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samsi6 · 1 year
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Löffel gleichen einander nicht. Das ist Grund genug sie zu photographieren oder eben nicht. Wenn ein Schokokäfer beim Löffel sitzt, kann der mitgeknipst werden. Oder eben nicht. Der Käfer kann auch allein photographiert werden. Man kann aber auch die ganze Photographie einfach überhaupt nicht machen. Dann existiert sie aber nicht.
Spoons are not the same. That's reason enough to photograph them or not. If a chocolate beetle is sitting by the spoon, you can snap it too. Or not. The beetle can also be photographed alone. But you can also simply not do the whole photograph at all. But then it doesn't exist.
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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'Keeper of the Grail' The celestial man/human 'Adam Kadmon' Three orders, alpha and omega of light, of the soul-mirror and of vigilance.
'The Four Ages' art by Karl Kaefer
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santoschristos · 4 months
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art by Karl Kaefer
Xochipili, the Flower Prince, is the god of flowers, pleasure, feasting, frivolity and artistic creativity.
The significance of this day
Day Ozomahtli (Monkey), known as Chuen in Maya is governed by Xochipili, the Flower Prince, as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy. Ozomahtli is a day for creating, for play, for celebrating. A good day for lightheartedness, a bad day for seriousness. Ozomahtli is a warning about how easily the noble person can be trapped by the lures of public life.
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compneuropapers · 2 years
Interesting Papers for Week 5, 2023
Selective engram coreactivation in idling brain inspires implicit learning. Aly, M. H., Abdou, K., Okubo-Suzuki, R., Nomoto, M., & Inokuchi, K. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(32), e2201578119.
Distractibility and impulsivity neural states are distinct from selective attention and modulate the implementation of spatial attention. Amengual, J. L., Di Bello, F., Ben Hadj Hassen, S., & Ben Hamed, S. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4796.
Young children infer and manage what others think about them. Asaba, M., & Gweon, H. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(32), e2105642119.
A direct excitatory projection from entorhinal layer 6b neurons to the hippocampus contributes to spatial coding and memory. Ben-Simon, Y., Kaefer, K., Velicky, P., Csicsvari, J., Danzl, J. G., & Jonas, P. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4826.
A computational account of why more valuable goals seem to require more effortful actions. Bioud, E., Tasu, C., & Pessiglione, M. (2022). eLife, 11, e61712.
Mapping odorant sensitivities reveals a sparse but structured representation of olfactory chemical space by sensory input to the mouse olfactory bulb. Burton, S. D., Brown, A., Eiting, T. P., Youngstrom, I. A., Rust, T. C., Schmuker, M., & Wachowiak, M. (2022). eLife, 11, e80470.
The rapid developmental rise of somatic inhibition disengages hippocampal dynamics from self-motion. Dard, R. F., Leprince, E., Denis, J., Rao Balappa, S., Suchkov, D., Boyce, R., … Picardo, M. A. (2022). eLife, 11, e78116.
Episodic-like memory in common bottlenose dolphins. Davies, J. R., Garcia-Pelegrin, E., Baciadonna, L., Pilenga, C., Favaro, L., & Clayton, N. S. (2022). Current Biology, 32(15), 3436-3442.e2.
Value-free random exploration is linked to impulsivity. Dubois, M., & Hauser, T. U. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4542.
Dopamine subsystems that track internal states. Grove, J. C. R., Gray, L. A., La Santa Medina, N., Sivakumar, N., Ahn, J. S., Corpuz, T. V., … Knight, Z. A. (2022). Nature, 608(7922), 374–380.
Increasing the spatial extent of attention strengthens surround suppression. Kınıklıoğlu, M., & Boyaci, H. (2022). Vision Research, 199, 108074.
Stress diminishes outcome but enhances response representations during instrumental learning. Meier, J. K., Staresina, B. P., & Schwabe, L. (2022). eLife, 11, e67517.
Spatial selectivity in adaptation to gaze direction. Palmer, C. J., & Clifford, C. W. G. (2022). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289(1980).
Digital computing through randomness and order in neural networks. Pitti, A., Weidmann, C., & Quoy, M. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(33), e2115335119.
Fractional neural sampling as a theory of spatiotemporal probabilistic computations in neural circuits. Qi, Y., & Gong, P. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4572.
Hippocampal signals modify orbitofrontal representations to learn new paths. Riceberg, J. S., Srinivasan, A., Guise, K. G., & Shapiro, M. L. (2022). Current Biology, 32(15), 3407-3413.e6.
A circuit mechanism for independent modulation of excitatory and inhibitory firing rates after sensory deprivation. Richter, L. M. A., & Gjorgjieva, J. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(32), e2116895119.
Selective enhancement of neural coding in V1 underlies fine-discrimination learning in tree shrew. Schumacher, J. W., McCann, M. K., Maximov, K. J., & Fitzpatrick, D. (2022). Current Biology, 32(15), 3245-3260.e5.
Cingulate-motor circuits update rule representations for sequential choice decisions. Takeuchi, D., Roy, D., Muralidhar, S., Kawai, T., Bari, A., Lovett, C., … Tonegawa, S. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 4545.
Cortical feedback loops bind distributed representations of working memory. Voitov, I., & Mrsic-Flogel, T. D. (2022). Nature, 608(7922), 381–389.
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vilaoperaria · 2 months
Campeão Paranaense e filho morrem grave acidente na BR-277   Campeão Paranaense e filho morrem grave acidente na BR-277 A manhã de domingo foi marcada por uma tragédia na BR-277, uma das rodovias mais movimentadas do Paraná. O campeão paranaense de motocross, Daniel Kaefer, de 36 anos, e seu filho, de apenas 8 anos, faleceram em um grave acidente de trânsito. O evento trágico ocorreu na altura do município de Irati e abalou profundamente a comunidade esportiva e os moradores locais. Detalhes do Acidente De acordo com as autoridades, o acidente envolveu três veículos. A colisão ocorreu por volta das 7h30 da manhã, em um trecho da rodovia que é conhecido por ser perigoso, especialmente em condições de visibilidade reduzida. Daniel Kaefer dirigia seu carro com o filho quando foram atingidos por um caminhão, após uma sequência de colisões que incluiu também outro automóvel. Vítimas e Resgate As equipes de resgate foram rapidamente acionadas e chegaram ao local em poucos minutos. No entanto, devido à gravidade do acidente, Daniel e seu filho não resistiram aos ferimentos e faleceram ainda no local. Outras pessoas envolvidas na colisão foram encaminhadas para hospitais próximos, algumas em estado grave. Impacto na Comunidade Daniel Kaefer era uma figura conhecida e admirada no motocross paranaense. Seu falecimento, junto com o de seu filho, gerou uma onda de comoção entre amigos, fãs e colegas de esporte. A notícia do acidente se espalhou rapidamente, com muitas homenagens sendo feitas nas redes sociais. Históricos de Acidentes na BR-277 A BR-277 já foi palco de inúmeros acidentes graves ao longo dos anos. Trechos mal sinalizados, tráfego intenso de caminhões e as condições climáticas frequentemente contribuem para a ocorrência de tragédias como esta. As autoridades reforçam a importância de atenção redobrada e cumprimento das normas de trânsito para prevenir mais acidentes. Medidas de Segurança e Prevenção Diante da repetição de acidentes fatais, medidas de segurança e prevenção têm sido discutidas para a BR-277. Entre as possíveis ações estão o aumento da fiscalização, melhorias na sinalização e campanhas de conscientização para motoristas. A comunidade espera que essas medidas possam evitar novas perdas e garantir um trânsito mais seguro. Homenagens e Solidariedade Nos dias que seguiram ao acidente, diversas homenagens a Daniel e seu filho foram realizadas. Amigos próximos e colegas de pista organizaram eventos para lembrar do legado do campeão e prestar solidariedade à família enlutada. A tragédia uniu ainda mais a comunidade do motocross e ressaltou a importância da segurança no trânsito. Lembrança do Campeão Daniel Kaefer será lembrado não apenas por suas conquistas no motocross, mas também por seu espírito esportivo e dedicação à família. Sua paixão pelo esporte e pelo ensino do motocross ao filho refletiam seu caráter e amor pela vida. A perda de ambos deixa uma lacuna imensa no coração de todos que os conheciam. .  
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petrosolgas · 4 months
Fazendo história no Brasil, o Grupo Kaefer anuncia a sua maior aquisição em mais de 100 anos, confira!
O Grupo Kaefer, multinacional alemã com mais de cem anos de história e especializada em infraestrutura e serviços industriais, deu um novo passo para ampliar suas operações no Brasil ao adquirir o Grupo Teckma, sediado em São Paulo. A transação, cujo valor não foi revelado, representa a maior aquisição já realizada pelo grupo alemão e consolida sua posição no mercado brasileiro. Grupo Kaefer…
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net-photos · 6 months
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Den ganzen Artikel gibt es hier: https://nordischepost.de/unterhaltung/design/die-faszination-fuer-kaefer-im-designbereich/?feed_id=60637&_unique_id=660ba7857da0c
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rodininetto · 2 years
Família de jovem que morreu atropelada por caminhão cobra justiça em protesto na Linha Verde
Jovem, de 19 anos, foi atropelada por um caminhão-guincho em um ponto de ônibus; motorista foi preso após teste de bafômetro, mas solto em seguida Banda B – A família de Letícia Kaefer de Oliveira, de 19 anos, que morreu atropelada por um caminhão-guincho em um ponto de ônibus na marginal da Linha Verde, em Curitiba, organizou um protesto na manhã deste sábado (18) para cobrar justiça. O…
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alconw · 2 years
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My second end-of-degree project at Eastman has been completed! This Friday, at 6:00 PM ET, come listen to Waterfall, a re-score I did for a clip from the film Only (originally scored by John Kaefer). For legal reasons, I cannot show the clip, but you can at least enjoy the music. Hope to see you there! https://youtu.be/uC7xYt3NdiA https://www.instagram.com/p/CpwX3AuAq-c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lorenzlund · 2 years
Kalter u. Heisser Krieg. Teil 2.
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Auch das Errichten eines Grenzwalls in ehemals geeinten Sten ('die Mauer') zaehlt zum Kalten Krieg. Und auch da gilt er den beiden von da an zwangsweise getrennt lebend muessenden Bevoelkerungen!! (Schiessbefehl bei Fluchtversuch, oder dem Versuch zur anderen.Seite zu gelangen, begrenzte Besuchserlaubnis u. aehnliche stark einschraenkende Regelungen, die Kontakte be- oder verhindern!)
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(Obwohl beides nicht der heissen Phase des Krieges entstammt, zaehlt es aber dennoch mit zu den auf die gegnerische Seite in ihnen angewandten oftmals sich stark unterscheidenden Methoden, oder kann es das tun!). Im Garten unter der bluehenden Hecke und vor dem Rosen- und Tulpen-Strauch ermueden wir vom betoerenden Duft der 'Blueten' und schlafen fuer Stunden fest ein! Aber auch von eingen der Inhalte unseres gemeinsamen Picknickkorbes! *Englischer Garten und der Englische Patient welcher man dadurch werden kann, werdet ihr von anderen dann dabei vielleicht als Paar auch wiederentdeckt, so passiert dies nicht nur zufaellig so auch euch! Stattdessen ist doch die Wahrscheinlichkeit sehr hoch, wurde bereits nach auch euch intensiv wieder in diesem Park auch gesucht und der von euch mitgebrachten Decke, ihr ruht darauf! "And that now is real Power! Some true Flowerpower ... this time, means it comes not from men or was originated by them!!
*der mitgebrachte Tulpen- oder Nelkenstrauch fuer den eigenen erkrankten Verwandten im Krankenhaus, er steht dabei sehr zenral auf einem Beistelltisch gleich neben dem Bett, von wo aus er seine volle Wirkung entfalten kann, dass einem alle Sinne dabei abhanden kommen, genauso wie vielleicht im Leben auch durch einen begangene Suenden, kann das so bei ihm auch bewirken, ist es sogar die eigene Mutter oder gleich die eigene Ehefrau, so kann es geschehen, werdet auch ihr euch bald vielleicht schon nach einer gaenzlich neuen auch umschauen muessen! Nicht anders die Mutter! 'Bald ist wieder auch Valentinstag! Denkt auch da wieder ganz besonders an eure Liebsten auch und dass auch ihr sie euch in Zukunft erhaltet! (Wir tun es auch)!'
"Das ist eine geradezu vorzuegliche auch Peanut-Butter, die wir da essen!!"
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"Ich wollt' es wuerd' einmal ein Wunder gescheh'n und dann wuerden alle/1000 Traueme wahr!!! *Wie selbst der auch vom '1000jaehrigen Reich'!!! (und sogar jener oder der von ehemaligen Nationalsozialisten aus Deutschland und den sogen. extremen Rechten wie unter selbst noch auch Adolf Hitler, schlaft ihr erstmal sehr tief und fest dabei vielleicht noch genauso auf eurem Sitz oder Bank auch ein, wuerde auch hier wieder nicht das Geringste daraus auch, es gibt oder gab sie ja nicht nur hier!!)
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jemd. von etwas, einer Sache herunterlesen oder aufpicken, Picknick, Picknickkorb und Decke, Pick up car, Frischhaltesack, (nun voneinander) getrennter Muell oder schlicht: selbst die Muellers, oder gerade sie dann ganz besonders wieder auch, als Familie sogar auch aus Deutschland!! *herumliegender und liegengebliebener Muell in Parks wartet auf seine Abholung baldige.
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"Alles was Toni Marshal seinen Erben hinterlaesst sind 40 Peruecken!!"
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mit Kaefer.
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pearlsmith25 · 2 years
Corrosion Protective Coatings Market Latest Trends and Future Growth Study by 2030
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Corrosion protective coatings are coatings or films applied to surfaces to prevent or slow down the corrosion process, which is the gradual degradation of a material due to chemical or electrochemical reactions with its environment. These coatings act as a barrier between the surface and the environment, protecting the surface from exposure to moisture, chemicals, or other corrosive agents. Corrosion protective coatings are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and transportation to increase the lifespan and durability of equipment and infrastructure. Common types of corrosion protective coatings include paints, epoxies, zinc coatings, and polymer coatings.
Key players operating in the global corrosion protective coatings market are Metal Coatings Corporation, 3M, Daubert Chemical Company, AnCatt, Plasma Coating Products Arcoy Industries Pvt., Flosil Chemicals, Kaefer, and Carboline.
The demand for corrosion protective coatings is driven by industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and marine, where the protection of metal surfaces against corrosion is crucial. The increasing focus on infrastructure development, rising demand for high-performance coatings, and stringent environmental regulations are some of the key factors driving the growth of the corrosion protective coatings market. Additionally, advancements in coating technology and the development of eco-friendly coatings are expected to create new opportunities for market growth.
The global corrosion protective coatings market is expected to grow in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand from various end-use industries such as construction, automotive, and marine. Factors such as the need to protect metal surfaces from corrosion, increasing investments in infrastructure development, and the development of advanced coating technologies are expected to drive the market growth. Additionally, the rising demand for eco-friendly coatings and the implementation of stringent environmental regulations are expected to further propel market growth in the coming years.
Corrosion protective coatings offer a range of benefits, including:
1. Protection against corrosion: These coatings are designed to protect metal surfaces from corrosion, which can cause damage and deterioration over time.
2. Increased durability: Corrosion protective coatings can increase the durability of metal surfaces, prolonging their useful life.
3. Reduced maintenance: Coated surfaces require less maintenance and repair than uncoated surfaces, saving time and money.
4. Improved aesthetics: Coatings can improve the appearance of metal surfaces, making them more visually appealing.
5. Enhanced performance: Certain coatings can improve the performance of metal surfaces, such as by making them more resistant to abrasion or improving their conductivity.
Overall, the use of corrosion protective coatings can help extend the life of metal surfaces, reduce maintenance costs, and improve their performance and appearance.
The scope of corrosion protective coatings is quite broad, as they are used to protect metal surfaces in a wide range of applications and industries. Some of the key industries that rely on corrosion protective coatings include:
✦ Construction: Coatings are used to protect steel and concrete structures from corrosion, such as bridges, buildings, and infrastructure.
✦ Automotive: Coatings are used to protect the metal surfaces of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and buses.
✦ Marine: Coatings are used to protect metal surfaces on boats, ships, offshore platforms, and other marine structures.
✦ Aerospace: Coatings are used to protect the metal surfaces of aircraft, rockets, and other aerospace structures.
✦ Oil and Gas: Coatings are used to protect pipelines, tanks, and other equipment in the oil and gas industry.
The scope of corrosion protective coatings is continually expanding as new technologies and materials are developed. As the need for protection against corrosion grows, the demand for these coatings is expected to increase in both traditional and emerging industries.
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talonabraxas · 17 days
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"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty [Shaddai in Hebrew]." - Revelation 1: 8
Alpha and Omega of light, of the soul-mirror and of vigilance. by Karl Kaefer
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santoschristos · 2 years
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Alpha and Omega of light, of the soul-mirror and of vigilance. by Karl Kaefer
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russellsroundup · 2 years
Publisher's Summary
"Follow The Oak Road, wherever it may lay…"
Every year, bugs from all walks of life make the pilgrimage in hopes of seeing the Monarch. It's said that any bug able to survive the journey to the peak of Mount Kaefer is magically granted a single wish. The path, known as The Oak Road, is winding, strange, and full of dangers. Which is exactly why Titan has never even dreamed of being a Pilgrim. However, the Monarch has other plans.
A big beetle from a small village, Titan, must brave the elements, giant creatures, and perhaps worst of all: his own doubt. Luckily, he meets some world-wise bugs to help him along the way.
Monarch: Titansong is a tale of friendship and adventure for young readers (and readers young at heart), who love storioes such as James and the Giant Peach, Redwall, and Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH.
Listen in full here: www.audible.com/pd/B0BR8K9QZT/?so…ACX0_334659_pd_us
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