#K&H Bolster Couch
hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Ateez NSFW A-Z
A = Aftercare
He’s pretty good at aftercare. He does like to take care of you and as a partner he’s pretty protective of you so he puts in some care but he probably won’t go all out unless you’re planning something particularly rough. Most nights he’ll shower with you after, get you some water and maybe a snack, and cuddle with you.
B = Body Part
He loves his hands. He loves how they fit into yours. He loves how they let him feel every inch of your body. And he loves the way you look at them, how two of his fingers can have you falling apart so easily. On you he loves your waist and hips. He loves the shade of your body and grabbing onto your hips when he pulls you in for a kiss. And he loves having a tight grip on them when he’s pounding into you.
C = Cum
He likes to make a bit of a mess with you. He really can’t resist seeing you on your knees for him and the visual alone turns him on so much. So when you do a good job sucking him off he can’t help but cum on your face. He loves the way it looks and when you gaze up with him with your eyes hazy with lust it easily has him already getting hard again.
D = Dirty Secret
As much as he likes being in control, he wants to try giving up control to you. The idea is a little scary to him but also really enticing and hot. He had no clue how to ask for it but he knows that if he chose to do it with anyone it would be you since he trusts you so much to take care of him.
E = Experience
Not as much as one might think. One, maybe two, steady partners. So he’s done enough to know his way around a body and he’s got the basics down but it’ll still be a learning experience when you do start fooling around as he tries to figure out what works for you.
F = Favourite Position
You laying on your back and him standing. He can hold onto you easily. He can see you well, watching the way your breasts move and how your face contorts in pleasure, and he has a lot of easy control over how fast or slow he goes so he can get just the reaction he wants from you.
G = Goofy
This depends a little on his mood. He leans towards passionate or loving at times but if you get him in the right mood and you’re both really giggly then it will get goofy. You’ll both be really lighthearted and the whole atmosphere will be sweet and silly and if neither of you takes it seriously it’ll be a lot of fun.
H = Hair
Barely thinks about it. Once he starts dating he cares a little bit more. He’ll trim up a little bit and keep it clean and low key stress that not what you want but when you don’t say anything about it he assumes it’s fine.
I = Intimacy
He leans towards intimacy. He loves being close to you and a lot of the time it starts out more intimate and then grows more passionate as the night goes on. It’ll also grow more rough over time but when you’re both tired the whole thing will be holding each other close and soft kisses and love.
J = Jack Off
A few times a week to every other day. He won’t tell you that it’s that often but it is and he definitely does it more once you’re together if his schedule doesn’t allow him to see you. The longer he’s away the more needy he gets especially if you send him pictures
K = Kink
L = Location
As comfy as the bedroom is he really likes the living room. He loves when you’re both so needy that you don’t make it to the bedroom. When he pushes you up against the wall and kisses you and grabs at your hips and he ends up bending you over the couch and taking you from behind.
M = Motivation
Skill. He loves seeing you showing off your skills. Be it you creating something or talking about something you’re knowledgeable about or practicing a skill it gets him going. He’ll shower you with compliments and the more they bolster your confidence the better. He loves seeing you confident and bettering yourself.
N = NO
While he doesn’t mind some brattiness he doesn’t want you to be hot and cold. He’s willing to talk things out with you but if you won’t tell him what’s wrong and give him the cold shoulder until he gets mad and then throw yourself at him he’s not going to be impressed. It’s a turn off when you act really immature.
O = Oral
L O V E S oral. Like he loves to receive but he’s very v e r y good at it. It makes him so so smug to see how fast you become a mess for him when he’s between your legs. The more you moan his name and pull his hair the more rough and passionate he’ll usually get. Although when he’s really focused nothing will distract him and he’ll make you cum over and over again on his tongue until you’re a dripping, shaking mess.
P = Pace
More often than not it’s fast but it does depend on the mood. He can be slow and with deep, sensual trusts but when both of you get worked up the pace is fast and rough and often you egg him on to get him to be even rougher.
Q = Quickie
He can be down for a quickie from time to time. Usually happens in the dorms and maybe once or twice backstage. He usually likes to have some time with you but when you’re really worked up he can’t resist the thrill of hiding away with you and trying to finish before anyone realizes you’re missing.
R = Risk
Life is only fun with a healthy amount of risk. He definitely won’t do anything where fans would find you but he’s very down to have sex of fool around where staff, his members, or other idols might walk in on you. The adrenaline rush is a little too much to resist.
S = Stamina
His stamina is pretty good. He can go one longer round or two shorter rounds before he needs to stop or wants to just sleep. 
T = Toy
He doesn’t mind using toys on you but most of the time it’s only to show you how good you’ll feel from his hands, mouth, or cock. He’ll only ever really use them to tease you a bit and maybe make you cum once before proving that he’s far better than any toy.
U = Unfair
Oh he would definitely rather tease you. He could tease you little by little all day long and he loves to do it when you let it happen. It’s amusing to him to get you so desperate. But when you turn it around on him he loses his patience really quick. It is a really fast way to get him to be rough with you though sooooo
V = Volume
He’s a little loud. His moans tend to be more so in the middle of his voice and only on the off chance that you get him to sub do you really get a chance to hear his whiny, high pitched moans and gasps.
W = Wild Card
He likes it when you put in a lot of effort. He won’t ask you to dress in lingerie all the time or have the room all set up to be romantic but any time you too it gets him right in the heart because he can really see how much you care.
X = Xtra
He puts in effort, but he doesn’t usually go crazy. His extraness is more so in his passion for you and how worked up he gets with you, how much he likes to get to a point where neither of you can hold back and you’re both desperate for each other.
Y = Yearning
In his ideal worked you’d have sex a few times a week and if you ever go on vacation together that’s something he’ll be looking forward to but mostly when you’re busier than that it’s once a week maybe more if you can see each other more often.
He doesn’t fall asleep right away. In fact the only thing that will really allow him to be tired is when you’ve nearly fallen asleep. He always falls asleep after you do, he’ll always be closest to the door and he gets upset when you wake up and slip out of bed in the morning without waking him so he can see you off.
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Emory flicks his thumb across his phone screen, watching the email preview turn red and disappear. Deleted. It’s boring, sorting through emails, but kind of addictive in a droning, productive way, too. So he skims through previews, swipes, and scrolls as Lux answers his phone.
“Uh… u-uh, um…”
Lux sounds uncomfortable. Nervous. Thumb pressing on the screen, holding an email in limbo between seated in his inbox and flung into nonexistence, Emory glances up to see his boyfriend staring at the floor, shoulders scrunched up with tension.
It doesn’t feel good to watch Lux. To invade his privacy, to seem controlling. Emory looks back to his phone and lets the email fly. Forces himself to read the next one.
“You don’t - you can’t…” Lux’s voice catches in his throat and fades as he listens to whoever called him. “I don’t want to,” He says quietly, hesitantly. He’s afraid.
Who could he even be talking to? The only people who would call Lux, that Emory can think of, are Anders and Alex and Kiara, and none of them would get this kind of reaction out of him. Maybe there’s someone else in Lux’s life, in his past, that he hasn’t shared about? It took him a long time to bring up his parents. Maybe it’s someone he knew when he was young.
There’s a little sound. Emory stares hard at the email he’s opened, not reading a word of it. Was that a whimper? Or something metal creaking, some hinge squeaking? Whoever’s on the phone can’t be bad enough that Lux would make a tiny, scared sound like that. He’s not even sure if he actually heard it.
“No. You can’t… you can��t make me.” A pause. Lux glances over at Emory, and they lock eyes; the warlock is pale, terror leaving marks like the little wrinkle between his eyebrows, the little indent in his bottom lip from biting it. “No. My answer is no.” His voice is more firm, now, like he’s bolstered by seeing Emory, being supported with silent, confused concern. He stands a little taller, sets his shoulders with flimsy, but at least attempted, confidence. “And you - you can try. B-but, but, I wo-on’t make it easy.”
Lux lowers his phone, blinks, taps the screen. Lets it drop to the counter.
“You okay, Curls?” Emory asks, deliberately holding still, no demand for answers in his tone. Lux is trying to be brave. He might crumble, anyway, looks like. It’ll help to stay calm.
“Uh-mmmh… um, I-I…” The warlock pats the counter, pats himself, steps back with a shaky breath. Like he’s trying to remember what he was doing, or to find something to pick up and work on to look casual. His thoughts are scattered. “Yeah. M’fine. Just… did you, hear any of tha-at?”
“Yeah. Your side of it. Sounds like someone was stressing you out. Trying to get you to do something?”
Lux nods. Glances at his phone, clicks it on, clicks it off, shoves it in his pocket. “He was… he wants… it was the Hu-unter.”
“The Hunter, he, called me-”
Lux flinches, even though Emory’s voice is pitched with nothing more than shock. “...Called me, to say. He-e had an id-... idea, and, he wants to… he thought of something and he wants to do it. To me. Like I’m…” He closes his eyes and shakes his head, crossing his arms, before looking back over at his partner. “Like I’m still in his house, in a corner somewhere, and he can just pull me out and throw me down there again when he feels like hurting me. I don’t - I don’t wanna. Ev-ven if he says he’ll let me go, after.”
His phone forgotten on the couch, Emory stands, shaking his head. “Yeah, no, fuck no, Lux, you don’t have to. You said - you said no, right? I heard you say no.”
“Ye-eah, I - I said no. To h-him.”
Emory’s stomach turns as he watches Lux shudder. As he sees that skin already paled with terror go a couple shades closer to looking sick. As he wonders how Lux has been hurt, in the past, for saying no to that man.
“Will it work?” Emory asks, captivated, mortified. “Saying no?”
One shoulder - a shoulder that must be hurting from the tension wound through him after that call - inches up in a half-shrug. “Don’t think so. I could - I could ward the house. Ward myself, I guess. Hide, or something. But he can get in my h-head. Undo it, see anything coming. S-so… um, it mi-ight be easier to just, to just go.”
“No, Lux. You can’t. He’ll hurt you, he won’t let you go, and I’ll have to wait, wait for you, and you’ll come back all…” He falters, overwhelmed. Lux knows. Lux knows full well how it’d go, and how far it would set him back in his recovery. He knows what the Hunter will do to him, and how inescapable he is, how inevitable it is to get hurt again. Emory can’t accept it, but Lux had to, years ago. Like he’s still in the Mindfucker’s house, just pretending to be safe until the man wants to drag him back down and break him again.
Lux looks torn. It can’t be easy for him to even consider withholding what the Hunter wants. Emory gets a sudden unwelcome, horrific mental image of Lux, younger and alone, cowering in chains, presented with a single choice: shatter openly on command, or die.
Finally, he speaks. “...O-okay. Um… well, I, I did say no, already. And I… have a lot of magic. Maybe, ma-aybe Anders knows something that can help, a charm or a gem or something, to protect me. And I can just… ward the house, and stay inside, and try to - to k-keep him out of my head. Ma-aybe he’ll give up?” Lux is shaking where he stands. Emory’s heart is going to burst with pride. “Maybe, I can, I can, I don’t have to, le-et him have me?”
“Yeah, Lux,” Emory agrees, letting all his hope shine through. “You can. You can do this.” He steps around the kitchen island, arms open. Lux flinches, steps back - hesitates, trembles, closes the distance and hugs him, hard.
“I-I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna b-be good for, for, for him, ag-gain,” Stammers the warlock, dragged from casual comfort to utter terror with one thirty-second conversation over the phone. “I wanna sta-ay here.”
“You can, honey. You can stay here. He won’t get you. And if he does, somehow? If it’s all too scary and you’re hurting and he gets you? I’ll get you back home. You’ll be okay. No matter what, Curls, it’ll pass. Nothing’s ending, okay? You get to be safe. He’s not getting you back.”
A shard of a dry sob sounds over Emory’s shoulder. “I don’t wanna die down there.”
“You won’t. You’re gonna die old and sitting in the garden you and I plant, honey, we have a plan. No stupid hunter is gonna ruin our plan. I promise, Curls, it’s gonna be okay.”
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waitineedaname · 5 years
For the request thing Dirk and Roxy in some supernatural AU if you feeling it! Congrats on the follower count, too, dude!
this took FOREVER to finish simply bc I had Too Many ideas, but I’m super happy with how this turned out
“You know, there’s no evidence that ghosts are real.”
“Sure, there’s- fuck,” Dirk paused to avoid tripping over a root cutting across his path before continuing, “There’s plenty of folklore. Anecdotal accounts. But there’s nothing scientific to back it up. If ghosts were real, wouldn’t scientists have caught one to test on yet?”
“That doesn’t sound very humane, though.” Roxy countered, shining their flashlight on another root so Dirk wouldn’t trip. “Testin’ on them, I mean! They’re still people. Shouldn’t they have the same rights and stuff?”
“They’re ghosts. It’s not like they’re going to die again.”
“How do you know? Maybe that’s what we’re testing them for!” Roxy flashed the beam of light onto Dirk’s face briefly, laughing a little when he made a face at them. “Look, would you want a bunch of scientists pokin’ around at your ghost when you die?”
“First of all, when I die, I’m going to be cold, unconscious, and rotting. Or hot, unconscious, and dusty if I get cremated. Either way, I’m not going to be a ghost. But-” He added when he saw Roxy’s silhouette gear up to speak, “If I was a ghost, I would be happy to let scientists do whatever the fuck they want. Test the hell out of my incorporeal form. Go hogwild in the name of science. I don’t give a shit.”
Roxy hummed and shrugged. “I mean, yeah, mood. There’s still gotta be consent forms and shit, though. I’m the one that works in a lab that involves people here. I know my shit.”
“That still doesn’t change my point though.”
“Which was…?”
“That ghosts aren’t real.”
“Ah. Yeah.” Roxy glanced down at the map on their phone, making sure the two of them were still headed in the right direction. “Yeah, they probably aren’t.”
“Then why the fuck are we exploring a haunted house?”
“Because it’s fun, dummy. Get in the spirit of the season! Eat some pumpkins! Wear a sweater! Fuck a ghost!”
“The spirit of the season.” Dirk’s voice was flat as he tried to think of a joke to make off of the obvious pun there before the rest of what Roxy said caught up to him. “Please tell me there won’t be any ghost fucking involved here. I mean, had I known that, I would’ve at least brought a condom. Worn something nice. Put on some cologne.”
“As if.” Roxy laughed. “Do you own any cologne? Axe does not count.”
“No comment.”
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous, Di Stri.” Roxy teased, giving him a side eye. Dirk’s expression was carefully neutral.
“Good thing you know better. Do I look nervous to you? The answer is hell no. I’m cool as a cucumber riding a private jet ski into the sunset. I don’t get nervous.” His mouth twitched at Roxy’s failure to contain a snort. “No, I’m just not looking forward to freezing my ass off a mile away from where we parked the car in a shitty abandoned building that’s going to give me mesothelioma. Do you want to be the one asking for financial compensation when I get mesothelioma? I don’t think so.”
“You’re such a big baby.” Roxy muttered, laughing softly. “I think we’re here.”
They stepped out into a clearing and shined their flashlights on the decaying building in front of him. It looked so cartoonishly like a haunted house that Dirk almost wanted to laugh. He shivered instead, hugging his jacket tighter around himself. Roxy bounced on their heels beside him and all but bounded up to the crumbling porch. It took some maneuvering to get up the stairs without falling through wood that had seen better days, but it seemed that all of a sudden that they were both staring down the door handle. 
“Do you want to do the honors?” Roxy asked. Dirk almost protested that this wasn’t his idea, why should he do the honors, but there was a telltale waver of anxiety finally catching up to them in Roxy’s voice, so he bit it back. The metal of the handle was cold to the touch, and hinges creaked dramatically when he pulled it open. Dirk did a little flourish with his flashlight and pretending to bow, hoping the humor would sooth Roxy’s nerves. 
“After you.” He said. Roxy giggled a little.
“Oh, wow, such a gentleman. My prince.” They cooed, walking through the doorway. Dirk followed close behind. Yeah, he wasn’t looking forward to anything this haunted house had to offer, but like hell was he going to let Roxy out of his sight.
As soon as they were both inside, the door slammed shut behind them and their flashlights flickered out. Roxy let out a tiny “eep!” and Dirk tensed.
“Dirk?” Roxy called out into the pitch black.
“I’m right here.” They sounded close, and in a moment, he felt Roxy’s hand slip into his. He squeezed it gently. 
“The flashlight batteries are brand new, they shouldn’t be going out like this…” Roxy mumbled, and Dirk heard a noise that sounded a lot like they were thwacking their flashlight on their thigh. “Aha!” The flashlight flickered back to life. After a few seconds of fumbling, Dirk managed to turn his back on too.
The room they illuminated was… surprisingly mundane, all things considered. A moth-eaten couch, a layer of dust thicker than the rug laying in the middle of the floor, peeling wallpaper that had seen better days. It kind of just looked like an abandoned house, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. The only thing that really set it apart was that-
“Jesus, it’s colder than Satan’s left nut in here.” Roxy said, shivering.
“You can say that again.”
“Jesus, it’s colder th-”
“Rox.” Dirk gave them a look, and Roxy giggled nervously again.
“Come on, let’s explore.” They said, tugging him in the direction of one of the doorways. It led them into a modest kitchen, similarly covered in a thick layer of dust. The cabinets were all empty except for one - also empty - box of Bisquick and a startled rat. Dirk most definitely did not shout in surprise when it squeaked at him, and Roxy didn’t laugh so hard they nearly cried, thank you very much.
The laundry room was also empty, and so was the office they poked their heads into, except for a piano that sat against the wall in surprisingly good condition. First floor exhausted, Roxy put a hand on their hip and grinned at Dirk, their confidence bolstered by the lack of spooky happenings beyond the door.
“Ready to go upstairs?”
“There’s no possible way saying ‘no’ will work, will it?”
“Dirk,” Roxy’s expression softened gently, “If you wanna leave, we can.”
“…Nah, I’m good.” Dirk bonked his shoulder against Roxy’s. “If we end up breaking our legs on an unstable set of stairs, though, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Roxy laughed. “You warned me about the stairs, bro.”
“I told you dog.” Dirk added emphatically. Roxy took the lead up the stairs, which creaked uncomfortably underneath them, but otherwise held steady. Atop the landing, only one door was open, albeit only slightly. They pushed it open and found themselves in a tidy bedroom. The bed was neatly made and covered with cobwebs, and the posters on the wall were too dusty and bleached with age to reveal what they originally were. Moonlight trickled in through the open window, painting the room an eerie blue. 
The pair poked around curiously, though Dirk expected it to be just as barren as the rooms downstairs. He stepped closer to the wall to investigate the posters, and his blood ran cold.
“Uh, Roxy?” He called them over, taking a step back from the wall. There was something dripping from it.
“The fuck?” Roxy said at Dirk’s side. “Wait… is that slime?”
“If we get slimered, I’m going to be so fucking mad.” Of all the ways to die, that would definitely be pretty high on Dirk’s list of ‘dumbest ways to beef it.’ The goopy green slime started forming shapes on the wall. 
6 6 6
“Oh, great.” Dirk said, trying to hold back the urge to bolt. “It’s a satanic Slimer.” Roxy frowned next to him, then looked around. They bounced over to the desk and Dirk gave them a bewildered look. “The fuck are you-”
“Aha!” Roxy withdrew a lonesome sharpie from one of the desk drawers and bounded back over to the dripping wall. Before Dirk could stop them, they drew their own dark shapes beside the numbers.
6 9 6 9 6 9
“You have got to be kidding me.” Dirk stared the wall, Roxy grinning at their handiwork. Another set of letters started appearing.
h a h a  n i c e .
Roxy brightened even further and wheeled around to face Dirk. “What do you say? Ready to be paranormal investigators?”
Dirk glanced at where the slime was spelling out w h o  y o u  g o n n a  c a and sighed. “I guess we’re the ghostbusters now. They are us.”
“Fuck yeah!” Roxy cheered.
f u c k  y e a h !
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soewru-siafna · 7 years
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