all brothers and sisters.” Angel smiled and gave a small giggle, “I like having Jax and Opie as big brothers.”
“We like you as our little sister too!” Jax beamed at her. Opie squeezed Angel tightly and picked her up, letting her upper half rest on the bed to see the baby better. Bobby stepped forward and lifted Angel from little Opie, who scowled up at his uncle. “I had her Uncle Bobby! I wasn’t gonna drop her!” Bobby ruffled the boy’s hair and smiled, “I know Opie, just trying to give her better look.” Opie seemed to accept the answer and turned back toward Gemma, who was beaming at having all her babies in the same room. “Guys, put them on the bed with me. I want a picture with all my babies!”
Jax and Opie sat on either side of Gemma. Angel was sitting between Opies legs as she peered at the small baby. “I love you already little brother,” she whispered. Right as Genevieve we taking the picture, Angel leaned over and pressed a kiss to little Thomas's nose.
Tag list:
@mrstellerwinston @howmanywastedmoments @lolsthecat @soafanficluvr1@redwoodog @chaosmieu @khyharah @5sos1dsex @opies-oldlady @come-join-themurder @queen-ofthe-bikers-soa @mrsirishboru @fortheloveofthesoa@samcrolivesforever @ineedthesons @mwesterfeld1985 @divathelover@happys-crazy-queen22 @kitkat1690 @sons-of-anarchy-imagines-blr @girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine @tellermorelli  @stephkeese77 @juiceboxxortiz@come-join-themurder @ladyannikki @mybabysons @jade770
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themixedtwist · 6 years
My 20 week bump date pic!
Hey y’all!  It has been a hot minute since I have updated you all on the baby journey, so I thought this would be the perfect time to do so.  I first told y’all that Fred and I were expecting on the We’re Having a Baby Griffin blog post and the overwhelming amount of love and support made me want to share the journey with y’all.  Since then, I have shared with y’all all of the details of our gender reveal when we found out Baby Griffin was a boy and I have even been sharing weekly bump dates on Instagram just to try and be a bit more transparent with everyone.  I’ve had so much fun sharing all of the ins and outs with y’all about my pregnancy, so Kierra gave me the idea of sharing with y’all my Half Way Bump Date and I thought it was the perfect thing to do.
Every Wednesday I get one week closer to Baby Griffin’s due date and each week I feel like it has flown by!  The first trimester was ROUGH.  A ton of morning sickness, no appetite, so tired, and REAL emotional.  Like I truly felt bad for Fred because he would come in and I would just be balling and I had no idea why, well except for #hormones.  It was CRAZY!  I also dealt with headaches pretty much on the daily and I am not able to take Tylenol, so I would literally just have to nap to get them to go away.  I feel like people don’t mention that part of the pregnancy and that might have been way worse than the morning sickness because I literally could not function.  I was also unable to sleep..  Like I would wake up in the middle of night probably around 2 or 3 and I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep until Fred’s alarm went off, which would be around 6 or 7 depending on the day.  I’m not sure what it was, but it sucked honestly.  I used to tell my friend Mel that I could not nap ever no matter how tired I was and then I would catch myself taking 3-hour naps just to rejuvenate lol.  It was crazy to see how your body changes and adjusts to growing a human, but it is honestly beyond worth it.
I feel like I got my appetite back around the end of my first trimester and that was when I was truly EATING!  It was like I was making up for all the meals that I could not eat when I was at the beginning of my pregnancy.  I had gone to my doctor’s office and I finally had the courage to ask them how much weight I had gain and I hadn’t gained any at that point.. I think that is when I jinxed myself because after that point I had gained some weight in too little of time my doc had said.  I was truly enjoying the food part of life and whatever Baby Bean wanted, I was EATING.  At that point he was truly enjoying mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken tenders, mac and cheese, watermelon, and I would eat like the share pack of the Sweetart Shockers every other day.  It was badddddd, but I did force myself to drink a ton of water.  We buy the almost 2-gallon bottle of water from Tom Thumb and it would literally only last 2 days tops because I was always so thirsty.  I liked me some In and Out too and I even had a burger from Burger Island and I was living.  I couldn’t eat tacos much at the beginning of my pregnancy, but probably about the last 5-7 weeks, that is all I have wanted.  Whether it’s tacos from Taco Bell or Taco Casa or tacos from the gas station Fred showed me, I was always down for some tacos.  That is probably where all the weight gain came from, the tortillas and bread and I am not even kidding lol.  I did cut out the sweet tea and soda and found these sugar free cherry flavor to add to my water from Walmart and I have been living.  Cherry slushes from sonic and Coke Zero have also been a treat for me too, but not too much of the slushes due to sugar.
My gas station tacos! So dang good!
The infamous Mobile burritos! So dang good!
I had my 20 week check up when I was 21 weeks due to me catching the stomach bug and they told me that I had gained weight again.  I was super bummed because I hadn’t had all of the bad things I had before, I cut my taco intake down, and I had cut out the soda and the sweet tea and it still was not enough.  I was indulging in a TON of watermelon and my doctor told me I had to cut that in half too due to sugar, #whoops.  Now that I look at all the food that I ate since that last appointment, it honestly makes sense why I gained weight cause OMG I was eating good lmaooooo!  Anywho, I realized that it isn’t that big of a deal as long as I try to keep my bread and sugar intake down and I am going to start walking around more to hopefully offset the bad food when I do eat it. Enjoy the pictures of everything I ate before I really made the food change!
The famous gas station tacos that I was indulging in. Currently missing them so much hahah
Kierra and I finally tried out Legacy Hall and lets just say Bean LOVED IT!
We went to Texas Roadhouse and OMGGGGGG! So good!
I’ve literally been craving these Rattlesnake Bites from Roadhouse since we last went.
This steak was delicious! I didn’t like the mashed potatoes or gravy, so that is a win for not eating those!
When it comes to how I am feeling, I am feeling MUCH better.  I can actually sleep through the night, my headaches have FINALLY gotten so much better so they aren’t happening daily, and the crying for no reason has finally chilled out.  I feel like I am always tired though, but I do try and make myself get up at 9 every morning just so I can have a routine.  Going to school every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday helps a ton too because I am able to walk around campus get some exercise and I can get out of the house too.  Baby Bean is KICKING like crazy too!  I feel him mostly in the morning time, when I am eating, and just all afternoon.  It feels amazing and it is so cute to see how active he already is.  Other than that, I don’t really have many pregnancy symptoms except the fact that I HAVE to have everything clean like all the time now.  Like the baby’s room is spotless, everything is washed, and just ready for his arrival even though he has a whole 19 weeks left before he comes into the world hahah.
We also got to see our little man when we went to our checkup and y’all, he has gotten SO BIG!  I remember when he was a little kidney bean hence the baby bean nickname and now he looks like a little baby.  His skull is forming, his head is already big like his dad’s, and we even saw his little arms, hands, legs, and his little toes.  He was kicking like crazy and even kicked the tech because I guess he was just not feeling that super cold gel haha!  He is a whole 14 ounces and he is honestly just a super cute little baby so far that is growing in my belly.  I told Fred I think he has my nose, so hopefully, he comes out looking like his momma.  All in all, our baby boy is growing healthy and strong and that is something that I am forever grateful for.
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Our first sono from when Bean was 8 weeks and 6 days!
He was so little and looked just like a Bean!
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Our big boy at 21 weeks! He isn’t a little bean anymore!
Baby Boy’s feet and little baby toes. So dang cute!
I am so excited to meet my little man in July and I know that Fred is too.  We have his whole room practically set up and I’ll add some pictures and links to show where we got everything so far.  Everything is super affordable and mostly all on sale when purchased, so holla to the sale gods haha.  A big shoutout goes to my bestie Kierra, my momma, my aunt, and cousin Deja because they have already helped make this journey so much easier.  They have little man SPOILED and I am so grateful for them.
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His carseat from my Aunt Shone and cousin Deja! The cover is from his Auntie Kiki!
His Baby swing from the best aunt and cousin ever!
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His crib from his Mimi!
The crib mattress his dad and I bought him! Wayfair for the win y’all!
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I finally got my Pappaw’s La-Z Boy and I thought this was the perfect place for it!
His Dream Glider from the best cousin ever! Y’all are appreciated so much!
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Anywho, that is all that I have for my halfway bump date, so I truly hoped y’all enjoyed!  I will be sharing more about my pregnancy and doing more outfit hauls to go with my pregnancy, so make sure that you subscribe so you never miss a beat.  Thank you so much for all the support, it is much appreciated!
My Half Way Bump Date for Baby Griffin! Hey y'all!  It has been a hot minute since I have updated you all on the baby journey, so I thought this would be the perfect time to do so. 
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