mando-jetiis-blog · 1 month
So recently (not so recently but I forgot to post!) I undated my on going series about Mandalorian Jedi OC. Idk if any wants to read or anyone even sees it but here you go.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 1 month
I want the Jedi temple to have a radio station. Like we know radio stations exist in star wars, we've seen them (ie: In the Rishi station episode) and I think the Jedi should have a local radio station with different Jedi news programs. Whats going on in the senate, new research the medic corps or educorps just came out with. There's a creche hour where the younglings get to write up and present their own stories. Investigative journalism! Fluff pieces about Jedi theater or music or something. Quiz games. There's a shout out every time someone makes it to the rank of knight or master.
When the war starts Jedi flip to the station to hear a reminder of home. Their clone commanders put it on to remind their Jedi to keep up hope, that this is what they're fighting for. The Jedi give the clones a news segment to talk about whatever they want. New trends, armor paint, weapon tips, they have a call in portion and it gets wild---they have to make a rule that you can't call in from an active battlefield.
The rebellion uses the same station numbers for their pirate radio.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 1 month
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on the run
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mando-jetiis-blog · 1 month
Cody: You look like you haven't slept in a week Obi-Wan: How can I sleep when I have someone as lovely as you sleeping right next to me? Cody: Obi-Wan: Such a distraction Cody, sighing: How does this keep working on me?
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mando-jetiis-blog · 1 month
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YOU LOST IT AGAIN????????????????
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mando-jetiis-blog · 2 months
So, I just wanted to drop a few original clone characters of my own here. Cause, why not?
CT-1433 otherwise known as Mellon, yes I named him 'friend' in Elvish, what are you gonna do about it?
CT-0205 also called Malestorm, as a reference to a name of MC of one of my fandoms. You can guess? If you want.
CT-0432, his name is Alloy, i dunno why. I drank too much tea when i was naming those.
CT-1861, called Jaon'yc, so he has some lore to him. His jedi named him (on his request) and I am pretty sure it means important in Mando'a. Do with what you will.
CT-9181, his name is Dral, meaning bright(?), also named after that one troll from ToA, those who know will understand.
CT-6456, also known as Zenn, it supposed to be a twisted version of name Zane, I don't know if you see it. Named after the Zane from Ninjago. I like naming my OC after other characters or just knowing what their name means. Aand that's it. Thanks for reading, i guess?
With the amount of Clones created, there was always going to be an overlap of names.
Marshall Commander Cody of the 212th was not the only Cody.
Jesse of the 501st shared a name with many soldiers across many battalions.
There were so many Foxes, younger Clones naming themselves after the Marshall Commander of the Coruscant Guards in a bout of hero worship.
But there was a set of Clones on each Venator that, after passing their normal tests and combat training, went into specialized training before their assignments. A majority of them didn’t have names before the specialized training, and those that did, weren’t really attached to their names and chose their new names amongst the others they worked with.
Obi-Wan met them on the flight deck, the group disembarking from the drop ship and saluting the Jedi.
All of them would join in on the battles and train with the others during hyperspace flight, but it was fairly quick to see that these soldiers worked together in a specific way.
“May I know your names?” Obi-Wan asked. He was still hesitant in asking, knowing names could be a private thing amongst the soldiers.
“My name is Spoon, sir!”
“Cup, sir!”
“I’m called Whisk!”
Eyebrows rose, and a glance to Cody told Obi-Wan that this group was a bit of a surprise to him.
“Are all of you working in the mess hall?” Obi-Wan, not bothering to hide his amusement.
“Of course, sir,” Whisk answered. “We’re all trained in ways to make the nutripaste more appealing, and not to give the soldiers food poisoning. We also know how and what to hunt and forage in case we run low on supplies during a campaign.”
“I see,” Obi-Wan said. And it did make sense. Many Padawans got the same training, especially if their missions took them to the more remote planets.
Obi-Wan continued to smile as he got the names of Fork, Lid, Pan, Pot, and Kettle, but he paused when he heard a second Spoon. He glanced back at the first one for a moment before looking at the second one.
“It’s not often that squad mates share a name,” he offered.
The second Spoon shrugged. “You can call me little Spoon if it helps, sir, but it’s silly if a kitchen only has one Spoon in it.”
The snort of amusement from Cody was more surprising than anything, and Obi-Wan accepted the explanation with a nod and chuckle of his own.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 2 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Revan/Bastila Shan, Dooku & Yoda (Star Wars), Revan & Meetra Surik, Revan & Yoda (Star Wars), Dooku & Revan (Star Wars) Characters: Revan (Star Wars), Male Revan (Star Wars), The Jedi Exile, Female Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Yoda (Star Wars), Yuthura Ban, Bastila Shan, Canderous Ordo, Atris (Star Wars), Vrook Lamar, Vima Sunrider, Tenebrae | Vitiate | The Sith Emperor, Mace Windu Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Time Travel, Mystery, Jedi Training (Star Wars), Jedi Shadow Investigators, Jedi Culture & Customs (Star Wars), The Mandalorian Wars (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic), Jedi Politics (Star Wars), Fix-It of Sorts, Philosophy, Worldbuilding, Sith Ideology & Philosophy (Star Wars), Time Travel Fix-It, That's Not How The Force Works (Star Wars), Jedi Temple (Star Wars), Jedi Appreciation (Star Wars) Series: Part 2 of The Dark Rises, The Light Falls, and Balance is Found Summary:
History is an interesting thing, especially when it involves an organization like the Jedi Order that has records stretching back twenty-five thousand years. One would expect that such an organization would have a relatively clear and accurate understanding of their own history, especially history merely four thousand years in the past, but what happens when a single Jedi, desperately searching for any new knowledge that will quench the ire of his archivist friend, discovers information that calls the entire history, and doctrine, of the Jedi Order into question. Typically, debates would be had, accusations and rumors of heresy and apostacy launched, and the seeker would back down fearing their declaration as "fallen."
When that Jedi is Master Yan Dooku, Padawan of Grandmaster Yoda, Jedi Shadow, and close friend of Archivist Jocasta Nu and Seer Syfo-Dias? It turns out that a great many things change. Probably for the best as time is running out, and a Force-gifted confrontation edges closer and closer.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 5 months
Humans have always had their finger on the trigger, they are always ready to strike, and yet they relax and are calm whenever you see them. This bi-polar like response is terrifying to many in the universe and most seem to see the humans as always ruthless and bloodthirsty, which they really are. 
Morgranff: I can’t believe how ruthless a fighter that human was, did you see how it bent itself in the air to avoid that strike from the Horned Goliath?
Stencillon: Yeah, I saw it, it cost me my whole night's bets.
Morgranff: You bet against a human?
Stencillon: The Goliath was twice his size, that human didn’t stand a chance if you looked at the physics of the fight.
Morgranff: Yeah, they are often overlooked when it comes to the ridiculous agility and chaos that goes with every human. 
Stencillon: Well, I also never thought that a human leg was capable of slicing through the thick neck of a Horned Goliath especially when its horns interlock over the neck and act as natural armor. That fight clearly showed how vicious and deadly a human truly is. 
Morgranff: Of course, I haven’t stopped betting on the humans ever since I had made that very mistake, that being said, can I buy you a drink?
Stencillon: Yes, I would love to celebrate your winnings with you.
The two start walking down the bustling corridor of the “Fight Palace”, and both freeze at the sight of the, now clean of Goliath blood, human fighter they had just watched dispatch the Goliath.
Stencillon: Why do they let humans walk around freely like this? Shouldn’t they keep such a vicious predator in a cage?
Margranff: You know I have never understood it either. Humans are far too unpredictable and I have never felt safe around them unless I am on the other side of the barrier fence at a fight. 
Stencillon: Should we go around the other way?
Margranff: Yes, but what is the human doing? 
Stencillon: I don’t know but it is approaching that child over there, I am going to call security.
The human crouched down next to the clearly homeless Maldovian child. The child’s blue skin ruffled as the human carefully spoke in hushed tones.
Margranff: What is he after with that kid?
The human pulls out a roll of dollar bills from his pocket and separates a few offering them to the child. The child reluctantly takes the money and stands up by taking the hand of the human that had just been offered up following the cash. They slowly walk together to a food cart and talk to the Purveyor of meat kabobs. The child selects its food and the human steps up to pay for the food.
Margranff (whispering to himself): Is he going to eat the child?
Stencillon (on a communications device): yes, the human is doing something with a homeless Maldovian child…. I don’t know his intention, he is a human!... I won’t interfere, that is why I am calling you…. Yes, I feel like I am in danger, the fight winning human is walking around doing unpredictable things.
The human and the child sit together against the wall in the corridor and chat while an amplified voice from the stadium calls out a new fight in the ring. The child is really just stuffing his face and nodding as the human goes on and on about something that is important to him but definitely not important to the child.
Stencillon: the security officer is on his way. 
Margranff: Good thing too, there is definitely something up with what this human is doing, even though I can’t put my finger on it. 
A security guard comes running up and slows to a stop at the sight of the human. The guard turns his head to one side contorting his face in total confusion as he tries to take in the scene. The guard stops analyzing everything and starts psyching himself up to go talk to the human. The guard sort of stretches and sort of hops around trying to get up the courage when he suddenly freezes.
Margranff: Did the security guard just scare himself or something? 
Stencillon: No, look, there are two other humans that just showed up. 
The two newly arrived humans walk straight over to the first one who is still talking to the child who has already finished eating the food he had. They interrupt what the first human is saying and the first human gets up on his feet and bares his teeth at the two interlopers before they stand against each other and start squeezing each other.
Stencillon: are they beginning to wrestle?
Margranff: If they are fighting, what do you bet the first one loses to the other two?
The security guard had been nervously calling for backup this whole time and is still in disbelief that this already dangerous call had tripled in danger before he had even started. The guard feeling defenseless pulls out his weapon aiming at the humans who had now switched the wrestling to the first and third human. 
Stencillon: this is going to end badly, if that guard shoots one of them the other two will rip him to shreds. 
Margranff: At least this situation will end with the child being rescued.
The humans start pointing to the child after unlocking their arms from the wrestling lock they were in. the three of them begin raising their voices at each other.
The third human walks over to the kabob cart and starts talking to the vendor.
Margranff: Are they going to eat the child? 
Stencillon: That’s what I just heard, they must be checking with the food cart guy to see if he will cook the child for them.
The large burly Maldovian Head of security shows up walking casually to the security guard, lowering the nervously held weapon, tells him to stand down. 
Stencillon: head of security is here, I am going to get closer and see what happens.
Margranff: I’ll come with you. 
The third human turns around from the cart holding a lot of food. He walks over and hands the child one before handing one to each of the other humans. The Head of security steps over to them just as Stencillon and Margranff get close enough to observe while still remaining at a relatively safe distance.
Head of security: Steeeeve? 
The first human deflates knowing he was in for a lecture and some disappointment. 
Head of security: How many times have I told you, you can’t adopt the children that hangout around here.
Steve: But Orri, the kid is homeless.
Orri (head of security): No, this kid’s name is BahOni, he lives down the street from here, he lives with his brother, sisters and both his parents, he cannot be adopted. He probably heard from a friend about a prize winning fighter who buys lonely kids food and gives them money. 
Steve: I know, I know, but I…
Orri: NO!
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mando-jetiis-blog · 5 months
May the 4th be with you!!
This is my first May 4th on this blog and I'm excited! Unfortunately, I did not manage to find anything special to do for this special day so... For now, it's just Happy May 4th to everyone!!
So here you go, just me playing with me saber
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mando-jetiis-blog · 5 months
“What if Annatar resembled Finrod “
Celebrimbor who cared for Finrod deeply couldn’t help but see glimpses of Finrod in Annatar , in how he looks and how he acts sometimes.
Celebrimbor glimpsed in Annatar's form echoes of Finrod, the noble and beloved friend lost. The way Annatar moved, spoke, it all bore a resemblance to Finrod.
Sauron knew this, weaving his deceitful web. For he had watched how Finrod comforted his companions in the dark dungeons of Tol in Gaurhoth
So it was that Annatar's guise became a cruel mirror, reflecting back the memory of a cherished friend lost but never forgotten. And in that twisted reflection, Celebrimbor found himself drawn ever closer, his trust and loyalty given to the very source of this cruelty.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 5 months
He had a name before he was assigned to a battalion, even though everyone called him Shiny until he proved himself in battle. Though once he did earn the right, he decided to stick with the name given to him by the other cadets.
“I’m called Two Tone,” he told his Captain, who raised an eyebrow. To the silent question, he shrugged. “No one told me why.”
And that was the truth. He wasn’t inclined to whistle or sing. He got the name long before he reached the age of his voice cracking in forced puberty. Just one day in class, one of his batchmates laughed and called him Two Tone, and it stuck.
Somehow, he never figured out why he was called that until after a joint battle with General Unduli and General Kenobi, fighting to take back a planet from the Separatists, at the request of the local government. Everyone was giving him weird looks ever since he had painted his armor, and he just told himself it was probably because of the design. He always had problems getting it correct on his armor, and he didn’t want to ask someone for help, so he was stuck with his own quality.
Cleaning up after the fight was normal, trudging around the battlefield to find any fallen comrades and equipment, seeing the medic if hurt, packing things away again. Two Tone thought it was weird when he didn’t bump into anyone from the 212th, but figured it was because they might have been on the other side of the battlefield. He did his best sticking to his brothers as things began to get loaded into the LAAT/is, tired and quiet as he road the drop ship up to the Venator.
He assisted with unloading things, feeling the ship shudder faintly as it transitioned into hyperspace, though his movements came to a halt as he saw General Kenobi walking by the area. Frowning, he turned to the Clone beside him.
“Why isn’t General Kenobi with the 212th?”
The Clone frowned at him. “This is the 212th…”
Two Tone prided himself on being levelheaded, so when he started to panic so hard that General Kenobi came to an abrupt stop and looked at him, he was proud that he didn’t run away or collapse or simply imploded.
“Are you all right, dear one?” General Kenobi asked and a part of Two Tone’s mind was amused to learn that the rumors were correct about the endearing terms the man used.
“I apologize, sir,” Two Tone managed to squeak out. “But… I was assigned to General Unduli… I’m on the wrong ship.”
General Kenobi’s head tilted to the side curiously, glancing over Two Tone’s armor.
“Have you been tested for colorblindness?” the General asked curiously.
“Deuteranopia colorblindness,” Obi-Wan said, giving Luminara a faint smile. “The poor man was so embarrassed. Evac tested him and decided to do a ship wide test. Apparently colorblindness isn’t too uncommon among the Clones.”
The holo of the Jedi Master shook her head, a fond sigh escaping her. “When he painted his armor orange and green, I thought he was living up to his name. I am glad to hear that we hadn’t lost him in battle.”
“No, just temporarily misplaced,” Obi-Wan said with a chuckle.
“Joint custody then, until you can return him to me?”
“Well keep him safe, I promise you.”
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mando-jetiis-blog · 5 months
He never dies!!
Obi-Wan, at Maul's funeral: I need a moment with him. Everyone: Of course. *They leave* Obi Wan, leaning over Maul′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead. Maul, ignights his lightsaber: Yeah, no shit.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 6 months
Hello, I do watch Wakfu. What do you want to talk about? :)
Does anyone still watch Wakfu, because I genuinely want to go feral talking to someone about it. I LOVE THAT SHOW SO MUCH OMG PLEASE SOMEONE ASK ME ABOUT IT
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mando-jetiis-blog · 6 months
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mando-jetiis-blog · 6 months
Houses and Clans of Mandalore - 65 to 44 BBY
All known Clans of Ordo House.
All known Clans of Vizsla House
All known Clans of Fett House
All known Clans of Kryze House
All known Clans of Kast House
Sizing of Mandalore's Houses
[From largest to smallest]
Unaffiliated Clans
Silver Children*
Clans not counted in Mandalorian Census
Clans without a current assigned House [Undecided]
[* is for fan Houses and Clans.]
[This is going to be subject to review and updates, so if you have any ideas, let me know, and I will add them to the list. Just have in mind that this is a record of Houses from a specific era. I will eventually do a House Specific History Post for anyone interested; however this is all either head canon, what shreds of canon I can mash together, and conjecture.]
[Click here to go back to Codex]
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mando-jetiis-blog · 6 months
I just feel like I entered Heaven. And I don't think I wanna leave
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Note: Since my old masterlist is getting notes again (and I'm hosting @tbb-appreciation-week this year), I thought it's a good time to release a new version with a lot more resources. If any of you know another site or thing that it's missing from the list, let me know and I'll include it!! [Altho, I'm getting this close 🤏 to the hyperlinks limit on this thing 😆]
Note 2: To avoid tagging the 3 people from whom I got multiple resources repeatedly, I've placed 1-3 asterisks between square brackets after the links, depending on the OP. I give the respective credit to them in a legend at the end of the post.
Interactive Galaxy Map by Henry Bernberg
Map of the Galaxy
List of planets and moons [Wikipedia /needs expanding]
Planet Name Generator 1 [SciFi Ideas]
Planetary System Generator [Donjon]
Tatooine Location References [*]
Various locations Cross-Sections (Jedi Temple, Palp's office, Tipoca City & more) [**]
Republic - Separatist - Hutt space during the Clone Wars
Hyperspace Travel Times (to calculate how much time would take to go from point A to point B within the GFFA)
Standard Calendar and Holidays [including month names!]
Galactic Standard Calendar [wookiepedia // including week day names]
Date converter according to SWTOR [Google sheet]
Dated Star Wars Chronological Order (Movies + live-action shows + animation)
TCW Chronological Timeline by @mauvrix
Estimated date for: shared by @spectres-fulcrum
Partisans' attack on Onderon
Siege of Lasan
Star Wars Name Generator 1 [Donjon]
Star Wars OC flow chart by @thefoodwiththedood
Star Wars Name Generator 2 [FantasyNames]
Star Wars Name Generator 3 [FantasyNames]
MetaHuman [Unreal Engine]
The character creator
Droid Name Generator
Star Wars Randomizer by @aureutr
Character Picrew [Twi-leks, Zabraks, Torgutas and Nautolans] @/megaramikaeli
Taking a Closer Look at the Jedi Order in Star Wars Canon [Meta/Reference Guide] [**]
Jedi Order Structure Flowchart by @rileys-nest
Mandalorian Armor design by MandoCreator
Keepers of the Way (Mandalorian Lore) [*]
Complete List Of Named Clone Troopers shared by @propheticfire (Organized by Unit)
Clone Creator [MandoCreator]
Clone Picrew
Star Wars Character Templates by SmacksArt [the ULTIMATE battery of template for any human/humanoid original character in any era. From troopers to droids, from Jedi to Sith, from KOTOR to the sequel Trilogy. 100% RECOMMENDED]
Basic Guide to Clone Trooper Armour by @odekiisu
GAR structure summary by @intermundia
The Clone Wars Republic Military Hierarchy Flowcharts [***]
Clone Trooper Lore [*] [Ranks, Culture, Training, Organization, etc.]
Clones and Kamino [*]
The Bad Batch Characters Concept Art shared by @shadowthestoryteller
Star Wars Character Age Comparison Chart by @the-yearning-astronaut
Tusken Raiders lore by @snarwor
Materials (fabrics, leathers, silks, plastics, construction, metal composites, etc.)
Materials in Star Wars by marvel_dc_heart_throbs
Star Wars Fashion [*]
Leisure, Art, Musical Instruments, Ethnography [*]
Political and Criminal Organizations in the GFFA [**]
Financial reference about credits by @thecoffeelorian
List of TCW Opening Quotes
Transcripts of all the TCW episodes shared by @book-of-baba-fett
Star Wars Crawl Creator [not exactly writing-related, but just for fun]
Canon Medical Lore [*]
Real World reference for Field organizational structure for corpsman (medics) [*]
Kaliida Shoals Medical Center (Republic Haven-class medical station) shared by @clonewarsarchives
GAR Battalion Aid Station [*]
GAR Clone Medic Q/A [*]
More combat medicine, shipboard medicine, veteran issues, and military culture [*]
Ship Generator 3D
Ship Name Generator
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) shared by @stairset
Republic Vessels Reference [*]
Low Altitude Assault Transport/Infantry (LAAT/i) [*]
List of GAR Flagships in the Clone Wars by @meandmyechoes
Layout of the Havoc Marauder
Dimensions of various ships from the Clone Wars [**]
Star Wars Menu Generator
In-Universe Alcoholic beverages
Canon Cocktails (recipes) [*]
Another In-Universe Drinks list shared by @systemic-dreams
Teas in Star Wars by marvel_dc_heart_throbs
Foodstuff [*]
Canon Star Wars Holiday Recipes [*]
Trask Chowder Recipe (from The Mandalorian) [*]
Languages of the Galaxy [*]
Script of different languages in the GFFA by @lucif-hare-blog
In-Universe phrases and slang [Google sheet]
List of phrases and slang [wookiepedia]
List of equivalents to real-world objects [wookiepidia]
Talk Like a Clone Trooper shared by @archeo-starwars
Aurebesh Translator [Aurebesh.org]
Learning Aurebesh Tools [Aurebesh.org] Reading - Writing.
Mando'a Database [Mando.org]
Mando'a Transcripticon [MandoCreator] (Create your own text in the Mando'a script.)
@project-shereshoy (Blog that collects and posts sources for Mando'a from all over the internet.)
Mando’a Categorized Spreadsheet
Learning Mando'a Tools [MandoCreator] Reading - Writing.
Setting Thesaurus Entry: Spaceport [Writers helping writers]
Fan-created Conlangs
@dai-bendu-conlang (Jedi Culture Explored) (This blog is the home of the Dai Bendu Conlang, invented by the Archive of Our Own Users aroacejoot, @ghostwriterofthemachine, and loosingletters for the Jedi Order in Star Wars.)
Lasana Lexicon by Anath_Tsurugi (fandom lexicon of the Lasat Language)
The amazing @fox-trot, who not only makes astonishing art and write an amazing fic, she also responds to medical questions and gives all kinds of references for writing medic characters. Check her #medicposting tag and you'll find tons of information. Also check #star wars reference and her art tag while you're at it.
@writebetterstarwars, which seems to be inactive, but there are a bunch of references there.
@howtofightwrite The place to find out how to write a good fight scene.
@scriptmedic no longer active, but it has a great deal of useful information.
@scripttorture for your whump needs. Major trigger warning for all its content.
@sw-anthrobiology A blog dedicated to collecting headcanons about the biology and cultures of Star Wars species.
@archeo-starwars In-universe sources on culture and history.
@clonewarsarchives Resources & Concept Art Blog for The Clone Wars animated series.
Wookiepedia If you don't find something in here, it's probably because it doesn't exist, neither as a canon nor legends reference.
Star Wars Databank: The official Star Wars website's reference guide. All canon.
WRITING IN GENERAL (For those who don't want to die like Stormtroopers)
SlickWrite: Completely free; online. Checks grammar, punctuation, flow, and writing style according to different settings (including fiction writing).
ProWritingAid: [RECOMMENDED] One of the most thorough online proofreader I've ever used. Although when using a free account gives extremely thorough feedback, with +20 different in-depth reports, for only the first 500 words. However, you can earn a premium account license (for a year or for life) if you get 10 or 20 new users signing up for free; (if you wouldn't mind doing so using the link above and help me earn mine, please). The settings allow you to check your writing according to your needs, from general to formal to creative. It has a bonus that you can check depending on the genre you're writing. For example, in creative, you can choose romance or sci-fiction (there are 14 sub-genre in total). And just like google docs, you can share a document, and people can view, comment or edit it too.
LanguageTool: [RECOMMENDED] Another excellent proofreader. It also has a word limit in free accounts, but if you use the add-on for Google Docs, it counts each page as a new document, so hitting the word limit is nearly impossible. It helps you to rewrite a sentence (3 a day), even if it doesn't raise any flags; it's very useful for when your sentence is grammatically correct, but it doesn't feel quite right.
Grammarly, Hemingway Editor: No so great, but they do the basic job.
[*] Shared by @fox-trot [**] Shared by @gffa [***] Shared by @cacodaemonia.
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mando-jetiis-blog · 7 months
Jedi Padawans have the classic sitcom bag-of-flour baby assignment to ensure they're prepared to look after young ones in emergency situations
this assessment is not one of the many canceled or postponed during the war
which means that when Ahsoka is abruptly deployed dirtside along with her Master, Grandmaster, and the 501st, she had to scramble to find an appropriate babysitter for her sack of flour
desperate, she tossed it to Commander Cody, who was staying aboard the Negotiator to oversee the campaign, with only a frantic list of the required steps to take care of it while she was gone
when she returns several days later, Cody has painted the sack 212th gold and constructed a sling to carry it around on his front while he keeps his hands free for work
judging by the rank pins attached to the front, the sack of flour is now a lieutenant
once Obi-Wan's heart eyes abate enough, though, it becomes clear to him that Cody and the 212th troopers have not understood that the sack of flour is not, in fact, a literal Jedi tubie
and none of the Jedi or their siblings in the 501st have the heart to correct them, so they let them keep the thing, stomping on the feet of anyone who tries to ask too many questions about their new mascot
once the war ends, Obi-Wan discreetly replaces the sack with a Jedi chrecheling in the middle of the night, having resigned himself to raising another too-young-Padawan
Reva, for her part, is all to happy to gleefully coat herself in flour for the occasion
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