#Kacey 'Taz' Calhoun
jacksonroseroth · 5 years
Welcome To The Neighborhood Epilogue
A/N: You guys...it’s me. Did you really not see this coming? XD Anyway, here’s the epilogue and the FINAL FINALE of mine and @badwolf-in-the-impala​‘s Welcome To The Neighborhood. Hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Issues with pregnancy, angst, sibling angst
Words: 2,059
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Moodboard made by @badwolf-in-the-impala​, none of the pictures are ours.
Previous Chapter
A week or so passed and everyone quickly reverted to how things were before. Now that Nico was dead and Bastien, Kacey hoped, was dead somewhere too, her fears quickly faded and she threw herself into her life with Opie and the club. Harper, on the other hand, couldn't shake the events that weighed on her. Following an argument with Jax, Harper told him that she needed time and she couldn’t be with him anymore. While it hurt Jax to hear her say it, he agreed to give her a little space, not thinking they would actually end things.
After getting the news that she was pregnant, with Jax’s baby, Harper was reduced to nothing more than a bundle of frazzled nerves. She needed someone to turn to, but she wasn’t quite ready to tell Kacey about it all. Instead, she turned to Gemma, hoping she could offer some advice that would make her feel better.
Harper knocked on Gemma’s door and waited, chewing her lip and picking at her nails. The door finally swung open and Gemma smiled, pulling her into a hug. “Hey, sweetheart. How are you doing?” Gemma asked, leading her in before she shut the door.
“Um, I’m okay.” She said, rather unconvincingly. Gemma looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” Gemma asked, leading her to the couch where they sat down. Harper sighed and bit at her nail.
“S-Something happened and I can’t tell Kacey yet. I can’t tell anyone and I feel like I’m slowly losing my mind.” Harper blurted out, desperately wanting to get it all out but still worried. Gemma shifted and said, “Harper, honey, just tell me what’s going on. I can’t  help if I don’t know.”
Taking a slow, steady breath, holding it in for a moment before letting it out and turning to her, Harper said, “I’m pregnant.”
It took her a moment to process it all, while she was overjoyed, Gemma could see that Harper was shaken by it. Gemma sighed and shook her head as she watched Harper pull her legs up. She stood and took a few steps before she turned to her and said, “Jax know?”
Harper shook her head and stayed silent for a moment before she looked at Gemma and said, “Gemma, you can’t tell him.”
“Course not, darlin’. That’s your job.” Gemma said, with a small smirk. When Harper didn't share her amusement, Gemma’s smirk faded as Harper said, “No.”
She stared at the floor for a moment before she looked up at her and said, “No one is going to tell him. He’s not going to know.”
Gemma blinked and shifted, putting a hand on her hip and said, “Harper. You’re not thinkin’ of...You know...Right?”
Harper sighed and stood, taking a few steps away from her as she said, “God, Gemma. No!”
She sighed and pushed her hands through her hair, pacing slowly before she finally looked at Gemma and said, slowly, “I’m not staying.”
She fiddled with her fingers and nails, waiting for Gemma to respond, but Gemma merely stared at her for what seemed like an hour before she finally chuckled and said, “Okay, Harper. That’s-That’s a good one, babe.”
Harper scrunched up her face, confused and annoyed and said, “No, really, Gemma. I’m not staying. I-I can’t stay here in Charming and be with Jax after this. He-He wouldn’t want me and I wouldn’t blame him...And besides, there’s no way this baby could survive. I mean...Hell, I’ll probably miscarry within the week from the trauma!”
Gemma marched over to her, wanting to slap her straight, but decided to simply say, rather firmly, “Don’t you say that. You put it out there and it happens. Don't curse this baby because you made a mistake.”
“Gemma--It was more than a mistake. I almost got my sister and your son killed!” Harper shouted.
“Almost! And I know it happened for a good reason! It was an accident and they both survived.” Gemma said. “That’s no reason to run away and, especially, abandon your sister!”
“Well, I-” Harper took a minute, suddenly unsure of herself and said, “I was going to ask her to leave with me.”
Gemma blinked, tilting her head as she shifted her feet. “You’d take Kacey with you? Away from Ope? Harper, have you seen them lately? They’re in love. You cannot ask her to leave him like that.”
The words hit Harper like a ton of bricks and she realized, Gemma was right. It was almost as selfish as keeping Jax in the dark about her pregnancy. But that was something Harper decided on to not hurt Jax, even more, when she left. It was about time Kacey was with a man who treated her right and protected her, in a way Harper knew she never could. She was in love and Harper would be damned if she would be the reason Kacey lost it. Taking a breath and dropping her hands, letting them slap against her jean-clad thighs, she said, “You’re right. I can’t.”
With that, Harper turned on her heel and went to the table to grab her purse, digging around for her keys. Gemma was frozen for a moment, unsure of what to do, then she quickly followed after her. Grabbing Harper’s upper arm, Gemma stopped her and said, “Hang on. Harper...You’re not still leaving, are you? You cannot hurt my Jax like this. You need to stay and work on things and take care of that baby.”
Calmly, Harper pulled her arm from Gemma’s grasp and said, “Gemma, I love you and respect you so deeply. I understand that family is important to you. But I honestly don’t see this ending well.”
As Harper turned to the door and opened it, Gemma said, “If you leave, I will tell Jax.” Those words made Harper stop in her tracks. While she had decided to change her mind about Kacey, keeping this pregnancy a secret from Jax was something she wouldn’t. Harper looked back at her and said, “If I stay you’ll keep it a secret? Until I decide I want to tell him?”
Gemma nodded and said, “You’ve got my word, darlin’...But only if you stay.”
Harper gave a soft sigh and glanced away, weighing her options. Taking one last glance at Gemma, Harper walked out, hightailing it to her truck. Gemma sighed, listening to the beat up old Ford rumble to life and take off.
A week had passed and Harper stuck around but avoided Jax at all costs. She stopped showing up at TM and the Clubhouse and was absent from any and all events at Gemma’s. When Gemma didn't see the truck in the driveway that weekend, she had half a mind to tell Jax, as Harper seemingly didn't keep up her end of the bargain. But Clay told her that Harper had brought the truck in for a routine check-up and oil change, it ending up that she needed new parts. The truck was back in the driveway Monday night and Gemma saw Harper leave for her shift at the diner the next day. She was satisfied that Harper had taken the time to think things over and decided to stay; That is until Kacey came running down to Gemma’s that night, screaming that Harper was bleeding out on the bathroom floor. They rushed her to the hospital and stayed with her until she was discharged and Kacey brought her home.
Gemma was heartbroken when Kacey relayed the news that Harper told her, only to Gemma, that Harper had a miscarriage. Kacey herself was shocked that her sister was even pregnant. She was hurt that Harper told Gemma and not her, but she understood her sister’s thinking. Dealing with everything that happened, Harper kept herself locked in her room until Kacey took the hint and spent a few nights at Opie’s, swinging by Gemma’s on the last day before she went home.
“Hey, darlin’!” Gemma said with a big smile, opening her arms wide as Kacey walked in with her bags, setting them down before she embraced Gemma. “Oh...So…”
Gemma sighed as she grabbed one of Kacey’s bags, helping her inside before she closed the door and turned to her. She smiled and said, “How’s your sister? Have you talked to her at all?”
Kacey’s smile faded into a sad frown as she shook her head. “No. She’s not answering any of my calls or texts.” She said, slipping her purse off her shoulder, sitting down at the table as Gemma went into the kitchen to pour them both a cup of coffee. When she came back, handing a cup to Kacey, she asked, “Is Jax still gone?”
“Yeah. But he’s kept in touch. Said he’s headin’ back down from Tacoma today.” Gemma said, taking a sip out of her mug once she sat down.
“Did he sound any better?” Kacey asked. While Jax and the rest of the club were kept in the dark about Harper’s pregnancy, Jax was still broken up about Harper ending things with him. With Clay’s blessing and Bobby taking over his VP duties until he came back, Jax rode up to Tacoma and stayed there for a few days to clear his head.
“A little. He’s still upset, but I think he’s doin’ better. The trip seemed to help.” Gemma said. Kacey sighed and gave a small smile, picking up her cup and bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. Outside, they heard the rumble of a motorcycle and the two women looked at each other, confused. Answering Kacey’s unspoken question, Gemma stood and said, as she went to the front door, “That can't possibly be him…”
Kacey took a big gulp of her coffee before following Gemma out the front door to look down the street, only to find Harper’s bike riding off, a backpack strapped to her and two bundles on either side of her Harley. Kacey’s eyes went wide and she screamed for her sister, running down the street in an attempt to chase her. Gemma whispered a soft ‘Oh, shit’ before quickly walking down the sidewalk, watching Harper get smaller and smaller until she disappeared around the corner. Kacey made it to their driveway before the realization hit her that Harper probably wasn’t coming back and she collapsed on their front lawn. Tears streaming down her face by the time Gemma caught up to her, Kacey covered her face and sobbed. Gemma pulled Kacey to her feet and held her close, her own eyes filling with tears.
“Shh...Shh...It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” Gemma said softly, consoling Kacey as she rubbed her back. Faint flapping caught Gemma’s attention and she looked over to Harper’s truck. A paper trapped under the windshield wiper flapped in the breeze. Gemma let go of Kacey and made a beeline for the truck, snatching it from under the blade and reading it over. Her heart nearly stopped and before she could stop her, Kacey ripped it from her hands, reading it with a tear-blurred vision that only got worse with every word.
Kacey. Gemma.
I know I promised Gemma I’d stay in Charming, but I just can’t anymore. Please tell Jax this isn’t his fault, but mine. I love him too much to stay this close to him and still be hurt. Kacey, I’m leaving my truck for you. I know you hate it and will probably set it on fire like you promised, and that’s fine. I left some money for the house on the counter. I don’t know if I’ll come back, but I don’t want you to lose the house because I left. Gemma. Please do not tell Jax about the miscarriage. It’ll only hurt him more to know that I kept it from him and lost the baby. I promise I’ll stay out of trouble, if I can. Please take care of Kacey or at least make sure Opie will.
I’m sorry.
As Kacey screamed, crumpling up the paper in her hands, Gemma caught her as she began to fall, sobbing into Gemma’s chest. Kneeling to the ground with her, Gemma gasped for breath while fighting her own tears. She knew Harper was hurt and needed time, but she never thought that she’d actually leave.
Hope you guys liked it! Feel free to drop a comment! If you want to be tagged in future fics/chapters, let me know! I’ll add you to the list! 
@tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @badwolf-in-the-impala @captstefanbrandt @imgoldielikehawn @grungyblonde @courtrae89 @romanchronicles @crazyanonymous4u
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Welcome To The Neighborhood
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2GzP2fT
by Among_Walkers_and_Angels, jackson_nicole
Words: 21850, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sons of Anarchy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Gemma Teller Morrow, Clay Morrow, Juice Ortiz, Tig Trager, Chibs Telford, Piney Winston, Half-Sack Epps, Bobby Munson, Kacey 'Taz' Calhoun, Harper 'One Shot' Calhoun, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Marcus Alvarez, Nico Alvarez, Sara Alvarez, Bastien Morales
Additional Tags: Amber Heard as Kacey, Nina Dobrev as Harper, Some violence in the 5th chapter
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2GzP2fT
0 notes
jacksonroseroth · 5 years
Welcome To The Neighborhood Chapter 9
A/N: We’re only a day late! :D We hope you guys have been enjoying the fic! Here’s Chapter 9 of mine and @badwolf-in-the-impala​‘s collab!
Disclaimer: There is some Spanish used in this chapter. So we would also like to add that this is a second language for both of us. We did our best to do the research to make sure things we as close as possible to accurate. So if it’s not the best/correct, we do apologize. Any helpful pointers or tips would be appreciated. But please, no rude comments. <3
Warnings: violence, angst, implied rape, More angst…So much angst.
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Moodboard made by @badwolf-in-the-impala​, none of the pictures are ours.
Kacey had cried so much on the ride back to Charming that she could barely speak, let alone function by the time they made it back to the clubhouse. Opie having to practically pry her off the back of his bike as she sat there, staring off blankly into the distance, as he picked her up so that they could head inside. The group silent as they stepped into the clubhouse, save for the whispers from a few of the Crow Eaters and some of the members. That silence was soon broken as Gemma came out of the kitchen, hell-bent on chewing some ass.
“I swear to God, Kacey Calhoun when I get my hands on you and your sister! What gives you the right to think you can run off--” Gemma stopped as Clay held up a hand and shook his head. “Where’s Harper?” Gemma asked suddenly as she pressed a hand to her chest; fear setting in.
“She gave herself up.” Kacey sobbed hoarsely against Opie’s chest. “Harper gave herself up to protect me!” Gemma’s expression fell as she stepped forward to embrace Kacey as Opie set her down. Pulling her close as she said, “Oh, Sweetheart...I’m so sorry.”  
“They’re gonna h-hurt her, Gem...and it’s all m-my fucking fault.” Kacey sobbed as she held onto Gemma. Opie still behind her as he squeezed her shoulder tightly.
“Don’t you say that!” Gemma said sternly. “Don’t you dare fuckin’ say that. This isn’t your fault, Baby, and we’re gonna find a way to fix it. We’ll find a way to fix it...Right, Clay?” Gemma added as she looked over to her husband, Clay at a complete loss as he shook his head. Not even knowing where in the hell they would begin, without inciting an all-out War, in trying to get Harper back.
“Well, we can’t just leave her there!” Gemma cried at him.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Clay shot back at Gemma. “We almost ended up in a Goddamn shootout over the issue. She went willingly. And Alvarez gave his fucking word, Gem. It’s not like we can just waltz in and take her back. Not without starting another fuckin’ war!” He added, rubbing a frustrated hand over his face. “We’ll find a way to get her back...But we need time.”
Gemma let out a sigh as she looked down at Kacey, pressing a kiss to her temple as she patted her cheek before pushing her back into Opie’s arms as she said, “Why don’t you go get cleaned up, Baby...Maybe have Chibs take another look at your arm? Looks like you may have torn your stitches.” She gestured to the bloodstain on the sleeve of Kacey’s shirt.
Chibs seconded the statement, patting Kacey’s shoulder gently before she tucked herself back into Opie’s side. The crowd that had gathered during the commotion parting in order to let them pass and head down the hall for the dorms. Gemma turning to face Clay and the rest of the guys once Kacey was out of earshot.
“Where’s Jax?”
Jax didn't know what to do with himself. He was more than ready and set to go and hunt Nico down, stake out his house and wait for them to get back, taking Harper with him. But as he rode home, his mind cleared, if only a little. On the way back into Charming, Jax stopped at a little cafe to rest. As they rode home, Opie, Clay, and Chibs saw him sitting outside and stopped to ask if he was okay. Jax waved them off, promising he wouldn’t do anything stupid, and they left him.
He sat on the side of the road, only a few cars stopping to ask if he needed help, and he had gone through half his pack of cigarettes as he sat just underneath the date scratched onto the rock. J.T. 11-13-93 Complete with the Sons logo. He leaned his head back against the rock and blew out the smoke from his last drag. He snubbed it out and stood, going to his bike and getting on, buckling his helmet before starting it and taking off down the street. He knew there would be questions as to where he went, what he did, but he didn't feel like answering to anyone. So with a quick text to Clay at a stop light, as he came back into town, Jax turned off, riding away from the club and going back home.
As it were, with Harper gone and everything good between Sons and Mayans again, the lockdown was over, the other charters leaving one by one. When Jax got to his house, Gemma was outside, getting out of her car. Jax sighed as he pulled into the driveway and cut the engine, kicking out the kickstand and taking off his helmet.
“I guess Clay didn't give you the message?” Jax asked as his mother walked over him.
“No. I got it.” Gemma said, giving him a look, stopping just short of his bike and putting a hand on her hip. “Why are you here at home, Jax? You should be at the clubhouse coming up with a plan to get Harper back!”
“You don’t think I know that, Mom?” Jax snapped, sauntering up to his front door and opening it. He tossed his keys into the bowl that sat on the alcove and went to the kitchen. Gemma followed him inside and closed the door behind her. Jax turned to her, twisting open the top to a bottle of beer and said, “There’s nothing we can do until an opportunity presents itself. She fucking gave herself over to them to stop any sort of war between the clubs because we refused to let them have her. What can we fuckin’ do?”
Gemma stalked over to him and hissed, “You can kill that son of a bitch who started this. Nico or whatever his fuckin’ name is. He’s the one who caused Alvarez to even want justice and forced Harper’s hand.”
Jax scoffed as he let out a short laugh and said, “Believe me, Mom. I want nothing more than to do the son of a bitch in myself. But he’s Alvarez’ fuckin’ nephew. I do that to get her back, it stops being about what they did and becomes a fuckin’ problem for us all.”
Gemma huffed at him and turned away, taking a few steps and bracing a hand on her lower back as her other hand reached up to rub her forehead, trying to think. Finally, she turned to her son and said, “Well, if you’re not going to find a way to bring her back, you better get the fuck over to the house and comfort Kacey. She’s a goddamn wreck.”
Leaving it at that, she walked out, jumping in her car and taking off.
Once Alvarez and his men had brought Harper back to the clubhouse, she was instantly on edge. All these men knew what she and Kacey had done and now she was forced to face them again. Or so she thought. As she slowly got off Alvarez’ bike, handing him the spare helmet, before she could even start to follow him inside, Nico grabbed her arm and yanked her over to his bike.
“Nico, what the fuck!?” Harper shouted. The back of his ringed hand sent her to the ground before he roughly hauled her up again, planting her on the back of his bike, not bothering with her helmet, and took off before Alvarez could even look back. As much as she would rather let go and take her chances with hitting the road, she clung to Nico, sobbing. Her only resolve was that she was going to figure out a plan to kill Nico herself and escape back to her sister, the club, and Jax.
When Nico pulled into his driveway, he grabbed Harper’s arm and tugged her inside, shoving her through the door so hard, she missed the step and tripped, stumbling to catch herself before she landed, sprawled out on the hardwood floor. With a whimper, she tried to pick herself up, settling for an attempt to crawl to the couch and hoist herself up. She didn't think Alvarez would let Nico take her, knowing he would lay down some beatings at some point, and she didn't think it would happen this fast. But when she rolled over on the rug, staring up at Nico and seeing the fire that raged in his eyes, she knew it was over.
“Nico...Please…” She begged softly. Nico snickered and nodded.
“That’s right, bitch. Beg. You think Bastien’s beatings were bad? Baby, you have no idea.” Nico said. He yanked her up and wrapped his hand around her throat, but before he could do anything, Harper’s absolute worst fear was realized when she heard Sara call from the back of the house, “Nico?! Is that you?”
“Yeah, Niña. Come see what I brought you.” Nico called back with a smirk. Harper shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, tears seeping out of the corners.
“Nico, please. If I ever meant anything to you-” Her plea was cut off as Nico slapped her again.
“Went out the window the day that little bitch beat my sister.” Nico hissed. As Harper gripped Nico’s wrist, trying to pry it away, Sara emerged from the hallway, stopping for a moment when she saw Harper. A small smile spread across her face as she slowly made her way over.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Sara taunted as Nico turned her to face Sara, still holding her neck. Harper whimpered and looked at her.
“Sara-” Her fist connected to Harper’s face, sending her backwards over the couch. She whimpered as she picked herself up, trying to scramble away from the siblings as best she could. She managed to catch a glimpse of Nico’s gun stash and made a mad dash for it, grabbing one that she desperately hoped was loaded and turned on them, pointing it with unsteady hands.
“T-Th-That’s f-fuckin’ enough…” She sobbed, her hands trembling so bad she was afraid she would drop the gun as her finger lightly gripped the trigger. Nico chuckled and said, “Can you even see straight to do it in one shot, mi Amor?”
“Do you want to f-fucking test me, Nico?” She said, her voice trembling though she was quite confident in her skill. Nico smirked and cocked his head to Sara and said, “Sara, go down to Diego’s and get some food. We’re gonna need it.”
Sara glanced at her brother, giving him a look before looking back at Harper. “You think I’m leaving you alone with this stupid bitch? Que loco, Nico.” She said. Nico turned to her and said, “Sara, fucking get your skinny ass down there!”
He gave her a stern look, though his lips pricked up in a small smirk, and said, “And make sure they get the order right. Take your time.”
Sara pushed him away and turned, whipping her hair in his face and swiped her phone and keys off the table as she walked out the door. Nico turned back to Harper and said, “Put down the gun, Harp.”
“No! Fuck you!” She shouted, cocking the gun to show she wouldn’t listen. Nico took a step closer as he said, “You think if you kill me that they won’t go after Kacey? The Alvarez’ don’t die easy. It takes a perfect shot to the head to do it. Just ask Esai.”
Harper seethed as her hands shook even more. “I wasn’t fucking involved in that! I loved Esai like a fucking brother!” She yelled.
“And yet you’re sleeping with the man who made it happen,” Nico said, getting closer. “Put the fucking gun down, Harper. Now.”
Harper clung to the weapon, not sure she’d ever get this chance again, but she finally, still reluctantly, lowered and uncocked it. “Now, put it back where you found it.” He said. Harper took a breath, cursing her next movement as she turned her back to him, setting the gun back in its place. The second her hand left the gun, she felt Nico’s fingers dig into her hair, grabbing a fistful and throwing her across the room, to the couch.
“Now you’re gonna regret not giving us your sister.” Nico spat. Harper closed her eyes, wincing at the pain from everything. They shot open when she heard Nico’s belt buckle clink, widening in shock and fear.
“Nico. Nico-”
“Keep your fucking mouth shut. You know what you are, baby? A goddamn biker whore.” Nico said, rushing at her as she made her move to try and run. He grabbed her and pinned her down with one hand, while the other ripped down the shorts she wore. Harper whimpered and clawed at him. “And now, you’re going to get treated like one.”
“Nico, don’t do this!” She screamed, struggling under him. Another backhand from him silenced her. Even if he had held his hand over her mouth, she still wouldn’t have made a sound.
The week went by quickly without Harper, knowing where she was and not knowing what was happening to her. Kacey was distraught for three days, refusing to leave the house. Opie and Gemma made sure she had everything she needed, not knowing how long it was going to last. But as day four, turned to five, Kacey’s distress steadily turned into anger as she finally managed to climb out of the whiskey bottle she had been hiding in. Trying to bury her feelings in hopes that this was all just some messed up dream. But as reality eventually set in, Kacey was forced to pick herself up. Saving her pity party for a more convenient time as she threw herself right into the middle of trying to come up with a plan to save Harper.
And while Opie, Jax, and Gemma were more than supportive, happy just to finally see her out of the house and sober for the first time in nearly a week...Clay was a little less than thrilled. Especially by her impromptu sit-ins on any club meeting Kacey thought might contain discussion about her sister, which in turn only lead to more arguments and tension among the clubhouse.
Gemma did her best to keep things neutral with Clay, but with Kacey on the warpath, and Jax only adding fuel to the fire, she didn’t know how much longer it was going to last before somebody pulled a stupid stunt and managed to get hurt...Or worse.
“We have got to get this shit sorted out…” Gemma muttered to herself as she took another drag from her cigarette as the muffled argument between Clay, Jax and Kacey escalated behind the closed doors of the Chapel.
“Hm...And how do you propose we do that?” Opie spoke up as he set his beer down the bartop, turning his attention to Gemma who shook her head as she allowed another drag of smoke to trail past her lips slowly.
“Hell if I fuckin’ know...But if they don’t figure something out, and soon, I’m afraid your lil girlfriend is gonna give Clay a Goddamn coronary.” Opie snorted with a laugh but nodded his head in agreement, knowing Gemma was more than right.
“Yeah...She can be a bit, difficult, sometimes.” Opie added.
“Sometimes?” Gemma scoffed with a smirk. “Baby, that girl could bring down an entire nation if you pissed her off enough. I don’t envy you the first time you really piss her off.” She chuckled as she reached over to pat Opie’s cheek. “You’ve got yourself a good one, Ope.”
“Thanks, Gem.” Opie finished just as Clay came storming out of the Chapel, muttering to himself angrily as he headed for the front door. Kacey the next to emerge in a rage as she stormed off towards the dorms; leaving Jax who approached the bar, rubbing his forehead as he waved Half-Sack down for a beer.
“This is a fuckin’ disaster.” Jax sighed heavily as he leaned his hands against the bar. “If Clay would just listen--”
“I know, Baby.” Gemma kissed his cheek lightly as she moved around the bar. “But we’re gonna figure it out. And don’t you worry about Clay...I’ll deal with him. There’s gotta be somethin’ we’re missin’ that we could use to get Harper back. We just need to dig a little deeper.”
Jax let out a soft sigh as he took a large gulp from his beer, sliding onto a barstool next to Opie. Gemma combed back his hair a little before taking off to check on Kacey, mainly to make sure she wasn’t diving head first into another bottle of whiskey. Opie planted a firm hand on Jax’s back and leaned forward on the bar.
“How are you holding up, man?” Opie asked. Jax shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.
“How are you supposed to deal with something like this, Ope?” Jax asked, softly before turning to look at him. “I mean, who knows what the fuck that bastard is doing to her!”
“She’s very strong-willed, Jax. She can hold her own.” Opie said. Jax shook his head and took another drink, draining half of it.
“Not against Nico. Did you see the way he fucking looked at her? He wanted to kill her, Opie.” Jax said.
“Hey. Don’t think like that. You start thinking like that and everything goes to shit.” Opie said, sternly. “We’ll get her back Jax.”
While he wanted to believe it was true, there was no light that Jax could see at the end of this unbelievably fucked up tunnel. In his mind, there was one way, and one way only, that he would ever have the chance to have Harper back in his arms, and it surprised him at just how ready he was to do it.
While the rape was a one-time occurrence, the beatings became regular, Harper becoming little more than a slave. Nico and Sara both seemed to take pleasure out of seeing the bruises on her face, her split lips and bruised arms. Whenever she dropped something or wasn’t quick enough in getting him what he wanted, a swift backhand was all he did, keeping him satisfied enough. At night, when he got drunk or had a bad run or whatever bullshit excuse he gave, he beat her. Sometimes just a few slaps before passing out, sometimes it lasted several minutes. Only once did Sara take full vengeance on the sister, slicing her up so bad they had to call the club medic to the house, Nico paying him off so it didn't get back to Alvarez. Though Nico already had the excuse of Harper falling off his bike on the highway.
Alvarez checked in on Harper often and Nico meticulously planned his beatings, making sure she was healed enough to use the falling excuse and Alvarez bought it. But it soon became too much for Harper and she decided to speak up in his presence, knowing Nico wouldn’t hit her until after he had left.
“Tío. What brings you here?” Nico asked, letting Marcus in, closing the door behind him.
“I wanted to stop by. I’m heading out to Lodi.” Marcus said, glancing around for Harper. Nico knew he really came by to make sure Harper was still alive, so he called out for her.
“Harper! Marcus is here!” Within seconds, Harper hustled down the hallway and gave Marcus a half smile. Marcus returned it in kind and lifted her chin, inspecting the new bruises she had.
“Those look bad, chica. Fall down again?” he questioned, raising his eyebrow, the excuse beginning to wear thin. Harper glanced over his shoulder at Nico, who had taken out his knife and played with it, his eyes never leaving her. Harper looked at Marcus and said, “I’m fine.”
Marcus nodded and released her chin, beginning to turn away, but Harper stopped him. “How is Alejandro?” She asked, making him turn back to her. “I-I couldn’t help but notice I haven’t seen him around lately.”
Marcus glanced at Nico and said, “You haven’t heard? Alejandro got shot by some fuckin’ Niners...Right after you left, actually.”
Harper’s lips skewed in a smirk as Nico took a step toward her. “Really? Cause from what I remember-”
“Harper, shut the fuck up.” Nico hissed. Marcus glanced at him and said, “Why don’t you shut your mouth, Nico, and let her finish.”
Nico stepped back, ready to bolt, as Harper continued, “The last time I saw him, was when I put a bullet in his head when he tried to rape Kacey.”
“You’re fuckin’ dead, you bitch!” Nico screamed, charging at her. Marcus turned and caught him by his Kutte and gave him a rough shake.
“What happened to the Niner, then, Nico?! You told me that stupid chato got a bullet in him too! That they took Alejandro when they killed him!” Marcus shouted.
“She’s a lying whore, Padríno! She’s a fucking liar!” Nico shouted as Marcus shoved him back, crashing into the table behind him.
“If I’m lying then why do I know you paid off the LKQ junkman to let him bury the body there?! Dangerously close to where we met you two weeks ago!” Harper shouted. Nico chucked his knife at her, which Harper easily avoided as Marcus grabbed him by his Kutte again and dragged him to the door.
“Well, we’re gonna see if she’s lying, aren’t we?” Marcus said. He turned to Harper and said, “Stay in the house, Harper. We’ll be back.”
Nico pitched a fit the whole way as Marcus dragged his nephew to his car and shoved him in. Harper waited until the tires squealed, Marcus peeling out of the driveway before she tore through the house looking for one of Nico’s burners and dialed the clubhouse, a number she thankfully memorized, not knowing if Kacey would be able to pick up. As the phone continued to ring, she slowly began to lose hope that anyone would answer and she only had a short window to get ahold of someone. Finally, the line picked up, not bothering to wait to see who it was, she screamed, “Let me talk to Kacey! Or Jax! Or Gemma! It’s Harper! Please, please let me talk to them!”
“Harper!? Hey, it’s Half-Sack, hold o-Jesus, Kacey, alright, alright!” There was fumbling before Kacey was on the phone shouting, “Harper!? Is that really you!?”
Harper instantly began sobbing as she smiled and nodded. “Yes! Yes! Kacey!?” She cried. Clutching the phone she sunk to the floor and sobbed.
“Where are you, Harper?! We’ll come get you!” Kacey said. Harper shook her head and said, “No, don’t. I mean not here. I’m at Nico’s. We-I have to get out first.”
“Well, you have to get out of Oakland! Where can we meet you?!” Kacey asked. Harper sniffed and wiped her face as she said, “I-I don’t know. I-I’ll find a way to get out. Um, what-what about Lodi? Have-have Jax reach out to the Bastards. Nowhere near LKQ. I-I told Marcus about Alejandro.”
There was a moment of silence where Harper’s heart dropped and she looked at the phone to make sure Kacey hadn’t hung up. “Kacey?” She asked.
“You-You told M-Nico didn't hurt you?!” Kacey screamed.
“No! Marcus grabbed him and they just left. Kacey, I need to leave now.” Harper said, beginning to shake.
“Okay, Harp-Yeah...Yeah. I’ll tell her, Jax. Harper?” Kacey called.
“I’m still here!”
“Okay, listen. I’m going to text you. Jax said to go to the Grim Bastards clubhouse in Lodi. Just go. I’ll text you. When you get somewhere safe, check it and meet us there!” She said. Harper sighed and nodded.
“Okay. I-I’m gonna leave now. T-T.O. knows I’m gonna be there? I’ll have to steal Nico’s bike!” Harper said.
“Harp, don’t worry! We’ll tell them! Just go!” Harper left the number of Nico’s burner and began to search around for the keys to his bike. As she grabbed them and turned, Sara stepped out from the bathroom, arms crossed and smirking.
“And where do you think you’re going?” She asked, with a sneer. Harper took a step back, bumping into the counter.
“Just let me go, Sara, You got what you wanted!” Harper said. Slipping a hand behind her, she felt around the counter for anything she could use to hit her. Her fingers closed around the handle of a knife and held it tight.
“Oh, no. I think you’re much better off here, mamí. Besides, if you run, we’re going to find you.” All the while she spoke, she inched her way closer and closer to Harper, until she was just within reach. Harper shifted, all pain replaced by adrenaline, she spat at Sara, “Well, I’d second guess that if I were you.”
Before she let Sara say anything else, she lunged at her, sinking the knife into her shoulder. Sara screamed and dropped, Harper rolling off her and shooting out the door. She didn't bother with the helmet, if she got picked up, she could still get away from Nico. She started the bike and took off, trying to figure out a way out of Oakland and on the highway to Lodi without being caught; By cop or Mayan.
Hope you guys liked it! Feel free to drop a comment! If you want to be tagged in future fics/chapters, let me know! I’ll add you to the list!
@tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @badwolf-in-the-impala @captstefanbrandt @imgoldielikehawn @grungyblonde @courtrae89 @romanchronicles @crazyanonymous4u
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jacksonroseroth · 5 years
Welcome To The Neighborhood Chapter 7
A/N: YO I totally forgot yesterday was Monday? But here’s chapter 7 of mine and @badwolf-in-the-impala‘s collab! Hope you guys enjoy it!
Warnings: Depictions of violence, Gun violence, angst
Words: 5,745
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Moodboard by @badwolf-in-the-impala, none of the pictures are ours
That day, Harper called in sick to work, one of the reasons she was up so early. Kacey was already set to do the same, but Harper convinced her to go to her shift at the bar and the garage. She wasn’t the one who was hurt and Kacey made her promise she’d go and see Gemma then stop by the clubhouse after her shift. Harper promised and even let Kacey take her truck to work. One Kacey left, Harper took a shower, carefully rewrapping the bandages on her hands, then made her way down the street to Gemma’s. Instead of knocking, all the adrenaline gone and her knuckles rather sore now, she rang the doorbell, causing a very confused Gemma to answer it.
“Oh, Harper. Hey, Baby. What are you doing here? I thought you worked the breakfast shift today?” Gemma asked, stepping aside to let Harper in. Harper made sure to keep her hair down and her jacket zipped up, not even taking off her sunglasses off until she stepped past Gemma with her back to her. Once Gemma shut the door, Harper tossed her curls over her shoulder and unzipped her jacket as she turned to Gemma, as she turned from the door. She began to say something else, but stopped when she saw the bruise on her cheek, fingermarks on her neck and her bloodshot eyes from barely being able to sleep all night, not to mention the ungodly hour at which she got up for the day. “Oh...My God, Harper. Sweetheart, what happened?”
Harper gave a soft laugh as Gemma came over to her, cupping her face, gently, and pushing her hair back to examine her neck, gingerly taking her bandaged hands. “Um...I kind of had a run in with mine and Kacey’s exes yesterday?” She said, looking up at Gemma from the floor she was fixed on. Gemma blinked and said, “Who? Sweetheart, we can have the guys here in a matter of minutes. They can-”
“No! Gemma. No. No, I, uh…” Fear shot through her at the mere thought of the club getting involved. Gemma blinked, confused, as Harper gathered herself before she became completely undone and said, “Um...Listen, Gem, I think we need to talk…”
Harper laid everything out to Gemma; Their past, their exes, their involvement with the Mayans, and the most crucial detail, the fact that Kacey beat the shit out of Alvarez’s niece, unknowingly, but still. While Harper spoke, not even bothering to touch her mug of coffee that Gemma gave her, Gemma watched the sister, intently. She made her snide comments about Sara, ‘Dumb bitch’, ‘Stupid slut’ to name a few. And when Harper was done, ending her story with how she told Jax and that Kacey had told Opie, a silence settled on the women, Harper scared for her life while Gemma seemed to be cool and calm. Finally, a small smirk spread across Gemma’s face as she took a sip of her coffee and cleared her throat.
“Harper, what happened in your past doesn’t mean we won’t protect you any less,” Gemma said. “I mean, it would have been nice to know what we were getting into, but none of that matters right now. What matters is keepin’ you girls safe and makin’ sure this doesn’t happen again.”
Harper sighed and nodded, running her hands through her hair before bracing her hands against her scalp and staring at the table as she leaned on her elbows. “If I just picked a shop in like...Lodi or something...It all would have been kept quiet and no one would have found out...Fuck, I’ve probably ruined our birthday now, too…” She said. Gemma tsk’d at her and smiled, putting a hand on her arm and giving it a small shake.
“Oh, come on, now. I’m sure nothing is ruined.” Gemma said, making Harper give a small smile. “When are your birthdays?”
Harper sat back and chuckled, scratching her head before looking at her and saying, “Um, next week. We’re actually Irish Twins. A year to the day.”
Gemma blinked and said, “Well...that explains a lot.”
Harper gave a soft snort and chuckled. She shrugged and grabbed her mug, finally taking a sip off the, now cold, coffee and said, “Well, I just wanted to get her something nice for her bike and now…” Harper sighed and leaned on the table, hand shoved into her hair as she cradled the coffee cup close to her. “Everything has turned to shit.”
Gemma chuckled and said, “No, it’s not shit.”
Gemma chuckled and stood, going to the kitchen to make another pot of coffee. Harper followed her as Gemma continued, “We can have a party still. We can have it at the clubhouse.” She turned to Harper, who had an eyebrow raised in surprise at the suggestion. Gemma continued, “That way, if the Mayans or your exes try to get payback, then we’ll all be in a safer place. The guys will be there and we can close up the garage for the day if we have to.”
“Oh, Gemma….You-you really don’t have to do that. That’s a little much-” Gemma cut her off with a wave of her hand and shook her head, saying, “It’s nothing, baby. Anything for my future daughter in law.”
Gemma chuckled while Harper was left to do so, rather awkwardly, not entirely sure how her and Jax’s future really looked. But she played it off, not that she had to play it up much, as Gemma whisked by her to grab a notepad and begin to scribble down the supplies they would need to throw hers and Kacey’s party.
It was around 2 o’clock that afternoon when Kacey finally finished with her first shift at the bar, not at all ready for her next shift over at the garage. She heaved a sigh as she plopped down on one of the couches across the room from the bar, completely exhausted from the previous nights' events and being up so early; wanting nothing more at that moment than to go home and take a nap. But she still had to wait for Harper.
“You alright?” Opie chuckled as he moved her legs so he could take a seat beside her, placing her legs across his lap as he began to massage one of her calves gently, earning a groan of approval from Kacey.
“Yeah…” She replied, sitting up a little against the arm of the couch. “Just tired...and I still have my shift over at the garage still.” Kacey groaned and rubbed a hand across her face. “I would kill for a nap right about now.”  
“What times your next shift?” Opie asked curiously, ignoring the influx of noise as Tig and a few of the other guys rolled in to grab a beer; laughing about something.
“4…and only because I promised to cover for Juice’s dumb ass.” Kacey sighed with a small pout that made Opie chuckle softly as he leaned over to press a kiss against her lips. A low whistle came from the bar, making the pair break apart and turn.
“Oi, oi, oi! There’ll be none ‘o that!” Chibs called with a laugh.
“I was actually rather intrigued…” Tig joked with a coy smile. “Please, don’t stop on our account.” He motioned to the rest of the guys at the bar as Kacey rolled her eyes and sat back against the couch.
“In your fuckin’ dreams, Trager,” Opie called back as the room erupted in a brief fit of laughter before dying off as everyone returned to their beers as Opie turned his attention back to Kacey. “You still got an hour or so before your next shift…”
“And?” Kacey arched a brow at him curiously.
“And, I have a room…” Opie added in a low tone as he inched his hand up her thigh a little with a smirk. “I’m sure we can fit that nap in somewhere.” Kacey rolled her eyes at the implication and punched his arm, but otherwise left his hand where it sat on her upper thigh as she gave him a playful grin. A small squeal leaving her lips a few seconds later as Opie stood and snatched her off the couch as he started for the hall, the whole room suddenly filled with hoops and hollers.
“Watch out boys,” Piney said with a gruff laugh as he watched the pair pass by. “Looks like I’m about to get my first Grandkid!” The whole bar erupted in laughter again at the joke, as well as Opie yelling from down the hall at his dad before slamming the door to his room shut behind them. “Jesus, Pop!”
Piney let out a chuckle before going back to his beer and talking with the guys.
While Opie and Kacey cuddled and fell asleep, Opie having come out to ask his father to wake them for the start of Kacey’s shift, Harper showed up, quietly slipping into the clubhouse and going to the bar. She sat down and asked Half-Sack for a shot, or two. As she sat alone and quiet, not really wanting to get into any conversation about her scrapes with the guys, she looked up as Jax walked in from the garage, shrugging off his oil-stained work shirt. He stopped when he saw Harper sitting at the bar. She chewed her lip and looked down at the un-drunk shot sitting in front of her. Jax set the shirt aside, swapping it for his Kutte and went to her.
“Hey.” He said, softly, with a light smile. Harper glanced at him and gave a half smile.
“Hey.” She said, back. Jax slid his hand under her chin, turning her face toward him to check on her bruises. While she flinched, initially, at his movement, she allowed him to move her head and look, though her anxiety was growing rapidly as Jax was doing it around the guys. No one but the four of them and Gemma knew, and Harper had made sure to swear Gemma to secrecy until they were able to tell everyone all at once. Harper moved her chin from his grasp and turned away. Jax sighed and said, “How are you feeling?”
Harper gave a soft scoff and said, “Tired as hell.” She looked at him and quickly looked away again as she said, “I didn't really sleep last night…”
“Harper, I would have stayed, babe.” He said. Harper chuckled and shook her head.
“It wouldn’t have helped if they had shown up.” She said, looking back up at him once more. When Jax blinked, his brows furrowing together in confusion, she said, “Yeah. Um, Nico said they knew where we were. Alvarez saw us that day and...I guess he had his people do some digging...And they found us.”
Jax took a deep breath and let it out slowly, as not to freak Harper out the way he was. He shifted closer to her, sliding a hand around her waist, and said, “Okay, Harper, listen. I’m gonna take you home and you’re gonna pack a-”
Harper shook her head and downed her shot before she stood and said, “No. Jax. Keeping us on lockdown won’t help. They’ll still know to come here and then they’ll end up shooting up the clubhouse and we’ll have put everyone at risk.”
“Then...Half-Sack can stay with you. Harper, I’m not okay with letting you out there alone, right now.” Jax said. He lifted a hand to cup her cheek, moving a little closer, but Harper moved away from him.
“Listen, Jax. I have to go. Um...If you see Kacey let her know I stopped by and-and I’m okay.” She said, slipping her bag over her head, settling it across her chest. As she made her way to the door, Jax tailed her, trying to stop her.
“Hey. Harper. Baby, just talk to me.” Jax said, gently taking her upper arm. Harper turned to him, stepping closer and whispering, “Jax. Can we not do this here? I’m not trying to announce to the entire fucking club that we dated Mayans, okay? If you want to talk...Just…”
Harper shook her head and held up her hand, shaking it as well to wave him off. She deeply didn't want to continue this conversation, in fact, she was prepared to pack up and move on to the next town, but they had grown to like the life they were starting to build here. Despite being so close to their past, being in Charming made them feel miles away. Harper shook her head and turned on her heel, walking back out to her bike. Jax sighed and stayed in the doorway as he watched Harper start her bike and ride off the lot.
Throughout the next week, Harper made little appearances at the clubhouse, making sure to call ahead and see if Jax was around. With her bruises and cuts still healing, she didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to her just yet. While Kacey began to settle with her feelings and relationship with Opie, Harper began to question hers with Jax. Harper always protected her sister and if she had the power, she would make sure Alvarez saw their score as settled and left Kacey alone even at Harper’s expense. The week came and went and Gemma had everything planned for the sister's party that Saturday. Friday morning, Kacey jetted off to her shift at the garage while Harper lounged at home, enjoying a day off.
As she finished doing her nails, unplugging her LED dryer and putting everything away, a knock came at the door. For a split second, her heart dropped, petrified that it was a ploy, but she quickly pushed those feelings aside as she grabbed her gun, cocking it before she left her bedroom. Pressing the muzzle flush against the door, she cracked it, surprised to see Jax turn and step onto the porch, as he had started for his bike. He gave her a small smile, slowly making his way back to the door.
“Hey, Jax,” Harper said, setting her gun down on the side table before opening the door for him. Jax pushed open the door and walked in, closing it behind him, as Harper picked up her gun and stashed it on their bookshelf before heading into the kitchen and grabbed two mugs. She poured the coffee in silence, Jax taking a seat at the table to wait for her. She went to the table and sat across from him, sliding his mug of coffee over to him. He gave her a smile and took it, taking a sip, while Harper’s just sat there, untouched.
“How are your hands?” He asked. Harper slid her hands over the wood and gave him a smile as he slid his fingers over her nearly healed cuts. She chewed her lip and pulled them back as she said, “All healed.”
She picked up her mug and took a sip before sitting back. Jax sighed and said, “Harper, come on. You have to talk to me...You’ve been avoiding me all week.”
Harper sighed and stood, taking a few steps away toward the counter, before turning back and leaning against it, crossing her arms. “There’s nothing more to talk about.” She said. “You know my past.”
She gave a small shrug and added, “What more is there?”
Jax scoffed and stood as he said, “Maybe the comment about us not being able to work out long term? If you felt that way to begin with, what the hell have we been even doing the last few months?”
Harper’s eyes filled with tears as she looked away from him. “I...Was just trying to fool myself into thinking it was real.” She said. “None of my relationships ever worked out before, so...Why should this one be any different?”
“Because I care about you? I love you?” Jax said, moving closer to her, cupping her cheek and making her face him. His other hand slid around her hip while one of her hands gripped his shirt, the other latched onto his arm. She shook her head as she tried to fight the tears, but ultimately lost. “Is it because of Nico? That’s why you’re afraid of this?”
Harper sighed and pushed him away, moving from her spot into the living room, where she crossed her arms and kept her back to him. “I’m n-not scared, Jax. I-” She sighed and bit her lip. “I know it won’t work out. I’ve dated biker boys before and they’re all selfish and never wanted me for anything more than a pretty old lady and sex…”
Jax came up behind her, slipping his arms around her and holding her back against him as he nuzzled her hair. “I never wanted you for that, Harp. You’re worth more than that.” He said softly. Harper closed her eyes and let a small smile spread across her face, as she slid her hands over his and leaned into his touch. She couldn’t deny she loved the way he made her feel, but she refused to believe it could be anything real.
“It’s never worked, Jax...What makes us any different?” Harper asked, her voice breaking slightly as she gave a soft sniffle. Jax turned her toward him and cupped her cheek, pulling her closer.
“Because I love you, Harper.” Before he let her say another word, his lips claimed hers and he held her close, sliding his hand from her cheek into her hair. Harper let out a soft whimper as she slid her hands up his chest and wound her arms around his neck, trying to deepen the kiss. Jax pulled his hand from her hair and wrapped both arms around her waist, lifting her. Harper lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist as Jax tugged down the shoulder of her shirt, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck and across her shoulder. Harper sighed and tilted her head back as she pushed his Kutte down, off one arm at a time until it dropped to the floor. Jax felt around for her doorknob, twisting it and pushing open the door.
Jax laid her on the bed and tore off his button up and T-shirt while Harper tugged her shirt over her head and wiggled out of her jeans. Jax hovered over her, kissing her again as his hand slid down her side, hooking behind her knee and pulling her under him even more. Harper sighed and tilted her head back as Jax began to kiss down her neck, wrapping a strong arm around her.
“Jax-” Harper breathed softly. Jax pulled away and unbuckled his belt, pushing down his jeans and boxers. Harper scooted back onto the bed and Jax climbed on, inserting himself between her legs. Harper slid her fingers over his beard then his cheeks, tears still in her eyes she smiled, lightly at him and said, “I love you.”
Jax smiled and pulled her closer, kissing her deeply before he laid her back against the pillows, pulling her panties down, slowly.
Kacey was more than a little excited the next day as they rolled up to the club for the party, backing their bikes into their usual spots before climbing off and heading inside. It had been a very long time since she and Harper had a decent birthday bash, so when found out Gemma’s plan to throw them a party, she was more than on board. Especially since it would be a nice distraction from all the other bullshit going on in their lives right now.
Kacey had to reign in her excitement as she all but bounced across the lot to the clubhouse, ready to get her drink on and have a good time. Harper shaking her head at her sister’s antics as they reached the door. “Jesus, Kay, you’d think we’ve never had a party before.” She chuckled lightly.
“Well, it’s been a good long while since we’ve had a decent one at least,” Kacey replied. “So excuse me for being excited.”
Harper chuckled and shook her head, calling out to Half-Sack for a beer and two shots. If her sister intended on doing this, they were going to do it right. Taking the shots, the sisters held them up, in a toast, smiling at each other as they said, “Yay, sisters.” And downed their shots.
Once those glasses hit the bar, everything went off. Gemma walked in with Clay, Tig, and Chibs, the three men grabbing the girls and hoisting them into the air, hooting and hollering, as the sisters screamed and laughed, shouting at them to put them down. Gemma chuckled and slid a hand over Clay’s shoulder, silently telling him to listen to them. The girls were set down only to be mauled by Tig and Chibs hugging them, slinging their arms around their necks and calling for more shots.
“Hey, now,” Gemma said, giving them a look as she set her bag down on the bar, taking a seat. “Let’s not get too wild with the shots just yet.”
Kacey gave a small pout at Gemma’s comment. “Aw, C'mon...I’m not getting governed already, am I?!” She whined. “I’ll keep my clothes on this time...I mean, I make no promises, but I’ll try--”
“Jesus, Kacey!” Harper laughed. “Can we have one birthday where Taz does not make an appearance?”
Harper chuckled and shook her head, climbing back into her seat as she nursed her beer.
“Hey, the streaking incident was one time, ok! One time!” Kacey replied with a playful glare directed at her sister. Harper snorted and said, “Just because it wasn’t our birthday…”
Chibs let out a wolf whistle and said, “Yeh’ve been a naughty lit’le one, ‘aven’t yeh?” As he slipped an arm around her shoulders with a chuckle.
“Oh, Chibby...you don’t know the half of it.” Kacey chuckled as she patted his chest, trying to put on her best innocent expression before slipping out of his grasp, Harper simply rolling her eyes as she watched her sister skip over to Opie.
“‘Christ, ye lucky bastard.” Chibs shook his head as Opie let out a laugh before leaning down to kiss Kacey; wishing her a happy birthday. As he held Kacey closer, he looked up at Harper and smirked, saying, “And happy birthday to you too, Harper.”
Harper tilted her beer to him and chuckled. With a wink, she said, “Thank you, Opie.”
Tig put an arm around Harper’s neck and said, “So, Gem, baby, what’s the plan? Just a cookout? No fights, no competitive drinking? C’mon! Where’s the fun in that?”
“It’s not a party for you, Tig,” Opie said, causing a laugh from everyone else. Tig made a face, mocking Opie, then started chatting with Harper and Juice, as he joined from chapel, sitting next to Harper at the bar.
Kacey leaned over, catching Tig’s attention and motioning for him to lean closer. “Between you and me…” She stared. “I see no reason to veto the competitive drink.” Harper groaned as she overheard the comment. “Hey! I bet I could take him; easy.” Kacey added, directing it towards her sister.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Tig chuckled. Harper shook her head and slid off her seat as she said, “Good Lord. Okay! Gemma. Can we get the fuckin’ grills going?”
Gemma chuckled and said, “Clay and Piney are gonna get those started once Jax and Bobby get back with the meats.” She got off her stool and held out a hand toward her, waving her over. “Come on, baby. Let’s get some of the appetizers ready.”
Harper polished off her drink and set the empty bottle on the bar, going to Gemma. They put their arms around each other as they marched off to the kitchen, Gemma tossing a look over her shoulder at Clay, to which he nodded and chuckled, patting a hand on Piney’s chest and said, “Let’s go, old man. We’ve gotta hunt down the goddamn charcoal. Jax and Bobby should be back soon.”
Piney chuckled and finished his drink, kissing Kacey’s cheek and offering the sisters a happy birthday, he stood and followed Clay out of the clubhouse.
By the time Jax and Bobby got back, unloading the bags from the van, Juice jumping in to help, Kacey and Tig were already on their 4th drink within the hour and showed no signs of stopping. Harper was in the kitchen cutting up fruits and veggies when Jax walked in.
“Hey, Mom,” Jax said, setting his bags down. Gemma turned to him and smiled, wiping off her hands before she kissed his cheek and dug through the bags.
“Did you get everything?” She asked, setting out the cupcakes and cookies before she grabbed the ground beef, taking it over to the stove. Jax chuckled and nodded as he said, “Yeah, Mom. It’s all in there. Everything on your list.”
He scooted through the small kitchen, over to Harper. He slipped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, kissing her slowly when she giggled and turned to him. “Hi.” He said. “Happy birthday.”
Harper chuckled and said, “Hi. Thank you.”
“What are you making over here?” Jax asked, sliding both arms around her and resting his chin on her shoulder. Harper giggled and shrugged him off as she said, “I’m making fruit salad and a veggie plate and your mom is fixing some chili.”
Jax glanced over at the huge, tall pot that sat bubbling on the stove and said, “Ooh, you are in for some spice, babe. Have you had Gemma’s chili before?”
“No. This is the first time.” Gemma said, giving her son a look and a smirk. “I thought it was only right that they have it at their party for the first time.”
Jax chuckled and kissed Harper’s cheek again as he let go of her waist. “I’ll see you later, babe. I’ve gotta help set some stuff up.” He said. Harper turned to him and smiled as he kissed her again. She slid her fingers over his cheek and kissed him again, softly, before he and Bobby left. Juice popped in to bring the last bag of groceries in, then the two women were left alone. Gemma glanced at her as she quietly cut up the watermelon and she said, “How are things going with you two?”
Harper glanced at her and gave a small sigh. “Good, I suppose.” She said. “He, um, stayed at the house last night, so…”
Gemma chuckled and said, “Well, that’s good. I noticed you kind of stayed away from the clubhouse this week.” She wiped her hands and moved a little closer to her, leaning a hand on the counter, she said, “Did you guys talk?”
Harper nodded and gave a small smile. “Yeah. We talked. Everything is fine now.” Harper said. Before Gemma could probe any further, Kacey swung around the corner, teetering a little. Both Gemma and Harper turned, with a smirk, and watched the younger Calhoun as she swayed and giggled.
“Harper! There you are.” She giggled, taking a few steps into the kitchen, then those same steps right out. Just before she fell backward, Tig showed up behind her and caught her.
“Whoa. Hang on there, princess.” Tig chuckled. Harper shook her head and looked at Tig, saying, “You let her get that drunk? Sober her up, will you? I really don’t wanna have to chase her through the streets again.”
Gemma chuckled and shook her head, going back to her chili as Kacey said, rather offended, “Hey!...That was one time...And I’m not drunk...Not yet.” Another giggle passed her lips as Tig led her back over to the bar, this time calling for a glass of water. Gemma gave the pot a quick stir then went to Harper, taking the bowl and knife from her. She nodded out to the bar and said, “Go on, sweetheart. I can finish this up. Go have some fun.”
The party went off without a hitch; There were drinking and games, a few fights for money broke out, but otherwise, it was just like any other SAMCRO shindig they had been to. Gemma made sure the girls knew about everything that was going to happen, but one. When everything seemed to settle, everyone snuggling up with their old ladies or a beer, or just hunkered by the firepits and talked, Gemma brought out a beautiful three-layered German Chocolate cake, Clay following behind and motioning for people to start singing. Harper sat in Jax’s lap, Kacey snuggled up next to Opie. When the singing started, both sisters jumped and turned, Harper turning a little flush as the singing got louder and Gemma brought the cake over to them. Jax and Opie pulled the girls up off the couch and stood behind them, singing along, as Gemma set the cake down on the table.
Just before the girls blew out their candles, an engine revving caught everyone’s attention and before they could react, three pickups burst through the gate, as they drifted into the lot, at least 4 men in each bed, they stood and pulled out their guns, beginning to fire. All at once, everyone scrambled, they had already begun to scurry into the clubhouse once the gate got broken down, but many were still caught in the crossfire as the club shot back, hitting a few of them. Jax and Opie pushed the girls over the couch, shouting for Gemma and Clay to get them inside. As Gemma grabbed their hands, pulling them over to the door, Kacey stumbled over one of the benches and went down. She quickly popped back up, making the mistake of glancing over at the trucks. She immediately locked eyes with Bastien as he smirked at her, aiming his gun right for her and firing. Kacey scrambled around, trying to avoid any bullets. Just as she got to the door, she felt a searing pain in her shoulder and her leg. She went down and Harper yanked her sister inside, holding her close as she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the gunfire to end. Tears seeped through her closed eyes as Kacey clung to her, screaming for Opie and Jax.
Finally, the shooting stopped and the sound of tires squealing echoed throughout the lot as the trucks took off. Half the club ran after them, trying to take down as many shooters as they could,
while the other half hauled the dead Mayans into the garage. Harper opened her eyes as Kacey was ripped from her arms. She started to shout at whoever took her, but she was hauled up herself, being crushed by Jax’s arms. She clung to him and burst into tears, Kacey burying her face in Opie’s chest and doing the same.
“Hey, hey. Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” Jax whispered in her ear, though his voice broke more than once as he did so. Harper shook her head and said, “This-This is all my fault. Jax, I’m so sorry!”
Harper sobbed into his chest as Jax called out to Clay, asking if anyone was hurt. There were a few members that had taken a bullet to an arm or a leg, but nothing serious. Jax sighed and kept Harper close, turning to ask Gemma if she was okay, but his words were lost as Kacey screamed, the pain suddenly hitting her and her leg giving out on her. Opie caught her and picked her up carefully, bringing her into chapel and setting her on the table. Harper pushed Jax’s hands away and hurried to her side, gripping her hand and crying. She looked over her sister as Opie cut away the pant leg that was soaked in blood. Chibs was on the other side of the table, pressing a towel to Kacey’s arm.
“What-What happened?!” Harper shouted through her tears.
“Dinna worry yerself, lass,” Chibs said, flashing a quick, reassuring smile. “No bullets. It only grazed her. She should be jus’ fine. Juicy! I need more towels, laddie!”
Harper shook her head and let out a choked sob, squeezing her eyes shut and pressed their clasped hands to her forehead. She looked at her sister and said, “Kacey, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
Kacey sniffed and shook her head, gripping her hand tighter. “Harp, it’s okay.” She sobbed, softly, trying to bear through the pain. Harper sniffed and watched as Opie tore off his Kutte and his shirt, pressing it to her leg, making her hiss in pain. Jax’s hand closed over Harper’s shoulder, his other on her arm, tugging her away.
“Let me go, Jax!” Harper shouted, pushing at his hands. Jax pulled her from the table as Juice rushed over with more towels, asking what else he could do. As Chibs told him what he needed to stitch her up, Harper stared at her sister, bleeding out on the table. Jax took her face and turned her to him.
“Harper. She’s going to be okay. Chibs can stitch her up.” Jax said. Harper shook her head, more tears falling.
“No! No, she-she has to get to a hospital!” Harper shouted, trying to break away from Jax’s grasp to go back to Kacey, but Jax had a strong arm across her shoulder to keep her still.
“Not ta worry, darlin’!” Chibs called, with a smile. “I was a medic in t’e British Army. I can fix her up. Dinna worry.”
Harper let out a soft whimper, wanting to believe him, but was more worried with losing her sister.
“Harp, she’s going to be okay,” Jax said again, a little softer this time. Harper looked at him as he moved his hands from gripping her upper arms and slid them around her waist. “You’ve gotta let them work, baby.”
Harper bit her lip and nodded, letting Jax pull her closer and she rested her head on his chest and cried softly as Juice closed the doors on Chibs’ orders. Gemma came over and led Harper over to one of the couches to sit her down and let her cry while Jax and Clay rallied the rest of the members and went on lockdown, making sure there would be no other attacks that night.
Hope you guys liked it! Feel free to drop a comment! If you want to be tagged in future fics/chapters, let me know! I’ll add you to the list!
@tephi101 @shieldmaiden25 @staystrongsoa @badwolf-in-the-impala @captstefanbrandt @imgoldielikehawn @grungyblonde @courtrae89 @romanchronicles @crazyanonymous4u
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