millllenniawrites · 5 years
Forever (Ben Solo x Reader)
This is my submission for @kylosupremeimagines Valentine’s Day fic exchange! I was selected to write for @vampirewithbedsidemanners whom I adore and is wonderful (stay tuned for a fun lil project we're working on together!!). I also fully lied to her and told her I was in class so that I would actually have time to finish this thing without her throwing headcanons at me about our project and I am NOT SORRY
I’ve got some fluffy teen Ben Solo comin’ atcha! Happy V Day!! 
Pairing(s): Ben Solo x Reader
Words: who the heck knows. 
Warnings:  fluff!! 
You cross your arms over your chest, standing alone and watching the landing gear of the shuttle deploy as it eases down onto the tarmac. Two men are standing at the entrance as the ramp settles: Master Luke Skywalker and Ben. 
Your Ben.
Barrelling out of the shuttle toward you, he wraps his arms around your waist, swinging you around as you giggle, “Your hair!” When he sets you down, you tangle your fingers in his long locks, laughing, “What is this, Ben? Did something die?” 
Blushing, he let you go and stepped back, sweeping his long hair out of his face and pouting, “I like it.” 
“It’s a look.” you warm at his blush, grinning, “I missed you.”
Your best friend’s eyes meet yours and you try to keep your smile firmly on your lips. Try not to look at his. Try not to see the way he had grown up, in his time away at Master Luke’s temple. 
“I missed you too. Can we go up to the lookout?” 
You laugh, “You haven’t seen your parents in two months, and you want to go climb rocks?” 
He grabs your hand, dragging you in the direction of the mountain you climbed as kids as you giggle, calling to Luke, “We’ll see you later! Good to see you, Master!” 
Your path is well worn. Both of you know exactly which holds to grab, where to place your feet as you scale the wall, up to a small ledge that seemed as big as the whole world when you were kids. Now, it’s barely big enough for both of you to sit crosslegged without your knees brushing. 
After settling in, Ben cleared his throat and choked out, “I have to tell you something.” 
“Okay.” you kick your legs out hanging them over the edge and tilting your head to look at him as he hesitates, “What is it, Ben?” 
“This is the last time I’m going to be home for a while. Training is getting intense and I can’t really afford the travel time right now.”
“How long is a while?” 
“I... I don’t know. A couple of years?” 
You set your mouth in a thin line, intertwining your fingers to keep your hands from shaking, “I’m gonna miss you.” you whisper, not looking at him, afraid that if you made eye contact, you would say all the things you kept hidden. 
“I’m going to miss you too.” he wraps his arms around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. “I’ll find you. When my training is done. I’ll... we’ll find each other again. And I’ll be able to protect you.”
“I don’t need protecting.” you snort, the humour of the situation keeping your tears at bay, “Jedi or not.”
“I know you don’t need protecting. That’s part of the reason I...” he trailed off and you spun to look at him, not realizing how close he was sitting to you. 
“Part of the reason you what?” you murmur, looking into his eyes. He stays silent and you reached up carefully, brushing his long hair from his eyes. You revel in the way he leans into your touch. “Ben? Are you going to answer my question?” 
“Part of the reason I like you.” he whispers. 
You feel your face warm. He surely couldn’t mean... “I like you too, Ben. You’re my best friend.” you smile, hiding. Playing it safe. 
“Not like that.” he cups your face, leaning in until your noses brush, his hot breath on your lips. “I like you. I think I always have.”
You closed the distance, kissing him gently, hangs tangling in his hair. It had been years of imagining this moment, you striking up the courage to tell him how you really felt, but not like this. Not when you’re going to lose him in a matter of days. 
When you pull away, Ben keeps you close, forehead’s touching as you both catch your breath. “I like you too, Ben.” you murmur, leaning back just enough to look into his eyes. 
Neither of you move any further away, holding each other for minutes, hours, it didn’t matter. You talk in quiet voices, sharing stories, remembering the adventures you’d gone on as kids, the number of times Leia had yelled at either of you, at both of you, for doing something stupid. “Reckless.” was always the word she would use. 
You had relaxed into a comfortable silence, your head resting on his shoulder and your arms wrapped around each other, but you have to break it. You have to know. “Do you have to go?”
“I wish I didn’t. Or I wish I could bring you with me.” 
“But you can’t.” you take a deep breath, trying to rationalize it, “It’ll be a couple of years. What’s a couple of years in the grand scheme of things?” 
“I’ve liked you since we were six. I’m not going to stop anytime soon.” The honesty of his words left you speechless for a moment. He leans in, kissing you just as gently as before. “We have two days. Might as well make the most of it.” 
You nod, tucking yourself closer to him. Two days. No time at all. Your little forever. 
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powerfultenderness · 5 years
Fade Into Light
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Title: Fade Into Light
Rating: T
Pairing: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader
Summary: Kylo Ren has been out of your reach for so long now, but its surprising how being forced into battle somehow brings you closer to Ben Solo. 
Word count: 2693
Warnings: Angst. Violence, non-graphic mentions of blood. 
Notes: Written for @fanfiction-trashpile for @kylosupremeimagines Valentine’s Day Fic Exchange. I hope you like it! Happy Valentine's day
Although you used the Force to deaden the sound of your boots, the man you were attempting to sneak up on turned around quickly. His red lightsaber easily sliced through your vibrosword and set you off balance.
“Where is your lightsaber?”
His voice was so different when he wore that helmet. The distortion fit his new armor well, but your ears did miss his natural voice.
“I didn’t...I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? Ha.”
You winced.
He pointed his saber at you, ready to strike but holding still. “Draw your weapon.”
“Ben. I just-”
“Kylo! I’ve told you. It’s Kylo Ren now.”
You frowned as you stared into that mask, wishing you could see his warm eyes instead of the cold chrome. “Not to me, you’re still Ben. You’re still my best friend.”
“Then you are a fool. Like you’ve always been.”
His saber hummed as he swung, forcing you to drop to your back and draw your own saber, red and green flashing to muddy colors as you blocked his attack. Your vision blurred slightly as the heat from the two blades got closer to your face. You had no choice but to fight back.
You pushed with all your strength, with a considerable amount of the Force behind your push, and still only managed to push him off just long enough for you to roll back to your feet. Ben Kylo Ren was a strong man and master swordsman. Back when he was still training at the temple, he even made Master Skywalker sweat. You, on the other hand, were good, but not that good.
It wasn’t long before he had your back to a wall, literally. The old temple was crumbling and the stone digging into your back only served as a reminder that he was toying with you. Instead of panic flooding your senses however, a flash of mischief overcame you. You could only hope that Ben was still alive inside of Kylo Ren.
You disengaged your blade, ducking down and side stepping as he stumbled into the wall from the sudden lack of resistance. He spun quickly but was met with the tip of your saber now at his neck.
“Cheap tricks won’t save you.”
“Cheap? You were the one who taught that move to me.”
He was silent and you just knew that underneath his mask he was pursing his lips together in frustration. The cheeky grin on your face quickly dropped when you sensed others approaching. You turned on your heel, your saber in a defensive position.
You felt the air move around you, heard the swish of his cloak, and felt warmth radiating off of him as he moved into a defensive stance next to you. It almost reminded you of training with Ben Solo. Almost.
The first sniped shot was deflected by Kylo’s saber, the action forcing him even closer to you so that you could feel the massive bulk of his back against yours. You deflected the next shot and soon the two of you were working in a defensive sync, blocking blaster fire before either of you could get hurt.
“My shuttle is a couple klicks west of here.” You offered first, knowing your best chance to get out of this ambush was with his help.
He stepped further into your space, blocking you from further attacks until you reached the cover of the tree line. He didn’t need you to cover him as he took two giant leaps from the crumbling temple into the forest. Nor did you wait for him to ask you to lead the way, as soon as he was clear of the fire you started running in the direction of your shuttle.
“If they aren’t with you?”
He shrugged, and it looked oddly exaggerated in his new heavy armor. “Treasure hunters, probably.”
“They’re not gonna find anything. I spent two days in that temple with nothing to show for it.”
You stopped running, throwing your back against a tree as you reached out with the Force to see if you were being followed. You looked to your left, Kylo also had his back against a tree but he was looking at you, or past you, it was hard to tell with that stupid mask of his.
“What were you looking for in the ruins?”
“You heard me.”
“Uhmm…” What were you going to tell him? That you heard the First Order was suddenly interested in the ruins of Jedi temples and you were determined to make sure that they didn’t find anything useful? Yea. That wouldn’t end well for you at all.
“What were-”
“You gotta keep up if you wanna make it to my shuttle!”
“Keep up?!”
Even with the voice modulator in his helmet, you could hear the skepticism in his voice. Not that you could blame him. In just the short amount of time since he began to train under a new master, he was so much stronger since last you saw him. He could very easily claim the rank of a Jedi Knight if the New Jedi Order hadn’t been-
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you nearly ran out into the open the second you saw your shuttle. The only thing that saved you from that fatal mistake was a sudden pull on the back of your shirt. You let out a strangled grunt as you stumbled backwards into Kylo’s chest.
You looked up with a glare at him but before you could say anything, he clamped a cold gloved hand over your mouth. You were about to fight him, struggle and protest, when movement ahead of you caught your attention. Two people, both so armored that their features were obscured, were walking off your shuttle carrying a crate of supplies between them.
You pulled Kylo’s hand down as you realized there were more mercenaries around your shuttle, some breaking it down, some scavagining your supplies, and some on guard.
“Aww, my shuttle. Do you know how long it took me to get the credits to buy it?”
He didn’t answer you, but let you stare at your shuttle for a little while more. With one arm wrapped around your waist, and with you still holding onto the hand he initially had covering your mouth, it almost felt like he was trying to comfort you. It was odd to say the least. This was the kind of gesture you’d expect from Ben Solo, but Kylo Ren? The man who was just trying to kill you? And yet, you couldn’t deny that you felt, of all things, safe.
“Come, we can use my ship.”
Though he said this, he didn’t let go of you quite yet. And you didn’t pull away. You wanted to relax in his arms, like-
He moved first and you felt a familiar pang in your heart as you turned to see Ben Solo walking away from you all over again. You shook your head, that man clad in all black wasn’t walking away from you, he was leading you. Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, whatever he called himself, he was still your friend. He just needed to remember.
It didn’t take long to reach his ship since it wasn’t parked very far at all. Which meant that you didn’t have to travel far to reach it, and neither did the mercs.
“Hey, why aren’t they stripping your ship? They didn’t waste any time breaking into mine!”
“They seem to be smart enough not to mess with the First Order.”
You rolled your eyes at his tone as you counted the guards standing around the custom TIE fighter, which you promptly forgot as you realized something else.
“Wait a minute. A TIE? Does it have a gunner seat? I can’t tell from here…”
“No? No? What are we supposed to do? Squeeze in together?”
“We’ve been in tighter spots before.”
“Yea, before you hit your growth spurt and turned into a giant!”
“I can always leave you here.”
“Fat chance!”
“Then less arguing and more killing.”
There was no more arguing with him as he strode out of the cover of the forest and into the open zone. A few of the mercs pointed their rifles at him and started yelling at him to stop. He didn’t. They opened fire, he ignited his lightsaber and began to make quick work of them.
You were almost tempted to let him do all the work, but seeing the mercenaries call in backup, most likely those who had been working on your shuttle, changed your mind. You didn’t quite walk out into the open like him however. Instead you remained under cover and used your blaster to pick off the incoming mercenaries from a distance.
It worked well, keeping the number of people that Kylo had to fight to a minimum and keeping you in a safe spot. Until you felt a sharp burning sensation hit your side. You swallowed a pained yell and rolled out of your hiding spot. You risked a glance back to see two mercs chasing you and cursed under your breath.
“Ah, Ben! Incoming!”
He turned, his cloak swirling around him, with an outstretched hand as he used to the Force. You turned and couldn’t swallow the scream this time. There, just a few inches from your face was a blaster shot hovering in the air.
Acting quickly, you pulled out your lightsaber and used it to hit the blaster fire back at the mercenary who shot at you. It was easy to hit it back to him too, as both men were shocked to see the Force used in such a manner. Even you were shocked, but you knew better than to just stand around and stare in amazement.
The impact of the return shot knocked both men back and gave you the time to catch up to Kylo.
“How many times must I save you?”
“You wouldn’t do it if you didn’t love me.”
You could practically see him rolling his eyes behind that mask of his, especially with the little shake of his head he gave. “Let’s go before more come.”
Now that the fight was over and your adrenaline levels were falling, you were starting to feel the pain of the wound on your side. You did your best to ignore, you would have to wait until you were somewhere safe to attend to your wound.
You jumped into the TIE after him, landing awkwardly on his lap, and had to bite back a hiss of pain. Your landing was none to gentle on him too, he grunted and had to immediately catch you and adjust the both of you in the single person seat. One of your legs dangled next to his while the other was stretched out across his lap. It was a tight fit but he managed to get his arms around you enough that he could still pilot effectively.
“Tired? Instead of chasing me around the galaxy, you should concentrate on your training.”
You coughed out a laugh, “I was here first.”
He chuckled, or at least you assumed that's what that noise from his helmet was, as he ignited the engines and started the ascent. He mumbled something about auto pilot once he broke atmo but you were starting to feel sleepy. Your head dropped on his shoulder and you moved even closer to him. “You’re so warm.” You whispered as your eyes drooped.
Kylo was content on ignoring your odd comment, writing it off as exhaustion, but shifted to get a better look at you when he felt something wet seep through his sleeves.
“Did you somehow find the one puddle on that planet and fall in it?”
He tried to quip, but when you didn’t answer he took off his helmet and took another look at his hand that was pressed into your side. It took a moment but he realized that the liquid coating his glove was not water.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were hit?!”
You jumped at his sudden outburst and held back a cough. “Oh. It’s not that bad.”
“We need to get you help. Where’s the nearest Resistance base?”
“Don’t know. I don’t work for them.”
“You don’t?”
“No. I just. I just wanted you back.”
He stared at you until you closed your eyes again.
“Hey, no. Stay awake. Need to stop the bleeding.”
The last part he muttered to himself, but you tried to focus on his words anyways, just to stay awake.
He shifted again, apologizing when you let out a pained whimper, and managed to tear a decent sized piece of cloth from his cloak. As carefully as he could, he wrapped it around your waist, tying it tightly in hopes to staunch the blood flow.
“I’m taking you to the Supremacy.”
You hummed in acknowledgment, though the named ship meant nothing to you. Every so often he’d say something, mostly your name, just to make sure you were still alive. You obliged him every time, with a grunt or a hum, occasionally you’d say his name. Ben. He never corrected you.
Eventually you lost consciousness.
When you came to again you were on a medical table, an unresponsive med droid sat in the corner of the white room. You didn’t have the strength to sit up, even if you did, you wouldn’t have been able to. Your wrists and ankles were tied down to the table.
Ah. So Kylo Ren did end up taking you back to the First Order. If they were hoping for information on the Resistance, they were going to be disappointed. You were telling the truth when you said you didn’t work for them.
Whatever. Kylo Ren, and his new master, could easily find this out through use of the Force. You just wanted to get your hands free. Your side, where you’d been shot, was still hurting. Not as much, but clearly you needed to wake that med droid again.
You reached out with the Force, attempting to find Ben/Kylo, what you found instead made you retreat back so quickly the sensation was almost physical.
Evil. Pure evil. You’d never sensed anything like it before. It wasn’t Kylo Ren. It had to be his new master, Snoke.
What scared you was the intention you sensed. Death. Your death. What scared you the most, however, wasn’t that Snoke intended to kill you. That you could have guessed. It was that the intention was shared. Kylo Ren was determined to kill you to further throw himself into the dark side of the Force.
No. He couldn’t. He didn’t want that. If he wanted you dead he could have just left you on that planet alone to die. He wouldn’t have brought you back to his ship and given you enough treatment to make sure you would live. Why waste resources like that? Why make the effort to save you if he was just going to kill you?
In your panic you reached out to Ben again, hoping that he would help you. That’s when you sensed his indecision. The side of him that was Ben Solo wanted to save you. The side of him that was Kylo Ren wanted to kill you. It was like seeing two sides of a coin. The tear in his will was growing. And you knew-
The doors to the med bay hissed open and the slow cadence of boots echoed in the room. You tried to look up to see who it was but you could only lift your head enough to see black. He still had no cloak. Your eyes traveled up to his armor. If you looked closely you could see the blood stains from your wounds. If you looked even closer you could see that the armor was torn, and some of the blood stains were fresh.
And you knew, if you looked higher and saw the familiar face of your friend, you had a chance to escape. But if you saw the mask of Kylo Ren, you were good as dead.
And you knew.
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kylosupremeimagines · 5 years
Valentine’s Day Fic Exchange
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{Sign ups are closed!}
(Credit to @huneywrites​ for the edit!)
Hey guys! So I’ve done some exchanges here on Tumblr before, not my own but ones I’ve participated in. I thought that it would be fun to do a fic exchange for Valentine's day in February. It’ll be for any Adam Driver character and open to everyone! There’s not a lot to it; basically, once I close sign-ups, I’ll “assign” you a person and send you the information they gave for their fic. You’ll have until the week of Valentine's day to post it, any time during that whole week!
To sign up, all you have to do is full out this google form ( https://forms.gle/hJGNLMArwizGKSAdA ) with as much detail as you see fit.
After sign-ups end, I will pair you with the best person based on your preferences for what you want to write. You won’t necessarily receive from the same person who receives you, so don’t expect a fic from the person you’re writing for! I’ll send you all of the information that they had through DMs so that you can best plot the fic as you wish!
Sign-ups end on January 11th, a Saturday. I’ll assign a person/their fic ideas to you through DMs by January 12th, a Sunday. Posting will be from February 9th-16th, the entire week of Valentine's Day. If you have any questions at any time, feel free to leave it in my inbox!
You can do it in any style, there are no restrictions on how you write the fic itself. Though, I give the option to have a character paired with an OC as long as you give information on them. If there’s no OC given, then you can write it as a Reader Insert, or a 1st person POV if you so happen to want to do so. 
750 Word Minimum. It’s fine if you’re a few words short, but it would be great to see some decently lengthed fics and not something that’s only 300 words long. I don’t want it to seem like a lot, but a month should be enough time to write 750 words, I would assume. Of course, there’s no maximum! 
When you post it, @ the recipient as well as me on the post. And then tag it with #KSIVDayExchange. 
If there happens to be something that comes up and you can’t write the fic, then PLEASE message me so that I can take over the fic myself to write for the person. If there so happens to be anyone that doesn’t write and post it at all, and I will check, then I will message the person who didn’t receive a fic to let you know that I will pick up the request instead. No matter what, NO ONE will be without a nice fic for Valentine's Day!
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siobhanlovesfilm · 5 years
Celestia & Clyde
For: @celestiaelisia, as part of @kylosupremeimagines Valentine's Day Fic Exchange.
words: 2,434
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When Celestia had moved too West Virginia a few years back, she was trying to start fresh on her own, moving away from the past, one she wished would become forgotten memories and never return.  
Over the years getting used to letting people knowing her from her red hair and then her name, she stopped being a stranger, who had shown up in a warm spring day. Having met many strange, but kind characters around the small town, Celestia began making friends with people like  Earl from the garage, even the purple lady whose main job seemed to be telling gossip, wherever she would find someone to listen to her, but her favourite person was Mellie Logan, who quickly became a close friend. Shy at first seeing this woman Celestia saw. A woman who wore bright coloured outfits and had a loud personality. The more she learnt about Mellie, the more she realised that she was someone who would always fight for what she believed in and would always be there for her older brothers. Something Celestia admired. 
While this was happening, Mellie was noticing in Celestia, that she was so grateful finding another woman in this small town that she could find an interesting conversation with, instead of all these customers with their small talk and gossip. After having some drinks in and car rides. Mellie found a woman that she could trust and maybe see as a sister. As they became more comfortable together Mellie found that not only was Celestia great to have in her life and totally ignored Jimmy’s constant flirting with her friend and the fact she had gotten louder and more confident in her self over time and would accidentally shout in excitement, to Mellie’s great surprise.
As Mellie had gotten closer to Celestia, she found that she wanted her closest friend to meet her brother. As she had already met Jimmy on several occasions.  The only family member left to meet was her brother Clyde the owner of the ‘Duck Tape’, so as they were both going to meet up for drinks that night anyway, she thought this was the perfect opportunity to get two of favourite people to meet.
“He’s not a duplicate of Jimmy is he? I like Jimmy, but I don’t want to listen to that all night, I want to just spend time with you Mel”
“Don’t worry Clyde is a much more a quieter soul, except when he’s being protective, or being threatened and his cocktails are to die for too and I know how much you love those fancy drinks”
“Okay Mel see you in half an hour” Celestia said before hanging up the phone.                                                                              
That night when Mel picked up Celestia they talked all the way to bar, with Mellie telling Celestia about what the purple lady had said at her hairdresser’s business that morning, giving her a friend a big eye roll, making Celestia laugh with ease.
“Okay we here darling, it shouldn’t be too busy tonight” Mellie said with a wink, walking towards the bar door “Hello Earl” she said while guiding Celestia in, noticing the middle-aged guy just past the doorway. Earl nodding too the two ladies as they walked into the bar.
“Remember you need to talk to Earl, as you know how great he is with cars you defiantly need to ask him about yours soon, but that can wait for that, meet my brother Clyde he’s over there behind the bar” Mellie expecting some response she turned around to see that her friend had become a statue at the door and was staring at her brother with wide eyes and a blush on her cheeks.
Not hearing whatever Mellie was telling her, Celestia had noticed that the bartender was beautiful. With warm chocolate eyes, shoulder length, ebony hair and moles that where sprinkled onto his features. Not ever being someone to hold crushes, not even childhood celebrity ones. She was shocked that she wanted to know this man’s story and didn’t know how to start the conversation. Her confidence fading for a moment.
“Hey are okay there, that’s my brother the bartender” Mellie said, while waving her hand in her friends face and repeating her question. Gripping her friend’s hand and pulling her towards Clyde. Causing Celestia to shake her head and try to put on a calm expression, confident front to meet this new stranger.
“Clyde” Mellie basically shouted when finally reaching the bar counter and giving her brother a tight hug, before gesturing her friend to stand beside her.
“This is Celestia the friend I’ve been telling you all about”
“Hello she has been telling me about you for weeks, nice to meet you, could I get you something to drink?” replied Clyde.
“emmmm … nice to meet you … I think I might need to go to toilet before that” Celestia her cheeks going from pink too a bright red against her hair line. Then suddenly sprinting to the door opposite the bar.
“I’m not sure what that was about, she been great with new people recently, Clyde are you okay?” finally noticing that her brother was staring at the spot that Celestia had just stood.
Over the years Mellie had seen the insecurity and his obsession of the Logan curse, making him not binge interested in starting a new relation ship friendship or otherwise. So seeing how intense he looked softy at Celestia, as she came back to the bar. Mellie’s mind started to do cartwheels.
“what Mel?” grumbled Clyde.
“I haven’t seen you look at someone like that since high school, when you would hide in the Library, every moment you could”
“Mel!” Clyde blushed and watching Celestia blush in return, against his gaze.
“This doesn’t mean anything, you no one been interested in me for years because of my hand” he whispered.
“The only people who care about your hand in a negative way is you and drunk arseholes” Mellie announced just before, her friend had reached the bar again.
“Okay so my friend here loves a cocktail, what about make her your special” quickly Clyde nodded and then got his equipment ready, measuring his ingredients and pouring them before throwing a few cubes of ice in, shaking and putting it in a glass and pushing it towards Celestia, without making eye contact and moving onto the next customer at the opposite end of the bar, in haste.
“Does he dislike me?” Celestia asked in a soft tone.
“Don’t worry he always been soft spoken and pretty girls sometimes make him nervous, so what do you think of him?” watching the question flicker over Celestia head and her then causing her face to go bright red again.
“hmmm interesting” catching her friend looking at Clyde when she thought no one was looking.
“… Yes interesting”
Over the next few months Mellie carried on bringing Celestia to the bar every week. Celestia still couldn’t talk to him without blushing, always turning into a failed attempt of small talk. Over this period, she noticed the little quirks that made up Clyde. The way he would listen to the people in bar and smile when he heard parts of their conversations that amused him and laughing at Earl’s random jokes. The way that the skin by his eyes would crinkle when he laughed. How protective he would get over anyone looking at his sister or his brother Jimmy the wrong way. She got so angry when anyone laughed or talked when his back was turned, her small fists turned white from anger, the more she leaned about his daily nature.
What she didn’t notice was that when she would turn back to Mellie or when she would play pool. He would always be taking glances at her, to make sure she was alright. She was beautiful, he knew that from the moment he first saw her.
The way that Mellie had talked about Celestia, made him feel like, he had known you for years. That like his family he would protect you no matter what. He loved that Celestia made his sister feel heard, because even if Mellie put up a front, she was used to be only seen as someone who was pretty and knew about beauty and hair. That she had a past of some toxic friendships and needed someone like Celestia in her life.
Sometimes when a certain song he could see Celestia start to dance in her seat. Never comfortable enough to stand up, except when Mellie wanted her to join in. Twirling each other around, causing a big grin to beam on both of their faces. Celestia her eyes shining bright, something that he could see from behind the counter in the dim light of the bar. He did sometimes notice that your face grew a shade of crimson, when you where stood by him, but he thought that might just be the heat, even though Jimmy would sometimes tease him about it. The thing was he did really want to talk to her, but he was never good at words, he could kick customers out of his bar, no problem. But being honest was so difficult. It was so difficult to be vulnerable; he knew what it felt like to lay yourself open and for someone to just shred it too pieces.
Everyone that knew Celestia, would say how kind she was how she would always offer help, but knew when to step back a bit, when someone needed it. She was a mystery her a past something unspoken. All that mattered to him was who you were right now. He knew that, he had made mistakes in the past so how could he judge someone who made everyone around herself happy and would brighten up his day, like a lovely flame, that was full of warmth and compassion.
“You should speak to her, you should she the way her eyes light up when I talk about you” said Mellie one day.
“What if I’m not good enough for her, I don’t what to say to her” Clyde replied.
“Clyde talk to her, you might see something, I’m not saying she will jump in your arms, I think someone or something from her past hurt her” Mellie announced growing more serious.
“Does this thing have a name?”
“Nope sorry, we can’t go on a road trip and find them, but you know how I’m with trusting people, I’m rubbish at it, but I know I can trust her and I know you too need to give each other a chance, I know its always been hard for you, but both of you deserve to be happy”
A few months passed, including Christmas and the new year was already here.
As it was hitting the new years countdown, Mellie and Celestia where taking sips of there drinks, that Clyde had personally made.
“You know that Jimmy has finally got with Sylvia?” announced Mellie
“Jimmy did tell me, even gave me a big hug and said I had to meet her”
“Well that means, as I have decided to be pickier and more single for a while at least, that means my other big bear of a bother needs to find someone”
“He does deserve to be happy”
“I also know my best friend has been staring and trying to talk to him, for months now” this then causing Celestia face to heat up.
“Mellie you can’t be serious!”
“Have I ever lied to you? now let’s drink and dance”
Soon after fireworks and after saying bye to Mel, Celestia had started to write a, something from her past, that had happily come back to her and had even started writing articles for the local paper. She had started to feel that she was at home and she had a family. So many people cared about her and she cared about them in return. When she had arrived in the spring, she had felt so lonely for a long time and now she walked down streets on her own saying hello to locals, on her own or with Mellie linked in her arm. At Christmas she had gotten gift of a lovely outfit for her to wear for occasions, from Mellie and she felt beautiful in it.
After fairy lights and tinsel where put down, slowly paper hearts and pink sweets started showing up everywhere and everyone began to rush and make cards, to show how much she cared. She had even started to make been making one for someone, who she admired but wanted to know on a more personal and wanted to see his smile with his slightly crooked teeth, that always lite up his face.
So when valentine’s day came, she decided to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. With her new dress that Mellie had given, her only a month before and she began to walk up to Clyde and ask him, if he wanted dinner. It was an simple question “do you want to have a dinner with me?”,but when she stood before him and she looked into those warm chocolate eyes, the words froze on her tongue.
“Clyde ... I wanted to ask … you something”
“Darling did you want a drink or something, is Mellie about, haven’t seen you on your own for a while”
“Clyde would you …” Clyde noticed that she was blushing, and it was quite cold with the air conditioning, but her face didn’t seem to agree.
“Clyde would you go on a date with me, I wanted to ask you this for a while, but I would too see as more than friends, I want to learn everything about you, I want you to know that I see you and that if you don’t feel the same way it’s fine” rambled Celestia
“I …”
“I care about you and I know this may not work out, but whenever someone says your anything less than, I want to punch them in the face” she continued get more nervous.
“Darling hold on a second, breathe, I wanted this since I saw you entered this bar, with Mellie and I don’t think, I would spend tonight with anyone but this intelligent, beautiful woman stood in front of me right now”
Celestia grinned and pressed her lips to his cheek, causing them to grin at each other. Completely forgetting the card, that was in her bag. Before pecking him on the lips and blushing.
Tomorrow Celestia would tell Mellie, but this day was theirs.
 Happy Valentines week, I hope you enjoyed it xx
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