makethangels · 4 years
;; *kicks open door* well hey there ! my mom got me a book for christmas and between that and a six relisten, cate’s like “hai”
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makethangels · 4 years
JANE SEYMOUR​: ( herheroics )
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           HEARING PARR SAY SHE WAS LUCKY she loved her, the blonde looked in the other wive’s direction, batting her eyelashes in her direction. “You love me huh?”. Jane asked as she wiggled her eyebrows in the brunette’s direction. she became enticed however at the mention about some payback. That wasn’t really who she was but when it came to her fellow queens? She could DEFINITELY DO THAT.
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       catherine LAUGHED, slinging an arm around jane’s shoulders. ❝ of course i love you. we are family, after all. ❞ she smiled squeezing jane a bit closer to her. ❝ now how are we gonna get them back ? ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
MARY SEYMOUR​: ( historianeglecta )
@makethangels​ gets a mary starter bc mama
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“ are you upset we are back at court, mama? should we go back, i’m sure they’d let us. ” mary did not want to leave, rather liking being in such a lively place with so many new people to talk to ( for there were only always the same people at their estate ) but since she loved and cherished her mother more than anything, there would be no protest or sulking if they did go back home.
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       court always brought a FLURRY of emotions for catherine. she had memories, both joyous and morose, here. she ruled as queen regent here, and yet she also was nearly sentenced to death here. she looked around, always amazed at the magic of court during the holidays. ❝ that’s all right, lamb. i’m okay. but THANK YOU. ❞ taking mary’s hand, she pressed a kiss to the back of her daughter’s knuckles. ❝ it’s just... strange, is all. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
;; hi hello it’s cate’s anniversary day and she’s all sulky, but also it’s my birthday so i wasn’t really around today. i’m gonna try to do stuff here tomorrow tho and just...pretend it’s the 12th XD
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makethangels · 4 years
JANE SEYMOUR​: ( herheroics )
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          “QUITE POSSIBLY ABIT OF BOTH.” jane openly admitted with a slight shrug of her shoulders. it was true however, she has done it to her multiple times before, she was used to it but she still loved cathy either way. jane eyed the brunette and she could tell just from that smile alone it definitely wasn’t her “IT WAS PROBABLY ANNE OR ANNA.”
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       ❝ SEE ! there you go. definitely more likely to be them ! honestly, you’re lucky i love you, seymour. now... ❞ cathy’s smile turned just a hint mischievous. jane was one of the few who got to see this side to her, to have her COMPLETE level of trust so she could fully cut loose. ❝ what do you say we plot some payback ? ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
HADES​: ( mvndrvke )
“No, I don’t have any objections.” He squeezes her hand gently. “Just surprised. I know the place ain’t exactly lookin’ up to standard yet with the changes, didn’t think you’d be all that interested in walkin’ around until it was done.”
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       ❝ and that is where you UNDERESTIMATE me husband. ❞ it’s said with a smile, a tease rather than a full on accusation. she leans in, bestowing him with a gentle kiss before nodding in the direction she’d like to go. ❝ i don’t need or even want perfection, my love. i just want to take a walk with my husband through this place that we rule TOGETHER. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
KAT CHAMPERNOWNE​: ( queensgxverness )
She gave into the kiss, easily letting herself be pliable and kissed her back, hand moving to rest on the back of her neck in response. Smiling, she chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to her chin in response. “I do know, I know because I love you just as much.” Kat’s dark eyes conveyed her love, even has fingers moved and kneaded the back of the other’s neck, trying to remove some of the tension that was being held there.
       cate’s eyes fell softly shut, letting out a breathy little hum at the brunette’s fingers against the nape of her neck. she hadn’t realized how tense she’d been, how the anger and outrage seemed to have LOCKED every muscle in her body. her forehead fell to kat’s shoulder and her arms wrapped fully around the other, pulling her flush against her body. ❝ i haven’t the faintest idea what i did to deserve you, kat. thank you... thank you for being MY SAFE HARBOR. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
ANNA OF CLEVES​: ( wldbirds )
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  SHE’S A LITTLE SURPRISED ;  A LITTLE TAKEN ABACK BY THE FORCE OF THE OTHER’S HUG . they’re a gang , meant to stick together , but she got blown off by this bird she fancied and suddenly wasn’t down to party any longer .  katherine had wanted to head home – said something about a headache and anna had jumped at the opportunity be her fine escort . “  –  nothing to yell about . “  a rather awkward pat on the shoulder .  “  we got home alright . “ 
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       okay, so maybe she was A LITTLE overprotective, call it a hazard. though she wasn’t the oldest of them ( in either lifetime ), cathy hated the thought of anything happening to any of the girls. they were too close in age to be a mother hen, really, that was more aragon and jane’s purview, but a protective sister, of sorts, certainly fit the bill. ❝ i know, i just... i was worried about you guys, okay ? you’re...you’re my family. if something happened to you...just touch base next time ? PLEASE ? otherwise you guys might come home one day and i’ll have had a heart attack. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
JANE SEYMOUR​: ( somemindsatwork )
Jane nodded, then took a sip of her water, if only as an excuse to put off answering. The only queen Jane had any real good experience with in the past was Aragon, though she had grown close to the others in their new life—minus Anne, of course. Parr, in particular, had proven to be mature, compassionate, and a good listener. Not that Jane was ever at the receiving end of the latter; she avoided that listening ear and offered comfort.
But a late night and the knowledge that she and Catherine were alone was enough to pull somewhat of a reply from her: “This is nothing new. I rarely sleep well.” In fact, dark circles were becoming a permanent feature, hidden by makeup when she stepped onstage. She either intentionally avoided sleep out of fear or she fell into a slumber that was more often than not interrupted by nightmares. Fingers pushing through her curls and leg bouncing, a request left her mouth without much thought being put into it. “I wouldn’t mind talking about… what’s bothering me, but promise you won’t give me that pitying look or try to coddle me. I can’t take that.” She paused, taking a deep breath.
“I have nightmares. Frequently.”
       catherine just offered a small smile, listening carefully as jane braced herself for what she was going to say. ❝ well first of all, let me just say that i’m not one of those stupid men’s his-tory books. ❞ her grin turned teasing, unable to help herself from making a cheesy reference to the show. ❝ i know you don’t need to be coddled, jane. KINDNESS DOESN’T MEAN WEAKNESS. i know that. ❞
       catherine herself was all too familiar with nightmares. memories of the time when she had fallen from henry’s favor, the sight of her name emblazoned on an arrest warrant, signed by the husband she had done nothing but aim to please. sometimes, jane’s own brother featured in her nightmares, the mockery of what their once loving relationship had become, the knowledge that SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE to stop his toxic behavior, that she should have fought harder to live through her infection, to be there for her daughter. but this isn’t about her nightmares. it’s about jane’s.
       her other hand joins the first, firmly clasped over jane’s and squeezing reassuringly. ❝ would you like to tell me what they’re about ? i’m hardly a dream expert, but...sometimes, i think putting a voice to our inner demons HELPS US to excise them. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
(mostly cate) moments i love this time round, 
“remember us from pbs?” i just thought it was a great way to adapt that line
“the thomas cromwell amongst the royal ministers between 1532 and 1540.” i just love this line always tbh
when aragon says her “i just don’t think i’d look that good in a wimple” line, parr just shakes her head with a smile and i’m living for this relationship
adrianna’s “so i’ll be queen till the end of my life” is equally powerful and devastating and i love her
cate was so into Don’t Lose Ur Head and it was amazing
jane’s monologue before Heart of Stone was so good?
cate lingering for a sec during the Heart of Stone intro while the others immediately sit down showing that connection between her and Jane I weep
the way cate starts haus of holbein has me in STITCHES
anna!parr in haus of holbein in general is fucking amazing
that “but i did” in get down also the riff
“can’t get up? you remind me of my ex-husband!”
aragon about to throw hands @ cleves
the beheaded cousins high five
cate full on doing the “okay now go and drink your tea my special sweetheart” gesture at anna for the plague line XD
cate introducing kitty is super sweet
on the other hand cate nodding her head to the “least relevant katherine” line is hilarious
“turns out some guys just employ women to get them into their private chambers. it was a different time back then.”
the fact that they really amp up the touching on henry’s verse in All You Wanna Do
sam!kitty sobbing kills me
props to the show for giving the audience time to soak in how fucked up and devastating All You Wanna Do is
“jane...chill out.”
“you know what anne bo-loser?!”
anna trying to get cate to sing is just their relationship in a nutshell
also cate’s final monologue? chef kiss fingers
“let’s see who gets the biggest cheer, trauma or abuse” i would die for her
it being all five other girls who gang up on her at the end makes more sense but also makes me sad
cathy staying gentle even tho the rest of them are taunting her is so in character it hurts
cate x joan forever
her little wave on “gold star for cathy parr”
anna’s panic and desperation in the second verse of I Don’t Need Your love GUTS ME
how casual aragon’s “put it away babe” is like anne pulling her sixth finger out is a normal occurence
okay but cate looks so turned on at anne’s little “yeah i read” thing XD
“i said: we have a VOICE” have i mentioned anna!parr could step on me? because she could step on me
“his religious reforms” “ooh, actually...” “now’s not the time, catherine.”
aragon’s peace sign before the fake ending
cate grabbing kittys hand during the six intro ballad T.T
“aragon, do you wanna go first?” “oh, i guess i could for a change.”
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makethangels · 4 years
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@asperad​ said: am i better off dead? am i better off a quitter? x
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       ❝ no, god no. don’t you DARE say that. ❞ her voice is full of emotion as her arms find their way around stella’s waist. she pulls her closer, lips pressing to the top of stella’s head. catherine’s eyes flutter shut, taking in the feeling of her lover beside her. stella’s familiar touch, her scent, the rise and fall of her breath, they all brought catherine comfort in a world that hadn’t given her much. ❝ i could spout a hundred reasons why you’re not stella, but since i know you’re SELFLESS to a fault, i’ll give you one: me. not only because you protect my life, but...my heart as well. i would be lost without you. so no, you’re not better off that way, my love. not even close. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
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@herheroics​ said: i’ll stand in front. I’ll take the blow for you. ( jane oh shit you ready ) x
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       ❝ DON’T YOU DARE. ❞ catherine’s voice was low, but firm, insistent. she wasn’t surprised at jane’s offer. the former queen was kind and gentle and good, another reason she wouldn’t even fathom it. that, and it just wasn’t the type of person catherine was. ❝ this is my mess. i’ll clean it up. and if i can’t... well the children will need you more than ever. ❞ she’d grown so fond of her stepchildren, already loved them beyond measure. the thought of them having to watch their father go through yet ANOTHER wife... but she couldn’t control henry’s fickle moods. all she could do was use her sharp mind and sharper tongue to do her best to save her life. ❝ i appreciate you so much, jane, but i think we both know your sacrifice would only end up with us both killed. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
JANE SEYMOUR‌: ( herheroics )
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            CATHY ALWAYS HAD MORE TO HER STORY, they all always did. she just, well, didn’t always fully what had happened. neither of them did. they only knew their own full stories, and whatever bits and pieces that the other queen had wanted to tell. but she knew, from the look on cathy’s face right now, something was about to come out. cathy was.. the last of henry’s six wives, she survived. many of the other queens held it against catherine for living and being the one that did live but not jane. sure, she wished she could have lived too but not if it meant another queen didn’t. cathy looked after edward and to her, THAT WAS ALL THAT MATTERED.
        JANE WAITED FOR CATHY TO FINISH but she couldn’t help how wide her eyes seemed to go. she knew more of her story than she thinks? that’s definitely not what she was wanting. she didn’t like her story. she wasn’t always the complacent third wife to henry. especially in the beginning. but she soon became to be it because she wanted to live. ironic enough because she didn’t actually get to live. she just hoped cathy didn’t find out about what henry did to her in the beginning. clearing her throat, jane licked her lips before speaking “IS THAT ALL YOU KNOW?”.
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       ❝ no. i know... A FAIR AMOUNT. childhood memories from what thomas told me, and of course fond memories from henry... ❞ she knew better though, not just because she had other sources, but because she knew better than to take henry’s word for anything. ❝ but my sister... she told me about all of you. i asked for stories about you and anne the most. i hoped it might...help me be a better stepmother to both of your children. ❞
       cathy twirled a curl nervously around her finger. ❝ this isn’t me trying to get you to spill your guts, jane. i just... i dunno... i know it’s all an act, but... sometimes I WORRY that we’re all subconsciously still pushing each other away. i might not know every detail of your life, but i know enough to know you went through hell that has nothing to do with the end of your life. and...missing your only child’s entire life ? not getting all of those firsts... i know how fucking terrible that is. i guess what i’m saying is that...I GET IT. some of it, at least. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
*   starters   from   the   script's   second   studio   album  .   some   sentences   adjusted   for   ease  .   PART   ONE  .
𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐.
i’ve been kicked right down. i’ve been spat in the face!
i’ve been pulled down to the lowest place.
i promise, baby, you won’t ever feel a thing.
i will take it on the chin for you.
i’ll stand in front. I’ll take the blow for you.
at least you know, dear, i’d die for you.
𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎.
i’m drinking jack all alone in my local bar.
i’m trying to make it work but these times are hard.
she/he/they needs me now, but i can’t seem to find the time.
we don’t know how we got into this mess.
someone help us because we’re doing our best.
we’re gonn start by drinking old cheap bottles of wine.
we’re smiling but we’re close to tears.
i lost my job, but i didn’t lose my pride.
we just now got that feeling like we’re meeting for the first time.
am i better off dead? am i better off a quitter?
they say i’m better off now than i ever was with her/him/them.
i’m smiling but i’m dying.
they say a few drinks will help me forget you.
they all think i’m crazy, but to me, it’s perfect sense.
my mates are all there tryna calm me down.
i’m shouting your name all over town.
i’m swearing if i go there, i can change your mind.
so i dialed her/his/their number & confessed that i’m still in love, but all i heard was nothing.
i wanted words, but i got nothing.
𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 & 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚑.
i tried to break love to a science.
in an act of pure defiance, i broke her/his/their heart.
of all the things she/he/they have ever said, she/he/they go & say something that just knocks me dead.
you can’t explain a love like ours.
it’s the way we. this is real.
𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔.
everything’s the way you left it.
i still haven’t slept yet.
if the truth is you’re liar, then just say you’re okay.
i’m sleeping on your side of the bed.
i wish you could still give me the cod shoulder. i wish you could still give me a hard time. i wish i could still wish it was over!
i’ll leave the door on the latch, if you ever come back.
it’ll be like you were never gone.
by leaving my door open, i’m risking everything i own. but there’s nothing i can lose in a break-in that you haven’t taken.
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makethangels · 4 years
JANE SEYMOUR‌: ( herheroics )
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      “YES, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY? you always seem to do something in one of those odd ways just to make everyone else think it wasn’t you but it WAS ACTUALLY YOU.”
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       ❝ i GENUINELY don’t know whether to be honored or offended here. on the one hand, i sound incredibly badass. on the other hand, i sound like a bit of a dick. mixed bag, i guess. so... thank you ? ❞ she flashes jane a smile, to show she’s kidding. ❝ SERIOUSLY, though. it wasn’t me. ❞
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makethangels · 4 years
;; thank you to @mvndrvke for a. waking my cate muse up a bit and b. reminding me how much i adore anna uzele
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makethangels · 4 years
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whether it’s your warm embrace, your unwavering reliability, your smile that says “welcome back”, your motif is the home. your the equivalent to coming out of the rain to the fire on and your slippers waiting by the door. your uncanny way of making people feel alright, you’re treasured in these trying times. i respectfully request you take care of yourself, the world will never been as kind to you as you are to it. anne lammott said “lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining” and though unconventional, lighthouses are inhabited and your cup runs over with generosity. because you probably don’t hear it enough, thank you.
tagged by: @munadaria​ ( look ! our girls match ! T.T )
tagging: anybodyyyyy !
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