#KJ's Fluffvember
kjpurplepineapple · 2 years
Introducing Fluffvember,
a prompt challenge for the month of November because after Whumptober, we can all use a bit of wholesome.
29 prompts and one free day, all geared towards pure fluff (or if you REALLY need some angst, H/C that is mostly comfort will work too).
And artists are free to try this too. It was mainly meant for writers, but hey, if you would rather draw something, that works too!
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Have fun and happy writing!
(PS please reblog so more people can see this list, I don't have many followers)
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
KJ’s Flufftober Day 1 - Fall Fun; Pumpkins, Festival
(Yes, I’m aware of the two ask prompts in my inbox but I’ll get there... Eventually?)
So back where I grew up we have a festival about pumpkins. I have another fic on pumpkins somewhere, but for now take some modern au. Not a lot happens, its more a description of a scene, but people are having fun.
Yes, Sky having the job would make more sense. Or Twilight. But. Time is dad and its a very dad job in my brain.
Prompt list can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/kjpurplepineapple/698313793194901504/introducing-fluffvember
Coming up to lunchtime, the fayre is in full swing. The local dance class is performing their set on a fenced-off bit of grass, their music clashing with that coming from the amusement part, and both half-drowned in laughter and boisterous shouts. With a little time before the next showcase Time, master of ceremonies, chairperson of the fayre’s committee, and announcer for the day, swaps out his costume shoes for his boots, and goes searching for his boys.
Ravio - not technically one of his boys, but feeling like his responsibility anyway - is overseeing the market stalls, selling his own wares while keeping the other merchants in line. Most are selling handicrafts or brick-a-brac, though some few sell vegetables or are giving out information about their various charities. Sky is on one of the latter stalls, cheerfully engaging an elderly couple in conversation about bird conservation, while their grandchild picks out a bird plushie to take home. Warriors is sat at another, not behind the table but in front of it, being shown how to tat a little lace dragonfly.
Wild is at the other end of the market row, running back and forth with a grin and a yell as he uses three barbeques to keep up with orders. He’s been up since the small hours, setting up the kitchens and overseeing the judging of the baking and vegetable arrangement contests.
Fable and Aurora had overseen the other indoor contests, the arts and flowers, but have now taken the time to relax with the other girls by the swingset. Notably missing from their group is Sun, running the indoor canteen with Malon and her father, and Dawn, sat with Impa selling tickets at a gate.
Twilight is sat on the wooden trailer of a tractor nearby, a cash pouch on his belt and surrounded by hundreds of gourds. Uli and Rusl have taken Collin to the amusements area, leaving Twilight to sell the heritage varieties of pumpkins and squashes to passers by, each one a more fascinating shape than the last. In the evening he will be repeating the tasks of the morning, dragging equipment around and hoisting prize pumpkins between farmer’s tractors and the scales and the display, so for now he rests and earns his parents a little extra cash here and there.
Nearby are the fairground games, alight with laughter and music. Legend is playing hook a duck, trying to win gifts for all of his friends. A number of plushies are already gathered in his bag, and the stall keeper looks exhausted as he pays for another few rounds. He loses more than he wins, of course, but he has seen his friends wistfully eyeing up some of the prizes hung to the walls, and he will see then get them. He has collected for his sister already, and one each for Warriors and and Malon and Time. Now he aims for an orangey-brown bear hung by her ear that Hyrule had been making eyes at, and then he will be picking out something for Four. He will be there all day, but tonight every one of his friends will find a stuff animal tucked into their beds.
Secretly, of course, though he cannot hide the contents of his bag entirely.
Not, say, from Wind, darting between all of the games - Aryll in hand - as he attempts to teach her to play every single game there is, nor from Four sat on a nearby bench, watching as the duck falls from Legend’s rod again, and Legend swears again. Four laughs, and continues licking at his ice-cream. Wind darts over to the game of darts, buying a handful and showing Aryll just how best to hold them.
Unsurprisingly, Hyrule has wandered away from the crowds and the noise. With only a little searching Time finds him - beyond the classic cars and into the scout hut, where toys and games some older residents have kept from their childhoods are on display, along with photo albums of previous fairs, and the village’s old newspapers, and a display by the history society. It is quieter in here, with various old men and women happily explaining the significance and uses of things to the children and young people wandering around. Hyrule specifically is enchanted by a mechano set; with a little help from a motor and leather strap marbles are being carried up a short metal tower, then pushed to a small, rubber trampoline below. They bounce from that trampoline to the next, then into a little metal basket. From there gravity leads them to a small track, taking them back to the lift to be taken up all over again.
Time checks if he needs anything, then leaves him be; it is nearly time for the local dance class to swap places with the martial arts groups, letting the latter perform their display, and he needs to be back to announce it. He adjusts the little green hat, checks his facepaint is not too smudged, and adjusts the bright orange pumpkin suit until it flops rather than sags. Some day they’ll buy hoops to keep it in shape, but then they have been saying that for years.
He jogs back to the pavillion, and swaps his boots for the green fairy shoes matching the costume’s leggings. And then out he heads, the pumpkin man once more.
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kjpurplepineapple · 2 years
Hello! I’m loving all the fluff and warm fuzzy feels you’re spreading with your Fluffvember list. ❤️ Do you want to be tagged (@, whatever you call that, pinged? I don’t know tumblr terms lol) when we write stuff based on the prompts or is there a specific tag we should put?
I don't really care if you tag me but I would like to see the stuff everyone makes so if you would like, I wouldn't say no to being tagged.
As for any specific tags to be used, Fluffvember2022 or KJ's Fluffvember both work, I'm not picky about credit for choosing the prompts or designing the list, it's not a big deal
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Fluffvember! Prompt 2
(@indigoartistqueen this one's for you!)
Cuddle pile
Thunder rumbled, its origins close enough to shake the small Ordonian house like an earthquake. The vibration made the walls chatter and creak, and this was enough to startle awake the smallest inhabitant of the household.
Rusl stared at the ceiling, disoriented, before his sensory input started to come together to paint a picture. He heard cries, and after squinting at the darkness for a second it registered that his daughter was scared by the storm. The swordsman shifted to get up but found himself pinned in place, trapped by a blanket wound too tightly and a heavy weight on his shoulder. He turned just as Uli started to stir awake on the other side of the bed.
Their small bed, barely sizable enough to fit the couple with a little spare room, was currently housing the entire family outside of their newborn. Link and Colin were squished together, the younger tucked into the elder’s chest while Link’s head rested on Rusl’s shoulder. Link’s face scrunched in discomfort as Hana continued to cry, and Rusl desperately tried to ease his way out of the tangle of blankets and limbs to calm his daughter before Uli had to. Ordona knew she deserved a break.
Despite his efforts, his wife’s eyes fluttered open, as did Link’s. Colin groaned, burying his face further into Link’s tunic.
Link shifted with a weary inhale, and as he did so it gave Rusl the opportunity to finally get himself out of the bed. He brushed some hair out of Link’s face, whispering, “Go back to sleep.”
The soft words were enough to pacify his eldest, who settled quickly. Uli moved to get up and Rusl waved her off. She locked eyes with him, a question in her gaze, and he gave her a smile. I’ve got it. His wife nodded gratefully and then looked at her boys, giving each a kiss on the head before going back to sleep.
Rusl quickly and gently scooped his daughter into his arms, whispering gentle hushes and rocking her back and forth soothingly as the storm raged on outside. As he looked at all of his family, from his beautiful wife to his precious daughter to his dearest sons, he felt peace settle over him. Despite the damp chill in the air, his heart couldn’t be warmer.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I'm getting excited for Fluffvember but October can take its sweet time. I'll just line up warm, fluffy vibes in the queue >:D
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