#KP ✩ verse: musical | historys about to get overthrown
makethangels · 4 years
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@herheroics​ said: ❝ Don’t tease me. I don’t like it. ❞ ( jane ) x
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       ❝ oi ! pretty sure that was KITTY, not me ! come on, jane, be honest, out of everyone in this dressing room, you think i’d be the one to do that ? ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
(mostly cate) moments i love this time round, 
“remember us from pbs?” i just thought it was a great way to adapt that line
“the thomas cromwell amongst the royal ministers between 1532 and 1540.” i just love this line always tbh
when aragon says her “i just don’t think i’d look that good in a wimple” line, parr just shakes her head with a smile and i’m living for this relationship
adrianna’s “so i’ll be queen till the end of my life” is equally powerful and devastating and i love her
cate was so into Don’t Lose Ur Head and it was amazing
jane’s monologue before Heart of Stone was so good?
cate lingering for a sec during the Heart of Stone intro while the others immediately sit down showing that connection between her and Jane I weep
the way cate starts haus of holbein has me in STITCHES
anna!parr in haus of holbein in general is fucking amazing
that “but i did” in get down also the riff
“can’t get up? you remind me of my ex-husband!”
aragon about to throw hands @ cleves
the beheaded cousins high five
cate full on doing the “okay now go and drink your tea my special sweetheart” gesture at anna for the plague line XD
cate introducing kitty is super sweet
on the other hand cate nodding her head to the “least relevant katherine” line is hilarious
“turns out some guys just employ women to get them into their private chambers. it was a different time back then.”
the fact that they really amp up the touching on henry’s verse in All You Wanna Do
sam!kitty sobbing kills me
props to the show for giving the audience time to soak in how fucked up and devastating All You Wanna Do is
“jane...chill out.”
“you know what anne bo-loser?!”
anna trying to get cate to sing is just their relationship in a nutshell
also cate’s final monologue? chef kiss fingers
“let’s see who gets the biggest cheer, trauma or abuse” i would die for her
it being all five other girls who gang up on her at the end makes more sense but also makes me sad
cathy staying gentle even tho the rest of them are taunting her is so in character it hurts
cate x joan forever
her little wave on “gold star for cathy parr”
anna’s panic and desperation in the second verse of I Don’t Need Your love GUTS ME
how casual aragon’s “put it away babe” is like anne pulling her sixth finger out is a normal occurence
okay but cate looks so turned on at anne’s little “yeah i read” thing XD
“i said: we have a VOICE” have i mentioned anna!parr could step on me? because she could step on me
“his religious reforms” “ooh, actually...” “now’s not the time, catherine.”
aragon’s peace sign before the fake ending
cate grabbing kittys hand during the six intro ballad T.T
“aragon, do you wanna go first?” “oh, i guess i could for a change.”
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makethangels · 4 years
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@herheroics​ said: ❝ You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. ❞ ( jane ) x
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       ❝ that’s where you’re wrong, jane. ❞ catherine’s voice is quiet. she doesn’t talk about this much, has thoroughly avoided her history with jane’s family as much as she possibly could. so many of her own scars, traumas, and regrets are wrapped up in the name seymour. it’s all cathy can do not to break down some nights. but she has to stop running eventually, she supposes, like she’s always told the rest of them to. ❝ you’re a lot of things to a lot of people... and TO NO ONE MORE THAN ME. ❞
       a deep breath in, then out. ❝ honestly, for so much of my life, i felt as if i was living in your shadow. when i was married to henry... ❞ she winces at this memory, particularly egregious. ❝ he had a portrait done of the whole royal family. i agonized over what to wear, over what would make me look most like a queen fit to be by his side. when it was complete, we all waited... and it was my dress, my posture, but IT WAS YOU IN THE PORTRAIT, jane. and i just had to smile and tell him it looked lovely when really... ❞ she trails off with a shake of her head. ❝ and your brother... well... your brother is another matter entirely. ❞
      ❝ i suppose what i’m saying is that I KNOW a lot more about your story than you might think. ❞
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ HE TRIED TO KILL ME TOO, you know. ❞ he voice is quiet, fingers twirling around each other in a nervous twist. ❝ i know...it can’t really compare, but...i know a bit about what that fear is like. and the things i had to do to save myself...sometimes i wonder if it would have been BETTER if i died. ❞
@aclastra​ // liked for a starter
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makethangels · 5 years
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       catherine usually TRIES not to let things get to her. she’s the solid one, the boring stable center that the rest of them can rotate around. but sometimes, that’s not a part she wants to play. sometimes, she can’t make that her story. today is definitely one of those days. she’d been off in her performance, nearly breaking in the middle of her song. a lot of her jokes didn’t quite land, her heart wasn’t fully in them. she throws her headband rather forcefully onto her dresser, burying her head in her hands. LOOKING UP when she hears someone approaching, she quickly tries ( and fails ) to get it together. ❝ hey, sorry. i just...off show, i guess. tomorrow’ll be better, i promise. ❞ 
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ jane, are you stress baking ? ❞
@uplandia​ // gets a random starter bc that gifset made me giggle
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ oh okay, miss ‘i have the plague’. ❞ she chucks a piece of popcorn at anna’s head, giving her a pointed look. yes, they’re telling horror stories, but in a way, catherine has to admit this is one of her FAVORITE things about anna: her ability to make her laugh. ❝ honestly, you should’ve just done that when you left. saved me and kitty the trouble. ❞
@aclastra​ from here
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ well for fuck’s sake, anna ! ❞ hands are planted firmly on cathy’s hips as she shoots a withering glare at the other. she knows anna can hold her own, but when anne and katherine had come home WITHOUT HER, cathy had worried. ❝ all i needed was a quick text back to know you weren’t dead in a ditch somewhere ! ❞ she pouts, rushing forward to wrap her arms around the other woman’s waist. ❝ you scared the crap out of me. ❞
@aclastra​ from here
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makethangels · 5 years
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       ❝ damn. you sing those high notes almost as well as your mum. who, by the way, is going to be THRILLED when she hears you sing. honestly, at this point, we might as well add you to the roster. we’re in need of a super swing. ❞
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makethangels · 5 years
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@aclastra​ said: “I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.” - annaaaaa x
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       ❝ pepper in, huh ? more like dumping the whole damn bottle in, anna. not that there’s anything WRONG with that. i’m just saying i thought you’d be more of the ‘let a girl you want to sleep with her right away’ type. ❞
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makethangels · 5 years
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@griefprofiled​ said: Who's Cath's fav other queen, Anne's asking for a friends while holding Cath's phone over a sink of water lmao
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       ❝ .....ANNE, obviously. ❞ the precarious nature of her phone has absolutely nothing to do with this answer, we swear.
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makethangels · 5 years
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@stoodfirm​ said: 🗣️x
cate: From now on, we fuck up everything together. jane: Good.
jane: [crying in the kitchen] cate: jane, are you alright? jane: yeah, it’s just these onions cate: [to the onions] what did you say to my jane?
cate: look, you’re obviously upset about henry. so i decided to come over here to help you out. jane: i’m not upset. cate: i found you in the park throwing rocks at couples. jane: why should they be happy?!
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makethangels · 5 years
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@fourchoruses​ said: “ i’m  about  to  win  this  competition. ” x
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       ❝ does it COUNT as a competition if you’re the only one competing ? ❞ cathy looks up from her book. ❝ take A BREATH, kat. it’s okay. ❞
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makethangels · 5 years
;; again, i know the whole point of the show is that it’s not real and once the queens get to know each other the fighting and stuff isn’t usually real, but every once in awhile i think about how much that, despite all that, it must fucking GUT catherine every time jane, of all people, is like “she probably doesn’t even have a story to tell”. like no wonder that’s when cathy goes “...you know what, fine” because big oof jane. you don’t know the landmine involving members of your own family you just stepped on.
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makethangels · 5 years
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“not all heroes wear capes. some wear dressing gowns” aka maiya being The Most In Character Ever
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makethangels · 5 years
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@spainhearted​ said: ‘ heavy and hard is the heart of the king. king of iron, king of steel. ’ / whatever version of cate u want! X
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       ❝ that’s true...but... i think it was A SURVIVAL MECHANISM, don’t you ? after everything he went through...losing his mother, his brother... ❞ catherine shrugged, a bit nervous about discussing such things with the godmother whose place she had eventually taken. ❝ maybe it’s just because compared to my other marriages he was so... ❞ not an asshole ? ❝ he just seemed so fragile by the time i was with him. i suppose, even with everything he did, i couldn’t find it in myself to HATE HIM, not completely. is that stupid ? ❞ 
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